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1.5 MiB

Haiti;"";2011-01-11;"";2010-01-16;"";"";Ouest;"";"";March 17th, 2010: in Léogâne, 68839 persons (or 13805 families) have been reached by CARE since January 16, 2010.;Léogâne;"";235;"";Léogâne;"";"";"";"";CARE-HT-10-004;CARE;"";"";"";"";"";Léogâne, Haiti;"";2011-01-10;19;"";2011-01-11;"";""
";;Ouest;"";"";"This project funds transformation of dormitories into classrooms at College Methodiste de Freres in Petionville, repairs an existing damaged building, and will serve as an application school for students at teacher training school. 
";Port-au-Prince;"";1755;Private donations;Pétion-Ville;Education;Melissa Crutchfield;"";Assistant General Secretary, International Disaster Response;UMCOR-HT-11-010;United Methodist Committee on Relief;"";"";"";Prime awardee;"";Kindergarten Building for College Methodiste de Freres;64784;2011-07-31;67;"";2011-05-02;"";Eglise Methodiste d'Haiti
Haiti;"";2010-12-20;"";2010-10-27;"";;"";"";"";"Result 1: DINEPA and MSPP are supported for the coordination of the WASH response (WASH cluster  support)

Result 2:   300,000 Population (60,000 household) living in areas at risks of cholera outbreak has access to clean drinking water 

Result 3:   300,000 Population (60,000 household) living in area at risks of cholera infection is aware of appropriate hygienic behaviors

Result 4:   Rural and remote health centers and schools are supported by the provision of mitigation kits (ORS, aquatabs), have access to clean water and sanitation facilities";"";"";404;UNICEF;"";Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Marianna Franco;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Program Development Manager;ACTED-HT-10-41 ARR 13N;Friends of ACTED;"";300000;"";"";Cholera affected population;Provision of WASH Emergency Relief and Mitigation Measures to Cholera Outbreak in Artibonite;19998;2010-11-26;29;"";"";"";Friends of ACTED
Haiti;"";1991-10-13;"";2010-03-01;"";;Ouest;"";Haiti Ministry of Agriculture Natural Resources and Rural Development (MARNDR);Public awareness of animal welfare, disease prevention, and disaster preparedness;Port-au-Prince;"";167;Animal Relief Coalition for Haiti (ARCH) members;Port-au-Prince;Disaster Management,Other;Dr. Jean Thomas;"";Country Coordinator;ARCH-HT-10-006;Animal Relief Coalition for Haiti (ARCH);Working with Publigestion, develop media campaign to provide messaging through radio/tv on animal welfare, disease prevention, and disaster preparedness;"";"";"";"";Public Outreach;100000;2011-02-01;14;"";2011-01-25;Animal care and welfare, Disaster risk reduction (DRR);Animal Relief Coalition for Haiti (ARCH)
Haiti;"";1991-12-09;"";2010-02-01;"";;Ouest,Sud-Est;"";"";To support the Nutrition Cluster by filling an immediate gap of infant nutritionals.  AmeriCares provided three separate shipments of nutritionals.;Jacmel,Léogâne,Port-au-Prince;"";138;Private donations;Jacmel,Léogâne,Port-au-Prince;Health;Donna Porstner;Health;Communications Manager;ACARE-HT-10-125-1009-400;AmeriCares;"";2000;"";"";Infants;Emergency Procurement of Nutritionals;370000;2011-05-01;11;"";2011-04-22;Nutrition;UNICEF, Save the Children, Associazione Volontari per il Servizio Internazionale, Concern Worldwide, Medecins du Monde Suisse, GHESKIO, Love a Child, Accion Contre la Faim, Medecins du Monde Canada
Burkina Faso;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2008-01-01;"";;Kouritenga;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1078;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-BF-08-BF12;The Hunger Project;"";11010;"";"";"";Vowogdo Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Haiti;"";2010-11-15;"";2010-11-15; Avenue Pouplard, Rue Sylvia # 51, Port-au-Prince;;Ouest;"";N/A;Work for Food;Port-au-Prince;shipping/custome clearance;223;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Other;Lesly Pierre;"";Coordinator;TZU-HT-10-TZHT-06;Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation;Centre Prescolaire Carmen René Durocher ;411;"";NA;Affected population(s);Job Training # 3;95000;2011-12-31;18;"";2010-11-15;Livelihoods;Tzu Chi Foundation
Haiti;"";2011-05-04;"";2010-11-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";"Waste Hotline Project - WASH (ARC)
";Croix-des-Bouquets,Port-au-Prince;"";1738;American Red Cross;Carrefour,Cité Soleil,Croix-des Bouquets,Delmas,Kenscoff,Port-au-Prince,Pétion-Ville,Tabarre;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Laura Dills;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Director of Programs;CRS-HT-10-7420214;Catholic Relief Services (CRS);"Waste disposal
";183000;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs);Waste Hotline Project - WASH (ARC);1810513;2011-10-31;20;"";2011-05-04;"";Catholic Relief Services (CRS)
Haiti;"";2010-12-15;"";2010-09-01;"";;Ouest;Will work with 40 institutions, 80 mentors, and 2000 youth and children affected by the earthquake.;40 local institutions;Mercy Corps will promote arts therapy and visual storytelling as a therapeutic and youth empowerment mechanism through collaboration with U.S. and Haitian experts.  It will build the capacity and skill sets of caregivers, educators, artists and youth to support the psychosocial needs of children and youth.  It will also provide psychosocial support to children and youth through community and school based programming and the sponsorship of commemorative events. It will increase the number and range of printed materials available to support caregivers.;Port-au-Prince;"";601;Mercy Corps private funds,US Department of State;Carrefour,Cité Soleil,Delmas,Grenier,Kenscoff,Port-au-Prince,Pétion-Ville,Tabarre;Education,Health,Protection;Kyle Dietrich;Education,Health;Youth/Psychosocial Program Manager;MC-HT-10-012;Mercy Corps;"";2080;"";"";Children, Youth;Art Therapy and Youth Storytelling Project;241000;2012-02-28;50;;2011-01-27;Mental health/Psychosocial support;Mercy Corps
Liberia;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2009-01-01;"";;Bong,Grand Bassa,Margibi,Montserrado;"";"";Mercy Corps' Food for Progress program in Liberia is engaging in market-driven activities that will re-establish and improve productive agricultural capacity and livelihoods, availability of and access to food in rural areas, and income generation. The Food for Progress program uses proceeds from monetization of 2360 metric tons (MT) of soybean oil to work with communities in the four central Liberian counties of Bong, Grand Bassa, Margibi, and Montserrado. Through the program, Mercy Corps is increasing agricultural productivity through targeted training and technical assistance on market-driven agricultural practices to 60 farmer groups in 60 communities (1,500 farmers). Additionally, the program is improving functioning of markets through development of sub-sector and market linkages by supporting agribusinesses and micro-enterprises and increasing access to information through market-based radio news. Mercy Corps is working with the 60 supported communities to provide access to appropriate palm oil presses promoted through a USAID project implemented by Winrock International. Any farmer who has participated in the USDA-supported producer groups has access to purchase the Freedom Mill through a cost share process. Mercy Corps is also creating access through promotional events and local input suppliers at market days in the areas of the supported communities.  The program also provide access to loan through community microfinance associations/village savings and loan assocations (VSLAs). ;"";"";1011;US Department of Agriculture (USDA);"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development;Barsee Cooper;"";Interim Country Director;MC-LR-09-003;Mercy Corps;"1) Increased agricultural productivity of farmers through (a) targeted training and technical assistance on market-driven agricultural practices, and (b) provision of agricultural inputs; 2)  Improved functioning of markets and related agribusinesses/micro-enterprises through (a) development of sub-sector and market connections by supporting agribusinesses and microenterprises, and (b) increased access to information through a market-based radio news system; 3) Strengthened policies and institutions to enhance agricultural recovery through (a) rehabilitation and capacity building of local offices of the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA), Central Agricultural Research Institute (CARI) and Booker Washington Institute (BWI), and (b) dissemination of subsector analyses to agricultural stakeholders in Liberia; 4) Increase beneficiaries' access to loan by the formation of 50 Village Saving and Loan Associations.";1450;"";"";(a) are female, (b) face challenges in access to inputs and markets, and sustainable systems for agricultural support, (c) have developed strong relationships with local leaders and local organizations (d) live in project areas that can be reasonably accessed during dry and rainy seasons, (e) are identified as at risk by the community, (f) are entrepreneurial and enthusiastic, (g) demonstrate leadership, commitment and accountability and can become self-sustaining and provide substantial contribution to the recovery of the agricultural sector.;Food for Progress - Liberia;"";2010-12-31;50;"";"";"";Mercy Corps
Haiti;"";2010-09-22;"";2010-09-01;"";"";"";"";Haitian Red Cross;With the Haitian governments approval, Operation Blessing will soon start a hatchery for Gambusia  tiny fish that eat mosquito larvae  that are used all around the world as a green, natural, and sustainable method of mosquito control, which is key in eradicating the root cause of diseases including malaria and dengue fever (Haiti is the only western country where malaria remains epidemic). Currently, the State of Virginias Mosquito Control office is raising 4,000 breeder fish that will be delivered to Haiti in about 2 months. At the hatchery, the fish multiply rapidly into millions. Gambusia fish thrive in the worst conditions imaginable and eat many times their body weight in mosquito larvae/eggs. The Haitian Red Cross will partner with OBI to provide the volunteers needed to release the fish into stagnant, mosquito-infested waters around the country. In addition to the Gambusia, OBI will also import truck mounted insecticide sprayers, 11 backpack spray units, 10 tons of spraying material and 3,600 larvacide briquettes for the purposes of this mosquito abatement program.;"";"";615;"";"";Health;"";Health;"";OBI-HT-10-010;Operation Blessing International;"";"";"";"";"";Big Busters Mosquito Abatement Program;0;2011-12-12;51;;2011-05-13;"";Operation Blessing International
Dominican Republic;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1991-01-01;"";;Baoruco;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1323;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Protection,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-DO-91-167216;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Apolinar Perdomo Development Program;"";2018-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS, Nutrition;World Vision Dominican Republic
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";1999-01-01;"";;Dhaka;"";"";THP works at the Union level to (a) mobilize the population for self-reliant action, including forming producer co-operatives and other income generating enterprises, (b) build civil society from the bottom up - creating people's organization of women, youth, elders, girl-child advocates, and the poorest of the poor, (c) strengthen local democracy, (d) ensure adequate facilities for achieving the MDGs, (e) organize mass action campaigns for health, nutrition, education, clean water and sanitation.;"";"";1236;Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID),British Council,Private donations;"";Agriculture,Education,Health,Human Rights Democracy and Governance,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;John Coonrod;"";Executive Vice President;THP-BD-99-573;The Hunger Project;"";20000;"";"";"";Damurdda Pouroshova Mobilization;"";2100-12-31;83;"";"";"";The Hunger Project
Haiti;"";2010-09-22;"";2010-02-01;"";;Centre,Nord-Est,Ouest;"";"";"Heartland Alliance is currently providing trained Child Protection Officers at principal Haitian border crossings to assist the Government of Haitiís (GoH) Child Protection Brigades to identify children who are at risk of becoming child trafficking victims. These professionals are improving the safety of children by enhancing the capacity of government officers to safely and appropriately deal with separated children they identify and stop at border posts. Additionally, Heartland Alliance's Child Protection Officers are providing guidance on child interviewing techniques, as well as assessing children's needs, and ensuring their temporary placement into GoH and UNICEF vetted interim care facilities in Haiti. Heartland Alliance provides follow up assessments of all children placed into interim care facilities, and ensures that, where possible, their families are located and subsequently reunified with the children. To date, Heartland Alliance has achieved the following: 79 children were registered as potential victims of trafficking; 57 children were transferred into the custody of child protection brigade; screened over 2400 children crossing the Haitian-Dominican border to verify their identities and relationship to their adult companions; 15 officers from the Child Protection Brigade (a division of the Haitian National Police) were trained.";Croix-des-Bouquets,Lascahobas,Ouanaminthe;"";449;Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons (DOS/GTIP),UNICEF;Belladère,Ganthier,Ounaminthe;Protection;Ramsey Ben-Achour;Protection;Country Director;HLA-HT-10-002;Heartland Alliance for Human Needs & Human Rights;"";2400;"";"";Children;Urgent Child Trafficking Prevention Program - Haiti Earthquake Response;1409118;2011-04-04;33;;"";"";Heartland Alliance for Human Needs & Human Rights
Haiti;"";1991-09-24;"";2010-01-12;"";;Ouest;"";"";The American Red Cross trained and deployed nearly 70 Creole-speaking interpreters to serve as volunteers on board the USNS Comfort naval hospital ship to help medical personnel communicate with Haitian patients. Over the course of 7 weeks, the Comfort treated 871 patients.  Medical staff on the Comfort performed 843 surgeries aboard the ship during the mission, treating more than 540 critically injured earthquake survivors within the first 10 days.;Port-au-Prince;"";90;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Health;Marian-Spivey-Estrada;Health;Manager, Informaton and Reporting;ARCIS-HT-10-D1;American Red Cross;"";"";Please note that the estimated number of people reached refers to the total number of people each project plans to reach over the life of its implementation. Not all of these people have been reached with services yet.;"";Affected population(s);Volunteer interpreters on board USNS Comfort;0;2010-03-31;9;;2011-02-15;"";United States Navy
Romania;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2004-01-01;"";;Ia?i,Mures;"";"";The main focus of this project is to improve the life and well being of farmers. This is done primarily through better business and agricultural training.;"";"";1562;Private donations;"";Agriculture;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-RO-04-178859;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Agriculture Consulting & Learning Centers;"";2013-01-01;76;"";"";"";World Vision Romania
South Africa;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2005-01-10;"";;Eastern Cape;"";"";This project works to improve food security through better agricultural techniques. One important goal is the implementation of better food storage and vegetable crops in the winter season.;"";"";1563;Private donations;"";Agriculture;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-ZA-05-181965;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Umzimvubu HIV/AIDS Project;"";2008-09-30;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS;World Vision South Africa
Haiti;"";2010-12-09;"";2010-01-21;"";;"";"";World Concern;"Freedom from Hunger raised funds and gave them to World Concern, the parent organization of ACLAM in Haiti, for ACLAM to use in the relief and rebuilding efforts for its staff and clients as a result of the Haitian earthquake on January 12, 2010. Funds were potentially pooled with funds from other donors to extend outreach. Funds were used to help staff with burial expenses, assets and facilitate home repair or construction; they were used to give livesaving assistance such as food, water and temporary shelter to ACLAM clients; they were used to help with programs to provide cash-for-work and transtional shelter and house repair programs; they were used for livelihood grants to help people restart businesses; and they were used for the  orphan and vulnerable care program to start an income generating activity. ";"";"";771;"";"";Economic Recovery and Development,Shelter and Housing;Eden Rock;Shelter and Non-Food Items;Director of Institutional Gifts;"";Freedom from Hunger;"";65;"";"";"";Donations for Haiti Relief and Rebuilding;80000;2010-04-30;78;"";2011-01-11;"";Action Contre La Misere (ACLAM)
Haiti;"";2010-12-13;"";2010-10-22;""; ;Ouest;"";"";"Merlin is running preventative health programs throughout seven rural communities and two camps in the town.  Merlin also provides support to the coordinated cholera treatment center set up by MDM Espagne. 
";Léogâne;"";547;Emergency Response Relief Fund for Haiti (OCHA/ERRF);Grand-Goâve,Petit-Goâve;Health;Léa Gibert;Health;Operations Coordinator;MERLIN-HT-10-005;Medical Emergency Relief International, UK (Merlin);"";42500;"";"";"";Cholera Response (Petit-Goâve);0;2011-04-17;48;"";2011-05-17;"";Medical Emergency Relief International, UK (Merlin) 
United Republic of Tanzania;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1992-01-01;"";;Kilimanjaro;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1528;Private donations;"";Education,Health;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-TZ-92-167358;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Sanya Development Program;"";2012-01-01;76;"";"";"";World Vision Tanzania
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-12-10;"";2010-10-01;Bois Pin, Montagne Noire, Mathurin, San Yago, San Souci, Savannette;;Nord,Nord-Est;"";"";Lutheran World Relief's project will strengthen local leadership and capacity of six peasant organizations to sustainably improve agricultural production, livelihoods, savings and credit, health and natural resources management.   ;Borgne,Grande-Rivière-du-Nord,Saint-Raphaël,Vallières;"";516;Private donations;Bahon,Mombin Crochu,Pignon,Saint-Saint-Raphaël;Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Health;Alex Wilson;Early Recovery,Food Security and Agriculture,Health,Nutrition;Deputy Director for Latin America;LWR-HT-10-LA-HAI-3-001-11;Lutheran World Relief;Strengthen organizational capacities, increase agricultural production, improve natural resource management and disaster risk reduction, improve health and nutrition, develop livelihoods strategies and income generation programs;53926;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs), Rural population, Small farmers, Women, Youth;Rebuilding Haiti's Future after the Earthquake: Towards a Prosperous and Sustainable Countryside;675000;2013-09-30;45;;2011-01-27;Gender, Disaster risk reduction (DRR), Capacity building;Partnership for Local Development (PLD)
Bolivia;foodsecurity_site;2010-08-17;"";2010-04-01;"";;Potosí;"";N/A;Objective - Implement the Health Promotion Component of the Water and Environmental Sanitation program of UNICEF, to achieve changes in behavior regarding the implementation of hygiene practices.;"";"";862;UNICEF;"";Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Oscar Montes;"";Country Director;FH-BO-10-0110;Food for the Hungry;"•% increase in handwashing

•% increase in water treatment and storage

•% increase in proper disposal of human excrement

•% increase in the proper use of infrastructure";9868;"";Prime awardee;Mothers;Implementation of the Hygiene Promotion Component of the Water and Environmental Sanitation Programme;"";2011-03-31;28;"";2010-09-17;Gender ;Food for the Hungry
Haiti;"";2010-09-24;"";2010-01-12;"";,;Ouest,Sud-Est;"";"";Preparation of local communities for eventuality of natural disaster;Croix-des-Bouquets,Jacmel;"";655;"";Croix-des Bouquets,Jacmel;Disaster Management;Frank Manfredi (Plan USA/DC), Kristie van de Wetering (Plan Haiti);"";Director of Humanitarian Assistance, Director of Communications;PLAN-HT-10-010;Plan;Creation of Civil Protection Committees, distribution of hurricane preparedness kits, pre-positioning of hygiene kits, conducting of disaster risk management workshops, and launching of awareness-raising campaigns;"";"";"";"";Disaster Risk Reduction;"";2012-01-31;57;"";"";Disaster risk reduction (DRR);Plan
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;1991-09-21;"";2010-06-12;"";;L'Artibonite;"";"";Inject cash in the communes by providing IDPs, hosts and local communities with cash for the work they will realize. Rotation of workers to increase number of beneficiaries. Work realized aims at reducing watershed, enhancing soil conservation and planting a  maximum of trees in order to protect agriculture, houses, and Human lives.;Gros-Morne;"";161;Emergency Response Relief Fund for Haiti (OCHA/ERRF);Anse Rouge,Terre-Neuve;Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Environment;Paul Ziade;Food Security and Agriculture;Coordinator of Rural Dvelopment;AMURT-HT-10-ERRF DMA 0369 056;Ananda Marga Universal Relief Team (AMURT);"";5000;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs), Host families, Vulnerable people;Integrated watershed protection, soil conservation and employment cash for work program, commune of Anse Rouge and Terre-Neuve;374639;2010-12-10;13;;2011-01-25;Environment;Ananda Marga Universal Relief Team Haiti (AMURT)
Haiti;"";2010-10-12;"";2010-05-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";"";Port-au-Prince;"";131;International Organization for Migration (IOM);Delmas,Port-au-Prince;Disaster Management,Shelter and Housing;Amelia Kendall;Camp Coordination and Management;"";ARC-HT-10-004;American Refugee Committee International;"";"";"";"";"";Responding to Temporary Settlement and Camp Management Needs of Earthquake-affected Haitians 1;494977;2010-12-31;10;"";"";"";MoH, Delmas Mayor
Haiti;"";2010-09-24;"";2010-01-12;"";,;Ouest,Sud-Est;"";"";Professional development training for youth to encourage entrepreneurship and increase economic capacity in communities;Croix-des-Bouquets,Jacmel;"";653;"";Croix-des Bouquets,Jacmel;Economic Recovery and Development;Frank Manfredi (Plan USA/DC), Kristie van de Wetering (Plan Haiti);Early Recovery;Director of Humanitarian Assistance, Director of Communications;PLAN-HT-10-008;Plan;"";"";"";"";Youth;Vocational Training;"";2012-01-31;57;"";"";Gender;Plan
United Republic of Tanzania;foodsecurity_site;2010-07-27;"";2009-09-24;"";;Mwanza;"";Catholic Relief Service (CRS);This project  supports research to improve the agricultural performance, production and consumption of orange-flesh sweet potatoes in Tanzania and across sub-Saharan Africa. ;"";"";942;International Potato Center;"";Agriculture,Health;Peter Barnard;"";"";HKI-TZ-09-6131;Helen Keller International;"";200000;"";"";"";OFSP - Sweetpotato Action for Security and Health in Africa (SASHA);"";2012-07-31;79;;"";Nutrition;""
Haiti;"";2010-09-27;"";2010-01-28;Port-au-Prince;;Ouest;Port-au-Prince;"";Delivery of $545,225 worth of medical supplies and equipment to Partners in Health for the Hopital l'Universite d'Etate d'Haiti -(HUEH);Port-au-Prince;"";663;"";Port-au-Prince;Health;Niecy LoCricchio;Health;Director of Grants;CURE-HT-10-20919;PROJECT C.U.R.E.;"";18000;"";"";"";In-Kind Donations to Partners in Health for the University Hospital (HUEH), #2;545225;2010-01-28;59;;"";"";Partners in Health, University Hospital (HUEH)
Haiti;"";2010-07-30;"";2010-01-13;"";;Ouest;"";"";Lobjectif spécifique de ce projet est dapporter une aide durgence en matière deau et dassainissement tout en réduisant les effets hydro-sanitaires néfastes sur la population cible de la zone de cette crise Dans cette période de première urgence le projet a pour objectif de répondre immédiatement aux besoins de première nécessité des populations victimes de la catastrophe et de contribuer à améliorer rapidement les conditions de vie des familles les plus démunies dans la zone, quelles soient déplacées en famille daccueil, ou restées chez elles. .Ce projet fait partie intégrante dune opération de grande envergure lancée par ACTED dans le cadre de cette urgence avec ses partenaires de mise en oeuvre ShelterBox UK, Alliance 2015 et ses partenaires institutionnels.;Léogâne,Port-au-Prince;"";382;Ville de Paris;Léogâne,Port-au-Prince;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Marianna Franco;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Program Development Manager;ACTED-HT-10-41 AKZ 58Z;Friends of ACTED;"";6250;"";"";Affected population(s);Emergency Support to Earthquake Affected Populations # 2;30750;2010-12-13;29;"";2010-12-20;"";Friends of ACTED
Haiti;"";2010-09-22;"";2010-02-01;"";"";"";"";"";Operation Blessing has a second warehouse near the U.S. Embassy where OBI is staging medical donations including a huge consignment of medicine from one of the largest U.S.-based pharmaceutical companies valued at more than $150 million USD, and these meds are being used in partnership with the Haiti Ministry of Health and one of OBI's partnering agencies, Partners in Health.;"";"";608;"";"";Health;"";Health;"";OBI-HT-10-003;Operation Blessing International;"";"";"";"";"";Medicine;0;2011-12-12;51;"";2011-05-13;"";Haiti Ministry of Health, Partners in Health
Ethiopia;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-18;"";2007-07-11;"";;Somali;"";"";The objective of this project is to improve the overall health status of drought affected populations in four districts.;"";"";962;Hilton Foundation;"";Health;Stephen Commins;Nutrition;Strategy Manager, Fragile States;IMC-ET-07-1107;International Medical Corps;"Support three nutrition stabilization centers; provide assistance and capacity building to 18 Outpatient Therapy Programs  ";2200;"";Prime awardee;Malnourished children;Emergency Nutrition, Health and Water/Sanitation Response;"";2011-02-28;39;;"";Nutrition;International Medical Corps
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;1991-09-02;"";2010-03-01;"";;Ouest;"";World Relief, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO);"Distribute 96 metric tons of bean and corn seeds for 5500 families (completed); Provide cash for work for soil conservation, watershed restoration and tree planting for 4000 families (24000 individuals); Plant 350,00 trees";Croix-des-Bouquets,Léogâne;"";657;Emergency Response Relief Fund for Haiti (OCHA/ERRF),Private donations;Cornillon,Fonds-Verettes,Grand-Goâve,Léogâne;Agriculture,Environment;Bob Morikawa;Food Security and Agriculture;Technical Director;PLANT-HT-10-002;Plant With Purpose;"";24000;Direct beneficiaries multiplied by average members per family (6);"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs);Emergency Food Production and Job Creation through Soil Conservation and Reforestation;700000;2010-10-31;58;;2011-02-24;"";Floresta Ayiti
Haiti;"";2010-12-15;"";2010-10-31;"";;Ouest;"";"";The purpose of this project is to formally undertake an architectural assessment of New College Bird, an Eglise Methodiste DHaiti (EMH) school, which was partially damaged and destroyed on January 12th 2010.  Through this preliminary work, UMCOR will help the EMH prepare for the reconstruction of New College Bird, which will ultimately provide adequate educational facilities for students and teachers.;Port-au-Prince;"";728;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Education;Melissa Crutchfield;"";Assistant General Secretary, International Disaster Response;UMCOR-HT-10-418325-11;United Methodist Committee on Relief;"";"";"";Prime awardee;Children, Youth;New College Bird Architectural Study;56270;2011-04-30;67;"";"";"";Eglise Methodiste dHaiti
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-09-02;"";2010-02-01;"";;Nord,Ouest,Sud-Est;"";World Relief;Distributed 113.25 tons of rice and 15,612 liters of cooking oil to 4433 families;Bainet,Croix-des-Bouquets,Léogâne,l'Acul-du-Nord;"";656;Private donations;Acul du Nord,Bainet,Cornillon,Fonds-Verettes,Grand-Goâve,Léogâne;Food Aid;Bob Morikawa;Food Security and Agriculture,Shelter and Non-Food Items;Technical Director;PLANT-HT-10-001;Plant With Purpose;"";26400;Direct beneficiaries multiplied by average members per family (6);"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs);Emergency Food Distribution ;300000;2010-02-28;58;;"";"";Floresta Ayiti
Mali;foodsecurity_site;2011-03-07;"";2010-07-16;"";;Mopti;The school management committee is the market actor.;Ministry of Education;Improve the food security of school-aged children and community served by the target schools in the region of Mopti and improve the sustainability of the school feeding system;"";"";1668;Catholic Relief Services (CRS),US Agency for International Development (USAID),World Food Program (WFP);"";Education;Timothy Bishop;"";Country Representative;CRS-ML-10-LRP-688-2010/007-00;Catholic Relief Services (CRS);School Canteen;3253;"";Prime Awardee;Students, Cooks, Producers;Local and Regional Purchase Pilot Project;326315;2011-10-30;20;"";2011-04-07;"";Caritas Mopti
Haiti;"";2011-01-24;"";2010-09-01;"";"";Ouest;"";"";In partnership with two local NGOs AFSC is working on the implementation of two pilot projects. The primary goal of the two projects is to enhance the well-being and physical security of displaced persons residing in urban camps/shelters in Port-au-Prince and Léogâne. Special emphasis is given to strengthening local capacities to manage conflicts and reduce violence. As a part of these projects AFSC will facilitate intensive training in trauma healing which will be given to the staff working in the communities of the two projects and key community leadership members.;Léogâne,Port-au-Prince;"";53;"";Léogâne,Port-au-Prince;Health,Peace and Security,Protection;"";"";"";AFSC-HT-10-001;American Friends Service Committee (AFSC);"";"";"";"";"";Peace and Security Program;0;2011-09-30;6;"";2011-01-24;"";American Friends Service Committee
Mali;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-14;"";2010-07-01;"";;Sikasso;"";"";Improve soil fertility through promotion of effective composting, eco-san latrines, exchange visits and training on techniques of soil conservation;"";"";790;Private donations;"";Agriculture;Stephanie Sackett;"";Associate Director for Grants;CRWRC-ML-10-FS 1005;Christian Reformed World Relief Committee (CRWRC);"";800;"";"";"";ODES Community Development Program;"";2011-06-30;23;;"";"";Organism de Developpement pour l'Esperance au Mali (ODES)
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-11-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";"Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment
";Port-au-Prince;"";1869;Private donations;Delmas;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-51583;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Centre de Sante St Martin II;2407;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";Centre de Sante St Martin II
United Republic of Tanzania;foodsecurity_site;2010-09-20;"";"";"";;"";"";"";"This North East Zone project will work with four partners in four government administrative districts overseeing eight villages with 320 beneficiaries. Half of the beneficiaries will receive original heifers, and the other half will receive pass-ons.  The villages are Lambo, Masakta, Endagaw and Wareta in Hanang district; Kihitu and Msale in Lushoto district; Tongwe in Muheza district and Waida in Kondoa district. The project aims to improve livelihoods, improve nutrition and promote sustainable farmer groups.";"";"";883;"Michael & Susan Dell Foundation,Private donations";"";Agriculture;Kelly Doppelhammer;"";East Africa Program Assistant;HEFI-TZ-06-21-0411-01;Heifer International;"";320;"";"";"";North East Zone Dairy Cattle Project;0;"";34;"";2011-02-23;"";Heifer Tanzania
Mali;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2004-01-01;"";;Koulikoro;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1441;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-ML-04-174540;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Beledougou Development Program;"";2018-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS, Nutrition;World Vision Mali
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-01;"";2010-07-01;"";"";L'Artibonite;"";"";Améliorer la prévention de la malnutrition, laccès et la qualité de la prise en charge des cas de malnutrition aiguë par une approche communautaire et institutionnelle des problématiques EAH, nutrition et psycho-sociale;Gonaïves;"";14;Private donations;Gonaïves;Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;"";Nutrition,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;"";AAH-HT-10-HAH1A;Action Against Hunger;"3 PTA (K Soleil, Raboteau et consultation de lhôpital de Secours) et 1 USN (hôpital de Secours) sont supportés sur la ville de Gonaïves, et préparés à lautonomisation et 3 structures de santé (CDS) sont soutenues en Artibonite dans les zones sensibles et/ou vulnérables du Nord Artibonite (un centre de santé dans chacune des commune : Anse rouge, Ennery et LEstére) 
 Mise en place dune consultation psychologique pour le suivi des mères et des enfants malnutris : 
- Accompagnement à la mobilisation communautaire pour la mise en place des activités de prévention, de dépistage, et de référencement des enfants détectés malnutris
- Intégration et mise en place de système de référence entre les programmes VIH et les programmes de nutrition
-Organisations de consultation auprès de la population en grande difficulté psychologique pour leur permettre de mettre en route leur processus de résilience. 
30  puits ou forages équipés de pompes à motricité humaine sont rénovés et désinfectés dans la zone et délivrent une eau potable pour 500 utilisateurs maximum. 
- 5 réseaux gravitaires ou captages aménagés sont rénovés ou remis en service. 
- Visite en porte à porte et bilan sanitaire personnalisé. Proposition dinstallation dune pompe PVC, sensibilisation à lhygiène et détection de la malnutrition. 
- Mise en place de comités dassainissement de quartier pour produire et vendre des articles nécessaires à une amélioration des conditions dhygiène : pompes PVC pour puits et forages et solution chlorée.";"";"";"";"";Accompagnement par une approche intégrée des populations les plus exposées à la malnutrition 2;151196;2010-12-31;2;"";"";"";Action Against Hunger
Haiti;"";1991-12-09;"";2010-07-01;"";;Ouest,Sud,Sud-Est;"";"";AmeriCares and its fellow members of the Haiti Adolescent Girls Network are working to protect and empower adolescent girls in the wake of the earthquake in Haiti. To help girls ages 10 to18 navigate the volatile post-earthquake environment and charter a safe passage to adulthood, we have launched a program to build the social capital of this dynamic but vulnerable group. Through Girls Groups held in displacement camps and relocation sites, girls will gain access to education, health services, financial literacy, and counseling for gender-based violence and other traumas.;Jacmel,Léogâne,Port-au-Prince,les Cayes;"";139;Private donations;Cayes,Jacmel,Léogâne,Petit-Goâve,Port-au-Prince,Pétion-Ville;Health;Donna Porstner;Protection;Communications Manager;ACARE-HT-10-125-1009-401;AmeriCares;Girls Clubs throughout Haiti;1000;"";"";Adolescent Girls;Adolescent Girls Initiative;300000;2011-11-01;11;"";2011-01-25;Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (GBV);AmeriCares, International Medical Corps, Population Council, International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), Save the Children, International Rescue Committee (IRC), PROFAMIL, Making Cents, BRAC USA, APROFISA, St. Boniface Hospital, YWCA
Haiti;"";2010-05-19;"";2010-09-17;"";;Grand'Anse,Ouest,Sud,Sud-Est;"";"";Distribution of 12,600 quilts and 9,900 health kits for people afffected by the earthquake in Haiti.;Belle-Anse,Croix-des-Bouquets,Jérémie,Léogâne,Port-Salut,Port-au-Prince;"";506;Private donations;Croix-des Bouquets,Grand-Goâve,Grenier,Jérémie,Léogâne,Port-Salut,Pétion-Ville,Thiotte;Disaster Management,Health;Trevor Knoblich;Health,Shelter and Non-Food Items,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Program Coordinator for Emergency Response;LWR-HT-10-LA-HAI-2-002-10;Lutheran World Relief;"";12600;"";"";"";Quilts and Health Kits for Earthquake Affected in Haiti;308911;2010-11-30;45;;2011-04-04;"";Lutheran World Federation
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-12-17;"";2010-03-01;"";;L'Artibonite,Nord-Ouest;"";"";Micro-credit for IDPs living in agricultural coops.  Program provides additional micro-credit to 13 agricultural cooperatives so that they can make loans to internally displaced people (IDPs) that have arrived in the coops since the earthquake.  Micro-credit allows IDPs to start a small business or participate in agricultural activities in order to make a sustainable life in the rural area.  This program supports families where they have resettled and supports the goal of de-urbanization of Haiti.;Gonaïves,Gros-Morne,Môle Saint-Nicolas;"";282;Private donations;Baie de Henne,Bombardopolis,Gonaïves,Gros-Morne,Jean-Rabel;Agriculture;Aaron Tate;Early Recovery;Emergency Response Coordinator;CWS-HT-10-003;Church World Service;"";1000;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs);Support to IDPs in Agricultural Cooperatives;120000;2012-12-31;24;;"";Livelihoods;Sant Kretyen pou Devlopman Entegre (SKDE)
Haiti;"";2011-05-04;"";2010-02-21;"";;L'Artibonite,Nord,Ouest;"";"";Debris removal, transitional shelter and livelihoods program that provides transitional shelter while incorporating income generation activities through Cash for Work programs.  CHF is removing 2750 cubic meters of debris each day - an Olympic Swimming Pool volume - using heavy machinery and Cash for Work teams. In the next seven months we will employ 16,000 Haitians in cash-for-work activities to support debris removal and site preparation for the construction of transitional shelters.  We are also working in partnership with Caterpillar to remove debris.  Our priorities are: drainage canals, roads and public buildings. CHF is also providing 6,040 shelter solutions for displaced families.  This involves transitional shelters ñ safe and sanitary, seismic and hurricane-resistant temporary homes where families can live for up to two years while full reconstruction takes place.  These numbers will be augmented by further funding from corporations and foundations. Our target is 1,000 - 2,000 shelter solutions throught the Léogâne-Petit-Goâve corridor.;Cap-Haïtien,Dessalines,Léogâne,Port-au-Prince;"";265;Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA),Private donations;Cap-Haïtien,Grand-Goâve,Grande Saline,Léogâne,Petit-Goâve,Port-au-Prince;Shelter and Housing;Alberto Wilde;Shelter and Non-Food Items;CHF KATA Chief of Party;CHF-HT-10-001;CHF;"";"";"";"";"";CLEARS;37705448;2011-11-30;21;"";2011-05-17;Livelihoods;CHF International
Haiti;"";2010-12-10;"";2010-11-01;"";;Centre,Ouest,Sud;"";Parish of St. Mattheiu in Mattieu, Parish of Ascension de Thor in Carrefour, Mission in Taifer, Parish of St. Marc in Trouin, IMA World Health, Parish of Ste. Croix in Léogâne-ville, Parish of Epiphanie in L'Acul, Parish of St. Matthias in Grande Colline, Parish of St. Paul in Torbect, Mission of Beraud, Parish of St. Thomas in Arcahaie, Mission of Léger, College St. Pierre, Parish of Notre Dame in PaP, Convent of Ste. Marguerite, Cathedral of Ste. Trinity, Mission of Thomazeau, Parish of St. Simeon in Croix-des-Bouquets, Missions of Lascahobas;In response to the cholera outbreak that began in mid-October, Episcopal Relief & Development supported CEDDISECs efforts to bring clean water to areas where water sources had the possibility of becoming contaminated. CEDDISEC also led an education initiative on cholera prevention and water purification techniques in 16 parishes throughout the Department of the West and South, as well as in 18 informal urban tent camps in Port-au-Prince, Delmas, and Petion-ville. 13 health advocates were trained and mobilized to give lessons and hand out pamphlets on proper hygiene, hand washing, waste disposal and disinfection of contaminated areas. Health advocates were also charged with the distribution of clean water, water purification tablets, Clorox, and soap, as well as oral rehydration salts.  As of mid-December, over 23,550 families in Episcopal parishes, schools, community settings, and urban tent camps had been reached with hygiene education and health care supplies.;Croix-des-Bouquets,Lascahobas,Léogâne,Port-au-Prince,l'Arcahaie,les Cayes;"";372;Private donations;Arcahaie,Carrefour,Croix-des Bouquets,Delmas,Grand-Goâve,Lascahobas,Léogâne,Port-au-Prince,Pétion-Ville,Thomazeau,Torbeck;Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tammi Mott;Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Haiti Recovery Program;ERD-HT-10-006;Episcopal Relief & Development;"";141300;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs), Vulnerable people/populations;Cholera Prevention Education;"";2011-01-31;27;"";"";"";Episcopal Diocese of Haiti, Centre Diocésain de Développement Intégré et de Secours (CEDDISEC)
Philippines;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1987-01-01;"";;Zambales;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1481;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-PH-87-68013;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Hiyas Ng Pag-Asa to Pangka Development Program;"";2010-01-01;76;"";"";"";World Vision Philippines
Haiti;"";2011-04-25;"";2011-01-15;"";;Grand'Anse,L'Artibonite,Nippes,Nord,Nord-Ouest,Ouest;"";"";"Cholera Response ""Difficult Times""
";Gros-Morne,Jérémie,Limbé,Miragoâne,Plaisance,Port-au-Prince,Port-de-Paix,l'Acul-du-Nord;"";1733;Fergus McCann;Fond des Negres,Gros-Morne,Jérémie,Limbé,Milot,Miragoâne,Pilate,Port-au-Prince,Port-de-Paix;Health;Laura Dills;Health;Director of Programs;CRS-HT-11-CR-1426-7420220;Catholic Relief Services (CRS);"Proposed revised activities: funding ORPs as a complementary activity to the CDC proposal.
";146800;"";"";"";"Cholera Response ""Difficult Times""";258564;2012-01-15;20;"";2011-04-25;"";Catholic Relief Services (CRS), Caritas
Haiti;"";1991-09-24;"";2010-06-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";The camps that now house many Haitians are often located on marginal land that is prone to flooding.  The American Red Cross is partnering with Concern Worldwide to address this problem by improving drainage at Place-de-la-Paix camp.  Project activities include clearing current canals and drainage ditches, relocating shelters, and constructing and backfilling drains with gravel.  An estimated 5,000 people will benefit from this project.;Port-au-Prince;"";127;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Marian Spivey-Estrada;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Manager, Information and Reporting;ARCIS-HT-10-WS1;American Red Cross;"";5000;"";"";Affected population(s), Internally displaced persons (IDPs);Improving Drainage in Place-de-la-Paix through Concern;0;2011-05-30;9;;1991-10-26;Disaster risk reduction (DRR);Concern Worldwide
Haiti;"";1991-12-22;"";2010-10-27;"";;Ouest;"";Interim Haiti Recovery Commission (IHRC);The Red Cross is coordinating an aggressive response to the cholera outbreak that has spread throughout Haiti and into areas of the Dominican Republic. As part of this response, the American Red Cross partnered with the Interim Haiti Recovery Commission (IHRC), providing 5,000 cots from its domestic warehouses for distribution to medical facilities treating cholera patients.;Port-au-Prince;"";86;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Health;Marian Spivey-Estrada;Health;Manager, Information and Reporting;ARCIS-HT-10-008;American Red Cross;"";"";Please note that the estimated number of people reached refers to the total number of people each project plans to reach over the life of its implementation. Not all of these people have been reached with services yet.;"";Cholera affected population;Responding to Cholera with the Interim Haiti Recovery Commission;0;2011-06-30;9;;2011-04-29;"";""
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";1999-01-01;"";;Chittagong;"";"";THP works at the Union level to (a) mobilize the population for self-reliant action, including forming producer co-operatives and other income generating enterprises, (b) build civil society from the bottom up - creating people's organization of women, youth, elders, girl-child advocates, and the poorest of the poor, (c) strengthen local democracy, (d) ensure adequate facilities for achieving the MDGs, (e) organize mass action campaigns for health, nutrition, education, clean water and sanitation.;"";"";1182;Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID),British Council,Private donations;"";Agriculture,Education,Health,Human Rights Democracy and Governance,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;John Coonrod;"";Executive Vice President;THP-BD-99-021;The Hunger Project;"";20000;"";"";"";Ali Kadam Sadar Mobilization;"";2100-12-31;83;"";"";"";The Hunger Project
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-12-09;"";2010-05-01;"";;Centre;"";"";BRAC Haiti is continuing its partnership with Fonkoze by providing Fonkoze with technical expertise to scale up its nationwide Chemen Lavi Miyò (CLM) program to include 1,000 households by 2011. The target population for this group is the most marginalized, impoverished section of the community  the bottom 10% of society who is often voiceless and invisible, particularly female-headed households with no significant source of income. Households are identified through community wealth rankings and other participatory methods. This program works to combat rural ultra poverty, by providing selected ultra poor families with income generating assets (goats, chickens, saplings, seeds) as well as livelihood training. Savings training is an integral aspect of this 2-year program. Household selection and livelihood training for all 1,000 households will be completed by the end of December 2010. Thus far, 700 families have been mobilized. The program presently focuses on households in Saut Deau, Mirebalais, and Boucan-Carré.;Mirebalais;"";175;Mastercard Foundation;Boucan-Carré,Mirebalais,Saut-d'Eau;Agriculture;Abu Aslam;"";Technical Support Manager;BRAC-HT-10-004;BRAC USA;"";1000;"";"";Small farmers, Rural populations;Technical Assistance to Fonkoze;132565;2010-12-31;16;;"";Food security, Livelihoods;Fonkoze
Haiti;"";2010-09-24;"";2009-07-01;"";"";Grand'Anse,L'Artibonite,Nippes,Nord-Ouest,Sud;"";"";"Under Family Health International (FHI) leadership, Catholic Relief Services (CRS) is a member of the consortium FHI-CRS-ICC (International Child Care). CRS, having vast experience in Haiti and internationally working with children and families, in collaboration with FHI (one of the worlds largest and most influential international HIV/AIDS and technical assistance organizations) and ICC (one of the leading partners of Haitis Ministry of Public Health and Population  MSPP in the fight against tuberculosis), works to create an innovative, integrated approach to HIV/AIDS in five of Haitis ten departments (Northwest, Nippes, Artibonite, South and Grande Anse). Combined, the team has significant experience delivering services in Haiti related to HIV/AIDS, TB, maternal and child health (MCH), nutrition and Livelihood. The combined technical expertise and regional knowledge of the Community Health and AIDS Mitigation Program (CHAMP) team will help guide a decentralized, department-based integrated sub-grants program that mobilizes other nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and community-based organizations (CBOs) throughout the five geographic intervention areas. CHAMP will address the following issues: • Poor integration of healthcare services provided to people living with HIV/AIDS (PLHA), orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) and families, including MCH, nutrition, and social assistance services; • Weak participation of community members in decisions that affect their lives, including health care issues; • Lack of resources, leadership and governance at the community level; • Ineffective referral systems between service delivery points at the community level; and, • Lack of coordination between private and public health sectors and among the private health sector to avoid duplication of effort and resources. The vision of CHAMP is guided by the principles of empowerment, decentralization, and integration to create communities where families participate actively in the health care decisions that affect their lives; where a comprehensive range of services are available at the community level; and where government, NGOs, CBOs, and community members work together in dynamic and collaborative partnership to achieve common goals. Perhaps most importantly it diminishes the stigmatization so often associated with vertical HIV/AIDS programs, by drawing in a large following of non-HIV clients for other
services. HIV+ clients are therefore willing and able to receive the services they need without the suspicion or shame of going to an HIV clinic or receiving a home visit from an HIV outreach worker.";Anse d'Hainault,Corail,Gonaïves,Gros-Morne,Jérémie,Miragoâne,Môle Saint-Nicolas,Port-Salut,Port-de-Paix,Saint-Marc,les Cayes;"";251;Private donations,US Agency for International Development (USAID);Bombardopolis,Cayes,Dame Marie,Fond des Negres,Gonaïves,Gros-Morne,Jean-Rabel,Jérémie,Miragoâne,Pestel,Port-Salut,Port-de-Paix,Saint-Marc;Health,Protection;Nicole Balliette;Protection;Haiti Earthquake Response Coordinator;CRS-HT-10-7420149/7420150;Catholic Relief Services (CRS);"The overarching goal of CHAMP for CRS is to improve the health and quality of life of vulnerable families and PLHA in five of Haitis ten geographical departments. SO1: Increase the organizational, technical and leadership capacity of the health sector to effectively serve PLHA and vulnerable families; SO2: Expand availability, accessibility and use of integrated care and support services among PLHA and vulnerable families in five geographic departments of Haiti.";9814;"";"";People living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA), Children;Community Health and AIDS Mitigation Project (CHAMP);17586316;2014-02-28;20;"";"";HIV/AIDS;Family Health International (FHI), Catholic Relief Services (CRS), International Child Care
Ethiopia;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2008-03-13;"";;Amhara;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1085;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-ET-08-ET4;The Hunger Project;"";11907;"";"";"";Machakel Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-11-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";"Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment
";l'Arcahaie;"";1857;Private donations;Arcahaie;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-51533;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Clinique Saint-Paul Montrouis;11620;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";Clinique Saint-Paul Montrouis
";;Ouest,Sud-Est;"";"";"Targeted distributions of food and non-food items (NFIs), shelter and sanitation, support to government grants
";Jacmel,Port-au-Prince;"";744;Tearfund UK;Jacmel,Port-au-Prince;Disaster Management,Food Aid,Shelter and Housing,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Christon Domond;"";Country Director;WC-HT-10-5085;World Concern;"Food distribution
";5000;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs), Staff;Emergency Humanitarian Action;186587;2010-03-30;71;;2011-03-31;"";World Concern
Burkina Faso;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2006-01-01;"";;Balé;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1079;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-BF-06-BF13;The Hunger Project;"";20847;"";"";"";Vy Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
United Republic of Tanzania;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2010-01-01;"";;Kigoma;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1517;Private donations;"";Education,Health;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-TZ-10-193712;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Buhoma Development Program;"";2025-01-01;76;"";"";"";World Vision Tanzania
United Republic of Tanzania;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1997-01-01;"";;Kagera;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1526;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Education,Health;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-TZ-97-171684;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Rugu Development Program;"";2015-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS;World Vision Tanzania
Haiti;"";2010-07-12;"";2010-02-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";Emergency Food Program in Hospital, child nutrition program for IDPs;Port-au-Prince;"";57;American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee;Port-au-Prince;Health;Djerhy Jean Baptiste;"";Program Manager;JDC-HT-10-004;American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee;"";4000;"";"";"";Food Provision;270000;2010-09-01;7;;"";Nutrition;Zanmi Lasante (ZL), EcoWorks International
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";1999-01-01;"";;Khulna;"";"";THP works at the Union level to (a) mobilize the population for self-reliant action, including forming producer co-operatives and other income generating enterprises, (b) build civil society from the bottom up - creating people's organization of women, youth, elders, girl-child advocates, and the poorest of the poor, (c) strengthen local democracy, (d) ensure adequate facilities for achieving the MDGs, (e) organize mass action campaigns for health, nutrition, education, clean water and sanitation.;"";"";1205;Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID),British Council,Private donations;"";Agriculture,Education,Health,Human Rights Democracy and Governance,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;John Coonrod;"";Executive Vice President;THP-BD-99-236;The Hunger Project;"";20000;"";"";"";Kapashatia Mobilization;"";2100-12-31;83;"";"";"";The Hunger Project
Haiti;"";2011-01-10;"";2011-01-10;"";"";"";"";"";Haitian Disabled Peoples Organizations (DPOs) and disability organisations are empowered to advocate, advise, monitor, evaluate and participate in inclusion of people with disability and disability issues in the emergency and reconstruction process following the earthquake.  This project builds the capacity of Haitian DPOs and disability organizations to advocate through training and through support in developing messages and messaging related to the inclusion of people with disability and disability issues in post quake relief and reconstruction efforts.;"";"";270;CBM Member Association;"";Human Rights Democracy and Governance,Protection;"";"";"";CBM-HT-10-004;Christian Blind Mission;"";"";"";"";"";Advocacy for Inclusion of People with Disabilities;0;2011-02-28;22;"";2011-02-03;Disability;""
Haiti;"";2010-10-08;"";2010-03-01;"These are not camps: The IRC is responsible for these 2 areas for FTR
"; ;Ouest;"";"";"In the wake of the disaster, many children are homeless and separated from their families. The IRCs team of caseworkers is working to keep these children safe and taken care of while doing everything possible to find their relatives and reunite families.
";Port-au-Prince;"";482;ECHO,Newman's Own Foundation,UNICEF;Delmas,Port-au-Prince;Protection;Lina Gjerstad  ;Protection;Grants Coordinator ;IRC-HT-10-004;International Rescue Committee (IRC);"Family tracing and reunification
";842;"";Prime Awardee ;Children;Reuniting Families;0;2014-02-08;43; ;2011-05-11;"";International Rescue Committee (IRC) 
Haiti;"";1991-10-12;"";2011-02-15;"";;Ouest;"";"";The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, with support from the global Red Cross network, was the convener of the shelter and non-food items cluster in Haiti.  This cluster is responsible for identifying needs, progress and gaps in providing shelter and basic household goods to Haitians affected by the January 12 earthquake.  Along with other national societies, the American Red Cross provided financial and human resources in support of these efforts.;Port-au-Prince;"";107;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Disaster Management,Shelter and Housing;Marian Spivey-Estrada;Shelter and Non-Food Items;Manager, Information and Reporting;ARCIS-HT-10-IROC3;American Red Cross;"";"";Please note that the estimated number of people reached refers to the total number of people each project plans to reach over the life of its implementation. Not all of these people have been reached with services yet.;"";Affected population(s);Shelter and Non-food Items Cluster Coordination;0;2011-02-15;9;;1991-10-26;"";International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), American Red Cross, Global Red Cross Network
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-08-25;"";;L'Artibonite;"";"";"Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment
";Dessalines;"";1861;Private donations;Dessalines;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-51547;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Hospital Claire Heureuse;17427;2011-04-22;26;;2011-04-22;"";Hospital Claire Heureuse
Ghana;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2009-01-01;"";;Eastern;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1155;The Robertson Foundation;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-GH-09-GH37;The Hunger Project;"";5000;"";"";"";Pameng Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Benin;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2009-01-01;"";;Ouémé;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1054;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-BJ-09-BN1;The Hunger Project;"";7896;"";"";"";Akpadanou Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Chile;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1986-01-01;"";;Region Metropolitana;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1304;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Protection;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-CL-86-169947;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Cenfocal Development Program;"";2014-01-01;76;"";"";"";World Vision Chile
Haiti;"";2010-07-30;"";2009-01-01;"";;Centre;"";"";"Appuyer la réinsertion scolaire de 500 enfants rapatriés par le biais de lobtention de documents didentité;
Sensibiliser la population et en particulier les parents, les autorités locales, les médias communautaires, les officiers détat civil et les sages femmes à limportance de lidentité comme moyen efficace de lutte contre le trafic et la traite des enfants.";Lascahobas;"";376;Conseil Régional Ile de France;Lascahobas;Protection;Marianna Franco;Protection;Program Development Manager;ACTED-HT-10-41 AFU 20Z;Friends of ACTED;"";746;"";"";Children, Caregivers;Support to school reintegration of Haitian returnees from the Dominican Republic by obtaining personal IDs;27755;2010-08-31;29;"";2010-12-20;"";Groupe d'Appui aux Rapatries & Refugies (GARR)
Malawi;foodsecurity_site;2011-05-11;"";2008-10-01;"2nd Admin: Zomba
3rd Admin: Chikowi Traditional Authority  which includes 438 villages and an estimated population of 156,576 individuals. Chikowi TA is the second largest TA of the District."; ;Southern;"Zomba District is one of 12 districts in the Southern Region of the country; with a total population of approximately 590,000 people, the district has the third largest population size in the Southern Region and is one of the most densely populated areas in Malawi. The overall annual average household income in the district is estimated to be the lowest amongst the 12 districts of the Southern Region, and about 40% lower than the national average income. ";Save the Children Italy ;"Save the Children, under the Improving Health and Nutritional Status of Children Under Five in Rural Areas of Zomba District, Malawi project, aims to improve the health and nutritional status of children under five in Zomba District by improving the livelihoods capacities of 4,000 vulnerable households in Chikowi Traditional Authority through self sustainable quality community based services and mechanisms. 
";"";"";1772;Save the Children Italy;"";Agriculture,Health;Nikaj Van Wees ;"";Africa Child Hunger and Agriculture Specialist ;STC-MW-08-84067283 ;Save the Children;"Activities under this program include: promoting sustained behavior change of caretakers of children under 5 through health and nutrition education in communities (prevention and early detection); mobilizing groups of volunteer mothers (care groups), and train and support them to deliver health education to their communities; introducing early child development activities for children in pre-primary age in rural areas, by setting up community based daycare centers increasing access to food and to disposable income; supporting smallholder farmers in adopting sound farming practices and in accessing markets; and by supporting the creation of 200 farmers groups, and provide technical assistance to farmers through trained community extension workers.";7000;"";"";Children under five, Vulnerable households, Pregnant women ;Improving Health and Nutritional Status of Children Under Five in Rural Areas of Zomba District, Malawi  ;1424011;2011-09-30;63;"";2011-05-11;"Nutrition
";Save the Children US  
Haiti;"";2010-12-10;"";2010-12-31;"";;Ouest;"";"";To strengthen community participation in rebuilding after the earthquake through leadership training for women and youth and workshops on economic solidarity initiatives, sexual and reproductive health and rights, civic and political participation and disaster mitigation.;Léogâne;"";69;Private donations;Léogâne;Health;Amarilys Estrella;Early Recovery;Program Officer;AJWS-HT-10-022;American Jewish World Service (AJWS);"";2500;"";"";Women, Internally displaced persons (IDPs);Strengthening community participation after the earthquake;30000;2011-12-30;8;;"";"";Movimiento De Mujeres Dominico Haitiana
Haiti;"";2010-09-01;"";2010-09-01;128, Rue Capois, Port-au-Prince;;Ouest;"";N/A;Work for Food;Port-au-Prince;shipping/custome clearance;220;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Education;Lesly Pierre;"";Coordinator;TZU-HT-10-TZHT-03;Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation;Collège Roussan Camille ;191;"";NA;Affected population(s);Education # 2;95000;2011-12-31;18;"";2010-09-01;"";Tzu Chi Foundation
Uganda;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2008-05-05;"";;Kiruhara;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1113;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-UG-08-UG6;The Hunger Project;"";30000;"";"";"";Kiruhura  Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Ghana;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";1996-01-01;"";;Central;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1168;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-GH-96-GH50;The Hunger Project;"";4877;"";"";"";Taido-Anomabu Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Haiti;"";2011-03-31;"";2011-02-01;"Village Solidarite
";;Ouest;"";Local churches;"This 3 month program is designed to reduce the impact of a widespread cholera outbreak within Haiti through public health messaging and the supply of essential items to prevent, and treat, cholera in the home and community. The primary channel for messaging and supply delivery will be through the local church networks. Churches will be requested to identify suitable members of their congregations, who will be trained as trainers, and who will in turn pass on essential public health messages to the wider congregation.
";Port-au-Prince;"";1720;International Organization for Migration (IOM),Tearfund UK;Delmas;Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Christon Domond;Health;Country Director;WC-HT-11-5073;World Concern;"Non-food item (NFI) and hygiene promotion
";30000;"";"";Cholera affected population;Haiti Rural Cholera Response ;79400;2011-05-01;71;;2011-03-31;"";World Concern
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2011-05-19;"";2011-01-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";With foundation and music industry support, Operation USA built a youth feeding center for L'Athletique d'Haiti (LADH) which included a kitchen and cafeteria for 450 children.  Those structures survived and they are now the core of a much larger emergency program feeding the over 500 families that are now living on the facility's soccer fields. They  have sent LADH generators and shelter materials.;Port-au-Prince;"";630;"";Pétion-Ville;Disaster Management,Food Aid,Shelter and Housing;Richard Walden;Food Security and Agriculture,Health,Shelter and Non-Food Items;"";OPUSA-HT-10-002;Operation USA;"";"";"";"";"";Providing Relief Supplies  and Transport;0;2011-01-01;52;"";2011-05-19;"";L'Athletique d'Haiti (LADH)
Guatemala;foodsecurity_site;2010-08-13;"";2008-07-01;"";;Alta Verapaz;"";"";Indigenous Q´eqchies who live near the ridge of the Cahabon river watershed in Alta Verapaz department of Guatemala are under employed, have few labor alternatives, are plagued by illiteracy and have no access to potable water, draining systems and electricity. The region, rich in natural resources, is threatened by deforestation, which affects water sources that supply 10,000 families. The main goal of this project is to promote activities that will provide income and conserve the biodiversity and natural resources in the region for 800 families. The project will distribute 180 rabbits, 252 turkeys, 81 sheep and 3,600 earthworms. Training also will be provided in natural and environmental history, and in activities that will conserve the natural resources and improve habitat.;"";"";913;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Environment;Americas program;"";Americas program;HEFI-GT-08-23-1319-02;Heifer International;"";1;"";"";"";Development and Conservation in the Upper Area of the Cahabon River Watershed;"";2014-06-30;34;"";"";"";PROEVAL RAXMU
Benin;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2006-01-01;"";;Kouffo;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1059;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-BJ-06-BN6;The Hunger Project;"";19387;"";"";"";Dekpo Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-09-22;"";2010-03-01;"";"";Ouest;"";"";Operation Blessing is using an integrated aquaponics system for raising fish and vegetables as food security for orphans in Port-au-Prince.;Port-au-Prince;"";628;"";Port-au-Prince;Agriculture;"";Food Security and Agriculture;"";OBI-HT-10-023;Operation Blessing International;"";"";"";"";Orphans and vulnerable children (OVC);Integrated Aquaponics System;0;2011-12-12;51;"";2011-05-13;"";""
Burkina Faso;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2007-01-01;"";;Soum;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1068;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-BF-07-BF2;The Hunger Project;"";14369;"";"";"";Bouguè Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";1999-01-01;"";;Barisal;"";"";THP works at the Union level to (a) mobilize the population for self-reliant action, including forming producer co-operatives and other income generating enterprises, (b) build civil society from the bottom up - creating people's organization of women, youth, elders, girl-child advocates, and the poorest of the poor, (c) strengthen local democracy, (d) ensure adequate facilities for achieving the MDGs, (e) organize mass action campaigns for health, nutrition, education, clean water and sanitation.;"";"";1185;Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID),British Council,Private donations;"";Agriculture,Education,Health,Human Rights Democracy and Governance,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;John Coonrod;"";Executive Vice President;THP-BD-99-046;The Hunger Project;"";20000;"";"";"";Bhola Pouroshova Mobilization;"";2100-12-31;83;"";"";"";The Hunger Project
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-12-21;"";2010-05-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";Supply hot meals to school children during the school day, plus provide cash and food for work to school service providers. ;Croix-des-Bouquets,Port-au-Prince;"";762;World Food Program (WFP);Croix-des Bouquets,Delmas,Tabarre;Education,Food Aid;Amy Knorr;"";Haiti Country Program Manager, World Vision US;WV-HT-10-004;World Vision US, Inc.;"";"";"";"";Students;Haiti Earthquake Recovery  School Feeding (Ouest);"";2010-12-31;76;"";"";"";""
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2011-03-10;"";2011-01-01;"";;"";"";"";Meal shipments for school feeding programs, orphanages, clinics;"";"";1660;Private donations;"";Education,Food Aid,Health;Rick Kearney;Education,Food Security and Agriculture,Health,Nutrition;Distribution Coordinator;STOP-HT-11-Lifeline Christian Mission;Stop Hunger Now;"";2000;"";"";Affected population(s);Meal Distribution Partnership with Lifeline Christian Mission;71280;2011-12-31;65;;2011-03-17;"";Lifeline Christian Mission
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-05-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment;Léogâne;"";1811;Private donations;Léogâne;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-9123;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to World Wide Village;110833;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";World Wide Village
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2011-05-11;"";2010-04-01;"";"";L'Artibonite,Ouest;"";"";There is still a tremendous need to feed those affected by the earthquake and there is still minimal access to clean water. Life is on the ground working to provide assistance to those still in need.;Léogâne,Port-au-Prince,Saint-Marc;"";500;Life for Relief and Development partners,Private donations;Cité Soleil,Léogâne,Saint-Marc;Food Aid;"";Food Security and Agriculture;"";LRD-HT-10-003;Life for Relief and Development;"";2900;"";"";"";Recovery - Food Distribution;0;2011-12-31;44;"";2011-05-11;"";""
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-01-22;"";;L'Artibonite;"";"";Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment;Saint-Marc;"";1797;Private donations;Verettes;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-8606;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Hospital Albert Schweitzer;3236940;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";Hospital Albert Schweitzer
Haiti;"";2010-10-05;"";2010-04-15;"";"";"";"";"";Medical mission supplies;"";"";198;Private donations;"";Health;"";Health;"";BBF-HT-10-023;Brother's Brother Foundation;"";"";"";"";"";Medical Mission Trip # 13;44190;2010-05-15;17;"";"";"";MAMA Project, Inc.
Burkina Faso;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2003-01-01;"";;Sourou;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1072;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-BF-03-BF6;The Hunger Project;"";11237;"";"";"";Kouy Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Sri Lanka;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1997-01-01;"";;Central;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1509;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Shelter and Housing,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-LK-97-171307;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Wilgamuwa Development Program;"";2013-01-01;76;"";"";Nutrition;World Vision Sri Lanka
Benin;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2004-01-01;"";;Collines;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1064;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-BJ-04-BN11;The Hunger Project;"";36697;"";"";"";Ouissi Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Haiti;"";2010-09-23;"";2010-06-01;"";;Ouest;"";Sous Espwa;Pyscho-social Counseling;Port-au-Prince;"";278;Christian Reformed Church of North America (CRCNA);Port-au-Prince;Health;Willys Geffrard;Health;Haiti Program Manager;CRWRC-HT-10-OR 2010-23;Christian Reformed World Relief Committee (CRWRC);"";3000;"";"";Children;Psycho-social Counseling;67000;2010-09-30;23;"";"";Mental health/Psychosocial support;Christian Reformed World Relief Committee (CRWRC)
United Republic of Tanzania;foodsecurity_site;2010-09-10;"";2006-07-01;"";;"";"";"";The project will contribute towards environmental enhancement through protection of the catfish biodiversity and other aquatics. The project also has a component of protecting water source by planting water-attracting trees in water source and directly protecting the water sources through by laws.;"";"";885;Private donations;"";Agriculture;Kelly Doppelhammer;"";East Africa Program Assistant;HEFI-TZ-06-21-0413-01;Heifer International;"";105;"";"";"";North West Zone Fish Farming Project;"";2011-06-30;34;"";"";"";Heifer Tanzania
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-11-09;"";;Nord;"";"";Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment;l'Acul-du-Nord;"";1826;Private donations;Plaine du Nord;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-51531;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Clinique Medico-Chirurgicale Dugue;13543;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";Clinique Medico-Chirurgicale Dugue
Honduras;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1995-01-01;"";;Intibucá;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1395;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Protection,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-HN-95-169642;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Yamaranguila II Development Program;"";2014-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS;World Vision Honduras
Democratic Republic of the Congo;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-13;"";2008-01-01;"";;Nord-Kivu;"";"";Since 1998, more than four million people have died in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), as a result of the war involving multiple African states, military factions and ethnic conflicts. Countless others have been persecuted, pillaged and tortured. The armed conflict in the DRC is acknowledged as the deadliest war in Africa ever recorded and is regarded as one of the cruelest conflict zones for women and girls in recent history. Throughout the conflict, tens of thousands of women and girls have been raped, sexually assaulted, attacked and abducted. The Diocese of Boga is implementing a women's microfinance program serving the vulnerable mothers and children that have been either victimized or affected by the recent conflict. This population also faces discrimination and exclusion from income generating practices and are often left dependent on their husbands or family in order to survive.  The program aims to empower this population by improving their food supply, taking into account the effects the war. Included in this program, the diocese is helping rape victims acquire HIV and AIDS tests and awareness on HIV and AIDS treatment and prevention.  Alongside the rehabilitation of the population, the peace and reconciliation program aims to train clergy on methods of the peace process that will be included in their weekly sermons.  ;"";"";809;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Health,Peace and Security,Protection;Janette O'Neill;"";Program Officer;ERD-CD-08-002;Episcopal Relief & Development;"";5500;"";"";Individuals, Women, Children, Men, Staff;Diocese of Boga Core Program;"";2012-12-31;27;;"";Capacity building, Food security;Diocese of Boga
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;1991-09-21;"";2010-01-12;"";;Ouest;"";International Organization for Migration (IOM), World Vision United States, Haven;Providing kindergarten with supplment feeding for 300 children,  family planning and sexual education for 500 people (with condom distribution),  microfinance for 50 women,  as well as running  a children's home with 7 children.;Port-au-Prince;"";158;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Disaster Management,Food Aid,Health,Protection,Shelter and Housing,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Hannah Surowitc;Food Security and Agriculture,Health,Protection,Shelter and Non-Food Items,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Project Development Coordinator;AMURT-HT-10-AMURTEL;Ananda Marga Universal Relief Team (AMURT);"";1000;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs), Host families, Vulnerable people;Childrens home and relief work in 9 IDP camps in Boudon Valley of Port-au-Prince.;150000;2011-12-31;13;;2011-04-19;"";Ananda Marga Universal Relief Team Ladies Haiti (AMURTEL)
Ethiopia;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1998-01-01;"";;Amhara;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1354;Private donations;"";Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV- ET-98-165503;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Kemisse (Antsokia A) Development Program;"";2012-01-01;76;"";"";"";World Vision Ethiopia
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";1999-01-01;"";;Rajshahi;"";"";THP works at the Union level to (a) mobilize the population for self-reliant action, including forming producer co-operatives and other income generating enterprises, (b) build civil society from the bottom up - creating people's organization of women, youth, elders, girl-child advocates, and the poorest of the poor, (c) strengthen local democracy, (d) ensure adequate facilities for achieving the MDGs, (e) organize mass action campaigns for health, nutrition, education, clean water and sanitation.;"";"";1186;Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID),British Council,Private donations;"";Agriculture,Education,Health,Human Rights Democracy and Governance,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;John Coonrod;"";Executive Vice President;THP-BD-99-048;The Hunger Project;"";20000;"";"";"";Gobindapur Mobilization;"";2100-12-31;83;"";"";"";The Hunger Project
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-06-07;"";;Sud-Est;"";"";Community Grant Program;Jacmel;"";364;Private donations;Jacmel;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-Grant 7;Direct Relief International;"";3640;"";"";"";Build Clinic in Jacmel: Purchase Medical Equipment;25000;2011-12-07;26;;2011-04-22;"";Angel Wings International
Haiti;"";2010-08-24;"";2010-02-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";Essential medicines distributed including Sodium Chloride, Penicillin, and Lidocaine - donated;Port-au-Prince;"";40;GlobalMedic;Carrefour;Health;Andrew Lucas;Health;Program Director;ADRA-HT-10-018;Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA);"";5000;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs);Medical Supply Distribution;300000;2010-03-31;4;"";"";"";GlobalMedic, Adventist Development and Relief Agency Network
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;"";"";2004-06-01;"";;Dhaka;"";"";Weekly meetings of Savings and Learning Groups of between 12 and 20 people as a vehicle for micro-savings-based food security and micro-enterprise, WASH education, health education, community development and long-term formation of participant-led community development institutions. Groups are single-gender settings to meet the needs of cultural norms in Bangladesh, but teach skills for healthy social interaction and values for good relationships. Groups are self-led and facilitated by FH Staff, with direct contact one half day per group per week.;"";"";850;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Lucas Shindeldecker;"";Food Security Program Officer;FH-BD-04-BANFCT030030;Food for the Hungry;"";9260;"";"";"";Family and Community Transformation (FCT) # 10;"";2018-12-31;28;;"";Gender, Capacity building;""
Haiti;"";2010-10-15;"";2010-10-15;Port-au-Prince;;Ouest;"";N/A;Work for Food;Port-au-Prince;shipping/custome clearance;221;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Education;Lesly Pierre;"";Coordinator;TZU-HT-10-TZHT-04;Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation;Champ de Mars;439;"";NA;Affected population(s);Education # 3;100000;2011-12-31;18;"";2010-10-15;"";Tzu Chi Foundation
Haiti;"";2010-10-08;"";2010-11-01;""; ;Ouest;"";Haitian Commission for the Respect of Human Rights (CHREDHU) ;"Legal information and assistance
";Port-au-Prince;"";484;ECHO,Emergency Response Relief Fund for Haiti (OCHA/ERRF);Port-au-Prince,Tabarre;Protection;Lina Gjerstad  ;Protection;Grants Coordinator ;IRC-HT-10-006;International Rescue Committee (IRC);"Protection activities
";29523;"";Prime Awardee ;"";Protection;0;2011-06-29;43; ;2011-05-11;"";International Rescue Committee (IRC) 
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";1999-01-01;"";;Dhaka;"";"";THP works at the Union level to (a) mobilize the population for self-reliant action, including forming producer co-operatives and other income generating enterprises, (b) build civil society from the bottom up - creating people's organization of women, youth, elders, girl-child advocates, and the poorest of the poor, (c) strengthen local democracy, (d) ensure adequate facilities for achieving the MDGs, (e) organize mass action campaigns for health, nutrition, education, clean water and sanitation.;"";"";1202;Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID),British Council,Private donations;"";Agriculture,Education,Health,Human Rights Democracy and Governance,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;John Coonrod;"";Executive Vice President;THP-BD-99-205;The Hunger Project;"";20000;"";"";"";Boxiganj Sadar Mobilization;"";2100-12-31;83;"";"";"";The Hunger Project
Haiti;"";1991-12-09;"";2010-04-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";To reduce morbidity and mortality among earthquake survivors by increasing access to medical care and facilitating hospital discharge to emergency housing for the most vulnerable survivors including pregnant women, children, the elderly, those disabled by earthquake related injury, and those with special needs and their families.;Port-au-Prince;"";145;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Health;Donna Porstner;Health;Communications Manager;ACARE-HT-10-125-1009-702;AmeriCares;"";1148;"";"";Affected populations;Health Referral and Assisted Returns Program;70500;2010-08-01;11;"";2011-04-22;Disability;International Organization for Migration (IOM)
China;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-13;"";2009-03-15;"";;Qinghai;"";"";The 2009-2011 program is in Qinghai Province, in the far western part of China, serving Tibetan herding communities. The communities are in the source area for three of China's major rivers in a national nature preserve. The herders reside at high altitudes in the mountains, enduring the harsh climate with little access to basic services. The Tibetans raise yak herds for meat and butter. Women collect yak dung to heat their homes. Inside small, dark homes, yak butter is used as candle wax to dimly light the rooms at night, which is difficult on eyesight and on children who study. Residential schools do not have light in the evening for children to study by or hot water systems to maintain basic hygiene. There is little access to basic health knowledge and nutrition is poor, as the climate makes raising vegetables difficult. The program will provide solar power systems for herding families to provide clean energy to people in previously inaccessible areas.  This will allow for more productive activities, including study and livelihood activities, at night.  Local clinics will also be provided with light systems, enabling nighttime and emergency treatment for community members. Light and hot water systems will be provided to three residential schools so children can stay in their warm classroom in the evenings to learn and play. Provision of hot water will promote hygiene and child health. Ten household biogas systems will also be provided in conjunction with greenhouses to promote the growth of vegetables to improve community nutrition. The project also includes training in maternal and child health and hygiene, livelihood skills,and solar power maintenance.   ;"";"";805;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Education,Health;Nagulan Nesiah;"";Program Officer;ERD-CN-09-001;Episcopal Relief & Development;"";7505;"";"";Individuals, People living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA), Children;Qinghai Renewable Energy Integrated Program;"";2011-12-31;27;;"";Nutrition;Amity Foundation
Haiti;"";2011-04-26;"";2011-05-01;"Marianie, Canapé-vert, Bicentenaire, Croix-des-prés, Centre ville, Port-au-Prince
";;Ouest;"";Family Health International (FHI), Catholic Relief Services (CRS), International Child Care (ICC) ;"To implement the Community Health and AIDS Mitigation Project (CHAMP), as a member of a consortium together with Family Health International (FHI), Catholic Relief Services (CRS) and International Child Care (ICC), WHI has the mandate to ensure the delivery of an integrated and comprehensive care and support package to people living with HIV/AIDS (PLHA), orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) and vulnerable families at the community level in the west department of Haiti.
";Port-au-Prince;"";1722;US Agency for International Development (USAID);Cité Soleil,Pétion-Ville;Health;Larousse Ceus;Health;Country Director of Haiti;WH-HT-11-012;World Hope International;"";10500;"";Subawardee;Orphans and vulnerable children (OVC), Caregivers, People living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA);Community Health and AIDS Mitigation Project (CHAMP);1500000;2014-10-01;73;;2011-04-26;"HIV/AIDS
";World Hope International
Burundi;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-18;"";2009-07-01;"";;Cankuzo,Ruyigi;Title II commodites will be used to jump-start the effects of improved diets and to demonstrate how small changes in diet can yield large results.;Catholic Relief Services, Food for the Hungry;"The desired outcomes of this project include: women and children under five access quality nutrition and health services; households practice appropriate health and nutrition behaviors; women and children have increased intake of nutrient-rich, diverse foods.";"";"";959;Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA);"";Food Aid,Health;Stephen Commins;"";Strategy Manager, Fragile States;IMC-BI-09-1530;International Medical Corps;"Strengthen capacity of health facilities and community health workers (CHWs) to deliver high quality general health and nutrition serivces; promote household and community level behaviors that prevent maternal and childhood illnesses and support good nutrition; improve caloric and nutrient intake of mothers and children.";102000;"";Subawardee;Mother-child units;Tubaramure:  Preventing Malnutrition in Children Under 2;"";2014-06-30;39;;"";Nutrition;International Medical Corps
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2011-04-29;"";2010-12-31;Civadier;;Ouest,Sud-Est;"";"";"To build institutional strength at Konpay through computer skills training, accounting training and knowledge-sharing with other grassroots organizations in Haiti in order to strengthen community participation in KONPAY activities.
";Jacmel,Port-au-Prince;"";1766;Private donations;Jacmel,Port-au-Prince;Agriculture;Amarilys Estrella;Food Security and Agriculture,Health;Program Officer;AJWS-HT-10-034;American Jewish World Service (AJWS);"";20;"";Prime Awardee;Farmers, fisherfolk, Internally displaced persons (IDPs);Strengthening Konpay's Grassroots Work in Haiti;15000;2011-12-31;8;;2011-04-29;"";Konbit Pou Ayiti
Lao People's Democratic Republic;foodsecurity_site;2010-09-07;"";2009-09-01;"";;"";"";"";"";"";"";986;US Agency for International Development (USAID);"";"";Tanja Pavlovic;"";Program Officer;IRD-LA-09-09042;International Relief & Development;"";"";"";Prime awardee;"";Breedlove - International Food Relief Partnership (IFRP);"";2010-09-01;41;;"";"";International Relief & Development
Haiti;"";1991-12-20;"";2009-04-01;"";"";Sud;"";Caritas South, Direction Départementale Agricole Sud, Direction Départementale Sud du Ministère de lEnvironnement, Direction Départementale Sud du MPCE, Université Notre Dame dHaïti (UNDH), American University of the Caribbean (AUC);Goal: Communities of the watersheds of Tiburon, Les Anglais and Chardonnieres have increased their resilience to natural shocks. Objective: Communities of the watersheds of Tiburon, Les Anglais and Chardonnieres have rehabilitated fragile areas of targeted micro-watersheds;Chardonnières;"";250;Global Food Crisis Fund;Anglais,Chardonnières,Tiburon;Disaster Management,Environment;Nicole Balliette;"";Haiti Earthquake Response Coordinator;CRS-HT-10-7420147;Catholic Relief Services (CRS);"";6000;"";"";Men, Women, Youth;Haiti Integrated Watershed Management;266047;2010-08-31;20;"";2011-01-14;"";Catholic Relief Services (CRS)
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";1999-01-01;"";;Chittagong;"";"";THP works at the Union level to (a) mobilize the population for self-reliant action, including forming producer co-operatives and other income generating enterprises, (b) build civil society from the bottom up - creating people's organization of women, youth, elders, girl-child advocates, and the poorest of the poor, (c) strengthen local democracy, (d) ensure adequate facilities for achieving the MDGs, (e) organize mass action campaigns for health, nutrition, education, clean water and sanitation.;"";"";1190;Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID),British Council,Private donations;"";Agriculture,Education,Health,Human Rights Democracy and Governance,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;John Coonrod;"";Executive Vice President;THP-BD-99-077;The Hunger Project;"";20000;"";"";"";Chittagong City Mobilization;"";2100-12-31;83;"";"";"";The Hunger Project
Haiti;"";2010-10-05;"";2010-08-10;"";"";"";"";"";Medical mission supplies;"";"";212;Private donations;"";Health;"";Health;"";BBF-HT-10-037;Brother's Brother Foundation;"";"";"";"";"";Medical Mission Trip # 22;970;2010-09-10;17;"";"";"";Liberty Chapel Church
Ethiopia;foodsecurity_site;2009-11-13;"";2009-11-01;"";;Tigray;"";Women's Association of Tigray;To save lives of poor men and women agro-pastoralists people and protect the livelihood assets and environment in Raya Azebo district by involving the community on cash for work activities.;"";"";1026;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development;Girma Legesse;"";Humanitarian program officer;OXFA-ET-09-ETH 512 /09;Oxfam America;"";6000;"";"";"";Emergency Response through Cash for Work in Raya Azebo District, South Tigray;"";2010-11-30;80;"";"";"";Women's Association of Tigray
Zimbabwe;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2007-01-01;"";;Manicaland;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1549;Private donations;"";Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-ZW-07-184473;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Mutasa Development Program;"";2023-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS, Nutrition;World Vision Zimbabwe
Ghana;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2000-01-01;"";;"";"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1369;Private donations;"";Education,Health;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-GH-00-174322;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Sekyere East Development Program;"";2017-01-01;76;"";"";"";World Vision Ghana
Ghana;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2009-01-01;"";;Eastern;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1143;The Robertson Foundation;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-GH-09-GH25;The Hunger Project;"";5000;"";"";"";Konkoney  Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
United Republic of Tanzania;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2009-06-01;"";";";Dodoma;This project will benefit 20,854 people in Mtumba, 13,489 people in Kibakwe and 14,892 in Luhundwa.;Moshi University College of Business and Cooperative Studies (MUCOBS);LWR's partners in this project are: Vikonje, Mtumba and Ihumwa (VIMI) SACCOS LTD., Kibakwe Ward SACCOS LTD, and Luhundwa Ward SACCOS LTD. The goal is to increase and improve the 1,200+ savings and credit cooperatives (SACCOS) members' agricultural production and marketing while increasing SACCOS' organizational and financial capacity for improved community livelihoods.  The project will also help the three SACCOS leverage support from other financial and technical institutions. Moshi University College of Business and Cooperative Studies (MUCOBS) will support the groups' organizational development. The project will seek to establish and strengthen linkages with the Small Enterprise Loan Facility (SELF) or other local financial institutions like PRIDE, COASCO, and CRDB, to further increase access to agricultural credit. Objectives - (1) Increased Savings and Access to Credit: In four years, the three SACCOS will have enhanced financial, managerial, mobilization and marketing capacity leading to a three-fold increase in members' savings volumes/rates, to a doubling in their ability to access external loans and to a tripling of their lending volumes. (2) Increased Production and Crop Yields: In four years, members of the three SACCOS will increase sunflower and horticultural production by 100% and incomes by 100% through enhanced access to loans to procure appropriate inputs and agricultural advisory services. ;"";"";995;Private donations;"";Agriculture;Hayley Frank;"";Regional Program Associate for Africa;LWR-TZ-09-AF-TAN-3-001-09;Lutheran World Relief;"";49235;"";"";"";Dodoma Savings and Credit Cooperatives (SACCOS): Economic Empowerment through Sunflower and Horticultural Production and Linkage with Financial Institutions and Enterprise Development;"";2013-05-31;45;;"";"";Vikonje, Ihumwa, Mtumba (VIMI) Savings and Credit Cooperative Society (SACCOS), KIBAKWE Savings and Credit Cooperative Society (SACCOS), LUHUNDWA Savings and Credit Cooperative Society (SACCOS)
Haiti;"";2010-08-23;"";2011-01-04;"";;Ouest;"";"";The project supports the creation of four community-based child friendly spaces. In addition, 12 communities will receive mobile child friendly spaces that will take place alongside RI Haitis established program of mobile health clinics.  RI will establish and train Community Child Protection Committees in 16 communities and internally displaced person (IDP) camps that will organize educational and recreational activities for children where activities meet the needs of both boys and girls, and in some cases play items are gender specific. These committees will each be attached to one of the four child friendly space or one of the 12 community child friendly sites.  Finally, RI will conduct health and hygiene promotion campaigns in schools that are located near RI-supported mobile clinics and fixed clinics.  A total of 40 campaigns will take place in 40 schools and child friendly spaces to reach a target of 200 children.  ;Croix-des-Bouquets,Port-au-Prince;"";684;UNICEF;Carrefour,Croix-des Bouquets,Delmas,Tabarre;Protection;Emily Hibbets;Protection;Program Manager;RI-HT-10-003;Relief International;"";31900;"";"";Children;UNICEF Child Protection;297598;2011-07-04;61;"";2011-04-01;Child protection, Gender-based violence;N/A
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-12-20;"";2009-04-01;"";"";Sud-Est;"";Caritas Sud;Goal: Families affected by severe tropical weather have returned to their homes and restored their livelihoods. Objective 1: Targeted agricultural families have reestablished their livelihoods. Objective 2: Targeted communes water systems have been rehabilitated.;Bainet;"";248;US Agency for International Development (USAID);Côtes-de-Fer;Agriculture,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Nicole Balliette;"";Haiti Earthquake Coordinator;CRS-HT-10-7420143;Catholic Relief Services (CRS);"";17625;"";"";Men, Women;Agricultural Recovery in the South;1191255;2010-03-31;20;"";"";Food security, Livelihoods;Catholic Relief Services (CRS)
Syrian Arab Republic;foodsecurity_site;2011-02-25;"";2011-01-01;Damascus;;Damascus;"";"";Provide monthly food rations to orphans and poor families;"";"";1642;Private donations;"";Food Aid;Anwar Qasim;"";Regional Director;LRD-SY-11-001;Life for Relief and Development;"";455;"";"";Orphans, Poor families;Food Distribution to Orphans and Poor Families (Syria);40000;2011-12-31;44;;2011-02-28;"";Life for Relief and Development
Haiti;"";2011-03-10;"";2010-09-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";"Donated $56,300 for construction of storage depot (for food, educational materials, and medical supplies) and vocational training building
";Port-au-Prince;"";1658;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Education;Rick Kearney;Education;Distribution Coordinator;STOP-HT-10-HOM-2;Stop Hunger Now;"";2300;"";"";Affected population(s);Funding for Storage and Classroom Building;56300;2011-12-31;65;;2011-03-17;"";Haiti Outreach Ministries
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-12-15;"";2010-06-01;"";;"";"";"";Meals shipped;"";"";713;Private donations;"";Food Aid;Rick Kearney;Nutrition;Distribution Coordinator;STOP-HT-10-0221;Stop Hunger Now;"";142560;"";"";Affected population(s);In-Kind Donations to International Relief and Development;35640;2010-06-30;65;;2011-04-06;"";Salesians of Don Bosco
Haiti;"";2010-10-05;"";2010-08-10;"";"";"";"";"";Medical mission supplies;"";"";213;Private donations;"";Health;"";Health;"";BBF-HT-10-038;Brother's Brother Foundation;"";"";"";"";"";Medical Mission Trip # 23;1867;2010-09-10;17;"";"";"";First UMC of Coral Springs
Haiti;"";"";"";"";"";"";Ouest;"";"";CBM staff was actively involved in the earthquake during the emergency phase. CBM staff assisted doctors at the Haitienne Community Hospital.  Doctors from HEUH eye clinic operated on severe traumatic injuries from the earthquake and were seeing about 60 patients a day. CBM partner organization, Grace Childrens Hospital, was involved in life saving interventions.;Port-au-Prince;"";267;"";Pétion-Ville;Health;"";"";"";CBM-HT-10-001;Christian Blind Mission;"";"";"";"";"";Emergency Response;"";"";22;"";"";"";Grace Children's Hospital
Ecuador;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2001-01-01;"";;Cotopaxi;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1334;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Protection;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-EC-01-173923;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Pujili II Development Program;"";2018-01-01;76;"";"";"";World Vision Ecuador
Mexico;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1997-01-01;"";;San Luis Potosí;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1451;Private donations;"";Health;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-MX-97-171462;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Tlatocani Development Program;"";2019-01-01;76;"";"";Nutrition;World Vision Mexico
Mali;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2008-04-01;"";";";Ségou;"";National Bank for Agricultural Development (BNDA);LWR's partner for the implementation of the project, “Improved Women's Livelihoods through Fonio Production in Sakoiba Commune,” is the Association Benkadi Ton based in the Ségou region of Mali. The association's total membership is 172 women. Its mission is to contribute to the socio-economic development of the village through collaboration in activities aimed at reducing poverty. The projects' primary goal is to contribute to the improvement of nutrition, food security and household incomes through the processing and marketing of fonio products. It is also expected that the processing of fonio will stimulate the production of more quantities of this crop, thus contributing to increased food security in the area. The objectives of the project will be achieved through access to agricultural inputs, processing equipment and technical assistance and increased capacity to produce, process and market quality fonio in local and export markets. Objectives - (1) Increased Production in terms of Quality and Quantity: In two years, the association will have acquired high quality seeds and modern processing equipment which will allow them to increase production of quality fonio by 50%. (2) Increased Access to Credit: Access to credit from LWR's financial partner in Mali, the National Bank for Agriculture Development, will allow group members to increase their incomes through an annual commercial production and marketing of 8 tons of whitened fonio. (3) Increased Organizational and Technical Capacity: In two years, the women's Association Benkadi Ton will have acquired the necessary organizational and technical capacities to ensure long-term sustainability of this project and its benefits to members.;"";"";991;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development;Hayley Frank;"";Regional Program Associate for Africa;LWR-ML-08-AF-MAI-3-001-08;Lutheran World Relief;"";14247;"";"";Women farmers;Improving Women's Livelihoods through Fonio Production in Sakoiba Commune;"";2013-09-30;45;;"";Capacity building;Benkadi Ton Association of Diakobougou
United Republic of Tanzania;foodsecurity_site;2010-09-10;"";2006-07-01;"";;"";"";"";Heifer International Tanzania will provide 276 dairy goats, including bucks, to 115 families. Each family will receive two does. Targeted communities expect to improve nutrition levels, increase income and protect the environment by practicing zero-grazing. Some 230 families will also receive 460 goat offspring as pass-ons.;"";"";882;Private donations;"";Agriculture;Kelly Doppelhammer;"";East Africa Program Assistant;HEFI-TZ-06-21-0409-01;Heifer International;"";230;"";"";"";North East Zone Dairy Goat Project ;"";2011-06-30;34;"";"";"";Heifer Tanzania
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;1991-09-02;"";2007-01-01;Nordely;;Sud;"";"";This project will contribute to strengthen the food sovereignty within 430 families in the processing, storage, training, technical assistance and distribution of seeds such as peanuts, millet and corn. It will also distribute small ruminant animals such as goats and sheep to the families while providing them with training in agriculture, cattle raising, protection of the environment and organizational development. ;Côteaux;"";453;Private donations;Roche-à-Bateau;Agriculture;Corbin B. Lyday, Ph.D.;Food Security and Agriculture;Manager, Government Relations;HEFI-HT-10-23-1407-02;Heifer International;Livestock diversification, agroecological gardens;2150;"";"";Women and Men Farmers;Small Ruminants and Seeds Distribution Project in Nordely/Beaulieu;164850;2011-06-30;34;;2011-04-07;Environment;Association of Collective Hands of Roche-à-Bateau (APMCR)
El Salvador;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1997-01-01;"";;San Miguel;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1341;Private donations;"";Health;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-SV-97-171346;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Sesori Development Program;"";2012-01-01;76;"";"";Nutrition;World Vision El Salvador
Nicaragua;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2000-01-01;"";;Granada;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1465;Private donations;"";Health;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-NI-00-173144;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Cocibolca Development Program;"";2015-01-01;76;"";"";Nutrition;World Vision Nicaragua
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";1999-01-01;"";;Barisal;"";"";THP works at the Union level to (a) mobilize the population for self-reliant action, including forming producer co-operatives and other income generating enterprises, (b) build civil society from the bottom up - creating people's organization of women, youth, elders, girl-child advocates, and the poorest of the poor, (c) strengthen local democracy, (d) ensure adequate facilities for achieving the MDGs, (e) organize mass action campaigns for health, nutrition, education, clean water and sanitation.;"";"";1204;Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID),British Council,Private donations;"";Agriculture,Education,Health,Human Rights Democracy and Governance,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;John Coonrod;"";Executive Vice President;THP-BD-99-227;The Hunger Project;"";20000;"";"";"";Binoikathi Mobilization;"";2100-12-31;83;"";"";"";The Hunger Project
Haiti;"";2010-10-05;"";2010-08-01;"";"";Ouest;"";"";Rebuild school:  Freres de l'instruction chretienne Petionville, Tabarre Myles of Hope and George Marc;Port-au-Prince;"";211;Private donations;Pétion-Ville,Tabarre;Education;"";Shelter and Non-Food Items;"";BBF-HT-10-036;Brother's Brother Foundation;"";"";"";"";"";School;0;2011-12-31;17;"";2011-01-14;"";Food for the Poor
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;1991-10-01;"";2010-01-13;"";"";"";"";"";Répondre en besoins immédiats et améliorer la sécurité alimentaire et les moyens d'existence des populations affectées par le tremblement de terre du 12 janvier;"";"";11;Private donations;"";Food Aid;"";Food Security and Agriculture;"";AAH-HT-10-HAH0SC;Action Against Hunger;"Identification des sites de distributions                                                                                                                                                                                                                Sélection et enregistrement des bénéficiaires
Approvisionnement et Transport
DistributionPost Distribution monitoring";85000;"";"";"";Réponse d'urgence en sécurité alimentaire suite au séisme aynat touché la région de Port-au-Prince, le 12 janvier 2010;1639723;2010-12-31;2;"";2011-01-14;"";Action Against Hunger
Mozambique;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1999-01-01;"";;Zambézia;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1458;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-MZ-99-172603;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Nhamarraua Development Program;"";2014-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS, Nutrition;World Vision Mozambique
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";1999-01-01;"";;Rajshahi;"";"";THP works at the Union level to (a) mobilize the population for self-reliant action, including forming producer co-operatives and other income generating enterprises, (b) build civil society from the bottom up - creating people's organization of women, youth, elders, girl-child advocates, and the poorest of the poor, (c) strengthen local democracy, (d) ensure adequate facilities for achieving the MDGs, (e) organize mass action campaigns for health, nutrition, education, clean water and sanitation.;"";"";1221;Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID),British Council,Private donations;"";Agriculture,Education,Health,Human Rights Democracy and Governance,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;John Coonrod;"";Executive Vice President;THP-BD-99-425;The Hunger Project;"";20000;"";"";"";Balihar Mobilization;"";2100-12-31;83;"";"";"";The Hunger Project
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-15;"";2004-06-15;Port-au-Prince;,;Ouest;"";"";Provision of ready-to-use therapeutic food (RUTF) to implementing partners.;Port-au-Prince;"";579;World Bank;Port-au-Prince;Health;Tom Stehl, Maryse Sterlin;Health,Nutrition;Coordinator of Operations, Haiti Administrator;MFK-HT-10-027;Meds & Food for Kids;"";"";"";"";Malnourished children;Community Management of Acute Malnutrition - Hôpital Communauté Haïtienne;0;2011-12-12;77;"";2011-04-11;"";Hôpital Communauté Haïtienne
Guatemala;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-14;"";2009-10-01;"";;Chiquimula,El Progreso,Zacapa;"";"";"The Save the Children/Mercy Corps  single-year assistance program (SYAP) response is made up of a targeted strategy to mitigate the impact of the current crisis and help vulnerable families more effectively manage risk to their health, nutrition, livelihoods, and food security. The SYAP consists of three different components and makes use of methodologies that seek to create synergies and double impact (1+1 design), including: 1) Providing a monthly ration for 10 months to help vulnerable families mitigate the impact of the food and economic crisis and serve as an incentive to program participation; 2) Reinforcing links to existing health and nutrition services, thereby protecting against further deterioration of health and nutrition HN status among children and establishing systems to more efficiently identify and manage childhood illnesses and malnutrition; and 3) Establishing a set of short-term interventions to recover livelihood and agriculture outcomes.";"";"";1053;Office of Food for Peace (USAID/FFP);"";Agriculture,Food Aid,Health;Maria Ester Bucario;"";SYAP Program Manager;STC-GT-09-84010417;Save the Children;"";48000;"";Prime awardee;"";PROSANO (Guatemala Single-Year Assistance Program);8000000;2011-03-31;63;"";2011-05-11;Nutrition;Mercy Corps
"; ;Antique,Jawa Barat,Metropolitan Manila,South Cotabato,Sumatera Utara;"";"";"In rural North Sumatra and West Java, Indonesia SC works through an existing system of monthly village-level meetings to provide children and women of reproductive age with access to community-based nutrition and health services; provides interactive feeding sessions and menu demonstrations; and helps families learn the skills and knowledge to make healthy, affordable choices to improve feeding practices and care for children under age 5. In the Philippines, SC provides direct food provisioning in schools; provides school-age children with deworming medication and vitamin supplements; increases family purchasing power to buy more nutritious foods; develops and disseminates messages on childrens health, nutrition, sanitation, and hygiene; and improves volunteer health workers capacity to recognize and refer children suffering from severe malnutrition for treatment.
";"";"";1784;Kraft;"";Food Aid,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Paige Harrigan ;"";Advisor, Health and Nutrition ;STC-ID-09-84050221 ;Save the Children;"";"";"";Prime Awardee ;"";Hunger and Healthy Lifestyles (FRESH) ;3000000;2012-03-31;63;"";2011-05-11;"Nutrition
";Save the Children US  
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-11-01;"";;Sud-Est;"";"";"Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment
";Jacmel;"";1853;Private donations;Jacmel;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-51512;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Caritas Diocesaine de Jacmel;12801;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";Caritas Diocesaine de Jacmel
Haiti;"";2010-10-01;"";2010-08-01;"";"";"";"";"";Améliorer les conditions d'hygiène et protéger la population à risque grâce à des infrastructures eau, hygiène et assainissement sur le Champ de Mars à Port-au-Prince;"";"";12;Private donations;"";Water Sanitation and Hygiene;"";Water Sanitation and Hygiene;"";AAH-HT-10-HAH0SF;Action Against Hunger;"Construction de 220 aires de douches réparties sur les 9 places du Champs de Mars
Mise en place de 55 kits de récupération d'eau de pluie sur chacun des modules de douche.
Désinfection des douches 2 fois par semaine
Sensibilisation aux bonnes pratiques d'hygiène";21630;"";"";"";Construction d'aires de douches dans le cadre de soutien aux camps suite au séisme ayant touché la région de Port-au-Prince le 12 janvier 2010;80000;2010-10-31;2;"";"";"";Action Against Hunger
Haiti;"";2010-10-05;"";2010-03-18;"";"";"";"";"";Medical mission supplies;"";"";191;Private donations;"";Health;"";Health;"";BBF-HT-10-016;Brother's Brother Foundation;"";"";"";"";"";Medical Mission Trip # 9;51990;2010-04-18;17;"";"";"";Aid for Haiti
Ghana;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2000-01-01;"";;Brong Ahafo;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1366;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-GH-00-173720;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Atebubu Development Program;"";2017-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS, Nutrition;World Vision Ghana
Brazil;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1997-01-01;"";;Minas Gerais;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1287;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-BR-97-171416;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Lontra Development Program;"";2014-01-01;76;"";"";Nutrition, HIV/AIDS;World Vision Brazil
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-02-24;"";;Ouest;"";"";Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment;Port-au-Prince;"";1805;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-8947;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Sri Sathya Sai Organization of Haiti;1531502;2010-06-30;26;;2011-04-22;"";Sri Sathya Sai Organization of Haiti
Haiti;"";2010-08-23;"";2010-03-04;"";;Ouest;"";"";The project supports emergency and transitional shelter for earthquake-affected populations.  RI is providing families with a shelter package tailored to meet the unique needs of this population.  In addition, RI is organizing 5 neighborhood-wide rubble clearance initiatives with a cash-for-work component, providing each neighborhood with a rubble clearance toolkit, a Disaster Risk Reduction training component, and rented truck to collect and transport cleared rubble.   ;Croix-des-Bouquets,Port-au-Prince;"";683;Emergency Response Relief Fund for Haiti (OCHA/ERRF);Carrefour,Croix-des Bouquets;Disaster Management,Economic Recovery and Development,Shelter and Housing;Emily Hibbets;Shelter and Non-Food Items;Program Manager;RI-HT-10-002;Relief International;"";11000;"";"";Affected population(s), Internally displaced persons (IDPs);Emergency and Transitional Shelter Programme;728347;2010-11-03;61;"";2010-12-29;Disaster risk reduction;N/A
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2011-02-09;"";2010-01-10;"";"";Ouest;"";"";Planted 25,000 trees in mountains of Mahotiere;Port-au-Prince;"";1622;Private donations;Carrefour;Agriculture;"";Food Security and Agriculture;"";FFP-HT-10-007;Food for the Poor;"";"";"";"";"";Agriculture;0;2011-05-31;85;"";2011-02-09;"";Food for the Poor
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1989-01-01;"";;Chittagong;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1267;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-BD-89-164702;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Hathazari / Jafarabad Development Program;"";2018-01-01;76;"";"";Nutrition, HIV/AIDS;World Vision Bangladesh
Haiti;"";2010-07-30;"";2010-07-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";"The proposed project aims to contribute to the restoration of adequate living conditions for earthquake-affected populations and support their early recovery.  More specifically, its aim is to provide safe transitional shelters to affected households in Greater Port-au-Prince, while reducing their vulnerability to future disasters and improving their standards of life. 
Expected Results:
1. To provide earthquake affected population with transitional shelter package that improves their living conditions.
2. To reduce communities and households vulnerability to natural hazards and increase their awareness of and preparedness to natural disasters. 
3. To increase knowledge, attitude and hygiene practices to contribute to the prevention of water and vector borne diseases.";Port-au-Prince;"";396;American Red Cross;Port-au-Prince;Shelter and Housing;Marianna Franco;Shelter and Non-Food Items;Program Development Manager;ACTED-HT-10-41 AON 81Z;Friends of ACTED;"";12500;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs);Integrated Transitional Shelter Programme;5914737;2011-06-30;29;"";2010-12-20;Capacity building, Disaster risk reduction (DRR);Friends of ACTED
Haiti;"";2011-05-26;"";2011-05-05;"";"";Ouest;"";HHH;Physical Rehabilitation Center;Port-au-Prince;"";440;"";Port-au-Prince;Health,Protection;"";Health;"";HCI-HT-10-012;Handicap International;"";861;"";"";"";Health/Protection 6;0;2011-05-05;32;"";2011-05-26;"";Handicap International
Haiti;"";1991-10-22;"";2010-11-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";When the earthquake struck, it all but halted already limited sanitation services such as trash pickup and sewage disposal, leaving waste piled up in market areas, thoroughfares and camps.  The American Red Cross is partnering with Catholic Relief Services to address this problem by creating a waste collection hotline which will increase waste collection coverage in metropolitan Port-au-Prince.  The project will identify and establish a roster of waste collection companies and contractors to carry out waste collection in underserved camps. Waste removal costs will be charged to NGOs managing camps where applicable, and covered by the project budget for camps where there is no NGO management. This project seeks to reach an estimated 183,000 people in 100 camps.;Croix-des-Bouquets,Port-au-Prince;"";126;Private donations;Carrefour,Cité Soleil,Croix-des Bouquets,Delmas,Kenscoff,Pétion-Ville,Tabarre;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Marian Spivey-Estrada;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Manager, Information and Reporting;ARCIS-HT-10-WS06;American Red Cross;"";183000;Please note that the estimated number of people reached refers to the total number of people each project plans to reach over the life of its implementation. Not all of these people have been reached with services yet.;"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs), Affected population(s);Waste Collection and Disposal in Port-au-Prince through Catholic Relief Services;0;2011-10-31;9;;2011-01-14;"";Catholic Relief Services (CRS)
United Republic of Tanzania;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2002-01-01;"";;Tanga;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1520;Private donations;"";Education,Health;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-TZ-02-174136;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Magamba Development Program;"";2017-01-01;76;"";"";"";World Vision Tanzania
Ghana;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2007-01-01;"";;Eastern;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1131;The Robertson Foundation;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-GH-07-GH13;The Hunger Project;"";5000;"";"";"";Asenema Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Haiti;"";2010-11-13;"";2010-06-01;"";;Ouest;"";Association des Paysans de Vallue (APV);Building Primary School in rural mountain area of Petit-Goâve;Léogâne;"";156;Private donations;Petit-Goâve;Education;Michael D. Miller;Education;President;ADF-HT-10-008;America's Development Foundation;"";110;"";"";Children;Construction of Primary School;85250;2011-05-31;12;;2010-11-13;"";America's Development Foundation, Association des Paysans de Vallue (APV)
Haiti;"";2010-09-24;"";2010-01-18;University Hospital;;Ouest;"";"";Through the Long-Term Health Development (LTHD) Program, MAP customizes large volume shipments of donated and purchased medicines and health supplies for reputable foreign-based health institutions and international relief and development organizations.;Port-au-Prince;"";526;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Health;Scott Ruschak;Health;Director, International Medical Resources;MAP-HT-10-32261;MAP International;"";275000;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs);In-kind donation to World Vision US/Partners in Health, #2;828260;2010-02-18;47;"";"";"";World Vision US, Partners in Health 
Burma;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2010-01-01;"";;Kachin;"";"";n/a;"";"";1591;United Nations (UN);"";"";Carlos Piedrasanta;"";RDM Operations Deputy, IPG, World Vision US;WV-MM-10-193145;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Myanmar World Food Program (WFP) - Kachin;"";2010-12-31;76;"";"";"";World Vision Myanmar
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-11-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";"Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment
";Croix-des-Bouquets;"";1894;Private donations;Croix-des Bouquets;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-51667;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Centre de Sante Communautaire;1146;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";Centre de Sante Communautaire
Haiti;"";2011-01-11;"";2010-01-16;"";"";Grand'Anse;"";"";March 17th, 2010: in Jérémie, 1500 persons (or 300 families) have been reached by CARE since January 16, 2010.;Jérémie;"";236;"";Jérémie;"";"";"";"";CARE-HT-10-005;CARE;"";"";"";"";"";Jérémie, Haiti;"";2011-01-10;19;"";2011-01-11;"";""
Haiti;"";2010-11-13;"";2010-03-20;"";;Ouest;"";UNICEF, Comite d'Action pour une Petit-Goâve Regeneree (CAPR), Comite Communale de Protection Civile (CCPC);Distributed  emergency shelter supplies of  100 tarps to most vulnerable in underserved IDP camps;Léogâne;"";150;Private donations,UNICEF;Petit-Goâve;Shelter and Housing;Michael D. Miller;Shelter and Non-Food Items;President;ADF-HT-10-002;America's Development Foundation;"";500;"";"";Most vulnerable IDP familes, Pregnant and lactating women, Women heads-of-household, Elderly, Handicapped;Distribution Emergency Shelter-4mx5m tarps;15000;2010-03-25;12;;2010-11-13;"";America's Development Foundation
Mali;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2004-01-01;"";;Bamako Capital District;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1440;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-ML-04-175301;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Bamako Urban Development Program;"";2018-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS, Nutrition;World Vision Mali
Rwanda;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2008-01-01;"";;Nord;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1489;Private donations;"";Education,Health;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-RW-08-184657;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Kivuruga Development Program;"";2024-01-01;76;"";"";Nutrition;World Vision Rwanda
Haiti;"";1991-08-24;"";2010-01-12;"";;Ouest;"";"";Distribution of 12 pallets of Hygiene Kits, 2 pallets of diapers, 20 pallets of 5 gallon buckets, 10,565 pairs of Crocs shoes.;Port-au-Prince;"";32;Brother's Brother Foundation;Carrefour;Disaster Management;Andrew Lucas;Shelter and Non-Food Items;Program Director;ADRA-HT-10-010;Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA);"";10565;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs);Non-Food Item (NFI) Donations and Distributions II;131033;2010-04-30;4;"";2011-01-24;"";Adventist Development and Relief Agency, Brother's Brother Foundation
Malawi;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1995-01-01;"";;Central;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1439;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-MW-95-166240;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Senzani Center Development Program;"";2015-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS, Nutrition;World Vision Malawi
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-01-22;"";;Ouest;"";"";Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment;Port-au-Prince;"";1794;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-1235;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Food For the Poor Haiti;573140;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";Food For the Poor Haiti
Haiti;"";2011-02-09;"";2010-01-01;"";"";Nord,Nord-Est,Ouest;Food for the Poor has been building homes in Haiti since 1986.;"";Home Building in Port-au-Prince, Cap Haitian, Leogane, Grand-Goave, Trou du Nord, Demier, Chastenoye, Delogner, Gros Chaudiere, Mahotiere;Cap-Haïtien,Croix-des-Bouquets,Léogâne,Port-au-Prince,le Trou-du-Nord;"";1616;Private donations;Cap-Haïtien,Carrefour,Croix-des Bouquets,Grand-Goâve,Léogâne,Port-au-Prince,Trou du Nord;Shelter and Housing;"";Shelter and Non-Food Items;"";FFP-HT-10-001;Food for the Poor;Built 1,589 homes in 2010;"";"";"";"";Permanent Shelter;10169000;2011-12-31;85;"";2011-02-09;"";Food for the Poor
Mali;foodsecurity_site;2010-07-27;"";2009-10-27;"";"";Koulikoro;"";"";This grant supports the study assessing the impact of dietary strategies for the management of children with MAM on the children's participation in the nutritional rehabilitation program, physical growth, recovery from MAM, and change in micronutrient status and body composition.;"";"";940;UNICEF;"";Health;"";Nutrition;"";HKI-ML-09-6150;Helen Keller International;"";"";"";"";Children;WCARO;"";2011-06-30;79;"";"";Nutrition;""
Sudan;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2009-07-01;"";;Western Equatoria;"";"";Improving the living conditions of the internally displaced persons (IDPs) and their hosts by providing means through which the most vulnerable among them can resume productivity and therefore self-reliance. ;"";"";1601;Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA);"";"";Carlos Piedrasanta;"";RDM Operations Deputy, IPG, World Vision US;WV-SD-09-192069;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs);Protection and Emergency Assistance for Communities Affected by Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) Activities in Western Equatoria;"";2010-06-30;76;"";"";"";World Vision Sudan
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-03-03;"";;Sud-Est;"";"";Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment;Jacmel;"";1807;Private donations;Jacmel;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-8955;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Haiti Village Health;6196860;2010-08-25;26;;2011-04-22;"";Haiti Village Health
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";1999-01-01;"";;Rajshahi;"";"";THP works at the Union level to (a) mobilize the population for self-reliant action, including forming producer co-operatives and other income generating enterprises, (b) build civil society from the bottom up - creating people's organization of women, youth, elders, girl-child advocates, and the poorest of the poor, (c) strengthen local democracy, (d) ensure adequate facilities for achieving the MDGs, (e) organize mass action campaigns for health, nutrition, education, clean water and sanitation.;"";"";1225;Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID),British Council,Private donations;"";Agriculture,Education,Health,Human Rights Democracy and Governance,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;John Coonrod;"";Executive Vice President;THP-BD-99-460;The Hunger Project;"";20000;"";"";"";Biaghat Mobilization;"";2100-12-31;83;"";"";"";The Hunger Project
Haiti;"";2010-12-10;"";2007-12-27;"";;L'Artibonite,Nippes,Nord,Nord-Est,Nord-Ouest,Sud,Sud-Est;In the program year beginning October 1, 2010, IMA plans implementation of MDA activities for eight Departments and 106 Communes and will cover a total estimated population of 5,095,409 with a minimum treatment goal of 4,331,098. In addition to MDA, training of Community Leaders, Distributors, and Promoters will continue to be a key activity to ensure continued community participation in MDA. IMA will train 18,682 Community Volunteers (CLs, CDDs, and Promoters) in 2010/2011.;Ministry of Health and Population (MSPP), Ministry of Education (MENFP), Center for Disease Control, University of Notre Dame, Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), Christian Blind Mission (CBM), GlaxoSmithKline (GSK);The Haiti Neglected Tropical Disease (NTD) Control Program is a joint effort between the Ministry of Health and Population (MSPP) and the Ministry of Education (MENFP) to eliminate and control Lymphatic Filariasis (LF) and Soil Transmitted Helminthes (STH) in Haiti through Mass Drug Administration (MDA). IMA World Health leads in the implementation of the USAID/RTI funded program activities. The Program is supported by a group of collaborating partners who include World Health Organization/Pan American Health Organization (WHO/PAHO), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), University of Notre Dame (UND), Christian Blind Mission (CBM) and GlaxoSmithKline (GSK). This collaborative effort includes regular planning with Central, Departmental, and Communal MSPP and MENFP officials as well as among partners in the US and Haiti.;Anse-à-Veau,Bainet,Barradères,Belle-Anse,Borgne,Cap-Haïtien,Dessalines,Fort-Liberté,Gonaïves,Grande-Rivière-du-Nord,Gros-Morne,Jacmel,Limbé,Marmelade,Miragoâne,Môle Saint-Nicolas,Ouanaminthe,Plaisance,Port-de-Paix,Saint-Louis du Nord,Saint-Marc,Saint-Raphaël,Vallières,l'Acul-du-Nord,le Trou-du-Nord,les Cayes;"";461;US Agency for International Development (USAID);Acul du Nord,Anse Rouge,Anse-à-Foleur,Anse-à-Pitre,Anse-à-Veau,Arnaud,Asile,Bahon,Baie de Henne,Bainet,Bas Limbé,Bassin Bleu,Belle-Anse,Bombardopolis,Borgne,Camp-Perrin,Cap-Haïtien,Capotille,Caracol,Carice,Cayes Jacmel,Chansolme,Côtes-de-Fer,Desdunes,Dessalines,Dondon,Ennery,Estère,Ferrier,Fond des Negres,Fort-Liberté,Grand Rivière du Nord,Grand-Boucan,Grand-Gosier,Grande Saline,Gros-Morne,Jacmel,Jean-Rabel,La Chapelle,La Vallée,La Victoire,Limbé,Limonade,Marigot,Marmelade,Milot,Miragoâne,Mombin Crochu,Mont-Organisé,Môle Saint Nicholas,Ounaminthe,Paillant,Perches,Petit Trou de Nippes,Petite Rivière de Nippes,Petite Rivière de l'Artibonite,Pignon,Pilate,Plaine du Nord,Plaisance,Port-Margot,Port-de-Paix,Quartier Morin,Ranquitte,Saint Michel de l'Attalaye,Saint-Louis du Nord,Saint-Marc,Saint-Saint-Raphaël,Sainte Suzanne,Terre-Neuve,Terrier Rouge,Thiotte,Trou du Nord,Vallières,Verettes;Health;Ann Varghese;"";HQ Program Officer;IMA-HT-07-001;IMA World Health;"";4331098;"";Prime awardee;Women, Children, Men;Haiti Neglected Tropical Disease Control Program;6800000;2011-09-30;37;;2011-04-27;"";IMA World Health
Haiti;"";1991-10-12;"";2010-02-25;"";;Ouest;"";"";"";Croix-des-Bouquets,Port-au-Prince;"";129;Emergency Response Relief Fund for Haiti (OCHA/ERRF);Delmas,Ganthier;Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Amelia Kendall;Early Recovery,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;"";ARC-HT-10-002;American Refugee Committee International;"";"";"";"";"";Emergency Relief - Health, Water Sanitation & Hygiene;743141;2010-10-31;10;"";2011-01-14;"";MoH, Delmas Mayor
Mali;foodsecurity_site;2011-03-14;"";2010-09-15;2nd Admin Level: Mopti, Bandiagara, Koro, Bankass, Djenne, Douentza, Rharous, Bourem, Gao;;Gao,Mopti,Timbuktu;"";Association pour lAppui au Développement Intégré (AADI), Agence Evangélique de Développement (AEDM), Equipe de Recherche et dAppui Pour le Développement (ERAD), ESPOIR, Groupe dAnimation Action au Sahel (GAASMALI),  Groupe dAppui au Développement (GADEV), Groupe de Recherche d'Etudes de Formation Femme Action (GREFFA), Sahel Etude Action pour le Développement (SEAD);"The goal of the project is to reduce extreme poverty via sustainable livelihood development with a focus on women and people with disabilities (PWD) living in rural areas. The overall program has two objectives: 1) strengthening the capacity of 7,250 extremely poor women and PWD to develop sustainable microenterprises and other resources that support selfdirected movement out of poverty; and 2) strengthening the capacity of at least eight local community development organizations to reduce extreme poverty through greater expertise in sustainable livelihood development. Trickle Ups approach includes providing participants with combined access to conditional seed capital and training to start microenterprises; incorporating all participants into savings groups composed of 25 members and helping groups register legally to gain access to formal services from microfinance institutions; continued support for existing participants through expanding training and building a network of savings groups; and capacity building for local partner organizations to effectively deliver development services.";"";"";1645;US Agency for International Development (USAID);"";Economic Recovery and Development;Marieme Daff;"";Africa Program Director;TRICKLE-ML-10-001;Trickle Up;"1) Provide participants with the tools to start or expand productive microenterprises and diversify their income-generating activities for the steady income necessary to stabilize a household; 2) expand our livelihood training program to build deeper skills for participants in specific sectors; 3) create and build the autonomy of 178 new savings and credit groups; and 4) conduct rigorous monitoring and evaluation that tracks participant progress through monitoring visits, and industry-standard quantitative and qualitative assessment tools. ";7250;The number of people reached is the number of people receiving direct services (grants, training, and/or savings support) from Trickle Up in the stated time period.;"";The extreme poor, particularly women and people with disabilities;Pathways Out of Poverty: Building Sustainable Microenterprises for Malis Poorest;2137409;2012-08-31;86;;2011-03-15;Gender, Disability;Trickle Up
Haiti;"";1991-09-24;"";2010-05-01;"";;Ouest;"";International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC);The American Red Cross Post-Earthquake Health Promotion Program follows a community-based approach to providing first aid and promoting hygiene, health and safety in the camps. Program activities include hygiene promotion, condom distribution, and prevention education with a focus on cholera, malaria, HIV, and sexual and gender-based violence.  The program also conducts disease mitigation activities in the camps.  In most cases, this program works in the same locations as the Emergency Disaster Risk Reduction program, thus providing comprehensive services to camp communities. This project is working to reach 190,000 people, in partnership with the Haitian Red Cross.;Port-au-Prince;"";101;Private donations;Cité Soleil,Port-au-Prince,Pétion-Ville;Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Marian Spivey-Estrada;Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Manager, Information and Reporting;ARCIS-HT-10-H3;American Red Cross;"";190000;Please note that the estimated number of people reached refers to the total number of people each project plans to reach over the life of its implementation. Not all of these people have been reached with services yet.;"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs), Affected population(s);Post-earthquake Health and Hygiene Promotion in Camps;0;2011-11-30;9;;1991-10-26;HIV/AIDS, Disaster risk reduction (DRR);American Red Cross, Haitian Red Cross
Haiti;"";2010-10-06;"";2010-02-01;"";;Ouest;"";Shelter box;Distribution of Tents and Tarpaulins;Léogâne,Port-au-Prince;"";443;"";Carrefour,Delmas,Grand-Goâve,Petit-Goâve,Port-au-Prince,Pétion-Ville,Tabarre;Shelter and Housing;Armony Mangin;Shelter and Non-Food Items;Liaison & Advocacy Officer;HCI-HT-10-007;Handicap International;"";26606;"";"";"";Basic Needs 3;0;2010-10-31;32;"";2011-01-10;"";Handicap International
Haiti;"";2010-10-06;"";2010-05-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";Construction of accessible emergency shelter;Léogâne,Port-au-Prince;"";444;"";Carrefour,Delmas,Grand-Goâve,Petit-Goâve,Port-au-Prince,Pétion-Ville,Tabarre;Shelter and Housing;Armony Mangin;Shelter and Non-Food Items;Liaison & Advocacy Officer;HCI-HT-10-008;Handicap International;"";250;"";"";"";Basic Needs 4;0;2010-08-01;32;"";2011-01-10;"";Handicap International
Peru;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1996-01-01;"";;Ayacucho;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1476;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Health,Protection;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-PE-96-170951;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Huanta Development Program;"";2015-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS;World Vision Peru
Haiti;"";2010-12-10;"";2010-11-01;"";;Ouest;"";BRAC USA, Haven;To address the housing needs of Fonkoze's clients by repairing those homes that are structurally sound enough to be repaired and rebuilding those that cannot be repaired.;Léogâne,l'Arcahaie;"";67;Private donations;Cabaret,Léogâne;Shelter and Housing;Amarilys Estrella;Camp Coordination and Management,Shelter and Non-Food Items;Program Officer;AJWS-HT-10-018;American Jewish World Service (AJWS);"";80;"";"";Farmers, Fisherfolk, Women;Rebuilding Homes for Earthquake survivors in Haiti;40000;2012-04-30;8;;"";"";Fonkoze
Colombia;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1996-01-01;"";;Córdoba;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1315;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Protection;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-CO-96-165294;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Nueva Esperanza Development Program;"";2014-01-01;76;"";"";Nutrition, HIV/AIDS;World Vision Colombia
Honduras;foodsecurity_site;2010-08-16;"";2008-07-01;"";;"";"";"";"";"";"";923;Private donations;"";Agriculture;Americas program;"";Americas program;HEFI-HN-08-23-1570-02;Heifer International;"";"";"";"";"";Improving the Sustainable Production and Food Systems of Small-Scale Organic Coffee Farming Families In Honduras;"";2014-06-30;34;"";"";"";Project Development Les Anglais
Solomon Islands;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-13;"";2009-03-15;"";;Central,Guadalcanal,Isabel,Makira,Malaita,Western;"";"";The Mothers Union has 16,000 members in all eight dioceses of the Church of Melanesia. The Mother's Union started literacy programs in the Solomons in 1989 and since has been one of the main providers of teaching across the country, all on a voluntary basis. The courses are supported and facilitated by the Mothers Union members in each parish.  COM is part of a literacy network that has membership of 14 other organizations. At each parish there are 20-40 students in four classes - beginner and advanced in both Pidgin and English. The official figure for the Solomons is that 76% of people have some literacy but there has been no recent broad study to give an accurate figure. A recent smaller study in Malaita showed a lower literacy rate, and the figure for literacy in Vanuatu is estimated at 74%.  In this programme, the Mothers Union intends to strengthen its literacy courses in all eight Dioceses by enhancing teaching methods and developing new resources and materials for both the Diocesan coordinators and teachers. A train-the-trainer component for a core group of teachers will invest in better methods for teaching the languages. New materials will include important community topics like preventive health education, small enterprise management, and life skills.  Melanesia is economically very challenged and most income comes from overseas remittances.  Helping women to have the basic skills to maintain inventories and manage community activities will contribute to the economic stability and health of the communities.  ;"";"";829;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education;Nagulan Nesiah;"";Program Officer;ERD-SB-09-003;Episcopal Relief & Development;"";1934;"";"";Individuals, Staff, Women, Youth;Melanesia Mothers Union Literacy Programme;"";2010-12-31;27;;"";"";Church of the Province of Melanesia
";;Nord;"";"";"Meal shipments for school feeding programs, orphanages, clinics
";Cap-Haïtien;"";1659;Private donations;Cap-Haïtien;Education,Food Aid,Health;Rick Kearney;Education,Food Security and Agriculture,Health,Nutrition;Distribution Coordinator;STOP-HT-11-Ford Orphanage;Stop Hunger Now;"";1500;"";"";Affected population(s);Meal Distribution Partnership;71280;2011-12-31;65;;2011-03-17;"";Robert Ford Orphanage, Haiti School of Mercy, Hands for Haiti
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-11-06;"";;Ouest;"";"";Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment;Croix-des-Bouquets;"";1823;Private donations;Thomazeau;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-51522;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Centre Medical de Sante;14050;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";Centre Medical de Sante
Cambodia;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2001-01-01;"";;Kampong Speu;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1296;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-KH-01-174369;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Phnom Sruoch Church Partnership Development Program;"";2017-01-01;76;"";"";"";World Vision Cambodia
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-12-17;"";2010-01-01;"";;L'Artibonite,Nord-Ouest;"";"";Micro-credit, training, and support to 13 agricultural cooperatives in Northwest and Artibonite departments.  This on-going program provides services to support and empower agricultural cooperatives in rural areas.  All cooperatives receive training on agricultural methods and micro-credit.  Additional services vary based on the decisions of the cooperative, but include such things as tool banks, a veterinarian, livestock, schools for children and emergency support.;Gonaïves,Gros-Morne,Môle Saint-Nicolas;"";289;Private donations;Baie de Henne,Bombardopolis,Gonaïves,Gros-Morne,Jean-Rabel;Agriculture;Aaron Tate;Food Security and Agriculture;Emergency Response Coordinator;CWS-HT-10-010;Church World Service;"";15000;"";"";Rural population;Support to Agricultural Cooperatives;627000;2012-12-31;24;;"";"";Sant Kretyen pou Devlopman Entegre (SKDE)
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-09-23;"";2010-06-07;Port-au-Prince, Léogâne, Grand-Goâve, Pétionville, Tabarre, George Marc, Macaya, Foret des Pins;;Grand'Anse,L'Artibonite,Ouest,Sud;"";Norwegian Church Aid, Brother's Brother Foundation;Financial support for developmental projects during the recovery phase of the emergency to partner organizations and ecumenical partners;Gros-Morne,Jérémie,Léogâne,Port-au-Prince,les Cayes;"";475;Private donations;Chantal,Grand-Goâve,Gros-Morne,Léogâne,Moron,Port-au-Prince,Pétion-Ville,Tabarre;Agriculture,Education,Environment,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Mark Ohanian;Education,Food Security and Agriculture,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Senior Programs Coordinator;IOCC-HT-10-2-57510/104/2;International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC);"Technical and operational support of local schools; reforestation projects including tree planting; school reconstruction; human waste management, access to energy and fertilizer";213383;"";Prime awardee;Affected population(s);Recovery;510378;2010-12-31;40;;2011-03-22;Disability, Environment;Lutheran World Federation/Department for World Service, Finn Church Aid, Viva Rio, Food for the Poor, Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia in Haiti, Greek Orthodox Church in Haiti
Haiti;"";2010-12-20;"";2010-07-01;"";;L'Artibonite,Nord;"";CHF International;To implement vocational training programs using Building and Training Centers.  Three building and training delivery systems to develop business and technical skills and provide vocational training. Women and Youth development skills in the construction center. Micro and small enterprises in construction sector.;Cap-Haïtien,Gonaïves;"";429;CHF International,US Agency for International Development (USAID);Cap-Haïtien,Gonaïves;Shelter and Housing;Kate Pearson;Shelter and Non-Food Items;Director - Strategic Partnerships, Haiti;HFHI-HT-10-009;Habitat for Humanity International;"";2390;"";"";Women, Youth;KATA Building and Training Center  Workforce and MSE Development;487187;2011-01-31;31;;"";Livelihoods;Habitat for Humanity International
Haiti;"";2011-04-28;"";2010-08-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";Physicians for Peace has joined in the Hispaniola island Prosthetic and Orthotic Education program with Healing Hands for Haiti, the International Society for Prosthetics and Orthotics and others to form an island-wide response to the tragedy and build a sustainable long-term solution to meet the ongoing needs of Haiti's amputees. We are working to provide local opportunities for education in the field of prosthetics and orthotics through a distance learning program offered by Don Bosco University in El Salvador.;Port-au-Prince;"";645;Foundations,Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Health;Mary Kwasniewski ;Health;Sr. Director, Global Health Programs;PFP-HT-10-002;Physicians for Peace (PFP);"";"";"";"";"";Walking Free - Prosthetic and Orthotic Education Program;0;2014-08-01;56;"";2011-04-28;Disability;Healing Hands for Haiti, International Society for Prosthetics and others
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-12-21;"";2010-10-01;Hinche, Thomonde, Maïssade, Mirebalais, Saut-d'Eau, Belladère, Lascahobas, Savanette;;Centre;"";"";Supply food to students and cooks in 160 schools in the Central Plateau using food supplied by the World Food Program (WFP). Dry family take home rations will also be distrubuted to school children at the beginning of the school year. ;Hinche,Lascahobas,Mirebalais;"";765;World Food Program (WFP);Belladère,Hinche,Lascahobas,Maïssade,Mirebalais,Saut-d'Eau,Savanette,Thomonde;Education,Food Aid;Amy Knorr;"";Haiti Country Program Manager, World Vision US;WV-HT-10-007;World Vision US, Inc.;"";"";"";"";Students;School Feeding Project in Central Plateau;"";2010-12-31;76;"";"";"";""
Senegal;foodsecurity_site;2011-05-19;"";2006-08-01;"";;Matam;"";"";"Counterpart work to increase school enrollment and attendance; increase access to health and nutrition services for mothers and pre-school children; and increase capacity of local community-based organizations, government of Senegal and PTAs to manage and sustain school feeding nutrition program. Approximately 40,000 children are fed daily in 425 public preschools and primary schools.
";"";"";1928;US Department of Agriculture (USDA);"";Food Aid,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Mark Holt;"";Director, Nutrition, Health and Humanitarian Services;CPINT-SN-06-001;Counterpart International;"Food Security Programming, Maternal and Child Health and Nutrition (MCHN), Commodity Management, Gender Equality and Mainstreaming,
";"";"";Prime Awardee;"";McGovern-Dole International Food for Education and Child Nutrition Program;8458220;2013-06-30;25;;2011-05-19;Gender, Nutrition;Counterpart International
Uganda;foodsecurity_site;2010-07-12;"";2010-05-05;"";;Kitgum;project worth 50000 USD;District Agriculture Office;The goal of the project is to increase marketing efficiency and reduce post-harvest losses through the establishment of bulking stores of 30 ton capacity in five sub-counties.  The stores will be linked to farmer field schools.  ;"";"";870;Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO);"";Agriculture;chege Ngugi;"";Country director;FH-UG-10-FSC;Food for the Hungry;Construction of 5 stores;3000;"";Prime awardee;Former IDPs (Households);FAO (Stores Construction);0;2010-07-01;28;;2011-02-23;"";Food for the Hungry/Uganda
Ghana;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2007-01-01;"";;Eastern;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1119;The Robertson Foundation;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-GH-07-GH1;The Hunger Project;"";5000;"";"";"";Abehenase Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Haiti;"";2011-04-25;"";2011-01-01;"";;Sud,Sud-Est;"";"";"Cotes de Fer Chlorination and Extension Water System 
";Aquin,Bainet;"";1739;Emergency Response Relief Fund for Haiti (OCHA/ERRF);Aquin,Côtes-de-Fer;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Laura Dills;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Director of Programs;CRS-HT-11-7420216;Catholic Relief Services (CRS);Water;12500;"";"";Households;Cotes de Fer Chlorination and Extension Water System ;121920;2011-03-31;20;"";2011-04-25;"";Catholic Relief Services (CRS)
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2011-04-07;"";2011-03-01;Maniche;;Sud;"";"";The goal is to improve the food and income security of 1,030 families in Maniche through breeding and marketing of improved goats and the establishment of agro-ecological gardens.;les Cayes;"";1695;Private donations;Cayes,Maniche;Agriculture;Ixchel Palencia;Food Security and Agriculture;Program Officer;HEFI-HT-11-23-1417-02-CO06;Heifer International;Families goat herds increased with animal well being management, agroecological gardens cultivation and surplus commercialization;2650;"";"";Men and Women Farmers;Improved Goat Breeding in Maniche;133800;2012-06-30;34;"";2011-04-07;Gender, Environment;Collective for Sustainable Development and Environmental Protection (CODEDPE)
Philippines;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-13;"";2010-01-01;"";;Pampanga;"";"";This is a climate change adaptation and livelihood project.  More specifically, it seeks to construct a 1 square meter x 300 meters box reinforced concrete covered canal on one side of the street leading to a creek and thus complete a drainage system that will address the problem of perennial flooding in the community. It shall also establish a Livelihood Fund of P200,000, which the beneficiaries can access to enhance their various livelihood ventures. San Vicente is a barangay of Cabiao municipality in the province of Nueva Ecija, one of the provinces is what is referred to as the Central Plains. Cabiao is about 100 kms. northeast of Manila. San Vicente is its last barangay adjacent to the province of Pampanga. Hence, it is near to the Pampanga River Basin. During rainy seasons, the barangays of Cabiao nearest to Pampanga, including San Vicente, is always flooded with overflow water from the Pampanga River. The flooding has become worse in recent years when the level of precipitation has greatly increased. With no drainage system that can divert flood waters to an exit point, the flooded communities can remain submerged in water for several weeks. This has adversely affected ricefields, houses and household belongings as well as brought about diseases. The barangay is home to small-scale farmers, with average monthly household income of only P3,650. Because of the destructive flooding problem, San Vicente's inhabitants have long been clamoring for a drainage system. The barangay has started this project but after several years of lobbying with the municipal and provincial governments, it has accessed funds sufficient to construct only 100 meters of the drainage system. While this has benefitted a portion of the community, the bigger portions continue to suffer the problem. Hence, they have approached several funding partners for possible assistance. This proposed project will complete the drainage system by constructing a 300-meter extension. The project will then set up a credit facility to assist the beneficiaries in commencing or enhancing livelihood activities. The beneficiaries are presently organized under the San Vicente Farmers Association, which shall manage the proposed credit facility.;"";"";834;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Disaster Management;Matt St. John;"";Program Officer;ERD-PH-10-003;Episcopal Relief & Development;"";6500;"";"";Individuals;2010 San Vicente Drainage & Livelihood Project;"";2010-12-31;27;;"";Climate change, Disaster risk reduction (DRR);The Episcopal Church in the Philippines
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-03-16;"";;Sud-Est;"";"";Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment;Bainet;"";1844;Private donations;Bainet;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-8952;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Hope for Haiti Foundation;578982;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";Hope for Haiti Foundation
India;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1996-01-01;"";;Gujarat;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1399;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-IN-96-170409;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Baroda Development Program;"";2010-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS;World Vision India
Ethiopia;foodsecurity_site;2010-09-24;"";2010-06-01;"";;Oromia;"";DUBAF Yelimat Mahiber;"The objectives of this project are to: (1) provide 200 drought affected households access to food through cash-for-work (CFW) activities for the next 3 months (June-August 2010)  through rehabilitation of 2 traditional irrigation schemes (3.5 KM), and construction of 10 km community access road); (2) to rehabilitate/develop 4 water points to enable the supply of quality water to 1,000 households; and (3) to create awareness on water borne diseases for 880 people.";"";"";1017;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Girma Legesse;"";Humanitarian program officer;OXFA-ET-10-ETH 012 /10;Oxfam America;"";1445;"";"";"";Livelihoods Protection and Water Supply Project in Adola and Wadara Districts of Guji Zone, Oromia National Regional State;"";2010-11-30;80;"";"";Food security;DUBAF Yelimat Mahiber
Haiti;"";2010-09-27;"";2010-01-26;Port-au-Prince;;Ouest;Port-au-Prince;"";Delivery of $578,934 worth of medical supplies and equipment to Partners in Health for the Hopital l'Universite d'Etate d'Haiti -(HUEH);Port-au-Prince;"";662;"";Port-au-Prince;Health;Niecy LoCricchio;Health;Director of Grants;CURE-HT-10-30912;PROJECT C.U.R.E.;"";18000;"";"";"";In-Kind Donations to Partners in Health for the University Hospital (HUEH), #1;578934;2010-01-26;59;;"";"";Partners in Health, University Hospital (HUEH)
Philippines;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1987-01-01;"";;Palawan;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1482;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-PH-87-68031;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Camarines Development Program;"";2010-01-01;76;"";"";"";World Vision Philippines
Ethiopia;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2009-06-01;"";;Oromia,Somali;"";"";The program continues to support the Community Animal Health Worker (CAHW) network established under an existing OFDA grant, while also improving disease surveillance mechanisms (in partnership with FAO) that improves targeting of emergency livestock interventions such as emergency health campaigns, destocking, and fodder provisioning.  The program also fills a substantial need for improved humanitarian coordination and information sharing across the Somali Region and between Somali and Oromia Regions by facilitating humanitarian coordination in Somali Region and strengthening timely information dissemination from the regional to federal level.;"";"";999;Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA);"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development;Simon O'Connell;"";Country Director, Ethiopia;MC-ET-09-003;Mercy Corps;"1) Assist the most vulnerable pastoralists of Degehabur Zone by helping them to cope with seasonal shocks that affect livestock health, thereby stabilizing and improving their livelihoods and ultimately saving lives. The program will aim to improve livestock health so that they are more resistant to shocks, and to intervene under emergency conditions to help livestock survive the dry season, or allow vulnerable pastoralists to earn income via slaughter destocking; 2) Provide non-food items (NFIs) to current internally displaced persons (IDPs) as well as to recent returnees that had been displaced by the conflict; 3) Pairs temporary employment with community training to help beneficiaries use cash resources effectively and use the money to diversify livelihoods; 4) Takes a leading role in supporting coordination efforts in Somali Region and to build on existing efforts over the past six months.";175952;"";Prime awardee;Vulnerable people/populations, Pastoralists, Vulnerable conflict-affected populations, Internally displaced persons (IDPs), Returnees;Enhancing Integrated Life and Livelihood Saving Responses for Vulnerable Conflict Affected Populations in Borena Zone, Oromia and Liben Zone Somali Region and for most vulnerable populations in Degehabur Zone, Somali Region;"";2010-05-31;50;"";"";"";Mercy Corps
Ethiopia;foodsecurity_site;2011-05-11;"";2008-12-01;""; ;Somali;"";Mercy Corps, Ogaden Welfair Development Association ;"Goal: To protect and improve livelihoods in Gode, Fik and Korahe Zones of the Somali Region of Ethiopia  
";"";"";1793;US Agency for International Development (USAID);"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development;Axel Weiser ;"";Director, Livelihoods Unit ;STC-ET-08-004 ;Save the Children;"Activities: Improved access and availability of quality community-based animal health services; Improved access for community-based animal health workers (CAHWs) to high quality livestock medicines and veterinary support; Re-establish commercial livestock marketing routes; Support the implementation of early off-take, emergency off-take, and/or restocking of livestock in response to emergencies; Re-habilitating damaged water points Increase community capacity to manage water sources; Strengthen community capacity to manage rangelands; Improvement in selected rangelands; Assessment of small-scale irrigation opportunities along the Wabe Shabelle River; Implementation of pilot project; Assessment of urban livelihood opportunities for women; Developing selected livelihood strategies; Developing relationships with young people
";70658;"";Prime Awardee ;"";Somali Pastoralist Livelihoods Initiative ;1490183;2011-05-01;63;"";2011-05-11;"";Save the Children US  
Nicaragua;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1995-01-01;"";;Granada;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1466;Private donations;"";Health;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-NI-95-168910;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Mombacho Development Program;"";2012-01-01;76;"";"";Nutrition;World Vision Nicaragua
Haiti;"";1991-10-26;"";2010-01-12;"";;"";"";"";Local American Red Cross chapters across the United States provided support to approximately 25,000 Haitian-Americans arriving in the United States after the earthquake.  This included welcome services at airports and support for medical evacuees.;"";"";93;"";"";Other;Marian Spivey-Estrada;"";Manager, Information and Reporting;ARCIS-HT-10-DM02;American Red Cross;"";"";Please note that the estimated number of people reached refers to the total number of people each project plans to reach over the life of its implementation. Not all of these people have been reached with services yet.;"";"";Chapter Support to Haitian-Americans Returning to the U.S.;0;2010-03-31;9;;2011-02-15;"";American Red Cross
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-09-23;"";2010-02-15;"";;Ouest;"";Sous Espwa;Reconstruction/ short term food asistance/ psycho-social care;Port-au-Prince;"";276;Christian Reformed Church of North America (CRCNA);Port-au-Prince;Food Aid,Health,Shelter and Housing;Willys Geffrard;Early Recovery,Food Security and Agriculture,Health;Haiti Program Manager;CRWRC-HT-10-OR 2010-17;Christian Reformed World Relief Committee (CRWRC);"";9000;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs);Initial Haiti Emergency Response;250000;2011-02-15;23;"";"";Mental health/Psychosocial support;Christian Reformed World Relief Committee (CRWRC)
Haiti;"";2011-02-15;"";2011-01-15;"";;Sud;"";"";"Contribute to the reduction of cholera-induced morbidity and mortality in affected regions across Haiti
";les Cayes;"";1630;American Red Cross;Camp-Perrin,Cayes,Torbeck;Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Agron Ferati;"";Director, Program Development;IMC-HT-11-1745;International Medical Corps;Cholera treatment;144000;"";Prime awardee;"";Cholera Treatment and Prevention Response ;0;2012-01-14;39;;2011-04-20;"";International Medical Corps
Haiti;"";2011-05-26;"";2010-03-22;"";"";Ouest;"";"";Distribution of new tarps;Croix-des-Bouquets;"";296;Private donations,USAID Ocean Freight Reimbursement Program;Croix-des Bouquets;Shelter and Housing;"";Shelter and Non-Food Items;"";CPINT-HT-10-PAH 10-03-COC-001;Counterpart International;"";"";"";"";Affected population(s);Haiti Assistance Project # 8;0;2011-05-05;25;"";2011-05-26;"";Counterpart International
Haiti;"";2010-12-15;"";2010-12-01;Lower Delmas;;Ouest;"";"";This project funds salary support for Haitian employees working at Grace Childrens Hospital and International Child Care Haiti so that health services can continued to be provided to patients. ;Port-au-Prince;"";725;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Health;Melissa Crutchfield;"";Assistant General Secretary, International Disaster Response;UMCOR-HT-10-418325-8;United Methodist Committee on Relief;"";170;"";Prime awardee;Children, Youth;Grace Children's Hospital Operational Support;99000;2011-05-31;67;"";"";"";International Child Care Haiti
Haiti;"";2010-12-17;"";2010-07-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";Recapitalizing micro-business owners who lost capital in the earthquake.  The program assists individuals to purchase working capital necessary to restart their micro-businesses and support their families.;Port-au-Prince;"";284;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Economic Recovery and Development;Aaron Tate;Early Recovery;Emergency Response Coordinator;CWS-HT-10-005;Church World Service;"";600;"";"";Small business owners;Recapitalization of Micro-Businesses;40000;2010-09-30;24;;"";"";Fondation Oecumenique pour la Paix et la Justice
Haiti;"";2010-09-27;"";2010-03-26;Léogâne;;Ouest;Léogâne;"";Delivery of $347,476 worth of medical supplies and equipment for community based health work in Léogâne;Léogâne;"";671;"";Léogâne;Health;Niecy LoCricchio;Health;Director of Grants;CURE-HT-10-10944;PROJECT C.U.R.E.;"";18000;"";"";"";In-Kind Donations for Community-Based Health Work in Léogâne;347476;2010-03-26;59;;"";"";International Relief & Development
Haiti;"";2010-10-06;"";2010-01-16;"";;Ouest;"";Healing Hands for Haiti;Support to Hospitals;Léogâne,Port-au-Prince;"";435;"";Carrefour,Delmas,Grand-Goâve,Petit-Goâve,Port-au-Prince,Pétion-Ville,Tabarre;Health,Protection;Armony Mangin;Health;Liaison & Advocacy Officer;HCI-HT-10-001;Handicap International;"";1811;"";"";"";Health/Protection 1;"";2010-07-31;32;"";"";"";Handicap International
Ethiopia;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2000-10-01;"";;Afar;"";"";One of the main goals of this program is to help create more access to good soil and arable land. The program also works to educate the people on better agricultural skills and animal husbandry. There is also a project to expand irrigation systems.;"";"";1551;Private donations;"";Agriculture;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-ET-00-174672;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";AFAR Emergency Reponse;"";2010-09-30;76;"";"";"";World Vision Ethiopia
Haiti;"";2010-05-19;"";2010-02-01;Bayonnais, Moulin, Bois de Laurence, Maïssade;;Centre,L'Artibonite,Nord,Nord-Est,Ouest;"";"";Cash-for-work, shelter, water filters, latrine construction, and hygiene education for up to 10,000 internally displaced people in Artibonite, Center, West, North and Northeast departments.;Borgne,Gonaïves,Grande-Rivière-du-Nord,Gros-Morne,Hinche,Marmelade,Vallières,l'Arcahaie;"";513;Private donations;Arcahaie,Bahon,Gonaïves,Gros-Morne,La Victoire,Maïssade,Mombin Crochu,Ranquitte,Saint Michel de l'Attalaye;Economic Recovery and Development,Shelter and Housing,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Alex Wilson;Shelter and Non-Food Items,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Deputy Director for Latin America;LWR-HT-10-LA-HAI-4-001-10;Lutheran World Relief;"";10000;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs), Rural population, Small farmers;Enabling Rural Villages to Help People Displaced by the Port-au-Prince Earthquake;189248;2010-06-30;45;;2010-09-24;"";Partnership for Local Development (PLD)
Uganda;foodsecurity_site;2010-07-12;"";2009-05-01;"";;Pader;Project amount is 220000 USD;Acholi private sector foundations, NAADS (National Agriculture Advisory Services), NARO (National Agricultural Research Organization);FH is promoting a rice varieties known as NERICA (New Rice for Africa).  The program benefits 2000 households. The duration is two years.  The goal is to increase household income through rice production and marketing.;"";"";868;FH Suisse;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development;chege Ngugi;"";Country director;FH-UG-09-URPM;Food for the Hungry;Some of the major activities include provision of improved seeds, training in agronomy practices, formation of marketing groups, processing of rice, linkage to major markets, linkage to credit and capital.;1000;"";Prime awardee;Former IDPs (Households);Upland Rice Promotion & Marketing Project;"";2010-07-01;28;;"";Gender, HIV/AIDS;Food for the Hungry/Uganda
Haiti;"";1991-12-09;"";2010-03-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";To increase hospital medical technology infrastructure in order to increase treatment capacity and to improve the quality of patient care;Port-au-Prince;"";140;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Health;Donna Porstner;Health;Communications Manager;ACARE-HT-10-125-1009-501;AmeriCares;"Near term by repairing broken/damaged equipment and installing/training on donated equipment received post-earthquake
Longer-term by acquiring additional equipment to fill critical gaps and developing systematic technology infrastructure management (i.e., processes/capability for maintenance, repair, and replacement )";"";"";"";"";Strengthening Hospital Medical Technology;6500;2010-04-30;11;"";2011-04-22;Capacity building;Engineering World Health
Haiti;"";2010-10-05;"";2010-01-31;"";"";"";"";"";Pharmaceuticals, Medical ;"";"";179;Private donations;"";Health;"";Health;"";BBF-HT-10-004;Brother's Brother Foundation;"";"";"";"";"";Air Shipment # 1;3989805;2010-02-28;17;"";"";"";Food for the Poor
Ethiopia;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1990-01-01;"";;Southern Nations Nationalities and Peoples;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1361;Private donations;"";Education,Health;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV- ET-90-166203;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Soddo Development Program;"";2013-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS;World Vision Ethiopia
Haiti;"";1991-09-21;"";2010-10-01;"";;Ouest;"";Kindernothilfe (KNH);5 Integrated education and protection programs in IDP camps of Port-au-Prince;Port-au-Prince;"";157;Kindernothilfe (KNH);Port-au-Prince;Education,Protection;Sara Wolf;Protection;Coordinator of Education and Child Protection;AMURT-HT-10-001;Ananda Marga Universal Relief Team (AMURT);Kindergarten, Afterschool Enrichment, Youth Leadership Training, Women's Literacy and Support, Urban Ecology Education;5500;"";"";Children, Women;Education and Child Protection;720000;2011-06-01;13;;2011-01-25;"";Ananda Marga Universal Relief Team Haiti (AMURT)
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-03-03;"";;Ouest;"";"";Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment;Port-au-Prince;"";1840;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-8919;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to American Hospital - Haiti;94817;2010-03-03;26;;2011-04-22;"";American Hospital - Haiti
Zambia;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1998-01-01;"";;Northern;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1542;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Health;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-ZM-98-171756;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Mbala Development Program;"";2015-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS;World Vision Zambia
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-05-05;"";;Ouest;"";"";Community Grant Program;Port-au-Prince;"";361;Private donations;Carrefour;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-Grant 4;Direct Relief International;"";6000;"";"";"";Conduct survey of all families in town and provide psychosocial support;25000;2011-05-05;26;;2011-04-22;"";Bureau de Doléances Sociales (BDS)
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";1999-01-01;"";;Barisal;"";"";THP works at the Union level to (a) mobilize the population for self-reliant action, including forming producer co-operatives and other income generating enterprises, (b) build civil society from the bottom up - creating people's organization of women, youth, elders, girl-child advocates, and the poorest of the poor, (c) strengthen local democracy, (d) ensure adequate facilities for achieving the MDGs, (e) organize mass action campaigns for health, nutrition, education, clean water and sanitation.;"";"";1232;Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID),British Council,Private donations;"";Agriculture,Education,Health,Human Rights Democracy and Governance,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;John Coonrod;"";Executive Vice President;THP-BD-99-525;The Hunger Project;"";20000;"";"";"";Dhawa Mobilization;"";2100-12-31;83;"";"";"";The Hunger Project
Haiti;"";2010-09-01;"";2010-09-01;46, Rue Dehoux, Port-au-Prince;;Ouest;"";N/A;Work for Food;Port-au-Prince;shipping/custome clearance;218;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Education;Lesly Pierre;"";Coordinator;TZU-HT-10-TZHT-01;Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation;Eglise Saint Alexandre ;351;"";NA;Affected population(s);Education # 1;50000;2011-12-31;18;"";2010-09-01;"";Tzu Chi Foundation
Haiti;"";2011-03-29;"";2010-01-13;"";;Ouest;"";Camp Comittees, Ministère de la Santé Publique et de la Population (MSPP), Mothers' and Youth's Clubs;Health (Emergency relief);Léogâne,Port-au-Prince;"";1681;"Alwaleed Bin Talal Foundation,Cordaid,Entertainment Industry Foundation (EIF),Fashion for Relief,Johnson & Johnson,Marisla Foundation,The Baxter International Foundation";Carrefour,Léogâne;Health;Glenn R. Bouchard;"";Health Coordinator;CARE-HT-10-022;CARE;GBV prevention, Maternal health;200000;"";"";Women, Pregnant and lactating women, Internally displaced persons (IDPs);Life Saving Interventions for Women and Girls in Haiti  From Relief to Recovery;2611872.53;2012-01-12;19;"";2011-04-07;"";CARE Haiti
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-08-11;"";;Nord;"";"";Community Grant Program;Cap-Haïtien;"";359;Private donations;Cap-Haïtien;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-Grant 21;Direct Relief International;"";100000;"";"";"";Mobile Maternity and Pedatric unit in Cap-Haitian;25000;2011-08-11;26;;2011-04-22;"";Haiti Hospital Appeal
Haiti;"";1991-09-21;"";2010-03-01;Delmas 31, Cineas, Petionville Club;;Ouest;"";Kindernothilfe (KNH);To help children affected by the earthquake restore normalcy and improve overall well-being in their lives with psychosocial and educational support. Provide play therapy, learning stimulation and a healing environment that creates stability, increased resiliency and a safe community for affected children.;Port-au-Prince;"";160;Kindernothilfe (KNH),Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Education,Health,Protection;Sara Wolf;Protection;Coordinator of Child Protection & Education;AMURT-HT-10-CFS-KNH 84051;Ananda Marga Universal Relief Team (AMURT);"";5500;"";"";Children, Youth, Women;Child-Friendly Spaces in IDP Camps 2;2350000;2011-08-30;13;;2011-01-25;Environment;Ananda Marga Universal Relief Team Haiti (AMURT)
Haiti;"";2010-09-24;"";2010-07-11;"";;Ouest;Will support 1,500 youth and 60 youth workers.;23 local institutions;"Moving Forward is a sport and play-based youth development project that supports the psychosocial and physical well being of youth in earthquake-affected areas throughout Haiti. Moving Forward addresses four main topics that capture the value of sport and play in emergency situations: health, psychosocial rehabilitation, education, and community building. Moving Forward activities are centered on youth development in four key areas: constructive communication, self-esteem, resiliency, and teamwork and trust building. The program has the following objectives:
• To work with several Master Trainers in the field of sport and youth development to develop an expanded cadre of 50 professional Haitian caregivers and teachers with the capacity to provide healthy, attentive and developmental programs for school-aged youth through participation in the Moving Forward Training of Trainers (ToT) methodology.
• To increase the resiliency, self-worth, self-agency, social inclusion and classroom performance of 1,500 youth in affected communities through participation in structured healing, and play-based activities in the Moving Forward program.
• To build a network of skilled youth workers, coaches, and educators committed to the physical and emotional well being of youth through sports, games, and play-based activities, which will meet monthly and engage in joint activities between groups.
• To organize two commemorative events: project launch on July 11, 2010 (World Cup Final) and project completion on January 12, 2010 (one year anniversary of the earthquake) with the goal of celebrating the role of youth and sports in renewing Haiti.
";Léogâne,Port-au-Prince;"";593;Nike;Carrefour,Cité Soleil,Delmas,Léogâne,Pétion-Ville,Tabarre;Health;Kyle Dietrich;Health;Youth/Psychosocial  Program Manager;MC-HT-10-004;Mercy Corps;"";1560;"";"";Youth, Children;Moving Forward: Sport-based Psychosocial Youth Project;150000;2011-05-31;50;;2011-04-01;Mental health/Psychosocial support;Mercy Corps
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;"";"";2002-06-01;"";;Dhaka;"";"";Weekly meetings of Savings and Learning Groups of between 12 and 20 people as a vehicle for micro-savings-based food security and micro-enterprise, WASH education, health education, community development and long-term formation of participant-led community development institutions. Groups are single-gender settings to meet the needs of cultural norms in Bangladesh, but teach skills for healthy social interaction and values for good relationships. Groups are self-led and facilitated by FH Staff, with direct contact one half day per group per week.;"";"";849;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Lucas Shindeldecker;"";Food Security Program Officer;FH-BD-02-BANFCT030029;Food for the Hungry;"";28880;"";"";"";Family and Community Transformation (FCT) # 9;"";2017-12-31;28;;"";Gender, Capacity building;""
Haiti;"";2011-05-11;"";2010-01-17;"";"";Ouest;"";"";Work was locally contracted to complete rehabilitation of water networks in 4 water stations. All materials were purchased from the local markets to help uplift the local economy.;Port-au-Prince;"";503;Life for Relief and Development partners,Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;"";Water Sanitation and Hygiene;"";LRD-HT-10-006;Life for Relief and Development;"";"";"";"";"";Rehabilitation of Water Networks;0;2012-07-01;44;"";2011-05-11;"";""
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-11-02;"";;Ouest;"";"";Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment;Croix-des-Bouquets;"";1818;Private donations;Ganthier;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-51046;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Joshua Memorial Clinic;1867;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";Joshua Memorial Clinic
Benin;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2000-01-01;"";;Mono;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1056;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-BJ-00-BN3;The Hunger Project;"";9086;"";"";"";Ayi-Guinnou Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
"";foodsecurity_site;2011-05-26;"";2009-02-27;"2nd admin: Batticaloa
3rd admin: Eravur Pattu, Koralai Pattu South, Manmunai West";;"";"";"";"This program aims to increase the income of 1,800 men and women in three disaster-affected divisions of Batticaloa District through capacity building and the provision of productive assets that will improve livelihood productivity and product value. Areas of intervention include agriculture, fisheries, and livestock.
";"";"";1936;Lutheran World Relief;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development;Nicholas Jaeger;"";Program Assistant, UMCOR-NGO;UMCOR-LK-09-SSLW03;United Methodist Committee on Relief;"";1800;"";"";"";Sustainable Livelihood Development Program;1189762;2011-06-30;67;"";2011-05-26;"";UMCOR Sri Lanka
Haiti;"";2010-12-15;"";2010-11-15;Juanaria, Marmont, Aguahidionde rive droite, Aguahidionde rive gauche, Crete Brulee, Grand-Boucan, Gascogne and Sardzin;;Centre;Approximately 77,000 people will be reached directly through hygiene promotion activities or NFI distribution. An estimated 300,000 individuals, which is half of the the entire population of the Centre Department, will have access to public health messages on the radio and benefit from the communal level training of local volunteers and community leaders.;Haitian Red Cross;This is Mercy Corps' strategy for an emergency intervention to help reduce cholera transmission in the Center Department and prevent further loss of life. Mercy Corps is engaging in hygiene promotion by existing and new volunteers, non-food items (NFI) distribution, and establishing and training hygiene committees in eight communal sections. Mercy Corps will use local resources and volunteers to enable the program to have the widest reach possible in a short period of time and to ensure messages are relayed after the program period. The program is consistent with local government strategies and builds upon requests local government has made of international partners at coordination forums.;Hinche,Mirebalais;"";602;Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA);Hinche,Mirebalais;Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Brian Oakes;Shelter and Non-Food Items,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Country Director;MC-HT-10-013;Mercy Corps;"";77000;"";"";Cholera affected population;Emergency Cholera Response to At Risk Communities in the Central Plateau;932013;2011-05-25;50;;2011-04-07;"";Mercy Corps
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";1999-01-01;"";;Rangpur;"";"";THP works at the Union level to (a) mobilize the population for self-reliant action, including forming producer co-operatives and other income generating enterprises, (b) build civil society from the bottom up - creating people's organization of women, youth, elders, girl-child advocates, and the poorest of the poor, (c) strengthen local democracy, (d) ensure adequate facilities for achieving the MDGs, (e) organize mass action campaigns for health, nutrition, education, clean water and sanitation.;"";"";1210;Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID),British Council,Private donations;"";Agriculture,Education,Health,Human Rights Democracy and Governance,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;John Coonrod;"";Executive Vice President;THP-BD-99-324;The Hunger Project;"";20000;"";"";"";Ramna Mobilization;"";2100-12-31;83;"";"";"";The Hunger Project
Haiti;"";2011-05-11;"";2007-09-01;"";;Centre,Grand'Anse,L'Artibonite,Nippes,Nord,Nord-Est,Nord-Ouest,Ouest,Sud,Sud-Est;"";Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health/Center for Communications Programs (CCP), AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF), JHPIEGO, Government of Haiti;"MSHs Santé pour le Développement et la Stabilité dHaïti (SDSH) Project—known as Pwojé Djanm (“robust project”) in Creole—and its all-Haitian team are working to increase availability of essential social services, reduce internal conflict, enable productive livelihoods that contribute to Haitis economic development, and build capacity as the foundation for progress. MSH and its partners will continue to support local service delivery NGOs by using performance-based contracts, a proven way to reinforce innovation and accountability; these NGOs will go on to become additional sources of technical assistance. Pwojé Djanm's focus is on supporting decentralization, strengthening public-sector capacity in service delivery, and supporting local NGO service delivery by leveraging funding from the commercial sector and other donors. Pwojé Djanm is an MSH-led collaboration of Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health/Center for Communications Programs (CCP), AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF), JHPIEGO, and Fondation pour la Santé Reproductrice et lEducation Familiale (FOSREF) with USAID, the Government of Haiti, local NGOs, community leaders, and the commercial private sector. Together, MSH and its partners will use improvements in the health sector as a catalyst for greater social and political stability.";Anse-à-Veau,Bainet,Borgne,Cerca La Source,Chardonnières,Corail,Croix-des-Bouquets,Dessalines,Fort-Liberté,Gonaïves,Hinche,Jérémie,Lascahobas,Marmelade,Môle Saint-Nicolas,Ouanaminthe,Port-au-Prince,Port-de-Paix,Saint-Louis du Nord,Saint-Raphaël,Vallières,l'Acul-du-Nord,le Trou-du-Nord,les Cayes;"";520;US Agency for International Development (USAID);Abricots,Acul du Nord,Anglais,Anse-à-Foleur,Anse-à-Veau,Asile,Baie de Henne,Bainet,Belladère,Borgne,Capotille,Cerca La Source,Corail,Cornillon,Delmas,Dondon,Fort-Liberté,Gonaïves,Grande Saline,Ile à Vache,Kenscoff,La Tortue,La Victoire,Marmelade,Maïssade,Mombin Crochu,Mont-Organisé,Ounaminthe,Petit Trou de Nippes,Pignon,Port-au-Prince,Pétion-Ville,Ranquitte,Saint Michel de l'Attalaye,Saint-Saint-Raphaël,Sainte Suzanne,Savanette,Vallières;Health;Uder Antoine;Health;"";MSH-HT-07-003;Management Sciences for Health (MSH);"";4086915;"";"";"";Health for the Development and Stability of Haiti (SDSH  Santé pour le Développement et la Stabilité dHaïti);0;2012-09-30;46;;2011-05-11;"";Management Sciences for Health (MSH), Hopital Albert Schweitzer (HAS), Haitian Community Hospital (HCH), Pierre Payen, Save the Children, Haitian Health Foundation (HHF), Ste. Helene, Leon Coicou, Association d'Entreaide de Dame Mariens (AEADMA), CBP, Dugue, Centre pour le Developpement et la Sante (CDS), Konbit Sante, Beraca, La Fanmy, MEBSH, Sacre Coeur, St. Paul, Filles Charite, Food for the Hungry (FFH), FONDEFH, Fondation pour la Santé Reproductrice et lEducation Familiale (FOSREF), Fermanthe, International Child Care, OBCG, AME-SADA, L.Bontemps
Haiti;"";2010-10-06;"";2010-07-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";Construction of T-Shelters;Léogâne,Port-au-Prince;"";445;"";Carrefour,Delmas,Grand-Goâve,Petit-Goâve,Port-au-Prince,Pétion-Ville,Tabarre;Shelter and Housing;Armony Mangin;Shelter and Non-Food Items;Liaison & Advocacy Officer;HCI-HT-10-009;Handicap International;"";250;"";"";"";Basic Needs 5;0;2011-02-28;32;"";2011-02-03;"";Handicap International
Ghana;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2008-01-01;"";;Northern;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1370;Private donations;"";Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-GH-08-181132;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";West Gonja Development Program;"";2023-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS, Nutrition;World Vision Ghana
Haiti;"";2010-09-24;"";2010-02-25;Port-au-Prince;;Ouest;"";"";Mercy Corps Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) program is ensuring drinking water supply, clean latrines and basic hygiene practice for 7,000 households (approximately 42,000 individuals) along the Route des Frères and Peguy Ville in Pétionville, and Tabarre quartiers.;Port-au-Prince;"";590;UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA);Pétion-Ville,Tabarre;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Trish Morrow;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;WASH Sector Program Manager;MC-HT-10-001;Mercy Corps;"";35000;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs), Affected population(s);Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Earthquake-Affected Communities;748927;2011-02-25;50;;2010-12-14;"";Mercy Corps
Uganda;foodsecurity_site;2010-07-12;"";2010-03-31;"";;"";Project amount 11000 USD;NAADS ;The goal is to improve income through dairy agro business. Thirty-two women will be provided with training and improved cows to produce and distribute milk.  ;"";"";872;FH Suisse;"";Agriculture;chege Ngugi;"";Country director;FH-UG-10-144 DP;Food for the Hungry;Training of farmers in feeding, animal health, business and marketing, provision of improved cows.  ;32;"";Prime awardee;Poor farming households;One Cow for Four Cattle Dairy Project;0;2010-10-01;28;;2011-02-23;Livelihoods;Food for the Hungry/Uganda
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;1991-09-02;"";2009-01-01;St Jean;;Sud;"";"";In the area of Saint-Jean Du Sud. Besides the socio-economic instability, farmers in the area of Saint-Jean-du-Sud have seen their plantations devastated by many hurricanes and floods. For this reason, farmers need new animals and seeds to give them hope and a better future. This project will provide 100 beef cattle, three cebu bulls, 50,000 cuttings of sweet potatoes, 50,000 cuttings of elephant grass, 20,000 seedlings of fruit trees, 1000 kg of corn , 800 kg of beans, and 80 kg of vegetable seeds. The 200 families—100 original families and another 100 benefitting from passing on the gift—will be trained on Heifer cornerstones, animal husbandry, sustainable agriculture, and protection of the environment.;Port-Salut;"";455;Private donations;Saint-Jean du Sud;Agriculture;Corbin B. Lyday, Ph.D.;Food Security and Agriculture;Manager, Government Relations;HEFI-HT-10-23-1416-60;Heifer International;Livestock diversification and management, agriculture, agroecological gardens;1000;"";"";Women and Men Farmers;Rehabilitation of Agropastoralism at Saint-Jean du Sud;125000;2011-06-30;34;;2011-04-15;Environment;World Concern
Malawi;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2009-07-01;"";;Northern,Southern;"";"";Reduce food insecurity of vulnerable populations in Malawi. ;"";"";1583;US Agency for International Development (USAID);"";Agriculture;Carlos Piedrasanta;"";RDM Operations Deputy, IPG, World Vision US;WV-MW-09-191001;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Wellness and Agriculture for Life Advancement;"";2014-06-30;76;"";"";"";Catholic Relief Services, World Vision Malawi
Haiti;"";"";"";"";"";"";Ouest;"";"";Based on a detailed assessment of damages and needs, this project will reestablish eye care and ENT services by repairing/replacing equipment and reconstruction of Eye/ENT service buildings as they many were destroyed during the earthquake. These eye/ENT services will go beyond pre quake capability.;Port-au-Prince;"";271;CBM Member Association,Light for the World;Delmas,Port-au-Prince;Health;"";"";"";CBM-HT-10-005;Christian Blind Mission;"";"";"";"";Affected population(s);EYE/ENT Services;"";"";22;"";"";"";University Hospital
Haiti;"";1991-12-20;"";2010-10-01;"";;"";"";"";This Habitat for Humanity International project aims to strengthen the low income housing sector through strategies targeting gaps in the value chain and rebuilding shelter solutions.;"";"";434;Dutch SHO (Cooperating Aid Organizations);"";Shelter and Housing;Kate Pearson;Shelter and Non-Food Items;Director - Strategic Partnerships, Haiti;HFHI-HT-10-014;Habitat for Humanity International;"";1365;"";"";Affected population(s);Shelter Assistance for Haiti;1584000;2012-09-30;31;;2011-02-04;"";Habitat for Humanity International
Haiti;"";1991-08-24;"";2010-02-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";Distribution of 1200 hand crank flashlights - donated;Port-au-Prince;"";44;GlobalMedic;Carrefour;Disaster Management;Andrew Lucas;Shelter and Non-Food Items;Program Director;ADRA-HT-10-022;Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA);"";1200;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs);Non-Food Item (NFI) Distributions II;4800;2010-03-31;4;"";2011-01-14;"";GlobalMedic, Adventist Development and Relief Agency Network
Zimbabwe;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2000-01-01;"";;Midlands;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1545;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-ZW-00-174549;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Gokwe Development Program;"";2019-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS, Nutrition;World Vision Zimbabwe
Palestine;foodsecurity_site;2011-05-11;"";2010-05-12;"2nd Admin: North Gaza, Middle Gaza Governorate: East  Al Zawaydah, Al Boriege; South Gaza: Shouka, EL Naser, Kherbet EL Adas, Al Mawasey 	North Gaza: : Bedouin Community, Biet Lahia, Biet Hanoon; 
"; ;Gaza,West Bank;"";Carana ;"The goal of this program is to increase the number of households in Gaza who produce sufficient crops for their own consumption and a surplus for market income in order to improve households' livelihood production practices and contribute to market supply. 
";"";"";1788;CARANA Corporation;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development;Sita Conklin ;"";Livelihoods Advisor ;STC-PL-10-003 ;Save the Children;"";"";"";Prime Awardee ;"";Food Security and Livelihoods Program in West Bank/Gaza ;810753;2011-05-11;63;"";2011-05-11;"";Save the Children US  
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-03-03;"";;Nippes;"";"";Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment;Miragoâne;"";1833;Private donations;Petite Rivière de Nippes;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-4800;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Visitation Hospital;1346464;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";Visitation Hospital
Haiti;"";1991-10-12;"";2010-01-12;"";;Ouest;"";International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC);"When the earthquake displaced residents and severed most communications, Haitian emigrants around the world were desperate to hear news from their families. The global Red Cross network helped these families to reconnect.  American Red Cross staff in the United States, together with Red Cross and Red Crescent societies around the world, helped guide emigrants to a Safe and Well website.  The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) maintained the website and worked with the Haitian Red Cross to register Haitians with families abroad, as well as provide satellite phones, many donated by the American Red Cross, so that quake survivors could call worried family members in the United States and other countries.  Almost 3,300 families worldwide were reconnected with loved ones in Haiti; at least 2,500 of these families were in the U.S.";Port-au-Prince;"";106;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Disaster Management;Marian Spivey-Estrada;"";Manager, Information and Reporting;ARCIS-HT-10-IROC2;American Red Cross;"";"";Please note that the estimated number of people reached refers to the total number of people each project plans to reach over the life of its implementation. Not all of these people have been reached with services yet.;"";Affected population(s);Reconnecting Families;0;2013-01-12;9;;1991-10-26;"";American Red Cross, Haitian Red Cross
Haiti;"";2011-01-12;"";2009-04-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";"The Participatory Development Project (PRODEP/PRODEPUR) assists Haitian communities to alleviate poverty at both the rural and urban level. Objectives: To build the capacity of community organizations; encourage them to define their own local priorities; assist them in implementing and managing small infrastructure or rehabilitation projects; and foster accountability and transparency. The Government of Haiti is currently investing more than $20 million to expand to priority urban areas to include additional municipalities in the greater Port-au-Prince metropolitan area. Currently, this project is active in 14 districts with small grants to over 2,000 community-based organizations (CBOs).";Port-au-Prince;Additional funding;780;World Bank;Port-au-Prince;Human Rights Democracy and Governance;Daniel O'Neil;"";Senior Program Director for the Caribbean;PADF-HT-09-005;Pan American Development Foundation;"";"";"";Prime;"";Urban Port-au-Prince Participatory Development Project (PRODEPUR);8800000;2012-12-31;54;;2011-01-12;Capacity building;Pan American Development Foundation
Haiti;"";2010-12-09;"";2010-07-16;"";;Ouest;BRAC's Limb and Brace Centre was established at request of Clinton Bush Haiti Fund to provide services to amputees (post-earthquake);"";BRAC established a Limb and Brace Center to provide prosthetic limbs to the thousands of victims of the earthquake who required amputations.  A four-person team from BRACs Limb Center in Dhaka reached Haiti in March. In its first 21 months of operation, the center aims to provide prosthetic and orthotic services to 1,500 men, women and children.  Men and women will be able to start or return to work, which will in turn reduce the burden on their family, and children will be able to attend school during the day, freeing their parents to seek employment or other livelihoods during the day.  The Limb and Brace Center has secured support from the American Jewish World Service, Child Service International, Clinton Bush Haiti Fund, Grapes for Humanity (Canada), and Grapes for Humanity / US. A total of US$ .98 million money already has committed from donors. BRAC is training a workforce of Haitian technicians and hopes to build local expertise of prosthetics and orthotics in Haiti.;Port-au-Prince;"";172;American Jewish World Service,Child Services International,Clinton Bush Haiti Fund,Grapes for Humanity (Canada),Grapes for Humanity (US);Delmas;Health;Dr. Ripon;"";Senior Manager;BRAC-HT-10-001;BRAC USA;Custom fitting of prosthetics and orthotics to men, women and children in Haiti.;1500;"";"";Men, Women, Children, People with disabilities;BRAC Limb and Brace Center;980000;2011-12-31;16;;"";Disability, Livelihoods;BRAC Haiti
Nicaragua;foodsecurity_site;2010-08-16;"";2008-07-01;"";;Jinotega;"";"";Families participating in this project are mostly members of the Association of Women Rafaela Herrera, and in the communities of La Pita Central, Valle Los Herreras, Valle Los Lumbí, Benjamín 1, Benjamín 2 and La Calandria. These families have identified unemployment, decrease in net value of their productive units, hunger, low educational levels and degradation of the environment as the main problems for their members and communities. During its five years, the project will have the objective to contribute to the development of the capacities and productive potential focused on agroecology, the promotion and restoration of the natural resources and the organizational strengthening of the Association of Women Rafaela Herrera in six communities of the Municipality of La Cuá, Jinotega. A total of 569 families will participate in the project, integrated mostly by women members of the association—220 of original form and 349 through Passing on the Gift. Others will be added, fortifying the memberships of the Association. The families will receive 20 heifers, 86 hogs, 100 young longhair sheep, 30 biogas stoves and 117 improved stoves, seeds and 30 biodigestors, supplies and forest and fruit-bearing trees for the agroforestry systems.;"";"";932;Private donations;"";Agriculture;Americas program;"";Americas program;HEFI-NI-08-23-1618-02;Heifer International;"";1056;"";"";"";Productive Diversification with Agroecological Focus on the Environment Sustainability and Organizing Self-Management of the Association of Women;0;2013-06-30;34;"";2011-03-25;Capacity building;Asociacion de Educacion y Comunicacion La Cuculmeca
Colombia;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1997-01-01;"";;Valle del Cauca;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1314;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Protection;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-CO-97-167472;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Mojica Development Program;"";2010-01-01;76;"";"";Nutrition, HIV/AIDS;World Vision Colombia
Liberia;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-14;"";2010-07-01;"";;Margibi,Montserrado;"";"";Establishment of Farmer Field Schools and producers groups as well as a Farmers Resource Centre;"";"";787;Canadian Foodgrains Bank;"";Agriculture;Ken Little;"";Senior Project Manager, IDR, CRWRC;CRWRC-LR-10-CFGB 2151;Christian Reformed World Relief Committee (CRWRC);"";25000;"";"";"";Agricultural Rejuvenation in Margibi & Montserrado counties;"";2011-06-30;23;;"";"";ZOA Refugee Care Liberia
Haiti;"";2010-09-23;"";2010-02-25;"Village Solidarite
";;Ouest;"";Community based organizations (CBOs), Municipality;Using a combination of communal support within each Quartier and cash-for-work (CFW), WC will mobilize Quartiers in clearing sufficient rubble to allow families to reside on their own property. Using these same community organizations, we will then provide materials, technical support and skilled labor to assist Quartiers in building their own transitional shelters or, when possible, repairing portions of their homes.;Port-au-Prince;"";739;Trust Fund Disaster Relief,UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA);Delmas;Economic Recovery and Development,Shelter and Housing;Christon Domond;Shelter and Non-Food Items;Country Director;WC-HT-10-5084;World Concern;"Rehabilitation
";10000;"";Subawardee;Affected population(s);Quartier Support for Transitional Shelters;746787;2010-11-15;71;;2011-03-31;"Livelihoods
";World Concern
Haiti;"";1991-10-09;"";2010-08-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";All Hands volunteers have been providing the hospital with logistical and administrative support, working to reopening and restore crucial medical services. Hospital St. Croix opened in October and volunteers continue to help expand capacity.;Léogâne;"";52;"";Léogâne;Health;"";Health;"";HODR-HT-10-008;All Hands Volunteers;"";"";"";"";"";St. Croix Hospital Logistical Support;0;2011-12-31;5;"";2011-01-14;"";All Hands Volunteers
Haiti;"";1991-12-22;"";2011-01-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";The earthquake damaged much of Port-au-Princes already limited water and sanitation infrastructure, increasing health concerns for residents living in crowded camps. The American Red Cross is addressing these concerns by increasing access to safe water and latrines, constructing bathing facilities, assisting with trash collection and improving drainage in camps across Port-au-Prince.  This American Red Cross implemented project will reach an estimated 50,000 people in camps, in addition to those who will be gaining access to water and sanitation through the transitional housing program.;Port-au-Prince;"";82;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Marian Spivey-Estrada;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Manager, Information and Reporting;ARCIS-HT-10-004;American Red Cross;"";50000;Please note that the estimated number of people reached refers to the total number of people each project plans to reach over the life of its implementation. Not all of these people have been reached with services yet.;"";Affected population(s), Vulnerable people/populations;American Red Cross Water and Sanitation Services;0;2011-12-31;9;;2011-02-15;"";American Red Cross, Haitian Red Cross, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)
Burma;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2000-01-01;"";;Yangon;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1461;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-MM-00-172426;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Hlaing Tharyar East Development Program;"";2015-01-01;76;"";"";"";World Vision Myanmar
Uganda;foodsecurity_site;2011-03-10;"";2009-05-01;"2nd admin: Busoga subregion
City village: Iganga";;Iganga;"";"";The project is aimed at strengthening the capacity of Bakusekamajja Women Farmers Development Association (BWFDA), a women-led association with over 10 years of experience in seed multiplication/production, to assist its members in increasing their incomes, food security and overall well-being by producing, processing and marketing certified rice and maize seeds. BWFDA will help its members form a SACCOS, an association-led savings and loan, as well as provide training on savings, credit and financial management. These investments will help strengthen the relationship with Oikocredit, an ecumenical social investment firm, that will provide credit for seed input and marketing loans. Objectives: (1) Increased Production: 453 rural farmers in 3 sub counties of Iganga district will increase production of maize and rice seeds by 42% per season through enhanced members savings and access to credit to procure appropriate inputs and agricultural advisory services. (2) Improved Marketing & Sales: A well-run seed processing company will provide a sure and rewarding market (3,065 tons per season) for 453 rice and maize certified seed producers and their families  in 3 sub counties of Iganga District. (3) Stronger Organizational Capacity:  Bakusekamajja Women Farmers Development Association will strengthen its capacity to manage the seed business and to defend the interests of its members. ;"";"";1646;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development;Alissa Karg;"";Africa Deputy Regional Director;LWR-UG-09-AF-UGA-3-002-09;Lutheran World Relief;"";3624;"";"";Women farmers;Contribution to Members Sustainable Livelihoods and Agricultural Growth in Eastern Uganda;0;2011-09-30;45;;2011-03-17;Gender, Capacity building;Bakusekamajja Women Farmers Development Association (BWFDA)
Haiti;"";2011-01-12;"";2009-09-01;"";;Sud-Est;"";"";Construction and/or repair of water systems in the South East region of Haiti.;Belle-Anse,Jacmel;"";781;Opec Fund for International Development;Belle-Anse,Cayes Jacmel,Jacmel,Marigot,Thiotte;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Daniel O'Neil;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Senior Program Director for the Caribbean;PADF-HT-09-006;Pan American Development Foundation;"";"";"";Prime;"";Improvement of Access to Potable Water and Sanitation in Rural Areas;1000000;2011-09-30;54;;2011-01-12;"";Pan American Development Foundation
Malawi;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";1999-03-01;"";;Southern;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1093;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-MW-99-006;The Hunger Project;"";28592;"";"";"";Nchalo  Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Haiti;"";2010-09-24;"";2010-02-18;Fond Parisien;;Ouest;"";"";Through the Long-Term Health Development (LTHD) Program, MAP customizes large volume shipments of donated and purchased medicines and health supplies for reputable foreign-based health institutions and international relief and development organizations.;Croix-des-Bouquets;"";535;Private donations;Ganthier;Health;Scott Ruschak;Health;Director, International Medical Resources;MAP-HT-10-32279;MAP International;"";37500;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs);In-kind donation to Love A Child, #1;322684;2010-03-18;47;"";"";"";Love A Child
United Republic of Tanzania;foodsecurity_site;2010-09-10;"";2006-07-01;"";;"";"";"";Heifer will work in partnership to end hunger and poverty and care for the earth by sharing livestock and knowledge, raising incomes and improving nutrition for low-income families, especially women, widows and disabled. It will also help families improve their environment. Heifer Tanzania will provide 300 beehives and 40,500 fish fingerlings to 10 project villages in Hanang, Kondoa, Lushoto and Muheza Districts. It will ;"";"";884;"Michael & Susan Dell Foundation,Private donations";"";Agriculture;Kelly Doppelhammer;"";East Africa Program Assistant;HEFI-TZ-06-21-0412-01;Heifer International;"";1230;"";"";Women, Widows, People with disabilities;North East Zone Community Based Natural Resource ;"";2011-06-30;34;"";"";Nutrition, Environment;Heifer Tanzania
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-14;"";2010-06-01;"";;Barisal;"";Helen Keller International, International Development Enterprise, World Fish Center;Nobo Jibon seeks to reduce food insecurity and vulnerability for 191,000 households (direct beneficiaries) in nine upazilas of Barisal Division in southern Bangladesh over five years. Indirect benefits will be felt throughout the Barisal Division as a result of broader disaster early warning and response capacity, advocacy for improved government nutrition policies, and economic impacts of strengthened value chains. Amongst its interventions, Nobo Jibon will reach approximately 89% of the total population in the selected operational area. ;"";"";1051;Office of Food for Peace (USAID/FFP);"";Agriculture,Disaster Management,Health;John Meyer;"";MYAP Chief of Party;STC-BD-10-8401834/835/836;Save the Children;"";955000;"";Prime awardee;"";"Bangladesh Multi-Year Assistance Program (MYAP), ""Nobo Jibon""";24992600;2015-05-31;63;"";2011-05-11;Gender, Disaster risk reduction (DRR), Nutrition;Community Development Centre (CODEC), GUP, SANGRAM, Sangkalpa Trust, South Asia Partnership (SAP-Bangladesh), Speed Trust
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";1999-01-01;"";;Chittagong;"";"";THP works at the Union level to (a) mobilize the population for self-reliant action, including forming producer co-operatives and other income generating enterprises, (b) build civil society from the bottom up - creating people's organization of women, youth, elders, girl-child advocates, and the poorest of the poor, (c) strengthen local democracy, (d) ensure adequate facilities for achieving the MDGs, (e) organize mass action campaigns for health, nutrition, education, clean water and sanitation.;"";"";1213;Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID),British Council,Private donations;"";Agriculture,Education,Health,Human Rights Democracy and Governance,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;John Coonrod;"";Executive Vice President;THP-BD-99-355;The Hunger Project;"";20000;"";"";"";Charjogbondho Mobilization;"";2100-12-31;83;"";"";"";The Hunger Project
Bolivia;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1994-01-01;"";;Santa Cruz;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1275;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Protection;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-BO-94-169872;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Santa Cruz Development Program;"";2013-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS;World Vision Bolivia
Ghana;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2000-01-01;"";;Greater Accra;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1167;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-GH-00-GH49;The Hunger Project;"";17286;"";"";"";Matsekope Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2002-01-01;"";;Dhaka;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1270;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-BD-02-176339;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Kotalipara Development Program;"";2020-01-01;76;"";"";Nutrition, HIV/AIDS;World Vision Bangladesh
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-11-01;"";;Nord-Ouest;"";"";"Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment
";Port-de-Paix;"";1890;Private donations;La Tortue;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-51611;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to La Tortue;3998;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";La Tortue
Haiti;"";2010-10-08;"";2010-03-01;""; ;Ouest;"";Kay Fanm, Haitian Women's Solidarity (SOFA), Haiti Community Radio Women's Network (REFRAKA), Commission of Women Victims for Victims (KOFAVIV) ;"In a disaster like this, women and girls  are uniquely impacted and can often become more vulnerable. The IRC is supporting community-based efforts to prevent violence against women and girls, as well as distributing critical supplies - like solar-powered lights and sanitation kits - to women to address their basic needs and make them safer. We are also putting women at the center of our relief efforts by ensuring safe access to psychological and clinical care for survivors of violence as well as including womens voices and active participation in the reconstruction process - designing and placing latrines, showers and other vital facilities they need.
";Port-au-Prince;"";481;ECHO,UNICEF;Port-au-Prince,Tabarre;Protection;Lina Gjerstad  ;Protection;Grants Coordinator ;IRC-HT-10-003;International Rescue Committee (IRC);"Gender-based violence (GBV) prevention and response
";38488;"";Prime Awardee ;Women, Girls;Protecting Women and Girls;0;2011-07-15;43; ;2011-05-11;"";International Rescue Committee (IRC) 
India;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2011-03-28;"";;Bihar;"";"";Build the capacity of elected women representatives (EWRs) in the gram panchayats (GPs) as key change agents for ending hunger and poverty. Strengthen the GPs and increase people's participation in development through Gram Sabha mobilization. Build block-level federations of EWRs to empower them to interface effectively with government programs.;"";"";1173;United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM);"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Human Rights Democracy and Governance;John Coonrod;"";Executive Vice President;THP-IN-xx-IN-BR-1;The Hunger Project;"";0;"";"";"";Jahanabad EWR Empowerment;0;2011-12-12;83;"";2011-03-28;"";The Hunger Project
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-05-05;"";;Ouest;"";"";Community Grant Program;Port-au-Prince;"";362;Private donations;Carrefour;Education;Andrew MacCalla;Education;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-Grant 5;Direct Relief International;"";400;"";"";"";Rebuild Library/Community center;50000;2011-05-05;26;;2011-04-22;"";Bibliotheque du Soleil
Haiti;"";2010-12-10;"";2007-12-27;"";;Grand'Anse,L'Artibonite,Nippes,Nord,Nord-Est,Nord-Ouest,Sud,Sud-Est;"";Ministry of Health and Population (MSPP);To provide medicines to treat side effects in the neglected tropical diseases program;Cap-Haïtien,Fort-Liberté,Gonaïves,Grande-Rivière-du-Nord,Jacmel,Jérémie,Miragoâne,Ouanaminthe,Port-de-Paix,Saint-Marc,Vallières,l'Acul-du-Nord,le Trou-du-Nord,les Cayes;"";466;Pharmaceutical company(ies),Private donations;Cap-Haïtien,Capotille,Caracol,Carice,Cayes,Ferrier,Fort-Liberté,Gonaïves,Grand Rivière du Nord,Jacmel,Jérémie,Milot,Miragoâne,Mombin Crochu,Mont-Organisé,Ounaminthe,Perches,Port-de-Paix,Sainte Suzanne,Terrier Rouge,Trou du Nord,Vallières,Verettes;Health;Ann Varghese;"";HQ Program Officer;IMA-HT-07-007 ;IMA World Health;"";"";"";"";Women, Children, Men;In-Kind Donations for Neglected Tropical Disease (NTD) Control Program;10000;2011-09-30;37;;2011-04-11;"";IMA World Health
Yemen;foodsecurity_site;2011-05-11;"";2010-11-01;"Sa'ada City
"; ;Sa`dah;"";Islamic Relief, Governorate of Saada, Razeh Association, Saada Women Association ;"The Emergency Food Assistance program provides vouchers to beneficiaries selected from among unregistered internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Sa'ada City. 
";"";"";1789;US Agency for International Development (USAID);"";Food Aid;Aysha Twose ;"";Specialist, Emergency Food Security and Livelihoods ;STC-YE-10-84010452 ;Save the Children;"";1400;"";Prime Awardee ;Unregistered or recently registered internally displaced persons (IDPs) and war-affected households with children in the Saada City Security zone ;Emergency Food Assistance Vouchers to Conflict-Affected Population of Saada Governorate, Yemen  ;1575632;2011-09-30;63;"";2011-05-11;"Gender
";Save the Children US  
Haiti;"";1991-08-24;"";2010-03-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";220 Family Sized Tents.;Port-au-Prince;"";39;GlobalMedic;Carrefour;Shelter and Housing;Andrew Lucas;Shelter and Non-Food Items;Program Director;ADRA-HT-10-017;Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA);"";1100;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs);Non-Food Item (NFI) Tent Distribution;55000;2010-03-31;4;"";2011-01-14;"";GlobalMedic, Adventist Development and Relief Agency Network
Haiti;"";1991-12-20;"";2010-10-01;"";;Ouest;"";Catholic Relief Services (CRS);Habitat for Humanity International is supporting Catholic Relief Services in meeting the immediate and long term shelter needs of earthquake-affected families by providing transitinal shelters, WASH solutions, and structural and family assessments.;Port-au-Prince,l'Arcahaie;"";430;Catholic Relief Services (CRS);Cabaret,Port-au-Prince;Shelter and Housing,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Kate Pearson;Shelter and Non-Food Items;Director - Strategic Partnerships, Haiti;HFHI-HT-10-010;Habitat for Humanity International;"";10000;"";"";Affected population(s);Transitional Shelter Partnership;4399374;2011-03-31;31;;2011-02-04;"";Habitat for Humanity International
Guatemala;foodsecurity_site;2010-08-13;"";2007-07-01;"";;Quetzaltenango;"";"";In the Department of Huehuetenango, 260 km from the capital, families are struggling to overcome food insecurity due to low agricultural and livestock production, erosion, infertile soils and poor agricultural training. This project will help 426 farmer families in nine communities within the Aguacatan and La Libertad townships, which are inhabited by three language groups: Awakatekos, Chalchitecos and rural Ladino. In partnership with the Union of Small Farmers (UAM): the Association for Integrated Aguacateca Development (ASDIA) and the Union of Small Coffee Growers (UPC), Heifer will provide 80 original families with 18 Nubian and Alpine goats, two breeding goats, 26 Merino sheep, two rams, 32 Californian female rabbits, 16 male rabbits, 375 local-breed chickens, 25 improved-breed roosters, 17 Jersey cows, eight species of native plants for family food gardens, 640 fruit trees, 7,000 timber trees for conservation and 80 packages of red worms for vermiculture beds. The project holder, UAM will be responsible for coordinating and administering all required activities and events. The two local UAM member organizations will be responsible for implementing activities in the field.;"";"";912;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Environment;Americas program;"";Americas program;HEFI-GT-07-23-1314-02;Heifer International;"";384;"";"";"";Strengthening Sustainable Production for Families in Nine Communities of Northwestern Guatemala;"";2013-06-30;34;"";"";"";Union of Small Farmers of Guatemala (UAM), Quetzaltenango
Haiti;"";2010-10-05;"";2010-07-07;"";"";"";"";"";Medical mission supplies;"";"";207;Private donations;"";Health;"";Health;"";BBF-HT-10-032;Brother's Brother Foundation;"";"";"";"";"";Medical Mission Trip # 20;4606;2010-08-07;17;"";"";"";Global Health Review
Guatemala;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-14;"";2010-07-01;"";;Quetzaltenango;"";"";Promote soil restoration and grey water filtering techniques;"";"";794;Private donations;"";Agriculture;Stephanie Sackett;"";Associate Director for Grants;CRWRC-GT-10-FS 1009;Christian Reformed World Relief Committee (CRWRC);"";250;"";"";"";Soil fertility restoration and water resources management project;"";2011-06-30;23;;"";"";Peten Vid & Pampanos
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-11-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";"Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment
";Port-au-Prince;"";1902;Private donations;Carrefour;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-51673;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to New Hope Community Clinic Cote-Plage;320390;2011-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";New Hope Community Clinic Cote-Plage
Sri Lanka;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2000-01-01;"";;North Central;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1506;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-LK-00-173281;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Horowpothana Development Program;"";2015-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS, Nutrition;World Vision Sri Lanka
Ghana;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2008-01-01;"";;Eastern;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1157;The Robertson Foundation;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-GH-08-GH39;The Hunger Project;"";5000;"";"";"";Sakabo Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
";;Ouest;"";Food for the Hungry (FFH);"This was an immediate food and cash distribution to World Concern staff affected by the earthquake.
";Port-au-Prince;"";743;Private donations;Delmas;Economic Recovery and Development,Food Aid;Christon Domond;"";Country Director;WC-HT-10-5082;World Concern;"Cash grants to affected staff, food distributions, office improvements
";70;"";"";Staff;Support to World Concern Staff;89277;2010-06-30;71;;2011-03-31;Livelihoods;World Concern
Haiti;"";2010-10-05;"";2010-04-08;"";"";"";"";"";Shoes;"";"";193;Private donations;"";Disaster Management;"";Shelter and Non-Food Items;"";BBF-HT-10-018;Brother's Brother Foundation;"";"";"";"";"";Container Shipment # 3;105650;2010-05-08;17;"";2011-01-25;"";Adventist Development and Relief Agency
Niger;foodsecurity_site;2010-09-07;"";2010-04-23;"";;Zinder;"";"";General food distribution to vulnerable populations in Niger.;"";"";979;World Food Program (WFP);"";Food Aid;Scott Webb;"";Program Officer;IRD-NE-10-10522;International Relief & Development;"";31000;"";Prime awardee;Vulnerable people/populations;Blanket Feeding 2010;"";2010-12-31;41;;"";"";International Relief & Development
Haiti;"";1991-09-24;"";2010-05-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";The American Red Cross provided support to the German/Finnish Red Cross for the operation of their field hospital located in Carrefour, just outside of Port-au-Prince.  The field hospital opened immediately after the earthquake and continued to provide free medical services through the end of December 2010, treating over 70,000 patients.  The hospital provided both fixed and mobile health services, as well as training for volunteers to provide psychosocial support and community health and hygiene promotion.  In addition to supporting the operation of the hospital and the salaries of the staff, the American Red Cross also provided support to rehabilitate the soccer field that housed the hospital after the hospital shut down.;Port-au-Prince;"";103;Private donations;Carrefour;Health;Marian Spivey-Estrada;Health;Manager, Information and Reporting;ARCIS-HT-10-H5;American Red Cross;"";70102;Please note that the estimated number of people reached refers to the total number of people each project plans to reach over the life of its implementation. Not all of these people have been reached with services yet.;"";Affected population(s);German Red Cross Field Hospital in Carrefour;0;2011-04-30;9;;1991-12-22;Mental health/Psychosocial support;German Red Cross, Haitian Red Cross
Haiti;"";2010-12-11;"";2010-12-11;Waney 87, Carrefour;;Ouest;"";N/A;Work for Food;Port-au-Prince;shipping/custome clearance;226;Private donations;Carrefour;Education;Lesly Pierre;"";Coordinator;TZU-HT-10-TZHT-09;Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation;Maison dEnfants pour la Foi (MEF);309;"";NA;Affected population(s);Education # 5;88000;2011-12-31;18;"";2010-12-11;"";Tzu Chi Foundation
Benin;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2009-01-01;"";;Kouffo;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1061;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-BJ-09-BN8;The Hunger Project;"";22243;"";"";"";Gohomey Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Guatemala;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2007-09-19;"";;Alta Verapaz,Baja Verapaz,El Quiché,Huehuetenango,San Marcos,Sololá;"";Fundación AGIL, Wal-Mart;IMARE - Inclusive Market Alliance for Rural Entrepreneurs (formerly the Innovative Market Alliance - Making Value Chains Work for Rural Entrepreneurs program - a Global Development Alliance program in partnership with USAID and Wal-Mart), expands and diversifies the underserved rural Guatemalan economy by promoting the growth of an entrepreneurial agricultural sector.  The specific purpose is to increase access to more profitable markets on a sustainable basis and also to increase the productivity and quality of life through better farm management, processing and post-harvest techniques for twenty (20) producer groups in rural Guatemalan areas. The focus will be on small farmers facing market barriers including lack of access to agricultural credit and crop insurance, traditional technology, poor infrastructure, inadequate post-harvest management, lack of market information, and inadequate knowledge of new global food safety standards. Small farmers normally produce low yields of horticultural products that are inconsistent in quality and have dangerously poor sanitary profiles. They have limited ability to organize for economies of scale in the market.;"";"";1006;Delaski Foundation,US Agency for International Development (USAID);"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development;John Kepner;"";Guatemala Country Director;MC-GT-07-001;Mercy Corps;"1) Identify farmer families and establish agreements with Wal-Mart buyers; 2) Provide training on improved production, quality standards, processing and post harvest techniques, and on good business practices; 3) Rehabilitate production and post-harvest centers; 4) Facilitate access to credit for key inputs and post-harvest handling equipment;  5) Ongoing monitoring of sales to formal and informal markets.";5250;"";Prime awardee;Small farmers;IMARE: Inclusive Market Alliance for Rural Entrepreneurs (was GDA: Innovative Market Alliance - Making Value Chains Work for Rural Entrepreneurs;"";2010-09-30;50;"";"";"";Mercy Corps
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1996-01-01;"";;Nord;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1384;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Protection,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-HT-96-58329;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Laplagne Development Program;"";2019-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS;World Vision Haiti
Democratic Republic of the Congo;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2001-01-01;"";;Katanga;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1316;Private donations;"";Education,Health;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-CD-01-175313;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Kasaji Development Program;"";2016-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS;World Vision DR Congo
Haiti;"";2011-04-05;"";2011-03-15;"";;L'Artibonite,Ouest,Sud-Est;"";United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR);To increase food security, increase income, and build farmer capacity of vulnerable families living in Leogane, Fondwa, Ganthier, Ponsonde, and Jacmel.;Bainet,Croix-des-Bouquets,Dessalines,Jacmel,Léogâne;"";1667;United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR);Ganthier,Jacmel,La Vallée,Léogâne,Petite Rivière de l'Artibonite;Agriculture;Mustafa Kamal;"";Project Manager;BRAC-HT-11-002;BRAC USA;Agriculture Input Supply, Vegetable Cultivation, Papaya Orchards, Grafting Nurseries, Poultry Rearing, Goat Rearing;400;"";"";Small farmers, Rural populations;Agriculture-based Livelihood Intervention for Income Generation in Rural Haiti;429654;2012-03-14;16;;2011-04-05;Food security, Livelihoods;BRAC Haiti
Swaziland;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2000-01-01;"";;Lubombo;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1516;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-SZ-00-174126;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Sithobela Development Program;"";2015-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS, Nutrition;World Vision Swaziland
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-15;"";2004-06-15;Port-au-Prince;,;Ouest;"";"";Provision of ready-to-use therapeutic food (RUTF) to implementing partners.;Port-au-Prince;"";573;Keystone Church of Hazelwood;Port-au-Prince;Health;Tom Stehl, Maryse Sterlin;Health,Nutrition;Coordinator of Operations, Haiti Administrator;MFK-HT-10-021;Meds & Food for Kids;"";"";"";"";Malnourished children;Community Management of Acute Malnutrition - BRESMA Orphanage;0;2011-12-12;77;"";2011-04-11;"";BRESMA Orphanage
Haiti;"";1991-12-09;"";2010-03-01;"";;Ouest,Sud-Est;"";"";This program will reinforce the MSPP and humanitarian partners response by establishing large-scale vector borne disease control programs for the most at risk survivors of the earthquake.;Croix-des-Bouquets,Jacmel,Léogâne,Port-au-Prince,l'Arcahaie;"";136;Private donations;Cabaret,Carrefour,Croix-des Bouquets,Delmas,Grand-Goâve,Grenier,Jacmel,Kenscoff,Léogâne,Petit-Goâve,Port-au-Prince,Pétion-Ville,Tabarre;Health;Donna Porstner;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Communications Manager;ACARE-HT-10-125-1009-201;AmeriCares;Product procurement for the control and management of Malaria and Dengue Fever;2500000;"";"";"";Emergency Vector Borne Disease (Malaria and Dengue fever) Control and Epidemic Preparedness and Response for Haiti;110000;2011-05-31;11;"";2011-04-22;Capacity Building;MENTOR Initiative
Haiti;"";2011-04-22;"";2010-10-23;"";;Centre,Grand'Anse,L'Artibonite,Nippes,Nord,Ouest,Sud,Sud-Est;"";"";AmeriCares is supporting the Ministry of Health, as well as health care institutions throughout Haiti, with donations of IV solutions, IV tubing, hygiene products and additional medicines and medical supplies to support the treatment and prevention of cholera, a deadly disease spread by contaminated water.;Cap-Haïtien,Hinche,Jacmel,Jérémie,Léogâne,Miragoâne,Port-au-Prince,Saint-Marc,l'Acul-du-Nord,les Cayes;"";1717;Private donations;Cap-Haïtien,Carrefour,Cayes,Cité Soleil,Hinche,Jacmel,Jérémie,Milot,Miragoâne,Petit-Goâve,Port-au-Prince,Pétion-Ville,Saint-Marc;Health;Donna Porstner;Health;Communications Manager;ACARE-HT-10-125-1009-202;AmeriCares;Providing in-kind donations of materials to organizations and institutions treating cholera patients.;"";"";"";"";Cholera Response;754000;2015-12-31;11;"";2011-04-22;"";42 Clinics, Hospitals, Organizations
Mexico;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1998-01-01;"";;Guerrero;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1449;Private donations;"";Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-MX-98-172139;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Rio Santa Catarina Development Program;"";2012-01-01;76;"";"";Nutrition;World Vision Mexico
Burkina Faso;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";1999-01-01;"";;Bam;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1073;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-BF-99-BF7;The Hunger Project;"";9721;"";"";"";Loaga Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Haiti;"";2011-02-04;"";2010-11-15;"";;Ouest;"";"";"";Port-au-Prince;"";1612;Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA);Delmas;Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Amelia Kendall;Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;"";ARC-HT-10-009;American Refugee Committee International;"";"";"";"";"";Responding to Cholera;1800000;2011-05-15;10;"";2011-02-04;"";MoH, Direction Nationale de l'Eau Potable et Assainissement (DINEPA)
Ethiopia;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2006-01-01;"";;Southern Nations Nationalities and Peoples;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1351;Private donations;"";Education,Health;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV- ET-06-176960;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Gewata Development Program;"";2020-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS;World Vision Ethiopia
Guatemala;foodsecurity_site;2010-08-13;"";2008-07-01;"";;San Marcos;"";"";Less than half of the population in the town of Tejutla is considered to be food-secure. Additionally, 72 percent of the population lives in extreme poverty, which contributes to deforestation of private and community forests as crops are planted. This generates pressure on the soil and leads to an undesirable mix of crops and coniferous and mixed forests. Heifer will help the community develop strategies to preserve and use their forests resources productively through reforestation and good use of existing forested areas. Heifer will also provide 300 families—120 original families and 180 by passing on the gift—30 sheep, four bovine studs, 30 milking goats, four goat studs, 30 trios of rabbits, 30 flocks of chickens, 1,440 fruit trees, tree nursery bags, and 124 training sessions. Training sessions will be two days each and will apply the farmer-to-farmer methodology.;"";"";916;Private donations;"";Agriculture;Americas program;"";Americas program;HEFI-GT-08-23-1322-02;Heifer International;"";576;"";"";"";Working Towards Tejutla's Rural Development Under the Agro-forestry/Livestock System;"";2013-06-30;34;"";"";"";Asociacion de Desarrollo Integral Comunitario Tejutla (ADICTA)
Haiti;"";2010-08-24;"";2010-01-12;"";;Ouest;"";"";Non-Food Item (NFI) Distributions of 23 pallets of Medical Supplies, 9 pallets of tarps, sheets, 9 pallets of water, and 22 pallets of hygiene kits.;Port-au-Prince;"";31;Florida Hospital,Harvest Time International;Carrefour;Disaster Management,Health,Shelter and Housing;Andrew Lucas;Health,Shelter and Non-Food Items;Program Director;ADRA-HT-10-009;Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA);"";6600;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs);Non-Food Item (NFI) Donations and Distributions I;67826;2010-02-28;4;"";"";"";Adventist Development and Relief Agency, Florida Hospital, Harvest Time International
Colombia;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1995-01-01;"";;Cundinamarca;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1311;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Protection;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-CO-95-164862;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Centro Nazareno San Mateo Development Program;"";2016-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS, Nutrition;World Vision Colombia
United Republic of Tanzania;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2007-05-01;"";";";Dodoma;"";"";"LWR's partner for this project is Kibaigwa Financial Services Savings and Credit Cooperative Society (KIFISACCO), a community-based savings and credit society whose mission is to reduce poverty through increased access to agricultural and business credit products. Through this project, KIFISACCOS will aim to enhance the capacity of  648 of its most vulnerable members to produce enough food for both household consumption and income generation through sales of surplus– through provision of a specialized credit product, training and mobilizing farmers around collective sales. LWR's accompaniment will also strengthen KIFISACCO's capacity as an effective institution. Objectives - (1) Increased acreage and production: By the project's end, at least 684 farmers expand their acreage to at least 10 acres and 70% of KIFISACCO members increase their maize yields by five fold, thanks to access to credit and training in advanced and efficient farming techniques. (2) Improved farmer terms of trade: Collective marketing, improved bargaining and strategic business decisions lead to a 60% increase in maize prices received by farmers.
(3) Stronger organizational, technical and managerial capacities: KIFISACCO is able to increase its capital base by 50% and its loan portfolio by 65% and forge strategic alliances with other partners.";"";"";993;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development;Hayley Frank;"";Regional Program Associate for Africa;LWR-TZ-07-AF-TAN-3-002-07;Lutheran World Relief;"";16456;"";"";"";Improving Maize Yield and Returns from Collective Marketing;"";2011-03-31;45;;"";Capacity building;Kibaigwa Financial Services Savings and Credit Cooperative Society Limited
Sudan;foodsecurity_site;2010-09-07;"";2010-01-01;"";;"";"";"";"";"";"";973;Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO);"";"";Anne Naggayi;"";Program Officer;IRD-SD-10-10518;International Relief & Development;"";"";"";Prime awardee;"";Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) 2010 Upper Nile;"";2010-09-30;41;;"";"";International Relief & Development
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-09-24;"";2010-09-01;"";;Grand'Anse;"";Konbit Peyizan Grandans (KPGA);Food Security;Corail;"";22;Boston Foundation/Moriah Fund (AAUSA);Roseaux;Agriculture;Daniel Gedeon;Food Security and Agriculture;Emergency Response Manager;ACAID-HT-10-008;Action Aid International USA;"";10000;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs);Haiti Grain Processing Plant Project;45000;2011-08-31;3;"";"";"";Action Aid Haiti
United Republic of Tanzania;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1996-01-01;"";;Kagera;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1522;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Education,Health;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-TZ-96-170300;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Misenyi Development Program;"";2015-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS;World Vision Tanzania
Ethiopia;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2009-07-01;"";;Southern Nations Nationalities and Peoples;"";Women in Self Employment (WISE);PROSPER is an integrated community-based development program in southwestern Ethiopia where Mercy Corps is currently implementing a conflict prevention and resolution program. The PROSPER project fills the need for improved health and livelihoods of women.;"";"";998;Source of Hope;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Simon O'Connell;Nutrition;Country Director, Ethiopia;MC-ET-09-002;Mercy Corps;"1) Provide better health opportunities for women and children; 2) Create economic opportunities for women to generate incomes and build assets; 3) Foster productive and healthy families through improving access to water and sanitation, promoting healthy behaviors, and improving nutrition.";120000;"";Prime awardee;Vulnerable people/populations, Women;PROSPER: PROmoting Sustainable Partnerships for Economic Recovery;"";2010-12-31;50;"";"";Gender, Nutrition;Mercy Corps
Ghana,Mali,Niger;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2007-06-01;"";;"";"";"";Work with Purdue University in the development of messages for the appropriate technique of effective cowpea storage in triple-layer plastic bags through the development and dissemination of education materials, and broadcast of PICS technical messages. ;"";"";1589;"Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation,Purdue University";"";Agriculture;Carlos Piedrasanta;"";RDM Operations Deputy, IPG, World Vision US;WV-NE-07-190857;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Purdue Improved Cowpea Storage (PICS);"";2012-05-31;76;"";"";"";World Vision Niger, World Vision Mali, World Vision Ghana
Lesotho;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1998-01-01;"";;Mafeteng;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1430;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-LS-98-171339;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Sekameng Development Program;"";2016-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS, Nutrition;World Vision Lesotho
Haiti;"";2010-09-23;"";2010-01-20;Port-au-Prince;;Ouest;"";Medical Teams International, Catholic Relief Services;Gift-in-Kind support to partner organizations and ecumenical partners during the relief phase of the emergency;Port-au-Prince;"";476;Heart to Heart International,Medical Teams International,Private donations,Wheels for Humanity;Port-au-Prince;Health;Mark Ohanian;Early Recovery,Health,Shelter and Non-Food Items;Senior Programs Coordinator;IOCC-HT-10-2-57510/104/3;International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC);IOCC shipped urgently needed medicines, medical supplies, emergency health kits, wheelchairs, crutches, walkers and children's blankets;"";"";Prime awardee;People with disabilities, Children;Gift-in-Kind;2925942;2010-07-27;40;;"";Disability;Kings Hospital, St. Francois de Salles Hospital, Lutheran World Federation, Church World Service, Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia in Haiti, Greek Orthodox Church in Haiti
Ghana;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2000-01-01;"";;Eastern;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1128;The Robertson Foundation;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-GH-00-GH10;The Hunger Project;"";8125;"";"";"";Ankoma Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Thailand;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1999-01-01;"";;Amnat Charoen;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1531;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-TH-99-172445;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Chanuman Development Program;"";2012-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS;World Vision Thailand
Guatemala;foodsecurity_site;2010-08-25;"";2010-01-04;"";;Baja Verapaz;"";"";"The specific objective of this project is to improve the food security and nutrition of 8 rural communities of Salamá - part of the drought-stricken ""Dry Corridor"" in Baja Verapaz, Guatemala - using appropriate technology that is environmentally friendly and incorporates a gender focus.  Related activities include: establishing family gardens, support/improve productive activities with women (i.e. raising small animals), reactivation of native crop production, organic fertilzers and insecticides for family gardens/crops if appropriate, nutritional monitoring and counseling, etc.";"";"";1016;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Health;Christina Givey;"";Program Associate;OXFA-GT-10-GUA 506/ 09;Oxfam America;"";1200;"";"";"";Food Security and Nutritional Assistance in Drought-Affected Rural Communities of Salamá;0;2011-01-31;80;"";2011-06-01;Nutrition;Instituto de Enseñanza para el Desarrollo Sostenible
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-09-23;"";2010-01-15;Port-au-Prince, L'Etang du Jonc, Fontmara, Les Cayes, Greater Bel Air, New York City;;Nippes,Nord,Ouest,Sud;"";Medical Teams International, Norwegian Church Aid, Catholic Relief Services;Financial support for emergency relief items to partner organizations and ecumenical partners;Anse-à-Veau,Borgne,Limbé,Port-au-Prince,les Cayes;"";474;Private donations;Baraderes,Bas Limbé,Cayes,Port-Margot,Port-au-Prince;Disaster Management,Food Aid,Health,Shelter and Housing,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Mark Ohanian;Early Recovery,Food Security and Agriculture,Health,Shelter and Non-Food Items,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Senior Programs Coordinator;IOCC-HT-10-2-57510/104/1;International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC);Procurement and distribution of: critical medicines and supplies, wheelchairs, crutches, walkers, tents, shelter materials, fuel, food, hygiene items, blankets, mattresses, and water purification equipment;151546;"";Prime awardee;Affected population(s);Relief;531209;2010-07-27;40;;2011-03-22;Disability;Norwegian Church Aid, Kings Hospital, Lutheran World Federation, Christian Aid, Viva Rio, St. Francois de Salles Hospital, Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia in Haiti, Greek Orthodox Church in Haiti, New York Disaster Interfaith Services
Haiti;"";1991-12-22;"";2010-12-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";After the earthquake, many Haitians lost their primary source of income and were left without the means to meet basic needs, including sending their children to school.  The American Red Cross is helping displaced families in three camps in the Croix Deprez neighborhood by directly paying second and third trimester school fees as well as providing grants for displaced families to cover education-related expenses like uniforms, transportation and lunch money. This project aims to reach some 4,000 children enrolled in over 200 schools.;Port-au-Prince;"";88;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Education;Marian Spivey-Estrada;Education;Manager, Information and Reporting;ARCIS-HT-10-010;American Red Cross;"";4000;Please note that the estimated number of people reached refers to the total number of people each project plans to reach over the life of its implementation. Not all of these people have been reached with services yet.;"";Affected population(s), School children;American Red Cross School Vouchers in Port-au-Prince;0;2011-11-30;9;;2011-02-07;Livelihoods;American Red Cross, Haitian Red Cross
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";1999-01-01;"";;Dhaka;"";"";THP works at the Union level to (a) mobilize the population for self-reliant action, including forming producer co-operatives and other income generating enterprises, (b) build civil society from the bottom up - creating people's organization of women, youth, elders, girl-child advocates, and the poorest of the poor, (c) strengthen local democracy, (d) ensure adequate facilities for achieving the MDGs, (e) organize mass action campaigns for health, nutrition, education, clean water and sanitation.;"";"";1196;Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID),British Council,Private donations;"";Agriculture,Education,Health,Human Rights Democracy and Governance,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;John Coonrod;"";Executive Vice President;THP-BD-99-155;The Hunger Project;"";20000;"";"";"";Aliabad Mobilization;"";2100-12-31;83;"";"";"";The Hunger Project
Haiti;"";2006-12-22;"";2010-11-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";The earthquake damaged much of Port-au-Princes already limited water and sanitation infrastructure, increasing health concerns for residents living in crowded camps where disease can travel quickly. In partnership with the International Rescue Committee, the American Red Cross is addressing these concerns by providing safe water, clean latrines, hygiene promotion, trash collection and drainage interventions such as ditch digging and canal clearing. This project will reach an estimated 105,000 beneficiaries in Port-au-Prince.;Port-au-Prince;"";124;Private donations;Delmas,Port-au-Prince,Pétion-Ville,Tabarre;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Marian Spivey-Estrada;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Manager, Information and Reporting;ARCIS-HT-10-WS04.1;American Red Cross;"";105000;Please note that the estimated number of people reached refers to the total number of people each project plans to reach over the life of its implementation. Not all of these people have been reached with services yet.;"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs);Improving Water and Sanitation Services through the International Rescue Committee;10;2011-10-31;9;;2011-04-29;"";International Rescue Committee (IRC)
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-08-02;"";;Ouest;"";"";"Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment
";Léogâne;"";1850;Private donations;Petit-Goâve;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-9420;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Friends of Petit Goave;57716;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";Friends of Petit Goave
Haiti;"";2006-09-24;"";2008-04-01;"";"";Centre,Nord-Est;"";"";Haitians migrate daily to the Dominican Republic to find dignified work and meet their families' basic needs. According to official Dominican government statistics, between 500,000-1,000,000 Haitians reside in the Dominican Republic. Only five percent have entered the country legally. Most have been denied legal status despite having resided there for many years. This vicious cycle is perpetuated by the denial of birth certificates. The Dominican government has responded with mass repatriations/deportations of Haitian immigrants. This is often carried out in violation of national and international law and accompanied by gross human rights violations. The deportees are transported by the Dominican authorities in many different crossing points: Malpasse/Jimani (west), Ounaminthe/Dajabon (North East), Belladeres /Elias Pinas (Central Plateau/East), Anse a Pitre/ Pedernales (South East). Several CBOs and FBOs in these communities have attempted to address this issue by providing Haitians with basic services and by raising awareness to decrease incidents of violence and discrimination. This project supports existing organizations and the communities of Belladere and Ounaminthe to ensure Haitian repatriates/deportees receive the care, protection, and support they need while helping to prevent and monitor abuse, exploitation, and violence. Particular services will include education, birth registration and placement with foster families for homeless repatriated children.;Lascahobas,Ouanaminthe;"";242;Private donations,Royal Netherlands Embassy;Belladère,Ounaminthe;Human Rights Democracy and Governance,Protection;Nicole Balliette;"";Haiti Earthquake Response Coordinator;CRS-HT-10-7420107;Catholic Relief Services (CRS);Goal: Haitian Repatriates in Belladere and Ounaminthe receive the services they need and their human rights are respected. SO1: All actors (GARR, Caritas, and other local partners) in Belladere and Ounaminthe efficiently provide necessary services for repatriates and prevent and monitor abuse, exploitation, and violence against them. SO2: Government officials and the communities of Elias Pinas and Dajabon respect and value human rights and cultural diversity and denounce violence, abuse, and exploitation.;4800;"";"";Men, Women, Youth, Internally displaced persons (IDPs), Refugees;Support to Haitian Repatriates from the Dominican Republic;708808;2011-12-31;20;"";2011-01-10;"";Catholic Relief Services (CRS), Caritas Internationalis (Hinche)
Malawi;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2003-07-01;"";;Southern;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1094;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-MW-03-007;The Hunger Project;"";16713;"";"";"";Nsondole Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
United Republic of Tanzania;foodsecurity_site;2010-09-10;"";2008-07-01;"";;"";"";"";The Family Level Support to AIDS Orphans and Vulnerable Children project will be implemented in three districts of North East Zone of Tanzania, namely Rombo, Moshi Rural in Kilimanjaro and Arumeru in Arusha region. The three districts have been hit hard by the HIV and AIDS pandemic that resulted in big number of orphans and vulnerable children and widows. Curren;"";"";895;Private donations;"";"";Kelly Doppelhammer;"";East Africa Program Assistant;HEFI-TZ-08-21-0429-01;Heifer International;"";360;"";"";"";North East Zone Family Support to AIDS Orphans;"";2013-06-30;34;"";"";"";Heifer Tanzania
United Republic of Tanzania;foodsecurity_site;2010-09-10;"";2006-07-01;"";;"";"";""; This integrated dairy cattle project will provide a source of protein and income and help improve the environment with sustainable agricultural practices. Sales of surplus milk and calves born from the original heifers will also contribute to income that can be used for school fees, household items, health services and other necessities.;"";"";886;Private donations;"";Agriculture;Kelly Doppelhammer;"";East Africa Program Assistant;HEFI-TZ-06-21-0414-01;Heifer International;"";280;"";"";"";North West Zone Dairy Cattle Project;"";2011-06-30;34;"";"";"";Heifer Tanzania
Swaziland;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2006-10-02;"";;Shiselweni;"";"";The main goal of this program is the construction and furnishing of a Hope Care Center to provide a place where neighbors contribute to care for orphaned and vulnerable children who are from their neighborhood. One component of these centers include gardening and the provision of basic farming tools to aid in food security for the orphans and vulnerable children. ;"";"";1564;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Protection;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-SZ-06-184159;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";Orphans and vulnerable children (OVC);Mhlosheni Hope Care Centers;"";2007-09-30;76;"";"";Nutrition, HIV/AIDS;World Vision Swaziland
Haiti;"";2010-10-05;"";2010-03-31;"";"";"";"";"";Medical mission supplies;"";"";192;Private donations;"";Health;"";Health;"";BBF-HT-10-017;Brother's Brother Foundation;"";"";"";"";"";Medical Mission Trip # 10;20356;2010-04-30;17;"";"";"";Spearfish UMC
Haiti;"";2010-09-27;"";2010-02-15;Juvenat, Peggy Ville, Haut Turgeau;;Ouest;"";"";Implement a 12 month integrated Shelter, Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), and Economic Recovery program for settlement communities of internally displaced persons (IDPs);Port-au-Prince;"";760;Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA);Port-au-Prince,Pétion-Ville;Economic Recovery and Development,Shelter and Housing,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Amy Knorr;Early Recovery,Shelter and Non-Food Items,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Haiti Country Program Manager, World Vision US;WV-HT-10-002;World Vision US, Inc.;"";"";"";"";Internally displaced persons (IPDs);Integrated Recovery Assistance Program;"";2011-02-15;76;"";"";"";Save the Children, Hopital Albert Schweitzer
Guatemala;foodsecurity_site;2010-08-25;"";2010-01-11;"";;Alta Verapaz,Baja Verapaz,Sololá;"";"";As a contribution to solving the problem of access to credit for indigenous women in Guatemala, Oxfam America will develop this project based on a model of Community Savings and Loans that allows people, especially women excluded from the financial sector or in conditions poverty, to participate, save, solve their financing problems and generate revenue. The project provides for training, technical support in small business management, and exchanges between groups of women.  It seeks to strengthen the alternative financial system, generate empowerment of rural women, and contribute to their food security.;"";"";1012;"Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation,Visa Foundation";"";Economic Recovery and Development;Christina Givey;"";Program Associate;OXFA-GT-10-GUA 001 10;Oxfam America;"";2020;"";"";"";Saving for Change in the Municipalities of Rabinal, San Miguel Chicaj and Salama in Guatemala;"";2011-01-11;80;"";"";Food security;Instituto de Enseñanza para el Desarrollo Sostenible
Haiti;"";2010-10-09;"";2010-02-15;"";;Ouest;"";"";The  earthquake left over 1.3 million cubic meters of rubble in Léogâne.  This  presents a significant obstacle to rebuilding and transitional shelter programs.  All Hands manually clears rubble and performs demolition on partially collapsed homes that present a hazard to the community.;Léogâne;"";46;"";Léogâne;Disaster Management;"";Shelter and Non-Food Items;"";HODR-HT-10-002;All Hands Volunteers;"";"";"";"";"";Community Rubble Clearing;"";2011-12-31;5;"";"";"";All Hands Volunteers
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-07-30;"";2010-01-31;"";;Ouest;"";"";Emergency distributions of dry ratio of food to displaced people affected by the earthquake.;Port-au-Prince;"";389;World Food Program (WFP);Port-au-Prince;Food Aid;Marianna Franco;Food Security and Agriculture;Program Development Manager;ACTED-HT-10-41 AME 23Y;Friends of ACTED;"";427692;"";"";Affected population(s);Massive Food Distributions - Surge 1;98013;2010-02-28;29;"";2010-12-20;"";Friends of ACTED
Haiti;"";2010-12-17;"";2010-03-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";Case management, cash, and psycho-social services for people with disabilities.  The program will conduct outreach to over 5,000 people with disabilities and will enroll the 1,200 most-vulnerable in a program to receive monthly cash vouchers and case management services for six months.  In addition, the program provides psycho-social support through monthly celebration gatherings, as well as group and individual counseling by social workers and psychologists.  Tools and working capital are also provided to 400 individuals who have a business and support a disabled person, but who lost their capital in the earthquake.;Croix-des-Bouquets,Port-au-Prince;"";280;ACT Alliance;Cité Soleil,Croix-des Bouquets,Delmas,Port-au-Prince,Pétion-Ville,Tabarre;Health;Aaron Tate;Health;Emergency Response Coordinator;CWS-HT-10-001;Church World Service;"";5000;"";"";People with disabilities;People with Disabilities Program;1341000;2011-09-30;24;;"";Disability, Mental health/Psychosocial support;Service Chretien d'Haiti
Burundi;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-13;"";2008-01-01;"";;Bubanza,Bujumbura Mairie,Bujumbura Rural,Bururi,Cankuzo,Cibitoke,Gitega,Karuzi,Kayanza,Kirundo,Makamba,Muramvya,Muyinga,Mwaro,Ngozi,Rutana,Ruyigi;"";"";"Burundi is one of the ten poorest countries in the world characterized by a low gross domestic product, largely due to civil war, corruption, poor access to education, and the effects of HIV/AIDS. The Burundi civil war was an armed conflict lasting from 1993 to 2005 which was the result of long standing ethnic divisions between the Hutu and the Tutsi tribes in Burundi.  The integrated development program is targeting poor rural dwellers located in all 6 dioceses of the Anglican church; the Dioceses of Matana, Makamba, Bujumbura, Gitega, Buye and Muyinga. The goal of this program is aimed at strengthening livelihoods and rehabilitating 6000 of the poorest households by creating economic opportunities through microfinance loans, specifically, but not exclusively,  to those suffering from  HIV and AIDS. The Province is also working to strengthen the food supply and increase animal production in all of the dioceses which includes establishing a networking group in order to diversify the sources of income for farmers. This is of particular importance in the north of the country, where agricultural and nutrition training must take into account the potential for disaster due to drought.  In the water and sanitation program the Province is working to provide clean water to poor communities by setting up rainwater harvest projects in schools, parishes and in rural communities.  Community programs are also addressing the needs of the returning refugees, which include peace building, nonviolent conflict reconciliation, and trauma counseling. Alongside the development programming, Episcopal Relief & Development is working to strengthen and reinforce the technical capacity of the Provincial and Diocesan development staff.  ";"";"";804;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Danielle Tirello;"";Program Officer;ERD-BI-08-001;Episcopal Relief & Development;"";7000;"";"";Men, Women, Youth, Religious leaders/Clergy, Farmers, Local authorities, Staff;Province of the Anglican Church of Burundi Integrated Development Program ;"";2012-12-31;27;;"";Capacity building;Province of the Anglican Church of Burundi
Haiti;"";2010-12-15;"";2010-01-12;Pigeon;;Ouest;Solar Cookers International is currently working to increase the number of CooKits in the schools, training teachers and expanding the teaching into the curriculum.;"";CooKits sent to Haiti are benefiting families living in the community of Pigeon who were displaced by the January 2010 earthquake. As a part of our project, 135 people were taught proper use and care of solar cookers. During the training, solar meals were prepared by the new solar cooks using CooKits and Global Sun Ovens. Trainings were led by a team of three Haitian solar experts and a representative from a partner agency, Sun Ovens International. Our second shipment of CooKits to Haiti is being used in schools run by the Free Methodist Mission. Teachers at these schools are working to incorporate solar cookers into the curriculum. Students will learn how to cook food and pasteurize drinking water — potentially life-saving skills — using free, clean solar energy.  ;Croix-des-Bouquets;"";701;Private donations;Croix-des Bouquets;Other;AmyJo Mattheis;"";Executive Director;SOLAR-HT-10-001;Solar Cookers International;"";425;Number of proudcts (CooKits) given plus number of people trained to teach use. ;N/A;Women, Children, School children;Haiti Aid;30581;2011-12-12;64;;2011-05-04;Environment;International Child Care Ministries (ICCM), Free Methodist Mission, Solar Cookers International
Haiti;"";1991-09-21;"";2010-03-01;"";;Ouest;"";Catholic Relief Services (CRS);To help children affected by the earthquake restore normalcy and improve overall well-being in their lives with psychosocial and educational support. Provide play therapy, learning stimulation and a healing environment that creates stability, increased resiliency and a safe community for affected children.;Port-au-Prince;"";159;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Education,Health,Protection;Sara Wolf;Protection;Coordinator of Child Protection and Education;AMURT-HT-10-CFS CRS;Ananda Marga Universal Relief Team (AMURT);"";2000;"";"";Children;Child-Friendly Spaces in IDP Camps;810000;2010-09-30;13;;2011-01-25;"";Ananda Marga Universal Relief Team Haiti (AMURT)
Haiti;"";2010-09-22;"";2010-08-01;"";"";Ouest;"";"";Construction of a community center in Camp Villa Betame (population 7,000). The community center is used as a facility for community meetings, educational programs, community activities, church groups and entertainment.;Port-au-Prince;"";626;"";Port-au-Prince;Disaster Management;"";Early Recovery;"";OBI-HT-10-021;Operation Blessing International;"";"";"";"";"";Camp Villa Betame Community Center;0;2011-08-01;51;"";2011-05-13;"";""
Haiti;"";2010-09-27;"";2010-01-20;used on ship & Port-au-Prince;;Ouest;used on ship and probably Port-au-Prince;"";Delivery of $254,808 worth of medical supplies and equipment to Norfolk, VA for transport unto the USS Sacagawea for distribution to on-the-ground agencies;Port-au-Prince;"";661;"";Port-au-Prince;Health;Niecy LoCricchio;Health;Director of Grants;CURE-HT-10-20918;PROJECT C.U.R.E.;"";18000;"";"";"";"In-Kind Donations to SOUTHCOM; USS Sacagawea";254808;2010-01-20;59;;"";"";US Southern Command (SOUTHCOM) USNS Sacagawea 
United Republic of Tanzania;foodsecurity_site;2010-09-10;"";2007-07-01;"";;"";"";""; The project targets rural poor whose income is lower than the per capita income of USD 200 per annum.  The targeted population is availed training and soft in kind loans in dairy goats.;"";"";892;Private donations;"";Agriculture;Kelly Doppelhammer;"";East Africa Program Assistant;HEFI-TZ-07-21-0423-01;Heifer International;"";360;"";"";"";North West Zone Dairy Goat Project ;"";2011-06-30;34;"";"";"";Heifer Tanzania
Haiti;"";2011-05-11;"";2010-04-01;"";"";Ouest;"";"";Toys were donated by individual donors in the USA and distributed to orphans in Haiti. Will benefit two orphanages.;Port-au-Prince;"";504;Life for Relief and Development partners,Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Other;"";Shelter and Non-Food Items;"";LRD-HT-10-007;Life for Relief and Development;"";"";"";"";Children;Toy Distribution;0;2011-12-31;44;"";2011-05-11;"";""
Haiti;"";2011-02-09;"";2010-08-01;"";"";L'Artibonite;As of April 2011, construction of the vocational school has been completed. Food for the Poor is involved in ongoing activities as students begin attending and is conducting sewing classes, provides food, etc.;"";Vocational School, Pierre Payen;Saint-Marc;"";1618;Private donations;Saint-Marc;Education;"";Education;"";FFP-HT-10-003;Food for the Poor;"";"";"";"";"";Vocational School;0;2011-12-31;85;"";2011-02-09;"";Food for the Poor
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;2010-08-24;"";2008-07-01;"";;Rajshahi;"";"";This project will assist 275 families - 100 original and 175 families receiving benefits from Passing on the Gift - through Heifer's Values-Based Holistic Community Development model.  The 100 original families will be organized into six self-help groups. Of these, 75 families will receive two goats and 10 chickens each, while 25 families will receive one milking cow each. Four breeding buck goats and one ox will be provided to the community. The 175 pass on families will be organized into eight self-help groups. The families will also receive training on Heifer's Cornerstones, self-help group management, gender and justice, improved animal management and kitchen gardening.;"";"";907;Private donations;"";Agriculture;Rebecca Alderfer;"";South Asia Program Desk;HEFI-BD-08-22-0620-06;Heifer International;"";1466;"";"";"";Values-based Holistic Community Development Project;"";2014-06-30;34;;"";"";Jagorani Chakra Foundation
Mozambique;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2008-06-23;"";;Maputo;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1096;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-MZ-08-002;The Hunger Project;"";9554;"";"";"";Manhiça Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Haiti;"";2010-09-22;"";2010-02-01;Cite Militaire, Delmas 33, Port-au-Prince, Cité Soleil, Pétionville, Croix-des-Bouquets, St. Marc, Mirault, Sarthe, Saintard, Léogâne;"";L'Artibonite,Ouest;"";"";Operation Blessing has installed water purification systems in various locations, including camps and three systems at the National University Hospital (HUEH). Units have a daily output capacity of 10,000 gallons per day.;Croix-des-Bouquets,Léogâne,Port-au-Prince,Saint-Marc;"";606;"";Cité Soleil,Croix-des Bouquets,Delmas,Léogâne,Port-au-Prince,Pétion-Ville,Saint-Marc;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;"";Water Sanitation and Hygiene;"";OBI-HT-10-001;Operation Blessing International;"";29500;"";"";"";Water Purification Systems;0;2011-12-12;51;"";2011-05-13;"";""
South Africa;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2002-01-01;"";;Eastern Cape;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1501;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Health,Protection;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-ZA-02-176964;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Umzimvubu Development Program;"";2017-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS, Nutrition;World Vision South Africa
Haiti;"";2010-09-24;"";2010-02-24;Cap-Haïtien;;Nord;"";"";Through the Long-Term Health Development (LTHD) Program, MAP customizes large volume shipments of donated and purchased medicines and health supplies for reputable foreign-based health institutions and international relief and development organizations.;Cap-Haïtien;"";536;Private donations;Cap-Haïtien;Health;Scott Ruschak;Health;Director, International Medical Resources;MAP-HT-10-32642;MAP International;"";300000;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs);In-kind donation to Food for the Poor, #2;1719317;2010-03-24;47;"";"";"";Food for the Poor
Haiti;"";1991-09-24;"";2010-01-12;"";;Centre,Grand'Anse,L'Artibonite,Nippes,Nord,Nord-Ouest,Ouest,Sud,Sud-Est;"";International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC);The need for constant preparedness is no where more apparent than in Haiti, where in addition to rebuilding after the January 2010 earthquake, residents must contend with the rainy and hurricane seasons and the potential for civil unrest. Building on its disaster management experience around the globe, the global Red Cross network is working to improve the capacity of the Haitian Red Cross to prepare for and respond to disasters.  As part of this project, stocks of relief items are being pre-positioned in 10 high-risk regions across Haiti to cover 17,000 families, and supplies for an additional 8,000 families are being stored in a regional hub warehouse in Panama.;Anse-à-Veau,Cap-Haïtien,Gonaïves,Hinche,Jacmel,Jérémie,Port-au-Prince,Port-de-Paix,Saint-Marc,les Cayes;"";116;Private donations;Anse-à-Veau,Cap-Haïtien,Cayes,Gonaïves,Hinche,Jacmel,Jérémie,Port-au-Prince,Port-de-Paix,Saint-Marc;Disaster Management;Marian Spivey-Estrada;Camp Coordination and Management;Manager, Information and Reporting;ARCIS-HT-10-RC4A;American Red Cross;"";85000;Please note that the estimated number of people reached refers to the total number of people each project plans to reach over the life of its implementation. Not all of these people have been reached with services yet.;"";"";Red Cross Relief Warehouse;0;2013-01-12;9;;1991-10-22;Capacity building;Haitian Red Cross
Haiti;"";2011-02-15;"";2010-07-01;"";;Nippes,Ouest,Sud-Est;"";"";"Contribute to reestablishment and recovery of basic living conditions of  affected populations through improved access to integrated primary health care, water and sanitation, and disaster risk reduction (DDR)
";Jacmel,Léogâne,Miragoâne,Port-au-Prince;"";1632;ECHO;Carrefour,Grenier,Jacmel,Léogâne,Miragoâne,Petit-Goâve;Disaster Management,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Agron Ferati;"";Director, Program Development;IMC-HT-10-1659/634;International Medical Corps;"";106537;"";Prime awardee;"";Emergency Assistance for Earthquake Affected Population in Haiti ;0;2011-06-30;39;;2011-02-17;Disaster risk reduction (DRR);International Medical Corps
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";1999-01-01;"";;Sylhet;"";"";THP works at the Union level to (a) mobilize the population for self-reliant action, including forming producer co-operatives and other income generating enterprises, (b) build civil society from the bottom up - creating people's organization of women, youth, elders, girl-child advocates, and the poorest of the poor, (c) strengthen local democracy, (d) ensure adequate facilities for achieving the MDGs, (e) organize mass action campaigns for health, nutrition, education, clean water and sanitation.;"";"";1240;Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID),British Council,Private donations;"";Agriculture,Education,Health,Human Rights Democracy and Governance,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;John Coonrod;"";Executive Vice President;THP-BD-99-623;The Hunger Project;"";20000;"";"";"";Charmoholla Mobilization;"";2100-12-31;83;"";"";"";The Hunger Project
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-06-30;"";;Ouest;"";"";Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment;Port-au-Prince;"";1812;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-9138;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Materials Management Relief Corps;22634;2010-06-30;26;;2011-04-22;"";Materials Management Relief Corps
";;Sud;"";"";"This project will repair church, school, and individual home roofs in Leon.
";Aquin;"";1757;Private donations;Aquin;Shelter and Housing;Melissa Crutchfield;"";Assistant General Secretary, International Disaster Response;UMCOR-HT-11-012;United Methodist Committee on Relief;"";"";"";Prime awardee;"";Roof Repairs from Hurricane Tomas;5875;2011-06-01;67;"";2011-05-02;"";Eglise Methodiste d'Haiti
Ghana;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2006-01-01;"";;Eastern;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1138;The Robertson Foundation;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-GH-06-GH20;The Hunger Project;"";6556;"";"";"";Dome-Achiansa Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Haiti;"";2010-09-24;"";2010-01-12;"";,;Ouest,Sud-Est;"";"";Establishment of Child-Friendly Spaces to support children in coping with loss/bereavement and building resilience;Croix-des-Bouquets,Jacmel;"";654;"";Croix-des Bouquets,Jacmel;Protection;Frank Manfredi (Plan USA/DC), Kristie van de Wetering (Plan Haiti);Protection;Director of Humanitarian Assistance, Director of Communications;PLAN-HT-10-009;Plan;Curriculum development, structured sports tournaments and artistic workshops, and training of child-friendly spaces (CFS) facilitators;"";"";"";Children, Youth;Plan Child-Friendly Spaces;"";2012-01-31;57;"";"";"";Plan
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-11-01;"";;Nord;"";"";"Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment
";Saint-Raphaël;"";1859;Private donations;"";Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-51538;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Comite Bienfaisance de Pignon;26532;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";Comite Bienfaisance de Pignon
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;1991-09-24;"";2010-01-26;"";"";Grand'Anse,Nippes,Nord-Ouest,Ouest,Sud;"";"";CRS/Haiti implements interventions that provide life-sustaining relief through temporary food assistance, while also creating employment opportunities to generate much needed income and market stimulation.;Anse-à-Veau,Aquin,Chardonnières,Corail,Côteaux,Jérémie,Miragoâne,Port-Salut,Port-au-Prince,Saint-Louis du Nord,les Cayes;"";253;Office of Food for Peace (USAID/FFP);Abricots,Anglais,Anse-à-Veau,Aquin,Arniquet,Asile,Baraderes,Beaumont,Bonbon,Camp-Perrin,Cavaillon,Cayes,Chantal,Chardonnières,Corail,Côteaux,Fond des Negres,Ile à Vache,Jérémie,Maniche,Miragoâne,Port-Salut,Port-au-Prince,Roche-à-Bateau,Saint-Jean du Sud,Saint-Louis du Nord,Tiburon,Torbeck;Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development;Nicole Balliette;Food Security and Agriculture;Haiti Earthquake Respone Coordinator;CRS-HT-10-7420153;Catholic Relief Services (CRS);"Program Goal: Earthquake-affected Haitians enjoy reduced food insecurity.

