var $ = require('jquery'); var _ = require('underscore'); var d3 = require('d3'); var d3Interpolate = require('d3-interpolate'); var CoreModel = require('backbone/core-model'); var CoreView = require('backbone/core-view'); var formatter = require('../../formatter'); var timestampHelper = require('../../util/timestamp-helper'); var viewportUtils = require('../../viewport-utils'); var FILTERED_COLOR = '#2E3C43'; var UNFILTERED_COLOR = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06)'; var TIP_RECT_HEIGHT = 17; var TIP_H_PADDING = 6; var TRIANGLE_SIDE = 14; var TRIANGLE_HEIGHT = 7; // How much lower (based on height) will the triangle be on the right side var TRIANGLE_RIGHT_FACTOR = 1.3; var TOOLTIP_MARGIN = 2; var DASH_WIDTH = 2; var MOBILE_BAR_HEIGHT = 3; var BEZIER_MARGIN_X = 0.1; var BEZIER_MARGIN_Y = 1; var trianglePath = function (x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, yFactor) { // Bezier Control point y var cy = y3 + (yFactor * BEZIER_MARGIN_Y); // Bezier Control point x 1 var cx1 = x3 + BEZIER_MARGIN_X; var cx2 = x3 - BEZIER_MARGIN_X; return 'M ' + x1 + ' ' + y1 + ' L ' + x2 + ' ' + y2 + ' C ' + cx1 + ' ' + cy + ' ' + cx2 + ' ' + cy + ' ' + x1 + ' ' + y1 + ' z'; }; module.exports = CoreView.extend({ options: { // render the chart once the width is set as default, provide false value for this prop to disable this behavior // e.g. for "mini" histogram behavior showOnWidthChange: true, chartBarColor: '#F2CC8F', labelsMargin: 16, // px hasAxisTip: false, minimumBarHeight: 2, animationSpeed: 750, handleWidth: 8, handleRadius: 3, divisionWidth: 80, animationBarDelay: function (d, i) { return Math.random() * (100 + (i * 10)); }, transitionType: 'elastic' }, initialize: function () { this._originalData = this.options.originalData; if (!_.isNumber(this.options.height)) throw new Error('height is required'); if (!this.options.dataviewModel) throw new Error('dataviewModel is required'); if (!this.options.layerModel) throw new Error('layerModel is required'); if (!this.options.type) throw new Error('type is required'); _.bindAll(this, '_selectBars', '_adjustBrushHandles', '_onBrushMove', '_onBrushEnd', '_onMouseMove', '_onMouseOut'); // Use this special setup for each view instance ot have its own debounced listener // TODO in theory there's the possiblity that the callback is called before the view is rendered in the DOM, // which would lead to the view not being visible until an explicit window resize. // a wasAddedToDOM event would've been nice to have this.forceResize = _.debounce(this._resizeToParentElement.bind(this), 50); // using tagName: 'svg' doesn't work, // and w/o class="" d3 won't instantiate properly this.setElement($('')[0]); this._widgetModel = this.options.widgetModel; this._dataviewModel = this.options.dataviewModel; this._layerModel = this.options.layerModel; this.canvas = .style('overflow', 'visible') .attr('width', 0) .attr('height', this.options.height); this.canvas .append('g') .attr('class', 'CDB-WidgetCanvas'); this._setupModel(); this._setupBindings(); this._setupDimensions(); this._setupD3Bindings(); this._setupFillColor(); this.hide(); // will be toggled on width change this._tooltipFormatter = formatter.formatNumber; // Tooltips are always numbers this._createFormatter(); }, render: function () { this._generateChart(); this._generateChartContent(); return this; }, replaceData: function (data) { this.model.set({ data: data }); }, toggleLabels: function (show) { this.model.set('showLabels', show); }, chartWidth: function () { var margin = this.model.get('margin'); // Get max because width might be negative initially return Math.max(0, this.model.get('width') - margin.left - margin.right); }, chartHeight: function () { var m = this.model.get('margin'); var labelsMargin = this.model.get('showLabels') ? this.options.labelsMargin : 0; return this.model.get('height') - - m.bottom - labelsMargin; }, getSelectionExtent: function () { if (this.brush && this.brush.extent()) { var extent = this.brush.extent(); return extent[1] - extent[0]; } return 0; }, _resizeToParentElement: function () { if (this.$el.parent()) { // Hide this view temporarily to get actual size of the parent container var wasHidden = this.isHidden(); this.hide(); var parent = this.$el.parent(); var grandParent = parent.parent && parent.parent() && parent.parent().length > 0 ? parent.parent() : null; var width = parent.width() || 0; if (this.model.get('animated')) { // We could just substract 24, width of play/pause but imho this is more future proof this.$el.siblings().each(function () { width -= $(this).width(); }); } if (grandParent && grandParent.outerWidth && this._isTabletViewport()) { width -= grandParent.outerWidth(true) - grandParent.width(); } if (wasHidden) { this.hide(); } else {; } this.model.set('width', width); } }, _onChangeLeftAxisTip: function () { this._updateAxisTip('left'); }, _onChangeRightAxisTip: function () { this._updateAxisTip('right'); }, _overlap: function (first, second) { var bFirst = first.node().getBoundingClientRect(); var bSecond = second.node().getBoundingClientRect(); return !(bFirst.right < bSecond.left || bFirst.left > bSecond.right || bFirst.bottom < || > bSecond.bottom); }, _updateTriangle: function (isRight, triangle, start, center, rectWidth) { var ySign = isRight && !