Getting my lint on (via bob)

Gareth Jones 11 years ago
parent 8383dfc4f4
commit b356dec318

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
"build": "clean lint coverage test",
"lint": {
"type": "jshint"
"coverage": {
"type": "vows"
"test": {
"type": "vows"

.gitignore vendored

@ -3,3 +3,4 @@

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
"node": true,
"laxcomma": true,
"indent": 2,
"globalstrict": true,
"maxparams": 5,
"maxdepth": 3,
"maxstatements": 20,
"maxcomplexity": 5,
"maxlen": 100,
"globals": {
"describe": true,
"it": true

@ -1,19 +1,20 @@
var layouts = require('../layouts'),
consoleLog = console.log;
"use strict";
var layouts = require('../layouts')
, consoleLog = console.log;
function consoleAppender (layout) {
layout = layout || layouts.colouredLayout;
return function(loggingEvent) {
layout = layout || layouts.colouredLayout;
return function(loggingEvent) {
function configure(config) {
var layout;
if (config.layout) {
layout = layouts.layout(config.layout.type, config.layout);
return consoleAppender(layout);
var layout;
if (config.layout) {
layout = layouts.layout(config.layout.type, config.layout);
return consoleAppender(layout);
exports.appender = consoleAppender;

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
"use strict";
var vows = require('vows')
, assert = require('assert')
, fs = require('fs')
@ -11,177 +12,216 @@ if (semver.satisfies(process.version, '>=0.10.0')) {
} else {
streams = require('readable-stream');
DateRollingFileStream = require('../../lib/streams').DateRollingFileStream
DateRollingFileStream = require('../../lib/streams').DateRollingFileStream;
function cleanUp(filename) {
return function() {
return function() {
function now() {
return testTime.getTime();
return testTime.getTime();
'arguments': {
topic: new DateRollingFileStream(__dirname + '/test-date-rolling-file-stream-1', 'yyyy-mm-dd.hh'),
teardown: cleanUp(__dirname + '/test-date-rolling-file-stream-1'),
'should take a filename and a pattern and return a WritableStream': function(stream) {
assert.equal(stream.filename, __dirname + '/test-date-rolling-file-stream-1');
assert.equal(stream.pattern, 'yyyy-mm-dd.hh');
assert.instanceOf(stream, streams.Writable);
'with default settings for the underlying stream': function(stream) {
assert.equal(stream.theStream.mode, 420);
assert.equal(stream.theStream.flags, 'a');
//encoding is not available on the underlying stream
//assert.equal(stream.encoding, 'utf8');
'arguments': {
topic: new DateRollingFileStream(
__dirname + '/test-date-rolling-file-stream-1',
teardown: cleanUp(__dirname + '/test-date-rolling-file-stream-1'),
'should take a filename and a pattern and return a WritableStream': function(stream) {
assert.equal(stream.filename, __dirname + '/test-date-rolling-file-stream-1');
assert.equal(stream.pattern, 'yyyy-mm-dd.hh');
assert.instanceOf(stream, streams.Writable);
'with default settings for the underlying stream': function(stream) {
assert.equal(stream.theStream.mode, 420);
assert.equal(stream.theStream.flags, 'a');
//encoding is not available on the underlying stream
//assert.equal(stream.encoding, 'utf8');
'default arguments': {
topic: new DateRollingFileStream(__dirname + '/test-date-rolling-file-stream-2'),
teardown: cleanUp(__dirname + '/test-date-rolling-file-stream-2'),
'default arguments': {
topic: new DateRollingFileStream(__dirname + '/test-date-rolling-file-stream-2'),
teardown: cleanUp(__dirname + '/test-date-rolling-file-stream-2'),
'pattern should be .yyyy-MM-dd': function(stream) {
assert.equal(stream.pattern, '.yyyy-MM-dd');
'pattern should be .yyyy-MM-dd': function(stream) {
assert.equal(stream.pattern, '.yyyy-MM-dd');
'with stream arguments': {
topic: new DateRollingFileStream(
__dirname + '/test-date-rolling-file-stream-3',
{ mode: parseInt('0666', 8) }
