var $ = require('jquery'); var _ = require('underscore'); var Backbone = require('backbone'); var CDB = require('internal-carto.js'); var MetricsTracker = require('builder/components/metrics/metrics-tracker'); var ConfigModel = require('builder/data/config-model'); var UserModel = require('builder/data/user-model'); var LayerDefinitionModel = require('builder/data/layer-definition-model'); var AnalysisDefinitionNodesCollection = require('builder/data/analysis-definition-nodes-collection'); var AnalysisDefinitionsCollection = require('builder/data/analysis-definitions-collection'); var LayerDefinitionsCollection = require('builder/data/layer-definitions-collection'); var WidgetDefinitionsCollection = require('builder/data/widget-definitions-collection'); var AnalysisFormModel = require('builder/editor/layers/layer-content-views/analyses/analysis-form-models/base-analysis-form-model'); var WidgetOptionModel = require('builder/components/modals/add-widgets/widget-option-model'); var UserActions = require('builder/data/user-actions'); var AreaOfInfluenceFormModel = require('builder/editor/layers/layer-content-views/analyses/analysis-form-models/area-of-influence-form-model'); var CategoryWidgetOptionModel = require('builder/components/modals/add-widgets/category/category-option-model'); var FilterByNodeColumnFormModel = require('builder/editor/layers/layer-content-views/analyses/analysis-form-models/filter-by-node-column'); var TableModel = require('builder/data/table-model'); var AnalysisSourceOptionsModel = require('builder/editor/layers/layer-content-views/analyses/analysis-source-options-model'); var analyses = require('builder/data/analyses'); describe('builder/data/user-actions', function () { var interceptAjaxCall; beforeEach(function () { interceptAjaxCall = null; spyOn(MetricsTracker, 'track'); this.configModel = new ConfigModel({ base_url: '/u/pepe', user_name: 'pepe' }); this.userModel = new UserModel({ limits: { max_layers: 4 } }, { configModel: this.configModel }); this.analysisDefinitionNodesCollection = new AnalysisDefinitionNodesCollection(null, { configModel: this.configModel, userModel: this.userModel }); this.analysisDefinitionsCollection = new AnalysisDefinitionsCollection(null, { configModel: this.configModel, vizId: 'viz-123', layerDefinitionsCollection: new Backbone.Collection(), analysisDefinitionNodesCollection: this.analysisDefinitionNodesCollection }); this.layerDefinitionsCollection = new LayerDefinitionsCollection(null, { configModel: this.configModel, userModel: this.userModel, analysisDefinitionNodesCollection: this.analysisDefinitionNodesCollection, mapId: 'map-123', stateDefinitionModel: {} }); this.widgetDefinitionsCollection = new WidgetDefinitionsCollection(null, { configModel: this.configModel, layerDefinitionsCollection: this.layerDefinitionsCollection, analysisDefinitionNodesCollection: this.analysisDefinitionNodesCollection, mapId: 'map-123' }); this.userActions = UserActions({ userModel: this.userModel, analysisDefinitionNodesCollection: this.analysisDefinitionNodesCollection, analysisDefinitionsCollection: this.analysisDefinitionsCollection, layerDefinitionsCollection: this.layerDefinitionsCollection, widgetDefinitionsCollection: this.widgetDefinitionsCollection }); // Fake requests working, by default spyOn(Backbone, 'ajax').and.callFake(function (params) { interceptAjaxCall && interceptAjaxCall(params); return { always: function (cb) { cb(); return this; }, done: function (cb) { cb(); return this; }, fail: function (cb) { cb(); return this; } }; }); }); afterEach(function () { interceptAjaxCall = null; }); describe('.createAnalysisNode', function () { beforeEach(function () { spyOn(this.analysisDefinitionsCollection, 'create'); this.a0 = this.analysisDefinitionNodesCollection.add({ id: 'a0', type: 'source', params: { query: 'SELECT * FROM a_table' }, options: { table_name: 'a_table' } }); }); describe('when given a layer that has no analysis yet', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.layerDefModel = this.layerDefinitionsCollection.add({ id: 'layerA', kind: 'carto', options: { table_name: 'alice', letter: 'a', source: 'a0' } }); spyOn(this.layerDefModel, 'save').and.callThrough(); var nodeAttrs = { id: 'a1', type: 'trade-area', source: 'a0', kind: 'walk', time: 123 }; spyOn(this.userActions, '_resetStylePerNode'); this.nodeDefModel = this.userActions.createAnalysisNode(nodeAttrs, this.layerDefModel); }); it('should create a new analysis', function () { expect(this.analysisDefinitionsCollection.pluck('node_id')).toEqual(['a1']); }); it('should have updated the layer', function () { expect(this.layerDefModel.get('source')).toEqual('a1'); expect(this.layerDefModel.get('cartocss')).toEqual(jasmine.any(String)); expect(; }); it('should return a new node', function () { expect(this.nodeDefModel).toBeDefined(); expect('a1'); }); it('should try to reset styles', function () { expect(this.userActions._resetStylePerNode).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe('when given a layer that already have an analysis for the source of given attrs', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.layerDefModel = this.layerDefinitionsCollection.add({ id: 'layerA', kind: 'carto', options: { letter: 'a', source: 'a0' } }); spyOn(this.layerDefModel, 'save').and.callThrough(); this.analysisDefinitionsCollection.add({ analysis_definition: { id: 'a0' } }); var nodeAttrs = { id: 'a1', type: 'trade-area', source: 'a0', kind: 'walk', time: 123 }; this.nodeDefModel = this.userActions.createAnalysisNode(nodeAttrs, this.layerDefModel); }); it('should not create a new analysis', function () { expect(this.analysisDefinitionsCollection.pluck('node_id')).toEqual(['a1']); }); it('should updated layer', function () { expect(this.layerDefModel.get('source')).toEqual('a1'); expect(this.layerDefModel.get('cartocss')).toEqual(jasmine.any(String)); expect(; }); it('should return a new node', function () { expect(this.nodeDefModel).toBeDefined(); expect('a1'); }); }); }); describe('.saveAnalysis', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.layerDefModel = this.layerDefinitionsCollection.add({ id: 'l1', kind: 'carto', options: { letter: 'a', source: 'a0' } }); this.analysisDefinitionNodesCollection.add({ id: 'a0', type: 'source', params: { query: 'SELECT * from alice' } }); this.aFormModel = new AnalysisFormModel({ id: 'a1', type: 'buffer', radius: 100, source: 'a0' }, { analyses: analyses, configModel: {}, layerDefinitionModel: this.layerDefModel, analysisSourceOptionsModel: {} }); spyOn(this.userActions, '_resetStylePerNode'); spyOn(this.aFormModel, 'isValid'); }); xit('should do nothing if invalid', function () { this.aFormModel.isValid.and.returnValue(false); this.userActions.saveAnalysis(this.aFormModel); // TOFIX: no expect !? }); describe('when valid', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.aFormModel.isValid.and.returnValue(true); }); describe('when node does not exist for given form-model', function () { beforeEach(function () { spyOn(this.aFormModel, 'createNodeDefinition').and.callThrough(); this.userActions.saveAnalysis(this.aFormModel); }); it('should delegate back to form model to create node', function () { expect(this.aFormModel.createNodeDefinition).toHaveBeenCalledWith(this.userActions); }); it('should persist the new analysis', function () { expect(this.analysisDefinitionsCollection.pluck('node_id')).toEqual(['a1']); }); }); describe('when node-definition exists for given form-model', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.layerDefModel.set('source', 'a1'); this.layerAnalysis = this.analysisDefinitionsCollection.add({ id: 'for-A', analysis_definition: { id: 'a1', type: 'buffer', params: { id: 'a0', type: 'source', params: { query: '' } } } }); spyOn(this.layerAnalysis, 'save').and.callThrough(); spyOn(this.aFormModel, 'updateNodeDefinition').and.callThrough(); this.a1 = this.analysisDefinitionNodesCollection.get('a1'); this.userActions.saveAnalysis(this.aFormModel); }); it('should delegate back to form model to update the node-definition', function () { expect(this.aFormModel.updateNodeDefinition).toHaveBeenCalledWith(this.a1); }); it('should persist the analysis change', function () { expect(this.analysisDefinitionsCollection.pluck('node_id')).toEqual(['a1']); expect(; }); it('should set the USER_SAVED flag', function () { var node = this.analysisDefinitionNodesCollection.get('a1'); expect(node.USER_SAVED).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should try to reset style if possible', function () { expect(this.userActions._resetStylePerNode).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(this.userActions._resetStylePerNode.calls.argsFor(0)[3]).toBeTruthy(); }); }); }); }); describe('.saveAnalysisSourceQuery', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.query = 'SELECT * FROM table'; this.a0 = this.analysisDefinitionNodesCollection.add({ id: 'a0', type: 'source', params: { query: '' } }); this.a1 = this.analysisDefinitionNodesCollection.add({ id: 'a1', type: 'buffer', params: { source: { id: 'a0' } } }); this.layerDefModel = new LayerDefinitionModel({ id: 'layerA', kind: 'carto', options: { source: 'a0', table_name: 'table_name' } }, { configModel: this.configModel, parse: true }); this.layerDefinitionsCollection.add(this.layerDefModel); }); it('should not accept a non-source', function () { expect(function () { this.userActions.saveAnalysisSourceQuery(this.query, this.a1, this.layerDefModel); }.bind(this)).toThrowError(/source/); }); describe('setDefaultPropertiesByType', function () { beforeEach(function () { spyOn(this.layerDefModel.styleModel, 'setDefaultPropertiesByType'); this.queryGeometryModel = this.a0.queryGeometryModel; this.queryGeometryModel.set({ simple_geom: 'point', query: 'SELECT * FROM table_name' }); spyOn(this.userActions, '_resetStylePerNode'); this.userActions.saveAnalysisSourceQuery(this.query, this.a0, this.layerDefModel); }); it('should try to reset style if possible', function () { expect(this.userActions._resetStylePerNode).