Merge branch 'develop' into faster-autotest

This commit is contained in:
John Krauss 2017-03-08 15:57:14 +00:00
commit 6a60cfc417
2 changed files with 592 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -56,3 +56,306 @@ time_span | the timespan attached the boundary. this does not mean that the boun
SELECT * FROM OBS_GetAvailableBoundaries(CDB_LatLng(40.7, -73.9))
## OBS_GetAvailableNumerators(bounds, filter_tags, denom_id, geom_id, timespan)
Return available numerators within a boundary and with the specified
#### Arguments
Name | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
bounds | Geometry(Geometry, 4326) | a geometry which some of the numerator's data must intersect with
filter_tags | Text[] | a list of filters. Only numerators for which all of these apply are returned `NULL` to ignore (optional)
denom_id | Text | the ID of a denominator to check whether the numerator is valid against. Will not reduce length of returned table, but will change values for `valid_denom` (optional)
geom_id | Text | the ID of a geometry to check whether the numerator is valid against. Will not reduce length of returned table, but will change values for `valid_geom` (optional)
timespan | Text | the ID of a timespan to check whether the numerator is valid against. Will not reduce length of returned table, but will change values for `valid_timespan` (optional)
#### Returns
A TABLE containing the following properties
Key | Type | Description
--- | ---- | -----------
numer_id | Text | The ID of the numerator
numer_name | Text | A human readable name for the numerator
numer_description | Text | Description of the numerator. Is sometimes NULL
numer_weight | Numeric | Numeric "weight" of the numerator. Ignored.
numer_license | Text | ID of the license for the numerator
numer_source | Text | ID of the source for the numerator
numer_type | Text | Postgres type of the numerator
numer_aggregate | Text | Aggregate type of the numerator. If `'SUM'`, this can be normalized by area
numer_extra | JSONB | Extra information about the numerator column. Ignored.
numer_tags | Text[] | Array of all tags applying to this numerator
valid_denom | Boolean | True if the `denom_id` argument is a valid denominator for this numerator, False otherwise
valid_geom | Boolean | True if the `geom_id` argument is a valid geometry for this numerator, False otherwise
valid_timespan | Boolean | True if the `timespan` argument is a valid timespan for this numerator, False otherwise
#### Examples
Obtain all numerators that are available within a small rectangle.
SELECT * FROM cdb_observatory.OBS_GetAvailableNumerators(
ST_MakeEnvelope(-74, 41, -73, 40, 4326))
Obtain all numerators that are available within a small rectangle and are for
the United States only.
SELECT * FROM cdb_observatory.OBS_GetAvailableNumerators(
ST_MakeEnvelope(-74, 41, -73, 40, 4326), '{section/tags.united_states}');
Obtain all numerators that are available within a small rectangle and are
employment related for the United States only.
SELECT * FROM cdb_observatory.OBS_GetAvailableNumerators(
ST_MakeEnvelope(-74, 41, -73, 40, 4326), '{section/tags.united_states, subsection/tags.employment}');
Obtain all numerators that are available within a small rectangle and are
related to both employment and age & gender for the United States only.
SELECT * FROM cdb_observatory.OBS_GetAvailableNumerators(
ST_MakeEnvelope(-74, 41, -73, 40, 4326), '{section/tags.united_states, subsection/tags.employment, subsection/tags.age_gender}');
Obtain all numerators that work with US population (`us.census.acs.B01003001`)
as a denominator.
SELECT * FROM cdb_observatory.OBS_GetAvailableNumerators(
ST_MakeEnvelope(-74, 41, -73, 40, 4326), NULL, 'us.census.acs.B01003001')
WHERE valid_denom IS True;
Obtain all numerators that work with US states (`us.census.tiger.state`)
as a geometry.
SELECT * FROM cdb_observatory.OBS_GetAvailableNumerators(
ST_MakeEnvelope(-74, 41, -73, 40, 4326), NULL, NULL, 'us.census.tiger.state')
WHERE valid_geom IS True;
Obtain all numerators available in the timespan `2011 - 2015`.
