var _ = require('underscore'); var camshaftReference = require('builder/data/camshaft-reference'); var Utils = require('builder/helpers/utils'); var InputQualitativeRamps = require('builder/components/input-color/input-qualitative-ramps/main-view.js'); var CONFIG = { GENERIC_STYLE: camshaftReference.getDefaultCartoCSSForType(), DEFAULT_HEATMAP_COLORS: ['blue', 'cyan', 'lightgreen', 'yellow', 'orange', 'red'] }; // utilities function _null () { return ''; } function makeCartoCSS (obj, prefix) { var css = ''; prefix = prefix || ''; for (var k in obj) { css += prefix + k + ': ' + obj[k] + ';\n'; } return css; } function makeColorRamp (props, isTorqueCategory) { var attribute = isTorqueCategory ? 'value' : props.attribute; var c = ['ramp([' + attribute + ']']; if (props.range) { if (_.isArray(props.range)) { c.push('(' + props.range.join(', ') + ')'); } else { // colorramp name c.push(props.range); if (props.bins) { c.push(props.bins); } } } if (props.domain) { if (isTorqueCategory) { c.push('(' +, function (val, i) { return i + 1; }).join(', ') + ')'); } else if (props.static) { // It comes from an autostyle, so we have to set the categories explicitly var parsedDomain = _.filter(props.domain, function (name) { return name !== '"Other"'; }); c.push('(' + parsedDomain.join(', ') + ')'); } else { c.push('(' + _.filter(, function (val, i) { // Maps api converts null or empty value in empty string // and in the fill component we label them with a locale // so we use the same locale to generate the cartocss return val === '' ? _t('form-components.editors.fill.input-qualitative-ramps.null') : val; }), function (val) { return !_.isUndefined(val); }).join(', ') + ')' ); c.push('"="'); } } if (props.quantification) { c.push(props.quantification.toLowerCase()); } if (isTorqueCategory) { c.push('"="'); } return c.join(', ') + ')'; } function makeWidthRamp (props) { var c = ['ramp([' + props.attribute + ']']; if (props.range) { var min = props.range[0]; var max = props.range[1]; c.push('range(' + min + ', ' + max + ')'); } if (props.quantification) { var quantification = props.quantification.toLowerCase(); if (props.bins) { c.push(quantification + '(' + props.bins + ')'); } else { c.push(quantification); } } return c.join(', ') + ')'; } // size function pointSize (props) { var css = {}; if (props.fixed !== undefined) { css['marker-width'] = props.fixed; } else if (props.attribute) { css['marker-width'] = makeWidthRamp(props); } else { // throw new Error('size should contain a fixed value or an attribute') } return css; } function blending (b, geometryType, animatedType) { var css = {}; var property = geometryType + '-comp-op'; if (b !== 'none' && b !== undefined && animatedType !== 'heatmap') { if (animatedType === 'simple') { property = 'comp-op'; } css[property] = b; } return css; } // fill function pointFill (props, animationType) { var css = {}; var color = props && props.color || {}; var isTorqueCategory = animationType && !color.fixed; var markerFillOpacity = color.opacity; if (props.size) { css = pointSize(props.size); } if (color) { if (color.fixed !== undefined) { css['marker-fill'] = color.fixed; } else if (color.attribute) { css['marker-fill'] = makeColorRamp(color, isTorqueCategory); } if (color.operation) { css['marker-comp-op'] = color.operation; } css['marker-fill-opacity'] = markerFillOpacity != null ? markerFillOpacity : 1; if (hasImagesSelected(props.images) || hasImagesSelected(color.images)) { css['marker-file'] = markerFill(props.images || color.images, color); } else if (props.image || color.image) { var url = props.image; if (color.image) { url = 'url(\'' + color.image + '\')'; } css['marker-file'] = url; } } if (!animationType) { css['marker-allow-overlap'] = true; } return css; } function hasImagesSelected (images) { if (!images) return false; if (!_.isArray(images)) return false; return _.some(images, function (image) { return image !== ''; }); } function getFalsyCategory (category) { var DEFAULT_CATEGORY = "''"; if (_isInvalidCategory(category)) return DEFAULT_CATEGORY; return category ? category === 0 ? '0' : DEFAULT_CATEGORY : category; } function markerFill (images, color) { if (!_.isArray(images) || !color || !color.attribute) { return; } var columnName = '[' + color.attribute + ']'; var filesUrls = []; var categoryNames = []; _.each(images, function (image, index) { if (image !== '') { var urlFormat = 'url(\'' + image + '\')'; filesUrls.push(urlFormat); if (!