var vows = require('vows'), assert = require('assert'); vows.describe('log4js').addBatch({ 'getLogger': { topic: function() { var log4js = require('../lib/log4js')(); log4js.clearAppenders(); var logger = log4js.getLogger('tests'); logger.setLevel("DEBUG"); return logger; }, 'should take a category and return a logger': function(logger) { assert.equal(logger.category, 'tests'); assert.equal(logger.level.toString(), "DEBUG"); assert.isFunction(logger.debug); assert.isFunction(; assert.isFunction(logger.warn); assert.isFunction(logger.error); assert.isFunction(logger.fatal); }, 'log events' : { topic: function(logger) { var events = []; logger.addListener("log", function (logEvent) { events.push(logEvent); }); logger.debug("Debug event"); logger.trace("Trace event 1"); logger.trace("Trace event 2"); logger.warn("Warning event"); return events; }, 'should emit log events': function(events) { assert.equal(events[0].level.toString(), 'DEBUG'); assert.equal(events[0].message, 'Debug event'); assert.instanceOf(events[0].startTime, Date); }, 'should not emit events of a lower level': function(events) { assert.length(events, 2); assert.equal(events[1].level.toString(), 'WARN'); } }, }, 'fileAppender': { topic: function() { var appender, logmessages = [], thing = "thing", fakeFS = { openSync: function() { assert.equal(arguments[0], './tmp-tests.log'); assert.equal(arguments[1], 'a'); assert.equal(arguments[2], 0644); return thing; }, write: function() { assert.equal(arguments[0], thing); assert.isString(arguments[1]); assert.isNull(arguments[2]); assert.equal(arguments[3], "utf8"); logmessages.push(arguments[1]); }, watchFile: function() { throw new Error("watchFile should not be called if logSize is not defined"); } }, log4js = require('../lib/log4js')(fakeFS); log4js.clearAppenders(); appender = log4js.fileAppender('./tmp-tests.log', log4js.messagePassThroughLayout); log4js.addAppender(appender, 'file-test'); var logger = log4js.getLogger('file-test'); logger.debug("this is a test"); return logmessages; }, 'should write log messages to file': function(logmessages) { assert.length(logmessages, 1); assert.equal(logmessages, "this is a test\n"); } }, 'fileAppender - with rolling based on size and number of files to keep': { topic: function() { var watchCb, filesOpened = [], filesClosed = [], filesRenamed = [], newFilenames = [], existingFiles = ['tests.log'], log4js = require('../lib/log4js')({ watchFile: function(file, options, callback) { assert.equal(file, 'tests.log'); assert.equal(options.persistent, false); assert.equal(options.interval, 30000); assert.isFunction(callback); watchCb = callback; }, openSync: function(file) { assert.equal(file, 'tests.log'); filesOpened.push(file); return file; }, statSync: function(file) { if (existingFiles.indexOf(file) < 0) { throw new Error("this file doesn't exist"); } else { return true; } }, renameSync: function(oldFile, newFile) { filesRenamed.push(oldFile); existingFiles.push(newFile); }, closeSync: function(file) { //it should always be closing tests.log assert.equal(file, 'tests.log'); filesClosed.push(file); } }); var appender = log4js.fileAppender('tests.log', log4js.messagePassThroughLayout, 1024, 2, 30); return [watchCb, filesOpened, filesClosed, filesRenamed, existingFiles]; }, 'should close current log file, rename all old ones, open new one on rollover': function(args) { var watchCb = args[0], filesOpened = args[1], filesClosed = args[2], filesRenamed = args[3], existingFiles = args[4]; assert.isFunction(watchCb); //tell the watchCb that the file is below the threshold watchCb({ size: 891 }, { size: 0 }); //filesOpened should still be the first one. assert.length(filesOpened, 1); //tell the watchCb that the file is now over the threshold watchCb({ size: 1053 }, { size: 891 }); //it should have closed the first log file. assert.length(filesClosed, 1); //it should have renamed the previous log file assert.length(filesRenamed, 1); //and we should have two files now assert.length(existingFiles, 2); assert.deepEqual(existingFiles, ['tests.log', 'tests.log.1']); //and opened a new log file. assert.length(filesOpened, 2); //now tell the watchCb that we've flipped over the threshold again watchCb({ size: 1025 }, { size: 123 }); //it should have closed the old file assert.length(filesClosed, 2); //it should have renamed both the old log file, and the previous '.1' file assert.length(filesRenamed, 3); assert.deepEqual(filesRenamed, ['tests.log', 'tests.log.1', 'tests.log' ]); //it should have renamed 2 more file assert.length(existingFiles, 4); assert.deepEqual(existingFiles, ['tests.log', 'tests.log.1', 'tests.log.2', 'tests.log.1']); //and opened a new log file assert.length(filesOpened, 3); //tell the watchCb we've flipped again. watchCb({ size: 1024 }, { size: 234 }); //close the old one again. assert.length(filesClosed, 3); //it should have renamed the old log file and the 2 backups, with the last one being overwritten. assert.length(filesRenamed, 5); assert.deepEqual(filesRenamed, ['tests.log', 'tests.log.1', 'tests.log', 'tests.log.1', 'tests.log' ]); //it should have renamed 2 more files assert.length(existingFiles, 6); assert.deepEqual(existingFiles, ['tests.log', 'tests.log.1', 'tests.log.2', 'tests.log.1', 'tests.log.2', 'tests.log.1']); //and opened a new log file assert.length(filesOpened, 4); } }, 'configure' : { topic: function() { var messages = {}, fakeFS = { openSync: function(file) { return file; }, write: function(file, message) { if (!messages.hasOwnProperty(file)) { messages[file] = []; } messages[file].push(message); }, readFileSync: function(file, encoding) { return require('fs').readFileSync(file, encoding); }, watchFile: function(file) { messages.watchedFile = file; } }, log4js = require('../lib/log4js')(fakeFS); return [ log4js, messages ]; }, 'should load appender configuration from a json file': function(args) { var log4js = args[0], messages = args[1]; delete messages['tmp-tests.log']; log4js.clearAppenders(); //this config file defines one file appender (to ./tmp-tests.log) //and sets the log level for "tests" to WARN log4js.configure('test/log4js.json'); var logger = log4js.getLogger("tests");'this should not be written to the file'); logger.warn('this should be written to the file'); assert.length(messages['tmp-tests.log'], 1); assert.equal(messages['tmp-tests.log'][0], 'this should be written to the file\n'); }, 'should handle logLevelFilter configuration': function(args) { var log4js = args[0], messages = args[1]; delete messages['tmp-tests.log']; delete messages['tmp-tests-warnings.log']; log4js.clearAppenders(); log4js.configure('test/with-logLevelFilter.json'); var logger = log4js.getLogger("tests");'main'); logger.error('both'); logger.warn('both'); logger.debug('main'); assert.length(messages['tmp-tests.log'], 4); assert.length(messages['tmp-tests-warnings.log'], 2); assert.deepEqual(messages['tmp-tests.log'], ['main\n','both\n','both\n','main\n']); assert.deepEqual(messages['tmp-tests-warnings.log'], ['both\n','both\n']); }, 'should handle fileAppender with log rolling' : function(args) { var log4js = args[0], messages = args[1]; delete messages['tmp-test.log']; log4js.configure('test/with-log-rolling.json'); assert.equal(messages.watchedFile, 'tmp-test.log'); } }, 'with no appenders defined' : { topic: function() { var logger, message, log4js = require('../lib/log4js')(null, function (msg) { message = msg; } ); logger = log4js.getLogger("some-logger"); logger.debug("This is a test"); return message; }, 'should default to the console appender': function(message) { assert.isTrue(/This is a test$/.test(message)); } }, 'default setup': { topic: function() { var pathsChecked = [], message, logger, fakeFS = { readFileSync: function (file, encoding) { assert.equal(file, '/path/to/config/log4js.json'); assert.equal(encoding, 'utf8'); return '{ "appenders" : [ { "type": "console", "layout": { "type": "messagePassThrough" }} ] }'; }, statSync: function (path) { pathsChecked.push(path); if (path === '/path/to/config/log4js.json') { return true; } else { throw new Error("no such file"); } } }, fakeConsoleLog = function (msg) { message = msg; }, fakeRequirePath = [ '/a/b/c', '/some/other/path', '/path/to/config', '/some/later/directory' ], log4js = require('../lib/log4js')(fakeFS, fakeConsoleLog, fakeRequirePath), logger = log4js.getLogger('a-test'); logger.debug("this is a test"); return [ pathsChecked, message ]; }, 'should check current directory, require paths, and finally the module dir for log4js.json': function(args) { var pathsChecked = args[0]; assert.deepEqual(pathsChecked, [ 'log4js.json', '/a/b/c/log4js.json', '/some/other/path/log4js.json', '/path/to/config/log4js.json', '/some/later/directory/log4js.json', require('path').normalize(__dirname + '/../lib/log4js.json') ]); }, 'should configure log4js from first log4js.json found': function(args) { var message = args[1]; assert.equal(message, 'this is a test'); } }, 'colouredLayout': { topic: function() { return require('../lib/log4js')().colouredLayout; }, 'should apply level colour codes to output': function(layout) { var output = layout({ message: "nonsense", startTime: new Date(2010, 11, 5, 14, 18, 30, 45), categoryName: "cheese", level: { colour: "green", toString: function() { return "ERROR"; } } }); assert.equal(output, '\033[90m[2010-12-05 14:18:30.045] \033[39m\033[32m[ERROR] \033[39m\033[90mcheese - \033[39mnonsense'); } }, 'messagePassThroughLayout': { topic: function() { return require('../lib/log4js')().messagePassThroughLayout; }, 'should take a logevent and output only the message' : function(layout) { assert.equal(layout({ message: "nonsense", startTime: new Date(2010, 11, 5, 14, 18, 30, 45), categoryName: "cheese", level: { colour: "green", toString: function() { return "ERROR"; } } }), "nonsense"); } }, 'logLevelFilter': { topic: function() { var log4js = require('../lib/log4js')(), logEvents = [], logger; log4js.clearAppenders(); log4js.addAppender(log4js.logLevelFilter('ERROR', function(evt) { logEvents.push(evt); })); logger = log4js.getLogger(); logger.debug('this should not trigger an event'); logger.warn('neither should this'); logger.error('this should, though'); logger.fatal('so should this'); return logEvents; }, 'should only pass log events greater than or equal to its own level' : function(logEvents) { assert.length(logEvents, 2); assert.equal(logEvents[0].message, 'this should, though'); assert.equal(logEvents[1].message, 'so should this'); } }, 'Date extensions': { topic: function() { require('../lib/log4js'); return new Date(2010, 0, 11, 14, 31, 30, 5); }, 'should add a toFormattedString method to Date': function(date) { assert.isFunction(date.toFormattedString); }, 'should default to a format': function(date) { assert.equal(date.toFormattedString(), '2010-01-11 14:31:30.005'); } } }).export(module);