teardown: cleanUp(__dirname + '/test-date-rolling-file-stream-3'),
'should pass them to the underlying stream': function(stream) {
assert.equal(stream.theStream.mode, parseInt('0666', 8));
'with stream arguments': {
topic: new DateRollingFileStream(__dirname + '/test-date-rolling-file-stream-3', 'yyyy-MM-dd', { mode: 0666 }),
teardown: cleanUp(__dirname + '/test-date-rolling-file-stream-3'),
'with stream arguments but no pattern': {
topic: new DateRollingFileStream(
__dirname + '/test-date-rolling-file-stream-4',
{ mode: parseInt('0666', 8) }
teardown: cleanUp(__dirname + '/test-date-rolling-file-stream-4'),
'should pass them to the underlying stream': function(stream) {
assert.equal(stream.theStream.mode, 0666);
'should pass them to the underlying stream': function(stream) {
assert.equal(stream.theStream.mode, parseInt('0666', 8));
'should use default pattern': function(stream) {
assert.equal(stream.pattern, '.yyyy-MM-dd');
'with a pattern of .yyyy-MM-dd': {
topic: function() {
var that = this,
stream = new DateRollingFileStream(
__dirname + '/test-date-rolling-file-stream-5', '.yyyy-MM-dd',
stream.write("First message\n", 'utf8', function() {
that.callback(null, stream);
teardown: cleanUp(__dirname + '/test-date-rolling-file-stream-5'),
'should create a file with the base name': {
topic: function(stream) {
fs.readFile(__dirname + '/test-date-rolling-file-stream-5', this.callback);
'file should contain first message': function(result) {
assert.equal(result.toString(), "First message\n");
'with stream arguments but no pattern': {
topic: new DateRollingFileStream(__dirname + '/test-date-rolling-file-stream-4', { mode: 0666 }),
teardown: cleanUp(__dirname + '/test-date-rolling-file-stream-4'),
'when the day changes': {
topic: function(stream) {
testTime = new Date(2012, 8, 13, 0, 10, 12);
stream.write("Second message\n", 'utf8', this.callback);
teardown: cleanUp(__dirname + '/test-date-rolling-file-stream-5.2012-09-12'),
'should pass them to the underlying stream': function(stream) {
assert.equal(stream.theStream.mode, 0666);
'the number of files': {
topic: function() {
fs.readdir(__dirname, this.callback);
'should use default pattern': function(stream) {
assert.equal(stream.pattern, '.yyyy-MM-dd');
'should be two': function(files) {
function(file) {
return file.indexOf('test-date-rolling-file-stream-5') > -1;
'with a pattern of .yyyy-MM-dd': {
'the file without a date': {
topic: function() {
var that = this,
stream = new DateRollingFileStream(__dirname + '/test-date-rolling-file-stream-5', '.yyyy-MM-dd', null, now);
stream.write("First message\n", 'utf8', function() {
that.callback(null, stream);
teardown: cleanUp(__dirname + '/test-date-rolling-file-stream-5'),
'should create a file with the base name': {
topic: function(stream) {
fs.readFile(__dirname + '/test-date-rolling-file-stream-5', this.callback);
'file should contain first message': function(result) {
assert.equal(result.toString(), "First message\n");
fs.readFile(__dirname + '/test-date-rolling-file-stream-5', this.callback);
'should contain the second message': function(contents) {
assert.equal(contents.toString(), "Second message\n");
'when the day changes': {
topic: function(stream) {
testTime = new Date(2012, 8, 13, 0, 10, 12);
stream.write("Second message\n", 'utf8', this.callback);
teardown: cleanUp(__dirname + '/test-date-rolling-file-stream-5.2012-09-12'),
'the number of files': {
topic: function() {
fs.readdir(__dirname, this.callback);
'should be two': function(files) {
assert.equal(files.filter(function(file) { return file.indexOf('test-date-rolling-file-stream-5') > -1; }).length, 2);
'the file without a date': {
topic: function() {
fs.readFile(__dirname + '/test-date-rolling-file-stream-5', this.callback);
'should contain the second message': function(contents) {
