{ "common": { "trial_notification": { "views": { "trial_notification": { "message": "%{trial_days} days left in your trial.", "add_payment": "Subscribe now to keep using our platform." } } } }, "show": { "title": "编辑器", "header": { "data_view": "数据显示", "map_view": "地图显示", "back": "返回", "edit_metadata": "编辑元数据...", "edit": "编辑", "visualize": "可视化" } }, "protected_map": { "title": "保护的地图", "content": { "header": "这个地图受密码保护", "placeholder": "输入你的密码", "tip": "如果您想访问所有者,请与所有者联系.", "error": "无效密码" } }, "forbidden_map": { "title": "内部错误" }, "helpers": { "static_header_meta_tags": { "map_created_by": "Map created by %{author} - 点亮" } }, "public_map": { "info": { "more": "更多", "more_from": "More from", "more_info": "More info", "updated": "更新", "views_pluralize": "1 查看 |||| %{smart_count} 查看" }, "datasets": { "title": "使用中的数据集", "dataset_pluralize": "1 数据 |||| %{smart_count} 数据集" } }, "account": { "title": "Your account | eeFast", "flash_messages": { "save_changes": { "success": "您的更改已正确保存.", "error": "更新您的帐户详细信息时出错." } }, "views": { "content": { "form_title": "编辑您的信息" }, "form": { "username": "用户名", "subdomain_info": "子域名无法更改", "old_password": "旧密码", "new_password": "新密码", "confirm_password": "确认密码", "account_type": "帐户类型", "billing_plan": "您的帐单方案", "view_details": "查看详细信息", "multifactor_authentication": "多因素身份验证", "mfa_enabled": "Enabled", "mfa_disabled": "Disabled", "mfa_description": "为您的帐户增加一层安全保护,以保护您存储在CARTO中的所有数据。如果更改实际状态,您将被注销并重定向到登录页面", "connect_external_datasources": "连接到外部数据源", "save_changes": "保存", "delete_account": "删除账号", "confirm": "你确定吗?", "delete_all": "删除账户及该账户下的所有数据", "email_google": "Your account is linked to your Google account.", "errors": { "change_email": "如果设置密码,则可以更改电子邮件." } } } }, "profile": { "views": { "content": { "title": "个人资料信息" }, "form": { "first_name": "姓名", "last_name": "Last name", "email": "Email", "company_name": "公司", "role": "角色", "industry": "职业", "company_employees": "在职员工数", "use_case": "Use case", "phone": "电话", "user_type": "用户类型", "viewer": "VIEWER", "read_only": "数据集和地图只读", "builder": "BUILDER", "become_builder": "Become a Builder", "write_access": "写访问权限以编辑和构建数据集和地图", "name": "Name", "info_public_name": "其他用户会使用您的公开姓名与您联系", "website": "网站", "location": "位置", "description": "描述", "twitter": "Twitter username", "disqus": "短名称", "disqus_placeholder": "如果为空,则不会出现", "disqus_notified": "在您的页面中收到新评论的通知", "jobs": "职位简介", "available_for_hire": "Available for hire", "show_banner": "Show a banner in your public profile linked to your email", "your_url": "Your URL", "save": "保存", "errors": { "email_not_valid": "邮件地址无效" } } } }, "feedback": "给我们反馈!", "back": "返回", "back-to-dashboard": "返回仪表板", "edit-map": "编辑地图", "map-settings": "地图选项", "more-options": "其他选项", "change-privacy": "更改地图隐私", "sql-applied": "SQL查询已应用", "data-source": "数据源", "edit-analysis": "编辑分析", "add-analysis": "添加新的分析节点", "back-layers": "返回图层列表", "user": { "you": "You" }, "months": { "january": "一月", "february": "二月", "march": "三月", "april": "四月", "may": "五月", "june": "六月", "july": "七月", "august": "八月", "september": "九月", "october": "十月", "november": "十一月", "december": "十二月" }, "assets": { "maki-icons": { "disclaimer": "Maki Icons, an open source project by Mapbox" } }, "operators": { "count": "COUNT", "sum": "SUM", "avg": "AVG", "min": "MIN", "max": "MAX" }, "builder-activated-notification": { "message": "CARTO Builder has been activated in your account. Learn more about it and let us know what you think or contact us. Happy mapping!" }, "builder-onboarding": { "title": "欢迎来到 Builder,", "description": "发现可以通过位置智能执行的新颖有趣的分析.", "take-tour": "演示", "edit-map": "编辑地图", "toolbar": { "title": "工具栏", "description": "工具栏提供了用于访问仪表板,编辑地图以及配置其设置的选项." }, "configurator": { "title": "编辑模式", "description": "管理地图的所有组件:添加图层和小部件,导入数据集,自定义分析以及更改样式." }, "map": { "title": "地图", "description": "您的地图会立即反映出变化." }, "widgets": { "title": "小部件列表", "description": "您添加到地图的小部件将直接显示在可视化文件中." }, "skip": "跳过", "next": "下一步" }, "data-onboarding": { "title": "欢迎使用层列表", "description": "使用弹出窗口和图例分析,设置样式并增强您的数据.", "take-tour": "示例", "edit-layer": "编辑层", "layer-options": { "title": "层选项", "description": "可以通过双击图层名称来重命名图层,通过单击十字准线来居中,然后通过其上下文菜单导出." }, "data-tab": { "title": "数据标签", "description": "为图层设置样式,添加分析,弹出窗口和图例。 要进一步浏览数据请添加小部件." }, "sql-editor": { "title": "SQL View", "description": "可以使用屏幕底部的SQL视图来编辑和处理数据层." }, "add-geometry": { "title": "添加地理数据并切换到数据集视图", "description": "您可以在地图或数据视图之间切换。在地图视图中,可以添加点、线和多边形.", "edit-layer": "编辑层" }, "exit": "退出", "next": "下一步" }, "analysis-onboarding": { "title": "分析的艺术", "description": "建立可重复的工作流程来分析和解释您的数据。分析将地图转换为位置智能应用程序.", "description-list": { "item1": "可以链接不同的分析", "item2": "Analyses are dynamic. When the data changes, the analysis is refreshed.", "item3": "The original data is not modified by the analysis workflow.", "item4": "Some analysis queries add calculated results to columns in your dataset." }, "done": "继续", "add-analysis": "添加分析" }, "style-onboarding": { "title": "样式化地图", "description": "对地图应用聚合样式,并按几何图形属性或列值定义选项.", "aggregation": { "title": "您想如何汇总数据?", "description": "地图类型称为“聚合”。 向数据添加扭矩,热图和其他聚合样式." }, "style": { "title": "Make it beautiful!", "description": "使用这些选项以漂亮的方式设置数据的样式。例如,可以通过按值更改“填充”选项来创建专题地图.", "short-description": "使用这些选项以优美的方式设置数据的样式." }, "cartocss": { "title": "用CartoCSS装扮它", "description": "使用屏幕底部的CartoCSS视图获取更多样式数据." }, "take-tour": "展示", "style-layer": "样式层", "exit": "退出", "next": "下一步" }, "analyses-onboarding": { "placeholders": { "layer-name": "NAME OF THE LAYER", "clusters": "CLUSTERS", "method": "METHOD", "percentage": "PERCENTAGE" }, "done": "继续", "finished": "已完成", "style-analysis": "设计此分析样式", "read-more": "Read more in documentation", "learn-more": "更多", "no-new-columns": "没有创建新列.", "geometries-updated": "表格中的地理化数据已更新", "new-column-added": "A new column has been added to your dataset.", "new-columns-created": "New columns have been created as a new dataset.", "new-column-included": "A new column has been included with your original data.", "new-columns-included": "New columns has been included with your original data.", "new-columns-included-based-on-input": "New columns have been included with your original data based on the columns chosen for the input.", "sampling": { "title": "Subsample Percent of Rows", "description": "A sample of your original table was randomly selected to give approximately a percentage of the rows from your base dataset." }, "merge": { "title": "Add Columns from Second Dataset", "description": "This analysis performed a columnar JOIN in order to get columns from two different tables." }, "intersection": { "title": "Select Points in Polygons", "description": "This analysis performs a spatial intersection, returning only the rows from the target layer which intersect with geometries in the base layer.", "source-cartodb-id": "This number represents the cartodb_id of the base geometry." }, "area-of-influence": { "title": "Create Travel or Distance Buffers", "description": "Create Travel or Distance Buffers creates polygons according to the parameters set by the user.", "the-geom": "This column was updated to show the travel or distance buffers requested." }, "aggregate-intersection": { "title": "Intersect and Aggregate", "description": "This operation performs a spatial intersection and aggregates the geometry values from the target layer that intersect with the geometry of the base layer.", "count-vals-density": "This column is added if COUNT was chosen as the aggregation operation.", "extra-column": "This column is added if {operation_type} is chosen with column {column_name}." }, "filter": { "title": "Filter by Column Value", "description": "Filter by Column Value allows you to quickly narrow down the total data you