# Module to trigger requests to CARTO. It's meant to be replaced by a Swagger client # as soon as swagger-codegen supports v3 and we release the first version of the spec. module CartoAPI class JsonClient def initialize(http_client_tag: 'carto-api-client', scheme: 'https', base_domain: 'carto.com', port: nil) @http_client_tag = http_client_tag @base_domain = base_domain @scheme = scheme @port = port end attr_reader :scheme def get_visualization_v1(username:, name:, params: {}) parse(get(carto_url(username, "/api/v1/viz/#{name}", params: params)).body) end def get_visualizations_v1(username:, params: {}) parse(get(carto_url(username, '/api/v1/viz', params: params)).body) end # Deprecated, use get_visualizations_v1 instead (caller shouldn't care about the full response) def get_visualizations_v1_from_url(url) get(url) end def get_api_keys_v3(username:, params: {}) parse(get(carto_url(username, '/api/v3/api_keys', params: params)).body) end def base_url(username) "#{username}.#{@base_domain}" end private CONNECT_TIMEOUT = 45 DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 60 NO_PAGE_LIMIT = 100000 def carto_url(username, path, params: nil) uri = URI::HTTP.build(host: base_url(username), path: path, query: params && params.to_query) uri.scheme = @scheme if @scheme uri.port = @port if @port uri.to_s end def get(url) http_client = Carto::Http::Client.get(@http_client_tag, log_requests: true) request = http_client.request( url, method: :get, connecttimeout: CONNECT_TIMEOUT, timeout: DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, params: { per_page: NO_PAGE_LIMIT }, followlocation: true ) request.run end def parse(json) JSON.parse(json, symbolize_names: true) end end end