const _ = require('underscore'); const Backbone = require('backbone'); const CoreView = require('backbone/core-view'); const template = require('./icon-selector.tpl'); const checkAndBuildOpts = require('builder/helpers/required-opts'); require('filestyle'); var AssetModel = require('dashboard/data/asset-model.js'); const REQUIRED_OPTS = [ 'configModel', 'renderModel' ]; /** * Change and preview new mobile app icon * */ module.exports = CoreView.extend({ options: { acceptedExtensions: ['jpeg', 'jpg', 'png', 'gif'], imageKind: 'mobileAppIcon', imageURLAttribute: 'icon_url' }, initialize: function (options) { checkAndBuildOpts(options, REQUIRED_OPTS, this); this._model = new Backbone.Model({ state: 'idle' }); this._initBinds(); }, render: function () { this._destroyFileInput(); this.clearSubViews(); this.$el.html( template({ state: this._model.get('state'), name: this._renderModel.get('name'), inputName: this._renderModel.get('inputName'), iconURL: this._renderModel.get('icon_url'), iconAcceptedExtensions: this._formatAcceptedExtensions(this.options.acceptedExtensions) }) ); this._renderFileInput(); return this; }, _initBinds: function () { _.bindAll(this, '_onInputChange', '_onSuccess', '_onError'); this.listenTo(this._model, 'change', this.render); }, _destroyFileInput: function () { var $file = this.$(':file'); $file.unbind('change', this._onInputChange, this); $file.filestyle('destroy'); }, _renderFileInput: function () { var $file = this.$(':file'); var opts = { buttonText: 'Choose image' }; // If we set disabled, no mather if it is true // or false, it turns into disabled if (this._model.get('state') === 'loading') { opts.disabled = true; } $file.filestyle(opts); $file.bind('change', this._onInputChange); }, _onInputChange: function () { var file = this.$(':file').prop('files'); var iconUpload = new AssetModel( null, { userId: this._renderModel.get('id'), configModel: this._configModel } );{ kind: this.options.imageKind, filename: file }, { success: this._onSuccess, error: this._onError }); // If we move "loading" state before starting the upload, // it would trigger a new render and "remove" file value :S this._model.set('state', 'loading'); }, _onSuccess: function (model, data) { this._renderModel.set(this.options.imageURLAttribute, data.public_url); this._model.set('state', 'success'); }, _onError: function () { this._model.set('state', 'error'); }, clean: function () { this._destroyFileInput(); CoreView.prototype.clean.apply(this); }, _formatAcceptedExtensions: function (acceptedExtensions) { var formattedExtensions = []; for (var i = 0; i < acceptedExtensions.length; i++) { formattedExtensions[i] = 'image/' + acceptedExtensions[i]; } return formattedExtensions.join(','); } });