display on a map or input into an analysis node." }, "filter-by-node-column": { "title": "Link Second Layer", "description": "Link Second Layer allows you to filter the data in your layer by propagating the filters in the target layer. Now if you filter on widgets added to the first node, the results in the second node would be also filtered." }, "spatial-markov-trend": { "title": "Predict Trends and Volatility", "trend": "The normalized trend for each geometry.", "trend_up": "The probability that a geometry's value will move to a higher class.", "trend_down": "The probability that a geometry's value will move to a lower class.", "volatility": "A measure of the potential for a geometry to possess values in other classes.", "description": "Trends and volatility are calculated based on the time series data input. Trends calculated from inputs with a longer history are more precise. Inputs for the time column should equally spaced (e.g., all one week/month/year apart)." }, "moran": { "title": "Detect Outliers and Clusters", "description": "Detect Outliers and Clusters finds areas in your data where clusters of high values or low values exist, as well as areas which are dissimilar from their neighbors.", "quads": "Classification of the geometry from the analysis.", "significance": "The statistical significance of the geometry's classification of one of four quadrant types.", "moran": "The local statistic calculated from the Moran's I analysis for each geometry/value in the dataset.", "vals": "Value used in analysis. If a denominator is entered, this is the 'standardized' rate (centered on mean, normalized by standard deviation)." }, "kmeans": { "title": "Calculate Clusters of Points", "cluster-no": "A numeric identifier for each cluster in your dataset. Values start at 1 and go up to the %{clusters} clusters you requested (or max rows if less).", "description": "Point clustering uses k-means to calculate a predefined number of clusters from your data." }, "data-observatory-measure": { "title": "Enrich from Data Observatory", "custom-column": "This column contains the data requested from the Data Observatory.", "description": "The Data Observatory enrichment is the result of the geometry location and the measure requested." }, "data-observatory-multiple-measures": { "title": "Enrich from the Data Observatory", "custom-columns": "These columns contain the data requested from the Data Observatory.", "description": "The Data Observatory enrichment is the result of the geometry location and the measures requested." }, "connect-with-lines": { "title": "Create Lines from Points", "description": "Create Lines from Points using a single point, column values, or a second layer.", "the-geom": "This column was updated to be lines according to the method chosen.", "line-sequential": "This analysis creates a line by connecting all points in the dataset in a specified order.", "line-source-to-target": "Link a source point to a target point based on a shared attribute.", "line-to-single-point": "Connect the coordinate from latitude and longitude columns to the point geometry (`the_geom`) in your dataset." }, "group-points": { "title": "Create Polygons from Points", "the-geom": "This column was updated to polygons encompassing the base points.", "category": "This will be the category over which the polygons were calculated.", "description": "Group points into polygons to create new polygons." }, "georeference": { "title": "Geocode", "the-geom": "This column, which stores the geographic information in your dataset, has been updated to reflect the boundaries or locations from the inputs specified.", "description": "Geocoding data is a service that uses information from many sources to get the geographical information associated with latitude/longitude columns, city names, postal codes, administrative boundaries, IP addresses, or street addresses." }, "centroid": { "title": "Create Centroids of Geometries", "description": "Centroids are calculated from all, groups, or singular geometries. Using the optional parameters of Categorize, Weight, and Operation, you can change how they are calculated and what information the result will contain.", "the-geom": "Point geometries representing the centroid(s) of your base layer.", "aggregated-value": "Stores the aggregate value for each centroid.", "non-aggregated-value": "Contains the count of features considered for each centroid.", "category": "Stores the category value for each centroid from the base layer." }, "closest": { "title": "Find Nearest", "description": "从第二个数据集中选择离当前图层中的几何图形最近的点.", "source_cdb_id": "This column has been created with the related points id from the base layer.", "the-geom": "This column has been updated with the target table geometries." } }, "timezones": { "international-date-line-west": "International Date Line West", "midway-island-samoa": "Midway Island, Samoa", "hawaii": "Hawaii", "alaska": "Alaska", "pacific-time-us-and-canada-tijuana": "Pacific Time (US and Canada); Tijuana", "mountain-time-us-and-canada": "Mountain Time (US and Canada)", "chihuahua-la-paz-mazatlan": "Chihuahua, La Paz, Mazatlan", "arizona": "Arizona", "central-time-us-and-canada": "Central Time (US and Canada)", "saskatchewan": "Saskatchewan", "guadalajara-mexico-city-monterrey": "Guadalajara, Mexico City, Monterrey", "central-america": "Central America", "eastern-time-us-and-canada": "Eastern Time (US and Canada)", "indiana-east": "Indiana (East)", "bogota-lima-quito": "Bogota, Lima, Quito", "atlantic-time-canada": "Atlantic Time (Canada)", "caracas-la-paz": "Caracas, La Paz", "santiago": "Santiago", "newfoundland-and-labrador": "Newfoundland and Labrador", "brasilia": "Brasilia", "buenos-aires-georgetown": "Buenos Aires, Georgetown", "greenland": "Greenland", "mid-atlantic": "Mid-Atlantic", "azores": "Azores", "cape-verde-islands": "Cape Verde Islands", "gmt-dublin-edinburgh-lisbon-london": "Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London", "casablanca-monrovia": "Casablanca, Monrovia", "canary-islands": "Canary Islands", "belgrade-bratislava-budapest-ljubljana-prague": "Belgrade, Bratislava, Budapest, Ljubljana, Prague", "sarajevo-skopje-warsaw-zagreb": "Sarajevo, Skopje, Warsaw, Zagreb", "brussels-copenhagen-madrid-paris": "Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris", "amsterdam-berlin-bern-rome-stockholm-vienna": "Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna", "west-central-africa": "West Central Africa", "bucharest": "Bucharest", "cairo": "Cairo", "helsinki-kiev-riga-sofia-tallinn-vilnius": "Helsinki, Kiev, Riga, Sofia, Tallinn, Vilnius", "athens-istanbul-minsk": "Athens, Istanbul, Minsk", "jerusalem": "Jerusalem", "harare-pretoria": "Harare, Pretoria", "moscow-st-petersburg-volgograd": "Moscow, St. Petersburg, Volgograd", "kuwait-riyadh": "Kuwait, Riyadh", "nairobi": "Nairobi", "baghdad": "Baghdad", "tehran": "Tehran", "abu-dhabi-muscat": "Abu Dhabi, Muscat", "baku-tbilisi-yerevan": "Baku, Tbilisi, Yerevan", "kabul": "Kabul", "ekaterinburg": "Ekaterinburg", "islamabad-karachi-tashkent": "Islamabad, Karachi, Tashkent", "chennai-kolkata-mumbai-new-delhi": "Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi", "kathmandu": "Kathmandu", "astana-dhaka": "Astana, Dhaka", "sri-jayawardenepura": "Sri Jayawardenepura", "almaty-novosibirsk": "Almaty, Novosibirsk", "yangon-rangoon": "Yangon Rangoon", "bangkok-hanoi-jakarta": "Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta", "krasnoyarsk": "Krasnoyarsk", "beijing-chongqing-hong-kong-sar-urumqi": "Beijing, Chongqing, Hong Kong SAR, Urumqi", "kuala-lumpur-singapore": "Kuala