const _ = require('underscore'); const Backbone = require('backbone'); const checkAndBuildOpts = require('builder/helpers/required-opts'); const REQUIRED_OPTS = [ 'userModel' ]; const GRANT_TYPES = { APIS: 'apis', DATABASE: 'database' }; const TYPES = { MASTER: 'master', DEFAULT: 'default', REGULAR: 'regular' }; module.exports = Backbone.Model.extend({ defaults: { name: '', token: '', apis: { maps: false, sql: false }, datasets: { create: false, listing: false }, tables: [] }, initialize: function (attributes, options) { checkAndBuildOpts(options, REQUIRED_OPTS, this); }, regenerate: function () { const options = { url: `${this.url()}/token/regenerate`, type: 'POST', success: (data) => this.set(data) }; return this.sync(null, this, options); }, parse: function (data, options) { const schemaName = options.userModel.getSchema(); const { grants, ...attrs } = data; const apis = this._parseApiGrants(grants); const tables = this._parseTableGrants(grants); const datasets = { create: this._parseDatabaseSchemas(grants, schemaName), listing: this._parseDatabaseGrants(grants) }; return { ...attrs, apis, tables, datasets, id: }; }, toJSON: function () { // Extract apis and tables properties to not include in JSON const { apis, tables, datasets, ...attrs } = this.attributes; const grants = [ { type: GRANT_TYPES.APIS, apis: this.getApiGrants() }, { type: GRANT_TYPES.DATABASE, ...this.getDatabaseGrants() } ]; return { ...attrs, grants }; }, isPublic: function () { return this.get('type') === TYPES.DEFAULT; }, getApiGrants: function () { const apis = this.get('apis'); return Object.keys(apis).filter(name => apis[name]); }, getDatabaseGrants: function () { const grants = { tables: this.getTablesGrants(), schemas: this.getDatabaseSchemas() }; if (this.get('datasets').listing) { grants.table_metadata = []; } return grants; }, getDatabaseSchemas: function () { const schemas = []; if (this.get('datasets').create) { schemas.push({ name: this._userModel.getSchema(), permissions: ['create'] }); } return schemas; }, getTablesGrants: function () { const tables ='tables'), (table, tableName) => ({ name: tableName, schema: this._userModel.getSchema(), permissions: Object.keys(table.permissions).filter(name => table.permissions[name]) })); return _.filter(tables, table => table.permissions.length > 0); }, _parseApiGrants: function (grants) { const apis = _.find(grants, grant => grant.type === GRANT_TYPES.APIS).apis; const apisObj = this._arrayToObj(apis); return { ...this.defaults.apis, ...apisObj }; }, _parseTableGrants: function (grants) { const tables = _.find(grants, grant => grant.type === GRANT_TYPES.DATABASE).tables; const tablesObj = tables.reduce((total, table) => { const permissions = this._arrayToObj(table.permissions); return {, []: { ...table, permissions } }; }, {}); return tablesObj; }, _parseDatabaseGrants: function (grants) { return !!_.find(grants, grant => grant.type === GRANT_TYPES.DATABASE).table_metadata; }, _parseDatabaseSchemas: function (grants, schemaName) { const schemas = _.find(grants, grant => grant.type === GRANT_TYPES.DATABASE).schemas; const schema = _.find(schemas, schema => === schemaName); return !!(schema && schema.permissions && schema.permissions.indexOf('create') > -1); }, _arrayToObj: function (arr) { return arr.reduce((total, item) => ({, [item]: true }), {}); }, hasPermissionsSelected: function () { return _.some(this.getTablesGrants().map(table => !_.isEmpty(table.permissions))); }, urlRoot: function () { return `${this._userModel.get('base_url')}/api/v3/api_keys`; } });