var layouts = require("../layouts"), mailer = require("nodemailer"); /** * SMTP Appender. Sends logging events using SMTP protocol. * It can either send an email on each event or group several logging events gathered during specified interval. * * @param recipients comma separated list of email recipients * @param sender sender of all emails (defaults to SMTP user) * @param subject subject of all email messages (defaults to first event's message) * @param layout a function that takes a logevent and returns a string (defaults to basicLayout). * @param smtpConfig SMTP configuration for 'nodemailer' * @param sendInterval the time in seconds between sending attempts (defaults to 0); * all events are buffered and sent in one email during this time; if 0 than every event sends an email */ function smtpAppender(recipients, sender, subject, layout, smtpConfig, sendInterval) { sender = sender || smtpConfig.user; layout = layout || layouts.basicLayout; subjectLayout = layouts.messagePassThroughLayout; mailer.SMTP = smtpConfig; sendInterval = sendInterval*1000 || 0; var logEventBuffer = []; var sendTimer; function sendBuffer() { if (logEventBuffer.length == 0) return; var firstEvent = logEventBuffer[0]; var body = ""; while (logEventBuffer.length > 0) { body += layout(logEventBuffer.shift()) + "\n"; } var msg = { sender: sender, to: recipients, subject: subject || subjectLayout(firstEvent), body: body }; mailer.send_mail(msg, function(error, success) { if (error) { console.error("log4js.smtpAppender - Error happened ", error); } }); } function scheduleSend() { if (!sendTimer) sendTimer = setTimeout(function() { sendTimer = null; sendBuffer(); }, sendInterval); } return function(loggingEvent) { logEventBuffer.push(loggingEvent); if (sendInterval > 0) scheduleSend(); else sendBuffer(); }; } function configure(config) { var layout; if (config.layout) { layout = layouts.layout(config.layout.type, config.layout); } return smtpAppender(config.recipients, config.sender, config.subject, layout, config.smtp, config.sendInterval); } = "smtp"; exports.appender = smtpAppender; exports.configure = configure;