import getopt import sys import time import subprocess import os import re from helpers.import_helper import ImportHelper def main(): opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "h", ["help", "host=", "schema="]) if len(args) < 2: usage() sys.exit() schema = "https" host = "" username = args[0] api_key = args[1] table_name = "geocoder_api_test_dataset_".format(int(time.time())) for o, a in opts: if o in ("-h", "--help"): usage() sys.exit() elif o in ("--host"): host = opts[0][1] elif o in ("--schema"): schema = opts[1][1] else: assert False, "unhandled option" try: table_name = ImportHelper.import_test_dataset(username, api_key, host, schema) set_environment_variables(username, api_key, table_name, host, schema) execute_tests() except Exception as e: print e.message sys.exit(1) finally: clean_environment_variables() ImportHelper.clean_test_dataset(username, api_key, table_name, host, schema) def usage(): print """Usage: [options] username api_key Options: -h: Show this help --host: take that host as base (by default is --schema: define the url schema [http/https] (by default https)""" def execute_tests(): process = subprocess.Popen( ["nosetests", "--where=integration/"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE ) out, err = process.communicate() print err regexp = re.compile(r'FAILED \(.*\)') if is not None: sys.exit(1) def set_environment_variables(username, api_key, table_name, host, schema): os.environ["GEOCODER_API_TEST_USERNAME"] = username os.environ["GEOCODER_API_TEST_API_KEY"] = api_key os.environ["GEOCODER_API_TEST_TABLE_NAME"] = table_name os.environ["GEOCODER_API_TEST_HOST"] = host os.environ["GEOCODER_API_TEST_SCHEMA"] = schema def clean_environment_variables(): del os.environ["GEOCODER_API_TEST_USERNAME"] del os.environ["GEOCODER_API_TEST_API_KEY"] del os.environ["GEOCODER_API_TEST_TABLE_NAME"] del os.environ["GEOCODER_API_TEST_HOST"] del os.environ["GEOCODER_API_TEST_SCHEMA"] if __name__ == "__main__": main()