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe('when there is no analysis', function () { /* There is no possibility to have a layer without an analysis because source analysis are pre generated in the backend */ }); describe('when there is an persisted analysis already', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.analysis = this.analysisDefinitionsCollection.add({ id: 'for-layerA', analysis_definition: { id: 'a1' } }); spyOn(this.analysis, 'save'); this.userActions.saveAnalysisSourceQuery(this.query, this.a0, this.layerDefModel); }); it('should set query on analysis-definition-node-model', function () { var query = this.a0.get('query'); expect(query).toEqual(this.query); expect(_.isEmpty(query)).toBe(false); }); it('should save the analysis that contains the affected node', function () { expect(; expect(this.analysisDefinitionsCollection.pluck('node_id')).toEqual(['a1']); }); }); }); describe('.saveWidgetOption', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.a0 = this.analysisDefinitionNodesCollection.add({ id: 'a0', type: 'source', params: { query: '' } }); this.a1 = this.analysisDefinitionNodesCollection.add({ id: 'a1', type: 'buffer', params: { source: { id: 'a0' } } }); this.layerDefModel = this.layerDefinitionsCollection.add({ id: 'layerA', kind: 'carto', options: { letter: 'a', source: 'a1' } }); spyOn(this.layerDefModel, 'save').and.callThrough(); this.widgetOptionModel = new WidgetOptionModel({ type: 'category' }); spyOn(this.widgetOptionModel, 'analysisDefinitionNodeModel').and.returnValue(this.a1); spyOn(this.widgetOptionModel, 'layerDefinitionModel').and.returnValue(this.layerDefModel); spyOn(this.widgetOptionModel, 'save'); }); describe('when source of widget is not yet persisted', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.userActions.saveWidgetOption(this.widgetOptionModel); }); it('should create a new analysis', function () { expect(this.analysisDefinitionsCollection.pluck('node_id')).toEqual(['a1']); }); it('should not persist layer, it is necessary', function () { expect(; }); it('should delegate side-effects to the option model', function () { expect(; }); }); describe('when source of widget is already persisted', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.analysisDefinitionsCollection.add({ id: 'for-A', analysis_definition: { id: 'a1' } }); this.userActions.saveWidgetOption(this.widgetOptionModel); }); it('should only delegate side-effects to the option model', function () { expect(; }); it('should not save associated layer-definition-model, it is not necessary', function () { expect(; }); }); describe('when there is no analysis-definition-node-model available (e.g. time-series none-option)', function () { beforeEach(function () { spyOn(this.analysisDefinitionsCollection, 'saveAnalysisForLayer'); this.widgetOptionModel.analysisDefinitionNodeModel.and.returnValue(undefined); this.userActions.saveWidgetOption(this.widgetOptionModel); }); it('should only delegate side-effects to the option model', function () { expect(; expect(this.analysisDefinitionsCollection.saveAnalysisForLayer).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); }); describe('.deleteAnalysisNode', function () { beforeEach(function () { spyOn(this.userActions, '_resetStylePerNode'); }); describe('when there is a layer with some analysis', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.layerA = this.layerDefinitionsCollection.add({ id: 'A', kind: 'carto', options: { source: 'a2', table_name: 'alice' } }); this.analysisDefinitionsCollection.add({ id: 'for-layer-A', analysis_definition: { id: 'a2', type: 'buffer', params: { source: { id: 'a1', type: 'buffer', params: { source: { id: 'a0', type: 'source', params: { query: 'SELECT * FROM alice' }, options: { style_history: { A: { options: { tile_style: 'wadus', style_properties: { type: 'wadus' } } } } } } } } } } }); }); describe('deleting a1', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.userActions.deleteAnalysisNode('a1'); }); it('should delete self and dependent nodes', function () { expect(this.analysisDefinitionNodesCollection.pluck('id')).toEqual(['a0'], 'should leave a0 at least'); }); it('should update analysis to point to source of deleted node', function () { expect(this.analysisDefinitionsCollection.pluck('node_id')).toEqual(['a0']); }); it('should update the layer to point to the primary source', function () { expect(this.layerA.get('source')).toEqual('a0'); expect(this.layerDefinitionsCollection.pluck('id')).toEqual(['A']); }); it('should reset styles', function () { expect(this.userActions._resetStylePerNode).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('should copy styles from analysis node', function () { expect(this.layerA.styleModel.get('type')).toEqual('wadus'); expect(this.layerA.get('cartocss')).toEqual('wadus'); }); }); describe('deleting a2', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.userActions.deleteAnalysisNode('a2'); }); it('should reset styles', function () { expect(this.userActions._resetStylePerNode).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); }); describe('for some interrelated layers', function () { beforeEach(function () { // creates a nodes graph to test various scenarios: // a0 <-- head of layer A // c1 <-- head of layer C + widget // b2 // b1 <-- head layer B // b0 <-- widget // c0 this.analysisDefinitionsCollection.add({ id: 'layer-A', analysis_definition: { id: 'a0', type: 'source', params: { query: 'SELECT * FROM a_single_source' } } }); this.analysisDefinitionsCollection.add({ id: 'layer-B', analysis_definition: { id: 'b2', type: 'buffer', params: { source: { id: 'b1', type: 'trade-area', params: { source: { id: 'b0', type: 'source', params: { query: 'SELECT * FROM bar' } } } } } } }); this.analysisDefinitionsCollection.add({ id: 'layer-C', analysis_definition: { id: 'c1', type: 'intersection', params: { source: { id: 'c0', type: 'source', params: { query: 'SELECT * FROM my_polygons' } }, target: { id: 'b2' } }, options: { primary_source_name: 'source' } } }); this.layerDefinitionsCollection.add([ { id: 'A', kind: 'carto', options: { letter: 'a', source: 'a0' } }, { id: 'B', kind: 'carto', options: { letter: 'b', source: 'b2' } }, { id: 'C', kind: 'carto', options: { letter: 'c', source: 'c1' } } ]); this.widgetDefinitionsCollection.add([ { id: 'for-b0', type: 'formula', source: { id: 'b0' } }, { id: 'for-c1', type: 'formula', source: { id: 'c1' } } ]); expect(this.analysisDefinitionNodesCollection.pluck('id')).toEqual(['a0', 'b0', 'b1', 'b2', 'c0', 'c1'], 'should have created individual nodes'); }); it('should do nothing if the node does not exist', function () { expect(this.userActions.deleteAnalysisNode('x1')).toBe(false); expect(this.userActions.deleteAnalysisNode('')).toBe(false); expect(this.userActions.deleteAnalysisNode(undefined)).toBe(false); expect(this.userActions.deleteAnalysisNode(null)).toBe(false); expect(this.userActions.deleteAnalysisNode(true)).toBe(false); }); describe('when given a head node w/o any dependent nodes (c1)', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.c1 = this.analysisDefinitionNodesCollection.get('c1'); this.C = this.layerDefinitionsCollection.get('C'); spyOn(this.c1, 'destroy').and.callThrough(); spyOn(this.C, 'save').and.callThrough(); spyOn(this.analysisDefinitionsCollection, 'create').and.callThrough(); this.userActions.deleteAnalysisNode('c1'); }); it('should delete dependent nodes', function () { expect(this.analysisDefinitionNodesCollection.pluck('id')).not.toContain('c1'); expect(this.analysisDefinitionNodesCollection.pluck('id')).toEqual(['a0', 'b0', 'b1', 'b2', 'c0'], 'c1 and its primary source c0 should have been removed'); }); it('should update affected analysis', function () { expect(this.analysisDefinitionsCollection.pluck('node_id')).toEqual(['a0', 'b2', 'c0'], 'should have updated c1 => c0'); }); it('should update layer to point to new head', function () { expect(; expect(this.C.get('source')).toEqual('c0'); expect(this.layerDefinitionsCollection.pluck('source')).toEqual(['a0', 'b2', 'c0']); }); it('should delete dependent widgets', function () { expect(this.widgetDefinitionsCollection.pluck('source')).toEqual(['b0']); }); it('should delete node', function () { expect(this.c1.destroy).