(this._isTabletViewport() && this._isTimeSeries()) ? -1 : 1; var transform = d3.transform(triangle.attr('transform')); var side = Math.min(TRIANGLE_SIDE, rectWidth); var translate = center - (side / 2); var offset = isRight ? Math.min((start + rectWidth) - (translate + side), 0) : Math.abs(Math.min(translate - start, 0)); var p0 = [0, 0]; var p1 = [side, 0]; var p2 = [side / 2 - offset, TRIANGLE_HEIGHT * ySign]; triangle.attr('d', trianglePath(p0[0], p0[1], p1[0], p1[1], p2[0], p2[1], ySign)); transform.translate[0] = center - (side / 2) + offset; triangle.attr('transform', transform.toString()); }, _updateAxisTip: function (className) { var leftTip = 'left_axis_tip'; var rightTip = 'right_axis_tip'; var attr = className + '_axis_tip'; var isRight = className === 'right'; var isLeft = !isRight; var isWeek = this._dataviewModel.get('aggregation') === 'week'; var model = this.model.get(attr); if (model === undefined) { return; } var leftValue = this.model.get(leftTip); var rightValue = this.model.get(rightTip); var textLabel ='.CDB-Chart-axisTipText.CDB-Chart-axisTip-' + className); var axisTip ='.CDB-Chart-axisTip.CDB-Chart-axisTip-' + className); var rectLabel ='.CDB-Chart-axisTipRect.CDB-Chart-axisTip-' + className); var handle ='.CDB-Chart-handle.CDB-Chart-handle-' + className); var triangle ='.CDB-Chart-axisTipTriangle');[model]).text(function (d) { var text = this.formatter(d); this._dataviewModel.trigger('on_update_axis_tip', { attr: attr, text: text }); return text; }.bind(this)); if (!textLabel.node()) { return; } var textBBox = textLabel.node().getBBox(); var width = textBBox.width; var rectWidth = width + TIP_H_PADDING; var handleWidth = this.options.handleWidth; var barWidth = this.barWidth; var chartWidth = this.chartWidth(); rectLabel.attr('width', rectWidth); textLabel.attr('dx', TIP_H_PADDING / 2); textLabel.attr('dy', textBBox.height - Math.abs((textBBox.height - TIP_RECT_HEIGHT) / 2)); var parts = d3.transform(handle.attr('transform')).translate; var xPos = +parts[0] + (this.options.handleWidth / 2); var yPos = isRight && !(this._isMobileViewport() && this._isTimeSeries()) ? this.chartHeight() + (TRIANGLE_HEIGHT * TRIANGLE_RIGHT_FACTOR) - 1 : -(TRIANGLE_HEIGHT + TIP_RECT_HEIGHT + TOOLTIP_MARGIN); yPos = Math.floor(yPos); // Align rect and bar centers var rectCenter = rectWidth / 2; var barCenter = (handleWidth + barWidth) / 2; barCenter -= (isRight ? barWidth : 0); // right tip should center to the previous bin if (!this._isDateTimeSeries() || isWeek) { // In numeric and week histograms, axis should point to the handler barCenter = handleWidth / 2; } var translate = barCenter - rectCenter; // Check if rect if out of bounds and clip translate if that happens var leftPos = xPos + translate; var rightPos = leftPos + rectWidth; var translatedCenter = translate + rectCenter; var rightExceed = rightPos - (chartWidth + handleWidth); // Do we exceed left? if (leftPos < 0) { translate -= leftPos; } // Do we exceed right? if (rightExceed > 0) { translate -= rightExceed; } // Show / hide labels depending on their values var showTip = isLeft ? leftValue <= rightValue : (leftValue <= rightValue && !(leftValue === rightValue && this._isDateTimeSeries())); this._showAxisTip(className, showTip); // Translate axis tip axisTip.attr('transform', 'translate(' + translate + ', ' + yPos + ')'); // Update triangle position this._updateTriangle(isRight, triangle, translate, translatedCenter, rectWidth); if (this.model.get('dragging') && this._isMobileViewport() && this._isTimeSeries()) { this._showAxisTip(className, true); } }, _onChangeData: function () { if (this.model.previous('data').length !== this.model.get('data').length) { this.reset(); } else { this.refresh(); } this._setupFillColor(); this._refreshBarsColor(); }, _onChangeRange: function () { var loIndex = this.model.get('lo_index'); var hiIndex = this.model.get('hi_index'); if ((loIndex === 0 && hiIndex === 0) || (loIndex === null && hiIndex === null)) { return; } this.selectRange(loIndex, hiIndex); this._adjustBrushHandles(); this._setAxisTipAccordingToBins(); this._selectBars(); this.trigger('on_brush_end', loIndex, hiIndex); }, _onChangeWidth: function () { var width = this.model.get('width'); this.canvas.attr('width', width); this.chart.attr('width', width); if (this.options.showOnWidthChange && width > 0) {; } this.reset(); var loBarIndex = this.model.get('lo_index'); var hiBarIndex = this.model.get('hi_index'); this.selectRange(loBarIndex, hiBarIndex); this._updateAxisTip('left'); this._updateAxisTip('right'); }, _onChangeNormalized: function () { // do not show shadow bars if they are not enabled this.model.set('show_shadow_bars', !this.model.get('normalized')); this._generateShadowBars(); this.updateYScale(); this.refresh(); }, _onChangeHeight: function () { var height = this.model.get('height'); this.$el.height(height); this.chart.attr('height', height); this.leftHandle.attr('height', height); this.rightHandle.attr('height', height); this.updateYScale(); this.reset(); }, _onChangeShowLabels: function () {'opacity', this.model.get('showLabels') ? 1 : 0); }, _onChangePos: function () { var pos = this.model.get('pos'); var margin = this.model.get('margin'); var x = +pos.x; var y = +pos.y; this.chart .transition() .duration(150) .attr('transform', 'translate(' + (margin.left + x) + ', ' + ( + y) + ')'); }, _onChangeDragging: function () { this.chart.classed('is-dragging', this.model.get('dragging')); if (!this.model.get('dragging') && this._isMobileViewport() && this._isTimeSeries()) { this._showAxisTip('right', false); this._showAxisTip('left', false); } }, _toggleAxisTip: function (className, show) { var textLabel ='.CDB-Chart-axisTipText.CDB-Chart-axisTip-' + className); var rectLabel ='.CDB-Chart-axisTipRect.CDB-Chart-axisTip-' + className); var handle ='.CDB-Chart-handle.CDB-Chart-handle-' + className); var triangle ='.CDB-Chart-axisTipTriangle'); var duration = 60; if (textLabel) { textLabel.transition().duration(duration).attr('opacity', show); } if (rectLabel) { rectLabel.transition().duration(duration).attr('opacity', show); } if (triangle) { triangle.transition().duration(duration).style('opacity', show); } }, _showAxisTip: function (className, show) { this._toggleAxisTip(className, show ? 