var vows = require('vows') , assert = require('assert') , sandbox = require('sandboxed-module'); vows.describe('log4js').addBatch({ 'getLogger': { topic: function() { var log4js = require('../lib/log4js'); log4js.clearAppenders(); var logger = log4js.getLogger('tests'); logger.setLevel("DEBUG"); return logger; }, 'should take a category and return a logger': function(logger) { assert.equal(logger.category, 'tests'); assert.equal(logger.level.toString(), "DEBUG"); assert.isFunction(logger.debug); assert.isFunction(; assert.isFunction(logger.warn); assert.isFunction(logger.error); assert.isFunction(logger.fatal); }, 'log events' : { topic: function(logger) { var events = []; logger.addListener("log", function (logEvent) { events.push(logEvent); }); logger.debug("Debug event"); logger.trace("Trace event 1"); logger.trace("Trace event 2"); logger.warn("Warning event"); logger.error("Aargh!", new Error("Pants are on fire!")); logger.error("Simulated CouchDB problem", { err: 127, cause: "incendiary underwear" }); return events; }, 'should emit log events': function(events) { assert.equal(events[0].level.toString(), 'DEBUG'); assert.equal(events[0].data[0], 'Debug event'); assert.instanceOf(events[0].startTime, Date); }, 'should not emit events of a lower level': function(events) { assert.length(events, 4); assert.equal(events[1].level.toString(), 'WARN'); }, 'should include the error if passed in': function (events) { assert.instanceOf(events[2].data[1], Error); assert.equal(events[2].data[1].message, 'Pants are on fire!'); } }, }, 'invalid configuration': { 'should throw an exception': function() { assert.throws(function() { log4js.configure({ "type": "invalid" }); }); } }, 'configuration when passed as object': { topic: function() { var appenderConfig , log4js = sandbox.require( '../lib/log4js' , { requires: { './appenders/file.js': { name: "file" , appender: function() {} , configure: function(configuration) { appenderConfig = configuration; return function() {}; } } } } ) , config = { "appenders": [ { "type" : "file", "filename" : "cheesy-wotsits.log", "maxLogSize" : 1024, "backups" : 3, "pollInterval" : 15 } ] }; log4js.configure(config); return appenderConfig; }, 'should be passed to appender config': function(configuration) { assert.equal(configuration.filename, 'cheesy-wotsits.log'); } }, 'configuration when passed as filename': { topic: function() { var appenderConfig , configFilename , log4js = sandbox.require( '../lib/log4js' , { requires: { 'fs': { readFileSync: function(filename) { configFilename = filename; return JSON.stringify({ appenders: [ { type: "file" , filename: "whatever.log" } ] }); }, readdirSync: function() { return ['file.js']; } } , './appenders/file.js': { name: "file" , appender: function() {} , configure: function(configuration) { appenderConfig = configuration; return function() {}; } } } } ); log4js.configure("/path/to/cheese.json"); return [ configFilename, appenderConfig ]; }, 'should read the config from a file': function(args) { assert.equal(args[0], '/path/to/cheese.json'); }, 'should pass config to appender': function(args) { assert.equal(args[1].filename, "whatever.log"); } }, 'with no appenders defined' : { topic: function() { var logger , that = this , fakeConsoleAppender = { name: "console" , appender: function() { return function(evt) { that.callback(null, evt); } } , configure: function() { return fakeConsoleAppender.appender(); } } , log4js = sandbox.require( '../lib/log4js' , { requires: { './appenders/console.js': fakeConsoleAppender } } ); logger = log4js.getLogger("some-logger"); logger.debug("This is a test"); }, 'should default to the console appender': function(evt) { assert.equal([0], "This is a test"); } }, 'addAppender' : { topic: function() { var log4js = require('../lib/log4js'); log4js.clearAppenders(); return log4js; }, 'without a