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DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS cdb_dataservices_client.cdb_geocode_street_point (text, text, text, text);
DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS cdb_dataservices_client._cdb_geocode_street_point (text, text, text, text);
-- This functions could exists due a first deploy with this name
DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS cdb_dataservices_client.cdb_geocode_street_point_v2 (text, text, text, text);
DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS cdb_dataservices_client._cdb_geocode_street_point_v2 (text, text, text, text, text, text);
-- Get entity config function
-- The purpose of this function is to retrieve the username and organization name from
-- a) schema where he/her is the owner in case is an organization user
-- b) entity_name from the cdb_conf database in case is a non organization user
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION cdb_dataservices_client._cdb_entity_config()
RETURNS record AS $$
result cdb_dataservices_client._entity_config;
is_organization boolean;
username text;
organization_name text;
SELECT cartodb.cdb_conf_getconf('user_config')->'is_organization' INTO is_organization;
IF is_organization IS NULL THEN
RAISE EXCEPTION 'User must have user configuration in the config table';
ELSIF is_organization = TRUE THEN
SELECT nspname
FROM pg_namespace s
LEFT JOIN pg_roles r ON s.nspowner = r.oid
WHERE r.rolname = session_user INTO username;
SELECT cartodb.cdb_conf_getconf('user_config')->'entity_name' INTO organization_name;
SELECT cartodb.cdb_conf_getconf('user_config')->'entity_name' INTO username;
organization_name = NULL;
result.username = username;
result.organization_name = organization_name;
RETURN result;