1 : 0); }, _setAxisTipAccordingToBins: function () { var left = this._getValueFromBinIndex(this._getLoBarIndex()); var right = this._getValueFromBinIndex(this._getHiBarIndex()); if (this._isDateTimeSeries()) { right = timestampHelper.substractOneUnit(right, this._dataviewModel.get('aggregation')); } this._setAxisTip(left, right); }, _setAxisTip: function (left, right) { if (this.options.hasAxisTip) { this.model.set({ left_axis_tip: left, right_axis_tip: right }); } }, reset: function () { this._removeChartContent(); this._setupDimensions(); this._calcBarWidth(); this._generateChartContent(); this._generateShadowBars(); }, refresh: function () { this._createFormatter(); this._setupDimensions(); this._removeAxis(); this._generateAxis(); this._updateChart(); this._refreshBarsColor();'.CDB-Chart-handles').moveToFront();'.Brush').moveToFront(); }, resetIndexes: function () { this.model.set({ lo_index: null, hi_index: null }); }, removeShadowBars: function () { this.model.set('show_shadow_bars', false); }, _removeShadowBars: function () { this.chart.selectAll('.CDB-Chart-shadowBars').remove(); }, _removeBars: function () { this.chart.selectAll('.CDB-Chart-bars').remove(); }, _removeBrush: function () { this.chart.selectAll('.Brush').remove(); this.chart.classed('is-selectable', false); this._axis.classed('is-disabled', false); }, _removeLines: function () {'.CDB-Chart-lines').remove();'.CDB-Chart-line--bottom').remove(); }, _removeChartContent: function () { this._removeBrush(); this._removeHandles(); this._removeBars(); this._removeAxis(); this._removeLines(); }, _generateChartContent: function () { this._generateAxis(); if (!(this._isTabletViewport() && this._isTimeSeries())) { this._generateLines(); } this._generateBars(); if (!(this._isMobileViewport() && this._isTimeSeries())) { this._generateBottomLine(); } this._generateHandles(); this._setupBrush(); }, _generateLines: function () { this._generateHorizontalLines(); this._generateVerticalLines(); }, _generateVerticalLines: function () { var lines ='.CDB-Chart-lines'); lines.append('g') .selectAll('.CDB-Chart-line') .data(this.verticalRange.slice(1, this.verticalRange.length - 1)) .enter().append('svg:line') .attr('class', 'CDB-Chart-line') .attr('y1', 0) .attr('x1', function (d) { return d; }) .attr('y2', this.chartHeight()) .attr('x2', function (d) { return d; }); }, _generateHorizontalLines: function () { var lines = this.chart.append('g') .attr('class', 'CDB-Chart-lines'); lines.append('g') .attr('class', 'y') .selectAll('.CDB-Chart-line') .data(this.horizontalRange.slice(0, this.horizontalRange.length - 1)) .enter().append('svg:line') .attr('class', 'CDB-Chart-line') .attr('x1', 0) .attr('y1', function (d) { return d; }) .attr('x2', this.chartWidth()) .attr('y2', function (d) { return d; }); }, _generateBottomLine: function () { this.chart.append('line') .attr('class', 'CDB-Chart-line CDB-Chart-line--bottom') .attr('x1', 0) .attr('y1', this.chartHeight() - 1) .attr('x2', this.chartWidth() - 1) .attr('y2', this.chartHeight() - 1); }, _setupD3Bindings: function () { // TODO: move to a helper d3.selection.prototype.moveToBack = function () { return this.each(function () { var firstChild = this.parentNode.firstChild; if (firstChild) { this.parentNode.insertBefore(this, firstChild); } }); }; d3.selection.prototype.moveToFront = function () { return this.each(function () { this.parentNode.appendChild(this); }); }; }, _setupModel: function () { this.model = new CoreModel({ bounded: false, showLabels: true, data:, height: this.options.height, display: true, show_shadow_bars: this.options.displayShadowBars, margin: _.clone(this.options.margin), width: 0, // will be set on resize listener pos: { x: 0, y: 0 }, normalized: this.options.normalized, local_timezone: this.options.local_timezone }); }, _setupBindings: function () { this.listenTo(this.model, 'change:data', this._onChangeData); this.listenTo(this.model, 'change:display', this._onChangeDisplay); this.listenTo(this.model, 'change:dragging', this._onChangeDragging); this.listenTo(this.model, 'change:height', this._onChangeHeight); this.listenTo(this.model, 'change:left_axis_tip', this._onChangeLeftAxisTip); this.listenTo(this.model, 'change:lo_index change:hi_index', this._onChangeRange); this.listenTo(this.model, 'change:pos', this._onChangePos); this.listenTo(this.model, 'change:right_axis_tip', this._onChangeRightAxisTip); this.listenTo(this.model, 'change:showLabels', this._onChangeShowLabels); this.listenTo(this.model, 'change:show_shadow_bars', this._onChangeShowShadowBars); this.listenTo(this.model, 'change:width', this._onChangeWidth); this.listenTo(this.model, 'change:normalized', this._onChangeNormalized); if (this._widgetModel) { this.listenTo(this._widgetModel, 'change:autoStyle', this._refreshBarsColor); this.listenTo(this._widgetModel, 'change:style', function () { this._setupFillColor(); this._refreshBarsColor(); }); } if (this._dataviewModel) { this.listenTo(this._dataviewModel, 'change:offset change:localTimezone', function () { this.refresh(); }); } this.listenTo(this._layerModel, 'change:cartocss', function () { if (!this._areGradientsAlreadyGenerated()) { this._setupFillColor(); } }); if (this._originalData) { this.listenTo(this._originalData, 'change:data', function () { this.updateYScale(); this._removeShadowBars(); this._generateShadowBars(); }); } }, _setupDimensions: function () { this._setupScales(); this._setupRanges(); this.forceResize(); }, _getData: function () { return (this._originalData && this._originalData.getData()) || this.model.get('data'); }, _getMaxData: function (data) { return d3.max(data, function (d) { return _.isEmpty(d) ? 