SELECT * FROM cdb_observatory.OBS_GetAvailableNumerators(
ST_MakeEnvelope(-74, 41, -73, 40, 4326), NULL, NULL, NULL, '2011 - 2015')
WHERE valid_timespan IS True;
## OBS_GetAvailableDenominators(bounds, filter_tags, numer_id, geom_id, timespan)
Return available denominators within a boundary and with the specified
#### Arguments
Name | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
bounds | Geometry(Geometry, 4326) | a geometry which some of the denominator's data must intersect with
filter_tags | Text[] | a list of filters. Only denominators for which all of these apply are returned `NULL` to ignore (optional)
numer_id | Text | the ID of a numerator to check whether the denominator is valid against. Will not reduce length of returned table, but will change values for `valid_numer` (optional)
geom_id | Text | the ID of a geometry to check whether the denominator is valid against. Will not reduce length of returned table, but will change values for `valid_geom` (optional)
timespan | Text | the ID of a timespan to check whether the denominator is valid against. Will not reduce length of returned table, but will change values for `valid_timespan` (optional)
#### Returns
A TABLE containing the following properties
Key | Type | Description
--- | ---- | -----------
denom_id | Text | The ID of the denominator
denom_name | Text | A human readable name for the denominator
denom_description | Text | Description of the denominator. Is sometimes NULL
denom_weight | Numeric | Numeric "weight" of the denominator. Ignored.
denom_license | Text | ID of the license for the denominator
denom_source | Text | ID of the source for the denominator
denom_type | Text | Postgres type of the denominator
denom_aggregate | Text | Aggregate type of the denominator. If `'SUM'`, this can be normalized by area
denom_extra | JSONB | Extra information about the denominator column. Ignored.
denom_tags | Text[] | Array of all tags applying to this denominator
valid_numer | Boolean | True if the `numer_id` argument is a valid numerator for this denominator, False otherwise
valid_geom | Boolean | True if the `geom_id` argument is a valid geometry for this denominator, False otherwise
valid_timespan | Boolean | True if the `timespan` argument is a valid timespan for this denominator, False otherwise
#### Examples
Obtain all denominators that are available within a small rectangle.
SELECT * FROM cdb_observatory.OBS_GetAvailableDenominators(
ST_MakeEnvelope(-74, 41, -73, 40, 4326));
Obtain all denominators that are available within a small rectangle and are for
the United States only.
SELECT * FROM cdb_observatory.OBS_GetAvailableDenominators(
ST_MakeEnvelope(-74, 41, -73, 40, 4326), '{section/tags.united_states}');
Obtain all denominators for male population (`us.census.acs.B01001002`).
SELECT * FROM cdb_observatory.OBS_GetAvailableDenominators(
ST_MakeEnvelope(-74, 41, -73, 40, 4326), NULL, 'us.census.acs.B01001002')
WHERE valid_numer IS True;
Obtain all denominators that work with US states (`us.census.tiger.state`)
as a geometry.
SELECT * FROM cdb_observatory.OBS_GetAvailableDenominators(
ST_MakeEnvelope(-74, 41, -73, 40, 4326), NULL, NULL, 'us.census.tiger.state')
WHERE valid_geom IS True;
Obtain all denominators available in the timespan `2011 - 2015`.
SELECT * FROM cdb_observatory.OBS_GetAvailableDenominators(
ST_MakeEnvelope(-74, 41, -73, 40, 4326), NULL, NULL, NULL, '2011 - 2015')
WHERE valid_timespan IS True;
## OBS_GetAvailableGeometries(bounds, filter_tags, numer_id, denom_id, timespan)
Return available geometries within a boundary and with the specified
#### Arguments
Name | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
bounds | Geometry(Geometry, 4326) | a geometry which must intersect the geometry
filter_tags | Text[] | a list of filters. Only geometries for which all of these apply are returned `NULL` to ignore (optional)
numer_id | Text | the ID of a numerator to check whether the geometry is valid against. Will not reduce length of returned table, but will change values for `valid_numer` (optional)
denom_id | Text | the ID of a denominator to check whether the geometry is valid against. Will not reduce length of returned table, but will change values for `valid_denom` (optional)
timespan | Text | the ID of a timespan to check whether the geometry is valid against. Will not reduce length of returned table, but will change values for `valid_timespan` (optional)
#### Returns
A TABLE containing the following properties
Key | Type | Description
--- | ---- | -----------
geom_id | Text | The ID of the geometry
geom_name | Text | A human readable name for the geometry
geom_description | Text | Description of the geometry. Is sometimes NULL
geom_weight | Numeric | Numeric "weight" of the geometry. Ignored.
