CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION cdb_dataservices_server.cdb_geocode_ipaddress_point(username text, orgname text, ip text) RETURNS Geometry AS $$ from cartodb_services.metrics import QuotaService from cartodb_services.metrics import InternalGeocoderConfig plpy.execute("SELECT cdb_dataservices_server._connect_to_redis('{0}')".format(username)) redis_conn = GD["redis_connection_{0}".format(username)]['redis_metrics_connection'] user_geocoder_config = InternalGeocoderConfig(redis_conn, username, orgname) quota_service = QuotaService(user_geocoder_config, redis_conn) try: plan = plpy.prepare("SELECT cdb_dataservices_server._cdb_geocode_ipaddress_point(trim($1)) AS mypoint", ["TEXT"]) rv = plpy.execute(plan, [ip], 1) result = rv[0]["mypoint"] if result: quota_service.increment_success_geocoder_use() return result else: quota_service.increment_empty_geocoder_use() return None except BaseException as e: import sys, traceback type_, value_, traceback_ = sys.exc_info() quota_service.increment_failed_geocoder_use() error_msg = 'There was an error trying to geocode using admin0 geocoder: {0}'.format(e) plpy.notice(traceback.format_tb(traceback_)) plpy.error(error_msg) finally: quota_service.increment_total_geocoder_use() $$ LANGUAGE plpythonu; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Implementation of the server extension -- Note: these functions depend on the cdb_geocoder extension CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION cdb_dataservices_server._cdb_geocode_ipaddress_point(ip text) RETURNS Geometry AS $$ DECLARE ret Geometry; new_ip INET; BEGIN BEGIN IF family(ip::inet) = 6 THEN new_ip := ip::inet; ELSE new_ip := ('::ffff:' || ip)::inet; END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN SELECT NULL as geom INTO ret; RETURN ret; END; WITH ips AS (SELECT ip s, new_ip net), matches AS (SELECT s, (SELECT the_geom FROM ip_address_locations WHERE network_start_ip <= ORDER BY network_start_ip DESC LIMIT 1) geom FROM ips) SELECT geom INTO ret FROM matches; RETURN ret; END $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;