2016-05-11 17:50:21 +08:00
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION cdb_dataservices_server . _OBS_Search (
username TEXT ,
orgname TEXT ,
search_term TEXT ,
relevant_boundary TEXT DEFAULT NULL )
RETURNS TABLE ( id text , description text , name text , aggregate text , source text ) AS $ $
CONNECT cdb_dataservices_server . _obs_server_conn_str ( username , orgname ) ;
SELECT * FROM cdb_observatory . OBS_Search ( search_term , relevant_boundary ) ;
$ $ LANGUAGE plproxy ;
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION cdb_dataservices_server . OBS_Search (
username TEXT ,
orgname TEXT ,
search_term TEXT ,
relevant_boundary TEXT DEFAULT NULL )
RETURNS TABLE ( id text , description text , name text , aggregate text , source text ) AS $ $
from cartodb_services . metrics import QuotaService
2016-08-02 23:28:48 +08:00
from cartodb_services . tools import Logger , LoggerConfig
2016-05-11 17:50:21 +08:00
plpy . execute ( " SELECT cdb_dataservices_server._connect_to_redis('{0}') " . format ( username ) )
redis_conn = GD [ " redis_connection_{0} " . format ( username ) ] [ ' redis_metrics_connection ' ]
plpy . execute ( " SELECT cdb_dataservices_server._get_obs_config({0}, {1}) " . format ( plpy . quote_nullable ( username ) , plpy . quote_nullable ( orgname ) ) )
user_obs_config = GD [ " user_obs_config_{0} " . format ( username ) ]
2016-08-03 23:37:40 +08:00
plpy . execute ( " SELECT cdb_dataservices_server._get_logger_config() " )
logger_config = GD [ " logger_config " ]
2016-08-02 23:28:48 +08:00
logger = Logger ( logger_config )
2016-05-11 17:50:21 +08:00
quota_service = QuotaService ( user_obs_config , redis_conn )
if not quota_service . check_user_quota ( ) :
2016-08-02 01:04:56 +08:00
raise Exception ( ' You have reached the limit of your quota ' )
2016-05-11 17:50:21 +08:00
try :
obs_plan = plpy . prepare ( " SELECT * FROM cdb_dataservices_server._OBS_Search($1, $2, $3, $4); " , [ " text " , " text " , " text " , " text " ] )
result = plpy . execute ( obs_plan , [ username , orgname , search_term , relevant_boundary ] )
if result :
resp = [ ]
for element in result :
id = element [ ' id ' ]
description = element [ ' description ' ]
name = element [ ' name ' ]
aggregate = element [ ' aggregate ' ]
source = element [ ' source ' ]
resp . append ( [ id , description , name , aggregate , source ] )
quota_service . increment_success_service_use ( )
return resp
else :
quota_service . increment_empty_service_use ( )
return [ None , None , None , None , None ]
except BaseException as e :
2016-08-02 01:04:56 +08:00
import sys
2016-05-11 17:50:21 +08:00
quota_service . increment_failed_service_use ( )
2016-08-03 00:59:13 +08:00
logger . error ( ' Error trying to OBS_Search ' , sys . exc_info ( ) , data = { " username " : username , " orgname " : orgname } )
raise Exception ( ' Error trying to OBS_Search ' )
2016-05-11 17:50:21 +08:00
finally :
quota_service . increment_total_service_use ( )
$ $ LANGUAGE plpythonu ;
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION cdb_dataservices_server . _OBS_GetAvailableBoundaries (
username TEXT ,
orgname TEXT ,
geom geometry ( Geometry , 4326 ) ,
RETURNS TABLE ( boundary_id text , description text , time_span text , tablename text ) AS $ $
CONNECT cdb_dataservices_server . _obs_server_conn_str ( username , orgname ) ;
SELECT * FROM cdb_observatory . OBS_GetAvailableBoundaries ( geom , time_span ) ;
$ $ LANGUAGE plproxy ;
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION cdb_dataservices_server . OBS_GetAvailableBoundaries (
username TEXT ,
orgname TEXT ,
geom geometry ( Geometry , 4326 ) ,
RETURNS TABLE ( boundary_id text , description text , time_span text , tablename text ) AS $ $
from cartodb_services . metrics import QuotaService
2016-08-02 23:28:48 +08:00
from cartodb_services . tools import Logger , LoggerConfig
2016-05-11 17:50:21 +08:00
plpy . execute ( " SELECT cdb_dataservices_server._connect_to_redis('{0}') " . format ( username ) )
redis_conn = GD [ " redis_connection_{0} " . format ( username ) ] [ ' redis_metrics_connection ' ]
plpy . execute ( " SELECT cdb_dataservices_server._get_obs_config({0}, {1}) " . format ( plpy . quote_nullable ( username ) , plpy . quote_nullable ( orgname ) ) )
user_obs_config = GD [ " user_obs_config_{0} " . format ( username ) ]
2016-08-03 23:37:40 +08:00
plpy . execute ( " SELECT cdb_dataservices_server._get_logger_config() " )
logger_config = GD [ " logger_config " ]
2016-08-02 23:28:48 +08:00
logger = Logger ( logger_config )
2016-05-11 17:50:21 +08:00
quota_service = QuotaService ( user_obs_config , redis_conn )
if not quota_service . check_user_quota ( ) :
2016-08-02 01:04:56 +08:00
raise Exception ( ' You have reached the limit of your quota ' )
2016-05-11 17:50:21 +08:00
try :
obs_plan = plpy . prepare ( " SELECT * FROM cdb_dataservices_server._OBS_GetAvailableBoundaries($1, $2, $3, $4) as available_boundaries; " , [ " text " , " text " , " geometry(Geometry, 4326) " , " text " ] )
result = plpy . execute ( obs_plan , [ username , orgname , geom , time_span ] )
if result :
resp = [ ]
for element in result :
id = element [ ' boundary_id ' ]
description = element [ ' description ' ]
tspan = element [ ' time_span ' ]
tablename = element [ ' tablename ' ]
resp . append ( [ id , description , tspan , tablename ] )
quota_service . increment_success_service_use ( )
return resp
else :
quota_service . increment_empty_service_use ( )
return [ ]
except BaseException as e :
2016-08-02 01:04:56 +08:00
import sys
2016-05-11 17:50:21 +08:00
quota_service . increment_failed_service_use ( )
2016-08-03 00:59:13 +08:00
logger . error ( ' Error trying to OBS_GetMeasureById ' , sys . exc_info ( ) , data = { " username " : username , " orgname " : orgname } )
raise Exception ( ' Error trying to OBS_GetMeasureById ' )
2016-05-11 17:50:21 +08:00
finally :
quota_service . increment_total_service_use ( )
$ $ LANGUAGE plpythonu ;