var _ = require('underscore'); var HistogramView = require('./histogram-view'); var TorqueTimeSliderView = require('./torque-time-slider-view'); var TorqueControlsView = require('./torque-controls-view'); /** * Torque time-series histogram view. * Extends the common histogram chart view with time-control * this.dataviewModel is a histogram model */ module.exports = HistogramView.extend({ defaults: _.extend({}, HistogramView.prototype.defaults, {offsetLeft: 34}), className: function () { return HistogramView.prototype.className + ' CDB-Widget-content CDB-Widget-content--torqueTimeSeries u-flex'; }, initialize: function () { if (!this.options.torqueLayerModel) throw new Error('torqeLayerModel is required'); if (!this.options.rangeFilter) throw new Error('rangeFilter is required'); if (!this.options.dataviewModel) throw new Error('dataviewModel is required'); if (!this.options.timeSeriesModel) throw new Error('timeSeriesModel is required'); this._torqueLayerModel = this.options.torqueLayerModel; this._dataviewModel = this.options.dataviewModel; this._timeSeriesModel = this.options.timeSeriesModel;; }, _initBinds: function () {; this.listenTo(this._torqueLayerModel, 'change:renderRange', this._onRenderRangeChanged); this.listenTo(this._torqueLayerModel, 'change:steps change:start change:end', this._reSelectRange); this.listenTo(this._torqueLayerModel, 'change:cartocss', this._onUpdateCartocss); }, _createHistogramView: function () { this._chartType = this._torqueLayerModel.get('column_type') === 'date' ? 'time' : 'number';; this._torqueControls = new TorqueControlsView({ torqueLayerModel: this._torqueLayerModel, rangeFilter: this._rangeFilter }); this.addView(this._torqueControls); this.$el.prepend(this._torqueControls.render().el); this._chartView.setAnimated(); this._chartView.bind('on_brush_click', this._onBrushClick, this); this._timeSliderView = new TorqueTimeSliderView({ dataviewModel: this._dataviewModel, // a histogram model chartView: this._chartView, torqueLayerModel: this._torqueLayerModel, timeSeriesModel: this._timeSeriesModel, rangeFilter: this._rangeFilter }); this.addView(this._timeSliderView); this._timeSliderView.render(); }, _onChangeData: function () {; if (this._chartView) { this._reSelectRange(); } }, _onRenderRangeChanged: function (_model, range) { if (range.start === undefined && range.end === undefined) { this._chartView.removeSelection(); this._rangeFilter.unsetRange(); } }, _onBrushClick: function (indexPct) { var steps = this._torqueLayerModel.get('steps'); var step = Math.round(steps * indexPct); // Going to the last step causes a jump to the beginning immediately if (step === steps) step -= 1; HistogramView.prototype.resetFilter.apply(this); this._torqueLayerModel.set({ step: step }); }, _onBrushEnd: function () { HistogramView.prototype._onBrushEnd.apply(this, arguments); this._reSelectRange(); }, _timeToStep: function (timestamp, place) { var steps = this._torqueLayerModel.get('steps'); var start = this._torqueLayerModel.get('start'); var end = this._torqueLayerModel.get('end'); var step = (end - start) === 0 ? place === 'max' ? steps : 0 : (steps * (1000 * timestamp - start)) / (end - start); step = Number(step.toFixed(2)); return step; }, _reSelectRange: function (model) { if (!this._rangeFilter.isEmpty()) { this._torqueLayerModel.pause(); var min = this._rangeFilter.get('min'); var max = this._rangeFilter.get('max'); var loStep = this._timeToStep(min, 'min'); var hiStep = this._timeToStep(max, 'max'); // -- HACK: Reset filter if the min/max values are out of the scope var data = this._dataviewModel.get('data'); var loBar = _.findWhere(data, { start: min }); var hiBar = _.findWhere(data, { end: max }); if (!loBar || !hiBar) { return this._torqueLayerModel.resetRenderRange(); } // clamp values since the range can be outside of the current torque thing var steps = this._torqueLayerModel.get('steps'); var ratio = this._chartView.getSelectionExtent() / 100; this._updateDuration(ratio); this._torqueLayerModel.renderRange( this._clampRangeVal(0, steps, loStep), // start this._clampRangeVal(0, steps, hiStep) // end ); } else {; this._updateDuration(1); } }, _updateDuration: function (ratio, cartocss) { if (!this._torqueLayerModel.getAnimationDuration) return; var duration = this._torqueLayerModel.getAnimationDuration(cartocss || this._torqueLayerModel.get('cartocss')); this._torqueLayerModel.set('customDuration', Math.round(duration * ratio)); }, _onUpdateCartocss: function (m, cartocss) { var ratio; if (!this._rangeFilter.isEmpty()) { var loStep = this._timeToStep(this._rangeFilter.get('min')); var hiStep = this._timeToStep(this._rangeFilter.get('max')); var steps = this._torqueLayerModel.get('steps'); ratio = (hiStep - loStep) / steps; } else { ratio = 1; } // Update silently, when carto.js updates the cartoCSS for torque, it will apply the new duration. this._updateDuration(ratio, cartocss, { silent: true }); }, _clampRangeVal: function (a, b, t) { return Math.max(a, Math.min(b, t)); }, _getMarginLeft: function () { return 16; } });