var _ = require('underscore'); var ConfigModel = require('builder/data/config-model'); var AnalysisDefinitionNodesCollection = require('builder/data/analysis-definition-nodes-collection'); describe('builder/data/analysis-definition-node-model', function () { beforeEach(function () { var configModel = new ConfigModel({ base_url: '/u/pepe' }); this.collection = new AnalysisDefinitionNodesCollection(null, { configModel: configModel, userModel: {} }); this.a0raw = { id: 'a0', type: 'source', params: { query: 'SELECT * FROM bar' }, options: { table_name: 'bar', test: 'hello' } }; this.collection.add([ { id: 'a1', type: 'trade-area', params: { source: this.a0raw, kind: 'walk', time: 300, dissolved: true, isolines: 3 }, options: { optional: 'goes separately' } }, { id: 'b1', type: 'intersection', params: { source: this.a0raw, target: { id: 'b0', type: 'source', params: { query: 'SELECT * FROM my_polygons' }, options: { table_name: 'my_polygons' } } }, options: { primary_source_name: 'target' } }, { id: 'c1', type: 'deprecated-sql-function', params: { function_name: 'DEP_EXT_buffer', primary_source: this.a0raw } }, { id: 'd1', type: 'deprecated-sql-function', params: { function_name: 'DEP_EXT_spatialinterpolation', primary_source: this.a0raw, secondary_source: this.a0raw } } ]); expect(this.collection.pluck('id')).toEqual(['a0', 'b0', 'a1', 'b1', 'c1', 'd1'], 'should have created individual nodes'); this.a0 = this.collection.get('a0'); this.b0 = this.collection.get('b0'); this.a1 = this.collection.get('a1'); this.b1 = this.collection.get('b1'); this.c1 = this.collection.get('c1'); this.d1 = this.collection.get('d1'); }); it('should init properly', function () { this.collection.each(function (model) { expect(model.queryGeometryModel).toBeDefined(); expect(model.querySchemaModel).toBeDefined(); expect(model.queryRowsCollection).toBeDefined(); }); }); it('should not have any geom from start', function () { expect(this.a0.queryGeometryModel.get('simple_geom')).toBeFalsy(); }); it('should keep a flat, denormalized attrs structure internally', function () { expect(this.a0.attributes).toEqual({ id: 'a0', type: 'source', query: 'SELECT * FROM bar', table_name: 'bar', test: 'hello', status: 'ready' }); expect(this.a1.attributes).toEqual({ id: 'a1', type: 'trade-area', source: 'a0', kind: 'walk', time: 300, dissolved: true, isolines: 3, optional: 'goes separately' }); expect(this.b1.attributes).toEqual({ id: 'b1', type: 'intersection', source: 'a0', target: 'b0', primary_source_name: 'target' }); }); describe('.sourceIds', function () { it('should return source ids if there are any', function () { expect(this.a0.sourceIds()).toEqual([], 'a source node should not have any sources'); expect(this.a1.sourceIds()).toEqual(['a0']); expect(this.b1.sourceIds()).toEqual(['a0', 'b0']); }); }); describe('.hasPrimarySource', function () { it('should return true if it has a primary source', function () { expect(this.a0.hasPrimarySource()).toBe(false, 'a source node should not have any sources'); expect(this.a1.hasPrimarySource()).toBe(true, 'a trade-area should have a single, primary source'); expect(this.b1.hasPrimarySource()).toBe(true); }); }); describe('.getPrimarySource', function () { it('should return the primary source if it has any', function () { expect(this.a0.getPrimarySource()).toBeUndefined('a source node should not have any sources'); expect(this.a1.getPrimarySource().id).toEqual('a0'); expect(this.b1.getPrimarySource().id).toEqual('b0'); }); }); describe('.hasSecondarySource', function () { it('should return true if it has a secondary source', function () { expect(this.a0.hasSecondarySource()).toBe(false, 'a source node should not have any sources'); expect(this.a1.hasSecondarySource()).toBe(false); expect(this.b1.hasSecondarySource()).toBe(true, 'should be target'); }); }); describe('.getSecondarySource', function () { it('should return the secondary source if it has any', function () { expect(this.a0.getSecondarySource()).toBeUndefined('a source node should not have any sources'); expect(this.a1.getSecondarySource()).toBeUndefined(); expect(this.b1.getSecondarySource().id).toEqual('a0'); }); }); describe('.changeSourceIds', function () { it('should change the source ids that matches