-- -- Creates N points randomly distributed arround the polygon -- -- @param g - the geometry to be turned in to points -- -- @param no_points - the number of points to generate -- -- @params max_iter_per_point - the function generates points in the polygon's bounding box -- and discards points which don't lie in the polygon. max_iter_per_point specifies how many -- misses per point the funciton accepts before giving up. -- -- Returns: Multipoint with the requested points CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION cdb_dot_density(geom geometry , no_points Integer, max_iter_per_point Integer DEFAULT 1000) RETURNS GEOMETRY AS $$ DECLARE extent GEOMETRY; test_point Geometry; width NUMERIC; height NUMERIC; x0 NUMERIC; y0 NUMERIC; xp NUMERIC; yp NUMERIC; no_left INTEGER; remaining_iterations INTEGER; points GEOMETRY[]; bbox_line GEOMETRY; intersection_line GEOMETRY; BEGIN extent := ST_Envelope(geom); width := ST_XMax(extent) - ST_XMIN(extent); height := ST_YMax(extent) - ST_YMIN(extent); x0 := ST_XMin(extent); y0 := ST_YMin(extent); no_left := no_points; LOOP if(no_left=0) THEN EXIT; END IF; yp = y0 + height*random(); bbox_line = ST_MakeLine( ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(yp, x0),4326), ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(yp, x0+width),4326) ); intersection_line = ST_Intersection(bbox_line,geom); test_point = ST_LineInterpolatePoint(st_makeline(st_linemerge(intersection_line)),random()); points := points || test_point; no_left = no_left - 1 ; END LOOP; RETURN ST_Collect(points); END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql VOLATILE