You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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require 'rollbar/rails'
require 'cartodb/logger'
Rollbar.configure do |config|
config.access_token = Cartodb.config[:rollbar_api_key]
config.enabled = (Rails.env.production? || Rails.env.staging?) && config.access_token.present?
config.net_retries = 1 # This is actually 6 requests (18s), as Rollbar retries two times (failsafes) and CartoDB once
# Add exception class names to the exception_level_filters hash to
# change the level that exception is reported at. Note that if an exception
# has already been reported and logged the level will need to be changed
# via the rollbar interface.
# Valid levels: 'critical', 'error', 'warning', 'info', 'debug', 'ignore'
# 'ignore' will cause the exception to not be reported at all.
'ActionController::RoutingError' => 'ignore'
module CartoDB
# Old, deprecated, logging functions
# Use the new logging module in lib/cartodb/logger.rb
# Extra can contain `:request` and `:user`
# Deprecated because of that `extra` content limitation. Use `report_exception` instead.
def self.notify_exception(e, extra = {})
CartoDB::Logger.log('error', exception: e, **extra)
def self.notify_error(message, additional_data = {})
CartoDB::Logger.log('error', message: message, **additional_data)
# Add `:request` and `:user` to additional_data if you want request content
def self.report_exception(e, message = nil, additional_data = {})
CartoDB::Logger.log('error', exception: e, message: message, **additional_data)
def self.notify_debug(message, additional_data = {})
CartoDB::Logger.log('debug', message: message, **additional_data)
def self.notify_warning_exception(exception)
CartoDB::Logger.log('warning', exception: exception)