## K-Means Functions ### CDB_KMeans(subquery text, no_clusters INTEGER) This function attempts to find `no_clusters` clusters within the input data based on the geographic distribution. It will return a table with ids and the cluster classification of each point input assuming `the_geom` is not null-valued. If `the_geom` is null-valued, the point will not be considered in the analysis. #### Arguments | Name | Type | Description | |------|------|-------------| | subquery | TEXT | SQL query that exposes the data to be analyzed (e.g., `SELECT * FROM interesting_table`). This query must have the geometry column name `the_geom` and id column name `cartodb_id` unless otherwise specified in the input arguments | | no\_clusters | INTEGER | The number of clusters to try and find | #### Returns A table with the following columns. | Column Name | Type | Description | |-------------|------|-------------| | cartodb\_id | INTEGER | The row id of the row from the input table | | cluster\_no | INTEGER | The cluster that this point belongs to | #### Example Usage ```sql SELECT customers.*, km.cluster_no FROM cdb_crankshaft.CDB_Kmeans('SELECT * from customers' , 6) As km, customers WHERE customers.cartodb_id = km.cartodb_id ``` ### CDB_WeightedMean(subquery text, weight_column text, category_column text) Function that computes the weighted centroid of a number of clusters by some weight column. ### Arguments | Name | Type | Description | |------|------|-------------| | subquery | TEXT | SQL query that exposes the data to be analyzed (e.g., `SELECT * FROM interesting_table`). This query must have the geometry column and the columns specified as the weight and category columns| | weight\_column | TEXT | The name of the column to use as a weight | | category\_column | TEXT | The name of the column to use as a category | ### Returns A table with the following columns. | Column Name | Type | Description | |-------------|------|-------------| | the\_geom | GEOMETRY | A point for the weighted cluster center | | class | INTEGER | The cluster class | ### Example Usage ```sql SELECT ST_Transform(the_geom, 3857) As the_geom_webmercator, class FROM cdb_crankshaft.CDB_Weighted_Mean( 'SELECT *, customer_value FROM customers', 'customer_value', 'cluster_no') ``` ## CDB_KMeansNonspatial(subquery text, colnames text[], no_clusters int) K-means clustering classifies the rows of your dataset into `no_clusters` by finding the centers (means) of the variables in `colnames` and classifying each row by it's proximity to the nearest center. This method partitions space into distinct Voronoi cells. As a standard machine learning method, k-means clustering is an unsupervised learning technique that finds the natural clustering of values. For instance, it is useful for finding subgroups in census data leading to demographic segmentation. ### Arguments | Name | Type | Description | |------|------|-------------| | query | TEXT | SQL query to expose the data to be used in the analysis (e.g., `SELECT * FROM iris_data`). It should contain at least the columns specified in `colnames` and the `id_colname`. | | colnames | TEXT[] | Array of columns to be used in the analysis (e.g., `Array['petal_width', 'sepal_length', 'petal_length']`). | | no\_clusters | INTEGER | Number of clusters for the classification of the data | | id_colname (optaional) | TEXT | The id column (default: 'cartodb_id') for identifying rows | | standarize (optional) | BOOLEAN | Setting this to true (default) standardizes the data to have a mean at zero and a standard deviation of 1 | ### Returns A table with the following columns. | Column | Type | Description | |--------|------|-------------| | cluster_label | TEXT | Label that a cluster belongs to, number from 0 to `no_clusters - 1`. | | cluster_center | JSON | Center of the cluster that a row belongs to. The keys of the JSON object are the `colnames`, with values that are the center of the respective cluster | | silhouettes | NUMERIC | [Silhouette score](http://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/generated/sklearn.metrics.silhouette_score.html#sklearn.metrics.silhouette_score) of the cluster label | | rowid | BIGINT | id of the original row for associating back with the original data | ### Resources - Read more in [scikit-learn's documentation](http://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/clustering.html#k-means) - [K-means basics](https://www.datascience.com/blog/introduction-to-k-means-clustering-algorithm-learn-data-science-tutorials)