0 : d.freq; }); }, _getXScale: function () { return d3.scale.linear().domain([0, 100]).range([0, this.chartWidth()]); }, _getYScale: function () { var data = this.model.get('normalized') ? this.model.get('data') : this._getData(); return d3.scale.linear().domain([0, this._getMaxData(data)]).range([this.chartHeight(), 0]); }, updateXScale: function () { this.xScale = this._getXScale(); }, updateYScale: function () { this.yScale = this._getYScale(); }, resetYScale: function () { this.yScale = this._originalYScale; }, _getDataForScales: function () { if (!this.model.get('bounded') && this._originalData) { return this._originalData.getData(); } else { return this.model.get('data'); } }, _setupScales: function () { var data = this._getDataForScales(); this.updateXScale(); if (!this._originalYScale || this.model.get('normalized')) { this._originalYScale = this.yScale = this._getYScale(); } if (!data || !data.length) { return; } var start = data[0].start; var end = data[data.length - 1].end; this.xAxisScale = d3.scale.linear().range([start, end]).domain([0, this.chartWidth()]); }, _setupRanges: function () { this.verticalRange = this._calculateVerticalRangeDivisions(); this.horizontalRange = d3.range(0, this.chartHeight() + this.chartHeight() / 2, this.chartHeight() / 2); }, _calculateVerticalRangeDivisions: function () { if (this._isDateTimeSeries() && this.model.get('data').length > 0) { return this._calculateTimelySpacedDivisions(); } return this._calculateEvenlySpacedDivisions(); }, _calculateTimelySpacedDivisions: function () { this._calcBarWidth(); var divisions = Math.round(this.chartWidth() / this.options.divisionWidth); var bucketsPerDivision = Math.ceil(this.model.get('data').length / divisions); var range = [0]; var index = 0; for (var i = 0; i < divisions; i++) { index = (i < (divisions - 1)) ? index + bucketsPerDivision : this.model.get('data').length; range.push(Math.ceil(this.xAxisScale.invert(this._getValueFromBinIndex(index)))); } range = _.uniq(range); // Sometimes the last two ticks are too close. In those cases, we get rid of the second to last if (range.length >= 3) { var lastTwo = _.last(range, 2); if ((lastTwo[1] - lastTwo[0]) < this.options.divisionWidth) { range = _.without(range, lastTwo[0]); } } return range; }, _calculateEvenlySpacedDivisions: function () { var divisions = Math.round(this.chartWidth() / this.options.divisionWidth); var step = this.chartWidth() / divisions; var stop = this.chartWidth() + step; var range = d3.range(0, stop, step).slice(0, divisions + 1); return range; }, _calcBarWidth: function () { this.barWidth = this.chartWidth() / this.model.get('data').length; }, _generateChart: function () { var margin = this.model.get('margin'); this.chart = .selectAll('.CDB-WidgetCanvas') .append('g') .attr('class', 'CDB-Chart') .attr('transform', 'translate(' + margin.left + ', ' + + ')'); this.chart.classed(this.options.className || '', true); }, _onChangeShowShadowBars: function () { if (this.model.get('show_shadow_bars')) { this._generateShadowBars(); } else { this._removeShadowBars(); } }, _onChangeDisplay: function () { if (this.model.get('display')) { this._show(); } else { this._hide(); } }, hide: function () { this.model.set('display', false); }, show: function () { this.model.set('display', true); }, _hide: function () { this.$el.hide(); }, _show: function () { this.$; }, isHidden: function () { return !this.model.get('display'); }, _selectBars: function () { this.chart .selectAll('.CDB-Chart-bar') .classed({ 'is-selected': function (d, i) { return this._isBarChartWithinFilter(i); }.bind(this), 'is-filtered': function (d, i) { return !this._isBarChartWithinFilter(i); }.bind(this) }); }, _isBarChartWithinFilter: function (i) { var extent = this.brush.extent(); var lo = extent[0]; var hi = extent[1]; var a = Math.floor(i * this.barWidth); var b = Math.floor(a + this.barWidth); var LO = Math.floor(this.xScale(lo)); var HI = Math.floor(this.xScale(hi)); return (a > LO && a < HI) || (b > LO && b < HI) || (a <= LO && b >= HI); }, _isDragging: function () { return this.model.get('dragging'); }, setAnimated: function () { return this.model.set('animated', true); }, _isAnimated: function () { return this.model.get('animated'); }, _move: function (pos) { this.model.set({ pos: pos }); }, expand: function (height) { this.canvas.attr('height', this.model.get('height') + height); this._move({ x: 0, y: height }); }, contract: function (height) { this.canvas.attr('height', height); this._move({ x: 0, y: 0 }); }, resizeHeight: function (height) { this.model.set('height', height); }, setNormalized: function (normalized) { this.model.set('normalized', !!normalized); return this; }, removeSelection: function () { this.resetIndexes(); this.chart.selectAll('.CDB-Chart-bar').classed({'is-selected': false, 'is-filtered': false}); this._refreshBarsColor(); this._removeBrush(); this._setupBrush(); }, selectRange: function (loBarIndex, hiBarIndex) { if (!loBarIndex && !hiBarIndex) { return; } // -- HACK: Reset filter if any of the indexes is out of the scope var data = this._dataviewModel.get('data'); if (!data[loBarIndex] || !data[hiBarIndex - 1]) { return this.trigger('on_reset_filter'); } var loPosition = this._getBarPosition(loBarIndex); var hiPosition = this._getBarPosition(hiBarIndex); this.model.set({ lo_index: loBarIndex, hi_index: hiBarIndex }); this._selectRange(loPosition, hiPosition); }, _selectRange: function (loPosition, hiPosition) {'.Brush').transition() .duration(this.brush.empty() ? 