Lumpur, Singapore", "taipei": "Taipei", "perth": "Perth", "irkutsk-ulaanbaatar": "Irkutsk, Ulaanbaatar", "seoul": "Seoul", "osaka-sapporo-tokyo": "Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo", "yakutsk": "Yakutsk", "darwin": "Darwin", "adelaide": "Adelaide", "canberra-melbourne-sydney": "Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney", "brisbane": "Brisbane", "hobart": "Hobart", "vladivostok": "Vladivostok", "guam-port-moresby": "Guam, Port Moresby", "magadan-solomon-islands-new-caledonia": "Magadan, Solomon Islands, New Caledonia", "fiji-islands-kamchatka-marshall-islands": "Fiji Islands, Kamchatka, Marshall Islands", "auckland-wellington": "Auckland, Wellington", "nuku-alofa": "Nuku'alofa" }, "analyses": { "data-observatory-multiple-measures": { "title": "Enrich from Data Observatory", "short-title": "Data Observatory" }, "connect-with-lines": { "title": "Create Lines from Points", "short-title": "Create Lines" }, "georeference": { "title": "地理化", "short-title": "Geocode" }, "data-observatory-measure": { "title": "Enrich from Data Observatory", "short-title": "Data Observatory", "age-and-gender": "Age and Gender", "boundaries": "Boundaries", "education": "Education", "employment": "Employment", "families": "Families", "housing": "Housing", "income": "Income", "language": "语言", "migration": "Migration", "nationality": "Nationality", "population-segments": "Population segments", "race-and-ethnicity": "Race and Ethnicity", "religion": "Religion", "transportation": "Transportation", "filters": { "label": "Filters", "applied": { "single": "1 filter applied", "multiple": "%{filters} filters applied" } }, "area": "Per sq km", "count": { "suggested": "Suggested measurements", "search": "%{items} results" }, "search-by-name": "查找名称...", "errors": { "max-items": "Max items reached", "measurement-required": "Measurement is required", "measurement-twice": "Two or more measurements are equal", "column-name-mismatch": "Segment names and column names don't match", "invalid-selection": "Invalid DO selection", "mandatory-region": "Region is mandatory" } }, "merge": { "title": "从第二个数据集添加列", "short-title": "Add Columns" }, "filter-by-node-column": { "title": "链接第二层", "short-title": "Link Layer" }, "centroid": { "title": "创建几何质心", "short-title": "Centroid" }, "group-points": { "title": "从点创建多边形", "short-title": "Create Polygons" }, "convex-hull": { "title": "Create Polygons from Points", "short-title": "Create Polygons" }, "concave-hull": { "title": "凹面船体", "short-title": "Create Polygons" }, "bounding-box": { "title": "Bounding Box", "short-title": "Bounding Box" }, "bounding-circle": { "title": "Bounding Circle", "short-title": "Bounding Circle" }, "area-of-influence": { "title": "创建行程或距离缓冲区", "short-title": "Buffer" }, "filter-intersection": { "title": "Select Points in Polygons", "short-title": "Select Points" }, "aggregate-intersection": { "title": "Intersect and Aggregate", "short-title": "Intersect" }, "filter": { "title": "Filter by Column Value", "short-title": "Filter Value" }, "sampling": { "title": "Subsample Percent of Rows", "short-title": "Subsample" }, "kmeans": { "title": "Calculate Clusters of Points", "short-title": "Clusters" }, "moran-cluster": { "title": "Detect Outliers and Clusters", "short-title": "Outliers" }, "spatial-markov-trend": { "title": "Predict Trends and Volatility", "short-title": "Trends" }, "find-nearest": { "title": "Find Nearest", "short-title": "Nearest" }, "source": "Source", "routing": { "short-title": "Routing" }, "deprecated-sql-function": { "title": "SQL Function", "short-title": "SQL Function" } }, "analysis-category": { "all": "全部", "analyze-predict": "分析和预测", "create-clean": "Create and clean", "data-transformation": "Transform" }, "form-components": { "editors": { "radio": { "true": "True", "false": "False", "null": "Null" }, "style": { "select-by-column": "Select by column" }, "fill": { "customize": "Custom color set", "quantification": { "title": "Quantification", "methods": { "jenks": "Jenks", "equal": "Equal Interval", "headtails": "Heads/Tails", "quantiles": "Quantiles", "category": "Category" } }, "bins": "Buckets", "input-color": { "solid": "Solid", "value": "By value", "img": "Img", "select-color": "Select color" }, "input-number": { "fixed": "Fixed", "solid": "Solid", "by-value": "By value" }, "input-ramp": { "buckets": "bucket |||| buckets" }, "input-qualitative-ramps": { "null": "null", "others": "Others" }, "image": { "recently-title": "经常使用", "none": "None", "show-all": "显示全部收藏" }, "error": "There was an error" }, "slide": { "no-values": "No values" } } }, "data": { "import-model": { "error-title": "错误", "error-starting-import": "Unfortunately, there was an error starting the import" }, "upload-model": { "invalid-import": "Invalid import", "one-file": "Unfortunately, only one file is allowed per upload", "file-defined": "File name should be defined", "file-extension": "Unfortunately, this file extension is not allowed", "file-size": "Unfortunately, the size of the file is bigger than your remaining quota", "visualization-id": "The remote visualization id was not specified", "remote-file-size": "Unfortunately, the size of the remote dataset is bigger than your remaining quota", "url-invalid": "Unfortunately, the URL provided is not valid", "error-happened": "There was an error", "connection-error": "Unfortunately, there was a connection error", "twitter-dates-invalid": "Twitter dates are not valid", "twitter-dates-empty": "Twitter dates are empty", "twitter-categories-invalid": "Twitter categories are not valid", "twitter-data": "Twitter data is empty", "dataset-copy-undefined": "Dataset copy is not defined", "query-undefined": "Query is not provided" }, "analysis-definition-node-model": { "validation": { "missing-required": "Required", "invalid-source": "Invalid source", "invalid-value": "Invalid value", "invalid-enum": "Invalid value, must be any of %{expectedValues}" } } }, "components": { "geocoding": { "geocoding-error-details": { "close": "关闭", "description": "There was a problem geocoding your data", "title": "Geocoding Error", "try-again": "Please try again and if the problem persists, contact us with your username and the following code:", "view-dataset": "view dataset" }, "geocoding-success-detail": { "amount-charged": "$%{price} will be charged to your account", "credits-consumed": "You have consumed all your credits during this billing cycle, price is $%{price} / 1,000 extra credits.", "description": "We've successfully geocoded <%- realRowsFormatted %> <%- geometryType %> of <%- processableRowsFormatted %>. |||| We've successfully geocoded <%- realRowsFormatted %> <%- geometryType %>s of <%- processableRowsFormatted %>.", "explanation": "Rows that are not geocoded could have errors in their column values, or don’t exist in our data. Try geocoding again and check the 'override all values' to try again.", "no-extra-charge": "No extra charges have been done", "remainingQuotaFormatted": "You still have %{remainingQuotaFormatted} credits left for this month.", "title": "Data geocoded", "try-again": "Unsuccessful rows don't count against your quota, so we encourage you to take a look and try again.", "view-dataset": "view dataset" }, "geocoding-no-result-details": { "close": "close", "description": "These rows contained empty values or perhaps we just didn't know what the values meant. We encourage you to take a look and try again.", "title": "No rows were geocoded", "view-dataset": "view dataset" } }, "background-importer": { "background-importer-item": { "completed": "completed", "error-connecting": "Error connecting %{name}", "from": "from", "show": "show" }, "warnings-details": { "continue-btn": "Continue", "find-connected-datasets": "您可以在datasets部分找到所有连接的数据集.", "no-more-datasets": "No more than %{maxTablesPerImport} datasets can be imported from a single file.", "unable-to-import-datasets": "Unable to import all datasets in file" }, "partial-import-details": { "find-connected-datasets": "您可以在datasets部分找到所有连接的数据集.", "continue-btn": "Continue", "too-many-datasets": "NOTE: The file you uploaded contained too many datasets. No more than %{maxTablesPerImport} datasets can be imported from a single file.", "unable-to-import-as-layers": "Unable to add all imported datasets as layers", "upgrade-your-account": "Upgrade your account to add more than %{userMaxLayers} layers to your maps." }, "connector-warning-details": { "continue-btn": "Continue", "too-many-rows": "You may have reached the maximum limit.", "unable-to-import-all-rows": "For a database connector import, the number of rows allowed is %{maxRowsPerConnectorImport}. Some of your data may not be imported." }, "error-details": { "check-errors": "Check errors", "check-url": "Check that the URL you provided is OK", "close": "close", "dont-panic": "Don’t panic, here's some info that might help", "remote-server-code": "The remote server returned a %{httpResponseCode} code.", "send-us-the-error-code": "Persisting error? Please send us your username and the following code", "unknown-error": "An unknown error has happened" }, "upgrade-errors": { "8001": { "description": "Remove some of your datasets to gain available space or upgrade your account", "info": "Keep your data and get a larger quota by upgrading your plan", "title": "Your quota has run out" }, "8002": { "description": "You have reached the limit of datasets for your plan", "info": "Remove some of your datasets or upgrade your account to get unlimited datasets", "title": "Your dataset couldn't be created" }, "8005": { "description": "Remove any layer or upgrade your account", "info": "Keep your maps and get more layer count quota by upgrading your plan", "title": "You have reached your layer count limit" }, "8007": { "description": "You have reached the limit of public maps for your plan", "info": "Make some of your maps private or upgrade your account to get unlimited public maps", "title": "Your map couldn't be created or updated" }, "upgrade": "升级" }, "twitter-import-details": { "new-type-created": "We've created a new dataset containing a total of %{datasetTotalRowsFormatted}
tweet%{tweetPlural} with your search terms", "credit-left": "You still have %{availableTweetsFormatted} credit left for this billing cycle.", "credits-left": "You still have %{availableTweetsFormatted} credits left for this billing cycle.", "no-more-credits": "You have consumed all your credits during this billing cycle (price is $%{blockPriceFormatted}/%{blockSizeFormatted} extra credits).", "twitter-import-title": "Your Twitter dataset is created", "tweet-cost": { "free": "No extra charges have been applied", "paid": "$%{tweetsCostFormatted} will be charged to your account" }, "errors": { "no-results": "Your search query was correct but returned no results, \n please try with a different set of parameters before running it again" } }, "background-geocoding-item": { "geocoded": "%{realRowsFormatted}/%{processableRowsFormatted} row geocoded… |||| %{realRowsFormatted}/%{processableRowsFormatted} rows geocoded…", "geocoded-by-lat-lng": "Geocoded by latitude and longitude", "geocoding": "Geocoding %{tableName} dataset…", "show": "show", "rows-geocoded": { "without-dataset": "%{realRowsFormatted} row geocoded |||| %{realRowsFormatted} rows geocoded", "in-dataset": "%{realRowsFormatted} row geocoded in %{tableName} dataset|||| %{realRowsFormatted} rows geocoded in %{tableName} dataset" }, "errors": { "no-rows-geocoded": { "without-dataset": "No rows geocoded", "in-dataset": "No rows geocoded in %{tableName} dataset" }, "geocoding-layer": "Ouch! There was an error geocoding %{tableName} layer" } }, "background-import-limit": { "hurry": "In a hurry? Upgrade your account to import several files at a time", "one-file": "Unfortunately, you can only import up to %{importQuota} files at the same time" }, "free-trial": "Get a %{days} day free trial", "connecting": "正在连接", "dataset": "dataset…", "geocoding": "Geocoding", "working": "Working…" }, "likes-pluralize": "点赞 |||| 点赞", "custom-list": { "placeholder": "通过 %{typeLabel} 查找", "no-items": "没有%{typeLabel}项", "no-results": "No %{typeLabel} results found with '%{query}'", "add-custom-result": "Add custom value" }, "datepicker": { "dates-placeholder": "选择日期", "get-last": "Get last", "hour": "时", "min": "分", "from": "从", "to": "到", "or": "或者", "days-pluralize": "1 天 |||| %{smart_count} 天", "weeks-pluralize": "1 周 |||| %{smart_count} 周", "hours-pluralize": "hour week |||| %{smart_count} hours", "gmt-convertion": "日期将转换为格林尼治标准时间 GMT +0", "invalid-date": "日期无效" }, "taglist": { "none": "没有标签", "placeholder": "添加标签" }, "pagination-search": { "filter": { "search": "查找", "placeholder": "通过用户名或电子邮件搜索" }, "loading": { "title": "正在载入..." }, "error": { "title": "错误", "desc": "Oops there was an error." }, "no-results": { "title": "哦! 没有结果", "desc": "找不到这些参数" } }, "modals": { "editor-vis-warning": { "title": "您将使用新的Builder打开一个Editor地图", "explanation": "Builder提供了易于使用且直观的拖放功能,以分析和可视化数据。 但是,某些旧的编辑器功能(例如叠加层)当前在Builder中不可用.", "question": "在Builder中打开地图可能会导致丢失尚不支持的任何功能。 你确定你要继续吗?", "go-back": "不,返回仪表板", "open": "是的,用Builder打开", "duplicate": "复制并使用Builder打开", "opening-title": "用Builder打开%{name}" }, "add-basemap": { "modal-title": "添加自定义底图", "modal-desc": "Select from these great resources", "adding-basemap": "添加新的底图…", "add-basemap-error": "无法添加底图", "add-btn": "添加底图", "cancel-btn": "取消", "validating": "验证中…", "saving": "保存层…", "fetching": "提取图层…", "get-layers": "获取图层", "xyz": { "insert": "Insert your XYZ URL", "enter": "Enter a URL", "not-valid": "Insert a valid XYZ URL", "eg": "E.g.", "tms": "TMS", "couldnt-validate": "We couldn't validate this. If you're sure it contains data click \"add basemap\"" }, "mapbox": { "insert": "Add Mapbox Style basemap", "enter": "Mapbox Style URL", "error": "Error retrieving your basemap. Please check your Mapbox URL.", "invalid": "This URL is not valid." }, "wms": { "insert": "Insert your WMS/WMTS URL", "invalid": "The URL is either invalid or contains unsupported projections", "see-docs": "see docs", "oh-no": "Oh! No results", "unfortunately": "Unfortunately, we couldn't find a layer that matched your search term", "tables-pluralize": "table |||| tables", "placeholder": "%{layersFoundCount} %{layersFoundCountPluralize} found, %{layersAvailableCount} %{layersAvailableCountPluralize} available" }, "tilejson": { "insert": "Insert your TileJSON URL", "invalid": "Invalid URL, please make sure it is correct" }, "nasa": { "select": "Select a date from which you want a NASA Worldview basemap", "day": "Day", "night": "Night", "cant-select": "You can't select a date in night mode" } }, "create-dialog": { "creating-map": "正在生成地图" }, "export-data": { "title": "导出", "desc": "选择文件格式", "no-geometry": "To download any geospatial format like SHP, KML or GeoJSON don't forget to select the_geom on your query.", "loading": { "geometry": "Checking geometries...", "preparing": "Preparing content..." }, "errors": { "title": "错误", "geometry-error": "We can't read data geometries", "unknown": "An error occurred" }, "cancel": "取消", "download": "下载" }, "maps-metadata": { "modal-title": "地图元数据", "modal-desc": "编辑地图的属性", "back-btn": "返回", "save-btn": "保存", "cancel-btn": "取消", "form": { "name": "名称", "name-placeholder": "输入名称", "description": "描述", "description-placeholder": "输入描述", "tags": "标签", "markdown": "支持Markdown格式" }, "validation": { "error": { "name": "名称不能为空" } }, "error": { "title": "我们无法保存您的数据", "subtitle": "We had an error trying to save your data: %{error}" }, "loading": "保存数据中...", "success": "Metadata for %{name} map was saved." }, "dataset-metadata": { "modal-title": "数据集元数据", "modal-desc": "编辑数据集的属性", "back-btn": "返回", "save-btn": "保存", "cancel-btn": "取消", "form": { "name": "数据名称", "name-placeholder": "在这里输入名称", "description": "描述", "description-placeholder": "在此处输入您的描述", "attributions": "属性", "attributions-placeholder": "在这里输入属性", "tags": "标签", "source": "数据源", "source-placeholder": "在这里输入数据源", "license": "License", "markdown": "支持Markdown格式" }, "validation": { "error": { "name": "名称不能为空" } }, "error": { "title": "我们无法保存您的数据", "subtitle": "We had an error trying to save your data: %{error}" }, "loading": "正在保存数据...", "success": "Metadata for %{name} dataset was saved." }, "publish": { "done-btn": "确定", "update-btn": "更新", "publish-btn": "发布", "publishing-btn": "发布中", "updating-btn": "更新中", "menu": { "share": "Share with colleagues", "publish": "公开" }, "privacy": { "privacy": "隐私性", "cta": { "title": "Want some privacy?", "desc-trial": "Check our plans with 14 days trial", "desc-notrial": "Upgrade your account!" }, "public": { "type": "PUBLIC", "title": "公开", "body": "每个人都可以查看您的表并下载它" }, "link": { "type": "LINK", "title": "公开—共享链接", "body": "只有具有共享链接的人才能查看数据" }, "password": { "type": "PASSWORD", "title": "公开—密码保护", "body": "设置密码并仅与特定人员共享", "placeholder": "输入密码" }, "private": { "type": "PRIVATE", "title": "私密", "body": "没有人可以访问此数据集" }, "error": { "title": "我们无法保存您的数据", "subtitle": "尝试保存您的数据时发生内部错误。 我们建议您再试一次." }, "upgrade": { "title": "Interested in sharing within your organization?", "desc": "%{contact} to try one of our Enterprise plans", "contact": "Contact us", "mail": "sales@carto.com" }, "loading": "Saving your data..." }, "share": { "published": "发布时间 %{when}", "unpublished": "从未发布.", "last-published": "更新: %{date}", "unpublished-header": "单击发布以开始在网络上共享地图", "unpublished-subheader": "从单击发布的那一刻起,您将需要使用此窗口来更新对公开版本的更改.", "upgradeLabel": "升级", "upgradeLink": "https://carto.com/pricing/#pricing-standard", "upgrade": "%{upgradeLink} to share with your colleagues?", "private": "私密的", "get-link": { "title": "Get the link", "body": "发送给您的朋友,同事或将其发布到您的社交网络中.", "link": "", "copy": "COPY", "select": "SELECT", "private": { "body": "Your map is %{private} Change privacy to get the link" } }, "embed": { "title": "嵌入", "body": "将地图插入博客,网站或应用程序.", "link": "Get a simple URL.", "copy": "COPY", "select": "SELECT", "private": { "body": "Your map is %{private} Change privacy to embed map" } }, "cartodbjs": { "title": "CARTO.js", "body": "使用此URL将地图添加到应用程序.", "link": "Read more.", "copy": "COPY", "select": "SELECT" }, "mobile-sdk": { "title": "CARTO Mobile SDK", "body": "使用以下代码将地图添加到本地移动应用程序.", "link": "Read more.", "copy": "COPY", "select": "SELECT" }, "error": { "title": "我们无法保存您的数据", "subtitle": "尝试保存您的数据时发生内部错误。 我们建议您再试一次." }, "loading": "保存数据...", "organization": { "title": "您单位的默认设置", "desc": "新用户将拥有此权限" }, "role": { "viewer": "Viewer", "builder": "Builder" }, "tooltip": { "group": "Access is inherited from group %{name}", "org": "Access is inherited from organization" }, "toggle": { "read": "Read", "write": "Write" }, "add-people": "Add people" } }, "assets-picker": { "browse": "浏览", "delete-image": "删除图像", "delete-images": "删除图像", "deselect-all": "全部删除", "drag-and-drop": "拖放文件", "error-desc": "请再试一次。如果问题仍然存在,请联系我们", "go-back": "返回", "incorrect-url": "您的网址看起来不正确.", "loading": "正在加载…", "or": "或", "select-all": "全选", "submit": "提交", "upload-desc": "粘贴网址或选择JPG,GIF,PNG,SVG等文件", "upload-file-url": "上传文件" }, "add-asset": { "icons": "图标", "modal-desc": "或选择我们推荐的图标", "modal-title": "标记图像", "set-image": "选定", "upload-file": "上传文件", "upload-asset": "直接上传图标文件", "upload-image": "上传", "your-uploads": "你的上传文件", "organization-uploads": "统一上传文件" }, "add-analysis": { "modal-title": "添加新分析", "modal-desc": "选择要添加的分析", "loading-title": "Loading options", "add-btn": "新建分析", "disabled-option-desc": "您图层的几何数据为%{simpleGeometryType},此分析需要%{requiredInputGeometries}.", "geometry-types": { "point": "points", "point,polygon": "points or polygons", "polygon,point": "points or polygons" }, "unknown-geometry-type": "unknown", "more-info": "More info", "option-types": { "connect-with-lines": { "title": "Create Lines from Points", "desc": "使用单个点,列值或第二层从点创建线." }, "group-points": { "title": "Create Polygons from Points", "desc": "使用凸包,凹包,边界圆或边界框从点创建多边形." }, "aggregate-intersection": { "title": "Intersect and Aggregate", "desc": "在第二层中查找重叠的几何并将其值汇总到当前层中." }, "area-of-influence": { "title": "Create Travel/Distance Buffers", "desc": "使用旅行时间或距离在点或多边形周围创建缓冲区." }, "georeference": { "title": "Geocode", "desc": "使用街道地址,城市名称或其他位置文本来创建点几何." }, "filter-intersection": { "title": "Select Points in Polygons", "desc": "从第二个数据集中选择与当前多边形图层相交的点." }, "filter": { "title": "Filter by Column Value", "desc": "保留或丢弃具有选定列值的行." }, "merge": { "title": "Add Columns from 2nd Dataset", "desc": "使用共享的列值将第二个数据集连接到当前层." }, "moran-cluster": { "title": "Detect Outliers and Clusters", "desc": "使用Moran的I选择值在空间上聚类且邻近的离群值的几何.", "high-low": "High-Low (HL)", "high-high": "High-High (HH)", "low-high": "Low-High (LH)", "low-low": "Low-Low (LL)" }, "kmeans": { "title": "Calculate Clusters of Points", "desc": "使用cluster_no列进行扩充以将点在空间上分成指定数量的组." }, "centroid": { "title": "Create Centroids of Geometries", "desc": "创建按所有行或当前图层类别分组的直接或加权质心." }, "filter-by-node-column": { "title": "Link Second Layer", "desc": "使用共享列链接图层,以便第二层的小部件同时过滤这两个图层." }, "sampling": { "title": "Subsample Percent of Rows", "desc": "根据指定的百分比对数据集中的行进行二次采样." }, "spatial-markov-trend": { "title": "Predict Trends and Volatility", "desc": "使用空间马尔可夫链根据列中的一系列数据预测趋势的可能性." }, "data-observatory-measure": { "title": "Enrich from Data Observatory", "desc": "添加带有上下文数据(例如人口统计和经济指标)的新列." }, "deprecated-sql-function": { "title": "SQL 函数", "desc": "运行您的自定义SQL函数" } } }, "add-widgets": { "modal-title": "新建小部件", "modal-desc": "选择要添加的小部件", "continue-btn": "继续", "loading-title": "加载列", "tab-pane": { "histogram-label": "直方图", "category-label": "分类", "formula-label": "计算式", "formula_mini-label": "简洁计算式", "time-series-label": "时间序列" }, "percentage-in-top-cats": "% in top 10 cat", "time-series-no-option-title": "None", "time-series-no-option-desc": "此选项不会显示您的时间序列小部件" }, "add-layer": { "modal-title": "新建层", "modal-desc": "选择一个现有的数据集或连接一个新的数据集", "navigation": { "search": "查找", "search-placeholder": "名称、描述或标签", "connect-dataset": "连接数据表", "shared-with-you": "与您分享", "data-library": "资料库", "create-empty-map": "新建空地图", "create-empty-dataset": "新建空数据", "create-empty-addLayer": "新建层", "your-datasets": "你的数据集" }, "create-loading-title": "创建一个空的数据集…", "adding-new-layer": "添加新层…", "add-layer-error": "无法添加图层", "imports": { "ask-for-demo": "ask for demo", "contact-us": "Contact us", "connector": "connector", "demo-email-title": "I am interested in the %{name} connector", "demo-email-desc": "Hi, I am interested in testing the %{name} connector. Please contact me to schedule a demo of this feature.", "tab-options-error": { "no-key": "%{name} key is not specified and the panel can't be enabled", "not-allowed": "%{name} data source is not available for your plan. Please upgrade.", "limits-reached": "You've reached the limits for your account. Please upgrade.", "no-credits": "You've reached the available %{name} credits for your account this month." }, "member-pluralize": "成员|||| 成员", "item-pluralize": "项目 |||| 项目", "form-import": { "browse": "浏览", "drag-and-drop": "拖放文件", "error-desc": "错误:网址看起来不正确.", "format": "格式", "or": "或", "title": "输入 URL", "desc": "粘贴URL并开始导入", "submit": "提交" }, "header-import": { "import-url": "从%{brand} URL导入数据", "file-selected": "已选择文件", "paste-url": "Paste a URL %{fileEnabled} ", "select-a-file": "或选择一个文件,例如 