SO1: Displaced families benefit from increased availability of nutritious foods

SO2: OVCs and other vulnerable groups benefit from increased availability of nutritious foods

SO3: Displaced families and IDP-host families benefit from increased availability of nutritious food through school feeding programs

SO4: Earthquake-affected households benefit from increased availability of nutritious food and work opportunities through FFW programs";125000;"";"";Children, Elderly, People with disabilities, Men, Orphans and vulnerable children (OVC), People living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA), Refugees, Internally displaced persons (IDPs), Women, Youth;SYAP / Food Assistance for Vulnerable Earthquake-Affected Populations;19261800;2011-02-01;20;"";2011-02-24;Food security, Livelihoods;Catholic Relief Services (CRS)
Haiti;"";2011-04-07;"";2010-10-21;"";;L'Artibonite,Nord-Ouest;"";"";Cholera (Emergency Disaster Response);Gonaïves,Gros-Morne,Marmelade,Môle Saint-Nicolas,Port-de-Paix,Saint-Louis du Nord;"";1684;Neighbors In Need (NIN);Anse Rouge,Anse-à-Foleur,Baie de Henne,Bassin Bleu,Bombardopolis,Chansolme,Ennery,Gonaïves,Gros-Morne,Jean-Rabel,Marmelade,Môle Saint Nicholas,Port-de-Paix,Saint Michel de l'Attalaye,Saint-Louis du Nord,Terre-Neuve;Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tamara Shukakidze;"";Deputy Director Disaster Response;CARE-HT-10-026;CARE;Water and sanitation, Hygiene promotion, Distribution of hygiene kits, Training for the populations (RVC);150000;"";"";Affected populations;Cholera Disaster Response Program # 1;1163630;2011-04-21;19;"";2011-04-07;"";CARE Haiti
Haiti;"";2010-12-10;"";2010-12-31;"";;Nord;"";"";To assist hundreds of IDPs and hosting families in Ivoire with basic needs and to rebuild energies to shape the future, by working closely with refugees' representatives for better integration.;Borgne;"";74;Private donations;Ranquitte;Disaster Management,Shelter and Housing;Amarilys Estrella;Camp Coordination and Management,Shelter and Non-Food Items;Program Officer;AJWS-HT-10-027;American Jewish World Service (AJWS);"";1000;"";"";Farmers, Fisherfolk, Women;Internally displaced persons (IDPs) Assistance;6000;2011-12-30;8;"";"";"";Mouvman Peyizan Rankit
Burma;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-13;"";2009-03-15;"";;Kachin,Kayin,Mandalay,Yangon;"";"";As Myanmar is an agricultural country where most residents depend on agriculture production as a livelihood, the Men's Association identified the need to introduce appropriate, cost effective  methods to increase productivity in the agricultural sector.  If agricultural production and income is increased, the communities will benefit from the greater economic gains, thus leading to social, economic and spiritual progress.  Introduced by a Japanese agronomist in the 1990s, Effective Microorganism (EM) technology is an environmentally friendly low-cost method of farming that allows for the production of crops without damage to the ecosystem, including effects on soil, water supplies, biodiversity or other surrounding natural resources.  The technology uses low cost and locally appropriate inputs to produce a microorganism based process for the producing organic fertilizers.  With findings of an agricultural survey, the Men's Association identified the need to provide the EM technology and innovative agricultural techniques to farmers who struggle to sustain their own farms due to increasing costs and unpredictable weather patterns.  The Association established a 6-acre demonstration farm in 2008 on donated land from one of the Association's members.  The demonstration farm uses soil from under the bamboo trees to produce EM by mixing it with molasses and rice husk.  In 2009, training subjects on biogas, using an onsite piggery, were added.  In 2010, new courses on fish ponds and economic stove will be added.  At each training, farmers will learn the improved techniques and apply them in the demonstration farm over a three-week training period in order to prepare them to use these technologies in their home farms.  In 2010, the Men's Association plans to train 80 farmers in 3 different residential training sessions.  ;"";"";802;Private donations;"";Agriculture;Nagulan Nesiah;"";Program Officer;ERD-MM-09-002;Episcopal Relief & Development;"";80;"";"";Farmers;Men's Association Demonstration Farm;"";2010-12-31;27;;"";"";Men's Association (Church of the Province of Myanmar)
Haiti;"";2011-04-25;"";2010-10-01;"";;Grand'Anse,Sud;"";"";"Cholera Response
";Aquin,Chardonnières,Corail,Côteaux,Jérémie,Port-Salut,les Cayes;"";1735;UNICEF;Anglais,Aquin,Cavaillon,Chardonnières,Côteaux,Ile à Vache,Jérémie,Port-Salut,Port-à-Piment,Roche-à-Bateau,Roseaux,Saint-Jean du Sud,Saint-Louis du Sud,Tiburon;Health;Laura Dills;Health;Director of Programs;CRS-HT-10-6773-7420158;Catholic Relief Services (CRS);School kit distribution, teacher training, distribution of hygiene kits, sensitization campaign for students;18430;"";"";Teachers;Cholera Response II;561223;2011-02-28;20;"";2011-04-25;"";Catholic Relief Services (CRS), Caritas
Cambodia;foodsecurity_site;2010-09-07;"";2010-09-01;"";;Phnom Penh;Intervention to start in September 2010;"";International Relief and Development (IRD) collaborates with Men Sarun Instant Noodle Factory to fortify 1,000,000 packages of specially formulated fortified instant noodles named “Mee Bompon Prachnha” (Smart Noodles).  The noodles are protein-enriched with the use of soy flour and will be fortified with a complete range of vitamins and minerals – including vitamin A, B vitamins, iron, zinc, and folic acid – at levels suitable for daily consumption and will be sold to institutional buyers for their targeted beneficiaries or through targeted marketing in nutritionally deprived areas (ie. city slums and resettlement sites). ;"";"";970;National Soybean Research Laboratory (NSRL);"";Health;Tanja Pavlovic;Nutrition;Program Officer;IRD-KH-10-10021;International Relief & Development;"IRD work closely with Men Sarun to fortify its existing Mee Khmer Yeung noodle product. IRD handles the procurement of appropriate fortificants. Prior to the initiation of fortification activities, IRD  provided Men Sarun management and line staff with refresher trainings in the following areas: (1) hygiene and sanitation; (2) quality assurance/quality control; and (3) the fortification process.";"";"";Prime awardee;Consumers;Pilot Commercialization of Fortified Instant Noodles;"";2011-03-31;41;;"";Nutrition;International Relief & Development
Haiti;"";2010-10-05;"";2010-06-16;"";"";"";"";"";Medical mission supplies;"";"";203;Private donations;"";Health;"";Health;"";BBF-HT-10-028;Brother's Brother Foundation;"";"";"";"";"";Medical Mission Trip # 17;49220;2010-07-16;17;"";"";"";Haitian-American Care, Inc. (HACI)
Mauritania;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2009-11-01;"";;Brakna;"";"";To contribute to the sustainable re-integration of returnees (refugees and internally displaced populations) in Brakna Wilaya, Mauritania.;"";"";1585;Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration (DOS/PRM);"";"";Carlos Piedrasanta;"";RDM Operations Deputy, IPG, World Vision US;WV-MR-09-n/a;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";Refugees, Internally displaced persons (IDPs);BraWRRA II;"";2010-10-31;76;"";"";"";World Vision Mauritania
Haiti;"";2011-04-22;"";2010-01-13;Fond des Blanc, Fond Parisien, Cite Militaire ;;Grand'Anse,Nippes,Nord,Ouest,Sud,Sud-Est;"";"";Since the January 12, 2010 earthquake, AmeriCares has provided ongoing deliveries of emergency medicines and medical supplies to health care providers treating survivors and affected populations.  AmeriCares delivered products valued at approximately $40 million from January to December of 2010.  The aid was distributed to over 90 health care facilities and over 200 volunteer medical teams traveling to Haiti to provide care.  This support is coordinated with the MSPP and will continue indefinitely.;Croix-des-Bouquets,Jacmel,Jérémie,Limbé,Léogâne,Miragoâne,Port-au-Prince,l'Acul-du-Nord,les Cayes;"";1716;Private donations;Carrefour,Cayes,Cité Soleil,Croix-des Bouquets,Delmas,Jacmel,Jérémie,Limbé,Léogâne,Milot,Miragoâne,Port-au-Prince,Pétion-Ville,Tabarre;Health;Donna Porstner;Health;Communications Manager;ACARE-HT-10-125-1009-600;AmeriCares;Shipments of medicines and medical supplies to partners throughout Haiti.;"";"";"";"";Medical GIK Assistance for Haiti 2010 Earthquake;520500;2015-01-12;11;"";2011-04-22;"";AmeriCares (Haiti)
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;2010-08-24;"";2008-07-01;"";;Dhaka;"";"";"This project will assist a total of 213 families in the Raipura Union Parishad of Narsangdi district in Bangladesh. Of 100 original families, eight will receive one milking cow; 56 will receive one bullock each for beef fattening; 13 families will receive four goats and one breeding buck; four families will receive plant support for fruit gardening; and 19 families will receive the support for leasing land for vegetable cultivation. Another 113 families will benefit from Passing on the Gift. The project participants will receive training on Heifer Cornerstones, self-help group management, improved animal management, gender justice, kitchen and fruit tree gardening. One Village Animal Health Worker will be trained in the community to provide training to self-help group members, as well as services for livestock management.";"";"";908;Private donations;"";Agriculture;Rebecca Alderfer;"";South Asia Program Desk;HEFI-BD-08-22-0620-07;Heifer International;"";1135;"";"";"";Building a Poverty-free and Equitable Society Project;"";2014-06-30;34;;"";"";Pally Bikash Kendra
Haiti;"";2011-03-31;"";2010-12-15;"Carrefour feuilles
";;Ouest;"";Local churches;"This 5 month program is designed to reduce the impact of a widespread cholera outbreak within Haiti through public health messaging and the supply of essential items to prevent, and treat, cholera in the home and community. The primary channel for messaging and supply delivery will be through the local church networks.  Churches will be requested to identify suitable members of their congregations, who will be trained as trainers, and who will in turn pass on essential public health messages to the wider congregation.

";Port-au-Prince;"";1721;International Organization for Migration (IOM),Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA);Delmas;Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Christon Domond;Health;Country Director;WC-HT-10-5072;World Concern;"Non-food item (NFI) and hygiene promotion
";100000;"";"";Cholera affected population;Haiti Cholera Response (Port-au-Prince);364180;2011-05-14;71;;2011-03-31;"";World Concern
Philippines;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-13;"";2010-01-01;"";;Cagayan;"";"";"This is an integrated project intended to enhance food security as well as environmental advocacy. The components of the project are: a]  provision of farm machineries to increase income of beneficiaries by lessening rental costs; b]  establishment of nursery and reforestation of about 30 hectares of land; c]  construction of spring water system; d]  goat and pig dispersal for women's group; and, d] micro-finance to support livelihood opportunities. While sitio San Miguel is part of Digos City, it is actually a rural community of mostly hired farm workers who do not own any farm lands. There are however about 25 households who are small land-owners and who shall constitute the initial direct beneficiaries of this project.  Many of these households own  less than a hectare of land with a few having over one hectare. With these landholdings, they  can barely support themselves economically due to high cost of farm inputs and rental of farm machineries. By making available farm machineries: mud turtle, rice thresher, a hand tractor and trailer,  at lower rental costs, and by establishing a small credit facility which they can use for the purchase of inputs, the income of these farmers will substantially increase and will enable them to have a more substantial control over the agricultural production and marketing processes. The nursery is intended to propagate coffee and other agro-forest tree seedlings for reforestation of a public land, measuring about 30 hectares, much of which is presently bare, with gmelina trees scatted in some parts. By reforesting this area, the community enhances biological diversity while at the same time providing future source of additional income from coffee, rubber and other agro-forest trees. The community is presently negotiating with the Department of Agriculture for stewardship rights over this public land. [Propagation of rubber tree seedlings shall be done at the existing rubber tree plantation of St. Francis High School in North Upi, Maguindanao, which is a previous Diocesan Project.]While women are envisioned to actively participate in all the components of the project, a specific activity, which is the goat and pig dispersal, shall be managed by them in order to enhance their collective capacity to promote their sectoral interests and to empower them by making them directly responsible for raising additional household income. Finally, a potable water system shall be established to augment the present limited supply of water to the community. This water system shall also serve the nursery.";"";"";833;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Environment;Matt St. John;"";Program Officer;ERD-PH-10-002;Episcopal Relief & Development;"";114;"";"";Individuals, Women;2010 Sitio San Miguel Community Integrated Project;"";2010-12-31;27;;"";"";The Episcopal Church in the Philippines
Sudan;foodsecurity_site;2010-09-07;"";2010-04-26;"";;"";"";"";"";"";"";971;International Organization for Migration (IOM);"";Agriculture;Anne Naggayi;"";Program Officer;IRD-SD-10-10516;International Relief & Development;"";"";"";Prime awardee;"";Goat Restocking in Aweng Payam Area, Twic County;"";2010-10-31;41;;"";"";International Relief & Development
Mali;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-14;"";2010-07-01;"";;Koulikoro,Mopti;"";"";Food security in 12 villages focusing on increased household production and consumption;"";"";788;Canadian Foodgrains Bank;"";Agriculture;Ken Little;"";Senior Project Manager, IDR, CRWRC;CRWRC-ML-10-CFGB 2169;Christian Reformed World Relief Committee (CRWRC);"";600;"";"";"";Food Security in Diankabou and Madougou communes;"";2011-06-30;23;;"";"";Agence Evangelique de Development du Mali (AEDM)
Benin;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2000-01-01;"";;Ouémé;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1060;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-BJ-00-BN7;The Hunger Project;"";27979;"";"";"";Ekpè  Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Haiti;"";2011-04-01;"";2011-03-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";RI has received funding from the Donner Foundation to implement the Assessments and Advocacy for IDPs Program to promote the assessment and advocacy of the needs of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in approximately 100 camps in the Port-au-Prince area. Through this program, one expatriate Program Manager and one national Program Officer are conducting assessments of camp living conditions as well as developing maps of resources that are available within neighborhoods. To help ensure that the IDPs needs are expressed to the appropriate actors, the RI program team shares the assessment data with the Government of Haiti (GoH), the U.N. Cluster System, international non-governmental organizations, and other stakeholders. RI meets with local mayors to discuss the aggregated needs of multiple camps within their jurisdictions as well as how camp populations can be reintegrated into the community or how a neighborhood might be reconfigured to increase shelter options to IDPs. In addition, RI is establishing a system of referral pathways through which the RI team will be able to connect IDPs in need to an appropriate resource. RIs team seeks to not only direct IDPs in need to these centers but also advocate on the behalf of these referral partners for more formal assistance. RI anticipates that the proposed program will result in long-term gains for camp populations, including greater access to protection resources, permanent shelter solutions and reintegration into community life. ;Croix-des-Bouquets,Port-au-Prince;"";1663;William H. Donner Foundation;Carrefour,Croix-des Bouquets,Delmas,Port-au-Prince,Tabarre;Protection,Shelter and Housing,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Emily Hibbets;"";Program Manager;RI-HT-11-005;Relief International;"";30000;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs) living in camps;Assessment and Advocacy for Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs);70000;2011-11-30;61;"";2011-04-05;NGO coordination, Advocacy;Relief International
Senegal;foodsecurity_site;2010-07-27;"";2009-04-06;"";"";Diourbel;"";"";This program builds local capacity for improving the nutritional status of children through support for optimal breastfeeding practices, childhood vaccinations, vitamin A supplementation, deworming, control of diarrheal diseases (including treatment with zinc), use of insecticide-treated bed nets and hygiene behaviors.;"";"";946;Senegal Government - Cellule de la Lutte Contre la Malnutrition (CLM);"";Health;"";Nutrition;"";HKI-SN-09-6110;Helen Keller International;"";"";"";"";"";Nutrition Enhancement Program (PRN) - Diourbel;0;2011-04-06;79;"";2011-03-29;Nutrition;""
Ghana;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2009-01-01;"";;Eastern;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1135;The Robertson Foundation;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-GH-09-GH17;The Hunger Project;"";5000;"";"";"";Baware  Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Nepal;foodsecurity_site;2010-07-27;"";2009-10-03;"";"";Far West;"";"";This project  develops an integrated food security and nutrition model that will reduce malnutrition and morbidity in children under two and pregnant/lactating women. It also aims to increase the year-round availability and accessibility of micronutrient-rich foods.;"";"";952;World Bank;"";Agriculture,Health;"";"";"";HKI-NP-09-6136;Helen Keller International;"";0;"";"";Women with children under 2 years, Female Community Health Volunteers.;Expansion of Action Against Malnutrition through Agriculture (AAMA);"";2011-06-02;79;"";"";Nutrition;""
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-15;"";2004-06-15;Cherident;,;"";"";Jean Wilfred Albert Health Center;Provision of ready-to-use therapeutic food (RUTF) to implementing partners. Haiti Healthcare Partners serve Cherident's and the larger Grand Colline region's malnutrition needs through Community Health Workers.;"";"";566;"";"";Health;Tom Stehl, Maryse Sterlin;Health,Nutrition;Coordinator of Operations, Haiti Administrator;MFK-HT-10-013;Meds & Food for Kids;"";"";"";"";Malnourished children;Community Management of Acute Malnutrition - Haiti Healthcare Partners;0;2011-12-12;77;"";2011-04-11;"";Haiti Healthcare Partners
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;"";"";2006-06-01;"";;Rajshahi;"";"";Weekly meetings of Savings and Learning Groups of between 12 and 20 people as a vehicle for micro-savings-based food security and micro-enterprise, WASH education, health education, community development and long-term formation of participant-led community development institutions. Groups are single-gender settings to meet the needs of cultural norms in Bangladesh, but teach skills for healthy social interaction and values for good relationships. Groups are self-led and facilitated by FH Staff, with direct contact one half day per group per week.;"";"";847;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Lucas Shindeldecker;"";Food Security Program Officer;FH-BD-06-BANFCT020027;Food for the Hungry;"";21700;"";"";"";Family and Community Transformation (FCT) # 7;"";2019-12-31;28;;"";Gender, Capacity building;""
Kenya;foodsecurity_site;2011-03-10;"";2009-06-19;"2nd admin: Busia district
3rd admin: Budalangi division
City/village: Port Victoria";;Western;"";KREP Development Agency;"LWRs partner for this project is Baba Foundation, an organization created to address issues of HIV/AIDS within the community. The foundation has been working in the community since 2002 to assist people living with HIV/AIDS, widows, guardians/caretakers of orphans and vulnerable children (OVCs) and sexually abused children, and children working in the fishing industry. Baba Foundation will collaborate with District and Ministry of Education authorities, community leaders, and volunteer advocates to promote child protection and school retention strategies. The project will involve work with the Kenya Agriculture Research Institute and the Ministry of Agriculture in food security activities for households supporting OVCs. Participants will make a farm study visit to REEP, a current LWR partner. The project will also leverage credit for seed production and flour processing with loans provided through K-REP Development Agency, another LWR partner. Objective: (1) Increased support for HIV/AIDS-affected children: A greater number of OVCs access education and psycho-social support from the current 36 to 600 through children's rights campaigns targeting 20 school, 2,500 community members and 50 key stakeholders; (2) Increased Food Security: 200 households supporting OVCs will achieve food security through enhanced access to inputs and technical assistance in the production of 400 tons of cassava, 200 tons of sweet potatoes, and 36 tons of sorghum per season. (3) Increased Capacity: By 2013, Baba Foundation and its members will have the capacity to manage community programs that generate enough income to cover 10% of their operations and 50% of their community support system needs by processing and marketing cassava, sweet potato, and sorghum flours. ";"";"";1649;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Education,Protection;Alissa Karg;"";Africa Deputy Regional Director;LWR-KE-09-AF-KEN-3-003-09;Lutheran World Relief;"";2700;"";"";People living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA);Strengthening Food Security among Communities Affected by HIV/AIDS;0;2013-05-31;45;;2011-03-17;"Capacity building
";BABA Foundation
Haiti;"";2010-09-24;"";2010-01-12;"";,;Ouest,Sud-Est;"";"";Establishment of Child Protection Committees to raise awareness of children's rights and child protection issues, including identifying violations in communities;Croix-des-Bouquets,Jacmel;"";650;"";Croix-des Bouquets,Jacmel;Protection;Frank Manfredi (Plan USA/DC), Kristie van de Wetering (Plan Haiti);Protection;Director of Humanitarian Assistance, Director of Communications;PLAN-HT-10-005;Plan;"";"";"";"";Children;Child Protection Committees (CPCs);"";2012-01-31;57;"";"";"";Plan
Haiti;"";2010-09-27;"";2010-02-12;Port-au-Prince;;Ouest;Port-au-Prince;"";Delivery of $161,881 worth of medical supplies and equipment, mostly beds and bandages, to Partners in Health for the Hopital l'Universite d'Etate d'Haiti -(HUEH) and other hospitals and clinics;Port-au-Prince;"";666;"";Port-au-Prince;Health;Niecy LoCricchio;Health;Director of Grants;CURE-HT-10-20921;PROJECT C.U.R.E.;"";18000;"";"";"";In-Kind Donations to Partners in Health (PIH) - mostly beds, bandages;161881;2010-02-12;59;;"";"";Partners in Health, University Hospital (HUEH), Other hospitals 
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-11-01;"";;Centre;"";"";"Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment
";Cerca La Source;"";1870;Private donations;Cerca La Source;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-51589;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Centre de Sante de Cerca La Source;3176;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";Centre de Sante de Cerca La Source
Uganda;foodsecurity_site;2011-03-10;"";2008-04-01;"2nd admin: Bugisu subregion
City/village: Mbale";;Mbale;"";"";LWRs partner in this project is Gumutindo Coffee Cooperative Enterprise Ltd (GCCE), a secondary level cooperative owned by six primary societies of 5,074 members. Gumutindo Coffee Cooperative Enterprise has over eight years of experience in marketing coffee and influencing the sector for increased returns to farmers. The overall goal of the project is to contribute to increased  incomes and improved food security of 5,074 farmers through the production and marketing of specialty coffee. Objectives - (1) Improved farming techniques.  By 2011, 5,074 farmers affiliated with Gumutindo will increase production of a high-quality specialty coffee by 30%. (2) Increased participation in the agricultural value chain.  By 2011, 5,074 farmers affiliated with Gumutindo will increase their participation in the agricultural value chain and will practice proper specialty coffee post harvest handling techniques resulting in a 20% price premium increase. (3) Increased institutional capacity.  By 2011, Gumutindo and the six primary cooperative affiliates are strong and well run organizations capable of managing the coffee sector for optimum returns among its smallholder coffee farmer members in the Mt. Elgon area of Uganda. ;"";"";1647;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development;Alissa Karg;"";Africa Deputy Regional Director;LWR-UG-08-AF-UGA-3-002-08;Lutheran World Relief;"";40592;"";"";Women farmers;Empowered Coffee Farmers of Gumutindo Coffee Cooperative Enterprise Improve their Livelihoods through the Production and Direct Export of Specialty Coffee;0;2011-09-30;45;;2011-03-17;Gender, Capacity building;Gumutindo Coffee Cooperative Enterprise Ltd (GCCE)
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-12-15;"";2010-07-31;"";;"";"";"";Meals shipped;"";"";710;Private donations;"";Food Aid;Rick Kearney;Nutrition;Distribution Coordinator;STOP-HT-10-0232;Stop Hunger Now;"";270864;"";"";Affected population(s);In-Kind Donations to Robert Ford Orphanage;67716;2010-08-31;65;;"";"";Robert Ford Orphanage
Haiti;"";1991-09-24;"";2010-11-01;"";;Ouest;"";Community Organizations of the Port-au-Prince Metropolitan Zone (COZPAM);School Construction;Léogâne,Port-au-Prince;"";20;Telemarathon/Canal Sur (Ayuda);Léogâne,Port-au-Prince;Education;Daniel Gedeon;Shelter and Non-Food Items;Emergency Response Manager;ACAID-HT-10-006;Action Aid International USA;"";360;"";"";Affected population(s);Post-Earthquake School Construction Project in Port-au-Prince;325423;2011-11-01;3;"";2011-01-14;"";Action Aid Haiti
Benin;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2006-01-01;"";;Kouffo;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1062;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-BJ-06-BN9;The Hunger Project;"";23720;"";"";"";Kissamey Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Haiti;"";1991-10-12;"";2010-08-01;"";;Sud;"";"";To provide immediate earthquake relief by supplying survivors with solar lamps, and continue it's ongoing clean energy capacity building activities in Haiti.;Chardonnières;"";62;Private donations;Anglais;Disaster Management,Environment;Amarilys Estrella;Early Recovery;Program Officer;AJWS-HT-10-002;American Jewish World Service (AJWS);"";25000;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs), Women;Emergency Earthquake Relief in Haiti;25000;2011-06-30;8;;1991-12-10;"";EarthSpark International
Ethiopia;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2008-08-27;"";;Amhara,Oromia,Southern Nations Nationalities and Peoples;"";"";Distribution of commodities to address food insecurity in Ethiopia. ;"";"";1577;US Agency for International Development (USAID);"";Food Aid;Carlos Piedrasanta;"";RDM Operations Deputy, IPG, World Vision US;WV-ET-08-189740;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Ethiopia JEOP;"";2010-12-31;76;"";"";"";Catholic Relief Services, World Vision Ethiopia
Haiti;"";2010-09-24;"";2010-01-12;"";,;Ouest;"";"";Establishment of mobile clinics and training of health promoters;Croix-des-Bouquets;"";651;"";Croix-des Bouquets;Health;Frank Manfredi (Plan USA/DC), Kristie van de Wetering (Plan Haiti);Health;Director of Humanitarian Assistance, Director of Communications;PLAN-HT-10-006;Plan;Treatment of illnesses such as infant diarrhea and acute respiratory infections, continuation of immunization program, nutrition assessments, and training of health workers;"";"";"";Children;Mobile Health Clinics;"";2012-01-31;57;"";"";"";Plan
Peru;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-13;"";2009-01-01;"";;Ayacucho;"";"";Ayacucho is one of the poorest areas in Peru. During the 1980's and 1990's, this area was affected by local terrorism movements. A lot of people died during that era, most of them men head of households, leaving women with no economic support. This project creates opportunities for micro entrepreneurs, mostly women,  that cannot get access to loans in the regular financial system. In addition to the loans, this program provides training and capacity building for the entrepreneurs in order to facilitate access to the mainstream economic life. The program forms community credit circles run by the group members. The members first receive workshops on leadership, self-esteem, and conflict resolution. ECLOF Peru then provides the group an initial group loan which is then sub-loaned out to each group member for income generating activities. The principal is paid back with market interest rates to the group which in turn pays the loan to ECLOF.  All group members must cover the liabilities of members who fail to pay their loans creating a community imperative for each member to comply with repayment. Successful groups pay their loans on time and are then eligible for a subsequent loan for a higher amount. Group members receive encouragement and  business counseling as they use the credit to build their businesses. ;"";"";826;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development;Karla Avila;"";Program Officer;ERD-PE-09-001;Episcopal Relief & Development;"";342;"";"";Children, Children under 5, Families, Men, Women, Staff, Youth;Income generation in Ayacucho, Peru (Mejoramiento de Ingresos de pobladores de Ayacucho);"";2011-12-31;27;;"";Capacity building;Ecumenical Church Loan Fund of Peru
Rwanda;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2002-01-01;"";;Nord;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1494;Private donations;"";Education,Health;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-RW-02-176410;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Nyarutovu Development Program;"";2017-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS, Nutrition;World Vision Rwanda
Philippines;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1987-01-01;"";;Negros Oriental;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1484;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-PH-87-68055;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Mountain View Development Program;"";2010-01-01;76;"";"";"";World Vision Philippines
Mali;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2009-01-01;"";;Kayes;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1442;Private donations;"";Health;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-ML-09-186856;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Diema Development Program;"";2024-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS, Nutrition;World Vision Mali
India;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1997-01-01;"";;Assam;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1397;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-IN-97-166104;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Amri Development Program;"";2014-01-01;76;"";"";"";World Vision India
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-15;"";2004-06-15;Tovar;,;"";"";"";Provision of ready-to-use therapeutic food (RUTF) to implementing partners.;"";"";583;"";"";Health;Tom Stehl, Maryse Sterlin;Health,Nutrition;Coordinator of Operations, Haiti Administrator;MFK-HT-10-031;Meds & Food for Kids;"";"";"";"";Malnourished children;Community Management of Acute Malnutrition - The Haiti Mission;0;2011-12-12;77;"";2011-04-11;"";The Haiti Mission
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-03-16;"";;Ouest;"";"";Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment;Léogâne;"";1838;Private donations;Léogâne;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-8910;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Camejo Polyclinique;994987;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";Camejo Polyclinique
Haiti;"";2011-04-05;"";2011-01-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";This project will help 400 households enhance their food security, while improviding the agriculture sector in the area.;Port-au-Prince;"";1666;Caritas Austria;Carrefour,Grenier;"";Carl Henry;"";Project Manager;BRAC-HT-11-001;BRAC USA;Home gardening, poultry rearing, non-farm activities;400;"";"";Small farmers, Rural populations;Livelihood Generation in Morne a Bateau;295830;2011-12-31;16;;2011-04-05;Food security, Livelihoods;BRAC Haiti
Ethiopia,Malawi,Nigeria;foodsecurity_site;2011-05-11;"";2009-10-01;""; ;"";"";Academy for Educational Development (AED) ;"This associate award meets USAID and other US government agency needs to improve the impact of PEPFAR-supported food security, livelihoods, and economic strengthening programs or programming components, contributing to the PEPFAR goal of providing care to 12 million individuals infected and affected by HIV/AIDS, including orphans and vulnerable children (OVC).  Goal 1: To identify models of livelihood assistance and economic strengthening that have the potential to improve household food security for HIV-affected households, including OVC, at scale; Goal 2: To evaluate models of livelihood assistance and economic strengthening for HIV-affected households, including OVC, designed to improved food security; Goal 3: To promote tested models of livelihood assistance and economic strengthening to improve food security for HIV-affected households, including OVC; Goal 4: To strengthen the capacity of in-country PEPFAR-supported programs, beginning with Nigeria and Malawi, to integrate and support livelihood assistance and economic strengthening activities to improved food security among HIV-affected households, including OVC.
";"";"";1780;US Agency for International Development (USAID);"";Economic Recovery and Development,Health;Lisa Parrott ;"";Africa Livelihoods Advisor ;STC-ET-09-84031671 ;Save the Children;"";"";"";Subawardee ;Orphans and vulnerable children (OVC), HIV-affected households ;HIV, Food Security, and Livelihood Support (LIFT project) ;746089;2014-09-30;63;"";2011-05-11;"HIV/AIDS
";Save the Children US  
Haiti;"";2010-07-30;"";2010-07-09;"";;Ouest;"";"";Surge distribution of mosquito nets to prevent vector-borne diseases, particularly malaria;Port-au-Prince;"";400;MENTOR Initiative;Port-au-Prince;Health;Marianna Franco;Health;Program Development Manager;ACTED-HT-10-41 APP 87Z;Friends of ACTED;"";70500;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs);Distribution of Mosquito Nets (in-kind donations to ACTED);"";2010-09-30;29;"";2010-12-20;"";Friends of ACTED
Cambodia;foodsecurity_site;2010-07-27;"";2009-07-01;"";"";Kampong Chhnang;"";"";This project assesses the impact on nutritional status and quality of life among households affected by HIV/AIDS through the support to enable them to increase production and consumption of micronutrient-foods. ;"";"";948;Neys-van Hoogstraten Foundation;"";Agriculture,Health;"";"";"";HKI-KH-09-6122;Helen Keller International;"";300;"";"";households;HFP for PLWHA;"";2010-12-15;79;"";"";Nutrition;""
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-15;"";2004-06-15;St. George;,;"";"";"";"Provision of ready-to-use therapeutic food (RUTF) to implementing partners. Harvest House's ""Children's Village"" provides a home for children with special needs and children suffering from AIDS.";"";"";569;"";"";Health;Tom Stehl, Maryse Sterlin;Health,Nutrition;Coordinator of Operations, Haiti Administrator;MFK-HT-10-017;Meds & Food for Kids;"";"";"";"";Malnourished children;Community Management of Acute Malnutrition - Harvest House;0;2011-12-12;77;"";2011-04-11;"";Harvest House
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-03-03;"";;Ouest;"";"";Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment;Port-au-Prince;"";1803;Private donations;Delmas;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-8941;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Hospital Notre Dame de Lourdes;1078128;2010-03-03;26;;2011-04-22;"";Hospital Notre Dame de Lourdes
Haiti;"";2010-10-05;"";2010-06-11;"";"";"";"";"";Medical supplies;"";"";202;Private donations;"";Health;"";Health;"";BBF-HT-10-027;Brother's Brother Foundation;"";"";"";"";"";Container Shipment # 6;"";2010-07-11;17;"";"";""; to Life from Medwish
India;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1996-01-01;"";;Tripura;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1416;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-IN-96-161769;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";South Tripura Development Program;"";2012-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS;World Vision India
Haiti;"";2010-09-23;"";2010-01-15;""; ;Ouest;"";"";"a. Psychosocial disaster trauma training curriculum developed and translated into French
b. Conducting 3-day training to nearly 150 community health workers, hospital staff and community leaders from Léogâne and Port-au-Prince  on dealing with post-disaster trauma management and care  ";Léogâne,Port-au-Prince;"";550;Private donations;Léogâne,Port-au-Prince;Health;Debbie Bailey ;Health;Disaster Response Team Coordinator ;MTI-HT-10-002;Medical Teams International;"";"";"";"";"";Psychosocial Training ;0;2010-08-31;49;;2011-04-21;"";Medical Teams International
Ghana;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1997-01-01;"";;Northern;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1368;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-GH-97-171775;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Gushegu/Karaga Development Program;"";2013-01-01;76;"";"";Nutrition;World Vision Ghana
Ghana;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2007-01-01;"";;Eastern;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1139;The Robertson Foundation;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-GH-07-GH21;The Hunger Project;"";5000;"";"";"";Dominase Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Haiti;"";2011-05-03;"";2011-03-15;"";;Grand'Anse,L'Artibonite,Nippes,Nord,Nord-Ouest,Ouest;"";"";"Laviktwa sou Kolera 
";Gros-Morne,Jérémie,Limbé,Miragoâne,Plaisance,Port-au-Prince,Port-de-Paix,l'Acul-du-Nord;"";1734;Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC);Fond des Negres,Gros-Morne,Jérémie,Limbé,Milot,Pilate,Port-au-Prince,Port-de-Paix;Health;Laura Dills;Health;Director of Programs;CRS-HT-11-LSK-7420215-2;Catholic Relief Services (CRS);"Continuation of CTUs at AIDSRelief hospital sites; funds for surge CTUs; establishment of ORPs in rural zones; WASH infrastructure construction at hospital sites; retraining of CHWs; training medical staff at AIDSRelief hospitals in case management.";146800;"";"";Households;Laviktwa sou Kolera ;1481565;2012-03-15;20;"";2011-05-03;"";Catholic Relief Services (CRS), Caritas
Haiti;"";2010-12-12;"";2010-01-10;""; ;Grand'Anse,L'Artibonite,Nippes,Nord,Nord-Ouest,Ouest,Sud,Sud-Est;"";Association of Christian Health Institutions of Haiti (AISCH) Facilities;Supply hospitals with medical supplies;Cap-Haïtien,Gonaïves,Grande-Rivière-du-Nord,Jacmel,Jérémie,Miragoâne,Port-au-Prince,Port-de-Paix,Saint-Marc,l'Acul-du-Nord,les Cayes;"";1704;Medical device companies,Pharmaceutical company(ies),Private donations;Cap-Haïtien,Cayes,Gonaïves,Grand Rivière du Nord,Jacmel,Jérémie,Milot,Miragoâne,Port-au-Prince,Port-de-Paix,Verettes;Health;Ann Varghese ;"";HQ Program Officer ;IMA-HT-10-006 ;IMA World Health;"";"";"";"";Women, Children, Men ;In-Kind Donations to Hospitals (Medical Supplies) ;516595;2010-05-31;37; ;2011-04-11;"";IMA World Health
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-06-07;"";;Ouest;"";"";Community Grant Program;Léogâne;"";365;Private donations;Petit-Goâve;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-Grant 8;Direct Relief International;"";10000;"";"";"";"Provide Medical Care at Clinic; Hold Annual Medical Fair, Rebuild School in Temporary Site";25000;2011-12-07;26;;2011-04-22;"";Friends of Petit-Goâve
Haiti;"";2010-10-12;"";2010-02-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";"";Croix-des-Bouquets,Port-au-Prince;"";130;Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA);Delmas,Ganthier;Disaster Management,Shelter and Housing,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Amelia Kendall;Early Recovery,Shelter and Non-Food Items,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;"";ARC-HT-10-003;American Refugee Committee International;"";"";"";"";"";Emergency Relief - Shelter and Non-Food Items, Water Sanitation & Hygiene, Early Recovery;4410948;2010-11-30;10;"";"";"";MoH, Delmas Mayor
Mauritania;foodsecurity_site;2010-09-07;"";2010-06-01;"";;"";"";"";"";"";"";980;Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration (DOS/PRM);"";"";Scott Webb;"";Program Officer;IRD-MR-10-10016;International Relief & Development;"";"";"";Prime awardee;"";Livelihood Diversification and Strengthening;"";2011-05-31;41;;"";"";International Relief & Development
Brazil;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1990-01-01;"";;Tocantins;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1292;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-BR-90-166550;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Tiuba Development Program;"";2011-01-01;76;"";"";Nutrition;World Vision Brazil
Mauritania;foodsecurity_site;2011-05-19;"";2006-10-01;"";;Assaba,Gorgol,Guidimaka,Hodh El Gharbi;"";"";"Through the MYAP, Counterpart reduces food insecurity in the Gorgol, Guidimaka, Assaba and Hodh El Gharbi regions of Mauritania. We work to improve maternal and child health and nutrition (MCHN) practices and services; build the capacity of microfinance institutions and establishing a micro-credit fund; provide livestock services through Pastoral Cooperative Associations (PCAs); and mobilize the community to identify and mitigate issues affecting their food security. 
";"";"";1912;US Agency for International Development (USAID);"";Agriculture,Education,Food Aid,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Mark Holt;"";Director, Nutrition, Health and Humanitarian Services;CPINT-MR-06-001;Counterpart International;"Smallholder Agriculture Development, Microenterprise, Community Mobilization, Maternal and Child Health and Nutrition (MCHN), Food Security Programming, 
";"";"";Prime Awardee;"";Food for Peace Multi Year Assistance Program (MYAP);20267633;2011-09-30;25;;2011-05-19;"Gender, Nutrition, Climate Change
";Counterpart International
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-11-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment;Port-au-Prince;"";1816;Private donations;Pétion-Ville;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-51014;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Heart to Heart Haiti;66290;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";Heart to Heart Haiti
";;Ouest;"";"";"This project will provide basic solar kits to residents in Corail Camp Sectors 3 and 4.
";Croix-des-Bouquets;"";1749;Private donations;Croix-des Bouquets;Protection;Thomas Dwyer;"";Executive Director, UMCOR NGO;UMCOR-HT-11-007;United Methodist Committee on Relief;"";"";"";Prime awardee;Internally displaced persons (IDPs);Improve Protection and Living Conditions for Residents in Corail Camp;89240;2011-06-30;67;"";2011-04-13;"";United Methodist Committee on Relief
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-12-15;"";2010-04-20;"";;"";"";"";Meals shipped;"";"";709;Private donations;"";Food Aid;Rick Kearney;Health,Nutrition;Distribution Coordinator;STOP-HT-10-0209;Stop Hunger Now;"";285120;"";"";Affected population(s), People living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA);In-Kind Donations to Family Health International Haiti;71280;2010-04-30;65;;"";"";Family Health International
Zambia;foodsecurity_site;2010-08-31;"";2010-03-01;"";;Central,Eastern;"";Ministry of Agriculture and Co-operatives (MACO);"The Integrated Agricultural Development Project will improve food security, reduce malnutrition and improve resilience against economic and environmental regressions in Zambia. To do this, the project will promote integrated crop and livestock production among vulnerable groups in 15 wards in the Chadiza and Chibombo districts. The project will serve 4,600 original beneficiary households, primarily those that are woman-, grandparent- and child-headed households and those with chronically ill family members. Expected results of the project include improved and sustained crop yields and incomes through the promotion of sustainable agricultural practices, supporting farmer peer-support networks and the distribution of selected agricultural inputs. The project will also improve the local supply of affordable, quality seed. It will increase the productivity and integration of and income generation from local livestock, fisheries and kitchen gardens by improving community livestock management practices; distributing goats; supporting the construction, stocking and management of ponds and micro-irrigation technologies; and extension support for vegetable gardens.To achieve these results, Heifer will distribute goats to 1,150 households; distribute 13,800 food security packs and 207 simple treadle pumps to improve irrigation; establish 184 community-based agriculture and food security study circle groups; and provide training for 103 Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives staff, 138 community-based extension volunteers and 460 local seed growers";"";"";903;European Union (EU),PLAN International;"";Agriculture,Health;Geneti Nemera;"";Southern Africa Regional Director;HEFI-ZM-10-21-0145-01;Heifer International;"";31140;"";Sub-grantee;"";Integrated Agricultural Development Project;"";2011-09-30;34;;"";HIV/AIDS, Nutrition;Plan International
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-07-30;"";2010-03-23;"";;Ouest;"";"";"Fournir à 2 200 familles affectées par le tremblement de terre des intrants agricoles ainsi que supporter les activités 1 000 pêcheurs.
Assurer la sécurité alimentaire immédiate et sur le long-terme des familles vulnérables affectées par le tremblement de terre dans les zones rurales et périurbaines à travers des activités de CFW de réhabilitation des infrastructures agricoles clés.";Léogâne;"";390;Emergency Response Relief Fund for Haiti (OCHA/ERRF);Léogâne;Agriculture;Marianna Franco;Food Security and Agriculture;Program Development Manager;ACTED-HT-10-41 AMN 14I;Friends of ACTED;"";20000;"";"";Affected population(s);Emergency Support to Agricultural Livelihoods of the Worst Affected Households in the Urban, Peri Urban and Rural IDP Host Areas;746421;2010-12-31;29;"";2010-12-20;Livelihoods, Food security;Friends of ACTED
Haiti;"";2010-09-24;"";2010-02-24;Port-au-Prince;;Ouest;"";"";Through the Long-Term Health Development (LTHD) Program, MAP customizes large volume shipments of donated and purchased medicines and health supplies for reputable foreign-based health institutions and international relief and development organizations.;Port-au-Prince;"";539;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Health;Scott Ruschak;Health;Director, International Medical Resources;MAP-HT-10-33170;MAP International;"";87500;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs);In-kind donation to World Vision Canada;763971;2010-03-24;47;"";"";"";World Vision Canada
India;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1996-01-01;"";;Assam;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1401;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-IN-96-166426;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Dhansiri Development Program;"";2010-01-01;76;"";"";"";World Vision India
Haiti;"";2010-09-22;"";2010-05-10;"";;Ouest;"";"";Heartland Alliance has a team of youth organizers that travel to under-served IDP camps to jumpstart and reinforce structured recreational activities there.  Heartland Alliance staff meet with local camp management committees and community groups to identify youth leadership and discuss concepts planning for game/sports programs for children there including needs and hopes, space constraints, storage of materials to be provided, and scheduling.  After initial planning, Heartland Alliance provides community leaders with balls, jump ropes, jerseys, and other recreational materials for use in the camps both on an informal lending basis and as part of more structured activities.  Heartland Alliance organizers then make follow-up visits to ensure materials are used equitably and appropriately, and discuss with youth and community leaders to address any challenges and define future plans. To date, Heartland Alliance has achieved the following: 3 IDP camps provided with recreational materials and planning support to start community-based recreational programs run by local teens.;Port-au-Prince;"";451;UNICEF;Port-au-Prince;Protection;Ramsey Ben-Achour;Protection;Country Director;HLA-HT-10-004;Heartland Alliance for Human Needs & Human Rights;"";500;"";"";Children;Reinforcing Recreational Activities in Under-served IDP camps in Port-au-Prince;6312;2010-08-10;33;;"";"";Heartland Alliance for Human Needs & Human Rights
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-01-20;"";;Ouest;"";"";Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment;Port-au-Prince;"";1835;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-8611;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to J/P Haitian Relief Organization;6379828;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";J/P Haitian Relief Organization
Ethiopia;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2002-01-01;"";;Southern Nations Nationalities and Peoples;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1359;Private donations;"";Education,Health;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV- ET-02-175829;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Quacha Birra Development Program;"";2017-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS;World Vision Ethiopia
Ethiopia;foodsecurity_site;2010-09-10;"";2007-07-01;"";;Oromia;"";"";Walii-Dabarssa Women's Livelihood Improvement initiative (WADA-WOLII) seeks to improve the social and economic situation of women in five rural kebele's in Arski Kofale Woreda of West Arsi Zone of Oromia regional state through placement of improved breeds of cattle and sheep.;"";"";899;Private donations;"";Agriculture;Kelly Doppelhammer;"";East Africa Program Assistant;HEFI-ET-07-21-1402-01;Heifer International;"";470;"";"";"";Walii Dabarssa Women's Livelihood Project;"";2012-06-30;34;"";"";"";ROBA
Lebanon;foodsecurity_site;2011-02-25;"";2011-01-01;Beirut, Tripoli;;Beirut,Liban-Nord;"";"";Provide monthly food rations to orphans and poor families;"";"";1640;Private donations;"";Food Aid;Anwar Qasim;"";Regional Director;LRD-LB-11-001;Life for Relief and Development;"";455;"";"";Orphans, Poor families;Food Distribution to Orphans and Poor Families (Lebanon);40000;2011-12-31;44;;2011-02-28;"";Life for Relief and Development
Zambia;foodsecurity_site;2011-05-19;"";2010-07-01;"Mongu, Senanga, Kaoma, Nkhotakota, Dowa, Lilongwe
";;Western;"";"";"Conservation Agriculture is a radically different way of crop production that avoids disturbing the soil by traditional ploughing and hand tillage. This reduces the amount of energy needed to plant crops, conserves soil moisture, reduces erosion and enables farmers to plant as soon as the rains start - guaranteeing higher yields and earlier harvests. By reducing the amount of energy required to prepare fields for planting Concern seeks to reduce women's workloads during the planting period.  Concern Worldwide has been promoting CA in Zimbabwe since 2004. In the difficult political and economic situation in Zimbabwe in 2008 there was widespread need for food aid; however the poor farmers trained by Concern in CA would have needed 50% less food aid than the control group (farmers of similar wealth using traditional farming techniques). In 2009 the CA-trained farmers were producing a surplus and so, instead of distributing food aid, Concern distributed cash to the most vulnerable poor in rural areas to enable them to buy food from the CA trained farmers. Concern Worldwide will scale-up the work in Zimbabwe by introducing CA to Malawi and Zambia, which have similar agro-ecological conditions. Concern will use the extension methodologies developed in Zimbabwe as these have proved to be highly effective. This will involve training government and NGO technical staff in the agronomy of CA so that they can provide extension services to farmers. The project will select innovative farmers willing to test CA. These farmers will be trained as Master Farmers and, when they have mastered CA, will then be responsible for training clusters of poor, mainly women, farmers. Each farmer will create a 0.25 ha CA plot, which will be used to grow maize, sorghum and a legume crop (cowpeas, groundnuts, kidney beans, and soya). Those farmers with access to draught animals (oxen, donkeys) will be taught how to use a ripper, those without will be taught to use planting basins (Zaï holes).  
";"";"";1925;Accenture;"";Agriculture;Kenneth Oyik;Food Security and Agriculture;Area Project Coordinator;CONW-ZM-10-001;Concern Worldwide;"";38400;"";Prime Awardee;Women farmers;Effecting Improvements in Livelihoods through Conservation Agriculture;0;2013-06-30;87;;2011-05-19;Gender, HIV/AIDS;Mongu District Farmers Association, Kaomo District Farmers Association, Senanga District Agriculture and Commercial Show Society, Malawi Enterprise Zones Association, Hope for the Heart Missions 
Bolivia;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1989-01-01;"";;Oruru;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1276;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Protection,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-BO-89-165225;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Soracachi Development Program;"";2012-01-01;76;"";"";"";World Vision Bolivia
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1987-01-01;"";;Dhaka;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1273;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-BD-87-162333;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Phulpur Development Program;"";2017-01-01;76;"";"";Nutrition, HIV/AIDS;World Vision Bangladesh
Brazil;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1991-01-01;"";;Bahia;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1291;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-BR-91-167405;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Santa Luzia Development Program;"";2012-01-01;76;"";"";Nutrition;World Vision Brazil
Sudan;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2010-05-01;"";;Southern Darfur;"";"";n/a;"";"";1599;World Food Program (WFP);"";"";Carlos Piedrasanta;"";RDM Operations Deputy, IPG, World Vision US;WV-SD-10-001;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO);"";2010-10-31;76;"";"";"";World Vision Sudan
Haiti;"";2011-04-25;"";2011-04-01;"";;Ouest;"";Haitian Red Cross Society;"The global Red Cross network is helping 30,000 families transition to safer, more secure homes.  To support these efforts, the American Red Cross is partnering with the French Red Cross to improve the sustainability of transitional homes built by the French Red Cross. Through this partnership, 1,250 vulnerable displaced families will receive a paper voucher with a maximum value of 6,000 GDES (US$120) to be used to purchase a paint kit. Painting the homes will help them better withstand inclement weather, thus making them more durable.
";Croix-des-Bouquets,Port-au-Prince;"";1764;Private donations;Croix-des Bouquets,Delmas;Shelter and Housing;Marian Spivey-Estrada;Shelter and Non-Food Items;Manager, Information and Reporting;ARCIS-HT-11-003;American Red Cross;"";7500;"";"";Affected population(s), Internally displaced persons (IDPs);Paint Kits with the French Red Cross;0;2011-09-30;9;;2011-04-25;"";French Red Cross
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-11-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";"Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment
";Port-au-Prince;"";1862;Private donations;Pétion-Ville;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-51549;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Hospital de Fermathe;15935;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";Hospital de Fermathe
Zimbabwe;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2009-09-01;"";;Mashonaland Central,Matabeleland North;"";"";Improve food security for vulnerable rural households.;"";"";1609;United Nations (UN);"";"";Carlos Piedrasanta;"";RDM Operations Deputy, IPG, World Vision US;WV-ZW-09-192704;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Zimbabwe World Food Program (WFP) VGF Sept'09-Apr'10;"";2010-05-31;76;"";"";"";World Vision Zimbabwe
Haiti;"";2010-09-24;"";2010-01-12;"";"";Ouest;"";"";"Following the earthquake on January 12th, millions of people migrated out of their dwellings into open spaces such as parks, squares, football fields, vacant lots, office lawns, and neighborhood streets to culminate in over 1,000 camp sites.  Most sites occupied by IDPs are limited in space, extremely congested with people, and were initially in critical WASH conditions with limited latrine, bathing and hand washing facilities, few to no solid waste disposal sites, and very poor levels of hygiene.  While great strides have been made in ensuring that camp residents have sufficient access to WASH facilities, significant needs remain in continuing infrastructure provision and mobilizing the community to maintain the services, facilities and hygiene messages provided. As CRS continues to meet WASH needs in targeted camps, it is also developing its strategy for complementing neighborhood return efforts with WASH interventions. WASH activities currently fall under three main categories:  (1) infrastructure; (2) hygiene promotion; and (3) solid waste management.";Port-au-Prince;"";259;Catholic Overseas Development Agency (CAFOD),Conrad N. Hilton Foundation,Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA),Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Nicole Balliette;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Haiti Earthquake Response Coordinator;CRS-HT-10-7420205;Catholic Relief Services (CRS);This project should be used for expenses incurred for activities related to : (1) Emergency water supply, (2) Hygiene kits, (3) Latrines/sanitation in camps, (4) Hygiene promotion emergency health (public health).;50000;"";"";Children, Elderly, People with disabilities, Men, People living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA), Refugees, Internally displaced persons (IDPs), Women, Youth;Haiti Earthquake Response / Health, Water, and Sanitation;12222325;2011-09-30;20;"";"";"";Catholic Relief Services (CRS)
Ecuador;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1997-01-01;"";;Chimborazo;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1329;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Protection;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-EC-97-170877;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Cebadas Development Program;"";2015-01-01;76;"";"";"";World Vision Ecuador
Haiti;"";1991-12-14;"";2010-11-04;"";;"";"";"";Funding sent to the Baptist Haiti Mission for their work with an information campaignand distribution of water treatment for families in targeted areas.;"";"";169;International Donors,U.S. Donors;"";Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Paul Montacute;Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;BWAid Director;BWA-HT-10-002;Baptist World Alliance / Baptist World Aid;HBM is doing the program;"";"";"";"";Cholera Assistance;12400;2011-12-31;15;;2011-04-20;"";Baptist Haiti Mission
Lebanon;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1997-01-01;"";;Liban-Nord;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1425;Private donations;"";Education,Health;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-LB-97-171600;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";North Lebanon - Bsharre Development Program;"";2014-01-01;76;"";"";"";World Vision Lebanon
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;1991-09-02;"";2009-01-01;Les Anglais, Galette Seche;;Sud;"";Les Anglais Development Project (PDA);In this projects first phase, 300 families applied techniques to preserve soil, 162 adults became literate, 30,846 trees were planted and 15 percent more children attended school in the Haitian municipalities of Les Anglais and Tiburon.  For the second phase, this four-year project will continue to improve socio-economic and environmental conditions of 462 families  150 original families, 150 passing on the gift families and 162 families in the literacy program  in the same areas of Haiti.;Chardonnières;"";454;Private donations;Anglais;Agriculture,Education;Corbin B. Lyday, Ph.D.;Food Security and Agriculture;Manager, Government Relations;HEFI-HT-10-23-1414-02;Heifer International;"";1500;"";"";Women and Men Farmers;Sustainable Agriculture and Literacy on the Southern Coast Phase II;199267;2012-06-30;34;;2011-04-15;Environment;Heifer Haiti
Thailand;foodsecurity_site;2011-04-07;"";2006-01-01;2nd Admin: Chiang Dao; ;Chiang Mai,Chiang Rai;"The project budget represents Plant With Purpose's current annual contribution to UHPD.
";Upland Holistic Development Project (UHPD) ;"Amidst the beauty of ancient temples, the hill tribes of Northern Thailand face serious challenges to survival. Decreasing access to farmland leaves poor, subsistence farmers with only degraded hillsides to eke out a living. Since Plant With Purpose began working among the hill tribes, farmers have planted 15,000 trees to help restore fertility to the land, protect against deadly erosion and produce nutritious fruit for families to eat and sell. With Plant With Purposes help, farmers have also increased their savings by 22%, helping to create economically stable households by providing a cushion during emergencies and dry seasons. 