0 : 150) .call(this.brush.extent([loPosition, hiPosition])) .call(this.brush.event); }, _getLoBarIndex: function () { var extent = this.brush.extent(); return Math.round(this.xScale(extent[0]) / this.barWidth); }, _getHiBarIndex: function () { var extent = this.brush.extent(); return Math.round(this.xScale(extent[1]) / this.barWidth); }, _getBarIndex: function () { var x = d3.event.sourceEvent.layerX; return Math.floor(x / this.barWidth); }, _getBarPosition: function (index) { var data = this.model.get('data'); return index * (100 / data.length); }, _setupBrush: function () { // define brush control element and its events var brush = d3.svg.brush() .x(this.xScale) .on('brush', this._onBrushMove) .on('brushend', this._onBrushEnd); // create svg group with class brush and call brush on it var brushg = this.chart.append('g') .attr('class', 'Brush') .call(brush); var height = this._isTabletViewport() && this._isTimeSeries() ? this.chartHeight() * 2 : this.chartHeight(); // set brush extent to rect and define objects height brushg.selectAll('rect') .attr('y', 0) .attr('height', height); // Only bind on the background element brushg.selectAll('rect.background') .on('mouseout', this._onMouseOut) .on('mousemove', this._onMouseMove); // Prevent scroll while touching selections brushg.selectAll('rect') .classed('ps-prevent-touchmove', true); brushg.selectAll('g') .classed('ps-prevent-touchmove', true); this.brush = brush; // Make grabby handles as big as the display handles this.chart.selectAll('g.resize rect') .attr('width', this.options.handleWidth) .attr('x', -this.options.handleWidth / 2); }, _onBrushMove: function () { if (!this.brush.empty()) { this.chart.classed('is-selectable', true); this._axis.classed('is-disabled', true); this.model.set({ dragging: true }); this._selectBars(); this._setupFillColor(); this._refreshBarsColor(); this._adjustBrushHandles(); this._updateAxisTip('left'); this._updateAxisTip('right'); } }, _onBrushEnd: function () { var data = this.model.get('data'); var brush = this.brush; var loPosition, hiPosition; var loBarIndex = this._getLoBarIndex(); var hiBarIndex = this._getHiBarIndex(); this.model.set({ dragging: false }); // click in animated histogram if (brush.empty() && this._isAnimated()) { // Send 0..1 factor of position of click in graph this.trigger('on_brush_click', brush.extent()[0] / 100); return; } else { loPosition = this._getBarPosition(loBarIndex); hiPosition = this._getBarPosition(hiBarIndex); // for some reason d3 launches several brushend events if (!d3.event.sourceEvent) { return; } // click in first and last indexes if (loBarIndex === hiBarIndex) { if (hiBarIndex >= data.length) { loBarIndex = data.length - 1; hiBarIndex = data.length; } else { hiBarIndex = hiBarIndex + 1; } } this.model.set({ lo_index: loBarIndex, hi_index: hiBarIndex }, { silent: true }); // Maybe the indexes don't change, and the handlers end up stuck in the middle of the // bucket because the event doesn't trigger, so let's trigger it manually this.model.trigger('change:lo_index'); } // click in non animated histogram if (d3.event.sourceEvent && loPosition === undefined && hiPosition === undefined) { var barIndex = this._getBarIndex(); this.model.set({ lo_index: barIndex, hi_index: barIndex + 1 }); } this._setupFillColor(); this._refreshBarsColor(); }, _onMouseOut: function () { var bars = this.chart.selectAll('.CDB-Chart-bar'); bars .classed('is-highlighted', false) .attr('fill', this._getFillColor.bind(this)); this.trigger('hover', { target: null }); }, _onMouseMove: function () { var x = d3.event.offsetX - this.model.get('margin').left; var barIndex = Math.floor(x / this.barWidth); var data = this.model.get('data'); if (data[barIndex] === undefined || data[barIndex] === null) { return; } var freq = data[barIndex].freq; var hoverProperties = {}; var bar ='.CDB-Chart-bar:nth-child(' + (barIndex + 1) + ')'); if (bar && bar.node() && !bar.classed('is-selected')) { var left = (barIndex * this.barWidth) + (this.barWidth / 2); var top = this.yScale(freq); var h = this.chartHeight() - this.yScale(freq); if (h < this.options.minimumBarHeight && h > 0) { top = this.chartHeight() - this.options.minimumBarHeight; } if (!this._isDragging() && freq > 0) { var d = this.formatter(freq); hoverProperties = { target: bar[0][0], top: top, left: left, data: d }; } else { hoverProperties = null; } } else { hoverProperties = null; } this.trigger('hover', hoverProperties); this.chart.selectAll('.CDB-Chart-bar') .classed('is-highlighted', false) .attr('fill', this._getFillColor.bind(this)); if (bar && bar.node()) { bar.attr('fill', function () { return this._getHoverFillColor(data[barIndex], barIndex); }.bind(this)); bar.classed('is-highlighted', true); } }, _adjustBrushHandles: function () { var extent = this.brush.extent(); var loExtent = extent[0]; var hiExtent = extent[1]; this._moveHandle(loExtent, 'left'); this._moveHandle(hiExtent, 'right'); this._setAxisTipAccordingToBins(); }, _moveHandle: function (position, selector) { var handle ='.CDB-Chart-handle-' + selector); var fixedPosition = position.toFixed(5); var x = this.xScale(fixedPosition) - this.options.handleWidth / 2; var display = (fixedPosition >= 0 && fixedPosition <= 100) ? 