geom_aggregate | Text | Aggregate type of the geometry. Ignored.
geom_license | Text | ID of the license for the geometry
geom_source | Text | ID of the source for the geometry
geom_type | Text | Postgres type of the geometry
geom_extra | JSONB | Extra information about the geometry column. Ignored.
geom_tags | Text[] | Array of all tags applying to this geometry
valid_numer | Boolean | True if the `numer_id` argument is a valid numerator for this geometry, False otherwise
valid_denom | Boolean | True if the `geom_id` argument is a valid geometry for this geometry, False otherwise
valid_timespan | Boolean | True if the `timespan` argument is a valid timespan for this geometry, False otherwise
score | Numeric | Score between 0 and 100 for this geometry, higher numbers mean that this geometry is a better choice for the passed extent
numtiles | Numeric | How many raster tiles were read for score, numgeoms, and percentfill estimates
numgeoms | Numeric | About how many of these geometries fit inside the passed extent
percentfill | Numeric | About what percentage of the passed extent is filled with these geometries
estnumgeoms | Numeric | Ignored
meanmediansize | Numeric | Ignored
#### Examples
Obtain all geometries that are available within a small rectangle.
SELECT * FROM cdb_observatory.OBS_GetAvailableGeometries(
ST_MakeEnvelope(-74, 41, -73, 40, 4326));
Obtain all geometries that are available within a small rectangle and are for
the United States only.
SELECT * FROM cdb_observatory.OBS_GetAvailableGeometries(
ST_MakeEnvelope(-74, 41, -73, 40, 4326), '{section/tags.united_states}');
Obtain all geometries that work with total population (`us.census.acs.B01003001`).
SELECT * FROM cdb_observatory.OBS_GetAvailableGeometries(
ST_MakeEnvelope(-74, 41, -73, 40, 4326), NULL, 'us.census.acs.B01003001')
WHERE valid_numer IS True;
Obtain all geometries with timespan `2015`.
SELECT * FROM cdb_observatory.OBS_GetAvailableGeometries(
ST_MakeEnvelope(-74, 41, -73, 40, 4326), NULL, NULL, NULL, '2015')
WHERE valid_timespan IS True;
## OBS_GetAvailableTimespans(bounds, filter_tags, numer_id, denom_id, geom_id)
Return available timespans within a boundary and with the specified
#### Arguments
Name | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
bounds | Geometry(Geometry, 4326) | a geometry which some of the timespan's data must intersect with
filter_tags | Text[] | a list of filters. Ignore
numer_id | Text | the ID of a numerator to check whether the timespans is valid against. Will not reduce length of returned table, but will change values for `valid_numer` (optional)
denom_id | Text | the ID of a denominator to check whether the timespans is valid against. Will not reduce length of returned table, but will change values for `valid_denom` (optional)
geom_id | Text | the ID of a geometry to check whether the timespans is valid against. Will not reduce length of returned table, but will change values for `valid_geom` (optional)
#### Returns
A TABLE containing the following properties
Key | Type | Description
--- | ---- | -----------
timespan_id | Text | The ID of the timespan
timespan_name | Text | A human readable name for the timespan
timespan_description | Text | Ignored
timespan_weight | Numeric | Ignored
timespan_license | Text | Ignored
timespan_source | Text | Ignored
timespan_aggregate | Text | Ignored
valid_numer | Boolean | True if the `numer_id` argument is a valid numerator for this timespan, False otherwise
valid_denom | Boolean | True if the `timespan` argument is a valid timespan for this timespan, False otherwise
valid_geom | Boolean | True if the `geom_id` argument is a valid geometry for this timespan, False otherwise
#### Examples
Obtain all timespans that are available within a small rectangle.
