-- -- Public dataservices API function -- -- These are the only ones with permissions to publicuser role -- and should also be the only ones with SECURITY DEFINER CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION <%= DATASERVICES_CLIENT_SCHEMA %>.<%= name %> (<%= params_with_type_and_default.join(' ,') %>) RETURNS <%= return_type %> AS $$ DECLARE <%= return_declaration if not multi_row %> <%= user_org_declaration %> BEGIN IF session_user = 'publicuser' OR session_user ~ 'cartodb_publicuser_*' THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'The api_key must be provided'; END IF; <% unless superuser_function? -%>SELECT u, o INTO username, orgname FROM <%= DATASERVICES_CLIENT_SCHEMA %>._cdb_entity_config() AS (u text, o text);<% end %> -- JSON value stored "" is taken as literal IF username IS NULL OR username = '' OR username = '""' THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Username is a mandatory argument, check it out'; END IF; <% return_statement do %><%= DATASERVICES_CLIENT_SCHEMA %>._<%= name %>(<%= params(_with_user_org=true).join(', ') %>)<% end %> END; $$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' SECURITY DEFINER;