//Note that smtp appender needs nodemailer to work. //If you haven't got nodemailer installed, you'll get cryptic //"cannot find module" errors when using the smtp appender var log4js = require('../lib/log4js') , log , logmailer , i = 0; log4js.configure({ "appenders": [ { type: "console", category: "test" }, { "type": "smtp", "recipients": "logfilerecipient@logging.com", "sendInterval": 5, "transport": "SMTP", "SMTP": { "host": "smtp.gmail.com", "secureConnection": true, "port": 465, "auth": { "user": "someone@gmail", "pass": "********************" }, "debug": true }, "category": "mailer" } ] }); log = log4js.getLogger("test"); logmailer = log4js.getLogger("mailer"); function doTheLogging(x) { log.info("Logging something %d", x); logmailer.info("Logging something %d", x); } for ( ; i < 500; i++) { doTheLogging(i); }