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe('when given a head node which have dependent nodes (b2)', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.b2 = this.analysisDefinitionNodesCollection.get('b2'); this.B = this.layerDefinitionsCollection.get('B'); spyOn(this.b2, 'destroy').and.callThrough(); spyOn(this.B, 'save').and.callThrough(); this.userActions.deleteAnalysisNode('b2'); }); it('should delete dependent nodes', function () { var nodeIds = this.analysisDefinitionNodesCollection.pluck('id'); expect(nodeIds).not.toContain('b2'); expect(nodeIds).not.toContain('c1'); expect(nodeIds).not.toContain('c0'); expect(nodeIds).toEqual(['a0', 'b0', 'b1']); }); it('should delete analysis for C', function () { expect(this.analysisDefinitionsCollection.pluck('node_id')).not.toContain('c1'); }); it('should have created a new analysis for the remaining b0', function () { expect(this.analysisDefinitionsCollection.pluck('node_id')).toContain('b1'); }); it('should update layer B to point to new head', function () { expect(; expect(this.B.get('source')).toEqual('b1'); }); it('should delete C layer', function () { expect(this.layerDefinitionsCollection.pluck('id')).toEqual(['A', 'B']); }); it('should not affect widgets', function () { expect(this.widgetDefinitionsCollection.pluck('source')).toEqual(['b0']); }); it('should delete node', function () { expect(this.b2.destroy).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe('when given a node which is neither a head or source (b1)', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.b1 = this.analysisDefinitionNodesCollection.get('b1'); spyOn(this.b1, 'destroy').and.callThrough(); this.userActions.deleteAnalysisNode('b1'); }); it('should delete dependent nodes', function () { var nodeIds = this.analysisDefinitionNodesCollection.pluck('id'); expect(nodeIds).not.toContain('b2'); expect(nodeIds).not.toContain('b1'); expect(nodeIds).not.toContain('c1'); expect(nodeIds).toEqual(['a0', 'b0']); }); it('should have created a new analysis for the remaining b0', function () { expect(this.analysisDefinitionsCollection.pluck('node_id')).toContain('b0'); }); it('should delete analysis for C', function () { expect(this.analysisDefinitionsCollection.pluck('node_id')).not.toContain('c1'); }); it('should delete affected layers', function () { expect(this.layerDefinitionsCollection.pluck('id')).toEqual(['A', 'B'], 'only C'); }); it('should not affect widgets', function () { expect(this.widgetDefinitionsCollection.pluck('source')).toEqual(['b0']); }); it('should delete node', function () { expect(this.b1.destroy).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); }); }); describe('.createLayerFromTable', function () { beforeEach(function () { interceptAjaxCall = function (params) { if (/layers/.test(params.url)) { params.success && params.success({ id: undefined, options: {}, order: 2, infowindow: '', tooltip: '', kind: 'carto' }); } }; }); it('should create layer with infowindows and tooltips', function () { var tableModel = new TableModel({ name: 'tableName' }, { configModel: this.configModel }); var newLayer = this.userActions.createLayerFromTable(tableModel); expect(newLayer.get('infowindow')).toBeDefined(); expect(newLayer.get('tooltip')).toBeDefined(); }); it('should create a new analysis for the source', function () { var tableModel = new TableModel({ name: 'foobar' }, { configModel: this.configModel }); var newLayer = this.userActions.createLayerFromTable(tableModel); var analysisDefModel = this.analysisDefinitionsCollection.findWhere({ node_id: newLayer.get('source') }); expect(analysisDefModel).toBeDefined(); var nodeDefModel = this.analysisDefinitionNodesCollection.get(newLayer.get('source')); expect(nodeDefModel).toBeDefined(); expect(nodeDefModel.attributes).toEqual({ id: 'a0', type: 'source', table_name: 'foobar', query: 'SELECT * FROM foobar', status: 'ready' }); }); it('should create a new analysis for the source quoting table names if needed', function () { var tableModel = new TableModel({ name: '000cd294-b124-4f82-b569-0f7fe41d2db8' }, { configModel: this.configModel }); var newLayer = this.userActions.createLayerFromTable(tableModel); var analysisDefModel = this.analysisDefinitionsCollection.findWhere({ node_id: newLayer.get('source') }); expect(analysisDefModel).toBeDefined(); var nodeDefModel = this.analysisDefinitionNodesCollection.get(newLayer.get('source')); expect(nodeDefModel).toBeDefined(); expect(nodeDefModel.attributes).toEqual({ id: 'a0', type: 'source', table_name: '"000cd294-b124-4f82-b569-0f7fe41d2db8"', query: 'SELECT * FROM "000cd294-b124-4f82-b569-0f7fe41d2db8"', status: 'ready' }); }); it('should create a new analysis for the source getting owner name if present', function () { var tableModel = new TableModel({ name: '"user".table' }, { configModel: this.configModel }); this.configModel.set('user_name', 'pepito'); var newLayer = this.userActions.createLayerFromTable(tableModel); var analysisDefModel = this.analysisDefinitionsCollection.findWhere({ node_id: newLayer.get('source') }); expect(analysisDefModel).toBeDefined(); expect(newLayer.get('table_name')).toBe('table'); expect(newLayer.get('user_name')).toBe('user'); var nodeDefModel = this.analysisDefinitionNodesCollection.get(newLayer.get('source')); expect(nodeDefModel).toBeDefined(); expect(nodeDefModel.attributes).toEqual({ id: 'a0', type: 'source', table_name: 'user.table', query: 'SELECT * FROM user.table', status: 'ready' }); }); it('should create a new analysis for the source passing the table model', function () { var tableModel = new TableModel({ name: 'foobar', privacy: 'PRIVATE' }, { configModel: this.configModel }); var newLayer = this.userActions.createLayerFromTable(tableModel); var analysisDefModel = this.analysisDefinitionsCollection.findWhere({ node_id: newLayer.get('source') }); expect(analysisDefModel).toBeDefined(); var nodeDefModel = this.analysisDefinitionNodesCollection.get(newLayer.get('source')); expect(nodeDefModel.tableModel).toBeDefined(); expect(nodeDefModel.tableModel.get('name')).toEqual('foobar'); expect(nodeDefModel.tableModel.get('privacy')).toEqual('PRIVATE'); }); it('should invoke the success callback if layer is correctly created', function () { spyOn(this.layerDefinitionsCollection, 'create'); var successCallback = jasmine.createSpy('successCallback'); var tableModel = new TableModel({ name: 'tableName' }, { configModel: this.configModel }); this.userActions.createLayerFromTable(tableModel, { success: successCallback }); this.layerDefinitionsCollection.create.calls.argsFor(0)[1].success(); expect(successCallback).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('should add style_properties if geometry is provided', function () { var tableModel = new TableModel({ name: 'tableName', geometry_types: ['st_multilinestring'] }, { configModel: this.configModel }); var layer = this.userActions.createLayerFromTable(tableModel); expect(layer.styleModel.get('type')).toBe('simple'); var stroke = layer.styleModel.get('stroke'); expect(stroke.color.fixed).toBe('#4CC8A3'); tableModel.set({ name: 'tableName', geometry_types: ['st_polygon'] }); var layer2 = this.userActions.createLayerFromTable(tableModel); expect(layer2.styleModel.get('type')).toBe('simple'); var fill = layer2.styleModel.get('fill'); expect(fill.color.fixed).toBe('#826DBA'); }); it('should invoke the error callback if layer creation fails', function () { spyOn(this.layerDefinitionsCollection, 'create'); var errorCallback = jasmine.createSpy('errorCallback'); var tableModel = new TableModel({ name: 'tableName' }, { configModel: this.configModel }); this.userActions.createLayerFromTable(tableModel, { error: errorCallback }); this.layerDefinitionsCollection.create.calls.argsFor(0)[1].error(); expect(errorCallback).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('should place the layer below the "Tiled" layer on top', function () { this.layerDefinitionsCollection.add({ id: 'labels-on-top', kind: 'tiled', order: 1 }); this.layerDefinitionsCollection.add({ id: 'cartodb-layer', kind: 'carto', options: { table_name: 'carto' }, order: 0 }); spyOn(this.layerDefinitionsCollection, 'create').and.callThrough(); spyOn(this.layerDefinitionsCollection, 'save').and.callThrough(); var tableModel = new TableModel({ name: 'tableName' }, { configModel: this.configModel }); this.userActions.createLayerFromTable(tableModel); expect(this.layerDefinitionsCollection.pluck('id')).toEqual(['cartodb-layer', undefined, 'labels-on-top']); expect(this.layerDefinitionsCollection.pluck('order')).toEqual([0, 1, 2]); // Layer is created successfully this.layerDefinitionsCollection.create.calls.argsFor(0)[1].success(); expect(; }); it('should place the layer below the "Torque" layer on top', function () { this.layerDefinitionsCollection.add({ id: 'torque-layer', kind: 'torque', options: { table_name: 'torque' }, order: 1 }); this.layerDefinitionsCollection.add({ id: 'cartodb-layer', kind: 'carto', options: { table_name: 'carto' }, order: 0 }); spyOn(this.layerDefinitionsCollection, 'create').and.callThrough(); spyOn(this.layerDefinitionsCollection, 'save').and.callThrough(); var tableModel = new TableModel({ name: 'tableName' }, { configModel: this.configModel }); this.userActions.createLayerFromTable(tableModel); expect(this.layerDefinitionsCollection.pluck('id')).toEqual(['cartodb-layer', undefined, 'torque-layer']); expect(this.layerDefinitionsCollection.pluck('order')).toEqual([0, 1, 2]); // Layer is created successfully this.layerDefinitionsCollection.create.calls.argsFor(0)[1].success(); expect(; }); it('should place the new layer above the "CartoDB" layer on top', function () { this.layerDefinitionsCollection.add({ id: 'layer-0', kind: 'carto', options: { table_name: 'alice' }, order: 0 }); this.layerDefinitionsCollection.add({ id: 'layer-1', kind: 'carto', options: { table_name: 'bob' }, order: 1 }); spyOn(this.layerDefinitionsCollection, 'create').and.callThrough(); spyOn(this.layerDefinitionsCollection, 'save').and.callThrough(); var tableModel = new TableModel({ name: 'tableName' }, { configModel: this.configModel }); var newLayer = this.userActions.createLayerFromTable(tableModel); newLayer.set('id', 'new-layer'); expect(this.layerDefinitionsCollection.pluck('id')).toEqual(['layer-0', 'layer-1', 'new-layer']); expect(this.layerDefinitionsCollection.pluck('order')).toEqual([0, 1, 2]); // Layer is created successfully this.layerDefinitionsCollection.create.calls.argsFor(0)[1].success(); // Order of other layers has not been changed expect(; }); it('should create analysis for all layers that lack one', function () { this.layerDefinitionsCollection.add({ kind: 'tiled' }); // Layers w/ analysis this.layerA = this.layerDefinitionsCollection.add({ id: 'layerA', kind: 'carto', options: { letter: 'a', source: 'a0' } }); this.analysisDefinitionsCollection.add({ analysis_definition: { id: 'a0', type: 'source', params: {} } }); // Layer w/o analysis this.layerB = this.layerDefinitionsCollection.add({ id: 'layerB', kind: 'carto', options: { letter: 'b', source: 'b0' } }); spyOn(this.analysisDefinitionsCollection, 'saveAnalysisForLayer'); var tableModel = new TableModel({ name: 'tableName' }, { configModel: this.configModel }); this.userActions.createLayerFromTable(tableModel); // Should create an aalysis for layerB expect(this.analysisDefinitionsCollection.saveAnalysisForLayer).