If you are using the [discovery methods]({{ site.dataobservatory_docs}}/guides/overview/#discovery-methods) from the Data Observatory, use the following functions to retrieve [boundary]({{ site.dataobservatory_docs}}/guides/overview/#boundary-data) and [measures]({{ site.dataobservatory_docs}}/guides/overview/#measures-data) data.
Use arbitrary text to search all available measures
#### Arguments
Name | Description
--- | ---
search_term | a string to search for available measures
boundary_id | a string identifier for a boundary geometry (optional)
#### Returns
A TABLE containing the following properties
Key | Description
--- | ---
id | the unique id of the measure for use with the ```OBS_GetMeasure``` function
name | the human readable name of the measure
description | a brief description of the measure
aggregate | **sum** are raw count values, **median** are statistical medians, **average** are statistical averages, **undefined** other (e.g. an index value)
source | where the data came from (e.g. US Census Bureau)
Returns available `boundary_id`s at a given point geometry.
#### Arguments
Name | Description
--- | ---
point_geometry | a WGS84 point geometry (e.g. the_geom)
#### Returns
A TABLE containing the following properties
Key | Description
--- | ---
boundary_id | a boundary identifier from the [Boundary ID Glossary]({{ site.dataobservatory_docs}}/guides/glossary/#boundary-ids)
description | a brief description of the boundary dataset
time_span | the timespan attached the boundary. this does not mean that the boundary is invalid outside of the timespan, but is the explicit timespan published with the geometry.
Return available numerators within a boundary and with the specified
#### Arguments
Name | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
bounds | Geometry(Geometry, 4326) | a geometry which some of the numerator's data must intersect with
filter_tags | Text[] | a list of filters. Only numerators for which all of these apply are returned `NULL` to ignore (optional)
denom_id | Text | the ID of a denominator to check whether the numerator is valid against. Will not reduce length of returned table, but will change values for `valid_denom` (optional)
geom_id | Text | the ID of a geometry to check whether the numerator is valid against. Will not reduce length of returned table, but will change values for `valid_geom` (optional)
timespan | Text | the ID of a timespan to check whether the numerator is valid against. Will not reduce length of returned table, but will change values for `valid_timespan` (optional)
#### Returns
A TABLE containing the following properties
Key | Type | Description
--- | ---- | -----------
numer_id | Text | The ID of the numerator
numer_name | Text | A human readable name for the numerator
numer_description | Text | Description of the numerator. Is sometimes NULL
numer_weight | Numeric | Numeric "weight" of the numerator. Ignored.
numer_license | Text | ID of the license for the numerator
numer_source | Text | ID of the source for the numerator
numer_type | Text | Postgres type of the numerator
numer_aggregate | Text | Aggregate type of the numerator. If `'SUM'`, this can be normalized by area
numer_extra | JSONB | Extra information about the numerator column. Ignored.
numer_tags | Text[] | Array of all tags applying to this numerator
valid_denom | Boolean | True if the `denom_id` argument is a valid denominator for this numerator, False otherwise
valid_geom | Boolean | True if the `geom_id` argument is a valid geometry for this numerator, False otherwise
valid_timespan | Boolean | True if the `timespan` argument is a valid timespan for this numerator, False otherwise
#### Examples
Obtain all numerators that are available within a small rectangle.
Return available denominators within a boundary and with the specified
#### Arguments
Name | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
bounds | Geometry(Geometry, 4326) | a geometry which some of the denominator's data must intersect with
filter_tags | Text[] | a list of filters. Only denominators for which all of these apply are returned `NULL` to ignore (optional)
numer_id | Text | the ID of a numerator to check whether the denominator is valid against. Will not reduce length of returned table, but will change values for `valid_numer` (optional)
geom_id | Text | the ID of a geometry to check whether the denominator is valid against. Will not reduce length of returned table, but will change values for `valid_geom` (optional)
timespan | Text | the ID of a timespan to check whether the denominator is valid against. Will not reduce length of returned table, but will change values for `valid_timespan` (optional)
#### Returns
A TABLE containing the following properties
Key | Type | Description
--- | ---- | -----------
denom_id | Text | The ID of the denominator
denom_name | Text | A human readable name for the denominator
denom_description | Text | Description of the denominator. Is sometimes NULL
denom_weight | Numeric | Numeric "weight" of the denominator. Ignored.
denom_license | Text | ID of the license for the denominator
denom_source | Text | ID of the source for the denominator
denom_type | Text | Postgres type of the denominator
denom_aggregate | Text | Aggregate type of the denominator. If `'SUM'`, this can be normalized by area
denom_extra | JSONB | Extra information about the denominator column. Ignored.
denom_tags | Text[] | Array of all tags applying to this denominator
valid_numer | Boolean | True if the `numer_id` argument is a valid numerator for this denominator, False otherwise
valid_geom | Boolean | True if the `geom_id` argument is a valid geometry for this denominator, False otherwise
valid_timespan | Boolean | True if the `timespan` argument is a valid timespan for this denominator, False otherwise
#### Examples
Obtain all denominators that are available within a small rectangle.