SELECT * FROM cdb_observatory.OBS_GetAvailableTimespans(
ST_MakeEnvelope(-74, 41, -73, 40, 4326));
Obtain all timespans for total population (`us.census.acs.B01003001`).
SELECT * FROM cdb_observatory.OBS_GetAvailableTimespans(
ST_MakeEnvelope(-74, 41, -73, 40, 4326), NULL, 'us.census.acs.B01003001')
WHERE valid_numer IS True;
Obtain all timespans that work with US states (`us.census.tiger.state`)
as a geometry.
SELECT * FROM cdb_observatory.OBS_GetAvailableTimespans(
ST_MakeEnvelope(-74, 41, -73, 40, 4326), NULL, NULL, NULL, 'us.census.tiger.state')
WHERE valid_geom IS True;

View File

@ -8,15 +8,15 @@ You can [access]( measures th
## OBS_GetUSCensusMeasure(point geometry, measure_name text)
The ```OBS_GetUSCensusMeasure(point, measure_name)``` function returns a measure based on a subset of the US Census variables at a point location. The ```OBS_GetUSCensusMeasure``` function is limited to only a subset of all measures that are available in the Data Observatory, to access the full list, use measure IDs with the ```OBS_GetMeasure``` function below.
The ```OBS_GetUSCensusMeasure(point, measure_name)``` function returns a measure based on a subset of the US Census variables at a point location. The ```OBS_GetUSCensusMeasure``` function is limited to only a subset of all measures that are available in the Data Observatory. To access the full list, use measure IDs with the ```OBS_GetMeasure``` function below.
#### Arguments
Name |Description
--- | ---
point | a WGS84 point geometry (the_geom)
measure_name | a human readable name of a US Census variable. The list of measure_names is [available in the Glossary](
normalize | for measures that are are **sums** (e.g. population) the default normalization is 'area' and response comes back as a rate per square kilometer. Other options are 'denominator', which will use the denominator specified in the [Data Catalog]( (optional)
measure_name | a human-readable name of a US Census variable. The list of measure_names is [available in the Glossary](
normalize | for measures that are **sums** (e.g. population) the default normalization is 'area' and response comes back as a rate per square kilometer. Other options are 'denominator', which will use the denominator specified in the [Data Catalog]( (optional)
boundary_id | source of geometries to pull measure from (e.g., 'us.census.tiger.census_tract')
time_span | time span of interest (e.g., 2010 - 2014)
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ SET total_population = OBS_GetUSCensusMeasure(the_geom, 'Total Population')
## OBS_GetUSCensusMeasure(polygon geometry, measure_name text)
The ```OBS_GetUSCensusMeasure(point, measure_name)``` function returns a measure based on a subset of the US Census variables within a given polygon. The ```OBS_GetUSCensusMeasure``` function is limited to only a subset of all measures that are available in the Data Observatory, to access the full list, use the ```OBS_GetUSCensusMeasure``` function below.
The ```OBS_GetUSCensusMeasure(polygon, measure_name)``` function returns a measure based on a subset of the US Census variables within a given polygon. The ```OBS_GetUSCensusMeasure``` function is limited to only a subset of all measures that are available in the Data Observatory. To access the full list, use the ```OBS_GetMeasure``` function below.
#### Arguments
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ Name |Description
--- | ---
point | a WGS84 point geometry (the_geom)
measure_id | a measure identifier from the Data Observatory ([see available measures]( It is important to note that these are different than 'measure_name' used in the Census based functions above.