category': { 'should register the function as a listener for all loggers': function (log4js) { var appenderEvent, appender = function(evt) { appenderEvent = evt; }, logger = log4js.getLogger("tests"); log4js.addAppender(appender); logger.debug("This is a test"); assert.equal([0], "This is a test"); assert.equal(appenderEvent.categoryName, "tests"); assert.equal(appenderEvent.level.toString(), "DEBUG"); }, 'should also register as an appender for loggers if an appender for that category is defined': function (log4js) { var otherEvent, appenderEvent, cheeseLogger; log4js.addAppender(function (evt) { appenderEvent = evt; }); log4js.addAppender(function (evt) { otherEvent = evt; }, 'cheese'); cheeseLogger = log4js.getLogger('cheese'); cheeseLogger.debug('This is a test'); assert.deepEqual(appenderEvent, otherEvent); assert.equal([0], 'This is a test'); assert.equal(otherEvent.categoryName, 'cheese'); otherEvent = undefined; appenderEvent = undefined; log4js.getLogger('pants').debug("this should not be propagated to otherEvent"); assert.isUndefined(otherEvent); assert.equal([0], "this should not be propagated to otherEvent"); } }, 'with a category': { 'should only register the function as a listener for that category': function(log4js) { var appenderEvent, appender = function(evt) { appenderEvent = evt; }, logger = log4js.getLogger("tests"); log4js.addAppender(appender, 'tests'); logger.debug('this is a category test'); assert.equal([0], 'this is a category test'); appenderEvent = undefined; log4js.getLogger('some other category').debug('Cheese'); assert.isUndefined(appenderEvent); } }, 'with multiple categories': { 'should register the function as a listener for all the categories': function(log4js) { var appenderEvent, appender = function(evt) { appenderEvent = evt; }, logger = log4js.getLogger('tests'); log4js.addAppender(appender, 'tests', 'biscuits'); logger.debug('this is a test'); assert.equal([0], 'this is a test'); appenderEvent = undefined; var otherLogger = log4js.getLogger('biscuits'); otherLogger.debug("mmm... garibaldis"); assert.equal([0], "mmm... garibaldis"); appenderEvent = undefined; log4js.getLogger("something else").debug("pants"); assert.isUndefined(appenderEvent); }, 'should register the function when the list of categories is an array': function(log4js) { var appenderEvent, appender = function(evt) { appenderEvent = evt; }; log4js.addAppender(appender, ['tests', 'pants']); log4js.getLogger('tests').debug('this is a test'); assert.equal([0], 'this is a test'); appenderEvent = undefined; log4js.getLogger('pants').debug("big pants"); assert.equal([0], "big pants"); appenderEvent = undefined; log4js.getLogger("something else").debug("pants"); assert.isUndefined(appenderEvent); } } }, 'default setup': { topic: function() { var pathsChecked = [], appenderEvent, logger, modulePath = require('path').normalize(__dirname + '/../lib/log4js.json'), fakeFS = { readdirSync: function(dir) { return require('fs').readdirSync(dir); }, readFileSync: function (file, encoding) { assert.equal(file, modulePath); assert.equal(encoding, 'utf8'); return '{ "appenders" : [ { "type": "console", "layout": { "type": "messagePassThrough" }} ] }'; }, statSync: function (path) { pathsChecked.push(path); if (path === modulePath) { return true; } else { throw new Error("no such file"); } } }, fakeConsole = { 'name': 'console' , 'appender': function () { return function(evt) { appenderEvent = evt; } } , 'configure': function (config) { return fakeConsole.appender(); } }, log4js = sandbox.require( '../lib/log4js', { requires: { 'fs': fakeFS , './appenders/console.js': fakeConsole } } ); logger = log4js.getLogger('a-test'); logger.debug("this is a test"); return [ pathsChecked, appenderEvent, modulePath ]; }, 'should check current directory, require paths, and finally the module dir for