Testing CartoDB =============== Easy way -------- Just run "make check". Detailed way ------------ CartoDB tests are based on [Ruby Spec](http://rspec.info/). The procedure to run them is as follows: # Prepare test database bundle exec rake cartodb:test:prepare # Run all specs bundle exec rspec If you want to run specific tests, rather than all of them, you can specify them on the `rspec` command line, like: bundle exec rspec spec/lib/sql_test_spec.rb To avoid wasting time and resources creating once and again test users, if you require 'spec_helper' you have two "global test users" for the whole suite to use, $user_1 and $user_2. Just take care to not destroy or leave them in inconsistent state between test batteries. You can also use the following `runParallelTests.sh` script to run the tests in a multithreaded way. Run `script/ci/runParallelTests.sh X` where X is a number of threads to use. Troubleshooting --------------- Common system configuration issues are reported in this section. - "No such user: test_cartodb_user_###" Make sure test.port in config/database.yml is not pointing to pg_bouncer, as dynamically created database roles aren't easily supported by it (you'd need to explicitly list allowed usernames, and over 70 new users are created during a full testsuite run). Speeding up test runs (NOTE: Untested since a long time, might not work) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CartoDB is a large app. We recommend you use the [spin gem](https://github.com/jstorimer/spin/) to load the main application into memory while you are testing. TODO: document how