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(this.analysisDefinitionsCollection.saveAnalysisForLayer.calls.count()).toEqual(2); expect(this.analysisDefinitionsCollection.saveAnalysisForLayer.calls.argsFor(0)[0].id).toEqual('layerB'); }); it('should place new layer below labels on top and torque if they exists', function () { this.layerDefinitionsCollection.add({ id: 'labels-on-top', kind: 'tiled', order: 1 }); this.layerDefinitionsCollection.add({ id: 'torque-layer', kind: 'torque', options: { table_name: 'torque' }, order: 0 }); spyOn(this.layerDefinitionsCollection, 'create').and.callThrough(); spyOn(this.layerDefinitionsCollection, 'save').and.callThrough(); var tableModel = new TableModel({ name: 'tableName' }, { configModel: this.configModel }); this.userActions.createLayerFromTable(tableModel); expect(this.layerDefinitionsCollection.pluck('id')).toEqual([undefined, 'torque-layer', 'labels-on-top']); expect(this.layerDefinitionsCollection.pluck('order')).toEqual([0, 1, 2]); // Layer is created successfully this.layerDefinitionsCollection.create.calls.argsFor(0)[1].success(); expect(; }); }); describe('.createLayerForAnalysisNode', function () { var userActions; beforeEach(function () { userActions = this.userActions; this.analysisDefinitionsCollection.add({ id: '1st', analysis_definition: { id: 'a2', type: 'trade-area', params: { source: { id: 'a1', type: 'buffer', params: { source: { id: 'a0', type: 'source', params: { query: 'SELECT * FROM something' }, options: { table_name: 'something' } } }, options: { style_history: { layer_with_styles: { options: { tile_style: 'wadus', style_properties: { type: 'wadus' } } } } } } } } }); this.widgetDefinitionsCollection.add({ id: 'should-not-change', type: 'formula', source: { id: 'w101' } }); }); it('should not allow to create layer below or on basemap', function () { expect(function () { userActions.createLayerForAnalysisNode('a1', 'a'); }).toThrowError(/required/); expect(function () { userActions.createLayerForAnalysisNode('a1', null, null); }).toThrowError(/required/); expect(function () { userActions.createLayerForAnalysisNode('a1', 'a', {}); }).toThrowError(/base layer/); expect(function () { userActions.createLayerForAnalysisNode('a1', 'a', { at: 0 }); }).toThrowError(/base layer/); expect(function () { userActions.createLayerForAnalysisNode('a1', 'a', { at: null }); }).toThrowError(/base layer/); }); it('should throw an error if given node does not exist', function () { expect(function () { userActions.createLayerForAnalysisNode('x1', 'x', { at: 0 }); }).toThrowError(/does not exist/); }); it('should throw an error if max layers limit is reached', function () { var error; spyOn(this.layerDefinitionsCollection, 'getNumberOfDataLayers').and.returnValue(4); try { userActions.createLayerForAnalysisNode('x1', 'x', { at: 0 }); } catch (err) { error = err; } expect(error).toBeDefined(); expect(error.message).toContain('max'); expect(error.userMaxLayers).toEqual(4); }); describe('when given node is a source node', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.layerDefinitionsCollection.add([ { id: 'basemap', kind: 'tiled', order: 0 }, { id: 'layerA', order: 1, kind: 'carto', options: { letter: 'a', source: 'a0', table_name: 'alice', table_name_alias: 'alice_alias', cartocss: 'wadus', style_properties: { type: 'wadus' } } } ]); spyOn(this.layerDefinitionsCollection, 'create').and.callThrough(); spyOn(this.userActions, '_resetStylePerNode'); this.userActions.createLayerForAnalysisNode('a0', 'a', { at: 1 }); this.newLayerDefModel = this.layerDefinitionsCollection.findWhere({ letter: 'b' }); }); it('should create a new layer', function () { expect(this.layerDefinitionsCollection.pluck('letter')).toEqual([undefined, 'b', 'a'], 'should add new layer at the given at position'); expect(this.newLayerDefModel.get('letter')).toEqual('b', 'should have new letter'); expect(this.newLayerDefModel.get('source')).toEqual('a0', 'should have same source'); expect(this.newLayerDefModel.get('sql')).toEqual('SELECT * FROM alice', 'should have same SQL'); expect(this.newLayerDefModel.get('table_name')).toEqual('alice', 'should have same table name'); expect(this.newLayerDefModel.get('table_name_alias')).toEqual('alice_alias', 'should have same table name alias'); expect(this.newLayerDefModel.get('order')).toEqual(1, 'should be the same as given at position'); expect(this.newLayerDefModel.get('cartocss')).toEqual('wadus', 'should have same cartocss'); expect(this.newLayerDefModel.styleModel.get('type')).toEqual('wadus', 'should have same style properties'); }); it('should not force-reset styles, they are copied from original layer', function () { this.userActions._resetStylePerNode.calls.reset(); this.layerDefinitionsCollection.create.calls.argsFor(0)[1].success(); var queryGeometryModel = this.newLayerDefModel.getAnalysisDefinitionNodeModel().queryGeometryModel; queryGeometryModel.set({ status: 'fetched', ready: true, simple_geom: 'line' }); expect(this.userActions._resetStylePerNode).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(this.userActions._resetStylePerNode.calls.argsFor(0)[3]).toBeFalsy(); }); it('should not change any analysis', function () { expect(this.analysisDefinitionNodesCollection.pluck('id')).toEqual(['a0']); }); }); // Node is NOT a head of a node, e.g. given nodeId is 'a2' this would create a new layer B which takes over the // ownership of the given node and its underlying nodes // _______ _______ ______ // | A | | A | | B | // | | | | | | // | [A3] | | [A3] | | {B2} | // | {A2} | => | {B2} | | [B1] | // | [A1] | | | | [B0] | // | [A0] | | | | | // |______| |______| |______| describe('when given node is NOT a head of any layer', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.analysis = { id: 'A4', analysis_definition: { id: 'a4', type: 'buffer', params: { radius: 40, source: { id: 'a3', type: 'buffer', params: { radius: 30, source: this.analysisDefinitionNodesCollection.get('a2').toJSON() }, options: { style_history: { l1: { options: { tile_style: 'wadus', style_properties: { type: 'wadus' } } } } } } } } }; this.analysisDefinitionsCollection.reset([this.analysis]); this.A4 = this.analysisDefinitionsCollection.get('A4'); spyOn(this.A4, 'save').and.callThrough(); this.layerDefModel = this.layerDefinitionsCollection.add({ id: 'l1', order: 1, kind: 'carto', options: { table_name: 'foobar', table_name_alias: 'alias', cartocss: 'before', source: 'a4' } }); this.widgetDefinitionsCollection.add({ id: 'should-change', type: 'formula', source: { id: 'a2' } }); expect(this.widgetDefinitionsCollection.size()).toBe(2); }); it('should handle the requests in the correct order', function () { var calls = []; var newLayerModel = this.layerDefinitionsCollection.add({ id: 'm1', order: 1, kind: 'carto', type: 'CartoDB', options: { table_name: 'foobar', table_name_alias: 'alias', cartocss: 'before', source: 'a4' } }); spyOn(this.layerDefinitionsCollection, 'add').and.returnValue(newLayerModel); newLayerModel.sync = function (action, model, opts) { calls.push('layers'); var deferred = $.Deferred(); deferred.resolve(model.toJSON()); return deferred.promise(); }; _.each(this.analysisDefinitionsCollection.models, function (model) { model.sync = function (action, model, opts) { calls.push('analysis'); var deferredZ = $.Deferred(); deferredZ.resolve(model.toJSON()); return deferredZ.promise(); }; }, this); this.userActions.createLayerForAnalysisNode('a2', 'a', { at: 2 }); expect(calls[0]).toEqual('analysis'); expect(calls[1]).toEqual('layers'); }); describe('and does not have saved styles', function () { beforeEach(function () { spyOn(this.widgetDefinitionsCollection, 'create').and.callThrough(); this.userActions.createLayerForAnalysisNode('a2', 'a', { at: 2 }); }); describe('should create new layer with', function () { beforeEach(function () { expect(this.layerDefinitionsCollection.pluck('letter')).toEqual(['a', 'b']); this.newLayerDefModel = this.layerDefinitionsCollection.last(); }); it('source pointing to new node', function () { expect(this.analysisDefinitionNodesCollection.get('b2')).toBeDefined(); expect(this.newLayerDefModel.get('source')).toEqual('b2'); }); it('table name of prev