the current id', function () { this.a1.changeSourceIds('a0', 'c1'); expect(this.a1.sourceIds()).toEqual(['c1']); this.b1.changeSourceIds('b0', 'c1'); expect(this.b1.sourceIds()).toEqual(['a0', 'c1']); this.b1.changeSourceIds('a0', 'd1'); expect(this.b1.sourceIds()).toEqual(['d1', 'c1']); }); it('should do nothing if given current id does not match any source', function () { this.a1.changeSourceIds('x9', 'c1'); expect(this.a1.sourceIds()).toEqual(['a0']); }); }); describe('.destroy', function () { it('should destroy the query schema model', function () { var querySchemaModel = this.a0.querySchemaModel; spyOn(querySchemaModel, 'destroy'); this.a0.destroy(); expect(this.collection.pluck('id')).not.toContain('a0'); expect(querySchemaModel.destroy).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(this.a0.querySchemaModel).toBeNull(); querySchemaModel = this.a1.querySchemaModel; spyOn(querySchemaModel, 'destroy'); this.a1.destroy(); expect(this.collection.pluck('id')).not.toContain('a1'); expect(querySchemaModel.destroy).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(this.a1.querySchemaModel).toBeNull(); querySchemaModel = this.b1.querySchemaModel; spyOn(querySchemaModel, 'destroy'); this.b1.destroy(); expect(this.collection.pluck('id')).not.toContain('b1'); expect(querySchemaModel.destroy).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(this.b1.querySchemaModel).toBeNull(); }); }); describe('.toJSON', function () { it('should serialize the model', function () { expect(this.a0.toJSON()).toEqual(this.a0raw); expect(this.a1.toJSON()).toEqual( jasmine.objectContaining({ id: 'a1', type: 'trade-area', params: jasmine.any(Object), options: { optional: 'goes separately' } })); expect(this.a1.toJSON()).toEqual( jasmine.objectContaining({ params: { source: this.a0raw, kind: 'walk', time: 300, dissolved: true, isolines: 3 } })); expect(this.b1.toJSON()).toEqual( jasmine.objectContaining({ id: 'b1', type: 'intersection', params: jasmine.any(Object), options: { primary_source_name: 'target' } })); expect(this.b1.toJSON()).toEqual( jasmine.objectContaining({ params: { source: this.a0raw, source_columns: undefined, target: { id: 'b0', type: 'source', params: { query: 'SELECT * FROM my_polygons' }, options: { table_name: 'my_polygons' } } } })); expect(this.c1.toJSON().params.function_name).toEqual('DEP_EXT_buffer'); expect(this.c1.toJSON().params.function_args).not.toBeDefined(); expect(this.c1.toJSON().params.primary_source).toBeDefined(); expect(this.c1.toJSON().params.secondary_source).not.toBeDefined(); expect(this.d1.toJSON().params.function_name).toEqual('DEP_EXT_spatialinterpolation'); expect(this.d1.toJSON().params.function_args).not.toBeDefined(); expect(this.d1.toJSON().params.primary_source).toBeDefined(); expect(this.d1.toJSON().params.secondary_source).toBeDefined(); }); describe('when skipOptions is set', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.options = {skipOptions: true}; }); it('should skip options if skipOptions is set to true', function () { var a0WithoutOptions = _.omit(this.a0raw, 'options'); expect(this.a0.toJSON(this.options)).toEqual(a0WithoutOptions); expect(this.a1.toJSON(this.options)).toEqual({ id: 'a1', type: 'trade-area', params: { source: a0WithoutOptions, kind: 'walk', time: 300, dissolved: true, isolines: 3 } }); expect(this.b1.toJSON(this.options)).toEqual( jasmine.objectContaining({ id: 'b1', type: 'intersection', params: jasmine.any(Object) })); expect(this.b1.toJSON(this.options)).toEqual( jasmine.objectContaining({ params: { source: a0WithoutOptions, source_columns: undefined, target: { id: 'b0', type: 'source', params: { query: 'SELECT * FROM my_polygons' } } } })); }); }); }); describe('.containsNode', function () { it('should return true if given node is contained inside the analysis', function () { expect(this.a0.containsNode(this.b1)).toBe(false, 'source should not contain any node, you fool!'); expect(this.a1.containsNode(this.a0)).toBe(true); expect(this.a1.containsNode(this.b0)).toBe(false, 'should only contain a0'); expect(this.b1.containsNode(this.a0)).toBe(true); expect(this.b1.containsNode(this.b0)).toBe(true); expect(this.b1.containsNode(this.a1)).toBe(false); }); }); describe('.isValidAsInputForType', function () { describe('when geometry output is unknown', function () { it('should return false', function () { expect(this.a0.isValidAsInputForType('buffer')).toBe(null); expect(this.a0.isValidAsInputForType('intersection')).toBe(null); expect(this.a1.isValidAsInputForType('trade-area')).toBe(null); expect(this.a1.isValidAsInputForType('buffer')).toBe(null); expect(this.b1.isValidAsInputForType('buffer')).toBe(null); expect(this.b1.isValidAsInputForType('trade-area')).toBe(null); }); }); describe('when geometry output is known', function () { it('should return true if is valid as input type', function () { expect(this.a0.isValidAsInputForType('source')).toBe(false, 'a source node should not accept any input'); this.a0.queryGeometryModel.set('simple_geom', 'point'); expect(this.a0.isValidAsInputForType('trade-area')).toBe(true); expect(this.a0.isValidAsInputForType('buffer')).toBe(true); this.a0.queryGeometryModel.set('simple_geom', 'polygon'); expect(this.a0.isValidAsInputForType('trade-area')).toBe(false, 'trade-area only accepts points (unless the camshaft reference changed?)'); expect(this.a0.isValidAsInputForType('buffer')).toBe(true); }); }); }); describe('.clone', function () { var a0; beforeEach(function () { a0 = this.a0; }); it('should throw error in bad input', function () { expect(function () { a0.clone(); }).toThrowError(/required/); expect(function () { a0.clone(null); }).toThrowError(/required/); expect(function () { a0.clone(undefined); }).toThrowError(/required/); expect(function () { a0.clone(true); }).toThrowError(/required/); expect(function () { a0.clone({}); }).toThrowError(/required/); }); it('should require a new id', function () { expect(function () { a0.clone('a0'); }).toThrowError(/different/); }); it('should create a new node with same params but new id', function () { var m = a0.clone('g0'); expect(m).toBeDefined(); expect('g0'); expect(m.get('type')).toEqual('source'); expect(m.get('query')).toEqual(jasmine.any(String)); expect(m.get('table_name')).toEqual(jasmine.any(String)); expect(m.get('test')).toEqual('hello'); }); it('should add the cloned item to the collection', function () { var m = a0.clone('g0'); expect(this.collection.contains(m)).toBe(true); }); }); describe('.linkedListBySameLetter', function () { var a0; beforeEach(function () { a0 = this.a0; }); describe('when given a source node', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.list = a0.linkedListBySameLetter(); }); it('should return a list with only the source', function () { expect(_.pluck(this.list, 'id')).toEqual(['a0']); }); }); describe('when called on a node which sources all belong to same letter', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.a2 = this.collection.add({ id: 'a2', type: 'buffer', params: { source: this.a1.toJSON(), radius: 100 } }); this.list = this.a2.linkedListBySameLetter(); }); it('should return list with all nodes', function () { expect(_.pluck(this.list, 'id')).toEqual(['a2', 'a1', 'a0']); }); }); describe('when given a node which sub-tree belongs to other letter', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.c2 = this.collection.add({ id: 'c2', type: 'buffer', params: { radius: 20, source: { id: 'c1', type: 'buffer', params: { radius: 10, source: this.b1.toJSON() } } } }); this.list = this.c2.linkedListBySameLetter(); }); it('should return list with all nodes', function () { expect(_.pluck(this.list, 'id')).toEqual(['c2', 'c1']); }); }); }); describe('.letter', function () { it('should return the letter representation ', function () { expect(this.a0.letter()).toEqual('a'); expect(this.b1.letter()).toEqual('b'); }); }); describe('.canBeDeletedByUser', function () { it('should return true if it has a source node', function () { expect(this.b1.canBeDeletedByUser()).toBe(true); expect(this.a0.canBeDeletedByUser()).toBe(false); expect(this.b0.canBeDeletedByUser()).toBe(false); }); }); describe('when given a geom from start', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.model = this.collection.add({ id: 'x0', type: 'buffer', params: {}, options: { simple_geom: 'point' } }); }); it('should set the geom on the query-schema-model', function () { expect(this.model.queryGeometryModel.get('simple_geom')).toEqual('point'); }); }); });