";"";"";1714;Foundations,Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Environment;Doug Satre ;"";Development Director ;PLANT-TH-06-TH ;Plant With Purpose;"";500;"";Prime awardee;Farmers, Rural communities ;Upland Holistic Development Project (UHPD) ;100000;2011-12-31;58; ;2011-04-07;"";Plant With Purpose 
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;"";"";1999-06-01;"";;Rajshahi;"";"";Weekly meetings of Savings and Learning Groups of between 12 and 20 people as a vehicle for micro-savings-based food security and micro-enterprise, WASH education, health education, community development and long-term formation of participant-led community development institutions. Groups are single-gender settings to meet the needs of cultural norms in Bangladesh, but teach skills for healthy social interaction and values for good relationships. Groups are self-led and facilitated by FH Staff, with direct contact one half day per group per week.;"";"";846;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Lucas Shindeldecker;"";Food Security Program Officer;FH-BD-99-BANFCT020026;Food for the Hungry;"";9180;"";"";"";Family and Community Transformation (FCT) # 6;"";2012-12-31;28;;"";Gender, Capacity building;""
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-11-01;"";;Nord;"";"";"Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment
";Saint-Raphaël;"";1898;Private donations;Saint-Saint-Raphaël;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-51712;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Saint-Raphael;12162;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";Saint-Raphael
Haiti;"";2010-09-24;"";2010-01-18;Titanyen;;Ouest;"";"";Through the Long-Term Health Development (LTHD) Program, MAP customizes large volume shipments of donated and purchased medicines and health supplies for reputable foreign-based health institutions and international relief and development organizations.;l'Arcahaie;"";523;Private donations;Cabaret;Health;Scott Ruschak;Health;Director, International Medical Resources;MAP-HT-10-32257;MAP International;"";112500;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs);In-kind donation to Christian Aid Ministries, #3;583120;2010-02-18;47;"";"";"";Christian Aid Ministries
Haiti;"";2011-02-04;"";2011-01-15;"";;Ouest;"";"";Camp Management of Corail IDP settlement;Croix-des-Bouquets;"";1614;International Organization for Migration (IOM);Croix-des Bouquets;Disaster Management,Shelter and Housing;Amelia Kendall;Camp Coordination and Management;"";ARC-HT-11-001;American Refugee Committee International;"";"";"";"";"";Responding to Temporary Settlement and Camp Management Needs of Earthquake-affected Haitians;108000;2011-05-15;10;"";2011-02-04;"";""
Ghana;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2007-01-01;"";;Eastern;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1141;The Robertson Foundation;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-GH-07-GH23;The Hunger Project;"";5000;"";"";"";Ehiamankyene Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Haiti;"";1991-12-22;"";2010-07-01;"";;Nippes,Nord,Nord-Est,Nord-Ouest,Ouest,Sud-Est;"";International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC);In a continuation of the work we have been doing in Haiti since 2004, the American Red Cross is supporting efforts to reduce the incidence of HIV by providing interacting HIV prevention messaging and skills building to youth and key high risk populations. In partnership with the Haitian Red Cross, the American Red Cross will work to improve HIV/AIDS related knowledge, attitudes, skills and behaviors while also strengthening the capacity of the Haitian Red Cross. This program seeks to reach an estimated 1.7 million beneficiaries over a period of more than 4 years.;Anse-à-Veau,Belle-Anse,Cap-Haïtien,Fort-Liberté,Léogâne,Ouanaminthe,Port-au-Prince,Port-de-Paix;"";81;Private donations;Anse-à-Pitre,Anse-à-Veau,Cap-Haïtien,Cité Soleil,Fort-Liberté,Ounaminthe,Petit-Goâve,Port-de-Paix,Pétion-Ville;Health;Marian Spivey-Estrada;Health;Manager, Information and Reporting;ARCIS-HT-10-003;American Red Cross;"";1700000;Please note that the estimated number of people reached refers to the total number of people each project plans to reach over the life of its implementation. Not all of these people have been reached with services yet.;"";Vulnerable people/populations;HIV/AIDS prevention to youth and high risk populations      ;0;2014-12-31;9;;2011-02-15;HIV/AIDS, Capacity building;American Red Cross, Haitian Red Cross
Ethiopia;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2002-01-01;"";;Amhara;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1346;Private donations;"";Education,Health;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV- ET-02-173890;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Angolela - Assagirt Development Program;"";2017-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS;World Vision Ethiopia
Haiti;"";2011-04-25;"";2011-01-01;"";;Grand'Anse,L'Artibonite,Nippes,Nord,Nord-Ouest;"";Hospitals, Caritas Health Centers;OFDA Cholera Response in CRS Supported Partner Hospitals and Caritas Health Centers ;Gros-Morne,Jérémie,Limbé,Miragoâne,Plaisance,Port-de-Paix,l'Acul-du-Nord;"";1730;Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA);Fond des Negres,Gros-Morne,Jérémie,Limbé,Milot,Pilate,Port-de-Paix;Health;Laura Dills;Health;Director of Programs;CRS-HT-11-CR-7420215;Catholic Relief Services (CRS);Training of community health workers (CHW) for AIDSRelief hospital catchment areas, Caritas Grand Anse, Caritas Nippes and Caritas Port-de-Paix.  Training of teachers and CPC members in South, Grand Anse and Nippes.  Training of medical and auxilary staff at AIDSRelief hospitals.;1034354;"";"";Men, women, children, health care providers, Community Health workers;Cholera Response;1417527;2011-06-30;20;"";2011-04-25;"";Catholic Relief Services (CRS), Caritas
Afghanistan;foodsecurity_site;2011-02-25;"";2011-01-01;Kabul, Lagman, Jalalabad;;Kabul,Laghman,Nangarhar;"";"";Provide monthly food rations to orphans and poor families;"";"";1636;Private donations;"";Food Aid;Noor Agha Tohedi;"";Regional Director;LRD-AF-11-001;Life for Relief and Development;"";3150;"";"";Orphans, Poor families;Food Distribution to Orphans and Poor Families (Afghanistan);270000;2011-12-31;44;;2011-02-28;"";Life for Relief and Development
Haiti;"";2010-07-30;"";2010-05-10;"";;Ouest;"";"";To ensure the management and coordinated delivery of services to IDPs within the spontaneous camp of Gérard Christophe Stadium of Léogâne, in the camp of Marché Chatuley and of Imol, in line with internationally recognized standards and guidelines. Ensuring the provision and maintenance of relevant facilities, the adequate zoning and spatial planning of the camps and the reduction of risks and disasters for the populations of the targeted settlements and for the direct neighbourhood community through Cash for Work schemes. Assist in the development of a camp closure and phase-out strategy in the first phase of the camp response, with the CCCM Cluster and the relevant partners and ensure it is adapted to specific camp.;Léogâne;"";394;Emergency Response Relief Fund for Haiti (OCHA/ERRF);Léogâne;Disaster Management;Marianna Franco;Camp Coordination and Management;Program Development Manager;ACTED-HT-10-41 ANQ 15I;Friends of ACTED;"";7000;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs);Camp Management in Informal Settlements # 2;734204;2011-01-09;29;"";2010-12-20;Disaster risk reduction (DRR);Friends of ACTED
Honduras;foodsecurity_site;2010-08-16;"";2007-07-01;"";;Choluteca,Francisco Morazán,Valle;"";"";This five-year umbrella project will improve food security for 2,385 families in Departments of Choluteca, Valle and Francisco Morazán. These departments in southern Honduras are among the poorest in the country and have very low human development indices. The project will be managed by Heifer Honduras in conjunction with the following partner organizations: Centro de Desarrollo Humano (CDH), Vecinos Mundiales, Asociación Campesina Nacional (ACAN), Fundación Simiente, Confederación Hondureña de Mujeres Campesinas (CHMC), Cooperativa Mixta Nueva Lucha, Asociación de Desarrollo Pespirense (ADEPES) and Consejeros para una Agricultura Ecológica, Humana y Ambiente (COSECHA). Under the project, 1,325 original farmer families from 80 communities in 10 municipalities will receive 308 heifers, 15 bulls, 8,867 hens, 163 goats and 40 beehives. Another 1,060 families will benefit from “passing on the gift.”  The project aims to promote farm diversification, agroecological practices, local markets and capacity building.;"";"";919;Private donations;"";Agriculture;Americas program;"";Americas program;HEFI-HN-07-23-1502-02;Heifer International;"";6360;"";"";"";Promotion of Food Sovereignty in Southern Honduras;"";2015-06-30;34;"";"";Capacity building;Heifer Project International
Zambia;foodsecurity_site;2010-08-31;"";2009-07-01;"";;Copperbelt;"";Zambia National Farmers Union (ZNFU), Copperbelt Health Education Project (CHEP), ILO-Business Development Services;"This project will provide sustainable livelihoods for resource-poor smallholder farm families in the Copperbelt Province of Zambia. Copper mining has been the economic mainstay in the province for many years; however, the decline in copper reserves has led to job losses and a resulting increase in subsistence farming in the area. Smallholder farm families face persistent food and income insecurity exacerbated by poor extension services, a shortage of agricultural inputs, low food production, poor market dynamics, a deteriorating environment due to deforestation, and HIV/AIDS. This project will target female-headed households, people infected with or affected by HIV/AIDS, widows, elderly people and unemployed youth. Families will be given dairy cattle, draft cattle and meat goats. Project participants will receive training in Heifer's 12 Cornerstones, animal husbandry and health, enterprise development, record keeping, integrated agricultural practices, gender equity issues, HIV/AIDS awareness, human health and nutrition issues, and Project Self Review and Planning. ";"";"";904;"";"";Agriculture,Health;Geneti Nemera;"";Southern Africa Regional Director;HEFI-ZM-09-21-0150-01;Heifer International;"";4381;"";"";Female headed households, People living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA), Widows, Elderly, Unemployed youth;Chingola Rural Community Development Project;"";2014-06-30;34;;"";Gender, Food security;Heifer Zambia
Haiti;"";2010-09-24;"";2010-01-18;Titanyen;;Ouest;"";"";Through the Long-Term Health Development (LTHD) Program, MAP customizes large volume shipments of donated and purchased medicines and health supplies for reputable foreign-based health institutions and international relief and development organizations.;l'Arcahaie;"";524;Private donations;Cabaret;Health;Scott Ruschak;Health;Director, International Medical Resources;MAP-HT-10-32258;MAP International;"";125000;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs);In-kind donation to Christian Aid Ministries, #4 ;69960;2010-02-18;47;"";"";"";Christian Aid Ministries
Liberia;foodsecurity_site;2010-09-07;"";2009-01-23;"";;"";"";"";School feeding and fortified soy beverages;"";"";981;US Department of Agriculture (USDA);"";Education,Food Aid;David Prettyman;"";Deputy Director, SFAS;IRD-LR-09-09057;International Relief & Development;"";"";"";Prime awardee;"";Food for Education/McGovern Dole - Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC);0;2014-05-31;41;;2011-02-16;Nutrition;International Relief & Development
Haiti;"";1991-12-22;"";2010-01-12;"";;Centre,Grand'Anse,L'Artibonite,Nippes,Nord,Nord-Est,Nord-Ouest,Ouest,Sud,Sud-Est;"";"";Since an estimated 80 percent of Haitians—even those living in the camps—have access to cell phones, the Red Cross has used this technology to rapidly deliver lifesaving messages related to health and disaster preparedness.  The Red Cross has already reached at least 1.2 million people with messages that range from how to minimize risks during storms to how to identify, treat and prevent cholera.   The Red Cross will continue to rely on this technology to rapidly disseminate critical information to Haitians.;Anse d'Hainault,Anse-à-Veau,Aquin,Bainet,Belle-Anse,Borgne,Cap-Haïtien,Cerca La Source,Chardonnières,Corail,Croix-des-Bouquets,Côteaux,Dessalines,Fort-Liberté,Gonaïves,Grande-Rivière-du-Nord,Gros-Morne,Hinche,Jacmel,Jérémie,La Gonave,Lascahobas,Limbé,Léogâne,Marmelade,Miragoâne,Mirebalais,Môle Saint-Nicolas,Ouanaminthe,Plaisance,Port-Salut,Port-au-Prince,Port-de-Paix,Saint-Louis du Nord,Saint-Marc,Saint-Raphaël,Vallières,l'Acul-du-Nord,l'Arcahaie,le Trou-du-Nord,les Cayes;"";80;Private donations;Abricots,Acul du Nord,Anglais,Anse Rouge,Anse d'Hainaul,Anse-à-Foleur,Anse-à-Galets,Anse-à-Pitre,Anse-à-Veau,Aquin,Arcahaie,Arniquet,Asile,Bahon,Baie de Henne,Bainet,Baraderes,Bas Limbé,Bassin Bleu,Beaumont,Belladère,Belle-Anse,Bombardopolis,Bonbon,Borgne,Boucan-Carré,Cabaret,Camp-Perrin,Cap-Haïtien,Capotille,Caracol,Carice,Carrefour,Cavaillon,Cayes,Cayes Jacmel,Cerca La Source,Cerca-Carvajal,Chambellan,Chansolme,Chantal,Chardonnières,Cité Soleil,Corail,Cornillon,Croix-des Bouquets,Côteaux,Côtes-de-Fer,Dame Marie,Delmas,Desdunes,Dondon,Ennery,Estère,Ferrier,Fonds-Verettes,Fort-Liberté,Ganthier,Gonaïves,Grand Rivière du Nord,Grand-Gosier,Grand-Goâve,Grenier,Gros-Morne,Hinche,Ile à Vache,Irois,Jacmel,Jean-Rabel,Jérémie,Kenscoff,La Chapelle,La Tortue,La Vallée,La Victoire,Lascahobas,Limbé,Limonade,Léogâne,Maniche,Marigot,Marmelade,Maïssade,Milot,Miragoâne,Mirebalais,Mombin Crochu,Mont-Organisé,Moron,Môle Saint Nicholas,Ounaminthe,Perches,Pestel,Petit Trou de Nippes,Petit-Goâve,Petite Rivière de Nippes,Petite Rivière de l'Artibonite,Pignon,Pilate,Plaine du Nord,Plaisance,Pointe-à-Raquette,Port-Margot,Port-Salut,Port-au-Prince,Port-de-Paix,Port-à-Piment,Pétion-Ville,Quartier Morin,Ranquitte,Roche-à-Bateau,Roseaux,Saint Michel de l'Attalaye,Saint-Jean du Sud,Saint-Louis du Nord,Saint-Louis du Sud,Saint-Marc,Saint-Saint-Raphaël,Sainte Suzanne,Saut-d'Eau,Savanette,Tabarre,Terre-Neuve,Terrier Rouge,Thiotte,Thomasique,Thomazeau,Thomonde,Tiburon,Torbeck,Trou du Nord,Vallières,Verettes;Disaster Management,Health;Marian Spivey-Estrada;Health;Manager, Information and Reporting;ARCIS-HT-10-002;American Red Cross;"";1200000;Please note that the estimated number of people reached refers to the total number of people each project plans to reach over the life of its implementation. Not all of these people have been reached with services yet.;"";"";Global Red Cross Network Text Message Campaigns;0;2013-01-12;9;;2011-04-29;Disaster risk reduction (DRR);International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), Haitian Red Cross
Haiti;"";2010-10-05;"";2010-02-12;"";"";"";"";"";Medical mission supplies;"";"";188;Private donations;"";Health;"";Health;"";BBF-HT-10-013;Brother's Brother Foundation;"";"";"";"";"";Medical Mission Trip # 6;19936;2010-03-12;17;"";"";"";Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church
Brazil;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1996-01-01;"";;Minas Gerais;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1294;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Protection;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-BR-96-170428;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Vilage do Lago Li Development Program;"";2014-01-01;76;"";"";Nutrition;World Vision Brazil
Iraq;foodsecurity_site;2011-02-25;"";2011-01-01;Baghdad, Diyala, Basrah, Najaf, Mosul, Anbar;;Al-Anbar,Al-Basrah,An-Najaf,Baghdad,Diyala,Ninawa;"";"";Provide monthly food rations to orphans and poor families;"";"";1638;Private donations;"";Food Aid;Rashid Al-Rawi;"";Regional Director;LRD-IQ-11-001;Life for Relief and Development;"";8260;"";"";Orphans, Poor families;Food Distribution to Orphans and Poor Families (Iraq);708000;2011-12-31;44;;2011-02-28;"";Life for Relief and Development
Haiti;"";1991-12-22;"";2010-12-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";To meet the longer term housing needs of those displaced by the earthquake, the American Red Cross is partnering with the Spanish Red Cross to upgrade transitional shelters into permanent homes. Through this partnership, the American Red Cross will provide funding to purchase cement, metal cladding and other materials needed to reinforce 4,500 transitional shelters already built by the Spanish and Haitian Red Cross societies so that they can serve as permanent homes. These homes will include access to basic water and sanitation, and community members will be involved in the construction process, learning skills they can apply to future jobs. The project seeks to reach 19,500 people in the Léogâne area.;Léogâne;"";85;Private donations;Léogâne;Shelter and Housing;Marian Spivey-Estrada;Shelter and Non-Food Items;Manager, Information and Reporting;ARCIS-HT-10-007;American Red Cross;"";19500;Please note that the estimated number of people reached refers to the total number of people each project plans to reach over the life of its implementation. Not all of these people have been reached with services yet.;"";Affected population(s);Progressive Shelter through the Spanish Red Cross;0;2011-09-30;9;;2011-02-07;"";Spanish Red Cross, Haitian Red Cross
Uganda;foodsecurity_site;2010-07-12;"";2010-01-01;"";;Pader;Project amoung 525,000 USD including FH matching;AGARU - SACCO (Saving and Credit Organization), NAADS, NARO, Acholi Private Sector Foundations;The P4P is a pilot program launched by WFP. The goal of the program is to increase household income by 50USD per annum.  Project duration is 3 years.  WFP is planning to buy commodities worth $53million in Uganda.  In Pader, the target is to buy 1000 tons of maize and 500 tons of beans.  FH is organizing 1000 households into market associations to produce and sell maize and beans.  ;"";"";869;World Food Program (WFP);"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development;chege Ngugi;"";Country director;FH-UG-10-P4P;Food for the Hungry;Organizing farmers in to marketing groups, training them in improved agronomy practices to improve yield, linking them with marketing institutions for input credit, training of the farmer groups in quality and grading, construction of bulking stores, rehabilitation of access roads and linkage to WFP and other buyers.;2000;"";Prime awardee;Former IDPs (Households);Purchase for Progress;"";2011-01-01;28;;"";Gender;Food for the Hungry/Uganda
Thailand;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1999-01-01;"";;Ratchaburi;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1530;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-TH-99-173051;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Bann Ka Development Program;"";2014-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS;World Vision Thailand
Niger;foodsecurity_site;2011-03-04;"";2011-01-19;"";;Tillabéri,Zinder;"";AECP, SOS, Cornell University;The nine month VOICE Project will provide 21,000 vulnerable households, approximately 147,000 households, in 210 food deficit villages in Tillabery and Zinder Regions of Niger with bi-monthly food vouchers. ;"";"";1670;US Department of Agriculture (USDA);"";Agriculture;Souradja Mahaman;"";Emergency Program Coordinator;CRS-NE-11-LRP-683-2010-006-00;Catholic Relief Services (CRS);"";21000;"";Prime Awardee;Vulnerable agro-pastoralist;Vouchers Offering Incentives for Communities during Emergency (VOICE) Project;4460000;2011-09-30;20;"";2011-04-07;Gender;Catholic Relief Services (CRS)
Democratic Republic of the Congo;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-11;"";2008-11-01;"";;Sud-Kivu;"";Local associations (PDIF, UFF, SAVEO);Community Development through Capacity Building and Support of Vulnerable Families & Local Organizations;"";"";865;Private donations;"";Agriculture;Meltanan Gomintan;"";Director of Operations;FH-CD-08-DRC003;Food for the Hungry;Accompaniment (inputs and training) of local association members in agricultural production activities (goats, vegetables, staple foods);7000;"";Prime awardee;Women and Men farmers and local development initatives;The Thomas Kelley Project;"";2011-10-01;28;;"";Gender, Environment;Food for the Hungry - DRC
Rwanda;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2008-01-01;"";;Sud;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1490;Private donations;"";Education,Health;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-RW-08-184656;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Maraba Development Program;"";2024-01-01;76;"";"";Nutrition;World Vision Rwanda
Democratic Republic of the Congo;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-13;"";2008-01-01;"";;Katanga;"";"";The Diocese is focused on peace building and reconciliation in order to prevent future violence. Clergy are trained in counseling and de-escalation of conflict, while community members are taught how to handle confrontation and disagreement using nonviolent means. Post traumatic care is integrated into all aspects of community engagement, as healing and reconciliation becomes an essential ingredient for community life after years of war and violence. In an effort to rehabilitate the communities the diocese is implementing programs that focus on the basic needs of the communities. This includes HIV and AIDS support and education groups and agricultural training programs. Due to widespread HIV and AIDS as a result of the war, as well as rampant hunger the diocese works in an integrated manner in order to address as many issues as possible in each community. The church's Mothers Union, an umbrella woman's group, has formed local solidarity units for mutual support, training and development. Education in human and economic rights is essential to ending the cycle of ignorance and discrimination that limit women's lives. The program's empowerment goals also focus specifically on women who have been traumatized by rape and other sexual violence.  Rape victims are provided with access to medical care. Advocacy at local levels also works to break the stigma suffered by victims of rape, including public testimony of victims and challenges to the legal system for accountability and justice. Finally, within the solidarity groups, women receive livelihood training and some financial support for small business development through micro credit.  ;"";"";808;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Health,Peace and Security,Protection;Janette O'Neill;"";Program Officer;ERD-CD-08-001;Episcopal Relief & Development;"";33056;"";"";Children under 5, Men, Women, Youth, Religious leaders/Clergy, Community health workers;Diocese of Katanga-Integrated Community Development Program-;"";2012-12-31;27;;"";"";Diocese of Katanga
Ethiopia;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1989-01-01;"";;Southern Nations Nationalities and Peoples;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1362;Private donations;"";Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV- ET-89-163883;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Western Abaya (Ankober I) Development Program;"";2012-01-01;76;"";"";"";World Vision Ethiopia
Zimbabwe;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2010-07-01;"";;Mashonaland Central,Matabeleland North,Matabeleland South;"";"";Protect and enhance livelihoods of vulnerable and food-insecure people who are exposed to recurrent shocks. ;"";"";1611;World Food Program (WFP);"";"";Carlos Piedrasanta;"";RDM Operations Deputy, IPG, World Vision US;WV-ZW-10-193983;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Integrated Rural Safety Net Project;"";2010-11-30;76;"";"";"";World Vision Zimbabwe
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-12-15;"";2011-02-01;"";;L'Artibonite,Ouest;"";"";The goal of this project is to increase access to farm-related resources, increase farm output during next production cycle, and to strengthen working relationships amongst the Methodist Church of Haiti, grassroots organizations, and selected farm families.;Léogâne,Port-au-Prince,Saint-Marc;"";724;Private donations;Petit-Goâve,Port-au-Prince,Saint-Marc;Agriculture;Melissa Crutchfield;"";Assistant General Secretary, International Disaster Response;UMCOR-HT-10-418325-7;United Methodist Committee on Relief;"";1640;"";Prime awardee;Rural population;Haiti Post-Earthquake Emergency Agricultural Assistance;292540;2011-07-30;67;"";2011-05-02;"";Eglise Methodiste dHaiti
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-15;"";2004-06-15;Gramothe;,;"";"";"";Provision of ready-to-use therapeutic food (RUTF) to implementing partners. Little by little is a faith-based organization that concentrates efforts on improving maternal/child health. Malnutrition efforts reach out to orphans in the community.;"";"";555;Private donations;"";Health;Tom Stehl, Maryse Sterlin;Health,Nutrition;Coordinator of Operations, Haiti Administrator;MFK-HT-10-002;Meds & Food for Kids;"";"";"";"";Malnourished children;Community Management of Acute Malnutrition - Little by Little;0;2011-12-12;77;"";2011-04-11;"";Little by Little
Haiti;"";2010-09-24;"";2010-02-15;"";;Sud-Est;"";Community Organizations of the Port-au-Prince Metropolitan Zone (COZPAM), Coordination Régionale des Organisations de Sud-Est (CROSE);Immediate relief, Psychosocial Advocacy;Jacmel;"";19;Private donations,Results-Based Financing (RBF);Jacmel;Disaster Management,Health;Daniel Gedeon;Early Recovery,Health;Emergency Response Manager;ACAID-HT-10-005;Action Aid International USA;"";20000;"";"";Affected population(s);Haiti post earthquake Emergency Response 4;68000;2011-02-15;3;"";"";"";Action Aid Haiti
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-07-07;Jaquet;;Ouest;"";"";Community Grant Program;Port-au-Prince;"";351;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Education;Andrew MacCalla;Education;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-Grant 14;Direct Relief International;"";200;"";"";"";Re-open Community learning center and begin classroom teaching;11000;2010-11-07;26;;2011-04-22;"";Asanble Vwazen Jake
Haiti;"";2011-04-28;"";2010-03-01;Deschapelles;;L'Artibonite;"";"";One of our long term Walking Free partners has been Hanger Prosthetics and Orthotics. In direct response to the earthquake Hanger partnered with a select few organizations, including Physicians for Peace, to create the Haitian Amputee Coalition. This coalition has is working together to help establish a long-term prosthetic and rehabilitation center on-site at Hopital Albert Schweitzer (HAS), an undamaged local hospital with a high clinical reputation located 60 miles from Port-au-Prince in Deschapelles, Haiti and is staffed by volunteer U.S. prosthetic experts from Physicians for Peace and Hanger Orthopedic Group and in conjunction with local Haitian medical professionals.;Saint-Marc;"";644;Foundations,Private donations;Verettes;Health;Mary Kwasniewski ;Health;Sr. Director, Global Health Programs;PFP-HT-10-001;Physicians for Peace (PFP);"";800;"";"";"";Walking Free - Haitian Amputee Coalition;0;2011-12-31;56;"";2011-04-28;Disability;Hanger Prosthetics and Orthotics 
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-08-25;"";2010-08-11;"";;Nord;"";"";"Community Grant Program
";l'Acul-du-Nord;"";347;Private donations;Milot;Agriculture;Andrew MacCalla;Food Security and Agriculture;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-Grant 10;Direct Relief International;"";4000;"";"";"";Distribution of Seeds to Peasants and Establishement of Seed Bank;28250;2010-11-11;26;;2011-04-22;"";Rasambleman Peysizan Milo 
Zambia;foodsecurity_site;2010-08-31;"";2009-07-01;"";;Eastern;"";Ministry of Agriculture and Co-operatives (MACO), Ministry of Health, Communidty Development and Social Welfare (CDSW), Zambia National Farmers Union (ZNFU), Africa Development Bank (RCF), Lutheran World Federation, PLAN International, Eastern Province Women Development Association (EPWDA), The World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) ;The Eastern province of Zambia is predominantly rural. Seventy-one percent of its population is classified as poor, while 67 percent lacks food security. Household food insecurity and low family incomes are attributed to floods and drought, loss of livestock from endemic diseases, poor farming practices, reduced soil fertility, high cost of farming inputs and low productive capacities due to sickness and disease including HIV/AIDS. To enable households to generate sufficient food and diversify sources of income, project participants will receive training on Heifer's 12 Cornerstones, self-help group management, improved animal management, gender justice, agro-forestry, basic record keeping, human nutrition awareness and HIV/AIDS awareness, among other topics. Livelihood insecurity and vulnerability will be reduced through integrated farming systems and enterprise development services. Because this is the second phase of the project, all participants will be beneficiaries of heifers and goats that will be passed on from families who received original placement of animals. Passing on the Gift will create a cycle of sustainability that develops community and enhances self-esteem as project beneficiaries become donors.;"";"";901;Send A Cow;"";Agriculture,Health;Geneti Nemera;"";Southern Africa Regional Director;HEFI-ZM-09-21-0140-01;Heifer International;"";7411;"";Prime Awardee;Women-led Farmer Groups;Eastern Province Integrated Livestock Development Project;"";2012-06-30;34;;"";Nutrition, Gender;Heifer Zambia
Haiti;"";2010-07-30;"";2010-05-07;"";;L'Artibonite;"";"";"Objectif général : Contribuer à la réduction des maladies hydriques dans les 1ère et 2ème sections communales de la commune de Marchand-Dessalines.
Objectifs spécifiques : 
• Fournir un revenu durgence aux communautés vulnérables, suite à la période de soudure, de la zone de Pisto I et Perrembeau
• Prévenir limpact dinondations récurrentes par le curage et la construction de digues de protection le long des drains, collecteurs et canaux dirrigation au niveau des zones critiques identifiées";Saint-Marc;"";397;United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH);Saint-Marc;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Marianna Franco;Early Recovery;Program Development Manager;ACTED-HT-10-41 AOO 82Z;Friends of ACTED;"";750;"";"";Vulnerable people/populations;Rehabilitation of Drainage Canals (Pisto 1);51031;2010-08-07;29;"";2010-12-20;Disaster risk reduction (DRR);Friends of ACTED
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";1999-01-01;"";;Barisal;"";"";THP works at the Union level to (a) mobilize the population for self-reliant action, including forming producer co-operatives and other income generating enterprises, (b) build civil society from the bottom up - creating people's organization of women, youth, elders, girl-child advocates, and the poorest of the poor, (c) strengthen local democracy, (d) ensure adequate facilities for achieving the MDGs, (e) organize mass action campaigns for health, nutrition, education, clean water and sanitation.;"";"";1183;Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID),British Council,Private donations;"";Agriculture,Education,Health,Human Rights Democracy and Governance,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;John Coonrod;"";Executive Vice President;THP-BD-99-023;The Hunger Project;"";20000;"";"";"";Barguna Pouroshova Mobilization;"";2100-12-31;83;"";"";"";The Hunger Project
Haiti;"";2006-12-17;"";2010-01-13;"";;Ouest;"";"";Transport and warehousing of materials for ACT Alliance organizations.  Logistical support includes management and transportation of material aid coming through the port at Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, transportation of staff, and warehousing of materials.  Essential work was done in the first months after the earthquake, when the airport and port at Port-au-Prince were not functional.  Services are provided to the dozen organizations that make up the ACT Alliance in Haiti.;Port-au-Prince;"";286;ACT Alliance;Port-au-Prince;Disaster Management;Aaron Tate;Logistics;Emergency Response Coordinator;CWS-HT-10-007;Church World Service;"";250000;"";"";Affected population(s);Logistical Support;540000;2011-12-31;24;;2010-12-31;"";Servicio Social de Iglesias Dominicanas
Chad;foodsecurity_site;2010-08-26;"";2008-08-01;"";;Batha;"";Africare;Reduction of food insecurity and vulnerability to risk for households in the Ouaddai and Batha Regions of Chad. Total funding for BOFSI is $6,481,293.;"";"";784;Office of Food for Peace (USAID/FFP);"";"";Esaie Ngendahimana;"";"";ADRA-TD-08-002;Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA);"";34740;"";"";"";Batha and Ouaddaï Food Security Initiative (BOFSI);0;2013-07-31;4;"";2011-04-07;Food security;Adventist Development and Relief Agency International
Haiti;"";1991-12-20;"";2010-11-24;"";;Ouest;"";"";This Habitat for Humanity International project aims to support UN-OCHA and ERRF in meeting the immediate shelter needs of earthquake-affected families;Léogâne;"";432;UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA);Léogâne;Shelter and Housing;Kate Pearson;Shelter and Non-Food Items;Director - Strategic Partnerships, Haiti;HFHI-HT-10-012;Habitat for Humanity International;"";10840;"";"";Affected population(s);Shelter Assistance for Haiti - Emergency Shelter Kits 2;706168;2011-10-15;31;;2011-02-04;"";Habitat for Humanity International
Colombia;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-18;"";2003-01-01;"";;Bogota;Soon, Unión de Arroceros S.A. will resume the sale of fortified rice in both domestic and international markets, using Ultra Rice grains manufactured by PATH's Brazilian partner, Adorella Alimentos. ;PATH;PATH works with local pasta manufacturers and rice millers to ensure that fortified rice is accessible to target beneficiaries. PATH encourages the use of high quality, local manufacturing equipment to reduce capital investment costs for Ultra Rice producers and low-cost blending equipment to reduce expenses for rice millers, incentivizing participation along the supply chain. In 2003, Unión de Arroceros S.A. became the first company in Latin America to produce a commercial fortified rice product utilizing the Ultra Rice technology. This Ultra Rice pioneer not only introduced a fortified rice product to commercial markets, it also sold rice fortified with Ultra Rice to the Medellin municipality for use in their school meal program, bringing the benefits of rice fortification to 66,000 children each day. ;"";"";1031;"Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation";"";Health;Amy Wales;Nutrition;Communications Specialist;PATH-CO-03-001;PATH;"";"";"";Prime awardee (PATH) ;Micronutrient deficient schoolchildren, Production partners (in terms of economic development);Ultra Rice Project: Developing Local Production and Building Local Markets (Colombia);"";2006-06-01;81;;"";Nutrition;Unión de Arroceros S.A.
Haiti;"";2011-02-04;"";2010-11-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";"";Port-au-Prince;"";1613;American Red Cross;Delmas,Pétion-Ville,Tabarre;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Amelia Kendall;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;"";ARC-HT-10-008;American Refugee Committee International;"";"";"";"";"";Responding to WASH needs of Earthquake Affected Haitians;2300000;2011-10-31;10;"";2011-02-04;"";Direction Nationale de l'Eau Potable et Assainissement (DINEPA), Delmas Mayor
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-07-07;"";;Ouest;"";"";Renovate library/classroom that provides Saturday trainings in hygiene, etiquette, reading to 250 1st-9th graders;Port-au-Prince;"";349;Private donations;Kenscoff;Education;Andrew MacCalla;Education;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-Grant 12;Direct Relief International;"";280;"";"";"";Renovate Library/Classroom that provides schooling to 250 1st-9th graders;25000;2011-07-07;26;;2011-04-22;"";Fondation Orchidee
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;2010-08-24;"";2006-07-01;"";;Rajshahi;"";"";This project will support a total of 1,440 families—720 original and 720 pass-on families—through the gifts of cattle, goats and training. Focus will be given to inclusiveness of the participating families in the community. The project will also support the building of proper livestock housing, veterinary services, livestock insurance and milking equipment. The project families having some land  will receive vegetable seeds and fruit and fodder trees. They will be trained in Heifer's values-based holistic community development model, Heifer's Cornerstones and project self-review process, gender equity, group management, livestock management, vegetable cultivation and horticulture, accounts management and animal health worker training. ;"";"";906;Private donations;"";Agriculture;Rebecca Alderfer;"";South Asia Program Desk;HEFI-BD-06-22-0620-05;Heifer International;"";7675;"";"";"";Integrated Rural Development Project: Sherpur, Bogra;"";2011-06-30;34;;"";"";Institute of Integrated Rural Development
Haiti;"";2011-01-12;"";2010-11-01;Ravine Pintade;;Ouest;"";"";PCI and its partner, CHF, are implementing a 12-month neighborhood rehabilitation project in downtown Port-au-Prince to enable the return of over 1,000 families displaced by the January 12th earthquake. The project is designed to promote durable and sustainable solutions to Haitis reconstruction effort that is community-driven. In collaboration with local partners, PCI and CHF will provide shelter and integrate basic services—including health, water and sanitation, and safe spaces for women, children and other vulnerable groups—while building a community that is safer, healthier and more resilient to earthquakes and other hazards.;Port-au-Prince;"";779;Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA);Port-au-Prince;Health,Protection,Shelter and Housing,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Erina Fischer;"";Program Officer, Humanitarian Assistance;PCI-HT-10-002;PCI;"";14700;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs), Women, Children, Elderly, Youth, People with disabilities;Haiti Neighborhood Rebuilding Program (KATYE);8000000;2011-11-11;60;;2011-02-03;"";CHF International
India;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1995-01-01;"";;Maharashtra;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1410;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-IN-95-170243;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Nagpur Development Program;"";2017-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS;World Vision India
Haiti;"";2010-10-05;"";2010-01-27;"";"";"";"";"";Medical;"";"";186;Private donations;"";Health;"";Health;"";BBF-HT-10-011;Brother's Brother Foundation;"";"";"";"";"";Air Shipment # 3;6150;2010-02-27;17;"";"";"";Adventist Development and Relief Agency
Guatemala;foodsecurity_site;2010-08-13;"";2008-07-01;"";;Alta Verapaz;"";"";Many families in 20 rural communities in the Alta Verapaz department of northeastern Guatemala still live with the effects of 36 years of civil war. These families face undernourishment and anemia, which worsen in the summer months. There is no legal guarantee over their lands. They practice subsistence agriculture and are encouraged to grow sugar cane and African palm for exportation. These crops deplete the area's natural resources. This project seeks to support food security and sovereignty of 789 indigenous Q´eqchies families in this region. Each family will receive 10 pounds of native white corn, 5 pounds of black beans, a half-pound of amaranth seeds, 5 pounds of malanga, 20 chickens and 2 native roosters. Veterinary kits will also be provided. Before they receive the resources, families will receive training in sustainable agriculture and technical assistance. The project will also promote organizational strengthening to advocate for local agrarian policies.;"";"";915;Private donations;"";Agriculture;Americas program;"";Americas program;HEFI-GT-08-23-1321-02;Heifer International;"";960;"";"";"";Sustainable Agriculture and Livestock Production in Q'eqchies Communities of Alta Verapaz;"";2014-07-30;34;"";"";"";Association of Community Health Services (ASECSA)
Burkina Faso;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";1997-01-01;"";;Oubritenga;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1074;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-BF-97-BF8;The Hunger Project;"";15928;"";"";"";Nagreongo Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Haiti;"";1991-12-13;"";2010-11-03;"";;L'Artibonite;"";"";Container of Hospital mattresses, IV supplies, linens in response to cholera outbreak requests from PAHO;Saint-Marc;"";416;Private donations;Saint-Marc;Health;Marisol Wandiga Valentin;Health;Program Officer;GLI-HT-10-021;Global Links;"";60000;"";"";Cholera affected population;Cholera Response Container # 2;40489;2012-12-31;30;;2011-04-26;"";Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)
Haiti;"";2010-12-18;"";2010-12-18;Delmas 75;;Ouest;"";N/A;Work for Food;Port-au-Prince;shipping/custome clearance;230;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Other;Lesly Pierre;"";Coordinator;TZU-HT-10-TZHT-13;Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation;Foyer de lEspoir;279;"";NA;Affected population(s);Job Training # 7;120000;2011-12-31;18;"";2010-12-18;Livelihoods;Tzu Chi Foundation
Haiti;"";2011-04-21;"";2011-03-01;""; ;Ouest;"";"";"Primary health care and prevention services:  vaccinations, HIV/AIDS care, sexually transmitted infections treatment, malaria prevention and treatment, and family planning.
";Port-au-Prince;"";1710;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Health;Debbie Bailey ;Health;Disaster Response Team Coordinator ;MTI-HT-11-006 ;Medical Teams International;"";1200;"";"";"";Static Clinic Services in Port-au-Prince ;0;2011-09-30;49; ;2011-04-21;"";Medical Teams International 
Bolivia;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1994-01-01;"";;Oruru;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1279;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Protection;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-BO-94-169873;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Wi±ajpaj Development Program;"";2015-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS;World Vision Bolivia
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-08-24;"";2010-01-18;"";;Ouest;"";"";Food distribution to various families in Carrefour, informal. High energy biscuit packets, rice, beans, salt, oil (126 MT);Port-au-Prince;"";23;World Food Program (WFP);Carrefour;Agriculture;Andrew Lucas;Food Security and Agriculture;Programs Director;ADRA-HT-10-001;Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA);"";100000;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs);Food Distribution;100055;2010-01-31;4;"";"";"";World Food Program (WFP), Adventist Development and Relief Agency, Handicap International
Haiti;"";2010-10-08;"";2010-11-01;""; ;Ouest;"";Pure Water for the World, Allied Recovery International (ARI) ;Improving sanitation and health is a critical need in impromptu settlements. The IRC has constructed bathing facilities, latrines and hand washing stations as well as distributed hygiene kits and trained Community Hygiene Promoters to educate their peers about healthy hygiene practices.;Léogâne,Port-au-Prince;"";479;American Red Cross;Delmas,Léogâne,Port-au-Prince,Pétion-Ville,Tabarre;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Lina Gjerstad  ;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Grants Coordinator ;IRC-HT-10-001;International Rescue Committee (IRC);"Latrine and shower construction, water provision including water trucking, drainage facilitation, hygiene promotion, training of camp committees
";119051;"";Prime Awardee ;"";IRC Water and Sanitation Response;0;2011-10-31;43; ;2011-05-11;"";International Rescue Committee (IRC) 
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-15;"";2004-06-15;Cazale;,;"";"";Real Hope for Haiti Rescue Center;Provision of ready-to-use therapeutic food (RUTF) to implementing partners. Real Hope for Haiti Rescue Center takes in around 60 severely malnourished children at a time.;"";"";586;"";"";Health;Tom Stehl, Maryse Sterlin;Health,Nutrition;Coordinator of Operations, Haiti Administrator;MFK-HT-10-034;Meds & Food for Kids;"";"";"";"";Malnourished children;Community Management of Acute Malnutrition - Real Hope for Haiti Rescue Center;0;2011-12-12;77;"";2011-04-11;"";Real Hope for Haiti Rescue Center
Bolivia;foodsecurity_site;2010-08-17;"";2008-01-01;"";;Chuquisaca,Cochabamba,Potosí;"";N/A;Objective - To improve the competitiveness of small farmers, to be able to enter national and international markets.;"";"";860;US Department of Agriculture (USDA);"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development;Oscar Montes;"";Country Director;FH-BO-08-0030;Food for the Hungry;"• 430 productive associations (associations of producers, rural micro and/or family production units) adopting a technological innovation established until the end of the project

• 1500 temporary jobs are generated in production processes - commercial chains linked to prioritized (Productive Partnerships, MERs, Production Units) to the end of the project

• 60% of women are employed temporarily in production processes - commercial chains linked to prioritized (Productive Partnerships, MERs, Production Units) to the end of the project";17567;"";Prime awardee;Farmers;Program of Economic Development in rural areas with micro enterprises;"";2012-03-31;28;"";2010-09-17;Gender ;Food for the Hungry
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;1991-09-24;"";2008-03-01;"";"";Grand'Anse,L'Artibonite,Nippes,Nord-Ouest,Ouest,Sud,Sud-Est;"";"";"The MYAP builds on the success of previous CRS Haiti DAPs by tightening the geographic targeting to highly food insecure, environmentally fragile watersheds.  Rather than dispersing sector activities across wide geographic areas, this MYAP will take a holistic and focused approach to manage risks and reduce vulnerability to food insecurity.

Agriculture and natural resource management in these watersheds will include a FFW component.  In addition to the recuperative feeding program, the MCHN feeding program will now provide supplemental family rations for all children 6-24 months.  These rations will be delivered directly to the Rally Posts.  This change increases coverage to all at risk children before their growth falters.  It also saves the mother's time and effort by bringing food closer to the target villages.  

The Haiti MYAP education component builds on CRS' experience in food-assisted education activities in the proposed MYAP-targeted watershed.  The past DAP education component was successfully evaluated and demonstrated a high level of achievement against both impact and monitoring indicators.  The strengths and lessons learned inform this MYAP.

In the context of the FFP Strategic Framework, the MYAP will reach 144,060 direct and 143,800 indirect beneficiaries in the South, South East, Nippes, and Grande Anse Departments.  Natural Resource Management (NRM) activities will protect and enhance farmers' livelihoods.  Improved farming and conservation technique will influence key factors affecting food security.  Improved access to and quality of education and health services will protect and enhance the human capabilities of primary school students, pregnant and lactating women, and vulnerable infants and children. Early warning and emergency surge capacity will improve community resiliency in accordance with Development Relief (DR) principles.  Unconditional safety nets will protect extremely vulnerable populations including people affected by HIV and AIDS.";Aquin,Bainet,Chardonnières,Corail,Croix-des-Bouquets,Côteaux,Gonaïves,Jacmel,Jérémie,Léogâne,Miragoâne,Port-Salut,Port-au-Prince,Saint-Louis du Nord,l'Arcahaie,les Cayes;"";244;Office of Food for Peace (USAID/FFP);Abricots,Anglais,Aquin,Arniquet,Bainet,Beaumont,Cabaret,Camp-Perrin,Carrefour,Cavaillon,Cayes,Cayes Jacmel,Chantal,Chardonnières,Croix-des Bouquets,Côteaux,Delmas,Fond des Negres,Fonds-Verettes,Gonaïves,Grand-Goâve,Grenier,Ile à Vache,Jacmel,Jérémie,Kenscoff,Léogâne,Maniche,Miragoâne,Petit-Goâve,Port-au-Prince,Port-à-Piment,Pétion-Ville,Roche-à-Bateau,Saint-Jean du Sud,Saint-Louis du Nord,Tiburon,Torbeck;Agriculture;Nicole Balliette;Education,Food Security and Agriculture,Health;Haiti Earthquake Response Coordinator;CRS-HT-10-7420114;Catholic Relief Services (CRS);"Goal: The most vulnerable communities in Haiti, particularly those in the South Department, have reduced their food insecurity by 2012.

SO1: Vulnerable communities have increased rural productivity in environmentally sound and economically profitable ways.

SO2: Vulnerable households have reinforced their human capital.";144060;"";"";Children, Elderly, People with disabilities, Men, Orphans, People Living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA), Refugees, Internally displaced persons (IDPs), Women, Youth;Multi-Year Assistance Program;61658066;2012-09-30;20;"";2011-02-24;"";Catholic Relief Services (CRS), Caritas Developpement Communautaire Chrestien Haitien (DCCH), Organization for the Rehabilitation of the Environment (ORE), Haitian Health Foundation (Abricots), International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT)
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-11-01;"";;Sud-Est;"";"";"Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment
";Bainet;"";1865;Private donations;Bainet;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-51563;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Bainet;12111;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";Bainet
Haiti;"";2010-12-20;"";2011-01-11;"";;"";"";"";Distribution of water filters - cholera prevention;"";"";408;Vestergaard Frandsen ;"";Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Marianna Franco;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Program Development Manager;ACTED-HT-10-41 ASB KD;Friends of ACTED;"";5000;"";"";Cholera affected population;In-Kind Donation to ACTED of Water Filters (LifeStreaw);8250;2011-04-21;29;"";"";"";Friends of ACTED
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-13;"";2010-03-01;"";;Ouest;"";Haiti Ministry of Agriculture Natural Resources and Rural Development (MARNDR);Rebuilding of national laboratory;Port-au-Prince;"";165;Animal Relief Coalition for Haiti (ARCH) members;Port-au-Prince;Agriculture;Dr. Jean Thomas;Food Security and Agriculture;Country Coordinator;ARCH-HT-10-004;Animal Relief Coalition for Haiti (ARCH);Two new labs, new shelving, work areas, security wall, and transport vehicle;"";"";"";"";Labortory reconstruction;310000;2011-01-01;14;"";"";Disaster risk reduction (DRR);Animal Relief Coalition for Haiti (ARCH)
Haiti;"";2010-12-15;"";2010-12-10;"";;Ouest;"";"";Through this cholera outbreak response, GlobalMedics Rapid Response Team in partnership with other agencies will provide access to purified drinking water and proper use in maintaining the waters integrity to households affected by the cholera outbreak in the larger Port-au-Prince area.;Port-au-Prince;"";730;Private donations;Carrefour,Port-au-Prince;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Melissa Crutchfield;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Assistant General Secretary, International Disaster Response;UMCOR-HT-10-418325-13;United Methodist Committee on Relief;"";7056;"";Prime awardee;Cholera affected population;Haiti Cholera Outbreak;99020;2011-04-10;67;"";"";"";GlobalMedic
Mozambique;foodsecurity_site;2010-07-27;"";2008-03-01;"";"";Manica;"";Provincal and District  Directorates of Education and of Health;This project  develops and improves a school health program as well as the health of school children and give them life skills for their future health.;"";"";954;Kellogg Foundation;"";Health;"";"";"";HKI-MZ-08-5963;Helen Keller International;"";17000;"";"";School children ;Improving the Health of Schoolchildren and their Communities in Manica Province;"";2010-12-31;79;"";"";"";""
El Salvador;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2007-01-01;"";;Ahuachapán;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1337;Private donations;"";Health;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-SV-07-183090;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Nuevo Renacer Development Program;"";2022-01-01;76;"";"";Nutrition;World Vision El Salvador
Haiti;"";2010-09-24;"";2010-01-12;"";"";Grand'Anse,L'Artibonite,Nippes,Nord-Ouest,Ouest;"";"";The CRS program protects vulnerable children in the face of the threats inherent to massive displacement and family separations, including through family tracing and reunification and provision of quality care in orphanages. This program is strengthened through the tie-in with the shelter and WASH emergency response programs which will also ensure a safe and healthy environment for both host and IDP children in the same communities. All of this work is done in close collaboration with a network of local and international NGO partners, the Church and with Government to build capacity at both the service delivery and the policy levels.;Anse d'Hainault,Anse-à-Veau,Dessalines,Gonaïves,Gros-Morne,Jérémie,Marmelade,Miragoâne,Môle Saint-Nicolas,Port-au-Prince,Port-de-Paix,Saint-Marc;"";260;Catholic Overseas Development Agency (CAFOD),Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA),Private donations,Trocaire;Abricots,Anse-à-Veau,Baie de Henne,Bassin Bleu,Bombardopolis,Bonbon,Carrefour,Chansolme,Dame Marie,Delmas,Dessalines,Ennery,Estère,Gonaïves,Grande Saline,Gros-Morne,Irois,Jean-Rabel,Jérémie,La Chapelle,Marmelade,Miragoâne,Môle Saint Nicholas,Paillant,Petit Trou de Nippes,Petite Rivière de l'Artibonite,Port-au-Prince,Saint Michel de l'Attalaye,Saint-Marc,Tabarre,Verettes;Protection;Nicole Balliette;Protection;Haiti Earthquake Response Coordinator;CRS-HT-10-7420206;Catholic Relief Services (CRS);"Goal: Earthquake affected children in Haiti thrive in protected environments.

SO: Earthquake affected children in Haiti are protected";30081;"";"";Children, Men, Orphans and vulnerable children (OVC), Refugees, Internally displaced persons (IDPs), Women;Haiti Earthquake Emergency Response/ Protection;6499603;2011-09-30;20;"";"";Disaster risk reduction (DRR);Catholic Relief Services (CRS), Initiative Pour le Developpement des Jeunes (IDEJEN)
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;1991-12-14;"";2010-06-14;"";;Ouest;"";"";Assisting orphanage with food, rebuilding school;Port-au-Prince;"";171;International Donors,U.S. Donors;Grenier;Education,Food Aid;Paul Montacute;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;BWAid Director;BWA-HT-10-004;Baptist World Alliance / Baptist World Aid;"";"";"";"";Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC);Maison d'Espoir (House of Hope) Orphanage;20000;2011-12-31;15;;2011-04-20;Nutrition;Hungarian Baptist Aid, Baptist General Association of Virginia
Haiti;"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";Prevention of disability following injuries and worsening condition for persons with existing disability in the earthquake affected areas through the set up of follow up mechanisms and access to appropriate services.  CBM and Handicap International are jointly establishing ten VDFPs in strategic locations around the earthquake affected area with each organization taking responsibility for specific centers.  CBM is responsible for two of these centers with an expected reach of 2000 people with disabilities and injuries and the elderly.  Through these focal points persons with injuries have access to community follow up services as well as to referral services when necessary and persons with disabilities have access to relief activities and are protected from abuse.;"";"";269;CBM Member Association;"";Protection;"";"";"";CBM-HT-10-003;Christian Blind Mission;"";2000;"";"";People with disabilities;Vulnerability/Disability Focal Points;"";"";22;"";"";Disability;""
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2011-01-25;"";2010-02-13;"";"";L'Artibonite;"";"";Distribution of new family bucks and rice;Gonaïves;"";291;Private donations,USAID Ocean Freight Reimbursement Program;Gonaïves;Disaster Management,Food Aid;"";Food Security and Agriculture,Shelter and Non-Food Items;"";CPINT-HT-10-OFR 210;Counterpart International;"";"";"";"";Affected population(s);Haiti Assistance Project # 3;0;2011-02-28;25;"";2011-02-03;"";Counterpart International
Guatemala;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1990-01-01;"";;Guatemala;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1373;Private donations;"";Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-GT-90-164282;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Ayampuc Development Program;"";2010-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS, Nutrition;World Vision Guatemala
Haiti;"";2010-11-30;"";2010-11-30;Cange;;"";"";""; Delivery of $432,719 worth of medical supplies ;"";"";680;"";"";Health;Niecy LoCricchio;Health;Director of Grants;CURE-HT-10-11034;PROJECT C.U.R.E.;"";18000;"";"";"";In-Kind Donations to Zanmi Lasante - Partners in Health;432719;2010-11-30;59;;"";"";Surgeons of Hope/Partners in Heatlh
Haiti;"";2010-09-24;"";2010-03-22;Hinche, Mirebalais;;Centre;Will support 7,000 host households and 20,000 internally displaced person (IDP) families.;"";Mercy Corps will assist this community-based support to earthquake-displaced people, and help minimize the need for managed camp environments, by providing immediate economic support to displaced and host families, and by responding to immediate needs for improved water and sanitation supply. A one-time unconditional cash grant or voucher program for host families who have taken in survivors of the earthquake will ensure that these host families can meet the increased needs of their households, and avoid further impoverishment. Cash-for-work will engage the most vulnerable people in projects to address immediate priorities such as community cleanup, latrine construction and drainage canal construction in preparation for the rainy season, as well as ensuring the availability of cash at the household level so that families can address their immediate needs through local markets. ;Hinche,Mirebalais;"";595;Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA);Hinche,Mirebalais;Economic Recovery and Development;Kristina Carvonis;Early Recovery;Cash-for-Work (CFW) Project Manager;MC-HT-10-006;Mercy Corps;"";135000;"";"";Host households/communities, Internally displaced persons (IDPs);Emergency Support to Households Hosting Earthquake-Displaced People in Center Department, Haiti;7500000;2010-12-22;50;;2010-12-15;"";Mercy Corps
Haiti;"";2011-05-17;"";2010-06-03;"";;Sud-Est;"";"";Community Grant Program;Belle-Anse;"";354;Private donations;Anse-à-Pitre;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-Grant 17;Direct Relief International;"";25000;"";"";"";Buy Lab Equipment for Health Clinic;30000;2011-06-03;26;;2011-05-17;"";Batey Relief Alliance
Haiti;"";1991-07-12;"";2010-01-03;"";;"";"";"";Child protection spaces, training for community leaders;"";"";60;American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee;"";Protection;Djerhy Jean Baptiste;"";Program Manager;JDC-HT-10-007;American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee;"";600;"";"";"";Psycho-Social;360000;2011-01-01;7;;2011-01-24;Mental health/Psychosocial support;Israel Trauma Coalition, UNICEF
Haiti;"";2010-11-30;"";2009-06-03;N/A;;Ouest;"";Business Edge (International Finance Corporation), Zafen, TendersZeal, United Nations Development Program (UNDP);Since June 2009, PDT has operated the Peace Dividend Marketplace - Haiti (PDM-H) project to streamline the international communitys local procurement activities so that money is spent in Haiti, not just on Haiti. We do this by encouraging the international community to use locally available goods and services to carry out their project work.This in turn creates jobs, generates important tax revenue and develops the local marketplace - all of which support peace and long-term stability.;Port-au-Prince;N/A;643;Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA);Port-au-Prince;Economic Recovery and Development;Salim Loxley;Early Recovery;Country Director;PDT-HT-09-001;Peace Dividend Trust;"1. Business Portal - PDT maintains an up-to-date directory containing detailed information for 1,500 Haitian-owned companies across 27 sectors to help connect international and national buyers with verified local businesses. 

2. Business Matchmaking - PDT provide buyers looking to fill specific requests with a shortlist of Haitian companies that they can then directly contact.

3. Tender Distribution Services - Tender Notices are instantly published and distributed to companies listed on PDT's business directory via e-mail and SMS. PDT also encourages companies to submit bids on tenders that match their product lines. 

4. Training - PDT provides regular sessions for Haitian companies on international procurement practices, including training on completing forms and meeting the specific requirements of large international buyers.
";1500;"";Prime awardee;Small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), Women;Peace Dividend Marketplace - Haiti;4920965;2012-06-30;55;;2011-01-11;"";Peace Dividend Trust
Burkina Faso;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2008-01-01;"";;Passoré;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1069;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-BF-08-BF3;The Hunger Project;"";16952;"";"";"";Boulkon Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Colombia;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-18;"";2003-06-01;"";;Antioquia;The work of Arroceros is seeding the uptake of fortified rice in school-feeding programs beyond Medellin. There is potential to integrate Ultra Rice into Colombia's Bienestar Familiar distribution network—a national program that serves the health needs of the resource-poor and reaches 2.2 million children.;Unión de Arroceros S.A., Medellin Municipality;PATH is building demand for Ultra Rice in existing public-sector funded meal programs as a market entry strategy.  This approach has allowed PATH to test the feasibility, acceptance and effectiveness of Ultra Rice kernels, establish distribution to nutritionally vulnerable groups with little incremental cost, and cultivate demand from institutional buyers to drive economies of scale. It has also allowed Ultra Rice to be produced at an even more affordable price for later entry into commercial markets that serve the poor. Introduction of Ultra Rice into the Medellin Meal Program. From 2003-2006, PATH's Colombian partner, Unión de Arroceros S.A., supplied rice fortified with micronutrient-rich Ultra Rice to a school-feeding program in Medellin that provides rice to 66,000 school children daily. ;"";"";1034;"Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation";"";Health;Amy Wales;Nutrition;Communications Specialist;PATH-CO-03-002;PATH;"";66000;"";Prime awardee (PATH) ;Micronutrient deficient schoolchildren ;Introduction of Ultra Rice into the Medellin Meal Program;"";2006-06-01;81;;"";Nutrition;Unión de Arroceros S.A.
Burkina Faso;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";1999-01-01;"";;Séno;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1071;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-BF-99-BF5;The Hunger Project;"";18430;"";"";"";Fetombaga Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Haiti;"";2010-08-24;"";2010-02-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";Distribution of 110,000 sachets of PUR Purifier of Water.;Port-au-Prince;"";37;Private donations;Carrefour;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Andrew Lucas;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Program Director;ADRA-HT-10-015;Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA);"";110000;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs);PUR Water Purifier Sachets;3850;2010-03-31;4;"";"";"";GlobalMedic, Adventist Development and Relief Agency Network
";"";"";1740;Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA);"";Education,Protection;Laura Dills;Education,Protection;Director of Programs;CRS-HT-10-7420206;Catholic Relief Services (CRS);"Education and Child Protection
";8430;"";"";Children;Education and Child Protection;3498960;2011-04-30;20;"";2011-04-25;"";Catholic Relief Services (CRS)
Zambia;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2007-10-01;"";;Southern;"";"";This project seeks to improve food security. One step is through providing more seed for crops. The community of farmers also receives better training for agriculture and access to newer technology.;"";"";1567;Private donations;"";Agriculture;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-ZM-07-187242;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Siabbeula Food Security Project;"";2010-09-30;76;"";"";"";World Vision Zambia
Haiti;"";2010-10-05;"";2010-01-13;"";"";"";"";"";Medical mission supplies;"";"";180;Private donations;"";Health;"";Health;"";BBF-HT-10-005;Brother's Brother Foundation;"";"";"";"";"";Medical Mission Trip # 1;16662;2010-04-15;17;"";"";"";Functional Literacy Ministry of Haiti
Haiti;"";2010-09-22;"";2010-06-01;"";"";"";"";"";Installed toilets and shower units for Artists for Peace and Justice's secondary school in Port-au-Prince, serving 150 children.;"";"";622;"";"";Water Sanitation and Hygiene;"";Water Sanitation and Hygiene;"";OBI-HT-10-017;Operation Blessing International;"";150;"";"";Children;Artists for Peace and Justice Secondary School;0;2010-09-01;51;"";2011-05-13;"";""
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";1999-01-01;"";;Rangpur;"";"";THP works at the Union level to (a) mobilize the population for self-reliant action, including forming producer co-operatives and other income generating enterprises, (b) build civil society from the bottom up - creating people's organization of women, youth, elders, girl-child advocates, and the poorest of the poor, (c) strengthen local democracy, (d) ensure adequate facilities for achieving the MDGs, (e) organize mass action campaigns for health, nutrition, education, clean water and sanitation.;"";"";1243;Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID),British Council,Private donations;"";Agriculture,Education,Health,Human Rights Democracy and Governance,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;John Coonrod;"";Executive Vice President;THP-BD-99-661;The Hunger Project;"";20000;"";"";"";Gedura Mobilization;"";2100-12-31;83;"";"";"";The Hunger Project
Guatemala;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2009-10-01;"";;Chiquimula,El Progreso,Zacapa;"";"";This single-year assistance program (SYAP) is Mercy Corps' targeted strategy to mitigate the impact of the current crisis and help vulnerable families more effectively manage risk to their health, nutrition, livelihoods, and food security.;"";"";1003;US Agency for International Development (USAID),Western Union;"";Agriculture,Food Aid,Health;John Kepner;"";Guatemala Country Director;MC-GT-09-002;Mercy Corps;"1. Providing a monthly ration for 10 months to help vulnerable families mitigate the impact of the food and economic crisis and serve as an incentive to program participation; 2. Reinforcing links to existing health and nutrition services, thereby protecting against further deterioration of health and nutritional status among children and establishing systems to more efficiently identify and manage childhood illnesses and malnutrition; 3. Establishing a set of short-term interventions to recover livelihood and agriculture outcomes.";48000;"";Subawardee;Those living in 150 high-risk communities;PROSANO- Food Security and Nutrition Program in Western Guatemala (SYAP 2009);"";2010-09-30;50;"";"";Nutrition;Mercy Corps
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";1999-01-01;"";;Chittagong;"";"";THP works at the Union level to (a) mobilize the population for self-reliant action, including forming producer co-operatives and other income generating enterprises, (b) build civil society from the bottom up - creating people's organization of women, youth, elders, girl-child advocates, and the poorest of the poor, (c) strengthen local democracy, (d) ensure adequate facilities for achieving the MDGs, (e) organize mass action campaigns for health, nutrition, education, clean water and sanitation.;"";"";1207;Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID),British Council,Private donations;"";Agriculture,Education,Health,Human Rights Democracy and Governance,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;John Coonrod;"";Executive Vice President;THP-BD-99-274;The Hunger Project;"";20000;"";"";"";Khagrachori Mobilization;"";2100-12-31;83;"";"";"";The Hunger Project
Malawi;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";1999-03-01;"";;Southern;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1089;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-MW-99-002;The Hunger Project;"";17363;"";"";"";Jali Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-13;"";2010-01-20;"";;Ouest;"";Haiti Ministry of Agriculture Natural Resources and Rural Development (MARNDR), Haiti Ministry of Environment;Disease prevention via mobile clinic that travels throughout affected areas;Port-au-Prince;"";162;Animal Relief Coalition for Haiti (ARCH) members;Port-au-Prince;Agriculture;Dr. Jean Thomas;Food Security and Agriculture;Country Coordinator;ARCH-HT-10-001;Animal Relief Coalition for Haiti (ARCH);Rabies vaccine for pets, anthrax for cattle;"";"";"";Domestic animals;Mobile Veterinary Clinic;221820;2011-03-01;14;"";"";"";Animal Relief Coalition for Haiti (ARCH)
Haiti;"";2011-01-11;"";2010-01-16;"";"";Ouest;"";"";March 17th, 2010: in Port-au-Prince, 3000 persons (or 600 families) have been reached by CARE since January 16, 2010.;Port-au-Prince;"";234;"";Port-au-Prince;"";"";"";"";CARE-HT-10-003;CARE;"";"";"";"";"";Port-au-Prince, Haiti;"";2011-01-10;19;"";2011-01-11;"";""
Burma;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2010-01-01;"";;Magway;"";"";n/a;"";"";1592;United Nations (UN);"";"";Carlos Piedrasanta;"";RDM Operations Deputy, IPG, World Vision US;WV-MM-10-193142;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Myanmar World Food Program (WFP) - Chauk;"";2010-12-31;76;"";"";"";World Vision Myanmar
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";1999-01-01;"";;Khulna;"";"";THP works at the Union level to (a) mobilize the population for self-reliant action, including forming producer co-operatives and other income generating enterprises, (b) build civil society from the bottom up - creating people's organization of women, youth, elders, girl-child advocates, and the poorest of the poor, (c) strengthen local democracy, (d) ensure adequate facilities for achieving the MDGs, (e) organize mass action campaigns for health, nutrition, education, clean water and sanitation.;"";"";1237;Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID),British Council,Private donations;"";Agriculture,Education,Health,Human Rights Democracy and Governance,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;John Coonrod;"";Executive Vice President;THP-BD-99-580;The Hunger Project;"";20000;"";"";"";Ashasuni Mobilization;"";2100-12-31;83;"";"";"";The Hunger Project
Haiti;"";2010-10-05;"";2010-06-16;"";"";"";"";"";Medical mission supplies;"";"";204;Private donations;"";Health;"";Health;"";BBF-HT-10-029;Brother's Brother Foundation;"";"";"";"";"";Medical Mission Trip # 18;21815;2010-07-16;17;"";"";"";Friends of Haiti (PA)
Haiti;"";2010-10-08;"";2010-10-15;"These are not camps: The IRC is responsible for this area for FTR
"; ;Ouest;"";"";"In the wake of the disaster, many children are homeless and separated from their families. The IRCs team of caseworkers is working to keep these children safe and taken care of while doing everything possible to find their relatives and reunite families.
";Léogâne;"";485;ECHO;Petit-Goâve;Protection;Lina Gjerstad  ;Protection;Grants Coordinator ;IRC-HT-10-007;International Rescue Committee (IRC);"Family tracing and reunification
";700;"";Prime awardee ;Children;Reuniting Families (Petit-Goâve) ;0;2011-07-15;43; ;2011-05-11;"";International Rescue Committee (IRC) 
Haiti;"";1991-12-10;"";2010-11-15;"";;Ouest;"";"";To respond to the cholera outbreak by distributing  medication and hygiene kits and developing educational campaign on its prevention.;Port-au-Prince;"";72;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Health;Amarilys Estrella;Health;Program Officer;AJWS-HT-10-025;American Jewish World Service (AJWS);"";15000;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs), Farmers, Fisherfolk;Cholera Outbreak Emergency Response;25000;2011-02-14;8;;2011-01-24;"";Movimiento Social-Cultural de los Trabajadores Haitianos
Honduras;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1995-01-01;"";;Yoro;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1396;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-HN-95-169630;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Yoro Development Program;"";2011-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS, Nutrition;World Vision Honduras
Haiti;"";2010-09-27;"";2010-07-20;Gonaïves;;L'Artibonite;Hospital Providence;"";Delivery of $553,850 worth of medical supplies, for Hospital Providence;Gonaïves;"";676;"";Gonaïves;Health;Niecy LoCricchio;Health;Director of Grants;CURE-HT-10-11011;PROJECT C.U.R.E.;"";18000;"";"";"";In-Kind Donations to Hospital Providence;553850;2010-07-20;59;;"";"";Hopital Providence
Cameroon;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-18;"";2010-05-22;"";;Adamaoua,Est;"";"";The objective of this project is to improve the nutrition and health status of Central African Republic (CAR) refugees and receiving populations in Eastern Cameroon.;"";"";960;Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration (DOS/PRM);"";Health;Stephen Commins;Nutrition;Strategy Manager, Fragile States;IMC-CM-10-1613;International Medical Corps;"1. Strengthen and increase access to the essential primary health care (PHC) and maternal and child health (MCH) services available to refugees and vulnerable communities; 2. Improve nutritional status and reduce malnutrition among children under five and pregnant and/or lactating mothers.";185000;"";Prime awardee;"";Integrated Emergency Health and Nutrition Support Program for Central African Republic (CAR) Refugees and Receiving Communities;"";2011-05-21;39;;"";Nutrition;International Medical Corps
Mexico;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2005-01-01;"";;Veracruz;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1450;Private donations;"";Health;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-MX-05-177948;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Tisepantekipanoske Development Program;"";2020-01-01;76;"";"";Nutrition;World Vision Mexico
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-01-21;"";;Ouest;"";"";Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment;Port-au-Prince;"";1830;Private donations;Pétion-Ville;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-1316;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Movimiento Socio Cultural;2749381;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";Movimiento Socio Cultural
Malawi;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2008-01-01;"";;Central;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1433;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Health;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-MW-08-184892;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Chilenje Development Program;"";2026-01-01;76;"";"";Nutrition;World Vision Malawi
India;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2011-03-28;"";;Madhya Pradesh;"";"";Build the capacity of elected women representatives (EWRs) in the gram panchayats (GPs) as key change agents for ending hunger and poverty. Strengthen the GPs and increase people's participation in development through Gram Sabha mobilization. Build block-level federations of EWRs to empower them to interface effectively with government programs.;"";"";1175;Ribbink Van Den Hoek Foundation,United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM);"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Human Rights Democracy and Governance;John Coonrod;"";Executive Vice President;THP-IN-xx-IN-MP-1;The Hunger Project;"";0;"";"";"";Badamalahera EWR Empowerment;0;2011-12-12;83;"";2011-03-28;"";The Hunger Project
Haiti;"";2010-12-14;"";2010-01-12;"";;Ouest;"";"";Provision of water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) activities:  distribution of clean water (including quality control monitoring), set up of emergency and semi-temporary latrines and showers, set up hand washing point, waste management and hygiene promotion in 67 spontaneous sites.  ;Léogâne,Port-au-Prince;"";636;Dutch SHO (Cooperating Aid Organizations),Oxfam America,Oxfam Australia,Oxfam Hong Kong,Oxfam Ireland,Private donations,Spanish Corporations,Spanish Regional Government;Grand-Goâve,Grenier,Petit-Goâve,Port-au-Prince;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Sandrine Robert;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Emergency Manager;OXFA-HT-10-002;OXFAM;"";79136;"";"";"";Haiti Earthquake Humanitarian Response (Intermon Oxfam);11477634;2010-12-31;53;"";2011-01-07;"";Intemon Oxfam
Haiti;"";2011-04-25;"";2011-02-01;"";;Grand'Anse,L'Artibonite,Nippes,Nord,Nord-Ouest,Ouest;"";"";"CAFOD WASH Support
";Gros-Morne,Jérémie,Limbé,Miragoâne,Plaisance,Port-au-Prince,Port-de-Paix,l'Acul-du-Nord;"";1732;Catholic Overseas Development Agency (CAFOD);Fond des Negres,Gros-Morne,Jérémie,Limbé,Milot,Miragoâne,Pilate,Port-au-Prince,Port-de-Paix;Health;Laura Dills;Health;Director of Programs;CRS-HT-11-CWS-7420205;Catholic Relief Services (CRS);"In-kind WASH expertise for WASH assessments at AIDSRelief hospitals and Caritas health centers; training of auxiliary workers at Caritas Health centers in proper hygiene and waste disposal; installation of four water purification systems for Caritas Haiti.
";"";"";"";"";CAFOD WASH Support;500000;2011-12-31;20;"";2011-04-25;"";Catholic Relief Services (CRS), Caritas
Zambia;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2007-01-01;"";;Northern;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1539;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Health;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-ZM-07-184801;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Buyantanshi Development Program;"";2023-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS;World Vision Zambia
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-08-25;"";2010-06-07;"";;Centre;"";"";Community Grant Program;Mirebalais;"";363;Private donations;Mirebalais;Food Aid;Andrew MacCalla;Food Security and Agriculture;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-Grant 6;Direct Relief International;"";350;"";"";"";Establish Feeding Program for New Students;25000;2011-06-07;26;;2011-04-22;"";Gawou Ginou School
Haiti;"";2010-07-30;"";2010-02-02;"";;Sud-Est;"";"";Le présent projet consistait principalement des activités de drainage, dassainissement et daccès à leau aux bénéfices de 7 500 personnes vulnérables.;Jacmel;"";385;UNICEF;Jacmel;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Marianna Franco;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Program Development Manager;ACTED-HT-10-41 ALK NV;Friends of ACTED;"";7500;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs);Emergency Support to Earthquake Affected Populations # 3;97734;2010-07-31;29;"";2010-12-20;"";Friends of ACTED
Ghana;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2006-01-01;"";;Eastern;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1142;The Robertson Foundation;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-GH-06-GH24;The Hunger Project;"";5000;"";"";"";Kokobeng Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Ghana;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2002-01-01;"";;Central;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1367;Private donations;"";Education,Health;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-GH-02-174323;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Ekumfi-Mfantsiman Development Program;"";2017-01-01;76;"";"";Nutrition;World Vision Ghana
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-01-11;"";;Nord;"";"";"Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment
";l'Acul-du-Nord;"";1851;Private donations;Acul du Nord;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-50741;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Cap Haitian Health Network;320917;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";Cap Haitian Health Network
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-11-01;"";;Grand'Anse;"";"";"Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment
";Anse d'Hainault;"";1852;Private donations;Dame Marie;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-51508;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to AEADMA;9007;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";AEADMA
Guatemala;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1995-01-01;"";;Sololá;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1377;Private donations;"";Health;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-GT-95-179904;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Ixim Achi Development Program;"";2013-01-01;76;"";"";Nutrition;World Vision Guatemala
Haiti;"";2011-02-17;"";2010-12-20;"";;Nippes,Ouest,Sud-Est;"";"";Contribute to the reduction of cholera-induced morbidity and mortality in Haitis cholera affected regions;Jacmel,Léogâne,Miragoâne,Port-au-Prince;"";1633;UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA);Carrefour,Grenier,Jacmel,Léogâne,Miragoâne,Petit-Goâve;Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Agron Ferati;"";Director, Program Development;IMC-HT-10-1735/680;International Medical Corps;Emergency health, water and sanitation, and hygiene education ;"";"";Prime awardee;"";Cholera Treatment and Prevention Response (II);0;2011-03-15;39;;2011-02-17;"";International Medical Corps
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2008-10-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment;Port-au-Prince;"";1827;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-08-972;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Zanmi Lasante;4235601;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";Zanmi Lasante
India;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-18;"";2008-08-01;"";;West Bengal;Iron-containing Ultra Rice grains manufactured by Swagat were used in a pilot demonstration (phase A and B) with the Naandi Foundation. Swagat now supplies grains to Akshaya Patra for use in their Rajasthan kitchens. Production of Ultra Rice by Swagat remains ongoing. In addition, a government-sponsored regional technology transfer center is in the process of being established to transfer the Ultra Rice formulation and manufacturing know-how to future commercial partners, ensuring widespread access to the technology in South Asia.;PATH;PATH works with local pasta manufacturers and rice millers to ensure that fortified rice is accessible to target beneficiaries. PATH encourages the use of high quality, local manufacturing equipment to reduce capital investment costs for Ultra Rice producers and low-cost blending equipment to reduce expenses for rice millers, incentivizing participation along the supply chain. Swagat Food Products was the first pasta manufacturer to partner with PATH and undergo technical transfer activities in India. Swagat manufactures a variety of pasta products under the brand Captain & Latoo.;"";"";1032;"Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation";"";Health;Amy Wales;Nutrition;Communications Specialist;PATH-IN-08-001;PATH;"";"";"";Prime awardee (PATH) ;Micronutrient deficient schoolchildren, Production partners (in terms of economic development);Ultra Rice Project: Developing Local Production and Building Local Markets (India);0;2014-05-31;81;;2011-04-26;Nutrition;Swagat Foods 
Dominican Republic;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1994-01-01;"";;Independencia;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1325;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Protection;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-DO-94-169231;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Enriquilo Development Program;"";2015-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS, Nutrition;World Vision Dominican Republic
Haiti;"";2010-05-19;"";2010-03-31;"";;Ouest;"";"";Distribution of 13,420 health kits for people affected by the earthquake in Haiti.;Port-au-Prince;"";508;Private donations;Cité Soleil,Delmas,Port-au-Prince,Pétion-Ville;Health;Trevor Knoblich;Health,Shelter and Non-Food Items,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Program Coordinator for Emergency Response;LWR-HT-10-LA-HAI-004-10;Lutheran World Relief;"";13420;"";"";"";Health Kits for Earthquake Affected Populations in Haiti;93800;2010-05-31;45;;2011-04-04;"";Church World Service
Malawi;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2006-10-01;"";;Northern;"";""; This project works to improve food security through better business and agricultural education for farmers.;"";"";1556;Private donations;"";Agriculture;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-MW-06-184607;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Mzimba Food Security;"";2009-09-30;76;"";"";"";World Vision Malawi
Ethiopia;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-14;"";2009-09-21;"";;Addis Ababa,Amhara,Dire Dawa,Oromia,Southern Nations Nationalities and Peoples,Tigray;"";"";This project supports the delivery of therapeutic food products to HIV positive individuals who are moderately to severely malnourished. In time, moderate to severely malnourished patients will transition from time-limited therapeutic and supplementary feeding to leveraged food security programming so that people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) and their families can address their broader health, food security, and livelihood needs.;"";"";1045;US Agency for International Development (USAID);"";Health;Axel Weiser;Nutrition;Director, Livelihoods Unit;STC-ET-09-84010415;Save the Children;"";19585;"";Prime awardee;People living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA);Food by Prescription;18999960;2012-09-20;63;"";2011-05-11;HIV/AIDS, Nutrition;N/A
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-11-01;"";;Grand'Anse;"";"";"Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment
";Jérémie;"";1854;Private donations;Jérémie;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-51518;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Centre de Sante de Sainte Helene;2079;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";Centre de Sante de Sainte Helene
Haiti;"";2010-12-09;"";2010-01-13;"";;Grand'Anse,Nippes,Nord,Ouest,Sud,Sud-Est;Ongoing to present;"";Sustained provision of emergency medicines and medical supplies to  90  healthcare providers serving victims and affected populations.;Croix-des-Bouquets,Jacmel,Jérémie,Limbé,Léogâne,Miragoâne,Port-au-Prince,l'Acul-du-Nord,les Cayes;"";135;Various;Carrefour,Cayes,Cité Soleil,Croix-des Bouquets,Delmas,Jacmel,Jérémie,Limbé,Léogâne,Milot,Miragoâne,Port-au-Prince,Pétion-Ville,Tabarre;Health;Peggy Atherlay;Health;Director - Communications;ACARE-HT-10-125-1009-100;AmeriCares;"";"";"";"";"";Medical Assistance for Haiti 2010 Earthquake;40000000;2011-01-12;11;"";"";"";AmeriCares (Haiti)
Haiti;"";2010-10-05;"";2010-08-19;"";"";Ouest;"";"";Reconstruct/restoration of Hospital of St. Croix;Léogâne;"";217;Private donations;Léogâne;Health;"";Health;"";BBF-HT-10-042;Brother's Brother Foundation;"";"";"";"";"";Hospital;0;2011-12-12;17;"";2011-05-12;"";Medical Benevolence Foundation (MBF)
Ghana;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2000-01-01;"";;Greater Accra;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1170;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-GH-00-GH52;The Hunger Project;"";5000;"";"";"";Toku Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Ghana;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2009-01-01;"";;Eastern;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1156;The Robertson Foundation;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-GH-09-GH38;The Hunger Project;"";5000;"";"";"";Poponyah Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2011-02-09;"";2002-01-01;"";"";Grand'Anse,L'Artibonite,Nippes,Nord,Nord-Est,Nord-Ouest,Ouest,Sud,Sud-Est;"";"";Deep Sea Fishing for Food and Income in Pierre Payen, Lully, Gonave, Port-au-Prince, Leogane, Grand-Goave, Petit-Goave, Platon, Petit Trou de Nippes, Bonbon, Abricots, Dame Marie, Anse d'Hainault, Les Irois, Tiburon, Kafou, Port Salut, Aquin, Lonzandier, Mouillage Fouquet, Puit Sale, Cote-de-Fer, Bainet, Marigot, Belle-Anse, Anse-Aboeuf, Baie de Henne, Mole Saint Nicolas, Cap Haitien, Bord de Mar, Madras, Pepillo Sacedo, Abacou;Anse d'Hainault,Anse-à-Veau,Aquin,Bainet,Belle-Anse,Cap-Haïtien,Chardonnières,Jacmel,Jérémie,La Gonave,Léogâne,Môle Saint-Nicolas,Port-Salut,Port-au-Prince,Saint-Marc,l'Arcahaie,le Trou-du-Nord;"";1615;Private donations;Abricots,Anse d'Hainaul,Aquin,Arcahaie,Baie de Henne,Bainet,Belle-Anse,Bonbon,Cap-Haïtien,Caracol,Carrefour,Côtes-de-Fer,Dame Marie,Grand-Goâve,Irois,Limonade,Léogâne,Marigot,Môle Saint Nicholas,Petit Trou de Nippes,Petit-Goâve,Port-Salut,Port-au-Prince,Pétion-Ville,Saint-Jean du Sud,Saint-Marc,Tiburon;Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development;"";Food Security and Agriculture;"";FFP-HT-02-001;Food for the Poor;"";"";"";"";"";Fishing Villages;1980000;2011-12-31;85;;2011-02-09;"";Food for the Poor
Chile;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1992-01-01;"";;Bío Bío;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1306;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Protection,Shelter and Housing;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-CL-92-167687;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Comunidad Nuevo Sendero Development Program;"";2015-01-01;76;"";"";"";World Vision Chile
Haiti;"";2010-12-15;"";2010-10-23;""; ;Nord-Ouest;"";"";Cholera treatment;Port-de-Paix,Saint-Louis du Nord;"";553;Private donations;Port-de-Paix,Saint-Louis du Nord;Health;Debbie Bailey ;Health;Disaster Response Team Coordinator ;MTI-HT-10-005;Medical Teams International;"";6000;"";"";"";Static Clinic Services - Cholera Treatment;0;2011-09-30;49;;2011-04-21;"";Medical Teams International
Sierra Leone;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2004-01-01;"";;Southern;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1498;Private donations;"";Education,Health;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-SL-04-180796;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Bagbo Development Program;"";2019-01-01;76;"";"";Nutrition;World Vision Sierra Leone
Haiti;"";2011-04-01;"";2011-01-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";Mercy Corps will work to reduce the further spread of cholera by increasing public awareness about the prevention of the disease and promoting improved hygiene practices while building the capacity of local communities to respond to future outbreaks.;Port-au-Prince;"";1689;Taiwan International Cooperation and Development Fund (ICDF);Pétion-Ville,Tabarre;Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Trish Morrow;Health;WASH Program Coordinator;MC-HT-11-017;Mercy Corps;"";13000;"";"";Cholera affected population;Emergency Cholera Response to At Risk Communities in Tabarre and Petionville;50000;2011-06-30;50;;2011-04-08;"";Mercy Corps
Malawi;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-18;"";2010-01-02;""; /;Southern;Organization of farmers in clubs of 50. One Farming Instructor per 250 farmers. State of the art model to improve and diversify production and increase income of participating farmers.;"";Training and organization of HIV/AIDS positive to increase production and economy;"";"";1043;European Union (EU);"";Agriculture;Marie Lichtenberg / Nervous Nsaula;"";Director for Partnership Office / Head of Sector Office;PAID-MW-10-DCI/FOOD/219-617;Planet Aid;Extensive training, garden demo plots at club level, low tech irrigation models;5000;"";Prime awardee;HIV/AIDS affected families;Food Facility - Green Action;"";2011-01-12;82;;"";HIV/AIDS, Nutrition;Development Aid from People to People in Malawi (DAPP Malawi)
Haiti;"";2010-12-20;"";2010-10-22;"";;L'Artibonite;"";"";Mise en place dun système communautaire durable de mitigation et prévention du choléra et facilitation de laccès à leau potable et lassainissement.;Dessalines,Saint-Marc;"";409;ECHO;Dessalines,Grande Saline,Saint-Marc;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Marianna Franco;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Program Development Manager;ACTED-HT-10-41 ASM 47X;Friends of ACTED;"";13353;"";"";Cholera affected population;Cholera Prevention Along the Artibonite River;319143;2011-04-21;29;"";"";"";Friends of ACTED
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-11-01;"";;L'Artibonite;"";"";"Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment
";Dessalines;"";1889;Private donations;Grande Saline;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-51609;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Grande Saline;11927;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";Grande Saline
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-05-18;"";;Sud-Est;"";"";"Community Grant Program
";Jacmel;"";353;Private donations;Jacmel;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-Grant 16;Direct Relief International;"";30000;"";"";"";Suppport Birthing Clinic and Maternity Center;25000;2010-11-18;26;;2011-04-22;"";Bumi Sehat
Haiti;"";2010-10-06;"";2010-05-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";Cash-for-Work Activities;Léogâne,Port-au-Prince;"";446;"";Carrefour,Delmas,Grand-Goâve,Petit-Goâve,Port-au-Prince,Pétion-Ville,Tabarre;Economic Recovery and Development;Armony Mangin;"";Liaison & Advocacy Officer;HCI-HT-10-010;Handicap International;"";4004;"";"";"";Basic Needs 6;"";2010-10-31;32;"";2011-01-10;"";Handicap International
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";1999-01-01;"";;Chittagong;"";"";THP works at the Union level to (a) mobilize the population for self-reliant action, including forming producer co-operatives and other income generating enterprises, (b) build civil society from the bottom up - creating people's organization of women, youth, elders, girl-child advocates, and the poorest of the poor, (c) strengthen local democracy, (d) ensure adequate facilities for achieving the MDGs, (e) organize mass action campaigns for health, nutrition, education, clean water and sanitation.;"";"";1192;Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID),British Council,Private donations;"";Agriculture,Education,Health,Human Rights Democracy and Governance,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;John Coonrod;"";Executive Vice President;THP-BD-99-086;The Hunger Project;"";20000;"";"";"";Atbar Mobilization;"";2100-12-31;83;"";"";"";The Hunger Project
Haiti;"";2011-04-11;"";2010-01-01;""; ;L'Artibonite,Nord,Ouest;"";Association of Christian Health Institutions of Haiti (AISCH) Facilities ;Supply hospitals with Safe Motherhood Kits, which contain essential clean and sterile supplies including gloves, umbilical tie, scalpel, gauze pads, plastic sheeting, bar of soap, washcloth and baby supplies (a hat, tunic and blanket).;Cap-Haïtien,Dessalines,Gonaïves,Grande-Rivière-du-Nord,Gros-Morne,Marmelade,Port-au-Prince,Saint-Marc,l'Acul-du-Nord;"";1706;Private donations;Cap-Haïtien,Desdunes,Gonaïves,Grand Rivière du Nord,Grande Saline,Gros-Morne,Milot,Port-au-Prince,Saint Michel de l'Attalaye,Saint-Marc;Health;Ann Varghese;"";HQ Program Officer;IMA-HT-10-010 ;IMA World Health;"";2520;"";"";Pregnant women ;In-Kind Donation of Safe Motherhood Kits ;17430;2011-01-20;37; ;2011-04-11;"";IMA World Health
Viet Nam;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2005-01-01;"";;Quang Tri;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1538;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-VN-05-178221;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Hai Lang Development Program;"";2020-01-01;76;"";"";"";World Vision Vietnam
Philippines;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-13;"";2010-01-01;"";;Pampanga;"";"";Agricultural production is low due to limited farmlands. During dry season, these farms require irrigation water and the community presently relies on an irrigation canal with a length of 750 meters carved out by the community along mountainsides. As it is not paved, bank leakages and floor seepages are high and the volume of water that finally reaches the farmlands are significantly lower than what is accessed from the river source. Because of such leakages and seepages, the canal is also prone to erosion and thus it is often un-usable due to the wash-out of certain sections. With the unreliability of this irrigation canal, the cultivation of farmlands during the dry season is not maximized. The project seeks to improve this canal so that it becomes a reliable source of irrigation and thus enable the community to maximize cultivation even during the dry season. It shall widen, deepen and concretize the canal to make a 0.03 m x 0.50 m sturdy channel section to eliminate bank leakages and seepages/percolations. Such improved irrigation system will also increase the speed of water flow, increase the volume of water conveyed to the rice fields and greatly reduce maintenance works.;"";"";832;Private donations;"";Agriculture;Matt St. John;"";Program Officer;ERD-PH-10-001;Episcopal Relief & Development;"";668;"";"";Individuals;2010 Buscalan Integrated Development Project;"";2010-12-31;27;;"";"";The Episcopal Church in the Philippines
Haiti;"";2011-01-11;"";2011-01-11;"";"";L'Artibonite;Chlorination of water in buckets at water points;CHF, Action Against Hunger;Cholera response;Gonaïves;"";778;"";Gonaïves;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;"";"";"";CARE-HT-10-16;CARE;Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH);"";"";"";"";Gonaives - Cholera Response;0;2011-01-31;19;"";2011-01-20;"";""
Mozambique;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-18;"";2007-01-08;""; /;Cabo Delgado,Cidade de Maputo,Manica,Nampula,Niassa,Sofala,Zambézia;Organization of farmers in clubs of 50. One Farming Instructor per 500 farmers. State of the art model to improve and diversify production and increase income of participating farmers.;N/A;Training and organization of small scale farmers to increase production and economy;"";"";1041;US Department of Agriculture (USDA);"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development;Marie Lichtenberg / Jacob Zulu;"";Director for International Partnerships / Head of Sector Office;PAID-MZ-07-FCC-656-2007/007-00;Planet Aid;Extensive training, garden and dryland demo plots at club level, low tech irrigation models, small business grants to promote livestock and cash crops, value chain development, linkages to markets ;10800;"";Prime awardee;Small farmers;Food for Progress - Mozambique;"";2010-01-08;82;;"";Gender, HIV/AIDS, Nutrition;ADPP Mozambique
Sri Lanka;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2010-06-15;"";;Northern;"";"";To support the recovery of livelihoods and improve income generation among returnees in Killinochchi and Mullaithivu Districts;"";"";1595;Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA);"";Economic Recovery and Development;Carlos Piedrasanta;"";RDM Operations Deputy, IPG, World Vision US;WV-LK-10-001;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";SHARE Northern Province Livelihood;"";2010-12-14;76;"";"";"";World Vision Sri Lanka
Haiti;"";2010-09-27;"";2010-03-01;Léogâne;;Ouest;Leogane - Hospital St. Croix;"";Delivery of $254,029 worth of medical supplies and equipment for Hopital St. Croix;Léogâne;"";668;"";Léogâne;Health;Niecy LoCricchio;Health;Director of Grants;CURE-HT-10-20830;PROJECT C.U.R.E.;"";18000;"";"";"";In-Kind Donations to Hospital St. Croix;254029;2010-03-01;59;;"";"";Hospital St. Croix
Zimbabwe;foodsecurity_site;2010-09-07;"";2009-10-01;"";;Manicaland;"";Cornell University, Africa University, I-Train and Evaluation Center (i-TEC);Aimed at increasing the income of 8,550 farmers in Manicaland province by at least 10 percent within 18 months, the REVALUE program brings together small-holder farmers and larger commercial agricultural companies to enable increased production and commercialization opportunities. IRD focuses on the value chains of groundnuts and beans in order to assess the entire value chain for these crops and address barriers that currently inhibit farmer incomes: poor access to agricultural inputs, under-resourced agriculture extension services, and weak linkages between producers and processing and commercialization industries. The intervention pays special attention to the re-establishment and growth of agro-dealer entrepreneurs involved in agricultural input marketing and commercialization of produce through linkages of agro-dealer entrepreneurs with agricultural input producers, credit institutions, farmer groups and processing companies. ;"";"";975;US Agency for International Development (USAID);"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development;Anne Naggayi;"";Program Officer;IRD-ZW-09-09055;International Relief & Development;"";51420;"";Prime awardee;Small farmers, Agri-businesses;REVALUE: Restoring Livelihoods - Strengthening Value Chains;"";2011-03-31;41;;"";"";International Relief & Development
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-09-24;"";2010-07-01;"";;L'Artibonite,Nord,Nord-Est,Ouest;"";"";"Lutheran World Relief's project will improve community well-being — health, food and nutrition security, and livelihoods — of new and existing households / families in the rural communities served by local partner community-based organizations, with a focus on emigres from Port-au-Prince, especially youth and women.
";Borgne,Gonaïves,Gros-Morne,Vallières,l'Arcahaie;"";515;Private donations;Arcahaie,Ennery,Gonaïves,Gros-Morne,La Victoire,Mombin Crochu,Ranquitte;Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Alex Wilson;Early Recovery,Food Security and Agriculture,Health,Nutrition,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Deputy Director for Latin America;LWR-HT-10-LA-HAI-3-001-10;Lutheran World Relief;Strengthen community health infrastructure, construct latrines, provide clean water systems, small-scale livestock and agricultural production, cash for work initiatives, provision of credit for income-generation activities, strengthen the capacities of peasant organizations ;55472;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs), Rural population, Small farmers, Women, Youth;Resilience and Rural Empowerment: Accompanying Community-Based Development in Post-Earthquake Haiti;904824;2013-06-30;45;;2011-01-28;Gender, Disaster risk reduction (DRR), Capacity building;World Neighbors
Chad;foodsecurity_site;2011-04-14;"";2010-08-01;"";;Ouaddaï;"";"";In conjunction with its implementing local implementing partner, SECADEV, CRS is providing emergency food security assistance to communities affected by conflict in Eastern Chad by targeting 5,000 direct and 25,000 indirect beneficiaries (total: 30,000) with horticultural aid and micro-credit activities.  Agricultural inputs are provided in the form of three annual seed/tool fairs corresponding to the planting seasons in Chad as well as technical assistance through trainings on improved cultivation and storage techniques.  There is also a micro-credit sub-component training groups to form autonomous Savings and Internal Lending Communities, in which the savings and credits are self-generated and self-managed and include a social fund to provide a safety net in case of emergencies.;"";"";1692;Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA);"";Agriculture;Carla Fajardo;"";Head of Programming;CRS-TD-10-DFD-G-00-06-00237;Catholic Relief Services (CRS);Three seed/tool fairs corresponding with the three planting cycles accompanied by technical assistance on improved cultivation and storage techniques;"";"";Prime Awardee;Internally displaced persons (IDPs), Host populations;Eastern Chad Horticulture Program;0;2011-07-31;20;;2011-04-14;"";Secours Catolique de Development (SECADEV)
Ghana;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2003-01-01;"";;Ashanti;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1166;Hemingway;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-GH-03-GH48;The Hunger Project;"";6105;"";"";"";Kyempo Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-03-03;"";;Ouest;"";"";Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment;Port-au-Prince;"";1845;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-8953;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Hopital Universitaire la Paix;1456821;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";Hopital Universitaire la Paix
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-11-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";"Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment
";Port-au-Prince;"";1881;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-51567;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Belle Fontaine;2302;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";Belle Fontaine
Haiti;"";2010-10-08;"";2010-03-01;""; ;Ouest;"";"";"The IRC has established Child Friendly Spaces (CFS), where children affected by the earthquake can engage in fun, educational activities led by trained and caring adults.
";Port-au-Prince;"";480;"Johnson & Johnson,UNICEF";Tabarre;Protection;Lina Gjerstad  ;Protection;Grants Coordinator ;IRC-HT-10-002;International Rescue Committee (IRC);"Child Friendly Spaces, Child Protection dialogue groups
";1150;"";Prime Awardee ;Children, Youth;Community-Based Child Protection (CBCP) ;0;2011-06-29;43; ;2011-05-11;"";International Rescue Committee (IRC) 
Brazil;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2008-01-01;"";;Pernambuco;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1282;Private donations;"";Education,Health;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-BR-08-177985;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Casa Grande Development Program;"";2018-01-01;76;"";"";Nutrition, HIV/AIDS;World Vision Brazil
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-03-03;"";;Ouest;"";"";Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment;Port-au-Prince;"";1801;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-8937;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Quisqueya Christian School;1466661;2010-05-01;26;;2011-04-22;"";Quisqueya Christian School
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-11-01;"";;Nippes;"";"";"Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment
";Anse-à-Veau;"";1874;Private donations;Asile;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-51613;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to L'Azile;2367;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";L'Azile
India;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1997-01-01;"";;Maharashtra;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1413;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-IN-97-170577;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Pune Development Program;"";2010-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS;World Vision India
India;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1995-01-01;"";;Kerala;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1418;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-IN-95-170187;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Wayanad (Bathery) Development Program;"";2012-01-01;76;"";"";"";World Vision India
Madagascar;foodsecurity_site;2010-08-26;"";2009-07-01;"";;Fianarantsoa;"";"";A 5-year $26.7M program to enhance agricultural production, and improve the health of 0-24 month children and P2LM;"";"";786;US Agency for International Development (USAID);"";Agriculture,Health;Peter Delhove;"";"";ADRA-MD-09-004;Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA);"";31263;"";Subawardee;"";Salohi;"";2014-06-30;4;"";"";"";Land O'Lakes, CARE, Catholic Relief Services (CRS)
Ethiopia;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2002-01-01;"";;Oromia;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1363;Private donations;"";Education,Health;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV- ET-02-173825;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Wonchi Development Program;"";2017-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS;World Vision Ethiopia
Senegal;foodsecurity_site;2011-05-19;"";2010-11-01;"";;Kédougou,Matam,Tambacounda;"";Counterpart International;"As a member of the Yaajeende consortium, Counterpart focuses on reducing under-nutrition and ensuring a healthy diet through improved utilization of foods in target communities of Senegal.
";"";"";1911;US Agency for International Development (USAID);"";Education,Health;Mark Holt;"";Director, Nutrition, Health and Humanitarian Services;CPINT-SN-10-001;Counterpart International;"Community mobilization, Maternal and Child Health and Nutrition (MCHN), Food Security Programming
";"";"";Sub Awardee;"";Yaajeende Agricultural and Nutrition Development Program;9570742;2015-10-21;25;;2011-05-19;"Nutrition, Gender
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-15;"";2004-06-15;Creche;,;"";"";"";Provision of ready-to-use therapeutic food (RUTF) to implementing partners. Children of the Promise has an orphanage, which takes in over 70 children, many of whom are malnourished.;"";"";562;"";"";Health;Tom Stehl, Maryse Sterlin;Health,Nutrition;Coordinator of Operations, Haiti Administrator;MFK-HT-10-009;Meds & Food for Kids;"";"";"";"";Malnourished children;Community Management of Acute Malnutrition - Children of the Promise;0;2011-12-12;77;"";2011-04-11;"";Children of the Promise
Ghana;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2003-01-01;"";;Central;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1160;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-GH-03-GH42;The Hunger Project;"";4272;"";"";"";Asafora Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2011-03-10;"";2011-01-01;Repatriot;;Ouest;"";"";"Meal shipments for school feeding programs, orphanages, clinics
";Port-au-Prince;"";1657;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Education,Food Aid,Health;Rick Kearney;Education,Food Security and Agriculture,Health,Nutrition;Distribution Coordinator;STOP-HT-11-HOM-1;Stop Hunger Now;"";2300;"";"";Affected population(s);Meal Distribution Partnership with Haiti Outreach Ministries;356400;2011-12-31;65;;2011-03-17;"";Haiti Outreach Ministries
Haiti;"";2010-07-30;"";2009-09-11;"";;L'Artibonite;"";"";Améliorer les conditions de vie en matière deau, dassainissement et dhygiène tout en réduisant les effets hydro-sanitaires néfastes des catastrophes naturelles liées à la saison cyclonique à venir pour la 5ème section communale de Saint Marc et pour les communes de Desdunes et de Grande-Saline. Distribution de filtres à sable, construction de latrines et dimpluviums, mise en place et formation de comités communautaires, sensibilisation à lhygiène.;Dessalines,Saint-Marc;"";377;UNICEF;Desdunes,Grande Saline,Saint-Marc;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Marianna Franco;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Program Development Manager;ACTED-HT-10-41 AIT;Friends of ACTED;"";3028;"";"";Affected population(s), Children;Emergency improvement of living conditions of communities affected by Hanna and Ike in terms of water, sanitation and hygiene;100285;2010-06-30;29;"";2010-12-20;"";Friends of ACTED
India;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-18;"";2008-12-01;"";;Andhra Pradesh,Tamil Nadu;"The Government of India's Department of Biotechnology (DBT), within the Ministry of Science and Technology, continues to generously support promising research into the efficacy and effectiveness of Ultra Rice in multiple locations and demographic groups (in India).  DBT will also support a center of technical excellence (for the technology) to further expand the supply base and provide technical support to rice millers in the supply chain who are interested in blending Ultra Rice into rice supplies.
";Swagat Foods, Daneshekar Rice Mill;"PATH is building demand for Ultra Rice in existing public-sector funded meal programs as a market entry strategy.  This approach has allowed PATH to test the feasibility, acceptance and effectiveness of Ultra Rice kernels, establish distribution to nutritionally vulnerable groups with little incremental cost, and cultivate demand from institutional buyers to drive economies of scale. It has also allowed Ultra Rice to be produced at an even more affordable price for later entry into commercial markets that serve the poor. In partnership with the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN), PATH launched a two-phase demonstration project to test the operational feasibility of incorporating Ultra Rice into the Naandi Foundation's centralized kitchen in Vishakhapatnam, India. There, rice fortified with Ultra Rice was blended with traditional rice at point-of-use (""wet"" blending) and was served daily to 60,000 children under the government-sponsored Mid-day Meal Scheme, which provides lunches each day to 120 million resource-poor schoolchildren throughout India. This first phase took place from 1 December 2008 to 31 March 2010. In Phase B of the pilot demonstration with GAIN and the Naandi Foundation, PATH explored alternative blending scenarios (this time: dry-blending) with Daneshekar Rice Mill, a small rice miller in Tamil Nadu. Phase B of the pilot demonstration, which lasted from 1 January 2009 to 15 May 2010, proved the operational feasibility of the dry blending method, particularly with a small rice miller.";"";"";1035;"Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation,Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN)";"";Health;Amy Wales;Nutrition;Communications Specialist;PATH-IN-08-002;PATH;"";60000;"";Prime awardee (PATH) ;Micronutrient deficient schoolchildren ;Pilot Demonstration of Ultra Rice in Naandi Mid-Day Meal (MDM) Programme;"";2010-05-15;81;;"";Nutrition;Naandi Foundation
Haiti;"";2011-05-11;"";2010-03-15;"";;"";"";"";"The LMS project works to: strengthen the management systems, with continued and reinforced emphasis on reproductive health commodity logistics management; build a workforce of skilled managers and inspired leaders who know how to motivate their staff to improve the quality of services and, ultimately, improve health outcomes; and strengthen health system to motivate and support key parts of the health workforce--putting first the people who make the system work every day at every level. ";"";"";519;US Agency for International Development (USAID);"";Health;Antoine Ndiaye ;Health;Chief of Party;MSH-HT-05-002;Management Sciences for Health (MSH);"";"";"";"";"";Leadership, Management and Sustainability Project (LMS);11976023;2015-03-14;46;;2011-05-20;"";Management Sciences for Health (MSH)
Niger;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1997-01-01;"";;Zinder;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1470;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-NE-97-170465;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Damagaram - Takaya Development Program;"";2017-01-01;76;"";"";Nutrition;World Vision Niger
Ethiopia;foodsecurity_site;2010-05-01;"";2010-05-01;"";;Oromia;"";Sustainable Environment and Development Action;The overall objective of the project is ensuring the local resource utilization rights of poor rural men and women famers for improving their own food and income security from small scale irrigation and backyard development initiatives.;"";"";1019;Private donations;"";Agriculture;Tibebu Koji;"";Water program officer;OXFA-ET-10-ETH 010 /10;Oxfam America;"";1500;"";"";"";Bora Small Holder  Shallow Well Irrigation and Backyard Horticulture  Development Project;"";2011-08-01;80;"";"";"";Sustainable Environment and Development Action
Haiti;"";1991-07-30;"";2010-01-31;"";;"";"";"";Emergency distributions of NFIs (kitchen sets, hygiene kits, blankets, matrasses, mosquito nets, etc) to displaced people affected by the earthquake.;"";"";386;International Organization for Migration (IOM),Shelterbox,Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC),UNICEF;"";Disaster Management;Marianna Franco;Shelter and Non-Food Items;Program Development Manager;ACTED-HT-10-41 ALL;Friends of ACTED;"";20000;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs);Distribution of Emergency Non-Food Items (NFIs);0;2011-02-28;29;"";1991-12-20;"";Friends of ACTED
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";1999-01-01;"";;Sylhet;"";"";THP works at the Union level to (a) mobilize the population for self-reliant action, including forming producer co-operatives and other income generating enterprises, (b) build civil society from the bottom up - creating people's organization of women, youth, elders, girl-child advocates, and the poorest of the poor, (c) strengthen local democracy, (d) ensure adequate facilities for achieving the MDGs, (e) organize mass action campaigns for health, nutrition, education, clean water and sanitation.;"";"";1201;Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID),British Council,Private donations;"";Agriculture,Education,Health,Human Rights Democracy and Governance,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;John Coonrod;"";Executive Vice President;THP-BD-99-201;The Hunger Project;"";20000;"";"";"";Mirpur Mobilization;"";2100-12-31;83;"";"";"";The Hunger Project
Mali;foodsecurity_site;2010-09-23;"";2010-09-15;"";;"";"";"";This project is developing autonomous cooperatives in cotton areas of southern Mali, via provision of training, extension support, equipment and finance to enable diversification and more sustainable production practices, supported by national advocacy to improve the policy framework and rural investment. Economic activities of women are being promoted as well as measures to enable improved literacy, security of land tenure and access to finance for this group, which in turn will increase their access to decision making at local level. ;"";"";1028;Private donations;"";Agriculture;Josephine Lukoma;"";Program Associate;OXFA-ML-10-MAL 006 /10;Oxfam America;"";16675;"";"";Women;Capacity Building of Cotton Producer Organizations;"";2011-12-31;80;"";"";"";Association des Organisations Professionelles Paysannes 
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-11-01;"";;Grand'Anse;"";"";"Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment
";Corail;"";1867;Private donations;Corail;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-51572;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to CAL St. Pierre de Corail;2425;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";CAL St. Pierre de Corail
Mozambique;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-13;"";2009-01-01;"";;Gaza;"";"";"Episcopal Relief & Development is supporting the Diocese of Lebombo (one of two Anglican dioceses in Mozambique and part of the Church of the Province of Southern Africa) to implement a Food Security Program in the Province of Xai-Xai, Bilene District; specifically, in Tlacula, and Macia Village, both located in the archdeaconry of Limpopo. Agricultural production is the main source of food for more than 85% of households in these areas and a key source of household income. However, these areas located in the southern part of the country frequently suffer from drought.  In particular southern Gaza Province has experienced reduced rainfall of 40-60%.  As a result, crops have been planted late. Building on the community networks and delivery systems established through Episcopal Relief & Development's Malaria prevention “Nets for Life” program with the Diocese of Lebombo, this program intends to enhance food security and nutritional diet by: 1) Improving the agricultural production techniques that are already being used in the target  communities; 2) Providing tools for the diversification of crops according to agro-climatic conditions of the areas covered by the program, as well as the need of the most vulnerable groups, such as People Living with HIV&AIDS; and 3) Increasing people's access and use of food for income generation. Specific outcomes include: 1) Increased production of food at the household level and to facilitate their marketing; 2) Increased level of community organization as well as creation of agriculture associations; 3) Increased participation and decision-making of women; and 4) Reduction of the negative effects of the environment on agricultural activities.";"";"";824;Private donations;"";Agriculture;Janette O'Neill;"";Program Officer;ERD-MZ-09-001;Episcopal Relief & Development;"";700;"";"";"";Lebombo Development Program  ;"";2012-12-31;27;;"";Capacity building;Diocese of Lebombo
Zimbabwe;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2009-10-01;"";;Matabeleland South;"";"";This project seeks to improve food security. While food is provided, the project also works to create more food production as well as educate people in better nutrition.;"";"";1568;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Food Aid,Health;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-ZW-09-191156;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Insiza Small Grain Crops Promotion Project;"";2010-09-30;76;"";"";Nutrition;World Vision Zimbabwe
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2011-04-07;"";2011-03-01;"Porte vain
";;Nord;"";"";"The purpose is to Improve the nutrition and income of 160 families through the production and marketing of honey, goats, cows and cash crops.
";l'Acul-du-Nord;"";1700;Private donations;Milot;Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development;Ixchel Palencia;Food Security and Agriculture;Program Officer;HEFI-HT-11-23-1417-02-RP12;Heifer International;"Livestock diversification (goats, bees and cattle), soil conservation, establishment of basic staples seed banks, fruit processing and local commercialization by women.
";800;"";"";Men and Women Farmers;Integrated Crop-livestock Production and Fruit Commercialization in Milot;100000;2012-06-30;34;"";2011-04-07;Gender, Environment;Rasanbleman Peyizan Milo (RPM)  
Malawi;foodsecurity_site;2011-05-11;"";2009-06-29;"2nd Admin: Zomba,  Chiradzulu
3rd Admin: Traditional Authorities: Mlumbe, Chikowi, Mbiza; Nchema, Kadawere, Chitera 
"; ;Southern;"";The Salvation Army, Catholic Relief Services (CRS), World Vision, Africare, Emmanuel International, PCI;"The goal of the WALA MYAP is improved food security for 214,974 chronically food insecure households in 39 traditional authorities within 5 livelihood zones in Southern Malawi by 2014. The objectives of the program are: 1) human capabilities of 170,724 vulnerable households are protected and enhanced; 2) livelihoods capacities of 147,500 households are protected and enhanced; and 3) the resiliency of 273 communities is protected and enhanced. 
";"";"";1773;Office of Food for Peace (USAID/FFP);"";Agriculture;John Nyirenda ;"";Senior Manager ;STC-MW-09-84031647/651/652 ;Save the Children;"";214974;"";Subawardee ;Chronically food insecure households ;Wellness for Agriculture and Life Advancement (WALA) Multi-Year Assistance Program (MYAP) ;1012409;2014-06-30;63;"";2011-05-11;"HIV/AIDS, Gender, Environment
";Save the Children US  
Haiti;"";1991-12-10;"";2010-10-01;Delmas 19;;Ouest;First level construction nearly complete;"";Construction of Orphanage, School, Chapel, Community Centre, Sanitation Building;Port-au-Prince;"";168;International Donors,U.S. Donors;Delmas;Disaster Management,Education;Paul Montacute;"";BWAid Director;BWA-HT-10-001;Baptist World Alliance / Baptist World Aid;Currently under construction;"";"";"";Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC);Delmas 19 Complex;600000;2011-12-31;15;;2011-04-19;"";Baptist World Aid, Hungarian Baptist Aid, Baptist General Association of Virginia, Baptist Convention of Haiti
Malawi;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2008-01-10;"";;Northern;"";"";To address the lack of nutrition, especially in terms of animal protein, this project targets expanding the use of fish farming. It provides the building of fish ponds as well as more equipment and training on fishing.;"";"";1557;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Health;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-MW-08-187547;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Chikwina Mpamba Integrated Fish Farming;"";2010-09-30;76;"";"";Nutrition;World Vision Malawi
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-05-05;"";;Ouest;"";"";Community Grant Program;Port-au-Prince;"";360;Private donations;Delmas;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-Grant 3;Direct Relief International;"";3600;"";"";"";Resume operation of Medical clinic and Community outreach;25000;2010-11-05;26;;2011-04-22;"";Center for Community Health, Education, and Research
Haiti;"";2010-10-05;"";2010-04-15;"";"";"";"";"";Medical mission supplies;"";"";196;Private donations;"";Health;"";Health;"";BBF-HT-10-021;Brother's Brother Foundation;"";"";"";"";"";Medical Mission Trip # 11;15109;2010-05-15;17;"";"";"";No Boundries International
Haiti;"";2010-10-08;"";2010-07-01;Cité Soleil Saint Jeanne de Chantal; ;Ouest;"";United Way Trinidad & Tobago;"Goals & Objectives:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     • To provide a safe, secure educational environment; 
• For 600 of the most impoverished and disadvantaged children in Haiti;
• In time for the new school year beginning September 2010;
• To endure for a minimum 10 year life span;
• To provide an example for other organizations as to what can be achieved in a short time frame.                                                                                                                                   The main community impact goal is to enable children to return to education in a safe, secure and sustainable environment. The secondary community impact is to provide a much-needed, rapid piece of infrastructure that can be used for a host of activities that can strengthen and improve the daily lives of the community, such as evening classes, community meetings or even health information.  It is also used to feed the vulnerable elderly.";Port-au-Prince;"";733;Digicel Foundation,United Way Worldwide;Cité Soleil;Education;Jay Wilkes;"";Manager of Disaster Services;UWW-HT-10-001;United Way Worldwide;"";600;"";Prime awardee: United Way Trinidad & Tobago;Children;Replacing Educational Capacity in Port-au-Prince;102915;2011-08-31;68;;"";"";Digicel Foundation, Hands Together
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2011-03-10;"";2011-01-01;"";;"";"";Convoy of Hope;"Meal shipments for school feeding programs, orphanages, clinics
";"";"";1653;Private donations;"";Education,Food Aid,Health;Rick Kearney;Education,Food Security and Agriculture,Health,Nutrition;Distribution Coordinator;STOP-HT-11-MOH-1;Stop Hunger Now;"";50;"";"";Children, Youth;Meal Distribution Partnership with Mission of Hope Haiti;427680;2011-12-31;65;;2011-03-17;"";Mission of Hope Haiti
";;Ouest;"";"";"This project implements on behalf of the Eglise Methodiste dHaiti (EMH) an internet initiative in Petit Goave which will serve the EMH community and potentially beyond.
";Léogâne;"";1756;Private donations;Petit-Goâve;Education;Melissa Crutchfield;"";Assistant General Secretary, International Disaster Response;UMCOR-HT-11-011;United Methodist Committee on Relief;"";"";"";Prime awardee;"";Internet Technology Initiative;48412;2016-03-11;67;"";2011-05-02;"";Church of the Resurrection, Kansas
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1984-01-01;"";;Dhaka;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1266;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-BD-84-51024;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Dhaka Shishu Development Program;"";2017-01-01;76;"";"";Nutrition, HIV/AIDS;World Vision Bangladesh
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-12-10;"";2010-12-31;"";;Nord,Nord-Est;"";"";To strengthen local leadership and capacity of six nascent peasant organizations to sustainably improve agricultural production, livelihoods,;Borgne,Vallières;"";71;Private donations;Mombin Crochu,Pignon;Agriculture;Amarilys Estrella;Camp Coordination and Management,Shelter and Non-Food Items;Program Officer;AJWS-HT-10-024;American Jewish World Service (AJWS);"";5000;"";"";Farmers, Fisherfolk, Youth, Women;Strengthening the Capacity and Resilience of Rural Communities and Peasant Organizations;30000;2011-12-30;8;;"";"";Groundswell International
Democratic Republic of the Congo;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-10;"";2010-04-01;"";;Sud-Kivu;CIFI-DRC was the next logical location for implementation of Women for Women International's commercial farming initiative. The fertile land in Walungu Territory, South Kivu will provide the foundation for launching CIFI-DRC. In agreement with local authorities, CIFI-DRC was able to acquire 90 hectares of farmland for the cultivation of crops like: onions, eggplants, cabbage, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, maize, beans and sorghum.  In addition, the animal husbandry component of CIFI-DRC will include guinea pigs, rabbits and  goats. A market study will be performed to assess other  higher-value products that could be grown (in concert with a soil analysis to determine the agro-ecological suitability of selected crops) and potential bulk buyers. ;N/A;CIFI is Women for Women International's flagship income generation program that focuses on training up to 1,000 socially excluded women per year in organic commercial integrated agriculture for sustained income generation and food security. Participants are able to select commercial integrated farming as their vocational track after receiving 3 months of core program training and understand their income generation opportunities. During their training, participants learn to integrate crop and animal husbandry and how to strategically choose marketable products to produce. Products that are selected are targeted for both local and niche/broader markets.  Highly marketable traditional crops are produced to meet local demand and less typical, preferably higher value crops, are produced that have a niche market and offer the potential to reach broader markets. The goal after three to five years is to establish a core of functioning cooperatives capable of producing and marketing high quality, high value agriculutral products.  The long-term vision of CIFI is a women-led agricultural value chain whereby women are participants in every facet of the production cycle: producers, processors, distributors, managers and owners.   ;"";"";1259;Bloomberg Family Foundation;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development;Grace Fisiy;"";Agribusiness Specialist;WWI-CD-10-CIFI04D;Women for Women International;"CIFI activities include: training (theory and practical) in organic commercial integrated farming; cooperative development and governance; identifying sustainable markets; linking CIFI participants to market partnerships; establishment of follow-up services including agricultural extension agents and business development.  ";3000;"";Prime awardee;Socially excluded women farmers;Commercial Integrated Farming Initiative (CIFI) - DRC;0;2013-12-31;84;;2011-02-16;Gender, Livelihoods ;Women for Women International-DRC
Senegal;foodsecurity_site;2011-05-19;"";2010-02-01;"";;Matam;"";"";"Counterpart works to improve the attention span and learning capability of Senegalese schoolchildren by providing a nutritious school snack every day. We also focus on improving the enrollment and attendance of girls through take home rations and the development of PTAs, as a way to encourage full community participation. Through health and sanitation instruction, we are improving the general health of students and their families.
";"";"";1916;US Department of Agriculture (USDA);"";Education,Food Aid,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Mark Holt;"";Director, Nutrition, Health and Humanitarian Services;CPINT-SN-10-002;Counterpart International;"Food Security Programming, Maternal and Child Health and Nutrition (MCHN), Commodity Management, Gender Equality and Mainstreaming,
";"";"";Prime Awardee;"";McGovern-Dole International Food for Education and Child Nutrition Program;6489290;2013-06-30;25;;2011-05-19;"Gender, Nutrition
";Counterpart International
Sudan;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2010-01-01;"";;Southern Darfur;"";"";Continuation of a food-aid program with two main objectives: General Food Distribution (GFD) and Agriculture and Natural Resources Management (ANRM). The project will continue to assist Internally Displaced People (IDPs) in camps.;"";"";1596;United Nations (UN);"";Agriculture,Food Aid;Carlos Piedrasanta;"";RDM Operations Deputy, IPG, World Vision US;WV-SD-10-193032;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs);Northern Sudan World Food Program (WFP) Phase XII;"";2010-06-30;76;"";"";"";World Vision Sudan
Malawi;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-18;"";2007-01-08;""; /;Southern;Organization of farmers in clubs of 50. One Farming Instructor per 500 farmers. State of the art model to improve and diversify production and increase income of participating farmers.;"";Training and organization of small scale farmers to increase access to affordable irrigation and nutritious crops.;"";"";1044;European Union (EU);"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development;Marie Lichtenberg / Nervous Nsaula;"";Director for Partnership Office / Head of Sector Office;PAID-MW-07-FOOD/007-141-441;Planet Aid;Extensive training, garden and dryland demo plots at club level, low tech irrigation models, small business grants to promote livestock and cash crops, value chain development, linkages to markets ;6000;"";Prime awardee;Small farmers;Food Facility - Green Pumps;"";2010-01-08;82;;"";Gender, HIV/AIDS, Nutrition;Development Aid from People to People in Malawi (DAPP Malawi)
Haiti;"";2010-07-30;"";2010-02-28;"";;Ouest;"";"";"The project aimed at providing emergency shelters and income generation opportunities to earthquake affected population in Port-au-Prince as soon as February, 2010. On one hand, Cash for Work schemes offered a quick revival to the local economy through an increase in the purchasing power of affected people (thus allowing them to access urgent primary goods and commodities); it has been largely used for debris removal in and around camps. On the other hand, NFI and Shelter kit distributions provided basic equipment and protection to households in the camps, thus allowing the improvement of the living conditions in IDP camps.";Port-au-Prince;"";388;People in Need (PIN);Port-au-Prince;Shelter and Housing;Marianna Franco;Shelter and Non-Food Items,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Program Development Manager;ACTED-HT-10-41 AMB 64Z;Friends of ACTED;"";7000;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs);Emergency Shelter and Livelihood Support for Earthquake Affected Populations;307500;2010-08-27;29;"";2010-12-20;"";Friends of ACTED
Malawi;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-18;"";2009-01-10;""; /;Central;Organization of farmers in clubs of 50. One Farming Instructor per 500 farmers. State of the art model to improve and diversify production and increase income of participating farmers.;N/A;Training and organization of small scale farmers to increase production and economy;"";"";1040;US Department of Agriculture (USDA);"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development;Marie Lichtenberg / Nervous Nsansaula;"";Director for International Partnerships / Head of Sector Office;PAID-MW-09-001;Planet Aid;Extensive training, garden and dryland demo plots at club level, low tech irrigation models, small business grants to promote livestock and cash crops, value chain development, linkages to markets ;6000;"";Prime awardee;Small farmers;Food for Progress - Malawi (Dowa District);"";2012-01-10;82;;"";Gender, HIV/AIDS, Nutrition;Development Aid from People to People in Malawi (DAPP Malawi)
Dominican Republic;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-13;"";2010-06-01;"";;Independencia;"";"";As a result of the Haiti earthquake of January 11, 2010, many Haitians lost their homes and livelihoods, and, as a result, crossed into the Dominican Republic to seek assistance.  Many Haitians sought to travel on to the capital, Santo Domingo, to search for jobs and seek assistance in acquiring new documents that were lost in the rubble.  However, there are numerous Dominican police and military check points on the road between the border and the capital.  Since many of the displaced Haitians no longer have passports or identification, they cannot pass the checkpoints.  Therefore, six months after the earthquake, it is estimated that up to 5,000 Haitians reside in limbo on the Dominican side of the international border in the town of Jimani.  After conducting a needs assessment and community diagnostic, a project was developed to respond to the needs of the Haitian refugees.  The project is an integrated recovery program that addresses both the short-term and long-term needs of 1,500 displaced Haitians in the Jimani area concurrently in an integrated fashion of food security and health programming with education, training and microeconomic development as cross-cutting themes.;"";"";807;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health;Matt St. John;"";Program Officer;ERD-DO-10-001;Episcopal Relief & Development;"";300;"";"";Refugees;Integrated Humanitarian Aid for Hatian Refugees;"";2010-12-01;27;;"";Capacity building, Food security;Iglesia Episcopal Dominicana
Mozambique;foodsecurity_site;2011-05-11;"";2008-07-01;"2nd Admin: 14 districts	
3rd Admin: 120 localities	
City/village: 2,000 communities
"; ;Nampula;"";Africare, NCBA CLUSA International, Provincial Department of Agriculture, Provincial Department of Health, National Institute for Emergency Response, Technical Secretariat for Food Security and Nutrition (SETSAN) ;"The goal of the Mozambique MYAP is to decrease household food insecurity in Nampula Province, Mozambique through: 1) increased adoption/use of market driven agricultural production and sales practices and services; 2) improved capacity in communities and districts to mitigate, prepare for and respond to shocks; and 3) increased adoption and use of key maternal child health and nutrition (MCHN) practices and services. 
";"";"";1776;Office of Food for Peace (USAID/FFP);"";Agriculture,Disaster Management,Economic Recovery and Development,Health;Salva Baldizon ;"";Chief of Party ;STC-MZ-08-84010385/386 ;Save the Children;"Promotion of agriculture conservation practices, -Seed selection, storage and quality control, -Pest and disease control option, -Harvest and post-harvest crop management and storage, -Organic certification, -Linkages to markets, -Product suitability and quality (market targeting), -Entrepreneurship and business management, - Negotiation skills, -Contract farming, -Linkages to credit and saving mechanisms, -Institutional development of farmer associations, -Cooperative promotion and development;  Increasing communities capacity to mitigate and respond to shocks, -Increasing government partners capacity to monitor and respond to early warning indicators; Promotion of key maternal and child health nutrition (MCHN) practices among caretakers, Increasing access to MCHN services and supplies, -Community mobilization for health and nutrition, -Growth monitoring and promotion, -Promotion of a social and policy environment to promote MCHN
";126426;"";Prime Awardee ;Small and medium level farmers, Pregnant and lactating mothers, Children under five ;Mozambique Multi-Year Assistance Program (MYAP)  ;21930921;2012-06-30;63;"";2011-05-11;"Nutrition, Disaster risk reduction (DRR)
";Save the Children US  
Haiti;"";2010-10-05;"";2010-08-11;"";"";"";"";"";Medical mission supplies;"";"";214;Private donations;"";Health;"";Health;"";BBF-HT-10-039;Brother's Brother Foundation;"";"";"";"";"";Medical Mission Trip # 24;7145;2010-09-11;17;"";"";"";The United Churches
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-09-23;"";2010-05-01;"1ere section
";;Nord-Ouest,Sud,Sud-Est;"";Farmers associations;Agricultural support, temporary employment;Bainet,Jacmel,Port-de-Paix,les Cayes;"";742;Private donations;Cayes,Côtes-de-Fer,Jacmel,Port-de-Paix;Agriculture;Christon Domond;Food Security and Agriculture;Country Director;WC-HT-10-5015;World Concern;"";900;"";"";Host households/communities;Support to Host Families;62566;2010-12-01;71;;2011-03-31;Livelihoods;World Concern
Haiti;"";2010-09-24;"";2010-02-05;"";"";Ouest;"";"";CRS provided emergency shelter to the great number of people displaced by the earthquake or simply too traumatized to sleep indoors. As population movements began to stabilize, CRS began to implement transitional shelter solutions to provide more dignified and durable shelter to those who are not able to return to their homes and cannot be accommodated with relatives or host families.;Port-au-Prince;"";258;Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID),Caritas Australia,Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA),Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Shelter and Housing;Nicole Balliette;Shelter and Non-Food Items;Haiti Earthquake Response Coordinator;CRS-HT-10-7420204;Catholic Relief Services (CRS);"Goal: Earthquake affected people in Haiti rebuild their lives and their communities.

SO: Earthquake affected people live in safe and dignified shelter.";200000;"";"";Children, Elderly, People with disabilities, Men, Orphans, People living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA), Refugees, Internally displaced persons (IDPs), Women, Youth;Haiti Earthquake Emergency Response/ Shelter;23139604;2011-09-30;20;"";"";"";Catholic Relief Services (CRS), Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA), Habitat for Humanity International, Cordaid
Haiti;"";1991-09-24;"";2010-08-15;"";;Ouest;"";"";The global Red Cross network is helping 30,000 families transition to safer, more secure homes.  To support these efforts, the American Red Cross is partnering with a number of international non-governmental organizations to construct transitional homes, which will include access to water and sanitation facilities.  As part of this initiative, the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) will construct 1,500 transitional homes and will support rubble removal as a part of this process.  Although UNOPS plans to reach 7,500 people through this project, these numbers may change depending on construction costs. ;Port-au-Prince;"";122;Private donations;Delmas,Port-au-Prince;Shelter and Housing,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Marian Spivey-Estrada;Shelter and Non-Food Items,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Manager, Information and Reporting;ARCIS-HT-10-S5;American Red Cross;"";7500;Please note that the estimated number of people reached refers to the total number of people each project plans to reach over the life of its implementation. Not all of these people have been reached with services yet.;"";Affected population(s), Internally displaced persons (IDPs);Transitional Homes through UNOPS;0;2011-08-14;9;;1991-10-26;"";United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)
China;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2000-01-01;"";;Guangxi;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1308;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-CN-00-173865;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Guangxi Napo Development Program;"";2012-01-01;76;"";"";"";World Vision China
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-11-01;"";;Nord-Est;"";"";"Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment
";Vallières;"";1900;Private donations;Mombin Crochu;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-51631;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Mombin Cochu;2532;2011-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";Mombin Cochu
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-11-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";"Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment
";Croix-des-Bouquets;"";1871;Private donations;Cornillon;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-51591;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Centre de Sante de Cornillon;3560;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";Centre de Sante de Cornillo
Haiti;"";2010-09-22;"";2010-06-01;"";"";Ouest;"";Artists for Peace and Justice;Operation Blessing uses a mobile projection unit for conducting evening programs to show movies, educational material and public service announcements in camps and schools, in partnership with Artists for Peace and Justice.;Port-au-Prince;"";625;"";Port-au-Prince;Other;"";"";"";OBI-HT-10-020;Operation Blessing International;"";"";"";"";Children;Mobile Projection Unit;0;2011-12-12;51;"";2011-05-13;"";""
Ecuador;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1997-01-01;"";;Tungurahua;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1332;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Protection;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-EC-97-168137;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Pelileo Development Program;"";2014-01-01;76;"";"";"";World Vision Ecuador
Haiti;"";2010-09-24;"";2010-01-08;Titanyen;;Ouest;"";"";Through the Long-Term Health Development (LTHD) Program, MAP customizes large volume shipments of donated and purchased medicines and health supplies for reputable foreign-based health institutions and international relief and development organizations.;l'Arcahaie;"";522;Private donations;Cabaret;Health;Scott Ruschak;Health;Director, International Medical Resources;MAP-HT-10-32076;MAP International;"";112500;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs);In-kind donation to Christian Aid Ministries, #2;352415;2010-02-08;47;"";"";"";Christian Aid Ministries
India;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2011-03-28;"";;Maharashtra;"";"";Build the capacity of elected women representatives (EWRs) in the gram panchayats (GPs) as key change agents for ending hunger and poverty. Strengthen the GPs and increase people's participation in development through Gram Sabha mobilization. Build block-level federations of EWRs to empower them to interface effectively with government programs.;"";"";1176;Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC);"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Human Rights Democracy and Governance;John Coonrod;"";Executive Vice President;THP-IN-xx-IN-MH-1;The Hunger Project;"";0;"";"";"";Morshi EWR Empowerment;0;2011-12-12;83;"";2011-03-28;"";The Hunger Project
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2011-01-25;"";2010-02-06;"";"";Ouest;"";"";Distribution of food, hygiene/first aid supplies, hygiene supplies, bedding and new family buckets.;Croix-des-Bouquets;"";292;Private donations,USAID Ocean Freight Reimbursement Program;Croix-des Bouquets;Disaster Management,Food Aid;"";Food Security and Agriculture,Shelter and Non-Food Items;"";CPINT-HT-10-OFR 211;Counterpart International;"";"";"";"";Affected population(s);Haiti Assistance Project # 4;0;2011-02-28;25;"";2011-02-03;"";Counterpart International
Haiti;"";2010-12-20;"";2010-10-01;"";;"";"";"";Distribution of water filters - cholera prevention;"";"";407;Laboratoires Farmatrix;"";Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Marianna Franco;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Program Development Manager;ACTED-HT-10-41 ARY KB;Friends of ACTED;"";450;"";"";Cholera affected population;In-Kind Donation to ACTED of Water Filters (PoinOne Sawyer);4500;2011-04-21;29;"";"";"";Friends of ACTED
";;Nord-Est,Ouest,Sud;"";World Vision, Food for the Hungry, The Salvation Army, World Concern, World Relief, and Nazarene Compassionate Ministries ;"As member of a consortium with World Vision (WV), Food for the Hungry (FH) and four other NGOs WHI is implementing AIDS Prevention Communication (PrevSIDA), a project designed to enhance behavior change communication (BCC) by addressing normative and contextual factors and providing support for prevention through behavior modification.
";Aquin,Fort-Liberté,Port-au-Prince,les Cayes;"";750;US Agency for International Development (USAID);Cavaillon,Cayes,Fort-Liberté,Port-au-Prince;Health;Larousse Ceus;Health;Country Director of Haiti;WH-HT-10-006;World Hope International;"";26985;"";Subawardee;Youth;PrevSIDA;562000;2015-03-31;73;;2011-04-27;HIV/AIDS;World Hope International, GENESHA
Peru;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1995-01-01;"";;Ayacucho;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1472;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Protection;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-PE-95-170286;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Ayacucho Development Program;"";2012-01-01;76;"";"";"";World Vision Peru
Haiti;"";2010-12-10;"";2010-11-15;""; ;"";"";"";Reduce the overall morbidity and mortality from cholera of the target population (with special emphasis on children) in 5 departments through the provision of hygiene and medical supplies for cholera prevention and treatment.;"";"";517;Private donations;"";Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Alex Wilson;Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Deputy Director for Latin America;LWR-HT-10-LA-HAI-4-001-11;Lutheran World Relief;"";600000;"";"";Youth, Children;IMA Cholera Emergency Response;64989;2011-03-31;45;;2011-04-05;"";IMA World Health
Afghanistan;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2009-03-10;"";;Badghis,Ghor,Herat;"";"";The Food Insecurity Response for Urban Populations project is a cash-for-work program to address emergency short-term needs.;"";"";1569;US Agency for International Development (USAID);"";Economic Recovery and Development;Carlos Piedrasanta;"";RDM Operations Deputy, IPG, World Vision US;WV-AF-09-001;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Afghanistan Food Insecurity Response for Urban Populations (FIRUP);"";2010-12-15;76;"";"";Food security;World Vision Afghanistan
Sri Lanka;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1997-01-01;"";;Central;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1505;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-LK-97-171254;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Ambagamuwa Development Program;"";2014-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS, Nutrition;World Vision Sri Lanka
United Republic of Tanzania;foodsecurity_site;2010-09-10;"";2006-07-01;"";;"";"";"";Heifer Tanzania will work with the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Tanzania, Kilosa District and the Anglican Church of Tanzania Diocese of Masasi to raise income and nutrition levels among resource-poor families, especially among women, widows and the disabled, and to improve bee-keeping skills. The areas enjoy a favorable bee-keeping environment, including an assortment of suitable plants, year-round water supplies and shade, and good market potential. The project aims to improve livelihood and build sustainable farmer groups.;"";"";889;Private donations;"";Agriculture;Kelly Doppelhammer;"";East Africa Program Assistant;HEFI-TZ-06-21-0417-01;Heifer International;"";300;"";"";Women, Widows, People with disabilities;South East Zone Beekeeping Project;"";2011-06-30;34;"";"";"";Heifer Tanzania
Haiti;"";2010-09-24;"";2010-01-12;"";,;Ouest,Sud-Est;"";"";Informal education, including extracurricular and summer camp activities;Croix-des-Bouquets,Jacmel;"";648;"";Croix-des Bouquets,Jacmel;Education;Frank Manfredi (Plan USA/DC), Kristie van de Wetering (Plan Haiti);Education;Director of Humanitarian Assistance, Director of Communications;PLAN-HT-10-003;Plan;"";"";"";"";Children, Youth;Informal Education;"";2012-01-31;57;"";"";"";Plan
Haiti;"";2010-08-23;"";2010-02-01;"";;Ouest;"";MSF/Belgium, MSF/Holland, Haitian Marine Base Hospital, GHESKIO, Adventist Hospital, Kaiser Permanente volunteer doctors from the US;Health: This program builds on and expands RI's initial medical response to the earthquake by continuing RI's current Level II permanent medical care facility, establishing four additional Level II permanent facilities, continuing its current Level I mobile facility and establishing an additional four Level I mobile facilities. The program creates new employment for community-level health workers who will maintain knowledge and skills that will benefit their communities in the long-term.  In addition, facility upgrades and staff training provide tangible inputs to the Ministry of Health's health system that will enable continuation of health services beyond the life of this project. Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH): RI is supporting WASH improvements for ten health facilities in Port-au-Prince, Carrefour, Gressier, Jérémie, and Léogâne.  RI is installing latrines, water tanks, incinerators, as well as providing training for staff and manage medical waste disposal.  RI is installing latrine blocks at GOH and UN-approved internally displaced person (IDP) camps as well.;Léogâne,Port-au-Prince;"";682;Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA),Other,in kind contributions;Carrefour,Léogâne;Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Emily Hibbets;Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Program Manager;RI-HT-10-001;Relief International;"";230000;"";"";Affected population(s);Multi-Sectoral Assistance to Earthquake-Affected Populations;2018271;2010-10-31;61;"";2010-12-29;"";""
Cambodia;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1995-01-01;"";;Kampong Thom;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1299;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-KH-95-173062;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Sandan Development Program;"";2011-01-01;76;"";"";Nutrition;World Vision Cambodia
Brazil;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1995-01-01;"";;Tocantins;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1281;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-BR-95-17024;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Axixb Development Program;"";2011-01-01;76;"";"";Nutrition, HIV/AIDS;World Vision Brazil
Malawi;foodsecurity_site;2010-08-31;"";2009-07-01;"";;Central;"";SSLPP (Smallscale Livestock Promotion Programme);This project will be implemented in Mchinji district, in the western part of central Malawi in partnership with Small-Scale Livestock Promotion Program (SSLPP), a local non-governmental organization. The project site is in the Mlonyeni Traditional Authority, which sits about 13 miles from the Zambian border. During the three-year project, 130 farmers will benefit from the distribution of heifers. Ninety farmers will receive one high-quality dairy heifer each, while the remaining 40 farmers will receive 40 heifers through Heifer's practice of Passing on the Gift. A minimum of 70 percent of project participants will be women, and the project will also train a total of 180 farmers in dairy husbandry, milk production and marketing. The objective is to assist these farmers in the transition to dairy farming, and to develop appropriate systems to support dairy-based livelihoods. As a means to accomplish the set objectives, the project will invest in the establishment of a milk-cooling tank. ;"";"";905;Private donations,US Agency for International Development (USAID);"";Agriculture;Geneti Nemera;"";Southern Africa Regional Director;HEFI-MW-09-21-1605-01;Heifer International;"";589;"";Prime awardee;Women;Malawi Smallholder Dairy Development Program (MSDDP);"";2012-06-30;34;;"";Gender, Food security;Heifer International
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2001-01-01;"";;Centre;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1387;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-HT-01-174771;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Okodem Development Program;"";2025-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS;World Vision Haiti
Haiti;"";2010-09-24;"";2010-01-12;"";,;Ouest,Sud-Est;"";"";Short-term employment of cash-for-work teams to remove rubble, clear ravines, plant grass to mitigate runoff, clean schools, etc.;Croix-des-Bouquets,Jacmel;"";652;"";Croix-des Bouquets,Jacmel;Disaster Management,Economic Recovery and Development;Frank Manfredi (Plan USA/DC), Kristie van de Wetering (Plan Haiti);Early Recovery;Director of Humanitarian Assistance, Director of Communications;PLAN-HT-10-007;Plan;"";"";"";"";"";Cash-for-Work;0;2012-01-31;57;"";2011-01-27;Gender;Plan
India;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1995-01-01;"";;Andhra Pradesh;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1408;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-IN-95-164026;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Krupasagar Development Program;"";2014-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS;World Vision India
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-15;"";2004-06-15;Port-au-Prince;,;Ouest;"";"";Provision of ready-to-use therapeutic food (RUTF) to implementing partners.;Port-au-Prince;"";581;"";Port-au-Prince;Health;Tom Stehl, Maryse Sterlin;Health,Nutrition;Coordinator of Operations, Haiti Administrator;MFK-HT-10-029;Meds & Food for Kids;"";"";"";"";Malnourished children;Community Management of Acute Malnutrition - Partners in Health;0;2011-12-12;77;"";2011-04-11;"";Partners in Health
Benin;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2001-01-01;"";;Kouffo;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1063;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-BJ-01-BN10;The Hunger Project;"";25709;"";"";"";Kpinnou Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Haiti;"";2010-09-24;"";2010-02-24;Fond Parisien;;Ouest;"";"";Through the Long-Term Health Development (LTHD) Program, MAP customizes large volume shipments of donated and purchased medicines and health supplies for reputable foreign-based health institutions and international relief and development organizations.;Croix-des-Bouquets;"";538;Private donations;Ganthier;Health;Scott Ruschak;Health;Director, International Medical Resources;MAP-HT-10-33087;MAP International;"";250000;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs);In-kind donation to Love A Child, #2;579269;2010-03-24;47;"";"";"";Love A Child
Ghana;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2000-01-01;"";;Eastern;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1150;The Robertson Foundation;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-GH-00-GH32;The Hunger Project;"";6487;"";"";"";Nsuta-Aweregya Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Burma;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2009-05-01;"";;Ayeyarwady;"";"";Providing access to food via food baskets (rice, oil, pulse, salt and BF) according to the defined ration rates.;"";"";1590;World Food Program (WFP);"";Food Aid;Carlos Piedrasanta;"";RDM Operations Deputy, IPG, World Vision US;WV-MM-09-n/a;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Cyclone Nargis Emergency Response Food Assistance Project;"";2010-12-31;76;"";"";"";World Vision Myanmar
Philippines;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1987-01-01;"";;Antique;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1483;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-PH-87-68109;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Maghirupay Development Program;"";2015-01-01;76;"";"";"";World Vision Philippines
Haiti;"";2011-03-29;"";2010-10-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Emergency relief;Léogâne;"";1680;Aegon,Private donations,UNICEF;Léogâne;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Elias Machingambi;"";WASH Coordinator;CARE-HT-10-021;CARE;Latrines, Water trucking, Hygiene promotion;15000;"";"";Rural population;WATSAN -Assistance for Earthquake affected people in Haiti;0;2011-03-31;19;"";2011-04-07;"";CARE Haiti
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";1999-01-01;"";;Dhaka;"";"";THP works at the Union level to (a) mobilize the population for self-reliant action, including forming producer co-operatives and other income generating enterprises, (b) build civil society from the bottom up - creating people's organization of women, youth, elders, girl-child advocates, and the poorest of the poor, (c) strengthen local democracy, (d) ensure adequate facilities for achieving the MDGs, (e) organize mass action campaigns for health, nutrition, education, clean water and sanitation.;"";"";1238;Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID),British Council,Private donations;"";Agriculture,Education,Health,Human Rights Democracy and Governance,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;John Coonrod;"";Executive Vice President;THP-BD-99-602;The Hunger Project;"";20000;"";"";"";Dhanshail Mobilization;"";2100-12-31;83;"";"";"";The Hunger Project
Viet Nam;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2001-01-01;"";;Thanh Hoa;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1537;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-VN-01-173898;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Cam Thuy South Development Program;"";2014-01-01;76;"";"";"";World Vision Vietnam
Haiti;"";2010-09-23;"";2010-01-15;""; ;Nord-Ouest,Ouest;"";"";Primary health care and prevention services:  vaccinations, HIV/AIDS care, sexually transmitted infections treatment, malaria prevention and treatment, and family planning;Môle Saint-Nicolas,Port-au-Prince;"";549;Private donations;Jean-Rabel,Port-au-Prince;Health;Debbie Bailey ;Health;Disaster Response Team Coordinator ;MTI-HT-10-001;Medical Teams International;"";186080;"";"";"";Static Clinic Services ;0;2011-09-30;49;;2011-04-21;"";Medical Teams International
Haiti;"";2010-09-23;"";2010-04-15;Jacmel;;Sud-Est;"";"";Primary Health Clinic (Petit-Goâve): The main objectives: 1) Disease monitoring, 2) Maternal and child health, 3) Essential medicines, 4) Primary care, 5) Referrals to other services.;Jacmel;"";691;Private donations;Jacmel;Health;George Polarek;Health;Assistant Director, SAWSO;SAWSO-HT-10-006;Salvation Army World Service Office;1) Tracking Diseases for Haiti Ministry of Health, 2) Providing Maternal and Child Health Services, 3) Primary Care Services, 4) Dispensing Essential Medicines, 5) Testing for Disease including HIV, Malaria and Tuberculosis, 6) Making Referrals for Patients Needed Acute Care;960;1,015;Prime awardee;"";Petit-Goâve Health Support;38532;2010-09-01;62;"";"";"";The Salvation Army 
Haiti;"";2010-10-12;"";2010-10-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";To actively contribute to a clear improvement in social, economic and cultural conditions for sexually diverse communities in Haiti by providing vocational training for LGBT youth impacted by the Haiti earthquake and advocating for the rights of sexually diverse communities.;Port-au-Prince;"";66;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Disaster Management,Health;Amarilys Estrella;Early Recovery;Program Officer;AJWS-HT-10-016;American Jewish World Service (AJWS);"";187000;"";"";"";Vocational Training for LGBT Youth Impacted by the Haiti Earthquake;20000;2011-06-30;8;;2010-12-10;"";SEROvie
Ethiopia;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2009-01-01;"";;Oromia,Somali;This project targets a combination of two income groups of the poor and most vulnerable and middle-income. This provides important support to the poor and most vulnerable, while also working with middle-income households who have the potential to significantly spur economic growth in the region.;"";RAIN is a 3-year program between MC and Save the Children UK which addresses the key underlying causes of the food price crisis in priority districts, selected so as to maximize the potential for sustainable impact. Designed from the bottom upwards, in partnership with local government, the RAIN project is placed to increase local resilience to food security shocks. The RAIN project protects vulnerable and food insecure households and improves preparedness, helps prevent food insecurity through strengthened and diversified livelihoods and promotes efficient market-based business, local economic development, and economic integration. The program also leverages existing USAID funded programs in order to reinforce their effectiveness and address critical gaps.;"";"";1000;Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA);"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development;Simon O'Connell;"";Country Director, Ethiopia;MC-ET-09-004;Mercy Corps;"1) Cash for Work, Fodder Production, Improved Rangeland Management through Community Mobilization; 2) Refresher Training for community animal health workers (CAHWs) and Private Pharmacists, Expand CAHW Network, Train Private Pharmacists; 3) Emergency Contingency Fund, Early Warning Systems (EWS) Linkages and Conflict Analysis Tools, Facilitate Information Flow.";683934;"";Prime awardee;"";Revitalizing Agricultural/Pastoral Incomes and New Markets (RAIN);0;2011-12-31;50;"";2011-02-16;Disaster risk reduction (DRR);Mercy Corps, Save the Children
Haiti;"";2010-10-14;"";2010-02-01;Nazon, Fort National, Croix Deprez, Belaire ; ;Ouest;"";AmeriCares;"PCI works in four areas of urban Port-au-Prince to support community rehabilitation efforts. Since January 2010, PCI has: constructed 2,557 hazard-resistant shelters; cleared more than 32,000m³ of rubble; employed 2,677 local Haitians in activities to rebuild their communities; registered more than 1,800 vulnerable children into activities to restore their psychosocial health; reached hundreds of elderly people with specialized health services and opportunities to generate income; provided more than 101,000 people with health services, training, education and/or counseling; immunized 4,403 children, and protected thousands of children and youth from violence and other hazards; delivered clean water to 8,000 people daily, and supported tens of thousands of families to purify their drinking water; distributed more than 23,800 non-food items benefiting 85,665 people; conducted 14,674 household visits to raise awareness on health and protection issues; and supported more than 2,200 families to deal with the outbreak of cholera through distributing medical supplies, organizing campaigns to improve water, sanitation and hygiene conditions, and managing cholera cases.";Port-au-Prince;"";681;Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA);Port-au-Prince;Disaster Management,Economic Recovery and Development,Health,Protection,Shelter and Housing,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Erina Fischer;Health,Protection,Shelter and Non-Food Items,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Program Officer, Humanitarian Assistance;PCI-HT-10-001;PCI;"";130098;130,098;Subawardee;Internally displaced persons (IDPs), Women, Children, Elderly, Youth, People with disabilities;Haiti Earthquake Recovery Program;4100000;2011-03-31;60;;2010-11-18;Sexual and gender-based violence (GBV);Food for the Hungry 
Haiti;"";2010-10-05;"";2010-01-15;"";"";"";"";"";Medical mission supplies;"";"";183;Private donations;"";Health;"";Health;"";BBF-HT-10-008;Brother's Brother Foundation;"";"";"";"";"";Medical Mission Trip # 4;268410;2010-03-25;17;"";"";"";Hope for Haiti Foundation
Mali;foodsecurity_site;2010-07-27;"";2009-07-01;"";"";Koulikoro;"";"";This study will assess the impact of different dietary strategies to manage children with moderate acute malnutrition (MAM) on: children's participation in the nutritional rehabilitation program, physical growth, recovery from MAM, and their change in micronutrient status.;"";"";938;World Food Program (WFP);"";Health;"";Nutrition;"";HKI-ML-09-6125;Helen Keller International;"";"";"";"";Children;Moderate Acute Malnutrition Study Project;"";2011-06-30;79;"";"";Nutrition;""
Haiti;"";2010-09-23;"";2010-02-05;"";;L'Artibonite,Ouest;"";Concern Worldwide, Viva Rio;This intervention encompasses a portfolio of non-food items (NFIs) distributed to Delmas 2 internally displaced person (IDP) camp residents in collaboration with Salvation Army camp management and other local partners.  The goal was to provide items that would help promote good health and hygiene in the camp.  All items were provided to each of the registered residents or households in the camp.  An electronic registration system, developed by UPS, was used to track exactly who received distributions.  After the initial emergency response period of 3 months most distributions were targeted on vulnerable populations, such as pregnant or lactating women, children under 5, and the elderly.      ;Port-au-Prince,Saint-Marc;"";692;Private donations;Delmas,Port-au-Prince,Saint-Marc;Disaster Management;George Polarek;Shelter and Non-Food Items,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Assistant Director, SAWSO;SAWSO-HT-10-007;Salvation Army World Service Office;Distribution of the following items to the 5000 households in the IDP camp: tarps, cots, hygiene kits, buckets, mattresses, bags, storage boxes, and mosquito nets.;20000;20,000;Prime awardee;Internally displaced persons (IDPs), Children, Pregnant and nursing women, Elderly;Basic Needs Support;641467;2010-10-31;62;"";2010-12-15;"";The Salvation Army 
Haiti;"";2011-04-04;"";2011-01-01;"";;Ouest,Sud-Est;"";"";Improve the production of 6 Haitian artisan workshops located in Port-au-Prince, Jacmel and Leogane that were affected by the 2010 earthquake in order to increase family income and improve living conditions.;Jacmel,Léogâne,Port-au-Prince;"";1664;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development;Alex Wilson;Health;Deputy Director for Latin America;LWR-HT-11-LA-HAI-3-002-11;Lutheran World Relief;Strengthen the capacity of 6 artisan workshops by increasing the volume of their production by over 100%, increasing their income by 30%, and increasing their knowledge about preventative health standards.;2500;"";"";"";Strengthening Artisans in Port-au-Prince, Leogane and Jacmel in Response to the 2010 Earthquake;162891;2011-12-31;45;;2011-04-05;Gender, Capacity building;Foundation for Artisan Development (FDAH)
Haiti;"";1991-12-13;"";2010-10-28;"";;L'Artibonite;"";"";Container of Hospital mattresses in response to cholera outbreak requests from PAHO;Saint-Marc;"";415;Private donations;Saint-Marc;Health;Marisol Wandiga Valentin;Health;Program Officer;GLI-HT-10-020;Global Links;"";60000;"";"";Cholera affected population;Cholera Response Container # 1;38243;2012-12-31;30;;2011-04-26;"";Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)
India;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2011-03-28;"";;Uttarakhand;"";"";Build the capacity of elected women representatives (EWRs) in the gram panchayats (GPs) as key change agents for ending hunger and poverty. Strengthen the GPs and increase people's participation in development through Gram Sabha mobilization. Build block-level federations of EWRs to empower them to interface effectively with government programs.;"";"";1180;Embassy of New Zealand,Environmental Defense Fund,Forum Syd;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Human Rights Democracy and Governance;John Coonrod;"";Executive Vice President;THP-IN-xx-IN-UT-1;The Hunger Project;"";0;"";"";"";Bhaisiachanna EWR Empowerment;0;2011-12-12;83;"";2011-03-28;"";The Hunger Project
Dominican Republic;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2000-01-01;"";;Dajabón,Santiago;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1328;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Protection,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-DO-00-173088;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Restauracion Development Program;"";2020-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS, Nutrition;World Vision Dominican Republic
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-07-30;"";2010-04-26;"";;Ouest;"";"";Lobjectif de cette distribution ést de fournir des semences de maïs pour la saison de printemps aux agriculteurs de lhabitation de la Colline Deslandes, une zone non irriguée de la plaine de Léogâne ayant été touchée par le séisme du 12 janvier 2010.;Léogâne;"";393;Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO);Léogâne;Agriculture;Marianna Franco;Food Security and Agriculture;Program Development Manager;ACTED-HT-10-41 ANE F35;Friends of ACTED;"";2725;"";"";Affected population(s);Seed Distributions;600;2010-05-26;29;"";2010-12-20;Livelihoods;Friends of ACTED
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-11-01;"";;Nord;"";"";Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment;Cap-Haïtien;"";1796;Private donations;Cap-Haïtien;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-1361;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Asile Communal;116589;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";Asile Communal
Honduras;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-13;"";2006-01-01;"";;Copán,El Paraíso,Francisco Morazán;"";"";The Agricultural School provides outreach to poor rural families by providing young men an academic and practical background in basic agriculture.  The objective of the Agricultural School is to provide young men with education and skills.  At graduation, they will have the ability to continue their education and use what they have learned to acquire employment specifically in the agriculture field, returning to their communities to share the knowledge and skills they have learned that can increase productivity through improved agricultural practices learned at the school.  After middle school, the children can choose to go to El Hogar to complete three more years of general education as well as training in agriculture and animal husbandry. At the Agricultural school they learn the principles and practicalities of animal husbandry, and crop production, nuances of drip irrigation to conserve precious water, use of animal waste as manure, and composting techniques for a more productive farm in an area which earlier used slash-and-burn methods. The students share their newfound agricultural knowledge with family and rural neighbors, thereby enhancing individual farms and the community-at-large  In addition, during their time at school, these young men are helping to implement projects in five very isolated rural communities, so that the people in those communities can develop new kinds of crops and know how to market them effectively.;"";"";813;Private donations;"";Agriculture;Karla Avila;"";Program Officer;ERD-HN-06-001;Episcopal Relief & Development;"";100;"";"";Individuals, Youth;Agricultural School ;"";2010-12-31;27;;"";Capacity building;El Hogar
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-11-01;"";;Nord-Ouest;"";"";"Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment
";Saint-Louis du Nord;"";1883;Private donations;Anse-à-Foleur;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-51585;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Centre de sante de Anse a Foleur;12889;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";Centre de sante de Anse a Foleur
Haiti;"";2010-09-24;"";2010-06-16;"";;Ouest;"";"";After the January 2010 earthquake, the Eglise Methodiste d'Haiti (EMH) requested that an emergency office be put into place to manage emergency projects related to the earthquake disaster. This office is used by EMH Relief Task Force, UMCOR Haiti Church Liaison, and United Methodist Volunteers in Mission Coordinators and is located at the EMH District Office at College Freres Campus in Port-au-Prince. The  Cash-for-Work program focuses on rubble removal for the preparation of construction sites. ;Port-au-Prince;"";717;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Disaster Management,Economic Recovery and Development;Melissa Crutchfield;"";Assistant General Secretary, International Disaster Response;UMCOR-HT-10-418325-1;United Methodist Committee on Relief;"";32;"";Prime awardee;"";Eglise Methodiste dHaiti Earthquake Relief Capacity Strengthening and Cash-for-Work ;97646;2011-06-30;67;"";2011-01-27;"";Eglise Methodiste d'Haiti 
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-01;"";2009-01-08;"";"";"";"";"";Améliorer la prévention de la malnutrition, laccès et la qualité de la prise en charge des cas de malnutrition aiguë par une approche communautaire et institutionnelle des problématiques EAH, nutrition et psycho-socialeQ;"";"";5;ECHO;"";Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;"";Nutrition,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;"";AAH-HT-10-HAA1T;Action Against Hunger;"3 PTA (K Soleil, Raboteau et consultation de lhôpital de Secours) et 1 USN (hôpital de Secours) sont supportés sur la ville de Gonaïves, et préparés à lautonomisation et 3 structures de santé (CDS) sont soutenues en Artibonite dans les zones sensibles et/ou vulnérables du Nord Artibonite (un centre de santé dans chacune des commune : Anse rouge, Ennery et LEstére) 
 Mise en place dune consultation psychologique pour le suivi des mères et des enfants malnutris : 