assert.equal(contents.toString(), "Second message\n");
'the file with the date': {
topic: function() {
fs.readFile(__dirname + '/test-date-rolling-file-stream-5.2012-09-12', this.callback);
'should contain the first message': function(contents) {
assert.equal(contents.toString(), "First message\n");
'the file with the date': {
topic: function() {
fs.readFile(__dirname + '/test-date-rolling-file-stream-5.2012-09-12', this.callback);
'should contain the first message': function(contents) {
assert.equal(contents.toString(), "First message\n");
'with alwaysIncludePattern': {
topic: function() {
var that = this,
testTime = new Date(2012, 8, 12, 0, 10, 12),
stream = new DateRollingFileStream(
__dirname + '/test-date-rolling-file-stream-pattern',
{alwaysIncludePattern: true},
stream.write("First message\n", 'utf8', function() {
that.callback(null, stream);
teardown: cleanUp(__dirname + '/test-date-rolling-file-stream-pattern.2012-09-12'),
'should create a file with the pattern set': {
topic: function(stream) {
fs.readFile(__dirname + '/test-date-rolling-file-stream-pattern.2012-09-12', this.callback);
'file should contain first message': function(result) {
assert.equal(result.toString(), "First message\n");
'with alwaysIncludePattern': {
'when the day changes': {
topic: function(stream) {
testTime = new Date(2012, 8, 13, 0, 10, 12);
stream.write("Second message\n", 'utf8', this.callback);
teardown: cleanUp(__dirname + '/test-date-rolling-file-stream-pattern.2012-09-13'),
'the number of files': {
topic: function() {
var that = this,
testTime = new Date(2012, 8, 12, 0, 10, 12),
stream = new DateRollingFileStream(__dirname + '/test-date-rolling-file-stream-pattern', '.yyyy-MM-dd', {alwaysIncludePattern: true}, now);
stream.write("First message\n", 'utf8', function() {
that.callback(null, stream);
fs.readdir(__dirname, this.callback);
teardown: cleanUp(__dirname + '/test-date-rolling-file-stream-pattern.2012-09-12'),
'should create a file with the pattern set': {
topic: function(stream) {
fs.readFile(__dirname + '/test-date-rolling-file-stream-pattern.2012-09-12', this.callback);
'file should contain first message': function(result) {
assert.equal(result.toString(), "First message\n");
'should be two': function(files) {
function(file) {
return file.indexOf('test-date-rolling-file-stream-pattern') > -1;
'the file with the later date': {
topic: function() {
__dirname + '/test-date-rolling-file-stream-pattern.2012-09-13',
'should contain the second message': function(contents) {
assert.equal(contents.toString(), "Second message\n");
'when the day changes': {
topic: function(stream) {
testTime = new Date(2012, 8, 13, 0, 10, 12);
stream.write("Second message\n", 'utf8', this.callback);
teardown: cleanUp(__dirname + '/test-date-rolling-file-stream-pattern.2012-09-13'),
'the number of files': {
topic: function() {
fs.readdir(__dirname, this.callback);
'should be two': function(files) {
assert.equal(files.filter(function(file) { return file.indexOf('test-date-rolling-file-stream-pattern') > -1; }).length, 2);
'the file with the later date': {
topic: function() {
fs.readFile(__dirname + '/test-date-rolling-file-stream-pattern.2012-09-13', this.callback);
'should contain the second message': function(contents) {
assert.equal(contents.toString(), "Second message\n");
'the file with the date': {
topic: function() {
fs.readFile(__dirname + '/test-date-rolling-file-stream-pattern.2012-09-12', this.callback);
'should contain the first message': function(contents) {
assert.equal(contents.toString(), "First message\n");
'the file with the date': {
topic: function() {
__dirname + '/test-date-rolling-file-stream-pattern.2012-09-12',
'should contain the first message': function(contents) {
assert.equal(contents.toString(), "First message\n");

