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8 years ago
1.4.0 (2017-03-21)
__API Changes__
* Allow for override of `target_area` and `target_geoms` in `OBS_GetMeta`
([#276]( This
allows the interface to work with points and sparse areas much btter.
* Allow for override of `max_timespan_rank` and `max_score_rank` on an
item-by-item basis for metadata.
* `numer_description`, `geom_description`, `denom_description`,
`numer_t_description`, `denom_t_description` and `geom_t_description` now
returned as part of `OBS_GetMeta`.
8 years ago
1.3.5 (2017-03-15)
No changes. Artifact to allow for data update.
1.3.4 (2017-03-10)
* Remove erroneously committed `RAISE NOTICE` in `OBS_GetData`
8 years ago
1.3.3 (2017-03-10)
* Resolve divide-by-zero errors in cases where the intersection of an
Observatory geometry and user geometry has 0 area
* Run MakeValid on geometry's when intersecting, if necessary
* Add performance tests for multiple columns in `OBS_GetData`
* Major performance boost for `` through the use of multi-column
`OBS_GetData` instead of separate `OBS_GetMeasure` calls for every single
* Major performance boost for `OBS_GetData` in cases where multiple columns are
requested. Previously, each additional column would result in a linear
slowdown, even if geometries could be reused.
8 years ago
1.3.2 (2017-03-02)
* Accept "prenormalized" as well as "predenominated" to bypass normalization.
This fixes issues with Camshaft.
8 years ago
1.3.1 (2017-02-16)
* It is now possible to obtain measures that are averages or medians over
arbitrary polygons ([#254](
* Added test point for Australian data
* `OBS_GetLegacyMetadata` now returns median and averages in cases where it is
called for measures for polygons
8 years ago
1.3.0 (2017-01-17)
__API Changes__
* `OBS_GetMeasureDataMulti()` is now called `OBS_GetData()`
* `OBS_GetMeasureMetaMulti()` is now called `OBS_GetMeta()`
* Additional signature for `OBS_GetData` which can take an array of `TEXT`,
mimicking functionality of `OBS_GetMeasureByID`
* Generate fixtures from `obs_meta`
* Remove unused table-level code
* Refactor all augmentation and geometry functions to obtain data from
`OBS_GetMeta()` and `OBS_GetData()`.
* Improvements to `OBS_GetMeta()` so it can still fill in metadata in cases
where only a geometry is being requested.
* `OBS_GetData()` returns two-column table instead of anonymous record.
* `OBS_GetData()` can return categorical (text) and geometries
* Remove unnecessary dependency on `postgres_fdw`
* `OBS_GetData()` now aggregates measures with mixed geoms correctly
__API Changes__
8 years ago
1.2.1 (2017-01-17)
* Support Point/LineString in responses from `OBS_GetBoundary`.
8 years ago
1.2.0 (2016-12-28)
__API Changes__
* Added `OBS_GetMeasureDataMulti`, which takes an array of geomvals and
parameters as JSON, and returns a set of RECORDs keyed by the vals of the
* Added `OBS_GetMeasureMetaMulti`, which takes sparse metadata as JSON (for
example, the measure ID) and returns a filled-out version of the metadata
sufficient for use with `OBS_GetMeasureDataMulti`.
* Move tests to 2015
* Fixes to `_OBS_GetGeometryScores` to avoid spamming NOTICEs about all pixels
for a band being NULL
* Tests for `_OBS_GetGeometryScores` with complex geometries
* Performance tests for `OBS_GetMeasureDataMulti`
* Return both `table_id` and `column_id` from `_OBS_GetGeometryScores`
1.1.7 (2016-12-15)
* Use simpler raster table and simplified `_OBSGetGeometryScores` functions to
improve performance
* In cases where geometry passed into geometry scoring function has greater
than 10K points, simply use its buffer instead
* Add `IMMUTABLE` to `_OBSGetGeometryScores`
* Add tests explicitly for `_OBSGetGeometryScores` in
* Yields a ~50% improvement in performance for `_OBSGetGeomeryScores`.
8 years ago
1.1.6 (2016-12-08)
* Fix divide by zero condition in "denominator" branch of `OBS_GetMeasure`
when passing in a polygon ([#233](
* Use `ST_Subdivide` to improve performance when functions are called on very
complex geometries (with many points) ([#232](
* Improve raster scoring to more heavily weight boundaries with nearer to
correct number of points, and penalize boundaries with lots of blank space
* Remove some redundant area calculations in `OBS_GetMeasure`
* Replace use of `format('%L', var)` with proper use of `EXECUTE` and `$1` etc.