- Accompagnement à la mobilisation communautaire pour la mise en place des activités de prévention, de dépistage, et de référencement des enfants détectés malnutris
- Intégration et mise en place de système de référence entre les programmes VIH et les programmes de nutrition
- Organisations de consultation auprès de la population en grande difficulté psychologique pour leur permettre de mettre en route leur processus de résilience. 
30  puits ou forages équipés de pompes à motricité humaine sont rénovés et désinfectés dans la zone et délivrent une eau potable pour 500 utilisateurs maximum. 
- 5 réseaux gravitaires ou captages aménagés sont rénovés ou remis en service. 
- Visite en porte à porte et bilan sanitaire personnalisé. Proposition dinstallation dune pompe PVC, sensibilisation à lhygiène et détection de la malnutrition. 
- Mise en place de comités dassainissement de quartier pour produire et vendre des articles nécessaires à une amélioration des conditions dhygiène : pompes PVC pour puits et forages et solution chlorée.";31990;"";"";"";Accompagnement par une approche intégrée des populations les plus exposées à la malnutrition;89322830;2010-10-21;2;"";"";"";Action Against Hunger
Cambodia;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1995-01-01;"";;Kampong Thom;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1297;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-KH-95-170062;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Prasath Ballang Church Partnership Development Program;"";2014-01-01;76;"";"";Nutrition;World Vision Cambodia
Haiti;"";2010-09-23;"";2010-02-05;"";;L'Artibonite,Ouest;"";"";Management of an internally displaced person (IDP) Camp of 20,000 residents in the Place de la Paix square next to the Salvation Army headquarters in Delmas 2.  The objectives included: 1) Providing lighting and security, 2) Organization of Camp Committee, 3) Coordination of services such as health and education, 4) Maintenance of WASH facilities, 5) Coordination with the UN cluster system, 6) Proper drainage;Port-au-Prince,Saint-Marc;"";686;American Red Cross,International Organization for Migration (IOM),Private donations;Delmas,Port-au-Prince,Saint-Marc;Disaster Management,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;George Polarek;Camp Coordination and Management,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Assistant Director, SAWSO;SAWSO-HT-10-001;Salvation Army World Service Office;1) Lighting and Security Staff, 2) Coordinate Camp Committee, 3) Health and Hygiene Education, 4) Coordination of Camp Services, 5) Maintenance of Camp Facilities, 6) Coordination with Cluster System, 7) Coordinate Partnerships with Local Government and NGOs, 8) Provide Cash-for-Work Opportunities, 9) Facilitate Communication between Camp Residents and other Stakeholders, 10) Camp Drainage System;20000;20,000;Prime awardee;Internally displaced persons (IDPs);Peace at Place de la Paix;495492;2010-10-31;62;"";"";"";The Salvation Army, Concern Worldwide, Viva Rio 
Haiti;"";2010-09-24;"";2010-01-29;Port De Paix;;Nord-Ouest;"";"";Through the Long-Term Health Development (LTHD) Program, MAP customizes large volume shipments of donated and purchased medicines and health supplies for reputable foreign-based health institutions and international relief and development organizations.;Port-de-Paix;"";529;Private donations;Port-de-Paix;Health;Scott Ruschak;Health;Director, International Medical Resources;MAP-HT-10-31683;MAP International;"";312500;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs);In-kind donation to Food for the Poor, #1;2358934;2011-02-28;47;"";2011-02-03;"";Food for the Poor
Haiti;"";2010-09-22;"";2010-02-01;"";"";"";"";"";Operation Blessing is building a new operating room facility at St. Damien's/St. Luke's Hospital as part of their new family care division. We have also established a strategic partnership with U.S. surgical teams that volunteer time and services at St. Damien's to do surgeries, post operative care and education initiatives. ;"";"";612;"";"";Health;"";Health;"";OBI-HT-10-007;Operation Blessing International;"";"";"";"";"";St. Damien's/St. Luke's Hospital;0;2011-12-12;51;"";2011-05-13;"";""
Ethiopia;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2010-07-01;"";;Somali;"";"";This prorgam expands an existing emergency nutrition program (OFDA funded Sub-grant from Goal) in Degehabur and Shinile Zones of the Somali region which has been operating since October 2008. This program expands to Warder Zone for an additional nine months, focusing on short-term life saving interventions that will complement and strengthen MC's longer-term integrated programs in the region such as the OFDA-funded RAIN.  Escalation of drought in Somali region, particularly in Shinile, creates significant additional humanitarian need to which Mercy Corps is strongly positioned to respond. The proposed program will continue to use the Community-Managed Acute Malnutrition (CMAM) network established under the existing OFDA funded sub-grant from Goal. Overall, this program leverages the achievements of Mercy Corps' existing programs and partnerships and provides immediate humanitarian response to some of the most marginalized and vulnerable populations in Ethiopia.;"";"";1001;Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA);"";Health;Simon O'Connell;Nutrition;Country Director, Ethiopia;MC-ET-10-001;Mercy Corps;"1) Build the emergency response capacity of the local health systems to counter future shocks by introducing the therapeutic feeding methodology of CMAM in these five districts of project operational areas; 2) Initiate Outpatient Therapeutic Program (OTP) training and provide refresher trainings in former operational areas and training in new areas for Regional Health Bureau (RHB) staff to ensure sustained transfer of CMAM capacity.";555157;"";Prime awardee;Moderately and severely malnourished children and pregnant women;Emergency Nutrition Response Program in Degehabur, Warder and Shinile Zones, Somali National Regional State, Ethiopia;"";2011-03-31;50;"";"";Capacity building, Gender, Nutrition;Mercy Corps
Haiti;"";2011-05-19;"";2011-01-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";Rebuilding of two schools in Port-au-Prince, run by St. Luke's. Exact location has not been determined because of  the dislocation of population in Cite Soleil. ;Port-au-Prince;"";633;"";Carrefour;Education;Richard Walden;Education;"";OPUSA-HT-10-005;Operation USA;"";"";"";"";Children;Rebuilding Schools (Port-au-Prince);0;2011-01-01;52;"";2011-05-19;"";""
Ghana;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2006-01-01;"";;Eastern;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1126;The Robertson Foundation;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-GH-06-GH8;The Hunger Project;"";6799;"";"";"";Akotekrom Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-03-03;"";;Ouest;"";"";Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment;Port-au-Prince;"";1806;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-8954;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Grace Children's Hospital;280028;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";Grace Children's Hospital
United Republic of Tanzania;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2008-07-01;"";";";Dodoma;"";"";LWR's implementing partners for this project are CHAMBASHO SACCOS LTD and MATUMAINI SACCOS LTD.  CHAMBASHO has over five years' experience in mobilizing farmers to increase their savings and access credit. Since it was founded in 2002, the savings and credit society has grown from 248 to 437 members.  MATUMAINI has four years' experience in managing savings and credit, with 148 current members.  The project's goal is to enhance the ability of small-holder farmers to increase income levels and improve food security through intensified production, post-harvest handling and marketing of sunflower in four villages of Hogoro ward in Kongwa district of Dodoma. Objectives - (1) Enhanced organizational management and capacity:  By year four, increased organizational capacity will lead to a 50% increase in individual loans and a 50% increase in sunflower sales volumes per farmer. (2) Increased acreage and crop yields:  By year four, the timely access to credit, appropriate technologies and crop husbandry services for 585 farmers results in an increase in acreage devoted to sunflower production (at least 5 acres) and sunflower yields of 650 Kgs per acre. (3) Increased returns: By year four, the stronger bargaining position of 585 CHAMBASHO and MATUMAINI members as a result of collective marketing of their produce and strategic business decision-making leads to a 50% increase in sunflower prices.;"";"";994;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development;Hayley Frank;"";Regional Program Associate for Africa;LWR-TZ-08-AF-TAN-3-004-08;Lutheran World Relief;"";40221;"";"";"";Economic Empowerment of Communities in Dodoma through Sunflower Production and Marketing;"";2012-06-30;45;;"";"";Chama Cha Ushirika Wa Akiba Na Mikopo Matumaini,  Chama Cha Ushirika Wa Akiba Na Mikopo - CHAMBASHO SACCOS LTD
";;Nord;"";"";"This project provides support to IMA World Health in their collaborative partnership with International Child Care and the Haitian Ministry of Public Health and Population to undertake community health interventions focused on maternal, newborn, and child health in the Grand Riviere du Nord/Bahon area of Haiti. 
";Grande-Rivière-du-Nord;"";1747;Private donations;Bahon;Health;Melissa Crutchfield;"";Assistant General Secretary, International Disaster Response;UMCOR-HT-10-005 ;United Methodist Committee on Relief;"";"";"";Prime awardee;Women, Children ;Haiti Areas of Cooperation and Coordination for Development ;300000;2013-08-31;67;"";2011-05-02;"";IMA World Health 
Haiti;"";2011-04-25;"";2011-01-15;"";;Ouest,Sud;"";"";The Red Cross has coordinated an aggressive response to the cholera outbreak that has spread throughout Haiti and into areas of the Dominican Republic.  As part of this response, the American Red Cross is partnering with the International Medical Corps to establish Oral Rehydration Posts and Mobile Medical Units,  provide needed staff and supplies, train volunteers to conduct health and hygiene promotion, construct and rehabilitate latrines and bathing facilities, chlorinate water supplies and provide training for community members on the proper preparation of chlorine solution, establish water kiosks, and provide small grants to local organizations to assist them with community-based cholera response projects. The number of people reached will depend on the evolution of the outbreak, but this project has the capacity to reach some 72,000 people.;Port-au-Prince,les Cayes;"";1762;Private donations;Carrefour,Cayes,Port-au-Prince;Health;Marian Spivey-Estrada;Health;Manager, Information and Reporting;ARCIS-HT-11-DC11;American Red Cross;"";72000;"";"";Cholera affected populations;Cholera Prevention and Treatment Efforts through International Medical Corps;0;2012-01-14;9;;2011-04-25;"";International Medical Corps
Haiti;"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";This program is a long standing CBM partner providing early intervention services, community based rehabilitation, inclusive education and special education as well as vocational training.  Staff from this program are heavily involved in implementing the child day care centers program.  CBM and ChildFund, along with Brot fuer die Welt and other INGOs are committed to supporting CES in reconstruction and reestablishment of services in the next phase.;"";"";275;"";"";Education;"";"";"";CBM-HT-10-009;Christian Blind Mission;"";"";"";"";"";Centre de Educacion Speciale;"";"";22;"";"";"";Centre de Educacion Speciale
Haiti;"";2011-04-14;"";2011-01-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";"This project funds building of transitional and upgradable shelters in compliance with international standards for approximately 3,000 families.
";Léogâne,Port-au-Prince,l'Arcahaie;"";1752;Private donations;Cabaret,Léogâne,Port-au-Prince;Shelter and Housing;Thomas Dwyer;Shelter and Non-Food Items;Executive Director, UMCOR NGO;UMCOR-HT-11-G133-2;United Methodist Committee on Relief;"";"";"";Subawardee;"";Transitional and Upgradable Shelters;1000047;2011-09-30;67;"";2011-04-14;"";Habitat for Humanity International
Zambia;foodsecurity_site;2011-05-19;"";2011-01-12;"Mongu, Senanga, Kaoma 
";;Western;"";"";"This proposed program is a follow-on and  expansion of the program implemented from July 2009 to June 2010 with support from USAID/OFDA. Concern Worldwide Zambia is proposing to build on the disaster preparedness, mitigation and management, and agriculture and food security interventions that have contributed to the improvement of the livelihoods of targeted vulnerable population in Western Province of Zambia. This follow-on program will enable vulnerable households/communities manage seasonal flood risks and accelerate recovery.  In addition, the program will support agriculture interventions that will include technical assistance, training, and material inputs. Some of these interventions  will include conservation agriculture, provision of high quality seed and crop diversification. The proposed program supports the USAID/OFDA's Southern Africa Regional three-year strategy through focusing risk reduction activities that increase vulnerable communities' and households' resilience and reduce the impact of recurring shocks.
";"";"";1926;Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA);"";Agriculture,Disaster Management;Kenneth Oyik;"";Area Project Coordinator;CONW-ZM-11-002;Concern Worldwide;"Targeted vulnerable population in Western Province of Zambia. This follow-on program will enable vulnerable households/communities manage seasonal flood risks and accelerate recovery.  In addition, the program will support agriculture interventions that will include technical assistance, training, and material inputs. Some of these interventions  will include conservation agriculture, provision of high quality seed and crop diversification. The proposed program supports the USAID/OFDA's Southern Africa Regional three-year strategy through focusing risk reduction activities that increase vulnerable communities' and households' resilience and reduce the impact of recurring shocks.
";159000;"";Prime Awardee;"";Community led Disater and Natural Resource Management;0;2012-01-11;87;;2011-05-19;"";Mongu District Farmers Association, Kaomo District Farmers Association, Senanga District Agriculture and Commercial Show Society
Lesotho;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1987-01-01;"";;Mohale's Hoek;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1431;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Education,Health;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-LS-87-162145;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Taung Development Program;"";2012-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS, Nutrition;World Vision Lesotho
Haiti;"";1991-09-24;"";2010-01-12;"";;Centre,Grand'Anse,Ouest,Sud-Est;"";Community Organizations of the Port-au-Prince Metropolitan Zone (COZPAM), Coordination Régionale des Organisations de Sud-Est (CROSE), Coordination of Actions on Health and Development in Haiti (COSADH), Konbit Peyizan Grandans (KPGA);Immediate needs Psychosocial, Protection, Education, Disaster Risk Reduction, Food Security and Livelihoods;Belle-Anse,Corail,Jacmel,Lascahobas,Léogâne;"";17;Agenzia Italiana Risposta Emergenze (AGIRE);Jacmel,Lascahobas,Léogâne,Roseaux,Thiotte;Disaster Management,Education,Health,Protection;Daniel Gedeon;Education,Food Security and Agriculture,Health,Protection;Emergency Response Manager;ACAID-HT-10-002;Action Aid International USA;"";20000;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs), Earthquake victims;Haiti post earthquake Emergency Response 2;1617732;2010-12-12;3;"";2011-01-24;"";Action Aid Haiti
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";1999-01-01;"";;Khulna;"";"";THP works at the Union level to (a) mobilize the population for self-reliant action, including forming producer co-operatives and other income generating enterprises, (b) build civil society from the bottom up - creating people's organization of women, youth, elders, girl-child advocates, and the poorest of the poor, (c) strengthen local democracy, (d) ensure adequate facilities for achieving the MDGs, (e) organize mass action campaigns for health, nutrition, education, clean water and sanitation.;"";"";1181;Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID),British Council,Private donations;"";Agriculture,Education,Health,Human Rights Democracy and Governance,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;John Coonrod;"";Executive Vice President;THP-BD-99-001;The Hunger Project;"";20000;"";"";"";Bagerhat Pouroshova Mobilization;"";2100-12-31;83;"";"";"";The Hunger Project
Haiti;"";2011-04-22;"";2010-01-12;Azil Cummunale, Bas Cameroun, Baz Avili, Baz Garage, Boliman Brant, Bord Marche, Carrefour Pean, Chales Masson, Dahomey, Daniel Finole, Ecole Foyer de Nazareth, Galette Grefin, Hotel Carroussel, Hueh General, LaBorde, Durvergloire, Martissant, Parc De La Paix, Rue Dartiguenave, Sainte Bernadette, Sanatorium St. Antoine, Rue Martin, Rue Cherie, Tabarre Issa, Terrain Oscart, Trouvital, Venus, Morne Lavois;;Ouest;"";"";"Provision of Water and Sanitation hardware and software to earthquake effected populations in Haiti.
";Port-au-Prince;"";1918;American Red Cross,Charity Water,European Commission (EC),Government of Scotland,Irish Aid,Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA);Delmas,Port-au-Prince,Tabarre;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Kirk Prichard;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Advocacy Officer;CONW-HT-10-001;Concern Worldwide;"";71772;"";"";"";Water and Sanitation Programming;0;2011-12-31;87;;2011-05-19;"";Concern Worldwide
Zambia;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-13;"";2008-01-01;"";;Central,Luapula,Lusaka,Northern,Southern;"";"";While only 14% of Zambia's land is now under cultivation, the majority of its people support themselves through agriculture. Increased food production is possible as Zambia possesses plenty of land and water resources for agriculture and rural development.  ZAC is working to increase the agriculture productivity in order to ensure food security, income generation, and a reduction of poverty at the household level. The project is assisting communities to access farm inputs, and promoting the use of ox drawn ploughs. A practice of using local materials for poultry feed production, initiated at one of the sites last year, is being replicated at four other project sites. The number of clean water sources and sanitary facilities is being increased and irrigation projects from river sources are being developed to use the river water for the irrigation of vegetables. Water resource use will continue in a sustainable fashion while maintaining an equitable provision of adequate quantity and quality of water.  The access to formal government schools is limited and as a result many children and adults have missed the opportunity for basic education. The project works to enroll orphans and vulnerable children in community schools, and trains volunteer community adult literacy instructors and open adult learning classes. ZAC is strengthening the ability of the women and youth in the project sites to make positive changes in their lives by increasing their knowledge and skills, in order to protect them against mistreatment through economic empowerment. This includes education on HIV/AIDS and Tuberculosis as well as training for mothers in the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV. Efforts to reduce the rates of malaria are carried out through NetsforLife.;"";"";839;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Education,Health;Janette O'Neill;"";Program Officer;ERD-ZM-08-001;Episcopal Relief & Development;"";100000;"";"";Children, Children under 5, Families, Individuals, Men, Women;Zambian Anglican Council-Core Program;"";2012-12-31;27;;"";"";Zambia Anglican Council
Haiti;"";2011-01-12;"";2005-10-05;"";;Sud,Sud-Est;"";Community-based organizations;"The Participatory Development Project (PRODEP) assists Haitian communities to alleviate poverty in rural areas. Objectives: To build the capacity of community organizations; encourage them to define their own local priorities; assist them in implementing and managing small infrastructure or rehabilitation projects; and foster accountability and transparency. This project builds upon $14 million already invested in rural communities, with a $2.5 million investment from the Government of Haiti. Currently, this project is active in 14 districts with small grants to over 2,000 community-based organizations (CBOs).
";"";"";640;World Bank;"";Human Rights Democracy and Governance;Daniel O'Neil;"";Senior Program Director for the Caribbean;PADF-HT-05-002;Pan American Development Foundation;"";"";"";Prime;"";Rural Participatory Development Project (PRODEP);6990303;2011-07-13;54;;2011-06-01;Capacity building;Pan American Development Foundation
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-11-01;"";;Grand'Anse;"";"";"Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment
";Jérémie;"";1876;Private donations;Jérémie;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-51544;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Haitian Health Foundation Klinik Pep Bondye-a;14487;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";Haitian Health Foundation Klinik Pep Bondye-a
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";1999-01-01;"";;Rangpur;"";"";THP works at the Union level to (a) mobilize the population for self-reliant action, including forming producer co-operatives and other income generating enterprises, (b) build civil society from the bottom up - creating people's organization of women, youth, elders, girl-child advocates, and the poorest of the poor, (c) strengthen local democracy, (d) ensure adequate facilities for achieving the MDGs, (e) organize mass action campaigns for health, nutrition, education, clean water and sanitation.;"";"";1212;Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID),British Council,Private donations;"";Agriculture,Education,Health,Human Rights Democracy and Governance,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;John Coonrod;"";Executive Vice President;THP-BD-99-354;The Hunger Project;"";20000;"";"";"";Gorol Mobilization;"";2100-12-31;83;"";"";"";The Hunger Project
Chile;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1985-01-01;"";;Bío Bío;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1305;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Protection,Shelter and Housing;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-CL-85-56257;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Centro De Desarrollo Trapilhue Development Program;"";2012-01-01;76;"";"";"";World Vision Chile
Haiti;"";2011-05-02;"";2011-04-01;"Mellier, Carrefour
";;Ouest;"";"";"This project funds three part-time staff positions: two engineers and one water technician for three months. These technical staff will be responsible for preparing primary technical assessments of the Mellier and Carrefour communities in the Ouest Department. These staff will also be responsible for continuing the assessment in detail and following-up with selected solution providers from the Water and Reconstruction Forum with a secondary assessment after the Forum is completed. Overall, 40 new homes in Carrefour and Mellier will be designated for selected beneficiaries.
";Léogâne,Port-au-Prince;"";1754;Private donations;Carrefour,Léogâne;Shelter and Housing,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Melissa Crutchfield;"";Assistant General Secretary, International Disaster Response;UMCOR-HT-11-009;United Methodist Committee on Relief;"";"";"";Prime awardee;"";Water and Reconstruction Forum-Assessment;17694;2011-06-30;67;"";2011-05-02;"";Eglise Methodiste d'Haiti
Mauritania;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2009-05-31;"";;Assaba,Brakna;"";"";Provide nutritional and agricultural support to farmers to generate increased revenues and farm productivity that will eventually ensure their food security for the long term.;"";"";1584;Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA);"";Agriculture,Health;Carlos Piedrasanta;Nutrition;RDM Operations Deputy, IPG, World Vision US;WV-MR-09-191103;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Food Security and Nutrition Project (FSNP);"";2012-05-31;76;"";"";Nutrition;World Vision Mauritania
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-11-07;"";;Nord-Ouest;"";"";Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment;Port-de-Paix;"";1824;Private donations;Port-de-Paix;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-51524;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Centre Medical BERACA;18358;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";Centre Medical BERACA
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-15;"";2004-06-15;Jérémie;,;Grand'Anse;"";"";Provision of ready-to-use therapeutic food (RUTF) to implementing partners.;Jérémie;"";577;"";Jérémie;Health;Tom Stehl, Maryse Sterlin;Health,Nutrition;Coordinator of Operations, Haiti Administrator;MFK-HT-10-025;Meds & Food for Kids;"";"";"";"";Malnourished children;Community Management of Acute Malnutrition - Department Sanitaire de Grand Anse;0;2011-12-12;77;"";2011-04-11;"";Department Sanitaire de Grand Anse
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";1999-01-01;"";;Rajshahi;"";"";THP works at the Union level to (a) mobilize the population for self-reliant action, including forming producer co-operatives and other income generating enterprises, (b) build civil society from the bottom up - creating people's organization of women, youth, elders, girl-child advocates, and the poorest of the poor, (c) strengthen local democracy, (d) ensure adequate facilities for achieving the MDGs, (e) organize mass action campaigns for health, nutrition, education, clean water and sanitation.;"";"";1206;Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID),British Council,Private donations;"";Agriculture,Education,Health,Human Rights Democracy and Governance,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;John Coonrod;"";Executive Vice President;THP-BD-99-257;The Hunger Project;"";20000;"";"";"";Amdoi Mobilization;"";2100-12-31;83;"";"";"";The Hunger Project
Senegal;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2001-03-01;"";;Diourbel;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1104;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-SN-01-SG7;The Hunger Project;"";8992;"";"";"";Ndereppe  Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Ghana;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2006-01-01;"";;Eastern;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1123;The Robertson Foundation;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-GH-06-GH5;The Hunger Project;"";5000;"";"";"";Adonkwanta Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Senegal;foodsecurity_site;2011-05-19;"";2004-05-01;Podor;;Matam,Saint-Louis;"";"";"Through Food for Progress, Counterpart improves food access and availability in Senegal's Podor Department by training farmers in crop diversification and irrigation; establishing seed and tool banks; and providing capacity building to microfinance institutions. Counterpart also collaborates with the Senegalese Market Regulation Agency and the Development of Agricultural Markets Program to: improve the marketing and production of farmers' crops; strengthen the capacity of umbrella farmer associations; and facilitate the link between the farmers and entrepreneurs in Podor to local, national and international markets.
";"";"";1929;US Department of Agriculture (USDA);"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Mark Holt;"";Director, Nutrition, Health and Humanitarian Services;CPINT-SN-04-001;Counterpart International;"Food Security Programming, Microenterprise, Smallholder Agriculture Development, Gender Equality and Mainstreaming,
";"";"";Prime Awardee;"";Food for Progress;6483462;2011-11-30;25;;2011-05-19;Gender, Climate Change;Counterpart International
Haiti;"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";Children with disability and injuries have a safe place and receive education, play activities, rehabilitation and psychosocial support.  10 Child Day Care Centers (7 of 10 functioning by 2 April) are established strategically in Port-au-Prince supporting children with and without disabilities affected by the earthquake.  All children attending benefit from these child friendly spaces. The 1200 children with disabilities in attendance will receive additional rehabilitation support as well as access to other services (for example ensuring that children with epilepsy have access to needed medication).;"";"";268;ChildFund International,Government of New Zealand,Government of Scotland;"";Protection;"";"";"";CBM-HT-10-002;Christian Blind Mission;"";1200;"";"";Children;Child Day Care Centers;"";"";22;"";"";"";""
Guatemala;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1996-01-01;"";;Sololá;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1376;Private donations;"";Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-GT-96-179902;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Cotzij Yb Development Program;"";2013-01-01;76;"";"";Nutrition;World Vision Guatemala
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";1999-01-01;"";;Chittagong;"";"";THP works at the Union level to (a) mobilize the population for self-reliant action, including forming producer co-operatives and other income generating enterprises, (b) build civil society from the bottom up - creating people's organization of women, youth, elders, girl-child advocates, and the poorest of the poor, (c) strengthen local democracy, (d) ensure adequate facilities for achieving the MDGs, (e) organize mass action campaigns for health, nutrition, education, clean water and sanitation.;"";"";1193;Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID),British Council,Private donations;"";Agriculture,Education,Health,Human Rights Democracy and Governance,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;John Coonrod;"";Executive Vice President;THP-BD-99-110;The Hunger Project;"";20000;"";"";"";Badarkhali Mobilization;"";2100-12-31;83;"";"";"";The Hunger Project
Haiti;"";2010-10-09;"";2010-05-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";All Hands is building composting toilets in communities and schools in the greater Léogâne region. An education program has been developed to teach the communities we enter about ecological sanitation.;Léogâne;"";50;"";Léogâne;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;"";Water Sanitation and Hygiene;"";HODR-HT-10-006;All Hands Volunteers;"";"";"";"";"";Composting Toilets;"";2011-12-31;5;"";"";"";All Hands Volunteers
Haiti;"";2010-09-22;"";2010-02-01;"";"";Ouest;"";"";Operation Blessing and Partners in Health are building a center for abandoned children with disabilities in Port-au-Prince, named Zanmi Beni. After the earthquake hit, 40 disabled and orphaned children were evacuated by PIH from the General Hospital, where some had been for months or even several years before the quake hit and taken to St. Damien Hospital. Now these disabled children will be moved to a residential care and school center that is a joint effort between Operation Blessing and Partners in Heath. ;Port-au-Prince;"";610;"";Port-au-Prince;Health,Protection;"";Health,Protection;"";OBI-HT-10-005;Operation Blessing International;"";"";"";"";"";Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC);0;2011-12-12;51;"";2011-05-13;"";Partners in Health
Haiti;"";2010-09-24;"";2010-01-12;"";,;Ouest,Sud-Est;ECCD sub-cluster under Education Cluster being led by Plan;"";Establishment of early childhood care and development (ECCD) centers, training of caregivers, and provision of learning materials to serve needs of children under 5 years of age;Croix-des-Bouquets,Jacmel;"";649;"";Croix-des Bouquets,Jacmel;Education;Frank Manfredi (Plan USA/DC), Kristie van de Wetering (Plan Haiti);Education;Director of Humanitarian Assistance, Director of Communications;PLAN-HT-10-004;Plan;"";"";"";"";Children;Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD);"";2012-01-31;57;"";"";"";Plan
Haiti;"";2010-07-12;"";2010-01-14;"";;Ouest;"";"";Provision of medications, medical staff, mobile and static clinics, cholera response;Léogâne,Port-au-Prince;"";55;American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee;Léogâne,Port-au-Prince;Health;Djerhy Jean Baptiste;"";Program Manager;JDC-HT-10-002;American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee;"";30000;"";"";"";Medical Relief;1051762;2011-01-01;7;;"";"";Heart to Heart International, International Medical Corps, Zanmi Lasante (ZL), Magen David Adom, Israel Defense Forces (IDF) Medical Corps
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-11-01;"";;L'Artibonite;"";"";"Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment
";Marmelade;"";1891;Private donations;Saint Michel de l'Attalaye;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-51635;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Saint Michel de L'Attalaye;14164;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";Saint Michel de L'Attalaye
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;"";"";1996-06-01;"";;Rajshahi;"";"";Weekly meetings of Savings and Learning Groups of between 12 and 20 people as a vehicle for micro-savings-based food security and micro-enterprise, WASH education, health education, community development and long-term formation of participant-led community development institutions. Groups are single-gender settings to meet the needs of cultural norms in Bangladesh, but teach skills for healthy social interaction and values for good relationships. Groups are self-led and facilitated by FH Staff, with direct contact one half day per group per week.;"";"";844;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Lucas Shindeldecker;"";Food Security Program Officer;FH-BD-96-BANFCT020024;Food for the Hungry;"";33380;"";"";"";Family and Community Transformation (FCT) # 4;"";2016-12-31;28;;"";Gender, Capacity building;""
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-15;"";2004-06-15;Mizak;,;"";"";"";Provision of ready-to-use therapeutic food (RUTF) to implementing partners. Haitian Artisans for Peace provides Medika Mamba in three month rotations with approximately 15 children treated in each rotation.;"";"";559;United Methodist Church;"";Health;Tom Stehl, Maryse Sterlin;Health,Nutrition;Coordinator of Operations, Haiti Administrator;MFK-HT-10-006;Meds & Food for Kids;"";"";"";"";Malnourished children;Community Management of Acute Malnutrition - Haitian Artisans for Peace International;0;2011-12-12;77;"";2011-04-11;"";Haitian Artisans for Peace International
";;Central;"";"";"This project, realigning agriculture to improve nutrition (RAIN), aims to reduce the prevalence of stunting in children through interventions during the critical period from conception until 24 months of age, roughly equivalent to the first 1000 days of life, as chronic malnutrition is largely irreversible after the age of two years. In doing so, it will generate evidence of the best approach to do this and document the impact pathways that are most optimal. Interventions have been selected in agriculture, nutrition, health and gender equality that have a strong evidence base or, where there is no evidence base, where expert opinion endorses their use. The project will utilize the existing evidence base and improve it the where gaps exist through an appropriate project design and ongoing operations research. Empowerment of women will be a cornerstone of the approach and a key outcome of the envisioned system change, as it is well recognized that women, as food producers and primary caretakers, play a key role in influencing the nutritional outcomes in their children.
";"";"";1924;Irish Aid,The Kerry Group;"";Agriculture,Health;Gudrun Stallkamp;Food Security and Agriculture,Health;Rain Project Manager;CONW-ZW-11-001;Concern Worldwide;"";23040;"";Prime Awardee;Children under 2 years, Pregnant Women, Lactating Women;Realigning Agriculture to Improve Nutrition (RAIN);0;2015-12-31;87;;2011-05-19;Gender, HIV/AIDS;""
Haiti;"";1991-09-13;"";2010-05-01;"";;Centre,Grand'Anse,L'Artibonite,Nippes,Ouest,Sud,Sud-Est;"";Parish of St. Matthieu in Matthieu, Mission of Latournelle, Mission of Campan, Missions of Jean-Jean, Mission of Petit Boucan, Parish of Ascension of Thor, Mission of Morin, Tmission of Taifer, Station of Tiguinin, Mission of Diguinin, Mission of Poucy;"In line with national efforts, Episcopal Relief & Developments national partner, CEDDISEC, has launched a “Cash for Work” program that not only creates employment and increases household economic independence, but also provides opportunities for the leadership and participation of Haitians in community-based recovery efforts. Giving people a voice and a sense of control in their own recovery and future is an important first step on the road to reducing stress and facilitating sustainable development.  Creating both cash and pride at the community level, the program methodology encourages community-based committees to identify and lead their communitys recovery projects; thus giving people the opportunity to make decisions as well as identify program participants. Program objectives are:  1) To provide immediate support toward economic independence to at least 4,768 individuals (directly), and thus an estimated 23,840 individuals/family members (indirectly), with an intentional effort to include women; 2) To restore a sense of structure, and to reduce stress and violence through the creation of 140+ Cash for Work projects that provide at least US$100 in wages/worker through 20-days of short-term work in community-identified, parish-led projects; and 3) To support the engagement of Haitians and Episcopal Parishes of the Episcopal Diocese of Haiti in community-based recovery. Some of the types of community recovery projects being identified and supported are: rubble removal; rehabilitation of local markets, clinics, schools and churches; sanitation campaigns; hurricane preparedness and response through rebuilding of roads and ditches; and special assistance for vulnerable community members.";Anse-à-Veau,Aquin,Bainet,Croix-des-Bouquets,Gonaïves,Jacmel,Jérémie,La Gonave,Lascahobas,Léogâne,Port-au-Prince,l'Arcahaie,les Cayes;"";368;Private donations;Anse-à-Galets,Anse-à-Veau,Arcahaie,Bainet,Carrefour,Cavaillon,Cayes,Chantal,Croix-des Bouquets,Delmas,Gonaïves,Grand-Goâve,Grenier,Jacmel,Jérémie,Lascahobas,Léogâne,Port-au-Prince,Thomazeau,Torbeck;Disaster Management,Economic Recovery and Development;Tammi Mott;Early Recovery;Haiti Recovery Program;ERD-HT-10-002;Episcopal Relief & Development;"";4889;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs), Vulnerable people/populations, University Students;Economic Independence & Community Recovery;0;2011-04-01;27;"";1991-12-10;Gender;Episcopal Diocese of Haiti, Centre Diocésain de Développement Intégré et de Secours (CEDDISEC)
Kenya;foodsecurity_site;2011-03-10;"";2009-11-25;"2nd admin: Kibwezi District
3rd admin: Makindu division
City/village: Makindu, Mulili ";;Eastern;"";"";LWR will work with two partners—Neema Self Help Group and Makindu River Irrigation Farms Self Help Group. Both groups were established in 2006 with an aim of harnessing water from Makindu River for domestic and agricultural use. LWR will accompany Neema and Makindu as they bring vulnerable populations back from the brink of starvation by providing immediate access to food and water and avoid further expansion of the crisis by increasing resiliency and effective agricultural production in drought affected areas of Eastern Kenya. Concretely, this project will increase food and water accessibility immediately for 7,500 people and their 37,500 household members through a cash-for-work program that will rehabilitate local irrigation systems. In addition, this project will avert further crisis by increasing food production in the upcoming growing seasons through improved irrigation, soil and water conservation systems and practices, stronger local management and technical skills, and access to financial services for more than 1,000 farmers in Makindu division. Objectives: (1) Objective #1:  Immediately increase food and water accessibility for 7,500 community members on the rehabilitation of Neema and Makindu river irrigation networks. (2) Increase resiliency for climate and price shocks by boosting sustainable local production and farmer income through the acquisition of needed management and technical skills and access to financial services for more than 1,000 farmers in Makindu district. (3) Strengthen the capacity of NEEMA and Makindu SHGs to implement effective crisis response and agricultural resiliency programming. ;"";"";1651;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Disaster Management;Alissa Karg;"";Africa Deputy Regional Director;LWR-KE-09-AF-KEN-3-001-10;Lutheran World Relief;"";7500;"";"";"";Back From the Brink: Rapid Response to Hunger and Lack of Resiliency in Eastern Kenya;0;2011-11-30;45;;2011-03-17;Capacity building, Disaster risk reduction (DRR);Neema Self Help Group, Makindu Self Help Group
Malawi;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1996-01-01;"";;Southern;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1435;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-MW-96-171090;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Chingale Development Program;"";2015-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS, Nutrition;World Vision Malawi
Haiti;"";1991-09-24;"";2010-01-12;"";;Ouest;"";"";The American Red Cross is partnering with Partners in Health to provide operational support to University Hospital, the largest general hospital in Port-au-Prince, which serves a population of 500,000 people. The American Red Cross is helping pay staff salaries, and is also underwriting the establishment of an Intensive Care Unit in partnership with the Haitian Ministry of Health.;Port-au-Prince;"";104;Private donations;Carrefour;Health;Marian Spivey-Estrada;Health;Manager, Information and Reporting;ARCIS-HT-10-H6;American Red Cross;"";"";Please note that the estimated number of people reached refers to the total number of people each project plans to reach over the life of its implementation. Not all of these people have been reached with services yet.;"";Affected population(s);Operational Support for University Hospital through Partners in Health;0;2011-10-31;9;;2011-04-29;"";Partners in Health
Haiti;"";2010-10-08;"";2010-11-01;""; ;Ouest;"";"";"To ensure a brighter future for all Haitians, the IRC is developing long-term economic recovery programs while implementing Cash-for-Work programs to help people meet their basic, immediate needs and assist with the rebuilding and recovery process.
";Port-au-Prince;"";483;American Red Cross;Port-au-Prince,Tabarre;Economic Recovery and Development,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Lina Gjerstad  ;Early Recovery;Grants Coordinator ;IRC-HT-10-005;International Rescue Committee (IRC);"Cleaning of exisiting drainage with distributed tools and collection of solid waste
";31599;"";Prime Awardee ;"";IRC Water and Sanitation Response (Cash-for-Work) ;0;2011-10-31;43; ;2011-05-11;"";International Rescue Committee (IRC) 
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-11-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";"Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment
";Port-au-Prince;"";1868;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-51580;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Centre Aurore du Bel-Air;2525;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";Centre Aurore du Bel-Air
Haiti;"";2010-10-06;"";2010-02-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";Distribution of NFI;Léogâne,Port-au-Prince;"";442;"";Carrefour,Delmas,Grand-Goâve,Petit-Goâve,Port-au-Prince,Pétion-Ville,Tabarre;Disaster Management;Armony Mangin;Shelter and Non-Food Items;Liaison & Advocacy Officer;HCI-HT-10-006;Handicap International;"";43651;"";"";"";Basic Needs 2;0;2010-10-31;32;"";2011-01-10;"";Handicap International
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-03-19;"";;Ouest;"";"";Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment;Léogâne;"";1808;Private donations;Léogâne;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-9054;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Tzu Chi;17897;2010-03-19;26;;2011-04-22;"";Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation
Ghana;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2007-01-01;"";;Eastern;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1154;The Robertson Foundation;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-GH-07-GH36;The Hunger Project;"";5000;"";"";"";Otuater Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-15;"";2004-06-15;Fond Parisien;,;"";"";"";Provision of ready-to-use therapeutic food (RUTF) to implementing partners. BOSKO provides a home for abandoned children. They focus especially on groups of 3 or more siblings who are difficult to place in homes.;"";"";561;"";"";Health;Tom Stehl, Maryse Sterlin;Health,Nutrition;Coordinator of Operations, Haiti Administrator;MFK-HT-10-008;Meds & Food for Kids;"";"";"";"";Malnourished children;Community Management of Acute Malnutrition - BOSKO;0;2011-12-12;77;"";2011-04-11;"";BOSKO
Haiti;"";2011-04-29;"";2011-01-15;"";;Ouest;"";"";"To enable the development of local girl-focused programming in Haiti and a workshop for the Haiti Adolescent Girls Network where local organizations, including AJWS grantees, will share experiences and best practices gleaned from working to empower adolescent girls.
";Port-au-Prince;"";1765;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Health,Human Rights Democracy and Governance;Amarilys Estrella;Camp Coordination and Management,Health,Shelter and Non-Food Items;Program Officer;AJWS-HT-11-033;American Jewish World Service (AJWS);"";20000;"";Prime Awardee;Women, Girls, Internally displaced persons (IDPs);Haiti Adolescent Girls Network Workshop;25000;2011-08-14;8;;2011-04-29;"";Haiti Adolescent Girls Network
Haiti;"";2010-09-23;"";2010-01-15;""; ;Nord-Ouest,Ouest;"";"";"Supporting churches to enhance the provision of health care through:
a. Mobile medical clinics
b. Resupply of medicines, medical equipment, and supplies
c. Provision of medical specialty training teams to local hospitals
d. Community health education";Port-au-Prince,Port-de-Paix;"";552;Private donations;Port-au-Prince,Port-de-Paix;Health;Debbie Bailey ;Health;Disaster Response Team Coordinator ;MTI-HT-10-004;Medical Teams International;"";3400;"";"";"";Church and Faith Based Organization Engagement;0;2011-09-30;49;;2011-04-21;"";Medical Teams International
Armenia;foodsecurity_site;2011-05-26;"";2008-07-16;"";;Ararat,Armavir,Vayots' Dzor;"";"";"The SCEAD program is focused on capacity building and livelihoods improvement for small farmers in Armenia. The program provides technical assistance in order to improve farming and agricultural techniques, establishes new agricultural cooperatives, supplies these cooperatives with agricultural machinery and equipment as well as start-up costs and legal assistance, and helps develop the cooperatives' post-harvest capacities, including market research, marketing, promotion, and sales. 
";"";"";1931;US Department of Agriculture (USDA);"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development;Nicholas Jaeger;"";Program Assistant, UMCOR-NGO;UMCOR-AM-08-EADA21;United Methodist Committee on Relief;"";27055;"";"";Small farmers;Sustainable Cooperative Extension and Agricultural Development (SCEAD);2543144;2011-09-30;67;"";2011-05-26;"Capacity building
";UMCOR Armenia
Haiti;"";2010-11-13;"";2010-03-30;"";;Ouest;"";"";Distributed 1,000 emergency shelter tarps to IDP families in Petit-Goâve town center and 12e section (Vallue);Léogâne;"";152;International Organization for Migration (IOM),Private donations;Petit-Goâve;Shelter and Housing;Michael D. Miller;Shelter and Non-Food Items;President;ADF-HT-10-004;America's Development Foundation;"";5000;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs);Distribution Emergency Shelter- 10'x24' tarps;123000;2010-04-02;12;;2010-11-13;"";America's Development Foundation, International Organization for Migration (IOM), Comite d'Action pour une Petit-Goâve Regeneree (CAPR), Comite Communale de Protection Civile (CCPC)
Thailand;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1999-01-01;"";;Roi Et;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1532;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-TH-99-172444;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Chaturapak Development Program;"";2012-01-01;76;"";"";"";World Vision Thailand
Brazil;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1998-01-01;"";;Rio de Janeiro;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1280;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Protection;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-BR-98-172067;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Amigos Para Sempre Development Program;"";2016-01-01;76;"";"";Nutrition;World Vision Brazil
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";1999-01-01;"";;Sylhet;"";"";THP works at the Union level to (a) mobilize the population for self-reliant action, including forming producer co-operatives and other income generating enterprises, (b) build civil society from the bottom up - creating people's organization of women, youth, elders, girl-child advocates, and the poorest of the poor, (c) strengthen local democracy, (d) ensure adequate facilities for achieving the MDGs, (e) organize mass action campaigns for health, nutrition, education, clean water and sanitation.;"";"";1241;Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID),British Council,Private donations;"";Agriculture,Education,Health,Human Rights Democracy and Governance,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;John Coonrod;"";Executive Vice President;THP-BD-99-630;The Hunger Project;"";20000;"";"";"";Singchapair Mobilization;"";2100-12-31;83;"";"";"";The Hunger Project
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-20;"";2009-02-01;"";;Dhaka;"";"";"Prawn-Fish culture is an area with major potential that offers significant opportunities for poor rural households throughout Bangladesh. More than other sub-sectors, homestead fish and prawn farming offer opportunities for inclusion of women and families in the productive enterprises, and offers significant prospects to increase smallholder incomes, increase export earnings, and enable the development of post harvest value chains and cold chains that will serve to promote the specific and overall Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) goals of the Government of Bangladesh (GoB).

The purpose of REAP is to utilize value-chain approaches to bring business solutions to the prawn-fish sub-sector.  The goal of the REAP project is to improve the socio-economic conditions of farmers through integrated aquaculture; reduce poverty through integrated aquaculture business, improved nutritional standards and food security of the resources poor farmers through farming integration; and establish linkages between the public and private sectors for sustainable aquaculture and agricultural entrepreneurship. ";"";"";1253;US Department of Agriculture (USDA);"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development;Dan Gudahl;"";Senior Program Officer;WINRO-BD-09-6116;Winrock International;"The primary objectives of REAP are:
- Reduce poverty through promoting profitable rural enterprises in prawn-carp polyculture and pond dike based vegetables cultivation & horticulture for smallholders.
- Improve nutritional standards and food security for resource poor farmers (RPF) by farming integration.
- Contribute in foreign exchange earnings through supply of quality prawn.
- Strengthen and build capacity of service providers and national/local NGOs to implement aquaculture and agricultural enterprise development program.
- Provide training in different fields of aquaculture and agriculture for the targeted resource poor and marginal farmers.
- Establish linkage between public and private sector for sustainable aquaculture and agricultural entrepreneurship development.
- Develop marketing channel for the small /medium scale entrepreneurs to ensure reasonable farm-gate price of their products.
- Encourage women participation in homestead pond aquaculture, homestead gardening and small scale enterprises.
- Form cluster based farmers association/ organization for their coordinated efforts in their field of activities.
";20000;"";Prime awardee;Small and marginal farmers;Rural Enterprise for Alleviating Poverty (REAP);"";2011-01-31;70;;"";Gender, Food security, Nutrition;Winrock International, Society for Social Service (SSS), Bangladesh Association for Social Advancement (BASA)
India;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1996-01-01;"";;Rajasthan;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1411;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-IN-96-170763;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Nav Prabhat Development Program;"";2013-01-01;76;"";"";"";World Vision India
Honduras;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1995-01-01;"";;Francisco Morazán;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1394;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Protection,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-HN-95-161894;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Villafranca Development Program;"";2016-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS, Nutrition;World Vision Honduras
Uganda;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2009-01-01;"";;Abim,Kaabong,Kotido;"";"";Aims to save lives and address acute under nutrition of refugees, internally displaced persons and other vulnerable groups and communities whose food and nutrition security has been affected by shocks, and protects livelihoods of groups and communities whose food and nutrition security have been affected by shocks.;"";"";1604;United Nations (UN);"";Food Aid,Health;Carlos Piedrasanta;Nutrition;RDM Operations Deputy, IPG, World Vision US;WV-UG-09-190557;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";Refugees, Internally displaced persons (IDPs);Uganda World Food Program (WFP) Karamoja;"";2010-02-28;76;"";"";Nutrition;World Vision Uganda
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-11-05;"";;L'Artibonite;"";"";Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment;Saint-Marc;"";1822;Private donations;Saint-Marc;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-51516;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Centre de sante de Pierre Payen;14041;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";Centre de sante de Pierre Payen
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-15;"";2004-06-15;Croix-des-Bouquets;,;Ouest;"";"";Provision of ready-to-use therapeutic food (RUTF) to implementing partners. FRADES provides Medika Mamba to orphaned children post-earthquake.;Croix-des-Bouquets;"";567;"";Croix-des Bouquets;Health;Tom Stehl, Maryse Sterlin;Health,Nutrition;Coordinator of Operations, Haiti Administrator;MFK-HT-10-014;Meds & Food for Kids;"";"";"";"";Malnourished children;Community Management of Acute Malnutrition - FRADES;0;2011-12-12;77;"";2011-04-11;"";FRADES
Haiti;"";2010-11-19;"";2010-11-19;Petionville;;Ouest;Petionville;""; Delivery of $415,298 worth of medical supplies ;Port-au-Prince;"";679;"";Port-au-Prince;Health;Niecy LoCricchio;Health;Director of Grants;CURE-HT-10-31004;PROJECT C.U.R.E.;"";18000;"";"";"";In-Kind Donations to Memorial Medical Center & Imaging;415298;2010-11-19;59;;"";"";Memorial Medical Center & Imaging
India;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1995-01-01;"";;Andhra Pradesh;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1415;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-IN-95-162782;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Shanthidatha Development Program;"";2016-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS;World Vision India
Zimbabwe;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2006-01-01;"";;Manicaland;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1550;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Education,Health,Protection,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-ZW-06-184472;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Nyanga North Development Program;"";2023-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS;World Vision Zimbabwe
Ghana;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2003-01-01;"";;Volta;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1164;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-GH-03-GH46;The Hunger Project;"";10353;"";"";"";Fesi-Bame Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Mali;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2006-07-01;"";";";Mopti;"";National Bank for Agricultural Development (BNDA);"LWR's partners in this tripartite project are the Guireyaawés Federation, which consists of 125 member farmers' associations, and the BNDA (National Bank for Agricultural Development), which manages a revolving loan fund for project participants. Objectives - (1) Improved sesame production and marketing lead to increased incomes: Access to capital, training and acquisition of necessary technology results in a 68 fold increase in production and an 18 fold increase in net incomes by project end. Organic certification increases market outlets and fetches better prices for the Federation's sesame. (2) Strengthened organizational capacities: Federation members are trained in technical and financial matters, literacy, equipment and stock management, and associative life to ensure sustainability of the project's activities. The group develops a business plan to guide future operations.
 (3) Stronger lending capacity for local financial institutions: LWR's invested loan fund increases loan sizes available to Federation members and strengthens BNDA's capacity to extend loans to marginalized groups. BNDA also strengthens its own technical and managerial capacities to serve rural communities.
";"";"";988;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development;Hayley Frank;"";Regional Program Associate for Africa;LWR-ML-06-AF-MAI-3-003-06;Lutheran World Relief;"";6628;"";"";"";Program for Promoting Organic Sesame Farming in Koro;"";2011-06-30;45;;"";Capacity building;The Federation of Guireyaawés
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;1991-12-10;"";2010-12-31;"";;L'Artibonite;"";"";To promote sustainable agriculture and support income generation by providing access to credit and technical training for 60 model farmers;Gonaïves;"";73;Private donations;Gonaïves;Agriculture;Amarilys Estrella;Early Recovery,Food Security and Agriculture,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Program Officer;AJWS-HT-10-026;American Jewish World Service (AJWS);"";60;"";"";Farmers, Fisherfolk;Building the Technical Capacity of Small-Scale Farmers - Year 2;6000;2011-12-30;8;"";2011-01-14;"";Mouvman Peyzan Bayone 2eme Section Communale des Gonaïves (MPB)
Haiti;"";2010-10-01;"";2008-09-01;"";"";"";"";"";Renforcer les capacités des acteurs et élus de 4 communes du département du Nord'Ouest à gérer l'eau potable et les excrétas humains, et à prévenir les maladies liées à l'eau et l'assainissement;"";"";10;French Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs;"";Water Sanitation and Hygiene;"";Water Sanitation and Hygiene;"";AAH-HT-10-HAG1C;Action Against Hunger;"Réalisation dune etude anthropologique sur lassainissement autonome et lhygiène
Réalisation dun état des lieux initial
Elaboration dun plan IEC
Mise en oeuvre du plan IEC
Réalisation dun état des lieux intermédiaire, evaluation et renforcement des activités IEC
Réalisation dun état des lieux final";40000;"";"";"";Réduction de limpact des excrétas humains dans le département du Nord Ouest, République dHaïti;343388;2011-02-28;2;"";"";"";Action Against Hunger
Zimbabwe;foodsecurity_site;2011-05-26;"";2010-12-08;"";;"";This project takes place nationwide.;"";"Between March and August 2011, UMCOR will make three distributions of emergency food aid to both transitorily and chronically food-insecure households.
";"";"";1939;US Department of Agriculture (USDA);"";Food Aid;Nicholas Jaeger;"";Program Assistant, UMCOR-NGO;UMCOR-ZW-10-AZDA22;United Methodist Committee on Relief;"";50304;"";"";Transitorily and chronically food-insecure households;Local and Regional Food Aid Procurement Pilot Project in Chipinge District in Zimbabwe;1623177;2011-09-30;67;"";2011-05-26;"";UMCOR Zimbabwe
Haiti;"";"";"";"";"";"";Ouest;"";"";This long standing partner of and for the blind provides CBR instructors (Orientation and Mobility, Daily Living Skills, Braille) in different parts of the country providing basic education and rehabilitation. This CBM partner has been involved in distributing food and non-food items to persons with disabilities.;Port-au-Prince;"";274;"";Port-au-Prince;Education;"";"";"";CBM-HT-10-008;Christian Blind Mission;"";"";"";"";People with disabilities;Societe Haitienne d'Aide aux Aveugles (SHAA);"";"";22;"";"";Disability;Societe Haitienne d'Aide aux Aveugles (SHAA)
Malawi;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2003-07-01;"";;Southern;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1092;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-MW-03-005;The Hunger Project;"";7962;"";"";"";Mpingo Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Ethiopia;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2004-01-01;"";;Oromia;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1084;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-ET-04-ET3;The Hunger Project;"";18500;"";"";"";Jaldu Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Sierra Leone;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2008-09-01;"";;Eastern,Northern;"";"";The PAGE program is improving the incomes derived from agriculture for 29,000 farm households in Sierra Leone.;"";"";1594;ACDI/VOCA,US Agency for International Development (USAID);"";Agriculture;Carlos Piedrasanta;"";RDM Operations Deputy, IPG, World Vision US;WV-SL-08-189506;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Promoting Agriculture, Governance and Environment (PAGE);"";2012-04-30;76;"";"";"";ACDI/VOCA, Associates in Rural Development (ARD), World Vision
Haiti;"";1991-12-20;"";2011-01-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";This Habitat for Humanity International project will improve the safety and health of households in need by providing home repairs, latrines and upgrades to transitional shelters in Léogâne.;Port-au-Prince;"";431;Polish Humanitarian Action;Port-au-Prince;Shelter and Housing;Kate Pearson;Shelter and Non-Food Items;Director - Strategic Partnerships, Haiti;HFHI-HT-10-011;Habitat for Humanity International;"";2000;"";"";Affected population(s);Rebuilding Hope and Homes in Haiti # 2;610000;2011-05-10;31;;2011-02-04;"";Habitat for Humanity International
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1994-01-01;"";;Centre;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1382;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Protection;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-HT-94-166309;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Covihoy Development Program;"";2012-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS;World Vision Haiti
Guatemala;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-14;"";2006-10-01;"";;El Quiché;"";"";"Save the Children mobilizes community participation to ensure food security in the Quiche region in the Guatemala highlands, which is still recovering from years of civil conflict. Women and children of chronically food insecure households are the primary beneficiaries of this program that uses a behavior change centered program framework to reduce malnutrition. The program builds community resilience and reduces vulnerabilities by improving the management of natural resources within target communities and strengthening the preparedness and the capacity to respond to natural disasters at the household, community, and municipal level. The program has a large range of activities related to achiving its three Strategic Objectives: 1) Increased adoption of key maternal/child health and nutrition (MCHN) practices and use of  services; 2) Increased adoption of key food production and marketing practices and use of services; and 3) Increased adoption of key natural resource management practices that strengthen community and household preparedness for natural disaster.";"";"";1052;Office of Food for Peace (USAID/FFP);"";Agriculture,Disaster Management,Health;Rodrigo Arias ;"";MYAP Program Manager;STC-GT-06-84010348/352;Save the Children;"";104080;"";Prime awardee;Women, Children;PROMASA II (Guatemala Multi-Year Assistance Program);11134255;2011-09-30;63;"";2011-05-11;Disaster risk reduction (DRR), Nutrition;Cooperativa Todos Nebajenses, RL (COTONEB), Fundación Génesis Empresarial, Kiej de los Bosques
Senegal;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2002-01-01;"";;Fatick;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1497;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Health;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-SN-02-175268;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Tattaguine Development Program;"";2019-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS, Nutrition;World Vision Senegal
";;Ouest;"";Private sector;"With over 680,000 internally displaced persons (IDPs) living in tent cities according to the last survey of the International Organization for Migration (IOM), rebuilding remains the main development factor of Haiti one year after the earthquake. WHI started the project to build 30 houses in Léogane by November 2011, promoting a new way of construction by using improved contruction materials.
";Léogâne;"";1723;Private donations;Léogâne;Shelter and Housing;Larousse Ceus;Shelter and Non-Food Items;Country Director of Haiti;WH-HT-11-013;World Hope International;"";250;"";Prime awardee;Families;Housing Project;350000;2011-11-30;73;;2011-04-26;"";World Hope International
Haiti;"";1991-09-24;"";2010-03-15;"";;Ouest,Sud-Est;"";International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC);Beyond the January 2010 earthquake, Haiti faces frequent natural disasters, including floods and hurricanes.  The American Red Cross Emergency Disaster Risk Reduction Program focuses on reducing the risks faced by camp residents through a community-based approach.  Disaster preparedness activities include establishing and training resident disaster response committees, developing preparedness plans and installing early warning systems in camps, while mitigation activities include digging ditches, installing drainage systems and reinforcing embankments.  In most cases, this program is working in the same camps as the Post-Earthquake Health Promotion Program, thus providing comprehensive services to camp communities. The program seeks to prepare 200,000 people, in partnership with the Haitian Red Cross. ;Croix-des-Bouquets,Jacmel,Port-au-Prince;"";91;Private donations;Carrefour,Cité Soleil,Croix-des Bouquets,Delmas,Jacmel,Port-au-Prince,Pétion-Ville,Tabarre;Disaster Management;Marian Spivey-Estrada;Camp Coordination and Management;Manager, Information and Reporting;ARCIS-HT-10-DDR2A&B;American Red Cross;"";200000;Please note that the estimated number of people reached refers to the total number of people each project plans to reach over the life of its implementation. Not all of these people have been reached with services yet.;"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs), Affected population(s);Disaster Preparedness and Risk Reduction Camps;0;2011-11-30;9;;2011-04-29;Disaster risk reduction (DRR);American Red Cross, Haitian Red Cross
Haiti;"";2010-05-19;"";2010-01-31;"";;Ouest;"";"";Distribution of 2,000 layettes and 650 health kits.;Port-au-Prince;"";505;Private donations;Cité Soleil,Delmas,Port-au-Prince,Pétion-Ville;Disaster Management,Health;Trevor Knoblich;Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Program Coordinator for Emergency Response;LWR-HT-10-LA-HAI-2-001-10;Lutheran World Relief;"";2000;"";"";"";Layettes and Health Kits for Earthquake Affected in Haiti;56309;2010-03-30;45;;2011-04-04;"";Church World Service
Haiti;"";2010-09-24;"";2010-09-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";"This project funds the initial set-up, supply, and the first year of projected 5-year operational costs of the Eglise Methodiste d'Haiti (EMH) Relief Office in order for the EMH Relief Task Force to adequately carry out their work in Haiti.

";Port-au-Prince;"";718;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Disaster Management;Melissa Crutchfield;"";Assistant General Secretary, International Disaster Response;UMCOR-HT-10-418325-2;United Methodist Committee on Relief;"";7;"";Prime awardee;"";Eglise Methodiste dHaiti Relief Office Set-Up and Operations in Haiti;13566;2011-08-31;67;"";"";"";Eglise Methodiste dHaiti
Haiti;"";2011-01-11;"";2011-01-11;"";"";Ouest;Working in 51 camps in Carrefour and Leogane to provide Water and Sanitation;"";Earthquake response;Léogâne,Port-au-Prince;"";774;"";Carrefour,Léogâne;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;"";"";"";CARE-HT-10-12;CARE;Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH);50000;"";"";"";Leogane & Carrefour - Water, Sanitation & Hygiene;0;2011-01-31;19;"";2011-01-20;"";""
Malawi;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1996-01-01;"";;Northern;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1436;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-MW-96-169835;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Mutendere Development Program;"";2016-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS, Nutrition;World Vision Malawi
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-15;"";2004-06-15;Cap-Haïtien;,;Nord;"";"";Provision of ready-to-use therapeutic food (RUTF) to implementing partners.;Cap-Haïtien;"";571;"";Cap-Haïtien;Health;Tom Stehl, Maryse Sterlin;Health,Nutrition;Coordinator of Operations, Haiti Administrator;MFK-HT-10-019;Meds & Food for Kids;"";"";"";"";Malnourished children;Community Management of Acute Malnutrition - Mission of Mercy;0;2011-12-12;77;"";2011-04-11;"";Mission of Mercy
Haiti;"";1991-12-09;"";2010-06-30;Cazeau;;Ouest;"";"";Improving the status of the health care for the population of Cazeau and strengthening the provision of curative care at the relocated Hospial St. Francois de Sales.;Port-au-Prince;"";141;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Health;Donna Porstner;Health;Communications Manager;ACARE-HT-10-125-1009-502;AmeriCares;Training and deploying a cadre of 12 Community Health Workers to provide services for the community.;10000;"";"";"";Community Health Program for Cazeau Community in Haiti;183000;2011-08-01;11;"";2011-04-22;Community Health;St. Francois de Sales Hospital
Haiti;"";1991-09-24;"";2010-02-01;"";;Ouest,Sud-Est;"";UN Foundation;The densely populated camps of Port-au-Prince present a serious public health challenge, particularly for children and other vulnerable residents.  The American Red Cross helped to fund a vaccination campaign that reached nearly 1 million people in more than 700 settlements soon after the earthquake.  Depending on age, patients received a combination of vaccinations against diphtheria, tetanus, pertusis, measles, and/or rubella. Children were also given vitamin A supplements to boost immunity and worm infection treatment.;Croix-des-Bouquets,Jacmel,Léogâne,Port-au-Prince;"";98;Private donations;Carrefour,Cité Soleil,Croix-des Bouquets,Delmas,Grand-Goâve,Grenier,Jacmel,Léogâne,Petit-Goâve,Port-au-Prince,Pétion-Ville,Tabarre;Health;Marian Spivey-Estrada;Health;Manager, Information and Reporting;ARCIS-HT-10-H11;American Red Cross;"";928241;"";"";Children, Vulnerable people/populations;Coordinated Vaccination Campaign;0;2010-12-31;9;;1991-12-22;"";Global Red Cross network, Haitian Ministry of Health, UNICEF, World Health Organization (WHO), Haitian Red Cross
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-11-01;"";;Nippes;"";"";"Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment
";Anse-à-Veau;"";1880;Private donations;Anse-à-Veau;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-51561;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Anse A Veau;3790;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";Anse A Veau
Haiti;"";2011-05-19;"";2011-01-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";L'Athletique d'Haiti will be the recipient of funding for several programs: a combination of rebuilding damaged structures, income generation (employing youth from the center) and purchase of food and other essentials. ;Port-au-Prince;"";634;"";Carrefour;Disaster Management,Economic Recovery and Development;Richard Walden;Food Security and Agriculture,Shelter and Non-Food Items;"";OPUSA-HT-10-006;Operation USA;"";"";"";"";"";Providing Supplies to L'Athletique d'Haiti;0;2011-01-01;52;"";2011-05-19;"";L'Athletique d'Haiti (LADH)
Mozambique;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-18;"";2007-01-08;""; /;Sofala;Organization of women in garden clubs of 50 - growing vegetables for the canteens, for sale and consumption. ;N/A;Distribution of soya and establishment of 50 soya canteens ;"";"";1042;US Department of Agriculture (USDA);"";Food Aid;Marie Lichtenberg / Jacob Zulu;"";Director for International Partnerships / Head of Sector Office;PAID-MZ-07-001;Planet Aid;"Distribution of soya meals to orphans and pregnant women through soya Canteens; selling of soya meals to general public.";1500;"";Prime awardee;Vulnerable people/populations;Food for Progress - Soya Distribution;"";2010-01-10;82;;"";Children Nutrition, HIV/AIDS, Nutrition;ADPP Mozambique
Colombia;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1995-01-01;"";;Atlántico;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1312;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Protection;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-CO-95-164843;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Desarrollo y Bienestar del Ni±o Development Program;"";2014-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS, Nutrition;World Vision Colombia
Haiti;"";2010-09-24;"";2010-01-12;Port-au-Prince;;Ouest;Will support 150,000 children and 5,000 caregivers.;"";Mercy Corps Haitis Youth Program builds local capacity to support children and youth affected by the earthquake, and associated mental health issues. Mercy Corps is training Haitian educators, caregivers, and youth workers to better understand and respond to the emotional and physical needs of children and youth affected by crisis and traumatic events. The core emergency phase program, Comfort for Kids, also provides participants and local communities with written materials and a network of Haitian psychosocial mentors to support training messages and participants needs. Comfort for Kids was originally developed by Mercy Corps and partner agencies to support children affected by September 11, 2001, and has been successfully adopted to support emergency responses in the US, China, Gaza, Peru, and now Haiti.;Port-au-Prince;"";592;"Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation,Private donations";Carrefour,Cité Soleil,Delmas,Grenier,Kenscoff,Port-au-Prince,Pétion-Ville,Tabarre;Health;Kyle Dietrich;Health;Youth/Psychosocial Program Manager;MC-HT-10-003;Mercy Corps;"";155000;"";"";Children, Caregivers;Comfort for Kids: Psychosocial Support for Children Affected by the Haiti Earthquake;999995;2011-06-30;50;;2011-04-01;Mental health/Psychosocial support;Mercy Corps
Haiti;"";1991-07-30;"";2010-01-13;"";;Ouest;"";"";"The proposed project addresses the immediate needs of 64,000 individuals through provision of: emergency shelter; NFIs (in cooperation with IOM, UNICEF and Shelter Box); water and sanitation facilities and hygiene promotion and kits. In parallel, a cash-for-work scheme will provide them with purchasing power, supporting the early recovery of local markets.";Léogâne,Port-au-Prince;"";384;Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA);Léogâne,Port-au-Prince;Economic Recovery and Development,Shelter and Housing,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Marianna Franco;Early Recovery,Shelter and Non-Food Items,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Program Development Manager;ACTED-HT-10-41 ALI 32O;Friends of ACTED;"";73800;"";"";Affected population(s), Internally displaced persons (IDPs);Provision of Emergency Relief to Earthquake Affected Populations # 2;5500000;2011-01-12;29;"";1991-12-20;Disaster risk reduction (DRR);Friends of ACTED
Senegal;foodsecurity_site;2010-07-27;"";2009-04-06;"";"";"";"";"";This program builds local capacity for improving the nutritional status of children through support for optimal breastfeeding practices, childhood vaccinations, vitamin A supplementation, deworming, control of diarrheal diseases (including treatment with zinc), use of insecticide-treated bed nets and hygiene behaviors.;"";"";945;Senegal Government - Cellule de la Lutte Contre la Malnutrition (CLM);"";Health;"";Nutrition;"";HKI-SN-09-6109;Helen Keller International;"";"";"";"";"";Nutrition Enhancement Program (PRN) - Pout;0;2011-04-06;79;"";2011-03-29;Nutrition;""
India;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1995-01-01;"";;Karnataka;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1404;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-IN-95-170182;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Gulbarga Development Program;"";2015-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS;World Vision India
Haiti;"";2010-10-01;"";2010-02-19;"";"";Ouest;"";"";"Fournir une eau de qualité par distribution par camion sur 40 points de distribution pour une durée de 2 mois sur Port-au-Prince (en complément des 4 mois déjà financés).

Fournir une eau de qualité par distribution par camion sur les zones de Léogane et Gressier pour une durée de 6 mois. Des stations de potabilisation sont déjà installées sur les sites de Léogane ville, Mercier (Commune de Léogane, section Grande Rivière) et Gréssier (centre ville). Le projet visera à étendre cette couverture vers Petit et Grand Goave.";Léogâne,Port-au-Prince;"";8;UNICEF;Grenier,Léogâne;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;"";Water Sanitation and Hygiene;"";AAH-HT-10-HAD3SC;Action Against Hunger;"75 000 personnes ont accès au water trucking pour une durée de 2 mois (lobjectif de couverture des besoins de 75 000 personnes pendant 6 mois est partagé entre plusieurs financements en cours). 
20 000 personnes sur le Champs de Mars, la Place Canapé Vert et alentours on accès à des latrines vidangées pendant 6 mois. 400 latrines sont construites. 
Des systèmes de ramassage des déchets solide (poubelles) et des locations de camions de ramassage sont mis en place sur les zones du Champs de Mars, Canapé Vert, Stade Silvio Cator, Croix de Prez. 
Evaluation des besoins dans les sections communales des  zones de Léogâne, Grand Goave, Petit-Goâve.
20 000 personnes ont accès à une eau potable par le biais de deux réseaux urbains en partie ou totalement rénovés en partenariat avec la DINEPA (sites à affiner lors des évaluations mais a priori sur les communes de Léogane Centre et Grand Goaves). 
25 000 personnes ont accès à de leau potable par la rénovation de 100 forages équipés de pompe à motricité humaine. Ces forages sont réparés, désinfectés et remis en service. La zone ciblée concerne lensemble des sections rurales des communes de Léogane, Gressier, Petit-Goâve et Grand Goave. 
Un système de réparation des pompes à motricité humaine (plombiers et pièces détachées) est mis en route.                                     Des « référents techniques villageois » sont mis en place pour entretenir et réparer les pompes. 
Un système de monitoring et de surveillance de la qualité des eaux produites et distribuées à lattention des populations déplacées et mis en place. 
20 rénovations de latrines dans des hôpitaux et des écoles.";120000;"";"";"";Appuis aux populations sinistrées dans le cadre des urgences post  séisme.;1750800;2011-01-18;2;"";"";"";Action Against Hunger
Haiti;"";2010-12-27;"";2010-06-01;"";;Ouest;"";N/A;Provide strategic and policy advice to USAID/Haiti on shelter reconstruction;Port-au-Prince;"";468;US Agency for International Development (USAID);Port-au-Prince;Shelter and Housing;Bob Dubinsky;Shelter and Non-Food Items;CEO;IHC-HT-10-HT-1056;International Housing Coalition;Review and comment on USAID shelter plans and policies;1000000;"";Prime awardee;USAID, Government of Haiti policymakers, Interim Haiti Recovery Commission (IHRC);Technical and Policy Assistance to USAID Haiti;100000;2011-04-30;38;"";"";"";International Housing Coalition
Haiti;"";2010-09-24;"";2010-01-15;"";;Centre,Ouest;"";"";FH has been registered with the Haitian Government as an International NGO to operate in Haiti since 1986.  Prior to the January 12 earthquake, FHs operations focused on health programs in the Delmas, the urban slums of Petionville (including Bois Moquette and Jalousie), and rural communities in Bellevue la Montagne.  FH maintains a PLHA Center on Delmas 68 through its USAID-funded POP and CHAMP programs that has provided hygiene kits, home reparation, food, microcredit, tuition, vocational school, and home-based care training for more than 600 PLHAs for the past two years.   Since the January 12th earthquake, FH is responding in the five communities detailed, providing relief in the areas of shelter, WASH, health and protection.;Lascahobas,Port-au-Prince;"";375;Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA),Private donations,United Nations Development Program (UNDP);Belladère,Kenscoff,Port-au-Prince,Pétion-Ville;Health,Protection,Shelter and Housing,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Walter Turnbull;Protection,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Country Director;FH-HT-10-001;Food for the Hungry;"";210000;"";"";Affected population(s);Haiti Earthquake Recovery Program;1500000;2011-03-31;28;"";"";"";Food for the Hungry Haiti
Haiti;"";2010-12-20;"";2010-07-10;"";;Ouest;"";"";Return earthquake affected families to their homes and reintegrate into their neighborhoods and social networks.;Léogâne;"";433;United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT);Léogâne;Shelter and Housing;Kate Pearson;Shelter and Non-Food Items;Director - Strategic Partnerships, Haiti;HFHI-HT-10-013;Habitat for Humanity International;"";51580;"";"";Affected population(s);Habitat Resource Centers;805753;2010-12-31;31;;"";"";Habitat for Humanity International
Ethiopia;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-14;"";2008-09-24;"";;Somali;"";Save the Children UK ;The project seeks to improve the nutritional status of pastoral children through increased access to an adequate supply of milk. Under Phase II, Save the Children will test best-bet livelihood interventions for improving children's resilience to drought and malnutrition in pastoralist regions. Interventions will likely include veterinary packages that improve camel and goat health and nutrition, and livestock redistribution or restocking. Another key objective of the program is to contribute to national policy guidance on pastoralist nutrition.;"";"";1046;Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA);"";Agriculture,Health;Axel Weiser;"";Director, Livelihoods Unit;STC-ET-08-84031628;Save the Children;"Activities: Formation of multi-stakeholder Pastoral Nutrition Program Forum; Two case control cohort studies in Dollo Ado woreda of Liben zone; Development of recommendations for a National Guideline for Nutrition Interventions in Pastoralist Areas of Ethiopia; Qualitative/formative research of pastoralist infant and young child feeding practices; Development of recommendations for a National Guideline for Nutrition Interventions in Pastoralist Areas of Ethiopia
";6000;"";Prime awardee;Children, Pastoralists;Milk Matters II;331097;2011-07-31;63;"";2011-05-11;Gender, Nutrition;Save the Children US, Feinstein International Center (Tufts University)
Senegal;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2000-01-01;"";;Kolda;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1496;Private donations;"";Education,Health;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-SN-00-173919;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Sinthiang Koundara Development Program;"";2017-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS, Nutrition;World Vision Senegal
Haiti;"";2011-01-12;"";2010-07-31;"";;Sud-Est;"";Community-based organizations, Mayors;"The South East Housing Assesment and Risk Mapping program focuses on training engineers, evaluating houses for earthquake damage and interacting with local population on mitigation of risk and mapping of potential risk.
";Jacmel;Additional funding;782;United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT);Cayes Jacmel,Jacmel;Shelter and Housing;Daniel O'Neil;"";Senior Program Director for the Caribbean;PADF-HT-10-007;Pan American Development Foundation;"";"";"";"";"";South East Emergency Housing Assesment and Risk Mapping;200000;2011-06-30;54;;2011-06-01;Capacity building;Pan American Development Foundation
Nicaragua;foodsecurity_site;2010-08-16;"";2007-07-01;"";;Madriz;"";"";This project aims to improve the nutrition and income of families in 25 rural communities in Somoto and Esteli, two villages in the municipality of Madriz. Implemented in partnership with the Unión de Cooperativas Agropecuarias del Norte de Segovia (UCANS), 196 project participants will receive 52 cattle, 108 pigs and 1,650 chickens. An additional 496 families will benefit from “passing on the gift.” The project will also reactivate 48 existing pig and poultry mini farms by giving the participating families construction materials. The project will contribute to the conservation of the environment through the elaboration of eight nurseries with 64,000 local plants in a period of three years. These plants will be distributed in the lots of the original participants and pass-on participants.;"";"";925;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Environment;Americas program;"";Americas program;HEFI-NI-07-23-1611-02;Heifer International;"";1008;"";"";"";Improving the Nutrition and Economy of 692 Families from the Municipalities of Somoto and Esteli;"";2012-06-30;34;"";"";"";Unión de Cooperativas Agropecuarios del Norte de Nueva Segovia (UCANS)
Uganda;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2010-04-06;"";;Kitgum;"";"";To stimulate recovery in Kotido and Kaabong districts in Karamoja region through creation of productive assets.;"";"";1605;World Food Program (WFP);"";Agriculture;Carlos Piedrasanta;"";RDM Operations Deputy, IPG, World Vision US;WV-UG-10-193523;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Uganda Karamoja Productive Asset Program (KPAP);"";2010-09-30;76;"";"";"";World Vision Uganda
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-09-22;"";2010-02-01;"";"";"";"";"";Operation Blessing has partnered with Caribbean Harvest, a Haitian charity, to help fund a remarkable fish-farming program that will provide food and sustainable incomes for nearly 100 families. Families receive a starter kit ($1,000 value) containing a floating metal cage, 2,400 baby fish and a four-month supply of fish food. Caribbean Harvests staff teaches the family how to raise the fish and then provides ongoing weekly oversight. In just four months, fish are fully grown and can be sold in markets. Profits earned from the sale of the fish give each family approximately $500 in addition to covering the cost of purchasing another 2,400 baby fish and four-month supply of fish food. The harvest cycle repeats almost 2.5 times a year, helping each family earn an annual income of around $1,200. This project will create over 4,000 new jobs over the next two years, with a ratio of one job per every ton of fish produced. The program will also help to increase nutrition rates in extremely impoverished villages around the lakes.;"";"";627;"";"";Agriculture;"";Food Security and Agriculture;"";OBI-HT-10-022;Operation Blessing International;"";"";"";"";"";Sustainable Fish Farms;0;2011-12-12;51;;2011-05-13;"";Operation Blessing International, Caribbean Harvest
Haiti;"";2010-09-27;"";2010-04-02;Port-au-Prince;;Ouest;between Léogâne and Port-au-Prince;"";Delivery of $368,547 worth of medical supplies for Diquini Hospital;Port-au-Prince;"";672;"";Port-au-Prince;Health;Niecy LoCricchio;Health;Director of Grants;CURE-HT-10-40921;PROJECT C.U.R.E.;"";18000;"";"";"";In-Kind Donations for Cap Haitien Health, St. Francis de Sales;368547;2010-04-02;59;;"";"";Cap Haitian Health, Eglise Lutheran, St. Francis de Sales
Bolivia;foodsecurity_site;2010-08-17;"";2009-01-01;"";;Cochabamba;"";N/A;Objective - To promote local development and training of rural micro-enterprise providers;"";"";861;Inter-American Development Bank (IDB);"";Economic Recovery and Development;Oscar Montes;"";Country Director;FH-BO-09-0076;Food for the Hungry;"• After two years of the project, at least 80% of the 115 beneficiaries maintain their rural microenterprise service (MERS)

• Number of sustainable MERS up and running: Year 2: 50; End project: 115

• Number of jobs generated: Year 2: 150; End project: 450

• At the end of the project at least one contract in each municipality with a MERS

• At the end of the project at least a public private partnership in the project area.";17567;"";Prime awardee;Farmers;Promoting Local Development and Training of Rural Microenterprise Service Providers;0;2011-12-31;28;"";2010-09-17;Gender ;Food for the Hungry
Haiti;"";2010-10-05;"";2010-01-12;"";;Ouest,Sud-Est;"";"";"Objectives: Improve the protective environment for children in Haiti and reduce the number of children living without appropriate care, sexually abused, or engaged in child labor; Contribute to stronger state institutions and mechanisms to implement and monitor children's rights, and to increase awareness and capacity among children and civil society in Haiti.";Jacmel,Léogâne,Port-au-Prince;"";695;California Community Foundation,Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA),Danish Development Agency (DANIDA),Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs,Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs,Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA),Save the Children members around the world,Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA);Jacmel,Léogâne,Port-au-Prince;Protection;Nathalie Augustin;Protection;Director, Haiti Stakeholder Liaison;STC-HT-10-003;Save the Children;"Activities include: support for the development and strengthening of child protection committees; work on building the capacity of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor staff as well as to develop Child Protection Action Networks; establishment of child friendly spaces and family tracing and reunification services during the emergency phase; and UNCRC monitoring, awareness and capacity building and advocacy to improve the realization of children's rights. Right after the earthquake, Save the Children had two Child Protection programs: Family Tracing and Reunification (FTR) and Child Friendly Spaces (CFS). FTR is ongoing and thus far has resulted in the reunification of more than 1,135 children with immediate or extended families.  

As an example of our work in CFS, in the Pinchinat Camp in Jacmel shortly after the earthquake, Save the Children established a CFS that provided 80-100 children each day with supervised activities in a safe place. The CFS have/are transitioning into adult-based Child Protection Committees (CPCs) and Child/Youth Clubs. Each CPC is linked to a youth club in the same community. CPCs will all be established by early 2011. The children/youth clubs are currently being run by our community mobilizers and by people participating in the CPC training/mobilization; we are using the child-to-child methodology to formalize the creation of these spaces for children.";"";"";"";"";Child Protection;4376295;2011-06-30;63;"";2011-01-18;"";Fondation Feuilles d'Hier, Sosyete  Tet Ansamn pou Developman Lakay, Initiative Pour le Developpement des Jeunes, Action Jeauness Internationales Solidaire Sud, Association des Jeunes Pour le Developpement do la Communaute de Meyer, Fonds des Reseaux d'Aide Pour le Developpement Economique et Sociale
Philippines;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1987-01-01;"";;Leyte;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1478;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-PH-87-68207;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Diadem Development Program;"";2012-01-01;76;"";"";"";World Vision Philippines
Haiti;"";2010-07-30;"";2010-01-21;"";;Ouest;"";"";To provide emergency sources of income for population most affected by the earthquake and allow for a resumption of normal livelihoods patterns. ACTED proposes a multi-sectoral intervention that responds to the immediate needs of affected populations through direct provision of services and items, as well as the injection of cash into communities through cash-for work schemes. This watsan & early recovery intervention is hence part of such multi-sectoral programme (ref. Shelter & NFIs and Food Aid clusters).;Port-au-Prince;"";380;People in Need (PIN);Port-au-Prince,Tabarre;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Marianna Franco;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Program Development Manager;ACTED-HT-10-41 AKX 57Z;Friends of ACTED;"";7200;"";"";Affected population(s);Revival of Livelihoods of Earthquake Affected Populations;92250;2010-10-31;29;"";2010-12-20;Disaster risk reduction (DRR);Friends of ACTED
Haiti;"";2010-09-24;"";2010-01-14;Multiple locations;;"";"";"";Help Haiti Relief supplied hundreds of short term medical missions teams with essential medicines and supplies. This was done through pre-packed kits as well as customized orders of medical resources.;"";"";542;Private donations;"";Health;Scott Ruschak;Health;Director, International Medical Resources;MAP-HT-10-STMM;MAP International;"";315000;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs);Help Haiti Relief - Short Term Medical Missions Program;1705615;2010-05-06;47;"";"";"";Medical mission teams
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2011-01-25;"";2010-02-22;"";"";L'Artibonite,Ouest;"";"";Distribution of new family buckets, hygiene kits, rice and dried beans;Croix-des-Bouquets,Gonaïves;"";294;Private donations,USAID Ocean Freight Reimbursement Program;Croix-des Bouquets,Gonaïves;Disaster Management,Food Aid;"";Food Security and Agriculture,Shelter and Non-Food Items;"";CPINT-HT-10-OFR 213;Counterpart International;"";"";"";"";Affected population(s);Haiti Assistance Project # 6;0;2011-02-28;25;"";2011-02-03;"";Counterpart International
Haiti;"";2010-09-24;"";2010-01-18;Titanyen;;Ouest;"";"";Through the Long-Term Health Development (LTHD) Program, MAP customizes large volume shipments of donated and purchased medicines and health supplies for reputable foreign-based health institutions and international relief and development organizations.;l'Arcahaie;"";521;Private donations;Cabaret;Health;Scott Ruschak;Health;Director, International Medical Resources;MAP-HT-10-32260;MAP International;"";25000;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs);In-kind donation to Christian Aid Ministries, #1;36238;2010-02-18;47;"";"";"";Christian Aid Ministries
Haiti;"";2010-10-05;"";2010-02-15;"";"";"";"";"";Medical mission supplies;"";"";189;Private donations;"";Health;"";Health;"";BBF-HT-10-014;Brother's Brother Foundation;"";"";"";"";"";Medical Mission Trip # 7;1051;2010-03-15;17;"";"";"";Allison Park Church
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;"";"";2008-06-01;"";;Barisal;"";"";Weekly meetings of Savings and Learning Groups of between 12 and 20 people as a vehicle for micro-savings-based food security and micro-enterprise, WASH education, health education, community development and long-term formation of participant-led community development institutions. Groups are single-gender settings to meet the needs of cultural norms in Bangladesh, but teach skills for healthy social interaction and values for good relationships. Groups are self-led and facilitated by FH Staff, with direct contact one half day per group per week.;"";"";857;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Lucas Shindeldecker;"";Food Security Program Officer;FH-BD-08-BANFCT060047;Food for the Hungry;"";20199;"";"";"";Family and Community Transformation (FCT) # 17;"";2022-12-31;28;;"";Gender, Capacity building;""
Ethiopia;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2009-04-01;"";;Afar;"";"";One of the main goals of this program is to help create more access to good soil and arable land. The program also works to educate the people on better agricultural skills and animal husbandry. There is also a project to expand irrigation systems.;"";"";1552;Private donations;"";Agriculture;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-ET-09-191019;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Afar Food Security Project;"";2010-03-31;76;"";"";"";World Vision Ethiopia
Rwanda;foodsecurity_site;2010-09-10;"";2007-07-01;"";;Nord,Ouest,Sud;"";"";The support project to the strategic plan for agricultural transformation (SPPSTA project) is an initiative of the Government of Rwanda through the Ministry of Agriculture, funded by IFAD to alleviate poverty and hunger, while caring for the environment through construction of progressive terraces and planting of fodder trees, among the rural families whose livelihood depends entirely on subsistence farming.;"";"";876;International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD);"";Agriculture;Kelly Doppelhammer;"";East Africa Program Assistant;HEFI-RW-07-21-1323-01;Heifer International;"";806;"";"";"";Support Project to the Strategic Plan for Agricultural Transformation;"";2013-06-30;34;"";"";"";Heifer Rwanda
Zambia;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1999-01-01;"";;Eastern;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1541;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Health;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-ZM-99-172001;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Makungwa Development Program;"";2015-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS;World Vision Zambia
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-15;"";2004-06-15;Terre Blanche;,;"";"";"";Provision of ready-to-use therapeutic food (RUTF) to implementing partners.;"";"";574;"";"";Health;Tom Stehl, Maryse Sterlin;Health,Nutrition;Coordinator of Operations, Haiti Administrator;MFK-HT-10-022;Meds & Food for Kids;"";"";"";"";Malnourished children;Community Management of Acute Malnutrition - Westminster Presbyterian Church;0;2011-12-12;77;"";2011-04-11;"";Westminster Presbyterian Church
El Salvador;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2001-01-01;"";;Ahuachapán;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1338;Private donations;"";Health;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-SV-01-174941;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Renacer Development Program;"";2017-01-01;76;"";"";Nutrition;World Vision El Salvador
Haiti;"";1991-12-20;"";2010-09-01;"";;Ouest;"";Save the Children;Habitat for Humanity International is conducting this project to allow Haitian families made homeless by the earthquake to safely move back into their home communities.  Rapid and detailed housing assessments, repairs, and retrofits as well as provision of WASH materials. In addition to that, the project will be focused on rehabilitation of a primary school to provide community infrastructure in vicinity of the homes.;Léogâne;"";428;OAK Foundation;Léogâne;Shelter and Housing,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Kate Pearson;Shelter and Non-Food Items;Director - Strategic Partnerships, Haiti;HFHI-HT-10-008;Habitat for Humanity International;"";500;"";"";Affected population(s);Léogâne Redevelopment;750000;2011-09-01;31;;2011-02-04;"";Habitat for Humanity International
Haiti;"";2011-04-25;"";2011-04-01;"";;Nord;"";"";"The Red Cross has coordinated an aggressive response to the cholera outbreak that has spread throughout Haiti and into areas of the Dominican Republic.  As part of this response, the American Red Cross has partnered with H.O.P.E. to operate a Cholera Treatment Center, a Cholera Treatment Unit and 14 Oral Rehydration Points. H.O.P.E. is also training community health workers, community volunteers and water and sanitation technicians to support their programming and educate people about cholera treatment and proper hygiene.  The number of people reached will depend on the evolution of the outbreak, but this project has the capacity to reach up to 80,000 people.
";Borgne;"";1761;Private donations;Borgne;Health;Marian Spivey-Estrada;Health;Manager, Information and Reporting;ARCIS-HT-11-002;American Red Cross;"";80000;"";"";Cholera affected populations;Cholera Prevention and Treatment Efforts through HOPE ;0;2012-03-31;9;;2011-04-25;"";H.O.P.E
Ghana;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2006-01-01;"";;Eastern;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1124;The Robertson Foundation;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-GH-06-GH6;The Hunger Project;"";4755;"";"";"";Agyapomaa Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Mali;foodsecurity_site;2010-09-07;"";2009-10-01;"";;"";"";"";"";"";"";983;US Department of Agriculture (USDA);"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development;Tanja Pavlovic;"";Program Officer;IRD-ML-09-09050;International Relief & Development;"";"";"";Prime awardee;"";Enhancing the Value Chain Competitiveness of Sesame and Fonio;"";2012-09-30;41;;"";"";International Relief & Development
Mexico;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1997-01-01;"";;México;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1452;Private donations;"";Health;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-MX-97-170889;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Tulpetlac Development Program;"";2014-01-01;76;"";"";Nutrition;World Vision Mexico
Burkina Faso;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";1999-01-01;"";;Namentenga;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1075;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-BF-99-BF9;The Hunger Project;"";11905;"";"";"";Nongfairè Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Haiti;"";2010-08-26;"";2010-01-23;""; ;Nippes,Ouest,Sud-Est;"";"";Primary health care mobile outreach interventions in Haiti;Bainet,Jacmel,Léogâne,Miragoâne,Port-au-Prince;"";469;Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA);Bainet,Carrefour,Grenier,Jacmel,Léogâne,Miragoâne,Petit-Goâve,Port-au-Prince,Tabarre;Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Agron Ferati ;Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Director, Program Development ;IMC-HT-10-001;International Medical Corps;Primary Healthcare, Mental health, Nutrition, Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), Early Childhood Development;33596;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs), Host households/communities;Primary Health Care Mobile Outreach Interventions in Haiti;0;2011-12-12;39; ;2011-04-21;Mental health/Psychosocial support, Sexual and gender-based violence (GBV);International Medical Corps
Haiti;"";2010-09-24;"";2010-01-26;Titanyen;;Ouest;"";"";Through the Long-Term Health Development (LTHD) Program, MAP customizes large volume shipments of donated and purchased medicines and health supplies for reputable foreign-based health institutions and international relief and development organizations.;l'Arcahaie;"";528;Private donations;Cabaret;Health;Scott Ruschak;Health;Director, International Medical Resources;MAP-HT-10-32398;MAP International;"";112500;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs);In-kind donation to Christian Aid Ministries, #5;427323;2010-02-26;47;"";"";"";Christian Aid Ministries
Ghana;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2000-01-01;"";;Eastern;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1132;The Robertson Foundation;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-GH-00-GH14;The Hunger Project;"";5121;"";"";"";Atuobikrom Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Haiti;"";2010-05-19;"";2010-09-01;"";;Grand'Anse,Ouest,Sud,Sud-Est;"";"";"Dsitribution of 11,500 tarps for temporary shelter; 5 large tents for vocational training programs";Belle-Anse,Croix-des-Bouquets,Jérémie,Léogâne,Port-Salut,Port-au-Prince;"";511;Private donations;Croix-des Bouquets,Grand-Goâve,Grenier,Jérémie,Léogâne,Port-Salut,Pétion-Ville,Thiotte;Education,Shelter and Housing;Trevor Knoblich;Early Recovery,Shelter and Non-Food Items;Program Coordinator for Emergency Response;LWR-HT-10-N/A1;Lutheran World Relief;"";28750;"";"";"";Temporary Shelter for Earthquake Affected in Haiti (I);184750;2010-11-01;45;;2010-09-24;"";Lutheran World Federation, Church World Service
Zimbabwe;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-13;"";2008-01-01;"";;Masvingo;"";"";"Among the rural communities, diseases such as cholera, malaria and HIV/AIDS, poor nutrition and high rates of poverty present major social problems in Zimbabwe. The current political climate has left many communities unable to cope as they have in the past.  Food shortages and high inflation has left many people vulnerable and desperate for new ways to increase their income. The Diocese of Masvingo aims to improve the living standard of the poor and the vulnerable in both urban and rural centers by imparting skills for entrepreneurship development in order to increase household incomes and nutrition. The skills training will focus on unskilled and disadvantaged women and will occur in 4 centers; St. Francis (Shurugwi rural), St Peter Mutoredzanwa, Munyaradzi and St Michael (Buhera). These trainings include dressmaking, piggery, chicken rearing and peanut butter making. To further improve the living standard of the community, an integrated primary health program has been established which works to promote primary health care in communities through provision of information, education and communication (I.E.C.). The program will continue to conduct advocacy for HIV and AIDS, provide training for the care of those afflicted and participate in the NetsforLife malaria prevention partnership.";"";"";840;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Health;Janette O'Neill;"";Program Officer;ERD-ZW-08-001;Episcopal Relief & Development;"";50000;"";"";Children, Children under 5, Men, Women;Masvingo Development Program;"";2012-12-31;27;;"";"";Diocese of Masvingo
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-05-05;"";"";Ouest;"";"";"Community Grant Program
";Port-au-Prince;"";346;Private donations;Pétion-Ville;Health;"";Health;"";DRI-HT-10-Grant 1;Direct Relief International;"";108000;"";"";"";Provide Free Services at Haitian Comm Hospital for 3 more months;25000;2010-08-05;26;"";2011-04-22;"";Haitian Health and Education Foundation
Mali;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-14;"";2008-08-01;"";;Gao,Mopti;"";"";The program targets 124,859 beneficiaries in 130 communities across two districts. Through integrated interventions, the 2008-2013 multi-year assistance program (MYAP) will improve vulnerable rural households' livelihood capacities, improve their human capabilities, and increase communities' resiliency to shocks.;"";"";1048;Office of Food for Peace (USAID/FFP);"";"";Mike Manske;Nutrition;Deputy Country Director, Programs;STC-ML-08-84031613/633/619;Save the Children;"";124859;"";Subawardee;"";Mali Multi-Year Assistance Program (MYAP);6632273;2013-07-31;63;"";2011-05-11;Nutrition;Catholic Relief Services, Helen Keller International
Haiti;"";2010-09-24;"";2010-02-01;"";"";Ouest;"";"";For emergency medical relief needs due to the effect of the earthquake that occurred in Port-au-Prince, Haiti on 1/12/10.;Port-au-Prince;"";255;Private donations,The Clinton Foundation;Cité Soleil,Port-au-Prince;Health;Nicole Balliette;Health;Haiti Earthquake Response Coordinator;CRS-HT-10-7420201;Catholic Relief Services (CRS);All emergency activities specifically related to the St Francois de Sales are captured under this project number.;1000000;"";"";Children, Elderly, People with disabilities, Men, People living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA), Refugees, Internally displaced persons (IDPs), Women, Youth;St Francois de Sales Advanced Medical Emergency Response;4290975;2011-09-30;20;"";"";"";Catholic Relief Services (CRS)
Liberia;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2009-03-01;"";;Gbarpolu;"";Africa 2000 Network (A2NL);The Gbarpolu Agriculture, Infrastructure and Nutrition for Food Security (GAINS) program is improving agricultural production, nutritional status, household incomes, and access to markets for vulnerable communities in Gbarpolu County, Liberia. Mercy Corps and partner Africa 2000 Network - Liberia (A2N-L) are implementing the program in 50 communities in the isolated and food insecure western county of Gbarpolu. The GAINS program is promoting diversified agricultural production through extension services, demonstration plots, and agricultural fairs. These production efforts are supported by interventions designed to strengthen key market chains through assistance to strategic assistance to community development projects, input fairs, and the rehabilitation of 10 market feeder roads. To further enhance food security, the program is providing targeted nutrition and hygiene education and support to mothers and infants and increasing access to safe water through 50 small water infrastructure projects. By using participatory community development methodologies throughout the program, Mercy Corps is strengthening the capacity of communities and local institutions and increasing social assets which will support sustainable and integrated agriculture, livelihoods, and nutrition improvements.;"";"";1010;European Commission (EC),GAP Foundation,Waterloo Foundation;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Barsee Cooper;"";Interim Country Director;MC-LR-09-002;Mercy Corps;"1) Formation of farmer groups and training on sustainable methods to increase production and sales. Technical assistance to households in diversified crops. Seed fairs and establishment of demonstration farms through local NGOs. Support to input suppliers of seeds, tools, and agro-processing. 2) Promote integrated family farms with diversified food crops, cash crops and livestock. Support hunger gardens of short cycle vegetables for year round production and income. 3) Nutrition and hygiene education to mothers promoting practical action for behaviour change. Improve access to water by rehabilitation and maintenance of community wells. 4) Technical support to increase productivity; develop post-harvest
processing and decrease pests and storage losses. Promote crop diversification for both food and markets. Work with DDCs to rehabilitate market feeder roads 5) Support the formation of farmers' groups and markets. Build capacity through local leadership for communities to implement micro-projects. Work with stakeholders for trainings.  6) Rehabilitation and construction of communities wells.  ";9000;"";Prime awardee;Vulnerable and food insecure households, particularly female-headed households;Gbarpolu Agriculture, Infrastructure and Nutrition for Food Security (GAINS);"";2011-02-28;50;"";"";Nutrition;Mercy Corps
Zimbabwe;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2010-10-01;"";;Manicaland;"";"";The project aims to revitalize smallholder agriculture production in the Honde Valley through increased financial viability of commercially-oriented team and coffee farmers who have sustained significant losses in recent years.;"";"";1610;US Agency for International Development (USAID);"";Agriculture;Carlos Piedrasanta;"";RDM Operations Deputy, IPG, World Vision US;WV-ZW-10-001;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Zimbabwe RSAPZ;"";2012-03-31;76;"";"";"";World Vision Zimbabwe, Imbabwe Coffee Mill, Honde Valley Development Company, SNV
Haiti;"";2011-01-11;"";2010-01-16;"";"";Ouest;"";"";March 17th, 2010: in Canape Vert, 3091 persons (or 600 families) have been reached by CARE since January 16, 2010.;Port-au-Prince;"";240;"";Port-au-Prince;"";"";"";"";CARE-HT-10-009;CARE;"";"";"";"";"";Canape Vert, Port-au-Prince, Haiti;"";2011-01-10;19;"";2011-01-11;"";""
Haiti;"";2010-09-27;"";2010-01-16;Port-au-Prince;;Ouest;Port-au-Prince;"";Delivery of $151,549 worth of medical supplies and equipment to Miami for Catholic Relief Services to deliver via chartered plane to their projects in Port-au-Prince;Port-au-Prince;"";659;"";Port-au-Prince;Health;Niecy LoCricchio;Health;Director of Grants;CURE-HT-10-10935;PROJECT C.U.R.E.;"";18000;"";"";"";In-Kind Donations to Catholic Relief Services;151549;2010-01-16;59;;"";"";Catholic Relief Services
Haiti;"";2011-01-11;"";2010-01-16;"";"";Ouest;"";"";March 17th, 2010: in Pétionville, 24268 persons (or 4752 families) have been reached by CARE since January 16, 2010.;Port-au-Prince;"";233;"";Pétion-Ville;"";"";"";"";CARE-HT-10-002;CARE;"";"";"";"";"";Pétionville, Haiti;"";2011-01-10;19;"";2011-01-11;"";""
Haiti;"";1991-09-24;"";2010-07-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";Injuries from the earthquake resulted in the loss of limbs for more than 5,000 survivors.  With support from the American Red Cross, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is helping to rebuild a prosthetic center run by the Haitian NGO Healing Hands for Haiti.  The ICRC will also provide technical assistance for the center to create prosthetic devices for 1,000 people and provide rehabilitation services for 3,000 people.;Port-au-Prince;"";102;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Health;Marian Spivey-Estrada;Health;Manager, Information and Reporting;ARCIS-HT-10-H4;American Red Cross;"";4000;Please note that the estimated number of people reached refers to the total number of people each project plans to reach over the life of its implementation. Not all of these people have been reached with services yet.;"";Affected population(s), People with disabilities;Rehabilitation and Prosthetics Support through ICRC;0;2011-12-31;9;;2011-02-07;Disability;International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), Haitian Red Cross
Senegal;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2008-01-01;"";;Saint-Louis;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1103;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-SN-08-SG6;The Hunger Project;"";25000;"";"";"";Namarel Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-03-03;"";;Ouest;"";"";Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment;Port-au-Prince;"";1839;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-8918;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Real Medicine Foundation Haiti;265748;2010-06-30;26;;2011-04-22;"";Real Medicine Foundation Haiti
Haiti;"";2010-09-22;"";2010-02-17;"";;Ouest;"";"";"Heartland Alliance currently has five teams of three Child Protection Officers (CPOs) systematically canvassing all of Haitiís hospitals to identify and register unaccompanied children. Where possible, Heartland Alliance CPOs use the information gathered during registration to trace and reunite the children with their families or previous caregivers.  In cases where family tracing or mediation is not immediately possible, Heartland Alliance works directly with the Haitian Government to place children in appropriate interim care. In addition to working in medical facilities, these teams respond to emergency calls in Port-au-Prince, finding and helping high-risk children throughout the city. This program was developed in coordination with the Government of Haiti, UNICEF, and a number of international organizations as part of a comprehensive system for the registration and reunification of separated children. To date, Heartland Alliance has achieved the following: Over 380 health facilities including hospitals, field hospitals, clinics, and health centers were visited and mapped; Over 135 separated and unaccompanied children were registered; 64 separated children were reunited with their families; and 21 children placed into long-term interim care facilities.";Port-au-Prince;"";448;UNICEF;Port-au-Prince;Protection;Ramsey Ben-Achour;Protection;Country Director;HLA-HT-10-001;Heartland Alliance for Human Needs & Human Rights;"";220;"";"";Children;Identification and Registration of Separated Children in Regional Hospitals;2894590;2011-08-31;33;;"";"";Heartland Alliance for Human Needs & Human Rights
Guatemala;foodsecurity_site;2010-08-13;"";2008-07-01;"";;Petén;"";"";Families in the municipality of Poptún practice subsistence agriculture and extensive livestock production, which negatively impact the forests and soils that characterize the region.  This six-year project will implement an alternative system of animal stabulation or semi-stabulation as a component within the model of sustainable agriculture. The project will support food sovereignty of 570 families – 100 originals and 470 by passing on the gift – by providing 75 cows, 17,500 yucca plants, 3,500 plantain tress, 23,300 sweet potato plants, 100 coban pepper seeds and grass seeds.  Also, both men and women will be trained in sustainable agriculture.  Organizational and commercial abilities and capacities will be strengthened, as well.;"";"";914;Private donations;"";Agriculture;Americas program;"";Americas program;HEFI-GT-08-23-1320-02;Heifer International;"";480;"";"";"";Walking Together Towards a Sustainable Livelihood Model;"";2014-06-30;34;"";"";"";FUNDEBASE  Fundación para el Fortalecimiento de las Organizaciones de Base
Mexico;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1996-01-01;"";;Guerrero;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1447;Private donations;"";Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-MX-96-170888;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Montana Amuzga Development Program;"";2011-01-01;76;"";"";Nutrition;World Vision Mexico
Guatemala;foodsecurity_site;2010-08-25;"";2010-01-04;"";;Baja Verapaz;"";"";"The specific objective of this project is to improve the food security and nutrition of 8 rural communities of Cubulco - part of the drought-stricken ""Dry Corridor"" in Baja Verapaz, Guatemala - using appropriate technology that is environmentally friendly and incorporates a gender focus.  Related activities include: establishing family gardens, support/improve productive activities with women (i.e. raising small animals), reactivation of native crop production, organic fertilizers and insecticides for family gardens/crops if appropriate, nutritional monitoring and counseling, etc.";"";"";1015;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Health;Christina Givey;"";Program Associate;OXFA-GT-10-GUA 505/ 09;Oxfam America;"";1581;"";"";"";Food Security and Nutritional Assistance in Drought-Affected Rural Communities of Cubulco;0;2011-01-31;80;"";2011-06-01;Nutrition;Asociación de Servicios Comunitarios de Salud
Mexico;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-13;"";2009-01-01;"";;Veracruz;"";"";Arroyo Zacate is located in the Mexican state of Veracruz in the municipality of Playa Vicente. Located at an altitude of 60 meters, Arroyo Zacate is home for 1000 inhabitants. Most people  are of indigenous origin and still speak an indigenous language. Lack of employment opportunities is a big issue among the members in this community. Most of the men and women remaining are unemployed, the rest are working illegally in the USA because that is their only resource. Episcopal Relief & Development in partnership with the Diocese of Southeast Mexico established a cattle cooperative to generate income and employment among the members of this community.  This program will establish a cattle breed cooperative to generate income and employment among the members of the community, as well as income for alternative social projects and a disaster relief fund for this community.  This project generates employment for the community members. Cattle has been purchase and these individuals work the land where this cattle is raised. The owners of this land also benefit because their land now is being used. The members of the cooperative organized themselves to work the land and take care of the cattle to make sure it has adequate space and food and will provide maintenance on a regular basis.;"";"";823;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development;Karla Avila;"";Program Officer;ERD-MX-09-002;Episcopal Relief & Development;"";80;"";"";"";"Income generation Cattle project ""Arroyo Zacate""";"";2011-12-31;27;;"";Capacity building;Diocese of Southeast Mexico 
Georgia;foodsecurity_site;2011-05-26;"";2011-03-01;"";;"";This project takes place nationwide.;"";"This project addresses ongoing health and nutritional needs in Georgia through a countrywide provision of Breast Milk Substitute (BMS), complimentary food and hygiene supplies to non-breastfed infants, pregnant women, lactating mothers, and mothers who were clinically diagnosed as being unable to breastfeed largely due to high stress following the August 2008 conflict in Georgia. 
";"";"";1933;UMCOR Emergency Services Office (ESO);"";Food Aid,Health;Nicholas Jaeger;"";Program Assistant, UMCOR-NGO;UMCOR-GE-11-EGG146;United Methodist Committee on Relief;"";460;"";"";Non-breastfed infants, Pregnant women, Lactating mothers, Mothers unable to breastfeed;Provide Health and Infant Nutrition Assistance to Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in Post-Conflict Georgia;27000;2012-02-28;67;"";2011-05-26;Nutrition;UMCOR Georgia
Haiti;"";2010-08-24;"";2010-03-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";Shelter construction, debris removal - 1,803 Shelter Kits;Port-au-Prince;"";27;Habitat for Humanity International;Carrefour;Disaster Management,Shelter and Housing;Andrew Lucas;Shelter and Non-Food Items;Program Director;ADRA-HT-10-005;Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA);"";9015;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs);Shelter Tool Kits;901500;2010-08-31;4;"";"";"";Adventist Development and Relief Agency, Habitat for Humanity International
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-03-03;"";;Ouest;"";"";Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment;Port-au-Prince;"";1837;Private donations;Pétion-Ville;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-8642;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Hopital de la Communaute Haitienne;343022;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";Hopital de la Communaute Haitienne
India;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-13;"";2008-07-01;"";;West Bengal;"";"";Beginning in November 2006,the Diocese of Durgapur responded to the life threatening drought situation in south Dinajpur, Balurghat area. In 13 villages, 34 water pump sets were provided to drought affected families. Hand tractors were also distributed. Cooperatives were formed to maintain the equipment and ensure the fair use of the equipment through fees.  The Diocese sees the cooperatives as strong people's organizations through which community development and human rights promotion can succeed.  In 2009, the Diocese took the next step with 15 communities of Balurghat to address the diverse development needs. In 2010, these developmental activities have been expanded to further uplift the economic and health conditions of these 15 communities. Seminars will be conducted on organic farming to increase crop yield and preserve the environment. 10 villages will initiate coaching centers to support the educational needs of 600 children, including the continuation of the local language. Micro-loans and seed loans will be distributed to farmers through the cooperatives to provide fair sources of credit. Activities for youth and women will focus on technical skill and microenterprise training. The health of Balurghat communities will also be address through HIV/AIDS awareness campaign, community health volunteer services for maternal and child health, and clinic services. The program will also address the lack of proper sanitation in the villages through latrine construction, to reduce water borne diseases, reduce the use of open fields, and improve the village environment. In addressing the many causes of poverty, the Diocese hopes to inspire community members to become active in changing their own lives and in securing their rights.;"";"";815;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Karla Avila;"";Program Officer;ERD-IN-08-002;Episcopal Relief & Development;"";4452;"";"";Children, Youth, Women, Individuals;Balurghat Community Development Program;"";2011-04-15;27;;"";"";Diocese of Durgapur
Zambia;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2006-10-01;"";;Southern,Western;"";"";"Improve access to nutrition and health services and adoption of positive prevention of malnutrition practices; building community capacity to better predict and manage the many risks they face.";"";"";1608;US Agency for International Development (USAID);"";Health;Carlos Piedrasanta;Nutrition;RDM Operations Deputy, IPG, World Vision US;WV-ZM-06-184705;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Zambia C-FAARM Multi-Year Assistance Program (MYAP);"";2011-09-30;76;"";"";Nutrition;Catholic Relief Services, CARE, World Vision Zambia, LOL Zambia
Haiti;"";2010-12-15;"";2010-11-01;Léogâne, Petit-Goâve;;Ouest;"";"";This project mobilizes 40 Global Health Action (GHA) trained community health workers and 62 GHA trained traditional birth attendants for intensive training and distribution of health supplies for cholera prevention. ;Léogâne;"";726;Private donations;Léogâne,Petit-Goâve;Health;Melissa Crutchfield;"";Assistant General Secretary, International Disaster Response;UMCOR-HT-10-418325-9;United Methodist Committee on Relief;"";102;"";Prime awardee;Cholera affected population;Community-based Health Promotion and Rapid Response for Cholera Prevention ;15000;2010-12-31;67;"";"";"";Global Health Action
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-09-22;"";2010-02-01;"";"";"";"";"";Operation Blessing has a network of 17 local Haitian partnering groups.  This network comes to OBI's warehouse near the PaP airport and collects food kits on a weekly basis. Each kit contains approximately 3-4 pallets worth of food, enough to feed 250 people for the week.  Through this program OBI is feeding 4,500 Haitians every day.  In addition, part of OBI's feeding program is in association with the WFP to three locations outside of Port-au-Prince.;"";"";607;"";"";Food Aid;"";Food Security and Agriculture;"";OBI-HT-10-002;Operation Blessing International;"";4500;"";"";"";Food Security/Feeding;0;2011-12-12;51;"";2011-05-13;"";World Food Program (WFP), 17 local Haitian groups
Uganda;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2003-01-01;"";;Wakiso;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1117;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-UG-03-UG10;The Hunger Project;"";17826;"";"";"";Namayumba Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;1991-07-12;"";2010-04-01;"";;Ouest,Sud;"";"";Vocational training for masons, cash for work for IDPs. Agricultural tools for farmers;Croix-des-Bouquets,Port-au-Prince,les Cayes;"";61;American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee;Camp-Perrin,Ganthier,Port-au-Prince;Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development;Djerhy Jean Baptiste;"";Program Manager;JDC-HT-10-008;American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee;"";1700;"";"";"";Livelihoods;429596;2011-06-01;7;;2011-01-24;Capacity building, Livelihoods;World ORT, Ecoworks International, Heart to Heart International
El Salvador;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2001-01-01;"";;Ahuachapán;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1340;Private donations;"";Health;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-SV-01-173901;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Sendero de Esperanza Development Program;"";2014-01-01;76;"";"";Nutrition;World Vision El Salvador
Haiti;"";1991-12-20;"";2010-11-22;"";;Ouest;"";"";"This support would 1) reinforce PIH/ZL clinical services for triage, referral and/or clinical treatment through mobile teams and temporary isolation facilities for persons in immediate, acute need; 2) support mass mobilization for community education and prevention activities throughout the affected region and in the IDP camps where PIH/ZL currently has temporary health posts and community outreach staff and services; 3) in partnership with ACTED provide the necessary and simultaneous water and sanitation emergency response and mass community prevention.";Port-au-Prince;"";410;Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA);Port-au-Prince;Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Marianna Franco;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Program Development Manager;ACTED-HT-10-41 XXX;Friends of ACTED;"";62500;"";"";Cholera affected population, Internally displaced persons (IDPs);Emergency Health & WASH Response to Cholera Epidemic in Haiti;525147;2011-02-21;29;"";2011-01-27;"";Friends of ACTED
Haiti;"";1991-10-13;"";2010-09-13;"";;Ouest;"";Haiti Ministry of Agriculture Natural Resources and Rural Development (MARNDR);Conduct survey of animals in Port-au-Prince;Port-au-Prince;"";163;Animal Relief Coalition for Haiti (ARCH) members;Port-au-Prince;Other;Dr. Jean Thomas;Food Security and Agriculture;Country Coordinator;ARCH-HT-10-002;Animal Relief Coalition for Haiti (ARCH);Information on how many animals in Port-au-Prince area, how animals are treated, and awareness of rabies;"";"";"";Affected population(s);Animal Survey;35000;2010-11-15;14;"";2011-01-25;Disaster risk reduction (DRR);Animal Relief Coalition for Haiti (ARCH)
United Republic of Tanzania;foodsecurity_site;2010-09-10;"";2006-07-01;"";;"";"";"";The project will support training of 886 families from four villages with agro-ecology skills and methods in Kilama A and Kilama B villages in Kilombero District and Kidete and Msimba villages in Kilosa District.  Heifer Tanzania is already operating in these four villages. Kilama A and Kilama B have local chicken, fish farming and dairy goat projects. Msimba has dairy goats while Kidete has a dairy cattle project.;"";"";888;Private donations;"";Agriculture;Kelly Doppelhammer;"";East Africa Program Assistant;HEFI-TZ-06-21-0416-01;Heifer International;"";886;"";"";"";South East Zone Agroecology Project;0;2011-06-30;34;"";2011-03-25;"";Heifer Tanzania
Sudan;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-13;"";2006-01-01;"";;Central Equatoria,Eastern Equatoria;"";"";The Sudanese Relief and Development Agency carries out agriculture projects in order to address the widespread hunger and extreme poverty. Many people have lost their agricultural knowledge, or never learned how to farm during the more than 20 years of war, one of the longest running conflicts on the continent until the ceasefire in 2005. The plight of returning refugees, of which there are more than four million in Southern Sudan, is particularly difficult.  They must rely on food aid, which often does not last to the first harvest. Recent attacks on food convoys add to their plight as well as increasing tribal violence and spillover attacks from neighboring conflicts.  The current program provides workshops on agriculture training and provide tools and farming inputs. A pilot agricultural program will take place in select dioceses across the south. Most dioceses have small gardens which can be improved through training and through the purchase of more seeds and tools. These programs aim to be simple, of a moderate scale, and relatively inexpensive in order to persist during instability and conflict.  Episcopal Relief & Development also supports the establishment of agricultural office through the hiring and training of staff. The agriculture office assists the individual dioceses with training, planning, development, and technical assistance in implementation of projects. ;"";"";831;Private donations;"";Agriculture;Janette O'Neill;"";Program Officer;ERD-SD-06-001;Episcopal Relief & Development;"";150000;"";"";Farmers, Staff;SUDRA Development Program;"";2011-01-01;27;;"";Capacity building;Episocopal Church of the Sudan
Ethiopia;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2008-01-01;"";;Southern Nations Nationalities and Peoples;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1087;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-ET-08-ET6;The Hunger Project;"";20033;"";"";"";Wurib Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Ghana;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2009-01-01;"";;Eastern;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1134;The Robertson Foundation;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-GH-09-GH16;The Hunger Project;"";5000;"";"";"";Awurasa Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-11-01;"";;L'Artibonite;"";"";"Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment
";Gonaïves;"";1888;Private donations;Gonaïves;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-51603;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Gonaives;14405;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";Gonaives
Haiti;"";1991-12-22;"";2010-11-01;"";;Sud;"";"";After the earthquake, many Haitians lost their primary source of income and were left without the means to meet basic needs, including sending their children to school.  In partnership with the Danish Red Cross, the American Red Cross is helping displaced families in Les Cayes arrondissement by providing vouchers to cover school fees for 1,850 children as well as livelihoods grants for 2,000 families who host displaced children.;Aquin,Port-Salut,les Cayes;"";89;Private donations;Arniquet,Camp-Perrin,Cavaillon,Chantal,Maniche,Torbeck;Education;Marian Spivey-Estrada;Education;Manager, Information and Reporting;ARCIS-HT-10-011;American Red Cross;"";3850;Please note that the estimated number of people reached refers to the total number of people each project plans to reach over the life of its implementation. Not all of these people have been reached with services yet.;"";Affected population(s), School children;School Vouchers with the Danish Red Cross;0;2011-06-30;9;;2011-02-07;Livelihoods;Danish Red Cross, Haitian Red Cross
Haiti;"";1991-10-13;"";2010-09-13;"";;Ouest;"";Haiti Ministry of Education, Haiti Ministry of Environment, Haiti Ministry of Public Health, Haiti Ministry of Agriculture Natural Resources and Rural Development (MARNDR);Changes in national curriculum to include animal welfare;Port-au-Prince;"";166;Animal Relief Coalition for Haiti (ARCH) members;Port-au-Prince;Disaster Management,Other;Dr. Jean Thomas;Education;Country Coordinator;ARCH-HT-10-005;Animal Relief Coalition for Haiti (ARCH);Working with Ministries of Education, Environment, and Agriculture, develop new curriculum for primary grades to include animal welfare, disease prevention, and disaster preparedness;"";"";"";Children;Educational Outreach;50000;2011-03-01;14;"";2011-01-25;Animal care and welfare, Disaster risk reduction (DRR);Animal Relief Coalition for Haiti (ARCH)
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-09-23;"";2010-01-20;Port-au-Prince, Jacmel, Petit-Goâve, Fond-des-Negres, Belen, Bainet;;Centre,Nippes,Ouest,Sud-Est;"";"";Emergency food support provided throughout the country by The Salvation Army as needed.  The primary support was provided in the Delmas 2  community of Port-au-Prince but food support was also distributed in other key areas where The Salvation Army is active such as Jacmel, Petit-Goâve, and Fond-des-Negres (where many people gathered to escape earthquake damage in mountains or in other cities).  Initially, the objective was to provide food to everyone in the community, prioritizing women and children.  However, beginning in June 2010 all distributions were limited to the most vulnerable populations only.;Bainet,Cerca La Source,Jacmel,Léogâne,Miragoâne,Port-au-Prince;"";693;Private donations;Bainet,Jacmel,Miragoâne,Petit-Goâve,Port-au-Prince,Thomasique;Food Aid;George Polarek;Food Security and Agriculture;Assistant Director, SAWSO;SAWSO-HT-10-008;Salvation Army World Service Office;Provision of food rations to general population, as well as targeted rations to vulnerable populations;15000000;12,000,000;Prime awardee;Affected population(s), Women, Children;Basic Food Support;7967822;2010-12-31;62;"";"";"";The Salvation Army 
Burma;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-13;"";2009-03-15;"";;Bago;"";"";Despite being one of the largest countries in South-East Asia, Myanmar is one of the poorest.  Both extensive government regulations and high inflation rates have created economic stagnation, keeping the vast majority of the population at the poverty level.  The Mother's Union works within the church structure to assist families of ethnic minorities, who are further disadvantaged by government majoritarian policies.  As women play a crucial role in both the economic and social structures of a family, the Mother's Union programs have focused on enhancing the resources available to women to pursue greater economic stability in their families.  The Mothers Union initiated a micro-credit programme to assist women to support their family income through various entrepreneurial ventures, including mini shops, agriculture, animal husbandry and other cottage industries.  The Mother's Union began its pilot micro-credit programme in Yangon Diocese 2001.  With learnings from this pilot project, the micro-credit operations expanded and there are currently 15 self-help groups with 128 members in the Diocese of Yangon and Toungoo.  In 2010, the Mother's Unions union plans to monitor and train 14 self-help groups in Yangon Diocese and 1 self-help group in Toungoo Diocese to administer loans to 120 women.;"";"";803;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development;Nagulan Nesiah;"";Program Officer;ERD-MM-09-003;Episcopal Relief & Development;"";120;"";"";Women;Mother's Union Micro Credit;"";2010-12-31;27;;"";"";Mothers Union (Church of the Province of Myanmar)
Haiti;"";1991-08-24;"";2010-03-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";Distribution of 250 Family sized water units - donated;Port-au-Prince;"";43;GlobalMedic;Carrefour;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Andrew Lucas;Shelter and Non-Food Items;Program Director;ADRA-HT-10-021;Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA);"";1250;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs);Water Unit Distribution;12500;2010-04-30;4;"";2011-01-14;"";GlobalMedic, Adventist Development and Relief Agency Network
Ghana;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1994-01-01;"";;Ashanti;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1365;Private donations;"";Education,Health;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-GH-94-168930;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Ashanti Gap Development Program;"";2012-01-01;76;"";"";Nutrition;World Vision Ghana
Malawi;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1995-01-01;"";;Central;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1438;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Education,Health;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-MW-95-169837;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Nthondo Development Program;"";2016-01-01;76;"";"";Nutrition;World Vision Malawi
Haiti;"";2010-09-24;"";2010-03-15;"";;"";"";"";Create infrastructure for managing and fielding of volunteer teams to collaborate with the Eglise Methodiste d'Haiti in providing deconstruction, construction, and shelter assistance in affected communities to assist in the recovery process.;"";"";721;Private donations;"";Disaster Management;Melissa Crutchfield;"";Assistant General Secretary, International Disaster Response;UMCOR-HT-10-418325-4;United Methodist Committee on Relief;"";"";"";Prime awardee;"";United Methodist Volunteers in Mission Haiti Response Plan;1105750;2013-04-01;67;"";2010-12-15;"";United Methodist Volunteers in Mission, General Board of Global Ministries Mission Volunteers
Ethiopia;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1989-01-01;"";;Amhara;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1355;Private donations;"";Education,Health;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV- ET-89-163894;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Mehal Meda Development Program;"";2012-01-01;76;"";"";"";World Vision Ethiopia
Haiti;"";1991-08-24;"";2010-03-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";Distribution of 12 portable generators.;Port-au-Prince;"";42;GlobalMedic;Carrefour;Disaster Management;Andrew Lucas;Shelter and Non-Food Items;Program Director;ADRA-HT-10-020;Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA);"";2000;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs);Non-Food Item (NFI) Distributions;15000;2010-04-30;4;"";2011-01-14;"";GlobalMedic, Adventist Development and Relief Agency Network
El Salvador;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2005-01-01;"";;Morazán;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1335;Private donations;"";Health;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-SV-05-178301;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";El Alfarero Development Program;"";2021-01-01;76;"";"";Nutrition;World Vision El Salvador
Haiti;"";2011-01-12;"";2007-03-01;"";;L'Artibonite,Nord,Nord-Est,Ouest;"";Community-based organizations;"The Protecting Human Rights Program is supported by USAID to build sustainable local capacity to monitor, prevent, and combat human rights abuse, and to assist victims of torture, organized violence, and human trafficking, thereby increasing security, citizen confidence, and social stability.  The objectives are: reducing trauma and suffering caused by human rights violations (including torture, organized violence, and human trafficking); restoring the well-being of victims and relevant communities; protection and access to adequate treatment, and social and legal services; legal and institutional reforms; and improved capacity of the Government of Haiti to address human rights abuse and violence in Haiti. ";Cap-Haïtien,Gonaïves,Léogâne,Ouanaminthe,Port-au-Prince,Saint-Marc;Additional funding;639;President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR);Cap-Haïtien,Gonaïves,Ounaminthe,Petit-Goâve,Port-au-Prince,Saint-Marc;Human Rights Democracy and Governance,Protection;Daniel O'Neil;Health,Protection;Senior Program Director for the Caribbean;PADF-HT-07-001;Pan American Development Foundation;"";"";"";Prime;Children, Women, Victims of violence, Victims of torture;Protecting Human Rights in Haiti;7308133;2011-01-31;54;;2011-01-12;"";Pan American Development Foundation
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-11-01;"";;Nord-Ouest;"";"";"Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment
";Môle Saint-Nicolas;"";1884;Private donations;Baie de Henne;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-51587;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Centre de sante de Baie de Henne;2529;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";Centre de sante de Baie de Henne
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-05-19;"";2010-02-01;"";;Centre,L'Artibonite,Nord,Nord-Est,Ouest;"";"";"Help 11 community associations in 5 departments meet immediate and short-term needs of displaced populations. Includes seed distribution; health support (nurse); food, water distribution; shelter (tents); latrines.";Borgne,Gonaïves,Grande-Rivière-du-Nord,Gros-Morne,Hinche,Marmelade,Vallières,l'Arcahaie;"";514;Private donations;Arcahaie,Bahon,Ennery,Gonaïves,Gros-Morne,La Victoire,Maïssade,Mombin Crochu,Ranquitte,Saint Michel de l'Attalaye;Agriculture,Food Aid,Health,Shelter and Housing,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Alex Wilson;Early Recovery,Food Security and Agriculture,Health,Shelter and Non-Food Items,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Deputy Director for Latin America;LWR-HT-10-LA-HAI-4-002-10;Lutheran World Relief;"";17500;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs), Rural population, Small farmers;Haiti Earthquake Response to Displaced Families in Rural Villages;199553;2010-06-30;45;;2010-09-24;"";World Neighbors
United Republic of Tanzania;foodsecurity_site;2010-07-27;"";2009-07-01;"";;Mwanza;"";Tanzanian Home Economics Association;The project  aims to improve the nutritional status of vulnerable populations (children and pregnant and lactating mothers) as well and food security by promoting production and consumption of orange-flesh sweetpotatoes in 10 target villages. ;"";"";941;Monsanto Fund;"";Agriculture,Health;Peter Barnard;"";"";HKI-TZ-09-6117;Helen Keller International;"";0;"";"";Women, Children;Eat Orange! Promotion of OFSP for Improved Nutrition and Food Security;"";2011-06-30;79;;"";Nutrition;Tanzanian Home Economics Association
Honduras;foodsecurity_site;2010-08-16;"";2008-07-01;"";;Francisco Morazán;"";"";Heifer Honduras has supported small farmers through projects to diversify their agriculture by encouraging production of milk, home-made dairy products, honey, pollen, eggs, fish, chickens and hogs for their own consumption. These projects have yielded surplus production, which these farmers are marketing locally. The goal of this three-year umbrella project is to improve the quality of life for 883 rural families — 573 original and 310 through passing on the gift — by strengthening nine rural microenterprises. The project will also provide support and technical assistance to improve production, processing and transformation of products, help farmers obtain health licenses for processing plants, product brands, bar codes and health registrations, and market products locally and nationwide. At the end of three years, an external evaluation will determine whether it is necessary to pursue a second stage to strengthen and expand the results generated by the project.;"";"";920;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development;Americas program;"";Americas program;HEFI-HN-08-23-1507-02;Heifer International;"";2750;"";"";"";Strengthening Rural Micro-Enterprises in Honduras;"";2014-06-30;34;"";"";"";Heifer Project International
Dominican Republic;foodsecurity_site;2011-04-07;"";1991-01-01;""; ;Elias Pina,Independencia,Monseñor Nouel;"The project budget represents Plant With Purpose's current annual contribution to Floresta.
";Floresta;In the Dominican Republic, Plant With Purpose works to help local farmers set up savings led microcredit groups, initiate community tree nurseries, participate in reforestation efforts, and maximize local markets with the construction of a sawmill, oregano dryers, and marketing initiatives. Through revolving loan funds, Plant With Purpose has granted 1,475 microcredit loans for farmers to improve their farms, invest in their land, or start other sustainable enterprises. Thousands of farmers in 43 Dominican communities are being empowered to provide for their families and overcome poverty, transforming their lives, their land, and their communities. ;"";"";1711;Foundations,Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Environment;Doug Satre ;"";Development Director ;PLANT-DO-84-DR ;Plant With Purpose;"";2500;"";Prime awardee;Farmers, Rural communities ;Floresta ;400000;2011-12-31;58; ;2011-04-07;"";Plant With Purpose 
Sudan;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2009-01-16;"";;Upper Nile;"";"";Support the comprehensive peace agreement (CPA) through delivering visible peace dividends to communities and build the capacity of local government at all levels to engage constituencies and deliver services.;"";"";1597;Mercy Corps,US Agency for International Development (USAID);"";Agriculture,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Carlos Piedrasanta;"";RDM Operations Deputy, IPG, World Vision US;WV-SD-09-190251;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Building Responsibility for the Delivery of Government Services (BRIDGE)- multisectoral EcDev/Wash;"";2011-11-19;76;"";"";"";Mercy Corps, World Vision Sudan, Bearing Point, Goal, Norwegian People's Aid, Save the Children US, Stromme Foundation
Haiti;"";2011-05-02;"";2011-08-01;"";;"";"";"";"The objective of this project is to support 12 Haitian students in their professional studies and in developing their leadership skills. Their fields of studies are administration, agronomy, business administration, community agriculture, financial administration, medicine, and pediatrics. 
";"";"";1744;Private donations;"";Education;Melissa Crutchfield;"";Assistant General Secretary, International Disaster Response;UMCOR-HT-11-002 ;United Methodist Committee on Relief;"";12;"";Prime Awardee ;Youth;Scholarship and Strategic Leadership Development ;138040;2013-08-01;67;"";2011-05-02;"";Global Board of Global Ministries 
Honduras;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1995-01-01;"";;El Paraíso;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1391;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Protection,Shelter and Housing,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-HN-95-169641;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";San Matias Development Program;"";2016-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS, Nutrition;World Vision Honduras
Ethiopia;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1987-01-01;"";;Southern Nations Nationalities and Peoples;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1353;Private donations;"";Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV- ET-87-152549;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Humbo (Abella Faricho) Development Program;"";2012-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS;World Vision Ethiopia
Mozambique;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1999-01-01;"";;Zambézia;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1460;Private donations;"";Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-MZ-99-173184;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Sabe Development Program;"";2014-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS, Nutrition;World Vision Mozambique
Guatemala;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2010-02-02;"";;El Quiché;"";"";"The action tackles 3 problems that affect the rural and indigenous population in El Quiché:  a) The agaraian conflict; b) the lack of adequate diversified production systems (agricultural and forestry based) with market access for rural families, which ensures them food security and income generation to improve their quality of life; c) the lack of organised social networks, particularly for indigenous, peasants and women, to improve their effective participation in political dialogue as well as their ability to influence decision making on agrarian and rural economic development in coordination with local, regional and national government bodies.";"";"";1008;European Commission (EC);"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Peace and Security;Carron Beaumont;"";Coordinator / MCS PO;MC-GT-10-003;Mercy Corps;"1) Conflict Resolution: Train civil Society and the State to use alternative methods of conflict resolution (MARC), minimalising land conflict in el Quiché, form and  strengthen multi-disciplinary teams which provide innovative conflict resolution services based on MARCs, strengthen and facilitate peaceful resolution of conflicts, helping 1,500 families, achieve ownership and peaceful use of their lands; 2) Economic Development: Incorporate 500 families from post-conflict communities in El Quiché into productive market chains which allow them to increase their income, help producers link to production chains to generate income, and help families achieve legal ownership of their land; 3) Advocacy and Public Education: Strengthen civil society and State entities in their knowledge and use of MARCS and to carry out political lobbying to promote positive changes in the population and in public policies related to agrarian issues at departmental and national level, a network focusing on conflict issues is formed and works to analyze the conflict, write proposals and carry out advocacy at different levels to improve the agrarian situation of the department, inform 2500 individuals on MARCS and on agrarian issues through public education campaigns, carry out public forums to analyze and discuss conflict, agrarian issues and land tenancy in El Quiché.    ";15450;"";Prime awardee;"Conflict resolution: 1,500 rural indigenous families in 50 communities, and 5 municipalities in Northern Guatemala; Economic Development:  500 indigenous families; Advocacy and Public Education: 20 civil society organizations.";Agrarian Conflict Resolution and Strengthening of the Rural Economy in El Quiché (Project AGROQUICHE);"";2012-05-01;50;"";"";"";Mercy Corps
Haiti;"";1991-10-12;"";2010-05-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";To provide an opportunity for exchange between women organizations in Haiti with a network of women in Jamaica, Honduras, and Peru working on resilience in the aftermath of the earthquake.;Léogâne;"";63;Private donations;Léogâne;Protection;Amarilys Estrella;Protection;Program Officer;AJWS-HT-10-004;American Jewish World Service (AJWS);"";100;"";"";Women;Emergency Relief to Earthquake Affected Communities in Haiti;50000;2011-07-31;8;;1991-12-10;"";Grassroots Organizations Operating Together in Sisterhood International
Haiti;"";2010-09-27;"";2010-02-01;Port-au-Prince;;Ouest;Port-au-Prince;"";Delivery of $331,176 worth of medical supplies and equipment to Partners in Health for the Hopital l'Universite d'Etate d'Haiti -(HUEH);Port-au-Prince;"";665;"";Port-au-Prince;Health;Niecy LoCricchio;Health;Director of Grants;CURE-HT-10-40917;PROJECT C.U.R.E.;"";18000;"";"";"";In-Kind Donations to Partners in Health for the University Hospital (HUEH), #4;331176;2010-02-01;59;;"";"";Partners in Health, University Hospital (HUEH)
Bangladesh,Cambodia,Ethiopia;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-17;"";2010-09-29;"";;"";"";"";This program will focus activities in Bangladesh, Cambodia, and Ethiopia. This program will build local capacity and increase food security by increasing agriculture sector productivity and profitability and strengthening agriculture sector institutions. Winrock will engage qualified U.S. volunteers to help develop and deliver training and technical assistance on agricultural production, post-harvest processing practices and technologies, and other topics to improve food availability and access in the three target countries. Winrock will work with local organizations to help producers, particularly women, to adopt new technologies and practices that will increase their productivity, efficiency, and incomes. Winrock will also strengthen agricultural sector institutions –focusing on private and public extension systems- to better serve vulnerable populations, particularly women. ;"";"";1250;US Agency for International Development (USAID);"";Agriculture;Nona Fisher;"";Senior Program Officer;WINRO-BD-10-6293;Winrock International;"";"";"";Prime awardee;"";Farmer to Farmer for Food Security;"";2014-09-28;70;;"";Gender, Food security;Winrock International, ACDI/VOCA
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;"";"";2003-06-01;"";;Chittagong;"";"";Weekly meetings of Savings and Learning Groups of between 12 and 20 people as a vehicle for micro-savings-based food security and micro-enterprise, WASH education, health education, community development and long-term formation of participant-led community development institutions. Groups are single-gender settings to meet the needs of cultural norms in Bangladesh, but teach skills for healthy social interaction and values for good relationships. Groups are self-led and facilitated by FH Staff, with direct contact one half day per group per week.;"";"";851;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Lucas Shindeldecker;"";Food Security Program Officer;FH-BD-03-BANFCT040000;Food for the Hungry;"";6300;"";"";"";Family and Community Transformation (FCT) # 11;"";2014-12-31;28;;"";Gender, Capacity building;""
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;"";"";2008-06-01;"";;Barisal;"";"";Weekly meetings of Savings and Learning Groups of between 12 and 20 people as a vehicle for micro-savings-based food security and micro-enterprise, WASH education, health education, community development and long-term formation of participant-led community development institutions. Groups are single-gender settings to meet the needs of cultural norms in Bangladesh, but teach skills for healthy social interaction and values for good relationships. Groups are self-led and facilitated by FH Staff, with direct contact one half day per group per week.;"";"";856;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Lucas Shindeldecker;"";Food Security Program Officer;FH-BD-08-BANFCT060046;Food for the Hungry;"";29553;"";"";"";Family and Community Transformation (FCT) # 16;"";2020-12-31;28;;"";Gender, Capacity building;""
Haiti;"";2010-07-30;"";2010-05-07;"";;L'Artibonite;"";"";"Objectif général : Contribuer à la réduction des maladies hydriques dans les 1ère et 2ème sections communales de la commune de Marchand-Dessalines.
Objectifs spécifiques : 
• Fournir un revenu durgence aux communautés vulnérables, suite à la période de soudure, de la zone de Perrembeau et Ti Bera
• Prévenir limpact dinondations récurrentes par le curage et la construction de digues de protection le long des drains, collecteurs et canaux dirrigation au niveau des zones critiques identifiées";Saint-Marc;"";398;United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH);Saint-Marc;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Marianna Franco;Early Recovery;Program Development Manager;ACTED-HT-10-41 AOP 82Z;Friends of ACTED;"";750;"";"";Vulnerable people/populations;Rehabilitation of Drainage Canals (Ti Bera);26031;2010-08-07;29;"";2010-12-20;Disaster risk reduction (DRR);Friends of ACTED
Haiti;"";2011-01-11;"";2010-01-16;"";"";Ouest;"";"";March 17th, 2010: in Carrfour, 62656 persons (or 12575 families) have been reached by CARE since January 16, 2010.;Port-au-Prince;"";239;"";Carrefour;"";"";"";"";CARE-HT-10-008;CARE;"";"";"";"";"";Carrefour, Haiti;"";2011-01-10;19;"";2011-01-11;"";""
Haiti;"";2010-09-24;"";2008-03-01;"";"";Ouest;"";"";Staff, equipment, and execute mobile clinic visits in underserved areas (using a Caritas ambulance vehicle) and train parish health committees to provide outreach for the mobile clinic visits.;Port-au-Prince;"";245;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Health;Nicole Balliette;"";Haiti Emergency Respone Coordinator;CRS-HT-10-7420124;Catholic Relief Services (CRS);"Improve access to basic health services in underserved areas of Port-au-Prince with a target on 9 parishes in the Archdiocese of Port-au-Prince
SO 1: Improve the capacity of parish health committees
SO 2: Increase access to basic health services in under served area";5000;"";"";Men, Women;Clinques Mobiles/ Caritas Port-au-Prince;68243;2010-09-30;20;"";"";"";Caritas Archdiocese of Port-au-Prince
Haiti;"";1991-12-09;"";2010-01-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";Following the January 2010 earthquake, the operations of FHADIMAC immediately switched from a cost recovery model for visiting patients to offering free services for the indefinite future. This change in operating structure left the organization at a significant shortfall with regards to its monthly operating costs for the short-term. Long-term funding to support operations was forthcoming, but there was an immediate shortfall.;Port-au-Prince;"";144;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Health;Donna Porstner;Health;Communications Manager;ACARE-HT-10-125-1009-701;AmeriCares;Funding to prevent a budget shortfall;"";"";"";"";Emergency Operating Funds;21000;2011-03-31;11;"";2011-04-22;"";Fondation Hatienne de Diabete et de Maladies Cario-Vasculaire (FHADIMAC)
Haiti;"";2011-02-09;"";2011-01-01;"";"";Ouest;"";"";Port-au-Prince Region;Port-au-Prince;"";1626;Private donations;"";Education;"";Education;"";FFP-HT-11-001;Food for the Poor;"";"";"";"";"";Building Six Schools;0;2011-05-31;85;"";2011-02-09;"";Food for the Poor
Haiti;"";2010-12-14;"";2010-01-12;Corailles;;Ouest;"";"";Oxfam Great Britains emergency response to the January 12th 2010 earthquake in Haiti is being implemented in 5 areas: Port-au-Prince, Carrefour Feuilles, Delmas, Carrefour, Croix-des-Bouquets and Corailles, reaching both people living within and outside the camps. Humanitarian intervention activities are focused on different areas: (1) Emergency Food Security and Livelihoods (EFSL) through the creation of canteens or pre-paid restaurants, the implementation of Cash-for-Work (CFW) programs, the distribution of Basic Needs Grants and Livelihood Recovery Grants, supporting shops to ensure the availability of basic goods, supporting service professionals and capacity building. (2) Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), Public Health Promotion and Public Health Engineering, concentrating on sanitation, water distribution and purification, latrine building and capacity building. (3) Shelter with the implementation of building assessments and the building and strengthening of temporary shelters through tent and plastic sheeting distribution.;Croix-des-Bouquets,Port-au-Prince;"";635;Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID),Belgium Government,British Corporates,Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC),Dutch SHO (Cooperating Aid Organizations),ECHO,Flemish Government,Oxfam America,Oxfam Belgium,Private donations,UK Department for International Development (DFID),public appeals: Canadian gift;Carrefour,Croix-des Bouquets,Delmas,Port-au-Prince;Economic Recovery and Development,Shelter and Housing,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Cedric Perus;Logistics,Shelter and Non-Food Items,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Deputy Humanitarian Program Manager;OXFA-HT-10-001;OXFAM;"";252000;"";"";"";Haiti Earthquake Response (Oxfam Great Britain);41060039;2010-12-31;53;"";2011-01-07;Gender, Disaster risk reduction (DRR), Capacity building, Food security;Oxfam Great Britain
Senegal;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2003-01-01;"";;Kaolack;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1101;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-SN-03-SG4;The Hunger Project;"";13665;"";"";"";Diokoul Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";1999-01-01;"";;Barisal;"";"";THP works at the Union level to (a) mobilize the population for self-reliant action, including forming producer co-operatives and other income generating enterprises, (b) build civil society from the bottom up - creating people's organization of women, youth, elders, girl-child advocates, and the poorest of the poor, (c) strengthen local democracy, (d) ensure adequate facilities for achieving the MDGs, (e) organize mass action campaigns for health, nutrition, education, clean water and sanitation.;"";"";1231;Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID),British Council,Private donations;"";Agriculture,Education,Health,Human Rights Democracy and Governance,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;John Coonrod;"";Executive Vice President;THP-BD-99-520;The Hunger Project;"";20000;"";"";"";Lebokhali Mobilization;"";2100-12-31;83;"";"";"";The Hunger Project
Zimbabwe;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1999-01-01;"";;Matabeleland South;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1547;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-ZW-99-172975;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Limpopo Development Program;"";2017-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS, Nutrition;World Vision Zimbabwe
Mali,Nigeria;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-17;"";2008-10-01;"";;"";"";"";"The program will seek to raise productivity and production of farmers in West Africa, but will do so in a way that supports farmer access to markets or end use processors.  Activities focus on three themes: 1) improved access to export markets; 2) increased productivity that allows profitable access to known domestic and regional markets; and 3) import substitution, particularly focused on increased local sales to multinational food processors and feed mills who normally import raw product.  Winrock will lead the team's activities in Nigeria and Mali.";"";"";1248;US Agency for International Development (USAID);"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development;DeAnn McGrew;"";Program Officer;WINRO-ML-08-5973;Winrock International;"";4860;"";Subawardee;"";Farmer-to-Farmer West Africa;"";2013-06-30;70;;"";Food security;ACDI/VOCA, Winrock International, Land O'Lakes
Burundi;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-18;"";2010-10-01;"";;Muyinga;"";World Food Program (WFP);PATH is building demand for Ultra Rice in existing public-sector funded meal programs as a market entry strategy.  This approach has allowed PATH to test the feasibility, acceptance and effectiveness of Ultra Rice kernels, establish distribution to nutritionally vulnerable groups with little incremental cost, and cultivate demand from institutional buyers to drive economies of scale. It has also allowed Ultra Rice to be produced at an even more affordable price for later entry into commercial markets that serve the poor. The Burundi Demonstration Project represents Ultra Rice's first foray into Africa. Project activities will include both operational and biological impact assessments. The project work aims to demonstrate Ultra Rice as a feasible and effective method for boosting the nutritional quality of US-supported food aid programs. ;"";"";1038;US Department of Agriculture (USDA);"";Health;Amy Wales;Nutrition;Communications Specialist;PATH-BI-10-001;PATH;"";15000;"";Prime awardee;Micronutrient deficient schoolchildren ;Ultra Rice Project: Burundi Pilot Demonstrations ;0;2013-02-28;81;;2011-04-26;Nutrition;World Vision
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-11-01;"";;Nord-Est;"";"";"Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment
";Vallières;"";1893;Private donations;Vallières;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-51642;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Vallieres;2555;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";Vallieres
Afghanistan;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2008-07-31;"";;Ghor;"";"";Targets the most vulnerable communities in Ghor Province by reducing food insecurity for direct and indirect beneficiaries over the 36 month Life of Activity. ;"";"";1570;US Agency for International Development (USAID);"";"";Carlos Piedrasanta;"";RDM Operations Deputy, IPG, World Vision US;WV-AF-08-188954;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Afghanistan Multi-Year Assistance Program (MYAP);"";2011-08-01;76;"";"";"";World Vision Afghanistan
Haiti;"";2010-12-20;"";2007-10-05;"";"";Centre;"";Haitian Ministry of Education;Goal: Improve students' nutritional status and school performance. Objective- Provide 10,000 students in Lascahobas and Belladere (Central Plateau) with a nutritional morning snack and hot meal and provide quality of education activities.;Lascahobas;"";243;Local Government,World Bank;Belladère,Lascahobas;Education;Nicole Balliette;"";Haiti Earthquake Response Coordinator;CRS-HT-10-7420110;Catholic Relief Services (CRS);"";2475;"";"";Children;Cantine Scolaire Education - PNCS;2094487;2010-06-30;20;"";"";"";Catholic Relief Services (CRS)
Haiti;"";2010-10-06;"";2010-01-01;"";;"";"";Christian Blind Mission, Secrétairerie d'Etat à l'Intégration des Personnes Handicapées (SEIPH);Co-Chair of IRD Working Group;"";"";439;"";"";Health,Protection;Armony Mangin;"";Liaison & Advocacy Officer;HCI-HT-10-013;Handicap International;"";"";"";"";"";Health/Protection 5;0;2011-05-05;32;"";2011-05-26;"";Handicap International
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2000-01-01;"";;Centre;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1380;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-HT-00-174140;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Akodet Development Program;"";2025-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS;World Vision Haiti
Sudan;foodsecurity_site;2011-05-26;"";2011-02-01;"2nd admin: Yei, Lainya
";;Central Equatoria;"";"";"This program seeks to improve the overall food security of vulnerable populations in Yei and Lainya counties in Southern Sudan. UMCOR has identified three objectives for the program: to increase household income among vulnerable populations of Yei and Lainya counties; to expand knowledge and use of innovative techniques for increased household food production among vulnerable households in Yei, including the introduction of fish farming techniques and the growing of improved varieties of vegetables; and to increase the capacity of relevant government bodies and local NGOs to evaluate the impact of innovative food production practices. 
";"";"";1937;European Commission (EC);"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development;Nicholas Jaeger;"";Program Assistant, UMCOR-NGO;UMCOR-SD-11-ASEC03;United Methodist Committee on Relief;"";40821;"";"";"";Introduction and Dissemination of Innovative Food Security Practices in Central Equatoria State in South Sudan ;1711692;2014-01-31;67;"";2011-05-26;"";UMCOR Sudan
Ghana;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2002-01-01;"";;Central;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1163;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-GH-02-GH45;The Hunger Project;"";6357;"";"";"";Ekurabadze Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";1999-01-01;"";;Barisal;"";"";THP works at the Union level to (a) mobilize the population for self-reliant action, including forming producer co-operatives and other income generating enterprises, (b) build civil society from the bottom up - creating people's organization of women, youth, elders, girl-child advocates, and the poorest of the poor, (c) strengthen local democracy, (d) ensure adequate facilities for achieving the MDGs, (e) organize mass action campaigns for health, nutrition, education, clean water and sanitation.;"";"";1184;Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID),British Council,Private donations;"";Agriculture,Education,Health,Human Rights Democracy and Governance,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;John Coonrod;"";Executive Vice President;THP-BD-99-025;The Hunger Project;"";20000;"";"";"";Agoilijhara Mobilization;"";2100-12-31;83;"";"";"";The Hunger Project
Sierra Leone;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-13;"";2009-01-01;"";;Southern;"";"";"Between 1991 and 2001, about 50,000 people were killed in Sierra Leone's civil war. Hundreds of thousands of people were forced from their homes, and many became refugees in Guinea and Liberia. A lasting feature of the war were the atrocities committed by the rebels, whose trademark was to hack off the hands or feet of their victims and kidnap children to use as ""child soldiers"". As Sierra Leone works to heal after years of war, the Diocese of Bo is focusing on fostering resettlement by improving the food supply in 12 communities. The causes of chronic hunger and malnutrition are diverse in these communities and the diocese is focused on securing them a means of income and food supply. The creation of a Moringa nursery functions as both a source of food and of traditional medicine. Moringa, a drought resistant tropical tree, is a source of  quick growing leaves which have been shown to improve the weight and production of livestock as well as being suitable to prevent malnutrition and vitamin deficiency in people. The diocese is training and providing these inputs in order to increase the technical skills of these communities. The residual effects of the war and challenges of poverty have increased the vulnerability of individuals. The problem of gender inequality and violence has created unimaginable consequences and the diocese is focusing on working with communities in order to promote gender awareness and equality by holding education workshops on gender based violence at the diocesan and community levels.";"";"";827;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Protection;Danielle Tirello;"";Program Officer;ERD-SL-09-001;Episcopal Relief & Development;"";3000;"";"";Religious leaders/Clergy, Staff, Children, Children under 5, Men, Women;Sierra Leone Food Security ;"";2012-12-31;27;;"";Capacity building, Gender;Diocese of Bo 
Haiti;"";1991-10-12;"";2010-09-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";The global Red Cross network is helping 30,000 families transition to safer, more secure homes.  To support these efforts, the American Red Cross is partnering with a number of international non-governmental organizations to construct transitional homes, which will include access to water and sanitation facilities.  As part of this initiative, Habitat for Humanity will construct 2,000 transitional homes, as well as provide hygiene promotion and training activities.  Although Habitat for Humanity plans to reach 10,000 people through this project, these numbers may change depending on construction costs. ;Léogâne;"";123;Private donations;Léogâne;Shelter and Housing,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Marian Spivey-Estrada;Shelter and Non-Food Items,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Manager, Information and Reporting;ARCIS-HT-10-S6;American Red Cross;"";10000;Please note that the estimated number of people reached refers to the total number of people each project plans to reach over the life of its implementation. Not all of these people have been reached with services yet.;"";Affected population(s), Internally displaced persons (IDPs);Transitional Homes through Habitat for Humanity;0;2011-08-31;9;;1991-12-22;"";Habitat for Humanity International
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";1999-01-01;"";;Dhaka;"";"";THP works at the Union level to (a) mobilize the population for self-reliant action, including forming producer co-operatives and other income generating enterprises, (b) build civil society from the bottom up - creating people's organization of women, youth, elders, girl-child advocates, and the poorest of the poor, (c) strengthen local democracy, (d) ensure adequate facilities for achieving the MDGs, (e) organize mass action campaigns for health, nutrition, education, clean water and sanitation.;"";"";1199;Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID),British Council,Private donations;"";Agriculture,Education,Health,Human Rights Democracy and Governance,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;John Coonrod;"";Executive Vice President;THP-BD-99-179;The Hunger Project;"";20000;"";"";"";Gacha Mobilization;"";2100-12-31;83;"";"";"";The Hunger Project
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1987-01-01;"";;Dhaka;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1271;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-BD-87-161604;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Mymensingh Development Program;"";2018-01-01;76;"";"";Nutrition, HIV/AIDS;World Vision Bangladesh
Haiti;"";2010-10-09;"";2010-04-26;"";;Ouest;"";"";All Hands has completed four schools in the Léogâne area giving children and their families the opportunity to return to a normal daily routine. With several more already funded and in the planning stages.;Léogâne;"";47;"";Léogâne;Education;"";Education;"";HODR-HT-10-003;All Hands Volunteers;"";"";"";"";"";Transitional Schools;"";2011-12-31;5;"";"";"";All Hands Volunteers
Haiti;"";1991-08-24;"";2010-03-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";Distribution of 10 pallets of medical equipment and supplies, 10 pallents of hygiene kits.;Port-au-Prince;"";34;ADRA Network,Florida Hospital,International Aid;Carrefour;Disaster Management,Health;Andrew Lucas;Health,Shelter and Non-Food Items;Program Director;ADRA-HT-10-012;Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA);"";5000;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs);Non-Food Item (NFI) Donations and Distributions IV;83425;2010-03-31;4;"";2011-01-24;"";Florida Hospital, International Aid, Adventist Development and Relief Agency Network
Haiti;"";2010-09-24;"";2010-07-01;"";;Centre,L'Artibonite;10,000 households for non-food items/shelter support and 5,000 individuals for livelihood support;"";With this Program Mercy Corps is targeting communes in Center and Artibonite Departments, which received the highest number of displaced people after the January 12, 2010 earthquake.  American Red Cross funding will complement Mercy Corps' cash-for-work program in the Central Plateau and will provide more comprehensive support to host families, potentially creating a “pull factor” in a region with strong potential in the medium and long-term for sustainable economic development outside the capital.  Mercy Corps will do this through 1) provision of shelter, household and water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) items through voucher system in market fairs, and 2) provision of technical assistance to improve understanding of disaster risk reduction principles and good hygiene and sanitation practices. The program will also target female headed households by provision of inputs to support start-up of immediate income-generating activities.  ;Hinche,Mirebalais,Saint-Marc;"";599;American Red Cross;Boucan-Carré,Cerca-Carvajal,Hinche,La Chapelle,Maïssade,Mirebalais,Saint-Marc,Saut-d'Eau,Thomonde,Verettes;Economic Recovery and Development,Shelter and Housing,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Raymond Chevalier;Shelter and Non-Food Items,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Deputy Country Director;MC-HT-10-010;Mercy Corps;"";74000;"";"";Host households/communities, Internally displaced persons (IDPs), Small business owners;Kimbe-La/Shelter and Non-Food Items Program: Giving Choices to Earthquake Survivors Outside of Port-au-Prince;4850155;2011-06-30;50;;2011-04-08;Disaster risk reduction (DRR);Mercy Corps
Cambodia;foodsecurity_site;2010-07-27;"";2009-10-09;"";"";Ratanakiri;"";Indigenous People for Agriculture Development in Cambodia (IADC);This project improves the food security of vulnerable households as well as the livelihood, nutrition, and health status of women and young children through HKI's homestead food production program. ;"";"";949;European Commission (EC);"";Agriculture,Health;"";"";"";HKI-KH-09-7008;Helen Keller International;"";800;"";"";households;Enhanced Food Production Systems and BCC;"";2011-12-31;79;"";"";Nutrition;""
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2011-02-18;"";1997-05-01;"";;Nord,Ouest,Sud-Est;"The project budget represents Plant With Purpose's current annual contribution to Floresta Ayiti.
";Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO);"Plant With Purpose began providing agricultural and economic assistance to several communities south of Port-au-Prince in 1997. Since then, Plant With Purpose has expanded into 80 communities in three different regions, and has established a program that includes training in innovative agriculture techniques, reforestation, micro-credit, and marketing assistance for a growing number of rural Haitian communities. Hundreds of miles of soil conservation barriers have been constructed to hold much-needed soil in place and help protect families from the devastating effects of frequent tropical storms.
";Bainet,Croix-des-Bouquets,Léogâne,l'Acul-du-Nord;"";1635;Private donations;Acul du Nord,Bainet,Cornillon,Fonds-Verettes,Grand-Goâve,Léogâne;Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Environment;Doug Satre;"";Development Director;PLANT-HT-97-001;Plant With Purpose;Training for farmers in tree planting, soil conservation, backyard nurseries, rainwater harvesting, support for savings and loans groups, and building of church partnerships;30000;"";"";Local population, Internally displaced people (IDPs);Environmental Restoration and Community Building;250000;2011-06-06;58;;2011-04-24;Community development, Capacity building;Floresta Ayiti
Haiti;"";1991-09-24;"";2010-01-15;"";;Ouest;"";Pan American Health Organization (PAHO);"The American Red Cross has coordinated the shipment of over 5,300 units of blood to support the Haiti earthquake response.  The American Red Cross has provided nearly 4,300 of the blood units; the remaining blood was provided by Americas Blood Center, the Blood Centers of America and the National Blood Exchange. Each unit of blood contains 450 ml, or roughly one pint of blood. Most of this blood has gone to the Pan American Health Organization, although American Red Cross blood units have also been sent to the UN Mission in Haiti as well as to a US Naval Hospital in Cuba that treated patients evacuated from Haiti.";Port-au-Prince;"";92;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Health;Marian Spivey-Estrada;Health;Manager, Information and Reporting;ARCIS-HT-10-DM01;American Red Cross;"";"";Please note that the estimated number of people reached refers to the total number of people each project plans to reach over the life of its implementation. Not all of these people have been reached with services yet.;"";Affected population(s);Blood Products for Hospitals;0;2011-03-29;9;;2011-04-29;"";American Red Cross, Haitian Red Cross
Haiti;"";2011-04-25;"";2011-01-15;"";;Ouest;"";"";"The Red Cross is coordinating an aggressive response to the cholera outbreak that has spread throughout Haiti and into areas of the Dominican Republic.  As part of this response, the American Red Cross has partnered with a number of humanitarian organizations including Save the Children.  Through this partnership, Save the Children will set up and run four Cholera Treatment Units and nine Oral Rehydration Points in rural areas of Leogane, and will conduct cholera prevention-focused relief supply distribution and health and hygiene promotion activities. The number of people reached will depend on the evolution of the outbreak, but Save the Children estimates that 1,800 people will receive treatment at the Cholera Treatment Centers and 13,500 will be reached through the hygiene promotion and Oral Rehydration Points. 
";Léogâne;"";1763;Private donations;Léogâne;Health;Marian Spivey-Estrada;Health;Manager, Information and Reporting;ARCIS-HT-11-DC12;American Red Cross;"";15368;"";"";Cholera affected populations;Cholera Prevention and Treatment Efforts through Save the Children;0;2011-06-14;9;;2011-04-25;"";Save the Children
Haiti;"";2010-10-05;"";2010-08-01;"";"";"";"";"";Replacement housing- approximately 45 units;"";"";209;Private donations;"";Shelter and Housing;"";Shelter and Non-Food Items;"";BBF-HT-10-034;Brother's Brother Foundation;"";"";"";"";"";Housing;0;2011-07-31;17;"";2011-01-14;"";Haitian Health Foundation
Honduras;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1995-01-01;"";;Choluteca;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1393;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-HN-95-169949;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Trapiche Development Program;"";2013-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS;World Vision Honduras
Haiti;"";2010-08-24;"";2010-01-12;"";;Ouest;"";"";Provide jerry cans, water bladder and USAID tarp pieces - 2,000 jerry cans, 2,000 tarps.;Port-au-Prince;"";29;International Organization for Migration (IOM);Carrefour;Disaster Management,Shelter and Housing;Andrew Lucas;Shelter and Non-Food Items;Program Director;ADRA-HT-10-007;Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA);"";10000;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs);Non-Food Item (NFI) Distribution;35000;2010-04-30;4;"";"";"";Adventist Development and Relief Agency, International Organization for Migration (IOM)
Uganda;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2006-01-01;"";;Mbarara;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1115;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-UG-06-UG8;The Hunger Project;"";30000;"";"";"";Mbarara Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Senegal;foodsecurity_site;2010-09-07;"";2008-07-01;"";;Fatick;"";GIE Agritech, Jalki Jeg Group;"This is the first of Heifer Senegal's projects. The five-year project aims at improving productivity through diversified livestock and field cropping initiatives. It will attempt to reconstitute the stock of improved breed animals and high quality rain-fed seeds and seedlings of selected forage and crop trees as well as provide technical support to enhance agricultural production and productivity. This will be done through improved capacities for environmentally sound resource management.
The project targets the sub project holder GIE JALKI JEG in the village of Pethie Djeri situated in the Rural community of Diarrere in the region of Fatick. Initially the project will provide 85 reproductive age sheep (70 ewes and 10 rams.) to 35 families (2 ewes/family). The project will also initially provide 10 kilos of research quality seeds to 32 families. By the 5th year the project will pass on 2 animals of the same species to reach a total of 335 assisted families and 10 kilos of nationally certified seeds to 160 families and their 2,500 dependents.
In total 515 animals (including replacements) and 1600 kilos of certified peanut seeds will be distributed through the life of the project.";"";"";873;Private donations;"";Agriculture;Elizabth Bintliff;"";West Africa Regional Director;HEFI-SN-08-21-1701-01;Heifer International;"";559;"";"";Farmer households, Women, Youth;Diarrere Integrated Production and Market Development Project;"";2014-06-30;34;;"";Gender, HIV/AIDS;Heifer Senegal
India;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1996-01-01;"";;Andhra Pradesh;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1412;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-IN-96-164025;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Premadhara Development Program;"";2015-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS;World Vision India
Ghana;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2008-01-01;"";;Eastern;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1136;The Robertson Foundation;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-GH-08-GH18;The Hunger Project;"";5000;"";"";"";Boti Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Sudan;foodsecurity_site;2011-05-26;"";2010-09-15;"Al Daein
Bahr al Arab
";;Southern Darfur;"";World Food Program (WFP), Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Ministry of Agriculture (MoA), Ministry of Animal Resources and Fisheries (MoARF);"This project aims to improve conditions for the conflict affected population in South Darfur across four sectors: water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH), agriculture and food security, shelter and settlements (S&S), and humanitarian coordination and information management. UMCOR is implementing and coordinating agricultural and food security activities with partners including the World Food Program (WFP), Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), and the Ministries of Agriculture (MoA) and Animal Resources and Fisheries (MoARF). Among its activities, UMCOR is providing agricultural seed through a system of Seed Vouchers and Fairs as well as food to farmers to help ensure that the seeds they access at seed fairs are planted and not eaten by households. UMCOR is also coordinating small livestock interventions (in partnership with FAO and the Ministry of Animal Resources and Fisheries) and helping farmers develop Household Nutrition Gardens to produce valuable vegetables that diversify household nutrition, decrease child malnourishment, and provide additional financial resources through the sale of excess produce. 
";"";"";1938;Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA);"";Agriculture,Disaster Management,Food Aid,Shelter and Housing;Nicholas Jaeger;"";Program Assistant, UMCOR-NGO;UMCOR-SD-10-ASOF18;United Methodist Committee on Relief;"";26355;"";"";Conflict-affected population;Promoting Self-Sufficiency and Recovery for Conflict Affected Populations in South Darfur;486665;2011-06-14;67;"";2011-05-26;"";UMCOR Sudan
Haiti;"";2010-09-22;"";2010-02-01;"";"";"";"";"";Operation Blessing has two ongoing projects focused on providing clean water to hospitals. Incredibly, none of the general hospitals in the country have clean, running water and it is not uncommon for doctors (and even patients) to bring their own clean water with them to the hospital in order to wash their hands and sterilize equipment. At the request of the United Nations Special Envoy To Haiti (Bill Clinton), OBI is assessing all ten general hospitals over the next 5 months to identify the cause of the problems and offer possible solutions on a hospital-by-hospital basis. OBI is also working with Dr. Paul Farmers organization, Partners In Health, to bring running potable water to several other hospitals. In the first hospital OBI visited, Belladere Hospital, more than half of the pediatric patients were suffering from illnesses related to contaminated water. OBI took action and installed new piping, connected the hospital to the city water line and installed filters, an ultraviolet light purification system and new plumbing throughout the hospital.;"";"";611;"";"";Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;"";Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;"";OBI-HT-10-006;Operation Blessing International;"";"";"";"";"";Clean Water for Hospitals;0;2011-12-12;51;;2011-05-13;"";Partners in Health
Ethiopia;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2002-01-01;"";;Oromia;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1348;Private donations;"";Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV- ET-02-172977;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Boset Development Program;"";2017-01-01;76;"";"";Nutrition;World Vision Ethiopia
Haiti;"";2010-05-19;"";2010-03-31;"";;Ouest;"";"";Distribution of 10,500 quilts and 1,675 health kits for people affected by the earthquake in Haiti.;Léogâne;"";507;Private donations;Léogâne;Disaster Management,Health;Trevor Knoblich;Health,Shelter and Non-Food Items,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Program Coordinator for Emergency Response;LWR-HT-10-LA-HAI-2-003-10;Lutheran World Relief;"";10500;"";"";"";Quilts and Health Kits for Haiti Earthquake Affected ;174911;2010-05-31;45;;2011-04-04;"";International Relief & Development
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-12-10;"";2010-12-31;"";;Centre;"";"";To increase the food security of local farming communities through the provision of agricultural inputs and trainings for the production of nutrient-rich food to address malnutrition.;Mirebalais;"";77;Private donations;Boucan-Carré;Agriculture,Health;Amarilys Estrella;Health;Program Officer;AJWS-HT-10-031;American Jewish World Service (AJWS);"";7500;"";"";Farmers, Fisherfolk, Children;Partnering with Community Groups and Local Farmers to Tackle Malnutrition - Year 3;30000;2011-12-30;8;;"";"";Partners in Health
Dominican Republic;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1990-01-01;"";;Baoruco;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1324;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Protection;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-DO-90-165419;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";El Tesoro Development Program;"";2018-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS, Nutrition;World Vision Dominican Republic
Burundi;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-18;"";2008-08-01;"";;Kayanza,Kirundo,Muyinga;"";Catholic Relief Services;"Community based activities to improve nutrition; Agro-enterprise";"";"";964;US Agency for International Development (USAID);"";Agriculture,Health;Stephen Commins;"";Strategy Manager, Fragile States;IMC-BI-08-1345;International Medical Corps;"On- and off-farm income; sustainable agriculture for increased livelihoods; address nutrition gaps";88000;"";Subawardee;"";Reduce Food Insecurity of Vulnerability Populations;"";2011-07-31;39;;"";Nutrition;International Medical Corps
Haiti;"";2010-12-01;"";2010-12-01; Fontamara 27;;Ouest;"";N/A;Work for Food;Port-au-Prince;shipping/custome clearance;224;Private donations;Carrefour;Other;Lesly Pierre;"";Coordinator;TZU-HT-10-TZHT-07;Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation;Foyer dAmour pour la Protection des Petits Enfants dHaïti ;329;"";NA;Affected population(s);Job Training # 4;85000;2011-12-31;18;"";2010-12-01;Livelihoods;Tzu Chi Foundation
India;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1996-01-01;"";;Manipur;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1414;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-IN-96-170838;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Sadar Hills Development Program;"";2013-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS;World Vision India
Haiti;"";1991-09-24;"";2011-02-15;"";;Centre;"";International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC);Beyond the January 2010 earthquake, Haiti faces frequent natural disasters, including floods and hurricanes.  Building on its disaster management experience around the world, the global Red Cross network is working to improve the capacity of the Haitian Red Cross to prepare for and respond to disasters.  This includes building an operations center in La Hinche that will be capable of providing support to the north of Haiti as well as providing back-up support for the entire country, should a disaster strike Port-au-Prince.;Hinche;"";117;Private donations;Hinche;Disaster Management;Marian Spivey-Estrada;"";Manager, Information and Reporting;ARCIS-HT-10-RC4B;American Red Cross;"";"";Please note that the estimated number of people reached refers to the total number of people each project plans to reach over the life of its implementation. Not all of these people have been reached with services yet.;"";"";Red Cross Disaster Management;0;2011-02-15;9;;1991-12-22;"";Haitian National Red Cross Society
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-08-25;"";;Ouest;"";"";"Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment
";Port-au-Prince;"";1856;Private donations;Pétion-Ville;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-51526;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Centre pour le Developpement;26614;2011-04-22;26;;2011-04-22;"";Centre pour le Developpement
Haiti;"";2011-04-22;"";2010-03-01;Azil Cummunale, Bas Cameroun, Baz Avili, Baz Garage, Boliman Brant, Bord Marche, Chales Masson, Dahomey, Daniel Fignole, Ecole Foyer de Nazareth, Galette Greffin, LaBorde, Durvergloire, Parc De La Paix;;Ouest;"";"";"Construction and management of child friendly spaces (playgrounds, ball fields, etc.) where children can prepare to re-enter the education system, teacher trainings, provision of school supplies.
";Port-au-Prince;"";1921;Clinton Bush Haiti Fund,ECHO,Electric Aid,IBIS,Irish Aid,People in Need (PIN),UNICEF;Delmas,Port-au-Prince,Tabarre;Education;Kirk Prichard;Education;Advocacy Officer;CONW-HT-10-004;Concern Worldwide;"";3250;"";"";"";Education;0;2011-12-31;87;;2011-05-20;"";Concern Worldwide
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-06-01;"";2010-01-12;"";;Ouest;"";"";WHI has started the food distribution at Carrefour, Delmas 33, Signeau hospital, Help hospital, Jacmel delivering 448 food kits to the beneficiaries. Each kit contains 3 rice pots, 1,50 peas pots, 1 oil liter, 1 milk box of 900gr, 2 sardine boxes, 1 sugar bag. The two others partners are working now in order to fall into step with WHH. WHI distributed 17,000 family food kits in two departments: West and South East.  This is communicated with health cluster.;Léogâne,Port-au-Prince;"";746;Private donations;Carrefour,Delmas,Léogâne,Port-au-Prince,Pétion-Ville;Food Aid;Larousse Ceus;Health;Country Director of Haiti;WH-HT-10-002;World Hope International;"";17000;"";Prime awardee;"";Care & Support: Food Distribution;0;2010-09-01;73;;2011-04-28;"";World Hope International
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-11-01;"";;Centre;"";"";"Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment
";Lascahobas;"";1866;Private donations;Belladère;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-51565;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Belladere;4088;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";Belladere
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";1999-01-01;"";;Khulna;"";"";THP works at the Union level to (a) mobilize the population for self-reliant action, including forming producer co-operatives and other income generating enterprises, (b) build civil society from the bottom up - creating people's organization of women, youth, elders, girl-child advocates, and the poorest of the poor, (c) strengthen local democracy, (d) ensure adequate facilities for achieving the MDGs, (e) organize mass action campaigns for health, nutrition, education, clean water and sanitation.;"";"";1222;Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID),British Council,Private donations;"";Agriculture,Education,Health,Human Rights Democracy and Governance,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;John Coonrod;"";Executive Vice President;THP-BD-99-442;The Hunger Project;"";20000;"";"";"";Lahuria Mobilization;"";2100-12-31;83;"";"";"";The Hunger Project
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-15;"";2004-06-15;Port-au-Prince;,;Ouest;"";"";Provision of ready-to-use therapeutic food (RUTF) to implementing partners. Les Centres GHESKIO utilize Mamba Konple to supplement infants of HIV+ mothers.;Port-au-Prince;"";565;"";Port-au-Prince;Health;Tom Stehl, Maryse Sterlin;Health,Nutrition;Coordinator of Operations, Haiti Administrator;MFK-HT-10-012;Meds & Food for Kids;"";"";"";"";Malnourished children;Community Management of Acute Malnutrition - Les Centres GHESKIO;0;2011-12-12;77;"";2011-04-11;"";Les Centres GHESKIO
Somalia;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-18;"";2009-12-15;"";;Hiiraan,Sanaag;"Establish outpatient therapeutic program (OTP) and supplementary feeding program (SFP) centers; conduct biannual nutrition assessment";"";The objective of this project is to reduce levels of moderate and severe malnutrition;"";"";963;ECHO;"";Health;Stephen Commins;Nutrition;Strategy Manager, Fragile States;IMC-SO-09-1578;International Medical Corps;Identify and treat cases of moderate and several malnutrition;4000;"";Prime awardee;Severely malnourished;Improving Health, Nutrition, and Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) for Vulnerable Populations;"";2010-11-15;39;;"";Nutrition;International Medical Corps
Zambia;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";"";"";;Copperbelt;"";"";This project seeks to improve food security.  The main step taken in this program is to provide food to malnourished children. Nutrition is also taught to the people.;"";"";1566;Private donations;"";Food Aid,Health;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-ZM-XX-182738;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";Children;Pre-school Feeding & Improved Household Food;"";"";76;"";"";Nutrition;World Vision Zambia
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";1999-01-01;"";;Dhaka;"";"";THP works at the Union level to (a) mobilize the population for self-reliant action, including forming producer co-operatives and other income generating enterprises, (b) build civil society from the bottom up - creating people's organization of women, youth, elders, girl-child advocates, and the poorest of the poor, (c) strengthen local democracy, (d) ensure adequate facilities for achieving the MDGs, (e) organize mass action campaigns for health, nutrition, education, clean water and sanitation.;"";"";1223;Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID),British Council,Private donations;"";Agriculture,Education,Health,Human Rights Democracy and Governance,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;John Coonrod;"";Executive Vice President;THP-BD-99-446;The Hunger Project;"";20000;"";"";"";Araihazar Mobilization;"";2100-12-31;83;"";"";"";The Hunger Project
";;Imereti;"";"";"This project aims to improve the level of self reliance and livelihoods of 1,200 internally displaced persons (IDPs) living at Kopitnari IDP Settlement, Imereti Region, Western Georgia.  By establishing a dairy processing unit at the Kopitnari IDP Settlement, supporting the small holders association managing and operating the  dairy, and helping the Kopitnari farmers improve their livestock breed and significantly increase milk production and profits through the introduction of artificial insemination (AI) techniques at the Settlement, UMCOR is mobilizing the Kopitnari IDP farmers currently involved in the livestock/dairy business in income generating activities.
";"";"";1934;Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR);"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development;Nicholas Jaeger;"";Program Assistant, UMCOR-NGO;UMCOR-GE-11-EGUN43;United Methodist Committee on Relief;"";1200;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs);Livelihood Support for IDPs Residing in Kopitnari Settlement, Georgia;195574;2011-12-31;67;"";2011-05-26;"";UMCOR Georgia
Sudan;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-17;"";2008-12-31;"";;Northern Bahr el Ghazal,Unity,Warab;"";"";"BRIDGE promotes community development and strengthens the ability of state and local governments in three states of Southern Sudan to deliver agriculture, education, and water and sanitation services. In supporting the government to provide critical services and enabling communities to rebuild after decades of conflict, BRIDGE serves as an important link in USAID's overall strategy to transition efforts in Southern Sudan from relief to development. BRIDGE is an integrated program focused on the following activities: 1) building government capacity; 2) promoting community development, and building links between communities and government; 3) increasing agricultural productivity and food security; 4) improving access to water and sanitation facilities; and 5) improving access to education.";"";"";1247;US Agency for International Development (USAID);"";Agriculture,Education,Human Rights Democracy and Governance,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Demetria Arvanitis;"";Managing Director;WINRO-SD-08-5998;Winrock International;"";658700;"";Prime awardee;"";Sudan BRIDGE (Building Responsibility for Delivery of Government Services in Sudan);"";2012-01-19;70;;"";Community development, Post-conflict, Gender, Food security;Winrock International, RTI, Pact, GOAL, ACDI/VOCA
Guatemala;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-14;"";2010-07-01;"";;Alta Verapaz;"";"";Provide technical training to farmers in soil restoration and grey water filtering techniques.;"";"";795;Private donations;"";Agriculture;Stephanie Sackett;"";Associate Director for Grants;CRWRC-GT-10-FS 1010;Christian Reformed World Relief Committee (CRWRC);"";250;"";"";"";Polochic Soil Fertility & Water Management Project;"";2011-06-30;23;;"";"";Kekchi Polochic
Haiti;"";1991-12-09;"";2010-06-01;"";;Centre,Grand'Anse,L'Artibonite,Nippes,Nord,Nord-Est,Nord-Ouest,Ouest,Sud,Sud-Est;"";"";To restore and expand medical laboratory capacity.;Anse-à-Veau,Bainet,Cap-Haïtien,Chardonnières,Corail,Croix-des-Bouquets,Hinche,Jérémie,Lascahobas,Marmelade,Môle Saint-Nicolas,Port-au-Prince,Port-de-Paix,Saint-Raphaël,Vallières,l'Acul-du-Nord,l'Arcahaie,le Trou-du-Nord,les Cayes;"";143;Private donations;Abricots,Acul du Nord,Anglais,Arcahaie,Asile,Baie de Henne,Bainet,Cap-Haïtien,Carrefour,Corail,Cornillon,Croix-des Bouquets,Dondon,Ile à Vache,Jérémie,La Tortue,Marmelade,Maïssade,Mombin Crochu,Petit Trou de Nippes,Port-au-Prince,Saint Michel de l'Attalaye,Sainte Suzanne,Savanette;Health;Donna Porstner;Health;Communications Manager;ACARE-HT-10-125-1009-700;AmeriCares;Purchase of 30 microscopes to expand laboratory capacity;"";"";"";"";Procurement of Microscopes for Restoring and Improving Access at Clinics;34450;2011-09-30;11;"";2011-04-22;Capacity Building;Management Sciences for Health, AmeriCares (Haiti)
Malawi;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-18;"";2006-01-09;""; /;Central,Southern;Organization of farmers in clubs of 50. One Farming Instructor per 500 farmers. State of the art model to improve and diversify production and increase income of participating farmers.;N/A;Training and organization of small scale farmers to increase production and economy;"";"";1039;US Department of Agriculture (USDA);"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development;Marie Lichtenberg / Nervous Nsansaula;"";Director for International Partnerships / Head of Sector Office;PAID-MW-06-FCC-612-2006/092-00;Planet Aid;Extensive training, garden and dryland demo plots at club level, low tech irrigation models, small business grants to promote livestock and cash crops, value chain development, linkages to markets ;12000;"";Prime awardee;Small farmers;Food for Progress - Malawi;"";2011-01-09;82;;"";Gender, HIV/AIDS, Nutrition;Development Aid from People to People in Malawi (DAPP Malawi)
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-08-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";"Community Grant Program
";Port-au-Prince;"";1910;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-Grant 26;Direct Relief International;"";200000;"";"";"";Rehabilitation Support;500000;2011-08-01;26;;2011-04-22;"";Healing Hands for Haiti
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";1999-01-01;"";;Khulna;"";"";THP works at the Union level to (a) mobilize the population for self-reliant action, including forming producer co-operatives and other income generating enterprises, (b) build civil society from the bottom up - creating people's organization of women, youth, elders, girl-child advocates, and the poorest of the poor, (c) strengthen local democracy, (d) ensure adequate facilities for achieving the MDGs, (e) organize mass action campaigns for health, nutrition, education, clean water and sanitation.;"";"";1217;Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID),British Council,Private donations;"";Agriculture,Education,Health,Human Rights Democracy and Governance,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;John Coonrod;"";Executive Vice President;THP-BD-99-386;The Hunger Project;"";20000;"";"";"";Bamondi Mobilization;"";2100-12-31;83;"";"";"";The Hunger Project
Haiti;"";1991-10-12;"";2010-01-12;"";;L'Artibonite,Ouest,Sud-Est;"";Haitian Red Cross, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC);The global Red Cross network is helping 30,000 families transition to safer, more secure homes. In addition to providing basic housing, these homes will include access to clean water and latrines. These numbers may change depending on construction costs.  These homes will be built together with the Haitian Red Cross. Red Cross and Red Crescent national societies from around the world are working together to provide these services.;Croix-des-Bouquets,Jacmel,Léogâne,Port-au-Prince,Saint-Marc;"";118;Private donations;Cayes Jacmel,Cité Soleil,Croix-des Bouquets,Delmas,Grenier,Léogâne,Marigot,Petit-Goâve,Port-au-Prince,Saint-Marc,Tabarre;Shelter and Housing,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Marian Spivey-Estrada;Shelter and Non-Food Items,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Manager, Information and Reporting;ARCIS-HT-10-RC5A;American Red Cross;"";150000;Please note that the estimated number of people reached refers to the total number of people each project plans to reach over the life of its implementation. Not all of these people have been reached with services yet.;"";Affected population(s), Internally displaced persons (IDPs);Global Red Cross Network Transitional and Permanent Homes;0;2013-01-12;9;;1991-10-26;"";Colombian Red Cross, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), French Red Cross, Canadian Red Cross, German Red Cross, Swiss Red Cross, Spanish Red Cross, Netherlands Red Cross, Norwegian Red Cross, British Red Cross, Haitian Red Cross
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-15;"";2004-06-15;Kenscoff;,;Ouest;"";"";Provision of ready-to-use therapeutic food (RUTF) to implementing partners.;Port-au-Prince;"";589;"";Kenscoff;Health;Tom Stehl, Maryse Sterlin;Health,Nutrition;Coordinator of Operations, Haiti Administrator;MFK-HT-10-037;Meds & Food for Kids;"";"";"";"";Malnourished children;Community Management of Acute Malnutrition - International Allied Missions;0;2011-12-12;77;"";2011-04-11;"";International Allied Missions
Haiti;"";1991-09-24;"";2010-01-12;"";;Ouest;"";International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), Haitian Red Cross;The earthquake damaged much of Port-au-Princes already limited water and sanitation infrastructure, increasing health concerns for residents living in crowded camps where disease can travel quickly. The global Red Cross network is working to address these concerns by providing daily drinking water for over 275,000 people, constructing and maintaining latrines and washrooms, disposing of waste in camps, promoting hygiene and building local capacity for community-based water and sanitation programs.  The global Red Cross network is also working closely with the Haitian water and sanitation authority, DINEPA, to rehabilitate water kiosks, purchase new water trucks and maintain the water distribution network. Red Cross and Red Crescent national societies from around the world are working together to provide these services.;Port-au-Prince;"";115;Private donations;Carrefour,Delmas,Kenscoff,Port-au-Prince;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Marian Spivey-Estrada;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Manager, Information and Reporting;ARCIS-HT-10-RC3;American Red Cross;"";275000;Please note that the estimated number of people reached refers to the total number of people each project plans to reach over the life of its implementation. Not all of these people have been reached with services yet.;"";Affected population(s), Internally displaced persons (IDPs);Global Red Cross Network Water and Sanitation Services;0;2013-01-12;9;;1991-10-22;"";French Red Cross, Spanish Red Cross
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";1999-01-01;"";;Sylhet;"";"";THP works at the Union level to (a) mobilize the population for self-reliant action, including forming producer co-operatives and other income generating enterprises, (b) build civil society from the bottom up - creating people's organization of women, youth, elders, girl-child advocates, and the poorest of the poor, (c) strengthen local democracy, (d) ensure adequate facilities for achieving the MDGs, (e) organize mass action campaigns for health, nutrition, education, clean water and sanitation.;"";"";1218;Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID),British Council,Private donations;"";Agriculture,Education,Health,Human Rights Democracy and Governance,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;John Coonrod;"";Executive Vice President;THP-BD-99-397;The Hunger Project;"";20000;"";"";"";Kamalganj Mobilization;"";2100-12-31;83;"";"";"";The Hunger Project
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";1999-01-01;"";;Chittagong;"";"";THP works at the Union level to (a) mobilize the population for self-reliant action, including forming producer co-operatives and other income generating enterprises, (b) build civil society from the bottom up - creating people's organization of women, youth, elders, girl-child advocates, and the poorest of the poor, (c) strengthen local democracy, (d) ensure adequate facilities for achieving the MDGs, (e) organize mass action campaigns for health, nutrition, education, clean water and sanitation.;"";"";1187;Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID),British Council,Private donations;"";Agriculture,Education,Health,Human Rights Democracy and Governance,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;John Coonrod;"";Executive Vice President;THP-BD-99-052;The Hunger Project;"";20000;"";"";"";Akhauara Sadar Mobilization;"";2100-12-31;83;"";"";"";The Hunger Project
Haiti;"";1991-12-23;"";2010-07-26;"";;Sud;"";"";Container of dental supplies to support the Oral Health Coalition, and medical supplies for hospital in Port-Salut;Port-Salut;"";413;Private donations;Port-Salut;Health;Marisol Wandiga Valentin;Health;Program Officer;GLI-HT-10-018;Global Links;"";6000;"";"";Affected population(s);Oral Health Coalition;122022;2012-12-31;30;;2011-04-26;"";Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)
Haiti;"";1991-09-24;"";2010-07-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";The global Red Cross network is helping 30,000 families transition to safer, more secure homes.  To support these efforts, the American Red Cross is partnering with a number of international non-governmental organizations to construct transitional homes, which will include access to water and sanitation facilities.  As part of this initiative, Haven will construct 500 homes.  The project also includes hygiene promotion.  Although Haven plans to reach 2,500 people through this project, these numbers may change depending on construction costs.  ;Port-au-Prince;"";121;Private donations;Delmas;Shelter and Housing,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Marian Spivey-Estrada;Shelter and Non-Food Items,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Manager, Information and Reporting;ARCIS-HT-10-S3;American Red Cross;"";2500;Please note that the estimated number of people reached refers to the total number of people each project plans to reach over the life of its implementation. Not all of these people have been reached with services yet.;"";Affected population(s), Internally displaced persons (IDPs);Transitional Homes through Haven;0;2011-06-30;9;;2011-02-15;"";Haven
Mexico;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1997-01-01;"";;Guerrero;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1446;Private donations;"";Health;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-MX-97-171461;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Cuajinicuilapa Development Program;"";2011-01-01;76;"";"";Nutrition;World Vision Mexico
Haiti;"";2010-09-22;"";2010-02-01;"";"";"";"";"";Installed toilets and shower units at St. Luke's orphanage in Port-au-Prince, serving 350 children.;"";"";621;"";"";Water Sanitation and Hygiene;"";Water Sanitation and Hygiene;"";OBI-HT-10-016;Operation Blessing International;"";350;"";"";Children;St. Luke's Orphanage;0;2010-12-31;51;"";2011-05-13;"";""
Haiti;"";2011-04-04;"";2011-01-01;""; ;L'Artibonite;"";"";Summer camp participants from Nebraska Lutheran Outdoor Ministries assembled 32,000 health kits for earthquake survivors in Haiti. Nebraska Lutherans and LWR supplemented their kits, for a total of 48,000 kits. They will arrive in time to support cholera education and prevention programs in Haiti.;"";"";1665;Private donations;"";Health;Trevor Knoblich ;Health;Program Coordinator for Emergency Response ;LWR-HT-11-LA-HAI-2-001-11 ;Lutheran World Relief;"";48000;"";"";School children ;Nebraska Lutheran Outdoor Ministries Health Kits for Haiti ;261169;2011-04-30;45; ;2011-04-05;"";IMA World Health, Lutheran World Federation, Finn Church Aid
Ethiopia,Kenya,Rwanda,Uganda,United Republic of Tanzania;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-17;"";2010-09-20;"";;"";"";"";"This program is a RAISE Plus Task Order awarded to DAI with Winrock as a subcontractor. This RAISE PLUS Task Order will provide capacity for the organization and management of training for African leaders and institutional capacity assessments in up to four locations: Washington D.C.; and regional offices in Nairobi, Kenya; Accra, Ghana and Pretoria, South Africa. Winrock will implement this two-year initiative in Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda (with possible activities in Burundi, Democratic Republic of the Congo and southern Sudan). The main activities implemented by Winrock include: 1) Developing a customized short-term training curriculum for African leaders, orienting them to fully support CAADP and FTF/GHFSI initiatives in their home institutions; 2) Delivering the custom training to up to 600 leaders in East Africa; 3) Conducting institutional capacity and training needs assessments in the trainee's home institutions; and 4) Recommending and supporting outsourced training provided by African training institutions.  ";"";"";1251;US Agency for International Development (USAID);"";Agriculture;Dawne Deppe;"";Program Officer;WINRO-ET-10-1;Winrock International;"";"";"";Subcontractor;"";Africa Leadership Training and Capacity Building Program;"";2012-09-14;70;;"";Capacity building, Gender, Food security;DAI, Winrock International
United Republic of Tanzania;foodsecurity_site;2010-09-10;"";2009-07-01;"";;"";"";"";This project will help ensure food and income security among 1,850 (750 original and 1,100 Passing on the Gift) resource-limited families in the North East Zone (Mbulu, Hanang, Babati, Manyoni and Kalindi Districts) and North West Zone (Igunga, Uyui, Bukombe, Buda and Namtumbo Districts) in Tanzania.;"";"";896;Private donations;"";Agriculture;Kelly Doppelhammer;"";East Africa Program Assistant;HEFI-TZ-09-21-0432-01;Heifer International;"";2682;"";"";"";Northern Tanzania Integrated Livestock Project;"";2013-06-30;34;"";"";"";Heifer Tanzania
Uganda;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2010-01-01;"";;Pader;"";"";Targets the most vulnerable internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Pader District in Northern Uganda with food distributions.;"";"";1603;United Nations (UN);"";Food Aid;Carlos Piedrasanta;"";RDM Operations Deputy, IPG, World Vision US;WV-UG-10-001;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs);Uganda World Food Program (WFP) - Pader VI;"";2010-07-31;76;"";"";"";World Vision Uganda
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2009-10-21;"";;Nord;"";"";Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment;Cap-Haïtien;"";1831;Private donations;Cap-Haïtien;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-09-1339;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Hopital Universitaire Justinien;1043294;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";Hopital Universitaire Justinien
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-01-08;"";;Ouest;"";"";Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment;Port-au-Prince;"";1834;Private donations;Tabarre;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-6739;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Saint Damien Pediatric Hospital;2733238;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";Saint Damien Pediatric Hospital
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-03-03;"";;Ouest;"";"";Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment;Port-au-Prince;"";1842;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-8944;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Hospital Bernard Mevs;3533310;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";Hospital Bernard Mevs
Peru;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2008-01-01;"";;Ayacucho;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1475;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Protection,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-PE-08-184226;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Forjadores del futuro Development Program;"";2023-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS;World Vision Peru
Haiti;"";1991-12-22;"";2010-10-27;"";;Ouest;"";"";The Red Cross has coordinated an aggressive response to the cholera outbreak that has spread throughout Haiti and into areas of the Dominican Republic. As part of this response, the American Red Cross partnered with Project Medishare and Partners in Health to help transport medical and relief supplies to treat cholera patients at facilities run by both organizations as well as by the Haitian Ministry of Health.;Port-au-Prince;"";87;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Health;Marian Spivey-Estrada;Health;Manager, Information and Reporting;ARCIS-HT-10-009;American Red Cross;"";"";Please note that the estimated number of people reached refers to the total number of people each project plans to reach over the life of its implementation. Not all of these people have been reached with services yet.;"";Cholera affected population;Responding to Cholera with Partners in Health and Project Medishare;0;2011-06-30;9;;2011-02-15;"";Partners in Health, Project Medishare
Haiti;"";1991-10-26;"";2010-12-23;"";;Grand'Anse,L'Artibonite,Nord,Nord-Est,Nord-Ouest,Ouest,Sud,Sud-Est;"";International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC);The global Red Cross network has launched a massive response to the cholera outbreak that has spread throughout Haiti and into areas of the Dominican Republic.  This has included deploying nurses and technical specialists, providing medical supplies and clean water, and relaying emergency messages about cholera prevention.  The global Red Cross network has trained 920 Haitian health workers in cholera prevention and run a total of four Cholera Treatment Centers which have treated over 7,500 patients.  Red Cross and Red Crescent national societies from around the world are working together to provide these services.;Bainet,Cap-Haïtien,Corail,Croix-des-Bouquets,Côteaux,Dessalines,Fort-Liberté,Gonaïves,Gros-Morne,Jacmel,Jérémie,Léogâne,Ouanaminthe,Port-Salut,Port-au-Prince,Port-de-Paix,Saint-Marc,l'Arcahaie,le Trou-du-Nord,les Cayes;"";94;Private donations;Anse Rouge,Arcahaie,Arniquet,Camp-Perrin,Cap-Haïtien,Caracol,Carrefour,Cayes,Cayes Jacmel,Chantal,Cité Soleil,Croix-des Bouquets,Delmas,Desdunes,Dessalines,Estère,Fort-Liberté,Grand-Goâve,Grande Saline,Jacmel,Jérémie,Kenscoff,La Chapelle,La Vallée,Léogâne,Marigot,Moron,Ounaminthe,Perches,Petit-Goâve,Petite Rivière de l'Artibonite,Port-au-Prince,Port-de-Paix,Port-à-Piment,Pétion-Ville,Roseaux,Saint-Marc,Sainte Suzanne,Terrier Rouge,Torbeck,Trou du Nord,Verettes;Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Marian Spivey-Estrada;Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Manager, Information and Reporting;ARCIS-HT-10-DM03;American Red Cross;"";500000;Please note that the estimated number of people reached refers to the total number of people each project plans to reach over the life of its implementation. Not all of these people have been reached with services yet.;"";Cholera affected population;Global Red Cross Network Cholera Prevention and Treatment;0;2011-12-23;9;;1991-12-22;"";American Red Cross, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, Haitian Red Cross, Spanish Red Cross, Dominican Red Cross, Japanese Red Cross, British Red Cross, Canadian Red Cross, Danish Red Cross, Finnish Red Cross, French Red Cross, German Red Cross, Norwegian Red Cross, Netherlands Red Cross, Swiss Red Cross, International Committee of the Red Cross
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";1999-01-01;"";;Dhaka;"";"";THP works at the Union level to (a) mobilize the population for self-reliant action, including forming producer co-operatives and other income generating enterprises, (b) build civil society from the bottom up - creating people's organization of women, youth, elders, girl-child advocates, and the poorest of the poor, (c) strengthen local democracy, (d) ensure adequate facilities for achieving the MDGs, (e) organize mass action campaigns for health, nutrition, education, clean water and sanitation.;"";"";1226;Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID),British Council,Private donations;"";Agriculture,Education,Health,Human Rights Democracy and Governance,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;John Coonrod;"";Executive Vice President;THP-BD-99-465;The Hunger Project;"";20000;"";"";"";Atpara Sadar Mobilization;"";2100-12-31;83;"";"";"";The Hunger Project
United Republic of Tanzania;foodsecurity_site;2010-09-10;"";2006-07-01;"";;"";"";"";The project's objective will be to increase income and to improve the nutrition and protein intake of rural, resource poor families in Ruaha and Namatutwe villages of Lindi and Masasi Districts respectively by supplying dairy goats and offering training on modern goat-rearing methods to families. From July 2007 to 2010, the project will benefit 90 families. ;"";"";891;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Health;Kelly Doppelhammer;"";East Africa Program Assistant;HEFI-TZ-06-21-0419-01;Heifer International;"";90;"";"";"";South East Zone Dairy Goat Project;"";2011-06-30;34;"";"";Nutrition;Heifer Tanzania
Uganda;foodsecurity_site;2010-07-12;"";2010-01-01;"";;Kitgum;Project amount $1.6 million;Acholi private sector foundations, DFCU Bank;Project purpose is to build household and community assets. The project targets 4500 households through cash transfers.  The modalities for transfer are cash for work and IGA development.  In the cash for work, people participate in public works programs in exchange for cash.  The public works program includes road rehabilitation, desilting of dams and construction of marketing centers.  In the IGA modality, beneficiaries are training in enterprise selection and planning, developing business plans, and being provided with grants from FH for start up capital. ;"";"";871;Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development;chege Ngugi;"";Country director;FH-UG-10-LEARN 2;Food for the Hungry;IGA includes Training of farmers in enterprise selection and planning, preparation of business ideas by beneficiaries, appraisal of the ideas, opning of the group accounts, transfer of start-up capital, formation of VSLAs (Village Level Savings and Loan Associations).  Cash for work activities include organizing participants into work teams, training team leaders in labor organization, construction and rehabilitations, formation of VSLAs.  ;4900;"";Prime awardee;Formerly abducted Child Mothers;Livelihood Enhancement and Recovery Program in Northern Uganda;"";2011-01-01;28;;"";Livelihoods;Food for the Hungry/Uganda
Haiti;"";2010-11-11;"";2010-01-12;"";;Ouest;"";Haven Foundation, MIT Community Innovators Lab;In the first months following the earthquake, Oxfam America provided support to other Oxfam affiliates to provide emergency water and sanitation, conduct public health promotion activities and distribute shelter materials to the affected population. Oxfam America is currently establishing an office in Port-au-Prince and is beginning to implement transitional shelter  and participatory planning for urban redevelopment projects in areas of Port-au-Prince.;Port-au-Prince;"";638;Atlantic Philantropies,Baupost Group,Bohemian Foundation,Chrysler,Deutsche Bank,Ford Foundation,Fry Foundation,Helmsley Charitable Trust,Hope for Haiti Now (Telethon),Hurvis Foundation,Levi Strauss,Linklaters,Marisla Foundation,MetLife,Pearson,Private donations,Roy A. Hunt Foundation,State Street,Weil Gotshal,eBay;Delmas,Port-au-Prince;Shelter and Housing;Jacobo Ocharan;Shelter and Non-Food Items,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Interim Haiti Program Director;OXFA-HT-10-004;OXFAM;"";11525;"";"";"";Haiti Earthquake Response (Oxfam America);615803;2010-12-31;53;"";2011-01-07;Capacity building;Oxfam America
Haiti;"";2011-04-25;"";2010-10-21;"";;L'Artibonite,Ouest;"";"";"The Red Cross has coordinated an aggressive response to the cholera outbreak that has spread throughout Haiti and into areas of the Dominican Republic.  As part of this response, the American Red Cross is partnering with the French Red Cross to support hygiene promotion programs, running an ambulance service, creating camp hygiene and sanitation committees, disinfecting latrines and public places, cleaning drainage systems, installing and managing Oral Rehydration Posts, chlorinating local water supplies, and distributing soap, chlorine, waste bins and water drums. The French Red Cross also set up a number of Cholera Treatment Units in Port-au-Prince and is rehabilitating three primary healthcare centers in Petit Goave. The number of people reached will depend on the evolution of the outbreak, but the French Red Cross estimates that 411,000 people will be helped by their cholera response programs. 
";Croix-des-Bouquets,Dessalines,Léogâne,Port-au-Prince,Saint-Marc;"";1760;Private donations;Carrefour,Cité Soleil,Croix-des Bouquets,Delmas,Desdunes,Grand-Goâve,Grande Saline,La Chapelle,Petit-Goâve,Petite Rivière de l'Artibonite,Port-au-Prince,Pétion-Ville,Saint-Marc,Verettes;Health;Marian Spivey-Estrada;Health;Manager, Information and Reporting;ARCIS-HT-10-012;American Red Cross;"";411000;"";"";Cholera affected populations;Cholera Prevention and Treatment Efforts through French Red Cross;0;2011-04-21;9;;2011-04-25;"";French Red Cross
Haiti;"";1991-09-24;"";2010-07-01;"";;Centre,L'Artibonite;"";"";Following the January 12 earthquake, many displaced survivors left Port-au-Prince for other areas of Haiti, oftentimes overwhelming local services in these regions and depleting the already overstretched resources of their host families.  To help reduce the burden faced by areas hosting displaced Haitians, the American Red Cross has partnered with Mercy Corps to provide support to host families. Mercy Corps aims to support 50,000 beneficiaries (or 10,000 host family households) by providing vouchers to purchase basic household goods from local vendors. The program also includes hygiene promotion and disaster preparedness education.;Hinche,Mirebalais,Saint-Marc;"";109;Private donations;Hinche,La Chapelle,Mirebalais,Saint-Marc,Verettes;Disaster Management,Economic Recovery and Development;Marian Spivey-Estrada;Early Recovery;Manager, Informationa and Reporting;ARCIS-HT-10-L3;American Red Cross;"";50000;Please note that the estimated number of people reached refers to the total number of people each project plans to reach over the life of its implementation. Not all of these people have been reached with services yet.;"";Vulnerable people/populations, Internally displaced persons (IDPs), Host households/communities;Host Family Support through Mercy Corps;0;2011-06-30;9;;2011-04-29;Livelihoods, Disaster risk reduction (DRR), Environment;Mercy Corps
Kenya;foodsecurity_site;2011-03-10;"";2008-07-01;"2nd admin:Busia
3rd admin:Butula subregion
City/village:Butula";;Western;"";"";LWRs partner in this project is the Rural Economic Enhancement Project (REEP). REEP has experience working with people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHAs), widows/widowers and orphans and vulnerable children (OVCs), including sexually abused children. They actively advocate for the rights of these vulnerable groups in the district. The program aims to mitigate the socio-economic impact of HIV/AIDS by strengthening community-based livelihood empowerment projects and institutional development of LWR partner organizations to sustainably support HIV/AIDS mitigation initiatives and promote behavior change and positive and responsible living among all groups. Objectives: (1) Increased rights.  By 2012, the number of OVCs and widows in Nambale and Butula divisions enjoying their civil rights increases by 50% while the prevalence rate is reduced by 50% through community based awareness and support systems. (2) Enhanced participation in agriculture value chain.  By 2012, over 800 households will have access to year round availability and use of nutritious foods due to increased technical skills and access to financial services. (3) Increased organizational capacity.  By 2012, Rural Economic Empowerment Project (REEP) will be capable of generating enough income to cover 10% and 2%, respectively, of operating expenses and capable of supporting 100% of the community based support systems needs of  OVCs and PLWHAs. ;"";"";1650;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Health;Alissa Karg;"";Africa Deputy Regional Director;LWR-KE-08-AF-KEN-3-001-08;Lutheran World Relief;"";3466;"";"";Widows, Orphans and vulnerable children (OVCs);Enhancing Sustainable Community-based Mechanisms in HIV/AIDS Mitigation and Prevention;0;2012-06-30;45;;2011-03-17;"Capacity building, Nutrition, Protection
";Rural Economic Enhancement Project (REEP)
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-11-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";"Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment
";Croix-des-Bouquets;"";1899;Private donations;Ganthier;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-51629;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to MOSCTHA Haiti;96821;2011-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";MOSCTHA Haiti
Haiti;"";2010-10-08;"";2010-07-30;""; ;Ouest;"";"";"The Salvation Army in Haiti is making every effort to be ready to open its doors to educating the children of Haiti. Under this project we hope to provide assistance to:
- Repair damaged school buildings
- Rebuild and relocate the Salvation Army School in Fort National, Port-au-Prince
- Increase capacity of existing schools to cater to an additional 5,000 students.                                                                                                                                                               Goals:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      * To provide access to education for 15,000 children in Haiti;
* To improve the physical facility in which refugees arriving in Jamaica are placed or held for processing
Objective 1: To execute repairs to damaged Salvation Army Schools;
Objective 2: To rebuild the Salvation Army School in Fort National and increase current capacity;
Objective 3: To extend facilities of current Salvation Army Schools to increase capacity.";Port-au-Prince;"";734;The Salvation Army,United Way Worldwide,United Way of Jamaica;Port-au-Prince;Education;Jay Wilkes;"";Manager of Disaster Services;UWW-HT-10-002;United Way Worldwide;"";15000;"";Prime Awardee: United Way of Jamaica;Children;Haiti Earthquake Restoration Project;2350000;2012-08-30;68;;"";"";The Salvation Army
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";1999-01-01;"";;Khulna;"";"";THP works at the Union level to (a) mobilize the population for self-reliant action, including forming producer co-operatives and other income generating enterprises, (b) build civil society from the bottom up - creating people's organization of women, youth, elders, girl-child advocates, and the poorest of the poor, (c) strengthen local democracy, (d) ensure adequate facilities for achieving the MDGs, (e) organize mass action campaigns for health, nutrition, education, clean water and sanitation.;"";"";1208;Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID),British Council,Private donations;"";Agriculture,Education,Health,Human Rights Democracy and Governance,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;John Coonrod;"";Executive Vice President;THP-BD-99-277;The Hunger Project;"";20000;"";"";"";Batiaghata Mobilization;"";2100-12-31;83;"";"";"";The Hunger Project
United Republic of Tanzania;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1991-01-01;"";;Arusha;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1524;Private donations;"";Education,Health;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-TZ-91-167356;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Moshono Development Program;"";2012-01-01;76;"";"";"";World Vision Tanzania
Guatemala;foodsecurity_site;2010-08-13;"";2007-07-01;"";;Petén;"";"";This two-year project will benefit 443 q'echies and mestizo families in the Department of Peten, which currently faces problems with inadequate agrarian production systems, thin soils and limited technical assistance for production.  The aim is to help these indigenous families develop sustainable agriculture and improve their livelihoods.  In partnership with La Pastoral Social (Social Pastoral), Heifer will provide 200 hens, 20 roosters, 200 turkey hens, 20 turkeys, 4,000 fingerlings, 80 hair sheep, 20 rams, 8,080 garden plants, 10,200 fruit trees and 5,520 timber-yielding trees to 80 families in the village of El Remate and the municipalities of Sayaxché and La Libertad. An additional 363 families will benefit from “passing on the gift.”  La Pastoral Social will be responsible for the technical and financial management of the project and will act as a facilitator, giving support to beneficiaries in the achievement of objectives and activity implementation.;"";"";911;Private donations;"";Agriculture;Americas program;"";Americas program;HEFI-GT-07-23-1312-02;Heifer International;"";384;"";"";"";Strengthening of Agrarian Systems in natural reserved areas in the department of Petén.;"";2013-06-30;34;"";"";"";Apostolic Vicariate of Petén through the Agrarian Program
Haiti;"";2011-02-15;"";2011-01-03;"";;Ouest;"";"";"1. Develop an Emergency Medical Care Working Group (“EMCWG”) for the University Hospital (HUEH); 2.Establish an Emergency Medicine Center of Excellence (“EMCE”) to provide ongoing emergency-medical-care education to Haitian nationals.";Port-au-Prince;"";1631;Clinton Bush Haiti Fund;Port-au-Prince;Health;Agron Ferati;"";Director, Program Development;IMC-HT-11-1744;International Medical Corps;Training a minimum of 50 physicians and 100 nurses from HUEH and surrounding hospitals, who will gain the skills and knowledge to provide services to a majority percentage of the estimated 100,000 HUEH patients visiting the ER annually.;"";"";"";"";Emergency Medical Care Development Program ;0;2012-01-02;39;;2011-02-17;"";International Medical Corps
Ethiopia;foodsecurity_site;2011-05-11;"";2008-05-01;"2nd Admin: Liben and Afdher zones of Somali and Borena zone of Oromiya regions	3rd Admin: Dollo Ado,Dollo Bay, Filtu, Bare and Arero districts
"; ;Oromia,Somali;"";Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA), Pastoralist Concern (PC)  ;"Goal: PSNP PA is aiming to assure food consumption and prevent asset depletion for food insecure households while stimulating markets, improving access to services and natural resources, and rehabilitating and enhancing natural environment. i.e it prevents asset depletion at household level while creating assets at community level through predictable resource transfer. The program is practically creating safety net for poor households of pastoralists particularly during times of drought. It is designed having two broad Strategic Objectives: (1) Predictable food/cash transfers protect productive assets of most vulnerable chronically insecure households; (2) Livelihoods of vulnerable households protected and improved.
";"";"";1791;US Agency for International Development (USAID);"";Economic Recovery and Development,Food Aid;Axel Weiser ;"";Director, Livelihoods Unit ;STC-ET-08-84010378/377/84031698 ;Save the Children;"Activities: Predictable and adequate food transfer to chronically food insecure (CFI) households to smoothen food gaps during drought period. This targets direct support beneficiaries. Creation and rehabilitation of different community services and infrastructures such as water points, community stores, feeder roads, etc. through public work participation. This in turn targets public work beneficiaries.
";112688;"";Prime Awardee ;Direct support and public work beneficiaries who are chronically food insecure  ;Pastorial Area Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP) ;17049051;2011-07-31;63;"";2011-05-11;"Gender, HIV/AIDS, Environment 
";Save the Children US  
Haiti;"";2011-03-10;"";2011-03-01;Grison-Garde;;Nord;"";"";Donated $5000 for aid relief;Cap-Haïtien;"";1655;Private donations;Cap-Haïtien;Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Rick Kearney;Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Distribution Coordinator;STOP-HT-10-Ford Orphanage;Stop Hunger Now;Public education, treatment;5000;"";"";Affected population(s);Cholera Relief Aid for Robert Ford Orphanage;5000;2011-12-31;65;;2011-03-17;"";Robert Ford Orphanage
Ghana;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2009-01-01;"";;Eastern;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1146;The Robertson Foundation;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-GH-09-GH28;The Hunger Project;"";5000;"";"";"";Kwame Dwamena Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Senegal;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1997-01-01;"";;Fatick;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1495;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-SN-97-171015;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Sine Development Program;"";2017-01-01;76;"";"";"";World Vision Senegal
Guatemala;foodsecurity_site;2010-07-27;"";2009-07-01;"";;El Quiché,Totonicapán;"";Conferencia de Iglesias Evangelicas de Guatemala (CIEDEG), Ixmucane Association;Training, Water Systems, Agricultural Inputs;"";"";796;Foods Resource Bank (FRB),Private donations;"";Agriculture,Health;Martin Coria;"";LAC Regional Coordinator;CWS-GT-09-2600-5007;Church World Service;"";2500;"";Prime awardee;Indigenous farmers, particularly women farmers;Western Guatemala Food Security Program;"";2013-07-31;24;"";"";Gender, Disaster risk reduction (DRR);Church World Service
Haiti;"";2010-10-05;"";2010-07-08;"";"";"";"";"";Medical mission supplies;"";"";208;Private donations;"";Health;"";Health;"";BBF-HT-10-033;Brother's Brother Foundation;"";"";"";"";"";Medical Mission Trip # 21;11306;2010-08-08;17;"";"";"";Providence UMC Haiti Medical Mission
Guatemala;foodsecurity_site;2010-08-25;"";2010-07-12;"";;Sololá;"";"";This project is a joint effort between Oxfam America and Oxfam Great Britain (humanitarian lead in Guatemala) to respond to the needs of the population affected by Tropical Storm Agatha.  The municipality of Santa Catarina Ixtuacán has been identified as an area with extensive damage and little or no support arriving from the government and other NGOs. The greatest damages are in crops and water systems.  The crop damage puts these families at particular risk for their food security, as they have not only lost their own crops, but have lost their traditional source of income, which is day labor on farms in the area. Related to food security is Specific Objective 2: One of the objectives of the project is therefore to promote the recovery of livelihoods and food security of the families most affected by Agatha in 25 communities.;"";"";1014;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Disaster Management,Economic Recovery and Development;Christina Givey;"";Program Associate;OXFA-GT-10-GUA 013/ 10;Oxfam America;"";3000;"";"";"";Food Assistance and Livelihoods Rehabilitation in Communities Affected by Tropical Storm Agatha in Sololá;"";2010-11-15;80;"";"";Food security;Asociación de Desarrollo Agrícola y Microempresarial (ADAM)
Haiti;"";2010-06-01;"";1998-01-01;"Port Margot, Port-au-Prince, Carrefour, Bainet
";;Grand'Anse,Nord,Ouest;"";Individual donors;"WHI continues to support children's education through child sponsorship in Cité Soleil, Diquini, Petit-Goâve/Verge, Port-Margot.  Where school has not resumed yet, WHI is providing support to rebuild collapsed and damaged schools.
";Borgne,Jérémie,Léogâne,Port-au-Prince;"";748;Private donations;Carrefour,Cité Soleil,Delmas,Jérémie,Petit-Goâve,Port-Margot,Port-au-Prince;Education;Larousse Ceus;Education;Country Director of Haiti;WH-HT-10-004;World Hope International;"";400;"";Prime;Children;Hope for Children;0;2015-12-31;73;;2011-04-26;"";World Hope International
Guatemala;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2010-02-01;"";;Alta Verapaz,Baja Verapaz;"";"";"This project is an immediate response to the scarcity of food due to the raise in food prices. It aims to increase and diversify agricultural productivity and to increase family income.  It aims to improve the capacity of communities to respond in the future to food shocks.  The main components of the project are to: (1) raise awareness and increase organisational capacity in communities and at the municipal level; (2) training and technical assistance at the community level; (3) establishment of productive systems; (4) training in improved nutrition and food choices; and (5)development of commercial strategies. ";"";"";1005;European Commission (EC);"";Agriculture,Health;Carron Beaumont;"";Coordinator / MCS PO;MC-GT-10-001;Mercy Corps;"1) Raise awareness and increase organisational capacity in communities and at the municipal level; 2) Training and technical assistance at the community level; 3) Establishment of productive systems; 4) Training in improved nutrition and food choices; and 5) Development of commercial strategies. ";10500;"";"";Indigenous population, Rural populations;Response to the Food Crisis in Vulnerable Communities in Guatemala;"";2011-09-30;50;"";"";Nutrition;Mercy Corps
Haiti;"";1991-10-12;"";2010-10-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";The American Red Cross is supporting the payment of operating expenses, payroll and administrative fees for the Hospital Bernard Mevs Project Medishare Critical Care Trauma and Rehabilitation Program in Port-au-Prince. The hospital operates 24/7 for the general public, providing the only critical care and trauma services for all of Haiti. The Hospital Bernard Mevs Project Medishare employs 160 Haitian staff members and more than a dozen full-time international staff.;Port-au-Prince;"";105;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Health;Marian Spivey-Estrada;Health;Manager, Information and Reporting;ARCIS-HT-10-HE06;American Red Cross;"";27600;Please note that the estimated number of people reached refers to the total number of people each project plans to reach over the life of its implementation. Not all of these people have been reached with services yet.;"";"";Support to Bernard Mevs Hospital through Project Medishare;0;2011-06-30;9;;1991-10-26;"";Project Medishare for Haiti
Ghana;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2008-01-01;"";;Eastern;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1148;The Robertson Foundation;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-GH-08-GH30;The Hunger Project;"";5000;"";"";"";Mem-Chemfre Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Haiti;"";2011-05-17;"";2011-01-15;"";;Ouest;"";"";"Debris removal
";Port-au-Prince;"";1817;US Agency for International Development (USAID);Port-au-Prince;Disaster Management;Alberto Wilde;"";CHF KATA Chief of Party;CHF-HT-11-001;CHF;"";"";"";"";"";NDDR;3620431;2011-05-30;21;"";2011-05-17;"";CHF International
Rwanda;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-10;"";2008-01-01;"";;Est;Crops on CIFI-Rwanda's 40 hectares of donated land include chili peppers, pineapples, maize and beans.  The entire inaugural bean harvest (11,000+kg) in 2010 was purchased by the World Food Program's Purchase for Progress (P4P) Project. In addition, P4P has also agreed to purchase the whole  maize harvest projected at 5000+Kg. A unique aspect of CIFI-Rwanda is its proximity to the forthcoming Women's Opportunity Center (WOC). The WOC-Rwanda will serve as a permanent establishment for women to gather, providing an interactive environment where they can cultivate their collective bargaining power and facilitate women-led community change. In particular to CIFI-Rwanda, the WOC will provide agricultural training space and a demonstration farm for participants and support services such as agricultural extension and financial assistance for graduates offered by Women for Women International and partner organizations.  ;GAKO Organic Training Center, TechnoServe, P4P of the World Food Program, The Clinton Foundation, Rwandan Ministry of Agriculture, Rwanda Horticulture Development Agency, Rwanda Cooperative Agency, Sustaining Partnerships to Enhance Rural Enterprise and Agribusiness Development, Rwandan Agricultural Research Institute, Rwandan Ministry of Commerce, District of Kayonza, Heifer International;CIFI is Women for Women International's flagship income generation program that focuses on training up to 1,000 socially excluded women per year in organic commercial integrated agriculture for sustained income generation and food security.  Participants are able to select commercial integrated farming as their vocational track after receiving 3 months of core program training and understand their income generation opportunities. During their training, participants learn to integrate crop and animal husbandry and how to strategically choose marketable products to produce. Products that are selected are targeted for both local and niche/broader markets.  Highly marketable traditional crops are produced to meet local demand and less typical, preferably higher value crops, are produced that have a niche market and offer the potential to reach broader markets. The goal after three to five years is to establish a core of functioning cooperatives capable of producing and marketing high quality, high value agricultural products.  The long-term vision of CIFI is a women-led agricultural value chain whereby women are participants in every facet of the production cycle: producers, processors, distributors, managers and owners.   ;"";"";1257;Bloomberg Family Foundation,Schejola Foundation;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development;Grace Fisiy;"";Agribusiness Specialist;WWI-RW-08-CIFI02R-1;Women for Women International;"CIFI activities include: training (theory and practical) in organic commercial integrated farming; cooperative development and governance; identifying sustainable markets; linking CIFI participants to market partnerships; establishment of follow-up services including agricultural extension and business development.  ";3000;"";Prime awardee;Socially excluded women farmers;Commercial Integrated Farming Initiative (CIFI) - Rwanda;0;2013-01-01;84;;2011-03-15;Gender, Livelihoods ;Women for Women International-Rwanda
Ghana;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2009-01-01;"";;Eastern;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1125;The Robertson Foundation;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-GH-09-GH7;The Hunger Project;"";5000;"";"";"";Akode  Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;1991-12-09;"";2010-08-01;"";;L'Artibonite,Ouest,Sud-Est;"";"";As the first initiative for BRACs agriculture program, BRAC has mobilized farmers in rural Haiti to set up tree nurseries and vegetable cultivation plots. Each participant is provided with training, inputs, and regular follow up  a minimum of 60% of program participants are women. A total of 160 plant nurseries and 56 vegetable cultivation plots have been established in 5 different localities during the start-up period for livelihood activities. The nurseries and vegetable cultivation plots are located in Jacmel, Fondwa, Leogan, Ganthier and Ponsonde. BRAC has hired 11 Haitian agronomists who are leading this initiative. Through intervention of the program, seedlings will be ready for distribution in the next successive years in support of watershed management activities for rebuilding the forestry and environment of Haiti.  New pilot programs on home-gardening, poultry and livestock, and agro-forestry will be launched in April 2011.;Bainet,Croix-des-Bouquets,Dessalines,Jacmel,Léogâne;"";174;Omidyar Network;Ganthier,Jacmel,La Vallée,Léogâne,Petite Rivière de l'Artibonite;Agriculture;Leila Lubin;"";Agronomist;BRAC-HT-10-003;BRAC USA;"Selection of participant farmers; training and input supply for agriculture enterprises; regular follow up provided by BRAC staff on a weekly basis; assistance with creating market linkages; monitoring and evaluation of project.";200;"";"";Small farmers, Rural populations;Agriculture Project;150000;2011-06-30;16;;2011-04-06;Livelihoods;BRAC Haiti
Haiti;"";2011-05-19;"";2011-01-01;Jacmel;;Sud-Est;"";"";Replacement of the major public primary school in Jacmel (Ecole National Jacob Martin Henriquez). ;Jacmel;"";632;Honeywell Hometown Solutions;Jacmel;Education;Richard Walden;Education;"";OPUSA-HT-10-004;Operation USA;"";"";"";"";Children;Rebuilding Schools (Jacmel);0;2011-01-01;52;"";2011-05-19;"";City of Jacmel
Mali;foodsecurity_site;2011-04-06;"";2009-01-01;"";;Ségou;"";Caritas Ségou;The Beleko Market Gardening project aims to improve the livelihoods of small market garden producers in Segou.;"";"";1691;Private donations;"";Agriculture;Timothy Bishop;"";Country Representative;CRS-ML-09-15506600040;Catholic Relief Services (CRS);"Farmer Field Schools; Improved marketing";700;"";Prime Awardee;Vulnerable producers;Beleko Market Gardening Project;109793;2012-12-30;20;;2011-04-14;"";Catholic Relief Services (CRS)
Nicaragua;foodsecurity_site;2010-08-16;"";2008-07-01;"";;Madriz;"";"";This five-year project will affect six communities of the Municipality of Las Sabanas and 11 communities from the Municipality of San Lucas. The main problem that families face is availability of high-quality foods.  Access to other services as sanitation, health and education, that secure family well-being is also lacking.  The goal of the project is to improve nutrition and income using agriculture-forest and pasture systems. A total of 254 families will participate – 114 originals and 140 by passing on the gift – most of them headed by single women.  They will receive 84 heifers, 4 bulls, 58 sheep, grass seeds and 8,000 trees of different species. Families will also attend workshops in administration and control, organizational leadership, livestock and agriculture.;"";"";930;Private donations;"";Agriculture;Americas program;"";Americas program;HEFI-NI-08-23-1616-02;Heifer International;"";547;"";"";"";Promotion of Food Security and Environmental Rehabilitation with Campesino Families from the Municipalities of Las Sabanas and San Lucas in Madriz;"";2013-06-30;34;"";"";"";The National Union of Farmers and Cattle Raisers UNAG – Madrìz.
Haiti;"";2010-07-12;"";2010-02-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";Provision of 80 Water Tanks and other WASH activities;Port-au-Prince;"";56;American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee;Port-au-Prince;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Djerhy Jean Baptiste;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Program Manager;JDC-HT-10-003;American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee;"";150000;"";"";"";Water Provision;521550;2010-06-01;7;;"";"";ProDev, International Rescue Committee (IRC)
Haiti;"";2011-05-11;"";2010-04-01;"";"";Ouest;"";"";Work was locally contracted to complete rehabilitation of 5 community centers. All materials were purchased from the local markets to help uplift the local economy.;Port-au-Prince;"";502;Life for Relief and Development partners,Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Disaster Management;"";Shelter and Non-Food Items;"";LRD-HT-10-005;Life for Relief and Development;"";"";"";"";"";Rehabilitation of Community Centers;0;2012-07-01;44;"";2011-05-11;"";""
Rwanda;foodsecurity_site;2010-09-10;"";2009-07-01;"";;Nord,Sud;"";"";The Kirehe Community Based Watershed Management Project (KWAMP) is an initiative of the Government of Rwanda through the Ministry of Agriculture, funded by IFAD which aims to promote market-oriented intensification of agricultural systems built on sound environmental practices in order to assist very poor smallholder farmers to overcome food and income insecurity. ;"";"";879;International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD);"";Agriculture;Kelly Doppelhammer;"";East Africa Program Assistant;HEFI-RW-09-21-1326-01;Heifer International;"";6382;"";"";"";Kirehe Community-Based Watershed Project;"";2015-06-30;34;"";"";"";Heifer Rwanda
Nicaragua;foodsecurity_site;2010-08-16;"";2007-07-01;"";;Boaco;"";"";This five-year project is the second phase of the Project Food Security in Las Lagunas. The project will be implemented in the communities of Las Lagunas, Las Pitas, Santa Inés and Cerro Largo of the municipality of Boaco, located 90 Kms from the capital Managua.  A total of 123 families will participate (48 originals and 75 pass-on families), receiving 45 dual-purpose Brown Swiss heifers and three bulls. The participants are women living in extreme poverty and lacking resources, employment opportunities, food security and adequate nutrition. As an alternative, the project intends to deliver heifers to provide milk and dairy products: cheese, cream, yogurt, atole and candies.  Participants will also be able to generate income from the sale of surplus production. Another 75 heifers should be distributed by “passing on the gift,” in the third, fourth and fifth year of the project. The families will participate in training workshops on topics such as animal handling, commercialization, participation, organization, leadership, gender and agroecology.;"";"";926;Private donations;"";Agriculture;Americas program;"";Americas program;HEFI-NI-07-23-1612-02;Heifer International;"";230;"";"";"";Food Security of 123 Families of 4 Communities of the Department of Boaco;"";2012-06-30;34;"";"";"";Heifer Nicaragua
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-03-04;"";;Sud-Est;"";"";Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment;Belle-Anse;"";1795;Private donations;Anse-à-Pitre;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-1243;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Batey Relief Alliance / SESPASProvision of Medical Supplies to Batey Relief Alliance / SESPAS;2278385;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";Batey Relief Alliance / SESPAS
Malawi;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2005-01-01;"";;Central;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1437;Private donations;"";Education,Health;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-MW-05-180003;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Nkhoma Development Program;"";2021-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS, Nutrition;World Vision Malawi
Mozambique;foodsecurity_site;2010-09-28;"";2008-08-01;"";;Cabo Delgado;"Agriculture: 1) diversifying and increasing crop production, 2) diversifying and increasing fruit tree production, and 3) building agricultural development capacity through Farmer Field and Life Groups.                                                     Health/Nutrition: 1) Uses Care Group model which empowers core groups of mother leaders to share messages and positive practices with a small group of neighbor women; 2) Strengthens home management of illness, and links to MOH health services that are closely tied to nutritional status and health (de-worming, vitamin A, growth monitoring, vaccinations, malaria treatment, iron supplementation);   3) Reduces the disease burden of fecal and water borne diseases by improving access to clean water, sanitation facilities (43 boreholes, 45 public latrines, 43 shallow weels) and practice of ESB.                                                                                      Capacity Building: 1)Aims to develop community capability to promote and sustain local development initiatives by building the capacity of existing formal and informal community leaders.  2) Trainings increase capacity to identify problems, apply problem-solving techniques and elaborate and implement project plan.";N/A;"The intervention aims to reduce food insecurity in Cabo Delgado Province through: 1)Protecting and enhancing livelihood capacities of vulnerable farming households via agricultural production and marketing
2) Protecting and enhancing human capabilities through improved health and nutritional status of pregnant women and preschool children
3) Increasing community capacity to influence factors that affect food security and resiliency to shocks
";"";"";867;Office of Food for Peace (USAID/FFP);"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Jeff Arensen;"";Program Director;FH-MZ-08-FFP-A-00-09-00086-00;Food for the Hungry;"1.1: Agricultural productivity and production diversified and increased.
1.2: Natural resource base protected and enhanced.
1.3: Market-led income sources increased and diversified.
2.1: Improved use of Essential Nutrition Actions (ENA) by pregnant women and mothers of young children.
2.2: Improved mother’s ability to prevent, diagnose and manage diseases that exacerbate malnutrition, including dietary management of illness.
2.3: Improved access to clean water, sanitation facilities and Essential Hygiene Behaviors (EHB).
3.1: Increased leadership capacity of existing formal and informal community leaders to address factors that affect food security
3.2: Increased community level economic infrastructure/assets
IR 3.3: Increased ability to predict and mitigate shocks
";128900;"";Prime awardee;Farmers, children under 5, pregnant women, community leaders;Cabo Delgado Title II MYAP;"";2011-07-31;28;;"";Gender, Nutrition;Food for the Hungry, Joint Aid Management
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1996-01-01;"";;Centre;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1385;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-HT-96-166315;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Men Nan Men Development Program;"";2018-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS;World Vision Haiti
United Republic of Tanzania;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2004-01-01;"";;Shinyanga;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1518;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-TZ-04-176466;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Kanadi Development Program;"";2017-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS;World Vision Tanzania
Haiti;"";2010-08-24;"";2010-02-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";Water purification units using a motorcycle to power the system called trekker units, 20 units.;Port-au-Prince;"";35;Private donations;Carrefour;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Andrew Lucas;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Program Director;ADRA-HT-10-013;Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA);"";702000;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs);Trekker Water Purification;40000;2010-07-29;4;"";"";"";GlobalMedic, Adventist Development and Relief Agency Network
United Republic of Tanzania;foodsecurity_site;2010-09-10;"";2006-07-01;"";;"";"";"";The objective of this project is to increase income to improve nutrition through increased protein intake and by increasing the number of daily meals from two to three for rural, resource poor families in Ruhembe, Stetiana, Idunda, Matumaini, Chakama and Nangoo villages. The project also aims to empower project stakeholders through training. The project will supply dairy cattle and training on modern cattle-rearing methods.        ;"";"";890;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Health;Kelly Doppelhammer;"";East Africa Program Assistant;HEFI-TZ-06-21-0418-01;Heifer International;"";218;"";"";"";South East Zone Dairy Cattle Project;"";2011-06-30;34;"";"";Nutrition;Heifer Tanzania
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;2010-07-27;"";2008-07-01;"";"";Rajshahi,Rangpur;"";"";This project aims to improves food security among women and children by providing poor women with farming inputs and training on year round food production, as well as technical support and health and hygiene education.;"";"";934;Oxfam Novib;"";Agriculture,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;"";"";"";HKI-BD-08-5988;Helen Keller International;"";10000;"";"";Women;HFP in the Riverine Islands and Floodplains;"";2011-06-30;79;"";"";"";""
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-12-21;"";2010-10-01;"";;L'Artibonite;"";"";"Supply food to children for school feeding; supply food to beneficiaries for take home rations, and supply dry rations to cooks. ";Gonaïves,Gros-Morne,Marmelade;"";764;World Food Program (WFP);Anse Rouge,Ennery,Gonaïves,Marmelade,Saint Michel de l'Attalaye,Terre-Neuve;Education,Food Aid;Amy Knorr;"";Haiti Country Program Manager, World Vision US;WV-HT-10-006;World Vision US, Inc.;"";"";"";"";Students;Haiti Earthquake Recovery  School Feeding (Artibonite);"";2010-12-31;76;"";"";"";""
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;1991-08-24;"";2010-02-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";Massive food distribution of Rice, Beans, Oil, Salt (1819 MT);Port-au-Prince;"";24;World Food Program (WFP);Carrefour;Food Aid;Andrew Lucas;Food Security and Agriculture;Programs Director;ADRA-HT-10-002;Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA);"";61000;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs);Massive Food Distribution I;6964;2010-02-28;4;"";2011-01-14;"";World Food Program, Adventist Development and Relief Agency
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-09-22;"";2010-03-01;"";"";Ouest;"";"";Operation Blessing has a large school in Camp Dadadou serving over 700 children and is also operating a feeding program at the school providing the children one nutritious meal per day.;Port-au-Prince;"";609;"";Port-au-Prince;Health;"";Nutrition;"";OBI-HT-10-004;Operation Blessing International;"";700;"";"";Children;Education;0;2010-12-31;51;"";2011-05-13;"";""
Ethiopia;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2000-01-01;"";;Southern Nations Nationalities and Peoples;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1349;Private donations;"";Education,Health;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV- ET-00-172979;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Durame Development Program;"";2015-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS;World Vision Ethiopia
Haiti;"";2011-03-29;"";2010-04-01;"";;Grand'Anse,L'Artibonite,Ouest;"";Ministère de l'Education Nationale et de la Formation Professionnelle (MENFP), Community Structures;Education / Psychosociale (Emergency Relief);Gonaïves,Gros-Morne,Jérémie,Léogâne;"";1683;Ministry of Foreign Affairs Luxembourg,OAK Foundation,Open Society Institute (OSI),Private donations;Gonaïves,Gros-Morne,Jérémie,Léogâne,Moron;Education,Health;Wilner Thermilus;"";Education/Psychosocial Coordinator;CARE-HT-10-025;CARE;School furniture, Teacher training, Communauty capacity building ;"";"";"";Children, Teachers;Support Programme to improve the quality of Education;3900000;2013-06-01;19;"";2011-04-07;Psychosocial support;CARE Haiti
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2011-04-07;"";2011-03-01;"";;Sud;"";"";"The main goal of this project is to improve the nutrition and income security of 800 families in Saint Louis du Sud through the production and sale of rabbits and the establishment agro-ecological patio gardens
";Aquin;"";1701;Private donations;Saint-Louis du Sud;Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development;Ixchel Palencia;Food Security and Agriculture;Program Officer;HEFI-HT-11-23-1417-02-CS07;Heifer International;"Rabbit production, establishment of agroecological patio gardens, local commercialization
";4000;"";"";Men and Women Farmers;Rabbit Production in the Municipality Saint Louis du Sud;73300;2012-06-30;34;"";2011-04-07;Environment;Collective for Sustainable Development and Environmental Protection (COSDERSLS)
Cambodia;foodsecurity_site;2010-09-07;"";2008-09-25;"";;Kampong Chhnang;"";"";Provision of daily school feeding;"";"";965;US Department of Agriculture (USDA);"";Education,Food Aid,Health;Tanja Pavlovic;"";Program Officer;IRD-KH-08-386;International Relief & Development;"(1.1) Provide rural transportation for safe access to schools for girl students in grades 7-9
(1.2) Provide take-home rations to girl students with 85% of class attendance
(2.1) Provide take-home rations to teachers with 100% teaching attendance and teachers with highest number of students passing grade 9
(3.1) Provide daily school feeding to primary and secondary students
(3.2) Provide take-home rations to students completing primary education
(4.1) Provide training on hygiene/sanitation and nutrition education to students grades 1-9
(4.2) Provide training on maternal/child health to girl students grades 7-9 with study tours
(5.1) Provide community awareness on importance of education
(5.2) Provide take-home rations to parents who enrolled their children by age 6";26000;"";Prime awardee;School children (grades 1-9);McGovern-Dole Food for Education and Child Education Program;"";2010-09-25;41;;"";Nutrition;International Relief & Development
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";1999-01-01;"";;Dhaka;"";"";THP works at the Union level to (a) mobilize the population for self-reliant action, including forming producer co-operatives and other income generating enterprises, (b) build civil society from the bottom up - creating people's organization of women, youth, elders, girl-child advocates, and the poorest of the poor, (c) strengthen local democracy, (d) ensure adequate facilities for achieving the MDGs, (e) organize mass action campaigns for health, nutrition, education, clean water and sanitation.;"";"";1214;Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID),British Council,Private donations;"";Agriculture,Education,Health,Human Rights Democracy and Governance,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;John Coonrod;"";Executive Vice President;THP-BD-99-366;The Hunger Project;"";20000;"";"";"";Ghatmajhi Mobilization;"";2100-12-31;83;"";"";"";The Hunger Project
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";1999-01-01;"";;Rajshahi;"";"";THP works at the Union level to (a) mobilize the population for self-reliant action, including forming producer co-operatives and other income generating enterprises, (b) build civil society from the bottom up - creating people's organization of women, youth, elders, girl-child advocates, and the poorest of the poor, (c) strengthen local democracy, (d) ensure adequate facilities for achieving the MDGs, (e) organize mass action campaigns for health, nutrition, education, clean water and sanitation.;"";"";1239;Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID),British Council,Private donations;"";Agriculture,Education,Health,Human Rights Democracy and Governance,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;John Coonrod;"";Executive Vice President;THP-BD-99-618;The Hunger Project;"";20000;"";"";"";Shajadpure Pouroshova Mobilization;"";2100-12-31;83;"";"";"";The Hunger Project
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-21;"";2005-11-20;"";;Rajshahi,Rangpur;"";"";"Katalyst has been working in Bangladesh since 2002. The objective of Katalyst is to reduce poverty by increasing competitiveness and employment opportunity in the private sector. Following a market development approach, Katalyst supports the development of business services in select rural and urban sectors to improve the flow of information, knowledge and best practices between key value chain actors. By following this approach, Katalyst seeks to help lift people out of poverty through increased income and opportunity. Since its inception in 2002, Katalyst has played an important role in reducing poverty and strengthening the private sector in Bangladesh.

