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# Release & Deployment Process
Please read the Working Process/Quickstart Guide in []]
and the Development guidelines in [[]].
The release process of a new version of the extension
shall be performed by the designated *Release Manager*.
Having checked PR to be released it shall be
merged back into the `master` branch to prepare the new release.
The version number in `pg/observatory.control` must first be updated.
To do so [Semantic Versioning 2.0]( is in order.
Thew `` will be updated.
The next command must be executed to produce the main installation
script for the new release, `release/observatory--X.Y.Z.sql` and
also to copy the python package to `release/python/X.Y.Z/observatory`.
make release
Then, the release manager shall produce upgrade and downgrade scripts
to migrate to/from the previous release. In the case of minor/patch
releases this simply consist in extracting the functions that have changed
and placing them in the proper `release/observatory--X.Y.Z--A.B.C.sql`
The new release can be deployed for staging/smoke tests with this command:
sudo make deploy
This will copy the current 'X.Y.Z' released version of the extension to
The `sudo make deploy` operation can be also used for installing
the new version after it has been released.
To install a specific version 'X.Y.Z' different from the current one
(which must be present in `releases/`) you can:
sudo make deploy RELEASE_VERSION=X.Y.Z
## Relevant release & deployment tasks available in the Makefile
* `make help` show a short description of the available targets
* `make release` will generate a new release (version number defined in
`src/pg/observatory.control`) into `release/`.
Intended for use by the release manager.
* `sudo make deploy` will install the current release X.Y.Z from the
`release/` files into PostgreSQL and a Python virtual environment
Intended for use by the release manager and deployment jobs.
* `sudo make deploy RELEASE_VERSION=X.Y.Z` will install specified version
previously generated in `release/`
into PostgreSQL and a Python virtual environment `envs/X.Y.Z`.
Intended for use by the release manager and deployment jobs.