2014-09-11 14:12:09 +02:00
sql Adds Chris changes fixes #55 2014-09-11 14:12:09 +02:00 fixes #54. Adds woe_label sql functions and updates readme with new rank 2014-09-07 12:38:30 +02:00

Admin1 Geocoder


Accepts a list of terms. Terms are searched against the name_ column in admin1_synonyms_qs. The name_ column is an automatically cleaned and populated column based on the raw values in name . The synonym table returns the proper global_id (based on rank values in table below). The global_id is then matched against the single row in the adm1 table to return the correct polygon(s).

Creation steps

  1. Upload fresh Quattro Shapes admin1 data to qs_adm1 table.
  2. Upload fresh Quattro Shapes admin1 region data to qs_adm1_region table.
  3. Upload fresh Natural Earth admin1 states provinces data to ne_admin1_v3
  4. If fresh, add all sql/indexes.sql and sql/triggers.sql
  5. Run the sql/build_data_table.sql script.
  6. Run the sql/build_admin1_synonyms.sql script.
  7. If needed, load or replace the function with sql/geocoder.sql

Data Sources

(see the wiki page: Geocoder Data Sources #admin1-states-provinces)

  • Quattro Shapes admin1 and admin1 region polygons are being used for geometry. Users dislike natural earth's small admin1 units in countries like Spain, Italy and France so we have replaced these smaller units with their parent regions.

  • Natural Earth admin1 alternate name spellings will be used as synonyms when the Quattro Shapes qs_source = 'Natural Earth'.

Admin1 Geometry Table

The table name is currently being called adm1 and is built from a combination of data from Quattro Shapes: qs_adm1 and qs_adm1_region. All countries that contain regional admin1 provinces use geometry from the qs_adm1_region table and not the qs_adm1 table. This is an improvement made based on tickets/issues submitted by users when geocoding admin1 states / provinces.

Admin1 Synonyms Table

The table contains the following columns to be populated:

  1. adm0_a3 : ISO code for the region. Used to get the unique geometry for the region in terms of the synonym.

  2. name: Actually, the synonym you want to include for a specific region (identified ad adm0_a3).

  3. rank: Rank of the synonym being matched to. 0 is highest.

  4. global_id Unique identifier created in build_data_table.sql.


rank number origin data origin column description
0 Quattro Shapes qs_a1 default name for qs_adm1
0 Quattro Shapes qs_a1r default name for qs_adm1_region
1 Quattro Shapes qs_a1_lc admin code
2 Natural Earth name_alt alternate spelling
3 Natural Earth abbrev abbreviation
4 Natural Earth postal postal code
5 Natural Earth gn_name formal english name
6 Natural Earth woe_label woe label name