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
"use strict";
var vows = require('vows')
, async = require('async')
, assert = require('assert')
@ -15,120 +16,146 @@ if (semver.satisfies(process.version, '>=0.10.0')) {
RollingFileStream = require('../../lib/streams').RollingFileStream;
function remove(filename) {
try {
} catch (e) {
//doesn't really matter if it failed
try {
} catch (e) {
//doesn't really matter if it failed
'arguments': {
topic: function() {
remove(__dirname + "/test-rolling-file-stream");
return new RollingFileStream("test-rolling-file-stream", 1024, 5);
'should take a filename, file size in bytes, number of backups as arguments and return a Writable': function(stream) {
assert.instanceOf(stream, streams.Writable);
assert.equal(stream.filename, "test-rolling-file-stream");
assert.equal(stream.size, 1024);
assert.equal(stream.backups, 5);
'with default settings for the underlying stream': function(stream) {
assert.equal(stream.theStream.mode, 420);
assert.equal(stream.theStream.flags, 'a');
//encoding isn't a property on the underlying stream
//assert.equal(stream.theStream.encoding, 'utf8');
'arguments': {
topic: function() {
remove(__dirname + "/test-rolling-file-stream");
return new RollingFileStream("test-rolling-file-stream", 1024, 5);
'with stream arguments': {
topic: function() {
remove(__dirname + '/test-rolling-file-stream');
return new RollingFileStream('test-rolling-file-stream', 1024, 5, { mode: 0666 });
'should pass them to the underlying stream': function(stream) {
assert.equal(stream.theStream.mode, 0666);
'should take a filename, file size (bytes), no. backups, return Writable': function(stream) {
assert.instanceOf(stream, streams.Writable);
assert.equal(stream.filename, "test-rolling-file-stream");
assert.equal(stream.size, 1024);
assert.equal(stream.backups, 5);
'without size': {
topic: function() {
try {
new RollingFileStream(__dirname + "/test-rolling-file-stream");
} catch (e) {
return e;
'should throw an error': function(err) {
assert.instanceOf(err, Error);
'with default settings for the underlying stream': function(stream) {
assert.equal(stream.theStream.mode, 420);
assert.equal(stream.theStream.flags, 'a');
//encoding isn't a property on the underlying stream
//assert.equal(stream.theStream.encoding, 'utf8');
'with stream arguments': {
topic: function() {
remove(__dirname + '/test-rolling-file-stream');
return new RollingFileStream(
{ mode: parseInt('0666', 8) }
'without number of backups': {
topic: function() {
return new RollingFileStream(__dirname + "/test-rolling-file-stream", 1024);
'should default to 1 backup': function(stream) {
assert.equal(stream.backups, 1);
'should pass them to the underlying stream': function(stream) {
assert.equal(stream.theStream.mode, parseInt('0666', 8));
'without size': {
topic: function() {
try {
new RollingFileStream(__dirname + "/test-rolling-file-stream");
} catch (e) {
return e;
'should throw an error': function(err) {
assert.instanceOf(err, Error);
'without number of backups': {
topic: function() {
return new RollingFileStream(__dirname + "/test-rolling-file-stream", 1024);
'should default to 1 backup': function(stream) {
assert.equal(stream.backups, 1);
'writing less than the file size': {
topic: function() {
remove(__dirname + "/test-rolling-file-stream-write-less");
var that = this
, stream = new RollingFileStream(
__dirname + "/test-rolling-file-stream-write-less",
stream.write("cheese", "utf8", function() {
fs.readFile(__dirname + "/test-rolling-file-stream-write-less", "utf8", that.callback);
'should write to the file': function(contents) {
assert.equal(contents, "cheese");
'writing less than the file size': {
'the number of files': {
topic: function() {
remove(__dirname + "/test-rolling-file-stream-write-less");
var that = this, stream = new RollingFileStream(__dirname + "/test-rolling-file-stream-write-less", 100);
stream.write("cheese", "utf8", function() {
fs.readFile(__dirname + "/test-rolling-file-stream-write-less", "utf8", that.callback);
'should write to the file': function(contents) {
assert.equal(contents, "cheese");
fs.readdir(__dirname, this.callback);
'the number of files': {
topic: function() {
fs.readdir(__dirname, this.callback);
'should be one': function(files) {
function(file) {
return file.indexOf('test-rolling-file-stream-write-less') > -1;
'writing more than the file size': {
topic: function() {
remove(__dirname + "/test-rolling-file-stream-write-more");
remove(__dirname + "/test-rolling-file-stream-write-more.1");
var that = this
, stream = new RollingFileStream(
__dirname + "/test-rolling-file-stream-write-more",
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6],
function(i, cb) {
stream.write(i +".cheese\n", "utf8", cb);
'should be one': function(files) {
assert.equal(files.filter(function(file) { return file.indexOf('test-rolling-file-stream-write-less') > -1; }).length, 1);
function() {
'writing more than the file size': {
'the number of files': {
topic: function() {
remove(__dirname + "/test-rolling-file-stream-write-more");
remove(__dirname + "/test-rolling-file-stream-write-more.1");
var that = this, stream = new RollingFileStream(__dirname + "/test-rolling-file-stream-write-more", 45);
async.forEach([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], function(i, cb) {
stream.write(i +".cheese\n", "utf8", cb);
}, function() {
fs.readdir(__dirname, this.callback);
'the number of files': {
topic: function() {
fs.readdir(__dirname, this.callback);
'should be two': function(files) {
function(file) { return file.indexOf('test-rolling-file-stream-write-more') > -1; }
).length, 2);
'should be two': function(files) {
function(file) {
return file.indexOf('test-rolling-file-stream-write-more') > -1;
).length, 2);
'the first file': {
topic: function() {
fs.readFile(__dirname + "/test-rolling-file-stream-write-more", "utf8", this.callback);
'the first file': {
topic: function() {
fs.readFile(__dirname + "/test-rolling-file-stream-write-more", "utf8", this.callback);
'should contain the last two log messages': function(contents) {
assert.equal(contents, '5.cheese\n6.cheese\n');
'should contain the last two log messages': function(contents) {
assert.equal(contents, '5.cheese\n6.cheese\n');
'the second file': {
topic: function() {
fs.readFile(__dirname + '/test-rolling-file-stream-write-more.1', "utf8", this.callback);
'the second file': {
topic: function() {
fs.readFile(__dirname + '/test-rolling-file-stream-write-more.1', "utf8", this.callback);
'should contain the first five log messages': function(contents) {
assert.equal(contents, '0.cheese\n1.cheese\n2.cheese\n3.cheese\n4.cheese\n');
'should contain the first five log messages': function(contents) {
assert.equal(contents, '0.cheese\n1.cheese\n2.cheese\n3.cheese\n4.cheese\n');