The Katalyst Market Development for Maize in Char Areas is a 24 month project.  This is a follow on award from previous Katalyst work in Maize by Winrock International in Bangladesh.  ";"";"";1254;Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA),Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands,Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC),UK Department for International Development (DFID);"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development;Dan Gudahl;"";Senior Program Officer;WINRO-BD-05-6197;Winrock International;"Specific activities of the expanded Maize program are:
- Stimulate the growth of the maize sector nationally with a special focus on char (river island) areas by following a market development approach.
- Promote maize cultivation and increase the productivity of farmers nationally, and especially in the char areas thereby including marginal farmers.
- Design and implement an inclusive strategy and intervention package with primary focuses on the issue of investment capacity, irrigation and drying.
- Promote an appropriate maize drying technology
- Promote irrigation facilities to expand maize cultivation in Char areas.
- Promote profitable cropping patterns
- Promote appropriate inputs to insure and maintain soil and crop health.
- Promote poverty alleviation, gender inclusion and social advancement

";15000;"";Subawardee;Small and marginal farmers;Katalyst Maize Market Development (MDP);"";2011-10-02;70;;"";Gender, Environment, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR);Winrock International, Swisscontact-Katalyst
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-09-14;"";2010-04-16;"";;Ouest;"";"";IRD will provide seeds and tools to farmers, rehabilitate feeder roads, and provide cash-for-work (CFW) opportunities. ;Léogâne;"";478;Emergency Response Relief Fund for Haiti (OCHA/ERRF);Léogâne;Agriculture;Yvette Gonzalez;Food Security and Agriculture,Health,Logistics;Country Director, Haiti;IRD-HT-10-002;International Relief & Development;"";"";"";"";"";Agriculture Recovery Program;0;2010-10-15;41;"";2011-05-13;"";""
Ghana;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2009-01-01;"";;Eastern;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1120;The Robertson Foundation;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-GH-09-GH2;The Hunger Project;"";5000;"";"";"";Adausena Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-01-11;"";;Ouest;"";"";Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment;l'Arcahaie;"";1829;Private donations;Cabaret;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-1274;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Christian Aid Ministries Haiti;7276834;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";Christian Aid Ministries Haiti
Mozambique;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2000-01-01;"";;Zambézia;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1455;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-MZ-00-173816;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Derre Development Program;"";2015-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS, Nutrition;World Vision Mozambique
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-11-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";"Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment
";Port-au-Prince;"";1887;Private donations;Carrefour;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-51609;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Dispensaire de Tayfer;3387;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";Dispensaire de Tayfer
Haiti;"";2010-12-15;"";2010-10-18;"";;L'Artibonite;Will support 5,000 households (of 20,000 total beneficiaries from the Local and Regional Procurement program);"";Mercy Corps will foster financial inclusion over the longer term for displaced and vulnerable rural populations in Haiti by championing the use of mobile money in its humanitarian response. It will do this by: 1) staging the distribution of funds and 2) coordinating with vendors selected for mobile money acceptance. Mercy Corps will develop integrated beneficiary and vendor training curricula and ensure that all actors are motivated and incentivized to support a mobile money ecosystem appropriate for the program activities.;Saint-Marc;"";604;Academy for Educational Development,Hi-Five,US Agency for International Development (USAID);La Chapelle,Saint-Marc,Verettes;Economic Recovery and Development;Koko Sossouvi;Early Recovery;Economic Recovery Program Manager;MC-HT-10-015;Mercy Corps;"";5000;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs), Host households/communities, Small business owners;Mobile Money Program Integration;530152;2011-10-17;50;;2011-01-10;"";Mercy Corps
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-11-01;"";;Nord;"";"";"Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment
";Saint-Raphaël;"";1897;Private donations;Dondon;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-51711;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Dondon;12162;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";Dondon
Sri Lanka;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1997-01-01;"";;North Western;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1510;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-LK-97-171255;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Willuwa Development Program;"";2012-01-01;76;"";"";Nutrition;World Vision Sri Lanka
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-22;"";2005-11-21;"";;Chittagong,Khulna;"";"";"Grounded in Katalyst's market development principles, Winrock's approach is to collaborate with actors across the prawn value chain to: 1) increase the availability of high quality inputs to Bangladeshi prawn farmers; 2) ensure that improved production techniques are available in and adopted by the sector; and 3) increase prawn production both vertically and horizontally throughout Bangladesh. To support these core interventions, Winrock will assist Katalyst in the design and implementation of supporting interventions. These may include promotion of improved post-harvest handling, food safety practices, and quality control measures that will lead to better market penetration. A focus on poverty, gender, and environmental and social responsibility of business (ESRB) will be mainstreamed across all Winrock prawn interventions.
";"";"";1255;Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA),Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands,Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC),UK Department for International Development (DFID);"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development;Dan Gudahl;"";Senior Program Officer;WINRO-BD-05-6244;Winrock International;"The specific activities of the expanded prawn program are:
- Design and implement market development interventions for the prawn market building on the learning and experiences of Katalyst.
- Incorporate pro-poor strategies in designing interventions so that the impacts can benefit the people living below the poverty line and whose livelihood depends directly or indirectly on prawn market.
- Incorporate gender strategies in designing interventions so that women can be more empowered by being economic agents in different stages of the prawn value chain.
- Tackle environmental concerns, wherever applicable, so that the interventions address the issues related to environmental degradation.
- Create public-private partnership in promoting sustainable development to ensure that the impacts are distributed across that value chain leading to equitable development and improved livelihood for the poor.
";30000;"";Subawardee;Small and marginal farmers;Katalyst Prawn Market Development (MDP);"";2012-03-03;70;;"";Gender, Environment, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR);Winrock International, Swisscontact-Katalyst
Haiti;"";2010-05-19;"";2010-10-15;"";;Ouest,Sud-Est;"";"";"Distribution of 6,000 tarps; 34 large tents for schools";Bainet,Jacmel,Léogâne;"";512;Private donations;Bainet,Jacmel,Léogâne;Education,Shelter and Housing;Trevor Knoblich;Education,Shelter and Non-Food Items;Program Coordinator for Emergency Response;LWR-HT-10-N/A2;Lutheran World Relief;"";15000;"";"";"";Temporary Shelter for Earthquake Affected in Haiti (II);216620;2010-12-15;45;;2010-09-24;"";Episcopal Relief & Development, Lutheran World Federation
Haiti;"";2011-01-11;"";2011-01-11;"";"";Ouest;Reproductive Health and SGBV;"";Earthquake response;Léogâne,Port-au-Prince;"";775;"";Carrefour,Léogâne;Health;"";"";"";CARE-HT-10-13;CARE;Health;"";"";"";"";Leogane & Carrefour - Health;0;2011-01-31;19;"";2011-01-20;"";""
Ethiopia;foodsecurity_site;2011-05-11;"";2010-09-01;"2nd Admin: Chifra, Ewa, Adaar, Shinele, Dembel, Ayisha, Hudet, Moyale
"; ;Afar,Somali;"";Save the Children UK ;"The goal of PILLAR + is to enhance capacities of communities, including children, of the Ethiopian arid lands - Afar and Somali region - to reduce their vulnerability to drought risk.
";"";"";1782;ECHO;"";Agriculture,Disaster Management;Axel Weiser ;"";Director, Livelihoods Unit ;STC-ET-10-82607379 ;Save the Children;"Activities include: Disaster risk reduction (DRR) capacity building at community and district levels; supporting peace building initiatives of local government partners in conflict prone districts; promoting drought resistant herd diversification and enhancing local market linkages; and engaging line ministries, institutions, universities, the donor community and the media with evidence based learning on continued focus on dry land and pastoral issues. 
";254621;"";Subawardee ;"";PILLAR + ;380000;2011-11-30;63;"";2011-05-11;"Disaster risk reduction (DRR), Peace building
";Save the Children US  
Haiti;"";2010-09-27;"";2010-02-25;Port-au-Prince;;Ouest;Port-au-Prince;"";Delivery of $411,115 worth of medical supplies and equipment to Miami for Catholic Relief Services to deliver to their projects in Port-au-Prince;Port-au-Prince;"";667;"";Port-au-Prince;Health;Niecy LoCricchio;Health;Director of Grants;CURE-HT-10-10939;PROJECT C.U.R.E.;"";18000;"";"";"";In-Kind Donations to Catholic Relief Services 2;411445;2010-02-25;59;;"";"";Catholic Relief Services
Haiti;"";2010-09-27;"";2010-01-15;used on ship & Port-au-Prince;;Ouest;Docked just off Port-au-Prince;"";Delivery of $237,394 worth of medical supplies and equipment to Jacksonville, FL for pick-up by by SOUTHCOM and loading onto USNS Comfort for distribution as needed in Port-au-Prince;Port-au-Prince;"";658;"";Port-au-Prince;Health;Niecy LoCricchio;Health;Director of Grants;CURE-HT-10-20916;PROJECT C.U.R.E.;"";18000;"";"";"";In-Kind Donations to SOUTHCOM for USNS Comfort;237394;2010-01-15;59;;"";"";US Southern Command (SOUTHCOM) USNS Comfort 
Haiti;"";2010-10-12;"";2010-05-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";"";Croix-des-Bouquets;"";132;International Organization for Migration (IOM);Croix-des Bouquets;Disaster Management,Shelter and Housing;Amelia Kendall;Camp Coordination and Management;"";ARC-HT-10-005;American Refugee Committee International;"";"";"";"";"";Responding to Temporary Settlement and Camp Management Needs of Earthquake-affected Haitians 2;398543;2010-12-31;10;"";"";"";""
Haiti;"";2011-04-25;"";2011-01-01;"";;Grand'Anse,L'Artibonite,Nippes,Nord,Nord-Ouest;"";"";Haiti Cholera Emergency Response;Gros-Morne,Jérémie,Limbé,Miragoâne,Plaisance,Port-de-Paix,l'Acul-du-Nord;"";1731;Emergency Response Relief Fund for Haiti (OCHA/ERRF);Fond des Negres,Gros-Morne,Jérémie,Limbé,Milot,Pilate,Port-de-Paix;Health;Laura Dills;Health;Director of Programs;CRS-HT-11-CR-7420215-1;Catholic Relief Services (CRS);"Support to six of eight AIDSRelief hospitals for the continuation of cholera treatment units (CTU).  Budget covers key medical personal salaries; motivation fee for CHW, which is not covered under OFDA; and institutional support.  This fund also covers transport costs of for cholera meds and supplies destined for hospitals and local partners.";2226514;"";"";Men, women, children, health care providers, Community Health workers;Haiti Cholera Emergency Response;2226514;2011-09-30;20;"";2011-04-25;"";Catholic Relief Services (CRS), Caritas
India;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2007-01-01;"";;Maharashtra;"";"";The project proposes to promote livelihood recovery to enhance the economic and psychosocial condition of the farmer households so that they are able to take care of their families, their agriculture activities and pay off their debts. The project focus will on 560 marginal farmers who have less than one hectare (2.5 acres) and small farmers who have less than 2 hectare (5 acres) of land.  ;"";"";1555;Private donations;"";Agriculture;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-IN-07-184792;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";Small farmers;Vidharba Livelihood Promotion Project;"";2012-01-01;76;"";"";"";World Vision India
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-15;"";2004-06-15;Port-au-Prince;,;Ouest;"";Various;Provision of ready-to-use therapeutic food (RUTF) to implementing partners.;Port-au-Prince;"";575;"";Port-au-Prince;Health;Tom Stehl, Maryse Sterlin;Health,Nutrition;Coordinator of Operations, Haiti Administrator;MFK-HT-10-023;Meds & Food for Kids;"";"";"";"";Malnourished children;Community Management of Acute Malnutrition - World Vision;0;2011-12-12;77;"";2011-03-08;"";World Vision
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";1999-01-01;"";;Khulna;"";"";THP works at the Union level to (a) mobilize the population for self-reliant action, including forming producer co-operatives and other income generating enterprises, (b) build civil society from the bottom up - creating people's organization of women, youth, elders, girl-child advocates, and the poorest of the poor, (c) strengthen local democracy, (d) ensure adequate facilities for achieving the MDGs, (e) organize mass action campaigns for health, nutrition, education, clean water and sanitation.;"";"";1211;Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID),British Council,Private donations;"";Agriculture,Education,Health,Human Rights Democracy and Governance,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;John Coonrod;"";Executive Vice President;THP-BD-99-345;The Hunger Project;"";20000;"";"";"";Shomspur Mobilization;"";2100-12-31;83;"";"";"";The Hunger Project
Swaziland;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2011-03-29;"";;Shiselweni;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1513;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Health;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-SZ-XX-186227;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Maseyinsi Development Program;0;2025-01-01;76;"";2011-03-29;HIV/AIDS;World Vision Swaziland
Ethiopia;foodsecurity_site;2010-02-01;"";2010-01-01;"";;Oromia;"";GAYO Pastoral Development Initiatives;To build resilience capacity of the community to impending drought disaster through enhanced capacity of local structures including the community, local government and developmental actors to access and manage timely early warning information and ensure active preparedness and response in Moyale district.;"";"";1025;Private donations;"";Disaster Management;Kebede Iticha;"";Program Officer;OXFA-ET-10-ETH 001 /10;Oxfam America;"";34000;"";"";Pastoralists, Agro-pastoralists;Moyale Drought Early Warning Surveillance (DEWS) Project;"";2010-12-31;80;"";"";Disaster risk reduction (DRR);GAYO Pastoral Development Initiatives
Haiti;"";2010-12-10;"";2010-10-20;"";;L'Artibonite,Nord-Ouest,Ouest,Sud-Est;"";Association of Christian Health Institutions of Haiti (AISCH) Facilities ;Through relationships with member agencies and partner hospitals and facilities, IMA will continue to send essential medicine and supplies to assist in the response to the cholera epidemic and to help provide basic care to those in need.;Jacmel,Port-au-Prince,Saint-Louis du Nord,Saint-Marc;"";467;Abbott,Disciples of Christ,Lutheran World Relief,Private donations,United Church of Christ;Anse-à-Foleur,Jacmel,Port-au-Prince,Saint-Marc;Health;Ann Varghese;"";HQ Program Officer;IMA-HT-10-008 ;IMA World Health;"";600000;"";"";Women, Children, Men;Cholera Relief Efforts;0;2011-03-31;37; ;2011-04-11;"";IMA World Health
Lebanon;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2001-01-01;"";;Beirut;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1424;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-LB-01-173689;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Armenian - Bourj Hammoud Development Program;"";2014-01-01;76;"";"";"";World Vision Lebanon
Haiti;"";2011-03-29;"";2011-02-01;"";;Grand'Anse;"";"";Cholera (Emergency Disaster Response);Anse d'Hainault,Corail,Jérémie;"";1687;Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA);Anse d'Hainaul,Beaumont,Bonbon,Chambellan,Corail,Dame Marie,Irois,Jérémie,Moron,Roseaux;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tamara Shukakidze;"";Deputy Director Disaster Response;CARE-HT-11-003;CARE;Water and sanitation supplying in cholera treatment facilities ;50000;"";"";Cholera affected population;Haiti Cholera Response;305645;2011-07-31;19;"";2011-04-07;"";CARE Haiti
Mozambique;foodsecurity_site;2010-08-26;"";2008-08-01;"";;Zambézia;"";"";"The goal of this program is to reduce food insecurity for 100,000 food insecure persons over a 3-year period. This goal will be achieved through three program objectives: rapid rural income growth of 60,000 beneficiaries sustained (Objective 1); and improved health and nutrition status for 61,875 beneficiaries (Objective 2).";"";"";785;Office of Food for Peace (USAID/FFP);"";Agriculture,Health;Lynn  Boyd;"";Country Director, ADRA Mozambique;ADRA-MZ-08-003;Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA);"";7534;"";"";"";Osanzaya Zambezia (Make Zambezia Happy), ADRA's Income Generation Program (IGP);"";2011-07-31;4;"";"";Nutrition;Samaritan's Purse, Ajuda de Desenvolvimento de Povo para Povo (ADPP)
Mali;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-17;"";2010-04-01;"";;"";"";"";The goal of the Mali Agricultural Value Enhancement Network (MAVEN) program is to contribute to USAID Mali's Accelerating Economic Growth Strategic Objective, reducing poverty and increasing incomes through improved agricultural productivity, technologies, adding value to agricultural goods, and developing markets—local, regional and international.;"";"";1245;US Agency for International Development (USAID);"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development;DeAnn McGrew;"";Program Officer;WINRO-ML-10-6242;Winrock International;As a sub to ACDI/VOCA, Winrock is fielding US technical experts to serve as volunteers to provide assistance in the following subsectors: staple foods, horticulture and livestock (including cattle, poultry and fisheries).  The MAVEN program will field a total of 70 volunteer consultants over the life of the program.;7700;"";Subawardee;"";Mali Agriculture Value Enhancement Network;"";2013-03-31;70;;"";Food security;ACDI/VOCA, Winrock International, Land O'Lakes
Colombia;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-13;"";2009-10-01;"";;Chocó,Valle del Cauca;"";"";"Colombia has approximately 3 million internally displaced people, the second largest internal refugee problem in the world after Darfur, caused by violence from the civil war.  Some sources have indicated that in the Choco region, for example, there is one doctor per 10,000 people, but one soldier per 180 people.  Also, the unemployment rate is 85% and the average person makes only US$250 per year; or less than US$1 per day. Colombian society is one of the most unequal in terms of economic wealth in the world.  As a result, there is wide social and economic exclusion and huge rich to poor disparities. In the city of Cali, chronic poverty caused by social and economic exclusion and violence, has caused child malnutrition, high incidences of HIV-AIDS, family disintegration, intra-familial violence, and lack of income earning opportunities especially for women. In Quibdo, the capital of Choco, unemployed youth and street children are affected by crushing poverty, violence, and lack of economic opportunities. Great social inequality and marginalized populations of youth are easy victims of violence, prostitution, and being forced into serving with illegal armed groups. As a result and building on the church's current capacity, Episcopal Relief & Development has implemented a pilot project in partnership with the the Diocese in Colombia, to implement a microcredit project in Cali targeting women, and a youth education and training project in Quibdo, Choco.  In addition, the partnership will strengthen the church's capacity to guide and expand this program to other regions for increased impact.";"";"";806;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education;Matt St. John;"";Program Officer;ERD-CO-09-001;Episcopal Relief & Development;"";100;"";"";Women, Youth;Diocesan Coordination for Development Projects;"";2012-12-31;27;;"";"";Diocese of Colombia
Ghana;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2007-01-01;"";;Eastern;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1137;The Robertson Foundation;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-GH-07-GH19;The Hunger Project;"";5000;"";"";"";Darmang Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Malawi;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1994-01-01;"";;Southern;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1434;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-MW-94-169009;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Ching'anda Development Program;"";2016-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS, Nutrition;World Vision Malawi
Haiti;"";2010-12-20;"";2010-12-20; Rue de lEnterrement, Arrière Pénitencier National, Port-au-Prince;;Ouest;"";N/A;Work for Food;Port-au-Prince;shipping/custome clearance;231;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Other;Lesly Pierre;"";Coordinator;TZU-HT-10-TZHT-14;Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation;Centre Saint Vincent ;157;"";NA;Affected population(s);Job Training # 8;85000;2011-12-31;18;"";2010-12-20;Livelihoods;Tzu Chi Foundation
Senegal;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";1993-01-01;"";;Saint-Louis;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1102;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-SN-93-SG5;The Hunger Project;"";17491;"";"";"";Mpal Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Kenya;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-18;"";2010-03-01;"";;Coast;"Targeted supplementary feeding (health facility based) for children under five years, pregnant and lactating women; targeted outpatient therapeutic care and referral linkages for therapeutic management of severe malnutrition with medical complications; micronutrient supplementation; protection/promotion of infant and young child feeding practices; nutrition education";MoMS/MoPHS;Provision of an essential package of nutrition interventions;"";"";958;UNICEF;"";Health;Stephen Commins;Nutrition;Strategy Manager, Fragile States;IMC-KE-10-1590;International Medical Corps;"To support the Ministry of Medical Services (MoMS) and Ministry of Public Health and Sanitation (MoPHS) to diagnose and treat acute malnutrition; to support prevention of malnutrition through Infant and Young Child Feeding; to support coordination of timely reporting and analysis of nutrition indicators at the facility and district level.";22000;"";Prime awardee;"";Prevention and Management of Acute Malnutrition in Tana River District;"";2010-12-31;39;;"";Nutrition;International Medical Corps
Ghana;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2006-01-01;"";;Eastern;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1144;The Robertson Foundation;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-GH-06-GH26;The Hunger Project;"";6738;"";"";"";Kwaboadi Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Haiti;"";2010-12-15;"";2010-09-20;"";;Ouest;"";"";"This project will provide continuing education for community health workers based on needs of the community, train additional community health workers, and provide them with health supplies and medicines for community health needs. It will help to build a stronger, more effective, and genuinely community-responsive health system via a well-respected community based organization that has an all-Haitian staff and which is officially endorsed by the Haitian Ministry of Health. 
";Léogâne;"";727;Private donations;Léogâne;Health;Melissa Crutchfield;"";Assistant General Secretary, International Disaster Response;UMCOR-HT-10-418325-10;United Methodist Committee on Relief;"";"";"";Prime awardee;"";Haitian Community Health and Development Programs;300000;2013-10-01;67;"";2011-04-12;"";Global Health Action
Brazil;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2000-01-01;"";;Minas Gerais;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1283;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-BR-00-173860;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Casa de Apoio Development Program;"";2016-01-01;76;"";"";Nutrition;World Vision Brazil
Philippines;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1987-01-01;"";;Misamis Occidental;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1480;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-PH-87-68048;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Himaya Development Program;"";2015-01-01;76;"";"";"";World Vision Philippines
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2011-05-19;"";2011-01-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";Purchased $140,000 worth of food and cooking utensils for St. Damien's Pediatric Hospital in Port-au-Prince and St. Luke's, a network of neighborhood schools. This is the first of a number of material aid infusions which Operation USA hopes to be sustained over the next 2 years or so. ;Port-au-Prince;"";629;"";Delmas;Food Aid;Richard Walden;Food Security and Agriculture,Shelter and Non-Food Items;"";OPUSA-HT-10-001;Operation USA;"";"";"";"";"";Providing Relief Supplies to St. Damien's Pediatric Hospital and St. Luke's Schools;0;2011-01-01;52;"";2011-05-19;"";St. Damien's Pediatric Hospital, St. Luke's Schools
Nepal;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2008-01-03;"";;Mid-West;"";"";"The Education for Income Generation in Nepal program increases the income of disadvantaged youth (e.g. 16-30 years old, low caste groups, ethnic minorities, women and conflict affected) by providng them access to relevant education, training and employment opportunities. This multifaceted program provides a ten-month  entreprenurial, hands-on literacy course to marginalized youth with less than a class five education; technical skills and  vocational training linked to employment; training on markets linked high value agricultural production; and targeted scholarships for dalits to advance their careers in education, health, agriculture and engineering. A cross-cutting theme throughout all of these activities will be the provision of peace and reconciliation education for all participants in a post conflict environment.  The primary beneficiaries of this program will initially be disadvantaged, conflict-affected youth throughout mid-western Nepal. ";"";"";1252;US Agency for International Development (USAID);"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education;Erin Hughes;"";Senior Program Officer;WINRO-NP-08-5880;Winrock International;"EIG is supporting:
- 30,000 youth to attain entrepreneurial literacy. The course is designed for marginalized youth with less than a class five education, has four modules  and lasts ten months. The course covers literacy, numeracy, life skills, HIV/AIDs awareness, nutrition, family planning, community engagement, accessing government services, business planning, using a calculator, and accessing credit.  Seventy percent of the literacy students go on to the program's vocational education or agricultural training course.
- 10,000 youth to be  employed six months after they receive vocational training. Training is short term and the program trains beneficiaries in areas for which there is employment. Marginalized youth are trained in construction, electrical wiring, brick making, making sweets, sewing, masonry as well as a variety of other fields.
- 50,000 youth to increase income through agricultural productivity by increasing  their access to inputs (such as technology, micro irrigation, seeds, etc) to produce high value agricultural products (vegetables, fish, goats) and by linking to markets. The program also conducts  micro-enterprise training courses for entrepreneurs along the value chain.
- 400  college-level scholarships for Dalit youth enrolling in studies for the intermediate level education for employment (I.Ed. diploma).

";70000;"";Prime awardee;Marginalized youth (16-30 years old), Dalit, Ethnic minority, Women, Conflict affected;Nepal Education for Income Generation (EIG);"";2013-01-03;70;;"";Gender, Conflict mitigation, Food security;"Winrock International, International Development Enterprises, International Evaluation and Training Corporation, Samjhauta Nepal, Alliance for Social Mobilization, The Federation of Nepalese Chambers of Commerce and Industry, The Center for Environmental and Agricultural Policy Research Extension and Development, Support Activities for Poor Producers of Nepal, Karnali Integrated Rural Development and Research Center, Development Project Service Center Nepal
Haiti;"";2010-09-23;"";2010-03-31;"";;Ouest;"";Sous Espwa;Distribution of Non-Food Items (housing, tarps);Léogâne;"";277;ACT Alliance,Christian Reformed Church of North America (CRCNA);Léogâne;Shelter and Housing;Willys Geffrard;Shelter and Non-Food Items;Haiti Program Manager;CRWRC-HT-10-OR 2010-18;Christian Reformed World Relief Committee (CRWRC);"";9600;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs);Haiti Earthquake Response;11151;2011-07-31;23;"";2010-12-15;"";Christian Reformed World Relief Committee (CRWRC)
Kenya,United Republic of Tanzania;foodsecurity_site;2010-07-27;"";2008-07-01;"";;Dar es Salaam,Morogoro,Nairobi;"";Organization of African Instituted Churches (OAIC);Training, Cooperative/Self-Help, Group Formation, Seed Capital Fund;"";"";798;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development;Daniel Tyler;"";Africa Regional Coor.;CWS-KE-TZ-08-2001-5066;Church World Service;"";18000;"";Prime awardee;Food Insecure households;Food Security/Participatory Development;"";2011-06-30;24;"";"";Gender, Disaster risk reduction (DRR);Church World Service
Rwanda;foodsecurity_site;2010-09-10;"";2008-07-01;"";;Est;"";"";The project seeks to improve livelihoods of 2,698 families 1,003 original and 1,695 through Passing on the Gift either infected or affected by HIV and Tuberculosis (TB) in the southern Kayonza, Kirehe and Ngoma districts of the Eastern Province of Rwanda. This region has been hit hard by the HIV and AIDS pandemic that resulted in large number of orphans, widows and widowers. Although several factors have contributed to the spread of the virus, use of rape as a weapon during the genocide of 1994 is believed to have had a major role in the spread of the d;"";"";877;Private donations;"";"";Kelly Doppelhammer;"";East Africa Program Assistant;HEFI-RW-08-21-1324-01;Heifer International;"";2698;"";"";"";Eastern Province Comprehensive Nutrition Project ;"";2013-06-30;34;"";"";HIV/AIDS;Heifer Rwanda
Haiti;"";2011-05-13;"";2010-03-15;"";"";Ouest;"";"";IRD will provide shelter, sanitation, and hygiene assistance to 28,000 individuals in Léogâne, Haiti. Individuals will receive plastic sheeting and transitional shelter materials, such as lumber, corrugated metal, and cement blocks. Families will also receive tools and training in order to enhance the durability and duration of their transitional homes. In addition, IRD is building individual and block latrines and providing hygiene education for families in Léogâne. Latrine construction immediately engages beneficiaries in cash-for-work activities.;Léogâne;"";477;Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA),Private donations,The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,Union for Reform Judaism;Léogâne;Shelter and Housing,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;"";Shelter and Non-Food Items,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;"";IRD-HT-10-001;International Relief & Development;"";28000;"";"";"";Integrated Community Based Transitional Shelter, Sanitation, and Community Infrastructure ;6500000;2011-03-15;41;"";2011-05-13;"";""
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1994-01-01;"";;Nord;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1381;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-HT-94-167386;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Bassin Diaman Development Program;"";2019-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS;World Vision Haiti
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-11-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";"Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment
";Port-au-Prince;"";1863;Private donations;Pétion-Ville;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-51555;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Save the Children;3209;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";Save the Children
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-15;"";2004-06-15;Grand Bois;,;"";"";"";Provision of ready-to-use therapeutic food (RUTF) to implementing partners.;"";"";572;"";"";Health;Tom Stehl, Maryse Sterlin;Health,Nutrition;Coordinator of Operations, Haiti Administrator;MFK-HT-10-020;Meds & Food for Kids;"";"";"";"";Malnourished children;Community Management of Acute Malnutrition - ServeHAITI;0;2011-12-12;77;"";2011-04-11;"";ServeHAITI
Cambodia;foodsecurity_site;2010-09-07;"";2008-09-01;"";;Kampong Cham;Interventions ended August 31, 2009;"";"International Relief and Development (IRD) has implemented the Soy and Nutrition Livelihoods Initiative (SNLI) in Kampong Cham province, Cambodia, since March 2009 with funding from the National Soybean Research Laboratory (NSRL). This project has included three basic and overlapping components: (1) distribution of textured soy protein (TSP) for improved nutrition by vulnerable households; (2) training and investment activities to improve the production and hygiene of small-scale soy businesses; and (3) animal husbandry activities targeted for people living with HIV/AIDS.";"";"";968;National Soybean Research Laboratory (NSRL);"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Health;Tanja Pavlovic;"";Program Officer;IRD-KH-08-09013;International Relief & Development;"IRD distributed 7.66 metric tons (MT) of textured soy protein (TSP) over a 4-month period from June through September 2009. IRD targeted poor and vulnerable households with TSP by utilizing existing home-based care programs operated by local NGOs as distribution channels. In total, IRD reached 4637 individuals through the distribution of TSP. This included 1,045 households (2272 family members) of people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) and 619 households (2236 family members) with orphans and vulnerable children (OVC).  IRD provided six separate soy processing and general hygiene trainings related to small-scale manufacturers (and potential manufacturers) of soy products. These trainings each lasted 1-2 days and covered a number of topics, including: (1) the value of soybeans; (2) hygiene and sanitation for food handlers; (3) hard tofu production; (4) soft tofu production; (5) fermented soybean production; (6) traditional soy sauce production; (7) soy ice cream production; and (8) improved soymilk production.  IRD provided nine businesses with targeted investments aimed at: (1) improving the hygiene and sanitation of these small-scale production operations and (2) improving the production process so as to facilitate expansion, increased profitability, and efficiency of the manufacturing operations. These investments included upgrades to the structural facilities of the production areas, such as providing roofs, and concrete walls and floors. It also included capital investments in items such as stainless steel tofu molds, cooking pots, grinders, and small generators. IRD's strategy for promoting animal husbandry has involved both training and start-up support to vulnerable households. In July 2009, IRD provided three-day animal husbandry trainings to 10 PLWHA families. Furthermore, IRD provided 9 of these individuals with five hens to begin poultry operations, as well as access to okara from partner soy businesses. As of December 2009, most of the households had expanded their operations, with many of the beneficiaries more than doubling their quantity of chickens. Only two households were identified as having fewer chickens, one of which seemed to be hit with a blight. IRD was unable to meet with two families because they had moved in search of seasonal labor. The beneficiaries of poultry raising were located in Kampong Cham and 2 districts, Kampong Siem and Kampong Cham districts.";2714;"";Prime awardee;People living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA), Orphans and vulnerable children (OVC), Soy-business owners;Soy Livelihood and Nutrition Initiative;"";2010-08-31;41;;"";Nutrition;International Relief & Development
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-05-05;"";;Nord;"";"";Set up community center and hire psychologists for youth;Saint-Raphaël;"";357;Private donations;Saint-Saint-Raphaël;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-Grant 2;Direct Relief International;"";300;"";"";"";Set up Community center and hire psychologists for affected youth;25000;2010-11-05;26;;2011-04-22;"";Global Empowerment Network
Thailand;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1998-01-01;"";;Phayao;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1535;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-TH-98-172443;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Pong Development Program;"";2011-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS;World Vision Thailand
Haiti;"";1991-12-20;"";2010-02-25;"";;Ouest;"";"";Habitat for Humanity International is conducting this project to support UN-OCHA and ERRF in meeting the immediate and long term shelter needs of earthquake-affected families.  Bridge the gap between  displacement and restoration of permanent housing for persons from poor households, provide timely assistance that fit the families that are served while setting the stage for building safer homes and stronger communities.;Léogâne;"";425;Emergency Response Relief Fund for Haiti (OCHA/ERRF);Léogâne;Shelter and Housing;Kate Pearson;Shelter and Non-Food Items;Director - Strategic Partnerships, Haiti;HFHI-HT-10-005;Habitat for Humanity International;"";2360;"";"";Affected population(s);Shelter Assistance to Haiti - Transitional Shelter Project;706168;2011-02-25;31;;2011-02-04;Livelihoods;Habitat for Humanity International
El Salvador;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2001-01-01;"";;Usulután;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1342;Private donations;"";Health;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-SV-01-175150;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Sinai Development Program;"";2016-01-01;76;"";"";Nutrition, HIV/AIDS;World Vision El Salvador
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-05-17;"";2006-07-01;"";;Ouest;"";Haiti Fund Inc.;"Two-thirds of all Haitians depend on the agriculture sector, mainly small-scale subsistence farming, for food security and income. Extreme soil erosion and deforestation, combined with the devastating impact of the January 12th earthquake, have resulted in Haiti having one of the most disadvantageous environments and economies in the world. Haiti faces a significant structural food deficit, and malnutrition is widespread. This agriculture and environmental program focuses on improving the food production of peasant populations through a diversified reforestation, gardening, and agro-forestry program.  In this way, the program addresses both the short-term food needs of the people and the long-term environmental needs to prevent soil erosion in mountainous areas.  Working with the farmers association, CODEP, in the Léogâne and Grand-Goâve communes, this programs objectives are: 1) To promote soil stabilization through the establishment of 140 miles of hedgerow terraces on mountainsides; 2) To combat deforestation through training and planting of up to 1,000,000 trees; and 3) To improve household food diversity through the establishment of household vegetable gardens.";Léogâne;"";374;Private donations;Léogâne;Agriculture,Environment;Matthew St. John;Food Security and Agriculture;Program Officer;ERD-HT-10-008;Episcopal Relief & Development;"";3000;"";"";Farmers;Agro-forestry Program;"";2011-12-31;27;"";2010-12-10;Livelihoods;Comprehensive Development Project (CODEP)
Democratic Republic of the Congo;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2001-01-01;"";;Katanga;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1317;Private donations;"";Education,Health;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-CD-01-174497;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Kipushi Development Program;"";2016-01-01;76;"";"";"";World Vision DR Congo
Ethiopia;foodsecurity_site;2010-09-25;"";2008-08-01;"";;Amhara;The program period is three years and currently in the third year of program implementation. The program is implemented through sub-awardee in three districts (Wadla, Bugna and Lasta) and as a prime in two (Tach Gayint and Simada);Government Sector offices ( Food security, health, eduation, water, finance, adminstration) at federal, regional and woreda level.;"The program is a government lead Productive Safety Net Program which targets chronically food insecure beneficiaries. The main goal of the program is to reduce the level of food insecurity at household and district level. Food for the Hungry implements this program in Amhara, one of the regions in Ethiopia, and targets 194,740 food insecure beneficiaries in five districts.  The program has three main objectives namely: 1) Assets and Livelihoods of Food Insecure Households Protected and Improved;2) Community Resiliencies to withstand shocks Enhanced;3) Human Capabilities Protected and Improved";"";"";866;US Agency for International Development (USAID);"";Agriculture,Disaster Management,Economic Recovery and Development,Environment,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Girma Deressa;"";Food Security Program Director ;FH-ET-08-001;Food for the Hungry;Objective one:Assets and Livelihoods of Food Insecure Households Protected and Improved--- intervention activities include beneficiary targeting, food transfer, warehouse construction and maintenance, strengthening early warning and response system and promotion of selected marketable value chain crops. Objective two:Community Resiliencies to withstand shocks Enhanced---- intervention activities include, watershed management, soil and water conservation, reforestation, fodder development, irrigation development, roads and social services infrastructure development. Objective three: Human Capabilities Protected and Improved--- activities include Essential Nutrition Action and Essential Hygiene Action promotion, Improvement of micronutrients and decrease anemia, proper management of diarrhea and water and sanitation activities.;194740;"";Prime awardee;Chronically Food Insecure Beneficaries ;Multi-Year Assistance Program # 3;0;2011-07-01;28;"";2011-02-23;Nutrition;Food for the Hungry, Organization for Rehabilitation and Development in Amhara 
Haiti;"";2010-12-20;"";2004-02-20;"";"";Nippes;"";Salvation Army/Clinic Bethel;To improve the quality of life of orphans and vulnerable children affected by HIV/AIDS SO1: OVC have a higher quality of life SO2: Faith-based and community based partners have sustained capacity to deliver high quality services to OVC.;Miragoâne;"";262;Fond Global,President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR);Fond des Negres;Health,Protection;Nicole Balliette;"";Haiti Earthquake Response Coordinator;CRS-HT-10-7424000;Catholic Relief Services (CRS);Program Goal: Earthquake-affected Haitians enjoy reduced food insecurity.;15000;"";"";Children, Elderly, People with disabilities, Men, Orphans and vulnerable children (OVC), People living with HIV/AIDS, Refugees, Internaly displaced persons (IDPs), Women, Youth;Support Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) affected by AIDS;1686299;2010-06-30;20;"";"";HIV/AIDS;Catholic Relief Services (CRS)
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-11-13;"";2010-03-10;"";;Ouest;"";Comite d'Action pour une Petit-Goâve Regeneree (CAPR);Distributed 100,000 lbs donated cornmeal to  3,552 families;Léogâne;"";149;Bunge Latin America Inc.,Private donations;Petit-Goâve;Food Aid;Michael D. Miller;Food Security and Agriculture;President;ADF-HT-10-001;America's Development Foundation;"";19001;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs);Distribution Food (Cornmeal);94000;2010-03-18;12;;2010-11-13;"";America's Development Foundation, Comite d'Action pour une Petit-Goâve Regeneree (CAPR)
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2007-01-01;"";;Nord;"";"";This project works to expand the opportunity for small-scale crop production. It provides agricultural equipment or micro-loans to those who need it.;"";"";1554;Private donations;"";Agriculture;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-HT-07-184759;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Enhanced Vegetable Crop Production;"";2009-01-01;76;"";"";"";World Vision Haiti
Haiti;"";2010-10-05;"";2010-08-12;"";"";"";"";"";Medical mission supplies;"";"";215;Private donations;"";Health;"";Health;"";BBF-HT-10-040;Brother's Brother Foundation;"";"";"";"";"";Medical Mission Trip # 25;7397;2010-09-12;17;"";"";"";Friends of Haiti
Haiti;"";1991-12-13;"";2010-01-14;"";;L'Artibonite,Ouest,Sud;"";"";Provision of medical supplies to be hand-carried by clinicians providing direct care in various locations;Aquin,Gonaïves,Port-au-Prince,Saint-Marc;"";420;Private donations;Delmas,Estère,Port-au-Prince,Pétion-Ville,Saint-Louis du Sud,Verettes;Health;Angela Garcia;Health;Deputy Director;GLI-HT-10-1056;Global Links;"";1000;"";"";Affected population(s);Medical Trip Support;10000;2012-12-31;30;;2011-04-26;"";Various
Ghana;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2000-01-01;"";;Eastern;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1152;The Robertson Foundation;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-GH-00-GH34;The Hunger Project;"";5150;"";"";"";Odumase Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2011-04-29;"";2011-01-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";"To promote and defend the rights of earthquake-affected IDP's and Haitian migrants living in the Dominican Republic through monitoring, advocacy and legal assistance.
";Port-au-Prince;"";1769;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Agriculture,Human Rights Democracy and Governance;Amarilys Estrella;Camp Coordination and Management,Protection;Program Officer;AJWS-HT-11-037;American Jewish World Service (AJWS);"";1000;"";Prime Awardee;Internally displaced persons (IDPs), Migrants;Advocating for the Rights of Earthquake-Affected IDPs and Haitian Migrants;25000;2011-12-31;8;;2011-04-29;"";Groupe d'Appui aux Repatries et aux Refugies (GARR)
Albania;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2001-01-01;"";;Vlorë;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1262;Private donations;"";Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-AL-01-174630;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Vlore Sponsorship Development Program;"";2015-01-01;76;"";"";Nutrition;World Vision Albania
Palestine;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";"";"";;Gaza;"";"";Addresses some of the current gaps in programming to rehabilitate and recover lost assets, and improves food agricultural and livelihood security.;"";"";1578;US Agency for International Development (USAID);"";Agriculture;Carlos Piedrasanta;"";RDM Operations Deputy, IPG, World Vision US;WV-PS-n/a;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Agriculture Recovery for Gaza (ADIL);"";"";76;"";"";"";World Vision Jerusalem
Haiti;"";1991-12-13;"";2010-12-15;"";;L'Artibonite;"";"";Container of medical supplies for Hôpital Albert Schweitzer Haiti (HAS) in response to Cholera Outbreak;Saint-Marc;"";418;Private donations;Verettes;Health;Marisol Wandiga Valentin;Health;Program Officer;GLI-HT-10-023;Global Links;"";50000;"";"";Cholera affected population;Hôpital Albert Schweitzer Haiti (HAS) Cholera Relief;27745;2012-04-12;30;;2011-04-26;"";Hôpital Albert Schweitzer Haiti (HAS)
Sri Lanka;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1995-01-01;"";;Southern;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1507;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-LK-95-170240;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Lunugamvehera Development Program;"";2012-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS, Nutrition;World Vision Sri Lanka
Haiti;"";1991-11-13;"";2010-04-15;"";;Ouest;"";Comite Communale de Protection Civile (CCPC), Comite d'Action pour une Petit-Goâve Regeneree (CAPR);Established child-friendly spaces in selected IDP camps in Petit-Goâve;Léogâne;"";155;Private donations,UNICEF;Petit-Goâve;Protection;Michael D. Miller;Education,Protection;President;ADF-HT-10-007;America's Development Foundation;"";2500;"";"";Children, Students;Child-friendly spaces for underserved IDP camps;26040;2010-08-15;12;;1991-11-13;"";America's Development Foundation,UNICEF, UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA),  Comite Communale de Protection Civile (CCPC), Comite d'Action pour une Petit-Goâve Regeneree (CAPR), Association des Paysans de Vallue (APV)
Sudan;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2010-01-01;"";;Northern Bahr el Ghazal,Unity,Upper Nile,Warab,Western Equatoria;"";"";n/a;"";"";1602;World Food Program (WFP);"";"";Carlos Piedrasanta;"";RDM Operations Deputy, IPG, World Vision US;WV-SD-10-193274;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Emergency Assistance for Food Security (EMOP/GFD);"";2010-12-31;76;"";"";"";World Vision Sudan
South Africa;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2000-01-01;"";;Kwa Zulu-Natal;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1500;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Health;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-ZA-00-173116;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Okhahlamba Development Program;"";2017-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS;World Vision South Africa
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-09-23;"";2010-08-15;Port-au-Prince, Jacmel, Petit-Goâve, Fond-des-Negres, Belen, Bainet;;Centre,Nippes,Ouest,Sud-Est;"";"";On-going food distribution is being provided to earthquake-affected schools run by The Salvation Army.  There are 30 schools that are receiving food support for students.  Earthquake affected schools include those in communities directly hit by the earthquake as well as those who are dealing with new students who were displaced by the earthquake.  The primary objectives include: 1) Provide nutritional support to vulnerable children, 2) Encourage school attendance   ;Bainet,Cerca La Source,Jacmel,Léogâne,Miragoâne,Port-au-Prince;"";694;Private donations;Bainet,Jacmel,Miragoâne,Petit-Goâve,Port-au-Prince,Thomasique;Food Aid;George Polarek;Education,Food Security and Agriculture;Assistant Director, SAWSO;SAWSO-HT-10-009;Salvation Army World Service Office;1) Provision of food monthly to a list of schools identified as earthquake-affected.  2) Help to establish or repair proper facilities for food preparation  ;9000;"";Prime awardee;Children;School Feeding Program;53735;2011-03-15;62;"";2011-01-07;"";The Salvation Army 
Haiti;"";2010-09-27;"";2010-04-29;Miami -- to Haiti;;Ouest;Diquini Hospital;"";Delivery of $447,933 worth of medical supplies, for International Relief & Development (IRD);Port-au-Prince;"";674;"";Port-au-Prince;Health;Niecy LoCricchio;Health;Director of Grants;CURE-HT-10-30916;PROJECT C.U.R.E.;"";18000;"";"";"";In-Kind Donations to International Relief & Development (IRD), #1;447933;2010-04-29;59;;"";"";International Relief & Development
India;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1996-01-01;"";;Meghalaya;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1402;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-IN-96-170177;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";East Khasi Hills Development Program;"";2018-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS;World Vision India
Haiti;"";2011-05-11;"";2005-09-01;"";;Ouest;In November of 2009 CHAI and SCMS partnered together and completed a national quantification for all commodities (ARVs, other drugs, RTKs, lab reagents and supplies) for the PMTCT program in collaboration with UNICEF and CHAI.  Established hypothesis, assumptions and targets for the next two years and ensured that all needs are within the allotted UNITAID budget for Haiti. In addition SCMS and CHAI have been working to develop a laboratory quantification tool.  This tool will permit quantification based on the units of distribution of laboratory supplies and on their aggregation into testing kits for more simplified usage and better stock management.  The modified tool was to be ready for testing by the end of January 2010.  There are no updates at this time. Fondation Sogebank, a Global Fund PR, has asked for PFSCM to submit a proposal for the provision of services for the storage and distribution of HIV/AIDS commodities.  The intention is for PFSCM to work with Sogebank in establishing a national supply chain system for these commodities that will eventually transition to the responsibility of the Haitian Government.  In collaboration with partners, primary activities could include: forecasting and supply planning, procurement, warehousing (dedicated Sogebank facility) and training and commissioning of the facility and all associated staff, and distribution.  Currently PFSCM is procuring commodities through the VPP mechanism for Sogebank.  ;US Agency for International Development (USAID), Centers for Disease Control, Ministry of Health, National Lab, COAG, MSH/SDSH, GF;The focus of the SCMS team in Haiti is the delivery of commodities to AIDS treatment sites, strengthening systems to manage HIV/AIDS commodities and improved data quality for forecasting and supply planning.  SMCS will continue to provide ongoing, local technical assistance to improve storage and distribution practices at treatment and care facilities. ;Port-au-Prince;"";518;US Agency for International Development (USAID);Delmas;Health;Uder Antoine;Health;"";MSH-HT-05-001;Management Sciences for Health (MSH);"Major activities include: (1) Capacity Building: Development of master trainers for the training of pharmacists, site managers and drug dispensers working in treatment centers on the techniques of logistics and stock management.  Quarterly workshops are taking place with 20-40 participants/session; (2) Warehousing: SCMS is the main buyer for lab supplies in Haiti, with responsibility for between 85-100 percent of the national need. To meet this need SCMS established a 1400 m sq warehouse in Port-au-Prince.  The warehouse uses an automated WMS tool; (3) Distribution: In 2006 distribution was to 12 sites. The network now includes more than 100 sites across the country. SCMS participated in finalizing the MOU between the Ministry of Health and Clinton Foundation to provide free 2nd-line ARVs to Haiti.  SCMS stores and distributes these medicines.";"";"";"";"";SCMS in Haiti: Disaster Relief and Ongoing Support for HIV/AIDS Programs;0;2013-09-30;46;;2011-05-11;"";Management Sciences for Health (MSH), GHESKIO, FOSREF, Aids Relief, POZ, Concerned Haitian Americans of Illinois (CHAI)
Nicaragua;foodsecurity_site;2010-08-16;"";2007-07-01;"";;Boaco;"";"";The project aims to improve the socioeconomic conditions of 128 impoverished families in the Nacascolo, La Cañada, Tierra Blanca and La Laguna communities, located in the municipality of San José de los Remates, Boaco. The aim is to increase income, improve nutrition and implement soil and water management techniques. Over three years, 32 model farms and 32 integrated farms will be established for a total of 64 participant families. Each community will receive three male Duroc or jersey hogs, 9 Creole hens and one cock.  An additional 64 families will benefit from “passing on the gift,” bringing the total to 128 families out of the 188 that currently live in the four communities.  The remaining population will be supported through training and technical support. Participants will also receive training, medicinal plants, vegetable seeds, fruit-bearing tree saplings and forest tree saplings. Project sustainability will be guaranteed through training of 64 promoters to continue formulating, negotiating and executing projects.;"";"";928;Private donations;"";Agriculture;Americas program;"";Americas program;HEFI-NI-07-23-1614-02;Heifer International;"";307;"";"";"";Alternative Food Sources in Dry Zones of 4 Rural Communities of the Municipality of San José de los Remates, Boaco;"";2012-06-30;34;"";"";"";Consejo de Iglesias Evangélicas Pro Alianza Denominación (CEPAD)
Niger;foodsecurity_site;2011-05-19;"";2011-02-28;"";;Diffa;"";"";"In response to a food crisis in Niger, short-term emergency relief is being provided to mitigate the country's food shortage and to alleviate the malnutrition situation and prevalence of associated diseases. Current health and nutrition interventions in Diffa Region in 2010 increase and expand support to the food security needs of the region.
";"";"";1914;US Agency for International Development (USAID);"";Agriculture,Disaster Management,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Food Aid,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Mark Holt;"";Director, Nutrition, Health and Humanitarian Services;CPINT-NE-11-001;Counterpart International;"Food Security Programming, Microenterprise, Maternal and Child Health and Nutrition (MCHN), Commodity Management,
";"";"";Prime Awardee;"";Title II Single-Year Activity (SYAP) - II;2140549;2011-12-31;25;;2011-05-19;"Gender, Nutrition, Climate Change
";Counterpart International
Haiti;"";1991-12-13;"";2010-03-10;"";;L'Artibonite;"";"";Container of medical supplies for Hôpital Albert Schweitzer Haiti (HAS);Saint-Marc;"";411;Private donations;Verettes;Health;Marisol Wandiga Valentin;Health;Program Officer;GLI-HT-10-016;Global Links;"";50000;"";"";Affected population(s);Hôpital Albert Schweitzer Haiti (HAS) Hospital Relief;59180;2010-06-30;30;;2011-04-26;"";Hôpital Albert Schweitzer Haiti (HAS)
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-06-01;"";2010-02-19;"";;Ouest,Sud-Est;"";"";WHI has started the food distribution this February 19th through WHH at Carrefour, Delmas 33, Signeau hospital, Help hospital, Jacmel delivering 448 food kits to the beneficiaries. Each kit contains 3 rice pots, 1,50 peas pots, 1 oil liter, 1 milk box of 900gr, 2 sardine boxes, 1 sugar bag. The two others partners are working now in order to fall into step with WHH. WHI plans to distribute 17,000 family food kits in two departments: West and South East. WHI in partnership with GENESHA, FONDAMIE and WHH has distributed to families in tent cities 23,500 bags of water of 58 small water bags each one in Léogâne, Delmas 40B (PV club), Delmas 75, Delmas 33 (Palais de l'art), Delmas 33 (Henfraza), Cité Soleil, Bicentenaire, Sartre (La couronne), Champ de Mars, Carrefour, Canapé-vert, Merger, Marianie, Stade Sylvio Cator, Signeau hospital, Jacmel.  This is communicated with the NFI cluster.;Croix-des-Bouquets,Jacmel,Léogâne,Port-au-Prince;"";749;Private donations;Carrefour,Croix-des Bouquets,Delmas,Jacmel,Kenscoff,Léogâne,Port-au-Prince;Food Aid;Larousse Ceus;Shelter and Non-Food Items;Country Director of Haiti;WH-HT-10-005;World Hope International;"";76500;"";Prime awardee;"";Food and Water Distribution;0;2010-09-01;73;;2011-04-28;"";World Hope International, GENESHA, FONDAMIE, WHH
Guatemala;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2010-02-01;"";;Alta Verapaz,El Quiché;"";JADE;The project aims to move families away from subsistence agriculture and help them to maximize the potential of their land, grow sustainable, nutritious and profitable crops, and generate livelihoods for themselves and for future generations. ;"";"";1007;Vitol Charitable Foundation;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development;John Kepner;"";Guatemala Country Director;MC-GT-10-002;Mercy Corps;"1) Sustainable land management: Demonstrating the importance of land planning and its benefits, training and support to assess the potential use of land and manage land accordingly, taking into account social, cultural and environmental concerns. This will include training in soil conservation practices, crop management techniques and making land use plans which allow farmers to better manage their farms; 2) Extensive training and technical assistance for groups of small scale farmers to enable them to increase the amount and quality of their produce. Training will include: effective organization of farmers' groups to enable collective production, manufacturing and production skills, product diversification, best practice in crop plantation to allow all year round production, diversity and management of crops and quality control during harvesting; 3) Assisting farmers to ensure that their surplus produce is of a high enough standard to sell, thus generating an income that will enable them to reinvest in their land, generate livelihoods and break the entrapment of their family in the vicious cycle of poverty.";31500;"";Prime awardee;Rural families who through a lack of a rural development plan are living in poverty and exclusion (41% of these in extreme poverty.);Secure and Productive Land for Indigenous Communities in Northern Guatemala CO-FI;"";2011-01-31;50;"";"";"";Mercy Corps 
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-07-30;"";2010-04-21;"";;Centre;"";"";"Objectif général : Améliorer les conditions de vie des foyers vulnérables des communautés rurales isolées du Haut Plateau Central
Objectif spécifique : Améliorer la sécurité alimentaire dans la zone dintervention en promouvant les productions locales et les associations de femmes.";Hinche;"";395;United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH);Hinche;Agriculture;Marianna Franco;Food Security and Agriculture;Program Development Manager;ACTED-HT-10-41 ANV;Friends of ACTED;"";800;"";"";Vulnerable people/populations;Development of Traditional Poultry Production;20875;2010-10-31;29;"";2010-12-20;"";Friends of ACTED
Haiti;"";2010-10-05;"";2010-05-12;"";"";"";"";"";Medical mission supplies;"";"";201;Private donations;"";Health;"";Health;"";BBF-HT-10-026;Brother's Brother Foundation;"";"";"";"";"";Medical Mission Trip # 16;32280;2010-06-12;17;"";"";"";Hope for Haiti Foundation
Haiti;"";2010-10-05;"";2010-04-08;"";"";"";"";"";Shoes;"";"";194;Private donations;"";Disaster Management;"";Shelter and Non-Food Items;"";BBF-HT-10-019;Brother's Brother Foundation;"";"";"";"";"";Container Shipment # 4;94840;2010-05-08;17;"";2011-01-25;"";Christian Aid Ministries
Honduras;foodsecurity_site;2010-08-16;"";2005-07-11;"";;Copán,Lempira;"";"";This project will help improve the lives of 1,100 indigenous and ladino farmer families in the western Honduras by increasing the availability of and access to nutritional food. Sale of surplus food will bring greater local food sovereignty and increase income. The project's first stage will benefit 550 families in 45 communities through distribution of 3,550 chickens, 280 roosters, 470 cows, 19 bulls and 2,000 fish. Each family will share with the community by passing on the gift of animals and technical knowledge as well as revived traditional practices.;"";"";918;Private donations;"";Agriculture;Americas program;"";Americas program;HEFI-HN-05-23-1500-02;Heifer International;"";2640;"";"";"";Food Sovereignty and Biodiversity in the Western Region;"";2012-06-30;34;"";"";"";Heifer Project International
Haiti;"";2010-09-27;"";2010-04-29;Miami -- to Haiti;;Ouest;"";"";Delivery of $652,085 worth of medical supplies, for International Relief & Development (IRD);Port-au-Prince;"";675;"";Port-au-Prince;Health;Niecy LoCricchio;Health;Director of Grants;CURE-HT-10-30917;PROJECT C.U.R.E.;"";18000;"";"";"";In-Kind Donations to International Relief & Development (IRD), #2;652085;2010-04-29;59;;"";"";International Relief & Development
Cambodia;foodsecurity_site;2010-09-07;"";2010-09-15;"";;Battambang,Kampong Chhnang,Kampong Speu,Kampong Thom,Kandal,Phnom Penh,Takeo;"";"";International Relief and Development (IRD) collaborates with Men Sarun Instant Noodle Factory to fortify 400,000 packages of the company's Mee Khmer Yeung instant noodles. The noodles will be fortified with a complete range of vitamins and minerals – including vitamin A, B vitamins, iron, zinc, and folic acid – at levels suitable for daily feeding under World Vision's home-based care program. IRD US will provide Men Sarun with training and quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) monitoring to ensure World Vision a product that meets quality expectations. This will include specific trainings on hygiene and sanitation, as well as QA/QC. Furthermore, IRD US will manage the process of laboratory testing products to ensure appropriate and safe fortificant dosing. ;"";"";969;World Vision;"";Health;Tanja Pavlovic;Nutrition;Program Officer;IRD-KH-10-09056;International Relief & Development;"IRD work closely with Men Sarun to fortify its existing Mee Khmer Yeung noodle product. IRD handles the procurement of appropriate fortificants. Prior to the initiation of fortification activities, IRD  provided Men Sarun management and line staff with refresher trainings in the following areas: (1) hygiene and sanitation; (2) quality assurance/quality control; and (3) the fortification process.";"";"";Subawardee;People living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA), Orphans and vulnerable children (OVC);Provision of Fortified Noodles;"";2011-09-14;41;;"";Nutrition;International Relief & Development
Haiti;"";2010-12-15;"";2011-01-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";The project supports the YWCA Haiti in providing children and youth with psychosocial support, leadership development, and educational activities.;Port-au-Prince;"";731;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Education,Health,Protection;Melissa Crutchfield;"";Assistant General Secretary, International Disaster Response;UMCOR-HT-10-418325-14;United Methodist Committee on Relief;"";60;"";Prime awardee;Children, Girls, Youth;YWCA Haiti Children and Young Women's Program;10000;2011-06-30;67;"";2011-01-27;Mental health/Psychosocial support;YWCA Haiti
Haiti;"";2011-02-09;"";2011-02-10;"";"";"";"";"";Food for the Poor has 5 orphanages and supports many more;"";"";1624;Private donations;"";Protection;"";"";"";FFP-HT-10-009;Food for the Poor;"";"";"";"";Children;Orphanages;0;2011-12-12;85;"";2011-02-09;"";Food for the Poor
Haiti;"";1991-12-14;"";2010-11-16;"";;Centre,L'Artibonite,Nord,Ouest;4/20/11 Latrines have been built.  Starting phase two with wells;"";Education campaign, water treatment, drilling wells;Dessalines,Gonaïves,Hinche,Limbé,Mirebalais,Plaisance,Port-au-Prince;"";170;International Donors,U.S. Donors;Bas Limbé,Carrefour,Cité Soleil,Desdunes,Ennery,Gonaïves,Hinche,Mirebalais,Pilate;Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Paul Montacute;Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;BWAid Director;BWA-HT-10-003;Baptist World Alliance / Baptist World Aid;"";"";"";"";"";Haiti Baptist Response to the Outbreak of Cholera;80000;2011-12-31;15;;2011-04-20;"";Baptist Convention of Haiti
Haiti;"";2011-04-11;"";2010-08-01;"";;Grand'Anse,L'Artibonite,Nippes,Nord,Nord-Ouest,Ouest,Sud,Sud-Est;"";Association of Christian Health Institutions of Haiti (AISCH) Facilities ;"Supply partner facilities Diflucan for HIV patients
";Cap-Haïtien,Gonaïves,Grande-Rivière-du-Nord,Jacmel,Jérémie,Miragoâne,Port-au-Prince,Port-de-Paix,Saint-Marc,l'Acul-du-Nord,les Cayes;"";1705;Pharmaceutical company(ies);Cap-Haïtien,Cayes,Gonaïves,Grand Rivière du Nord,Jacmel,Jérémie,Milot,Miragoâne,Port-au-Prince,Port-de-Paix,Verettes;Health;Ann Varghese;"";HQ Program Officer;IMA-HT-10-009 ;IMA World Health;"";3002;"";"";Women, Children, Men ;In-Kind Donation of Diflucan ;569412;2011-08-01;37; ;2011-04-11;"";IMA World Health 
Burkina Faso;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2006-01-01;"";;Houet;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1080;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-BF-06-BF14;The Hunger Project;"";22544;"";"";"";Yeguèresso Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
";;Ouest,Sud-Est;"";"";"Meal shipments for school feeding programs, orphanages, clinics
";Jacmel,Port-au-Prince;"";1662;Private donations;Jacmel,Kenscoff,Port-au-Prince;Education,Food Aid,Health;Rick Kearney;Education,Food Security and Agriculture,Health,Nutrition;Distribution Coordinator;STOP-HT-11-St.Joseph Family;Stop Hunger Now;"";600;"";"";Affected population(s);Meal Shipments to St. Joseph Family Orphanage;71280;2011-12-31;65;;2011-03-17;"";St. Joseph Family Orphanage
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-11-01;"";;Nord;"";"";Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment;Cap-Haïtien;"";1832;Private donations;Cap-Haïtien;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-1374;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Action and Solidarity Against Poverty;66262;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";Action and Solidarity Against Poverty
Haiti;"";2010-10-05;"";2010-01-15;"";"";"";"";"";Medical mission supplies;"";"";182;Private donations;"";Health;"";Health;"";BBF-HT-10-007;Brother's Brother Foundation;"";"";"";"";"";Medical Mission Trip # 3;79728;2010-04-18;17;"";"";"";Haitian-American Care, Inc. (HACI)
Peru;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2000-01-01;"";;Cusco;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1474;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Protection,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-PE-00-173468;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Calca Development Program;"";2016-01-01;76;"";"";"";World Vision Peru
Brazil;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2007-01-01;"";;Alagoas;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1288;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-BR-07-177988;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Mandacaru Development Program;"";2018-01-01;76;"";"";Nutrition, HIV/AIDS;World Vision Brazil
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1986-01-01;"";;Dhaka;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1269;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-BD-86-100734;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Kamalapur Development Program;"";2018-01-01;76;"";"";Nutrition, HIV/AIDS;World Vision Bangladesh
Haiti;"";2010-10-01;"";2010-01-13;"";"";"";"";"";The vital needs for drinking water and basic emergency sanitation facilities of affected population are covered, and their capacity to enforce satisfying basic hygiene practices have been enhanced. Immediate basics needs of affected households are covered through cash for work activities and cash grant distributions. Affected households have received support for shelter set-up through hygiene kits  and vouchers distribution.;"";"";7;Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA);"";Water Sanitation and Hygiene;"";Food Security and Agriculture,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;"";AAH-HT-10-HAB2SA;Action Against Hunger;"Production of drinking water, use of emergency water treatment stations                                                                                                                                                                            Water transport to affected zones in water trucks or adapted vehicles 
Community distribution points through bladders, distribution ramps or containers 
Selection of 10,000 beneficiaries involved in CFW activities 
Distribution of tools to 10,000 CFW beneficiaries
Cleaning public area through cash for work
Selection of 5,000 beneficiaries involved in cash grants activities based on vulnerability criteria 
Distribution of cash grants to the 5,000 beneficiaries
Definition of what should be in the hygiene/tools kits
Definition of the beneficiaries selection criteria
Definition of the process and location of kits distribution
Selection of the households volunteering to share tool kits to clean their houses
Beneficiaries registration
Distribution of the various kits to 20,000 families
Post distribution monitoring";100000;"";"";"";Emergency Response to the Affected Population following the Earthquake in the area of Port-au-Prince;2000000;2010-10-10;2;"";"";"";Action Against Hunger
Haiti;"";1991-12-20;"";2010-09-01;"";;Ouest;"";Save the Children;Habitat for Humanity International is supporting the American Red Cross Haiti Assistance Program in meeting the immediate and long-term shelter needs of earthquake-affected families.  Reduce vulnerability and improve the safety and health of households in need by providing transitional shelter that bridges the gap between relief and reconstruction.;Léogâne;"";422;American Red Cross;Léogâne;Shelter and Housing;Kate Pearson;Shelter and Non-Food Items,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Director - Strategic Partnerships, Haiti;HFHI-HT-10-002;Habitat for Humanity International;"";10000;"";"";Affected population(s);Haiti Assistance Program - Transitional Shelter Project;7600080;2011-08-30;31;;2011-02-04;"";Habitat for Humanity International
";;Western;"";"";"The aim of this project is to reduce the vulnerability of Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) and their families in Mongu district.  The project will target over 700 OVCs in rural parts of the district with different types of support. The main activities under this project will include; mapping the stakeholders providing support to OVCs and linking children to those services (through referrals); training in life skills (sexual and reproductive health, interpersonal relationships); training parents/guardians and child mentors in child counselling.  Other activities will include provision of educational materials, support formation of school child protection clubs as well as training in business entrepreneurship skills as well as provision of capital to start Income Generating Activities.  Awareness campaigns on the needs of OVCs including their rights will be conducted with families and the broader community members including the traditional leadership. This project therefore will endeavour to provide a comprehensive OVC package and increase impact on their livelihoods. Care and support to OVC will be integrated with prevention aspects.
";"";"";1927;Czech Development Agency (CzDA);"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health;Kenneth Oyik;"";Area Project Coordinator;CONW-ZM-11-003;Concern Worldwide;"";4200;"";Sub Awardee;PLWHA, Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC);Reducing Vulnerability for OVCs though Livelihoods and Education (Revolve);0;2013-12-31;87;;2011-05-19;"";Young Womens Christian Association (YWCA)
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";1999-01-01;"";;Dhaka;"";"";THP works at the Union level to (a) mobilize the population for self-reliant action, including forming producer co-operatives and other income generating enterprises, (b) build civil society from the bottom up - creating people's organization of women, youth, elders, girl-child advocates, and the poorest of the poor, (c) strengthen local democracy, (d) ensure adequate facilities for achieving the MDGs, (e) organize mass action campaigns for health, nutrition, education, clean water and sanitation.;"";"";1233;Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID),British Council,Private donations;"";Agriculture,Education,Health,Human Rights Democracy and Governance,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;John Coonrod;"";Executive Vice President;THP-BD-99-527;The Hunger Project;"";20000;"";"";"";Baharpur Mobilization;"";2100-12-31;83;"";"";"";The Hunger Project
Cameroon;foodsecurity_site;2011-05-19;"";2008-09-30;"";;Nord-Ouest;"";NASCENT Solutions;"Increase school enrollment, attendance, and the health and nutritional status of children, particularly girls, in the highly underserved Bui Division of Northwest Cameroon by: serving daily hot lunches and take-home food rations to school children; de-worming all primary school children; developing a health and nutrition curricula; implementing school garden projects; building and installing latrines, performing growth monitoring for children under 5; and building the capacity of communities in order to sustain the implemented projects.
";"";"";1917;US Department of Agriculture (USDA);"";"";Mark Holt;"";Director, Nutrition, Health and Humanitarian Services;CPINT-CM-08-001;Counterpart International;"Food Security Programming, Maternal and Child Health and Nutrition (MCHN), Commodity Management, Gender Equality and Mainstreaming,
";"";"";Prime Awardee;"";McGovern-Dole International Food for Education and Child Nutrition Program;5469972;2011-12-31;25;;2011-05-19;"Gender, Nutrition
";Counterpart International
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-15;"";2004-06-15;Pestel;,;Grand'Anse;"";"";Provision of ready-to-use therapeutic food (RUTF) to implementing partners.;Corail;"";584;"";Pestel;Health;Tom Stehl, Maryse Sterlin;Health,Nutrition;Coordinator of Operations, Haiti Administrator;MFK-HT-10-032;Meds & Food for Kids;"";"";"";"";Malnourished children;Community Management of Acute Malnutrition - Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church;0;2011-12-12;77;"";2011-04-11;"";Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2011-03-14;"";2011-01-01;"";;Centre,Ouest,Sud-Est;The poultry component (Jan 2011-Jan 2013) is expected to benefit 100 people and is taking place in the communes of Jacmel, Leogane, Croix-des-Bouquets, Thomazeau, Arcahaie, and Kenscoff. The goat raising component (Jan 2011 - Jan 2013) will benefit 1,100 people in La Valle, Bainet, Jacmel, Leogane, Petit-Goave, Grand-Goave, Hinche, Thomonde, and Maissade. The coffee restoration sub-component will benefit 300 people in Thiotte, Belle Anse and Grand Gossier and the fruit tree production sub-component 500 people in Hinche, Thomonde, Leogane and Jacmel. Both agro-forestry sub-components began in Jan 2011 and will end Jan 2014.;Christianville, Hinche Agriculture School, ACVIDAD, AJCT, OTKM, COOPKAP;World Relief will assist farmers who were directly and indirectly affected by the earthquake to recover livelihoods and generate sustainable employment. This project aims to improve production practices and technology, strengthen existing farmer associations, improve access to capital for farmers, upgrade agricultural value chains, and support the marketing of agricultural products. The project consists of three components: poultry production, goat raising and agro-forestry (which has two sub-components: coffee and fruit tree production).;Bainet,Belle-Anse,Croix-des-Bouquets,Hinche,Jacmel,Léogâne,Port-au-Prince,l'Arcahaie;"";1652;"Christian & Missionary Alliance (CAMA),Netherland Reformed Church (NRC),Tearfund Belgium";Arcahaie,Bainet,Belle-Anse,Croix-des Bouquets,Grand-Gosier,Grand-Goâve,Hinche,Jacmel,Kenscoff,La Vallée,Léogâne,Maïssade,Petit-Goâve,Thiotte,Thomazeau,Thomonde;Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development;John O'Kelley;"";Haiti Country Director;WR-HT-11-740;World Relief;Poultry: Broilers and egg production, installing a hatchery, feed production, training and technical assistance. This component involves installing a hatchery for chicks production, providing loans to the farmers for poultry restoration, and installing the infrastructure for concentrate production in the country. Goat raising: Breeding, forage production, goat housing, training and technical assistance. This component will provide local goats to beneficiaries, will cross these goats with purebred buck for improving the stock, and provide technical assistance for establishing forages for the animals. Agro-Forestry System: Coffee and fruit tree production, training and technical assistance. For coffee restoration, farmers will be provided the necessary inputs, like improved seed, bags, tools, as well as technical assistance. Under the fruit tree sub-component, fruit grafted plants will be provided for establishing these plants combined with annual crops as alley crop.;2000;"";"";Small farmers, Small and medium poultry enterprises, Small coffee farmers, Women in rural areas;Agriculture and Livestock Restoration;900000;2014-01-01;75;;2011-03-17;Gender, Environment;World Relief
Philippines;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-13;"";2010-01-01;"";;Pampanga;"";"";"Among the rural communities, diseases such as cholera, malaria and HIV/AIDS, poor nutrition and high rates of poverty present major social problems in Zimbabwe. The current political climate has left many communities unable to cope as they have in the past.  Food shortages and high inflation has left many people vulnerable and desperate for new ways to increase their income. The Diocese of Masvingo aims to improve the living standard of the poor and the vulnerable in both urban and rural centers by imparting skills for entrepreneurship development in order to increase household incomes and nutrition. The skills training will focus on unskilled and disadvantaged women and will occur in 4 centers; St. Francis (Shurugwi rural), St Peter Mutoredzanwa, Munyaradzi and St Michael (Buhera). These trainings include dressmaking, piggery, chicken rearing and peanut butter making.  To further improve the living standard of the community, an integrated primary health program has been established which works to promote primary health care in communities through provision of information, education and communication (I.E.C.). The program will continue to conduct advocacy for HIV and AIDS, provide training for the care of those afflicted and participate in the NetsforLife malaria prevention partnership.";"";"";836;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Health;Matt St. John;"";Program Officer;ERD-PH-10-005;Episcopal Relief & Development;"";726;"";"";Farmers;2010 EDS Inter-Coop Organic Farming Promotion Project;"";2010-12-31;27;;"";"";The Episcopal Church in the Philippines
India;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2011-03-28;"";;Karnataka;"";"";Build the capacity of elected women representatives (EWRs) in the gram panchayats (GPs) as key change agents for ending hunger and poverty. Strengthen the GPs and increase people's participation in development through Gram Sabha mobilization. Build block-level federations of EWRs to empower them to interface effectively with government programs.;"";"";1174;SKL International,United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM);"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Human Rights Democracy and Governance;John Coonrod;"";Executive Vice President;THP-IN-xx-IN-KA-1;The Hunger Project;"";0;"";"";"";Aurad EWR Empowerment;0;2011-12-12;83;"";2011-03-28;"";The Hunger Project
Haiti;"";1991-12-09;"";2010-04-01;Cazeau;;Ouest;"";"";To support St. Francois de Sales hospital with a transitional hospital facility while they rebuild their new hospital.;Port-au-Prince;"";146;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Health;Donna Porstner;Health;Communications Manager;ACARE-HT-10-125-1009-705;AmeriCares;"";60000;"";"";"";Transitional Field Hospital;345921;2014-01-30;11;"";2011-04-22;"";Catholic Relief Services (CRS), St. Francois de Sales Hospital
United Republic of Tanzania;foodsecurity_site;2011-04-07;"";2004-01-01;""; ;Kilimanjaro,Tanga;The project budget represents Plant With Purpose's current annual contribution to Floresta Tanzania.;Floresta Tanzania ;"Plant With Purposes Tanzania program has seen unprecedented growth since we began working there in 2004. Traditionally, when families need farmland and fuel wood for cooking or heating, they have resorted to cutting down trees in Tanzanias original forests. Plant With Purpose works with 22 communities in the regions surrounding Mount Kilimanjaro to create alternatives to deforestation, and share the tools needed to replenish the land and improve lives. Over 850 families have created family vegetable gardens and collectively planted over 357,428 trees in farming and reforestation efforts. 

";"";"";1713;Foundations,Private donations;"";Agriculture,Environment;Doug Satre ;"";Development Director ;PLANT-TZ-04-TZ ;Plant With Purpose;"";1800;"";Prime awardee;Farmers, Rural communities ;Floresta Tanzania ;400000;2011-12-31;58; ;2011-04-07;"";Plant With Purpose 
Haiti;"";1991-07-30;"";2010-01-15;"";;Ouest;"";"";"To provide emergency relief to earthquake-affected populations in Haiti.
1. Earthquake-affected population have access to water and sanitation facilities and improved hygiene practices.
2. Earthquake-affected population benefit from improved emergency accommodation and living conditions.
3. Earthquake-affected populations benefit from rapid access to cash to resume their normal lives.";Léogâne,Port-au-Prince;"";387;ECHO;Léogâne,Port-au-Prince;Economic Recovery and Development,Shelter and Housing,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Marianna Franco;Shelter and Non-Food Items,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Program Development Manager;ACTED-HT-10-41 ALS 28X;Friends of ACTED;"";21800;"";"";Affected population(s);Provision of Emergency Relief to Earthquake Affected Populations # 4;1401093;2010-07-14;29;"";1991-12-20;Disaster risk reduction (DRR);Friends of ACTED
Ethiopia;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-13;"";2010-06-01;""; or;Addis Ababa;In 2010, IYCN developed and began testing the Nutritional Impact Assessment (NIA) tool. This tool targets planners of agricultural interventions who may not have specific nutritional objectives but who want to ensure that their project does not have any negative nutritional impacts. After further testing and refinement in 2011, IYCN will promote the tool both within USAID and with external organizations. As part of its promotion of the NIA tool, IYCN will provide technical assistance to organizations that incorporate the tool into their planning process.;Development Alternatives Inc.;"Objectives: 1. To maximize the nutritional benefits of agricultural interventions.
2. To reduce the frequency of negative nutritional impacts resulting from agricultural interventions.
";"";"";1030;US Agency for International Development (USAID);"";Agriculture,Health;Tom Schaetzel;"";Technical Director;PATH-ET-10-001;PATH;"• Develop program guidance for the design of agricultural interventions for improved nutritional impact.
• Assist collaborating institutions in implementing the guidance for the design of agricultural interventions achieving maximum nutritional impact.
• Test, refine, and extend the Nutritional Impact Assessment tool.
• Guide collaborating institutions in the use of the Nutritional Impact Assessment tool.
• Promote the “keyhole” approach with mothers' support groups.
• Document impact on dietary diversity of integration of nutrition into urban gardening activities in Ethiopia.
";"";"";PATH;Small landowning households, households selling labor, female-headed households, socially excluded households (ethnicity, caste, occupation), households with chronically ill head;The Infant and Young Child Nutrition (IYCN) Project: Maximizing the Nutritional Benefits of Agriculture Production;"";2011-09-30;81;;"";Gender, Nutrition;PATH, CARE, the Manoff Group, the University Research Co. LLC
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-15;"";2004-06-15;Port-au-Prince;,;Ouest;"";"";Provision of ready-to-use therapeutic food (RUTF) to implementing partners. Volunteers from Sinai Hospital in Baltimore identify and treat malnourished children at the Hôpital Adventiste d'Haiti.;Port-au-Prince;"";556;On His Path;Port-au-Prince;Health;Tom Stehl, Maryse Sterlin;Health,Nutrition;Coordinator of Operations, Haiti Administrator;MFK-HT-10-003;Meds & Food for Kids;"";"";"";"";Malnourished children;Community Management of Acute Malnutrition - Team Sinai;0;2011-12-12;77;"";2011-04-11;"";Team Sinai
Ghana;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2002-01-01;"";;Volta;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1172;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-GH-02-GH54;The Hunger Project;"";10923;"";"";"";Yordan-Adomi;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Haiti;"";2010-10-01;"";2010-07-13;"";"";Ouest;"";"";"";Port-au-Prince;"";9;Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA);Port-au-Prince;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;"";Food Security and Agriculture,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;"";AAH-HT-10-HAF7SA;Action Against Hunger;"Production of drinking water, use of emergency water treatment stations 
Water transport to affected zones in water trucks or adapted vehicles
Community distribution points with bladders, distribution ramps or containers
Rehabilitation/repair/equipment of existing facilities (boreholes, networks, wells, sources, reservoirs, etc.)
Provision of materials to the population for water transport and storage
Implementation of an emergency sanitation system
Implementation/construction/rehabilitation of sanitation facilities 
Collection and depositing of emptied sludge (pumping/tractors)
Collection of solid waste
Provision of family hygiene kits and recipients (in line with the “WASH cluster” sector coordination recommendations and adapted to the local context with the ACFs knowledge of and experience in Haiti)
Provision of home-based water treatment systems (chlorine filters, etc.)
Hygiene education surrounding drinking water, sanitation and hand washing";"";"";"";"";Emergency response to the affected population following the earthquake of January 12th, 2010 in the area of Port-au-Prince, Haiti;2682000;2010-12-31;2;"";"";"";Action Against Hunger
Liberia;foodsecurity_site;2010-09-07;"";2010-06-23;"";;"";"";"";Support for school feeding and fortified soy beverage product development;"";"";982;US Department of Agriculture (USDA);"";Education,Food Aid;David Prettyman;"";Deputy Director, SFAS;IRD-LR-10-10015;International Relief & Development;"";"";"";Prime awardee;"";Food for Education/McGovern Dole - Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS);0;2014-05-31;41;;2011-02-16;Nutrition;International Relief & Development
Haiti;"";2010-10-05;"";2010-07-01;"";"";Ouest;"";"";Demolish & rebuild water tower on grounds of Faculte des Sciences Infirmiere I'Universite Episcopale d'Haite (MBF nursing school) in Léogâne.;Léogâne;"";176;Private donations;Léogâne;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;"";Water Sanitation and Hygiene;"";BBF-HT-10-001;Brother's Brother Foundation;"";"";"";"";"";Water Tower;0;2011-03-31;17;"";2011-05-12;"";Medical Benevolence Foundation (MBF)
Haiti;"";2010-11-02;"";2010-10-22;""; ;Ouest;"";"";"Merlin is supporting three cholera treatment units in Port-au-Prince, at Baboen, Turbe and Caravelle to provide medical observation, first line treatment and referral for patients presenting with diarrhoea. Merlin also operates a 24-hour ambulance system to support referrals to cholera treatment centres.   
";Croix-des-Bouquets,Port-au-Prince;"";546;Emergency Response Relief Fund for Haiti (OCHA/ERRF);Croix-des Bouquets,Delmas,Port-au-Prince;Health;Léa Gibert;Health;Operations Coordinator;MERLIN-HT-10-004;Medical Emergency Relief International, UK (Merlin);"";40000;"";"";"";Cholera Response (Port-au-Prince);0;2011-04-17;48;"";2011-05-17;"";Medical Emergency Relief International, UK (Merlin) 
Haiti;"";2010-09-27;"";2010-09-10;Port-au-Prince;;Ouest;Port-au-Prince;"";Delivery of $70,778 worth of medical supplies, for Partners in Health;Port-au-Prince;"";677;"";Port-au-Prince;Health;Niecy LoCricchio;Health;Director of Grants;CURE-HT-10-21009;PROJECT C.U.R.E.;"";9000;"";"";"";In-Kind Donations to Partners in Health for the University Hospital (HUEH), #5;70778;2010-09-10;59;;"";"";Partners in Health
Haiti;"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";This project prevents disability following serious injuries and to optimise the recovery capacity of the persons with a new disability through the provision of physical rehabilitation, medical and surgical services.  The project provides treatment to individuals with severe injuries and referrals and consultations for surgeries. CBM is also training nurses to treat people with severe injuries to fill the deficit of trained physiotherapists.  2000 people with severe injuries will be served through this work.;"";"";272;CBM Member Association,Government of Germany;"";Health;"";"";"";CBM-HT-10-006;Christian Blind Mission;"";2000;"";"";People with disabilities, Affected population(s);Rehabilitation Hospital Care;"";"";22;"";"";Disability;""
Haiti;"";2010-09-27;"";2010-03-15;Milot;;Nord;Milot;"";Delivery of $127,920 worth of medical supplies and equipment for Hopital Sacre Coeur via Royal Carribean;l'Acul-du-Nord;"";670;"";Milot;Health;Niecy LoCricchio;Health;Director of Grants;CURE-HT-10-20927;PROJECT C.U.R.E.;"";18000;"";"";"";In-Kind Donations to  Hospital Sacre Couer;127920;2010-03-15;59;;"";"";Hopital Sacre Coeur
Haiti;"";2011-02-15;"";2011-01-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";Capacity-building project in Haiti;"";"";1634;Medtronic Foundation;"";Health;Agron Ferati;"";Director, Program Development;IMC-HT-11-1743;International Medical Corps;Continuing medical education trainings ;"";"";Prime awardee;"";Continuing Medical Education;0;2011-12-31;39;;2011-02-17;"";International Medical Corps
Haiti;"";1991-09-24;"";2010-11-01;"";;Ouest;"";Best friends Animal Society, Christian Veterinary Missions;Working with vets and pack animal owners to improve the care for these animals.;Croix-des-Bouquets;"";459;Private donations;Croix-des Bouquets;Economic Recovery and Development;Christopher Broughton-Bossong;Education,Health;Haiti Program Coordinator;HSI-HT-10-003;Humane Society International;Working with Haitian veterinarians to provide owner education and animal care to pack animals at markets throughout the country and providing attainable and sustainable care advisements.;"";"";"";Animal owners, Veterinarians;Equine Care Outreach;165000;2014-05-15;36;;2011-01-11;Animal welfare;Humane Society International
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;"";"";2006-06-01;"";;Rajshahi;"";"";Weekly meetings of Savings and Learning Groups of between 12 and 20 people as a vehicle for micro-savings-based food security and micro-enterprise, WASH education, health education, community development and long-term formation of participant-led community development institutions. Groups are single-gender settings to meet the needs of cultural norms in Bangladesh, but teach skills for healthy social interaction and values for good relationships. Groups are self-led and facilitated by FH Staff, with direct contact one half day per group per week.;"";"";848;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Lucas Shindeldecker;"";Food Security Program Officer;FH-BD-06-BANFCT020028;Food for the Hungry;"";15760;"";"";"";Family and Community Transformation (FCT) # 8;"";2019-12-31;28;;"";Gender, Capacity building;""
Honduras;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1995-01-01;"";;Intibucá;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1390;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-HN-95-169940;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";San Isidro Development Program;"";2018-01-01;76;"";"";Nutrition;World Vision Honduras
Democratic Republic of the Congo;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2010-03-01;"";;Sud-Kivu;"";"";Undertaking and supervising the activities of a project for emergency school feeding of primary school children, cooks, and teachers, and ensures the storage, handling, and distribution of commodities provided. ;"";"";1576;World Food Program (WFP);"";Education,Food Aid;Carlos Piedrasanta;"";RDM Operations Deputy, IPG, World Vision US;WV-CD-10-193424;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) - North Kivu;"";2010-12-31;76;"";"";"";World Vision DR Congo
Ghana;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2002-01-01;"";;Volta;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1169;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-GH-02-GH51;The Hunger Project;"";6577;"";"";"";Tokome Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Bolivia;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2001-01-01;"";;La Paz;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1274;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Education,Health,Protection,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-BO-01-175143;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Chijchipani Entre Rios Development Program;"";2011-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS;World Vision Bolivia
Sudan;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2009-10-01;"";;Blue Nile,Kassala;"";"";"Improve livelihoods in Kassala and Blue Nile states in Sudan. The project aims to improve household food security and to reduce morbidity and mortality due to water-borne diseases through improved crop and livestock production techniques; increased/improved access to safe water, latrines, and sanitation facilities; and improved hygiene among households and schools in the target communities.";"";"";1598;Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA);"";Agriculture,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Carlos Piedrasanta;"";RDM Operations Deputy, IPG, World Vision US;WV-SD-09-192050;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Kassala and Blue Nile State Integrated Recovery Project;"";2010-12-31;76;"";"";"";World Vision Sudan
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-03-03;"";;Ouest;"";"";Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment;Léogâne;"";1841;Private donations;Léogâne;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-8920;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Leogane Nursing School;741429;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";Leogane Nursing School
El Salvador;foodsecurity_site;2011-05-11;"";2011-01-01;"2nd Admin: San Pedro Masahuat
"; ;La Paz;"";INSAFORP, Red de Grupos Asociativos (REDGA), US Chamber of Commerce, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry for Social Inclusion ;"The goal of this program is to increase family income through the economic and social empowerment of poor and vulnerable women. Key objectives include: improving the knowledge and skills related to marketing, business and finance; improving value chains for poultry and local sweets women's cooperatives; and increasing the capacity of women entrepreneurs to negotiate and advocate to meet their business and family needs. 
";"";"";1787;"";"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development;Kristi Tabaj ;"";Senior Specialist, Child Hunger and Agriculture ;STC-SV-11-84050268 ;Save the Children;"";3000;"";Prime Awardee ;Women;Latin America Women's Initiative ;407845;2012-12-31;63;"";2011-05-11;"Gender
";Save the Children US  
Haiti;"";2011-01-11;"";2011-01-11;"";"";Ouest;Providing save water, sanitation and hygiene promotion;"";Cholera response;Léogâne,Port-au-Prince;"";776;"";Carrefour,Léogâne;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;"";"";"";CARE-HT-10-14;CARE;Water, Sanitation & Hygiene;"";"";"";Cholera affected population;Carrefour & Leogane - Cholera Response;0;2011-01-31;19;"";2011-01-20;"";""
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-12-15;"";2010-02-06;Cité Soleil;;Ouest;"";"";Shipped meals, tents, food, medicine;Port-au-Prince;"";711;Private donations;Cité Soleil;Food Aid,Health,Shelter and Housing;Rick Kearney;Health,Nutrition,Shelter and Non-Food Items;Distribution Coordinator;STOP-HT-10-HOM;Stop Hunger Now;"";982680;"";"";Affected population(s);In-Kind Donations to Haiti Outreach Ministries;283918;2010-10-31;65;;"";"";Haiti Outreach Ministries
Chile;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1991-01-01;"";;Araucanía;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1303;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Protection,Shelter and Housing;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-CL-91-167398;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Cedes Saltapura Development Program;"";2015-01-01;76;"";"";"";World Vision Chile
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-15;"";2004-06-15;Les Cayes;,;Sud;"";"";Provision of ready-to-use therapeutic food (RUTF) to implementing partners.;les Cayes;"";588;"";Cayes;Health;Tom Stehl, Maryse Sterlin;Health,Nutrition;Coordinator of Operations, Haiti Administrator;MFK-HT-10-036;Meds & Food for Kids;"";"";"";"";Malnourished children;Community Management of Acute Malnutrition - Terre des Hommes;0;2011-12-12;77;"";2011-04-11;"";Terre des Hommes
United Republic of Tanzania;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2003-01-01;"";;Arusha;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1519;Private donations;"";Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-TZ-03-175841;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Kisongo Development Program;"";2017-01-01;76;"";"";"";World Vision Tanzania
Ghana;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2008-01-01;"";;Eastern;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1127;The Robertson Foundation;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-GH-08-GH9;The Hunger Project;"";5000;"";"";"";Akpo-Akpamu Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Haiti;"";2010-09-23;"";2010-02-05;"Nazon, Fort National
";;Ouest;"";CHF International, Community based organizations (CBOs);This two year program is designed to facilitate early recovery efforts for families within areas of Port-au-Prince who have suffered catastrophic personal and material losses following the earthquake of January 2010. Its focus is on injecting cash into the local economy through cash-for-work activities, and stimulating local business recovery, that benefits both the immediate recipients, and stimulates economic activity as a whole. The program also aims to enable individuals and families to stay on their own land and property (and avoid relocation to camps for the displaced) by providing shelter materials and building repair assistance, as well as water collection and sanitation facilities, thereby enabling a swifter recovery period than would otherwise be possible if displacement had occurred.;Port-au-Prince;"";738;Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA);Delmas;Economic Recovery and Development,Shelter and Housing;Christon Domond;Shelter and Non-Food Items;Country Director;WC-HT-10-5080;World Concern;"Cash-for-Work (CFW), shelter, infrastructure repair, livelihood grants
";20000;"";Prime Awardee;Affected population(s);Haiti Earthquake Response (HEAR);6701785;2011-10-05;71;;2011-04-26;Livelihoods;World Concern
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-15;"";2004-06-15;Limbé;,;Nord;"";"";Provision of ready-to-use therapeutic food (RUTF) to implementing partners.;Limbé;"";576;Private donations;Limbé;Health;Tom Stehl, Maryse Sterlin;Health,Nutrition;Coordinator of Operations, Haiti Administrator;MFK-HT-10-024;Meds & Food for Kids;"";"";"";"";Malnourished children;Community Management of Acute Malnutrition - St. John's Catholic Hospital of Limbé;0;2011-12-12;77;"";2011-04-11;"";St. John's Catholic Hospital of Limbé
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-09-27;"";2010-03-16;Hinche, Thomonde, Boucan-Carré, Thomassique, Cerca La Source, Cerca-Carvajal, Anse-à-Galets, Pointe-à-Raquette, Saut-d'Eau, Mirebalais, Lascahobas, Savanette, Verrettes, Petite Rivière de l'Artibonite, Dessalines, Maïssade, Cap-Haïtien;;Centre,L'Artibonite,Nord,Ouest;"";"";Increase the food available to vulnerable populations, including pregnant and lactating women, infants, and children, as well as help begin the long process of rebuilding damaged or destroyed infrastructure and restoring livelihoods.;Cap-Haïtien,Cerca La Source,Dessalines,Hinche,La Gonave,Lascahobas,Mirebalais,Saint-Marc;"";761;US Agency for International Development (USAID);Anse-à-Galets,Boucan-Carré,Cap-Haïtien,Cerca La Source,Cerca-Carvajal,Dessalines,Hinche,Lascahobas,Maïssade,Mirebalais,Petite Rivière de l'Artibonite,Pointe-à-Raquette,Saut-d'Eau,Savanette,Thomasique,Thomonde,Verettes;Food Aid;Amy Knorr;Food Security and Agriculture;Haiti Country Program Manager, World Vision US;WV-HT-10-003;World Vision US, Inc.;"";"";"";"";Vulnerable populations, Pregnant and nursing women, Children;Food Assistance (SYAP 2010);"";2011-03-15;76;"";"";"";Samaritans Purse
Haiti;"";2010-09-13;"";2010-02-01;"";;Ouest;"";Parish of St. Mattheiu in Mattieu, Parish of Annunciation in Darbonne, Parish of Ascension de Thor in Carrefour, Parish of St. Marc in Trouin, Mission of Petit Harpon, Parish of Ste. Croix in Léogâne-ville, Parish of St. Etienne in Buteau, Parish of Epiphanie in L'Acul, Parish of St. Matthias in Grande Colline;"Prior to January 2010, approximately half the population of Haiti did not have access to appropriate human waste technology.  Early in the response phase, Episcopal Relief & Development supported its partner, CEDDISEC, to reconstruct public latrines at 4 parish/Episcopal institutions throughout the Léogâne area where people were gathering in displacement camps. On-going sanitation work includes the reconstruction of damaged household latrines as well as the construction of new household and public latrines for rural populations. The objectives for the current phase of the Household & Public Sanitation program are: 1) To restore a sense of privacy and security to 200 families through the construction of household latrines and showers in conjunction with the construction of a provisional home; 2) To improve basic hygiene and sanitation in public spaces for an estimated 5,500 individuals (est. 1,100/community) through the construction of public latrines in 5 communities; and 3) To create short-term economic independence for 510 individuals through the creation of over 12,240 hours of employment (est. 2 workers for 4 days/latrine or shower).";Léogâne,Port-au-Prince;"";370;Primate's World Relief and Development Fund (PWRDF),Private donations;Carrefour,Grand-Goâve,Grenier,Léogâne;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tammi Mott;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Haiti Recovery Program;ERD-HT-10-004;Episcopal Relief & Development;"";6700;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs), Vulnerable people/populations;Household & Public Sanitation;"";2011-04-01;27;"";2010-12-10;"";Episcopal Diocese of Haiti, Centre Diocésain de Développement Intégré et de Secours (CEDDISEC)
Haiti;"";2010-10-05;"";2010-02-17;"";"";"";"";"";Medical mission supplies;"";"";190;Private donations;"";Health;"";Health;"";BBF-HT-10-015;Brother's Brother Foundation;"";"";"";"";"";Medical Mission Trip # 8;50750;2010-03-17;17;"";"";"";Chapel at Crosspoint
India;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1995-01-01;"";;Tamil Nadu;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1406;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-IN-95-165584;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Karaikudi Development Program;"";2011-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS;World Vision India
Kenya;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-13;"";2005-01-01;"";;Nyanza;"";"";Episcopal Relief & Development's program in Kenya focuses in Nyanza Province, which has the highest poverty rate (56%), and the highest HIV prevalence rate in the country. Due to its geography, the region has also suffered continual drought followed by flooding over the past five years, exacerbating the already poor conditions and creating food shortages. To fight hunger and improve food supply, IDCCS works with local farmers to increase the value of their produce and enhance market linkages. IDCCS educates farmers on improved seeds and farming techniques and works to decrease the impact of drought and flooding by introducing drought and flood resistance  methods. In order to address the high prevalence of HIV and AIDS, IDCCS integrates HIV and AIDS education into the NetsforLife malaria control program. Included in this program are the orphans and vulnerable children affected by HIV and AIDS. IDCCS ensures they are involved in the development process and supports the children in paying schools fees enabling them to attend school. IDCCS works to create access to clean and protected water sources. The chronic lack of potable water in the province which has resulted in a high rate of water and sanitation related illnesses will be addressed by establishing and training water committees in each community, necessary messaging on sanitation and hygiene is relayed in order to decrease water borne illnesses and child mortality rates.;"";"";817;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Disaster Management,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Janette O'Neill;"";Program Officer;ERD-KE-05-001;Episcopal Relief & Development;"";29300;"";"";Children, Children under 5, Families, Individuals, Men, Women;IDCCS Kenya Integrated Community Health and Food Security ;"";2010-12-31;27;;"";Capacity building;Inter Diocesan Christian Community Services
Haiti;"";2010-12-20;"";2010-02-21;"";;Ouest;"";CHF International;To reduce the vulnerability and improve safety and health of households in need by providing transitional shelters that bridges the gap between relief and reconsrtruction in Cabaret.;l'Arcahaie;"";427;CHF International,Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA);Cabaret;Shelter and Housing;Kate Pearson;Shelter and Non-Food Items;Director - Strategic Partnerships, Haiti;HFHI-HT-10-007;Habitat for Humanity International;"";2200;"";"";Affected population(s);Community Livelihoods and Economic Assistance Through Rubble Removal and Shelter Program (CLEARS);1004961;2010-09-30;31;;"";"";Habitat for Humanity International
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2011-02-09;"";2010-01-01;"";"";Ouest;Feeding in Haiti since 1986;"";Feed 15,000 two hot meals 6 days a week, Port-au-Prince;Port-au-Prince;"";1621;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Food Aid;"";"";"";FFP-HT-10-006;Food for the Poor;"";"";"";"";"";Feeding Center;0;2011-05-31;85;"";2011-02-09;"";Food for the Poor
Brazil;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1996-01-01;"";;Tocantins;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1286;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-BR-96-170929;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Ilha Verde Development Program;"";2011-01-01;76;"";"";Nutrition, HIV/AIDS;World Vision Brazil
Rwanda;foodsecurity_site;2010-09-10;"";2009-07-01;"";;Est,Nord;"";"";The 5 - year project “Sustainable Dairy Enterprise Development” aims at ensuring food and income security among 1200 resource-limited families( 600 original and 600 POG) in North East Province(Gicumbi & Rulindo Districts), North West Province(Musanze, Burera & Nyabihu Districts), Central Province ( Gasabo District) and Eastern Province (Rwamagana  and Kayonza Districts ) of Rwanda through integrated intervention including appropriate training and placement of dairy Heifers and other related resources. ;"";"";878;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development;Kelly Doppelhammer;"";East Africa Program Assistant;HEFI-RW-09-21-1325-01;Heifer International;"";1200;"";"";"";Sustainable Dairy Enterprise Development Project;"";2014-06-30;34;"";"";"";Heifer Rwanda
Ethiopia;foodsecurity_site;2010-05-17;"";2010-04-30;"";;Oromia;"";Rift Valley Children and Women Development Organization;To strengthen the organizational, technical and economical position of smallholding farmers of Ejersa to directly make them start the production of market oriented horticultural crops production process.;"";"";1020;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development;Tibebu Koji;"";Water program officer;OXFA-ET-10-ETH 009 /10;Oxfam America;"";3360;"";"";Small farmers;Strengthening Ejersa Smallholding Farmers' Capacity in Irrigation Managment  and Horticultural Crops Production;"";2011-06-30;80;"";"";"";Rift Valley Children and Women Development Organization
Senegal;foodsecurity_site;2010-07-27;"";2009-06-01;"";"";Dakar;"";""; This project addresses micronutrient malnutrition that may be exacerbated by food price crisis  by building national capacity for the fortification of cooking oil (with vitamin A) and wheat flour (with iron/folic acid and zinc). ;"";"";943;Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA);"";Health;"";Nutrition;"";HKI-SN-09-1829;Helen Keller International;"";23973365;"";"";"";Food Fortification in Response to the Food Price Crisis;"";2012-05-31;79;"";"";Nutrition;""
Haiti;"";2010-09-27;"";2010-01-19;Port-au-Prince;;Ouest;Port-au-Prince;"";Delivery of $417,127 worth of medical supplies and equipment transferred to SOUTHCOM base at Port-au-Prince airport for partners on the ground;Port-au-Prince;"";660;"";Port-au-Prince;Health;Niecy LoCricchio;Health;Director of Grants;CURE-HT-10-10936;PROJECT C.U.R.E.;"";18000;"";"";"";In-Kind Donations to SOUTHCOM;417127;2010-01-19;59;;"";"";US Southern Command (SOUTHCOM)
Haiti;"";2011-01-11;212-922-2634;2010-01-12;"";;"";"";"";"The U.S. Fund for UNICEF supports UNICEFs relief and recovery efforts in Haiti by raising funds, helping maintain public awareness of Haitis ongoing needs, and sharing information on UNICEFs work with the U.S. Congress and the U.S. NGO community.