variables ([#231](
* Add test point for Brazil
* Improvements to performance tests
- Support simple and complex geometries
- Handle all code branches
- Add ability to persist results to JSON for graph visualization later
8 years ago
1.1.5 (2016-11-29)
* Return `NULL` instead of raising an exception when a measure is requested for
a geometry where it does not exist ([#220](
8 years ago
1.1.4 (2016-11-21)
* Fix duplicate subsections with only a partial set of measures appearing from
`OBS_GetLegacyMetadata` ([#216](
8 years ago
1.1.3 (2016-11-15)
* Temporarily ignore EU data for the sake of testing
8 years ago
1.1.2 (2016-11-09)
* Update public `OBS_GetMeasure` to use highest ranked boundary, aiming for 500
geoms. ([#190](
* Update test generation to capture our raster tiles
* Standardize the way we generate our test points for ``
* Add points for epa and eurostat
* Should support database dump generated 20161109
__API Changes (Internal)__
* Add internal `_OBS_GetGeometryScores`
8 years ago
1.1.1 (2016-10-14)
* Test points for Canada and France ([#204](
1.1.0 (2016-10-04)
* Fixed some minor errors in test suite
* We now generate test fixtures from local data instead of remote server
__API Changes__
* New function, `OBS_LegacyBuilderMetadata`, which resolves
* Creates "dimensional" metadata grabbing functions
(`OBS_GetAvailableNumerators`, `OBS_GetAvailableDenominators`,
`OBS_GetAvailableGeometries`, `OBS_GetAvailableTimespans`) which will be
used for obtaining metadata in the replacement for the Data Library
([CartoDB/design#104]( This
is also referred to here ([CartoDB/design#68](
1.0.7 (2016-09-20)
* `NULL` geometries or geometry IDs no longer result in an exception from any
augmentation functions ([#178](
* Automatic tests work for Canada and Thailand
8 years ago
1.0.6 (2016-09-08)
* New function structure for Table-level functions which allows to separate the
framework logic from the observatory measure functions.
1.0.5 (2016-08-12)
* Integration tests moved to `src/python/test/`, and can be run without hitting
1.0.4 (2016-07-26)
* Always default arguments to `NULL`, which prevents duplication & overwrite by
1.0.3 (2016-07-25)
* Raise exception instead of crashing when `OBS_GetMeasure` is passed a polygon
in combination with a non-summable measure ([cartodb/issues
* Unnecessary dependencies on cartodb and plpythonu removed
* Tests forced to run in-order on all systems
* Area normalization done by square kilometer instead of square meter for
polygons ([#158](
* `postgres-fdw` installed as required in unit test environment
* Added tests to make sure all functions can handle explicit NULL as default
* Buffer and snaptogrid used to be far more liberal accepting problem geoms
1.0.2 (2016-07-12)
* Fix for `OBS_GetCategory` outside the US ([#135](
* `OBS_GetMeasure` now respects the `normalize` parameter even when passed
a multi/polygon. Previously, no normalization was erroneously assumed.
* Automated tests cover Mexico data
* `obs_meta` is now provisioned during unit tests
* `obs_meta` is now used during end-to-end tests
* `OBS_GetMeasureByID` uses `obs_meta` internally, which should help
* `OBS_GetCategory` uses `obs_meta` internally, which should help perfromance
* `OBS_GetCategory` will pick the correct category for an arbitrary polygon
(the category covering the highest % of that polygon)
* `OBS_GetMeasure` has been updated to use `obs_meta` internally, which should
help performance
* `OBS_GetMeasure` now can be passed "none" and skip normalization by area or
denominator for points
* Fixtures are only loaded at the start of the unit test suite, and dropped at the end,
instead of at the start/end of each individual test file
* Comment noisy NOTICEs ([#73](
1.0.1 (2016-07-01)
* Fix for ERROR: Operation on mixed SRID geometries #130
1.0.0 (6/27/2016)
* Incremented to 1.0.0 to be in compliance with [SemVer](,
which disallows use of 0.x.x versions. This also reflects that we are
already in production.
__API Changes__
* Added `OBS_DumpVersion` to look up version data ([#118](
* Whether data exists for a geom now determined by polygon intersection instead of
BBOX overlap ([#119](
* Automated tests cover Spanish and UK data
* Automated tests cover `OBS_GetUSCensusMeasure`
* Geom table can have different `geomref_colname` than the data table
8 years ago
0.0.5 (5/27/2016)
* Adds new function `OBS_GetMeasureById` ([#96](
0.0.4 (5/25/2016)
* Updates queries involving US Census measure tags to be more generic ([#95](
* Fixes tests which relied on an erroneous subset of block groups ([#95](
0.0.3 (5/24/2016)
* Generalizes internal queries to properly pull from multiple named geometry references
* Adds tests for Who's on First boundaries
* Improves automatic fixtures testing script
0.0.2 (5/19/2016)
* Adds Data Observatory exploration functions
* Adds Data Observatory boundary functions
* Adds Data Observatory measure functions
* Adds script to generate fixtures for tests
* Adds script for the automatic testing of metadata
* Adds full documentation for all included functions
* removes `cartodb` extension dependency
0.0.1 (5/19/2016)
8 years ago
* First iteration of `OBS_GetDemographicSnapshot(location Geometry(Point,4326))`