_.isUndefined(color.domain[index])) { var category = color.domain[index] || getFalsyCategory(color.domain[index]); categoryNames.push(category); } } }); return 'ramp(' + columnName + ', (' + filesUrls.join(', ') + '), (' + categoryNames.join(', ') + '), "="' + ')'; } function polygonFill (props) { var css = {}; if (props.color) { if (props.color.fixed !== undefined) { css['polygon-fill'] = props.color.fixed; } else if (props.color.attribute) { css['polygon-fill'] = makeColorRamp(props.color); } if (props.color.operation) { css['polygon-comp-op'] = props.color.operation; } if (_.isNumber(props.color.opacity)) { css['polygon-opacity'] = props.color.opacity; } } return css; } // stroke function pointStroke (props, animationType) { var css = {}; if (animationType === 'heatmap') { return css; } if (props.size) { css['marker-line-width'] = props.size.fixed; } if (props.color) { if (props.color.fixed !== undefined) { css['marker-line-color'] = props.color.fixed; } else if (props.color.attribute) { css['marker-line-color'] = makeColorRamp(props.color); } if (_.isNumber(props.color.opacity)) { css['marker-line-opacity'] = props.color.opacity; } } return css; } function polygonStroke (props) { var css = {}; if (props.size) { if (props.size.fixed !== undefined) { css['line-width'] = props.size.fixed; } else if (props.size.attribute) { css['line-width'] = makeWidthRamp(props.size); } } if (props.color) { if (props.color.fixed) { css['line-color'] = props.color.fixed; } else if (props.color.attribute) { css['line-color'] = makeColorRamp(props.color); } if (_.isNumber(props.color.opacity)) { css['line-opacity'] = props.color.opacity; } } return css; } function isValidAttribute (attr) { return attr && attr !== ''; } function pointAnimated (props) { var css = {}; if (isValidAttribute(props.attribute)) { css['-torque-frame-count'] = props.steps; css['-torque-animation-duration'] = props.duration; css['-torque-time-attribute'] = '"' + props.attribute + '"'; if (props.isCategory) { css['-torque-aggregation-function'] = '"CDB_Math_Mode(value)"'; } else { css['-torque-aggregation-function'] = '"count(1)"'; } css['-torque-resolution'] = props.resolution; css['-torque-data-aggregation'] = props.overlap ? 'cumulative' : 'linear'; } return css; } function _labels (props) { var css = {}; if (isValidAttribute(props.attribute)) { css['text-name'] = '[' + props.attribute + ']'; css['text-face-name'] = "'" + props.font + "'"; if (props.fill) { css['text-size'] = props.fill.size.fixed; if (props.fill.color.opacity != null && props.fill.color.opacity < 1) { css['text-fill'] = Utils.hexToRGBA(props.fill.color.fixed, props.fill.color.opacity); } else { css['text-fill'] = props.fill.color.fixed; } } css['text-label-position-tolerance'] = 0; if (props.halo) { css['text-halo-radius'] = props.halo.size.fixed; if (props.halo.color.opacity != null && props.halo.color.opacity < 1) { css['text-halo-fill'] = Utils.hexToRGBA(props.halo.color.fixed, props.halo.color.opacity); } else { css['text-halo-fill'] = props.halo.color.fixed; } } css['text-dy'] = props.offset === undefined ? -10 : props.offset; css['text-allow-overlap'] = props.overlap === undefined ? true : props.overlap; css['text-placement'] = props.placement; css['text-placement-type'] = 'dummy'; } return css; } function imageFilters (props) { var css = {}; if (props.ramp) { css['image-filters'] = 'colorize-alpha(' + props.ramp.join(',') + ')'; } return css; } var cartocssFactory = { animated: { point: pointAnimated, line: _null, polygon: _null }, trails: { point: trails, line: _null, polygon: _null }, fill: { point: pointFill, line: _null, polygon: polygonFill }, stroke: { point: pointStroke, line: polygonStroke, polygon: polygonStroke }, labels: { point: _labels, line: _labels, polygon: _labels }, imageFilters: { point: imageFilters, line: imageFilters, polygon: imageFilters }, blending: { point: function (attrs, animationType) { return blending(attrs, 'marker', animationType); }, line: function (attrs) { return blending(attrs, 'line'); }, polygon: function (attrs) { return blending(attrs, 'polygon'); } } }; var heatmapConversion = function (style, animated, configModel) { // modify the size style.fill = _.clone(style.fill); var ramp = style.fill.color.range; style.fill.size = style.fill.size || { fixed: 35 }; style.fill.image = 'url(' + configModel.get('app_assets_base_url') + '/unversioned/images/alphamarker.png)'; style.fill.color = { fixed: style.fill.color.fixed || 'white', opacity: style.fill.color.opacity }; // switch to torque // add image filters if (ramp !