UNICEFs role in emergencies is to focus on ensuring the survival, development, and protection of children.  The January 12, 2010, earthquake in Haiti was a ""children's emergency"": of more than two million people displaced by the earthquake, nearly one million are children.

In Haiti, UNICEF plays a major role in supporting water and sanitation, child protection, education, and health interventions for displaced and vulnerable populations:
•	Cholera Response:  UNICEF works with more than 70 partners to support a nationwide cholera response and prevention effort.  UNICEF supports community and clinic treatment of cholera with oral rehydration salts and medical supplies, and works with partners and the Haitian Government to mount a massive hygiene promotion campaign, including providing supplies of Aquatabs and soap.
•	Water and Sanitation:  UNICEF continues to work with partners to cover water and sanitation needs of displaced Haitians.  UNICEF is distributing 11.5 million water purification tablets in 192 camps and under-served communities covering 251,000 people, and continues to deliver clean water to more than 182,000 people.  UNICEF is also working to re-establish and extend access to safe water through repairs to water supply systems.
•	Child Protection:  Since January 2010, the network of UNICEF-supported Child-Friendly Spaces has grown to 444 spaces serving some 100,000 children on a daily basis, with more and more spaces now operating in makeshift camps and neighborhoods.  UNICEF continues to support the Brigade de Protection des Mineurs for prevention of child trafficking, particularly on the Haiti-Dominican Republic border.
•	Education:  UNICEF reached more than 400,000 children with essential school supplies in the continuing rollout of UNICEFs nationwide “Go To School” campaign, with 1,400 of these schools also receiving essential supplies for cholera prevention.  UNICEF also supports the construction of latrines, water supply points, and hand-washing stations for schools in Port-au-Prince.
•	Health/Nutrition:   UNICEF continues to support a network of 114 Baby-Friendly Tents and Nutrition Corners to encourage proper infant feeding practices, and supplies partners with Ready-to-Use Therapeutic Foods (RUTFs) to treat children suffering from severe acute malnutrition.  In addition to its provision of emergency immunizations, UNICEF is a key partner in helping the Haitian Government re-launch routine immunization programs through community-based health networks.

One of the most critical roles that UNICEF plays is as coordinator of international actors in the Water, Sanitation and Hygiene, Education, and Nutrition Clusters.  UNICEF also leads the Child Protection Sub-Cluster.";"";"";770;"";"";"";Kini Schoop;"";Director of Public Relations;UNI-HT-10-001;U.S. Fund for UNICEF;"";"";"";"";"";Support to UNICEF;0;2011-12-31;66;;2011-01-11;"";""
Niger;foodsecurity_site;2011-05-19;"";2008-08-01;Goure, Maine Soroa;;Diffa,Zinder;"";"";"Through the Title II MYAP, Counterpart is improving food quality and food security in the departments of Goure and Maine Soroa by improving livelihood capacities through the management of cereal banks; protection of natural resources and soil fertility; improvement of maternal and child health and nutrition (MCHN) practices; and strengthening of household resiliency to withstand shocks with the diversification of household production in wetland and arid areas.
";"";"";1913;US Agency for International Development (USAID);"";Agriculture,Education,Food Aid,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Mark Holt;"";Director, Nutrition, Health and Humanitarian Services;CPINT-NE-08-001;Counterpart International;"Food Security Programming, Microenterprise, Maternal and Child Health and Nutrition (MCHN), Commodity Management,
";"";"";Prime Awardee;"";Title II Multi-Year Activity Program (MYAP);11276959;2013-08-21;25;;2011-05-19;"Gender, Nutrition, Climate Change
";Counterpart International
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2011-04-07;"";2011-03-01;"La Savanne
";;Sud;"";Youth Organization of Savane in Les Cayes (OJSC);"Increase the income security of 180 fishing families belonging to the Savane fishing cooperative.
";les Cayes;"";1702;Private donations;Cayes;Economic Recovery and Development,Environment;Ixchel Palencia;"";Program Officer;HEFI-HT-11-23-1417-02-OJ08;Heifer International;"Sustainable fishing practices, local commercialization of fish products, Organizational strengthening of the cooperative.
";900;"";"";Fishing families;Fishing Livelihood Support;73659;2012-06-30;34;"";2011-04-07;Gender;Heifer Haiti
El Salvador;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1994-01-01;"";;Sonsonate;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1339;Private donations;"";Health;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-SV-94-169660;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";San Julian Development Program;"";2010-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS, Nutrition;World Vision El Salvador
Haiti;"";2010-10-05;"";2010-01-15;"";"";"";"";"";Medical mission supplies;"";"";181;Private donations;"";Health;"";Health;"";BBF-HT-10-006;Brother's Brother Foundation;"";"";"";"";"";Medical Mission Trip # 2;7037;2010-03-26;17;"";"";"";Friends of Haiti (PA)
Haiti;"";2010-09-27;"";2010-02-01;Port-au-Prince;;Ouest;Port-au-Prince;"";Delivery of $293,275 worth of medical supplies and equipment to Partners in Health for the Hopital l'Universite d'Etate d'Haiti -(HUEH);Port-au-Prince;"";664;"";Port-au-Prince;Health;Niecy LoCricchio;Health;Director of Grants;CURE-HT-10-10937;PROJECT C.U.R.E.;"";18000;"";"";"";In-Kind Donations to Partners in Health for the University Hospital (HUEH), #3;293275;2010-02-01;59;;"";"";Partners in Health, University Hospital (HUEH)
Uganda;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2003-06-04;"";;Iganga;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1109;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-UG-03-UG2;The Hunger Project;"";"";"";"";"";Iganga Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Haiti;"";2011-04-22;"";2010-01-16;"Baz Avili, Baz Garage, Boliman Brant, Bord Marche, Carrefour Pean, Chales Masson, Dahomey, Daniel Fignole, Ecole Foyer de Nazareth, Galette Greffin, Hueh General, Parc De La Paix, Sainte Bernadette, Tabarre Issa
";;Ouest;"";"";"Screening and treatment of malnourished children at outpatient therapeutic centers
";Port-au-Prince;"";1920;ECHO,UNICEF,World Food Program (WFP);Delmas,Port-au-Prince,Tabarre;Health;Kirk Prichard;Nutrition;Advocacy Officer;CONW-HT-10-003;Concern Worldwide;"";37500;"";"";"";Nutrition;0;2011-12-31;87;"";2011-05-20;"";Concern Worldwide
Haiti;"";1991-12-13;"";2010-03-29;"";;L'Artibonite;"";"";Container of medical supplies for Hôpital Albert Schweitzer Haiti (HAS);Saint-Marc;"";412;Private donations;Verettes;Health;Marisol Wandiga Valentin;Health;Program Officer;GLI-HT-10-017;Global Links;"";50000;"";"";Affected population(s);Hôpital Albert Schweitzer Haiti (HAS) Hospital Relief 2;41853;2010-06-30;30;;2011-04-26;"";Hôpital Albert Schweitzer Haiti (HAS)
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";1999-01-01;"";;Rajshahi;"";"";THP works at the Union level to (a) mobilize the population for self-reliant action, including forming producer co-operatives and other income generating enterprises, (b) build civil society from the bottom up - creating people's organization of women, youth, elders, girl-child advocates, and the poorest of the poor, (c) strengthen local democracy, (d) ensure adequate facilities for achieving the MDGs, (e) organize mass action campaigns for health, nutrition, education, clean water and sanitation.;"";"";1230;Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID),British Council,Private donations;"";Agriculture,Education,Health,Human Rights Democracy and Governance,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;John Coonrod;"";Executive Vice President;THP-BD-99-519;The Hunger Project;"";20000;"";"";"";Chilahati Mobilization;"";2100-12-31;83;"";"";"";The Hunger Project
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-15;"";2004-06-15;Gonaïves;,;L'Artibonite;"";"";"Provision of ready-to-use therapeutic food (RUTF) to implementing partners. Christian Light's ""Little Angels"" program sends community health workers around the community to identify and treat children with malnutrition.";Gonaïves;"";558;"";Gonaïves;Health;Tom Stehl, Maryse Sterlin;Health,Nutrition;Coordinator of Operations, Haiti Administrator;MFK-HT-10-005;Meds & Food for Kids;"";"";"";"";Malnourished children;Community Management of Acute Malnutrition - Christian Light Foundation;0;2011-12-12;77;"";2011-04-11;"";Christian Light Foundation
Haiti;"";2010-12-10;"";2010-12-31;"";;Ouest;"";"";To reduce the spread of HIV/AIDS through the promotion of safe sex techniques and training for two networks of community health promoters.;Léogâne;"";75;Private donations;Grand-Goâve,Léogâne,Petit-Goâve;Health;Amarilys Estrella;Health;Program Officer;AJWS-HT-10-029;American Jewish World Service (AJWS);"";14000;"";"";People living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA), Women, Youth, Men;HIV/AIDS Prevention and Services in Léogâne and Petit-Goâve;30000;2011-12-30;8;;"";"";Movimiento Social-Cultural de los Trabajadores Haitianos
Liberia;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2009-02-01;"";;Grand Bassa,Margibi,River Cess,Sinoe;"";"";This project builds on Mercy Corps' Phoenix Fund-supported Rehabilitation of Cocoa Seed Farm project (2007-2008), while providing an opportunity to apply decent work principles in a strategic agricultural sector of the economy. Mercy Corps is organizing farmers into cooperatives and providing them with training, new varieties of cocoa seeds and trees, rehabilitating the Liberia Produce Marketing Corporation (LPMC) farm through Cash for Work activities. With their new skills, farmers will produce their own seedlings for the rehabilitation of their own farms, and with support of the President of Liberia and the Minister of Agriculture for setting up regional exploratory visits for influential members of the cocoa industry and Liberian lawmakers. The purpose of these visits is to see first hand and analyze the cocoa industry in other West African countries.;"";"";1009;Realizing Rights;"";Agriculture;Barsee Cooper;"";Interim Country Director;MC-LR-09-001;Mercy Corps;"1) Work with 110 farmers, organized into two cooperatives in District #2, Grand Bassa County to increase their income; and  2) Provide the Government of Liberia with knowledge and tools to make informed policy decisions that will improve the Liberian cocoa industry.  ";110;"";Prime awardee;Smallholder cocoa farmers;Cocoa Seeds Garden Rehabilitation Project;"";2010-10-15;50;"";"";"";Mercy Corps
Haiti;"";2011-01-11;"";2010-01-16;"";"";Ouest;"";"";March 17th, 2010: in Cite-Soleil, 1000 persons (or 200 families) have been reached by CARE since January 16, 2010.;Port-au-Prince;"";238;"";Delmas;"";"";"";"";CARE-HT-10-007;CARE;"";"";"";"";"";City Soleil;"";2011-01-10;19;"";2011-01-11;"";""
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-12-15;"";2010-01-27;Port-au-Prince;;Ouest;"";Food for the Poor, Campus Crusade fro Christ;Meals shipped;Port-au-Prince;"";704;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Food Aid;Rick Kearney;Nutrition;Distribution Coordinator;STOP-HT-10-0181/0193;Stop Hunger Now;"";498960;"";"";Affected population(s);In-Kind Donations to Gleaning for the World;124920;2010-03-31;65;;"";"";Gleaning for the World
Guatemala;foodsecurity_site;2010-08-13;"";2006-06-30;"";;Guatemala;"";"";This project will expand Heifer's work in 19 communities in the Ixil area, while strengthening three local organizations by training field technicians, establishing goat centers and setting up revolving funds for each organization. It will facilitate the exchange of experiences between new communities and those with established projects. The project will also facilitate in shared learning and coordination between the participant organizations. Participating families will receive training and livestock directly, by “passing on the gift” or through a revolving fund.;"";"";910;Private donations;"";Agriculture;Americas program;"";Americas program;HEFI-GT-06-23-1310-02;Heifer International;"";605;"";"";"";Promotion of Small Livestock and Indigenous Knowledge for Institutional Strengthening;"";2012-07-01;34;"";"";"";Heifer Project international Inc. Guatemala.
Armenia;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2000-01-01;"";;Shirak;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1263;Private donations;"";Education,Health;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-AM-00-174285;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Gyumri Development Program;"";2013-01-01;76;"";"";"";World Vision Armenia
Haiti;"";2011-04-07;"";2010-10-22;"";;L'Artibonite,Nord-Ouest;"";"";Cholera (Emergency Disaster Response);Gonaïves,Gros-Morne,Marmelade,Môle Saint-Nicolas,Port-de-Paix,Saint-Louis du Nord;"";1685;ECHO;Anse Rouge,Anse-à-Foleur,Baie de Henne,Bassin Bleu,Bombardopolis,Chansolme,Ennery,Gonaïves,Gros-Morne,Jean-Rabel,Marmelade,Môle Saint Nicholas,Port-de-Paix,Saint Michel de l'Attalaye,Saint-Louis du Nord,Terre-Neuve;Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tamara Shukakidze;"";Deputy Director Disaster Response;CARE-HT-10-27;CARE;"Water and sanitation, Hygiene promotion, Distribution of hygiene kits, Training for the populations (RVC)
";128500;"";"";Affected population;Cholera-Disaster Response Program # 2;2074342;2011-04-22;19;"";2011-04-07;"";CARE Haiti
Haiti;"";2010-09-24;"";2010-01-20;"";;Ouest;"";"";Mercy Corps initiated a rapid transition from immediate emergency response to economic recovery though a cash-for-work strategy in the most severely affected communities.   This approach advanced the clean up and rehabilitation process (clearing debris from around important community resources in such as roads, market places, schools, houses and other micro-infrastructure needs) whilst providing beneficiaries with the cash resources to address their own immediate needs and increasing the flow of money back into the local economy. ;Port-au-Prince;"";597;Private donations;Pétion-Ville,Tabarre;Disaster Management,Economic Recovery and Development;Kristina Carvonis;Early Recovery;Cash-for-Work (CFW) Project Manager;MC-HT-10-008;Mercy Corps;"";29785;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs), Affected population(s), Small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs);Cash-for-Work to Aid Economic Recovery in Port-au-Prince (II);1100000;2011-09-30;50;;2010-12-15;"";Mercy Corps
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-12-15;"";2010-03-13;"";;"";"";"";Meals shipped;"";"";706;Private donations;"";Food Aid;Rick Kearney;Nutrition;Distribution Coordinator;STOP-HT-10-0194;Stop Hunger Now;"";142560;"";"";Affected population(s);In-Kind Donations to CitiHope International;35640;2010-03-31;65;;"";"";CitiHope International
Haiti;"";2010-12-12;"";2010-12-12;Acachon 32, Carrefour;;Ouest;"";N/A;Work for Food;Port-au-Prince;shipping/custome clearance;227;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Education;Lesly Pierre;"";Coordinator;TZU-HT-10-TZHT-10;Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation;Foyer El Shadaï;219;"";NA;Affected population(s);Education # 6;53000;2011-12-31;18;"";2010-12-12;"";Tzu Chi Foundation
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-11-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";"Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment
";Léogâne;"";1903;Private donations;Léogâne;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-51713;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Hopital Sainte-Croix;86173;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";Hopital Sainte-Croix
Ethiopia;foodsecurity_site;2010-02-22;"";2010-01-01;"";;Oromia;"";GAYO Pastoral Development Initiatives;"To rehabilitate 6,000 moderately malnourished children, elderly, pregnant and lactating mothers; to reduce mortality and morbidity (illness) risks in 6,000 malnourished children under five years, elders, pregnant and lactating mothers in the four districts; to rehabilitate referrals from therapeutic feeding centers (if any), (i.e. children cured from Severely Acute Malnutrition) in four districts.";"";"";1024;"Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation";"";Health;Girma Legesse;Nutrition;Humanitarian program officer;OXFA-ET-10-ETH 002 /10;Oxfam America;"";6000;"";"";Children, Elderly, Pregnant and nursing women;Borana Zone Emergency Nutrition Response Project;"";2010-12-31;80;"";"";Nutrition;GAYO Pastoral Development Initiatives
Haiti;"";1991-09-24;"";2010-01-15;"";"";Ouest;"";"";CRS primary health care project addressed the increased needs of Port-au-Princes population for basic health care in the immediate post-earthquake period.  This four month project had three components: primary care for displaced people, public health messaging to prevent communicable disease, and hospital care for more serious needs.  From late January through mid-may, the projects teams of doctors and nurses worked in 10 camps for internally displaced people, providing vaccinations, treating minor injuries and ailments, and counseling families on preventing communicable disease.  The project also supported key public health messaging to raise awareness about the importance of vaccination and hand washing to prevent potential outbreaks of communicable disease in the camps close quarters.  Finally, the project supported hospital care at Notre Dame de Lourdes hospital in Port-au-Prince, helping this Catholic hospital provide free care to those with more severe injuries or ailments.  Following the immediate response period, CRS transitioned to the Health Systems Strengthening (HSS) program which aims to strengthen the Catholic Health system in Haiti.  The HSS program will solidify CRS support for the Catholic Health system, complementing other ongoing CRS health work and enabling a comprehensive, long-term response.  The program is expected to work with at least eight hospitals: St François de Sales, St Damien, Sacré Cœur de Milot, St Boniface, St Jean de Limbé, Alma Mater, Espérance and Clinique Bethel.;Port-au-Prince;"";261;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Health;Nicole Balliette;Health;Haiti Earthquake Response Coordinator;CRS-HT-10-7420207;Catholic Relief Services (CRS);"";78291;"";"";Refugees, Internally displaced persons (IDPs), Women, Men, Youth, Children;Haiti Earthquake Emergency Response/ Health;5982674;2011-09-30;20;"";2011-01-14;Disaster risk reduction (DRR);Catholic Relief Services (CRS)
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2011-04-12;"";2011-03-15;"Fondwa, Ponsonde, Ganthier, Jacmel
"; ;L'Artibonite,Ouest,Sud-Est;"";"";"The goal of this project is to support food security, increase income, and improve farming capacity and practives of vulnerable families living in Leogane, Fondwa, Ganthier, Ponsonse, and Jacmel.
";Croix-des-Bouquets,Dessalines,Jacmel,Léogâne;"";1748;Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee (BRAC),Private donations;Ganthier,Jacmel,Léogâne,Petite Rivière de l'Artibonite;Agriculture;Thomas Dwyer ;"";Executive Director, UMCOR NGO ;UMCOR-HT-11-006 ;United Methodist Committee on Relief;"";"";"";Prime Awardee ;Elderly, Female-headed households, Rural population ;Agriculture-Based Livelihood Intervention for Income Generation in Rural Haiti ;429654;2012-03-14;67;"";2011-04-12;"";Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee (BRAC) Haiti, United Methodist Committee on Relief  
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-01-22;"";;Sud-Est;"";"";Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment;Jacmel;"";1836;Private donations;Jacmel;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-8624;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Mother Health International;0;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";Mother Health International
South Africa;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2005-01-01;"";;Eastern Cape;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1504;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Health;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-ZA-05-170327;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Mpofu Development Program;"";2012-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS;World Vision South Africa
Uganda;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2006-10-01;"";;Kitgum,Pader;"";"";"Reduce food insecurity among extremely vulnerable individuals, strengthen their traditional social safety nets, and support them to return to their communities of origin following decades of conflict; strengthen local market linkages and increase communities access to local markets.
";"";"";1607;US Department of Agriculture (USDA);"";Economic Recovery and Development;Carlos Piedrasanta;"";RDM Operations Deputy, IPG, World Vision US;WV-UG-06-001;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Uganda Acholi Voucher Progrm;0;2011-09-30;76;"";2011-04-06;"";World Vision Uganda
Mozambique;foodsecurity_site;2011-05-11;"";2008-10-01;""; ;Nampula;"";Academy for Educational Development (AED) ;"The goal of the STRIVE program is to demonstrate that access to savings and credit (VSL) and building of social capital improves access to nutritious food for children.  It is also testing whether collective action (rotating labor scheme) alone through Ajuda Mutua leads to better nutritional outcomes for children. The program aims to be a model for replication in other food security projects where food access issues affect children.
";"";"";1777;Academy for Educational Development;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Health;Lisa Parrott ;"";Africa Livelihoods Advisor ;STC-MZ-08-84031627 ;Save the Children;"";"";"";Subawardee ;Households with children under five ;Improving Children's Access to Nutritious Food (STRIVE) ;1874457;2012-08-27;63;"";2011-05-11;"Nutrition
";Save the Children US  
Mozambique;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1999-01-01;"";;Zambézia;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1459;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-MZ-99-173183;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Nyaterre Development Program;"";2014-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS, Nutrition;World Vision Mozambique
Haiti;"";1991-09-24;"";2010-01-12;"";spiveyestradam@usa.redcross.orgq;Ouest,Sud-Est;"";International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), Haitian Red Cross;This is one of many locations where a Red Cross Relief Emergency Response Unit (ERU) distributed assistance. ERUs are small teams of highly specialized volunteers, provided by Red Cross national societies to respond rapidly to emergencies in different sectors and support the local Red Cross or Red Crescent society's response. Relief ERUs in Haiti distributed more than 1 million relief items (such as kitchen sets and mosquito nets) and provided emergency shelter supplies to more than 898,000 people.  American Red Cross teams were a critical part of these interventions, deploying staff and volunteers for more than four months following the earthquake.;Croix-des-Bouquets,Jacmel,Léogâne,Port-au-Prince,l'Arcahaie;"";114;Private donations;Arcahaie,Cabaret,Carrefour,Croix-des Bouquets,Delmas,Grenier,Jacmel,Léogâne,Marigot,Port-au-Prince,Pétion-Ville,Tabarre;Disaster Management,Shelter and Housing;Marian Spivey-Estrada;Shelter and Non-Food Items;Manager, Information and Reporting;ARCIS-HT-10-RC2;American Red Cross;"";898000;Please note that the estimated number of people reached refers to the total number of people each project plans to reach over the life of its implementation. Not all of these people have been reached with services yet.;"";Affected population(s);Global Red Cross Network Relief Distributions;0;2013-01-12;9;;1991-12-22;"";American Red Cross, Belgian Red Cross, Netherlands Red Cross, Luxemburg Red Cross, Haitian Red Cross, Colombian Red Cross, Spanish Red Cross
Mozambique;foodsecurity_site;2011-05-11;"";2008-11-01;"2nd Admin: Mopeia, Morrumbala, Caia, Tambara
"; ;Manica,Sofala,Zambézia;"It is estimated that 250,000 flood affected people will benefit directly or indirectly from the program. 
";Save the Children UK ;"This project aims to enhance the resilience of communities living along the Zambezi valley to the impact of hydro-meteorological disasters. Save the Children is helping communities in flood prone areas take measures to minimize exposure to risk and enhance resilience of livelihoods to recurrent weather hazards. Additionally, Save the Children is helping to develop floodplain management strategies based on multi-disciplinary operational research with a view to delivering models and evidence for strategies for sustainable livelihood options for populations reliant on the Zambezi river basin. 
";"";"";1774;UK Department for International Development (DFID);"";Disaster Management;Nikaj Van Wees ;"";Africa Child Hunger and Agriculture Specialist ;STC-MZ-08-001 ;Save the Children;Activities include  community grants in 4 districts prone to flooding and operational research into Flood Plain Management in the Zambezi Valley including disaster preparedness and mitigation.;6125;"";Subawardee ;Vulnerable households  ;Floodplain Management in the Zambezi Valley: Enhancing Sustainable Livelihoods Resilience ;2082035;2011-09-30;63;"";2011-05-11;"Disaster risk reduction (DRR)
";Save the Children US  
Kenya;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-17;"";2009-03-17;"";;Central,Coast,Eastern,Nyanza,Western;"";"";"The goal of the USAID-funded Partnership for Safe Poultry in Kenya (PSPK) project is to promote safe poultry production and marketing systems that incorporate freedom from highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) and other poultry diseases, generating high levels of income and improving nutrition for smallholder families. In doing so, PSPK will also increase the competitiveness of Kenyan eggs and poultry meat; increase income for rural smallholder poultry producers; and promote improved bio-security practices to reduce the threat of HPAI and other poultry diseases. PSPK uses an integrated approach which links poultry sector stakeholders with experienced experts from the U.S. and East Africa. These experts provide volunteer technical assistance to address constraints and opportunities for poultry sector development. The project works with local partners to develop market-based solutions through value-chain development, improved production practices, increased access to information and credit, and market linkages. Sixty-nine percent of the project's target group are women.   ";"";"";1246;US Agency for International Development (USAID);"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development;DeAnn McGrew;"";Program Officer;WINRO-KE-09-6130;Winrock International;"";5000;"";Prime awardee;"";Partnership for Safe Poultry in Kenya;0;2011-06-30;70;;2011-02-24;Gender;Winrock International
Haiti;"";1991-09-24;"";2010-07-13;"";;Ouest;"";Best friends Animal Society, Christian Veterinary Missions;Training Haitian veterinarians in disaster preparedness and response.;Croix-des-Bouquets;"";460;Private donations;Croix-des Bouquets;Disaster Management;Christopher Broughton-Bossong;Education,Health;Haiti Program Coordinator;HSI-HT-10-004;Humane Society International;Providing Haitian veterinarians and related parties logistical and technical disaster preparedness and response training to help minimize the impact and maximize the capacity of local responders.;"";"";"";Animal owners, Veterinarians;Disaster Preparedness and Response;100000;2014-05-15;36;;2011-01-27;Animal welfare;Humane Society International
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2011-03-10;"";2011-03-09;"";;Ouest;"";"";Meal shipments for school feeding programs, orphanages, clinics;Léogâne,Port-au-Prince;"";1656;Private donations;Petit-Goâve,Port-au-Prince;Education,Food Aid,Health;Rick Kearney;Education,Food Security and Agriculture,Health,Nutrition;Distribution Coordinator;STOP-HT-11-Haiti Partners;Stop Hunger Now;"";1200;"";"";Affected population(s);Meal Distribution Partnership with Haiti Partners;71280;2011-12-31;65;;2011-03-17;"";Haiti Partners
Malawi;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-13;"";2009-01-01;"";;Southern;"";"";In partnership with Loves Harvest of NY, Episcopal Relief & Development will work to increase the food supply of vulnerable women.  The focus of the One-Village-at-a-Time program is to help the rural poor grow the food they need on their own land.  Working through the Mothers Union the project will teach the tenets of Permaculture Agriculture, a method which renews the soils and manages water resources. A demonstration garden will be set up in each identified parish and the beneficiaries will be taught together by a permaculture expert how to apply these methods.  The women will receive farm inputs and, applying the knowledge learned during trainings, will then create kitchen gardens in their own homes so they can begin to provide a variety of food and additional income for their families. The beneficiaries will also learn to care for fruit trees and animals so families can start small animal husbandry businesses. The Mothers' Union department will focus the One-Village-at-a-Time program on vulnerable women,who generally care for many AIDS orphans. The aim is to  to help feed the families in the community and to empower women by providing start up funds to undertake Permaculture Agriculture and animal husbandry businesses. This undertaking increases the abundance and quality of the food in the village, feeds the orphans, and creates micro-agriculture and animal husbandry businesses which increase the economic strength of the village.;"";"";820;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development;Danielle Tirello;"";Program Officer;ERD-MW-09-003;Episcopal Relief & Development;"";150;"";"";Women;Diocese of Southern Malawi Mothers Union One-Village-at-a-Time Project;"";2012-12-31;27;;"";Capacity building;Diocese of Southern Malawi
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2011-04-22;"";2010-01-16;Azil Cummunale, Bas Cameroun, Baz Avili, Boliman Brant, Bord Marche, Carrefour Pean, Chales Masson, Dahomey, Daniel Fignole, Ecole Foyer de Nazareth, Galette Greffin, Parc De La Paix, Sainte Bernadette, Camp Oscar;;Ouest;"";"";"Providing supplementary feeding to malnourished children
";Port-au-Prince;"";1919;ECHO,UNICEF,World Food Program (WFP);Delmas,Port-au-Prince,Tabarre;Health;Kirk Prichard;Nutrition;Advocacy Officer;CONW-HT-10-002;Concern Worldwide;"";15000;"";"";"";Supplementary Feeding;0;2011-12-31;87;;2011-05-20;"";Concern Worldwide
Guatemala;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-13;"";2008-03-01;"";;Izabal,Zacapa;"";"";The Diocesan Development Office in Guatemala will provide micro loans to generate an additional source of income to support productive activities and employment among the members of the communities in the Northeast region. ;"";"";812;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development;Karla Avila;"";Program Officer;ERD-GT-08-001;Episcopal Relief & Development;"";50;"";"";Individuals;Guatemala City Development Office;"";2011-12-31;27;;"";"";Diocese of Guatemala
Haiti;"";2010-11-01;"";2010-11-01;Port-au-Prince;;Ouest;"";N/A;Work for Food;Port-au-Prince;shipping/custome clearance;222;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Other;Lesly Pierre;"";Coordinator;TZU-HT-10-TZHT-05;Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation;Stade National Sylvio Cator ;325;"";NA;Affected population(s);Job Training # 2;95000;2011-12-31;18;"";2010-11-01;Livelihoods;Tzu Chi Foundation
Mexico;foodsecurity_site;2011-04-07;"";1997-01-01;""; ;Oaxaca;"The project budget represents Plant With Purpose's current annual contribution to Mision Integral.
";Mision Integral ;Oaxaca is an area rich in cultural history, with more indigenous languages than any other Mexican state. But Oaxaca also has the greatest emigration rate in all of Mexico and a vast 76.9% of the population suffers from malnutrition. Working in collaboration with 52 Mixtec communities, Plant With Purposes integrated Oaxacan program uses a variety of environmentally sustainable, income-generating activities to train farmers to work with, not against, the land. One innovative and successful project is handicraft training. Women in these groups learn to make intricately woven pine needle baskets, which they sell to supplement their income and provide for their families.;"";"";1712;Foundations,Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Environment;Doug Satre ;"";Development Director ;PLANT-MX-97-MX ;Plant With Purpose;"";800;"";Prime awardee;Farmers, Rural communities ;Mision Integral ;250000;2011-12-31;58; ;2011-04-07;"";Plant With Purpose 
Haiti;"";2010-08-26;"";2010-01-14;"";;Ouest;"";"";Emergency room and intensive care unit;Port-au-Prince;"";470;AmeriCares,Various;Port-au-Prince;Health;Agron Ferati;Health;Director, Program Development;IMC-HT-10-002;International Medical Corps;Emergency Medicine, Intensive Care, Service Coordination;65000;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs), Host households/communities;Emergency Room and Intensive Care Unit;0;2010-06-30;39;;2011-04-21;Mental health/Psychosocial support, Sexual and gender-based violence (GBV);International Medical Corps
Haiti;"";1991-09-24;"";2010-03-01;"";;Centre,Grand'Anse,L'Artibonite,Nippes,Nord,Nord-Est,Nord-Ouest,Ouest,Sud,Sud-Est;"";"";Destruction from the January 12 earthquake has deprived many Haitians of the livelihoods they depended on to support their families and left them either displaced or hosting displaced relatives or friends, which puts enormous stress on already scarce resources. To address this problem, the American Red Cross partnered with Fonkoze, Haitis largest microfinance institute, to provide microfinance grants and loans to reach 222,430 people, including female heads-of-households, business owners and families hosting displaced Haitians. ;Aquin,Bainet,Belle-Anse,Borgne,Cap-Haïtien,Corail,Côteaux,Fort-Liberté,Gonaïves,Gros-Morne,Hinche,Jacmel,Jérémie,Lascahobas,Limbé,Léogâne,Marmelade,Miragoâne,Mirebalais,Ouanaminthe,Port-au-Prince,Port-de-Paix,Saint-Marc,Saint-Raphaël,l'Acul-du-Nord,l'Arcahaie,le Trou-du-Nord,les Cayes;"";108;Private donations;Aquin,Bainet,Beaumont,Belladère,Belle-Anse,Borgne,Cabaret,Cap-Haïtien,Cayes,Côteaux,Delmas,Fort-Liberté,Gonaïves,Grand-Goâve,Gros-Morne,Hinche,Jacmel,Jérémie,Limbé,Léogâne,Milot,Miragoâne,Mirebalais,Ounaminthe,Port-au-Prince,Port-de-Paix,Saint Michel de l'Attalaye,Saint-Marc,Saint-Saint-Raphaël,Trou du Nord;Economic Recovery and Development;Marian Spivey-Estrada;Early Recovery;Manager, Information and Reporting;ARCIS-HT-10-L2A&B;American Red Cross;"";220810;"";"";Affected population(s), Internally displaced persons (IDPs), Host households/communities, Women;Livelihoods Support and Host Family Assistance through Fonkoze;0;2010-11-30;9;;1991-12-22;Livelihoods;Fonkoze
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2000-01-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1383;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Protection,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-HT-00-173882;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Gonave Hope Development Program;"";2025-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS;World Vision Haiti
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-02-17;"";;Sud-Est;"";"";"Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment
";Jacmel;"";1848;Private donations;Jacmel;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-9313;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Christ Love Center;2583;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";Christ Love Center
Haiti;"";2010-11-13;"";2010-03-16;"";;Ouest;"";"";"Distributed 2 ECD kits; 2 schools in a box; & 3 recreation kits";Léogâne;"";151;International Organization for Migration (IOM),Private donations;Petit-Goâve;Education,Protection;Michael D. Miller;Education,Protection;President;ADF-HT-10-003;America's Development Foundation;"";400;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs), Children;Distribution-school kits;26040;2010-03-16;12;;2010-11-13;"";America's Development Foundation, UNICEF, L'Ecole des Soeurs, Association des Paysans de Vallue (APV)
Haiti;"";2011-04-25;"";2011-03-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";The Red Cross has coordinated an aggressive response to the cholera outbreak that has spread throughout Haiti and into areas of the Dominican Republic.  As part of this response, the American Red Cross has partnered with Save the Children to manage Cholera Treatment Units (CTUs), transition the CTUs to Oral Rehydration Points (ORPs) with referral system to CTUs, and conduct cholera prevention-focused hygiene promotion activities in Port-au-Prince.  The American Red Cross is working together with the US Agency for International Developments Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA) to fund this program.;Port-au-Prince;"";1758;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Health;Marian Spivey-Estrada;Health;Manager, Information and Reporting;ARCIS-HT-11-001;American Red Cross;"";118000;"";"";Cholera affected populations;Cholera Activities in Port-au-Prince through Save the Children;0;2011-05-31;9;;2011-04-25;"";Save the Children
Haiti;"";1991-10-27;"";2011-01-01;"";;Nord,Nord-Est,Ouest;"";International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC);The Red Cross has coordinated an aggressive response to the cholera outbreak that has spread throughout Haiti and into areas of the Dominican Republic.  The American Red Cross is working to stem the spread of the disease as well as provide care for those infected by it. As part of this effort, the American Red Cross has trained over 1,000 staff and volunteers to go out into camps and communities to provide cholera and hygiene education to nearly 500,000 people. The teams are also distributing soap, oral rehydration solution and water purification tablets.  This project is also setting up 250 Oral Rehydration Points and Posts, where trained volunteers can refer cholera patients that they encounter to proper treatment facilities. This program builds upon similar work that the American Red Cross has been doing in Port-au-Prince since the start of the outbreak in October 2010, and has a goal of reaching 1.6 million people. ;Borgne,Cap-Haïtien,Croix-des-Bouquets,Fort-Liberté,Grande-Rivière-du-Nord,Limbé,Ouanaminthe,Plaisance,Port-au-Prince,Saint-Raphaël,Vallières,l'Acul-du-Nord,l'Arcahaie,le Trou-du-Nord;"";95;Private donations;Acul du Nord,Arcahaie,Bahon,Bas Limbé,Borgne,Cabaret,Cap-Haïtien,Capotille,Caracol,Carice,Cornillon,Delmas,Dondon,Ferrier,Fort-Liberté,Grand Rivière du Nord,La Victoire,Limbé,Limonade,Milot,Mombin Crochu,Mont-Organisé,Ounaminthe,Perches,Pignon,Pilate,Plaine du Nord,Plaisance,Port-Margot,Port-au-Prince,Pétion-Ville,Quartier Morin,Ranquitte,Saint-Saint-Raphaël,Sainte Suzanne,Tabarre,Terrier Rouge,Trou du Nord,Vallières;Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Marian Spivey-Estrada;Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Manager, Information and Reporting;ARCIS-HT-10-DM04;American Red Cross;"";1658590;Please note that the estimated number of people reached refers to the total number of people each project plans to reach over the life of its implementation. Not all of these people have been reached with services yet.;"";Cholera affected population;American Red Cross Cholera Prevention in Camps and Communities;0;2011-12-31;9;;1991-12-22;"";American Red Cross, Haitian Red Cross
Haiti;"";2010-09-24;"";2010-11-01;"";;Ouest;"";Community Organizations of the Port-au-Prince Metropolitan Zone (COZPAM);Psychosocial, Protection, Shelter;Léogâne;"";21;Banco de Santender/Travel Club (Ayuda);Léogâne;Health,Protection,Shelter and Housing;Daniel Gedeon;Health,Protection,Shelter and Non-Food Items;Emergency Response Manager;ACAID-HT-10-007;Action Aid International USA;"";2000;"";"";Affected population(s);Strengthen Mariani victims capacity after the earthquake;211440;2011-11-01;3;"";"";"";Action Aid Haiti
Romania;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2000-01-01;"";;Constanta;"";"";The main focus of this project is to improve the life and well being of farmers. This is done primarily through better business and agricultural training.;"";"";1561;Private donations;"";Agriculture;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-RO-00-173641;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Agricultural Development - Post Harvest;"";2010-01-01;76;"";"";"";World Vision Romania
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;2010-07-27;"";2008-12-22;"";"";Barisal;"";Speed Trust, SAP Bangladesh, Sangkalpa Trust, SONGRAM;This project aims to stimulate the recovery of local economies destroyed by flooding by increasing the purchasing power of the community through cash-for-work activities and introducing  alternative, sustainable income-generating activities among agricultural small holders.;"";"";933;US Agency for International Development (USAID);"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development;"";"";"";HKI-BD-08-1828;Helen Keller International;"";22000;"";"";individuals;REAL Project: Reconstruction, Economic Development and Livelihoods;"";2010-12-21;79;"";"";"";""
Sri Lanka;foodsecurity_site;2011-05-26;"";2009-08-01;"2nd Admin: Trincomalee, Mannar, Vavuniya, Jaffna, Mullaitivu
";;Eastern,Northern;"";"";"The ReTuRN Project  supports the return and integrated recovery for tsunami and conflict affected persons in the North and Northeast regions of Sri Lanka through the provision of essential housing and infrastructure needs and the implementation of sustainable livelihoods projects. The project's livelihoods assistance focuses on areas including the restoration of traditional livelihoods such as fishing and farming through the replacement or provision of lost, damaged or stolen equipment, the promotion of alternative livelihood options, and vocational skills training.
";"";"";1935;UMCOR Emergency Services Office (ESO);"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Shelter and Housing;Nicholas Jaeger;"";Program Assistant, UMCOR-NGO;UMCOR-LK-09-SSG118;United Methodist Committee on Relief;"";12800;"";"";Tsunami and conflict-affected persons;Resettlement for Tsunami-Affected Regions in the North (ReTuRN);122000;2011-08-31;67;"";2011-05-26;"";UMCOR Sri Lanka
Mali;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2009-04-01;"";";";Ségou;"";National Bank for Agricultural Development (BNDA);"LWR's partner in this project is La Fédération des Centres FARANFASI-SO and its 170 seed producers. The project's main goal is to increase productivity among rice producers in the irrigated zone of the Niger River in Mali through a strong local certified seed production system. FARANFASI-SO will be working with stakeholders like the Institute d'Economie Rurale du Mali (IER), which will supply seeds and participatory research methodologies. Seeds will be certified through the national seeds service.  Local radio stations will also promote the use of certified seeds through regular broadcasts. Finally, FARANFASI-SO will also seek a line of credit with the Banque Nationale de Développement Agricole (BNDA) for purchase of seeds and other inputs. Objectives - (1) Increased Production: In three years, a certified rice seed production system will be established by la Fédération FARANFASI-SO to increase production of improved irrigated rice seed to 812 tons to meet at least 70% of the demand for seed among the Federation's 12,890 rice producers.
(2) Stronger Organizational Capacity: Strengthen the organizational and managerial capacities of 6 seed producers' cooperatives through trainings and supervision provided by local project staff. (3) Improved Marketing & Sales: Promote the use of certified rice seed among 7,350 federation members, to increase rice production yields by at least 30%.
";"";"";990;Private donations;"";Agriculture;Hayley Frank;"";Regional Program Associate for Africa;LWR-ML-09-AF-MAI-3-003-09;Lutheran World Relief;"";15170;"";"";"";Improved Seeds for Sahelian Agricultural Growth - Rice;"";2012-03-31;45;;"";Capacity building;Federation of Centers Faranfasi-So
Ethiopia;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-18;"";2009-04-01;"";;Oromia,Southern Nations Nationalities and Peoples;"";"";This program will strengthen the emergency nutrition response capacity of communities where International Medical Corps has been working and will reduce their vulnerabilty to malnutriton.;"";"";956;Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA);"";Health;Stephen Commins;Nutrition;Strategy Manager, Fragile States;IMC-ET-09-1448;International Medical Corps;"Train health care providers in the prevention and management of Severe Acute Malnutrition; establish and rehabilitate sites for inpatient and outpatient care; nutrion education programs; train providers in provision of nutrition education";110000;"";Prime awardee;"";Strengthening the Emergency Nutrition Response in Drought-Prone Woredas in East Hargarghe and Wolyita Zones;"";2009-11-30;39;;"";Gender, Nutrition;International Medical Corps
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-18;"";2008-12-01;"";;L'Artibonite;"";OP7 (Peasant Organization of the 7th Communcal Section of Gros-Morne), MOPS (Peasant Movement of Saint Michel), Chemin Neuf;Recovery effort for 79 communities in Artibonite Department affected by Hurricanes Fay, Gustav, Hanna and Ike. Will support agricultural production, community seed banks and provide agricultural technical assistance. Project will also provide access to potable water through shared water filter systems, develop community-level emergency action plans for each of the 79 communities, and rebuild houses for families who lost their homes.;"";"";1627;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Shelter and Housing,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Alex Wilson;"";Deputy Director for Latin America;LWR-HT-10-LA-HAI-3-001-09;Lutheran World Relief;"";600;"";"";Affected by natural/environmental disasters;Reactivating Livelihoods and Reducing Risk in Rural Haitian Communities Devastated by Hurricanes Fay, Gustav, Hanna and Ike;202509;2010-12-01;45;;2011-04-04;"";World Neighbors
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-07-30;"";2010-07-25;"";;L'Artibonite;"";"";La présente proposition vise à prépositionner dans la ville de Saint-Marc 55,3 tonnes de biscuits destinés à des distributions en cas durgence cyclonique. Ces vivres seraient ainsi, suivant lévaluation des besoins, mis à la disposition de la communauté humanitaire pour intervention rapide auprès des populations affectées. ACTED a par ailleurs les moyens logistiques et humains de réaliser des distributions durgence.;Saint-Marc;"";401;World Food Program (WFP);Saint-Marc;Food Aid;Marianna Franco;Food Security and Agriculture;Program Development Manager;ACTED-HT-10-41 APT 32W;Friends of ACTED;"";"";"";"";Affected population(s);Pre-positioning of 55.30 Metric Tonnes (MT) of High Energy Biscuits;4562;2010-12-24;29;"";2010-12-20;"";Friends of ACTED
Afghanistan;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-13;"";2008-04-01;"";;Kabul;"";"";The Chesetoon Primary School was inaugurated in 2006 to provide an education for the girl child, as females were deprived of education during the Taliban years.   A4T school programs serve the need of young Afghan girls living in these areas by providing them an academic education and offering after-school vocational skills. The A4T students are taught two grade levels in one academic year, in an intensive curriculum approved by the government, so that female students would be catch-up on their missed education.  The school follows the national curriculum, but with a much smaller class size.  The student-teacher ratio at the school is 20:1 while in the government schools, the ratio is generally 80:1.  Originally, the Chelsetoon school provided schooling from grades 1-6, and with Episcopal Relief & Development support has been able to increase grade levels to where in 2010, the the school will operate up to grade 9.  Following new Ministry of Education regulations, A4T has obtained Ministry certification to continue classes up to grade 12.  During the first two years, the Chelsetoon Primary School was able to educate a total of 210 girls.  In 2010, the school has moved to a larger property and expects to educate 250 girl students, and provide teacher training to their committed group of teachers.;"";"";799;Private donations;"";Education;Nagulan Nesiah;"";Program Officer;ERD-AF-08-001;Episcopal Relief & Development;"";250;"";"";Individuals, Youth;Education for the Girl Child;"";2011-03-31;27;;"";Capacity building;Afghans4Tomorrow
Haiti;"";1991-07-12;"";2010-04-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";Reopening, renovation  and staffing of rehabilitation clinic at HUEH and occupational therapy in IDP communities;Port-au-Prince;"";54;American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee;Port-au-Prince;Health;Djerhy Jean Baptiste;"";Program Manager;JDC-HT-10-001;American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee;"";2000;"";"";"";Physical Rehabilitation;770045;2011-08-01;7;;2011-05-05;Mental health/Phychosocial support;Haitian Red Cross, Tel HaShomer Hospital, Magen David Adom, University Hospital (HUEH), Afya Foundation
Haiti;"";2010-12-09;"";2010-05-01;"";;Ouest;Beneficiaries are members of Association of Peasants of Fondwa, or clients of Fonkoze;Fonkoze;As part of our earthquake response initiative, BRAC launched a Housing Project in Fondwa with Fonkoze under the financial assistance of MEDA/MCC. The earthquake caused severe damage and destruction to many homes in the area. Families have been forced to move into camps or live with neighbors under difficult conditions. BRAC architects have developed a model house for low cost homes that are earthquake and hurricane resistant.  BRAC is mobilizing expertise and equipment for recycling post-earthquake rubble into building materials for rebuilding residences and commercial areas.  Trainings have been held with local laborers on masonry and carpentry. BRAC has made a commitment to build and repair 387 houses in the time span of 18 months. Beneficiary households are members of the Association of Peasants of Fondwa (APF) or clients of Fonkoze. All households are located in rural areas, which are difficult to access and have little support from other organizations.;Léogâne;"";173;Mennonite Central Committee (MCC),Mennonite Economic Development Associates (MEDA);Léogâne;Shelter and Housing;Sayem Khan;"";Architect;BRAC-HT-10-002;BRAC USA;"Rebuilding and Repairing homes damaged by earthquake in Fondwa; providing training to local masons and carpenters to build local knowledge.";387;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs), Rural populations;Housing Project;704000;2011-11-01;16;;"";Capacity building;BRAC Haiti
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-12-15;"";2010-02-23;"";;"";"";Food for the Poor;Meals shipped;"";"";705;Private donations;"";Food Aid;Rick Kearney;Nutrition;Distribution Coordinator;STOP-HT-10-0189;Stop Hunger Now;"";142560;"";"";Affected population(s);In-Kind Donations to Lazarus Project;35640;2010-02-28;65;;"";"";Lazarus Project
Mali;foodsecurity_site;2010-07-27;"";2009-07-01;"";"";Koulikoro;"";"";This study will assess the influences of different dietary strategies to manage children with moderate acute malnutrition (MAM) on the children's participation in the nutritional rehabilitation program, as well as the impact on physical growth, recovery from MAM, and changes in micronutrient status.;"";"";937;UNICEF;"";Health;"";Nutrition;"";HKI-ML-09-6124;Helen Keller International;"";"";"";"";Children;Study of CMAM Treatments;0;2011-06-30;79;"";2011-03-29;Nutrition;""
Haiti;"";1991-10-12;"";2010-07-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";The global Red Cross network is helping 30,000 families transition to safer, more secure homes.  To support these efforts, the American Red Cross is partnering with a number of international non-governmental organizations to construct transitional homes, which will include access to clean water and the installation of family latrines.  As part of this initiative, the Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development (ACTED) plans to construct 1,700 transitional homes.  They will also conduct hygiene promotion and disaster risk reduction activities. Although ACTED plans to reach 14,000 people through this project, these numbers may change depending on construction costs.  ;Croix-des-Bouquets,Port-au-Prince;"";120;Private donations;Carrefour,Cité Soleil,Croix-des Bouquets,Delmas,Port-au-Prince,Pétion-Ville,Tabarre;Shelter and Housing,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Marian Spivey-Estrada;Shelter and Non-Food Items,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Manager, Information and Reporting;ARCIS-HT-10-S2;American Red Cross;"";14000;Please note that the estimated number of people reached refers to the total number of people each project plans to reach over the life of its implementation. Not all of these people have been reached with services yet.;"";Affected population(s), Internally displaced persons (IDPs);Transitional Homes through ACTED;0;2011-06-30;9;;1991-12-22;"";Friends of ACTED
Haiti;"";1991-09-24;"";2010-05-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";Destruction from the January 12 earthquake has deprived thousands of Haitians of the livelihoods they formerly depended on to support their families.  Many Haitians now find themselves either displaced or hosting displaced relatives or friends, which puts enormous stress on already scarce resources. To help address this problem, the American Red Cross partnered with Mercy Corps to employ 8,700 people to complete small cash-for-work projects that removed rubble, dug drainage canals, recycled rubble to make building materials, cleaned up debris and renovated roads.;Port-au-Prince;"";110;Private donations;Pétion-Ville,Tabarre;Disaster Management;Marian Spivey-Estrada;Early Recovery;Manager, Information and Reporting;ARCIS-HT-10-L4;American Red Cross;"";8700;Please note that the estimated number of people reached refers to the total number of people each project plans to reach over the life of its implementation. Not all of these people have been reached with services yet.;"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs), Host households/communities;Cash-for-work through Mercy Corps;0;2010-09-30;9;;2011-04-29;Livelihoods, Disaster risk reduction (DRR);Mercy Corps
Colombia;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2001-01-01;"";;Quindío;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1310;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Protection;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-CO-01-174257;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Armenia Nuevo Sue±o Development Program;"";2015-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS, Nutrition;World Vision Colombia
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-09-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";"Community Grant Program
";"";"";1908;Private donations;"";Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-Grant 24;Direct Relief International;"";1800;"";"";"";Support Community Health Program in Rural Area;25000;2011-09-01;26;;2011-04-22;"";Association of the Peasants of Fondwa
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2011-04-29;"";2010-12-31;"";;Ouest;"";"";"To support a project to document Haitian stories and opinions about recovery in film and video in IDP camps and rural communities one year after the earthquake.
";Léogâne,Port-au-Prince;"";1768;Private donations;Grand-Goâve,Léogâne,Petit-Goâve,Port-au-Prince;Agriculture,Human Rights Democracy and Governance;Amarilys Estrella;Camp Coordination and Management,Protection;Program Officer;AJWS-HT-10-036;American Jewish World Service (AJWS);"";500;"";Prime Awardee;Internally displaced persons (IDPs), Farmers, Fisherfolk;Stop Indifference, Show Love;4500;2011-06-30;8;;2011-04-29;"";Movimiento Social-Cultural de los Trabajadores Haitianos
Haiti;"";2010-07-30;"";2010-01-21;"";;Ouest;"";"";To support the delivery of emergency assistance to the populations affected by the earthquake, including distributions of emergency shelter kits and tents.;Léogâne,Port-au-Prince;"";379;The Clinton Foundation;Léogâne,Port-au-Prince;Shelter and Housing;Marianna Franco;Shelter and Non-Food Items;Program Development Manager;ACTED-HT-10-41 AKW 56Z;Friends of ACTED;"";2500;"";"";Affected population(s);Supporting Relief and Rebuilding Efforts;250000;2010-08-31;29;"";2010-12-20;"";Friends of ACTED
Haiti;"";2010-09-22;"";2010-05-01;Lake Ozaui;"";Ouest;"";Partners in Health;Distribution of 12,500 pairs of TOMS Shoes, in and around Port-au-Prince through the partnership with Partners in Health;Port-au-Prince;"";624;"";Port-au-Prince;Other;"";Protection;"";OBI-HT-10-019;Operation Blessing International;"";"";"";"";"";Shoe Distribution;0;2011-05-30;51;"";2011-05-13;"";""
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-12-15;"";2010-04-16;"";;"";"";"";Shipped 2x40' containers of frozen Butterball Turkeys;"";"";708;Butterball Turkeys Inc;"";Food Aid;Rick Kearney;Nutrition;Distribution Coordinator;STOP-HT-10-0213;Stop Hunger Now;"";200000;"";"";Affected population(s);In-Kind Donations to Gleaning for the World 2;71000;2010-04-30;65;;"";"";Food for the Poor, Feeding the Nations
Chad;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2001-01-01;"";;Mandoul;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1301;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-TD-01-173943;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Koumra Development Program;"";2018-01-01;76;"";"";Nutrition, HIV/AIDS;World Vision Chad
Uganda;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2000-10-12;"";;Kiboga;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1111;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-UG-00-UG4;The Hunger Project;"";30000;"";"";"";Kiboga Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Rwanda;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2000-01-01;"";;Sud;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1492;Private donations;"";Education,Health;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-RW-00-173092;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Nyamagabe Development Program;"";2015-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS, Nutrition;World Vision Rwanda
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";1999-01-01;"";;Rangpur;"";"";THP works at the Union level to (a) mobilize the population for self-reliant action, including forming producer co-operatives and other income generating enterprises, (b) build civil society from the bottom up - creating people's organization of women, youth, elders, girl-child advocates, and the poorest of the poor, (c) strengthen local democracy, (d) ensure adequate facilities for achieving the MDGs, (e) organize mass action campaigns for health, nutrition, education, clean water and sanitation.;"";"";1235;Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID),British Council,Private donations;"";Agriculture,Education,Health,Human Rights Democracy and Governance,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;John Coonrod;"";Executive Vice President;THP-BD-99-557;The Hunger Project;"";20000;"";"";"";Badarganj Pouroshova Mobilization;"";2100-12-31;83;"";"";"";The Hunger Project
Haiti;"";2011-05-17;"";2010-09-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";"Rehabilitation of the faculty of sciences building for the University of Haiti.
";Port-au-Prince;"";1819;Clinton Bush Haiti Fund;Port-au-Prince;Education;Alberto Wilde;Education;CHF KATA Chief of Party;CHF-HT-10-003;CHF;"";"";"";"";"";UEH Rehabilitaiton;968029;2011-09-01;21;"";2011-05-17;"";CHF International
Ghana;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2003-01-01;"";;Ashanti;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1159;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-GH-03-GH41;The Hunger Project;"";14695;"";"";"";Adomfe Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Uganda;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2009-01-01;"";;Mbarara;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1110;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-UG-09-UG3;The Hunger Project;"";17826;"";"";"";Kenshunga Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Haiti;"";2010-06-01;"";2010-02-15;"";;Ouest;"";"";More than to be an activity of rehabilitation the cleaning up activity is seeking to be an employment activity. Since February 15th WHI supports work force engagement by employing 175 people living with HIV (PLWHIV) and 2,180 women and youth to conduct rubble clearing and cleaning up activities at Delmas 40 B (PV club), Delmas 56, Henfraza, Palais de l'art, Télé nationale, Delmas 60 (Musso), Bicentenaire, Champ de Mars, Bourdon, Canapé-vert, Rue de la réunion, Léogâne, Jacmel, Petit-Goâve.;Léogâne,Port-au-Prince;"";745;Private donations;Delmas,Petit-Goâve,Port-au-Prince;Disaster Management,Economic Recovery and Development;Larousse Ceus;"";Country Director of Haiti;WH-HT-10-001;World Hope International;"";2350;"";"";"";Care & Support: Rubble Clearing;0;2010-09-01;73;;2011-04-28;Livelihoods;World Hope International
Haiti;"";1991-09-24;"";2004-02-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";Together We Can provided interactive HIV prevention messaging and skills-building to more than one million youth in three countries—Guyana, Haiti and Tanzania. The goal of the program was to educate youth to strengthen life skills, improve decision-making and encourage safer behavior. The program targeted young people between the ages of 10-24 years with a special emphasis on hard-to-reach and vulnerable groups like out-of-school youth and girls. In addition to distributing free condoms, the program utilized traditional classroom environments as well as non-traditional learning methods such as peer-to-peer advising, community events and entertainment-information sessions. It is a pre-earthquake program that is being implemented in areas that were not directly affected by the earthquake.  The Together We Can program reached more than 550,000 youth in Haiti . ;Léogâne,Port-au-Prince;"";100;President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR);Cité Soleil,Delmas,Petit-Goâve,Pétion-Ville;Health;Marian Spivey-Estrada;Health;Manager, Information and Reporting;ARCIS-HT-10-H2;American Red Cross;"";552994;"";"";Vulnerable people/populations, Youth, Girls;Together We Can;0;2010-12-31;9;;2011-05-05;HIV/AIDS;American Red Cross, Haitian Red Cross
Haiti;"";1991-10-12;"";2010-02-25;"";;Ouest;"";"";"";Croix-des-Bouquets,Port-au-Prince;"";128;Emergency Response Relief Fund for Haiti (OCHA/ERRF);Delmas,Ganthier;Protection;Amelia Kendall;Early Recovery,Protection;"";ARC-HT-10-001;American Refugee Committee International;"";"";"";"";"";Responding to Protection Needs of Women through Community Safe Spaces;429039;2010-11-30;10;"";2011-01-25;"";""
Haiti;"";2010-12-17;"";2010-09-15;"";;Ouest;"";"";House repair for people with disabilities in the Port-au-Prince area.  Program will repair 170 homes that were damaged in the earthquake, so that families can return to live in their homes.  The program will serve people with disabilities, with a priority on those most at-risk while living in tent cities or camps.;Croix-des-Bouquets,Port-au-Prince;"";281;Private donations;Cité Soleil,Croix-des Bouquets,Delmas,Port-au-Prince,Pétion-Ville,Tabarre;Shelter and Housing;Aaron Tate;Shelter and Non-Food Items;Emergency Response Coordinator;CWS-HT-10-002;Church World Service;"";1000;"";"";People with disabilities;House Repair for People with Disabilities;200000;2011-03-15;24;;"";Disability;Sant Kretyen pou Devlopman Entegre (SKDE)
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-03-03;"";;Ouest;"";"";"Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment
";Port-au-Prince;"";1904;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-52047;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to AMURT;60958;2011-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";Ananda Marga Universal Relief Team (AMURT)
Haiti;"";2010-10-05;"";2010-01-12;"";;Ouest,Sud-Est;"";"";Objective: Ensure that children, families and communities can aspire to live free of HIV infection, and that those affected have the right to live positively and and productively without stigma and discrimination.;Jacmel,Léogâne,Port-au-Prince;"";700;"";Jacmel,Léogâne,Port-au-Prince;Health;Nathalie Augustin;Health;Director, Haiti Stakeholder Liaison;STC-HT-10-006;Save the Children;Activities include: integration of HIV testing, prevention of mother to child transmission (PMTCT), and follow up care for HIV-exposed newborns into maternal, newborn and child health interventions.;14200;"";"";"";HIV & AIDS;0;2011-06-30;63;"";2011-01-18;HIV/AIDS;""
Ghana;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2000-01-01;"";;Eastern;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1121;The Robertson Foundation;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-GH-00-GH3;The Hunger Project;"";5000;"";"";"";Adensua Besease Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-09-24;"";2010-01-13;"";"";Ouest;"";"";Following the earthquake on January 12th, an estimated 1.4 million people moved away from their damaged or destroyed houses into open spaces such as parks, squares, football fields, vacant lots, office lawns, and neighborhood streets to culminate to 1284 camp sites.  A Camp Coordination and Distribution (CC&D) team was quickly formed to respond to IDPs immediate lifesaving food and shelter needs.  Now, the CC&D team is transforming into a Community Resettlement and Recovery Team (CRRT) to continue evolving along with the changing needs of IDPs. Current programmatic priority is placed on facilitating families safe resettlement into their neighborhoods of origin with transitional shelter and WASH facilities, while researching possible complementary asset or livelihood recovery packages.;Port-au-Prince;"";257;"Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation,Open Society Institute (OSI),Private donations,World Food Program (WFP)";Port-au-Prince;Disaster Management;Nicole Balliette;Camp Coordination and Management,Food Security and Agriculture,Nutrition;Haiti Earthquake Response Coordinator;CRS-HT-10-7420203;Catholic Relief Services (CRS);To provide an emergency response to the earthquake in Haiti.;251170;"";"";Children, Elderly, People with disabilities, Men, People living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA), Refugees, Internally displaced persons (IDPs), Women, Youth;Haiti Earthquake Response / Food Security and Livelihoods;5020659;2011-09-30;20;"";"";Livelihoods;Catholic Relief Services (CRS)
Haiti;"";2011-04-14;"";2011-05-01;"Léogâne, Fondwa
";;Ouest;"";"";"This project supports rebuilding of 55 homes, repairing of 12 homes, and retrofitting of 22 homes.
";Léogâne;"";1751;Private donations;Léogâne;Shelter and Housing;Thomas Dwyer;Shelter and Non-Food Items;Executive Director, UMCOR NGO;UMCOR-HT-11-G133-1;United Methodist Committee on Relief;"";"";"";Subawardee;Rural population;Providing Permanent Shelter for Households in Rural Haiti;361351;2011-12-31;67;"";2011-04-14;"";Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee (BRAC)
Mali;foodsecurity_site;2011-04-07;"";2009-04-01;"";;Ségou;"";Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Economic Institute;Livelihoods Strengthened through Sesame is a four-year project that aims to improve the livelihoods of rural households in San through increased production and sale of sesame using agro-enterprise techniques.;"";"";1690;Foods Resource Bank (FRB);"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development;Timothy Bishop;"";Country Representative;CRS-ML-09-2184660042;Catholic Relief Services (CRS);"Farmer Field Schools; Savings and Internal Lending Communities (SILC) and Agro-Enterprise Groups. ";23800;"";Prime Awardee;Vulnerable producers;Livelihoods Strengthened through Sesame  ;540426;2012-11-15;20;"";2011-04-14;Literacy, Microfinance;Catholic Relief Services (CRS), Caritas San
Haiti;"";2010-09-01;"";2010-09-01;Rue Lafleur Ducheine, Port-au-Prince;;Ouest;"";N/A;Work for Food;Port-au-Prince;shipping/custome clearance;219;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Other;Lesly Pierre;"";Coordinator;TZU-HT-10-TZHT-02;Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation;Collège EUDEC;295;"";NA;Affected population(s);Job Training # 1;85000;2011-12-31;18;"";2010-09-01;Livelihoods;Tzu Chi Foundation
Mexico;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1998-01-01;"";;San Luis Potosí;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1454;Private donations;"";Health;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-MX-98-172141;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Zentik Development Program;"";2020-01-01;76;"";"";Nutrition;World Vision Mexico
Ethiopia;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1990-01-01;"";;Amhara;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1347;Private donations;"";Education,Health;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV- ET-90-164166;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Antsokia (Chancho) Development Program;"";2012-01-01;76;"";"";"";World Vision Ethiopia
Jordan;foodsecurity_site;2011-02-25;"";2011-01-01;Amman, Zarka, Irbid;;Amman,Irbid,Zarqa;"";"";"Provide monthly food rations to orphans and poor families
";"";"";1639;Private donations;"";Food Aid;Walid Qanah;"";Regional Director;LRD-JO-11-001;Life for Relief and Development;"";4410;"";"";Orphans, Poor families;Food Distribution to Orphans and Poor Families (Jordan);378000;2011-12-31;44;;2011-02-28;"";Life for Relief and Development
Haiti;"";2010-10-05;"";2010-01-21;"";"";"";"";"";Medical mission supplies;"";"";185;Private donations;"";Health;"";Health;"";BBF-HT-10-010;Brother's Brother Foundation;"";"";"";"";"";Medical Mission Trip # 5;2709163;2010-03-04;17;"";"";"";Medical Benevolence Foundation (MBF)
Haiti;"";1991-12-13;"";2010-12-09;"";;L'Artibonite;"";"";Container of supplies to support preparation of 80 Cholera kits by PAHO;Saint-Marc;"";417;Private donations;Saint-Marc;Health;Marisol Wandiga Valentin;Health;Program Officer;GLI-HT-10-022;Global Links;"";60000;"";"";Cholera affected population;Cholera Response Container # 3;63817;2012-12-31;30;;2011-04-26;"";Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)
Nepal;foodsecurity_site;2010-07-27;"";2008-10-01;"";"";Far West;"";Nepali Technical Assistance Group (NTAG), Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, Ministry of Health Nepal (Child Health Division);This project  develops an integrated food security and nutrition model that will reduce malnutrition and morbidity in children under two and pregnant/lactating women. It also aims to increase the year-round availability and accessibility of micronutrient-rich foods.;"";"";951;US Agency for International Development (USAID);"";Agriculture,Health;"";"";"";HKI-NP-08-1826;Helen Keller International;"";149280;"";"";Women with children under 2 years;Action Against Malnutrition through Agriculture (AAMA);"";2012-09-30;79;"";"";Nutrition;""
Haiti;"";2010-10-05;"";2010-08-13;"";"";"";"";"";Medical mission supplies;"";"";216;Private donations;"";Health;"";Health;"";BBF-HT-10-041;Brother's Brother Foundation;"";"";"";"";"";Medical Mission Trip # 26;43661;2010-09-13;17;"";"";"";Holy Redeemer Haiti Medical Mission
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";1999-01-01;"";;Rangpur;"";"";THP works at the Union level to (a) mobilize the population for self-reliant action, including forming producer co-operatives and other income generating enterprises, (b) build civil society from the bottom up - creating people's organization of women, youth, elders, girl-child advocates, and the poorest of the poor, (c) strengthen local democracy, (d) ensure adequate facilities for achieving the MDGs, (e) organize mass action campaigns for health, nutrition, education, clean water and sanitation.;"";"";1198;Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID),British Council,Private donations;"";Agriculture,Education,Health,Human Rights Democracy and Governance,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;John Coonrod;"";Executive Vice President;THP-BD-99-162;The Hunger Project;"";20000;"";"";"";Gazaria Mobilization;"";2100-12-31;83;"";"";"";The Hunger Project
Haiti;"";2010-12-17;"";2010-10-01;"";;L'Artibonite,Nord-Ouest;"";"";Housing construction to expand the homes of families that are hosting internally displaced people (IDPs).  Program will expand the homes of 148 families who are part of the agricultural cooperatives supported by CWS in the region.  The program will enable IDPs to settle permanently in the region, so that they don't have to return to earthquake-affected areas.  This will enable them to have a more stable living situation, as well as advance the goal of de-urbanization of Haiti.;Gonaïves,Gros-Morne,Môle Saint-Nicolas;"";283;Private donations;Baie de Henne,Bombardopolis,Gonaïves,Gros-Morne,Jean-Rabel;Shelter and Housing;Aaron Tate;Shelter and Non-Food Items;Emergency Response Coordinator;CWS-HT-10-004;Church World Service;"";740;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs);Host Home Expansion for IDPs;200000;2011-09-30;24;;"";"";Sant Kretyen pou Devlopman Entegre (SKDE)
Peru;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1996-01-01;"";;Lima;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1473;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Protection,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-PE-96-170947;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";C.Vallejo Development Program;"";2012-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS;World Vision Peru
Haiti;"";2010-09-27;"";2010-03-05;Port-au-Prince;;Ouest;Port-au-Prince;"";Delivery of $140,445 worth of medical supplies to Partners in Health for the Hopital l'Universite d'Etate d'Haiti -(HUEH) and other hospitals and clinics;Port-au-Prince;"";669;"";Port-au-Prince;Health;Niecy LoCricchio;Health;Director of Grants;CURE-HT-10-20923;PROJECT C.U.R.E.;"";18000;"";"";"";In-Kind Donations to Partners in Health (PIH) - mostly gurneys;140511;2010-03-05;59;;"";"";Partners in Health, University Hospital (HUEH), Other hospitals 
Afghanistan;foodsecurity_site;2011-05-26;"";2010-09-01;2nd Admin: Surobi, Shakar Ddara, Dih Sabz, Paghman, Khaki Jabar;;Kabul;"";"";"This project supports the sustainability of returns in 5 separate districts of Kabul Province by providing essential livelihood, healthcare, education, and water assistance.
";"";"";1930;Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration (DOS/PRM);"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Nicholas Jaeger;"";Program Assistant, UMCOR-NGO;UMCOR-AF-10-SABP27;United Methodist Committee on Relief;"";175728;"";"";"";Supporting Sustainable Return to Kabul Province;1698940;2011-08-31;67;"";2011-05-26;"";UMCOR Afghanistan
Haiti;"";2010-10-05;"";2010-04-15;"";"";"";"";"";Medical mission supplies;"";"";197;Private donations;"";Health;"";Health;"";BBF-HT-10-022;Brother's Brother Foundation;"";"";"";"";"";Medical Mission Trip # 12;4647;2010-05-15;17;"";"";"";College Hill United Methodist Church
Guatemala;foodsecurity_site;2010-08-25;"";2010-07-01;"";;Retalhuleu;"";"";A humanitarian relief effort that has long-term components, for example, farm land was destroyed which will limit farmers' harvests and therefore significantly reduce farmers' incomes and food security. Oxfam and ACCSS will work with the Champerico communities to support these farmers in the coming year. Related to food security, 'cash for work' will be imlemented so that community members can earn a wage while cleaning and rebuilding thier communities so they will have cash on hand to meet their family's needs for food and inputs for agricultural production.;"";"";1013;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development;Christina Givey;"";Program Associate;OXFA-GT-10-GUA 012/ 10;Oxfam America;"";9900;"";"";"";Building Capacities in Response to Floods in Champerico, Guatemala;"";2010-12-31;80;"";"";Food security;Asociación Coordinadora Comunitaria de Servicios para la Salud
Haiti;"";1991-11-13;"";2010-10-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";Building 600 Transitional Shelters using thirteen 40 ft containers of donated in-kind OSB panels to leverage complementary inputs.;Léogâne;"";154;Norbord Inc.,Private donations;Petit-Goâve;Shelter and Housing;Michael D. Miller;Shelter and Non-Food Items;President;ADF-HT-10-006;America's Development Foundation;"";3000;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs);Building Transitional Shelters;262463;2011-01-30;12;;1991-11-13;"";America's Development Foundation, Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund Deutschland e.V. (ASB), Adventist Development and Relief Agency (Denmark), Adventist Development and Relief Agency (Switzerland), Adventist Development and Relief Agency (Czech Republic), Adventist Development and Relief Agency (Canada), Adventist Development and Relief Agency (Germany), Adventist Development and Relief Agency (Romania), Adventist Development and Relief Agency (Slovakia), Adventist Development and Relief Agency (Austria), Adventist Development and Relief Agency (France)
Haiti;"";2011-03-29;"";2011-02-01;"";;Grand'Anse;"";"";Cholera (Emergency Disaster Response);Anse d'Hainault,Corail,Jérémie;"";1688;American Red Cross;Anse d'Hainaul,Bonbon,Corail,Jérémie,Moron,Roseaux;Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tamara Shukakidze;"";Deputy Director Disaster Response;CARE-HT-11-004;CARE;Water and sanitation, Hygiene promotion, Distribution of hygiene kits, Training for the populations;336216;"";"";Cholera affected population;Cholera-Disaster Response Program;1200000;2011-07-31;19;"";2011-04-07;"";CARE Haiti
Indonesia;foodsecurity_site;2010-07-27;"";2009-07-01;"";;Jakarta Raya;"";"";Training, Seed & Tool Distribution, Therapeutic Feeding Ctr., Health Screening Services;"";"";797;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Health;Michael Koeniger;"";Indonesia Country Dir.;CWS-ID-09-2000-5027;Church World Service;"";7500;"";Prime awardee;Children under 5;SASANDO Food Security/Nutrition Program;"";2011-06-30;24;"";"";Gender;Church World Service
Philippines;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1987-01-01;"";;Palawan;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1487;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-PH-87-68086;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Tabod It Arap to Camarines Development Program;"";2010-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS;World Vision Philippines
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-11-04;"";;Ouest;"";"";Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment;Port-au-Prince;"";1821;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-51514;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Centre de Nutrition et de Sante;12443;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";Centre de Nutrition et de Sante
Haiti;"";2011-01-12;"";2009-08-01;"";;L'Artibonite;"";Community-based organizations;"This project provides disaster mitigation through rehabilitation of affected areas, strengthens the Government's Office of Civil Protection, and promotes disaster management and reduction of community vulnerability. PUGRD has established Communal Civil Protection Committees that reduce vulnerability of Artibonite populations in 15 communities to floods and other natural disasters. Outcomes include: 1) creation and training of Civil Protection Committees; 2) development of detailed risk maps; 3) development of contingency plans and protocols; and 4) implementation of practice drills and establishment of local procedures for disaster preparedness, mitigation, response, and recovery.";Gonaïves;Additional funding;641;World Bank;Gonaïves;Disaster Management;Daniel O'Neil;Early Recovery,Shelter and Non-Food Items;Senior Program Director for the Caribbean;PADF-HT-09-003;Pan American Development Foundation;"";"";"";Prime;"";Emergency Response, Disaster Mitigation and Preparedness Project (PUGRD) ;750000;2011-01-31;54;;2011-01-12;Disaster risk reduction (DRR);Pan American Development Foundation
Chad;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2003-01-01;"";;Mandoul;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1300;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-TD-03-175326;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Kemkian Development Program;"";2018-01-01;76;"";"";Nutrition;World Vision Chad
Haiti;"";2010-09-24;"";2010-01-18;University Hospital;;Ouest;"";"";Through the Long-Term Health Development (LTHD) Program, MAP customizes large volume shipments of donated and purchased medicines and health supplies for reputable foreign-based health institutions and international relief and development organizations.;Port-au-Prince;"";527;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Health;Scott Ruschak;Health;Director, International Medical Resources;MAP-HT-10-32289;MAP International;"";112500;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs);In-kind donation to World Vision US/Partners in Health, #3;85715;2010-02-18;47;"";"";"";World Vision US, Partners in Health 
Mozambique;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2009-09-21;"";;Nampula,Zambézia;"";"";Diversify smallholder income and reduce economic risks associated with coconut lethal yellowing disease (CYLD) through training of producers, establishing surveillance brigades, and planting tree seedlings.;"";"";1579;ACDI/VOCA,Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC);"";Agriculture;Carlos Piedrasanta;"";RDM Operations Deputy, IPG, World Vision US;WV-MZ-09-n/a;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Mozambique - Farmer Income Support Project;"";2013-09-20;76;"";"";"";ACDI/VOCA, World Vision Mozambique
Nicaragua;foodsecurity_site;2010-08-16;"";2008-07-01;"";;Léon;"";"";The Municipality of Achuapa, in the Department of Leon, is one of the poorest municipalities of the west region of Nicaragua. Characterized by low rates of human development, the main problems faced by families are adequate nourishment, environmental deterioration and gender inequity. This project, in a period of five years, hopes to improve the living conditions of 180 families – 60 original families and 120 by passing on the gift – living in 20 communities with the delivery of 60 pigs, 20 heifers and 60 sheep, seeds for grass and forage, training, technical assistance and reforestation activities.  In the short-term, it is expected that the families will improve their nutrition and food security, family relationships and awareness to develop actions to surpass the environmental problems faced.;"";"";929;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Environment;Americas program;"";Americas program;HEFI-NI-08-23-1615-02;Heifer International;"";280;"";"";"";Agro-ecological Integral Development, Environmental Protection, and Gender Equity in the Municipality of Achuapa;"";2013-06-30;34;"";"";"";Association for Livestock Development of Achuapa (ASODEPA)
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;"";"";1995-06-01;"";;Rajshahi;"";"";Weekly meetings of Savings and Learning Groups of between 12 and 20 people as a vehicle for micro-savings-based food security and micro-enterprise, WASH education, health education, community development and long-term formation of participant-led community development institutions. Groups are single-gender settings to meet the needs of cultural norms in Bangladesh, but teach skills for healthy social interaction and values for good relationships. Groups are self-led and facilitated by FH Staff, with direct contact one half day per group per week.;"";"";843;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Lucas Shindeldecker;"";Food Security Program Officer;FH-BD-95-BANFCT020023;Food for the Hungry;"";19360;"";"";"";Family and Community Transformation (FCT) # 3;"";2014-12-31;28;;"";Gender, Capacity building;""
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2011-01-25;"";2010-02-19;"";"";Ouest;"";"";Distribution of new family buckets, hygiene kits, rice and dried beans.;Croix-des-Bouquets;"";293;Private donations,USAID Ocean Freight Reimbursement Program;Croix-des Bouquets;Disaster Management,Food Aid;"";Food Security and Agriculture,Shelter and Non-Food Items;"";CPINT-HT-10-OFR 212;Counterpart International;"";"";"";"";Affected population(s);Haiti Assistance Project # 5;0;2011-02-28;25;"";2011-02-03;"";Counterpart International
Ethiopia;foodsecurity_site;2011-05-11;"";2009-12-01;""; ;Somali;"";Catholic Relief Services (CRS), Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA), Pastoralist Concern (PC)  ;"Goal: Lives and livelihoods of emergency-affected Ethiopians are protected. Strategic objectives: (1) Flexible assistance and support provided to anticipate and respond rapidly to the food needs of both Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP) and non-PSNP emergency-affected Ethiopians in NGO operational presence woredas; (2) Depletion of household assets in targeted communities prevented.
";"";"";1792;US Agency for International Development (USAID);"";Food Aid;Axel Weiser ;"";Director, Livelihoods Unit ;STC-ET-09-84031658/659 ;Save the Children;"Provide Sphere standard ration such as cereals, vegetable oil, corn-soy blend (CSB), pulses for transitory food insecure communities 
";2115834;"";Subawardee ;Drought and flood affected households  ;Extended Joint Emergency Operational Plan  ;5387081;2012-06-30;63;"";2011-05-11;"";Save the Children US  
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;1991-10-12;"";2010-01-19;"";;Centre,Grand'Anse,L'Artibonite,Nord,Nord-Est,Nord-Ouest,Ouest,Sud,Sud-Est;"";"";Vulnerable groups in Haiti have long been dependent on food assistance, and this need has only increased since the earthquake. The American Red Cross has provided food rations for over 1 million people, primarily young mothers and children, through a partnership with the U.N. World Food Programme.  The American Red Cross also donated nearly 3 million packaged meals for distribution in the early days of the response.;Cap-Haïtien,Fort-Liberté,Gonaïves,Hinche,Jacmel,Jérémie,Port-au-Prince,Port-de-Paix,les Cayes;"";96;Private donations;Cap-Haïtien,Cayes,Fort-Liberté,Gonaïves,Hinche,Jacmel,Jérémie,Port-au-Prince,Port-de-Paix;Food Aid;Marian Spivey-Estrada;Food Security and Agriculture;Manager, Information and Reporting;ARCIS-HT-10-DR01&DR05;American Red Cross;"";1000000;"";"";Vulnerable people/populations, Children;Emergency Food Distributions;0;2010-12-31;9;;2011-04-29;"";World Food Program (WFP)
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;"";"";2003-06-01;"";;Dhaka;"";"";Weekly meetings of Savings and Learning Groups of between 12 and 20 people as a vehicle for micro-savings-based food security and micro-enterprise, WASH education, health education, community development and long-term formation of participant-led community development institutions. Groups are single-gender settings to meet the needs of cultural norms in Bangladesh, but teach skills for healthy social interaction and values for good relationships. Groups are self-led and facilitated by FH Staff, with direct contact one half day per group per week.;"";"";842;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Lucas Shindeldecker;"";Food Security Program Officer;FH-BD-03-BANFCT010022;Food for the Hungry;"";30400;"";"";"";Family and Community Transformation (FCT) # 2;"";2011-12-31;28;;"";Gender, Capacity building;""
Nigeria;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-10;"";2010-05-01;"";;Enugu;"";Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Nigeria Ministry of Agriculture ;Based on the successful poultry model first implemented in Afghanistan, PMI focuses on both the production and processing of poultry in Nigeria. This initiative will build on the existing production capacity and incorporate an on-site processing component that will help to diversify the income generation opportunities for participants and lead to greater probability of sustained income. PMI is an agribusiness model that can be applied in varying contexts and functions to increase women's participation in the agricultural value chain. In addition, it is designed to promote small-scale farmers to the commercial market with a value-added product. The main objective of PMI is to train socially excluded women in poultry production, processing and marketing.  Participants will learn to compete commercially by basing their production and processing on market considerations thereby facilitating profitability. ;"";"";1260;Bloomberg Family Foundation;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development;Roberta Bernhard;"";Senior Agribusiness Officer;WWI-NG-10-PMI01N;Women for Women International;"PMI activities include: intensive training in poultry production, processing and marketing; identifying and establishing partnerships with local technical assistance organizations; identifying sustainable markets and linking PMI participants to market partnerships; providing additional services such as agriculture extension agents and business/cooperative development. ";3000;"";Prime awardee;Socially excluded women farmers ;Poultry Marketing Initiative  (PMI) - Nigeria ;0;2013-12-31;84;;2011-03-15;Gender, Livelihoods ;Women for Women International-Nigeria 
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-05;"";2010-01-12;"";;Ouest,Sud-Est;"";"";Objective: Improve food security and diversified livelihoods activities to support nutrition, health, and education for children.;Jacmel,Léogâne,Port-au-Prince;"";698;Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC),ECHO,KPMG,Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA),Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA),World Food Program (WFP);Jacmel,Léogâne,Port-au-Prince;Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development;Nathalie Augustin;Food Security and Agriculture;Director, Haiti Stakeholder Liaison;STC-HT-10-005;Save the Children;"Activities include: provision of cash and vouchers, cash grants, and community-managed micro-loans during the emergency phase; and work with the Ministry of Agriculture Natural Resources and Rural Development to strengthen agricultural value chains. These activities are part of an integrated package of health, nutrition, community WASH and food security activities that Save the Children is providing to communities in Jacmel and Bainet. In each selected community, Save the Children is implementing community WASH activities that include WASH at the health centers or dispensaries, as well as water supply, solid waste management, and hygiene promotion with the community. In the same communities, SC is implementing small disaster mitigation projects that improve community access to health services and markets while simultaneously improving household incomes through cash-for-work (CFW). Finally, in the same communities, vulnerable families are having access to diversified food sources. SC's aim is to improve child and maternal health and nutrition through access to quality health and nutrition services, safe water, more hygienic conditions, dietary diversity and incomes to sustain the improvements.";34050;"";"";"";Food Security and Livelihoods;6115339;2011-07-31;63;"";2011-01-18;Livelihoods;ACDI/VOCA, Haiti Ministry of Agriculture Natural Resources and Rural Development (MARNDR)
Thailand;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1999-01-01;"";;Bangkok;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1533;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-TH-99-172446;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Huay Kwang Development Program;"";2015-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS;World Vision Thailand
Mexico;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1996-01-01;"";;Oaxaca;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1453;Private donations;"";Health;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-MX-96-170890;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Vicente Camalote Development Program;"";2015-01-01;76;"";"";Nutrition;World Vision Mexico
United Republic of Tanzania;foodsecurity_site;2010-09-10;"";2009-07-01;"";;"";"";"";The project will provide the remaining balance of livestock including 50 heifers, 5 breeding bulls, 20 dairy goats and 2 breeding bucks to a total of 60 families.;"";"";897;Private donations;"";Agriculture;Kelly Doppelhammer;"";East Africa Program Assistant;HEFI-TZ-09-21-0436-01;Heifer International;"";148;"";"";"";South West Zone Rukwa Agriculture Project;"";2011-06-30;34;"";"";"";Heifer Tanzania
Malawi;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2007-03-01;"";;Central;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1088;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-MW-07-001;The Hunger Project;"";7396;"";"";"";Champiti  Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Haiti;"";2010-06-01;"";2010-02-16;"";;L'Artibonite,Ouest,Sud-Est;"";"";During the short term relief/recovery, WHI in collaboration with its three partners (FONDAMIE, GENESHA, WHH) is working to provide health care to a target of 17,500 people in the directly/indirectly affected areas. From February 16th, in 22 sites in the west and south-east departments WHI has given general care to 3,403 people, pediatric care to 2,672 children and gynecology-obstetrician care to 192 pregnant women. Those 22 sites are: Place Christophe (Léogâne), Lacul (Léogâne), Santo (Léogâne), Poste Marchand, Pétionville, Canapé-vert, Martissant, Carrefour feuille, Delmas 32 (Acra), Delmas 40B, Primature, Bicentenaire, Delmas 75, Nan Regal (Petit-Goâve), Croix Martyre (Petit-Goâve), Grand chemin (Petit-Goâve), Delmas 56, Place Boyer, Decouze (Jacmel), Terrain Wolf (Jacmel), Eglise Wesleyenne (Jacmel), Terrain Lycée Pinchinat (Jacmel).  This is coordinated with the Health Cluster.;Croix-des-Bouquets,Dessalines,Jacmel,Léogâne,Port-au-Prince;"";752;Private donations;Croix-des Bouquets,Delmas,Dessalines,Jacmel,Léogâne,Port-au-Prince,Pétion-Ville;Health;Larousse Ceus;Health;Country Director of Haiti;WH-HT-10-008;World Hope International;"";17500;"";Prime awardee;"";Relief: Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC);0;2010-09-01;73;;2011-04-28;"";World Hope International, FONDAMIE, GENESHA, WHH
Nicaragua;foodsecurity_site;2010-08-16;"";2007-07-01;"";;Léon,Managua,Matagalpa;"";"";This project is a result of the need to improve the situation of extreme poverty faced by the selected families due to the high levels of unemployment in the rural areas where the project “Support to the Production of Minor Livestock in the department of Leon (La Paz Centro and Nagarote), Managua (Ciudad Sandino and El Crucero) and Matagalpa (San Ramón, El Tuma La Dalia and Darío) has incidence.  The participating families live from subsistence agriculture cultivating beans, corn, wheat and fodder.  The project's main objective is to contribute with their food security and strengthening their economy through a good resources administration.;"";"";927;Private donations;"";Agriculture;Americas program;"";Americas program;HEFI-NI-07-23-1613-02;Heifer International;"";874;"";"";"";Reinforcing the Production of Minor Livestock with 144 Families;"";2012-06-30;34;"";"";"";RAINBOW NETWORK INC – RED “ARCOIRIS”
Haiti;"";1991-12-20;"";2009-11-30;"";"";L'Artibonite;"";United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), Coordination Humanitaire Gonaives;Assist displaced families living in Praville II camp to find more secure housing by providing one years rent for each family (10,000 gourdes).;Gonaïves;"";252;Private donations;Gonaïves;Shelter and Housing;Nicole Balliette;"";Haiti Earthquake Response Coordinator;CRS-HT-10-7420151;Catholic Relief Services (CRS);"";150;"";"";Children, Elderly, People with disabilities, Men, Orphans and vulnerable children (OVC), Refugees, Internally displaced persons (IDPs), Women, Youth;PRAVILLE;50000;2010-01-15;20;"";2011-01-14;"";Catholic Relief Services (CRS)
Uganda;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2010-05-01;"";;Kitgum;"";"";n/a;"";"";1606;World Food Program (WFP);"";"";Carlos Piedrasanta;"";RDM Operations Deputy, IPG, World Vision US;WV-UG-10-002;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Purchase for Progress (P4P) Phase II;"";2010-12-31;76;"";"";"";World Vision Uganda
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-15;"";2004-06-15;Hinche;,;Centre;"";Whitney Clinic;Provision of ready-to-use therapeutic food (RUTF) to implementing partners. The Whitney Clinic sees hundreds of patients weekly. Malnourished children receive Medika Mamba on an outpatient basis.;Hinche;"";563;"";Hinche;Health;Tom Stehl, Maryse Sterlin;Health,Nutrition;Coordinator of Operations, Haiti Administrator;MFK-HT-10-010;Meds & Food for Kids;"";"";"";"";Malnourished children;Community Management of Acute Malnutrition - Catholic Church of St. Monica;0;2011-12-12;77;"";2011-04-11;"";Catholic Church of St. Monica
Rwanda;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1999-01-01;"";;Sud;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1493;Private donations;"";Education,Health;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-RW-99-173093;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Nyaruguru Development Program;"";2015-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS;World Vision Rwanda
Swaziland;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2009-01-01;"";;Shiselweni;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1511;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Health;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-SZ-09-186226;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Mahlalini Development Program;"";2025-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS;World Vision Swaziland
Ghana;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2006-01-01;"";;Eastern;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1130;The Robertson Foundation;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-GH-06-GH12;The Hunger Project;"";4785;"";"";"";Apau Wawase Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Uganda;foodsecurity_site;2011-03-10;"";2007-11-08;"2nd admin: Masaka-Kyotera subregion
City/village: Kyotera";;Rakai;"";Oikocredit;LWRs partner in this project is Community Enterprises Development Organization Ltd. (CEDO),  whose mission is to improve agricultural production, food security, and incomes of farmers and marginalized groups including people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWAS). The project will support 34 farmer groups, through technical assistance in commercial bean seeds production, processing, and marketing. CEDO will facilitate their relationship with Oikocredit, an ecumenical worldwide financial institution that mobilizes capital for socially responsible investments. Oikocredit will provide access to financial services to further support CEDOs bean seeds production activities.Objectives: (1) Commercial bean seed production, processing and marketing will lead to steady increases in income and reduce poverty: Access to financial services, agricultural technical assistance and training, and needed technologies will yield a 67% increase in harvests and in an eightfold increase in net incomes by project end. (2) Strengthened organizational capacity and support to HIV/AIDS affected:  CEDO members receive technical and managerial training, in order to run a profitable bean seeds plant capable of processing more than 2,000 metric tons of bean seeds. CEDO has increased capacity to extend organizational, agricultural, marketing and credit support services to farmer communities, using part of the profits from the bean seed plant to create a fund to support people living with and affected by HIV/AIDS.  ;"";"";1648;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development;Alissa Karg;"";Africa Deputy Regional Director;LWR-UG-07-AF-UGA-3-001-08;Lutheran World Relief;"";6300;"";"";"";Improving Incomes of HIV/AIDS Affected Farming Communities ;0;2011-10-31;45;;2011-03-17;Capacity building, HIV/AIDS;Community Enterprises Development Organization Ltd. (CEDO)
Haiti;"";2010-12-15;"";2010-12-01;"";;Ouest;500 small- and medium-sized entersprises (SMEs);"";"Mercy Corps will work with local enterprise development institutions to develop a business mentoring and training platform that will provide Haiti's entrepreneurs with the guidance and know-how they need to build successful businesses. The first phase of the program, lasting one year and sponsored by the Western Union Foundation, will provide training and mentoring to 500 small and growing businesses in four departments - Ouest (Port-au-Prince), Nord (Cap-Haïtien), Sud-Est (Jacmel), and Centre (Hinche). The program will build and train a corps of local mentors in addition to engaging the Haitian Diaspora and international business community, creating a powerful network of support for Haiti's emerging entrepreneurs. The program will be steadily integrated into local enterprise development institutions in order to help these organizations provide mentoring services to their clients, offer participants access to a full compliment of business development services, including access to financing, and better ensure the long-term sustainability of the program.

";Port-au-Prince;"";603;Western Union Foundation;Carrefour,Cité Soleil,Delmas,Grenier,Kenscoff,Port-au-Prince,Pétion-Ville,Tabarre;Economic Recovery and Development;Koko Sossouvi;Early Recovery;Economic Recovery Program Manager;MC-HT-10-014;Mercy Corps;"";500;"";"";"";Haiti Small and Medium Enterprise Recovery and Development Program;500000;2011-11-30;50;;2011-04-08;"";Mercy Corps
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;2010-07-27;"";2009-03-31;"";"";"";"";"";EC/JPGSPH/BRAC - Nutrition (Nutrition Surveillance) - BD;"";"";935;European Commission (EC);"";Health;"";Nutrition;"";HKI-BD-09-7007;Helen Keller International;"";"";"";"";"";National Food Security Nutritional Surveillance Project (FSNSP);"";2014-04-30;79;"";"";Nutrition;""
Brazil;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-18;"";2010-08-01;"";;Ceará,Mato Grosso do Sul,São Paulo;To ensure pilot expansion and sustainability, PATH is helping to establish several state-level alliances--with the ultimate goal of influencing budgetary allocations and policy change. ;Adorella Alimentos Ltd.;PATH is building demand for Ultra Rice in existing public-sector funded meal programs as a market entry strategy.  This approach has allowed PATH to test the feasibility, acceptance and effectiveness of Ultra Rice kernels, establish distribution to nutritionally vulnerable groups with little incremental cost, and cultivate demand from institutional buyers to drive economies of scale. It has also allowed Ultra Rice to be produced at an even more affordable price for later entry into commercial markets that serve the poor. In Brazil, municipal governments in three states (Mato Grosso do Sul, São Paulo, and Ceará) now serve Ultra Rice grains (produced by Adorella) in school lunch programs that reach 90,000 schoolchildren daily. ;"";"";1037;"Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation";"";Health;Amy Wales;Nutrition;Communications Specialist;PATH-BR-10-001;PATH;"";65000;"";Prime awardee;Micronutrient deficient schoolchildren ;Pilot Introduction of Ultra Rice into Three Municipal School Meal Programs in Brazil ;0;2011-12-31;81;;2011-04-26;Nutrition;Municipal Government
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2009-07-16;"";;Barisal,Khulna;"";"";Restores livelihoods and provides increased and sustained livelihood opportunities for the cyclone-affected populations in southern Bangladesh through restoring productive assets, increasing purchasing power of affected populations, provides alternative income generating activities, and supports the resumption of widespread market activities.;"";"";1574;US Agency for International Development (USAID);"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development;Carlos Piedrasanta;"";RDM Operations Deputy, IPG, World Vision US;WV-BD-09-191922;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Post Cyclone Sidr Livlihoods Recovery;"";2011-07-15;76;"";"";"";World Vision Bangladesh
Philippines;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1987-01-01;"";;Isabela;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1486;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-PH-87-68061;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Pangkaunlaran Development Program;"";2015-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS;World Vision Philippines
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-03-03;"";;Ouest;"";"";Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment;Port-au-Prince;"";1799;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-8915;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Centre Hospitalier du Sacre-Cour;502438;2010-03-19;26;;2011-04-22;"";Centre Hospitalier du Sacre-Cour
Haiti;"";2010-12-15;"";2010-12-15; Zone Corail;;Ouest;"";N/A;Work for Food;Port-au-Prince;shipping/custome clearance;228;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Other;Lesly Pierre;"";Coordinator;TZU-HT-10-TZHT-11;Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation;Camp dhébergement à Corail  ;432;"";NA;Affected population(s);Job Training # 5;95000;2011-12-31;18;"";2010-12-15;Livelihoods;Tzu Chi Foundation
Malawi;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2005-08-02;"";;Southern;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1091;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-MW-05-004;The Hunger Project;"";22024;"";"";"";Ligowe Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
United Republic of Tanzania;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2010-06-01;"";";";Dodoma,Morogoro;This project will benefit 14,182 people in Mlali, 15,517 people in Lumuma and 13,968 in Matomondo.;"";"In this multi-community project, LWR is partnering with Mlali, Matomondo, and Lumuma savings and credit cooperatives (SACCOS) located in Mpwapwa, Kongwa and Kilosa districts of the Dodoma region of central Tanzania, to reduce community vulnerability to drought and flooding. These savings and cooperative groups have a combined total membership of over 1,500 individuals, of which 40% are women, which represent more than 17 different local villages.  This project is unique in that the implementation area spans both ward and district lines to encourage a watershed-based approach to natural resource management. Partnering with the communities within the watershed promotes collaboration which will contribute to community ownership of the project and sustainability.  LWR and its network of partners will support Mlali, Matomondo and Lumuma SACCOS to increase organizational capacity, promote sustainable natural resource management, and increase and diversify revenue sources to improve the communities' resilience to natural disasters, increase food security and improve livelihoods across the region.  Objective #1:  Increase productive use of labor, land and water to strengthen resilience to climate shocks and improve food security and rural livelihoods for more than 40,000 smallholder farmers. Objective #2:  Use draught animals to improve fertility and productivity of soil to increase crop yields of maize and sunflower to at least three times current production levels.  Objective #3: Diversify and increase producer revenue by four-fold through animal husbandry and dairy production, processing and marketing. Objective #4:  Strengthen organizational and technical capacity of SACCOS members to increase opportunities for economies of scale, and improved terms of trade among small-scale farmers.

