require_relative '../sql_api.rb' require_relative '../../../spec/rspec_configuration.rb' module Cartodb; end describe CartoDB::SQLApi do before(:each) do Cartodb.stubs(:config).returns(TEST_SQL_API_CONFIG) end describe '#fetch' do let(:api) { 'maloshumos') } it "returns an array of rows" do stub_api_request 200, 'sql_api_success.json' result = api.fetch("SELECT cartodb_id, description from public_table") result.should eq [{"cartodb_id"=>1, "description"=>"a"}, {"cartodb_id"=>2, "description"=>"b"}, {"cartodb_id"=>3, "description"=>"c"}, {"cartodb_id"=>4, "description"=>"d"}] end it "raises PermissionError when the table is private" do stub_api_request 400, 'sql_api_private.json' expect { api.fetch("SELECT * FROM private_table") }.to raise_error(CartoDB::SQLApi::PermissionError) end it "raises SQLError when the query is flawed" do stub_api_request 400, 'sql_api_error.json' expect { api.fetch("wrong query") }.to raise_error(CartoDB::SQLApi::SQLError) end it "handles gzipped output" do stub_api_request 200, 'sql_api_binary.bin' result = api.fetch("SELECT description from public_table", 'csv') result.should match /description,\r\n\"Pretend that you’ve opened this book/ result.should match /And if not, then the onion will make it all happen for you.*$/ end end #fetch def stub_api_request(code, response_file) response = Typhoeus.stub(/.*\/api\/v[12]/).and_return( code, body: response) ) end # stub_api_request def path_to(filepath = '') File.expand_path( File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "../spec/fixtures/#{filepath}") ) end #path_to TEST_SQL_API_CONFIG = {:sql_api => { "private" => { "protocol" => 'http', "domain" => '', "endpoint" => '/api/v1/sql', "port" => 8080 }, "public" => { "protocol" => 'http', "domain" => '', "endpoint" => '/api/v2/sql', "port" => 8080 } } } end # CartoDB::SQLApi