== undefined) { style.imageFilters = { ramp: _.isArray(ramp) ? ramp : CONFIG.DEFAULT_HEATMAP_COLORS }; } return style; }; var styleConversion = { animation: function (style, configModel) { if ( === 'heatmap') { return heatmapConversion(style, true, configModel); } }, heatmap: function (style, configModel) { return heatmapConversion(style, false, configModel); } }; function renderBlock (block, geometryType, animationType) { var css = {}; for (var k in block) { var f = cartocssFactory[k]; if (f) { css = _.extend(css, f[geometryType](block[k], animationType)); } } return makeCartoCSS(css, ' '); } function isTypeTorque (type) { return type === 'animation' || type === 'heatmap'; } function isCategoryType (styleDef, geometryType) { if (geometryType === 'line') { var stroke = styleDef.stroke; return stroke && stroke.color && stroke.color.fixed == null; } var fill = styleDef.fill; return fill && fill.color && fill.color.fixed == null; } function generateCartoCSS (style, geometryType, configModel) { var css = ''; var styleDef =; var isAnimatable = isTypeTorque(style.type); var isCategory = isCategoryType(styleDef, geometryType); var animationType = style.type === 'animation' &&; // Animated map 'controls' if (geometryType === 'point' && isAnimatable) { css += 'Map {\n'; css += renderBlock({ animated: _.extend({}, styleDef.animated, { isCategory: isCategory }) }, geometryType); css += '}\n'; } // Main styles var omittedStyleAttrs = ['animated', 'labels']; if (geometryType === 'polygon') { omittedStyleAttrs.push('stroke'); } css += '#layer {\n'; css += renderBlock(_.omit(styleDef, omittedStyleAttrs), geometryType, animationType); css += '}'; // Outline (stroke for polygons) #12412 if (styleDef.stroke && geometryType === 'polygon') { css += '\n#layer::outline {\n'; css += renderBlock({ stroke: styleDef.stroke }, geometryType); css += '}'; } // Labels if (styleDef.labels && styleDef.labels.enabled && styleDef.labels.enabled !== 'false') { css += '\n#layer::labels {\n'; css += renderBlock({ labels: styleDef.labels }, geometryType); css += '}'; } // Animated Map trails if (isAnimatable && styleDef.animated.trails && styleDef.animated.trails > 0) { css += cartocssFactory.trails[geometryType](styleDef); } return css; } function trails (def) { var baseWidth = def.fill.size && parseInt(def.fill.size.fixed, 10); var baseOpacity = def.fill.color.opacity != null ? def.fill.color.opacity : 1; if (!baseWidth) return ''; return '\n' + _.range(1, parseInt(def.animated.trails, 10) + 1) .map(function (t) { return '#layer[frame-offset=' + t + '] {\n' + makeCartoCSS({ 'marker-width': baseWidth + 2 * t }, ' ') + makeCartoCSS({ 'marker-fill-opacity': baseOpacity / (2 * t) }, ' ') + '}'; } ).join('\n'); } function aggToSQL (agg) { if (agg.operator.toLowerCase() === 'count') { return 'count(1)'; } return agg.operator + '(' + agg.attribute + ')'; } function regionTableMap (level) { var map = { 'countries': 'aggregation.agg_admin0', 'provinces': 'aggregation.agg_admin1' }; return map[level]; } function hexabins (style, mapContext) { var aggregation =; var sql = 'WITH hgrid AS (SELECT CDB_HexagonGrid(ST_Expand(!bbox!, CDB_XYZ_Resolution(<%= z %>) * <%= size %>), CDB_XYZ_Resolution(<%= z %>) * <%= size %>) as cell) SELECT hgrid.cell as the_geom_webmercator, <%= agg %> as agg_value, count(1)/power( <%= size %> * CDB_XYZ_Resolution(<%= z %>), 2 ) as agg_value_density, row_number() over () as cartodb_id FROM hgrid, <%= table %> i where ST_Intersects(i.the_geom_webmercator, hgrid.cell) GROUP BY hgrid.cell'; return _.template(sql)({ table: '(<%= sql %>)', size: aggregation.size, agg: aggToSQL(aggregation.value), z: mapContext.zoom }); } function squares (style, mapContext) { var aggregation =; var sql = 'WITH hgrid AS (SELECT CDB_RectangleGrid ( ST_Expand(!bbox!, CDB_XYZ_Resolution(<%= z %>) * <%= size %>), CDB_XYZ_Resolution(<%= z %>) * <%= size %>, CDB_XYZ_Resolution(<%= z %>) * <%= size %>) as cell) SELECT hgrid.cell as the_geom_webmercator, <%= agg %> as agg_value, <%= agg %> /power( <%= size %> * CDB_XYZ_Resolution(<%= z %>), 2 ) as agg_value_density, row_number() over () as cartodb_id FROM hgrid, <%= table %> i where ST_Intersects(i.the_geom_webmercator, hgrid.cell) GROUP BY hgrid.cell'; return _.template(sql)({ table: '(<%= sql %>)', size: aggregation.size, agg: aggToSQL(aggregation.value), z: mapContext.zoom }); } function regions (style) { var aggregation =; // TODO: add !bbox! tokens to help postgres with FDW join // I tested this on postgres 9.6, the planner seems to be doing weird, it takes // 7 seconds to query a simple tile with no join, I hope 9.5 works much better // Maybe using a CTE with the FDW table improves the thing // Normalize also by area using the real area (not projected one). Using the_geom_webmercator for that instead of the_geom // to avoid extra data going through the network in the FDW // use 2.6e-06 as minimum area (tile size at zoom level 31) var sql = [ 'SELECT _poly.