'use strict'; var CopyToQueryStream = require('./copy-to') module.exports = { to: function(txt, options) { return new CopyToQueryStream(txt, options) }, from: function (txt, options) { return new CopyStreamQuery(txt, options) } } var Transform = require('stream').Transform var util = require('util') var code = require('./message-formats') var CopyStreamQuery = function(text, options) { Transform.call(this, options) this.text = text this._listeners = null this._copyOutResponse = null this.rowCount = 0 } util.inherits(CopyStreamQuery, Transform) CopyStreamQuery.prototype.submit = function(connection) { this.connection = connection connection.query(this.text) } CopyStreamQuery.prototype._transform = function(chunk, enc, cb) { var Int32Len = 4; var lenBuffer = Buffer.from([code.CopyData, 0, 0, 0, 0]) lenBuffer.writeUInt32BE(chunk.length + Int32Len, 1) this.push(lenBuffer) this.push(chunk) cb() } CopyStreamQuery.prototype._flush = function(cb) { var Int32Len = 4; var finBuffer = Buffer.from([code.CopyDone, 0, 0, 0, Int32Len]) this.push(finBuffer) this.cb_flush = cb } CopyStreamQuery.prototype.handleError = function(e) { this.emit('error', e) } CopyStreamQuery.prototype.handleCopyInResponse = function(connection) { this.pipe(connection.stream, { end: false }) } CopyStreamQuery.prototype.handleCommandComplete = function(msg) { // Parse affected row count as in // https://github.com/brianc/node-postgres/blob/35e5567f86774f808c2a8518dd312b8aa3586693/lib/result.js#L37 var match = /COPY (\d+)/.exec((msg || {}).text) if (match) { this.rowCount = parseInt(match[1], 10) } // we delay the _flush cb so that the 'end' event is // triggered after CommandComplete this.cb_flush() // unpipe from connection this.unpipe(this.connection) this.connection = null } CopyStreamQuery.prototype.handleReadyForQuery = function() { }