";"";"";996;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Disaster Management,Economic Recovery and Development;Hayley Frank;"";Regional Program Associate for Africa;LWR-TZ-10-AF-TAN-3-001-10;Lutheran World Relief;"";43667;"";"";Women farmers;Combating Community Vulnerability to the Cycle of Drought and Flooding in Dodoma Region;"";2014-05-31;45;;"";Gender, Disaster risk reduction (DRR), Capacity building;MLALI Ward Savings and Credit Cooperative Society (SACCOS), LUMUMA Ward Savings and Credit Cooperative Society (SACCOS), MATOMONDO Ward Savings and Credit Cooperative Society (SACCOS)
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-03-03;"";;Ouest;"";"";Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment;Port-au-Prince;"";1800;Private donations;"";Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-8922;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Clinic Maison Lumiere;73595;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";Clinic Maison Lumiere
Haiti;"";2010-09-24;"";2010-01-12;"";"";Ouest,Sud-Est;"";"";Haiti disaster response to assist various churches with emergency support.;Bainet,Belle-Anse,Croix-des-Bouquets,Jacmel,La Gonave,Léogâne,Port-au-Prince,l'Arcahaie;"";256;Private donations;Anse-à-Galets,Anse-à-Pitre,Arcahaie,Bainet,Belle-Anse,Cabaret,Carrefour,Cayes Jacmel,Cornillon,Croix-des Bouquets,Côtes-de-Fer,Delmas,Fonds-Verettes,Ganthier,Grand-Gosier,Grand-Goâve,Grenier,Jacmel,Kenscoff,La Vallée,Léogâne,Marigot,Petit-Goâve,Pointe-à-Raquette,Port-au-Prince,Pétion-Ville,Thiotte,Thomazeau;Disaster Management;Nicole Balliette;"";Haiti Earthquake Response Coordinator;CRS-HT-10-7420202;Catholic Relief Services (CRS);"";10000;"";"";People living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA), Orphans and vulnerable children (OVC), Children, Elderly, People with disabilities, Men, Refugees, Internally displaced persons (IDPs), Women, Youth;Haiti Earthquake Response / Support to the Churches;2446628;2011-09-30;20;"";"";"";Catholic Relief Services (CRS)
Haiti;"";2010-10-05;"";2010-06-25;"";"";"";"";"";Medical supplies;"";"";206;Private donations;"";Health;"";Health;"";BBF-HT-10-031;Brother's Brother Foundation;"";"";"";"";"";Container Shipment # 7;"";2010-07-25;17;"";"";"";to Project Medishare from MedShare
Haiti;"";1991-12-07;"";2010-07-01;"";;Ouest,Sud-Est;"";"";"Interventions in Protection, Livelihoods and Health to ensure Inclusion of Older People's needs and capacities in Haiti's reconstruction; Purpose 1: Within 1 year, 10,000 older person will experience increased protection and are empowered to advocate for their rights and most pressing needs- Purpose 2: Within 1 year, 10,000 older people will have improved their livelihoods through a social pension or active role;  Purpose 3:  Within 1 year, 10,000 older people receive appropriate healthcare including mental health support.";Croix-des-Bouquets,Jacmel,Léogâne,Port-au-Prince;"";456;Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC);Carrefour,Cité Soleil,Croix-des Bouquets,Delmas,Grand-Goâve,Grenier,Jacmel,Léogâne,Petit-Goâve,Port-au-Prince,Pétion-Ville,Tabarre;Health,Protection;Roger Markowski;Health,Protection,Shelter and Non-Food Items;Country Director;HELP-HT-10-001;HelpAge USA;"Formation of Older People's Associations;  Interventions in Disaster Risk Reduction;  Advocate Housing for Older People; Provision of home base care and referrals to health institutions including CENSHOP Hospital and other health centers and partners' clinics; Geriatric training for medical and paramedical staff; Recreational and Occupational  activities for older people;  Support staff of nursing homes; Rehabilitation and repair of nursing homes; Provision of supplies and drugs to health centers, clinics and nursing homes; Pilot Intervention in Social Pension; Advocacy for inclusion of Older people in Cash for work activities;  Provision of micro-credit to older people; Creation of employment centers";10000;"";"";Elderly;HelpAge - Haiti Earthquake Response;2174700;2011-06-30;35;;2011-02-24;"";HelpAge International
Haiti;"";2011-04-13;"";2005-06-01;"";, ;Nord;"";American Peanut Council ;MFK agronomists work with farmers, helping to improve the quality of their peanuts and their yield. We bring in experts and information about modern methods of planting, cultivation and fertilizing, treating seeds to avoid fungus and toxins, irrigation, and controlling weeds. Farmers are introduced to machinery and tools that make their work easier, and at the same time increase their yields. ;Cap-Haïtien;"";1709;"";Cap-Haïtien;Agriculture;Tom Stehl, Maryse Sterlin ;"";Coordinator of Operations, Haiti Administrator ;MFK-HT-05-038 ;Meds & Food for Kids;"";"";"";"";"";Community Partnership with Local Farmers: Education and Training ;0;2011-12-12;77;"";2011-04-13;"";Meds & Food for Kids
Haiti;"";2010-05-17;"";2006-01-01;"";;Sud;"";"";"School overcrowding and low public expenditure on education from the primary level up to the university level have contributed to the low quality of education in Haiti. As a result, most graduates of secondary school are ill-prepared and presented with few opportunities to compete in a modern global economy that stresses information literacy, independent problem solving, and collaborative decision making.  The Bishop Tharp Business and Technology Institute (BTI) is an Episcopal community college located in the southwestern city of Les Cayes.  BTI addresses youths education needs by training young people in key business management skills through a two-year curriculum emphasizing business administration, language, and computer skills. Since 2006, Episcopal Relief & Development has been providing operating support for BTI. The current objectives include: 1) To support BTIs administration of Community College-level teaching in business and technology skills to an estimated 250 youth; and 2) To support BTI infrastructure and maintain the capacity of BTI teachers and staff.";les Cayes;"";373;Private donations;Cayes;Education;Matthew St. John;Education;Program Officer;ERD-HT-10-007;Episcopal Relief & Development;"";400;"";"";University students;Bishop Tharp Institute;"";2011-12-31;27;"";2010-12-10;"";Episcopal Diocese of Haiti
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2011-05-11;"";2010-01-17;"";"";Ouest;"";"";Immediately after the earthquake struck Haiti, Life for Relief and Development sent an emergency response team to the Dominican Republic to purchase several truckloads of food items that consisted of rice, sugar, canned foods, cooking oil, juice, baby formula and tarpaulins. Two large truckloads of food was purchased, sent to Haiti and distributed to over 10,000 families living in tent cities, neighborhoods and institutions. ;Léogâne,Port-au-Prince;"";498;Mohammed bin Rashid Al-Maktoum Charity,Private donations,Sheikh Thani bin Abdullah for Humanitarian Services;Carrefour,Delmas,Léogâne,Port-au-Prince,Pétion-Ville;Food Aid;"";Food Security and Agriculture;"";LRD-HT-10-001;Life for Relief and Development;"";10000;"";"";"";Emergency Response - Food Aid;0;2011-12-31;44;"";2011-05-11;"";""
Peru;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2008-01-01;"";;Ayacucho;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1477;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Protection,Shelter and Housing,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-PE-08-184228;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Pacificadores Development Program;"";2023-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS;World Vision Peru
Haiti;"";2010-12-10;"";2010-01-20;"";;Ouest;"";Church World Service, Episcopal Relief & Development, Mennonite Central Committee;Medicine boxes of essential medicines for treating basic health issues;Port-au-Prince;"";464;"Church World Service,Episcopal Relief & Development,Mennonite Central Committee (MCC),Private donations";Port-au-Prince;Health;Ann Varghese;"";HQ Program Officer;IMA-HT-10-004;IMA World Health;"";131000;"";"";Women, Children, Men;Earthquake Relief (In-Kind Donations);365738;2010-05-31;37; ;2011-04-11;"";IMA World Health, Church World Service, Episcopal Relief & Development, Mennonite Central Committee
Senegal;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2008-01-01;"";;Saint-Louis;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1107;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-SN-08-SG10;The Hunger Project;"";7000;"";"";"";Sanar Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Haiti;"";1991-07-30;"";2010-01-13;"";;Ouest;"";"";Lobjectif spécifique de ce projet est dapporter une aide durgence en matière deau et dassainissement tout en réduisant les effets hydro-sanitaires néfastes sur la population cible de la zone de cette crise Dans cette période de première urgence le projet a pour objectif de répondre immédiatement aux besoins de première nécessité des populations victimes de la catastrophe et de contribuer à améliorer rapidement les conditions de vie des familles les plus démunies dans la zone, quelles soient déplacées en famille daccueil, ou restées chez elles. .Ce projet fait partie intégrante dune opération de grande envergure lancée par ACTED dans le cadre de cette urgence avec ses partenaires de mise en oeuvre ShelterBox UK, Alliance 2015 et ses partenaires institutionnels.;Léogâne;"";383;UK Department for International Development (DFID);Léogâne;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Marianna Franco;Shelter and Non-Food Items,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Program Development Manager;ACTED-HT-10-41 ALD AL;Friends of ACTED;"";30000;"";"";Affected population(s);Provision of Emergency Relief to Earthquake Affected Populations;592505;2011-01-12;29;"";1991-12-20;Disaster risk reduction (DRR);Friends of ACTED
Mali;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2007-01-01;"";;Koulikoro;"";"";This project seeks to create more opportunity for women in the agricultural field. The women are given training on farming timetables and irrigation systems.;"";"";1559;Private donations;"";Agriculture;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-ML-07-184815;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";Women;Nonsombougou Women's Vegetable Garden;"";2007-09-30;76;"";"";Gender;World Vision Mali
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;2010-08-24;"";2008-07-01;"";;Dhaka;"";"";"This project will be implemented in Holodibona, Vashapara, Moradighi and Gopalpur villages under Horipur Union of Paba Upazilla in the Rajshahi district of Bangladesh. This project will assist a total of 223 families with the goal of just and sustainable development. Out of 100 original families, 50 families will receive one milking cow each; 27 families will receive one bullock each for beef fattening; nine families will receive five goats each; and 14 families will receive three pigs each. One breeding buck will be provided to one group. A Village Animal Health Worker will provide animal health management support, and de-worming and vaccination support will be provided to all the project livestock. Fifty families will receive rice seed for immediate income generation, 50 families will receive fruit trees and 50 families will receive vegetable seed for kitchen gardening. Additionally, project participants will receive training on Heifer Cornerstones, self-help group management, improved animal management, and gender and justice.";"";"";909;Private donations;"";Agriculture;Rebecca Alderfer;"";South Asia Program Desk;HEFI-BD-08-22-0620-08;Heifer International;"";1189;"";"";"";Increasing Community Capacity for Holistic Development Project ;"";2014-06-30;34;;"";"";WAVE Foundation
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-11-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";"Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment
";Port-au-Prince;"";1858;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-51542;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to FOSREF;16517;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";FOSREF
Haiti;"";2010-08-24;"";2010-02-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";Installation of two 22 foot x 42 foot inflatable field hospitals which treated over 7,000 patients on the Adventist University in Carrefour and Adventist Hospital in Carrefour.;Port-au-Prince;"";41;GlobalMedic;Carrefour;Health;Andrew Lucas;Health;Program Director;ADRA-HT-10-019;Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA);"";7000;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs);Inflatable Field Hospital;64000;2010-12-30;4;"";"";"";GlobalMedic, Adventist Development and Relief Agency Network
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-14;"";2009-01-01;"";;Barisal;"";"";This project  works to increase families' access to food and income so that parents are better able to provide their children with a diverse diet, healthcare, access to education and other inputs to ensure their long-term well being. This set of outcomes will be achieved by supporting the formation of 10 micro-enterprise groups which will help members establish better linkages to markets or buyers which, in turn, will help generate substantially increased household income. Additionally, these micro-enterprise groups will reach out to up to 5,000 subsistence farmer households (approximately 25,000 beneficiaries) for helping them aggregate their produce for bulk selling through the market channels previously established. ;"";"";1050;PepsiCo Foundation;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development;Kelly Stevenson;"";Country Director;STC-BD-09-84050216;Save the Children;"";555000;"";Prime awardee;"";Life and Livelihoods;5000000;2011-12-31;63;"";2011-05-11;"";JOBS International
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2011-01-25;"";2010-02-09;"";"";Ouest;"";"";Distribution of new hygiene kits, family buckets and rice.;Croix-des-Bouquets;"";290;Private donations,USAID Ocean Freight Reimbursement Program;Croix-des Bouquets;Disaster Management,Food Aid;"";Food Security and Agriculture,Shelter and Non-Food Items;"";CPINT-HT-10-OFR 209;Counterpart International;"";"";"";"";Affected population(s);Haiti Assistance Project # 2;0;2011-02-28;25;"";2011-02-03;"";Counterpart International
Ethiopia;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1991-01-01;"";;Oromia;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1345;Private donations;"";Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV- ET-91-166804;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Adama Development Program;"";2013-01-01;76;"";"";Nutrition, HIV/AIDS;World Vision Ethiopia
"; ;Ouest;"";"";"The goal of this project is to continue the microcredit and business training that was begun in August 2010 for women who are leaders in their community banks and leaders in the Eglise Methodiste d'Haiti microcredit program in Petit Goave in order to increase their knowledge of microcredit activities which will support them in having a more thorough understanding of microcredit operations and business management.
";Léogâne;"";1743;Private donations;Petit-Goâve;Economic Recovery and Development;Melissa Crutchfield ;"";Assistant General Secretary, International Disaster Response, UMCOR ;UMCOR-HT-11-001 ;United Methodist Committee on Relief;"";"";"";Prime Awardee ;Women;Microcredit Training in Petit-Goave, Second Session ;17713;2011-06-30;67;"";2011-05-02;"";Eglise Methodiste d'Haiti 
Haiti;"";2010-09-23;"";2010-06-30;"";;Ouest;"";Sous Espwa;Trauma Awareness;Port-au-Prince;"";279;Christian Reformed Church of North America (CRCNA);Port-au-Prince;Health;Willys Geffrard;Education,Health;Haiti Program Manager;CRWRC-HT-10-OR 2010-24;Christian Reformed World Relief Committee (CRWRC);"";25;"";"";Affected population(s);STAR Training;100000;2010-09-30;23;"";2010-12-15;"";Christian Reformed World Relief Committee (CRWRC)
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-05-19;"";2010-02-01;"";;Centre,Grand'Anse,Ouest,Sud,Sud-Est;"";"";"This Lutheran World Relief project will distribute food; distribute water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) equipment; distribute family tents/temporary shelter; focus on education; and set-up minor cash-for-work programs.";Aquin,Belle-Anse,Cerca La Source,Croix-des-Bouquets,Jérémie,Lascahobas,Léogâne,Port-Salut,Port-au-Prince,les Cayes;"";510;Private donations;Belladère,Camp-Perrin,Carrefour,Chantal,Cité Soleil,Croix-des Bouquets,Delmas,Fonds-Verettes,Grand-Goâve,Grenier,Jérémie,Lascahobas,Léogâne,Port-Salut,Pétion-Ville,Saint-Louis du Sud,Thiotte,Thomasique,Torbeck;Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Food Aid,Shelter and Housing,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Trevor Knoblich;Early Recovery,Education,Food Security and Agriculture,Shelter and Non-Food Items,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Program Coordinator for Emergency Response;LWR-HT-10-Appeal HTI101;Lutheran World Relief;"";140000;"";"";"";ACT Assistance for Earthquake Victims in Haiti;750000;2011-07-30;45;;2010-09-24;"";Lutheran World Federation, Norwegian Church Aid, Christian Aid
Haiti;"";2011-03-29;"";2011-01-28;"";;Ouest;"";"";Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Emergency relief;Léogâne,Port-au-Prince;"";1678;Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID);Carrefour,Léogâne;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Elias Machingambi;"";WASH Coordinator;CARE-HT-11-001;CARE;Latrines, Water trucking, Hygiene promotion;30000;"";"";Internally displaced person(s) (IDPs);CARE Humanitarian Response in Haiti;1152160;2011-04-30;19;"";2011-04-07;"";CARE Haiti
United Republic of Tanzania;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1999-01-01;"";;Manyara;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1527;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Education,Health;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-TZ-99-172178;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Ruvu Remiti Development Program;"";2017-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS;World Vision Tanzania
Haiti;"";1991-12-20;"";2011-01-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";Habitat for Humanity International is providing training to families that have fallen below the poverty line, through the “learning by doing” methodology to enable them to build or rebuild their dwellings and gain a sustainable source of income.;Léogâne;"";424;Inter-American Development Bank (IDB);Léogâne;Shelter and Housing;Kate Pearson;Shelter and Non-Food Items;Director - Strategic Partnerships, Haiti;HFHI-HT-10-004;Habitat for Humanity International;"";5500;"";"";Affected population(s);Learning by Doing to Build Back a Better Haiti;3011228;2012-10-01;31;;2011-02-04;Livelihoods;Habitat for Humanity International
Haiti;"";1991-12-22;"";2010-12-03;"";;Ouest;"";"";The Red Cross has coordinated an aggressive response to the cholera outbreak that has spread throughout Haiti and into areas of the Dominican Republic.  As part of this response, the American Red Cross partnered the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) to purchase, ship and store some 1.4 million solutions of Oral Rehydration Salts, 480,000 bags of Ringer Lactate and a variety of other life-saving medicines and medical supplies during the critical early stages of the response.  This partnership also enabled PAHO to purchase logistical equipment for their warehouse and implement an online information management system to track stock and medicines available in their warehouse.;Port-au-Prince;"";79;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Health;Marian Spivey-Estrada;Health;Manager, Information and Reporting;ARCIS-HT-10-001;American Red Cross;"";200000;Please note that the estimated number of people reached refers to the total number of people each project plans to reach over the life of its implementation. Not all of these people have been reached with services yet.;"";Cholera affected population;Cholera Prevention and Treatment Efforts through the Pan American Health Organization;0;2011-03-02;9;;2011-04-29;"";Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-06-01;"";2007-01-31;"";;Ouest,Sud-Est;"";"";"In Artibonite and the South WHI continued to serve its Care and Support clients through continued informal partnerships with public and private institutions with the following services: Support groups; Escort to accompany people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) to ensure they receive medical and clinical care; Continue positive prevention activities disseminating BCC message and condom distribution; Continue providing Dlo La Vi; Continue nutritional activities as possible; Tuberculosis screening to follow co-infection and accompany for care and treatment; Continue referral and counter reference; and education on malaria and other health issues.";Jacmel,Port-au-Prince;"";747;Private donations;Delmas,Jacmel,Port-au-Prince;Health;Larousse Ceus;Health,Nutrition;Country Director of Haiti;WH-HT-10-003;World Hope International;"";17000;"";Prime awardee;"";Care & Support;0;2010-09-01;73;;2011-04-28;"";World Hope International
Haiti;"";2010-09-24;"";2010-02-03;Port-au-Prince;;Ouest;"";"";Through the Long-Term Health Development (LTHD) Program, MAP customizes large volume shipments of donated and purchased medicines and health supplies for reputable foreign-based health institutions and international relief and development organizations.;Port-au-Prince;"";531;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Health;Scott Ruschak;Health;Director, International Medical Resources;MAP-HT-10-32480;MAP International;"";100000;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs);In-kind donation to International Relief Teams ;1052255;2010-03-03;47;"";"";"";International Relief Teams 
Zimbabwe;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1997-01-01;"";;Mashonaland East;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1548;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Education,Health;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-ZW-97-170925;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Mudzi Development Program;"";2018-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS;World Vision Zimbabwe
Haiti;"";1991-12-22;"";2010-11-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";The earthquake damaged much of Port-au-Princes already limited water and sanitation infrastructure, increasing health concerns for residents living in crowded camps. In partnership with the American Refugee Committee, the American Red Cross is addressing these concerns by providing safe water, clean latrines, bathing facilities and hand washing stations in addition to hygiene promotion and drainage activities such as ditch digging and canal clearing. This project will reach an estimated 76,000 people in 21 camps and 2 neighborhoods in the Port-au-Prince metropolitan area.;Port-au-Prince;"";125;Private donations;Delmas,Pétion-Ville,Tabarre;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Marian Spivey-Estrada;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Manager, Information and Reporting;ARCIS-HT-10-WS04.2;American Red Cross;"";76067;Please note that the estimated number of people reached refers to the total number of people each project plans to reach over the life of its implementation. Not all of these people have been reached with services yet.;"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs);Improving Water and Sanitation Services through the American Refugee Committee;0;2011-10-31;9;;2011-01-14;"";American Refugee Committee
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-07-07;"";;Ouest;"";"";Community Grant Program;Croix-des-Bouquets;"";366;Private donations;Thomazeau;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-Grant 9;Direct Relief International;"";15000;"";"";"";Provide Psychological Support in Local Clinic;25000;2011-07-07;26;;2011-04-22;"";Foundation Hope for Haiti
Mali;foodsecurity_site;2010-09-23;"";2010-09-30;"";;"";"";"";The strategic cotton program gives organic cotton producers the opportunity to improve their production by providing support to obtain equipment, as well as training in cultivation technics and management. As a result, the program produced positive impacts directly on their living conditions in rural areas, where poverty is highest. By choosing to strengthen the capacity of organic cotton producers, the cotton program fights against poverty at the root and thus contributes to poverty reduction in a sustainable manner. The program will help ensure secure revenues for producers of organic cotton and improve the quality of their lives. Direct beneficiaries are 570 administrators (men and women) who are involved in the direct management of the cooperatives. They will receive training in management, internal control and planification to improve their management and negociations skills as managers.  Thirty eight (38) Cooperative Societies of Organic Cotton Producers  (SCPCB) will be supported by the program in 2010. A total of 2,266 producers (including 27% of women) of organic cotton will be supported. On average 226 family farms will see their production improved. This will have positive impacts on income and thus reduce poverty. ;"";"";1029;Private donations;"";Agriculture;Josephine Lukoma;"";Program Associate;OXFA-ML-10-MAL 009 /10;Oxfam America;"";16675;"";"";"";Continuing Support to Organic Cotton in Mali;"";2011-02-28;80;"";"";Capacity building;Helvetas Mali, Moumement Biologique du Mali
Nicaragua;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-13;"";2009-01-01;"";;Managua,Río San Juan;"";"";"Nicaragua is one of the most food insecure countries in Latin America; second after Haiti.  Our analysis of the Millennium Development Goals' indicators have shown an unequal distribution of resources and social exclusion within Nicaragua contributing to high malnutrition rates.  The country is not on track to meet the MDGs by 2015, 80% of the entire population exists on less than US$2 per day, and close to half live below the poverty line. Building on experience gained from working in water and sanitation in the rural areas of the country, Episcopal Relief & Development sought to implement a similar program of community participation and education--however, this time focused on agriculture. Partnering with a Nicaraguan ecumenical organization, the Council of Protestant Churches of Nicaragua, Episcopal Relief & Development is training women and men small-farmers in 14 rural communities in improved agriculture techniques. The program will train volunteer agriculture promoters, who are members of the communities, who in turn will each train other promoters for a total of 168 trained individuals. Through the trained volunteers, the program will primarily disseminate improved agriculture techniques by each promoter establishing a demonstration plot by which community members are shown and learn improved techniques by doing them in their own plots. At least 1/3 of trainees must be women. In addition, a special emphasis will be on environmental preservation through the teaching of soil conservation techniques. Our goals will be to increase the caloric intake of members of 14 communities and reduce by half the proportion of children under 5 who are underweight. The program will be implemented in two regions; San Francisco Libre and Nueva Guinea.";"";"";825;Private donations;"";Agriculture;Matt St. John;"";Program Officer;ERD-NI-09-001;Episcopal Relief & Development;"";168;"";"";Farmers;Environmental Conservation and Development Project;"";2011-12-31;27;;"";Environment, Nutrition;Consejo de Iglesias Evangelicas Pro Alianza (CEPAD)
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-15;"";2004-06-15;Baudin;,;"";"";"";Provision of ready-to-use therapeutic food (RUTF) to implementing partners.;"";"";587;"";"";Health;Tom Stehl, Maryse Sterlin;Health,Nutrition;Coordinator of Operations, Haiti Administrator;MFK-HT-10-035;Meds & Food for Kids;"";"";"";"";Malnourished children;Community Management of Acute Malnutrition - St. Thomas Aquinas - US Medical Mission;0;2011-12-12;77;"";2011-04-11;"";St. Thomas Aquinas - US Medical Mission
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-12-21;"";2010-04-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";Distribute food to beneficiaries living in Corail Cesselesse relocation camp. ;Croix-des-Bouquets;"";767;World Food Program (WFP);Croix-des Bouquets;Food Aid;Amy Knorr;"";Haiti Country Program Manager, World Vision US;WV-HT-10-009;World Vision US, Inc.;"";"";"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs);Haiti Earthquake Recovery - General Food Distribution (Corail Camp);"";2010-05-31;76;"";"";"";""
Haiti;"";2010-11-13;"";2010-09-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";Distributing  390,000 sq ft of coated fabric tenting material for use either as part of 800 Transitional Shelters  or emergency tarps;Léogâne;"";153;BondCote Inc.,Private donations;Petit-Goâve;Shelter and Housing;Michael D. Miller;Shelter and Non-Food Items;President;ADF-HT-10-005;America's Development Foundation;"";4000;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs);Distribution-heavy duty tenting coated material for Emergency or Transitional Shelters;115000;2011-01-30;12;;2010-11-13;"";America's Development Foundation, Comite d'Action pour une Petit-Goâve Regeneree (CAPR), Comite Communale de Protection Civile (CCPC), Association des Paysans de Vallue (APV)
Haiti;"";1991-10-12;"";2009-09-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";The American Red Cross is working with the Haitian Red Cross to standardize their processes for preparing for and responding to disasters.   Activities include training national society staff and volunteers on disaster preparedness best practices and implementing community-based education programs and disaster mitigation projects. This program is a partnership between the American Red Cross, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, the U.S. Agency for International Developments Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA) and the European Commission's Humanitarian Aid Office, and is also being implemented in Antigua and Barbuda, the Bahamas, Saint Lucia, and Saint Kitts and Nevis.  It is a pre-earthquake program that is being implemented in areas that were not directly affected by the earthquake. This project aims to reach 32,000 people in Haiti.;l'Arcahaie;"";112;Private donations;Arcahaie,Cabaret;Disaster Management;Marian Spivey-Estrada;"";Manager, Information and Reporting;ARCIS-HT-10-PE01;American Red Cross;"";163898;Please note that the estimated number of people reached refers to the total number of people each project plans to reach over the life of its implementation. Not all of these people have been reached with services yet.;"";"";Community-based disaster risk reduction;0;2011-08-31;9;;1991-10-26;Disaster risk reduction (DRR);American Red Cross, Haitian Red Cross
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-12-10;"";2010-12-31;"";;Ouest;"";"";To improve the quality of life of small-scale farmers and their families by providing training for health promoters, implementing a water treatment program, establishing a seed bank and developing a micro-credit program for women.;l'Arcahaie;"";76;Private donations;Arcahaie;Agriculture,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Amarilys Estrella;Early Recovery;Program Officer;AJWS-HT-10-030;American Jewish World Service (AJWS);"";2000;"";"";Farmers, Fisherfolk, Women;Strengthening community health structures;6000;2011-12-30;8;"";"";"";Oganizasyon Gwoupman Peyizan pou Devlopman 8eme Seksyon Kominal Akaye
Haiti;"";2011-04-25;"";2011-01-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";"CRR Program - Rubble to Reconstruction
";Port-au-Prince;"";1737;The William J. and Dorothy K. O'Neill Foundation;Port-au-Prince;Disaster Management;Laura Dills;Logistics;Director of Programs;CRS-HT-11-7420203;Catholic Relief Services (CRS);Rubble to Reconstruction;45;"";"";Businessman;CRR Program - Rubble to Reconstruction;250000;2011-09-30;20;"";2011-04-25;"";Catholic Relief Services (CRS)
Bolivia;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1988-01-01;"";;Cochabamba;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1277;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Education,Health,Protection,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-BD-88-162675;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Tiraque Development Program;"";2013-01-01;76;"";"";"";World Vision Bolivia
Haiti;"";2011-02-09;"";1998-01-01;"";"";Ouest;"";"";Food for the Poor sustains elderly village, Port-au-Prince;Port-au-Prince;"";1623;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Health,Shelter and Housing;"";Health,Shelter and Non-Food Items;"";FFP-HT-10-008;Food for the Poor;"";"";"";"";Elderly;Elderly Village;0;2011-05-31;85;"";2011-02-09;"";Food for the Poor
Sri Lanka;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-13;"";2008-01-01;"";;Central,Southern;"";"";ECLOF Lanka began its tsunami response two years after the tsunami as those affected were better able to restart livelihoods. Since the people affected directly or indirectly living in the tsunami areas have no access to finance from formal financial sources due to the lack of collateral, the ECLOF Lanka programme is one of the only avenues for beneficiaries to start up new activities that would generate income for sustainability. ECLOF Lanka identifies clients in the tsunami affected areas by weighing heavily on the support and information from respective local government offices. At these local government officers are personnel identified for development of income-generating livelihood programmes. These persons assist in the formation of groups / societies of women's along with the grass root level officer called  Grama Sevaka Niladhari (Village Level Officer). These government agents conduct awareness programmes in the training of various income generate projects with the assistance of social organizations and other volunteer technical consultants. As the traditional wage earner in the family is the male, ECLOF Lanka's efforts will have a direct impact on women as over 95% of loan recipients are women. This will give opportunities for the development of talents and empower women, as well as enhance the quality of food and educational facilities available to the children in the family.;"";"";830;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development;Nagulan Nesiah;"";Program Officer;ERD-LK-08-001;Episcopal Relief & Development;"";2250;"";"";Entrepreneurs;Post-Disaster Livelihood Micro-Credit Programme;"";2011-12-31;27;;"";Food security;Ecumenical Church Loan Fund
India;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2007-02-01;"";;Maharashtra;"";"";To secure a fair standard of living for the marginal, small farmers and non-farmers families in Vidarbha Region by strengthening agriculture development and creating rural employment opportunities.;"";"";1581;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development;Carlos Piedrasanta;"";RDM Operations Deputy, IPG, World Vision US;WV-IN-07-184792-2;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";Small farmers;Vidarbha Livelihood Promotion Project;"";2011-09-30;76;"";"";"";World Vision India
Mali;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2001-01-01;"";;Koulikoro;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1443;Private donations;"";Education,Health;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-ML-01-173811;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Nomsombougou Development Program;"";2016-01-01;76;"";"";"";World Vision Mali
Haiti;"";2010-08-26;"";2010-01-23;"";;Ouest;"";"";Provision of emergency health interventions for disaster affected communities in Ouest Department;Léogâne;"";472;Various;Petit-Goâve;Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Agron Ferati;Health;Director, Program Development;IMC-HT-10-004;International Medical Corps;Primary Healthcare, Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), Nutrition, Early Childhood Development;2500;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IPDs), Children ;Provision of Emergency Health Interventions for Disaster Affected Communities in Ouest Department;0;2011-12-12;39;;2011-04-21;Mental health/Psychosocial support, Sexual and gender-based violence (GBV);International Medical Corps
Niger;foodsecurity_site;2010-09-07;"";2008-08-27;"";;Agadez;Food for Progress project;"";Program focused  on household food security through increased agricultural production, primarily through animal re-stocking, rehabilitation and creation of water points for livestock, creation of pasture reserves, increased vegetable production, and creation of animal feed banks.;"";"";978;US Department of Agriculture (USDA);"";Agriculture;Scott Webb;"";Program Officer;IRD-NE-08-00963;International Relief & Development;"";35000;"";Prime awardee;Pastoralist families and communities in the Azawak and Tadress regions of Niger;Pastoralist Livelihood Improvement Program;"";2010-09-30;41;;"";"";International Relief & Development
Haiti;"";2011-05-11;"";2010-01-17;"";"";Ouest;"";"";Hygiene items were purchased in Port-au-Prince and distributed to internally displaced persons (IDPs);Port-au-Prince;"";501;Life for Relief and Development partners,Private donations;Cité Soleil;Disaster Management;"";Water Sanitation and Hygiene;"";LRD-HT-10-004;Life for Relief and Development;"";1000;"";"";"";Distribution of Hygiene Items;0;2011-12-31;44;"";2011-05-11;"";""
Haiti;"";1991-09-24;"";2010-01-15;"";;Centre,Grand'Anse,Ouest,Sud-Est;"";Community Organizations of the Port-au-Prince Metropolitan Zone (COZPAM), Coordination Régionale des Organisations de Sud-Est (CROSE), Coordination of Actions on Health and Development in Haiti (COSADH), Konbit Peyizan Grandans (KPGA);Immediate needs, Psychosocial, Protection, Education, Disaster Risk Reduction, Food Security and Livelihoods;Belle-Anse,Corail,Jacmel,Lascahobas,Léogâne;"";18;Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC);Jacmel,Lascahobas,Léogâne,Roseaux,Thiotte;Disaster Management,Education,Health,Protection;Daniel Gedeon;Education,Food Security and Agriculture,Health,Protection;Emergency Response Manager;ACAID-HT-10-003;Action Aid International USA;"";2000;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs), Earthquake victims;Haiti Post Earthquake Emergency Response 3;5228953;2013-01-31;3;"";2011-01-24;"";Action Aid Haiti
Mozambique;foodsecurity_site;2010-09-07;"";2009-07-13;"";;"";"";"";International Relief and Development (IRD) is working with flood-prone communities in the Chinde District of Mozambique to utilize opportunities created by the flooding. Chinde District is located at the mouth of the Zambezi River and is one of the areas of Mozambique most at risk of flooding, due to generally low-lying, riverine topography and a large number of inhabited islands. The two-year River Value program will work with local disaster risk management committees to increase production of staple post-flood crops and cash crops, increase access to clean water, and promote hygiene and sanitation. The local committees will manage the project activities, and with support from IRD will transition from a response-only focus to take responsibility for managing risks and guiding communities through accelerated post-flood recovery.;"";"";974;Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA);"";Agriculture,Disaster Management,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Anne Naggayi;"";Program Officer;IRD-MZ-09-09037;International Relief & Development;"";"";"";Prime awardee;"";The River Value: Converting Risk to Opportunities;0;2011-07-15;41;;2011-03-17;Disaster risk reduction (DRR);International Relief & Development
Haiti;"";2010-09-23;"";2010-01-12;"";;"";"";"";Primary Health Clinic (Delmas 2) that provides basic health services to Delmas 2 residents, including those living in the internally displaced person (IDP) camp.  The main objectives: 1) Disease monitoring, 2) Maternal and child health, 3) Essential medicines, 4) Primary care, 5) Referrals to other services.;"";"";687;Private donations;"";Health;George Polarek;Health;Assistant Director, SAWSO;SAWSO-HT-10-002;Salvation Army World Service Office;1) Tracking Diseases for Haiti Ministry of Health, 2) Providing Maternal and Child Health Services, 3) Primary Care Services, 4) Dispensing Essential Medicines, 5) Testing for Disease including HIV, Malaria and Tuberculosis, 6) Making Referrals for Patients Needed Acute Care;20000;24,000;Prime awardee;Internally displaced persons (IDPs);Delmas Health Support;81000;2010-10-31;62;"";"";"";The Salvation Army 
Haiti;"";1991-12-13;"";2010-08-31;"";;Centre;"";"";Container of medical supplies and rehab materials for hospitals in Port-Salut and Mirebalais;Mirebalais;"";414;Private donations;Mirebalais;Health;Marisol Wandiga Valentin;Health;Program Officer;GLI-HT-10-019;Global Links;"";50000;"";"";Affected population(s);Hospital Rehabilitation Support;58880;2012-12-31;30;;2011-04-26;"";Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2011-04-25;"";2010-10-01;"";;Grand'Anse,Sud;"";"";"School Feeding Program - WFP, School Feeding Program - CRS Contribution
";Aquin,Chardonnières,Corail,Côteaux,Jérémie,Port-Salut,les Cayes;"";1736;Emergency Response Relief Fund for Haiti (OCHA/ERRF),World Food Program (WFP);Anglais,Cavaillon,Chardonnières,Côteaux,Ile à Vache,Jérémie,Port-Salut,Port-à-Piment,Roche-à-Bateau,Roseaux,Saint-Jean du Sud,Saint-Louis du Sud,Tiburon;Education,Food Aid;Laura Dills;Education;Director of Programs;CRS-HT-10-7420213;Catholic Relief Services (CRS);"";45000;"";"";Students;School Feeding Program - WFP School Feeding Program - CRS Contribution;469320;2010-12-31;20;"";2011-04-25;"";Catholic Relief Services (CRS), Caritas
Democratic Republic of the Congo;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2010-03-01;"";;Sud-Kivu;"";"";Undertaking and supervising the activities of a project for emergency school feeding of primary school children, cooks, and teachers, and ensures the storage, handling, and distribution of commodities provided. ;"";"";1575;World Food Program (WFP);"";Education,Food Aid;Carlos Piedrasanta;"";RDM Operations Deputy, IPG, World Vision US;WV-CD-10-193484;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) - South Kivu;"";2010-12-31;76;"";"";"";World Vision DR Congo
Haiti;"";1991-12-20;"";2010-03-08;"";;Ouest,Sud-Est;"";Save the Children, CARE, All Hands Volunteers, Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA);Habitat for Humanity International is addressing the post-earthquake immediate shelter crisis in Haiti by distributing emergency shelter kits comprised of basic materials and tools in short supply.;Jacmel,Léogâne,Port-au-Prince;"";423;American Red Cross;Carrefour,Jacmel,Léogâne,Petit-Goâve;Shelter and Housing;Kate Pearson;Early Recovery;Director - Strategic Partnerships, Haiti;HFHI-HT-10-003;Habitat for Humanity International;"";70200;"";"";Affected population(s);Shelter Assistance for Haiti - Emergency Shelter Kits;3685006;2011-03-15;31;;2011-02-04;"";Habitat for Humanity International
Haiti;"";2010-10-12;"";2010-07-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";To establish a limb and brace center in Haiti  to serve the needs of approximately 1,500 earthquake survivors who underwent emergency amputations or suffered debilitating injuries.;Port-au-Prince;"";65;Private donations;Delmas;Health;Amarilys Estrella;Health;Program Officer;AJWS-HT-10-015;American Jewish World Service (AJWS);"";7500;"";"";People with disabilities;Limb and Brace Center in Haiti;431000;2012-03-31;8;;2010-12-10;"";BRAC USA
Haiti;"";2010-09-24;"";2010-02-24;Cap-Haïtien;;Nord;"";"";Through the Long-Term Health Development (LTHD) Program, MAP customizes large volume shipments of donated and purchased medicines and health supplies for reputable foreign-based health institutions and international relief and development organizations.;Cap-Haïtien;"";540;Private donations;Cap-Haïtien;Health;Scott Ruschak;Health;Director, International Medical Resources;MAP-HT-10-32702;MAP International;"";250000;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs);In-kind donation to Food for the Poor, #3;362375;2010-03-24;47;"";"";"";Food for the Poor
Haiti;"";2010-09-22;"";2010-02-01;La Source;"";"";"";"";Completed a community water project at the Village of La Source (population 880). This involved capping the spring and piping it one mile to three separate access points in the village.;"";"";623;"";"";Water Sanitation and Hygiene;"";Water Sanitation and Hygiene;"";OBI-HT-10-018;Operation Blessing International;"";"";"";"";"";Community Water Project;0;2011-12-12;51;"";2011-05-13;"";""
Haiti;"";2010-09-23;"";2010-04-01;"Bolosse, Carrefour feuilles
";;Ouest;"";Community based organizations (CBOs);"World Concern in Haiti transitioned from post-earthquake emergency lifesaving support, to a recovery phase that will last several months. The focus of this phase will be temporary shelters and various forms of economic recovery, although retaining some capacity for emergency support for individuals and families who continue to face a struggle for survival. Community networks that have formed the backbone of the delivery mechanism will continue to be the main avenue for delivery and beneficiary identification in this next phase. Our immediate response will be to 1) provide grants for repair of existing homes, or the construction of temporary shelters; and 2) provide livelihood recovery grants to small business owners seeking to replace materials or stock destroyed in the earthquake. The total number of beneficiaries is approximately 4,000 families (20,000 people), and will focus on communities in the area of Delmas.  
";Port-au-Prince;"";741;Lakarmissionen,Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Economic Recovery and Development,Shelter and Housing;Christon Domond;Early Recovery;Country Director;WC-HT-10-5086;World Concern;"Livelihood grants
";900;"";Prime Awardee;Affected population(s);Livelihood Support;157427;2011-07-31;71;;2011-03-31;Livelihoods;World Concern
Haiti;"";1991-12-22;"";2010-12-15;"";;Ouest;"";"";The earthquake damaged much of Port-au-Princes already limited water and sanitation infrastructure, increasing health concerns for residents living in crowded camps where disease can travel quickly. The American Red Cross is partnering with the International Medical Corps to address these concerns by improving access to safe water, clean latrines and bathing facilities. Additional activities include hygiene promotion, trash collection and drainage projects such as canal clearing. This project will reach an estimated 36,000 people in the Port-au-Prince metropolitan area.;Port-au-Prince;"";83;Private donations;Carrefour;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Marian Spivey-Estrada;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Manager, Information and Reporting;ARCIS-HT-10-005;American Red Cross;"";36682;Please note that the estimated number of people reached refers to the total number of people each project plans to reach over the life of its implementation. Not all of these people have been reached with services yet.;"";Vulnerable people/populations;Improving Water and Sanitation Services through the International Medical Corps;0;2011-12-14;9;;2011-02-15;"";International Medical Corps UK
";;Ouest;"";Ministry of Health (MOH) ;"WHI is now rebuilding various health facilities in earthquake-devastated areas of Haiti, including the ""Centre materno-infantile de Léogane."" This clinic center, responsible for children under five years and pregnant and lactating women and that provides health care for whole the commune and surrounding areas, has been terribly damaged by the earthquake. The rebuilding is well underway and by the beginning of May the ""Centre materno-infantile de Léogane"" will be functional again to serve the 200,000 inhabitants of this region.
";Léogâne;"";1724;Private donations;Léogâne;Health;Larousse Ceus;Health;Country Director of Haiti;WH-HT-10-014;World Hope International;"";200000;"";Prime awardee;Children, Pregnant and lactating women;Rebuilding/Rehabilitation of Hospitals ;150000;2011-05-15;73;;2011-04-26;"";World Hope International
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-03-03;"";;Ouest;"";"";Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment;Port-au-Prince;"";1809;Private donations;Tabarre;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-9071;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to St. Camille Hospital;3882;2010-03-31;26;;2011-04-22;"";St. Camille Hospital
Senegal;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2000-01-01;"";;Louga;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1098;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-SN-00-SG1;The Hunger Project;"";55119;"";"";"";Coki Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
India;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1995-01-01;"";;Karnataka;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1400;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-IN-95-170179;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Bijapur Development Program;"";2015-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS;World Vision India
United Republic of Tanzania;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1996-01-01;"";;Morogoro;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1521;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Education,Health;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-TZ-96-170348;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Magole Development Program;"";2017-01-01;76;"";"";"";World Vision Tanzania
Lesotho;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2001-01-01;"";;Mafeteng;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1427;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Education,Health;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-LS-01-172254;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Malumeng Development Program;"";2016-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS, Nutrition;World Vision Lesotho
South Africa;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2011-01-01;"";;Eastern Cape;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1503;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Education,Health;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-ZA-11-186624;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Mbhashe Development Program;"";2026-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS;World Vision South Africa
Benin;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2008-01-01;"";;Plateau;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1066;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-BJ-08-BN13;The Hunger Project;"";41968;"";"";"";Zakpota Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Mali;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2007-07-01;"";";";Ségou;"";"";LWR's partners in this tripartite project are the Jèkafo Association of Diéna and UAPAD Women (Peasant Associations' Union for Sustainable Agriculture) of Mandiakuy. In addition, the National Bank for Agricultural Development (BNDA), will avail a loan fund that project participants may access to support and expand a number of their activities. Objectives - (1) Increased production capacity: The members of Jèkafo and UAPAD produce 30 tons of quality shea butter annually, as a result of trainings, acquisition of modern production units, efficient storage, and access to credit. (2) Increased marketing capacity: Women's incomes increase 300% thanks to their ability to sell their product at lucrative prices on the Malian and export markets. At least 28 tons of quality shea butter are sold annually, as a result of training and the improved quality and quantity of shea butter. (3) Strengthened organizational and technical capacities: By the project's end in 2012, the members of Jèkafo and UAPAD can effectively and autonomously manage their organizations, enabling their shea butter business to thrive in a sustainable manner.;"";"";992;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development;Hayley Frank;"";Regional Program Associate for Africa;LWR-ML-07-AF-MAI-3-002-07;Lutheran World Relief;"";28972;"";"";Women farmers;Enhancing the Value of Shea Butter in Segou Region;0;2012-06-30;45;;2011-03-17;Capacity building;Peasant Associations' Union for Sustainable Agriculture- Women of Mandiakuy,  Jekafo Association of Diena
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-11-03;"";;Ouest;"";"";Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment;Port-au-Prince;"";1820;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-51471;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Ministry of Health Haiti;13566;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";Ministry of Health Haiti
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-03-03;"";;Nord;"";"";Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment;Cap-Haïtien;"";1815;Private donations;Cap-Haïtien;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-50695;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Hopital de la Convention Baptist;578644;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";Hopital de la Convention Baptist
Senegal;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2008-01-01;"";;Diourbel;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1106;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-SN-08-SG9;The Hunger Project;"";5931;"";"";"";Sam Contor Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-12-21;"";2010-05-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";Provide cash and food for work to benefit displaced and earthquake affected populations. The project specifically aims to improve living conditions through reforestation activities, and the restoration of roads, drainage and irrigation infrastructures. Will also provide support to cooks providing meal to out-of-school children. ;Croix-des-Bouquets,Port-au-Prince;"";763;World Food Program (WFP);Croix-des Bouquets,Delmas,Tabarre;Disaster Management,Economic Recovery and Development,Food Aid,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Amy Knorr;"";Haiti Country Program Manager, World Vision US;WV-HT-10-005;World Vision US, Inc.;"";"";"";"";Affected population(s);Haiti Earthquake Recovery  Cash and Food for Work;0;2010-12-31;76;"";2011-01-27;"";""
Haiti;"";1991-12-09;"";2010-03-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";The medical capacity in Haiti was limited prior to the earthquake, and following the earthquake, the General Hospital in Port-au-Prince needed additional medical personnel. 110 Medical staff from IMC were sponsored by AmeriCares grant funds to support the General Hospital's Emergency Room and ICU during this grant period.;Port-au-Prince;"";142;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Health;Donna Porstner;Health;Communications Manager;ACARE-HT-10-125-1009-601;AmeriCares;"";4736;"";"";Women, Men, Children;Expanding Medical Capacity in Haiti: HUEH Hospital;150000;2010-06-30;11;"";2011-04-22;Capacity building;International Medical Corps
Haiti;"";1991-12-09;"";2010-07-01;"";;Nord;"";"";To provide 10 custom-designed and fitted prosthetics for 10 patients.;l'Acul-du-Nord;"";148;Newman's Own Foundation,Private donations;Milot;Health;Donna Porstner;Health;Communications Manager;ACARE-HT-10-125-1009-707;AmeriCares;"";10;"";"";"";Access to Prosthetics;5000;2011-01-30;11;"";2011-04-22;Disability;Hopital Sacre Coeur, Crudem Foundation
Haiti;"";2010-09-29;"";2010-09-01;"Cité Soleil, Léogane, Petit-Goâve, Terre rouge
";;Ouest,Sud-Est;"";Wesleyan Church USA;"WHI has already rebuilt two primary schools in earthquake-devastated areas of Haiti particularly at Léogane and Petit-Goâve. Reconstruction of two other schools at Jacmel and Cité-soleil will start in a short time period.
";Jacmel,Léogâne,Port-au-Prince;"";754;Private donations;Cité Soleil,Jacmel,Léogâne,Petit-Goâve;Education;Larousse Ceus;Education;Country Director of Haiti;WH-HT-10-010;World Hope International;"";1200;"";Prime awardee;Children;Rebuilding Schools in Haiti;465000;2011-12-16;73;;2011-04-28;"";World Hope International
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";1999-01-01;"";;Rangpur;"";"";THP works at the Union level to (a) mobilize the population for self-reliant action, including forming producer co-operatives and other income generating enterprises, (b) build civil society from the bottom up - creating people's organization of women, youth, elders, girl-child advocates, and the poorest of the poor, (c) strengthen local democracy, (d) ensure adequate facilities for achieving the MDGs, (e) organize mass action campaigns for health, nutrition, education, clean water and sanitation.;"";"";1195;Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID),British Council,Private donations;"";Agriculture,Education,Health,Human Rights Democracy and Governance,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;John Coonrod;"";Executive Vice President;THP-BD-99-143;The Hunger Project;"";20000;"";"";"";Birgonj Pouroshova Mobilization;"";2100-12-31;83;"";"";"";The Hunger Project
Haiti;"";2011-01-11;"";2011-01-11;"";"";Ouest;Building of transitional shelters;"";Earthquake response;Léogâne,Port-au-Prince;"";773;"";Carrefour,Léogâne;Shelter and Housing;"";"";"";CARE-HT-10-11;CARE;Building transitional shelters;5000;"";"";"";Leogane & Carrefour - Transitional Shelters;0;2011-01-31;19;"";2011-01-20;"";""
Mali;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-14;"";2010-07-01;"";;Mopti;"";"";Improve soil fertility through promotion of effective composting and intercropping cowpeas and beans with millet, sorghum, peanuts;"";"";789;Private donations;"";Agriculture;Stephanie Sackett;"";Associate Director for Grants;CRWRC-ML-10-FS 1004;Christian Reformed World Relief Committee (CRWRC);"";200;"";"";"";AEDM Community Development Program;"";2011-06-30;23;;"";"";Agence Evangelique de Development du Mali (AEDM)
Ethiopia;foodsecurity_site;2010-05-17;"";2010-04-30;"";;Oromia;"";Center for Development Initiatives;The overall goal of the project is to contribute to the livelihood improvement and sustainable food security, reduce vulnerability to disaster shocks through developing gravity small scale irrigation and building the capacity of small holding farmers. ;"";"";1021;Private donations;"";Agriculture;Tibebu Koji;"";Water program officer;OXFA-ET-10-OromiaETH;Oxfam America;"";498;"";"";Small farmers;Girisa - Golba Small Scale  Gravity Irrigation;"";2011-06-27;80;"";"";Disaster risk reduction (DRR);Center for Development Initiatives
Ethiopia;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2008-01-01;"";;Oromia;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1344;Private donations;"";Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV- ET-08-185551;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Abaya Development Program;"";2023-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS;World Vision Ethiopia
United Republic of Tanzania;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2010-01-01;"";;Kigoma;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1525;Private donations;"";Education,Health;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-TZ-10-193714;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Muhe Development Program;"";2025-01-01;76;"";"";"";World Vision Tanzania
El Salvador;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1998-01-01;"";;Cabañas;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1343;Private donations;"";Health;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-SV-98-171347;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Villa Victoria Development Program;"";2009-01-01;76;"";"";Nutrition;World Vision El Salvador
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";1999-01-01;"";;Chittagong;"";"";THP works at the Union level to (a) mobilize the population for self-reliant action, including forming producer co-operatives and other income generating enterprises, (b) build civil society from the bottom up - creating people's organization of women, youth, elders, girl-child advocates, and the poorest of the poor, (c) strengthen local democracy, (d) ensure adequate facilities for achieving the MDGs, (e) organize mass action campaigns for health, nutrition, education, clean water and sanitation.;"";"";1228;Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID),British Council,Private donations;"";Agriculture,Education,Health,Human Rights Democracy and Governance,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;John Coonrod;"";Executive Vice President;THP-BD-99-503;The Hunger Project;"";20000;"";"";"";Sondalpur Mobilization;"";2100-12-31;83;"";"";"";The Hunger Project
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2011-01-14;"";2008-01-01;"";"";Ouest;"";"";DEED is a three year (2008 - 2011) USAID-funded project that works in two Haitian watersheds - 90,000 hectares around Montrouis in Haiti's Western Department and Limbé in the North.  Winrock International is a sub-contractor to DAI for project implementation in the Montrouis watershed.  Activities focus on environmentally sustainable economic development through commercial agriculture, alternative livelihood development, natural resource management and environmental recovery. The project aims to find alternative approaches to erosive agriculture practiced on the steeply-sloped land in the upper areas of the watersheds, and to protect biodiversity.;l'Arcahaie;"";735;US Agency for International Development (USAID);Arcahaie;Agriculture,Environment;"";"";"";WINRO-HT-08-001;Winrock International;"";"";"";"";"";Economic Development for a Sustainable Environment and/or Developpement Economique pour un Environnement Durable (DEED);0;2011-01-31;70;"";2011-01-14;Livelihoods;Winrock International, DAI
Haiti;"";2010-05-17;"";2010-01-12;"";;Ouest,Sud-Est;"";"";Episcopal Relief & Development has supported its Haitian partners, the Episcopal Diocese of Haiti and the Dioceses relief and development are known as CEDDISEC (Centre Diocesain de Development Integre et de Secours) in their efforts to determine the extent of the damage and coordinate a swift response. The agency has disbursed emergency relief & recovery funds to the Diocese of Haiti to help them meet the immediate health, food, temporary shelter, water, and non-food item needs of over 60,000 individuals throughout the Department of the West.;Bainet,Croix-des-Bouquets,Jacmel,Léogâne,Port-au-Prince;"";367;Private donations;Bainet,Carrefour,Croix-des Bouquets,Grand-Goâve,Grenier,Jacmel,Léogâne,Port-au-Prince;Disaster Management;Tammi Mott;Food Security and Agriculture,Health,Shelter and Non-Food Items;Haiti Recovery Program;ERD-HT-10-001;Episcopal Relief & Development;"";63500;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs), Vulnerable people/populations;Haiti Relief Programming - Léogâne;"";2010-08-31;27;"";2010-09-13;"";Episcopal Diocese of Haiti, Centre Diocésain de Développement Intégré et de Secours (CEDDISEC)
Mozambique;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2000-03-15;"";;Zambézia;"";"";This project aims to improve the production and quality of food in this area. This is done through providing goats and other livestock to families. There is also work to improve technology and agricultural education.;"";"";1560;Private donations;"";Agriculture;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-MZ-00-173816-2;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Derre Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)/School Project;"";2015-09-30;76;"";"";"";World Vision Mozambique
Burkina Faso;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2008-01-01;"";;Loroum;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1077;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-BF-08-BF11;The Hunger Project;"";8829;"";"";"";Toulfè Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Haiti;"";2010-10-06;"";2010-07-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";Spinal cord injury mobile team;Léogâne,Port-au-Prince;"";438;"";Carrefour,Delmas,Grand-Goâve,Petit-Goâve,Port-au-Prince,Pétion-Ville,Tabarre;Health,Protection;Armony Mangin;Health;Liaison & Advocacy Officer;HCI-HT-10-004;Handicap International;"";47;"";"";"";Health/Protection 4;0;2011-05-05;32;"";2011-05-26;"";Handicap International
Colombia;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1996-01-01;"";;Tolima;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1313;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Protection;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-CO-96-165300;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Integracion Crecimiento Calvario Development Program;"";2010-01-01;76;"";"";Nutrition;World Vision Colombia
Sudan;foodsecurity_site;2010-09-07;"";2010-04-01;"";;"";"";"";"";"";"";972;Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration (DOS/PRM);"";"";Anne Naggayi;"";Program Officer;IRD-SD-10-10009;International Relief & Development;"";"";"";Prime awardee;"";South Sudan Tri-County;"";2011-03-31;41;;"";"";International Relief & Development
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-15;"";2004-06-15;Cap-Haïtien;,;Nord;"";"";Provision of ready-to-use therapeutic food (RUTF) to implementing partners.;Cap-Haïtien;"";578;World Bank;Cap-Haïtien;Health;Tom Stehl, Maryse Sterlin;Health,Nutrition;Coordinator of Operations, Haiti Administrator;MFK-HT-10-026;Meds & Food for Kids;"";"";"";"";Malnourished children;Community Management of Acute Malnutrition - Hôpital Universitaire Justinien;0;2011-12-12;77;"";2011-04-11;"";Hôpital Universitaire Justinien
Ethiopia;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2009-09-01;"";;Oromia;"";"";EPHSS addresses agricultural productivity and postharvest losses of small holders in eastern Ethiopia by promoting improvements to the production cycle, including harvesting and drying techniques, rehabilitation of traditional storage structures and working with participating farmers to design appropriate storage methods that can be introduced to communities.  ;"";"";997;Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA);"";Agriculture;Simon O'Connell;"";Country Director, Ethiopia;MC-ET-09-001;Mercy Corps;"1) Farmers are trained through farmer field schools on improved techniques for preventing grain and seed losses; 2) Farmers decrease post harvest losses through rehabilitated and improved storage facilities; 3) Strengthen reliable supplies of quality seed at the community level.";10500;"";Prime awardee;Food insecure households;Enhancing Post-Harvest and Seed Systems in Ethiopia (EPHSS);"";2011-02-28;50;"";"";Gender, Capacity building;Mercy Corps
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-11-01;"";;L'Artibonite;"";"";"Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment
";Marmelade;"";1875;Private donations;Marmelade;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-51615;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Marmelade;13302;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";Marmelade
Haiti;"";2010-12-14;"";2010-01-12;"";;Centre,L'Artibonite,Nippes,Ouest,Sud-Est;"";TOTOB, AgroPresse, MApDEN, RHI Fondwa Léogâne, MOCODER, Coordination Régionale des Organisations de Sud-Est (CROSE), MIDADE, Comite de Soutien NOLIVOS;Working in Haiti for over 20 years, Oxfam-Québec has planned a humanitarian response since January 12th to contribute to response to the basic needs of the most vulnerable population affected by the earthquake. Our intervention covers the following sectors: water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), Shelter, Food security, and Support to vulnerable populations (women, children and youth).;Anse-à-Veau,Jacmel,Lascahobas,Léogâne,Marmelade,Miragoâne,Port-au-Prince;"";637;Canadian Humanitarian Coalition,Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA),Dutch SHO (Cooperating Aid Organizations),Government of Quebec Ministry of International Relations,Oxfam America,Oxfam Canada,Oxfam Germany,Oxfam India,Oxfam Mexico,Oxfam New Zealand,Private donations;Anse-à-Veau,Belladère,Delmas,Jacmel,Léogâne,Paillant,Petite Rivière de Nippes,Saint Michel de l'Attalaye;Shelter and Housing,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Jean-Pierre Chicoine;Logistics,Shelter and Non-Food Items,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Haiti Humanitarian Coordinator;OXFA-HT-10-003;OXFAM;"";122525;"";"";"";Haiti Earthquake Humanitarian Response (Oxfam-Québec);12647739;2010-12-31;53;"";2011-01-07;Gender, Food security;Oxfam-Québec
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;1991-10-01;"";2010-09-01;"";"";Ouest;"";"";"";Port-au-Prince;"";3;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Health;"";Health,Nutrition;"";AAH-HT-10-001;Action Against Hunger;Identification et formation au dépistage de la malnutrition de travailleurs communautaires. Formation des équipes EAH et sécurité alimentaire dACF au dépistage de la malnutrition… Dépistage quotidien par les équipes dAction contre la Faim ou les travailleurs communautaires Capitalisation des informations contextuelles en sécurité alimentaire, eau et assainissement, santé et condition psychosociale et psychologique des familles. Partage avec le Cluster nutrition des résultats de dépistage et des informations contextuelles afin de participer à la globale de la ville de Port-au-Prince. Enquête anthropologique sur les pratiques dallaitement et dalimentation du jeune enfant afin dadapter au mieux les messages de sensibilisation. Activités de sensibilisation à lallaitement, à la diversification alimentaire et pratiques de santé dans les centres nutritionnels ambulatoires : sessions déducation en groupes et/ou individuelles Continuité de la distribution de LANPE aux enfants de 0 à 12 mois, dans deux tentes de lait, jusquau 28 février 2011. ;"";"";"";"";Identification, surveillance nutritionnelles et sécurité alimentaire;1986000;2011-08-31;2;"";2011-03-25;"";Action Against Hunger
Ethiopia;foodsecurity_site;2010-09-10;"";2005-07-01;"";;Tigray;"";"";The Integrated Dairy and Horticulture Development Project (IDHDP) seeks to address chronic food insecurity in an environmentally degraded and drought-prone part of southeastern Ethiopia's Rift Valley. It will directly support 530 farming households currently irrigating land along Lake Ziway;"";"";898;Private donations;"";Agriculture;Kelly Doppelhammer;"";East Africa Program Assistant;HEFI-ET-05-21-1401-01;Heifer International;"";689;"";"";"";Integrated Dairy and Horticulture Project;"";2012-06-30;34;"";"";"";Selam Environmental Development Association (SEDA)
Ghana;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2003-01-01;"";;Ashanti;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1161;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-GH-03-GH43;The Hunger Project;"";6725;"";"";"";Banka Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Kenya;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1996-01-01;"";;Western;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1421;Private donations;"";Education,Health;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-KE-96-171267;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Bunyala Development Program;"";2011-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS;World Vision Kenya
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2011-03-10;"";2011-01-01;"";;"";"";"";"Meal shipments for school feeding programs, orphanages, clinics
";"";"";1661;Private donations;"";Education,Food Aid,Health;Rick Kearney;Education,Food Security and Agriculture,Health,Nutrition;Distribution Coordinator;STOP-HT-11-Hearts and Hands for Haiti;Stop Hunger Now;"";1200;"";"";Affected population(s);Meal Distribution Partnership with Hearts and Hands for Haiti;71280;2011-12-31;65;;2011-03-17;"";Hearts and Hands for Haiti
Haiti;"";2011-01-11;"";2011-01-11;"";"";Nord-Ouest,Ouest;Cash-for-Work;"";Earthquake response;Léogâne,Port-de-Paix;"";772;"";Bassin Bleu,Léogâne;"";"";"";"";CARE-HT-10-10;CARE;Food Security;12419;"";"";"";Bassin Bleu & Leogane;0;2011-01-31;19;"";2011-01-20;"";""
India;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2011-03-28;"";;Orissa;"";"";Build the capacity of elected women representatives (EWRs) in the gram panchayats (GPs) as key change agents for ending hunger and poverty. Strengthen the GPs and increase people's participation in development through Gram Sabha mobilization. Build block-level federations of EWRs to empower them to interface effectively with government programs.;"";"";1177;Embassy of New Zealand,United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM);"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Human Rights Democracy and Governance;John Coonrod;"";Executive Vice President;THP-IN-xx-IN-OR-1;The Hunger Project;"";0;"";"";"";Banarpal EWR Empowerment;0;2011-12-12;83;"";2011-03-28;"";The Hunger Project
Haiti;"";2010-12-20;"";2010-10-29;"";;Ouest;"";"";En apportant une réponse ciblée et adaptée aux besoins des populations les plus vulnérables à travers linstallation de 30 abris transitionnels dans la Commune de Gresier, ACTED entend réduire les risques auxquels sont soumises ces 30 familles et leur permettre de reprendre une vie quotidienne normale.;Port-au-Prince;"";406;CODEGAZ;Grenier;Shelter and Housing;Marianna Franco;Shelter and Non-Food Items;Program Development Manager;ACTED-HT-10-41 ARV 98Z;Friends of ACTED;"";150;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs);Construction of Transitional Shelters;73800;2010-12-31;29;"";"";"";Friends of ACTED
Haiti;"";2010-12-29;"";2010-07-15;"";;Ouest;"";"";The center will empower poor and vulnerable earthquake-affected women and girls through community-based emergency relief, protection, health and nutrition education, continuing education, leadership training and girls' mentoring programs. The objective of the program is to improve the welfare status of earthquake-affected women and girls in Haiti and increase community capacity that will provide sustainable services in protection and women's development.;Croix-des-Bouquets;"";685;Hassenfeld Family Foundation;Croix-des Bouquets;Protection;Emily Hibbets;Protection;Program Manager;RI-HT-10-004;Relief International;"";145389;"";"";Women, Girls;Haiti Hassenfeld Women's Center;263859;2011-07-15;61;"";2011-04-04;Gender;""
Guatemala;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1992-01-01;"";;Guatemala;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1379;Private donations;"";Health;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-GT-92-167372;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Palencia Development Program;"";2010-01-01;76;"";"";Nutrition;World Vision Guatemala
";;Ouest;"";"";Donated $5000 for aid relief;Port-au-Prince,l'Arcahaie;"";1654;Private donations;Cabaret,Port-au-Prince;Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Rick Kearney;Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Distribution Coordinator;STOP-HT-11-MOH-2;Stop Hunger Now;"Public education, treatment
";5000;"";"";Affected population(s);Cholera Relief Aid for Mission of Hope Haiti;5000;2011-12-31;65;;2011-03-17;"";Mission of Hope Haiti
Cambodia;foodsecurity_site;2010-07-27;"";2009-12-10;"";"";Prey Veng,Pursat;"";"";This project improves the food security of vulnerable households as well as the livelihood, nutrition, and health status of women and young children through HKI's homestead food production program. ;"";"";950;European Commission (EC);"";Agriculture,Health;"";"";"";HKI-KH-09-7011;Helen Keller International;"";6000;"";"";households;HH Food Security for Rural Poor;"";2011-08-09;79;"";"";Nutrition;""
Sierra Leone;foodsecurity_site;2011-02-25;"";2011-02-01;"";;"";Date affected by planting season;"";Life received over $2.5 million dollars worth of vegetable and flower seeds that were sent to Sierra Leone where our staff is undertaking a large seed distribution to thousands of widows, single heads of household, the disabled and small farmers.;"";"";1643;Life for Relief and Development partners;"";Agriculture;Youness Ktiri;"";Orphans Program Coordinator;LRD-SL-11-002;Life for Relief and Development;"";"";"";"";Farmers, Widows, Single head of household;Distribution of Flower and Vegetable Seeds;2535500;2011-12-31;44;;2011-02-28;"";Life for Relief and Development
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-08-11;"";;Nord;"";"";"Community Grant Program
";Cap-Haïtien;"";348;Private donations;Cap-Haïtien;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-Grant 11;Direct Relief International;"";2000;"";"";"";Provide Medical Support, Prevention and Re-integration of 2,000 New Migrants;25000;2011-04-11;26;;2011-04-22;"";Mouvement paysan de lAcul-du-Nord
Haiti;"";1991-07-12;"";2010-03-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";Ten temporary schools for IDPs, rebuilding of Middle School at Zoranje, disability access for schools;Port-au-Prince;"";59;American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee;Port-au-Prince;Education;Djerhy Jean Baptiste;Education;Program Manager;JDC-HT-10-006;American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee;"";6000;"";"";"";Education;1252000;2012-01-01;7;;2011-05-05;Disability;ProDev, PHARE
Haiti;"";2011-01-11;"";2011-01-11;"";"";Grand'Anse,L'Artibonite,Nippes,Nord-Ouest,Ouest;Prevention of cholera through sensitization campaigns at the community level.;"";Cholera response;Anse-à-Veau,Corail,Gonaïves,Gros-Morne,Jérémie,Léogâne,Marmelade,Môle Saint-Nicolas,Port-au-Prince,Port-de-Paix,Saint-Louis du Nord;"";777;"";Anse Rouge,Anse-à-Foleur,Anse-à-Veau,Arnaud,Bassin Bleu,Bonbon,Carrefour,Corail,Ennery,Gonaïves,Gros-Morne,Jean-Rabel,Jérémie,Léogâne,Marmelade,Moron,Petit Trou de Nippes,Port-de-Paix,Roseaux,Saint Michel de l'Attalaye,Saint-Louis du Nord;Disaster Management,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;"";"";"";CARE-HT-10-15;CARE;Sensitization;439086;"";"";"";Sensitization;0;2011-01-31;19;"";2011-01-20;"";""
Haiti;"";2010-12-15;"";2010-02-19;"";;Ouest;Delivered 5,000 Haitian Gourdes (HTG) indemnity payments to 601 Léogâne clients;Fonkoze;With assistance from Mercy Corps, Fonkozes earthquake recovery program, Kore Fanmi Fonkoze, is treating clients in Léogâne as if they were already paying into a catastrophic micro-insurance plan when the earthquake hit. In essence, Fonkoze, with the help of Mercy Corps, is turning this devastating disaster into an opportunity to innovate and test micro-insurance as a tool to help clients stabilize and rebuild their livelihoods following natural disasters. In addition to the micro-insurance payout, Fonkoze will develop and deliver a new education module on disaster risk reduction and safe home construction. During these trainings, Fonkoze will incorporate lessons about insurance as an important tool to help mitigate the negative economic impact of future natural disasters on clients and their families. Fonkoze will use the lessons learned from this pilot to refine and roll out our permanent catastrophic micro-insurance product and this new disaster training module. Grants from the American Red Cross, Citi Foundation, Seachange, and Opportunity International Germany will allow Fonkoze to scale-up the Mercy Corps-funded pilot to bring this same disaster relief and livelihoods recovery program to earthquake-affected clients in all of Fonkoze's 41 branches.;Léogâne;"";600;Private donations;Léogâne;Economic Recovery and Development;Koko Sossouvi;Early Recovery;Economic Recovery Program Manager;MC-HT-10-011;Mercy Corps;"";601;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs), Affected population(s), Small business owners;Catastrophic Micro-Insurance Pilot;174;2010-11-30;50;;2011-01-07;Disaster risk reduction (DRR);Mercy Corps
Cameroon;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-18;"";2010-03-01;"";;Adamaoua;"";"";Nutrition services for refugees and host communities;"";"";961;Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR);"";Health;Stephen Commins;Nutrition;Strategy Manager, Fragile States;IMC-CM-10-1548;International Medical Corps;"Support 18 Ministry of Health-run health facilities; nutritional screening for children under-five and pregnant/lactating women";260000;"";Prime awardee;Moderately malnourished, Children under 5, Pregnant and nursing women;Emergency Health, Nutrition and Protection for Central African Republic (CAR) Refugees in Cameroon;"";2010-12-31;39;;"";Gender, Nutrition;International Medical Corps
Ghana;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2009-01-01;"";;Eastern;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1122;The Robertson Foundation;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-GH-09-GH4;The Hunger Project;"";5000;"";"";"";Adjena Donor Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Nicaragua;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2000-01-01;"";;Carazo;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1467;Private donations;"";Health;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-NI-00-173143;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Namotivas Development Program;"";2015-01-01;76;"";"";Nutrition;World Vision Nicaragua
Haiti;"";2010-09-24;"";2010-01-12;Port-au-Prince;;Ouest;"";"";Mercy Corps WASH programming seeks to improve access to safe water and sanitation for affected households.  Working closely with local communities and government leaders, the WASH team is building latrines, distributing hygiene kits, educating communities about hygiene and the prevention of water-borne diseases, and assisting with waste disposal.  Mercy Corps is also supporting small businesses by distributing vouchers to vulnerable families in camps to enable them to purchase water directly from local vendors.  This approach supports the local businesses that were in existence before the earthquake.  In preparation for rainy season, the WASH team will also assist communities to improve drainage and control flooding.   WASH activities are focused on affected areas in Tabarre and Pétionville.  ;Port-au-Prince;"";591;ITT Corporation;Pétion-Ville,Tabarre;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Trish Morrow;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;WASH Sector Program Manager;MC-HT-10-002;Mercy Corps;"";35000;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs), Affected population(s);Emergency Water and Sanitation Programming;807191;2011-01-30;50;;2011-04-11;"";Mercy Corps
";;Ouest;"";"";"This project supports the construction of 150 transitional shelters for displaced households.
";Léogâne;"";1753;Private donations;Léogâne;Shelter and Housing;Thomas Dwyer;Shelter and Non-Food Items;Executive Director, UMCOR NGO;UMCOR-HT-11-G133-3;United Methodist Committee on Relief;"";"";"";Subawardee;"";Construction of Post-Earthquake Transitional Shelters ;512647;2011-04-30;67;"";2011-04-14;"";International Relief & Development
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-09-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";"Community Grant Program
";Port-au-Prince;"";1907;Private donations;Delmas,Port-au-Prince;Education;Andrew MacCalla;Education;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-Grant 23;Direct Relief International;"";500;"";"";"";Begin Cafeteria, Feeding program, and Enroll more students in school;20000;2011-09-01;26;;2011-04-22;"";Foyer Espoir pour les Enfants
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";1999-01-01;"";;Dhaka;"";"";THP works at the Union level to (a) mobilize the population for self-reliant action, including forming producer co-operatives and other income generating enterprises, (b) build civil society from the bottom up - creating people's organization of women, youth, elders, girl-child advocates, and the poorest of the poor, (c) strengthen local democracy, (d) ensure adequate facilities for achieving the MDGs, (e) organize mass action campaigns for health, nutrition, education, clean water and sanitation.;"";"";1209;Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID),British Council,Private donations;"";Agriculture,Education,Health,Human Rights Democracy and Governance,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;John Coonrod;"";Executive Vice President;THP-BD-99-303;The Hunger Project;"";20000;"";"";"";Halimpur Mobilization;"";2100-12-31;83;"";"";"";The Hunger Project
Ghana;foodsecurity_site;2011-02-25;"";2011-01-01;Accra;;Greater Accra;"";"";Provide monthly food rations to orphans and poor families;"";"";1637;Private donations;"";Food Aid;Youness Ktiri;"";Orphans Program Coordinator;LRD-GH-11-001;Life for Relief and Development;"";455;"";"";Orphans, Poor families;Food Distribution to Orphans and Poor Families (Ghana);40000;2011-12-31;44;;2011-02-28;"";Life for Relief and Development
Senegal;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2002-01-01;"";;Louga;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1099;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-SN-02-SG2;The Hunger Project;"";45415;"";"";"";Dahra Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Haiti;"";2010-09-24;"";2010-01-18;University Hospital;;Ouest;"";"";Through the Long-Term Health Development (LTHD) Program, MAP customizes large volume shipments of donated and purchased medicines and health supplies for reputable foreign-based health institutions and international relief and development organizations.;Port-au-Prince;"";525;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Health;Scott Ruschak;Health;Director, International Medical Resources;MAP-HT-10-32246;MAP International;"";275000;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs);In-kind donation to World Vision US/Partners in Health, #1;989599;2010-02-18;47;"";"";"";World Vision US, Partners in Health 
Haiti;"";2010-09-24;"";2010-10-29;"";;Ouest;"";Best friends Animal Society, Christian Veterinary Missions;Conducting street dog sterilization and vaccination campaigns;Croix-des-Bouquets;"";458;Private donations;Croix-des Bouquets;Health;Christopher Broughton-Bossong;Education,Health;Haiti Program Coordinator;HSI-HT-10-002;Humane Society International;Establishing country-wide population control and vaccination compaigns for the street dogs in Haiti, the largest Rabies vector in the country.;"";"";"";Animal owners, Veterinarians;Street Dog Welfare;165000;2014-05-15;36;;"";Animal welfare;Humane Society International
Zambia;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2003-10-01;"";;Southern;"";"";The main focus of this project is to improve the irrigation systems. The project seeks to do this through better education and training for the people specifically in the area of irrigation.;"";"";1565;Private donations;"";Agriculture;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-ZM-03-179075;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Siamajele Irrigation Project;"";2004-09-30;76;"";"";"";World Vision Zambia
Haiti;"";1991-09-24;"";2010-01-12;"";;Grand'Anse,Ouest;"";International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), Haitian Red Cross;The Red Cross health response has included field hospitals, mobile basic healthcare units and specialized cholera treatment centers. Since the earthquake, nearly 230,000 people have been treated at Red Cross health facilities in Haiti.  Red Cross health teams are also providing psychosocial support to earthquake survivors and carrying out health promotion activities. Red Cross and Red Crescent national societies from around the world are working together to provide these services.;Croix-des-Bouquets,Jérémie,Léogâne,Port-au-Prince;"";113;Private donations;Croix-des Bouquets,Delmas,Jérémie,Léogâne,Petit-Goâve,Port-au-Prince,Pétion-Ville;Health;Marian Spivey-Estrada;Health;Manager, Information and Reporting;ARCIS-HT-10-RC1;American Red Cross;"";230000;Please note that the estimated number of people reached refers to the total number of people each project plans to reach over the life of its implementation. Not all of these people have been reached with services yet.;"";Affected population(s);Global Red Cross Network Medical and First Aid Services;0;2013-01-12;9;;1991-12-22;"";Colombian Red Cross, Finland Red Cross, French Red Cross, German Red Cross, Japanese Red Cross, Norwegian Red Cross, International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
Ghana;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2008-01-10;"";;Ashanti;"";"";This project is building health facilities to provide better resources and food. It also works to educate people on nutrition.;"";"";1553;Private donations;"";Health;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-GH-08-189409;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Asante Akim North Area Development Program (ADP): Health and Nutrition Project;"";2013-09-30;76;"";"";Nutrition;World Vision Ghana
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-05;"";2010-08-01;"";"";"";"";"";Distribution of food packets, antibiotics and diabetic medicines;"";"";210;Private donations;"";Health;"";Health,Nutrition;"";BBF-HT-10-035;Brother's Brother Foundation;"";"";"";"";"";Food and Medicine;"";2011-07-31;17;"";"";"";Haitian Health Foundation
Haiti;"";2011-04-11;"";2010-01-10;""; ;L'Artibonite,Nippes,Sud-Est;"";"";Supply schools with LifeStraws, a portable water filter that can be carried around to provide easy access to safe and clean drinking water.;Anse-à-Veau,Bainet,Belle-Anse,Dessalines,Jacmel,Miragoâne;"";1707;Rotary Club,Vestergaard Frandsen ;Asile,Bainet,Belle-Anse,Grande Saline,Jacmel,Marigot,Petite Rivière de Nippes;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Ann Varghese ;"";HQ Program Officer;IMA-HT-10-011 ;IMA World Health;"";4500;"";"";Children ;In-Kind Donation of Water Filtration Devices ;24250;2011-02-01;37; ;2011-04-11;"";IMA World Health 
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";1999-01-01;"";;Khulna;"";"";THP works at the Union level to (a) mobilize the population for self-reliant action, including forming producer co-operatives and other income generating enterprises, (b) build civil society from the bottom up - creating people's organization of women, youth, elders, girl-child advocates, and the poorest of the poor, (c) strengthen local democracy, (d) ensure adequate facilities for achieving the MDGs, (e) organize mass action campaigns for health, nutrition, education, clean water and sanitation.;"";"";1191;Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID),British Council,Private donations;"";Agriculture,Education,Health,Human Rights Democracy and Governance,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;John Coonrod;"";Executive Vice President;THP-BD-99-080;The Hunger Project;"";20000;"";"";"";Alamdanga Pouroshova Mobilization;"";2100-12-31;83;"";"";"";The Hunger Project
Haiti;"";2010-09-22;"";2010-07-01;"";"";"";"";Partners in Health;Donation and installation of the complete water system for the Mirebalais Hospital, in partnership with Partners in Health. The project includes the drilling of two water wells and the installation of a chlorination unit.;"";"";617;"";"";Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;"";Health;"";OBI-HT-10-012;Operation Blessing International;"";"";"";"";"";Mirebalais Hospital;0;2011-12-31;51;"";2011-05-13;"";""
Mozambique;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2001-01-01;"";;Zambézia;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1457;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-MZ-01-172659;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Namanjivira Development Program;"";2016-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS, Nutrition;World Vision Mozambique
Haiti;"";2010-08-24;"";2010-02-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";Distribution of 5 million Aquatab water purification tablets in association with the afforementioned clean drinking water program.;Port-au-Prince;"";36;Private donations;Carrefour;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Andrew Lucas;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Program Director;ADRA-HT-10-014;Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA);"";250000;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs);Aquatab Tablet Distribution;50000;2010-03-31;4;"";"";"";GlobalMedic, Adventist Development and Relief Agency Network
Swaziland;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2000-01-01;"";;Lubombo;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1515;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Health,Protection,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-SZ-00-174127;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Mpolonjeni Development Program;"";2016-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS, Nutrition;World Vision Swaziland
Mozambique;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2009-01-01;"";;Inhambane;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1097;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-MZ-09-003;The Hunger Project;"";8939;"";"";"";Zuza Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Benin;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2007-01-01;"";;Atlantique;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1055;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-BJ-07-BN2;The Hunger Project;"";8162;"";"";"";Alvamè Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Chile;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1990-01-01;"";;Bío Bío;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1307;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Protection;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-CL-90-166378;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Pewen Mapu Development Program;"";2015-01-01;76;"";"";"";World Vision Chile
Haiti;"";2010-12-20;"";2008-05-05;"";"";L'Artibonite,Nord,Ouest,Sud;"";Haitian Ministry of Education;"Goal: Provide technical assistance and training needed to strengthen the capacity of the Hatian Ministry of Education (MENFP) and to increase the access of Haitian children and out-of-school youth to quality basic education. Key objectives: Strengthen the MENFP capacity to plan, coordinate, deliver, monitor and evaluate school services in public and non-public schools; 2. Expand the MENFP capacity to regulate non-public schools through licensing; 3. Strengthen the MENFP capacity to improve professional training for teachers and school directors by advancing the certification system; 4. Improve the MENFP capacity to analyze key education policy issues; 5. Expand the MENFP ability to increase education access for at-risk children and out- of-school youth; 6. Support the MENFP efforts to integrate age-appropriate reproductive and sexual health topics into the primary school curriculum; and 7. Build MENFP capacity to engage the Haiti business community to support education improvements.";Cap-Haïtien,Gonaïves,Léogâne,Port-au-Prince,Saint-Marc,les Cayes;"";246;American Institutes for Research,US Agency for International Development (USAID);Cap-Haïtien,Cayes,Gonaïves,Petit-Goâve,Port-au-Prince,Saint-Marc;Education;Nicole Balliette;"";Haiti Earthquake Response Coordinator;CRS-HT-10-7420133;Catholic Relief Services (CRS);"";40000;"";"";Children;PHARE - Basic Education;655843;2010-03-31;20;"";"";"";Catholic Relief Services (CRS)
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1984-01-01;"";;Barisal;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1272;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Shelter and Housing,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-BD-84-51020;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Nagendra (Agailjhara) Development Program;"";2018-01-01;76;"";"";Nutrition, HIV/AIDS;World Vision Bangladesh
Haiti;"";2010-10-01;"";2010-05-01;"";"";"";"";"";Fournir une eau potable de qualité aux populations affectées par le séisme via la reprise du service de livraison mis en place par la DINEPA.;"";"";4;ECHO;"";Water Sanitation and Hygiene;"";Water Sanitation and Hygiene;"";AAH-HT-10-HAA1SB;Action Against Hunger;Suivi et gestion des contrats et bons de livraison de la flotte mise en place par la DINEPA                                                                                                                                            Coordination avec les partenaires lors des différents clusters municipaux et réunions ad hoc                                                                                                                                              Mise en place dun cadre de réduction progressive de la livraison deau par camion, puis dune flotte incompressible dune quinzaine de camions pour les sites sans alternative.Support au cluster WaSH et à la DINEPA pour lélaboration dune stratégie commune de sortie de la livraison deau par camion.;216667;"";"";"";Support à la livraison deau par camion dans laire métropolitaine de Port-au-Prince, Haiti;3497926;2010-12-31;2;"";"";"";Action Against Hunger
";;Ouest;"";"";"This project will create a proper water drainage system to protect transitional shelters against the run off waters in Corail Camp Sector 3.
";Croix-des-Bouquets;"";1750;Private donations;Croix-des Bouquets;Shelter and Housing;Thomas Dwyer;"";Executive Director, UMCOR NGO;UMCOR-HT-11-008;United Methodist Committee on Relief;"";"";"";Prime awardee;Female-headed households, Elderly, People with disabilities, Internally displaced persons (IPDs);Creation of Drainage Infrastructure for Protection of Transitional Shelters in Corail Camp Sector 3;13598;2011-06-30;67;"";2011-04-13;"";United Methodist Committee on Relief
Sierra Leone;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2006-01-01;"";;Southern;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1499;Private donations;"";Education,Health;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-SL-06-181740;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Lugbo Development Program;"";2020-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS, Nutrition;World Vision Sierra Leone
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-11-01;"";;Nord-Est;"";"";"Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment
";le Trou-du-Nord;"";1892;Private donations;Sainte Suzanne;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-51637;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Saint Suzanne;2965;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";Saint Suzanne
Senegal;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2008-01-01;"";;Kolda;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1100;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-SN-08-SG3;The Hunger Project;"";6578;"";"";"";Dinguiraye Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Ethiopia;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2006-10-01;"";;Southern Nations Nationalities and Peoples;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1086;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-ET-06-ET5;The Hunger Project;"";20589;"";"";"";Mesqan Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Ecuador;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1997-01-01;"";;Tungurahua;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1331;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Education,Health;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-EC-98-168140;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Pasa San Fernando Development Program;"";2013-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS;World Vision Ecuador
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-06;"";2010-02-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";Distribution of FI;Léogâne,Port-au-Prince;"";441;"";Carrefour,Delmas,Grand-Goâve,Petit-Goâve,Port-au-Prince,Pétion-Ville,Tabarre;Food Aid;Armony Mangin;Food Security and Agriculture;Liaison & Advocacy Officer;HCI-HT-10-005;Handicap International;"";10365;"";"";"";Basic Needs 1;"";2010-10-31;32;"";"";"";Handicap International
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-06-03;"";;Ouest;"";"";Community Grant Program;Port-au-Prince;"";355;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Education;Andrew MacCalla;Education;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-Grant 18;Direct Relief International;"";2000000;"";"";"";Create a Radio and Awareness Program for Haitian People with Disabilities;30000;2011-06-03;26;;2011-04-22;"";Jaime Haiti
Chad;foodsecurity_site;2010-09-07;"";2010-01-01;"";;Ouaddaï,Sila;"";"";Internally displaced person (IDP)/refugee camp management in Eastern Chad;"";"";977;Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR);"";Disaster Management;Scott Webb;"";Program Officer;IRD-TD-10-10506;International Relief & Development;"";166718;"";Prime awardee;Internally displaced persons (IDPs), Refugees, Host Communities;UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Assoungha;"";2010-12-31;41;;"";"";International Relief & Development
Haiti;"";2011-03-29;"";2010-01-15;"";;Ouest;"";"";Housing and Shelter (Emergency Relief);Léogâne,Port-au-Prince;"";1676;Cordaid,Private donations,United Way Worldwide;Carrefour,Léogâne;Shelter and Housing;Carolina Cordero;"";Shelter Coordinator;CARE-HT-10-018;CARE;Distribution and construction of T-Shelters;"";"";"";Affected population(s);Transition Shelters;6893504.7;2011-05-01;19;"";2011-04-07;"";Care Haiti
Kenya;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-18;"";2009-07-01;"";;Rift Valley;"";"";Management of moderate acute malnutrition (MAM);"";"";957;Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA);"";Health;Stephen Commins;Nutrition;Strategy Manager, Fragile States;IMC-ET-09-1488;International Medical Corps;"Training of health care providers in management of acute malnutrition (MAM); establish sites for inpatient and outpatient care; nutrition education and behavior change programs";20000;"";Prime awardee;"";Drought Response for Affected Populations in Baragoi Nyira, Waso and Wamba Divisions of Samburu North and Samburu East Districts;"";2010-04-30;39;;"";Nutrition;International Medical Corps
Mozambique;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2000-01-01;"";;Zambézia;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1456;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-MZ-00-173817;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Mugeba Development Program;"";2015-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS, Nutrition;World Vision Mozambique
Honduras;foodsecurity_site;2010-08-16;"";2008-07-01;"";;Santa Bárbara;"";"";"The Farmer Organizations Growing Hope project will support 550 families—149 original and 401 by passing on the gift—belonging to ten rural associative enterprises affiliated with the Santa Bárbara regional committee of the National Central Committee of Field Workers (CNTC). These families have benefitted from the country's agrarian reform, receiving land to farm. However, their limited access to financial resources, training, technical assistance and appropriate technology keeps them from producing efficiently enough for their own consumption, let alone to generate a surplus to take to market for additional income. This project will work to improve participating families' nutritional status by diversifying agriculture with cattle, smaller livestock and family food gardens; agroecological production; transforming and marketing agricultural produce, especially by women; improving eating habits and family nutrition; and strengthening the rural enterprises and the regional committee of the CNTC in Santa Bárbara, especially in aspects of organization, gender, administration, and managing the revolving fund.";"";"";921;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Health;Americas program;"";Americas program;HEFI-HN-08-23-1508-02;Heifer International;"";715;"";"";"";Farmer Organizations Growing Hope;"";2014-06-30;34;"";"";Capacity building, Nutrition, Gender;National Field Workers Central Committee (CNTC)
Niger;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2001-01-01;"";;Zinder;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1471;Private donations;"";Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-NE-01-175315;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Kassama Development Program;"";2014-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS, Nutrition;World Vision Niger
Haiti;"";1991-08-24;"";2010-03-08;"";;Ouest;"";"";Provide long term transitional needs for the displaced households recovering from the earthquake.;Port-au-Prince;"";30;Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA);Carrefour;Economic Recovery and Development,Shelter and Housing;Andrew Lucas;Shelter and Non-Food Items,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Program Director;ADRA-HT-10-008;Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA);"";12500;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs);Carrefour Semi-Permanent Shelter and Livelihoods Project - CSPSLP;5206252;2010-12-07;4;"";2011-01-14;Economic Recovery, Market Systems;Adventist Development and Relief Agency, GlobalMedic, Danish People's Aid
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-03-17;"";;Nord;"";"";Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment;l'Acul-du-Nord;"";1846;Private donations;Milot;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-9003;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Hopital Sacre-Coeur de Milot;607103;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";Hopital Sacre-Coeur de Milot
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-11-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";"Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment
";Port-au-Prince;"";1855;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-51520;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Centre de Sante Leon Coicou;2480;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";Centre de Sante Leon Coicou
Rwanda;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2000-01-01;"";;Sud;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1491;Private donations;"";Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-RW-00-173094;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Mudasomwa Development Program;"";2015-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS;World Vision Rwanda
Gambia,Guinea-Bissau,Senegal;foodsecurity_site;2010-09-07;"";2008-09-24;"";;"";Intervention sites in Gambia, Casamance Region of Senegal, and Northern Guinea Bissau;AJAC Lukal, Action Sud de Ziguinchor, Gambian cashew farmers associations;Capacity strengthening of cashew farmers to increase income gained from cashew production, value addition, and processing.;"";"";987;US Department of Agriculture (USDA);"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development;Solomon Ngoze;"";Technical Officer;IRD-GM-08-937;International Relief & Development;"Farmer Field Schools introducing cashew market concepts, post harvest handing and production practices; Support to Farmer Associations; radio programs; Promotion of Best Practices; Promotion of local cashew consumption; support to local nut and apple processors";50000;"";Prime awardee;Cashew producers (men and women), Cashew households, Farmer associations;Sub-Regional Cashew Value Chain Competitiveness ;"";2011-12-31;41;;2010-09-09;Nutrition;International Relief & Development
Honduras;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1995-01-01;"";;Comayagua,Francisco Morazán,Valle;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1392;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-HN-95-169950;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Siria Development Program;"";2011-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS, Nutrition;World Vision Honduras
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-09-24;"";2010-07-01;All sections communales;;Centre,L'Artibonite;"";Unitransfer;Mercy Corps will distribute vouchers, redeemable from local stores, for US$40 worth of grain, cooking oil and beans to displaced and host households. Illustratively, this would allow a recipient to purchase 20 kg of rice, 4 kg of red beans and 1 gallon of oil every month.  Vouchers are preferable to direct in-kind food distribution, given the current market conditions.  Vouchers will allow beneficiaries to access food through existing market actors, will support the quick recovery of small businesses in the food market chain, and will help spur local production by increasing the purchasing power of beneficiaries, which will translate into increased demand for locally produced goods. ;Hinche,Mirebalais,Saint-Marc;"";598;Office of Food for Peace (USAID/FFP);Boucan-Carré,Cerca-Carvajal,Hinche,La Chapelle,Maïssade,Mirebalais,Saint-Marc,Saut-d'Eau,Thomonde,Verettes;Economic Recovery and Development,Food Aid;Raymond Chevalier;Food Security and Agriculture;Deputy Country Director;MC-HT-10-009;Mercy Corps;"";100000;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs), Host households/communities, Small business owners;Kenbe-la (Hang in There) Program: Giving Choices to Earthquake Survivors Outside of Port-au-Prince;12462861;2011-09-30;50;;2011-04-08;"";Mercy Corps
Haiti;"";2010-09-22;"";2010-02-01;"";"";Ouest;"";Proctor & Gamble;"Operation Blessing will install a new oxygen concentrator, repair an existing X-ray machine and install 2 new X-ray machines, and conduct an emergency repair of the morgue's freezer system at HUEH. We have already completed the renovation of the hospital's laundry facility, which included the installation and maintenance of new washer and dryers for the hospital (previously, all laundry was done by hand); provided HUEH with a $50,000 cash gift to help facilitate overtime efforts by staff; and installed three 10,000 gallon/day water purification units (as part of our Water Purification Systems project).";Port-au-Prince;"";613;"";Port-au-Prince;Health;"";Health;"";OBI-HT-10-008;Operation Blessing International;"";"";"";"";"";Assistance to National University Hospital (HUEH);0;2011-12-31;51;"";2011-05-13;"";""
Ghana;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2000-01-01;"";;Eastern;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1140;The Robertson Foundation;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-GH-00-GH22;The Hunger Project;"";5110;"";"";"";Dwerebease Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Cambodia;foodsecurity_site;2010-09-07;"";2008-09-30;"";;Battambang;Program is in its final stage and is compiling final report data;"";"Direct food distribution and nutrition/health education. The program's overall goal is to improve the health and nutritional status of vulnerable groups in Battambang, particularly children under 5 years of age, orphans and vulnerable children, and landmine victims and their families. This goal was chosen with reference to the latest anthropometric survey data for Cambodia indicating the decreased nutritional security of poor children under five and other vulnerable groups, especially among urban poor. The program is expected to reach approximately 7,500 direct beneficiaries.  Specific objectives are to:
1. Improve the quantity and quality of food intake among children under 5 years of age, orphans and vulnerable children, landmine victims and their families.
2. Improve complementary feeding practices of mothers with children under 5 years of age through nutrition education.
3. Increase knowledge and awareness of appropriate health behaviors among mothers or caretakers of children under 5 years of age and orphans and vulnerable children.
4. Increase knowledge and awareness about dangers of landmines through Mine Risk Education sessions for parents and caretakers of orphans and vulnerable children and landmine victims.
5. Build the capacity of local NGOs to implement supplementary feeding programs that effectively integrate health & nutrition education and mine risk education.
";"";"";966;US Agency for International Development (USAID);"";Food Aid,Health;Tanja Pavlovic;"";Program Officer;IRD-KH-08-09041;International Relief & Development;Distribute 75 metric tons (MT) of Breedlove commodities to children under 5 years of age, orphans and vulnerable children (OVC), and landmine victims and provide health and nutrition education in Battambang province. The intervention is designed to both build on the lessons learned of IRD's past International Food Relief Partnership (IFRP) projects in Cambodia, and also respond to the latest nutritional and food security data in the region. Through the proposed distributions and accompanying health and nutrition education, this project will help alleviate the current food security crisis by improving the nutritional intake of children under 5 years of age, orphans and vulnerable children, and landmine victims and their families.  By working with local NGO partners, the project will also enhance the capacity of local partners to respond to health and nutrition needs in the province, thereby strengthening cooperation between local NGOs and communities.  ;7500;"";Prime awardee;Children under 5, People living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA), Orphans and vulnerable children (OVC), Landmine victims;Food for Peace (FFP): Improving Nutrition in Cambodia III;"";2010-09-30;41;;"";HIV/AIDS, Nutrition;International Relief & Development
Haiti;"";2011-04-22;"";2010-06-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";"Construction of transitional housing.
";Port-au-Prince;"";1923;ECHO,UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA),World Jewish Relief;Delmas,Tabarre;Shelter and Housing;Kirk Prichard;Shelter and Non-Food Items;Advocacy Officer;CONW-HT-10-006;Concern Worldwide;"";7;"";"";"";Transitional Shelters;0;2011-12-31;87;;2011-05-20;"";Concern Worldwide
Haiti;"";2011-01-11;"";2010-01-16;"";"";Ouest;"";"";March 17th, 2010: in Tabarre, 3817 persons (or 610 families) have been reached by CARE since January 16, 2010.;Port-au-Prince;"";232;"";Delmas;"";"";"";"";CARE-HT-10-001;CARE;"";"";"";"";"";Tabarre;"";2011-01-10;19;"";2011-01-11;"";""
Brazil;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2001-01-01;"";;Amazonas;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1285;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Protection;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-BR-01-174697;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Criancas de Amazonas Development Program;"";2012-01-01;76;"";"";Nutrition, HIV/AIDS;World Vision Brazil
Haiti;"";2010-09-23;"";2010-07-01;""; ;Sud;"";"";"The Advantage Program aims to meet the physical and spiritual needs of persons with disabilities in Haiti in the name of Christ. Our goal is to provide long-term, sustainable assistance to those who need it, regardless of religion, creed or ability to pay. Through this program, we are: conducting training on management of amputated limbs; fabricating prostheses and orthotics; providing rehabilitation services (physical therapy); and conducting training to community leaders, teachers, and pastors in disability adaptation, awareness, advocacy and accessibility.";les Cayes;"";551;Private donations;Cayes;Health;Debbie Bailey ;Health;Disaster Response Team Coordinator ;MTI-HT-10-003;Medical Teams International;"";280;"";"";"";Rehabilitation Services though Advantage Program ;0;2011-09-30;49;;2011-04-21;Disability;Medical Teams International
Haiti;"";2011-04-25;"";2011-05-04;"";;Ouest;"";"";"Haitians safely resettle in communities with appropriate shelter, water and sanitation, and livelihoods solutions.
";Port-au-Prince;"";1741;Caritas Australia;Port-au-Prince;Shelter and Housing,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Laura Dills;Shelter and Non-Food Items,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Director of Programs;CRS-HT-10-67957420203;Catholic Relief Services (CRS);"";300;"";"";Households;MSERD Phase I;493632;2011-05-04;20;"";2011-04-25;Livelihoods;Catholic Relief Services (CRS)
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-12-15;"";2010-03-27;Delmas;;Ouest;"";"";Meals shipped;Port-au-Prince;"";707;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Food Aid;Rick Kearney;Nutrition;Distribution Coordinator;STOP-HT-10-0204;Stop Hunger Now;"";285120;"";"";Affected population(s);In-Kind Donations to Delmas Rotary Club;71280;2010-03-31;65;;"";"";Delmas Rotary Club
Haiti;"";2011-05-02;"";2011-01-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";"The main objectives of this project are to support the continuation of the HUEH Tuberculosis Clinic to serve as the main referral tuberculosis center in Haiti, provide comprehensive, high-quality tuberculosis care to patients, and to provide tuberculosis training to medical students, interns, residents, and nurses.
";Port-au-Prince;"";1745;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Health;Melissa Crutchfield;"";Assistant General Secretary, International Disaster Response;UMCOR-HT-11-003 ;United Methodist Committee on Relief;"";"";"";Prime Awardee ;"";Hopital de lUniversite dEtat dHaiti (HUEH) Tuberculosis Program ;99980;2011-12-31;67;"";2011-05-02;"";HUEH Tuberculosis Clinic 
Uganda;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2001-01-01;"";;Mpigi;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1116;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-UG-01-UG9;The Hunger Project;"";30000;"";"";"";Mpigi Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-06-30;"";;Ouest;"";"";"Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment
";Port-au-Prince;"";1849;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-9388;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Solidarite Haitienne;303367;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";Solidarite Haitienne
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-15;"";2004-06-15;Cap-Haïtien;,;Nord;"";"";Provision of ready-to-use therapeutic food (RUTF) to implementing partners. Hope Haven orphanage is designed to take care of medically fragile and critically ill children, for whom proper nutrition is critically important.;Cap-Haïtien;"";568;"";Cap-Haïtien;Health;Tom Stehl, Maryse Sterlin;Health,Nutrition;Coordinator of Operations, Haiti Administrator;MFK-HT-10-015;Meds & Food for Kids;"";"";"";"";Malnourished children;Community Management of Acute Malnutrition - Hope Haven Orphanage;0;2011-12-12;77;"";2011-04-11;"";Hope Haven Orphanage
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1988-01-01;"";;Rajshahi;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1268;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-BD-88-162528;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Joypurhat Development Program;"";2018-01-01;76;"";"";Nutrition, HIV/AIDS;World Vision Bangladesh
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-12-15;"";2010-01-22;Cap-Haïtien;;Nord;"";United Methodist Church;Meals shipped;Cap-Haïtien;"";703;Private donations;Cap-Haïtien;Food Aid;Rick Kearney;Nutrition;Distribution Coordinator;STOP-HT-10-0190;Stop Hunger Now;"";38880;"";"";Affected population(s);In-Kind Donations to Compassionate Alliance;9720;2010-01-24;65;;"";"";Compassionate Alliance
Haiti;"";2010-09-23;"";2010-04-12;Petit-Goâve;;Ouest;"";"";Cash-for-Work (CFW) program to remove rubble from main streets in town and to prepare for the construction of temporary shelters.  Activities were coordinated with the local Mayor's office and The Salvation Army Corps.;Léogâne;"";689;Private donations;Petit-Goâve;Disaster Management,Economic Recovery and Development;George Polarek;Early Recovery;Assistant Director, SAWSO;SAWSO-HT-10-004;Salvation Army World Service Office;1) Training, 2) Equipment, 3) Supervision, 4) Payment;250;250;Prime awardee;"";Petit-Goâve Cash-for-Work;47044;2010-07-01;62;"";2011-01-27;"";The Salvation Army 
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-12-15;"";2010-01-20;"";;"";"";Convoy of Hope;Shipped meals, food, water, relief aid;"";"";712;Private donations;"";Disaster Management,Food Aid;Rick Kearney;Health,Nutrition,Shelter and Non-Food Items,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Distribution Coordinator;STOP-HT-10-MOH;Stop Hunger Now;"";2167954;"";"";Affected population(s);In-Kind Donations to Mission of Hope Haiti;3862089;2010-06-29;65;;"";"";Mission of Hope Haiti
Haiti;"";2010-12-13;"";2010-11-20;""; ;Nord-Est;"";"";"Merlin is operating one cholera treatment center, 2 big cholera treatment units of and 6 cholera treatment units. Merlin have also set up a cholera treatment unit in Mombin Crochu. As part of Merlin's preventative health program, 96 brigadiers are currently operational in Ounaminthe, Trou du Nord and Fort Liberte. 
";Fort-Liberté,Ouanaminthe,le Trou-du-Nord;"";548;ECHO;Fort-Liberté,Ounaminthe,Trou du Nord;Health;Léa Gibert;Health;Operations Coordinator;MERLIN-HT-10-006;Medical Emergency Relief International, UK (Merlin);"";364000;"";"";"";Cholera Response (Nord-Est);0;2011-05-31;48;"";2011-05-17;"";Medical Emergency Relief International, UK (Merlin) 
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-11-01;"";;Nord;"";"";"Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment
";Borgne;"";1882;Private donations;Borgne;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-51569;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Borgne;5588;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";Borgne
Haiti;"";2010-12-20;"";2010-10-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";"The  intervention aims at providing retrofitting and repairing works for 340 houses classified under “green” and “yellow” category by MTPTC / UNOPS, contributing to the return of an estimated 340 displaced earthquake-affected households (1,700 individuals) (metropolitan area, communes of Léogâne, Gressier, Grand Goave); and to carry out a Structural Damage Assessment of 12,000 structures.";Léogâne;"";405;UK Department for International Development (DFID);Léogâne;Shelter and Housing;Marianna Franco;Early Recovery;Program Development Manager;ACTED-HT-10-41 ARS AM;Friends of ACTED;"";1700;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs);Contributing to the return of earthquake affected populations through support to the Safer Shelter Strategy;1293305;2011-09-30;29;"";"";"";Friends of ACTED
Haiti;"";2010-09-22;"";2010-03-01;"";"";"";"";"";550 wheelchairs have been donated and distributed through hospitals and partner NGOs.;"";"";616;"";"";Health;"";Health;"";OBI-HT-10-011;Operation Blessing International;"";"";"";"";"";Wheelchair Distribution;0;2011-12-12;51;"";2011-05-13;"";""
Brazil;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1991-01-01;"";;Rio de Janeiro;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1284;Private donations;"";Health;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-BR-91-167537;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Comunhao Development Program;"";2016-01-01;76;"";"";Nutrition;World Vision Brazil
Haiti;"";1991-10-01;"";2009-11-25;"";"";Nord-Ouest;"";"";Améliorer le niveau de préparation et les capacités de réponse face aux risques de désastres naturels des populations de 10 localités des communes de La Tortue, Port de Paix,  Anse à Foleur et Saint-Louis du Nord.;Port-de-Paix,Saint-Louis du Nord;"";6;ECHO;Anse-à-Foleur,La Tortue,Port-de-Paix,Saint-Louis du Nord;Disaster Management;"";Water Sanitation and Hygiene;"";AAH-HT-10-HAA1U;Action Against Hunger;"Diagnostic, analyse de la vulnérabilité et des capacités dans chaque communauté : Enquête CAP, approches communautaires. 
Campagne de sensibilisation / information (médias, affiches, réunions…)
Mise en place dun système dalerte communautaire. 
Conduite dexercices dalerte communautaires. 
Création de 9 comités locaux de la Protection Civile et formation DPC. 
Redynamisation de 4 comités communaux (Tortue, Port de Paix, Anse à Foleur et Saint-Louis du Nord). 
Création de 3 brigades communales de volontaires sur Tortue, Anse à Foleur et Saint Louis. 
Rédaction des Plans daction locaux (avec cartes de risques, organigrammes et emplacement des abris et accès aux stocks de contingence). 
Identification et sélection par les communautés des abris et choix des travaux à effectuer (latrines, accès à leau, cuisines…). 
Implémentation des travaux. 
Mise en place sur les 10 localités dun système ad hoc de traitement et distribution deau potable en urgence. 
Mise en place sur les 3 communes dotées de brigades de volontaires de matériel de pompage et déblayage.";108304;"";"";"";Renforcement des moyens et stocks durgence en prévision du risque cyclonique  Nord Ouest;601129;2011-02-24;2;"";2011-01-24;"";Action Against Hunger
Democratic Republic of the Congo;foodsecurity_site;2010-09-30;"";2008-08-01;"";;Katanga;"";N/A;Improve livelihood capacity of vulnerable households;"";"";864;US Agency for International Development (USAID);"";Agriculture;Esther Wong;"";Katanga Program Officer;FH-CD-08-DRC002;Food for the Hungry;Using Field Farmer Life Groups to promote agriculture activities;49014;"";Prime awardee;farmers, women, children under five;Multi-Year Assistance Program # 2;"";2011-07-31;28;;"";Gender, Livelihoods;Food for the Hungry - DRC
Haiti;"";2011-05-17;"";2011-03-21;""; ;Nippes;"";"";"Merlin is working in two communes - Arnaud and Plaisance where they are supporting 2 health centres with reinforcement of the CTUs (training, equipement) and 54 brigadiers of the DSNI with equipment and the installation of 12 ORPs. 
";Anse-à-Veau;"";1802;United Nations Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) ;Arnaud;Health;Marion Ventalon ;Health;"";MERLIN-HT-11-007;Medical Emergency Relief International, UK (Merlin);"";43219;"";"";"";Cholera Response (Nippes) ;0;2011-04-30;48;"";2011-05-17;"";Medical Emergency Relief International, UK (Merlin) 
Swaziland;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1999-01-01;"";;Shiselweni;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1514;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-SZ-99-172986;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Mhlosheni Development Program;"";2014-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS;World Vision Swaziland
Haiti;"";2010-08-26;"";2010-09-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";"Community Grant Program
";Léogâne;"";1906;Private donations;Léogâne;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-Grant 22;Direct Relief International;"";60000;"";"";"";Build and Equip Operating Room;20000;2010-12-01;26;;2011-04-23;"";Renewal 4 Haiti
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;"";"";1997-06-01;"";;Rajshahi;"";"";Weekly meetings of Savings and Learning Groups of between 12 and 20 people as a vehicle for micro-savings-based food security and micro-enterprise, WASH education, health education, community development and long-term formation of participant-led community development institutions. Groups are single-gender settings to meet the needs of cultural norms in Bangladesh, but teach skills for healthy social interaction and values for good relationships. Groups are self-led and facilitated by FH Staff, with direct contact one half day per group per week.;"";"";845;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Lucas Shindeldecker;"";Food Security Program Officer;FH-BD-97-BANFCT020025;Food for the Hungry;"";16560;"";"";"";Family and Community Transformation (FCT) # 5;"";2013-12-31;28;;"";Gender, Capacity building;""
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-09-24;"";2010-10-04;"";;"";"";"";This project has been in existence for several years and has provided nutritious meals to school children throughout the school year, while alleviating parents from the financial burden of feeding their children. A Hot Lunch Coordinator oversees and reports on the project to the Eglise Methodiste dHaiti.;"";"";720;Private donations;"";Food Aid;Melissa Crutchfield;"";Assistant General Secretary, International Disaster Response;UMCOR-HT-10-418790;United Methodist Committee on Relief;"";16785;"";Prime awardee;Children, Youth;School Hot Lunch Program;180000;2011-06-30;67;"";2011-04-12;Nutrition;Eglise Methodiste dHaiti
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-15;"";2004-06-15;Luly;,;"";"";Luly Medical Clinic, Port-au-Prince Orphanage, Port-au-Prince Women's Program;Provision of ready-to-use therapeutic food (RUTF) to implementing partners.;"";"";585;"";"";Health;Tom Stehl, Maryse Sterlin;Health,Nutrition;Coordinator of Operations, Haiti Administrator;MFK-HT-10-033;Meds & Food for Kids;"";"";"";"";Malnourished children;Community Management of Acute Malnutrition - World Wide Village;0;2011-12-12;77;"";2011-04-11;"";World Wide Village
Haiti;"";2011-03-29;"";2010-04-15;"";;Ouest;"";"";Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Emergency relief;Léogâne,Port-au-Prince;"";1679;Private donations;Carrefour,Léogâne;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Elias Machingambi;"";WASH Coordinator;CARE-HT-10-020;CARE;Water trucking;12000;"";"";Internally displaced person(s) (IDP);Water Assistance for Earthquake affected people in Haiti;853068;2011-03-31;19;"";2011-04-07;"";CARE Haiti
El Salvador;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-17;"";2009-06-01;"";;"";"";"";"Winrock implements the Farmer-to-Farmer Caribbean Basin Leader with Associates (LWA) Cooperative Agreement, which focuses activities in El Salvador. Program activities focus on (i) strengthening agricultural value chains that benefit a large number of small-scale rural producers by increasing the competitiveness and growth of targeted agro-processors and related producer groups and linking small producers with markets in the value chain; (ii) strengthening private and public institutions providing trade-related services to agricultural value chains; and (iii) helping to ensure that technological innovations allow farmers and firms to manage resources sustainably and reduce negative environmental impacts while complying with international food safety, labor, and environmental standards.";"";"";1244;US Agency for International Development (USAID);"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development;Nona Fisher;"";Senior Program Officer;WINRO-SV-09-6159;Winrock International;"";2750;"";Prime awardee;"";Farmer-to-Farmer Leader with Associates Award -Caribbean Basin;"";2014-05-31;70;;"";Food security, Environment;Winrock International, ACDI/VOCA, Land O'Lakes
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";1999-01-01;"";;Dhaka;"";"";THP works at the Union level to (a) mobilize the population for self-reliant action, including forming producer co-operatives and other income generating enterprises, (b) build civil society from the bottom up - creating people's organization of women, youth, elders, girl-child advocates, and the poorest of the poor, (c) strengthen local democracy, (d) ensure adequate facilities for achieving the MDGs, (e) organize mass action campaigns for health, nutrition, education, clean water and sanitation.;"";"";1224;Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID),British Council,Private donations;"";Agriculture,Education,Health,Human Rights Democracy and Governance,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;John Coonrod;"";Executive Vice President;THP-BD-99-457;The Hunger Project;"";20000;"";"";"";Narshingdi Pouroshova Mobilization;"";2100-12-31;83;"";"";"";The Hunger Project
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-15;"";2004-06-15;Montrouis;,;"";"";"";Provision of ready-to-use therapeutic food (RUTF) to implementing partners. Canaan orphanage is home to over 100 children at a time. ;"";"";560;World Wide Village;"";Health;Tom Stehl, Maryse Sterlin;Health,Nutrition;Coordinator of Operations, Haiti Administrator;MFK-HT-10-007;Meds & Food for Kids;"";"";"";"";Malnourished children;Community Management of Acute Malnutrition - Canaan Orphanage;0;2011-12-12;77;"";2011-04-11;"";Canaan Orphanage
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-11-01;"";;Nippes;"";"";"Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment
";Anse-à-Veau;"";1901;Private donations;Petit Trou de Nippes;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-51633;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Petit Trou de Nippes;1838;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";Petit Trou de Nippes
India;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2011-03-28;"";;Rajasthan;"";"";Build the capacity of elected women representatives (EWRs) in the gram panchayats (GPs) as key change agents for ending hunger and poverty. Strengthen the GPs and increase people's participation in development through Gram Sabha mobilization. Build block-level federations of EWRs to empower them to interface effectively with government programs.;"";"";1178;United Nations Democracy Fund (UNDEF),United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM);"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Human Rights Democracy and Governance;John Coonrod;"";Executive Vice President;THP-IN-xx-IN-RJ-1;The Hunger Project;"";0;"";"";"";Tijara EWR Empowerment;0;2011-12-12;83;"";2011-03-28;"";The Hunger Project
Democratic Republic of the Congo;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2007-01-01;"";;Bas-Congo;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1318;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-CD-07-183230;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Kisantu Development Program;"";2023-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS, Nutrition;World Vision DR Congo
Haiti;"";2010-10-05;"";2010-06-18;"";"";"";"";"";Medical mission supplies;"";"";205;Private donations;"";Health;"";Health;"";BBF-HT-10-030;Brother's Brother Foundation;"";"";"";"";"";Medical Mission Trip # 19;5770;2010-07-18;17;"";"";"";Functional Literacy Ministry of Haiti
Ghana;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2000-01-01;"";;Eastern;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1149;The Robertson Foundation;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-GH-00-GH31;The Hunger Project;"";8135;"";"";"";Nkawanda Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Burkina Faso;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2005-01-01;"";;Gourma;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1070;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-BF-05-BF4;The Hunger Project;"";8464;"";"";"";Diapangou Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Democratic Republic of the Congo;foodsecurity_site;2010-09-30;"";2008-08-01;"";;Katanga;"";N/A;Empowering mothers to make healthy decisions regarding child nutrition, sanitation, and to prevent and manage childhood disease;"";"";863;US Agency for International Development (USAID);"";Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Esther Wong;"";Katanga Program Officer;FH-CD-08-DRC001;Food for the Hungry;Use a Cascade model to train mother leaders, who in turn train households;14877;"";Prime awardee;women, children under five;Multi-Year Assistance Program # 1;"";2011-07-31;28;;"";Nutrition, Gender;Food for the Hungry - DRC
Haiti;"";2010-10-09;"";2010-05-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";In cooperation with the World Food Programme, All Hands has developed a Joint Logistics Base which covers roughly five acres and offers more than 21,000 square feet of enclosed, dry, and secure fabrication/storage space for NGOs working in Léogâne.;Léogâne;"";45;World Food Program (WFP);Léogâne;Disaster Management;Michal Jelinek;Shelter and Non-Food Items;JLB Manager;HODR-HT-10-001;All Hands Volunteers;"";"";"";"";"";Joint Logistics Base;"";2011-12-31;5;"";"";"";All Hands Volunteers, World Food Program (WFP), Friends of ACTED, CHF International, Canadian Red Cross, Cordaid, Tearfund
Dominican Republic;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1991-01-01;"";;Baoruco;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1326;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Protection,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-DO-91-166496;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Ezequiel Development Program;"";2018-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS, Nutrition;World Vision Dominican Republic
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";1999-01-01;"";;Dhaka;"";"";THP works at the Union level to (a) mobilize the population for self-reliant action, including forming producer co-operatives and other income generating enterprises, (b) build civil society from the bottom up - creating people's organization of women, youth, elders, girl-child advocates, and the poorest of the poor, (c) strengthen local democracy, (d) ensure adequate facilities for achieving the MDGs, (e) organize mass action campaigns for health, nutrition, education, clean water and sanitation.;"";"";1200;Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID),British Council,Private donations;"";Agriculture,Education,Health,Human Rights Democracy and Governance,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;John Coonrod;"";Executive Vice President;THP-BD-99-191;The Hunger Project;"";20000;"";"";"";Gopalgonj Pouroshova Mobilization;"";2100-12-31;83;"";"";"";The Hunger Project
Senegal;foodsecurity_site;2010-09-07;"";2008-07-01;"";;Diourbel;"";GIE Agritech, Jubo Ligguey;"This is the third of Heifer Senegal's projects. The five-year project aims at enhancing capacities of households to revive and apply traditional collective values and solidarity schemes. They will do this in order to improve productivity through diversified livestock and field cropping initiatives. It will do so by attempting to reconstitute the stock of improved breed animals and high quality rain-fed seeds and seedlings of selected food and forage trees as well as provide technical support to enhance agricultural production and productivity by improving local capacities for environmentally sound resource management.
The project targets the sub project holder GIE Jubo Ligguey in the village of Baback Ndiongore situated in the district of Bambey.
Initially the project will provide 53 reproductive age sheep (48 ewes and 5 rams.) to 24 families. Each family receives initial placements of 2 ewes. The project will also initially provide 10 kilos of research quality seeds to an additional 32 families. In all 56 families will receive original placements while 224 families will receive POG for a total of 280 families who will benefit through this project.
By the 5th year, through the innovative POG design, the project will pass on successively 2 animals of the same species to reach a total of 120 assisted families and 10 kilos of nationally certified seeds to 160 families, involving a total of 1,960 dependents. The cost per family is $510.";"";"";875;Private donations;"";Agriculture;Elizabeth Bintliff;"";West Africa Regional Director;HEFI-SN-08-21-1703-01;Heifer International;"";524;"";"";Farmer households, Women, Youth;Baback Integrated Sheep and Crop Project;"";2014-06-30;34;;"";Gender, HIV/AIDS;Heifer Senegal
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2011-04-07;"";2011-03-01;Peligre;;Centre;"";Partners in Health, Caribbean Harvest;"This Pilot project seeks to improve the income of 52 fishing families around the Peligre lake through the production of fish in cages.
";Mirebalais;"";1698;Private donations;Boucan-Carré;Economic Recovery and Development;Ixchel Palencia;Food Security and Agriculture;Program Officer;HEFI-HT-11-23-1417-02-AP10;Heifer International;"Fish production in cages, commercialization and organizational strengthening.
";260;"";"";Fishing families;Tilapia Production Through Cage Fishing in Lake Peligre;93659;2012-06-30;34;"";2011-04-07;Environment;Action Communautaire pour lEducation et le Développement autour du Lac Peligre (ACEDLP)
Guatemala;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1992-01-01;"";;Guatemala;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1378;Private donations;"";Health;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-GT-92-167377;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Nuevo Amanecer Development Program;"";2014-01-01;76;"";"";Nutrition;World Vision Guatemala
Lesotho;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1996-01-01;"";;Leribe;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1426;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Education,Health;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-LS-96-170621;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Kota Development Program;"";2014-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS, Nutrition;World Vision Lesotho
Haiti;"";2010-09-22;"";2010-06-01;"";"";"";"";Caribbean Drilling;Strategic partnership with Caribbean Drilling. Five wells drilled since June 2010 to areas in critical need.;"";"";619;"";"";Water Sanitation and Hygiene;"";Water Sanitation and Hygiene;"";OBI-HT-10-014;Operation Blessing International;"";"";"";"";"";Wells;0;2011-12-12;51;"";2011-05-13;"";""
India;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-13;"";2007-07-01;"";;West Bengal;"";"";The Samadi Community Development Program (SCDP) was initiated in 2008 and continues to provide communities with resources to address a wide range of community development needs.  The SCDP program works with 10 communities within Samadi, in Bankura district, West Bengal State.  Each program initiative promotes self-sustaining, long-term economic development and improved community health.  In 2010, the program will work with small, marginalized farmers to improve their knowledge of water harvesting techniques to improve crop yield.  Artificial insemination will improve the quality of livestock available to the farming communities.  Eleven coaching centers, run by the villagers, will promote preservation of the local tribal language, Alchiki, and the importance of primary education for girls and boys.  Youth will be supported with technical education to promote small micro-businesses, further diversifying the income sources in the community.  Ongoing women's cooperatives will be strengthened by providing needed equipment, additional micro-loan capital, and skills training.  Women's empowerment lies at the heart of many program activities, including support for an all-female team of community health volunteers who work with women and children in the 10 villages to ensure safe deliveries, monitor child health and nutrition, and spread positive messages about disease prevention including HIV/AIDS. The health volunteers are backed up by the services of the Samadi clinic, which will continue to provide needed services in an area with limited access to medical facilities.   ;"";"";814;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Health;Karla Avila;"";Program Officer;ERD-IN-07-001;Episcopal Relief & Development;"";6032;"";"";Children, Youth, Farmers;Samadi Community Development Programme;"";2010-12-31;27;;"";"";Diocese of Durgapur
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-11-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";"Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment
";Port-au-Prince;"";1878;Private donations;Carrefour;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-51553;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Oeuvre de Bienfaisance de Carrefour et Gressier;1905;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";Oeuvre de Bienfaisance de Carrefour et Gressier
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";1999-01-01;"";;Rangpur;"";"";THP works at the Union level to (a) mobilize the population for self-reliant action, including forming producer co-operatives and other income generating enterprises, (b) build civil society from the bottom up - creating people's organization of women, youth, elders, girl-child advocates, and the poorest of the poor, (c) strengthen local democracy, (d) ensure adequate facilities for achieving the MDGs, (e) organize mass action campaigns for health, nutrition, education, clean water and sanitation.;"";"";1227;Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID),British Council,Private donations;"";Agriculture,Education,Health,Human Rights Democracy and Governance,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;John Coonrod;"";Executive Vice President;THP-BD-99-496;The Hunger Project;"";20000;"";"";"";Balapara Mobilization;"";2100-12-31;83;"";"";"";The Hunger Project
Sudan;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-10;"";2008-01-01;"";;Lakes;"CIFI-Sudan produces a wide variety of vegetables including cow peas, maize, okra, onions, kales,spider plant, jewsmallow (kudhura), cucumber, green pepper, eggplants, squash, amaranthus and food crops including  maize, sorghum and ground nuts. In addition, the farm raises poultry (layers; future expansion will include the piloting of broilers) and bees for honey production. Oxen are also used as traction animals. Ninety hectares of a community donated land has allowed CIFI-Sudan to be one of only two commercial fresh egg and vegetable producing farms in Lakes State. The high demand for local, fresh eggs and vegetables will prove to be a substantial income generation potential for participants. Since the projects inception, an average of 96% of participants have reported an increase in their income. Recently, participants reported earning US$35-US$42 a day from selling vegetables. ";Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee (BRAC), South Sudan Microfinance Institute, Government of South Sudan Ministry of Agriculture Resources Forestry and Fisheries, Kasenge Riverford Organic Center, Kenyan Commercial Bank-Sudan, Total Exploration and Production-Sudan, Community of Makernhoum, Government of Lakes State, Yei Agricultural Training Institute, National Crop Resources Research Institute-Kawanda, Oxfam UK, ACROSS;CIFI is Women for Women International's flagship income generation program that focuses on training up to 1,000 socially excluded women per year in organic commercial integrated agriculture for sustained income generation and food security.  Participants are able to select commercial integrated farming as their vocational track after receiving 3 months of core program training and understand their income generation opportunities. During their training, participants learn to integrate crop and animal husbandry and how to strategically choose marketable products to produce. Products that are selected are targeted for both local and niche/broader markets.  Highly marketable traditional crops are produced to meet local demand and less typical, preferably higher value crops, are produced that have a niche market and offer the potential to reach broader markets. The goal after three to five years is to establish a core of functioning cooperatives capable of producing and marketing high quality, high value agriculutral products.  The long-term vision of CIFI is a women-led agricultural value chain whereby women are participants in every facet of the production cycle: producers, processors, distributors, managers and owners.   ;"";"";1256;Lundin for Africa;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development;Roberta Bernhard;"";Senior Agribusiness Officer;WWI-SD-08-CIFI01S;Women for Women International;"CIFI activities include: training (theory and practical) in organic commercial integrated farming; cooperative development and governance; identifying sustainable markets; linking CIFI participants to market partnerships; establishment of follow-up services including agricultural extension and business development.  ";3000;"";Prime awardee;Socially excluded women farmers;Commercial Integrated Farming Initiative (CIFI) - Sudan;0;2013-01-01;84;;2011-03-15;Gender, Livelihoods ;Women for Women International-Sudan
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-07-07;"";;Ouest;"";"";Community Grant Program;Port-au-Prince;"";356;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Education,Health;Andrew MacCalla;Education;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-Grant 19;Direct Relief International;"";31;"";"";"";Rebuild Orphanage for special needs children, outfit school w/supplies, pay teacher salaries and feeding program;25000;2011-07-07;26;;2011-04-22;"";Melissa's Hope Orphanage
Guatemala;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1999-01-01;"";;Chiquimula;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1375;Private donations;"";Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-GT-99-172160;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Comunidades Camotecas Development Program;"";2014-01-01;76;"";"";Nutrition;World Vision Guatemala
Sudan;foodsecurity_site;2011-05-11;"";2010-09-01;""; ;Western Darfur;"";"";"Save the Children seeks improved health status and well-being of the affected communities in West Darfur through strengthened social services and improved practices. 
";"";"";1778;Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA);"";Agriculture,Health;Lisa Parrott ;"";Africa Livelihoods Advisor ;STC-SD-10-84010444 ;Save the Children;"SC  is working  in close collaboration with the government through the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA), which provides extension workers, as well as Ministry of Animal Resources (MoAR), which will provide the vaccines and trained personnel. The project also will be linked with the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), which provides field crops and vegetable seeds in addition to other inputs. SC is engaging community liaison officers and community animators hired at each target site to work closely with community members to ensure participation and ownership of all interventions, regular follow-up and monitoring.
";673573;"";Prime Awardee ;"";Darfur Emergency Assistance and Rehabilitation (DEAR) ;2999870;2011-05-31;63;"";2011-05-11;"";Save the Children US  
Zambia;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2000-01-01;"";;Lusaka;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1540;Private donations;"";Education,Health;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-ZM-00-174052;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Kapululwe Development Program;"";2015-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS;World Vision Zambia
Nicaragua;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2000-01-01;"";;Chinandega;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1464;Private donations;"";Health;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-NI-00-173477;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Casitas Development Program;"";2016-01-01;76;"";"";Nutrition;World Vision Nicaragua
Haiti;"";1991-12-09;"";2010-06-01;Martissant, Delmas 48, Petionville ;;Ouest;"";"";To reach out and expand treatment to those in need of diabetic and hypertensive medical care services through medical programs at satellite locations.;Port-au-Prince;"";147;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Health;Donna Porstner;Health;Communications Manager;ACARE-HT-10-125-1009-706;AmeriCares;"";1500;"";"";"";Improving Access to Quality Diabetes Care Through Satellite Clinics ;75000;2011-03-01;11;"";2011-04-22;"";Fondation Hatienne de Diabete et de Maladies Cario-Vasculaire (FHADIMAC)
Malawi;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-13;"";2010-01-01;"";;Southern;"";"";"In partnership with Loves Harvest of NY, Episcopal Relief & Development is supporting the Leonard Kamungu Theological College to increase its food supply. The objectives for the Theological Permaculture Farm are as follows: (1) Food security and sustainability for the College (the college will be able to feed itself and thus reduce yearly operating expenses); (2) Train seminarians and impart in them Permaculture skills which they will use in their parishes in all four dioceses after training. This will mean that the whole Church in Malawi will benefit from the project. These priests in turn will train their parishioners and the priests' homes will be demonstration Permaculture gardens; (3) Generate income for the college by selling surplus harvests.  These funds will help to sustain the ongoing college activities. This has begun with the building of a piggery in 2009 and will continue in 2010. This project will reach self sufficiency once the pigs are reproducing; and (4) Provide a demonstration farm for visiting priests and short trainings in order to build up their Permaculture capacities. This is very important because one of the challenges that priests are facing in parishes is shortage of food, more especially those that are affected or infected with HIV/AIDS who find priests to be their readily available help.";"";"";821;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development;Danielle Tirello;"";Program Officer;ERD-MW-10-004;Episcopal Relief & Development;"";40;"";"";Seminarians;Leonard Kamungu Theological College Food Security Program;"";2010-12-31;27;;"";Capacity building;Leonard Kamungu Theological College
Haiti;"";2010-12-17;"";2010-01-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";Educational support to at-risk children and youths, with focus on restaveks, pregnant teenagers, and former gang members.  Program provides schooling, vocational training and special conflict-resolution courses.  Since the earthquake, the program has expanded to accommodate neighborhood children living in extreme poverty whose schools were destroyed.  This program receives on-going support from CWS.;Port-au-Prince;"";288;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Education,Protection;Aaron Tate;Education,Protection;Emergency Response Coordinator;CWS-HT-10-009;Church World Service;"";250;"";"";Children;Education for Peace;360000;2011-12-31;24;;"";Conflict prevention and mitigation;Fondation Oecumenique pour la Paix et la Justice
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-09-13;"";2010-11-01;Léogâne High, Léogâne Low;;"";"";"";Permanent shelter reconstruction, latrines, wells.  Extension services to improve agriculture production.;"";"";758;Other,Private donations;"";Agriculture,Shelter and Housing,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;John O'Kelley;Food Security and Agriculture,Shelter and Non-Food Items,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Haiti Country Director;WR-HT-10-002;World Relief;"";6000;"";"";"";Shelter, Water and Sanitation, and Agriculture;"";2012-07-31;75;;"";"";World Relief
Haiti;"";2010-10-05;"";2010-04-20;"";"";"";"";"";Medical mission supplies;"";"";199;Private donations;"";Health;"";Health;"";BBF-HT-10-024;Brother's Brother Foundation;"";"";"";"";"";Medical Mission Trip # 14;415;2010-05-20;17;"";"";"";Blountville Christian Church
Haiti;"";2011-02-02;"";2010-10-26;"";;L'Artibonite,Nord-Ouest,Sud;"";"";Comprehensive package of cholera treatment services and community eduction activities around cholera prevention and treatment ;Aquin,Gonaïves,Marmelade,Môle Saint-Nicolas,Port-Salut,Saint-Marc,les Cayes;"";1628;Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA);Aquin,Baie de Henne,Bombardopolis,Cayes,Ennery,Gonaïves,Jean-Rabel,Môle Saint Nicholas,Saint Michel de l'Attalaye,Saint-Jean du Sud,Verettes;Health;Agron Ferati;"";Director, Program Development;IMC-HT-10-1730;International Medical Corps;Cholera treatment, Cholera education;472500;"";Prime awardee;"";Provision of Cholera and Diarrheal Treatment and Prevention Responses in Haiti;0;2011-07-15;39;;2011-04-20;"";International Medical Corps
Armenia;foodsecurity_site;2011-05-26;"";2011-01-01;"City/village: Semyonovka, Ani Pemza, Ahnidzor
";;Geghark'unki',Lorri,Shirak;"";"";"Over the course of this 3 year project, UMCOR will provide agricultural inputs to 855 beneficiaries in order to increase their self-sustainability in food production, expand participants' agricultural knowledge and expertise through technical trainings, improve the participants' ability to design menus that enrich their daily diet and promote overall health of community members and residents of institutions, and empower young people at institutions and community schools with practical life skills, including education on beekeeping and sustainable farm management. 
";"";"";1932;Foods Resource Bank (FRB);"";Agriculture;Nicholas Jaeger;"";Program Assistant, UMCOR-NGO;UMCOR-AM-11-EAFR05;United Methodist Committee on Relief;"";855;"";"";"";Fighting Hunger Through Sustainable Livelihood Development in Armenia;2070600;2013-12-31;67;"";2011-05-26;Nutrition;UMCOR Armenia
Haiti;"";2010-09-24;"";2010-05-01;Port-au-Prince ;;Ouest;"";"";"This projects goal is for households affected by the January 2010 earthquake in Tabarre and Route des Frères to increase resources to meet their basic needs and decrease vulnerability to future shocks. The projects objectives are: 1) that earthquake-affected households in Tabarre and Route des Frères increase their income during the project; and 2) that earthquake-affected communities have increased resilience and reduced vulnerability to shocks. Mercy Corps will reach these objectives by providing short-term employment to 5,500 households via community-prioritized Cash-for-Work projects that build resilience and reduce vulnerability to risks. The project comes at a critical time when households are concerned about the exacerbated risks of floods, landslides and diseases associated with the brink of the rain and hurricane seasons (April  August 2010). Of the 5,500 Cash-for-Work participants, approximately 50% will be women.";Port-au-Prince;"";596;American Red Cross;Tabarre;Economic Recovery and Development;Kristina Carvonis;Early Recovery;Cash-for-Work (CFW) Project Manager;MC-HT-10-007;Mercy Corps;"";27500;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs), Affected population(s);Cash-for-Work to Aid Economic Recovery in Port-au-Prince;1300000;2010-09-30;50;;2011-04-08;Disaster risk reduction (DRR);Mercy Corps
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-08-26;"";2010-01-21;"";;Nippes,Ouest;"";Hope for Haiti;Provision of emergency health and nutrition interventions for disaster affected communities in Ouest, Sud-Est and Nippes departments;Léogâne,Miragoâne,Port-au-Prince;"";471;Various;Carrefour,Grenier,Léogâne,Miragoâne,Petit-Goâve,Port-au-Prince;Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Agron Ferati;Health,Nutrition;Director, Program Development;IMC-HT-10-003;International Medical Corps;Primary Healthcare, Mental Health, Nutrition, Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), Early Childhood Development;76153;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IPDs), Children ;Provision of Emergency Health and Nutrition Interventions for Disaster Affected Communities in Ouest, Sud-Est and Nippes Departments;0;2011-12-12;39;;2011-04-21;Mental health/Psychosocial support, Sexual and gender-based violence (GBV);Haiti Participative
Ghana;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2007-01-01;"";;Eastern;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1153;The Robertson Foundation;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-GH-07-GH35;The Hunger Project;"";5000;"";"";"";Osonson Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Burkina Faso;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2002-01-01;"";;Boulgou;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1067;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-BF-02-BF1;The Hunger Project;"";10058;"";"";"";Bissiga Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Haiti;"";2010-09-24;"";2010-10-31;"";;Centre;"";Groupe dAppui aux Rapatriés et Réfugiés (GARR);Expanding solutions for internally displaced persons (IDPs) in at-risk sites, overcoming barriers to reintegration in local communities, and providing cash grants to select families;Lascahobas;"";715;"Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA),U.S. Committee for Refugees & Immigrants (USCRI)";Belladère,Lascahobas;Economic Recovery and Development,Protection;Sarah Williamson;Protection;Director of International Programs;USCRI-HT-10-002;US Committee for Refugees & Immigrants (USCRI);"";75000;"";Prime awardee;Internally displaced persons (IDPs), Vulnerable people/populations;Providing Durable Solutions to Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs);500000;2011-04-01;69;"";2011-01-27;Gender;""
Haiti;"";1991-10-09;"";2010-05-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";All Hands volunteers developed a disaster risk reduction (DRR) program to educate teachers on the science of natural disasters and how they can best prepare their students and classrooms for such an event.;Léogâne;"";48;"";Léogâne;Disaster Management,Education;"";Education;"";HODR-HT-10-004;All Hands Volunteers;"";"";"";"";"";Disaster Risk Reduction Education;0;2011-12-31;5;"";2011-01-24;"";All Hands Volunteers
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-15;"";2004-06-15;Thomazeau;,;Ouest;"";"";Provision of ready-to-use therapeutic food (RUTF) to implementing partners. Hope for Haiti's Children seeks to educate and improve the health of impoverished children.;Croix-des-Bouquets;"";564;"";Thomazeau;Health;Tom Stehl, Maryse Sterlin;Health,Nutrition;Coordinator of Operations, Haiti Administrator;MFK-HT-10-011;Meds & Food for Kids;"";"";"";"";Malnourished children;Community Management of Acute Malnutrition - Hope for Haiti's Children;0;2011-12-12;77;"";2011-04-11;"";Hope for Haiti's Children
India;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1996-01-01;"";;Andhra Pradesh;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1398;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-IN-96-164617;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Arunodaya Development Program;"";2015-01-01;76;"";"";"";World Vision India
Haiti;"";2011-03-29;"";2011-01-26;"";;Grand'Anse;"";"";Cholera (Emergency Disaster Response);Anse d'Hainault,Corail,Jérémie;"";1686;Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA);Anse d'Hainaul,Bonbon,Corail,Jérémie,Moron,Roseaux;Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tamara Shukakidze;"";Deputy Director Disaster Response;CARE-HT-11-002;CARE;Water and sanitation, Hygiene promotion, Distribution of hygiene kits, Oral Rehydration Salts (ORS), Posts building;336216;"";"";Affected population;Cholera Prevention and Response in Grande Anse, Haiti;1000000;2011-04-26;19;"";2011-04-07;"";CARE Haiti
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2011-02-09;"";2010-01-01;"";"";"";"";"";Animal husbandry projects throughout Haiti;"";"";1625;Private donations;"";Agriculture;"";Food Security and Agriculture;"";FFP-HT-10-010;Food for the Poor;"";"";"";"";"";Livestock;0;2011-05-31;85;"";2011-02-09;"";Food for the Poor
Uganda;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2008-01-01;"";;Kibale;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1108;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-UG-08-UG1;The Hunger Project;"";40489;"";"";"";Bulamagi Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Burkina Faso;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2007-01-01;"";;Ziro;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1076;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-BF-07-BF10;The Hunger Project;"";10246;"";"";"";Sapouy Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Haiti;"";2010-09-22;"";2010-02-01;Lake Ozaui, Titanye, Parque Jean Marie Vincent;"";"";"";Lifesaver USA;Operation Blessing is conducting a pilot project with Lifesaver USA, to distribute Lifesavers new, portable, family-size water filtration jerrycans to villages lacking clean water sources. These innovative jerrycans are able to provide clean drinking water from even the dirtiest of sources. OBIs international field staff has used the Lifesaver technology for two years with 100 percent success. Teams will be conducting an impact study over a 6-month period in the villages that receive the jerrycans, comparing the prevalence of water-borne illness in families who use the systems and those who do not. It is hopeful that this new technology will result in the ability to provide safe, clean drinking water to people all over the world at a fraction of the cost of other methods. This project will involve the importation and distribution of 1,000 Lifesaver five-gallon jerrycan water filtration units.;"";"";618;"";"";Water Sanitation and Hygiene;"";Water Sanitation and Hygiene;"";OBI-HT-10-013;Operation Blessing International;"";"";"";"";"";Lifesaver Clean Water;0;2011-12-12;51;;2011-05-13;"";Operation Blessing International 
Haiti;"";1991-10-01;"";2010-09-01;"";"";"";"";"";To support people psychologically distressed to cope with their situation and to put in place adaptive behaviours;"";"";13;"";"";Health;"";"";"";AAH-HT-10-HAH0SG;Action Against Hunger;"Psychosocial individual evaluation through a basic grid adapted from the WHO assessment tool kit in order to identify peoples psychologically affected
Psychological and psychosocial support to distress people through: individual psychosocial counselling, family and group psychosocial support, psychotherapy for specific cases
Training and supervision of national psychologists 
Psychosocial needs assessment
ACF contribute to definition of mental health national strategy
ACF active participation to Nutrition cluster and advocating for the implementation of the IASC guidelines on mental health and psychosocial support recommendations 
Sensitisation of ACF staff to the IASC psychosocial recommendations";"";"";"";"";Post-crisis response to the affected population following the earthquake of January 12th, 2010 in the area of Port-au-Prince;0;2011-03-31;2;"";2011-05-04;"";Action Against Hunger
Guatemala;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1993-01-01;"";;Jutiapa;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1374;Private donations;"";Health;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-GT-93-168220;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Cetrepsa Development Program;"";2011-01-01;76;"";"";Nutrition;World Vision Guatemala
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";1999-01-01;"";;Rajshahi;"";"";THP works at the Union level to (a) mobilize the population for self-reliant action, including forming producer co-operatives and other income generating enterprises, (b) build civil society from the bottom up - creating people's organization of women, youth, elders, girl-child advocates, and the poorest of the poor, (c) strengthen local democracy, (d) ensure adequate facilities for achieving the MDGs, (e) organize mass action campaigns for health, nutrition, education, clean water and sanitation.;"";"";1229;Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID),British Council,Private donations;"";Agriculture,Education,Health,Human Rights Democracy and Governance,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;John Coonrod;"";Executive Vice President;THP-BD-99-512;The Hunger Project;"";20000;"";"";"";Masumdia Mobilization;"";2100-12-31;83;"";"";"";The Hunger Project
Belize;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-13;"";2010-02-01;"";;Belize,Cayo,Orange Walk,Stann Creek;"";"";The Belize Social Empowerment Network (BELSEN) has the following objectives: (1) To create and bridge four networks to provide support in the areas of HIV & AIDS. (2) To fulfill the mission of the Anglican Diocese of Belize and address the needs of our  society holistically. (3) To encourage youths, families, parents and the wider community to become empowered and self-sustaining. The Diocese of Belize will accomplish it by operating an after-school program, COLT (Catchem' or Leave Them) to address the needs of a fractured social structure in society and empower students by providing a variety of attractive evening programs. The afterschool programs will be implemented in urban and rural schools to engage students in meaningful learning and acquisition of extracurricular skills. Like: (1) Mentorship (2) Nursing and First Aid (3) School Garden Network. The Diocese will also launch a Parents' Social Campaign to address the following: (1) Knowledge, Attitudes and Behaviors as they relate to HIV & AIDS (2) Stigma & Discrimination (Focus on HIV & AIDS, Gender Issues and Employment) (3) Voluntary Counseling & Testing (4) Entertainment & Media Campaigns. A Bilingual HIV & AIDS advocacy group will also target families in Bilingual communities (Spanish) that are located in the rural areas of the country.  ;"";"";800;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Education,Health;Matt St. John;"";Program Officer;ERD-BZ-10-001;Episcopal Relief & Development;"";6330;"";"";Children, Staff, Youth;Belize Social Empowerment Network (BELSEN)  ;"";2011-07-31;27;;"";Capacity building;Diocese of Belize
Uganda;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1986-01-01;"";;Nakaseke;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1536;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-UG-86-150456;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Kasangombe Development Program;"";2013-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS;World Vision Uganda
Afghanistan;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2006-10-30;"";;Badghis,Ghor;"";"";Develops an equitable and sustainable education system in western Afghanistan by increasing school attendance through school feeding, rebuilding school infrastructure, and teacher training. ;"";"";1571;US Department of Agriculture (USDA);"";Education,Food Aid;Carlos Piedrasanta;"";RDM Operations Deputy, IPG, World Vision US;WV-AF-06-183221;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Afghanistan USDA # 4;"";2010-11-30;76;"";"";"";World Vision Afghanistan
India;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1995-01-01;"";;Andhra Pradesh;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1407;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-IN-95-162776;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Karunamaya Development Program;"";2018-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS;World Vision India
Haiti;"";2010-12-17;"";2010-01-13;"";;Ouest;"";"";Distribution of hygiene kits, blankets, tents and other non-food items.  Church World Service has secured in-kind donations worth more than $660,000 and distributed them through local partners in Haiti.  This aid includes over 45,000 CWS kits and blankets, over 15,000 tarps, family size tents, school tents, medical supplies, and other items.;Port-au-Prince;"";287;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Other;Aaron Tate;Logistics;Emergency Response Coordinator;CWS-HT-10-008;Church World Service;"";100000;"";"";Affected population(s);In-Kind Donations to Haiti;660000;2010-12-31;24;;"";"";ACT Alliance, Service Chretien d'Haiti, Fondation Oecumenique pour la Paix et la Justice , Sant Kretyen pou Devlopman Entegre (SKDE), Servicio Social de Iglesias Dominicanas
Haiti;"";2010-09-24;"";2010-01-12;"";,;Ouest;"";Haven;Construction of transitional shelters;Croix-des-Bouquets;"";646;"";Croix-des Bouquets;Shelter and Housing;Frank Manfredi (Plan USA/DC), Kristie van de Wetering (Plan Haiti);Early Recovery;Director of Humanitarian Assistance, Director of Communications;PLAN-HT-10-001;Plan;"";"";"";"";"";Shelter;"";2012-01-31;57;"";"";"";Plan
Sudan;foodsecurity_site;2011-05-11;"";2010-09-01;Abyei; ;Southern Kardofan;"";"";"The goal of the SECCRA program is to improve the well-being of children and families in Abyei through increased use of clean water, sanitation services and improved hygiene practices; increased use of child protection systems, services and practices; and increased use of sustainable income generating/livelihood practices. 
";"";"";1779;Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA);"";Economic Recovery and Development,Protection,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Lisa Parrott ;"";Africa Livelihoods Advisor ;STC-SD-10-84010445 ;Save the Children;"";57200;"";Prime Awardee ;"";Strengthening and Empowerment of Communities for Recovery and Reintegration in Abyei (SECCRA) ;1299920;2011-05-31;63;"";2011-05-11;"Disaster risk reduction (DRR)
";Save the Children US  
"";foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2008-07-01;"";;Zambézia;"";"";Reduce food insecurity in target populations through increasing sustainable food production, enhancing storage processing, and the value of food products, as well as improving links to markets.;"";"";1586;US Agency for International Development (USAID);"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development;Carlos Piedrasanta;"";RDM Operations Deputy, IPG, World Vision US;WV-MZ-08-n/a;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Mozambique Multi-Year Assistance Program (MYAP) - Oculevela;0;2011-06-30;76;"";2011-04-06;"";World Vision Mozambique
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-03-03;"";;Ouest;"";"";Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment;Port-au-Prince;"";1843;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-8951;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to CEFAREF;682120;2010-03-03;26;;2011-04-22;"";CEFAREF
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-15;"";2004-06-15;Thomassique;,;Centre;"";St. Joseph's Clinic;Provision of ready-to-use therapeutic food (RUTF) to implementing partners. St. Joseph's Clinic supports four community health centers, which serve the remote surrounding area with medical care and education.;Cerca La Source;"";570;"";Thomasique;Health;Tom Stehl, Maryse Sterlin;Health,Nutrition;Coordinator of Operations, Haiti Administrator;MFK-HT-10-018;Meds & Food for Kids;"";"";"";"";Malnourished children;Community Management of Acute Malnutrition - Medical Missionaries;0;2011-12-12;77;"";2011-04-11;"";Medical Missionaries
Haiti;"";2010-12-17;"";2010-11-15;Petit-Goâve;;Ouest;"";Association Suisse des Amis dHaiti ;The objective of this project is to reconstruct the two schools, according to both earthquake and hurricane-resistance standards, so that the schools are functional educational settings for students and teachers, offering a safe and proper place to learn and succeed. ;Léogâne;"";732;Private donations;Petit-Goâve;Education;Melissa Crutchfield;"";Assistant General Secretary, International Disaster Response;UMCOR-HT-10-418325-15;United Methodist Committee on Relief;"";433;"";Prime awardee;Children, Youth;Bois Gency and Hyacinthe Schools Matching Reconstruction Project;200000;2011-04-01;67;"";"";"";Eglise Methodiste dHaiti
Haiti;"";2010-07-12;"";2010-03-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";Provision of shelter kits, matrresses, taupalins, blankets, solar lighting;Port-au-Prince;"";58;American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee;Port-au-Prince;Shelter and Housing;Djerhy Jean Baptiste;Shelter and Non-Food Items;Program Manager;JDC-HT-10-005;American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee;"";1250;"";"";"";Shelter;146993;2010-09-01;7;;"";"";Afya Foundation, Catholic Relief Services (CRS), International Rescue Committee (IRC)
Democratic Republic of the Congo;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2007-01-01;"";;Kinshasa;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1320;Private donations;"";Education,Health;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-CD-07-183231;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Maluku Development Program;"";2023-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS;World Vision DR Congo
Haiti;"";2010-09-23;"";2010-03-29;"Nazon, Christ roi
";;Ouest;"";"";"Reconstruction of 70 churches with community services outreach and internally displaced person (IDP) support. Support included rebuilding after damage from the earthquake, construction of temporary structures, replacement of equipment and furniture, and pastoral salaries so that the work of the church could continue in the community. 
";Port-au-Prince;"";740;NRC,Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Disaster Management,Shelter and Housing;Christon Domond;Shelter and Non-Food Items;Country Director;WC-HT-10-5087;World Concern;"Infrastructure repair
";7000;100 ppl/church;Prime Awardee;"";Church and Community Support;264809;2011-03-28;71;;2011-03-31;"Livelihoods
";Various churches
Brazil;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-18;"";2009-05-01;"";;São Paulo;Adorella manufactures numerous pasta and other packaged food products. Production of Ultra Rice by Adorella remains ongoing. PATH is also helping to establish a center of technical excellence for Ultra Rice at the Federal University of Viçosa to ensure on-going expansion of the supply base and technical support to rice millers in the supply chain.;PATH;PATH works with local pasta manufacturers and rice millers to ensure that fortified rice is accessible to target beneficiaries. PATH encourages the use of high quality, local manufacturing equipment to reduce capital investment costs for Ultra Rice producers and low-cost blending equipment to reduce expenses for rice millers, incentivizing participation along the supply chain. In 2009, PATH partnered with Brazilian pasta manufacturer Adorella Alimentos Ltda with the goal of bringing Ultra Rice to Brazilian markets and generating a ready, local supply of Ultra Rice for a government-sponsored pilot demonstration that commenced in August 2010. Adorella began producing Ultra Rice (a multi-miconutrient grain containing iron, thiamin, zinc, and folic acid) in May 2009. ;"";"";1033;"Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation";"";Health;Amy Wales;Nutrition;Communications Specialist;PATH-BR-09-001;PATH;"";"";"";Prime awardee (PATH) ;Micronutrient deficient schoolchildren, Production partners (in terms of economic development);Ultra Rice Project: Developing Local Production and Building Local Markets (Brazil);0;2014-08-31;81;;2011-04-26;Nutrition;Adorella Alimentos Ltda
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2011-04-07;"";2011-07-01;"";;Centre,Grand'Anse,Nord,Nord-Est,Ouest,Sud;"";"";"Rapid actions need to be taken in order to alleviate the situation of  families affected by the January 2010 earthquake.  This proposed project is to assist 1,281 direct and indirect family in 7 departments in the country by the direct distribution of animal and vegetable species, construction of 60 water systems,and also some materials supplies for building shelter and facilitating the establishment of breeding and forage plots.
";Borgne,Fort-Liberté,Hinche,Jérémie,Léogâne,Ouanaminthe,Port-Salut,Port-au-Prince,Saint-Raphaël,l'Acul-du-Nord,le Trou-du-Nord,les Cayes;"";1703;Private donations;Acul du Nord,Cayes,Ferrier,Grenier,Hinche,Jérémie,Léogâne,Ounaminthe,Petit-Goâve,Pignon,Port-Salut,Saint-Jean du Sud,Saint-Saint-Raphaël,Terrier Rouge;Agriculture,Disaster Management,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Ixchel Palencia;Food Security and Agriculture;Program Officer;HEFI-HT-11-23-1417-02AR04;Heifer International;"distribution of animals, construction of water cisterns for rain water collection and the establishment of seed banks.
";6450;"";"";Men and Women Farmers;Rapid Action Animal Distribution for in the Rural Families One Year After the Earthquake;370943;2012-06-30;34;"";2011-04-07;Gender;Heifer Haiti
Haiti;"";2010-12-10;"";2010-10-01;"";;Nord;"";Ministry of Health and Population (MSPP), International Child Care (ICC);IMA is currently piloting a project in the North Department on health system strengthening to improve service delivery as well as community health. This pilot is known as ACCorD (Areas for Cooperation and Coordination of Development). The decentralized model has the potential to become a building block for decentralization, implementation and coordination of a comprehensive health and development system in Haiti. The ACCorD model will establish better communication and coordination between the local ministry of health (Departmental and Communal), public and private hospitals and local faith-based organizations (FBOs)/and NGOs to help better link people with the care they need.;Grande-Rivière-du-Nord;"";463;Private donations;Bahon,Grand Rivière du Nord;Health;Ann Varghese;"";HQ Program Officer;IMA-HT-10-003;IMA World Health;"";83000;"";"";Women, Children, Men;Areas for Cooperation and Coordination of Development (ACCorD);300000;2011-09-30;37; ;2011-04-11;"";International Child Care (ICC)
Haiti;"";1991-08-24;"";2010-02-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";Provide solar lights to IDP camps - 5,000 Solar lights;Port-au-Prince;"";28;Geneva Global;Carrefour;Disaster Management;Andrew Lucas;Shelter and Non-Food Items;Program Director;ADRA-HT-10-006;Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA);"";25000;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs);Solar Lights;125774;2010-03-31;4;"";2011-01-14;"";Adventist Development and Relief Agency, Geneva Global
Mali;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-14;"";2009-06-01;"";;Sikasso;"";"";The program raises third party financing for rural lending operations and then measures the impact of the lending on families and their children for enhanced food security.;"";"";1049;Anonymous donors,Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development;Ntongi McFadyen;"";Livelihoods Advisor;STC-ML-09-84055047;Save the Children;"";7500;"";Prime awardee;"";Mali Rural Lending Phase II;320000;2012-09-01;63;"";2011-05-11;Food security;Innovations for Poverty Action (Yale University), Soro Yiriwaso
Haiti;"";2010-09-24;"";2010-09-29;Petit-Goâve;;Ouest;"";"";This project is to train 90 women who are leaders in their community banks and leaders in the Eglise Methodiste d'Haiti Microcredit programs in Petit-Goâve on the following: management and control of a community bank, analysis of personal business and community bank records, and communication in the microcredit context.  This training is intended to be one part of a larger microcredit project in Petit-Goâve to reinvigorate microcredit activities in that area. Before continuing onto the next step it is ideal to have all participants following a common system and have a better understanding of microcredit operations and business management.;Léogâne;"";719;Private donations;Petit-Goâve;Economic Recovery and Development;Melissa Crutchfield;"";Assistant General Secretary, International Disaster Response;UMCOR-HT-10-418325-3;United Methodist Committee on Relief;"";90;"";"";Women;Training for Eglise Methodiste d'Haiti (EMH) Microcredit Participants in Petit-Goâve;17770;2011-06-30;67;"";2011-05-12;"";Eglise Methodiste dHaiti, Konsèy Nasyonal Finansman Popilè (KNFP)
Burundi;foodsecurity_site;2011-04-07;"";2008-01-01;""; ;Bubanza,Bururi,Rutana;"The project budget represents Plant With Purpose's current annual contribution to Floresta Burundi.
";Floresta Burundi ;"In Burundi, the end of 40 years of civil war brings with it a new set of challenges. Large numbers of refugees have started returning to their homeland, exacerbating the need for ethnic reconciliation, food security and economic development. Due to the unique situation, Plant With Purpose has expanded its work to include training in peace and reconciliation, working in partnership with local churches. By working to restore relationships between farmers and the land they depend on as well as those between rival ethnic groups, Plant With Purpose is bringing a much needed message of hope to the people of Burundi. 

";"";"";1715;Foundations,Private donations;"";Agriculture,Peace and Security;Doug Satre ;"";Development Director ;PLANT-BI-08-BU ;Plant With Purpose;"";200;"";Prime awardee;Farmers, Rural communities ;Floresta Burundi ;150000;2011-12-31;58; ;2011-04-07;Environment;Plant With Purpose 
United Republic of Tanzania;foodsecurity_site;2010-09-10;"";2007-07-01;"";;"";"";"";Heifer Tanzania South East Zone is planning to supply local chicken and train basic local chicken husbandry practices to orphans and vulnerable schoolchildren to 190 families in Mtwara, and Mahenge Districts.  The period of the project is for three years, starting July 2007 to June 2010.;"";"";893;Private donations;"";Agriculture;Kelly Doppelhammer;"";East Africa Program Assistant;HEFI-TZ-07-21-0425-01;Heifer International;"";190;"";"";"";South East Zone Support to Orphans & Vulnerable;"";2012-06-30;34;"";"";"";Heifer Tanzania
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";1999-01-01;"";;Dhaka;"";"";THP works at the Union level to (a) mobilize the population for self-reliant action, including forming producer co-operatives and other income generating enterprises, (b) build civil society from the bottom up - creating people's organization of women, youth, elders, girl-child advocates, and the poorest of the poor, (c) strengthen local democracy, (d) ensure adequate facilities for achieving the MDGs, (e) organize mass action campaigns for health, nutrition, education, clean water and sanitation.;"";"";1216;Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID),British Council,Private donations;"";Agriculture,Education,Health,Human Rights Democracy and Governance,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;John Coonrod;"";Executive Vice President;THP-BD-99-379;The Hunger Project;"";20000;"";"";"";Baniajuri Mobilization;"";2100-12-31;83;"";"";"";The Hunger Project
Armenia;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2003-01-01;"";;Tavush;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1264;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-AM-03-176557;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Tavush/North East Development Program;"";2019-01-01;76;"";"";"";World Vision Armenia
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";1999-01-01;"";;Dhaka;"";"";THP works at the Union level to (a) mobilize the population for self-reliant action, including forming producer co-operatives and other income generating enterprises, (b) build civil society from the bottom up - creating people's organization of women, youth, elders, girl-child advocates, and the poorest of the poor, (c) strengthen local democracy, (d) ensure adequate facilities for achieving the MDGs, (e) organize mass action campaigns for health, nutrition, education, clean water and sanitation.;"";"";1220;Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID),British Council,Private donations;"";Agriculture,Education,Health,Human Rights Democracy and Governance,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;John Coonrod;"";Executive Vice President;THP-BD-99-415;The Hunger Project;"";20000;"";"";"";Eshorgonj Pouroshova Mobilization;"";2100-12-31;83;"";"";"";The Hunger Project
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";1999-01-01;"";;Dhaka;"";"";THP works at the Union level to (a) mobilize the population for self-reliant action, including forming producer co-operatives and other income generating enterprises, (b) build civil society from the bottom up - creating people's organization of women, youth, elders, girl-child advocates, and the poorest of the poor, (c) strengthen local democracy, (d) ensure adequate facilities for achieving the MDGs, (e) organize mass action campaigns for health, nutrition, education, clean water and sanitation.;"";"";1194;Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID),British Council,Private donations;"";Agriculture,Education,Health,Human Rights Democracy and Governance,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;John Coonrod;"";Executive Vice President;THP-BD-99-128;The Hunger Project;"";20000;"";"";"";Badda Mobilization;"";2100-12-31;83;"";"";"";The Hunger Project
India;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2011-03-28;"";;Tamil Nadu;"";"";Build the capacity of elected women representatives (EWRs) in the gram panchayats (GPs) as key change agents for ending hunger and poverty. Strengthen the GPs and increase people's participation in development through Gram Sabha mobilization. Build block-level federations of EWRs to empower them to interface effectively with government programs.;"";"";1179;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Human Rights Democracy and Governance;John Coonrod;"";Executive Vice President;THP-IN-xx-IN-TN-1;The Hunger Project;"";0;"";"";"";Avinashi EWR Empowerment;0;2011-12-12;83;"";2011-03-28;"";The Hunger Project
Sri Lanka;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2002-01-01;"";;North Western;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1508;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-LK-02-174525;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Wennapuwa Development Program;"";2016-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS, Nutrition;World Vision Sri Lanka
Ethiopia;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2005-01-01;"";;Oromia;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1082;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-ET-05-ET1;The Hunger Project;"";19091;"";"";"";Debre Libanos Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Haiti;"";1991-12-09;"";2010-09-15;"";;Grand'Anse;"";"";To reduce infant & maternal mortality through increased emergency pre-hospital ambulance services and care.  AmeriCares support has facilitated the purchase and maintenance of a new ambulance.;Jérémie;"";137;Private donations;Jérémie;Health;Donna Porstner;Health;Communications Manager;ACARE-HT-10-125-1009-301;AmeriCares;"";400;"";"";Women;Reducing Infant and Maternal Mortality Through Emergency Ambulance Pre-Hospital Care;85916;2011-09-15;11;"";2011-04-22;"";Haitian Health Foundation
Haiti;"";1991-09-24;"";2008-07-01;"";;Nord-Est;"";"";Haiti has the highest infant and maternal mortality rates in the Western Hemisphere, much of which has been attributed to the threats of malaria and insufficient diet, and the American Red Cross has been working to reduce these deaths since before the earthquake.  Project activities include distributing insecticide-treated mosquito netting to pregnant women and families with children, educating households on malaria prevention, and guiding communities to improve their environments and manage their water and sanitation facilities. Communities also design mitigation projects, such as building latrines, to directly improve local hygiene standards. It is a pre-earthquake program that is being implemented in areas that were not directly affected by the earthquake.  This project expects to reach more than 50,000 people.;Fort-Liberté,le Trou-du-Nord;"";99;Private donations;Caracol,Fort-Liberté,Perches,Sainte Suzanne,Terrier Rouge,Trou du Nord;Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Marian Spivey-Estrada;Health;Manager, Information and Reporting;ARCIS-HT-10-H1A;American Red Cross;"";50000;Please note that the estimated number of people reached refers to the total number of people each project plans to reach over the life of its implementation. Not all of these people have been reached with services yet.;"";Vulnerable people/populations, Children;Reducing Malaria;0;2011-06-30;9;;2011-02-07;"";American Red Cross, Haitian Red Cross
Haiti;"";2010-09-13;"";2010-08-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";Provide hygiene and community health education, care and support targeting child health and development issues, and HIV prevention;Croix-des-Bouquets,Port-au-Prince;"";757;Other,Private donations;Carrefour,Croix-des Bouquets,Delmas,Port-au-Prince;Health;John O'Kelley;Health;Haiti Country Director;WR-HT-10-001;World Relief;"";30300;"";"";"";Maternal and Child Health (MCH), Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC), and HIV/AIDS Prevention;"";2012-07-31;75;;"";"";World Relief
Ethiopia;foodsecurity_site;2010-09-24;"";2010-04-30;"";;Oromia;"";Center for Development Initiatives;The general objective of the project is to contribute to the efforts made in alleviating the current hunger, malnutrition and deterioration of availability of water through cash for work, development of water schemes, and treatment and vaccination of livestock in seven districts of the Zone.;"";"";1018;"Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation";"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Girma Legesse;"";Humanitarian program officer;OXFA-ET-10-ETH 011 /10;Oxfam America;"";40294;"";"";"";Emergency Response through Cash-for-Work, Livestock Health and Water and Sanitation in West Arsi Zone;"";2010-11-30;80;"";"";"";Center for Development Initiatives
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;1991-12-17;"";2010-02-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";Provision of shelter materials, basic food, water and other items to two camps of displaced people.  In the first three months after the earthquake, the program provided emergency food, shelter materials, hygiene kits, water and other aid to more than 3,000 people living in the camps.  Community kitchens were also established.  Services continue with a focus on developing a plan to help families leave the camps and re-establish their lives.;Croix-des-Bouquets;"";285;Private donations;Ganthier;Food Aid,Shelter and Housing,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Aaron Tate;Camp Coordination and Management;Emergency Resposne Coordinator;CWS-HT-10-006;Church World Service;"";3000;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs);Support to IDP Camps;120000;2010-11-15;24;;2011-04-27;"";Servicio Social de Iglesias Dominicanas
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-11-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";"Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment
";l'Arcahaie;"";1864;Private donations;Arcahaie;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-51557;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Service and Development Agency;13099;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";Service and Development Agency
Angola;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2009-09-15;"";;Cabinda;"";"";Promotes generation of wealth, food security, and stronger communities by catalyzing a market-orientated and environmentally sustainable value chain for the artisanal fishing sector in Cabinda.;"";"";1572;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development;Carlos Piedrasanta;"";RDM Operations Deputy, IPG, World Vision US;WV-AO-09-190677;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Cabinda Fisheries;"";2012-09-14;76;"";"";"";World Vision Angola
Philippines;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-13;"";2010-01-01;"";;Pampanga;"";"";This project seeks to provide an alternative local marketing infrastructure for the farmers-beneficiaries to check and balance what is perceived to be an unleveled playing field in the commercial procurement of palay and rice trading which results in erratic price fluctuation barely sufficient to cover production cost. It is conceived to enable the farmers-beneficiaries to compete with the current local marketing institutions utilizing the merchandising tools available only to large institutions such as: economies of scale and value added. The project shall provide seed capital for setting up this infrastructure and shall be implemented by the Federation of Cooperatives in the Diocese of Northern Luzon [FEDCO-EDNL]. While the project is primarily intended to “empower” farmers-beneficiaries through their respective cooperatives to gain better control of market forces, it shall also take this opportunity to significantly campaign for environmentally sound farming practices, initially the promotion of the use of rice husk for household fuel to address the problem of rice husk accumulation and burning. With the provision of the start up capital, the project is hoped to attain a projected possible procurement share of 3,700 MT of palay or 1,850 MT per cropping at two months (60) days peak period. The project needs to dispatch 30 MT of palay or one 10 wheeler load daily during the peak period of 60 days at its main warehouse. The working capital shall cover continuing procurement during the period period (60- days), involving roughly 46 MT of palay, 16 MT over and above one 10 wheeler load of 30 MT.;"";"";835;Private donations;"";Agriculture;Matt St. John;"";Program Officer;ERD-PH-10-004;Episcopal Relief & Development;"";1250;"";"";Farmers;2010 FEDCO Rice Trading & Marketing Project;"";2010-12-31;27;;"";"";The Episcopal Church in the Philippines
Haiti;"";1991-09-24;"";2010-08-31;"";;L'Artibonite,Nord,Sud;"";"";Following the January 12 earthquake, many displaced survivors left Port-au-Prince for other areas of Haiti, oftentimes overwhelming local services in these regions and depleting the already overstretched resources of their host families.  To help reduce the burden faced by areas hosting displaced Haitians, the American Red Cross has partnered with the International Organization for Migration (IOM) to help 14,000 people through a cash-for-work program which, by supporting livelihoods, will reduce pressure on host community resources.  Cash-for-work activities include building or rehabilitating small water canals, conducting soil stabilization and expanding access to water in general. The project is also distributing basic household goods and/or shelter kits to 7,500 host families, or an estimated 37,500 people. Lastly, IOM will be training health promoters to educate people in host family communities about cholera prevention.;Cap-Haïtien,Gonaïves,Saint-Marc,les Cayes;"";111;Private donations;Cap-Haïtien,Cayes,Gonaïves,Saint-Marc;Disaster Management,Economic Recovery and Development,Shelter and Housing,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Marian Spivey-Estrada;Early Recovery;Manager, Information and Reporting;ARCIS-HT-10-L5;American Red Cross;"";22700;Please note that the estimated number of people reached refers to the total number of people each project plans to reach over the life of its implementation. Not all of these people have been reached with services yet.;"";"";Host Family Support through the International Organization for Migration;0;2011-08-30;9;;1991-12-22;Disaster risk reduction (DRR), Livelihoods;International Organization for Migration (IOM)
Haiti;"";2010-10-05;"";2010-01-12;"";;Centre,L'Artibonite,Ouest,Sud-Est;"";"";Objective: Reduce newborn, child, and maternal morbidity and mortality in Haiti.;Dessalines,Hinche,Jacmel,Léogâne,Port-au-Prince;"";699;Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA),Church Communities Foundation,Darvell Church Communities,Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC),ECHO,Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA),Open Society Institute (OSI),Save the Children members around the world,The Clinton Foundation,UNICEF,VITOL,Vicini,World Food Program (WFP);Dessalines,Jacmel,Léogâne,Maïssade,Port-au-Prince;Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Nathalie Augustin;Health,Nutrition,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Director, Haiti Stakeholder Liaison;STC-HT-10-002;Save the Children;"Activities include: provision of community-based integrated health and nutrition services; delivery of direct services via  mobile clinics, which will evolve into fixed health facilities in time; training for health care providers; supplementary feeding programs for pregnant and lactating women; treatment of acute malnutrition; establishment of relactation or replacement of feeding tents; and the provision of water and sanitation facilities in communities.

As an example, at the Delmas 56 camp in Port-au-Prince, Save the Children set up a health clinic and nutrition site in February 2010, where 60-80 visits take place each day.  Save the Children also continues to provide clean water, hand washing and shower facilities, and hygiene promotion for the camp and surrounding population of 6,000 people.  Since the onset of the cholera epidemic, Save the Children also set up a cholera treatment unit (CTU) in the camp.  Save the Children is currently operating 8 CTUs on a 24-hour basis at the following locations:  4 in Port-au-Prince; 2 in Jacmel; 1 in Leogane; and 1 in Maissade. Save the Children has also launched a wide-reaching public awareness initiative to increase understanding about the cause and spread of cholera, engaging in hygiene kit distribution, prevention and education activities, which include teaching families about the importance of hand washing, boiling water and seeking medical support at the first signs of illness.  In addition, Save the Children is hard at work distributing aquatabs, which when added to water eliminate the risk of cholera infection.

In terms of broader WASH activities in numerous camps, Save the Children provides a water supply system including storage bladders (15 to 30 m3) or T-tanks and tap stands depending on the population size in each camp. Chlorinated water is filled by water trucks on a daily basis in each camp in Jacmel, Port-au-Prince, and Léogâne.  A water point attendant -selected by the peoples representative in the camp - regularly monitors water supply and maintains the register, water points and storage units.  Regular cleaning of the storage units is carried out by hygiene volunteers and hygiene promoters who also conduct hygiene promotion for beneficiaries in the camps. Each person receives between 6 and 7 litres per day. Given the high cost of and dependency on water trucking particularly in Port-au-Prince and Léogâne, Save the Children is advocating for more permanent access to water and is awaiting permission to drill wells in Léogâne and Jacmel as an alternative water source.   
";225203;"";"";"";Health and Nutrition;14133743;2011-06-30;63;"";2011-01-18;Nutrition;Pure Water for the World Inc., Deep Springs International, Children's Nutrition Program of Haiti Inc.
Ghana;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-13;"";2008-01-01;"";;Upper East;"";"";"Natural resources have made Ghana more prosperous than many of its neighbors in West Africa. However, persistent poverty exists within Ghana and it is ranked 142nd on the United Nations Human Development Index. Most Ghanaians are small landowners relying on subsistence farming to survive, with one-third living below the poverty line. Female genital mutilation and bridal dowries are still very common in the north of Ghana. ADDRO works in an integrated approach to tackle issues of poverty and hunger, prevent malaria through the NetsforLife program, combat gender and disability discrimination, and increase access to clean water and sanitation.  (1) ADDRO works to increase household income in order for beneficiaries to gain access to health services and other basic necessities. The income generation programs work to build the skills of women in sewing and tailoring, batik (traditional cloth) making, and farming. A community run Mango plantation continues to support income generation. Beneficiaries will also be trained in the utilization of these crops in their diets to improve household nutrition. (2) The community disability rehabilitation program assists disabled community members who are blind, mentally or physically handicapped.  The program works within each community to improve their livelihoods through skills training in various trades, such as weaving and farming. Community and family members are involved in the rehabilitation process in order to decrease the stigmas associated with disabilities. (3) The Gender program runs ""gender clubs"" in schools which promotes gender awareness  and reproductive health topics.";"";"";811;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Health;Danielle Tirello;"";Program Officer;ERD-GH-08-001;Episcopal Relief & Development;"";46000;"";"";Children, Women, Men, Staff;ADDRO Integrated Community Based Health Program/Food Security-Rehabilitation;"";2011-12-31;27;;"";Capacity building, Gender;Anglican Diocesan Development and Relief Organization
Honduras;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1995-01-01;"";;Lempira;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1388;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Protection,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-HN-95-169667;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Gracias Development Program;"";2018-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS, Nutrition;World Vision Honduras
Malawi;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-13;"";2008-01-01;"";;Northern;"";"";Malawi is experiencing rapid erosion of top soil, which in turn reduces the fertility and productivity of the agricultural land.   Food security is now tenuous for a large part of the population, with Malawi in constant need of thousands of tons of food aid every year.  The diocese of Northern Malawi has developed a model farm called the Chiwowa Chisala Demonstration Garden to demonstrate improved agricultural techniques including the benefits of mulching and composting, crop rotation, terracing and improved and drought resistant varieties. By conducting the training of trainers the Diocese conveys the lessons learned on the model farms to the surrounding communities. Beneficiaries are trained in the utilization of these crops in their diets to improve household nutrition. In order to address environmental degradation as a result of increase farming, the Diocese has also introduced a tree planting program among the beneficiaries.;"";"";818;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Environment;Danielle Tirello;"";Program Officer;ERD-MW-08-001;Episcopal Relief & Development;"";500;"";"";Farmers;Diocese of Northern Malawi Food Security Program;"";2012-12-31;27;;"";Capacity building, Nutrition;Diocese of Northern Malawi
Malawi;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2009-07-01;"";;Central;"";"";This project focuses on the expansion of dairy farming. Dairy farming will help provide milk and more animal protein. The main goal is to create more access to milk for families to sustain nutrition between harvest seasons.;"";"";1558;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Health;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-MW-09-191398;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Chilenje Dairy Project;"";2010-07-01;76;"";"";Nutrition;World Vision Malawi
Haiti;"";2010-05-19;"";2010-07-31;"";;Ouest,Sud-Est;"";"";Distribution of 38,400 school kits for school children affected by the earthquake in Haiti.;Bainet,Jacmel,Léogâne;"";509;Private donations;Bainet,Jacmel,Léogâne;Education;Trevor Knoblich;Education;Program Coordinator for Emergency Response;LWR-HT-10-LA-HAI-2-005-10;Lutheran World Relief;"";38400;"";"";School children;School Supplies for Children Affected by the Haiti Earthquake;403200;2010-12-31;45;;2011-04-04;"";Episcopal Relief & Development, Lutheran World Federation
Ghana;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2006-01-01;"";;Eastern;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1158;The Robertson Foundation;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-GH-06-GH40;The Hunger Project;"";5400;"";"";"";Supreso Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-11-01;"";;Centre;"";"";"Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment
";Lascahobas;"";1886;Private donations;Savanette;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-51595;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Centre de Sante de Savanette;2715;2011-04-22;26;;2011-04-22;"";Centre de Sante de Savanette
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-02-10;"";;Ouest;"";"";Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment;Port-au-Prince;"";1828;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-1230;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to New Hope Ministries International;331229;2010-02-10;26;;2011-04-22;"";New Hope Ministries International
Haiti;"";2010-09-24;"";2010-07-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";Develop the basic infrastructure required to provide rehabilitation care and to train rehabilitation specialists in the care of inpatients and outpatients in one-year, as well as to provide a foundation to strategically develop  a long-term program that will meet the rehabilitation needs of adults and children living in Port-au-Prince and the surrounding communities.;Port-au-Prince;"";722;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Health;Melissa Crutchfield;"";Assistant General Secretary, International Disaster Response;UMCOR-HT-10-418325-5;United Methodist Committee on Relief;"";"";"";Prime awardee;"";Rehabilitation Services at Grace Childrens Hospital ;99000;2011-12-30;67;"";2011-05-02;"";Grace Children's Hospital
Nepal;foodsecurity_site;2011-05-11;"";2010-01-01;"2nd Admin: Karnali, Rapti, Bheri
3rd Admin: Humla, Mugu, Rukum, Rolpa, Banke

Humla: Jaira, Kalika, Shreenagar
Mugu: Dhainakot, Rara Kalai, Rara Gilans
Rukum: Muru, Rungha, Sankh, Khara, Bhalakcha, Jhula, Duli, Magma, Athbisdandagaun, Ghetma
Rolpa: Raak, Irribang, Ranski, Talabang, Bhawang, Jankot, Ghartigaun, Whama, Kotgaun, Dhawang
Banke: Phattepur, Baijapur, Binauna, Kalaphanta, Kaskusma, Matehija, Narainapu, Gangapur, Laxmanpur, Katkuniya
"; ;Mid-West;"";Save the Children Norway ;"The goals of the Food Facility are to (a) Encourage a positive response from the agricultural sector in target countries and regions; (b) Support activities to respond rapidly and directly to mitigate the negative effects of volatile food prices on local populations in line with global food security objectives, including UN standards for nutritional requirements; (c) Strengthen the productive capacities and the governance of the agricultural sector to enhance the sustainability of interventions.
";"";"";1786;European Commission (EC);"";Agriculture;Ntongi McFadyen ;"";Director, Integrated Financial Services and Urban Livelihoods ;STC-NP-10-002 ;Save the Children;"";6600;"";Subawardee ;Highly food insecure rural households ;Food Security Initiative in Nepal ;2000000;2011-10-01;63;"";2011-05-11;"Gender, Nutrition
";Save the Children US  
Haiti;"";2010-10-05;"";2010-04-08;"";"";"";"";"";Shoes;"";"";195;Private donations;"";Disaster Management;"";Shelter and Non-Food Items;"";BBF-HT-10-020;Brother's Brother Foundation;"";"";"";"";"";Container Shipment # 5;95390;2010-05-08;17;"";2011-01-25;"";Christian Aid Ministries
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-07-07;Solino;;Ouest;"";"";"Community Grant Program
";Port-au-Prince;"";350;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Education;Andrew MacCalla;Education;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-Grant 13;Direct Relief International;"";150;"";"";"";Provide Education and Food to 150 Students;18300;2010-10-07;26;;2011-04-22;"";Asanble Vwazen Solino
Burma;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2004-01-01;"";;Ayeyarwady;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1462;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-MM-04-177554;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Pathein Golden Land Development Program;"";2019-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS;World Vision Myanmar
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";1999-01-01;"";;Dhaka;"";"";THP works at the Union level to (a) mobilize the population for self-reliant action, including forming producer co-operatives and other income generating enterprises, (b) build civil society from the bottom up - creating people's organization of women, youth, elders, girl-child advocates, and the poorest of the poor, (c) strengthen local democracy, (d) ensure adequate facilities for achieving the MDGs, (e) organize mass action campaigns for health, nutrition, education, clean water and sanitation.;"";"";1219;Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID),British Council,Private donations;"";Agriculture,Education,Health,Human Rights Democracy and Governance,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;John Coonrod;"";Executive Vice President;THP-BD-99-405;The Hunger Project;"";20000;"";"";"";Bedgoan Mobilization;"";2100-12-31;83;"";"";"";The Hunger Project
Haiti;"";2010-10-06;"";2010-01-16;"";;Ouest;"";Christian Blind Mission, Healing Hands for Haiti, Secrétairerie d'Etat à l'Intégration des Personnes Handicapées (SEIPH);"Set up of 9 ""Disability and Vulnerability Focal Points"" (made up of antennas and mobile teams visiting the communities)";Léogâne,Port-au-Prince;"";436;"";Carrefour,Delmas,Grand-Goâve,Petit-Goâve,Port-au-Prince,Pétion-Ville,Tabarre;Health,Protection;Armony Mangin;Protection;Liaison & Advocacy Officer;HCI-HT-10-002;Handicap International;"";9667;"";"";"";Health/Protection 2;0;2011-05-05;32;"";2011-05-26;"";Handicap International
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1996-01-01;"";;Sud;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1386;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Protection,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-HT-96-166312;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Mika En Action Development Program;"";2010-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS;World Vision Haiti
Haiti;"";2010-11-02;"";2010-03-01;""; ;Ouest;"";"";"Merlin provides two mobile clinic teams who work in internally displaced persons (IDP) camps in Petit-Gôave, and also in seven more isolated, rural communities in the wider Petit-Goâve and Grand-Goâve areas. Medical teams, staffed with local doctors and nurses travel each day for up to two hours over difficult terrain into the rural hilly areas around Petit-Goâve and Grand-Gôave. These teams reach underserved areas with essential primary health care, including a strong reproductive health element and preventative health services. In all Merlin currently supports nine communities. Merlin will gradually reduce the number of mobile clinics and increase support to Ministry of Public Health and Population (MSPP) health centers. 
";Léogâne;"";543;Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC),Private donations;Grand-Goâve,Petit-Goâve;Health;Léa Gibert ;Health;Operations Coordinator ;MERLIN-HT-10-001;Medical Emergency Relief International, UK (Merlin);"";42500;"";"";"";Providing Primary Health Services through Mobile Clinics (Petit-Goâve and Grand-Gôave);0;2013-01-31;48;"";2011-05-17;"";Medical Emergency Relief International, UK (Merlin) 
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;"";"";2008-06-01;"";;Barisal;"";"";Weekly meetings of Savings and Learning Groups of between 12 and 20 people as a vehicle for micro-savings-based food security and micro-enterprise, WASH education, health education, community development and long-term formation of participant-led community development institutions. Groups are single-gender settings to meet the needs of cultural norms in Bangladesh, but teach skills for healthy social interaction and values for good relationships. Groups are self-led and facilitated by FH Staff, with direct contact one half day per group per week.;"";"";855;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Lucas Shindeldecker;"";Food Security Program Officer;FH-BD-08-BANFCT060045;Food for the Hungry;"";35000;"";"";"";Family and Community Transformation (FCT) # 15;"";2021-12-31;28;;"";Gender, Capacity building;""
Haiti;"";2010-09-24;"";2010-09-01;Mizak;;Sud-Est;"";"";The goal of this project is to resume its health initiatives in the community.  Funding will serve 24 children with medika mamba, a peanut butter medicine, that provides severely malnourished children under the age of five with the nutrition they need to remain healthy through their toddler years.  Monies will also provide funds to complete the cistern with water filters for the health clinic.  The balance of the funding will cover the salary of two medical professionals. Since the earthquake, medical demands at the health clinic have increased substantially.  ;Jacmel;"";723;Private donations;Jacmel;Health;Melissa Crutchfield;"";Assistant General Secretary, International Disaster Response;UMCOR-HT-10-418325-6;United Methodist Committee on Relief;"";26;"";Prime awardee;Children;Haitian Community Health Ministry;10000;2011-08-30;67;"";"";Nutrition;Haitian Artisans for Peace International
Haiti;"";2011-04-25;"";2010-11-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";WASH in Urban Communities;Port-au-Prince;"";1742;Caritas Australia,Catholic Overseas Development Agency (CAFOD);Carrefour,Delmas,Port-au-Prince;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Laura Dills;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Director of Programs;CRS-HT-10-67957420205;Catholic Relief Services (CRS);"";16800;"";"";Households;WASH in Urban Communities;506990;2011-12-31;20;"";2011-04-25;"";Catholic Relief Services
Mexico;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2000-01-01;"";;Michoacán;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1445;Private donations;"";Health;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-MX-00-173022;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Crescencio Morales Development Program;"";2017-01-01;76;"";"";Nutrition;World Vision Mexico
Haiti;"";2010-09-24;"";2010-02-15;Port-au-Prince;;Ouest;"";"";Through the Long-Term Health Development (LTHD) Program, MAP customizes large volume shipments of donated and purchased medicines and health supplies for reputable foreign-based health institutions and international relief and development organizations.;Port-au-Prince;"";533;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Health;Scott Ruschak;Health;Director, International Medical Resources;MAP-HT-10-32677;MAP International;"";500000;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs);In-kind donation to Global Aid Network (GAIN), #2;1323735;2010-03-15;47;"";"";"";Global Aid Network (GAIN)
Haiti;"";1991-10-12;"";2010-01-15;"";;Centre;"";"";To provide immediate health relief to communities affected by the earthquake in Haiti by obtaining medical staff and supplies needed for setting up field hospital sites in Port-au-Prince and by ensuring that its facilities in the Central Plateau and Artibonite are ready to serve the growing volume of patients from Port-au-Prince.;Mirebalais;"";64;Private donations;Boucan-Carré;Health;Amarilys Estrella;Health;Program Officer;AJWS-HT-10-014;American Jewish World Service (AJWS);"";190000;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs), Women;Immediate Health Relief to Earthquake Affected Communities in Haiti;60000;2011-01-31;8;;1991-12-10;"";Partners in Health
Haiti;"";2010-09-24;"";2010-02-01;Port-au-Prince;;Ouest;"";"";Through the Long-Term Health Development (LTHD) Program, MAP customizes large volume shipments of donated and purchased medicines and health supplies for reputable foreign-based health institutions and international relief and development organizations.;Port-au-Prince;"";530;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Health;Scott Ruschak;Health;Director, International Medical Resources;MAP-HT-10-32427;MAP International;"";187500;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs);In-kind donation to Global Aid Network (GAIN), #1 ;1107363;2010-03-01;47;"";"";"";Global Aid Network (GAIN)
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;1991-08-24;"";2010-03-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";Massive food distribution of Rice, Beans, Oil, Salt (2857 MT);Port-au-Prince;"";25;World Food Program (WFP);Carrefour;Food Aid;Andrew Lucas;Food Security and Agriculture;Program Director;ADRA-HT-10-003;Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA);"";51855;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs);Massive Food Distribution II;188475;2010-03-31;4;"";2011-01-14;"";World Food Program, Adventist Development and Relief Agency
Albania;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2002-01-01;"";;Elbasan;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1261;Private donations;"";Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-AL-02-174631;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Elsaban 2 Development Program;"";2018-01-01;76;"";"";Nutrition;World Vision Albania
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;"";"";2004-06-01;"";;Chittagong;"";"";Weekly meetings of Savings and Learning Groups of between 12 and 20 people as a vehicle for micro-savings-based food security and micro-enterprise, WASH education, health education, community development and long-term formation of participant-led community development institutions. Groups are single-gender settings to meet the needs of cultural norms in Bangladesh, but teach skills for healthy social interaction and values for good relationships. Groups are self-led and facilitated by FH Staff, with direct contact one half day per group per week.;"";"";854;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Lucas Shindeldecker;"";Food Security Program Officer;FH-BD-04-BANFCT050034;Food for the Hungry;"";15260;"";"";"";Family and Community Transformation (FCT) # 14;"";2016-12-31;28;;"";Gender, Capacity building;""
Guatemala;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2009-07-01;"";;Alta Verapaz,El Quiché,Petén;"";"";Mercy Corps will utilize its extensive local food security experience and its global capacity in maternal and child health and nutrition (MCHN) to improve the nutritional status and health of women and children particularly vulnerable to food insecurity in northern Guatemala.  ;"";"";1002;US Agency for International Development (USAID);"";Health;John Kepner;Nutrition;Guatemala Country Director;MC-GT-09-001;Mercy Corps;"Consultation with government and civil society leaders; Establish/ strengthen community health commissions; Disseminate criteria and selection of beneficiaries; Provide preventative rations to all pregnant or lactating women and all children aged 6-24 months; Community Management of Acute Malnutrition; Develop behavior change communication messages; Enhance the capacity of community outreach actors (community health commissions, community health volunteers, etc) to deliver behavioral change communication (BCC); Mothers' groups formed; Improved practices reinforced through home visits, ration distribution and radio; Establish community emergency funds to facilitate transportation to health services; Increase utilization of household action plans for reducing vulnerability; Connect with ongoing Mercy Corps food security programs";189000;"";Prime awardee;Pregnant and nursing women, Children under 2, Malnourished children under 5;PROCOMIDA: Guatemala Program to Reinforce Health, Food Security and Nutrition (MYAP);0;2014-06-30;50;"";2011-02-16;Nutrition;Mercy Corps
Haiti;"";2010-09-27;"";2010-04-27;Miami -- to Haiti;;Ouest;Port-au-Prince;"";Delivery of $431,701 worth of medical supplies, for International Relief & Development (IRD);Port-au-Prince;"";673;"";Port-au-Prince;Health;Niecy LoCricchio;Health;Director of Grants;CURE-HT-10-10955;PROJECT C.U.R.E.;"";18000;"";"";"";In-Kind Donations to  St. Francois de Sales Hospital;431701;2010-04-27;59;;"";"";International Relief & Development
Haiti;"";2011-04-20;"";2011-05-01;"";;Nord-Ouest,Sud-Est;"";"";"""The objectives of the feasibility study are: 1)  To determine the interest and capacity of ACLAM and other local NGOs to implement a Saving for Change program with very poor women in rural communities in Haiti that have limited access to financial services; 2) To determine the interest and demand of very poor women in rural communities in Haiti that have limited access to financial services to participate in a Saving for Change program; and 3) To explore funding opportunities from Haiti-based donors and possible collaborations with mobile-phone companies to consider mobile-banking options.
";Jacmel,Port-de-Paix;"";1771;"Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation,Oxfam America";Jacmel,Port-de-Paix;"";Laura Fleischer ;"";Director of Savings Group Methodologies;FFH-HT-11-001;Freedom from Hunger;"";150;"";Sub Awardee;"";Saving for Change Haiti Feasibility Study;20000;2011-06-30;78;;2011-04-20;"";ACLAM
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-13;"";2010-07-25;"";;Ouest;"";Haiti Ministry of Agriculture Natural Resources and Rural Development (MARNDR);Provide freezers and refrigerators in impacted areas;Port-au-Prince;"";164;Animal Relief Coalition for Haiti (ARCH) members;Port-au-Prince;Agriculture;Dr. Jean Thomas;Food Security and Agriculture;Country Coordinator;ARCH-HT-10-003;Animal Relief Coalition for Haiti (ARCH);Solar-paneled untis for keeping vaccines cold in areas without electricity;"";"";"";Domestic animals;Cold-chain;180000;2010-11-15;14;"";"";Disaster risk reduction (DRR);Animal Relief Coalition for Haiti (ARCH)
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-06-07;Pacot;;Ouest;"";"";"Community Grant Program
";Port-au-Prince;"";352;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Education;Andrew MacCalla;Education;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-Grant 15;Direct Relief International;"";80;"";"";"";Provide Funding for the Foundation during 5 months students were not in school;25000;2010-08-07;26;;2011-04-22;"";Haitian Education and Leadership Program
Haiti;"";2011-03-29;"";2010-02-01;"";;Ouest;Clown show;Camp committees;Education / Psychosociale (Emergency Relief);Léogâne,Port-au-Prince;"";1682;Ministry of Foreign Affairs Luxembourg;Carrefour,Léogâne;Education,Health;Wilner Thermilus;"";Education/Psychosocial Coordinator;CARE-HT-10-023;CARE;Recreative kit furniture, Children caregivers training;"";"";"";Children, Parents, Camp committees;Assisting Earthquake Affected Children in Haiti # 1;270000;2010-08-01;19;"";2011-04-07;Psychosocial support;CARE Haiti
Haiti;"";2010-09-22;"";2010-10-01;"";"";"";"";"";Importation of 2 chlorine generators to produce chlorine in solution for mass water purification.;"";"";620;"";"";Water Sanitation and Hygiene;"";Water Sanitation and Hygiene;"";OBI-HT-10-015;Operation Blessing International;"";"";"";"";"";Chlorine Generators;0;2011-12-12;51;"";2011-05-13;"";""
Malawi;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2001-01-01;"";;Northern;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1432;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-MW-01-173437;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Chikwina/Mpamba Development Program;"";2017-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS, Nutrition;World Vision Malawi
Mali;foodsecurity_site;2010-09-23;"";2010-09-20;"";;"";"";"";In Mali climate change (CC) will lead to an increase of temperature associated with possible lowering of rainfall, but also extreme climatic events. The consequences are a decrease of agricultural production, mainly in the yield of cereals and cash crops such as cotton. The Malian National Action Plan of Adaptation to CC highlights the high vulnerability of rural small farmers, who are the main beneficiaries of the program. Therefore it is necessary to evaluate and implement possible adaptation options for program beneficiaries, particularly women. Linked to this wider program, the processes of action-research are intended to support small scale rural farmers to reduce their vulnerability and to better adapt to the climate variability including extreme events and climate change. Beyond the need to understand the precise nature of this vulnerability and to make an assessment of the possible adaptation options, another challenge is ensuring that a larger number of farmers master these strategies and adaptation options and implement them in communities. Assessment will lead to better information, education and communication campaign on climate change and its adverse effects. Pilot projects will also be implemented to test the best sustainable practices for adaptation, such as the early warning systems, innovative risk-reducing community funds, and the use of the available research results. ;"";"";1027;Private donations;"";Agriculture;Josephine Lukoma;"";Program Associate;OXFA-ML-10-MAL 020 ?10;Oxfam America;"";16675;"";"";Small farmers;Capacity Building of Cotton Program Beneficiaries to Adapt to Climate Change;"";2011-12-31;80;"";"";Climate change, Disaster risk reduction (DRR);Oxfam Great Britain
Haiti;"";2010-09-24;"";2010-03-15;Fond Parisien;;Ouest;"";"";MAP International, the Ministry of Health for Haiti (MSPP), through its vaccination division, Rezo Koze La Sante, and Love A Child, a regionally effective NGO operating Christian-based humanitarian relief programs in the Ouest region, are collaborating together to conduct a regional vaccination program to the general population.;Croix-des-Bouquets;"";541;Private donations;Ganthier;Health;Scott Ruschak;Health;Director, International Medical Resources;MAP-HT-10-SMP;MAP International;"";18248;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs);Vaccination Project for the Ouest Region;30840;2010-12-31;47;"";"";"";Love A Child
Mauritania;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2002-01-01;"";;Brakna;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1444;Private donations;"";Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-MR-02-174784;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Boghe Development Program;"";2016-01-01;76;"";"";Nutrition;World Vision Mauritania
Haiti;"";1991-12-10;"";2010-12-31;"";;Ouest;"";"";To rebuild a self-sustaining Fondwa community through the development of income-generating opportunities and repairing its temporary guest center after its destruction in the Haiti earthquake.;Léogâne;"";70;Private donations;Léogâne;Economic Recovery and Development;Amarilys Estrella;Early Recovery;Program Officer;AJWS-HT-10-023;American Jewish World Service (AJWS);"";15000;"";"";Farmers, Fisherfolk;Rebuilding a Self-sustaining Fondwa community;30000;2011-12-30;8;;2011-01-14;"";Association Peyizan Fondwa (APF)
Afghanistan;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-10;"";2008-08-01;"";;Nangarhar,Parwan;"Based on the results in Sudan and Rwanda, CIFI-Afghanistan is currently a pilot program with a primary emphasis on poultry production. Poultry production focuses on layers and broilers to supply the local market with fresh eggs and a significant protein source. The poultry production facility in Parwan Province will serve as the model for the Poultry Marketing Initiative in Nigeria. In addition to poultry, CIFI-Afghanistan has cultivated cucumbers, started an apiary, and are raising goats for dairy production. Initial market assessments have provided evidence of a strong demand for locally grown and produced products.  As the project progresses, CIFI-Afghanistan will work closely with the microfinance office of Women for Women International to provide graduate farmers with financial assistance in supporting their agricultural income generation activities. The target number of women to be reached in Parwan Province is 775; in Nangarhar Province it is 450.";Afghanistan Ministry of Agriculture Irrigation and Livestock, Parwan provincial authorities, Nangarhar provincial authorities, Local municipal officials;CIFI is Women for Women International's flagship income generation program that focuses on training up to 1,000 internally displaced persons (IDPs), refugee, returnee, and other socially excluded women per year  in organic commercial integrated agriculture for sustained income generation and food security.  Participants are able to select commercial integrated farming as their vocational track after receiving 3 months of core program training and understand their income generation opportunities. During their training, participants learn to integrate crop and animal husbandry and how to strategically choose marketable products to produce. Products that are selected are targeted for both local and niche/broader markets.  Highly marketable traditional crops are produced to meet local demand and less typical, preferably higher value crops, are produced that have a niche market and offer the potential to reach broader markets. The goal after three to five years is to establish a core of functioning cooperatives capable of producing and marketing high quality, high value agriculutral products.  The long-term vision of CIFI is a women-led agricultural value chain whereby women are participants in every facet of the production cycle: producers, processors, distributors, managers and owners.   ;"";"";1258;Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration (DOS/PRM);"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development;Grace Fisiy;"";Agribusiness Specialist;WWI-AF-08-CIFI03AP;Women for Women International;"CIFI activities include: training (theory and practical) in organic commercial integrated farming; cooperative development and governance; identifying sustainable markets; linking CIFI participants to market partnerships; establishment of follow-up services including agricultural extension and business development.  ";1225;"";Prime awardee;Internally displaced persons (IDPs), Refugees, Returnees, Other socially excluded women;Commercial Integrated Farming Initiative (CIFI) - Afghanistan;0;2011-08-01;84;;2011-03-15;Gender, Livelihoods ;Women for Women International-Afghanistan
Indonesia;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2000-01-01;"";;Jawa Timur;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1420;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-ID-00-174167;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Surabaya  Development Program;"";2015-01-01;76;"";"";"";World Vision Indonesia
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-11-01;"";;Nord;"";"";"Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment
";l'Acul-du-Nord;"";1879;Private donations;Acul du Nord;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-51560;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Acul;3795;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";Acul
Ghana;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2006-01-01;"";;Eastern;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1147;The Robertson Foundation;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-GH-06-GH29;The Hunger Project;"";8733;"";"";"";Kyeremase Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Sudan;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2010-04-01;"";;Upper Nile,Warab;"";"";Increase access to quality primary health care and support the resumption and improvement of agricultural productivity. ;"";"";1600;Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA);"";Agriculture,Health;Carlos Piedrasanta;"";RDM Operations Deputy, IPG, World Vision US;WV-SD-10-002;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Early Recovery and Returnees Assistance Project (ERRAP) III;"";2011-03-31;76;"";"";"";World Vision Sudan
Haiti;"";1991-12-13;"";2011-01-15;"";;Centre,Grand'Anse,L'Artibonite,Nippes,Nord,Nord-Est,Nord-Ouest,Ouest,Sud,Sud-Est;"";"";Container of supplies to support cholera response of ELAM Health Network;Anse d'Hainault,Anse-à-Veau,Aquin,Corail,Croix-des-Bouquets,Gonaïves,Grande-Rivière-du-Nord,Jacmel,Léogâne,Mirebalais,Port-Salut,Port-au-Prince,Port-de-Paix,Vallières,le Trou-du-Nord;"";419;Private donations;Anse d'Hainaul,Aquin,Asile,Bassin Bleu,Cayes Jacmel,Corail,Delmas,Estère,Gonaïves,Grand Rivière du Nord,Grand-Goâve,Mirebalais,Mombin Crochu,Port-Salut,Thomazeau,Trou du Nord;Health;Marisol Wandiga Valentin;Health;Program Officer;GLI-HT-11-024;Global Links;"";73000;"";"";Cholera affected population;Cholera Response Container # 4;88923;2012-12-31;30;;2011-04-26;"";Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)
Mozambique;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2008-05-22;"";;Gaza;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1095;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-MZ-08-001;The Hunger Project;"";9228;"";"";"";Chókwè Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Haiti;"";2011-01-27;"";2011-01-27;Jacmel;;Sud-Est;"";"";A solar water purification unit with a capacity of 20,000 gallons per day has been donated by Enertopia Corporation and will be shipped to the City of Jacmel. We are including both water and sanitation items in our grants to local partners for rebuilding schools, clinics and other local institutions. We are awaiting a response from partner agencies to our offer of 3 million water purification tablets. ;Jacmel;"";631;Enertopia Corporation;Jacmel;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Richard Walden;Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;"";OPUSA-HT-10-003;Operation USA;"";"";"";"";"";Providing Relief Supplies to the City of Jacmel;0;2011-02-28;52;"";2011-02-03;"";City of Jacmel
Haiti;"";2010-09-24;"";2010-06-10;Corail, Tabarre Issa; ;Ouest;"";"";The ultimate goal of this project is to provide certain educational services in Corail Camp to primary schools students. Certain educational services will be provided in the Tabarre community to primary school students who live in the Tabarre Camp  as well as those residing in the host community. Services include construction of transitional school classrooms, furnishing classrooms with school furniture, and distributing education, health, and teacher kits. Additionally, some latrines and other WASH facilities are to be built at schools in Tabarre.;Croix-des-Bouquets,Port-au-Prince;"";716;Emergency Response Relief Fund for Haiti (OCHA/ERRF),Private donations;Croix-des Bouquets,Tabarre;Education,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Thomas Dwyer ;Education;Executive Director, UMCOR NGO ;UMCOR-HT-10-NHOC02;United Methodist Committee on Relief;"";1700;The number of people reached is based on the number of registered primary schools students in the schools where this project is being implemented.;Prime awardee;Children, Youth;Emergency Education Support Program;791647;2011-06-30;67;"";2011-04-25;"";The United Nations Office for Project Services, United Methodist Committee on Relief
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2011-04-07;"";2011-03-01;"";;L'Artibonite;"";"";"The project's goal is to Improve the nutrition and income of 168 families in Petite Riviere through the production and marketing of honey, goats, cows and cash crops.
";Dessalines;"";1699;Private donations;Petite Rivière de l'Artibonite;Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development;Ixchel Palencia;Food Security and Agriculture;Program Officer;HEFI-HT-11-23-1417-02-RA11;Heifer International;"Integration of livestock in the production systems of rice producers, rice and beans production, surplus commercialization.
";840;"";"";Men and Women Rice producers;Integrated Rice, Bean and Livestock Production;151545;2012-06-30;34;"";2011-04-07;Gender, Environment;Network of Cooperative Associations for Commercialization and Agricultural Production (RACPABA).
Haiti;"";2010-10-05;"";2010-04-23;"";"";"";"";"";Medical mission supplies;"";"";200;Private donations;"";Health;"";Health;"";BBF-HT-10-025;Brother's Brother Foundation;"";"";"";"";"";Medical Mission Trip # 15;8664;2010-05-23;17;"";"";"";Branch Creek Community Church
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-07-30;"";2009-01-09;"";;L'Artibonite;"";"";Objectif specifique:Réduire la prévalence de la multi-morbidité à travers lamélioration de loffre et de laccès aux soins nutritionnels ainsi que de la situation en matière sanitaire et eau potable, avec un accent particulier sur la santé materno-infantile. Resultat 1: Le dispositif communautaire et institutionnel de prévention, identification,  référencement, prise en charge et suivi de la malnutrition est amélioré. Resultat 2: Lassainissement et laccès à leau potable  sont améliorés ce qui permet de réduire la prévalence des maladies hydriques. Resultat 3 : La population bénéficie dun accès amélioré aux services de santé primaire. Resultat 4 : La vulnérabilité de la population cible aux risques dinondations est réduite.;Dessalines,Gonaïves;"";378;ECHO;Dessalines,Estère,Petite Rivière de l'Artibonite;Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Marianna Franco;Nutrition,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Program Development Manager;ACTED-HT-10-41 AJE 18X;Friends of ACTED;"";6855;"";"";Vulnerable people/populations;Malnutrition and multi-morbidity prevalence reduction through the improvement of the offer and access to nutritional tratments, water and sanitation;348500;2010-12-30;29;"";2010-12-20;Nutrition;Friends of ACTED, Zanmi Lasante (ZL)
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-14;"";2010-07-01;"";;Dhaka;"";"";Introduce participants to urban gardening in the slums of Dhaka.  Participants will be trained on composting and kitchen gardening techniques.;"";"";793;Private donations;"";Agriculture;Stephanie Sackett;"";Associate Director for Grants;CRWRC-BD-10-FS 1008;Christian Reformed World Relief Committee (CRWRC);"";150;"";"";"";SATHI Community Development Program;"";2011-06-30;23;;"";"";Sustainable Association for Taking Human Development Initiatives (SATHI)
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-11-01;"";;Nord;"";"";"Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment
";Cap-Haïtien;"";1905;Private donations;Cap-Haïtien;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-52249;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Floating Doctors in Haiti;9197;2011-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";Floating Doctors in Haiti
Haiti;"";2011-04-07;"";2011-01-01;"";;Ouest;"";Saut Mathurine Peasant Organization (OPS), Soleil des Paques de Leogane Organization (OSPL), Peasant Organization for the Development of the 6th Section Oranger Leogane (OPDSOL), Peasant Organization for the Development of the 8th Section of Arcahaie (OPD-8), Association for the Development of Vareux II (ADEVA II);The project will support Families who suffered damage or destruction of their homes as a result of the 2010 earthquake, through the provision of materials and technical assitance to rebuilt and repair their homes. Working with local technicians and in small groups will build capacities of the families in construction.;l'Arcahaie;"";1696;Elevages Sans Frontieres,Private donations;Arcahaie;Shelter and Housing;Ixchel Palencia;"";Program Officer;HEFI-HT-11-23-1417-02-RC05;Heifer International;House reconstruction and repair and capacity building in construction;3935;"";"";Men and Women Farmers;Earthquake-damaged Home Repair and Reconstruction in Haiti ;338700;2012-06-30;34;"";2011-04-07;Gender;Heifer Haiti
Haiti;"";2010-10-05;"";2010-08-19;"";"";Ouest;"";"";Purchase 2- 50kW generators for Hopital Ste. Croix (Medical Benevolence Foundation hospital) in Léogâne.;Léogâne;"";177;Private donations;Léogâne;Health;"";Health;"";BBF-HT-10-002;Brother's Brother Foundation;"";"";"";"";"";Generators;0;2011-12-12;17;"";2011-05-12;"";Medical Benevolence Foundation (MBF)
Lesotho;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2009-01-01;"";;Leribe;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1429;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Education,Health;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-LS-09-186665;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Matlameng Development Program;"";2024-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS, Nutrition;World Vision Lesotho
Bolivia;foodsecurity_site;2010-08-17;"";2009-10-01;"";;Chuquisaca,Cochabamba,Potosí;"";N/A;Objective - Promote Transformational Development (Health, Education and Economic Development) in the children from the communities where FH/B operates.;"";"";859;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health;Oscar Montes;"";Country Director;FH-BO-09-0;Food for the Hungry;"•% of beneficiaries that increase their gross income by 50% compared to their current income

•% of students that exceeded the averages established by FH for each level (core subjects: math, language, natural sciences and social sciences)