log4js.json': function(args) { var pathsChecked = args[0]; expectedPaths = ['log4js.json'].concat( { return item + '/log4js.json'; }), args[2] ); assert.deepEqual(pathsChecked, expectedPaths); }, 'should configure log4js from first log4js.json found': function(args) { var appenderEvent = args[1]; assert.equal([0], 'this is a test'); } }, 'console' : { topic: function() { var fakeConsole = {} , logEvents = [] , log4js; ['trace','debug','log','info','warn','error'].forEach(function(fn) { fakeConsole[fn] = function() { throw new Error("this should not be called."); }; }); log4js = sandbox.require( '../lib/log4js' , { globals: { console: fakeConsole } } ); log4js.clearAppenders(); log4js.addAppender(function(evt) { logEvents.push(evt); }); fakeConsole.log("Some debug message someone put in a module"); fakeConsole.debug("Some debug"); fakeConsole.error("An error");"some info"); fakeConsole.warn("a warning"); fakeConsole.log("cheese (%s) and biscuits (%s)", "gouda", "garibaldis"); fakeConsole.log({ lumpy: "tapioca" }); fakeConsole.log("count %d", 123); fakeConsole.log("stringify %j", { lumpy: "tapioca" }); return logEvents; }, 'should replace console.log methods with log4js ones': function(logEvents) { assert.equal(logEvents[0].data[0], "Some debug message someone put in a module"); assert.equal(logEvents[0].level.toString(), "INFO"); assert.equal(logEvents[1].data[0], "Some debug"); assert.equal(logEvents[1].level.toString(), "DEBUG"); assert.equal(logEvents[2].data[0], "An error"); assert.equal(logEvents[2].level.toString(), "ERROR"); assert.equal(logEvents[3].data[0], "some info"); assert.equal(logEvents[3].level.toString(), "INFO"); assert.equal(logEvents[4].data[0], "a warning"); assert.equal(logEvents[4].level.toString(), "WARN"); } }, 'configuration persistence' : { 'should maintain appenders between requires': function () { var logEvent, firstLog4js = require('../lib/log4js'), secondLog4js; firstLog4js.clearAppenders(); firstLog4js.addAppender(function(evt) { logEvent = evt; }); secondLog4js = require('../lib/log4js'); secondLog4js.getLogger().info("This should go to the appender defined in firstLog4js"); assert.equal([0], "This should go to the appender defined in firstLog4js"); } }, 'configuration reload' : { topic: function() { var pathsChecked = [], logEvents = [], logger, modulePath = require('path').normalize(__dirname + '/../lib/log4js.json'), fakeFS = { config: { appenders: [ { type: 'console', layout: { type: 'messagePassThrough' } } ], levels: { 'a-test' : 'INFO' } }, readdirSync: function(dir) { return require('fs').readdirSync(dir); }, readFileSync: function (file, encoding) { assert.equal(file, modulePath); assert.equal(encoding, 'utf8'); return JSON.stringify(fakeFS.config); }, statSync: function (path) { pathsChecked.push(path); if (path === modulePath) { return { mtime: new Date() }; } else { throw new Error("no such file"); } } }, fakeConsole = { 'name': 'console', 'appender': function () { return function(evt) { logEvents.push(evt); }; }, 'configure': function (config) { return fakeConsole.appender(); } }, setIntervalCallback, fakeSetInterval = function(cb, timeout) { setIntervalCallback = cb; }, log4js = sandbox.require( '../lib/log4js', { requires: { 'fs': fakeFS, './appenders/console.js': fakeConsole }, globals: { 'console': fakeConsole, 'setInterval' : fakeSetInterval, } } ); logger = log4js.getLogger('a-test');"info1"); logger.debug("debug2 - should be ignored"); delete fakeFS.config.levels; setIntervalCallback();"info3"); logger.debug("debug4"); return [ pathsChecked, logEvents, modulePath ]; }, 'should configure log4js from first log4js.json found': function(args) { var logEvents = args[1]; assert.length(logEvents, 3); assert.equal(logEvents[0].data[0], 'info1'); assert.equal(logEvents[1].data[0], 'info3'); assert.equal(logEvents[2].data[0], 'debug4'); } } }).export(module);