1. Upload the allCountries and alternateNames tables
2. Generate the `global_cities_points_limited` and `global_cities_alternates_limited` tables
3. Run the `sql/build_data_table.sql` script to build the `global_cities_points_limited` table
**Note**: The generation script for `global_cities_alternates_limited` is missing.
# Data Sources
* Geonames free gazzeter data. `allCountries.zip` file available [here](http://download.geonames.org/export/dump/allCountries.zip). `alternateNames.zip` file available [here](http://download.geonames.org/export/dump/alternateNames.zip).
# Testing
In order to test the data and the functions created under the script avaialble in this folder, you will need to run `bash test.sh` from `test/data` and `test/functions`.
* The geocoding function is using a deprecated table: `admin1_decoder` instead of the new `admin1_synonyms`. Related issue: https://github.com/CartoDB/data-services/issues/148