'use strict'; var assert = require('assert') var gonna = require('gonna') var _ = require('lodash') var async = require('async') var concat = require('concat-stream') var pg = require('pg') var copy = require('../').to var code = require('../message-formats') var client = function() { var client = new pg.Client() client.connect() return client } var testConstruction = function() { var txt = 'COPY (SELECT * FROM generate_series(0, 10)) TO STDOUT' var stream = copy(txt, {highWaterMark: 10}) assert.equal(stream._readableState.highWaterMark, 10, 'Client should have been set with a correct highWaterMark.') } testConstruction() var testComparators = function() { var copy1 = copy(); copy1.pipe(concat(function(buf) { assert(copy1._gotCopyOutResponse, 'should have received CopyOutResponse') assert(!copy1._remainder, 'Message with no additional data (len=Int4Len+0) should not leave a remainder') })) copy1.end(new Buffer.from([code.CopyOutResponse, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04])); } testComparators(); var testRange = function(top) { var fromClient = client() var txt = 'COPY (SELECT * from generate_series(0, ' + (top - 1) + ')) TO STDOUT' var res; var stream = fromClient.query(copy(txt)) var done = gonna('finish piping out', 1000, function() { fromClient.end() }) stream.pipe(concat(function(buf) { res = buf.toString('utf8') })) stream.on('end', function() { var expected = _.range(0, top).join('\n') + '\n' assert.equal(res, expected) assert.equal(stream.rowCount, top, 'should have rowCount ' + top + ' but got ' + stream.rowCount) done() }); } testRange(10000) var testInternalPostgresError = function() { var cancelClient = client() var queryClient = client() var runStream = function(callback) { var txt = "COPY (SELECT pg_sleep(10)) TO STDOUT" var stream = queryClient.query(copy(txt)) stream.on('data', function(data) { // Just throw away the data. }) stream.on('error', callback) setTimeout(function() { var cancelQuery = "SELECT pg_cancel_backend(pid) FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE query ~ 'pg_sleep' AND NOT query ~ 'pg_cancel_backend'" cancelClient.query(cancelQuery) }, 50) } runStream(function(err) { assert.notEqual(err, null) var expectedMessage = 'canceling statement due to user request' assert.notEqual(err.toString().indexOf(expectedMessage), -1, 'Error message should mention reason for query failure.') cancelClient.end() queryClient.end() }) } testInternalPostgresError() var testNoticeResponse = function() { // we use a special trick to generate a warning // on the copy stream. var queryClient = client() var set = ''; set += 'SET SESSION client_min_messages = WARNING;' set += 'SET SESSION standard_conforming_strings = off;' set += 'SET SESSION escape_string_warning = on;' queryClient.query(set, function(err, res) { assert.equal(err, null, 'testNoticeResponse - could not SET parameters') var runStream = function(callback) { var txt = "COPY (SELECT '\\\n') TO STDOUT" var stream = queryClient.query(copy(txt)) stream.on('data', function(data) { }) stream.on('error', callback) // make sure stream is pulled from stream.pipe(concat(callback.bind(null,null))) } runStream(function(err) { assert.equal(err, null, err) queryClient.end() }) }) } testNoticeResponse();