var Notifier = require('builder/components/notifier/notifier.js'); var VisDefinitionModel = require('builder/data/vis-definition-model'); var ConfigModel = require('builder/data/config-model'); var Backbone = require('backbone'); describe('components/notifier/notifier', function () { var editorModel; beforeEach(function () { editorModel = new Backbone.Model(); editorModel.isEditing = function () { return false; }; var configModel = new ConfigModel({ base_url: '/u/pepe' }); this.visDefinitionModel = new VisDefinitionModel({ name: 'Foo Map', privacy: 'PUBLIC', updated_at: '2016-06-21T15:30:06+00:00', type: 'derived' }, { configModel: configModel }); Notifier.init({ editorModel: editorModel, visDefinitionModel: this.visDefinitionModel }); this.model = Notifier.addNotification({ id: 'whatever' }); }); afterEach(function () {; }); it('should return the view properly', function () { expect(Notifier.getView()).toBeDefined(); expect(Notifier.getCount()).toBeDefined(); }); it('should set collection properly', function () { expect(this.model.collection).toBeDefined(); }); it('model should retrigger vis events', function () { var spy = jasmine.createSpy('spy'); this.model.on('vis:reload', spy); this.visDefinitionModel.trigger('vis:reload'); expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('should render properly', function () { expect(Notifier.getView().render().el).toBeDefined(); }); it('should return the proper model', function () { var model = Notifier.addNotification({ id: 'foo' }); expect(model.get('id')).toBe('foo'); expect(Notifier.getCollection().length).toBe(2); }); it('should search model properly', function () { var result = Notifier.getNotification('whatever'); expect(result).toBe(this.model); var result2 = Notifier.getNotification(this.model); expect(result2).toBe(this.model); }); it('should have different ids', function () { var n1 = Notifier.addNotification({ status: 'success', info: 'First', closable: true }); var n2 = Notifier.addNotification({ status: 'error', info: 'Second', closable: true }); expect(n1.get('id') !== n2.get('id')).toBe(true); }); it('should remove two o more views created at the same time', function () { var n1 = Notifier.addNotification({ status: 'success', info: 'First', closable: true }); var n2 = Notifier.addNotification({ status: 'error', info: 'Second', closable: true }); n1.collection.remove(n1); n2.collection.remove(n2); this.model.collection.remove(this.model); expect(Notifier.getCollection().length).toBe(0); }); it('should remove notification properly', function () { var result = Notifier.getNotification('whatever'); Notifier.removeNotification(result); expect(Notifier.getCollection().length).toBe(0); }); describe('.getCount', function () { it('should return the collection size', function () { Notifier.addNotification({ status: 'success', info: 'First', closable: true }); Notifier.addNotification({ status: 'error', info: 'Second', closable: true }); expect(Notifier.getCount()).toBe(3); }); }); describe('.addNotification', function () { it('should call collection.addNotification', function () { spyOn(this.model.collection, 'addNotification'); Notifier.addNotification({ status: 'success', info: 'First', closable: true }); expect(this.model.collection.addNotification).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); });