Release tasks using release-specific virtual environments

Refine the development process and define the procedure for
releasing new versions.
Javier Goizueta 9 years ago
parent 0206cc6c44
commit e801c9cb60

.gitignore vendored

@ -0,0 +1 @@

@ -3,11 +3,31 @@ PYP_DIR = src/py
.PHONY: install
.PHONY: run_tests
.PHONY: release
.PHONY: deploy
# Generate and install developmet versions of the extension
# and python package.
# The extension is named 'dev' with a 'current' alias for easily upgrading.
# The Python package is installed in a virtual environment envs/dev/
# Requires sudo.
$(MAKE) -C $(PYP_DIR) install
$(MAKE) -C $(EXT_DIR) install
$(MAKE) -C $(PYP_DIR) testinstalled
$(MAKE) -C $(EXT_DIR) installcheck
# Run the tests for the installed development extension and
# python package
$(MAKE) -C $(PYP_DIR) test
$(MAKE) -C $(EXT_DIR) test
# Generate a new release into release
$(MAKE) -C $(EXT_DIR) release
# Install the current release.
# The Python package is installed in a virtual environment envs/X.Y.Z/
# Requires sudo.
$(MAKE) -C $(EXT_DIR) deploy

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
0.0.1 (2016-03-15)
* Preliminar release

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ CartoDB Spatial Analysis extension for PostgreSQL.
* - *src/pg* contains the PostgreSQL extension source code
* - *src/py* Python module source code
* *release* reseleased versions
* *env* base directory for Python virtual environments
## Requirements
@ -17,16 +18,24 @@ CartoDB Spatial Analysis extension for PostgreSQL.
# Working Process
We use the default `develop` branch as the basis for development.
This branch and `master` are maintained by the *Release Manager*.
The `master` branch is used to merge and tag releases to be
deployed in production.
In addition to these two permanent branches, temporal *topic*
branches will be used for all modifications.
## Development
Work in `src/pg/sql`, `src/py/crankshaft`;
use a topic branch. See src/py/
for the procedure to work with the Python local environment.
A topic branch should be created out of the `develop` branch
and be used for the development process; see src/py/
Modifications are done inside `src/pg/sql` and `src/py/crankshaft`.
Take into account:
* Always remember to add tests for any new functionality
* Always remember to add tests (`src/pg/test`, `src/py/crankshaft/test`)
for any new functionality.
* Add or modify the corresponding documentation files in the `doc` folder.
Since we expect to have highly technical functions here, an extense
background explanation would be of great help to users of this extension.
@ -35,12 +44,22 @@ Take into account:
and private functions (to be used only internally inside
the extension) with `_cdb_`.
Update local installation with `sudo make install`
(this will update the 'dev' version of the extension in 'src/pg/')
Update the local development installation with `sudo make install`.
This will update the 'dev' version of the extension in 'src/pg/' and
make it available to PostgreSQL.
It will also install the python package (crankshaft) in a virtual
environment `env/dev`.
Run the tests with `make test`
Run the tests with `PGUSER=postgres make test`
To use the python extension for custom tests, activate the virtual
environment with:
source envs/dev/bin/activate
Update extension in working database with
Update extension in a working database with:
* `ALTER EXTENSION crankshaft VERSION TO 'current';`
`ALTER EXTENSION crankshaft VERSION TO 'dev';`
@ -57,31 +76,37 @@ we can:
Once the tests are succeeding a new Pull-Request can be created.
CI-tests must be checked to be successfull.
Note: the development extension uses the development pyhton virtual
environment automatically.
Before merging a topic branch peer code reviewing of the code is a must.
Once the tests are succeeding a new Pull-Request can be created.
CI-tests must be checked to be successful.
Before proceeding to the release process peer code reviewing of the code is a must.
## Release
The release process of a new version of the extension
shall by performed by the designated *Release Manager*.
Note that we expect to gradually automate this process.
Note that we expect to gradually automate more of this process.
Having checkout the topic branch of the PR to be released:
Having checked the topic branch of the PR to be released it shall be
merged back into the `develop` branch to prepare the new release.
The version number in `pg/cranckshaft.control` must first be updated.
To do so [Semantic Versioning 2.0]( is in order.
Thew `` will be updated.
We now will explain the process for the case of backwards-compatible
releases (updating the minor or patch version numbers).
TODO: document the complex case of major releases.
The next command must be executed to produce the main installation
script for the new release, `release/cranckshaft--X.Y.Z.sql`.
script for the new release, `release/cranckshaft--X.Y.Z.sql` and
also to copy the python package to `release/python/X.Y.Z/crankshaft`.
make release
@ -93,10 +118,32 @@ releases this simply consist in extracting the functions that have changed
and placing them in the proper `release/cranckshaft--X.Y.Z--A.B.C.sql`
TODO: configure the local enviroment to be used by the release;
currently should be directory `src/py/X.Y.Z`, but this must be fixed;
a possibility to explore is to use the `cdb_conf` table.
The new release can be deployed for staging/smoke tests with this command:
sudo make deploy
This will make the 'X.Y.Z' version of the extension to PostgreSQL.
The corresponding Python extension will be installed in a
virtual environment in `envs/X.Y.Z`
It can be activated with:
source envs/X.Y.Z/bin/activate
But note that this is needed only for using the package directly;
the 'X.Y.Z' version of the extension will automatically use the
python package from this virtual environment.
The `sudo make deploy` operation can be also used for installing
the new version after it has been released.
TODO: testing procedure for the new release.
TODO: testing procedure for the new release
TODO: procedure for staging deployment.
TODO: push, merge, tag, deploy procedures.
TODO: procedure for merging to master, tagging and deploying
in production.

