require 'open-uri' require_relative '../../lib/cartodb/image_metadata.rb' require_relative '../helpers/file_upload' require_dependency 'carto/configuration' class Asset < Sequel::Model include Carto::Configuration many_to_one :user KIND_ORG_AVATAR = 'orgavatar' VALID_EXTENSIONS = %w{ .jpeg .jpg .gif .png .svg } attr_accessor :asset_file, :url def before_create store super end def after_destroy super remove unless self.public_url.blank? end def validate super errors.add(:user_id, "can't be blank") if user_id.blank? download_file if url.present? validate_file if asset_file.present? end def download_file dir = Dir.mktmpdir stdout, stderr, status = Open3.capture3('wget', '-nv', '-P', dir, '-E', url) self.asset_file = Dir[File.join(dir, '*')][0] errors.add(:url, "is invalid") unless status.exitstatus == 0 end def max_size Cartodb::config[:assets]["max_file_size"] end def validate_file extension = asset_file_extension unless VALID_EXTENSIONS.include?(extension) errors.add(:file, "has invalid format") return end @file = open_file(asset_file) unless @file && File.readable?(@file.path) errors.add(:file, "is invalid") return end max_size_in_mb = (max_size.to_f / (1024 * 1024).to_f).round(2) if @file.size > max_size errors.add(:file, "is too big, #{max_size_in_mb}MB max") return end metadata =, extension: extension) errors.add(:file, "is too big, 1024x1024 max") if metadata.width > 1024 || metadata.height > 1024 # If metadata reports no size, 99% sure not valid, so out errors.add(:file, "doesn't appear to be an image") if metadata.width == 0 || metadata.height == 0 rescue => e errors.add(:file, "error while uploading: #{e.message}") end def asset_file_extension filename = asset_file.respond_to?(:original_filename) ? asset_file.original_filename : asset_file extension = File.extname(filename).downcase # Filename might include a postfix hash -- Rack::Test::UploadedFile adds it extension.gsub!(/\d+-\w+-\w+\z/, '') if Rails.env.test? extension if VALID_EXTENSIONS.include?(extension) end ## # Tries to open the specified file object or full path # def open_file(handle) (handle.respond_to?(:path) ? handle : rescue Errno::ENOENT nil end def store return unless @file filename = (@file.respond_to?(:original_filename) ? @file.original_filename : File.basename(@file)) filename = "#{"%Y%m%d%H%M%S")}#{filename}" remote_url = (use_s3? ? save_to_s3(filename) : save_local(filename)) self.set(public_url: remote_url) self.this.update(public_url: remote_url) end def save_to_s3(filename) obj = s3_bucket.object("#{target_asset_path}#{filename}") obj.upload_file(@file.path, acl: 'public-read', content_type: MIME::Types.type_for(filename).first.to_s) obj.public_url.to_s end def local_dir @local_dir ||= end def local_filename(filename) local_dir.join(filename) end def save_local(filename) FileUtils.mkdir_p local_dir FileUtils.cp @file.path, local_filename(filename) mode = chmod_mode FileUtils.chmod(mode, local_filename(filename)) if mode File.join('/', ASSET_SUBFOLDER, target_asset_path, ERB::Util.url_encode(filename)) end def use_s3? Cartodb.get_config(:assets, "s3_bucket_name") && Cartodb.get_config(:aws, "s3") end def remove unless use_s3? local_url = CGI.unescape(public_url.gsub(/(http:)?\/\/#{CartoDB.account_host}/, '')) begin FileUtils.rm((public_uploaded_assets_path + local_url).gsub('/uploads/uploads/', '/uploads/')) rescue => e CartoDB::Logger.error(message: "Error removing asset", asset: self, exception: e) end return end basename = File.basename(public_url) obj = s3_bucket.object("#{target_asset_path}#{basename}") obj.delete end def target_asset_path "#{Rails.env}/#{self.user.username}/assets/" end def s3_bucket s3_config = Cartodb.config[:aws]["s3"].symbolize_keys Aws.config = s3_config s3 = @s3_bucket ||= s3.bucket(Cartodb.config[:assets]["s3_bucket_name"]) end ASSET_SUBFOLDER = 'uploads'.freeze def absolute_public_url uri = URI.parse(public_url) (uri.absolute? ? uri : URI.join(base_domain, uri)).to_s rescue URI::InvalidURIError public_url end private def base_domain CartoDB.base_domain_from_name(user ? user.subdomain : end def chmod_mode # Example in case asset kind should change mode # kind == KIND_ORG_AVATAR ? 0644 : nil 0644 end def asset_protocol # Avatars without protocol to allow the browser pick http/https. # Other assets with http, because, for example, tiler needs access to landmark images. kind == KIND_ORG_AVATAR ? '' : 'http:' end end