var vows = require('vows'), assert = require('assert'); //used for patternLayout tests. function test(args, pattern, value) { var layout = args[0] , event = args[1] , tokens = args[2]; assert.equal(layout(pattern, tokens)(event), value); } vows.describe('log4js layouts').addBatch({ 'colouredLayout': { topic: function() { return require('../lib/layouts').colouredLayout; }, 'should apply level colour codes to output': function(layout) { var output = layout({ data: ["nonsense"], startTime: new Date(2010, 11, 5, 14, 18, 30, 45), categoryName: "cheese", level: { toString: function() { return "ERROR"; } } }); assert.equal(output, '\033[31m[2010-12-05 14:18:30.045] [ERROR] cheese - \033[39mnonsense'); }, 'should support the console.log format for the message': function(layout) { var output = layout({ data: ["thing %d", 2], startTime: new Date(2010, 11, 5, 14, 18, 30, 45), categoryName: "cheese", level: { toString: function() { return "ERROR"; } } }); assert.equal(output, '\033[31m[2010-12-05 14:18:30.045] [ERROR] cheese - \033[39mthing 2'); } }, 'messagePassThroughLayout': { topic: function() { return require('../lib/layouts').messagePassThroughLayout; }, 'should take a logevent and output only the message' : function(layout) { assert.equal(layout({ data: ["nonsense"], startTime: new Date(2010, 11, 5, 14, 18, 30, 45), categoryName: "cheese", level: { colour: "green", toString: function() { return "ERROR"; } } }), "nonsense"); }, 'should support the console.log format for the message' : function(layout) { assert.equal(layout({ data: ["thing %d", 1, "cheese"] , startTime: new Date(2010, 11, 5, 14, 18, 30, 45) , categoryName: "cheese" , level : { colour: "green" , toString: function() { return "ERROR"; } } }), "thing 1 'cheese'"); }, 'should output the first item even if it is not a string': function(layout) { assert.equal(layout({ data: [ { thing: 1} ] , startTime: new Date(2010, 11, 5, 14, 18, 30, 45) , categoryName: "cheese" , level: { colour: "green" , toString: function() { return "ERROR"; } } }), "{ thing: 1 }"); }, 'should print the stacks of a passed error objects': function(layout) { assert.isArray(layout({ data: [ new Error() ] , startTime: new Date(2010, 11, 5, 14, 18, 30, 45) , categoryName: "cheese" , level: { colour: "green" , toString: function() { return "ERROR"; } } }).match(/Error\s+at Object\..*\s+\((.*)test[\\\/]layouts-test\.js\:\d+\:\d+\)\s+at runTest/) , 'regexp did not return a match'); }, 'with passed augmented errors': { topic: function(layout){ var e = new Error("My Unique Error Message"); e.augmented = "My Unique attribute value" e.augObj = { at1: "at2" } return layout({ data: [ e ] , startTime: new Date(2010, 11, 5, 14, 18, 30, 45) , categoryName: "cheese" , level: { colour: "green" , toString: function() { return "ERROR"; } } }); }, 'should print error the contained error message': function(layoutOutput) { var m = layoutOutput.match(/\{ \[Error: My Unique Error Message\]/); assert.isArray(m); }, 'should print error augmented string attributes': function(layoutOutput) { var m = layoutOutput.match(/augmented:\s'My Unique attribute value'/); assert.isArray(m); }, 'should print error augmented object attributes': function(layoutOutput) { var m = layoutOutput.match(/augObj:\s\{ at1: 'at2' \}/); assert.isArray(m); } } }, 'basicLayout': { topic: function() { var layout = require('../lib/layouts').basicLayout, event = { data: ['this is a test'], startTime: new Date(2010, 11, 5, 14, 18, 30, 45), categoryName: "tests", level: { toString: function() { return "DEBUG"; } } }; return [layout, event]; }, 'should take a logevent and output a formatted string': function(args) { var layout = args[0], event = args[1]; assert.equal(layout(event), "[2010-12-05 14:18:30.045] [DEBUG] tests - this is a test"); }, 'should output a stacktrace, message if the event has an error attached': function(args) { var layout = args[0], event = args[1], output, lines, error = new Error("Some made-up error"), stack = error.stack.split(/\n/); = ['this