All tests pass, moved appenders into separate files, so that extra ones can be added easily

Gareth Jones 13 years ago
parent 545681287f
commit ef9fe3a4b1

@ -18,8 +18,6 @@
* @fileoverview log4js is a library to log in JavaScript in similar manner
* than in log4j for Java. The API should be nearly the same.
* This file contains all log4js code and is the only file required for logging.
* <h3>Example:</h3>
* <pre>
* var logging = require('log4js');
@ -37,6 +35,8 @@
* log.trace("trace me" );
* </pre>
* NOTE: the authors below are the original browser-based log4js authors
* don't try to contact them about bugs in this version :)
* @version 1.0
* @author Stephan Strittmatter -
* @author Seth Chisamore -
@ -136,7 +136,9 @@ function configureAppenders(appenderList) {
if (appenderList) {
appenderList.forEach(function(appenderConfig) {
var appender = appenderMakers[appenderConfig.type](appenderConfig);
var appender;
appenderConfig.makers = appenderMakers;
appender = appenderMakers[appenderConfig.type](appenderConfig);
if (appender) {
addAppender(appender, appenderConfig.category);
} else {
@ -144,7 +146,7 @@ function configureAppenders(appenderList) {
} else {
@ -247,7 +249,6 @@ function configure (configurationFileOrObject) {
if (config) {
try {
config.makers = appenderMakers;
} catch (e) {
@ -283,10 +284,11 @@ function replaceConsole(logger) {
['log','debug','info','warn','error'].forEach(function (item) {
if (console['_preLog4js_log'] === undefined) {
console['_preLog4js_'+item] = console[item];
console[item] = replaceWith(item === 'log' ? : logger[item]);
function loadAppenders() {

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
var log4js = require('./lib/log4js')
, log
, i = 0;
"appenders": [
"type": "file",
"filename": "tmp-test.log",
"maxLogSize": 1024,
"backups": 3,
"pollInterval": 0.1,
"category": "test"
type: "console"
, category: "console"
log = log4js.getLogger("test");
function doTheLogging(x) {"Logging something %d", x);
for ( ; i < 100000; i++) {

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ function remove(filename) {
vows.describe('log4js fileAppender').addBatch({
'with default fileAppender settings': {
topic: function() {
var testFile = __dirname + '/fa-default-test.log'
@ -122,5 +123,61 @@ vows.describe('log4js fileAppender').addBatch({
'configure' : {
'with fileAppender': {
topic: function() {
var log4js = require('../lib/log4js')
, logger;
//this config file defines one file appender (to ./tmp-tests.log)
//and sets the log level for "tests" to WARN
logger = log4js.getLogger('tests');'this should not be written to the file');
logger.warn('this should be written to the file');
fs.readFile('tmp-tests.log', 'utf8', this.callback);
'should load appender configuration from a json file': function(err, contents) {
assert.include(contents, 'this should be written to the file\n');
assert.equal(contents.indexOf('this should not be written to the file'), -1);
'and log rolling': {
topic: function() {
var sandbox = require('sandboxed-module')
, that = this
, fileAppender = sandbox.require(
, { requires:
{ 'fs':
watchFile: function(filename, options, cb) {
that.callback(null, filename);
, createWriteStream: function() {
return {
on: function() {}
, end: function() {}
, destroy: function() {}
filename: "cheese.log"
, maxLogSize: 100
, backups: 5
, pollInterval: 30
'should watch the log file': function(watchedFile) {
assert.equal(watchedFile, 'cheese.log');

@ -106,11 +106,10 @@ vows.describe('log4js layouts').addBatch({
output = layout(event);
lines = output.split(/\n/);
assert.length(lines, stack.length+1);
assert.equal(lines[0], "[2010-12-05 14:18:30.045] [DEBUG] tests - this is a test");
assert.equal(lines[1], "Error: Some made-up error");
assert.length(lines, stack.length);
assert.equal(lines[0], "[2010-12-05 14:18:30.045] [DEBUG] tests - this is a test Error: Some made-up error");
for (var i = 1; i < stack.length; i++) {
assert.equal(lines[i+1], stack[i]);
assert.equal(lines[i+1], stack[i+1]);
'should output any extra data in the log event as util.inspect strings': function(args) {
@ -120,11 +119,7 @@ vows.describe('log4js layouts').addBatch({
message: 'Gorgonzola smells.'
output = layout(event);
lines = output.split(/\n/);
assert.length(lines, 2);
assert.equal(lines[0], "[2010-12-05 14:18:30.045] [DEBUG] tests - this is a test");
assert.equal(lines[1], "{ name: 'Cheese', message: 'Gorgonzola smells.' }");
assert.equal(output, "[2010-12-05 14:18:30.045] [DEBUG] tests - this is a test { name: 'Cheese', message: 'Gorgonzola smells.' }");