normalize | for measures that are are **sums** (e.g. population) the default normalization is 'area' and response comes back as a rate per square kilometer. The other option is 'denominator', which will use the denominator specified in the [Data Catalog]( (optional)
normalize | for measures that are **sums** (e.g. population) the default normalization is 'area' and response comes back as a rate per square kilometer. The other option is 'denominator', which will use the denominator specified in the [Data Catalog]( (optional)
boundary_id | source of geometries to pull measure from (e.g., 'us.census.tiger.census_tract')
time_span | time span of interest (e.g., 2010 - 2014)
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ Name |Description
--- | ---
polygon_geometry | a WGS84 polygon geometry (the_geom)
measure_id | a measure identifier from the Data Observatory ([see available measures](
normalize | for measures that are are **sums** (e.g. population) the default normalization is 'none' and response comes back as a raw value. Other options are 'denominator', which will use the denominator specified in the [Data Catalog]( (optional)
normalize | for measures that are **sums** (e.g. population) the default normalization is 'none' and response comes back as a raw value. Other options are 'denominator', which will use the denominator specified in the [Data Catalog]( (optional)
boundary_id | source of geometries to pull measure from (e.g., 'us.census.tiger.census_tract')
time_span | time span of interest (e.g., 2010 - 2014)
@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ SET household_count = OBS_GetMeasure(the_geom, 'us.census.acs.B11001001')
#### Errors
* If an unrecognized normalization type is input, raise an error: `'Only valid inputs for "normalize" are "area" (default) and "denominator".`
* If an unrecognized normalization type is input, raises error: `'Only valid inputs for "normalize" are "area" (default) and "denominator".`
## OBS_GetMeasureById(geom_ref text, measure_id text, boundary_id text)
@ -195,3 +195,285 @@ Add the Category to an empty column text column based on point locations in your
UPDATE tablename
SET segmentation = OBS_GetCategory(the_geom, 'us.census.spielman_singleton_segments.X55')
## OBS_GetMeta(extent geometry, metadata json, max_timespan_rank, max_boundary_score_rank, num_target_geoms)
The ```OBS_GetMeta(extent, metadata)``` function returns a completed Data
Observatory metadata JSON Object for use in ```OBS_GetData(geomvals,
metadata)``` or ```OBS_GetData(ids, metadata)```. It is not possible to pass
metadata to those functions if it is not processed by ```OBS_GetMeta(extent,
metadata)``` first.
`OBS_GetMeta` makes it possible to automatically select appropriate timespans
and boundaries for the measurement you want.
#### Arguments
Name | Description
---- | -----------
extent | A geometry of the extent of the input geometries
metadata | A JSON array composed of metadata input objects. Each indicates one desired measure for an output column, and optionally additional parameters about that column
max_timespan_rank | How many historical time periods to include. Defaults to 1
max_boundary_score_rank | How many alternative boundary levels to include. Defaults to 1
num_target_geoms | Target number of geometries. Boundaries with close to this many objects within `extent` will be ranked highest.
The schema of the metadata input objects are as follows:
Metadata Input Key | Description
--- | -----------
numer_id | The identifier for the desired measurement. If left blank, but a `geom_id` is specified, the column will return a geometry instead of a measurement.
geom_id | Identifier for a desired geographic boundary level to use when calculating measures. Will be automatically assigned if undefined. If defined but `numer_id` is blank, then the column will return a geometry instead of a measurement.
normalization | The desired normalization. One of 'area', 'prenormalized', or 'denominated'. 'Area' will normalize the measure per square kilometer, 'prenormalized' will return the original value, and 'denominated' will normalize by a denominator. Ignored if this metadata object specifies a geometry.
denom_id | Identifier for a desired normalization column in case `normalization` is 'denominated'. Will be automatically assigned if necessary. Ignored if this metadata object specifies a geometry.
numer_timespan | The desired timespan for the measurement. Defaults to most recent timespan available if left unspecified.
geom_timespan | The desired timespan for the geometry. Defaults to timespan matching numer_timespan if left unspecified.
#### Returns
A JSON array composed of metadata output objects.
Key | Description
--- | -----------
meta | A JSON array with completed metadata for the requested data, including all keys below
The schema of the metadata output objects are as follows. You should pass this
array as-is to ```OBS_GetData```. If you modify any values the function will
Metadata Output Key | Description
--- | -----------
numer_id | Identifier for desired measurement
numer_timespan | Timespan that will be used of the desired measurement
numer_name | Human-readable name of desired measure
numer_type | PostgreSQL/PostGIS type of desired measure
numer_colname | Internal identifier for column name
numer_tablename | Internal identifier for table
numer_geomref_colname | Internal identifier for geomref column name
denom_id | Identifier for desired normalization
denom_timespan | Timespan that will be used of the desired normalization
denom_name | Human-readable name of desired measure's normalization
denom_type | PostgreSQL/PostGIS type of desired measure's normalization
denom_colname | Internal identifier for normalization column name
denom_tablename | Internal identifier for normalization table
denom_geomref_colname | Internal identifier for normalization geomref column name
geom_id | Identifier for desired boundary geometry
geom_timespan | Timespan that will be used of the desired boundary geometry
geom_name | Human-readable name of desired boundary geometry
geom_type | PostgreSQL/PostGIS type of desired boundary geometry
geom_colname | Internal identifier for boundary geometry column name
geom_tablename | Internal identifier for boundary geometry table
geom_geomref_colname | Internal identifier for boundary geometry ref column name
timespan_rank | Ranking of this measurement by time, most recent is 1, second most recent 2, etc.