is a test', error]; output = layout(event); lines = output.split(/\n/); assert.equal(lines.length - 1, stack.length); assert.equal(lines[0], "[2010-12-05 14:18:30.045] [DEBUG] tests - this is a test [Error: Some made-up error]"); for (var i = 1; i < stack.length; i++) { assert.equal(lines[i+2], stack[i+1]); } }, 'should output any extra data in the log event as util.inspect strings': function(args) { var layout = args[0], event = args[1], output, lines; = ['this is a test', { name: 'Cheese', message: 'Gorgonzola smells.' }]; output = layout(event); assert.equal(output, "[2010-12-05 14:18:30.045] [DEBUG] tests - this is a test { name: 'Cheese', message: 'Gorgonzola smells.' }"); } }, 'patternLayout': { topic: function() { var event = { data: ['this is a test'], startTime: new Date(2010, 11, 5, 14, 18, 30, 45), categoryName: "multiple.levels.of.tests", level: { toString: function() { return "DEBUG"; } } }, layout = require('../lib/layouts').patternLayout , tokens = { testString: 'testStringToken', testFunction: function() { return 'testFunctionToken'; } }; return [layout, event, tokens]; }, 'should default to "time logLevel loggerName - message"': function(args) { test(args, null, "14:18:30 DEBUG multiple.levels.of.tests - this is a test\n"); }, '%r should output time only': function(args) { test(args, '%r', '14:18:30'); }, '%p should output the log level': function(args) { test(args, '%p', 'DEBUG'); }, '%c should output the log category': function(args) { test(args, '%c', 'multiple.levels.of.tests'); }, '%m should output the log data': function(args) { test(args, '%m', 'this is a test'); }, '%n should output a new line': function(args) { test(args, '%n', '\n'); }, '%c should handle category names like java-style package names': function(args) { test(args, '%c{1}', 'tests'); test(args, '%c{2}', 'of.tests'); test(args, '%c{3}', 'levels.of.tests'); test(args, '%c{4}', 'multiple.levels.of.tests'); test(args, '%c{5}', 'multiple.levels.of.tests'); test(args, '%c{99}', 'multiple.levels.of.tests'); }, '%d should output the date in ISO8601 format': function(args) { test(args, '%d', '2010-12-05 14:18:30.045'); }, '%d should allow for format specification': function(args) { test(args, '%d{ISO8601}', '2010-12-05 14:18:30.045'); test(args, '%d{ABSOLUTE}', '14:18:30.045'); test(args, '%d{DATE}', '05 12 2010 14:18:30.045'); test(args, '%d{yyyy MM dd}', '2010 12 05'); test(args, '%d{yyyy MM dd hh mm ss SSS}', '2010 12 05 14 18 30 045'); }, '%% should output %': function(args) { test(args, '%%', '%'); }, 'should output anything not preceded by % as literal': function(args) { test(args, 'blah blah blah', 'blah blah blah'); }, 'should handle complicated patterns': function(args) { test(args, '%m%n %c{2} at %d{ABSOLUTE} cheese %p%n', 'this is a test\n of.tests at 14:18:30.045 cheese DEBUG\n' ); }, 'should truncate fields if specified': function(args) { test(args, '%.4m', 'this'); test(args, '%.7m', 'this is'); test(args, '%.9m', 'this is a'); test(args, '%.14m', 'this is a test'); test(args, '%.2919102m', 'this is a test'); }, 'should pad fields if specified': function(args) { test(args, '%10p', ' DEBUG'); test(args, '%8p', ' DEBUG'); test(args, '%6p', ' DEBUG'); test(args, '%4p', 'DEBUG'); test(args, '%-4p', 'DEBUG'); test(args, '%-6p', 'DEBUG '); test(args, '%-8p', 'DEBUG '); test(args, '%-10p', 'DEBUG '); }, '%[%r%] should output colored time': function(args) { test(args, '%[%r%]', '\033[36m14:18:30\033[39m'); }, '%x{testString} should output the string stored in tokens': function(args) { test(args, '%x{testString}', 'testStringToken'); }, '%x{testFunction} should output the result of the function stored in tokens': function(args) { test(args, '%x{testFunction}', 'testFunctionToken'); }, '%x{doesNotExist} should output the string stored in tokens': function(args) { test(args, '%x{doesNotExist}', '%x{doesNotExist}'); }, '%x should output the string stored in tokens': function(args) { test(args, '%x', '%x'); }, } }).export(module);