CSV, XLS, ZIP, KML, GPX, GPKG, FGDB,", "see-all-formats": "查看所有格式", "sync-enabled": "使其与源保持同步", "sync-disabled": "同步选项不可用", "type-selected": "已选择%{brand}", "type-import": "%{brand} import", "upload-file-url": "上传文件或 URL |||| URL" }, "service-import": { "and": "和", "account-connected": "Account connected", "connect-with": "Connect with %{title}", "choose": "选择", "connect": "连接", "found-in": "%{size} %{pluralize} found in %{title}", "item-selected": "Item selected", "many-more-formats": "many more formats", "no-results-title": "Oouch! There are no results", "no-results-desc": "We haven't found any valid file from your account", "state-idle-login": "Login to your account and select any item.", "state-error": "We are sorry that you can’t connect to your %{title} account. Be sure you have any pop-up blockers deactivated for this website.", "state-token": "Checking Token.", "state-oauth": "Requesting oAuth.", "state-retrieving": "A list of your %{title} files will be displayed in a moment.", "state-selected-sync": "You can choose when to sync the file.", "state-selected-instagram": "A map containing all your geocoded photos will be created", "state-selected-no-sync": "Sync options are not available.", "supported": "supported", "try-again": "重试" }, "selected-state": { "sync-my-data": "Sync my data", "never": "Never", "every-hour": "Every hour", "every-day": "Every day", "every-week": "Every week", "every-month": "Every month", "free-trial": "%{days} day free trial", "more-features": "更多", "upgrade-desc": "Upgrade your account to get sync options and %{features}", "upgrade": "更新" }, "twitter": { "category": "Category", "credits-consumed": "Twitter credits for this period consumed - %{extraTweets} will be charged", "credits-left": "%{per}% of your %{remainingFormatted} Twitter credits left", "credits-no-limit": "No limits - %{extraTweets} will be charged", "extra-tweets": "extra tweets", "fallback-title": "Enable the %{brand} connector", "fallback-desc": "The %{brand} connector allows you to map %{brand} data activity related to your brand, event, or any term you may be interested in.", "from-to": "From / to", "terms-desc": "Enter up to four search terms using the category fields.", "terms-placeholder": "Insert your terms separated by commas", "title": "Twitter trends", "twitter-gmt": "Time is in GMT+0", "use": "Use", "your-gmt": "You are in GMT" }, "arcgis": { "fallback-desc": "Enable the %{brand} connector in your account to connect your %{brand} data to CARTO and mantain it in sync with the source.", "input-placeholder": "Paste your %{brand} table URL here", "url-desc": "To retrieve a particular layer, add the layer index at the end of the URL", "import-data": "Import your data from a %{brand} instance", "sync-options": "Sync options only available for a layer" }, "instagram": { "fallback-desc": "Enable the %{brand} connector to map your photos or videos from your account in CARTO." }, "box": { "fallback-desc": "Enable the %{brand} connector in your account to map your %{brand} files in CARTO or mantain your CARTO maps in sync with your Box data." }, "mailchimp": { "campaign-selected": "%{brand} campaign selected", "fallback-desc": "Enable the %{brand} connector in your account to map your user lists from %{brand} in CARTO or mantain your CARTO maps in sync with your %{brand} data.", "map-campaign": "Map your %{brand} campaigns", "state-idle": "Connect your %{brand} account to select any of your campaigns.", "state-error": "We are sorry, there has been an error while connecting to your %{brand} account. Just in case it helps, be sure you have the pop-up blocker deactivated for this website.", "state-token": "Checking %{brand} token.", "state-oauth": "Requesting oAuth.", "state-retrieving": "A list of your %{brand} campaigns will be displayed in a moment.", "state-selected": "Campaign selected." }, "salesforce": { "fallback-desc": "Contact us to learn more about %{brand} integration", "input-placeholder": "Paste your %{brand} URL here" }, "feedback": { "text": "Is your data somewhere else? Please let us know!", "button": "Request data source", "url": "https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeSP4idHpOLdGlUkCCve1BfCsakZdmeAO_5yrHH4FSIJt5cdw/viewform" } }, "datasets": { "item": { "sync-failed": "同步失败,最后一次尝试是", "syncing": "Syncing", "synced": "Synced", "read": "read", "from": "from", "by": "by", "no-description": "没有描述", "rows-pluralize": "行 |||| 行", "tags-more": "和 %{tagsCount} 以及更多", "no-tags": "没有标签" }, "loading": "载入中", "searching": "查找中", "error": { "title": "哎哟! 加载数据集时出错", "desc": "如果问题仍然存在,请与我们联系" }, "no-datasets": { "title": "你还没有连接到任何数据集", "desc": "你可以 %{connectDataset} 或 %{search} 我们的数据库", "connect-datasets": "连接数据集", "search": "查找" }, "no-results": { "desc": "此页没有结果", "found": "found", "there-are-no": "There are no", "no-fun": "No %{type}, no fun" } }, "footer": { "guessing-desc": "在导入时自动分析数据类型和内容.", "deprecated-connector": "不推荐的连接器.", "twitter-contact-support": "Please contact support for more information.", "twitter-how-to-historical": "To get access to historical data (older than 30 days) you need to", "contact-team": "contact our team", "privacy-upgrade": "不能更改新数据集的隐私。单击此处升级您的帐户.", "privacy-change": "Your new dataset will be %{privacy}", "privacy-click": "Click to change it to %{nextPrivacy}", "privacy-change-banned": "不能更改新数据集的隐私.", "add-layer": "添加层" } }, "edit-feature": { "confirmation": { "title": "This geometry is too big to edit from the web", "desc": "Editing this geometry could freeze or crash your browser, and you could lose your work. We encourage you to edit this feature through the API.", "cancel": "取消", "continue": "确定" }, "delete": { "title": "您将要删除功能", "desc": "你确定删除吗?", "cancel": "取消", "confirm": "确定" } }, "privacy-warning": { "title": { "visualization": { "PUBLIC": "您将要为公共视图发布此可视化效果", "LINK": "您将通过链接将任何人都可以使用该可视化文件", "PASSWORD": "您将使用密码将任何人使用此可视化文件" }, "dataset": { "PUBLIC": "您将要公开此数据集,使其在您的公开资料中可见", "LINK": "您将要使具有链接的任何人都可以使用此数据集" } }, "description": { "PUBLIC": "您用来创建它的任何个人数据也将公开可用", "LINK": "您用于创建个人数据的任何个人数据也将通过该链接公开提供", "PASSWORD": "您用来创建个人数据的任何个人数据也将使用密码公开显示" }, "cancel": "取消", "confirm": "确定" }, "password-confirmation": { "modal-title": "请确认您的密码.", "modal-description": "\"Let’s Go!\"", "form": { "password-label": "密码", "old-password-label": "旧密码" }, "actions": { "confirm": "确认", "cancel": "取消" } }, "change-lock": { "description": { "locked": "Unlocking %{thisOrTheseStr} %{contentTypePluralized} will show %{itOrThemStr} on the dashboard again.", "unlocked": "Locking %{thisOrTheseStr} %{contentTypePluralized} will hide %{itOrThemStr} from the dashboard. Reveal %{itOrThemStr} using the header menu or the bottom link." } } }, "error": { "default-title": "出现了一个小问题", "default-desc": "再次重新加载页面。 如果问题仍然存在,请与我们联系 " }, "backbone-forms": { "select": { "placeholder": "Select a %{keyAttr}", "disabled-placeholder": "Enable %{keyAttr}", "loading": "loading…", "empty": "No values", "selected": "%{count} selected", "all": "All", "none": "None", "error": "Error fetching %{type}" }, "operators": { "count-message": "If you select 'COUNT' all columns are selected" }, "column-type-error": "Column type must be a %{columnType}", "interval-error": "Value must be between %{minValue} and %{maxValue}", "copy-button": "COPY", "lazy-select": { "search": "Search...", "error": "Error fetching %{type}", "type": "items", "empty": "No results for %{type} column." }, "data-observatory": { "dropdown": { "measurement": { "search": "查找...", "type": "测量值" }, "filter": { "header": "Filter measurements by", "type": "filters", "item-label": "filter", "filters": { "label": "Filters", "applied": { "single": "1 filter applied", "multiple": "%{filters} filters applied" } } }, "error": "Error fetching %{type}" } } }, "codemirror": { "no-errors": "No errors", "docs": "DOCS", "syntax-error": "Syntax error", "line": "Line" }, "undo-redo": { "clear": "CLEAR", "apply": "APPLY", "undo": "Undo", "redo": "Redo" }, "table": { "columns": { "change-type": { "confirm": "确定", "cancel": "取消", "desc": "使用此列的地图将受到影响,无法验证的数据将丢失。