score | The score of this measurement's boundary compared to the `extent` and `num_target_geoms` passed in. Between 0 and 100.
score_rank | The ranking of this measurement's boundary, highest ranked is 1, second is 2, etc.
numer_aggregate | The aggregate type of the numerator, either `sum`, `average`, `median`, or blank
denom_aggregate | The aggregate type of the denominator, either `sum`, `average`, `median`, or blank
normalization | The sort of normalization that will be used for this measure, either `area`, `predenominated`, or `denominated`
#### Examples
Obtain metadata that can augment with one additional column of US population
data, using a boundary relevant for the geometry provided and latest timespan.
Limit to only the most recent column most relevant to the extent & density of
input geometries in `tablename`.
ST_SetSRID(ST_Extent(the_geom), 4326),
'[{"numer_id": "us.census.acs.B01003001"}]',
1, 1,
) FROM tablename
Obtain metadata that can augment with one additional column of US population
data, using census tract boundaries.
ST_SetSRID(ST_Extent(the_geom), 4326),
'[{"numer_id": "us.census.acs.B01003001", "geom_id": "us.census.tiger.census_tract"}]',
1, 1,
) FROM tablename
Obtain metadata that can augment with two additional columns, one for total
population and one for male population.
ST_SetSRID(ST_Extent(the_geom), 4326),
'[{"numer_id": "us.census.acs.B01003001"}, {"numer_id": "us.census.acs.B01001002"}]',
1, 1,
) FROM tablename
## OBS_GetData(geomvals array[geomval], metadata json)
The ```OBS_GetData(geomvals, metadata)``` function returns a measure and/or
geometry corresponding to the `metadata` JSON array for each every Geometry of
the `geomval` element in the `geomvals` array. The metadata argument must be
obtained from ```OBS_GetMeta(extent, metadata)```.
#### Arguments
Name | Description
---- | -----------
geomvals | An array of `geomval` elements, which are obtained by casting together a `Geometry` and a `Numeric`. This should be obtained by using `ARRAY_AGG((the_geom, cartodb_id)::geomval)` from the CARTO table one wishes to obtain data for.
metadata | A JSON array composed of metadata output objects from `OBS_GetMeta(extent, metadata)`. The schema of the elements of the `metadata` JSON array corresponds to that of the output of ```OBS_GetMeta(extent, metadata)```, and this argument must be obtained from that function in order for the call to be valid.
