2015-06-23 18:14:20 +02:00

6.9 KiB

Named places geocoder


SELECT (geocode_namedplace(Array['sunapee', 'sunapeeee', 'New York City'], 'USA')).*

Source table structure


                                                           Table "public.global_cities_points_limited"
        Column        |           Type           |                               Modifiers                               | Storage  | Stats target | Description 
 geoname_id           | double precision         |                                                                       | plain    |              | 
 name                 | text                     |                                                                       | extended |              | 
 asciiname            | text                     |                                                                       | extended |              | 
 altnames             | text                     |                                                                       | extended |              | 
 featclass            | text                     |                                                                       | extended |              | 
 featcode             | text                     |                                                                       | extended |              | 
 iso2                 | text                     |                                                                       | extended |              | 
 cc2                  | text                     |                                                                       | extended |              | 
 admin1               | text                     |                                                                       | extended |              | 
 admin2               | text                     |                                                                       | extended |              | 
 admin3               | text                     |                                                                       | extended |              | 
 admin4               | text                     |                                                                       | extended |              | 
 population           | double precision         |                                                                       | plain    |              | 
 gtopo30              | integer                  |                                                                       | plain    |              | 
 the_geom             | geometry(Point,4326)     |                                                                       | main     |              | 
 created_at           | timestamp with time zone | not null default now()                                                | plain    |              | 
 updated_at           | timestamp with time zone | not null default now()                                                | plain    |              | 
 the_geom_webmercator | geometry(Geometry,3857)  |                                                                       | main     |              | 
 cartodb_id           | integer                  | not null default nextval('points_cities_le_cartodb_id_seq'::regclass) | plain    |              | 
 lowername            | text                     |                                                                       | extended |              | 


                                                                 Table "public.global_cities_alternates_limited"
        Column        |           Type           |                                       Modifiers                                       | Storage  | Stats target | Description 
 geoname_id           | integer                  |                                                                                       | plain    |              | 
 name                 | text                     |                                                                                       | extended |              | 
 the_geom             | geometry(Geometry,4326)  |                                                                                       | main     |              | 
 created_at           | timestamp with time zone | not null default now()                                                                | plain    |              | 
 updated_at           | timestamp with time zone | not null default now()                                                                | plain    |              | 
 the_geom_webmercator | geometry(Geometry,3857)  |                                                                                       | main     |              | 
 preferred            | boolean                  |                                                                                       | plain    |              | 
 lowername            | text                     |                                                                                       | extended |              | 
 cartodb_id           | integer                  | not null default nextval('global_cities_alternates_limited_cartodb_id_seq'::regclass) | plain    |              | 
 admin1_geonameid     | integer                  |                                                                                       | plain    |              | 
 iso2                 | text                     |                                                                                       | extended |              | 
 admin1               | text                     |                                                                                       | extended |              | 

Creation steps

  1. Upload the allCountries and alternateNames tables
  2. Generate the global_cities_points_limited and global_cities_alternates_limited tables
  3. Run the sql/build_data_table.sql script to build the global_cities_points_limited table

Note: The generation script for global_cities_alternates_limited is missing.

Data Sources

  • Geonames free gazzeter data. file available here. file available here.


In order to test the data and the functions created under the script avaialble in this folder, you will need to run bash from test/data and test/functions.


  • [23/06/2015]:
    • file generated
    • Added structure for /test