-- Install dependencies CREATE EXTENSION postgis; CREATE EXTENSION schema_triggers; CREATE EXTENSION plpythonu; CREATE EXTENSION cartodb; CREATE EXTENSION plproxy; -- Install the extension CREATE EXTENSION cdb_geocoder_client; -- Mock the server connection to point to this very test db SELECT cartodb.cdb_conf_setconf('geocoder_server_config', '{"connection_str": "dbname=contrib_regression host= user=postgres"}'); -- Mock the user configuration SELECT cartodb.cdb_conf_setconf('user_config', '{"is_organization": false, "entity_name": "test_user"}'); -- Mock the geocoder configuration SELECT cartodb.cdb_conf_setconf('geocoder_config', '{"street_geocoder_provider": "nokia","nokia_monthly_quota": 100, "nokia_soft_geocoder_limit": false}'); -- Mock the server schema CREATE SCHEMA cdb_geocoder_server; -- Create a test user to check permissions DROP ROLE IF EXISTS test_regular_user; CREATE ROLE test_regular_user; GRANT publicuser TO test_regular_user;