#### Returns
A TABLE with the following schema, where each element of the input `geomvals`
array corresponds to one row:
Column | Type | Description
------ | ---- | -----------
id | Numeric | ID corresponding to the `val` component of an element of the input `geomvals` array
data | JSON | A JSON array with elements corresponding to the input `metadata` JSON array
Each `data` object has the following keys:
Key | Description
--- | -----------
value | The value of the measurement or geometry for the geometry corresponding to this row and measurement corresponding to this position in the `metadata` JSON array
To determine the appropriate cast for `value`, one can use the `numer_type`
or `geom_type` key corresponding to that value in the input `metadata` JSON
#### Examples
Obtain population densities for every geometry in a table, keyed by cartodb_id:
WITH meta AS (
ST_SetSRID(ST_Extent(the_geom), 4326),
'[{"numer_id": "us.census.acs.B01003001"}]',
1, 1, COUNT(*)
) meta FROM tablename)
SELECT id AS cartodb_id, (data->0->>'value')::Numeric AS pop_density
FROM OBS_GetData((SELECT ARRAY_AGG((the_geom, cartodb_id)::geomval) FROM tablename),
(SELECT meta FROM meta))
Update a table with a blank numeric column called `pop_density` with population
WITH meta AS (
ST_SetSRID(ST_Extent(the_geom), 4326),
'[{"numer_id": "us.census.acs.B01003001"}]',
1, 1, COUNT(*)
) meta FROM tablename),
data AS (
SELECT id AS cartodb_id, (data->0->>'value')::Numeric AS pop_density
FROM OBS_GetData((SELECT ARRAY_AGG((the_geom, cartodb_id)::geomval) FROM tablename),
(SELECT meta FROM meta)))
UPDATE tablename
SET pop_density = data.pop_density
FROM data
WHERE cartodb_id =
Update a table with two measurements at once, population density and household
density. The table should already have a Numeric column `pop_density` and
WITH meta AS (
'[{"numer_id": "us.census.acs.B01003001"},{"numer_id": "us.census.acs.B11001001"}]',
1, 1, COUNT(*)
) meta from tablename),
data AS (
data->0->>'value' AS pop_density,
data->1->>'value' AS household_density
FROM OBS_GetData((SELECT ARRAY_AGG((the_geom, cartodb_id)::geomval) FROM tablename),
(SELECT meta FROM meta)))
UPDATE tablename
SET pop_density = data.pop_density,
household_density = data.household_density
FROM data
WHERE cartodb_id =
## OBS_GetData(ids array[text], metadata json)
The ```OBS_GetData(ids, metadata)``` function returns a measure and/or
geometry corresponding to the `metadata` JSON array for each every id of
the `ids` array. The metadata argument must be obtained from
```OBS_GetMeta(extent, metadata)```. When obtaining metadata, one must include
the `geom_id` corresponding to the boundary that the `ids` refer to.
#### Arguments
Name | Description
---- | -----------
ids | An array of `TEXT` elements. This should be obtained by using `ARRAY_AGG(col_of_geom_refs)` from the CARTO table one wishes to obtain data for.
metadata | A JSON array composed of metadata output objects from `OBS_GetMeta(extent, metadata)`. The schema of the elements of the `metadata` JSON array corresponds to that of the output of ```OBS_GetMeta(extent, metadata)```, and this argument must be obtained from that function in order for the call to be valid.
For this function to work, the `metadata` argument must include a `geom_id`
that corresponds to the ids found in `col_of_geom_refs`.
#### Returns
A TABLE with the following schema, where each element of the input `ids` array
corresponds to one row:
Column | Type | Description
------ | ---- | -----------
id | Text | ID corresponding to an element of the input `ids` array
data | JSON | A JSON array with elements corresponding to the input `metadata` JSON array
Each `data` object has the following keys:
Key | Description
--- | -----------
value | The value of the measurement or geometry for the geometry corresponding to this row and measurement corresponding to this position in the `metadata` JSON array
To determine the appropriate cast for `value`, one can use the `numer_type`
or `geom_type` key corresponding to that value in the input `metadata` JSON
#### Examples
Obtain population densities for every row of a table with FIPS code county IDs
WITH meta AS (
ST_SetSRID(ST_Extent(the_geom), 4326),
'[{"numer_id": "us.census.acs.B01003001", "geom_id": "us.census.tiger.county"}]'
) meta FROM tablename)
SELECT id AS fips, (data->0->>'value')::Numeric AS pop_density
FROM OBS_GetData((SELECT ARRAY_AGG((fips) FROM tablename),
(SELECT meta FROM meta))
Update a table with population densities for every FIPS code county ID (USA).
This table has a blank column called `pop_density` and fips codes stored in a
column `fips`.
WITH meta AS (
ST_SetSRID(ST_Extent(the_geom), 4326),
'[{"numer_id": "us.census.acs.B01003001", "geom_id": "us.census.tiger.county"}]'
) meta FROM tablename),
data as (
SELECT id AS fips, (data->0->>'value') AS pop_density
FROM OBS_GetData((SELECT ARRAY_AGG((fips) FROM tablename),
(SELECT meta FROM meta)))
UPDATE tablename
SET pop_density = data.pop_density
FROM data
WHERE fips =