'inline' : 'none'; handle .style('display', display) .attr('transform', 'translate(' + x + ', 0)'); }, _generateAxisTip: function (className) { var handle ='.CDB-Chart-handle.CDB-Chart-handle-' + className); var yPos = className === 'right' && !(this._isMobileViewport() && this._isTimeSeries()) ? this.chartHeight() + (TRIANGLE_HEIGHT * TRIANGLE_RIGHT_FACTOR) : -(TRIANGLE_HEIGHT + TIP_RECT_HEIGHT + TOOLTIP_MARGIN); yPos = Math.floor(yPos); var yTriangle = className === 'right' && !(this._isMobileViewport() && this._isTimeSeries()) ? this.chartHeight() + (TRIANGLE_HEIGHT * TRIANGLE_RIGHT_FACTOR) + 2 : -(TRIANGLE_HEIGHT + TOOLTIP_MARGIN) - 2; var yFactor = className === 'right' ? -1 : 1; var triangleHeight = TRIANGLE_HEIGHT * yFactor; var axisTip = handle.selectAll('g') .data(['']) .enter().append('g') .attr('class', 'CDB-Chart-axisTip CDB-Chart-axisTip-' + className) .attr('transform', 'translate(0,' + yPos + ')'); handle.append('path') .attr('class', 'CDB-Chart-axisTipRect CDB-Chart-axisTipTriangle') .attr('transform', 'translate(' + ((this.options.handleWidth / 2) - (TRIANGLE_SIDE / 2)) + ', ' + yTriangle + ')') .attr('d', trianglePath(0, 0, TRIANGLE_SIDE, 0, (TRIANGLE_SIDE / 2), triangleHeight, yFactor)) .style('opacity', '1'); axisTip.append('rect') .attr('class', 'CDB-Chart-axisTipRect CDB-Chart-axisTip-' + className) .attr('rx', '2') .attr('ry', '2') .attr('opacity', '1') .attr('height', TIP_RECT_HEIGHT); axisTip.append('text') .attr('class', 'CDB-Text CDB-Size-small CDB-Chart-axisTipText CDB-Chart-axisTip-' + className) .attr('dy', '11') .attr('dx', '0') .attr('opacity', '1') .text(function (d) { return d; }); }, _isTabletViewport: function () { return viewportUtils.isTabletViewport(); }, _generateHandle: function (className) { var height = this._isTabletViewport() && this._isTimeSeries() ? this.chartHeight() * 2 : this.chartHeight(); var opts = { width: this.options.handleWidth, height: height, radius: this.options.handleRadius }; var handle ='.CDB-Chart-handles') .append('g') .attr('class', 'CDB-Chart-handle CDB-Chart-handle-' + className); if (this.options.hasAxisTip) { this._generateAxisTip(className); } if (this.options.hasHandles) { handle .append('rect') .attr('class', 'CDB-Chart-handleRect') .attr('width', opts.width) .attr('height', opts.height) .attr('rx', opts.radius) .attr('ry', opts.radius); var y = this._isTabletViewport() && this._isTimeSeries() ? this.chartHeight() : this.chartHeight() / 2; y -= 3; var x1 = (opts.width - DASH_WIDTH) / 2; for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { handle .append('line') .attr('class', 'CDB-Chart-handleGrip') .attr('x1', x1) .attr('y1', y + i * 3) .attr('x2', x1 + DASH_WIDTH) .attr('y2', y + i * 3); } } return handle; }, _generateHandles: function () { this.chart.append('g').attr('class', 'CDB-Chart-handles'); this.leftHandle = this._generateHandle('left'); this.rightHandle = this._generateHandle('right'); }, _removeHandles: function () {'.CDB-Chart-handles').remove(); }, _removeAxis: function () {'.CDB-Chart-axis').remove(); }, _generateAdjustAnchorMethod: function (ticks) { return function (d, i) { if (i === 0) { return 'start'; } else if (i === (ticks.length - 1)) { return 'end'; } else { return 'middle'; } }; }, _generateAxis: function () { this._axis = this._generateNumericAxis(); this._onChangeShowLabels(); }, _generateNumericAxis: function () { var self = this; var adjustTextAnchor = this._generateAdjustAnchorMethod(this.verticalRange); var axis = this.chart.append('g') .attr('class', 'CDB-Chart-axis CDB-Text CDB-Size-small'); function verticalToValue (d) { return self.xAxisScale ? self.xAxisScale(d) : null; } axis .append('g') .selectAll('.Label') .data(this.verticalRange) .enter().append('text') .attr('x', function (d) { return d; }) .attr('y', function () { return self.chartHeight() + 15; }) .attr('text-anchor', adjustTextAnchor) .text(function (d) { var value = verticalToValue(d); if (_.isFinite(value)) { return self.formatter(value); } }); return axis; }, _getMinValueFromBinIndex: function (binIndex) { var data = this.model.get('data'); var dataBin = data[binIndex]; if (dataBin) { return dataBin.min != null ? dataBin.min : dataBin.start; } else { return null; } }, _getMaxValueFromBinIndex: function (binIndex) { var result = null; var data = this.model.get('data'); var dataBin = data[binIndex]; if (dataBin) { if (this._isDateTimeSeries() && !_.isUndefined( { result =; } else { result = dataBin.min != null ? dataBin.max : dataBin.end; } } return result; }, _getValueFromBinIndex: function (index) { if (!_.isNumber(index)) { return null; } var result = null; var fromStart = true; var data = this.model.get('data'); if (index >= data.length) { index = data.length - 1; fromStart = false; } var dataBin = data[index]; if (dataBin) { result = fromStart ? dataBin.start : _.isFinite( ? : dataBin.end; } return result; }, _getIndexFromValue: function (value) { var index = _.findIndex(this.model.get('data'), function (bin) { return bin.start <= value && value <= bin.end; }); return index; }, _getMaxFromData: function () { return this.model.get('data').length > 0 ? _.last(this.model.get('data')).end : null; }, // Calculates the domain ([ min, max ]) of the selected data. If there is no selection ongoing, // it will take the first and last buckets with frequency. _calculateDataDomain: function () { var data = _.clone(this.model.get('data')); var minBin; var maxBin; var minValue; var maxValue; if (!this._hasFilterApplied()) { minValue = this._getMinValueFromBinIndex(0); maxValue = this._getMaxValueFromBinIndex(data.length - 1); minBin = _.find(data, function (d) { return d.freq !