@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
var vows = require('vows')
, fs = require('fs')
, assert = require('assert');
function remove(filename) {
try {
} catch (e) {
//doesn't really matter if it failed
vows.describe('log4js logLevelFilter').addBatch({
'appender': {
topic: function() {
var log4js = require('../lib/log4js'), logEvents = [], logger;
log4js.addAppender(log4js.logLevelFilter('ERROR', function(evt) { logEvents.push(evt); }), "logLevelTest");
logger = log4js.getLogger("logLevelTest");
logger.debug('this should not trigger an event');
logger.warn('neither should this');
logger.error('this should, though');
logger.fatal('so should this');
return logEvents;
'should only pass log events greater than or equal to its own level' : function(logEvents) {
assert.length(logEvents, 2);
assert.equal(logEvents[0].data[0], 'this should, though');
assert.equal(logEvents[1].data[0], 'so should this');
'configure': {
topic: function() {
var log4js = require('../lib/log4js')
, logger;
remove(__dirname + '/logLevelFilter.log');
remove(__dirname + '/logLevelFilter-warnings.log');
logger = log4js.getLogger("tests");'main');
return logger;
'tmp-tests.log': {
topic: function() {
fs.readFile(__dirname + '/logLevelFilter.log', 'utf8', this.callback);
'should contain all log messages': function(contents) {
var messages = contents.trim().split('\n');
assert.deepEqual(messages, ['main','both','both','main']);
'tmp-tests-warnings.log': {
topic: function() {
fs.readFile(__dirname + '/logLevelFilter-warnings.log','utf8',this.callback);
'should contain only error and warning log messages': function(contents) {
var messages = contents.trim().split('\n');
assert.deepEqual(messages, ['both','both']);