Return available geometries within a boundary and with the specified
#### Arguments
Name | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
bounds | Geometry(Geometry, 4326) | a geometry which must intersect the geometry
filter_tags | Text[] | a list of filters. Only geometries for which all of these apply are returned `NULL` to ignore (optional)
numer_id | Text | the ID of a numerator to check whether the geometry is valid against. Will not reduce length of returned table, but will change values for `valid_numer` (optional)
denom_id | Text | the ID of a denominator to check whether the geometry is valid against. Will not reduce length of returned table, but will change values for `valid_denom` (optional)
timespan | Text | the ID of a timespan to check whether the geometry is valid against. Will not reduce length of returned table, but will change values for `valid_timespan` (optional)
number_geometries | Integer | an additional variable that is used to adjust the calculation of the [score]({{ site.dataobservatory_docs}}/guides/discovery-functions/#returns-4) (optional)
#### Returns
A TABLE containing the following properties
Key | Type | Description
--- | ---- | -----------
geom_id | Text | The ID of the geometry
geom_name | Text | A human readable name for the geometry
geom_description | Text | Description of the geometry. Is sometimes NULL
geom_weight | Numeric | Numeric "weight" of the geometry. Ignored.
geom_aggregate | Text | Aggregate type of the geometry. Ignored.
geom_license | Text | ID of the license for the geometry
geom_source | Text | ID of the source for the geometry
geom_type | Text | Postgres type of the geometry
geom_extra | JSONB | Extra information about the geometry column. Ignored.
geom_tags | Text[] | Array of all tags applying to this geometry
valid_numer | Boolean | True if the `numer_id` argument is a valid numerator for this geometry, False otherwise
valid_denom | Boolean | True if the `geom_id` argument is a valid geometry for this geometry, False otherwise
valid_timespan | Boolean | True if the `timespan` argument is a valid timespan for this geometry, False otherwise
score | Numeric | Score between 0 and 100 for this geometry, higher numbers mean that this geometry is a better choice for the passed extent
numtiles | Numeric | How many raster tiles were read for score, numgeoms, and percentfill estimates
numgeoms | Numeric | About how many of these geometries fit inside the passed extent
percentfill | Numeric | About what percentage of the passed extent is filled with these geometries
estnumgeoms | Numeric | Ignored
meanmediansize | Numeric | Ignored
#### Examples
Obtain all geometries that are available within a small rectangle.
Return available timespans within a boundary and with the specified
#### Arguments
Name | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
bounds | Geometry(Geometry, 4326) | a geometry which some of the timespan's data must intersect with
filter_tags | Text[] | a list of filters. Ignore
numer_id | Text | the ID of a numerator to check whether the timespans is valid against. Will not reduce length of returned table, but will change values for `valid_numer` (optional)
denom_id | Text | the ID of a denominator to check whether the timespans is valid against. Will not reduce length of returned table, but will change values for `valid_denom` (optional)
geom_id | Text | the ID of a geometry to check whether the timespans is valid against. Will not reduce length of returned table, but will change values for `valid_geom` (optional)
#### Returns
A TABLE containing the following properties
Key | Type | Description
--- | ---- | -----------
timespan_id | Text | The ID of the timespan
timespan_name | Text | A human readable name for the timespan
timespan_description | Text | Ignored
timespan_weight | Numeric | Ignored
timespan_aggregate | Text | Ignored
timespan_license | Text | Ignored
timespan_source | Text | Ignored
timespan_type | Text | Ignored
timespan_extra | JSONB | Ignored
timespan_tags | JSONB | Ignored
valid_numer | Boolean | True if the `numer_id` argument is a valid numerator for this timespan, False otherwise
valid_denom | Boolean | True if the `timespan` argument is a valid timespan for this timespan, False otherwise
valid_geom | Boolean | True if the `geom_id` argument is a valid geometry for this timespan, False otherwise
#### Examples
Obtain all timespans that are available within a small rectangle.