"use strict"; var fs = require('fs') , stream , debug = require('../debug')('BaseRollingFileStream') , util = require('util') , semver = require('semver'); if (semver.satisfies(process.version, '>=0.10.0')) { stream = require('stream'); } else { stream = require('readable-stream'); } module.exports = BaseRollingFileStream; function BaseRollingFileStream(filename, options) { debug("In BaseRollingFileStream"); this.filename = filename; this.options = options || {}; this.options.encoding = this.options.encoding || 'utf8'; this.options.mode = this.options.mode || parseInt('0644', 8); this.options.flags = this.options.flags || 'a'; this.currentSize = 0; function currentFileSize(file) { var fileSize = 0; try { fileSize = fs.statSync(file).size; } catch (e) { // file does not exist } return fileSize; } function throwErrorIfArgumentsAreNotValid() { if (!filename) { throw new Error("You must specify a filename"); } } throwErrorIfArgumentsAreNotValid(); debug("Calling BaseRollingFileStream.super"); BaseRollingFileStream.super_.call(this); this.openTheStream(); this.currentSize = currentFileSize(this.filename); } util.inherits(BaseRollingFileStream, stream.Writable); BaseRollingFileStream.prototype._write = function(chunk, encoding, callback) { var that = this; function writeTheChunk() { debug("writing the chunk to the underlying stream"); that.currentSize += chunk.length; try { that.theStream.write(chunk, encoding, callback); } catch (err){ debug(err); callback(); } } debug("in _write"); if (this.shouldRoll()) { this.currentSize = 0; this.roll(this.filename, writeTheChunk); } else { writeTheChunk(); } }; BaseRollingFileStream.prototype.openTheStream = function(cb) { debug("opening the underlying stream"); this.theStream = fs.createWriteStream(this.filename, this.options); if (cb) { this.theStream.on("open", cb); } }; BaseRollingFileStream.prototype.closeTheStream = function(cb) { debug("closing the underlying stream"); this.theStream.end(cb); }; BaseRollingFileStream.prototype.shouldRoll = function() { return false; // default behaviour is never to roll }; BaseRollingFileStream.prototype.roll = function(filename, callback) { callback(); // default behaviour is not to do anything };