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var vows = require('vows')
, assert = require('assert')
, sandbox = require('sandboxed-module');
'options': {
topic: function() {
var appenderOptions,
log4js = sandbox.require(
{ requires:
{ './appenders/fake':
name: "fake",
appender: function() {},
configure: function(configuration, options) {
appenderOptions = options;
return function() {};
config = {
"appenders": [
"type" : "fake",
"filename" : "cheesy-wotsits.log"
log4js.configure(config, {
cwd: '/absolute/path/to'
return appenderOptions;
'should be passed to appenders during configuration': function(options) {
assert.equal(options.cwd, '/absolute/path/to');
'file appender': {
topic: function() {
var fileOpened,
fileAppender = sandbox.require(
{ requires:
{ '../streams':
RollingFileStream: function(file) {
fileOpened = file;
return {
on: function() {},
end: function() {}
fileAppender.configure({ filename: "whatever.log", maxLogSize: 10 }, { cwd: '/absolute/path/to' });
return fileOpened;
'should prepend options.cwd to config.filename': function(fileOpened) {
assert.equal(fileOpened, "/absolute/path/to/whatever.log");