var vows = require('vows') , assert = require('assert') , events = require('events') , fs = require('fs') , RollingFileStream = require('../lib/streams').RollingFileStream; function remove(filename) { try { fs.unlinkSync(filename); } catch (e) { //doesn't really matter if it failed } } vows.describe('RollingFileStream').addBatch({ 'arguments': { topic: function() { remove(__dirname + "/test-rolling-file-stream"); return new RollingFileStream("test-rolling-file-stream", 1024, 5); }, 'should take a filename, file size in bytes, number of backups as arguments and return a FileWriteStream': function(stream) { assert.instanceOf(stream, fs.FileWriteStream); assert.equal(stream.filename, "test-rolling-file-stream"); assert.equal(stream.size, 1024); assert.equal(stream.backups, 5); }, 'with default settings for the underlying stream': function(stream) { assert.equal(stream.mode, 420); assert.equal(stream.flags, 'a'); assert.equal(stream.encoding, 'utf8'); } }, 'with stream arguments': { topic: function() { remove(__dirname + '/test-rolling-file-stream'); return new RollingFileStream('test-rolling-file-stream', 1024, 5, { mode: 0666 }); }, 'should pass them to the underlying stream': function(stream) { assert.equal(stream.mode, 0666); } }, 'without size': { topic: function() { try { new RollingFileStream(__dirname + "/test-rolling-file-stream"); } catch (e) { return e; } }, 'should throw an error': function(err) { assert.instanceOf(err, Error); } }, 'without number of backups': { topic: function() { remove('test-rolling-file-stream'); return new RollingFileStream(__dirname + "/test-rolling-file-stream", 1024); }, 'should default to 1 backup': function(stream) { assert.equal(stream.backups, 1); } }, 'writing less than the file size': { topic: function() { remove(__dirname + "/test-rolling-file-stream-write-less"); var that = this, stream = new RollingFileStream(__dirname + "/test-rolling-file-stream-write-less", 100); stream.on("open", function() { that.callback(null, stream); }); }, '(when open)': { topic: function(stream) { stream.write("cheese", "utf8"); stream.end(); fs.readFile(__dirname + "/test-rolling-file-stream-write-less", "utf8", this.callback); }, 'should write to the file': function(contents) { assert.equal(contents, "cheese"); }, 'the number of files': { topic: function() { fs.readdir(__dirname, this.callback); }, 'should be one': function(files) { assert.equal(files.filter(function(file) { return file.indexOf('test-rolling-file-stream-write-less') > -1; }).length, 1); } } } }, 'writing more than the file size': { topic: function() { remove(__dirname + "/test-rolling-file-stream-write-more"); remove(__dirname + "/test-rolling-file-stream-write-more.1"); var that = this, stream = new RollingFileStream(__dirname + "/test-rolling-file-stream-write-more", 45); stream.on("open", function() { that.callback(null, stream); }); }, '(when open)': { topic: function(stream) { var that = this; for (var i=0; i < 7; i++) { stream.write(i +".cheese\n", "utf8"); } stream.end(function (err) { fs.readFile(__dirname + "/test-rolling-file-stream-write-more", "utf8", that.callback); }); }, 'should write to the file': function(contents) { assert.equal(contents, "5.cheese\n6.cheese\n"); }, 'the number of files': { topic: function() { fs.readdir(__dirname, this.callback); }, 'should be two': function(files) { assert.equal(files.filter(function(file) { return file.indexOf('test-rolling-file-stream-write-more') > -1; }).length, 2); } } } } }).exportTo(module);