Change routing docs with the Mapbox addition as provider

Mario de Frutos 7 years ago
parent 1462f87d97
commit 423534068a

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Accepted values
`destination` | `geometry(Point)` | Destination point, in 4326 projection, which defines the end location. |
`mode` | `text` | Type of transport used to calculate the routes. | `car`, `walk`, `bicycle` or `public_transport`
`options` | `text[]` | (Optional) Multiple options to add more capabilities to the analysis. See [Optional routing parameters](#optional-routing-parameters) for details.
`units` | `text` | Unit used to represent the length of the route. | `kilometers`, `miles`. By default is `kilometers`
`units` | `text` | (Optional) Unit used to represent the length of the route. | `kilometers`, `miles`. By default is `kilometers`. This option is not supported by Mapbox provider
#### Returns
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Accepted values
Name | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
`duration` | `integer` | Duration in seconds of the calculated route.
`length` | `real` | Length in the defined unit in the `units` field. `kilometers` by default .
`length` | `real` | Length in the defined unit in the `units` field. `meters` by default .
`the_geom` | `geometry(LineString)` | LineString geometry of the calculated route in the 4326 projection.
#### Examples
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Accepted values
`waypoints` | `geometry(Point)[]` | Array of ordered points, in 4326 projection, which defines the origin point, one or more locations for the route path to travel through, and the destination. The first element of the array defines the origin and the last element the destination of the route. |
`mode` | `text` | Type of transport used to calculate the routes. | `car`, `walk`, `bicycle` or `public_transport`
`options` | `text[]` | (Optional) Multiple options to add more capabilities to the analysis. See [Optional routing parameters](#optional-routing-parameters) for details.
`units` | `text` | Unit used to represent the length of the route. | `kilometers`, `miles`. By default is `kilometers`
`units` | `text` | (Optional) Unit used to represent the length of the route. | `kilometers`, `miles`. By default is `kilometers`. This option is not supported by Mapbox provider
#### Returns
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Accepted values
Name | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
`duration` | `integer` | Duration in seconds of the calculated route.
`length` | `real` | Length in the defined unit in the `units` field. `kilometers` by default .
`length` | `real` | Length in the defined unit in the `units` field. `meters` by default .
`the_geom` | `geometry(LineString)` | LineString geometry of the calculated route in the 4326 projection.
*Note*: A request to the function _cdb\_route\_with\_waypoints(waypoints geometry(Point)[], mode text, [options text[], units text])_ with only two points in the geometry array are automatically defined as origin and destination. It is equivalent to performing the following request with these two locations as parameters: _cdb\_route\_point\_to\_point(origin geometry(Point), destination geometry(Point), mode text, [options text[], units text])_.
@ -75,10 +75,9 @@ INSERT INTO <TABLE> (duration, length, the_geom) SELECT duration, length, shape
UPDATE <TABLE> SET the_geom = (SELECT shape FROM cdb_route_with_waypoints(Array['POINT(-3.7109 40.4234)'::GEOMETRY, 'POINT(-3.7059 40.4203)'::geometry, 'POINT(-3.7046 40.4180)'::geometry]::geometry[], 'car', ARRAY['mode_type=shortest']::text[]))
### Optional routing parameters
The optional value parameters must be passed using the format: `option=value`.
The optional value parameters must be passed using the format: `option=value`. Not all are available for all the routing providers
Name | Type | Description | Accepted values
--- | --- | --- | ---