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
* [x] Support versioning
* [x] Test use of `plpy` from python Package
* [x] Add `pysal` etc. dependencies
* [x] Define documentation practices (general, per extension/package?)
* [x] Add initial function set (WIP)
* Unify style of function comments
* [x] Add integration tests
* Make target to open a new version development (create symlinks, etc.)
* [x] Should add cartodb ext. as a dependency?

@ -1,9 +1,13 @@
# Generation of a new development version 'dev' (with an alias 'current' for
# updating easily by upgrading to 'current', then 'dev')
# sudo make install -- generate the 'dev' version from current source
# and make it available to PostgreSQL
# PGUSER=postgres make installcheck -- test the 'dev' extension
# Development tasks:
# * install generates the control & script files into src/pg/
# and installs then into the PostgreSQL extensions directory;
# requires sudo. In additionof the current development version
# named 'dev', an alias 'current' is generating for ease of
# update (upgrade to 'current', then to 'dev').
# the python module is installed in a virtualenv in envs/dev/
# * test runs the tests for the currently generated Development
# extension.
SED = sed
@ -16,7 +20,7 @@ DATA = $(EXTENSION)--dev.sql \
SOURCES_DATA = $(wildcard $(SOURCES_DATA_DIR)/*.sql)
VIRTUALENV_PATH = $(realpath ../py/)
VIRTUALENV_PATH = $(realpath ../../envs)
@ -36,13 +40,46 @@ include $(PGXS)
# This seems to be needed at least for PG 9.3.11
all: $(DATA)
test: export PGUSER=postgres
test: installcheck
# WIP: goals for releasing the extension...
# Release tasks
PACKAGE = crankshaft
EXTVERSION = $(shell grep default_version $(EXTENSION).control | sed -e "s/default_version[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*'\([^']*\)'/\1/")
../release/$(EXTENSION).control: $(EXTENSION).control
../../release/$(EXTENSION).control: $(EXTENSION).control
cp $< $@
release: ../release/$(EXTENSION).control
cp $(EXTENSION)--dev.sql $(EXTENSION)--$(EXTVERSION).sql
# Prepare new release from the currently installed development version,
# for the current version X.Y.Z (defined in the control file)
# producing the extension script and control files in releases/
# and the python package in releases/python/X.Y.Z/crankshaft/
release: ../../release/$(EXTENSION).control
cp $(EXTENSION)--dev.sql ../../release/$(EXTENSION)--$(EXTVERSION).sql
mkdir -p ../../release/python/$(EXTVERSION)
cp -r ../py/$(PACKAGE) ../../release/python/$(EXTVERSION)/
$(SED) -i -r 's/version='"'"'[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+'"'"'/version='"'"'$(EXTVERSION)'"'"'/g' ../../release/python/$(EXTVERSION)/$(PACKAGE)/
# Install the current relese into the PostgreSQL extensions directory
# and the Python package in a virtual environment envs/X.Y.Z
$(INSTALL_DATA) ../../release/$(EXTENSION).control '$(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/extension/'
$(INSTALL_DATA) ../../release/*.sql '$(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/extension/'
# TODO: install also upgrade/downgrade files (manually generated)
virtualenv --system-site-packages $(VIRTUALENV_PATH)/$(EXTVERSION)
$(VIRTUALENV_PATH)/$(EXTVERSION)/bin/pip install -I -U ../../release/python/$(EXTVERSION)/$(PACKAGE)
$(VIRTUALENV_PATH)/$(EXTVERSION)/bin/pip install -I nose
rm $(EXTNAME)--*.sql
rm -rf ../../release/python/*
rm ../../release/$(EXTNAME)--*.sql
rm ../../release/$(EXTNAME).control
rm -rf ../../envs/*
clean-all: clean-dev clean-releases clean-environments

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
# Running the tests:
sudo make install
PGUSER=postgres make installcheck

src/py/.gitignore vendored

@ -1,2 +1 @@

@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
# Install the package locally for development
virtualenv --system-site-packages dev
./dev/bin/pip install -I ./crankshaft
./dev/bin/pip install -I nose
virtualenv --system-site-packages ../../envs/dev
# source ../../envs/dev/bin/activate
../../envs/dev/bin/pip install -I ./crankshaft
../../envs/dev/bin/pip install -I nose
# Test develpment install
./dev/bin/nosetests crankshaft/test/
../../envs/dev/bin/nosetests crankshaft/test/

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ from setuptools import setup, find_packages
description='CartoDB Spatial Analysis Python Library',