layer', function () { expect(this.newLayerDefModel.get('table_name')).toEqual('foobar'); }); it('should set table name alias of prev layer', function () { expect(this.newLayerDefModel.get('table_name_alias')).toEqual('alias'); }); }); it('should remove all widgets pointing to the affected node', function () { expect(this.widgetDefinitionsCollection.size()).toBe(1); }); it('should still have same unaffected nodes on layer A', function () { expect(this.layerDefModel.get('source')).toEqual('a4'); expect(this.analysisDefinitionNodesCollection.get('a4')).toBeDefined(); expect(this.analysisDefinitionNodesCollection.get('a3')).toBeDefined(); }); it('the head of the moved node should now point to the head of the new layer B', function () { expect(this.analysisDefinitionNodesCollection.get('a3').get('source')).toEqual('b2'); }); it('should have created new node from the sub-tree of the given node', function () { expect(this.analysisDefinitionNodesCollection.get('b2')).toBeDefined(); expect(this.analysisDefinitionNodesCollection.get('b1')).toBeDefined(); expect(this.analysisDefinitionNodesCollection.get('b0')).toBeDefined(); }); it('should have removed the underlying no-longer-used nodes', function () { expect(this.analysisDefinitionNodesCollection.get('a2')).toBeUndefined(); expect(this.analysisDefinitionNodesCollection.get('a1')).toBeUndefined(); expect(this.analysisDefinitionNodesCollection.get('a0')).toBeUndefined(); }); it('should save the existing analysis', function () { expect(; }); it('should create a new analysis for new layer', function () { expect(this.analysisDefinitionsCollection.pluck('node_id')).toEqual(['a4', 'b2']); }); describe('when created a layer successfully', function () { it('should recreate all affected widgets', function () { expect(this.widgetDefinitionsCollection.create).toHaveBeenCalledWith( jasmine.objectContaining({ type: 'formula', options: jasmine.objectContaining({ sync_on_bbox_change: true }), avoidNotification: true, source: jasmine.objectContaining({ id: 'b2' }), layer_id: undefined, order: 0 }), jasmine.objectContaining({ wait: true, success: jasmine.any(Function), error: jasmine.any(Function) }) ); }); describe('when widgets are created', function () { beforeEach(function () { spyOn(this.userActions, '_resetStylePerNode'); spyOn(this.layerDefinitionsCollection, 'save').and.callThrough(); this.widgetDefinitionsCollection.create.calls.argsFor(0)[1].success(); }); it('should reset orders', function () { expect(this.layerDefinitionsCollection.pluck('order')).toEqual([0, 1]); }); it('should save layers', function () { expect(; }); it('should force-reset the styles', function () { expect(this.userActions._resetStylePerNode).toHaveBeenCalledWith(jasmine.anything(),, true); }); }); }); }); describe('and does have saved styles', function () { beforeEach(function () { spyOn(this.widgetDefinitionsCollection, 'create').and.callThrough(); spyOn(this.userActions, '_resetStylePerNode'); this.userActions.createLayerForAnalysisNode('a3', 'a', { at: 2 }); this.widgetDefinitionsCollection.create.calls.argsFor(0)[1].success(); }); it('should not force-reset the styles', function () { expect(this.userActions._resetStylePerNode).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(this.userActions._resetStylePerNode.calls.argsFor(0)[3]).toBeFalsy(); }); }); }); // Node is head of a layer, e.g. given nodeId A3 it should rename prev layer (A => B), and create a new layer (A) // where the prev layer was to take over its letter identity and its primary source (A2). // The motivation for this is to maintain the layer's state (styles, popup etc.) which really depends on the // last analysis output than the layer itself: // _______ _______ ______ // | A | | A | | B | <-- note that B is really A which just got moved & had it's nodes renamed // | | | | | | // | [A2] | => | | | {B1} | // | [A1] | | [A1] | | [A1] | // | [A0] | | [A0] | | | // |______| |______| |______| describe('when given node is head of a layer', function () { it('should handle the requests in the correct order', function () { this.layerDefModel = this.layerDefinitionsCollection.add({ id: 'l1', order: 1, kind: 'carto', options: { table_name: 'foobar', table_name_alias: 'alias', cartocss: 'before', source: 'a2' } }); // Layer pointing to the dragged icon (no definition associated) this.layerDefinitionsCollection.add({ id: 'l2', order: 2, kind: 'carto', options: { cartocss: 'before', source: 'a2' } }); spyOn(LayerDefinitionModel.prototype, 'save').and.callThrough(); this.widgetDefinitionsCollection.add({ layer_id: 'l1', id: 'w2', type: 'formula', source: { id: 'a2' } }); this.widgetDefinitionsCollection.add({ layer_id: 'l1', id: 'w3', type: 'formula', source: { id: 'a1' } }); var calls = []; var prevLayer = this.layerDefinitionsCollection.findWhere({ source: 'a2', letter: 'a' }); prevLayer.sync = function (action, model, opts) { calls.push('layers'); var deferred = $.Deferred(); deferred.resolve(model.toJSON()); return deferred.promise(); }; _.each(this.analysisDefinitionsCollection.models, function (model) { model.sync = function (action, model, opts) { calls.push('analysis'); var deferredZ = $.Deferred(); deferredZ.resolve(model.toJSON()); return deferredZ.promise(); }; }, this); this.userActions.createLayerForAnalysisNode('a2', 'a', { at: 2 }); expect(calls[0]).toEqual('analysis'); expect(calls[1]).toEqual('layers'); }); describe('without saved styles', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.layerDefModel = this.layerDefinitionsCollection.add({ id: 'l1', order: 1, kind: 'carto', options: { table_name: 'foobar', table_name_alias: 'alias', cartocss: 'before', source: 'a2' } }); // Layer pointing to the dragged icon (no definition associated) this.layerDefinitionsCollection.add({ id: 'l2', order: 2, kind: 'carto', options: { cartocss: 'before', source: 'a2' } }); spyOn(LayerDefinitionModel.prototype, 'save').and.callThrough(); this.widgetDefinitionsCollection.add({ layer_id: 'l1', id: 'w2', type: 'formula', source: { id: 'a2' } }); this.widgetDefinitionsCollection.add({ layer_id: 'l1', id: 'w3', type: 'formula', source: { id: 'a1' } }); expect(this.widgetDefinitionsCollection.size()).toBe(3); }); beforeEach(function () { spyOn(this.userActions, '_resetStylePerNode'); this.userActions.createLayerForAnalysisNode('a2', 'a', { at: 3 }); }); it('should have created a new layer that takes over the position of layer with head node', function () { expect(this.layerDefinitionsCollection.pluck('letter')).toEqual(['a', 'b', 'c']); }); it('should remove all widgets pointing to the affected node', function () { expect(this.widgetDefinitionsCollection.size()).toBe(1); }); it('should change the source layer to appear as the new layer C', function () { expect(this.layerDefModel.get('letter')).toEqual('c'); expect(this.layerDefModel.get('source')).toEqual('c1'); }); it('should create a new layer which appears to be the source layer A (to preserve styles, popups etc.)', function () { var newLayerDefModel =; expect(newLayerDefModel.get('source')).toEqual('a1'); expect(newLayerDefModel.get('letter')).toEqual('a'); expect(newLayerDefModel.get('table_name')).toEqual('foobar'); expect(newLayerDefModel.get('table_name_alias')).toEqual('alias'); }); it('should remove old head node', function () { expect(this.analysisDefinitionNodesCollection.get('a2')).toBeUndefined('should no longer exist since replaced by b1'); }); it('should change source of any other layer pointing to that old node and not having any analysis definition', function () { var layerDefModel = this.layerDefinitionsCollection.findWhere({ id: 'l2' }); expect(layerDefModel.get('source')).toBe('c1'); }); it('should have two analyses, one for each layer', function () { expect(this.analysisDefinitionsCollection.pluck('node_id')).toEqual(['a1', 'c1']); }); it('should reset styles from the previous layer', function () { expect(this.userActions._resetStylePerNode).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(this.userActions._resetStylePerNode.calls.argsFor(0)[3]).toBeFalsy(); }); describe('when created a layer successfully', function () { beforeEach(function () { spyOn(this.widgetDefinitionsCollection, 'create').and.callThrough(); spyOn(this.layerDefinitionsCollection, 'save').and.callThrough(); // New layer is created and saved[1].success(); }); it('should recreate all affected widgets', function () { expect(this.widgetDefinitionsCollection.create).