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Juan Ignacio Sánchez Lara 1614495919
Final instructions
6 years ago
sql Final instructions 6 years ago
test Adds IP tests + reorganises structure 9 years ago Create 9 years ago Final instructions 6 years ago

IP address geocoder


Receives an array of IP addresses (both IPv4 and IPv6) and returns a point geometry for each input if the geocoding process is successful.

Usage example

SELECT geocode_ip(Array['', '::ffff:'])

Creation steps

  1. Create the ip_address_locations table (see 40_ipaddr.sql file)
  2. Obtain the file from
  3. Uncompress it and upload the GeoLite2-City-Blocks-IPv4.csv file
  4. Rename the uploaded table as latest_ip_address_locations
  5. Run the sql/build_data_table script to update the table

Update steps

Option A: generate a new ip_address_locations table at geocoder user

If the geocoder database is a CARTO user, do these steps:

  1. Import GeoLite2-City-Blocks-IPv4.csv and rename it to latest_ip_address_locations.

  2. Import GeoLite2-City-Blocks-IPv6.csv and rename it to latest_ip6_address_locations.

  3. If you want to create a backup of the previous table, do this:

    CREATE TABLE ip_address_locations_backup as
        select * from ip_address_locations;
  4. Clear previous table:

    TRUNCATE ip_address_locations;
  5. Load the new values:

set statement_timeout = '20min';
INSERT INTO ip_address_locations (the_geom, network_start_ip) SELECT the_geom, ('::ffff:' || split_part(network, '/', 1))::inet FROM latest_ip_address_locations;
INSERT INTO ip_address_locations (the_geom, network_start_ip) SELECT the_geom, split_part(network, '/', 1)::inet FROM latest_ip6_address_locations;

Option B: load a dump of the table

If the geocoder database is not a CARTO user, do these steps:

  1. Perform option A in any user (it can even be a staging user). If you need to create the table, check 40_ipaddr.sql.

  2. Generate a dump of the file at that user database:

    \copy (select * from ip_address_locations) TO /tmp/ip_address_locations.dump;
  3. Copy the file to the remote server.

  4. Perform steps A.3 and A.4.

  5. Load the new data (takes ~10 minutes):

set statement_timeout = '20min';
\copy ip_address_locations from /tmp/ip_address_locations.dump



This table, obtained from GeoLite and curated with sql/build_data_table contains a list of IP addresses and their location.

Table structure

                                                                Table "public.ip_address_locations"
        Column        |           Type           |                                 Modifiers                                 | Storage
 network_start_ip     | inet                     |                                                                           | main    
 the_geom             | geometry(Geometry,4326)  |                                                                           | main    
 cartodb_id           | integer                  | not null default nextval('geolite2_city_blocks_cartodb_id_seq'::regclass) | plain   
 created_at           | timestamp with time zone | not null default now()                                                    | plain  
 updated_at           | timestamp with time zone | not null default now()                                                    | plain   
 the_geom_webmercator | geometry(Geometry,3857)  |                                                                           | main   

Current indexes

    "geolite2_city_blocks_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (cartodb_id)
    "geolite2_city_blocks_the_geom_idx" gist (the_geom)
    "geolite2_city_blocks_the_geom_webmercator_idx" gist (the_geom_webmercator)
    "idx_ip_address_locations_start" btree (network_start_ip)

Response data types

  • geocode_ip_v1: CREATE TYPE geocode_ip_v1 AS (q TEXT, geom GEOMETRY, success BOOLEAN);

Data Sources


In order to test the data and the functions created under the script avaialble in this folder, you will need to run bash from test/data and test/functions.

Known issues


  • [01/12/2015]:
    • Removed geocoder function. Check /extensions instead.
  • [19/10/2015]:
    • Updates README and adds usage example and definition of the service
  • [08/10/2015]:
    • Added response data types
  • [14/07/2015]:
    • Added tests
  • [24/06/2015]:
    • Update Adds Known issues section
    • Supervised function available in geocoder.sql
  • [23/06/2015]:
    • Updates adds testing and table structure sections. Updates creation steps
    • Adding test structure for IP addresses geocoder