== 0; }); maxBin = _.find(data.reverse(), function (d) { return d.freq !== 0; }); } else { var loBarIndex = this._getLoBarIndex(); var hiBarIndex = this._getHiBarIndex() - 1; var filteredData = data.slice(loBarIndex, hiBarIndex); if (_.isNaN(loBarIndex) || _.isNaN(hiBarIndex)) { return [0, 0]; } minValue = this._getMinValueFromBinIndex(loBarIndex); maxValue = this._getMaxValueFromBinIndex(hiBarIndex); if (data[loBarIndex] && data[loBarIndex].freq === 0) { minBin = _.find(filteredData, function (d) { return d.freq !== 0; }, this); } if (data[hiBarIndex] && data[hiBarIndex].freq === 0) { var reversedData = filteredData.reverse(); maxBin = _.find(reversedData, function (d) { return d.freq !== 0; }, this); } } minValue = minBin ? (minBin.min != null ? minBin.min : minBin.start) : minValue; maxValue = maxBin ? (maxBin.max != null ? maxBin.max : maxBin.end) : maxValue; return [minValue, maxValue]; }, _removeFillGradients: function () { var defs ='defs'); defs.remove(); delete this._linearGradients; }, _areGradientsAlreadyGenerated: function () { return !!this._linearGradients; }, // Generate a linear-gradient with several stops for each bar // in order to generate the proper colors ramp. It will depend // of the domain of the selected data. _generateFillGradients: function () { if (!this._widgetModel || !this._widgetModel.isAutoStyleEnabled()) { return false; } var obj = this._widgetModel.getAutoStyle(); if (_.isEmpty(obj) || _.isEmpty(obj.definition)) { return false; } var self = this; var geometryDefinition = obj.definition[Object.keys(obj.definition)[0]]; // Gets first definition by geometry var colorsRange = geometryDefinition && geometryDefinition.color && geometryDefinition.color.range; var interpolatedColors = d3Interpolate.interpolateRgbBasis(colorsRange); var colorsRangeHover =, function (color) { return d3.rgb(color).darker(0.3).toString(); }); var interpolatedHoverColors = d3Interpolate.interpolateRgbBasis(colorsRangeHover); var data = this.model.get('data'); var domain = this._calculateDataDomain(); var domainScale = d3.scale.linear().domain(domain).range([0, 1]); var defs ='defs'); var stopsNumber = 4; // It is not necessary to create as many stops as colors this._linearGradients = defs .selectAll('.gradient') .data(data) .enter() .append('linearGradient') .attr('class', 'gradient') .attr('id', function (d, i) { // This is the scale for each bin, used in each stop within this gradient this.__scale__ = d3.scale.linear() .range([ self._getMinValueFromBinIndex(i), self._getMaxValueFromBinIndex(i) ]) .domain([0, 1]); return 'bar-' + self.cid + '-' + i; }) .attr('x1', '0%') .attr('y1', '0%') .attr('x2', '100%') .attr('y2', '0%'); this._linearGradientsHover = defs .selectAll('.gradient-hover') .data(data) .enter() .append('linearGradient') .attr('class', 'gradient-hover') .attr('id', function (d, i) { // This is the scale for each bin, used in each stop within this gradient this.__scale__ = d3.scale.linear() .range([self._getMinValueFromBinIndex(i), self._getMaxValueFromBinIndex(i)]) .domain([0, 1]); return 'bar-' + self.cid + '-' + i + '-hover'; }) .attr('x1', '0%') .attr('y1', '0%') .attr('x2', '100%') .attr('y2', '0%'); this._linearGradients .selectAll('stop') .data(d3.range(stopsNumber + 1)) .enter() .append('stop') .attr('offset', function (d, i) { var offset = this.__offset__ = Math.floor(((i) / stopsNumber) * 100); return (offset + '%'); }) .attr('stop-color', function () { var localScale = this.parentNode.__scale__; var interpolateValue = domainScale(localScale(this.__offset__ / 100)); return interpolatedColors(interpolateValue); }); this._linearGradientsHover .selectAll('stop') .data(d3.range(stopsNumber + 1)) .enter() .append('stop') .attr('offset', function (d, i) { var offset = this.__offset__ = Math.floor(((i) / stopsNumber) * 100); return (offset + '%'); }) .attr('stop-color', function () { var localScale = this.parentNode.__scale__; var interpolateValue = domainScale(localScale(this.__offset__ / 100)); return interpolatedHoverColors(interpolateValue); }); }, _setupFillColor: function () { this._removeFillGradients(); this._generateFillGradients(); }, _getFillColor: function (d, i) { if (this._widgetModel) { if (this._widgetModel.isAutoStyle()) { if (this._hasFilterApplied()) { if (!this._isBarChartWithinFilter(i)) { return UNFILTERED_COLOR; } } return 'url(#bar-' + this.cid + '-' + i + ')'; } else { if (this._hasFilterApplied()) { if (this._isBarChartWithinFilter(i)) { return FILTERED_COLOR; } else { return UNFILTERED_COLOR; } } return this._widgetModel.getWidgetColor() || this.options.chartBarColor; } } return this.options.chartBarColor; }, _getHoverFillColor: function (d, i) { var currentFillColor = this._getFillColor(d, i); if (this._widgetModel) { if (this._widgetModel.isAutoStyle()) { return 'url(#bar-' + this.cid + '-' + i + '-hover)'; } } return d3.rgb(currentFillColor).darker(0.3).toString(); }, _updateChart: function () { var self = this; var data = this.model.get('data'); var bars = this.chart.selectAll('.CDB-Chart-bar') .data(data); bars .enter() .append('rect') .attr('class', 'CDB-Chart-bar') .attr('fill', this._getFillColor.bind(this)) .attr('x', function (d, i) { return i * self.barWidth; }) .attr('y', self.chartHeight()) .attr('height', 