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(this.widgetDefinitionsCollection.create.calls.count()).toBe(2); var calls = this.widgetDefinitionsCollection.create.calls.all(); var firstWidgetAttrs = calls[0].args[0]; var secondWidgetAttrs = calls[1].args[0]; expect(firstWidgetAttrs).toEqual( jasmine.objectContaining({ layer_id: 'l1', type: 'formula', options: jasmine.objectContaining({ sync_on_bbox_change: true }), source: jasmine.objectContaining({ id: 'c1' }), avoidNotification: true, order: 0 }) ); expect(secondWidgetAttrs).toEqual( jasmine.objectContaining({ source: jasmine.objectContaining({ id: 'a1' }), type: 'formula', options: jasmine.objectContaining({ sync_on_bbox_change: true }), avoidNotification: true, layer_id: undefined, order: 0 }) ); }); describe('when widgets are created', function () { beforeEach(function () { _.each(this.widgetDefinitionsCollection.create.calls.all(), function (call) { call.args[1].success(); }); }); it('should reset order', function () { expect(this.layerDefinitionsCollection.pluck('order')).toEqual([0, 1, 2]); }); it('should save layers', function () { expect(; }); it('should force-reset the styles', function () { expect(this.userActions._resetStylePerNode).toHaveBeenCalledWith(jasmine.anything(),, true); }); }); }); }); describe('with saved styles', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.layerDefModel = this.layerDefinitionsCollection.add({ id: 'layer_with_styles', order: 1, kind: 'carto', options: { table_name: 'foobar', table_name_alias: 'alias', cartocss: 'before', source: 'a2' } }); spyOn(LayerDefinitionModel.prototype, 'save').and.callThrough(); }); beforeEach(function () { spyOn(this.userActions, '_resetStylePerNode'); this.userActions.createLayerForAnalysisNode('a2', 'a', { at: 2 }); }); describe('when created a layer successfully', function () { beforeEach(function () { spyOn(this.widgetDefinitionsCollection, 'create').and.callThrough(); spyOn(this.layerDefinitionsCollection, 'save').and.callThrough();[1].success(); }); it('should not force-reset the styles', function () { expect(this.userActions._resetStylePerNode).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(this.userActions._resetStylePerNode.calls.argsFor(0)[3]).toBeFalsy(); }); it('should copy styles from analysis node', function () { var newLayerDefModel =; expect(newLayerDefModel.styleModel.get('type')).toEqual('wadus'); expect(newLayerDefModel.get('cartocss')).toEqual('wadus'); }); }); }); }); }); describe('.moveLayer', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.layer1 = this.layerDefinitionsCollection.add({ id: 'layer1', order: 0, kind: 'tiled' }); this.layer2 = this.layerDefinitionsCollection.add({ id: 'layer2', order: 1, kind: 'carto' }); this.layer3 = this.layerDefinitionsCollection.add({ id: 'layer3', order: 2, kind: 'carto' }); this.layer4 = this.layerDefinitionsCollection.add({ id: 'layer4', order: 3, kind: 'carto' }); this.layer5 = this.layerDefinitionsCollection.add({ id: 'layer5', order: 4, kind: 'carto' }); this.layerDefinitionsCollection.reset([ this.layer1, this.layer2, this.layer3, this.layer4, this.layer5 ]); this.layerDefinitionsCollection.sort(); spyOn(this.layerDefinitionsCollection, 'save').and.callThrough(); this.promise = jasmine.createSpyObj('$.Deferred', ['done', 'fail']); spyOn($.when, 'apply').and.returnValue(this.promise); }); it('should reset orders when moving a layer up', function () { this.userActions.moveLayer({ from: 1, to: 3 }); expect(this.layerDefinitionsCollection.pluck('id')).toEqual([ 'layer1', 'layer3', 'layer4', 'layer2', 'layer5' ]); this.promise.done.calls.argsFor(0)[0](); expect(this.layerDefinitionsCollection.pluck('order')).toEqual([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]); }); it('should reset orders when moving a layer down', function () { this.userActions.moveLayer({ from: 3, to: 1 }); expect(this.layerDefinitionsCollection.pluck('id')).toEqual([ 'layer1', 'layer4', 'layer2', 'layer3', 'layer5' ]); this.promise.done.calls.argsFor(0)[0](); expect(this.layerDefinitionsCollection.pluck('order')).toEqual([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]); }); it('should save the collection when analyses are saved', function () { this.userActions.moveLayer({ from: 3, to: 1 }); expect(; this.promise.done.calls.argsFor(0)[0](); expect(; }); it('should trigger a "layerMoved" event when collection is saved', function () { var onAddCallback = jasmine.createSpy('onAddCallback'); var onRemoveCallback = jasmine.createSpy('onRemoveCallback'); var onLayerMovedCallback = jasmine.createSpy('onLayerMovedCallback'); this.layerDefinitionsCollection.on('add', onAddCallback); this.layerDefinitionsCollection.on('remove', onRemoveCallback); this.layerDefinitionsCollection.on('layerMoved', onLayerMovedCallback); this.userActions.moveLayer({ from: 3, to: 1 }); this.promise.done.calls.argsFor(0)[0]();[0].success(); expect(onAddCallback).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(onRemoveCallback).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(onLayerMovedCallback).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(onLayerMovedCallback.calls.argsFor(0)[0].id).toEqual('layer4'); }); it('should create analysis for layers that have a source', function () { this.analysisDefinitionNodesCollection.createSourceNode({ id: 'a0', tableName: 'foo' }); this.layer2.set('source', 'a0'); this.analysisDefinitionNodesCollection.createSourceNode({ id: 'b0', tableName: 'bar' }); this.layer3.set('source', 'b0'); this.userActions.moveLayer({ from: 3, to: 1 }); this.promise.done.calls.argsFor(0)[0](); expect(this.analysisDefinitionsCollection.pluck('node_id')).toEqual(['a0', 'b0']); }); }); describe('.deleteLayer', function () { beforeEach(function () { /** * Layer deletion have a lot of complexity to it, so the before-each has a very complicated setup on purpose, * to be able to assert the side-effects of various scenarios and corner cases. */ this.analysisDefinitionsCollection.add([ { id: 'for-layerA', analysis_definition: { id: 'a1', type: 'buffer', params: { radius: 100, source: { id: 'a0', type: 'source', params: { query: 'SELECT * FROM something' }, options: { table_name: 'something' } } } } }, { id: 'for-layerB', analysis_definition: { id: 'b2', type: 'intersection', params: { source: { id: 'b1', type: 'buffer', params: { radius: 100, source: { id: 'b0', type: 'source', params: { query: 'SELECT * FROM something' } } } }, target: { id: 'a0' // already added before } } } }, { id: 'for-layerC', analysis_definition: { id: 'c2', // already added before type: 'buffer', params: { radius: 100, source: { id: 'c1', type: 'buffer', params: { radius: 100, source: { id: 'b2' // alredy added before } } } } } }, { id: 'for-layerD', analysis_definition: { id: 'd2', type: 'intersection', params: { source: { id: 'd1', type: 'buffer', params: { radius: 100, source: { id: 'c1' // already added before } } }, target: { id: 'c2', // already added before type: 'buffer', params: { radius: 100, source: { id: 'c1' // already added before } } } }, options: { primary_source_name: 'source' } } }, { id: 'for-layerE', analysis_definition: { id: 'e1', type: 'buffer', params: { radius: 100, source: { id: 'c1' // already added --^ } } } } ]); this.layerDefModel = this.layerDefinitionsCollection.add([ { id: 'basemap', order: 0, kind: 'tiled' }, { id: 'A', order: 1, kind: 'carto', options: { letter: 'a', table_name: 'something', cartocss: 'before', source: 'a1' } }, { id: 'B', order: 2, kind: 'carto', options: { letter: 'b', table_name: 'something', cartocss: 'before', source: 'b2' } }, { id: 'C', order: 3, kind: 'carto', options: { letter: 'c', table_name: 'something', cartocss: 'before', source: 'c2' } }, { id: 'D', order: 4, kind: 'carto', options: { letter: 'd', table_name: 'something', cartocss: 'before', source: 'd2' } }, { id: 'E', order: 5, kind: 'carto', options: { letter: 'e', table_name: 'something', cartocss: 'before', source: 'e1' } } ]); this.widgetDefinitionsCollection.add([ { id: 'w-b1', type: 'formula', source: { id: 'b1' } }, { id: 'w-b2', type: 'formula', source: { id: 'b2' } }, { id: 'w-c1', type: 'formula', source: { id: 'c1' } }, { id: 'w-d2', type: 'formula', source: { id: 'd2' } }, { id: 'w-e1', type: 'formula', source: { id: 'e1' } } ]); this.promise = jasmine.createSpyObj('$.Deferred', ['done', 'fail']); spyOn($.when, 'apply').and.returnValue(this.promise); }); describe('when given a basemap', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.userActions.deleteLayer('basemap'); }); it('should throw an error since user should not be able to delete it explicitly', function () { expect(this.layerDefinitionsCollection.first().id).toEqual('basemap'); expect(this.layerDefinitionsCollection.pluck('id')).toEqual(['basemap', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']); }); }); describe('when given a layer w/o any dependent nodes (E)', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.successSpy = jasmine.createSpy('success'); this.errorSpy = jasmine.createSpy('error'); expect(this.layerDefinitionsCollection.get('E').canBeDeletedByUser()).toBe(true, 'should be able to delete layer'); this.res = this.userActions.deleteLayer('E', { success: this.successSpy, error: this.errorSpy }); }); it('should delete the layer', function () { expect(this.layerDefinitionsCollection.pluck('id')).toEqual(['basemap', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D'], 'should exclude E'); }); it('should delete affected widgets', function () { expect(this.widgetDefinitionsCollection.pluck('source')).toEqual(['b1', 'b2', 'c1', 'd2'], 'should exlude e1'); }); it('should have persisted the remaining layers', function () { expect(this.analysisDefinitionsCollection.pluck('node_id')).toEqual(['a1', 'b2', 'c2', 'd2'], 'should delete e1'); }); it('should delete orphaned nodes', function () { expect(this.analysisDefinitionNodesCollection.pluck('id').sort()).toEqual(['a0', 'a1', 'b0', 'b1', 'b2', 'c1', 'c2', 'd1', 'd2'], 'should exclude e1'); }); it('should return a promise', function () { expect(this.res).toBe(this.promise); }); }); describe('when given a layer w/o any dependent nodes (D)', function () { beforeEach(function () { expect(this.layerDefinitionsCollection.get('D').canBeDeletedByUser()).toBe(true, 'should be able to delete layer'); this.userActions.deleteLayer('D'); }); it('should delete the layer', function () { expect(this.layerDefinitionsCollection.pluck('id')).toEqual(['basemap', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'E'], 'should