•% decrease in the mortality rate in the main diseases in this age group";13996;"";Prime awardee;Children;Transformational Community Development focused on Children (DETCEN in Spanish);"";2010-09-30;28;"";2010-09-17;Environment, Gender and Biblical Worldview;Food for the Hungry
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-11-25;"";;Centre;"";"";"Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment
";Hinche;"";1895;Private donations;Hinche;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-51709;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Medishare Marmont;3175;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";Medishare Marmont
Haiti;"";2010-11-05;"";2010-11-05;Marchand Dessalines;;L'Artibonite;"";""; Delivery of $73,582 worth of medical supplies ;Dessalines;"";678;MLB Players Trust;Dessalines;Health;Niecy LoCricchio;Health;Director of Grants;CURE-HT-10-11030;PROJECT C.U.R.E.;"";9000;"";"";"";In-Kind Donations to Hospital Claire Heureuse Dessalines for Cholera Outbreak;73582;2010-11-05;59;;"";"";Hospital Claire Heureuse Dessalines
Haiti;"";2010-12-20;"";2009-06-01;"";"";Grand'Anse,Sud;"";CPC/DDPC/CCPC;Projet d'Urgence Gestion Risques et Desastres;Anse d'Hainault,Corail,Jérémie,les Cayes;"";241;Bureau of Monetization of Development Aid Programs (BMPAD);Abricots,Anse d'Hainaul,Beaumont,Bonbon,Cayes,Chambellan,Corail,Dame Marie,Irois,Jérémie,Moron,Pestel,Roseaux;Disaster Management;Nicole Balliette;"";Haiti Earthquake Response Coordinator;CRS-HT-10-7420087;Catholic Relief Services (CRS);"o En Août 2009, une équipe technique de CRS et Caritas réalisera une étude de base sur la capacité des communautés à faire face aux urgences.
o En Juin 2009, des sessions de formation seront organisées pour les formateurs du projet.
o En Juin 2009, cinq équipes de formation seront constituées : trois dans le sud et deux dans la Grande Anse.
o En Juin 2009, un plan de formation avec calendrier sera élaboré par les formateurs en accord avec les membres des communautés.
o En Juillet 2009, des modules de formation spécialisée et les modules recommandés par la DPC seront développés pour les membres des CCPC.
o En Septembre 2009, 540 sessions de formation  auront été dispensées au profit des 30 communautés du Sud et de la Grande Anse dont 3 modules spécialisés sur lenvironnement, 4 modules de la DPC et 2 modules gestion de projets CRS.";900;"";"";Men, Women;PUGRD II;"";2010-08-31;20;"";"";"";Catholic Relief Services (CRS)
Thailand;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1998-01-01;"";;Roi Et;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1534;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-TH-98-172135;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Kaset Wisai Development Program;"";2011-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS;World Vision Thailand
Haiti;"";2010-09-24;"";2010-01-12;"";,;Ouest,Sud-Est;School building design approved by Ministry of Education;"";Construction of semi-permanent school buildings;Croix-des-Bouquets,Jacmel;"";647;"";Croix-des Bouquets,Jacmel;Education;Frank Manfredi (Plan USA/DC), Kristie van de Wetering (Plan Haiti);Education;Director of Humanitarian Assistance, Director of Communications;PLAN-HT-10-002;Plan;Includes construction of classrooms, distribution of school materials, and provision of school furniture;"";"";"";Children;Education;"";2012-01-31;57;"";"";"";Plan
Haiti;"";2011-04-22;"";2010-02-15;"Boliman Brant
";;Ouest;"";"";"Providing cash payments to disaster survivors for services such as rubble removal, community outreach, etc.
";Port-au-Prince;"";1922;Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA),United Nations Development Program (UNDP);Delmas;Disaster Management;Kirk Prichard;Early Recovery;Advocacy Officer;CONW-HT-10-005;Concern Worldwide;"";43650;"";"";"";Cash For Work;0;2011-12-31;87;;2011-05-20;"";Concern Worldwide
Ghana;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2008-01-01;"";;Eastern;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1145;The Robertson Foundation;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-GH-08-GH27;The Hunger Project;"";5000;"";"";"";Kwakyekrom Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Haiti;"";2010-12-20;"";2008-11-01;"";"";L'Artibonite;"";"";Goal: Children and families in Gonaives have access to a quality basic eduction for the 2009-2010 academic year following the devastating effects of Hurricanes Hannah and Gustav. SO1: Provide school fee support for 20,000 primary age girls and boys. SO2: Provide school kits for 20,000 primary age girls and boys. SO3: Reinforce the capacity of the Artibonite Education Department by providing training for staff, administrators and teachers.;Gonaïves;"";247;UNICEF;Gonaïves;Education;Nicole Balliette;"";Haiti Earthquake Coordinator;CRS-HT-10-7420142;Catholic Relief Services (CRS);"";30563;"";"";Children;UNICEF-Back to School for children of Gonaives;709866;2009-10-31;20;"";"";"";Catholic Relief Services (CRS)
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-07-30;"";2010-03-06;"";;Ouest;"";"";Emergency distributions of dry ratio of food to displaced people affected by the earthquake.;Port-au-Prince;"";391;World Food Program (WFP);Port-au-Prince;Food Aid;Marianna Franco;Food Security and Agriculture;Program Development Manager;ACTED-HT-10-41 AMO 24Y;Friends of ACTED;"";96000;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs);Massive Food Distributions - Surge 2;38750;2010-03-31;29;"";2010-12-20;"";Friends of ACTED
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-09-23;"";2010-01-31;"Centre ville
";;Ouest;"";World Food Program (WFP), Catholic Relief Services (CRS);Distribution of food rations;Port-au-Prince;"";737;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Food Aid;Christon Domond;Food Security and Agriculture,Shelter and Non-Food Items;Country Director;WC-HT-10-002;World Concern;Food distribution;58817;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs), Children, Orphans and vulnerable children (OVC), People living with HIV/AIDS, Host families;Food Distribution;38299;2010-02-13;71;;2011-03-31;"";World Concern
Haiti;"";2010-06-01;"";2010-02-22;Cité Soleil, Jacmel, Léogâne, Méyotte;;Ouest,Sud-Est;"";"";The WHI psychologists start to work since February 22th in four camps: Cité Soleil, Méyotte, Léogâne and Jacmel. Through this activity created in the camps and for the children who live in called “Soley Leve”, WHI aims to reach the children in the range of 3-6 and those in the range of 7-11 with drawing, educational games, sport, liveliness, tale reading and those in the range of 12-17 with dance, songs, vocational activities (macramé, Baneco, necklace etc). A psychosocial care is lavish of each child in the camp.  This is coordinated with the Child Protection Cluster;Jacmel,Léogâne,Port-au-Prince;"";753;Private donations;Delmas,Jacmel,Léogâne;Health,Protection;Larousse Ceus;Protection;Country Director of Haiti;WH-HT-10-009;World Hope International;"";887;"";Prime awardee;Children;Psychosocial in Camps;0;2010-09-01;73;;2011-04-28;Mental health/Psychosocial support;World Hope International
Haiti;"";2010-09-24;"";2010-09-27;Nation-wide;;"";This project has nation-wide reach.;Graphcity, Local community-based organizations (CBOs);"The Timoun Alez TV program is an uplifting and educational program to communicate psychosocial support messages and life skills directly to children and youth. The information provided by the show will be geared toward children and adolescents, in a well-communicated manner adapted to their development and understanding level, with multimedia support, a talented and trained host, and a mix of original studio footage, interviews in the field, and short films. Through its content, the “Timoun Alèz” television show will primarily target young viewers between the ages of 5 and 15 years, with a secondary audience of young adults, parents, and caregivers. The television show will be broadcast nationwide in Creole, Haitis primary spoken language, 30 minutes a week, for an initial period of 13 weeks, October  December 2010. With the goal of being educational and interesting to kids and adolescents, the “Timoun Alèz” television show will address different subjects and themes such as health in general terms with an accent on mental health, emotions and behaviors, family, school, the environment, personal hygiene, conflict, education, self esteem, resiliency, trauma, team building, leadership, constructive communication, personal security, and much more. Each 30-minute program will be centered around a different theme, with a core layout, facilitating the transmission of content and messages, as well as the young audiences understanding.
";"";"";594;Bright Horizons;"";Education,Health,Protection;Kyle Dietrich;Education,Health;Youth/Psychosocial  Program Manager;MC-HT-10-005;Mercy Corps;"";10000;"";"";Youth, Children;Timoun Alez: Youth Educational Television Program;43000;2011-06-30;50;;2011-04-11;"";Mercy Corps
Haiti;"";2010-12-10;"";2010-12-01;"";;Grand'Anse,L'Artibonite,Nord,Ouest,Sud,Sud-Est;"";"";To support people living with HIV/AIDS and LGBT communities in response to the cholera outbreak in Haiti by providing medical supplies and water tablets to 3,000 persons and providing cholera prevention trainings to 15,000 persons.;Cap-Haïtien,Gonaïves,Jacmel,Jérémie,Port-au-Prince,les Cayes;"";68;Private donations;Cap-Haïtien,Cayes,Gonaïves,Jacmel,Jérémie,Port-au-Prince;Health;Amarilys Estrella;Health;Program Officer;AJWS-HT-10-021;American Jewish World Service (AJWS);"";15000;"";"";"";Support for Sexually Diverse Communities in Response to the Cholera Outbreak;10000;2011-02-28;8;;"";"";SEROvie
Cambodia;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2000-01-01;"";;Kandal;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1295;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-KH-00-173453;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Leuk Daek Development Program;"";2015-01-01;76;"";"";"";World Vision Cambodia
Haiti;"";2010-12-20;"";2009-05-31;"";"";Grand'Anse,L'Artibonite,Ouest,Sud;"";Archdiocese of Miami, Caritas Jeremie;CRS and the Archdiocese of Miami Solidarity Partnership for Emergency Response to Cuba and Haiti Goal: Preposition non-food items (NFIs) in strategic locations to reduce response time after emergencies in Haiti and Cuba;Gonaïves,Jérémie,Port-au-Prince,les Cayes;"";249;Private donations,Raunenhorst Foundation;Cayes,Gonaïves,Jérémie,Port-au-Prince;Disaster Management;Nicole Balliette;"";Haiti Earthquake Response Coordinator;CRS-HT-10-7420146;Catholic Relief Services (CRS);"";100000;"";"";Men, Women, Youth;Haiti Pre-Positioning for 2009 season;112904;2010-01-31;20;"";"";Disaster risk reduction (DRR);Catholic Relief Services (CRS)
Haiti;"";1991-08-24;"";2010-02-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";Distribution of 89 pallets of towels, flashlights, and kitchen items, 4000 plastic 5 gallon buckets with lids.;Port-au-Prince;"";33;Private donations;Carrefour;Disaster Management;Andrew Lucas;Shelter and Non-Food Items;Program Director;ADRA-HT-10-011;Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA);"";4000;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs);Non-Food Item (NFI) Donations and Distributions III;497023;2010-04-30;4;"";2011-01-24;"";Adventist Development and Relief Agency Network
Haiti;"";2011-05-11;"";2010-01-17;Léogâne;"";Ouest;"";"";Simultaneously in the USA, Life mobilized to procure medicines, medical supplies, medical equipment, wheelchairs, walkers, crutches, sleeping bags, tents, baby formula, diapers and bottled water. Within days of the earthquake Life sent 8 - 40 foot shipping containers of aid to Haiti valued at over $1.25 million and this week we procured 55 new hospital beds with new mattresses, medicines, medical supplies and bottled water valued at over $1.6 million that was loaded into 3 - 40 foot shipping containers and will arrive in Haiti by April 14th. ;Léogâne,Port-au-Prince;"";499;Medical Teams International,Medwish International;Léogâne,Port-au-Prince;Disaster Management,Health;"";Health,Shelter and Non-Food Items;"";LRD-HT-10-002;Life for Relief and Development;"";100000;"";"";"";Emergency Response - Medical Aid and Shelter;0;2011-12-31;44;"";2011-05-11;"";""
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";1999-01-01;"";;Rajshahi;"";"";THP works at the Union level to (a) mobilize the population for self-reliant action, including forming producer co-operatives and other income generating enterprises, (b) build civil society from the bottom up - creating people's organization of women, youth, elders, girl-child advocates, and the poorest of the poor, (c) strengthen local democracy, (d) ensure adequate facilities for achieving the MDGs, (e) organize mass action campaigns for health, nutrition, education, clean water and sanitation.;"";"";1234;Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID),British Council,Private donations;"";Agriculture,Education,Health,Human Rights Democracy and Governance,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;John Coonrod;"";Executive Vice President;THP-BD-99-543;The Hunger Project;"";20000;"";"";"";Boalia Sadar Mobilization;"";2100-12-31;83;"";"";"";The Hunger Project
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-11-01;"";;Sud;"";"";"Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment
";Chardonnières;"";1872;Private donations;Anglais;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-51597;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Centre de Sante Les Anglais;1585;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";Centre de Sante Les Anglais
Haiti;"";2010-11-02;"";2010-04-01;""; ;Ouest;"";"";"Merlin is supporting three medical teams, staffed with local doctors, nurses and midwives, who travel each day to a number of camps and earthquake affected communities in the country's capital. They provide essential primary health services to communities in need, including a strong reproductive health element. Eight locations in the city are currently supported, including a private/MSPP clinic at Caravelle that is entirely staffed and managed by Caravelle Health Centre. Merlin will gradually reduce the number of mobile clinics and increase support to Ministry of Public Health and Population (MSPP) health centers. 
";Croix-des-Bouquets,Port-au-Prince;"";544;Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC),Private donations;Croix-des Bouquets,Delmas,Port-au-Prince;Health;Léa Gibert;Health;Operations Coordinator;MERLIN-HT-10-002;Medical Emergency Relief International, UK (Merlin);"";40000;"";"";"";Providing Primary Health Services through Mobile Clinics in Port au Prince ;0;2013-01-31;48;"";2011-05-17;"";Medical Emergency Relief International, UK (Merlin) 
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-04-27;"";;Ouest;"";"";Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment;Port-au-Prince;"";1810;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-9122;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to World Cares Center Haiti;455811;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";World Cares Center Haiti
Brazil;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1985-01-01;"";;Rio Grande do Norte;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1289;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Protection;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-BR-85-165060;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Margarida Alves Development Program;"";2013-01-01;76;"";"";Nutrition;World Vision Brazil
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-11-01;"";;Sud;"";"";"Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment
";les Cayes;"";1877;Private donations;Cayes;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-51551;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to MEBSH;15246;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";MEBSH
Haiti;"";2010-12-10;"";2010-12-13;"";;L'Artibonite,Nippes,Nord,Nord-Est,Nord-Ouest,Sud-Est;"";Ministry of Health and Population (MSPP), Ministry of Education (MENFP);Through a partnership with TOMS shoes, IMA will work with local volunteers, the Ministry of Health and Population (MSPP), and the Ministry of Education (MENFP) to distribute 800,000 pairs of new shoes to Haitian children in 2010/2011.;Anse-à-Veau,Bainet,Barradères,Belle-Anse,Borgne,Cap-Haïtien,Dessalines,Fort-Liberté,Gonaïves,Grande-Rivière-du-Nord,Gros-Morne,Jacmel,Limbé,Marmelade,Miragoâne,Môle Saint-Nicolas,Ouanaminthe,Plaisance,Port-de-Paix,Saint-Louis du Nord,Saint-Marc,Saint-Raphaël,Vallières,l'Acul-du-Nord,le Trou-du-Nord;"";462;TOMS Shoes;Acul du Nord,Anse Rouge,Anse-à-Foleur,Anse-à-Pitre,Anse-à-Veau,Arnaud,Asile,Bahon,Baie de Henne,Bainet,Bas Limbé,Bassin Bleu,Belle-Anse,Bombardopolis,Borgne,Capotille,Caracol,Carice,Cayes Jacmel,Chansolme,Côtes-de-Fer,Desdunes,Dessalines,Dondon,Ennery,Estère,Ferrier,Fond des Negres,Fort-Liberté,Grand Rivière du Nord,Grand-Boucan,Grand-Gosier,Grande Saline,Gros-Morne,Jacmel,Jean-Rabel,La Chapelle,La Vallée,La Victoire,Limbé,Limonade,Marigot,Marmelade,Milot,Miragoâne,Mombin Crochu,Mont-Organisé,Môle Saint Nicholas,Ounaminthe,Paillant,Perches,Petit Trou de Nippes,Petite Rivière de Nippes,Petite Rivière de l'Artibonite,Pignon,Pilate,Plaine du Nord,Plaisance,Port-Margot,Port-de-Paix,Quartier Morin,Ranquitte,Saint Michel de l'Attalaye,Saint-Louis du Nord,Saint-Marc,Saint-Saint-Raphaël,Sainte Suzanne,Terre-Neuve,Terrier Rouge,Thiotte,Trou du Nord,Vallières,Verettes;Other;Ann Varghese;"";HQ Program Officer;IMA-HT-10-002;IMA World Health;"";800000;"";Prime awardee;Children;TOMS Shoes;8000000;2011-09-30;37;;2011-04-11;"";IMA World Health
United Republic of Tanzania;foodsecurity_site;2010-09-10;"";2006-07-01;"";;"";"";"";The Beekeeping Project aims to increase incomes through the sale of honey, wax and other bee products. The project will help improve  nutrition, increase income and improve the environment for beneficiaries and neighboring families.  Honey and its products have a potential market in the zone and abroad. Income from the project will be used to improve house construction, household furniture and access to medical care, children's education and household items. The project will also lead to improvements in forest conservation. Beekeeping also encourages farmers to plant trees that provide sources of nectar and shade for the bees. Honey is nutritious and medicinal in nature. Honey mixed with cinnamon is used in treating a variety of chronic human disorders. The project intends to distribute 240 beehives to 60 families in the original placement.;"";"";887;Private donations;"";Agriculture;Kelly Doppelhammer;"";East Africa Program Assistant;HEFI-TZ-06-21-0415-01;Heifer International;"";120;"";"";"";North West Zone Beekeeping Project;"";2011-06-30;34;"";"";"";Heifer Tanzania
Haiti;"";2010-10-05;"";2010-01-17;"";"";"";"";"";Medical mission supplies;"";"";184;Private donations;"";Health;"";Health;"";BBF-HT-10-009;Brother's Brother Foundation;"";"";"";"";"";Air Shipment # 2;1356913;2010-02-28;17;"";"";"";Medical Benevolence Foundation (MBF)
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-03-05;"";;Ouest;"";"";Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment;Croix-des-Bouquets;"";1798;Private donations;Ganthier;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-8790;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Circle of Health International;220652;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";Circle of Health International
Sierra Leone;foodsecurity_site;2011-02-25;"";2011-01-01;Freetown, Mile 91;;Northern,Western;"";"";Provide monthly food rations to orphans and poor families;"";"";1641;Private donations;"";Food Aid;Youness Ktiri;"";Regional Director;LRD-SL-11-001;Life for Relief and Development;"";2940;"";"";Orphans, Poor families;Food Distribution to Orphans and Poor Families (Sierra Leone);252000;2011-12-31;44;;2011-02-28;"";Life for Relief and Development
Haiti;"";2010-06-01;"";2010-02-18;"";;Ouest,Sud-Est;"";"";From February 18th to March 8th WHI has distributed  16,103 hygiene kits through its three partners to the beneficiaries in 16 camps: Delmas 40B (PV club), Delmas 75, Delmas 33 (Palais de l'art), Delmas 33 (Henfraza), Cité Soleil, Bicentenaire, Sartre (La couronne), Champ de Mars, Carrefour, Canapé-vert, Merger, Marianie, Stade Sylvio Cator, Signeau hospital, Jacmel. Each kit contains 3 soaps, 1 toothbrush, 1 toothpaste, 1 deodorant, 3 toilet paper, 2 towels.;Croix-des-Bouquets,Jacmel,Port-au-Prince;"";751;Private donations;Carrefour,Croix-des Bouquets,Delmas,Jacmel,Kenscoff,Port-au-Prince;Disaster Management;Larousse Ceus;Shelter and Non-Food Items;Country Director of Haiti;WH-HT-10-007;World Hope International;"";16103;"";Prime awardee;"";Hygiene Kits Distribution;0;2010-03-08;73;;2011-04-28;"";World Hope International
Ethiopia;foodsecurity_site;2010-03-22;"";2010-02-22;"";;Tigray;"";Relief Society of Tigray;Scaling up Horn of Africa Risk Transfer for Adaptation (HARITA)to four new villages in Tigray and to insure four new crops (maize, wheat, barley, and sorghum) other than teff.   ;"";"";1023;McKinley,Rockefeller Foundation,Swiss Re;"";Agriculture;Bekabil Fufa;"";Program Officer;OXFA-ET-10-ETH 004 /10;Oxfam America;"";700;"";"";Farmers;Horn of Africa Risk Transfer for Adaptation (HARITA) - Scale Up;"";2011-02-21;80;"";"";"";Relief Society of Tigray
Brazil;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1994-01-01;"";;Sergipe;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1293;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-BR-94-169515;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Um Lugar Ao Sol Development Program;"";2010-01-01;76;"";"";Nutrition;World Vision Brazil
Uruguay;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-13;"";2008-01-01;"";;Lavalleja;"";"";"Episcopal Relief & Development has been working with the Anglican Diocese of Uruguay  for the past 3 years through ""El Sembrador"", a project in Villa Felicidad to implement a program to teach vegetable gardening so that families can produce food for domestic consumption, thereby improving nutrition and reducing food expenditure.  As part of the project, they also facilitate villagers to sell excess production, make their own gardening tools, compost organic household waste. Cooking workshops are also undertaken using the vegetables produced at the family gardens, the objective of the cooking classes is to increase the use and knowledge of local produce and more nutritious and economic forms of preparation. This project is expected to improve the quality and variety in the typical diet of Villa Felicidad.  This project will also provide handicraft workshops and vocational counseling for the beneficiaries at Villa Felicidad. Focusing mostly on women, these workshops are intended to insert women into the labor force.  In order to increase the number of beneficiaries reached by these program, direct beneficiaries will be asked to replicate the workshops with other community members.";"";"";838;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Health;Karla Avila;"";Program Officer;ERD-UY-08-001;Episcopal Relief & Development;"";20;"";"";Staff;Sower of Seeds/ El Sembrador;"";2011-02-14;27;;"";Capacity building, Nutrition;Diocese of Uruguay
Mali;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2009-04-01;"";";";Ségou;"";National Bank for Agricultural Development (BNDA);"LWR's partner in this project is Union Bénin Ton de Sy. The project goal is to improve sesame production for the 400 Benin Ton Union members to improve their income and standards of living while contributing to the country's food security through sesame production. Bénin Ton will be working with other stakeholders at various production stages such as l'IER de Cinzana to train farmers in certified seed production. They will also work with the Direction Régionale de l'Agriculture (DRA) and Labosem, a seed certification lab. One of Mali's primary national banks, Banque Nationale de Développement Agricole (BNDA), will provide a revolving line of credit for the purchase of farmers' sesame stock and other inputs. Objectives - (1) Increased Seed and Crop Production: In three years, Benin Ton's local seed production system will grow and increase in efficiency, resulting in the sale of 12 tons of certified sesame seeds to union members.  (2) Increased Marketing: Sesame marketing strategies will be developed for improved nutrition and household food security of Benin Ton Union members. An annual average of 128 tons of quality sesame will be produced to meet market needs. (3) Stronger Organizational Capacity:  Benin Ton Union is strengthened in terms of technical and institutional capacity; training sessions will be offered in functional literacy, stock management, and organizational policy development.";"";"";989;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development;Hayley Frank;"";Regional Program Associate for Africa;LWR-ML-09-AF-MAI-3-002-09;Lutheran World Relief;"";7475;"";"";"";Improved Seeds for Sahelian Agricultural Growth - Sesame;"";2012-03-31;45;;"";Capacity building;"The Sesame Producers' Cooperative of Sy Community ""Benin Ton"""
Senegal;foodsecurity_site;2010-09-07;"";2008-07-01;"";;Thies;"";GIE Agritech, Hay Fu Bok;"This is the second of Heifer Senegal's projects. The five-year project aims at enhancing capacities of households to revive traditional values and solidarity schemes. The major objective of the project is to reconstitute the stock of improved breed animals and quality vegetable seeds and seedlings of selected tree and forage crops as well as provide technical support to enhance agricultural production and productivity. They will do this in order to improve productivity through diversified livestock and field cropping initiatives and by improving capacities for environmentally sound resource management.
The project targets the sub project holder GIE HAY FU BOK in the village of Fandene situated in the region of Thies at 7 kilometers from the Heifer office. Initially the project will provide three categories of gifts as follows: 54 reproductive age sheep (54 ewes and 5 rams.) to 27 families. Each family receives initial placements of 2 ewes; 22 pigs of reproductive age (18 sows and 4 hogs) to 18 families. Each family receives initial placements of 1 sow; Vegetable seeds and inputs for cultivating garden plots of approximately 100m2.
By the 5th year, the project will pass on equal numbers of animals and inputs to reach a total of 275 assisted families and their 2,944 dependents.  The cost per famer is $572.";"";"";874;Private donations;"";Agriculture;Elizabeth Bintliff;"";West Africa Regional Director;HEFI-SN-08-21-1702-01;Heifer International;"";275;"";"";Farmer households, Women, Youth;Fandene Diversified Production Initiative.(DPI);"";2014-06-30;34;;"";Gender, HIV/AIDS;Heifer Senegal
Burma;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1999-01-01;"";;Yangon;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1463;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-MM-99-173015;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";South Dagon Myothit Development Program;"";2015-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS;World Vision Myanmar
Haiti;"";2010-09-24;"";2010-03-01;Titanyen;;Ouest;"";"";Through the Long-Term Health Development (LTHD) Program, MAP customizes large volume shipments of donated and purchased medicines and health supplies for reputable foreign-based health institutions and international relief and development organizations.;l'Arcahaie;"";534;Private donations;Cabaret;Health;Scott Ruschak;Health;Director, International Medical Resources;MAP-HT-10-32853;MAP International;"";250000;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs);In-kind donation to Christian Aid Ministries, #7;93546;2010-04-01;47;"";"";"";Christian Aid Ministries
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-11-01;"";;Sud;"";"";"Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment
";les Cayes;"";1885;Private donations;Ile à Vache;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-51593;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Centre de Sante de L'ile a Vache;3736;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";Centre de Sante de L'ile a Vache
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-01;"";2010-04-01;"";"";"";"";"";Renforcer les capacités individuelles, familiales, communautaires et structurelles à faire face à des chocs idiosynchatiques et conjoncturels en développant les résiliences socio-économiques, physiologiques et psychologiques.;"";"";15;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Health;"";Food Security and Agriculture,Health;"";AAH-HT-10-HAZ3D;Action Against Hunger;"Présélection des candidats potentiels                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Appel à candidatures pour renforcement ou reprise dactivités économiques                                                                                                                                                                         Sélection des propositions sur la base du profil socio-économique du demandeur et de critères de rentabilité / viabilité de lactivité proposée Enquête socio-économique préalable auprès des familles ciblées par le projet                                                                                                                                                               Réalisation détudes de marché menées dans certains cas directement par ACF                                                                                                                                                                           Soutien matériel Accompagnement pour lélaboration dun business plan pluri-mensuel                                                                                                                                                                 Formation et Suivi de lactivité économique durant une période de 3 à 6 mois après son lancement                                                                                                                                                    Reprise de contact avec les personnes ressources des quartiers et associations identifiées, intégration de ces personnes dans la planification du projet
Création/ouverture dunités dappui psychosocial et socio-économique pour les mères avec jeunes enfants [crèches parentales / accompagnement]
Identification des jeunes mères avec enfant participant au projet et constitution de groupes homogènes
Enquête socio-économique et psychosociale préalable auprès des familles ciblées par le projet
Préparation à la saison cyclonique et mise en place dactivités [relaxation, activités dexpression créatives, de soutien mutuel et de recherche de solutions, dexercices culinaires…]
Identification des centres de santé référence et formalisation dun protocole daccord de prise en charge médicale
Encadrement, formation et accompagnement des jeunes filles pour le travail didentification, de sélection et de préparation des AGR
Soutien matériel au démarrage dactivités génératrices de revenus et formation continue à la gestion dun projet
Suivi et accompagnement des groupes et des activités économiques
Identification des associations/organisations de femmes et relais locaux
Diagnostic sur les forces / faiblesses (approche SWOT) de chacune de ces associations et plan de formation / daccompagnement
Formation à la gestion de projets pour un renforcement des capacités à accompagner les initiatives locales dAGR [formation de formateurs]                                                                                                   Préparation à la saison cyclonique des associations de femmes et des groupes de femmes enceintes et allaitantes
Soutien/formation à la préparation de dossiers de subvention
Formation pour renforcer les capacités des organisations locales à faire face à des urgences";3360;"";"";"";Développer les résiliences socio-économiques, physiologiques et psychologiques des populations les plus exposées à la malnutrition, Département de l'Artibonite;551778;2011-05-31;2;"";"";"";Action Against Hunger
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-15;"";2004-06-15;Cyvadier;,;"";"";Mission of Mercy;Provision of ready-to-use therapeutic food (RUTF) to implementing partners.;"";"";582;"";"";Health;Tom Stehl, Maryse Sterlin;Health,Nutrition;Coordinator of Operations, Haiti Administrator;MFK-HT-10-030;Meds & Food for Kids;"";"";"";"";Malnourished children;Community Management of Acute Malnutrition - Friends of the Children of Haiti;0;2012-12-12;77;"";2011-04-11;"";Friends of the Children of Haiti
Haiti;"";2010-12-13;"";2009-01-01;"";;"";"";"";"HIFIVE is USAID/Haitis next phase in a sequenced strategy to further develop the countrys financial services sector to promote employment generation, to improve livelihoods, and to boost the economy. HIFIVEs activities will specifically focus on improving the availability of financial products and services to support the expansion of agricultural and other production and the access to financial products and services in rural and agricultural areas.
HIFIVE will improve the capacity of a core group of financial suppliers  namely strong microfinance institutions (MFIs), banks receiving Development Credit Authority (DCA) support, caisses populaires (credit cooperatives), and insurance companies to design and deliver appropriate financial products to value chain participants and other bankable enterprises involved in USAIDs other projects. Working with the financial institutions, technology providers and USAIDs other priority agricultural projects, HIFIVE will support the development of solutions that will expand the outreach of financial services to rural and agricultural zones.";"";"";1;US Agency for International Development (USAID);"";Economic Recovery and Development;Sarah Mattingly;"";"";AED-HT-10-001;Academy for Educational Development;"";"";"";"";"";Haiti Integrated Financing for Value Chains & Enterprises (HIFIVE) Program;"";2012-12-31;1;;"";"";Academy for Educational Development
Nicaragua;foodsecurity_site;2011-05-11;"";2009-07-01;"2nd Admin: Tuma-La Dalia, Rancho Grande, Waslala and El Cua 
"; ;Jinotega,Matagalpa;"";"";"The program aims to strengthen the capacity of families to increase food availability and its commercialization to reduce the period of food scarcity. SC is working in partnership with local organizations, municipal governments, and the communities to decrease child malnutrition, increase access to a more diversified and reliable food supply for children, and work with families to improve food storage, diversify crops, and increase access to markets. 
";"";"";1781;Green Mountain Coffee Roasters ;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Health;Kristi Tabaj ;"";Senior Specialist, Child Hunger and Agriculture ;STC-NI-09-84055050 ;Save the Children;"";750;"";Prime Awardee ;Vulnerable households ;Food Security and Income Generation for Coffee Farm Workers Families ;500000;2012-06-30;63;"";2011-05-11;"Nutrition
";Save the Children US  
Senegal;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2005-01-01;"";;Saint-Louis;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1105;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-SN-05-SG8;The Hunger Project;"";46826;"";"";"";Ndioum Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Haiti;"";1991-10-12;"";2010-02-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";"";Croix-des-Bouquets,Port-au-Prince;"";133;Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA);Delmas,Ganthier;Disaster Management,Shelter and Housing;Amelia Kendall;Camp Coordination and Management;"";ARC-HT-10-006;American Refugee Committee International;"";"";"";"";"";Responding to Temporary Settlement and Camp Management Needs of Earthquake-affected Haitians 3;7000000;2011-02-28;10;"";2011-02-09;"";MoH, Delmas Mayor
Guatemala;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2001-01-01;"";;Jutiapa;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1372;Private donations;"";Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-GT-01-179912;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Apas Development Program;"";2014-01-01;76;"";"";Nutrition;World Vision Guatemala
Haiti;"";2010-07-30;"";2010-03-22;"";;Ouest;"";"";To support Internally Displaced Persons living in two spontaneous settlements in Port-au-Prince in order to improve basic living conditions. Ensuring on-site coordination of all activities and services within the settlements of Ti Savane and Tapis Rouge in the Carrefour Feuilles neighborhood of Port-au-Prince.;Port-au-Prince;"";392;International Organization for Migration (IOM);Port-au-Prince;Disaster Management;Marianna Franco;Camp Coordination and Management;Program Development Manager;ACTED-HT-10-41 AMU 69Z;Friends of ACTED;"";10000;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs);Camp Management in Informal Settlements # 1;302726;2010-09-21;29;"";2010-12-20;"";Friends of ACTED
Uganda;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2008-01-01;"";;Mbale;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1114;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-UG-08-UG7;The Hunger Project;"";30000;"";"";"";Mbale Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Mali;foodsecurity_site;2010-07-27;"";2010-01-01;"";"";"";"";"";UNICEF - Nutrition - CTC/CMAM - ML;"";"";939;UNICEF;"";Health;"";Nutrition;"";HKI-ML-10-6142;Helen Keller International;"";"";"";"";"";Malnutrition Prevention in Koulikoro;"";2011-06-30;79;"";"";Nutrition;""
Bolivia;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1996-01-01;"";;Cochabamba;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1278;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Protection;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-BO-96-170395;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Viloma Development Program;"";2011-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS;World Vision Bolivia
Haiti;"";2011-01-12;"";2010-04-01;"";;Ouest;"Housing damage assessment, repair assessment for yellow tagged homes, and repairs for select types of damages

";UNOPS;"The Emergency Shelter Rehabilitation Project evaluates the earthquake damage to 200,000 houses and repairs 2,000 houses in the metropolitan Port-au-Prince area, training local engineers and masons on repair techniques. Working with the Ministry of Public Works, Transport and Communications (MTPTC), $1,300,000 from the Japanese Social Development Fund, and other local partners, we conduct housing damage assessment, repair assessment for yellow tagged homes, and repairs for select types of damages. 
";Port-au-Prince;Additional funding;642;Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA);Cité Soleil,Delmas,Port-au-Prince;Shelter and Housing;Daniel O'Neil;Shelter and Non-Food Items;Senior Program Director for the Caribbean;PADF-HT-10-004;Pan American Development Foundation;"";500000;500000;Prime;Local communities, Ministry of Public Works;Emergency Shelter Rehabilitation Project;11822525;2011-06-30;54;;2011-06-01;"";Pan American Development Foundation 
Haiti;"";2010-09-24;"";2010-02-05;Titanyen;;Ouest;"";"";Through the Long-Term Health Development (LTHD) Program, MAP customizes large volume shipments of donated and purchased medicines and health supplies for reputable foreign-based health institutions and international relief and development organizations.;l'Arcahaie;"";532;Private donations;Cabaret;Health;Scott Ruschak;Health;Director, International Medical Resources;MAP-HT-10-32597;MAP International;"";625;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs);In-kind donation to Christian Aid Ministries, #6 ;144;2010-03-05;47;"";"";"";Christian Aid Ministries
Senegal;foodsecurity_site;2010-07-27;"";2009-04-06;"";"";"";"";"";This program builds local capacity for improving the nutritional status of children through support for optimal breastfeeding practices, childhood vaccinations, vitamin A supplementation, deworming, control of diarrheal diseases (including treatment with zinc), use of insecticide-treated bed nets and hygiene behaviors.;"";"";944;Senegal Government - Cellule de la Lutte Contre la Malnutrition (CLM);"";Health;"";Nutrition;"";HKI-SN-09-6108;Helen Keller International;"";"";"";"";"";Nutrition Enhancement Program (PRN) - Mbacke;0;2011-04-06;79;"";2011-03-29;Nutrition;""
Mozambique;foodsecurity_site;2011-05-11;"";2010-01-01;""; ;Gaza;"";KYEEMA Foundation ;"The goals of the Food Facility are to (a) to improve household ability to maintain and strengthen agricultural-based income and food sources through improved access to agricultural inputs and services;  and to (b) provide a safety net for extremely vulnerable households that are suffering from hunger and are at risk of acute food insecurity. 
";"";"";1775;European Commission (EC);"";Agriculture;Nikaj Van Wees ;"";Africa Child Hunger and Agriculture Specialist ;STC-MZ-10-84039777 ;Save the Children;"";14000;"";Prime Awardee ;Vulnerable households, Farming households ;Mozambique Food Facilities ;4125947;2011-10-31;63;"";2011-05-11;"";Save the Children US  
Ghana;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2006-01-01;"";;Eastern;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1133;The Robertson Foundation;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-GH-06-GH15;The Hunger Project;"";5287;"";"";"";Awosoase Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Burkina Faso;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";1997-01-01;"";;Sanmatenga;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1081;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-BF-97-BF15;The Hunger Project;"";25933;"";"";"";Zincko Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Ghana;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2000-01-01;"";;Central;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1162;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-GH-00-GH44;The Hunger Project;"";8615;"";"";"";Ekumfi-Eyisam Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Benin;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2009-01-01;"";;Borgou;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1058;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-BJ-09-BN5;The Hunger Project;"";8000;"";"";"";Bourgou Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
United Republic of Tanzania;foodsecurity_site;2010-09-10;"";2008-07-01;"";;"";"";"";Over a period of 5 years, the proposed project aims at improving income and food security for 270 families (135 original and 135 pass ons) in Italazya, Iyunga, Mapinduzi, Mbangala, Igogwe, Ifiga, Mbawi, Nshea, and Nsalala communities of Mbeya district through placement of improved dairy cows.;"";"";894;Private donations;"";Agriculture;Kelly Doppelhammer;"";East Africa Program Assistant;HEFI-TZ-08-21-0427-01;Heifer International;"";270;"";"";"";South West Zone Dairy Cattle ;"";2013-06-30;34;"";"";"";Heifer Tanzania
Swaziland;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1999-01-01;"";;Hhohho;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1512;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-SZ-99-173426;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Maphalaleni Development Program;"";2015-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS, Nutrition;World Vision Swaziland
Chile;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1994-01-01;"";;Region Metropolitana;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1302;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Protection;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-CL-94-169589;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Cedeco Development Program;"";2014-01-01;76;"";"";"";World Vision Chile
Ethiopia;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2006-01-01;"";;Oromia;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1350;Private donations;"";Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV- ET-06-182347;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Gechi Development Program;"";2020-01-01;76;"";"";Nutrition, HIV/AIDS;World Vision Ethiopia
Kenya;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2008-12-18;"";;"";"";"";Increase agricultural productivity to protect and diversify household asset bases, and strengthen livelihood options to increase household purchasing power.;"";"";1582;Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA);"";Agriculture;Carlos Piedrasanta;"";RDM Operations Deputy, IPG, World Vision US;WV-KE-08-190805;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Arid and Marginal Lands Recovery Consortium (APS);"";2011-11-30;76;"";"";"";World Vision Kenya, CARE, Catholic Relief Services, Action Against Hunger
Benin;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2007-01-01;"";;Borgou;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1057;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-BJ-07-BN4;The Hunger Project;"";20335;"";"";"";Beterou Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Romania;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2004-10-01;"";;Ia?i;"";"";The agricultural program is designed to be carried out in three, three-year segments. The first three-year period will focus on establishing agriculture training. The second three-year period will expand existing agricultural training while initiating a marketing strategy. The final three-year period will focus on building the capacity of local farmers and their associations to assume ownership and management of all activities.;"";"";1593;Private donations;"";Agriculture;Carlos Piedrasanta;"";RDM Operations Deputy, IPG, World Vision US;WV-RO-04-178859.1;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Agriculture Consulting and Learning Centers;"";2012-09-30;76;"";"";Capacity building;World Vision Romania
Mali;foodsecurity_site;2010-07-27;"";2008-08-01;"";"";Gao,Mopti;"";Catholic Relief Service (CRS), Save the Children, Caritas Mopti, Tassaght;This program aims to reduce food insecurity for vulnerable communities and improve their livelihood and capabilities.;"";"";936;Office of Food for Peace (USAID/FFP);"";"";"";"";"";HKI-ML-08-3124;Helen Keller International;"";124859;"";"";"";"Consortium for Food Security in Mali (CFSM) ""Nema"" Program - 202E";"";2013-07-31;79;"";"";Nutrition;""
Haiti;"";2010-10-18;"";2010-05-01;Bollose, St. Louis, Gressier Health Center, Carrefour Don Bosco, Petionville, Tabarre Issa, St. Michel des Nippes, Petit Guinee, Chez les Soeurs, Beatrice, Bananger, Delome, Platon;;Ouest;"";"";Comprehensive package of nutrition services;Léogâne,Port-au-Prince;"";473;Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA),UNICEF;Carrefour,Grand-Goâve,Grenier,Petit-Goâve,Port-au-Prince,Pétion-Ville;Health;Stephen Commins;"";Strategy Manager, Fragile States;IMC-HT-10-1614;International Medical Corps;"Targeted supplementary feeding for children under five and pregnant lactating women; Outpatient therapeutic care";37000;"";Prime awardee;Malnourished children, Pregnant and nursing women;Nutrition;0;2011-02-28;39;;2011-01-24;Gender, Nutrition;International Medical Corps
Haiti;"";2010-09-13;"";2010-07-01;"";;Ouest;"";Parish of St. Mattheiu in Mattieu, Parish of Annunciation in Darbonne, Parish of Ascension de Thor in Carrefour, Parish of St. Marc in Trouin, Mission of Petit Harpon, Parish of Ste. Croix in Léogâne-ville, Parish of St. Etienne in Buteau, Parish of Epiphanie in L'Acul, Parish of St. Matthias in Grande Colline;"In line with the philosophy that development begins with individual and community participation and choice, the overarching goal of the Provisional Home program is to create opportunities for individual and community participation in home construction; thus encouraging an individuals sense of ownership of his/her home and work, versus being a beneficiary of someone elses project. In designated locations, Episcopal priests and community committees work in collaboration with local authorities (Casecs) to identify both the families in need of immediate provisional housing, as well as construction workers (skilled and unskilled).  Program staff work alongside these individuals to build the initial houses as well as train the local construction teams on the important security, durability, and utility characteristics of the CEDDISEC provisional home.  The 18.15m2 model includes a reinforced wooden frame, raised brick foundation, concrete floors, tin roofing, plywood walls, interior and exterior painting, exterior latrine and shower, and insecticide-treated bed nets.  The objectives for the current phase of the Provisional Home program are: 1) To restore a sense of physical and emotional security to 200 homeless families through the construction of one provisional home per family; 2) To improve household privacy, health, sanitation, and hygiene through the construction of an outdoor shower and latrine, and the provision of 2 insecticide-treated mosquito nets per provisional home/family; and 3) To create short-term economic independence for 500 individuals through the creation of over 42,000 hours of employment (5-6 workers for 5-7 days/home) during the construction of 200 provisional homes.";Léogâne,Port-au-Prince;"";369;Primate's World Relief and Development Fund (PWRDF),Private donations;Carrefour,Grand-Goâve,Grenier,Léogâne;Shelter and Housing,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tammi Mott;Shelter and Non-Food Items,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Haiti Recovery Program;ERD-HT-10-003;Episcopal Relief & Development;"";1200;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs), Vulnerable people/populations;Provisional Home;"";2011-04-01;27;"";2010-12-10;Gender;Episcopal Diocese of Haiti, Centre Diocésain de Développement Intégré et de Secours (CEDDISEC)
Mozambique;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2009-05-01;"";;Tete,Zambézia;"";"";Reduce vulnerability of households and communities from recurrent climate and weather-induced disasters and increase their resilience against food insecurity by promoting drought tolerant agricultural practices.;"";"";1588;Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA);"";Agriculture,Disaster Management;Carlos Piedrasanta;"";RDM Operations Deputy, IPG, World Vision US;WV-MZ-09-191121;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Mozambique Increasing Resilience of Vulnerable Communities (IRVC);"";2011-05-01;76;"";"";Disaster risk reduction (DRR);World Vision Mozambique
Malawi;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-13;"";2010-01-01;"";;Southern;"";"";In partnership with Loves Harvest of NY, Episcopal Relief & Development will work to increase the food supply of vulnerable women.  The focus of the One-Village-at-a-Time program is to help the rural poor grow the food they need on their own land.  Working through the Mothers Union the project will teach the tenets of Permaculture Agriculture, a method which renews the soils and manages water resources. A demonstration garden will be set up in each identified parish and the beneficiaries will be taught together by a permaculture expert how to apply these methods.  The women will receive farm inputs and, applying the knowledge learned during trainings, will then create kitchen gardens in their own homes so they can begin to provide a variety of food and additional income for their families. The beneficiaries will also learn to care for fruit trees and animals so families can start small animal husbandry businesses. The Mothers' Union department will focus the One-Village-at-a-Time program on vulnerable women,who generally care for many AIDS orphans. The aim is to  to help feed the families in the community and to empower women by providing start up funds to undertake Permaculture Agriculture and animal husbandry businesses. This undertaking increases the abundance and quality of the food in the village, feeds the orphans, and creates micro-agriculture and animal husbandry businesses which increase the economic strength of the village.;"";"";819;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development;Danielle Tirello;"";Program Officer;ERD-MW-10-002;Episcopal Relief & Development;"";60;"";"";Women;Diocese of Upper Shire Mothers Union One-Village-at-a-Time Project;"";2011-12-31;27;;"";Capacity building;Diocese of Upper Shire
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-11-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";"Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment
";Port-au-Prince;"";1860;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-51540;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to FONDEFH;23596;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";FONDEFH
Mozambique;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2009-06-01;"";;Gaza;"";"";To mitigate household food insecurity and vitamin A deficiency through drought tolerant sweet potato production and consumption.;"";"";1587;Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA);"";Agriculture,Health;Carlos Piedrasanta;"";RDM Operations Deputy, IPG, World Vision US;WV-MZ-09-191367;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Pilot Drought Mitigation Project (PDMP);"";2010-05-31;76;"";"";Nutrition, Disaster risk reduction (DRR);World Vision Mozambique
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-05-24;"";;Ouest;"";"";Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment;Port-au-Prince;"";1813;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-9275;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to El Shaddai Medical Clinic;21202;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";El Shaddai Medical Clinic
El Salvador;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2002-01-01;"";;San Miguel,Usulután;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1336;Private donations;"";Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-SV-02-174914;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";La Bendicion Development Program;"";2017-01-01;76;"";"";Nutrition;World Vision El Salvador
Zimbabwe;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1996-01-01;"";;Matabeleland South;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1546;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-ZW-96-170617;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Insiza Development Program;"";2014-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS, Nutrition;World Vision Zimbabwe
Ethiopia;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2008-01-01;"";;Amhara;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1356;Private donations;"";Education,Health;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV- ET-08-185518;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Mersa (Habru) Development Program;"";2023-01-01;76;"";"";"";World Vision Ethiopia
Kenya;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2007-01-01;"";;Eastern;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1423;Private donations;"";Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-KE-07-185343;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Mutomo Development Program;"";2022-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS;World Vision Kenya
Haiti;"";2010-09-24;"";2008-01-01;"";"";L'Artibonite;"";"";Caritas Gonaives was identified by the Haiti Country Representative in 2007 as a target for financial support from CP Allocation funds over a period of three years (FYs 2008-2010). The project allows the CP to provide private funds for general operations to maintain Caritas organizational capacity, given the weak financial resources of the Gonaives Diocese.;Gonaïves;"";264;Private donations;Gonaïves;Other;Nicole Balliette;"";Haiti Earthquake Response Coordinator;CRS-HT-10-7430117;Catholic Relief Services (CRS);Provide funding for general operations of Caritas Gonaives including staff salaries, supplies, and staff training;20;"";"";Men, Women;Institutional Strength/Local Churches - Gonaives;114285;2010-09-30;20;"";"";Capacity building;Catholic Relief Services (CRS)
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";1999-01-01;"";;Chittagong;"";"";THP works at the Union level to (a) mobilize the population for self-reliant action, including forming producer co-operatives and other income generating enterprises, (b) build civil society from the bottom up - creating people's organization of women, youth, elders, girl-child advocates, and the poorest of the poor, (c) strengthen local democracy, (d) ensure adequate facilities for achieving the MDGs, (e) organize mass action campaigns for health, nutrition, education, clean water and sanitation.;"";"";1188;Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID),British Council,Private donations;"";Agriculture,Education,Health,Human Rights Democracy and Governance,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;John Coonrod;"";Executive Vice President;THP-BD-99-067;The Hunger Project;"";20000;"";"";"";Cahandpur pouroshova Mobilization;"";2100-12-31;83;"";"";"";The Hunger Project
Rwanda;foodsecurity_site;2010-09-10;"";2009-07-01;"";;Nord;"";"";Starbucks/HPI dairy project is an initiative of Starbucks to support coffee growing communities in Rwanda through Heifer International Rwanda Program, by placement of in-calf heifers.  The project is to be co-funded by HPI and Starbucks to alleviate hunger and poverty, create an organic coffee producer community, while caring for the environment among the coffee growing communities of the co-operative Dukunde Kawa Musasa. ;"";"";880;Starbucks;"";Agriculture;Kelly Doppelhammer;"";East Africa Program Assistant;HEFI-RW-09-21-1327-01;Heifer International;"";60;"";"";"";Integrated Dairy Cattle Project ;"";2011-06-30;34;"";"";"";Heifer Rwanda
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-05-23;"";1995-01-01;15, 17, 19, 147, 27, 26, 9, 5, 42, 7, 7;"";Centre,L'Artibonite,Nord,Nord-Est,Nord-Ouest,Ouest;"Number of people reached per location: La Victoire (8,557); Bois-de-Laurence (6,370); Ranquitte (7,259); Bayonais (12,337); Ivoire (7,511); Moulin (9,012);  Maïssade (9,142); Bas-de-Saut (10,969); Boucan Richard (3,150); Chemin Neuf (1,277); Baille (3,010).";"";The purpose of this project is to reactivate livelihoods and reduce risk in rural Haitian communities impacted by mass urban to rural migration as a result of the recent earthquake. The project is taking place in 321 rural villages and communities in five departments: West, Artibonite, North, Northeast and Central Plateau. In addition to being some of the poorest areas in Haiti, these departments are also some of the most impacted by urban to rural migration resulting from the earthquake. World Neighbors works through two networks and 11 local partner organizations, which currently reach more than 78,000 beneficiaries in the project location. Preliminary reports from World Neighbors' local partners in Haiti indicate that 6,593 people have migrated to the region covered by our work, including 2,132 adults, 3,105 youth, 1,047 children and 309 pregnant women. The number of beneficiaries reached will definitely increase as people continue to migrate to the countryside from the quake affected zones.  ;Borgne,Gonaïves,Grande-Rivière-du-Nord,Gros-Morne,Hinche,Marmelade,Saint-Louis du Nord,Vallières,l'Arcahaie;"";756;"";Anse-à-Foleur,Arcahaie,Bahon,Ennery,Gros-Morne,Maïssade,Mombin Crochu,Pignon,Ranquitte,Saint Michel de l'Attalaye;Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development;"";"";"";WN-HT-95-001;World Neighbors;"";88594;"";"";"";Reactivating Livelihoods and Reducing Risk in Rural Haitian Communities;"";2015-12-31;74;"";2010-12-20;"";OPDL (Peasant Organization for the Development of La Victoire), IPB (Peasant Union of Bois-de-Laurence), MPR (Peasant Movement of Ranquitte), MPB (Peasant Movement of Bayone), OPD 8 (Peasant Organization for the Development of the 8th Communal Section of Arcahaie), OP7 G (Peasant Organization of the 7th Communcal Section of Gros-Morne), OPM (Peasant Organization of Maïssade), MOPS (Peasant Movement of Saint Michel), Boucan Richard, Chemin Neuf, Bail
Philippines;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-13;"";2010-01-01;"";;Pampanga;"";"";"This is a food security project intended to increase the income of vegetable farmers. It attempts to address the massive exploitation of vegetable farmers by big traders or middlemen who are getting rich from the produce of farmers who, in turn, can barely make a living out of their efforts. The project hopes to place more control of market forces in the hands of the farmers. More specifically, the objectives of the project are: a]  to establish a credit facility that will capitalize seeds, fertilizers and other inputs; b]  to construct an office and warehouse for stockpiling of inputs and produce; and, b] to establish direct market linkages between farmers and actual vegetable outlets. In the long-term, the project hopes to effect a shift from extensive agri-chemical fertilizer use to organic farming.";"";"";837;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development;Matt St. John;"";Program Officer;ERD-PH-10-006;Episcopal Relief & Development;"";212;"";"";Farmers;2010 Mountain Trail Vegetable Trading Project;"";2010-12-31;27;;"";"";The Episcopal Church in the Philippines
Cameroon;foodsecurity_site;2010-09-07;"";2010-06-01;"";;"";"";"";"";"";"";984;Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration (DOS/PRM);"";"";Tanja Pavlovic;"";Program Officer;IRD-CM-10-10017;International Relief & Development;"";"";"";Prime awardee;"";Diversification of Livelihood Systems among Central African Republic Refugees and Host Communities in Eastern Cameroon;"";2011-05-31;41;;"";"";International Relief & Development
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-15;"";2004-06-15;Port-au-Prince;,;Ouest;"";"";Provision of ready-to-use therapeutic food (RUTF) to implementing partners.;Port-au-Prince;"";580;"";Port-au-Prince;Health;Tom Stehl, Maryse Sterlin;Health,Nutrition;Coordinator of Operations, Haiti Administrator;MFK-HT-10-028;Meds & Food for Kids;"";"";"";"";Malnourished children;Community Management of Acute Malnutrition - Les Centres GHESKIO (II);0;2011-12-12;77;"";2011-04-11;"";Les Centres GHESKIO
Senegal;foodsecurity_site;2010-07-27;"";2009-04-06;"";"";"";"";"";This program builds local capacity for improving the nutritional status of children through support for optimal breastfeeding practices, childhood vaccinations, vitamin A supplementation, deworming, control of diarrheal diseases (including treatment with zinc), use of insecticide-treated bed nets and hygiene behaviors.;"";"";947;Senegal Government - Cellule de la Lutte Contre la Malnutrition (CLM);"";Health;"";Nutrition;"";HKI-SN-09-6111;Helen Keller International;"";"";"";"";"";Nutrition Enhancement Program (PRN) - Guediawaye;0;2011-04-06;79;"";2011-03-29;Nutrition;""
Haiti;"";2010-10-05;"";2010-02-02;"";"";"";"";"";Hygiene;"";"";187;Private donations;"";Water Sanitation and Hygiene;"";Water Sanitation and Hygiene;"";BBF-HT-10-012;Brother's Brother Foundation;"";"";"";"";"";Container Shipment # 2;3680;2010-03-02;17;"";"";"";Adventist Development and Relief Agency
Ghana;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2002-01-01;"";;Volta;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1165;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-GH-02-GH47;The Hunger Project;"";5541;"";"";"";Gbefi-Hoeme Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Haiti;"";1991-12-20;"";2010-06-07;"";;Ouest;"";CHF International, Catholic Relief Services (CRS);Support the Habitat Resource Center in providing site preparations, transitional shelters and latrines to families affected by the earthquake.;l'Arcahaie;"";421;African American Baptist Mission Collaboration;Cabaret;Shelter and Housing,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Kate Pearson;Shelter and Non-Food Items;Director - Strategic Partnerships, Haiti;HFHI-HT-10-001;Habitat for Humanity International;"";950;"";"";Affected population(s);Rebuilding Hope and Homes in Haiti;500000;2010-12-31;31;;2011-01-27;"";Habitat for Humanity International
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";1999-01-01;"";;Rajshahi;"";"";THP works at the Union level to (a) mobilize the population for self-reliant action, including forming producer co-operatives and other income generating enterprises, (b) build civil society from the bottom up - creating people's organization of women, youth, elders, girl-child advocates, and the poorest of the poor, (c) strengthen local democracy, (d) ensure adequate facilities for achieving the MDGs, (e) organize mass action campaigns for health, nutrition, education, clean water and sanitation.;"";"";1189;Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID),British Council,Private donations;"";Agriculture,Education,Health,Human Rights Democracy and Governance,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;John Coonrod;"";Executive Vice President;THP-BD-99-074;The Hunger Project;"";20000;"";"";"";Baliadanga Mobilization;"";2100-12-31;83;"";"";"";The Hunger Project
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-05;"";2010-01-19;"";"";"";"";"";Baby food, Clothing, Hygiene, Safety, Medical, Pharmaceuticals, Surgical packs and Shoes;"";"";178;Private donations;"";Food Aid,Health,Other,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;"";Food Security and Agriculture,Health,Nutrition,Shelter and Non-Food Items,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;"";BBF-HT-10-003;Brother's Brother Foundation;"";"";"";"";"";Container Shipment # 1;26928503;2010-09-19;17;"";"";"";Food for the Poor
Haiti;"";2011-03-29;"";2010-06-10;"";;Ouest;"";"";Housing and Shelter (Emergency Relief);Léogâne,Port-au-Prince;"";1677;ECHO;Carrefour,Léogâne;Shelter and Housing;Carolina Cordero;"";Shelter Coordinator;CARE-HT-10-019;CARE;Training, distribution of repair kits and re-enforcement kits (Emergency relief);"";"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs);Strengthening and Repair of Housing the most Vulnerable Households in the communes of Carrefour and Leogane;4124444;2011-02-01;19;"";2011-04-07;"";CARE Haiti
Nicaragua;foodsecurity_site;2010-08-16;"";2007-07-01;"";;Carazo;"";"";This project will be implemented in 12 communities in the municipalities of La Conquista and Santa Teresa, where families lack inputs and financial resources for agricultural and cattle production  Under the project, 165 families will receive 50 bred heifers, three bulls, 30 modules of poultry (10 chickens and a rooster per family), 68 breeding pigs and 14 stallions. An additional 307 families will benefit from “passing on the gift.” The project aims to improve the productivity of the animals and to increase nutrition and food security.   Another strategic goal of this three-year project is to directly support gender equity, strengthening women's productive role in the family as well as in decision-making. Several cycles of directed workshops will be conducted to strengthen women's self-esteem and knowledge.;"";"";924;Private donations;"";Agriculture;Americas program;"";Americas program;HEFI-NI-07-23-1609-02;Heifer International;"";792;"";"";"";Family and Community Participation for the Improvement of Production Systems of 472 Families with Rural Women of Santa Teresa and La Conquista;"";2012-06-30;34;"";"";Gender;Asociación Tierra y Vida
Haiti;"";2010-10-09;"";2010-08-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";All Hands plans to deliver filters for each of the transitional schools planned for Léogâne in 2010, and one filter to between 300 and 500 families: an estimated total of  3,500 to 4,500 local residents.;Léogâne;"";49;"";Léogâne;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;"";Water Sanitation and Hygiene;"";HODR-HT-10-005;All Hands Volunteers;"";"";"";"";"";Biosand Water Filters;"";2011-12-31;5;"";"";"";All Hands Volunteers
Haiti;"";1991-12-13;"";2007-01-01;"";;"";"";"";NPI provides technical assistance to strengthen the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief/New Partners Initiative (PEPFAR/NPI) organizational capacity to effectively implement and monitor HIV/AIDS programs. AED provides technical assistance in the areas of HIV technical services, monitoring and evaluation, quality assurance, work plan development, target setting, reporting, finance, organizational development and working with the US government.;"";"";2;US Agency for International Development (USAID);"";Health;David Hughes;"";"";AED-HT-10-002;Academy for Educational Development;"";"";"";"";"";New Partners Initiative (NPI);0;2012-12-31;1;;2011-02-23;HIV/AIDS;Academy for Educational Development
Dominican Republic;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1990-01-01;"";;Baoruco;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1322;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Protection;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-DO-90-165561;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Adonai Development Program;"";2016-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS, Nutrition;World Vision Dominican Republic
Ecuador;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1997-01-01;"";;Chimborazo;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1330;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Protection;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-EC-97-167496;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Palmira Tixan Development Program;"";2016-01-01;76;"";"";"";World Vision Ecuador
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-12-21;"";2010-01-31;Cité Soleil, Nazon, Delmas;;Ouest;"";"";Reception, handling and distribution of food and monitoring of distributions in Port-au-Prince and neighboring localities in Haiti;Port-au-Prince;"";766;World Food Program (WFP);Cité Soleil,Delmas,Port-au-Prince;Food Aid;Amy Knorr;"";Haiti Country Program Manager, World Vision US;WV-HT-10-008;World Vision US, Inc.;"";"";"";"";Vulnerable people/populations;Haiti Earthquake Emergency Food Assistance - General Food Distribution;"";2010-04-15;76;"";"";"";""
Guatemala;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2009-10-01;"";;Baja Verapaz,Chiquimula,El Progreso,Jalapa,Jutiapa,Santa Rosa,Zacapa;"";"";To provide emergency recovery assistance to the most vulnerable households, MC's overall response to the food crisis will provide technical assistance and selected agricultural inputs, livestock, and non-food items that will enable increased production of nutritious foods within the project implementation period. ;"";"";1004;Western Union;"";Agriculture,Health;John Kepner;"";Guatemala Country Director;MC-GT-09-003;Mercy Corps;MC will focus its interventions on recovering household corn and bean production, family gardens with low-cost yet efficient micro-drip irrigation systems, live barriers, tree seedlings, alley cropping and the raising of chickens in order to ensure increased availability of animal proteins for small children.;30000;"";Prime awardee;Vulnerable populations, such as children at risk of or experiencing SAM, pregnant and nursing women;Guatemala Food Crisis;"";2010-09-30;50;"";"";Nutrition;Mercy Corps
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2006-09-02;"";2006-07-01;Saut Mathurine;;Sud;"";"";This five year project will increase food security and income for 780 families in the Saut Mathurine region by improving soil fertility and increasing crop diversity. Three-hundred and ninety families will benefit directly from resources of the project and 390 additional families will benefit from the passing on the gift process. From the original families, 240 two-hundred and forty will benefit from grain, fruit and vegetable seeds such as yams, banana creoles, and coffee plants, and 150 one hundred and fifty families will receive locally purchased Creole heifers, to be crossed with six6 Brown Swiss and Jersey bulls to increase milk and meat production. A veterinary pharmacy will be established at Saut Mathurine in order to keep the animals healthy. ;les Cayes;"";452;Private donations;Camp-Perrin;Agriculture;Corbin B. Lyday, Ph.D.;Food Security and Agriculture;Manager, Government Relations;HEFI-HT-10-23-1405-02;Heifer International;"Soil conservation through forage planting; living barriers in gardens and dry walls in ravines; reforestation with forest and fruit trees; plantingation of bananas and plantains, yams, and coffee; animal husbandry; and environmental protection of the Cavaillon river watershed. ";3900;"";"";Women and Men Farmers;Saut Mathurine Sustainable Dairy Farm Project;148970;2011-06-30;34;;2011-04-07;"";Small Farmer Organization of Saut Mathurine (OPS)
Haiti;"";2010-09-24;"";2010-05-15;"";;Ouest;"";Best friends Animal Society, Christian Veterinary Missions;Building a animal care and veterinary training facility;Croix-des-Bouquets;"";457;Private donations;Croix-des Bouquets;Health;Christopher Broughton-Bossong;Education,Health;Haiti Program Coordinator;HSI-HT-10-001;Humane Society International;Advancing the training of Haitian veterinarians in clinical procedures while providing a low-cost service to the public for the care of their animals.;"";"";"";Animal owners, Veterinarians;Training Clinic;350000;2014-05-15;36;;"";Animal welfare;Humane Society International
India;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1998-01-01;"";;Tamil Nadu;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1405;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Shelter and Housing,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-IN-98-162737;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Kangeyam Development Program;"";2010-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS;World Vision India
Dominican Republic;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1994-01-01;"";;Distrito Nacional;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1327;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Protection;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-DO-94-168964;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Palmera Development Program;"";2017-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS, Nutrition;World Vision Dominican Republic
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2011-04-07;"";2004-07-01;Ivwa;;Ouest;"";"";The purpose of this project is to improve nutrition and food security of 100 families with the distribution of animal species, commercialization and marketing of surplus products with the goal of generating additional income. The project will also contribute to protecting 10 hectares of communitarian land and the participants gardens through the distribution and planting of 30,000 fruit and forestry trees as well as the construction of cisterns collector of rain.;l'Arcahaie;"";1693;Elevages Sans Frontieres,Private donations;Arcahaie;Agriculture,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Ixchel Palencia;Food Security and Agriculture;Program Officer;HEFI-HT-04-2301401-02;Heifer International;Livestock diversification, reforestation, water tanks construction;1000;"";"";Women and Men Farmers;Ivwa Sustainable Agriculture and Livestock Project;166495;2011-06-30;34;"";2011-04-07;Environment;Organization of Peasants for the Development of the 8th Section of Arcahaie (OPD-8) 
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2011-03-02;"";2010-01-17;Bel Air;;Nord,Ouest;"";"";Distribution of food, medicines, medical supplies, water, hygiene kits and toys;Cap-Haïtien,Croix-des-Bouquets,Léogâne,Port-au-Prince,l'Arcahaie;"";1644;Brother's Brother Foundation,Feed the Children,Medical Teams International,Medwish International,Mohammed bin Rashid Al-Maktoum Charity,Sheikh Thani bin Abdullah for Humanitarian Services;Cabaret,Cap-Haïtien,Carrefour,Cité Soleil,Croix-des Bouquets,Delmas,Grenier,Léogâne,Petit-Goâve,Port-au-Prince,Pétion-Ville;Disaster Management,Food Aid,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Ayman Aburahma;"";Emergency Relief Coordinator;LRD-HT-10-008;Life for Relief and Development;"";"";"";"";"";Distribution of Food, Medicines, Medical Supplies, Water, Hygiene Kits and Toys;3193065;2011-07-07;44;;2011-03-02;"";Life for Relief and Development
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-09-24;"";2010-01-20;"";;Ouest,Sud-Est;"";Community Organizations of the Port-au-Prince Metropolitan Zone (COZPAM), Coordination Régionale des Organisations de Sud-Est (CROSE);"Immediate Response; Food distribution, Psychosocial,  Shelter, Cash for Work, Advocacy";Belle-Anse,Jacmel,Léogâne;"";16;Avaaz;Jacmel,Léogâne,Thiotte;Agriculture,Health,Shelter and Housing;Daniel Gedeon;Food Security and Agriculture,Health,Shelter and Non-Food Items;Emergency Response Manager;ACAID-HT-10-001;Action Aid International USA;"";1200;"";"";Affected population(s);Haiti post earthquake Emergency Response 1;400000;2010-11-20;3;"";"";"";Action Aid Haiti
Ghana;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2007-01-01;"";;Eastern;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1129;The Robertson Foundation;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-GH-07-GH11;The Hunger Project;"";5000;"";"";"";Anyansu Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Ghana;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2000-01-01;"";;Volta;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1171;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-GH-00-GH53;The Hunger Project;"";7986;"";"";"";Tsatee Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Haiti;"";2011-04-22;"";2010-01-25;"";;Ouest;"";Project Concern International, Food for the Hungry;To support the health activities of our partners implementing a comprehensive, community-based response to the needs of several communes affected by the January 2010 earthquake.;Port-au-Prince;"";1718;Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA);Kenscoff;Health;Donna Porstner;Health;Communications Manager;ACARE-HT-10-125-1009-704;AmeriCares;"";190000;"";Sub Awardee;Women, Men, Children;Haiti Earthquake Recovery Program;42500;2010-10-01;11;"";2011-04-22;"";AmeriCares, Project Concern International, Food for the Hungry
Haiti;"";1991-07-30;"";2010-09-15;"";;Sud-Est;"";"";Distribution of hygiene kits to Internally displaced persons (IDPs);Jacmel;"";403;UNICEF;Jacmel;Disaster Management;Marianna Franco;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Program Development Manager;ACTED-HT-10-41 AQN 11N;Friends of ACTED;"";2055;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs);Distribution of Hygiene Kits (in-kind donatons to ACTED);4932;2010-10-31;29;"";1991-12-20;"";Friends of ACTED
Ghana;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1999-01-01;"";;Northern;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1371;Private donations;"";Education,Health;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-GH-99-173027;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";West Mamprusi Development Program;"";2014-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS, Nutrition;World Vision Ghana
Ethiopia;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2009-01-01;"";;Southern Nations Nationalities and Peoples;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1083;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-ET-09-ET2;The Hunger Project;"";7411;"";"";"";Enemore Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-08-11;St. Rock;;Ouest;"";"";"Community Grant Program
";Port-au-Prince;"";358;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-Grant 20;Direct Relief International;"";500;"";"";"";Provide Weekly Mobile Medical Clinics in St Rock Region;20000;2011-08-11;26;;2011-04-22;"";Solidarite Haitienne
Haiti;"";2011-05-05;"";2011-02-01;"";;Grand'Anse;"";"";The Red Cross has coordinated an aggressive response to the cholera outbreak that has spread throughout Haiti and into areas of the Dominican Republic.  As part of this response, the American Red Cross is partnering with CARE to establish Oral Rehydration Points, support schools with cholera prevention activities, facilitate cholera case management training, ensure water and sanitation support to eight health facilities and prevent the spread of cholera through education and the distribution of critical relief supplies. The number of people reached will depend on the evolution of the outbreak, but this project has the capacity to reach up to 336,216 people. ;Anse d'Hainault,Corail,Jérémie;"";1759;Private donations;Anse d'Hainaul,Bonbon,Jérémie,Moron,Roseaux;Health;Marian Spivey-Estrada;Health;Manager, Information and Reporting;ARCIS-HT-11-DC13;American Red Cross;"";336216;"";"";Cholera affected populations;Cholera Prevention and Treatment Efforts through CARE;0;2011-07-31;9;;2011-05-05;"";CARE
Zambia;foodsecurity_site;2011-03-10;"";2006-10-01;"";;"";"";"";"Catholic Relief Service (CRS) Zambia is the lead agency for the Consortium for Food security, Agriculture and nutrition, AIDS, Resiliency and Markets (C-FAARM), a $36.5 million Multi-Year Assistance Program (MYAP) funded by USAID Food for Peace.  The project is being implemented in highly food insecure areas of six districts in the Southern and Western Provinces of Zambia.  CRS implements the program in collaboration with three international non-governmental organizations (NGOs), CARE, World Vision and Land O Lakes.  CRS also provides support to its local partner, Caritas Livingstone, which is responsible for direct implementation of activities in Sesheke and Shangombo Districts.  The program aims to decrease food insecurity and increase resiliency through: (1) community-based innovation and experimentation of sustainable agricultural system technologies and links to demand-driven value chains and markets; (2) behavior change nutrition education activities; (3) support for active nutritional surveillance; (4) targeted food assistance (TFA) for extremely vulnerable beneficiaries; (5) food for assets (FFA) to restore and build community assets; and (6) increased community capacity to use early warning and response systems to external shocks.";"";"";1673;Office of Food for Peace (USAID/FFP);"";Agriculture;Dane Fredenburg;"";Country Representative;CRS-ZM-06-001;Catholic Relief Services (CRS);"";15005;"";"";"";Consortium for Food security, Agriculture, AIDS, Resiliency and Marketing;0;2011-09-30;20;"";2011-04-07;"";Catholic Relief Services (CRS), CARE, LOL, World Vision
Haiti;"";2011-01-11;"";2010-01-16;"";"";Ouest;"";"";March 17th, 2010: in Delmas, 121783 persons (or 26576 families) have been reached by CARE since January 16, 2010.;Port-au-Prince;"";237;"";Port-au-Prince;"";"";"";"";CARE-HT-10-006;CARE;"";"";"";"";"";Delmas, Port-au-Prince, Haiti;"";2011-01-10;19;"";2011-01-11;"";""
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-07-30;"";2010-02-01;"";;L'Artibonite;"";"";Emergency distributions of dry ratio of food to displaced people affected by the earthquake.;Saint-Marc;"";399;World Food Program (WFP);Saint-Marc;Food Aid;Marianna Franco;Food Security and Agriculture;Program Development Manager;ACTED-HT-10-41 APO 31W;Friends of ACTED;"";69735;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs);Emergency Food Distributions;47521;2010-03-31;29;"";2010-12-20;"";Friends of ACTED
United Republic of Tanzania;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-14;"";2010-07-01;"";;Mwanza;"";"";Addressing land rights and improving agricultural practices such as bio-fertilization;"";"";791;Private donations;"";Agriculture;Stephanie Sackett;"";Associate Director for Grants;CRWRC-TZ-10-FS 1006;Christian Reformed World Relief Committee (CRWRC);"";300;"";"";"";SISA Community Development Program;"";2011-06-30;23;;"";Land rights;Sengerama Informal Sector Association (SISA)
Haiti;"";2010-12-15;"";2011-01-15;"";;"";"";"";"Through this long-term educational initiative, qualified recipient students will receive funds per year to cover tuition and material costs to attend and complete a university program in Haiti. UMCOR continues to collaborate with the Eglise Methodiste d'Haiti (EMH) on a top area of their concern, the education sector. This Fund will receive additional contributions from UMCOR collaborative ecumenical partners also as it is a collaborative initiative.

";"";"";729;Private donations;"";Education;Melissa Crutchfield;"";Assistant General Secretary, International Disaster Response;UMCOR-HT-10-418325-12;United Methodist Committee on Relief;"";33;"";Prime awardee;Youth;Eglise Methodiste d'Haiti University Scholarship Fund;82500;2013-12-31;67;"";2010-12-15;"";Eglise Methodiste dHaiti
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-03-19;"";;Ouest;"";"";Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment;Port-au-Prince;"";1847;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-9051;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to American Refugee Committee Haiti;480752;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";American Refugee Committee Haiti
El Salvador;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-13;"";2007-01-01;"";;La Libertad,Santa Ana,Sonsonate,Usulután;"";"";This Episcopal Relief & Development program in El Salvador began in 2003 in response to massive destruction and displacement caused by multiple natural disasters. It successfully transitioned from humanitarian relief and rebuilding to long-term, integrated, community development focusing on promoting health, increasing economic opportunities and diversifying food supply. The program utilizes a methodology of community participation, engagement and training through the Diocesan capacity of the network of newly built Anglican villages and managed by a Salvadoran Episcopal team comprised of medical, agronomy, community organizing, and engineering professionals. This program designs and implements community development projects in the reconstructed Anglican communities integrating aspects of education, primary health and agriculture. Among its many initiatives, the program addresses the health of children under 5 through health education seminars and administers basic treatment, trains volunteer community healthcare workers, conducts preventive treatment for dengue and respiratory infections, provides psychological attention to those affected by the upheaval of the civil war and gang violence, empowers and organizes communities into legal development councils, trains women in home gardening, and improves and repairs basic health infrastructure in the communities. The diversified program impacts the lives of hundreds of families in 9 communities throughout the country.;"";"";810;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Health;Matt St. John;"";Program Officer;ERD-SV-07-001;Episcopal Relief & Development;"";540;"";"";"";Integrated Community Development Program;"";2010-12-31;27;;"";"";Diocese of El Salvador
Haiti;"";1991-10-12;"";2010-03-08;"";;Ouest,Sud-Est;"";"";Following the January 12 earthquake, over a million Haitians were left in need of emergency shelter.  In addition to distributing supplies directly through relief teams on the ground, the American Red Cross partnered with Habitat for Humanity to provide approximately 70,000 people with emergency shelter kits. The kits enable beneficiaries to either construct a new shelter or make repairs to an existing shelter.  Additional kits for approximately 11,500 people have been pre-positioned for use in future disaster responses. Each kit contains the following components: two 5-gallon buckets, two tarpaulins, rope, wire, nails, duct tape, a hammer, a pry bar, two chisels, pliers, 10 dust masks, leather work gloves, safety glasses, a hacksaw with two replacement blades, and a folding knife.;Jacmel,Léogâne,Port-au-Prince;"";119;Private donations;Carrefour,Cité Soleil,Jacmel,Léogâne,Petit-Goâve;Shelter and Housing;Marian Spivey-Estrada;Shelter and Non-Food Items;Manager, Information and Reporting;ARCIS-HT-10-S1;American Red Cross;"";81825;Please note that the estimated number of people reached refers to the total number of people each project plans to reach over the life of its implementation. Not all of these people have been reached with services yet.;"";Affected population(s), Internally displaced persons (IDPs);Emergency Shelter through Habitat for Humanity;0;2011-03-31;9;;1991-12-22;"";Habitat for Humanity International
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;"";"";2009-06-01;"";;Rajshahi;"";SIL;Weekly meetings of Savings and Learning Groups of between 12 and 20 people as a vehicle for micro-savings-based food security and micro-enterprise, WASH education, health education, community development and long-term formation of participant-led community development institutions. Groups are single-gender settings to meet the needs of cultural norms in Bangladesh, but teach skills for healthy social interaction and values for good relationships. Groups are self-led and facilitated by FH Staff, with direct contact one half day per group per week.;"";"";858;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Lucas Shindeldecker;"";Food Security Program Officer;FH-BD-09-BANFCT070044;Food for the Hungry;"";30000;"";"";"";Family and Community Transformation (FCT) # 18;"";2023-12-31;28;;"";Gender, Capacity building;""
Philippines;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1987-01-01;"";;Cebu;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1479;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-PH-87-68012;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Cebu City Development Program;"";2013-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS;World Vision Philippines
Thailand;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1998-01-01;"";;Bangkok;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1529;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-TH-98-172174;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Bangsue Development Program;"";2010-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS;World Vision Thailand
Kenya;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";"";"";;Coast;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1422;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Health;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-KE-164247;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Golbanti Development Program;"";"";76;"";"";HIV/AIDS;World Vision Kenya
Brazil;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1997-01-01;"";;Rio Grande do Norte;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1290;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-BR-97-170930;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Santa Cruz Development Program;"";2013-01-01;76;"";"";Nutrition;World Vision Brazil
Ghana;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-17;"";2009-06-14;"";;"";"";"";The goal of ADVANCE is to facilitate a transformation of Ghana's agricultural sector in select agricultural industries to achieve increased competitiveness in domestic, regional and international markets. This transformation will lead to increased incomes, the emergence of a commercial agriculture class, and improved services in rural areas and ultimately contribute to economic growth and poverty reduction.  ;"";"";1249;US Agency for International Development (USAID);"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development;DeAnn McGrew;"";Program Officer;WINRO-GH-09-6172;Winrock International;Winrock provides cross-cutting technical assistance to the ADVANCE Project and its consortium members through short-term consultants and volunteers in the areas of gender inclusion, agricultural water management, and irrigation. ;"";"";Subawardee;"";Agricultural Development and Value Chain Enhancement (ADVANCE);"";2013-04-12;70;;"";Gender;ACDI/VOCA, Winrock International, TechnoServe, Opportunity International Savings and Loans, PAB Consult, Association of Sustainable Rural Development, Association of Church Development Projects
Democratic Republic of the Congo;foodsecurity_site;2010-08-26;"";2008-07-01;"";;Sud-Kivu;"";"";A 3-year $10.9M agricultural enhancement and shelter construction project for returnees to the South Kivu provinces;"";"";783;US Agency for International Development (USAID);"";Agriculture,Shelter and Housing;Romain Kenfack;"";"";ADRA-CD-08-001;Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA);"";540;"";"";Returnees;Jenga Jamaa;"";2011-06-30;4;"";"";"";Africare, Adventist Development and Relief Agency International
Haiti;"";2011-01-14;"";2010-09-06;"";;L'Artibonite,Nord,Ouest;"";"";Since 2006, USAID and CHF have worked to create more than 130,000 short-term jobs, complete over 100 infrastructure projects and establish more than 2,000 micro-enterprises, while coordinating workforce development training and enhancing stability in both poverty- and hurricane-affected areas through infrastructure improvement and job creation. Following the 2010 earthquake, several projects to support employment of IDP populations continue under the KATA program.;Cap-Haïtien,Dessalines,Gonaïves,Léogâne,Port-au-Prince;"";266;US Agency for International Development (USAID);Cap-Haïtien,Gonaïves,Grande Saline,Léogâne,Petit-Goâve,Port-au-Prince;Economic Recovery and Development;Alberto Wilde;"";CHF KATA Chief of Party;CHF-HT-10-002;CHF;"";"";"";"";"";KATA;104807220;2011-09-30;21;"";2011-05-17;Livelihoods;CHF International
United Republic of Tanzania;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1991-01-01;"";;Morogoro;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1523;Private donations;"";Education,Health;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-TZ-91-167354;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Mlali Development Program;"";2014-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS;World Vision Tanzania
Honduras;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1995-01-01;"";;Choluteca;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1389;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Protection;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-HN-95-169939;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Las Cabezas Development Program;"";2014-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS, Nutrition;World Vision Honduras
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2011-04-29;"";2011-02-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";"To strengthen advocacy in Haiti with respect to food sovereignty, developing alternative development solutions and democratic participation.
";Port-au-Prince;"";1770;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Agriculture,Human Rights Democracy and Governance;Amarilys Estrella;Food Security and Agriculture,Health;Program Officer;AJWS-HT-11-038;American Jewish World Service (AJWS);"";1000;"";Prime Awardee;Farmers, Fisherfolk, Internally displaced persons (IDPs), Civil society organizations;Strengthening Advocacy Efforts for Food Sovereignty, Alternative Solutions and Democratic Participation;25000;2011-07-31;8;;2011-04-29;"";Plateforme Haïtienne pour un Développement Alternatif (PAPDA)
Ethiopia;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1990-01-01;"";;Southern Nations Nationalities and Peoples;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1358;Private donations;"";"";Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV- ET-90-166201;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Omosheleko Development Program;"";2012-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS;World Vision Ethiopia
Haiti;"";1991-12-22;"";2010-09-17;"";;Ouest;"";"";The global Red Cross network is helping 30,000 families transition to safer, more secure homes.  To support these efforts, the American Red Cross is partnering with a number of international non-governmental organizations to construct transitional homes, which will include access to water and sanitation facilities.  As part of this initiative, Handicap International will construct 800 homes that are accessible to people with disabilities.  The project also includes hygiene promotion and cash-for-work activities.  Although Handicap International plans to reach 8,000 people through this project, these numbers may change depending on construction costs. ;Léogâne;"";84;Private donations;Grand-Goâve,Petit-Goâve;Shelter and Housing;Marian Spivey-Estrada;Shelter and Non-Food Items;Manager, Information and Reporting;ARCIS-HT-10-006;American Red Cross;"";8000;Please note that the estimated number of people reached refers to the total number of people each project plans to reach over the life of its implementation. Not all of these people have been reached with services yet.;"";Affected population(s), Internally displaced persons (IDPs);Transitional Homes through Handicap International  ;0;2011-09-16;9;;2011-02-15;"";Handicap International
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-05-03;"";;Ouest;"";"";Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment;Port-au-Prince;"";1814;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-50687;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to International Organization for MigrationProvision of Medical Supplies to International Organization for Migration;882944;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";International Organization for Migration
Zambia;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1994-01-01;"";;Copperbelt;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1544;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Education,Health;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-ZM-94-169933;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Zamtan Development Program;"";2011-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS;World Vision Zambia
Haiti;"";2010-09-22;"";2010-07-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";Heartland Alliance has a community-based psychosocial program based in Petit-Goâve which trains community workers in how to identify and give presentations to local community groups in identifying symptoms of anxiety, depression, and stress.;Léogâne;"";450;CHF International;Petit-Goâve;Health;Ramsey Ben-Achour;Health;Country Director;HLA-HT-10-003;Heartland Alliance for Human Needs & Human Rights;"";3040;"";"";Affected population(s), Children;Psychosocial Support for Displaced Haitian Families;126590;2010-12-31;33;;"";Mental health/Psychosocial support;Heartland Alliance for Human Needs & Human Rights
Ethiopia;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2006-01-01;"";;Oromia;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1357;Private donations;"";Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV- ET-06-182385;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Omonada Development Program;"";2020-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS;World Vision Ethiopia
Haiti;"";2011-02-09;"";2010-10-01;"";"";L'Artibonite;"";"";30 Water filtration units, Artibonite Region;"";"";1620;Private donations;"";Water Sanitation and Hygiene;"";Water Sanitation and Hygiene;"";FFP-HT-10-005;Food for the Poor;"";"";"";"";Men, Women, Children;Water Project # 2;0;2011-05-31;85;"";2011-02-09;"";Food for the Poor
Haiti;"";2010-12-10;"";2010-01-10;"";;Grand'Anse,L'Artibonite,Nippes,Nord,Nord-Ouest,Ouest,Sud,Sud-Est;"";Association of Christian Health Institutions of Haiti (AISCH) Facilities;Supply hospitals with essential medicines;Cap-Haïtien,Gonaïves,Grande-Rivière-du-Nord,Jacmel,Jérémie,Miragoâne,Port-au-Prince,Port-de-Paix,Saint-Marc,l'Acul-du-Nord,les Cayes;"";465;Medical device companies,Pharmaceutical company(ies),Private donations;Cap-Haïtien,Cayes,Gonaïves,Grand Rivière du Nord,Jacmel,Jérémie,Milot,Miragoâne,Port-au-Prince,Port-de-Paix,Verettes;Health;Ann Varghese;"";HQ Program Officer;IMA-HT-10-005 ;IMA World Health;"";500000;"";"";Women, Children, Men;In-Kind Donations to Hospitals (Medicine);732643;2010-05-31;37; ;2011-04-11;"";IMA World Health
Zambia;foodsecurity_site;2010-08-31;"";2009-07-01;"";;Central;"";Ministry of Agriculture and Co-operatives (MACO), Zambia National Farmers Union (ZNFU), CDSW, Department of Veterinary and Livestock Production;Small-scale farming families, whose main economic activity is agriculture, mainly inhabit the Nakasaka farming community in Mumbwa. In the 1990s, half of the district's cattle herd was lost to disease, leaving many farmers to till the soil by hand and creating chronic food insecurity. This project will provide draft heifers and communal bulls and meat goats to farm families in this project. To address immediate food needs, all families receiving goats will also be provided with local poultry. Project participants will receive Heifer value-based training for sustainable agriculture production, including animal husbandry and health, basic record keeping, enterprise development, gender equity issues, group organizational capacity, Heifer's 12 Cornerstones and Project Self Review and Planning. After placement of livestock, follow-up training will be provided to facilitate environmentally sound agriculture production, group linkages to the agriculture markets, HIV/AIDS awareness, human health and nutrition issues and income diversification activities. Micro-irrigation technologies will be provided to target groups with access to water to enhance vegetable production for food and income. Over 10,000 individuals will benefit from placement of draft cattle, improved meat goats and poultry and related services during the five-year project period. ;"";"";902;"";"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Health;Geneti Nemera;"";Southern Africa Regional Director;HEFI-ZM-09-21-0139-01;Heifer International;"";10063;"";"";Female headed households, People living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA), Widows, Elderly, Unemployed youth;Mumbwa Integrated Umbrella Development Project (MIUDP);"";2014-07-01;34;;"";Food Security, Gender, HIV/AIDS, Capacity building;Heifer Zambia
Haiti;"";2010-09-24;"";2010-02-24;Carrefour;;Ouest;"";"";Through the Long-Term Health Development (LTHD) Program, MAP customizes large volume shipments of donated and purchased medicines and health supplies for reputable foreign-based health institutions and international relief and development organizations.;Port-au-Prince;"";537;Private donations;Carrefour;Health;Scott Ruschak;Health;Director, International Medical Resources;MAP-HT-10-33073;MAP International;"";250000;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs);In-kind donation to Operation Hope/ACTS;476461;2010-03-24;47;"";"";"";Operation Hope/ACTS
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";1999-01-01;"";;Khulna;"";"";THP works at the Union level to (a) mobilize the population for self-reliant action, including forming producer co-operatives and other income generating enterprises, (b) build civil society from the bottom up - creating people's organization of women, youth, elders, girl-child advocates, and the poorest of the poor, (c) strengthen local democracy, (d) ensure adequate facilities for achieving the MDGs, (e) organize mass action campaigns for health, nutrition, education, clean water and sanitation.;"";"";1203;Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID),British Council,Private donations;"";Agriculture,Education,Health,Human Rights Democracy and Governance,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;John Coonrod;"";Executive Vice President;THP-BD-99-213;The Hunger Project;"";20000;"";"";"";Pourashova Mobilization;"";2100-12-31;83;"";"";"";The Hunger Project
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";1999-01-01;"";;Khulna;"";"";THP works at the Union level to (a) mobilize the population for self-reliant action, including forming producer co-operatives and other income generating enterprises, (b) build civil society from the bottom up - creating people's organization of women, youth, elders, girl-child advocates, and the poorest of the poor, (c) strengthen local democracy, (d) ensure adequate facilities for achieving the MDGs, (e) organize mass action campaigns for health, nutrition, education, clean water and sanitation.;"";"";1215;Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID),British Council,Private donations;"";Agriculture,Education,Health,Human Rights Democracy and Governance,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;John Coonrod;"";Executive Vice President;THP-BD-99-374;The Hunger Project;"";20000;"";"";"";Danasargati Mobilization;"";2100-12-31;83;"";"";"";The Hunger Project
Indonesia;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1988-01-01;"";;Nusa Tenggara Timur;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1419;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-ID-88-163804;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Kupang Development Program;"";2010-01-01;76;"";"";"";World Vision Indonesia
Lesotho;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1997-01-01;"";;Berea;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1428;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-LS-97-171338;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Mapoteng Development Program;"";2015-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS, Nutrition;World Vision Lesotho
Haiti;"";2011-02-02;"";2010-12-15;Riviere Froide, Thor and Bouvier ;;Nippes,Ouest,Sud-Est;"";"";"Expansion of sanitation and hygiene promotion activities for earthquake affected communities in Haiti
";Jacmel,Léogâne,Miragoâne,Port-au-Prince;"";1629;American Red Cross;Carrefour,Grenier,Jacmel,Léogâne,Miragoâne,Petit-Goâve;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Agron Ferati;"";Director, Program Development;IMC-HT-10-1736;International Medical Corps;"";398482;"";"";"";Expansion of Water and Sanitation Activities;0;2011-12-14;39;;2011-02-17;"";International Medical Corps
India;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-18;"";2010-08-01;"";;Rajasthan;"The Government of India's Department of Biotechnology (DBT), within the Ministry of Science and Technology, continues to generously support promising research into the efficacy and effectiveness of Ultra Rice in multiple locations and demographic groups (in India).  DBT will also support a center of technical excellence (for the technology) to further expand the supply base and provide technical support to rice millers in the supply chain who are interested in blending Ultra Rice into rice supplies.
";Swagat Foods;"PATH is building demand for Ultra Rice in existing public-sector funded meal programs as a market entry strategy.  This approach has allowed PATH to test the feasibility, acceptance and effectiveness of Ultra Rice kernels, establish distribution to nutritionally vulnerable groups with little incremental cost, and cultivate demand from institutional buyers to drive economies of scale. It has also allowed Ultra Rice to be produced at an even more affordable price for later entry into commercial markets that serve the poor. In August 2010, Akshaya Patra, the world's largest school lunch program, began the process of incorporating Ultra Rice into its centralized kitchens in Rajasthan, where rice will be fortified with Ultra Rice through point-of-use ""wet"" blending methods. The iron-fortified rice will soon be served daily to 185,000 schoolchildren - as part of the Mid-Day Meal Programme - for the length of the 2010-2011 school year.";"";"";1036;"Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation,Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN)";"";Health;Amy Wales;Nutrition;Communications Specialist;PATH-IN-10-001;PATH;"";185000;"";Prime awardee (PATH) ;Micronutrient deficient schoolchildren ;Pilot Introduction of Ultra Rice into Akshaya Patra's Midday Meal (MDM) Programme;0;2012-04-30;81;;2011-04-26;Nutrition;Akshaya Patra Foundation
Uganda;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2001-01-01;"";;Wakiso;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1118;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-UG-01-UG11;The Hunger Project;"";30000;"";"";"";Wakiso Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Haiti;"";2010-09-22;"";2010-02-01;"";"";"";"";Haiti Ministry of Health;Working with the Haitian ministry of health, our goal is to provide every school-aged child in the country (around 1.3 million children) with anti-parasite medication and basic hygiene training designed to help prevent re-infestation. This work will involve the importation of 4.1 Mebendazole 500 mg for a nationwide child deworming campaign.;"";"";614;"";"";Health;"";Health;"";OBI-HT-10-009;Operation Blessing International;"";"";"";"";"";Anti-Parasite Program;0;2011-12-12;51;;2011-05-13;"";Operation Blessing International 
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-02-22;"";;Sud;"";"";Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment;Aquin;"";1804;Private donations;Aquin;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-8939;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Centre de Sante St. Boniface Hospital;899252;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";Centre de Sante St. Boniface Hospital
India;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-13;"";2009-07-01;"";;West Bengal;"";"";In 2009, the Diocese conducted an extensive participatory rural appraisal in the Barikul cluster of villages.  Based on the PRA report, the 2010 program involves addressing many of the needs identified by the community as their top priorities.  Barikul and the surrounding villages are located in a dense forest populated mainly by the Santali tribal community.  Due to its remote location and the lack of government infrastructure, the area is a known to be a hub for Maoist separatist activity.  The community survives largely by agricultural farming during the rainy season and migrate to the larger towns during the off-season.  The 2010 program focuses on economic livelihood options including providing water-harvesting techniques for year-round water supply, providing tube-wells, vocational training program for youth, community study centers for children's literacy and primary health mobile camps.;"";"";816;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Education,Health;Karla Avila;"";Program Officer;ERD-IN-09-003;Episcopal Relief & Development;"";4762;"";"";Children, Farmers, Individuals, Women, Youth;Barikul Community Development Program;"";2010-12-31;27;;"";"";Diocese of Durgapur
Haiti;"";2011-01-10;202-530-3892;2010-01-12;"";;"";"";"";"WFP USA has supported the work of WFP in its response to the January 12 earthquake through fundraising, advocacy and communication efforts. WFP led the global clusters working to distribute food, restore telecommunications and organize logistics.  WFP also managed the distribution of food to earthquake impacted populations, delivering one million rations to more than 200,000 people in the first week following the earthquake.  Within six weeks WFP food reached some 4 million Haitians.   Overall, WFPs emergency response and recovery efforts have reached 655,000 children with school meals, 175,000 individuals with cash and food for work programs and 563,000 people with supplementary feeding.  In addition, WFP has prepositioned enough food across Haiti to feed 1.1 million people for 6 weeks in the event of a destructive hurricane season.  

In terms of logistics, WFP successfully opened up air, sea and land corridors and transported food, relief items and humanitarian personnel from several hundred organizations in the days and weeks following the earthquake.  The WFP-operated UN Humanitarian Air Service provided a vital link between Santo Domingo and Haitis main cities when they were inaccessible by road.  WFP also restored telecommunications systems for aid workers within days of the earthquake.  Moving forward WFP plans to continue assisting the government to increase its capacity to reduce food insecurity, including by contributing to the development of the agriculture sector and stimulating markets and the local economy through local purchases.
";"";"";769;"";"";"";Kevin Anderson;"";Senior Public Policy Associate;WFP-HT-10-002;World Food Program USA (WFP USA);"";"";"";"";"";Support to World Food Program (WFP);17800000;2011-12-31;72;;2011-01-10;"";""
Nepal;foodsecurity_site;2010-07-27;"";2010-01-01;"";"";"";"";"";Fossil - Nutrition - UNR Support - APRO - KH - NP;"";"";953;Fossil Inc.;"";Health;"";Nutrition;"";HKI-NP-10-6145;Helen Keller International;"";"";"";"";"";UNR Support to Asia Pacific Nutrition Programs;"";2010-12-31;79;"";"";Nutrition;""
Nicaragua;foodsecurity_site;2010-08-16;"";2008-07-01;"";;Boaco,Matagalpa;"";"";The municipality of Muy Muy of the department of Matagalpa and central Boaco is a mountainous area with severe slopes and infertile soils. Extreme poverty and malnourished children characterize the area. Environmental problems like cutting and burning forests and soil degradation from the lack of adequate technology for agricultural production affect food production. In a period of five years, 216 families – 108 original families and 108 by passing on the gift – will participate in this project, which seeks to foster food and nutritional security through livestock, use of appropriate technologies for agroecological production and the training of women in the preparation of food high in nutrition. Each family will receive a pregnant heifer, training in food preparation based in soya bean and green leaves to guarantee address malnourishment.;"";"";931;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Health;Americas program;"";Americas program;HEFI-NI-08-23-1617-02;Heifer International;"";518;"";"";"";Nutritional and Food Security in the Municipalities of Muy Muy and Boaco, Nicaragua;"";2013-06-30;34;"";"";Nutrition;The Christian Youth Association of Nicaragua
Haiti;"";2010-08-24;"";2010-01-13;"";;Ouest;"";"";Shelter and Non-Food Items, Water Sanitation and Hygiene, Health, Education;Port-au-Prince;"";26;Private donations;Carrefour;Disaster Management,Education,Health,Shelter and Housing,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Andrew Lucas;Education,Health,Shelter and Non-Food Items,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Program Director;ADRA-HT-10-004;Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA);"";50000;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs);Network Funded Response;3000000;2010-08-31;4;"";"";"";Adventist Development and Relief Agency Network
Malawi;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2008-06-01;"";;Central;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1090;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-MW-08-003;The Hunger Project;"";10950;"";"";"";Kachindamoto Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Cameroon;foodsecurity_site;2010-09-07;"";2010-06-01;"";;"";"";"";"";"";"";985;Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR);"";"";Tanja Pavlovic;"";Program Officer;IRD-CM-10-10521;International Relief & Development;"";"";"";Prime awardee;"";Enhancing Food Security for Central African Republic (CAR) Refugees and Host Communities in Eastern Cameroon;"";2010-12-31;41;;"";"";International Relief & Development
South Africa;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2010-01-01;"";;Eastern Cape;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1502;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Education,Health;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-ZA-10-187238;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Nkonkobe Development Program;"";2025-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS;World Vision South Africa
Haiti;"";1991-12-20;"";2010-06-01;"";;Ouest;"";Development Innovations Group (DIG), Build Change;Habitat for Humanity International's ECAP provides emergency technical assistance and capacity support to the Government of Haiti for community planning on shelter and settlement issues. Within the shelter and settlement sector, the Program will focus on shelter hazard mitigation. Community-level capacity building support in disaster risk reduction will complement and reinforce the government-level capacity building.;Port-au-Prince;"";426;Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA);Port-au-Prince;Shelter and Housing;Kate Pearson;Shelter and Non-Food Items;Director - Strategic Partnerships, Haiti;HFHI-HT-10-006;Habitat for Humanity International;"";400;"";"";"";Emergency Community Assistance and Planning (ECAP) Program for Shelter and Settlement in Post-earthquake Haiti.;2998264;2011-02-24;31;;2011-02-04;Capacity building, Disaster risk reduction (DRR);Habitat for Humanity International
Haiti;"";2010-09-23;"";2010-03-01;Petit-Goâve;;Ouest;"";"";This project constructed temporary shelters for 606 families whose homes had been made uninhabitable by the earthquake.  This project was done in coordination with the Shelter cluster, the local government and other NGOs providing shelter.  Local laborers were trained and hired from each local community where the construction took place.  The primary objectives included: 1) Serve those in greatest need (who were not being served by other support programs), 2) Provide jobs for local population, 3) Provide housing to prepare for the rainy season.   ;Léogâne;"";690;Private donations;Petit-Goâve;Shelter and Housing;George Polarek;Shelter and Non-Food Items;Assistant Director, SAWSO;SAWSO-HT-10-005;Salvation Army World Service Office;1) Identification of Families in Partnership with Local Community and Government, 2) Contracting andTraining of Local Labor, 3) Housing Construction, 4) GPS Mapping of Houses;2400;2,600;Prime awardee;"";Transitional Housing Jacmel;2069308;2010-08-01;62;"";"";"";The Salvation Army 
Ethiopia;foodsecurity_site;2010-09-10;"";2007-07-01;"";;Addis Ababa;"";"";This project aims at enhancing the institutional and programmatic capacity of Selam Environmental Development Association (SEDA) to enable it to deliver quality services to its constituents including target communities, donors and other stakeholders. ;"";"";900;Private donations;"";"";Kelly Doppelhammer;"";East Africa Program Assistant;HEFI-ET-07-21-1403-01;Heifer International;"";"";"";"";"";SEDA Institutional Capacity Building;"";2012-06-30;34;"";"";"";Selam Environmental Development Association (SEDA)
Haiti;"";2010-12-15;"";2010-12-03;"";;Ouest;"An estimated 13,000 individuals will be reached directly by Mercy Corps-trained and -sponsored
public health promoters and/or the drama groups.";"";Mercy Corps will work to reduce the further spread of cholera by increasing public awareness about the prevention of the disease and promoting improved hygiene practices while building the capacity of local communities to respond to future outbreaks.  It will also distribute non-food items (NFIs) to targeted, at-risk populations in Port-au-Prince.  MC will also train volunteers from thirty distinct neighborhoods in either Tabarre or Pétionville communities and form thirty hygiene committees.;Port-au-Prince;"";605;Prem Rawat Foundation;Pétion-Ville,Tabarre;Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Brian Oakes;Shelter and Non-Food Items,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Country Director;MC-HT-10-016;Mercy Corps;"";13000;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs);Cholera Prevention in Port-au-Prince;50000;2011-06-03;50;;2011-04-08;"";Mercy Corps
Ethiopia;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-18;"";2010-06-09;"";;Oromia;"";UNICEF, Ministry of Health;The objective of this project is to contribute to the reduction of morbidity and mortality related to acute malnutrition among under-five children and water-borne diseases in the targeted woredas through community management of acute malnutrition (CMAM) and water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) programs;"";"";955;Humanitarian Response Fund (OCHA/HRF);"";Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Stephen Commins;"";Strategy Manager, Fragile States;IMC-ET-09-1641;International Medical Corps;"Continued monthly implementation of a Targeted Supplementary Feeding Program (TSFP); support for strengthening referral system between TSFP, Outpatient Therapeutic Program and Stabilization Centers; support capacity building for CMAM; scale-up CMAM to expand geographical coverage; strengthen community outreach";8700;"";Prime awardee;"";Integrated Emergency Community Management of Acute Malnutrition (CMAM) and Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Response in West Hararghe Zone, Oromia Region;"";2010-11-08;39;;"";Nutrition;International Medical Corps
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-12-10;"";2010-12-31;"";;Ouest;"";"";To build the organizational capacity of Lambi through the development of a strategic plan and monitoring and evaluation system.;Croix-des-Bouquets;"";78;Private donations;Croix-des Bouquets;Agriculture,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Amarilys Estrella;Early Recovery,Food Security and Agriculture,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Program Officer;AJWS-HT-10-032;American Jewish World Service (AJWS);"";20000;"";"";Women, Farmers, Fisherfolk, Laborers;Institutional Strengthening in Response to Haiti Earthquake;60000;2011-12-30;8;;"";"";Lambi Fund of Haiti
Angola;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2008-09-01;"";;Benguela,Bié,Huambo;"";"";Improves income through increased access to urban markets, strengthens capacity, enhances production of small producers, and documents best practices. ;"";"";1573;"Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation";"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development;Carlos Piedrasanta;"";RDM Operations Deputy, IPG, World Vision US;WV-AO-08-188681;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";PRORENDA;"";2014-08-31;76;"";"";"";World Vision Angola, ACDI/VOCA, Michigan State University, Alfalit 
Haiti;"";2010-09-24;"";2004-03-01;"";"";L'Artibonite,Nippes,Nord,Ouest;"";"";AIDSRelief is a large, multi-country HIV care and treatment program now in its seventh year of implementation.  Financed by PEPFAR, AIDSRelief is a consortium effort led by CRS in partnership with the University of Maryland Institute of Human Virology (IHV), Futures Group, and the Catholic Medical Mission Board.  AIDSRelief works to improve access to HIV care and treatment, and reduce new HIV infections.  Through AIDSReliefs network of seven faith-based local partner treatment facilities (LPTFs) in Haiti, more than 7,000 PLHIV have received care and 2,373 are currently receiving anti-retroviral therapy (ART). Committed to the sustainability of treatment for PLHIV, AIDSRelief has been working to build local capacity to manage HIV care and treatment programs.  In line with PEPFARs directives, CRS  is working to transition program management to a local organization.  As the lead agency in the consortium, CRS provides overall program coordination and oversight for grant administration and compliance, as well as coordinates the representation of the grant to USG, local government and other stakeholders. CRS oversees the implementation of all project activities within an effective planning framework and manages the necessary USG financial resources for each consortium member, enabling them to carry out their work based on clear program deliverables within donor-approved funding limits. CRS also coordinates the efforts on Health System Strengthening and takes the lead for the Transition process.;Gros-Morne,Limbé,Miragoâne,Plaisance,Port-au-Prince,l'Acul-du-Nord;"";263;Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA);Fond des Negres,Gros-Morne,Limbé,Milot,Pilate,Port-au-Prince;Health;Nicole Balliette;Health;Haiti Earthquake Response Coordinator;CRS-HT-10-7425015/74205016/74205017-23;Catholic Relief Services (CRS);"Goal: provide high quality care and treatment to people living with HIV and AIDS.

Objective 1: Existing ART service providers (tiers 5 and selected 4) rapidly scale up delivery of quality ART.

Objective 2: The number of health care facilities (tiers 4 and 3) providing quality ART is increased and capacity at sites in tiers 1 and 2 is increased to allow initiation of ART.

Objective 3: Expand community-level services providing quality ART to vulnerable and low-income HIV-infected people.

Objective 4: Create and strengthen health care treatment networks to support capacity building within countries and communities.

Crosscutting Intermediate Result: Community mobilization promotes an increased awareness of accessible and affordable programs and reduces stigma.";13600;"";"";Children, Men, People Living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA), Women;AIDSRelief Center for Excellence;37243269;2012-02-28;20;"";"";HIV/AIDS;Catholic Relief Services (CRS), Institute of Human Virology (IHV), Catholic Medical Mission Board (CMMB), Futures Group
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-09-23;"";2010-01-13;"Carrefour feuilles
";;Ouest;"";Community based organizations (CBOs) ;Targeted distributions of food and non-food items (NFIs), shelter and sanitation, support to government grants;Port-au-Prince;"";736;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Disaster Management,Food Aid,Shelter and Housing,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Christon Domond;"";Country Director;WC-HT-10-7110 ;World Concern;Non-food item (NFI) and food distribution;232617;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs), Children, Orphans and vulnerable children (OVC), People living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA), Host families;Emergency Earthquake Response;0;2012-06-30;71;;2011-03-31;"";World Concern
Haiti;"";1991-10-12;"";2010-06-09;"";;Ouest;"";"";"";Croix-des-Bouquets,Port-au-Prince;"";134;UNICEF;Delmas,Ganthier;Protection;Amelia Kendall;Protection;"";ARC-HT-10-007;American Refugee Committee International;"";"";"";"";"";Protection, GBV & Psychosocial Support for Children;267927;2011-03-31;10;"";2011-02-09;"";MoH, Delmas Mayor
India;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2008-10-01;"";;Uttar Pradesh;"";"";The project goal is to increase the income of smallholder farmers and farm laborers by 10-25% through public-private alliances in India. Crop production is also expected to increase by 5-30%.;"";"";1580;US Agency for International Development (USAID);"";Agriculture;Carlos Piedrasanta;"";RDM Operations Deputy, IPG, World Vision US;WV-IN-08-190018;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";Small farmers;Partnership for Innovation and Knowledge in Agriculture (PIKA);"";2011-07-30;76;"";"";"";World Vision India, ACDI/VOCA, Rice Wheat Consortium, Action for Food Production (AFPRO)
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-15;"";2004-06-15;Léogâne;,;Ouest;"";"";Provision of ready-to-use therapeutic food (RUTF) to implementing partners. Children's Nutrition Program is a non-denominational faith-based program, which provides nutrition education and RUTF to mother's in the area around Léogane.;Léogâne;"";557;"";Léogâne;Health;Tom Stehl, Maryse Sterlin;Health,Nutrition;Coordinator of Operations, Haiti Administrator;MFK-HT-10-004;Meds & Food for Kids;"";"";"";"";Malnourished children;Community Management of Acute Malnutrition - Children's Nutrition Program;0;2011-12-12;77;"";2011-04-11;"";Children's Nutrition Program
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-12-20;"";2010-03-01;"";"";Centre,L'Artibonite,Nord-Ouest,Ouest,Sud,Sud-Est;"";International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), ACDI/VOCA, World Vision,  Save the Children, Caritas, World Concern, University of East Anglia, ID, US Agency for International Development (USAID), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Ministère de l'Agriculture des Ressources Naturelles et du Développement Rural (MARNDR);It will be used as a major planning tool to influence seed system development in Haiti over the next few seasons (and possibly years). Given the impressive pledges made for Haiti on March 31 ($ US9.98 billion), the SSSA could also be of prime importance in influencing other donors and organizations. The SSSA focused in on chronic seed security problems, including insights on seed/grain markets, agricultural product transformation and access to modern varieties. Hence the foci included very short term, as well as short and medium term issues. Know also that from a few sites assessment, we have now been asked to get countrywide coverage.;Bainet,Belle-Anse,Hinche,Jacmel,Lascahobas,Léogâne,Port-de-Paix,Saint-Marc,les Cayes;"";254;Private donations,Raunenhorst Foundation;Bassin Bleu,Belle-Anse,Chantal,Hinche,La Vallée,Lascahobas,Léogâne,Marigot,Petit-Goâve,Verettes;Agriculture;Nicole Balliette;Food Security and Agriculture;Haiti Earthquake Response Coordinator;CRS-HT-10-7420155;Catholic Relief Services (CRS);"";4915;"";"";Men, Women, Youth;Seed System Security Assessment in Haiti - CIAT;97479;2010-07-31;20;"";"";Livelihoods;Catholic Relief Services (CRS)
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;"";"";2007-06-01;"";;Khulna;"";"";Weekly meetings of Savings and Learning Groups of between 12 and 20 people as a vehicle for micro-savings-based food security and micro-enterprise, WASH education, health education, community development and long-term formation of participant-led community development institutions. Groups are single-gender settings to meet the needs of cultural norms in Bangladesh, but teach skills for healthy social interaction and values for good relationships. Groups are self-led and facilitated by FH Staff, with direct contact one half day per group per week.;"";"";853;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Lucas Shindeldecker;"";Food Security Program Officer;FH-BD-07-BANFCT040032;Food for the Hungry;"";9640;"";"";"";Family and Community Transformation (FCT) # 13;"";2021-12-31;28;;"";Gender, Capacity building;""
Haiti;"";2010-11-02;"";2010-09-25;"";;Ouest;"";"";Through a partner agency, Merlin is ensuring comprehensive preventative health services in all areas of operation in Port-au-Prince. Animateurs provide health sensitization and education sessions for communities on key preventative health issues.;Croix-des-Bouquets,Port-au-Prince;"";545;Various (both private and institutional);Croix-des Bouquets,Delmas,Port-au-Prince;Health;Léa Gibert;Health;Operations Coordinator;MERLIN-HT-10-003;Medical Emergency Relief International, UK (Merlin);"";28000;"";"";"";Providing Preventative Health Services to Earthquake Affected Communities;0;2011-02-24;48;"";2011-05-17;"";GRAICO
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-14;"";2010-07-01;"";;Dhaka;"";"";Address the problem of soil infertility through training community-selected model farmers about the use of composting, green manures, and cover crops, as well as the system of rice intensification.  The use of these practices are intended to increase organic matter in the soil and decrease the current overuse of chemical fertilizers and pesticides;"";"";792;Private donations;"";Agriculture;Stephanie Sackett;"";Associate Director for Grants;CRWRC-BD-10-FS 1007;Christian Reformed World Relief Committee (CRWRC);"";120;"";"";"";Prottasha Community Development Program;"";2011-06-30;23;;"";"";Bangladesh - A Hope of Expectation (PROTTASHA)
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2011-03-29;"";2010-06-10;"";;Nord-Ouest;"";Ministère de l'Environnement (ME), Ministère des travaux publics transports et communications (MTPTC), Municipality, Conseil dAdministration de la Section Communale (CASEC), Municipal Agricultural Bureau;"Food Security
";Port-de-Paix;"";1675;World Food Program (WFP);Bassin Bleu;Agriculture;François Desruisseaux ;"";Disaster Director;CARE-HT-10-017;CARE;"Cash for Work: Rehabiltation agricultural infrastructure, soil conservation, wattling; reforestation.";2800;"";"";Single-parent foster families, Households with 5 or more children, Households with one or more disabled and elderly, Households with persons living with HIV/AIDS IDP, Landless;Monetary Support to Households comprised of Families and Persons Displaced from areas affected by Earthquakes;0;2011-12-12;19;"";2011-04-07;Food Security;CARE Haiti
Cambodia;foodsecurity_site;2010-09-07;"";2009-10-01;"";;Kampong Chhnang;"";RainWater Cambodia;International Relief and Development (IRD) works to improve access to water and sanitation facilities, as well as hygiene education in two administrative districts of Kampong Chhnang Province, Cambodia. This includes constructing tube wells, rainwater catchments, and latrines in 50 villages and 106 schools. It also includes using youth-led education strategies to increase awareness of hygiene.;"";"";967;Latter-day Saints Charities (LDSC);"";Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tanja Pavlovic;"";Program Officer;IRD-KH-09-10501;International Relief & Development;"(1.1) Establishing and rehabilitating tube wells, rain water catchment and toilets at schools
(1.2) Provide water/sanitation education to school children from 106 schools
(2.1) Constructing households' tube wells and toilets at village level
(2.2) Provide education on solar water disinfection and enhance behavior change to communites";44125;"";Prime awardee;Villages with school feeding activities;Clean Water and Sanitation Project;"";2011-10-01;41;;"";"";International Relief & Development
Haiti;"";2010-09-23;"";2010-03-01;Jacmel;;Sud-Est;"";"";Cash-for-Work (CFW) program to remove rubble from main streets in town and to prepare for the construction of temporary shelters.  Activities were coordinated with the local Mayor's office and The Salvation Army Corps.;Jacmel;"";688;Private donations;Jacmel;Disaster Management,Economic Recovery and Development;George Polarek;Early Recovery;Assistant Director, SAWSO;SAWSO-HT-10-003;Salvation Army World Service Office;1) Training, 2) Equipment, 3) Supervision, 4) Payment;650;660;Prime awardee;"";Jacmel Cash-for-Work;110640;2010-08-01;62;"";2011-01-27;"";The Salvation Army 
Haiti;"";2010-12-15;"";2010-12-15; Zone Route Neuve, Route Nationale # 1;;Ouest;"";N/A;Work for Food;Port-au-Prince;shipping/custome clearance;229;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Other;Lesly Pierre;"";Coordinator;TZU-HT-10-TZHT-12;Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation;Camp dhébergement à Route Neuve ;491;"";NA;Affected population(s);Job Training # 6;100000;2011-12-31;18;"";2010-12-15;Livelihoods;Tzu Chi Foundation
Democratic Republic of the Congo;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2001-01-01;"";;Katanga;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1319;Private donations;"";Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-CD-01-174496;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Kolwezi Development Program;"";2016-01-01;76;"";"";"";World Vision DR Congo
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";1999-01-01;"";;Dhaka;"";"";THP works at the Union level to (a) mobilize the population for self-reliant action, including forming producer co-operatives and other income generating enterprises, (b) build civil society from the bottom up - creating people's organization of women, youth, elders, girl-child advocates, and the poorest of the poor, (c) strengthen local democracy, (d) ensure adequate facilities for achieving the MDGs, (e) organize mass action campaigns for health, nutrition, education, clean water and sanitation.;"";"";1242;Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID),British Council,Private donations;"";Agriculture,Education,Health,Human Rights Democracy and Governance,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;John Coonrod;"";Executive Vice President;THP-BD-99-639;The Hunger Project;"";20000;"";"";"";Bhuapur Pouroshova Mobilization;"";2100-12-31;83;"";"";"";The Hunger Project
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1984-01-01;"";;Khulna;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1265;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-BD-84-51284;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Chila (Mongla) Development Program;"";2016-01-01;76;"";"";Nutrition, HIV/AIDS;World Vision Bangladesh
Haiti;"";2010-10-06;"";2011-01-27;"";;L'Artibonite,Nord,Ouest,Sud-Est;"";World Food Program (WFP);Management of the inter agency fleet of WFP throughout Haiti (70 trucks) for the transport of humanitarian aid;Cap-Haïtien,Gonaïves,Jacmel,Port-au-Prince;"";447;"";Cap-Haïtien,Gonaïves,Jacmel,Port-au-Prince;Disaster Management;Armony Mangin;Logistics;Liaison & Advocacy Officer;HCI-HT-10-011;Handicap International;"";"";"";"";"";Logistics Platform;0;2011-02-28;32;"";2011-02-03;"";Handicap International
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";1999-01-01;"";;Chittagong;"";"";THP works at the Union level to (a) mobilize the population for self-reliant action, including forming producer co-operatives and other income generating enterprises, (b) build civil society from the bottom up - creating people's organization of women, youth, elders, girl-child advocates, and the poorest of the poor, (c) strengthen local democracy, (d) ensure adequate facilities for achieving the MDGs, (e) organize mass action campaigns for health, nutrition, education, clean water and sanitation.;"";"";1197;Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID),British Council,Private donations;"";Agriculture,Education,Health,Human Rights Democracy and Governance,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;John Coonrod;"";Executive Vice President;THP-BD-99-159;The Hunger Project;"";20000;"";"";"";Dagonbhuia Mobilization;"";2100-12-31;83;"";"";"";The Hunger Project
Haiti;"";2010-10-09;"";2010-02-15;"";;Ouest;"";"";All Hands volunteers provide daily support to a local orphanage and youth club providing a safe, structured and rich learning envionment for children.  All Hands is also working with the Mayor's Office to build capacity at logistical, organizational and administrative levels.  All Hands is working to cultivate a positive and effective working relationship between local government, the UN and other NGOs.;Léogâne;"";51;"";Léogâne;Disaster Management,Protection;"";Early Recovery,Protection;"";HODR-HT-10-007;All Hands Volunteers;"";"";"";"";"";Community Outreach and Support;"";2011-12-31;5;"";"";"";All Hands Volunteers
Haiti;"";2010-09-24;"";2010-04-01;"";;Centre;"";Groupe dAppui aux Rapatriés et Réfugiés (GARR);Monitoring rights of displaced persons, providing targeted assistance to especially vulnerable individuals (EVIs), expanding durable solutions available to internally displaced persons (IDPs);Lascahobas;"";714;"Emergency Response Relief Fund for Haiti (OCHA/ERRF),U.S. Committee for Refugees & Immigrants (USCRI)";Belladère,Lascahobas;Protection;Sarah Williamson;Protection;Director of International Programs;USCRI-HT-10-001;US Committee for Refugees & Immigrants (USCRI);"";12000;50,000;Prime awardee;Internally displaced persons (IDPs), Vulnerable people/populations;Protecting Vulnerable Persons of Concern;520000;2010-10-31;69;"";"";Gender;""
Ghana;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2002-01-01;"";;Ashanti;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1364;Private donations;"";Education,Health;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-GH-02-175272;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Ashanti Akim North Development Program;"";2017-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS, Nutrition;World Vision Ghana
";;Sud;"";Catholic Relief Services (CRS);"Two separate irrigation systems will be improved and mechanisms put into place to improve their general management. This work is being done in order to help support rural communities that have had a large influx of people who were displaced due to the earthquake.
";les Cayes;"";1719;US Agency for International Development (USAID);Cayes;Economic Recovery and Development;Christon Domond;Early Recovery;Country Director;WC-HT-10-5055;World Concern;"Food for work (FFW), infrastructure reconstruction
";"";"";Subawardee;Affected population(s);Rehabiliation of Irrigation System in Chantal;269638;2011-01-31;71;;2011-03-31;"Livelihoods
";World Concern
Solomon Islands,Vanuatu;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-13;"";2009-03-15;"";;Central,Guadalcanal,Isabel,Makira,Malaita,Western;"";"";"The Church of Melanesia operates six Rural Training Centers (RTC), two in Vanuatu and four in the Solomon Islands.  The Church also has three affiliated RTC operated by individual dioceses.  The RTCs were established against the backdrop of many school dropouts from the primary & secondary education systems in Solomon Islands and Vanuatu.  These school dropouts do not have the necessary education or self-esteem to be functioning members in society.  The RTCs provide an avenue for some of the school dropouts to be empowered with useful knowledge, values and skills.  The RTCs do receive some financial assistance from the Governments of Solomon Island and Vanuatu.  Based on the results of a comprehensive review and study of the RTCs conducted in 2009 by Episcopal Relief & Developmentand ACOM, five policy goals have been identified:  1) to increase the number of female students and lower the ratio differential between men and women in all 9 schools; 2) to increase and/or improve the number of business and management courses; 3) To initiate or expand short community courses as a means of increasing impact and nonformal education access; 4) to develop business plans for at least 4 RTCs which result in increasing the income and self sustainability of the individual RTCs; and 5) introducing solar power as both a course and a source of revenue for the school.  The program will be overseen by a Business Development Committee which will function for 2 years. Loans and seed funds for reviewed and accepted  business plans will be made available as part of the 2011 program.  The program will measure impact of business development plans and solar energy course on the self sustainability of the RTCs.";"";"";828;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education;Nagulan Nesiah;"";Program Officer;ERD-SB-09-002;Episcopal Relief & Development;"";746;"";"";Individuals, Staff, Women, Youth;Building ACOM Rural Training Centre Sustainability;"";2011-12-30;27;;"";Capacity building;Church of the Province of Melanesia
Ethiopia;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1997-01-01;"";;Southern Nations Nationalities and Peoples;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1360;Private donations;"";Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV- ET-97-168733;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Shone Development Program;"";2012-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS;World Vision Ethiopia
Costa Rica;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2007-01-01;"";;Alajuela,Guanacaste;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1321;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Protection;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-CR-07-171194;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Huetar Development Program;"";2015-01-01;76;"";"";"";World Vision Costa Rica
Haiti;"";"";"";"";"";"";Ouest;"";"";The school for the Deaf needed a fence built around the relocation site post quake for safety and security reasons as well as safe storage facilities on the site.;Port-au-Prince;"";273;Private donations;Delmas;Education;"";"";"";CBM-HT-10-007;Christian Blind Mission;"";"";"";"";People with disabilities;L'Institute Montfort;"";"";22;"";"";Disability;""
Nicaragua;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2004-01-01;"";;Estelí;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1468;Private donations;"";Health;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-NI-04-178209;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Oyanca Development Program;"";2017-01-01;76;"";"";Nutrition;World Vision Nicaragua
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-09-27;"";2010-01-12;Peggy Ville, Juvenat, Haut Turgeau, Pétionville, Bristou et Marie, Delmas 31, Rues des Freres, Lilavois, Delmas 95, 1ere Saint Martin, Fond Parisien;;Ouest;"";"";To meet the basic and urgent needs of children and their families affected by the earthquake and ease the suffering of the affected communities.;Croix-des-Bouquets,Port-au-Prince;"";759;Private donations;Croix-des Bouquets,Delmas,Ganthier,Port-au-Prince,Pétion-Ville;Disaster Management,Education,Food Aid,Health,Protection,Shelter and Housing,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Amy Knorr;Education,Food Security and Agriculture,Health,Protection,Shelter and Non-Food Items,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Haiti Country Program Manager, World Vision US;WV-HT-10-001;World Vision US, Inc.;"";"";"";"";Affected population(s);Haiti Earthquake Response;0;2012-01-12;76;"";2011-01-19;Livelihoods;""
Haiti;"";2011-04-11;"";2010-11-01;"";;L'Artibonite;"";"";"Distribution of hygiene kits to school children. The Healthy Kids Kit is a small but powerful package containing a bar of soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, comb, skin lotion and a new washcloth—all the essentials to keep disease at bay.
";Dessalines,Saint-Marc;"";1708;Lutheran World Relief;Desdunes,Grande Saline,Saint-Marc;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Ann Varghese;"";HQ Program Officer;IMA-HT-10-012 ;IMA World Health;"";46000;"";"";Children ;In-Kind Donation of Healthy Kids Kits;268804;2011-05-01;37; ;2011-04-11;"";IMA World Health, Episcopal Relief & Development 
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-11-01;"";;Centre;"";"";"Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment
";Hinche;"";1896;Private donations;Thomonde;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-51710;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Medishare Thomonde;3367;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";Medishare Thomonde
Ghana;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2008-01-01;"";;Eastern;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1151;The Robertson Foundation;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-GH-08-GH33;The Hunger Project;"";5000;"";"";"";Obenyemi Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Haiti;"";1991-07-30;"";2010-01-21;"";;Ouest,Sud-Est;"";"";ACTED propose de mettre en œuvre une intervention visant à répondre aux besoins immédiats des populations touchées par la distribution directe et la mise en place dinfrastructures dhygiène et dapprovisionnement en eau et assainissement. Elle prévoit notamment linjection rapide de liquidités dans léconomie locale par le biais dun programme de travail contre paiement et la constrution d'abris transitionnels. Les activités proposées à la Fondation de France permettront de compléter les autres interventions dACTED prévues et en cours, notamment la distribution de nourriture, la distribution de biens non alimentaires et les kits dabris provenant dautres sources citées ci-dessus, ainsi que des activités deau et dassainissement avec UNICEF notamment.;Jacmel,Port-au-Prince;"";381;Fondation de France;Jacmel,Port-au-Prince;Economic Recovery and Development,Shelter and Housing,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Marianna Franco;Shelter and Non-Food Items,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Program Development Manager;ACTED-HT-10-41 AKY RE;Friends of ACTED;"";12900;"";"";Affected population(s);Emergency Support to Earthquake Affected Populations;615000;2011-01-20;29;"";1991-12-20;Disaster risk reduction (DRR);Friends of ACTED
Chad;foodsecurity_site;2010-09-07;"";2010-04-01;"";;Ouaddaï;"";"";Feeding in internally displaced person (IDP)/refugee camps and host communities in Eastern Chad: 11,432MT of food to 150,218 individuals.  ;"";"";976;World Food Program (WFP);"";Food Aid;Scott Webb;"";Program Officer;IRD-TD-10-10517;International Relief & Development;"";150218;"";Prime awardee;Internally displaced persons (IDPs), Refugees, Host Communities;World Food Program (WFP) General Distribution Feeding;"";2010-09-30;41;;"";"";International Relief & Development
Haiti;"";1991-10-12;"";2010-04-12;"";;Ouest;"";"";The American Red Cross provided financial and in-kind support to the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) to provide first aid and primary healthcare services, distribute clean water to people in camps, and support the national water board in repairing and overhauling water supply and sanitation facilities.;Port-au-Prince;"";97;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Marian Spivey-Estrada;Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Manager, Information and Reporting;ARCIS-HT-10-DR02;American Red Cross;"";"";Please note that the estimated number of people reached refers to the total number of people each project plans to reach over the life of its implementation. Not all of these people have been reached with services yet.;"";Affected population(s), Internally displaced persons (IDPs);Healthcare and Water and Sanitation Support through the International Committee of the Red Cross;0;2011-12-12;9;;1991-10-26;"";International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), Haitian Red Cross
Mexico;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1999-01-01;"";;México;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1448;Private donations;"";Health;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-MX-99-173025;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Nahje Development Program;"";2016-01-01;76;"";"";Nutrition;World Vision Mexico
Benin;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";1997-01-01;"";;Atlantique;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1065;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-BJ-97-BN12;The Hunger Project;"";18595;"";"";"";Wawata Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Zambia;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1999-01-01;"";;North-Western;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1543;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Health;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-ZM-99-171397;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Musele Development Program;"";2015-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS, Nutrition;World Vision Zambia
Haiti;"";2010-09-13;"";2010-06-01;"";;Ouest;"";KonTerra Group, Medical Benevolance Foundation-Presbyterian Church (USA);"In the aftermath of the January 12th disaster, Episcopal Relief & Development has been working closely with the Episcopal Diocese of Haiti to support health-related emergency response and recovery activities.  This has included previous (Jan-May) support for 203 mobile medical clinics in 67+ rural communities of the Department of the West that served over 42,000 patients, as well as on-going operating support for the reconstitution of permanent health education and medical care at the Episcopal hospital, Hôpital Sainte Croix (HSC), in Léogâne-ville. The objectives of current work at the Episcopal hospital include: 1) To support ongoing operational costs for HSC to deliver outpatient care to 200 patients per day and inpatient care to up to 24 patients per day; 2) To invest in the re-staffing and equipping of the hospital; and 3) To support the Diocese in developing a long-term management plan for its health institutions.";Léogâne;"";371;Private donations;Léogâne;Health;Kirsten Laursen-Muth;Health;Sr. Dir. International Programs;ERD-HT-10-005;Episcopal Relief & Development;"";28000;"";"";Affected population(s);Health Care;"";2011-04-01;27;"";2010-12-10;"";Episcopal Diocese of Haiti
Mexico;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-13;"";2009-01-01;"";;Oaxaca;"";"";Camalotal is located in the Mexican state of Oaxaca in the municipality of San Juan Bautista Tuxtepec. Located at an altitude of 60 meters, Camalotal is home for 1214 inhabitants. About 56 percent of the local population are adults. While the average years at school is 6 years, there are still about persons who are illiterate. Most of them  are of indigenous origin and speak an indigenous language. Lack of employment opportunities is a big issue among the members in this community. Most of the men and women remaining are unemployed, the rest are working illegally in the USA because that is their only resource. Episcopal Relief & Development in partnership with the Diocese of Southeast Mexico established a dairy cooperative to generate income and employment among the members of this community. Cattle has being purchase to form a cooperative among the members of the community. They organized themselves to work the land where cattle is raised, they make sure it has adequate space, food and provide maintenance on a regular basis. A veterinarian has been hired to train the members of the cooperative on how to maintain and take care of the cattle, how to apply vaccines and other medications to the animals and to monitor their health on a regular basis. Training on milk production, cheese making and basic business practices are also provided to guarantee their insertion into the local markets. In addition to generating employment for the community members, the income generated by this program will fund alternative productive social projects and a disaster relief fund for this community.;"";"";822;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development;Karla Avila;"";Program Officer;ERD-MX-09-001;Episcopal Relief & Development;"";80;"";"";"";"Dairy cooperative ""Camalotal Adelante""";"";2011-12-31;27;;"";Capacity building;Diocese of Southeast Mexico 
Haiti;"";2010-07-30;"";2010-07-07;"";;L'Artibonite;"";"";Prepositioning of WASH items and support for rapid response in case of humanitarian needs in the Lower and Central Artibonite Region.;Saint-Marc;"";402;UNICEF;Saint-Marc;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Marianna Franco;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Program Development Manager;ACTED-HT-10-41 APX 09N;Friends of ACTED;"";"";"";"";Affected population(s);Contingency - Stockpiling WASH NFIs and Support to Emergency Distributions;10000;2010-12-31;29;"";2010-12-20;"";Friends of ACTED
Burma;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-13;"";2008-01-01;"";;Kachin,Kayin,Mandalay,Yangon;"";"";Episcopal Relief & Development's partnership with the Church of the Province of Myanmar involves activities in each of the six dioceses and the recently established Provincial Development Office.  Episcopal Relief & Development is working with the provincial and diocesan development staff to strengthen and expand community development program planning and implementation, and to build professional capacity of development staff. Each diocesan office conducts assessments to determine community priorities and plan program activities, with community participation and leadership, to meet development needs as defined by their constituencies. ;"";"";801;Private donations;"";"";Nagulan Nesiah;"";Program Officer;ERD-MM-08-001;Episcopal Relief & Development;"";5753;"";"";Individuals, Women, Children, Clergy;Church of the Province of Myanmar Development Partnership;"";2010-12-31;27;;"";"";Church of the Province of Myanmar (Burma)
Ethiopia;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2002-01-01;"";;Southern Nations Nationalities and Peoples;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1352;Private donations;"";Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV- ET-02-173828;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Guraghe Development Program;"";2017-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS;World Vision Ethiopia
Haiti;"";2011-02-09;"";2010-09-01;"";"";Ouest;"";"";Built school in Petit-Goave;Léogâne;"";1617;Private donations;Petit-Goâve;Education;"";Education;"";FFP-HT-10-002;Food for the Poor;"";"";"";"";"";School;0;2011-12-31;85;"";2011-02-09;"";Food for the Poor
Ethiopia;foodsecurity_site;2010-03-29;"";2010-03-15;"";;Amhara,Oromia,Tigray;"";Institute for Sustainable Development;"Evaluate the impact of System of Teff Intensification in larger plots under irrigation in 3 sites between February and June; train selected model farmers and agricultural extension personnel in carrying out System of Crop Intensification (on teff, wheat and sorghum) during the main growing season of 2010; build a bridge between farmers, agricultural professionals, innovators and researchers for a participatory learning environment; and share the results widely.";"";"";1022;Swiss Re;"";Agriculture;Bekabil Fufa;"";Program Officer;OXFA-ET-10-ETH 006 /10;Oxfam America;"";"";"";"";"";Introduction of System of Crop Intensification (SCI) Technology as a Complementary Risk Reduction Activity in HARITA;"";2011-03-14;80;"";"";Climate change, Disaster risk reduction (DRR);Institute for Sustainable Development
India;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1996-01-01;"";;Gujarat;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1417;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-IN-96-170244;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Vyara Cluster Development Program;"";2014-01-01;76;"";"";"";World Vision India
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-09-01;"";;Nord;"";"";"Community Grant Program
";Cap-Haïtien;"";1909;Private donations;Cap-Haïtien;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-Grant 25;Direct Relief International;"";2000;"";"";"";Set up call center and taxi service for pregnant mothers;20000;2011-09-01;26;;2011-04-22;"";Konbit Sante
Nicaragua;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";2004-01-01;"";;Estelí;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1469;Private donations;"";Health;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-NI-04-178210;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";San Nicolas Development Program;"";2016-01-01;76;"";"";Nutrition;World Vision Nicaragua
Uganda;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-19;"";2002-01-01;"";;Mpigi;"";"";The epicenter strategy mobilizes the population of a cluster of villages within a 10km radius to establish and manage their own programs for health, education, nutrition, microfinance, food security, nutrition, water and sanitation. It is a fully integrated rural development strategy based on three pillars: social mobilization for self-reliant action, empowering women as key change agents for development, and partnership with local government.;"";"";1112;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Tory Watts;"";"";THP-UG-02-UG5;The Hunger Project;"";12853;"";"";"";Kiringete Epicenter;"";"";83;"";"";Nutrition;The Hunger Project
Mauritania;foodsecurity_site;2011-05-19;"";2010-06-01;"";;Gorgol;"";"";"Counterpart is assisting refugee returnees in Mauritania's Gorgol region to increase their food security and livelihood opportunities by providing agricultural inputs, technical assistance and cash-for-work to support waalo (flood recession) and jeeri (rain-fed) agriculture, controlled flood recession agriculture, irrigated perimeter production and womens vegetable gardens; and increasing community-based income-generating activities via rice husking and village mills.
";"";"";1915;Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration (DOS/PRM);"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Protection,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Mark Holt;"";Director, Nutrition, Health and Humanitarian Services;CPINT-MR-10-001;Counterpart International;"Smallholder Agriculture Development, Refugee Reintegration, Commodity Management, Gender Equality and Mainstreaming,
";"";"";Prime Awardee;"";Refugee Returnees Program;499421;2011-05-31;25;;2011-05-19;"Gender, Climate Change
";Counterpart International
Haiti;"";2010-10-05;"";2010-01-12;"";;Ouest,Sud-Est;"Overall, a total of 16,709 households (approximately 83,545 men, women, boys and girls) were provided with hygiene kits and household kits in Port-au-Prince, Léogâne, and Jacmel. The contents of both kits included: liquid antiseptic; towel; storage container; comb; razor; sanitary pads; soap; underwear; toothbrushes for adults and children; toothpaste; and a jerry-can; mugs; rope; spoons; water purification tablets; cooking pot and blanket. Save the Children obtained feedback from beneficiaries that the contents and quality of materials were useful; and there were several occasions where distribution teams were handed letters of thanks.";"";Objective: Increase awareness and capacity to respond to future emergencies.;Jacmel,Léogâne,Port-au-Prince;"";697;Hau'oli Mau Loa Foundation,Iceland Ministry of Foreign Affairs,Save the Children members around the world;Jacmel,Léogâne,Port-au-Prince;Disaster Management,Shelter and Housing;Nathalie Augustin;Shelter and Non-Food Items;Director, Haiti Stakeholder Liaison;STC-HT-10-004;Save the Children;"Activities include: incorporation of preparedness, prevention, and risk reduction activities into all programs; provision of transitional shelter and non-food items during the emergency phase; and preparation to provide emergency services in the event of a new disaster.";83545;"";"";"";Emergency Response Management;13638035;2011-06-30;63;"";2011-01-18;Disaster risk reduction (DRR);""
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-11-01;"";;Grand'Anse;"";"";"Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment
";Jérémie;"";1873;Private donations;Abricots;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-51599;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Centre de Sante Saint-Joseph des Abricots;3985;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";Centre de Sante Saitn-Joseph des Abricots
India;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1996-01-01;"";;Chhattisgarh;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1409;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-IN-96-167141;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Mahasamund Development Program;"";2012-01-01;76;"";"";"";World Vision India
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-12-15;"";2010-01-20;Jacmel;;Sud-Est;"";"";Meals were flown in by private planes for relief in remote areas of Haiti;Jacmel;"";702;Private donations;Jacmel;Food Aid;Rick Kearney;Nutrition;Distribution Coordinator;STOP-HT-10-0186-0188;Stop Hunger Now;"";49248;"";"";Affected population(s);In-Kind Donations to Horne Memorial UMC;12312;2010-02-19;65;;"";"";Horne UMC
Guatemala;foodsecurity_site;2010-08-13;"";2008-07-01;"";;Petén;"";"";More than 60 percent of the population in the Department of Peten lives with extreme poverty resulting from soil degradation, shortage of potable water, food insecurity, and pressure on natural resources due to single crop farming, over-grazing and slash and burn agricultural practices. This project seeks to improve the livelihood of 420 families—120 original and 300 through passing on the gift—in six communities of Peten through the management of family vegetable gardens. The project will be implemented in a period of three years and will follow a process of organization, training, participation and recognizing the value of knowledge.;"";"";917;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Health;Americas program;"";Americas program;HEFI-GT-08-23-1323-02;Heifer International;"";576;"";"";"";My Vegetable Garden, A Vision of the Future:  Recovering Backyard Vegetable Gardens to Improve Family Nutrition;"";2014-06-30;34;"";"";Nutrition;Fundación ProPeten
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;"";"";2001-06-01;"";;Khulna;"";"";Weekly meetings of Savings and Learning Groups of between 12 and 20 people as a vehicle for micro-savings-based food security and micro-enterprise, WASH education, health education, community development and long-term formation of participant-led community development institutions. Groups are single-gender settings to meet the needs of cultural norms in Bangladesh, but teach skills for healthy social interaction and values for good relationships. Groups are self-led and facilitated by FH Staff, with direct contact one half day per group per week.;"";"";852;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Lucas Shindeldecker;"";Food Security Program Officer;FH-BD-01-BANFCT040031;Food for the Hungry;"";16100;"";"";"";Family and Community Transformation (FCT) # 12;"";2014-12-31;28;;"";Gender, Capacity building;""
Haiti;"";2010-10-06;"";2010-01-16;"";;Ouest;"";"";Psychosocial Services;Léogâne,Port-au-Prince;"";437;"";Carrefour,Delmas,Grand-Goâve,Petit-Goâve,Port-au-Prince,Pétion-Ville,Tabarre;Health,Protection;Armony Mangin;Camp Coordination and Management;Liaison & Advocacy Officer;HCI-HT-10-003;Handicap International;"";24669;"";"";"";Health/Protection 3;0;2011-01-27;32;"";2011-01-27;"";Handicap International
Haiti;"";2010-10-05;"";2010-01-12;"";;Ouest,Sud-Est;"";"";Objective: Increase attendance, retention, and completion rates for vulnerable children in Haiti, through increased access to quality community-supported education.;Jacmel,Léogâne,Port-au-Prince;"";696;Agenzia Italiana Risposta Emergenze (AGIRE),Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA),Charles Englehard Foundation,Danish Development Agency (DANIDA),Haber/Silver Fund,Radio Aid,SONY,Save the Children members around the world;Jacmel,Léogâne,Port-au-Prince;Education;Nathalie Augustin;Education;Director, Haiti Stakeholder Liaison;STC-HT-10-001;Save the Children;"Activities include: support to community schools including early childhood development (ECD) centers, primary schools, and out-of-school children; teacher training; rehabilitation of damaged schools; construction of safer schools; distribution of school/recreational kits; and support to the Haiti Ministry of Education for improved governance. 

As an example, at the Institut Abellard school in Léogâne, Save the Children has provided earthquake- and hurricane- resistant school buildings as well as a rainwater harvesting system and latrines separated for boys and girls, serving over 360 students and 10 teachers. Teacher training and ongoing support have also been provided on the topics of positive classroom management practices, disaster risk reduction and how to recognize the psychosocial needs of children.";58200;"";"";"";Education;7644095;2011-06-30;63;"";2011-01-18;"";Fondation Haitienne de L'Enseignement Prive, Academie Pour L'Education et la Sante
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2011-04-07;"";2010-07-01;Saint Marc, Petite Riviere, Dessalines ;;L'Artibonite;"";"";The project's goal is to sustainably improve food security and income of 1,600 families through agricultural diversification, irrigation, reforestation, soil conservation and breeding of chickens and goats.;Dessalines,Saint-Marc;"";1694;Private donations;Dessalines,Petite Rivière de l'Artibonite,Saint-Marc,Verettes;Agriculture,Education,Environment;Ixchel Palencia;Food Security and Agriculture;Program Officer;HEFI-HT-10-23-1417-02-TK01;Heifer International;Agriculture and livestock diversification, reforestation, soil conservation and leader formation;8000;"";"";Men and Women Farmers;Agricultural Diversification in Artibonite with Tet Kole;187615;2013-06-30;34;"";2011-04-07;Gender, Environment;Tet Kle Ti Peyisan, Landless Peoples Movement of Brazil
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2011-04-29;"";2010-12-31;"";;Ouest;"";"";"To combat gender-based violence, improve advocacy, strengthen grassroots Haitian organizations and promote food security, especially in rural communities and IDP camps, with an emphasis on women.
";Port-au-Prince;"";1767;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Agriculture,Human Rights Democracy and Governance;Amarilys Estrella;Camp Coordination and Management,Health;Program Officer;AJWS-HT-10-035;American Jewish World Service (AJWS);"";1000;"";Prime Awardee;Women, Youth, Farmers, Fisherfolk, Internally displaced persons (IDPs);Another Haiti is Possible;20000;2011-12-30;8;;2011-04-29;Gender;Other Worlds Are Possible
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2011-04-07;"";2011-03-01;Pestel;;Grand'Anse;"";Kretyen Progre Ansanm (KPA), Reseau des Jeunes Educateurs en Droits Humains (REJEDH), Association pour le Progres et lAvantage de Desrivaux- Pestel (ASSOPAD), Organizasyon Rafrechi Memwa (ORAM), Organisation des jeunes pour le Developpement de Pestel (OJEDEP) ;The project's goal is to lower the rate of malnutrition and improve incomes of 400 families through an integrated agriculture, livestock and health campaign approach.;Corail;"";1697;Private donations;Pestel;Agriculture,Health;Ixchel Palencia;Food Security and Agriculture;Program Officer;HEFI-HT-11-23-1417-02-PE09;Heifer International;Production of crops rich in vitamins and minerals through the establishment of patio gardens and livestock production, health campaigns providing nutritional medicines, market linkages for surplus production.;2000;"";"";Children, Men and Women Farmers;Improved Nutrition and Income Among Children and Their Families in Pestel;130000;2012-06-30;34;"";2011-04-07;Gender;Heifer Haiti, Penn State Hershey College of Medicine
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-15;"";2004-06-15;Port-au-Prince;,;Ouest;"";"";Provision of ready-to-use therapeutic food (RUTF) to implementing partners. AVSI uses Medika Mamba in 5 nutrition centers that each allow for the rehabilitation of 200 children per year.;Port-au-Prince;"";554;Catholic Relief Services (CRS),UNICEF;Port-au-Prince;Health;Tom Stehl, Maryse Sterlin;Health,Nutrition;Coordinator of Operations, Haiti Administrator;MFK-HT-10-001;Meds & Food for Kids;"";"";"";"";Malnourished children;Community Management of Acute Malnutrition - AVSI;0;2011-12-12;77;"";2011-04-11;"";AVSI
China;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1999-01-01;"";;Ningxia;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1309;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-CN-99-172338;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Ningxia Jingyuan Development Program;"";2016-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS;World Vision China
Bangladesh;foodsecurity_site;"";"";2003-06-01;"";;Dhaka;"";"";Weekly meetings of Savings and Learning Groups of between 12 and 20 people as a vehicle for micro-savings-based food security and micro-enterprise, WASH education, health education, community development and long-term formation of participant-led community development institutions. Groups are single-gender settings to meet the needs of cultural norms in Bangladesh, but teach skills for healthy social interaction and values for good relationships. Groups are self-led and facilitated by FH Staff, with direct contact one half day per group per week.;"";"";841;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Lucas Shindeldecker;"";Food Security Program Officer;FH-BD-03-BANFCT010021;Food for the Hungry;"";16950;"";"";Women;Family and Community Transformation (FCT) # 1;"";2011-12-31;28;;"";Gender, Capacity building;""
Cambodia;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1995-01-01;"";;Kampong Thom;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1298;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;Nutrition;PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-KH-95-173061;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Prasath Sambo Church Partnership Development Program;"";2013-01-01;76;"";"";Nutrition;World Vision Cambodia
Haiti;"";2010-12-13;"";2010-11-22;"Ennery, Tabarre, Delmas, Carrefour-feuilles

";;L'Artibonite,Ouest;"";Ministry of Health (MOH), International Organization for Migration (IOM) ;"World Hope International is working in partnership, the United Nations agencies and other humanitarian partners as well as the Ministry of Health to increase the response to the cholera outbreak in Haiti. As WHI has observed significant decrease of cholera incidence in the areas deserved, emphasis are now preferentially placed on awareness, education on hygiene and sanitation as well provision of hygiene materials to the vulnerable populations.

World Hope International established three cholera treatment units where clients receive basic medical treatment with full medical staff including a doctor, nurse and auxiliary nurse.  The clinics are located in Artibonite (Ennery and Saint Michel de lAttalaye), the source of the outbreak, and Ouest (Mais Gate).  WHI provides intermediate level of cholera care by first rehydrating the patients and depending on severity, providing zinc and antibiotics before referring patients to a cholera treatment center.  At the centre, the patient can receive more in-patient support from other humanitarian partners.

Since the initiation of the project, WHI has reached over 4,298 patients with basic care and prevention education and treated 29 patients with cholera at the cholera treatment unit.  WHI also conducts mobile clinic in the areas where WHI reached 620 additional patients.  World Hope International expects to serve over 15,000 people per month until the crisis abates.

WHI is also addressing prevention by training ten field health agents to educate communities on hygiene and cholera prevention.  Five agents are assigned to each clinic.  Hand washing stations (as pictured below) are set up in each unit to teach children and others about the importance of hygiene.";Gonaïves,Port-au-Prince;"";755;Private donations;Carrefour,Delmas,Ennery,Port-au-Prince;Health;Larousse Ceus;Health;Country Director of Haiti;WH-HT-10-011;World Hope International;"";15000;"";Prime awardee;Cholera affected population, People in camps, People living in remote areas;Cholera Treatment Units/Awareness;200000;2011-12-31;73;;2011-04-26;"";World Hope International, Fondation Bon Samaritain AMJ-JS
Haiti;"";2011-02-09;"";2010-01-01;"";"";"";"";"";Completed 110 throughout Haiti;"";"";1619;Private donations;"";Water Sanitation and Hygiene;"";Water Sanitation and Hygiene;"";FFP-HT-10-004;Food for the Poor;"";"";"";"";Men, Women, Children;Water Project # 1;0;2011-05-31;85;"";2011-02-09;"";Food for the Poor
Ecuador;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1997-01-01;"";;Cotopaxi;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1333;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Protection;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-EC-97-164753;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Pujili Development Program;"";"";76;"";"";"";World Vision Ecuador
Haiti;foodsecurity_site;2011-05-26;"";2010-03-24;"";"";Ouest;"";"";Distribution of dehydrated soup mix;l'Arcahaie;"";295;Private donations,USAID Ocean Freight Reimbursement Program;Cabaret;Food Aid;"";Food Security and Agriculture;"";CPINT-HT-10-OFR 215;Counterpart International;"";"";"";"";Affected population(s);Haiti Assistance Project # 9;0;2011-05-05;25;"";2011-05-26;"";Counterpart International
Haiti;"";2010-12-02;"";2010-12-02;Fontamara 47 Prolongé;;Ouest;"";N/A;Work for Food;Port-au-Prince;shipping/custome clearance;225;Private donations;Carrefour;Education;Lesly Pierre;"";Coordinator;TZU-HT-10-TZHT-08;Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation;Foyer Ouvert des Gens Démunis de Fontamara ;311;"";NA;Affected population(s);Education # 4;100000;2011-12-31;18;"";2010-12-02;"";Tzu Chi Foundation
Haiti;"";1991-08-24;"";2010-02-01;"";;Ouest;"";"";Distribution of 55,000 sachets of Oral Rehydration Salts to health clincs and hospitals.;Port-au-Prince;"";38;GlobalMedic;Carrefour;Health;Andrew Lucas;Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Program Director;ADRA-HT-10-016;Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA);"";15000;"";"";Internally displaced persons (IDPs);Oral Rehydration Sachets Distribution;2000;2010-03-31;4;"";2011-01-24;"";GlobalMedic, Adventist Development and Relief Agency Network
Honduras;foodsecurity_site;2010-08-16;"";2009-07-01;"";;Francisco Morazán;"";"";"This project will involve 2,058 families—698 original recipients and 1,360 who will benefit from passing on the gift—located in 43 communities of six municipalities in western Honduras, where there is little or no institutional presence and limited capacity for action. The families struggle with poverty exacerbated by farming steeply sloping land with low fertility. Although low income is the main constraint, the families do have potential and optimism to promote and participate in new initiatives to drive their own development. The project aims to improve families' nutritional status through the placement of 225 cattle, 7,770 hens, 15,000 fish, 62 goats, 58 sheep, 200 rabbits, 65 bee hives and 8,000 fruit trees. Other activities, including agroecological production, will be geared toward improving availability of foods for family self-supply and local marketing; promoting adoption of agroecological practices in family farming systems; building capacities of local organizations (farming and community development groups); and setting up a revolving fund with $47,305 to support economic and production activities.";"";"";922;Private donations;"";Agriculture,Economic Recovery and Development;Americas program;"";Americas program;HEFI-HN-09-23-1509-02;Heifer International;"";3350;"";"";"";Sustainable Food Systems in Copán and Lempira;"";2015-06-30;34;"";"";"";Heifer Honduras
Philippines;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1987-01-01;"";;Southern Leyte;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1485;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-PH-87-68107;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Omega to Diadem Development Program;"";2013-01-01;76;"";"";"";World Vision Philippines
Haiti;"";2010-08-25;"";2010-11-08;"";;Ouest;"";"";Medical material support including pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment;Port-au-Prince;"";1825;Private donations;Port-au-Prince;Health;Andrew MacCalla;Health;Emergency Response Manager;DRI-HT-10-51529;Direct Relief International;"";"";"";"";"";Provision of Medical Supplies to Clinique Lafanmi;3481;2012-12-12;26;;2011-04-22;"";Clinique Lafanmi
Ethiopia;foodsecurity_site;2011-05-11;"";2009-05-01;""; ;Afar,Oromia,Somali;"Implement prevention and behavior change activities using community-based and mobile structures; Strengthen community-based response structures for care and support of orphans and vulnerable children (OVC), caregivers and people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA); Ensure links to comprehensive health services for HIV/AIDS affected pastoralist groups; Health system strengthening to support health services; Increasing community based approaches to health service delivery to improve health practices at household and community level
";Save the Children UK, International Rescue Committee (IRC), MercyCorps, CARE ;"Goal: Pastoralists and ex-pastoralists in Somali, Oromia and Afar Regions demonstrate increased resilience to shocks and secure more sustainable livelihoods. Objectives: (1) Improved health and nutritional status of targeted households, particularly children under five years of age; (2) Poor and extremely poor households have increased purchasing power to improve access to food; (3) Households in targeted communities protect their lives and assets and quickly resume livelihood activities following natural disasters.
";"";"";1783;US Agency for International Development (USAID);"";Agriculture,Disaster Management,Economic Recovery and Development,Health;Axel Weiser ;"";Director, Livelihoods Unit ;STC-ET-09-84010410 ;Save the Children;"Activities: Improve early warning policy, strategy and coordination; Strengthen livestock-based response; Establish and protect key drought reserves; Improve the availability and access to cereal during drought through community-led cereal banks; Improved maintenance of water points; Support the roll-out of National Guidelines for Livestock Relief Interventions in Pastoralist Areas; Strengthen pastoral areas social protection policy initiatives; Improved rangeland and water resource management; Improved sales and value of livestock products and services as well as non-livestock products and services; Support policy initiatives to recognize customary institutions and land tenure systems; Support the roll-out of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development's (MoARD) national animal health minimum standards and guidelines; Strengthen livestock marketing including export/ cross border trade
";146240;"";Prime Awardee ; Children under five, Pastoralists, People living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA), Orphans and vulnerable children (OVC);Pastoralist Livelihoods Initiative Phase II ;12000000;2013-04-30;63;"";2011-05-11;"HIV/AIDS, Disaster risk reduction (DRR), Nutrition
";Save the Children US  
India;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1996-01-01;"";;Jharkhand;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is implementing projects with food security components.;"";"";1403;Private donations;"";Economic Recovery and Development,Education,Health,Water Sanitation and Hygiene;Joel Hughey;"";PE&L Director, IPG, World Vision US;WV-IN-96-171020;World Vision US, Inc.;"";0;"";"";"";Girdih Development Program;"";2015-01-01;76;"";"";HIV/AIDS;World Vision India
Rwanda;foodsecurity_site;2010-10-26;"";1999-01-01;"";;Sud;"";"";Through this long-term community development program, World Vision is partnering with the local community to help meet critical needs facing the community. Currently this development program is impl