你确定吗?", "error": "There was an error changing %{columnName} column: %{error}", "loading": "Changing %{columnName} column...", "title": "%{columnName} column will change to %{newType}", "success": "Column %{columnName} changed to %{newType}" }, "create": { "loading": "新建列...", "error": "添加新列时出错:%{error}", "success": "已添加%{columnName}列" }, "destroy": { "cancel": "取消", "confirm": "确定删除", "desc": "使用此列的地图将受到影响,是否确实要将其删除?", "error": "Error deleting %{columnName} column: %{error}", "loading": "Removing your column %{columnName}...", "success": "%{columnName} 列已删除", "title": "你将要删除 %{columnName} 列 " }, "rename": { "cancel": "取消", "confirm": "确定修改", "desc": "使用此列的地图将受到影响,是否确实要重命名它?", "error": "Error renaming column %{columnName} to %{newName}: %{error}", "loading": "Renaming your column %{columnName} to %{newName}...", "success": "列 %{columnName} 重命名为 %{newName}", "title": "重命名列 column %{columnName} 为 %{newName}" }, "options": { "order": "排序", "rename": "重命名", "change": "修改类型", "create": "新建列", "delete": "删除..." }, "types": { "boolean": "Boolean", "date": "Date", "number": "Number", "string": "String" } }, "rows": { "loading": { "title": "正在加载..." }, "error": { "title": "错误...", "desc": "无法获得任何结果,请检查应用的查询" }, "result": { "no-page-title": "提示", "no-page-desc": "此页面%{page}没有任何结果...", "no-results-title": "没有数据", "no-results-desc": "", "no-results-button": "" }, "options": { "copy": "Copy cell value", "create": "添加数据", "edit": "编辑单元格", "delete": "删除这一行..." }, "create": { "loading": "新建行...", "error": "添加新行产生错误: %{error}", "success": "已添加新行" }, "edit": { "loading": "Editing %{attribute} with cartodb_id %{cartodbId}...", "error": "Error editing %{attribute} with cartodb_id %{cartodbId}: %{error}", "success": "Edited %{attribute} with cartodb_id %{cartodbId}" }, "destroy": { "cancel": "取消", "confirm": "确认删除", "desc": "您确定删除吗?", "error": "Error deleting row with cartodb_id %{cartodb_id}: %{error}", "loading": "Removing your row with cartodb_id %{cartodb_id}...", "success": "Row with cartodb_id %{cartodb_id} deleted", "title": "You are about to delete row with cartodb_id %{cartodb_id}" }, "paginator": { "error": "这是分页错误: %{error}", "to": "to" } } } }, "dataset": { "sql": "SQL", "data": "元数据", "updated": "更新: %{ago}", "read": "Read", "options": { "add-row": "新加行", "add-column": "新加列", "export": "导出" }, "preview-map": { "preview": "预览", "back": "返回" }, "create-map": { "title": "创建地图", "loading": "从 %{tableName} 创建地图", "error": "生成地图出错" }, "delete": { "option": "删除数据表...", "cancel": "取消", "confirm": "确定删除", "desc": "已删除的数据集无法恢复,请确保在继续之前。我们建议您在删除数据集之前先导出它.", "error": "删除 %{tableName} 出错: %{error}", "loading": "正在删除数据表 %{tableName}...", "title": "你准备删除数据表 %{tableName} ", "affected-vis-count": "%{smart_count} 地图 |||| %{smart_count} 地图", "affected-vis-count-extended": "%{affectedVisCount} maps affected, some of them are", "affected-entities-count": "%{smart_count} user will lose access |||| %{smart_count} users will lose access", "affected-entities-count-extended": "%{affectedEntitiesCount} users will lose access, some of them are", "whole-organization-affected": "您组织中的所有用户都将受到影响" }, "metadata": { "option": "编辑元数据", "error": "编辑数据集%{name}的元数据时出错", "loading": "编辑数据集%{name}的元数据 ..." }, "duplicate": { "option": "复制数据表", "query": "应用查询", "customOption": "从查询创建数据集", "error": "无法创建数据集", "loading": "复制数据集 %{name}..." }, "lock": { "option": "锁定数据表", "error": "锁定 %{tableName}时出错", "loading": "锁定数据集 %{tableName}..." }, "rename": { "option": "重命名", "cancel": "取消", "confirm": "确定", "desc": "如果您通过API访问这个数据集,不要忘记在以后的API调用中使用新名称.", "error": "重命名%{tableName}时出错:%{error}", "loading": "重命名您的数据集%{tableName}...", "success": "数据集%{tableName}重命名", "title": "重命名%{table Name}将影响您的API调用、地图、分析..." }, "sync": { "in-a-moment": "in a few moments", "synced": "Synced %{ranAt}", "syncing": "Syncing", "loading": "Syncing dataset %{tableName}", "sync-failed": "Sync failed", "next": "Next will be %{runAt}", "error-code": "Error code %{errorCode}", "sync-now": "Sync now", "view-options": "View options", "disabled": "You will be able to sync manually %{gap} minutes after your last synchronization", "title": "Sync dataset options", "desc": "Your dataset is in sync with a %{service} file:
%{url}", "label": "Sync my data", "error": "设置时间间隔时出错", "confirm": "保存", "cancel": "取消" }, "unlock": { "cancel": "返回仪表盘", "confirm": "确定", "desc": "这意味着你需要在做任何事情之前打开它。你确定吗??", "error": "解锁%{tableName}时出错:%{error}", "loading": "解锁数据集 %{tableName}...", "success": "数据集%{tableName}已解锁", "title": "您的数据集%{tableName}已锁定." }, "privacy": { "info": "您无法更改此数据集的隐私性设置" } }, "editor": { "map": "地图", "map_name": "%{name} 地图", "published": "发布于 %{when} ", "unpublished": "未发布的地图", "map_pluralize": "%{smart_count} 地图 |||| %{smart_count} 地图", "button_publish": "发布", "unpublished-changes": "未发布的更改", "error-query": { "body": "ESQL查询中发现错误。 %{action},然后继续.", "label": "修复它们" }, "messages": { "common": { "cancel": "取消" }, "deleting-analysis": { "title": "删除嵌套分析", "body": "所选分析具有一个或多个嵌套分析?", "delete": "删除", "cancel": "取消" }, "layer-hidden": { "title": "图层隐藏", "body": "该层是隐藏的。 在您显示更改之前,更改不会显示.", "show": "图层显示" }, "generic-error": { "title": "某些内容未显示", "body": "如果问题仍然存在,请查看我们的文档或与我们联系." }, "interactivity": { "title": "交互错误", "body": "似乎您已超过帐户限制,并且地图的交互性可能会受到影响.", "try_to": " Try to:", "cta": { "label": "升级帐户", "url": "https://carto.com/pricing/" } }, "limit": { "title": "Some tiles might not be working correctly", "body": "尝试渲染某些图块时,您似乎超出了帐户限制.", "try_to": " Try to:", "cta": { "label": "Upgrade account", "url": "https://carto.com/pricing/" } } }, "settings": { "menu-tab-pane-labels": { "preview": "预览", "snapshots": "快照" }, "preview": { "mode": { "title": "模式" }, "options": { "title": "地图选项", "subtitle": "地图中显示的组件", "description": { "title": "组件", "subtitle": "更改地图元素" }, "elements": { "search": "搜索框", "zoom": "缩放控制", "fullscreen": "全屏幕", "scrollwheel": "滚轮缩放", "layer_selector": "图层选择器", "logo": "图标", "widgets": "小部件栏", "legends": "图例", "dashboard_menu": "显示工具栏" } } } }, "maps": { "options": { "duplicate": "复制", "edit-metadata": "编辑元数据…", "export-image": "导出图像…", "export-map": "下载地图…", "remove": "删除地图…", "rename": "重命名" }, "duplicate": { "error": "复制地图 %{name} 发生错误", "loading": "复制地图 %{name}..." }, "delete": { "confirm": "确认删除", "cancel": "取消", "desc": "请注意:地图删除后无法恢复.", "title": "确认删除地图 %{name} 吗?", "error": "删除地图 %{name} 出现错误: %{error}", "loading": "删除地图 %{name}...", "success": "地图 %{name} 已删除" }, "export-image": { "title": "导出图像", "export": "导出", "generating": "Generating", "disclaimer": { "title": "免责声明", "body": "图例和小部件不会作为图像的一部分导出" }, "download": "下载", "errors": { "try-again": "请再试一遍。 如果问题仍然存在,请联系支持人员", "error-attribution": "生成属性时出错.", "error-basemap": "加载底图时出错.", "error-image": "生成图像时出错." } }, "export": { "confirmation": { "confirm": "下载", "cancel": "取消", "desc": "该地图以及连接的数据将作为.carto文件下载", "title": "下载 \"%{name}\"" }, "download": { "confirm": "下载", "tip": "提示:在网络浏览器中允许从CARTO弹出窗口.", "desc": "单击下载开始.carto文件下载.", "title": "准备下载" }, "error": { "title": "导出地图时出错", "desc": "请再试一次。