exclude D'); }); it('should delete affected widgets', function () { expect(this.widgetDefinitionsCollection.pluck('source')).toEqual(['b1', 'b2', 'c1', 'e1'], 'should exclude d2'); }); it('should persist analyses', function () { expect(this.analysisDefinitionsCollection.pluck('node_id')).toEqual(['a1', 'b2', 'c2', 'e1'], 'should exclude d2'); }); it('should delete orphaned nodes', function () { expect(this.analysisDefinitionNodesCollection.pluck('id').sort()).toEqual(['a0', 'a1', 'b0', 'b1', 'b2', 'c1', 'c2', 'e1'], 'should exclude [d2, d2]'); }); }); describe('when given a layer with a primary dependent layer further down the linked nodes list (C)', function () { beforeEach(function () { expect(this.layerDefinitionsCollection.get('C').canBeDeletedByUser()).toBe(true, 'should be able to delete layer'); this.userActions.deleteLayer('C'); }); it('should delete affected layers', function () { expect(this.layerDefinitionsCollection.pluck('id')).toEqual(['basemap', 'A', 'B', 'E'], 'should exclude [C,D]'); }); it('should update the parent layer found with new source', function () { expect(this.layerDefinitionsCollection.get('E').get('source')).toEqual('e2'); }); it('should updated affected widgets', function () { expect(this.widgetDefinitionsCollection .map(function (m) { return [, m.get('source')]; })) .toEqual([['w-b1', 'b1'], ['w-b2', 'b2'], ['w-c1', 'e1'], ['w-e1', 'e2']], 'should exclude [c2, d2], and changed w-e1 => e2'); }); it('should persist analyses and deleted the analysis of the ones that are no longer needed', function () { expect(this.analysisDefinitionsCollection.pluck('node_id')).toEqual(['a1', 'b2', 'e2']); }); it('should delete orphaned nodes', function () { expect(this.analysisDefinitionNodesCollection.pluck('id').sort()).toEqual(['a0', 'a1', 'b0', 'b1', 'b2', 'e1', 'e2'], 'should exclude [c2, d2, d2]'); }); }); describe('when given layer with a primary dependent layer on the head node (B)', function () { beforeEach(function () { expect(this.layerDefinitionsCollection.get('B').canBeDeletedByUser()).toBe(true, 'should be able to delete layer'); this.userActions.deleteLayer('B'); }); it('should delete layer', function () { expect(this.layerDefinitionsCollection.pluck('id')).toEqual(['basemap', 'A', 'C', 'D', 'E'], 'should exclude B only'); }); it('should update the parent layer found with new source', function () { expect(this.layerDefinitionsCollection.get('C').get('source')).toEqual('c4'); }); it('should updated affected widgets', function () { expect(this.widgetDefinitionsCollection .map(function (m) { return [, m.get('source')]; })) .toEqual([['w-b1', 'c1'], ['w-b2', 'c2'], ['w-c1', 'c3'], ['w-d2', 'd2'], ['w-e1', 'e1']], 'should exclude update sources'); }); it('should persist analyses', function () { expect(this.analysisDefinitionsCollection.pluck('node_id')).toEqual(['a1', 'c4', 'd2', 'e1']); }); it('should delete orphaned nodes', function () { expect(this.analysisDefinitionNodesCollection.pluck('id').sort()).toEqual(['a0', 'a1', 'c0', 'c1', 'c2', 'c3', 'c4', 'd1', 'd2', 'e1'], 'should exclude [b1, b2]'); }); }); describe('when given a layer which all other layers depend on (A)', function () { beforeEach(function () { spyOn(Backbone.Model.prototype, 'destroy'); spyOn(Backbone.Model.prototype, 'save'); spyOn(Backbone.Collection.prototype, 'create'); expect(this.layerDefinitionsCollection.get('A').canBeDeletedByUser()).toBe(false); this.userActions.deleteLayer('A'); }); it('should not delete anything', function () { expect(this.layerDefinitionsCollection.pluck('id')).toEqual(['basemap', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']); expect(Backbone.Model.prototype.destroy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(; expect(Backbone.Collection.prototype.create).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe('when having a layer which source is owned by another layer', function () { // _______ ______ ______ // | X | | Y | | Z | // | | | | | | // | [x0] | | [x0] | | [x0] | <-- all layers share the x0 node owned by layer X // |______| |______| |______| test deleting layer X and Y and assert side-effects: beforeEach(function () { this.analysisDefinitionNodesCollection.createSourceNode({ id: 'x0', tableName: 'xena' }); this.layerX = this.layerDefinitionsCollection.add({ id: 'X', kind: 'carto', options: { letter: 'x', source: 'x0' } }); this.layerY = this.layerDefinitionsCollection.add({ id: 'Y', kind: 'carto', options: { letter: 'y', source: 'x0' // ref to ^^^ } }); this.layerZ = this.layerDefinitionsCollection.add({ id: 'Z', kind: 'carto', options: { letter: 'z', source: 'x0' // ref to ^^^ } }); }); describe('when deleting a layer which node is a reference to other source node of other layer', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.userActions.deleteLayer('Y'); }); it('should just delete the layer and leave the nodes alone', function () { expect(this.layerDefinitionsCollection.pluck('id')).toEqual(['basemap', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'X', 'Z'], 'should exclude Y'); expect(this.analysisDefinitionNodesCollection.pluck('id').sort()).toEqual(['a0', 'a1', 'b0', 'b1', 'b2', 'c1', 'c2', 'd1', 'd2', 'e1', 'x0'], 'should include x0 in addition to the defaults'); }); }); describe('when deleting the other layer which owns the shared source node', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.userActions.deleteLayer('X'); }); it('should delete the layer of given id', function () { expect(this.layerDefinitionsCollection.pluck('id')).toEqual(['basemap', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'Y', 'Z'], 'should exclude X'); }); it('should move the analysis node to one of the other layers', function () { expect(this.analysisDefinitionNodesCollection.pluck('id').sort()).toEqual(['a0', 'a1', 'b0', 'b1', 'b2', 'c1', 'c2', 'd1', 'd2', 'e1', 'y0'], 'should moved x0 to y0'); expect(this.layerDefinitionsCollection.pluck('source')).toEqual([undefined, 'a1', 'b2', 'c2', 'd2', 'e1', 'y0', 'y0']); }); }); }); // describe('when a layer has nodes with larger ids than there are nodes', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.analysisDefinitionNodesCollection.reset(); this.analysisDefinitionsCollection.reset(); this.analysisDefinitionsCollection.add({ id: '41ceca6d-1b59-45e1-ab9b-0b092fc5cb9d', analysis_definition: { id: 'a1', type: 'kmeans', params: { source: { id: 'a0', type: 'source', params: { query: 'SELECT * FROM crime_incidents_2016_5' }, options: { table_name: 'crime_incidents_2016_5' } }, clusters: 3 } } }); this.analysisDefinitionsCollection.add({ id: '5fb42f6d-debb-4b0c-bf37-daac79639b57', analysis_definition: { id: 'b4', type: 'intersection', params: { source: { id: 'b3', type: 'buffer', params: { source: { id: 'c2', type: 'centroid', params: { source: { id: 'a1' }, category_column: 'cluster_no' } }, radius: 750, isolines: 1, dissolved: false }, options: { kind: 'car', time: '300', distance: 'meters' } }, target: { id: 'a1' } } } }); this.analysisDefinitionsCollection.add({ id: '312a9e2a-8c59-406b-bd77-588e7e98ebef', analysis_definition: { id: 'c2' } }); this.layerDefinitionsCollection.reset(); this.layerA = this.layerDefinitionsCollection.add({ id: 'A', kind: 'carto', options: { letter: 'a', source: 'a1' } }); this.layerB = this.layerDefinitionsCollection.add({ id: 'B', kind: 'carto', options: { letter: 'b', source: 'b4' } }); this.layerZ = this.layerDefinitionsCollection.add({ id: 'C', kind: 'carto', options: { letter: 'c', source: 'c2' } }); this.userActions.deleteLayer('C'); }); it('should fold node c2 under layer B', function () { expect(this.layerDefinitionsCollection.pluck('id')).toEqual(['A', 'B'], 'layer C should be deleted'); expect(this.analysisDefinitionNodesCollection.pluck('id')).toEqual(['a0', 'a1', 'b2', 'b3', 'b4'], 'c2 should not be b2'); expect(this.analysisDefinitionNodesCollection.get('b3').get('source')).toEqual('b2', 'b3 should point on the renamed node'); expect(this.analysisDefinitionNodesCollection.get('b2').get('source')).toEqual('a1', 'b2 should still point to the same node'); expect(this.analysisDefinitionNodesCollection.get('b2').get('type')).toEqual('centroid', 'b2 should be the prev c2'); }); }); // describe('when a layer has to fold things into only one layer', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.analysisDefinitionNodesCollection.reset(); this.analysisDefinitionsCollection.reset(); this.analysisDefinitionsCollection.add({ id: '41ceca6d-1b59-45e1-ab9b-0b092fc5cb9d', analysis_definition: { id: 'a2', type: 'centroid', params: { category_column: 'cluster_no', source: { id: 'b1', type: 'kmeans', params: { clusters: 3, source: { id: 'b0', type: 'source', options: { table_name: 'ec_kvy' }, params: { query: 'SELECT * FROM ec_kvy' } } } } } } }); this.analysisDefinitionsCollection.add({ id: '5fb42f6d-debb-4b0c-bf37-daac79639b57', analysis_definition: { id: 'b1', type: 'kmeans', params: { clusters: 2, source: { id: 'b0', type: 'source', options: { table_name: 'ec_kvy' }, params: { query: 'SELECT * FROM ec_kvy' } } } } }); this.layerDefinitionsCollection.reset(); this.layerA = this.layerDefinitionsCollection.add({ id: 'A', kind: 'carto', options: { letter: 'a', source: 'a2' } }); this.layerB = this.layerDefinitionsCollection.add({ id: 'B', kind: 'carto', options: { letter: 'b', source: 'b1' } }); this.userActions.deleteLayer('B'); }); it('should fold node b1 and b0 under layer A', function () { expect(this.layerDefinitionsCollection.pluck('id')).toEqual(['A'], 'layer