*, _merge.points_agg/GREATEST(0.0000026, ST_Area((ST_Transform(the_geom, 4326))::geography)) as agg_value_density, _merge.points_agg as agg_value FROM <%= aggr_dataset %> _poly, lateral (', 'SELECT <%= agg %> points_agg FROM (<%= table %>) _point where ST_Contains(_poly.the_geom_webmercator, _point.the_geom_webmercator) ) _merge'].join('\n'); return _.template(sql)({ table: '<%= sql %>', aggr_dataset: regionTableMap(aggregation.dataset), agg: aggToSQL(aggregation.value) }); } function animation (style, mapContext) { var color =; var columnType = color.attribute_type; var columnName = color.attribute; var hasOthers = color.range && color.range.length > InputQualitativeRamps.MAX_VALUES; var categoryCount = color.domain && color.domain.length; var s = ['select *, (CASE']; if (color.fixed != null || color.domain == null) { return null; } function _normalizeValue (v) { return v.replace(/\n/g, '\\n').replace(/\"/g, '\\"').replace(/'/g, "''"); } for (var i = 0, l = categoryCount; i < l; i++) { var categoryName = color.domain[i]; var categoryPos = i + 1; var value; if (columnType !== 'string' || categoryName === null) { value = categoryName; } else { value = "'" + _normalizeValue(categoryName.replace(/(^")|("$)/g, '')) + "'"; } if (value != null) { s.push('WHEN "' + columnName + '" = ' + value + ' THEN ' + categoryPos); } else { s.push('WHEN "' + columnName + '" is NULL THEN ' + categoryPos); } } if (hasOthers) { s.push(' ELSE ' + (categoryCount + 1)); } s.push(' END) as value FROM (<%= sql %>) __wrapped'); return s.join(' '); } var SQLFactory = { hexabins: hexabins, squares: squares, regions: regions, animation: animation }; function generateSQL (style, geometryType, mapContext) { if (SQLFactory[style.type] === undefined) { return null; } if (style.type !== 'animation' && === undefined) { throw new Error('aggregation properties not available'); } var fn = SQLFactory[style.type]; if (fn === undefined) { throw new Error("can't generate SQL for aggregation " + style.type); } return fn(style, mapContext); } var AggregatedFactory = { simple: { geometryType: { point: 'point', line: 'line', polygon: 'polygon' } }, hexabins: { geometryType: { point: 'polygon', line: null, polygon: null } }, squares: { geometryType: { point: 'polygon', line: null, polygon: null } }, regions: { geometryType: { point: 'polygon', line: null, polygon: null } } }; /** * given a styleDefinition object and the geometry type generates the query wrapper and the */ function generateStyle (style, geometryType, mapContext, configModel) { if (style.type === 'none') { return { cartoCSS: CONFIG.GENERIC_STYLE, sql: null, layerType: 'CartoDB' }; } if (style.type !== 'simple' && geometryType !== 'point') { throw new Error('aggregated styling does not work with ' + geometryType); } // pre style conversion // some styles need some conversion, for example aggregated based on // torque need to move from aggregation to animated properties var conversion = styleConversion[style.type]; var properties; if (conversion) { properties = conversion(, configModel); if (properties) { = properties; } } // override geometryType for aggregated styles var geometryMapping = AggregatedFactory[style.type]; if (geometryMapping) { geometryType = geometryMapping.geometryType[geometryType]; } if (!geometryType) { throw new Error('geometry type not supported for ' + style.type); } var layerType = style.type === 'heatmap' || style.type === 'animation' ? 'torque' : 'CartoDB'; return { cartoCSS: generateCartoCSS(style, geometryType, configModel), sql: generateSQL(style, geometryType, mapContext), layerType: layerType }; } function _isInvalidCategory (category) { return category.length === 0 || typeof category === 'undefined'; } module.exports = { configure: function (cfg) { _.extend(CONFIG, cfg); }, generateStyle: generateStyle, GENERIC_STYLE: CONFIG.GENERIC_STYLE };