@ -55,81 +55,33 @@ vows.describe('log4js').addBatch({
'configure' : {
topic: function() {
var messages = {}, fakeFS = {
createWriteStream: function(file) {
return {
write: function(message) {
if (!messages.hasOwnProperty(file)) {
messages[file] = [];
, end: function() {}
, destroySoon: function() {}
readdirSync: function(dir) {
return require('fs').readdirSync(dir);
readFileSync: function(file, encoding) {
return require('fs').readFileSync(file, encoding);
watchFile: function(file) {
messages.watchedFile = file;
'invalid configuration': {
'should throw an exception': function() {
assert.throws(function() {
log4js.configure({ "type": "invalid" });
log4js = sandbox.require(
'configuration when passed as object': {
topic: function() {
var appenderConfig
, log4js = sandbox.require(
, {
requires: {
'fs': fakeFS
, { requires:
{ './appenders/file.js':
name: "file"
, appender: function() {}
, configure: function(configuration) {
appenderConfig = configuration;
return function() {};
return [ log4js, messages ];
'should load appender configuration from a json file': function(args) {
var log4js = args[0], messages = args[1];
delete messages['tmp-tests.log'];
//this config file defines one file appender (to ./tmp-tests.log)
//and sets the log level for "tests" to WARN
var logger = log4js.getLogger("tests");'this should not be written to the file');
logger.warn('this should be written to the file');
assert.length(messages['tmp-tests.log'], 1);
assert.equal(messages['tmp-tests.log'][0], 'this should be written to the file\n');
'should handle logLevelFilter configuration': function(args) {
var log4js = args[0], messages = args[1];
delete messages['tmp-tests.log'];
delete messages['tmp-tests-warnings.log'];
var logger = log4js.getLogger("tests");'main');
assert.length(messages['tmp-tests.log'], 4);
assert.length(messages['tmp-tests-warnings.log'], 2);
assert.deepEqual(messages['tmp-tests.log'], ['main\n','both\n','both\n','main\n']);
assert.deepEqual(messages['tmp-tests-warnings.log'], ['both\n','both\n']);
'should handle fileAppender with log rolling' : function(args) {
var log4js = args[0], messages = args[1];
delete messages['tmp-test.log'];
assert.equal(messages.watchedFile, 'tmp-test.log');
'should handle an object or a file name': function(args) {
var log4js = args[0],
messages = args[1],
config = {
, config = {
"appenders": [
"type" : "file",
@ -140,34 +92,88 @@ vows.describe('log4js').addBatch({
delete messages['cheesy-wotsits.log'];
assert.equal(messages.watchedFile, 'cheesy-wotsits.log');
return appenderConfig;
'should be passed to appender config': function(configuration) {
assert.equal(configuration.filename, 'cheesy-wotsits.log');
'configuration when passed as filename': {
topic: function() {
var appenderConfig
, configFilename
, log4js = sandbox.require(
, { requires:
{ 'fs':
readFileSync: function(filename) {
configFilename = filename;
return JSON.stringify({
appenders: [
{ type: "file"
, filename: "whatever.log"
readdirSync: function() {
return ['file.js'];
, './appenders/file.js':
name: "file"
, appender: function() {}
, configure: function(configuration) {
appenderConfig = configuration;
return function() {};
return [ configFilename, appenderConfig ];
'should read the config from a file': function(args) {
assert.equal(args[0], '/path/to/cheese.json');
'should pass config to appender': function(args) {
assert.equal(args[1].filename, "whatever.log");
'with no appenders defined' : {
topic: function() {
var logger
, message
, that = this
, fakeConsoleAppender = {
name: "console"
, appender: function() {
return function(evt) {
that.callback(null, evt);
, configure: function() {
return fakeConsoleAppender.appender();
, log4js = sandbox.require(
, {
globals: {
console: {
log: function(msg) {
message = msg;
requires: {
'./appenders/console.js': fakeConsoleAppender
logger = log4js.getLogger("some-logger");
logger.debug("This is a test");
return message;
'should default to the console appender': function(message) {
assert.isTrue(/This is a test$/.test(message));
'should default to the console appender': function(evt) {
assert.equal([0], "This is a test");
@ -259,7 +265,7 @@ vows.describe('log4js').addBatch({
'default setup': {
topic: function() {
var pathsChecked = [],
modulePath = require('path').normalize(__dirname + '/../lib/log4js.json'),
fakeFS = {
@ -281,28 +287,27 @@ vows.describe('log4js').addBatch({
fakeConsole = {
log : function (msg) { message = msg; },
info: this.log,
warn: this.log,
debug: this.log,
error: this.log
'name': 'console'
, 'appender': function () {
return function(evt) { appenderEvent = evt; }
, 'configure': function (config) {
return fakeConsole.appender();
log4js = sandbox.require(
requires: {
'fs': fakeFS
globals: {
'console': fakeConsole
, './appenders/console.js': fakeConsole
logger = log4js.getLogger('a-test');
logger.debug("this is a test");
return [ pathsChecked, message, modulePath ];
return [ pathsChecked, appenderEvent, modulePath ];
'should check current directory, require paths, and finally the module dir for log4js.json': function(args) {
@ -317,27 +322,8 @@ vows.describe('log4js').addBatch({
'should configure log4js from first log4js.json found': function(args) {
var message = args[1];
assert.equal(message, 'this is a test');
'logLevelFilter': {
topic: function() {
var log4js = require('../lib/log4js'), logEvents = [], logger;
log4js.addAppender(log4js.logLevelFilter('ERROR', function(evt) { logEvents.push(evt); }), "logLevelTest");
logger = log4js.getLogger("logLevelTest");
logger.debug('this should not trigger an event');
logger.warn('neither should this');
logger.error('this should, though');
logger.fatal('so should this');
return logEvents;
'should only pass log events greater than or equal to its own level' : function(logEvents) {
assert.length(logEvents, 2);
assert.equal(logEvents[0].data[0], 'this should, though');
assert.equal(logEvents[1].data[0], 'so should this');
var appenderEvent = args[1];
assert.equal([0], 'this is a test');

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
"level": "WARN",
"appender": {
"type": "file",
"filename": "tmp-tests-warnings.log",
"filename": "test/logLevelFilter-warnings.log",
"layout": {
"type": "messagePassThrough"
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
"category": "tests",
"type": "file",
"filename": "tmp-tests.log",
"filename": "test/logLevelFilter.log",
"layout": {
"type": "messagePassThrough"