B should be deleted'); expect(this.analysisDefinitionNodesCollection.pluck('id')).toEqual(['a0', 'a1', 'a2'], 'b0 and b1 should not be removed, and b1 should be a1 and b0 should be a0'); expect(this.analysisDefinitionNodesCollection.get('a1').get('source')).toEqual('a0', 'b1 should point on the renamed node'); expect(this.analysisDefinitionNodesCollection.get('a2').get('source')).toEqual('a1'); }); }); }); describe('.saveLayer', function () { describe('when given layer is a non-data layer', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.layerDefModel = this.layerDefinitionsCollection.add({ id: 'basemap', kind: 'tiled' }); this.layerDefModel.set('dirty', true); spyOn(this.layerDefModel, 'save').and.callThrough(); this.res = this.userActions.saveLayer(this.layerDefModel); }); it('should only save layer', function () { expect(; }); it('should return a promise', function () { expect(this.res).toBeDefined(); expect(this.res.done).toEqual(jasmine.any(Function)); expect(; }); }); describe('when given layer is a data layer', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.layerDefModel = this.layerDefinitionsCollection.add({ id: 'A', kind: 'carto', options: { letter: 'a', cartocss: '', table_name: 'foobar' } }); this.layerDefModel.set('dirty', true); spyOn(this.layerDefModel, 'save').and.callThrough(); this.res = this.userActions.saveLayer(this.layerDefModel); }); it('should layer', function () { expect(; }); it('should save analysis', function () { expect(this.analysisDefinitionsCollection.pluck('node_id')).toEqual(['a0']); }); it('should return a promise', function () { expect(this.res).toBeDefined(); expect(this.res.done).toEqual(jasmine.any(Function)); expect(; }); }); }); describe('.updateWidgetsOrder', function () { it('should call the collection method to update widgets order ', function () { spyOn(this.widgetDefinitionsCollection, 'updateWidgetsOrder'); this.userActions.updateWidgetsOrder(); expect(this.widgetDefinitionsCollection.updateWidgetsOrder).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe('.saveWidget', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.A = this.layerDefinitionsCollection.add({ id: 'A', kind: 'carto', options: { letter: 'a', table_name: 'alice' } }); this.B = this.layerDefinitionsCollection.add({ id: 'B', kind: 'carto', options: { letter: 'b', table_name: 'bob' } }); spyOn(this.A, 'save').and.callThrough(); spyOn(this.B, 'save').and.callThrough(); this.wa0 = this.widgetDefinitionsCollection.add({ id: 'wa0', type: 'formula', source: { id: 'a0' } }); this.wa0.set('dirty', true); spyOn(this.wa0, 'save').and.callThrough(); }); describe('when given a widget which is not tied to a layer', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.userActions.saveWidget(this.wa0); }); it('should only save widget', function () { expect(; expect(; expect(; }); }); describe('when given a widget which is tied to a layer', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.wa0.set('layer_id', 'A'); this.userActions.saveWidget(this.wa0); }); it('should save widget', function () { expect(; }); it('should not save the layer, it is not necessary', function () { expect(; expect(; }); it('should save analysis', function () { expect(this.analysisDefinitionsCollection.pluck('node_id')).toEqual(['a0']); }); }); }); describe('smoke tests', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.analysisSourceOptionsModel = new AnalysisSourceOptionsModel(null, { analysisDefinitionNodesCollection: this.analysisDefinitionNodesCollection, layerDefinitionsCollection: this.layerDefinitionsCollection, tablesCollection: new Backbone.Collection() }); spyOn(CDB.SQL.prototype, 'execute').and.callFake(function (query, vars, params) { params && params.success({ rows: [], fields: [] }); }); }); it('Metro Madrid use case', function () { this.configModel.dataServiceEnabled = function () { return true; }; // create a new map w/ paradas_metro_madrid dataset, playing with styles this.basemap = this.layerDefinitionsCollection.add({ id: 'basemap', kind: 'tiled' }); this.layerA = this.layerDefinitionsCollection.add({ id: 'layerA', kind: 'carto', options: { table_name: 'paradas_metro_madrid' } }); this.labelsOnTop = this.layerDefinitionsCollection.add({ id: 'labels-on-top', kind: 'tiled' }); expect(this.layerA.get('letter')).toEqual('a', 'should have a letter representation'); expect(this.analysisDefinitionsCollection.pluck('node_id')).toEqual([], 'analysis is not persisted initially, for backward compability with old editor'); expect(this.analysisDefinitionNodesCollection.pluck('id')).toEqual(['a0'], 'should have a node created implicitly for the table of layerA'); // First, Play with the styles for this layer this.layerA.styleModel.setDefaultPropertiesByType('simple', 'point'); this.userActions.saveLayer(this.layerA); expect(this.analysisDefinitionsCollection.pluck('node_id')).toEqual(['a0'], 'should persist the analysis when layer is saved'); // Add "area of influence" analysis by distance 1km to your layer var aFormModel = new AreaOfInfluenceFormModel({ id: 'a1', type: 'buffer', radius: '1000', source: 'a0', distance: 'kilometers' }, { analyses: analyses, configModel: this.configModel, layerDefinitionModel: this.layerA, analysisSourceOptionsModel: {} }); this.userActions.saveAnalysis(aFormModel); expect(this.analysisDefinitionNodesCollection.pluck('id')).toEqual(['a0', 'a1'], 'should create a new node'); expect(this.analysisDefinitionsCollection.pluck('node_id')).toEqual(['a1'], 'should update analysis of layer to point to new head node'); // Go to the layer list and drag the AOI node outside the current layer to create a new one. this.userActions.createLayerForAnalysisNode('a1', 'a', { at: 1 }); expect(this.layerDefinitionsCollection.pluck('letter')).toEqual([undefined, 'b', 'a', undefined], 'should have a new letter representation b for new layer'); expect(this.analysisDefinitionNodesCollection.pluck('id')).toEqual(['a0', 'b1'], 'should replaced node a1 with b1'); expect(this.analysisDefinitionsCollection.pluck('node_id')).toEqual(['a0', 'b1'], 'should updated prev layer to have prev node (a0), and created a new analysis for new layer (b1)'); // Play with the styles for the AOI layer. this.layerA.styleModel.setDefaultPropertiesByType('squares', 'point'); this.userActions.saveLayer(this.layerA); // Add a Category Widget to 'Line' column on A0 (Metro stations layer Data Source) var categoryWidgetOption = new CategoryWidgetOptionModel({ type: 'category', layer_index: '0', title: 'default-title', tuples: [{ columnModel: new Backbone.Model({ name: 'line' }), layerDefinitionModel: this.layerA, analysisDefinitionNodeModel: this.analysisDefinitionNodesCollection.get('a0') }] }); interceptAjaxCall = function (params) { if (/widgets/.test(params.url)) { params.success && params.success({ id: 'a0-line-category', type: 'category', title: 'default-title', order: 0, layer_id: 'layerA', options: { column: 'line', aggregation_column: 'line', aggregation: 'count', sync_on_bbox_change: true }, source: { id: 'a0' } }); } }; this.userActions.saveWidgetOption(categoryWidgetOption); expect(this.widgetDefinitionsCollection.pluck('title')).toEqual(['default-title']); expect(this.widgetDefinitionsCollection.pluck('id')).toEqual(['a0-line-category']); // Change the widget name to "Stations per Line" var lineCategoryWidget = this.widgetDefinitionsCollection.get('a0-line-category'); lineCategoryWidget.set('title', 'Stations per line'); interceptAjaxCall = function (params) { if (/widgets/.test(params.url)) { params.success && params.success({ id: 'a0-line-category', title: 'Stations per line' }); } }; this.userActions.saveWidget(lineCategoryWidget); expect(this.widgetDefinitionsCollection.pluck('title')).toEqual(['Stations per line']); // Skipped these because can't do the assertions of cartodb.js here // Filter by L1 on the Widget. This will only show metro stations and AOIs for that line (Isn't this cool??) // Add a Category Widget to 'Name' column on A0 (Metro stations layer Data Source) // A new Data Layer with lines should appear in your layer list now. interceptAjaxCall = function (params) { if (/layers/.test(params.url)) { params.success && params.success({ id: 'metro_lines', order: 0, infowindow: {}, tooltip: {}, kind: 'carto' }); } }; var tableModel = new TableModel({ name: 'metro_lines' }, { configModel: this.configModel }); this.userActions.createLayerFromTable(tableModel); expect(this.layerDefinitionsCollection.pluck('id')).toEqual(['basemap', 'layerA', undefined, 'metro_lines', 'labels-on-top']); expect(this.layerDefinitionsCollection.pluck('source')).toEqual([undefined, 'b1', 'a0', 'c0', undefined]); expect(this.analysisDefinitionsCollection.pluck('node_id')).toEqual(['a0', 'b1', 'c0']); aFormModel = new FilterByNodeColumnFormModel({ id: 'c1', type: 'filter-by-node-column', source: 'c0', column: 'name', filter_source: 'b1', filter_column: 'line' }, { analyses: analyses, configModel: this.configModel, layerDefinitionModel: this.layerDefinitionsCollection.findWhere({ letter: 'c' }), analysisSourceOptionsModel: this.analysisSourceOptionsModel }); this.userActions.saveAnalysis(aFormModel); expect(this.analysisDefinitionNodesCollection.pluck('id')).toEqual(['a0', 'b1', 'c0', 'c1'], 'should add new node c1'); expect(this.analysisDefinitionsCollection.pluck('node_id')).toEqual(['a0', 'b1', 'c1'], 'should updated existing analysis (c0 => c1)'); // Stopping here, since remaining stuff can't be verified anyway }); }); });