--DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE, IT IS GENERATED AUTOMATICALLY FROM SOURCES -- Complain if script is sourced in psql, rather than via CREATE EXTENSION \echo Use "ALTER EXTENSION cdb_dataservices_client UPDATE TO '0.6.0'" to load this file. \quit -- -- Public dataservices API function -- -- These are the only ones with permissions to publicuser role -- and should also be the only ones with SECURITY DEFINER CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION cdb_dataservices_client.cdb_route_with_waypoints (waypoints geometry(Point, 4326)[], mode text, options text[] DEFAULT ARRAY[]::text[], units text DEFAULT 'kilometers') RETURNS cdb_dataservices_client.simple_route AS $$ DECLARE ret cdb_dataservices_client.simple_route; username text; orgname text; BEGIN IF session_user = 'publicuser' OR session_user ~ 'cartodb_publicuser_*' THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'The api_key must be provided'; END IF; SELECT u, o INTO username, orgname FROM cdb_dataservices_client._cdb_entity_config() AS (u text, o text); -- JSON value stored "" is taken as literal IF username IS NULL OR username = '' OR username = '""' THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Username is a mandatory argument, check it out'; END IF; SELECT * FROM cdb_dataservices_client._cdb_route_with_waypoints(username, orgname, waypoints, mode, options, units) INTO ret; RETURN ret; END; $$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' SECURITY DEFINER; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION cdb_dataservices_client._cdb_route_with_waypoints (username text, organization_name text, waypoints geometry(Point, 4326)[], mode text, options text[] DEFAULT ARRAY[]::text[], units text DEFAULT 'kilometers') RETURNS cdb_dataservices_client.simple_route AS $$ CONNECT cdb_dataservices_client._server_conn_str(); SELECT * FROM cdb_dataservices_server.cdb_route_with_waypoints (username, organization_name, waypoints, mode, options, units); $$ LANGUAGE plproxy; GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION cdb_dataservices_client.cdb_route_with_waypoints(waypoints geometry(Point, 4326)[], mode text, options text[], units text) TO publicuser;