const _ = require('underscore'); const Backbone = require('backbone'); const UserUrlModel = require('dashboard/data/user-url-model'); const UserModel = Backbone.Model.extend({ urlRoot: '/api/v1/users', defaults: { avatar_url: '', username: '' }, initialize: function (attrs, opts) { attrs = attrs || {}; opts = opts || {}; this.tables = []; // Removing avatar_url attribute if it comes as null // Due to a Backbone Model constructor uses _.extends // instead of _.defaults if (this.get('avatar_url') === null) { this.set('avatar_url', this.defaults.avatar_url); } = (typeof !== 'undefined') ? : ''; if (opts.groups) { this.setGroups(opts.groups); } if (opts.organization) { this.setOrganization(opts.organization); } }, setGroups: function (groups) { this.groups = groups; }, setOrganization: function (organization) { this.organization = organization; if (this.groups) { this.groups.organization = organization; } }, isInsideOrg: function () { if (this.organization) { return !== false || this.isOrgOwner(); } return false; }, isAuthUsernamePasswordEnabled: function () { if (this.organization) { return this.organization.get('auth_username_password_enabled'); } return false; }, isOrgOwner: function () { if (this.organization) { return this.organization.owner.get('id') === this.get('id'); } return false; }, isOrgAdmin: function () { if (this.organization) { return this.organization.isOrgAdmin(this); } return false; }, isViewer: function () { return this.get('viewer') === true; }, isBuilder: function () { return !this.isViewer(); }, nameOrUsername: function () { return this.fullName() || this.get('username'); }, fullName: function () { var name = this.get('name') || ''; var lastName = this.get('last_name') || ''; if (name || lastName) { return name + (name && lastName ? ' ' : '') + lastName; } return ''; }, renderData: function (currentUser) { var name = this.get('username'); if (currentUser && === { name = _t('You'); } return { username: name, avatar_url: this.get('avatar_url') }; }, hasCreateDatasetsFeature: function () { return this.isBuilder(); }, canCreateDatasets: function () { if (!this.get('remaining_byte_quota') || this.get('remaining_byte_quota') <= 0) { return false; } return this.hasCreateDatasetsFeature(); }, hasCreateMapsFeature: function () { return this.isBuilder(); }, canAddLayerTo: function (map) { if (!map || !map.layers || !map.layers.getDataLayers) { throw new Error('Map model is not defined or wrong'); } var dataLayers = map.layers.getDataLayers(); return dataLayers.length < this.getMaxLayers(); }, getMaxLayers: function () { return (this.get('limits') && this.get('limits').max_layers) || 5; }, getMaxConcurrentImports: function () { return (this.get('limits') && this.get('limits').concurrent_imports) || 1; }, featureEnabled: function (name) { var featureFlags = this.get('feature_flags'); if (!featureFlags || featureFlags.length === 0 || !name) { return false; } return _.contains(featureFlags, name); }, isCloseToLimits: function () { var quota = this.get('quota_in_bytes'); var remainingQuota = this.get('remaining_byte_quota'); return ((remainingQuota * 100) / quota) < 20; }, isEnterprise: function () { return this.get('account_type').toLowerCase().indexOf('enterprise') != -1; // eslint-disable-line }, getOrganizationName: function () { return this.isInsideOrg() ? this.organization.get('name') : ''; }, getOrgName: function () { return this.isInsideOrg() ? this.organization.get('name') : ''; }, getMaxLayersPerMap: function () { return this.get('max_layers') || 4; }, canStartTrial: function () { return !this.isInsideOrg() && this.get('account_type') === 'FREE' && this.get('table_count') > 0; }, canCreatePrivateDatasets: function () { var actions = this.get('actions'); return actions && actions.private_tables; }, canCreateTwitterDataset: function () { var twitter = this.get('twitter'); return !(twitter.quota - twitter.monthly_use) <= 0 && twitter.hard_limit; }, canSelectPremiumOptions: function (visModel) { return this.get('actions')[ visModel.isVisualization() ? 'private_maps' : 'private_tables' ]; }, hasOwnTwitterCredentials: function () { var twitter = this.get('twitter'); return (twitter && twitter.customized_config) || false; }, equals: function (otherUser) { if (otherUser.get) { return this.get('id') === otherUser.get('id'); } }, viewUrl: function () { return new UserUrlModel({ base_url: this.get('base_url'), is_org_admin: this.isOrgAdmin() }); }, upgradeContactEmail: function () { if (this.isInsideOrg()) { if (this.isOrgOwner()) { return ''; } else { return this.organization.owner.get('email'); } } else { return ''; } }, needsPasswordConfirmation: function () { return this.get('needs_password_confirmation'); }, usedQuotaPercentage: function () { return (this.get('db_size_in_bytes') * 100) / this.organization.get('available_quota_for_user'); }, assignedQuotaInRoundedMb: function () { return Math.floor(this.get('quota_in_bytes') / 1024 / 1024).toFixed(0); }, assignedQuotaPercentage: function () { return (this.get('quota_in_bytes') * 100) / this.organization.get('available_quota_for_user'); }, getGoogleApiKey: function () { return this.get('google_maps_private_key'); }, hasGoogleMaps: function () { return !!this.getGoogleApiKey(); }, showGoogleApiKeys: function () { return this.hasGoogleMaps() && (!this.isInsideOrg() || this.isOrgOwner()); }, getSchema: function () { return this.isInsideOrg() ? this.get('username') : 'public'; }, getAuthToken: function () { return btoa(`${this.get('username')}:${this.get('api_key')}`); }, getModelType: () => 'user', isActionEnabled: function (action) { return this.get('actions') && this.get('actions')[action]; }, hasAccountType: function (accountType) { return this.get('account_type') === accountType; } }); module.exports = UserModel;