0) .attr('width', Math.max(0, this.barWidth - 1)); bars .attr('data-tooltip', function (d) { return self._tooltipFormatter(d.freq); }) .transition() .duration(200) .attr('height', function (d) { if (_.isEmpty(d)) { return 0; } if (self._isMobileViewport() && self._isTimeSeries()) { return MOBILE_BAR_HEIGHT; } var h = self.chartHeight() - self.yScale(d.freq); if (h < self.options.minimumBarHeight && h > 0) { h = self.options.minimumBarHeight; } return h; }) .attr('y', function (d) { if (_.isEmpty(d)) { return self.chartHeight(); } if (self._isMobileViewport() && self._isTimeSeries()) { return self.chartHeight() / 2 + MOBILE_BAR_HEIGHT; } var h = self.chartHeight() - self.yScale(d.freq); if (h < self.options.minimumBarHeight && h > 0) { return self.chartHeight() - self.options.minimumBarHeight; } else { return self.yScale(d.freq); } }); bars .exit() .transition() .duration(200) .attr('height', function () { return 0; }) .attr('y', function () { return self.chartHeight(); }); }, _refreshBarsColor: function () { this.chart .selectAll('.CDB-Chart-bar') .classed('is-highlighted', false) .attr('fill', this._getFillColor.bind(this)); }, _isMobileViewport: function () { return viewportUtils.isMobileViewport(); }, _generateBars: function () { var self = this; var data = this.model.get('data'); this._calcBarWidth(); // Remove spacing if not enough room for the smallest case, or mobile viewport var spacing = ((((data.length * 2) - 1) > this.chartWidth() || this._isMobileViewport()) && this._isDateTimeSeries()) ? 0 : 1; var bars = this.chart.append('g') .attr('transform', 'translate(0, 0)') .attr('class', 'CDB-Chart-bars') .selectAll('.CDB-Chart-bar') .data(data); bars .enter() .append('rect') .attr('class', 'CDB-Chart-bar') .attr('fill', this._getFillColor.bind(self)) .attr('x', function (d, i) { return i * self.barWidth; }) .attr('y', self.chartHeight()) .attr('height', 0) .attr('data-tooltip', function (d) { return self._tooltipFormatter(d.freq); }) .attr('width', Math.max(1, this.barWidth - spacing)); bars .attr('data-tooltip', function (d) { return self._tooltipFormatter(d.freq); }) .transition() .ease(this.options.transitionType) .duration(this.options.animationSpeed) .delay(this.options.animationBarDelay) .transition() .attr('height', function (d) { if (_.isEmpty(d)) { return 0; } if (self._isMobileViewport() && self._isTimeSeries()) { return MOBILE_BAR_HEIGHT; } var h = self.chartHeight() - self.yScale(d.freq); if (h < self.options.minimumBarHeight && h > 0) { h = self.options.minimumBarHeight; } return h; }) .attr('y', function (d) { if (_.isEmpty(d)) { return self.chartHeight(); } if (self._isMobileViewport() && self._isTimeSeries()) { return self.chartHeight() / 2 + MOBILE_BAR_HEIGHT; } var h = self.chartHeight() - self.yScale(d.freq); if (h < self.options.minimumBarHeight && h > 0) { return self.chartHeight() - self.options.minimumBarHeight; } else { return self.yScale(d.freq); } }); }, showShadowBars: function () { if (this.options.displayShadowBars) { this.model.set('show_shadow_bars', true); } }, _generateShadowBars: function () { var data = this._getData(); if (!data || !data.length || !this.model.get('show_shadow_bars') || this.model.get('normalized')) { this._removeShadowBars(); return; } this._removeShadowBars(); var self = this; var yScale = d3.scale.linear().domain([0, this._getMaxData(data)]).range([this.chartHeight(), 0]); var barWidth = this.chartWidth() / data.length; this.chart.append('g') .attr('transform', 'translate(0, 0)') .attr('class', 'CDB-Chart-shadowBars') .selectAll('.CDB-Chart-shadowBar') .data(data) .enter() .append('rect') .attr('class', 'CDB-Chart-shadowBar') .attr('x', function (d, i) { return i * barWidth; }) .attr('y', function (d) { if (_.isEmpty(d)) { return self.chartHeight(); } var h = self.chartHeight() - yScale(d.freq); if (h < self.options.minimumBarHeight && h > 0) { return self.chartHeight() - self.options.minimumBarHeight; } else { return yScale(d.freq); } }) .attr('width', Math.max(0.5, barWidth - 1)) .attr('height', function (d) { if (_.isEmpty(d)) { return 0; } var h = self.chartHeight() - yScale(d.freq); if (h < self.options.minimumBarHeight && h > 0) { h = self.options.minimumBarHeight; } return h; }); // We need to explicitly move the lines of the grid behind the shadow bars this.chart.selectAll('.CDB-Chart-shadowBars').moveToBack(); this.chart.selectAll('.CDB-Chart-lines').moveToBack(); }, _hasFilterApplied: function () { return this.model.get('lo_index') != null && this.model.get('hi_index') != null; }, _isTimeSeries: function () { return this.options.type.indexOf('time') === 0; }, _isDateTimeSeries: function () { return this.options.type === 'time-date'; }, _calculateDivisionWithByAggregation: function (aggregation) { switch (aggregation) { case 'year': return 50; case 'quarter': case 'month': return 80; case 'week': case 'day': return 120; default: return 140; } }, _createFormatter: function () { this.formatter = formatter.formatNumber; if (this._isDateTimeSeries()) { this.formatter = formatter.timestampFactory(this._dataviewModel.get('aggregation'), this._dataviewModel.getCurrentOffset()); this.options.divisionWidth = this._calculateDivisionWithByAggregation(this._dataviewModel.get('aggregation')); } }, unsetBounds: function () { this.model.set('bounded', false); this.updateYScale(); this.contract(this.options.height); this.resetIndexes(); this.removeSelection(); this._setupFillColor(); }, setBounds: function () { this.model.set('bounded', true); this.updateYScale(); this.expand(4); this.removeShadowBars(); } });