如果问题仍然存在,请联系支持人员" } }, "rename": { "loading": "重命名地图...", "success": "地图重命名为 %{name}", "error": "绘制 %{name} 时出错: %{error}" } }, "tab-pane": { "layers": { "title-label": "图层 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%{name} 层错误: %{error}" }, "moveTorqueLayer": { "loading": "将图层移动到最上层...", "success": "图层已移动", "error": "移动图层出错..." }, "delete": { "confirm": "删除", "cancel": "取消", "desc": "%{layerVisName}将受到影响,确定要删除吗?", "title": "您将要删除图层 %{layerName}", "error": "删除层出错: %{error}", "loading": "去除层…", "success": "图层已正确删除.", "widgets": "1 小部件 |||| %{smart_count} 小部件", "analyses": "1 分析 |||| %{smart_count} 分析", "layers": "1 层 |||| %{smart_count} 层", "affected-items": "删除此层会影响", "and": "and", "link-to-export": "删除图层之前,您可以导出为.CARTO文件" }, "layer": { "animated": "Animated", "heatmap": "Heatmap", "analysis": "分析", "add-analysis": "新建分析", "analyses-count": "%{smart_count} 分析 |||| %{smart_count} 分析", "widgets-count": "%{smart_count} 小部件 |||| %{smart_count} 小部件", "add-layer": "添加层", "empty-layer": "Empty layer", "geocode-text": "要在此地图上显示数据,请对您的图层进行地理编码.", "geocode": "Geocode", "geocode-tooltip": "要在此地图上显示数据,请对您的图层进行地理编码." }, "basemap": { "remove-baselayer": "删除基础层", "custom-basemap": "自定义底图", "title-label": "基础图层", 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(Left Join).", "apply-btn": "Apply", "asc": "ASC", "base-data": "Base data", "bicycle": "Bicycle", "boundaries": "Boundaries", "bounding-box": "Bounding Box", "bounding-circle": "Bounding Circle", "by": "By", "by-bike": "bike", "by-car": "car", "by-walk": "walk", "cancel-btn": "Cancel", "car": "Car", "categorize-by": "Categorize", "categorize-by-help": "If selected a centroid will be found for each category", "category-column": "Category column", "choose-similar-columns": "Choose similar columns to relate them", "centroid-desc": "Group or weight your centroids", "city": "City", "clusters-num": "Clusters", "closeness": "Closeness", "column": "Column", "concave-hull": "Concave Hull", "confirm-analysis": "Confirm", "convex-hull": "Convex Hull", "country": "Country", "data-observatory-measurement-area": "Country", "data-observatory-measurement-column": "New col. name", "data-observatory-measurement-column-help": "Adds a new column to your layer to store result", "data-observatory-measurement-desc": "enrich your data", "data-observatory-measurement-measurement": "Measurement", "data-observatory-measurement-refine": "Choose a measure", "data-observatory-measurement-segments": "Segments", "data-observatory": { "list": { "add": "添加新的测量" }, "header": { "title": "选择一个区域", "description": "Region must match your geometry location" }, "parameters": { "title": "选择测量", "description": "Contextual data to augment your layer" }, "source": { "label": "基本层" }, "region": { "label": "Region", "error": "Error getting regions.", "placeholder": "Select a region", "search-placeholder": "Search by region" }, "measurements": { "label": "Measurement", "placeholder": "Select a measurement" }, "normalize": { "label": "Normalize", "placeholder": "Select a metric", "disabled-placeholder": "Enable Normalization" }, "timespan": { "label": "Timespan", "placeholder": "Select a timespan" }, "boundaries": { "label": "Boundaries" } }, "data-type": "数据类型", "define-columns": "Define column to find similarities with", "define-how-connect-points": "Define how to connect your points", "define-two-layers": "Define two layers", "delete-btn": "删除", "deprecated-sql-function": { "choose-function": "Choose the function to run on this node", "choose-function-small": "Choose function", "define-params": "define your parameters below", "function": "function", "input": "input", "params": "Your Function's Parameters", "target": "target node", "title": "SQL Function" }, "desc": "DESC", "direction": "Direction", "disabled-by-config": "This analysis type is disabled", "dissolved": "Dissolved", "dissolved-help": "Combine polygons tracts which have equal ranges", "distance": "Distance", "enter-latitude": "Enter latitude", "enter-longitude": "Enter longitude", "enable-normalize": "Enable Normalize", "filter": "Filter", "filter-aggregate": "Aggregate your results", "filter-column": "Target column", "geometry-from": "Geometry from", "georeference": { "description": "Geocode to get location coordinates", "postal-code-help": "Select a column with postal codes", "admin-region-help": "Select a column with region names", "admin-region-extended-help": "Specify an administrative region or select a column with region names", "admin-region": "Administrative Regions", "city-help": "Select a column with city names", "city-extended-help": "Specify a city or select a column with city names", "city": "Cities", "country-help": "Select a column with country names", "country-extended-help": "Specify a country or select a column with country names", "country": "Countries", "enter-city-name": "Or enter city name", "enter-country-name": "Or enter country name", "enter-region-name": "Or enter region name", "enter-state-name": "Or enter state name", "ip-address-column": "IP Address", "ip-address-help": "Select a column with IP addresses", "ip-address": "IP Addresses", "long-lat": "Latitude and Longitude", "postal-code": "Postal Codes", "select-a-country": "Select a country column", "select-admin": "Select a region column", "select-city": "Select a city column", "select-country": "Select country column", "select-ip": "Select an IP column", "select-latitude": "Select a latitude column", "select-longitude": "Select a longitude column", "select-postal-code": "Select a postal code column", "select-state": "Select state column", "select-street-address": "Select an address column", "state-help": "Specify a state or select a column with state names", "street-address-column": "Street Address", "street-address-column-help": "Select a column with street addresses", "street-address-help": "Use columns or free text to compose your address schema. More info.", "street-address": "Street Addresses", "advance": "Advanced mode", "normal": "Normal mode" }, "group-by": "Group by", "hide": "Hide", "input-layer": "Define your input layer", "intact": "Intact", "intact-help": "Keep all polygon tracts as individual polygons", "intersect": "Intersect", "select-your-points": "Select your points", "intersect-help": "Only keep the rows matching your target data (Inner Join).", "intersect-step-one-desc": "To find overlapping geometries", "join-type": "Join Type", "keep-data": "Select the data you want to keep from each", "key-columns": "Choose a shared column", "key-columns-desc": "Columns must have the same type of data", "kilometers": "km", "latitude": "Latitude", "line-sequential": "Sequential", "line-source-to-target": "To Source", "line-to-single-point": "To Single Point", "link-layer": "Link to col.", "link-layer-desc": "This layer's widgets will link both", "linked-layer": "Target layer", "loading": "loading…", "longitude": "Longitude", "markov-desc": "One for each time period", "max-or-equal": "Max or equal", "max": "Max", "measure-by": "Measure by", "merge-step-one-title": "Select a target to join", "meters": "m", "method": "Method", "miles": "mi", "min-or-equal": "Min or equal", "min": "Min", "mode": "Mode", "moran-desc": "Find spatially clustered values and outliers", "more-info": "Info", "find-nearest": { "categorized": "Per group", "categorized-help": "Calculate results per each category of the chosen column", "max-results": "max results", "modal-desc": "从第二个数据集中选择离当前图层中的几何图形最近的点.", "modal-title": "Find Nearest", "workflow-title": "Find Nearest" }, "neighbors": "Neighbors", "neighbors-help": "Define the local neighborhood as this many nearest-neighbors", "no": "No", "normalize": "Normalize", "normalize-help": "A column to normalize the target column", "should-match": "Column types should match", "numerator": "Target column", "numerator-help": "Measure spatial autocorrelation of this column", "operation": "Operation", "order": "Order", "order-by": "Order by", "order-results": "Order your results", "output-data": "Define output data", "parameters": "Define your parameters", "parameters-description": "Tune your analysis", "permutations": "Permutations", "placeholder-text": "通过分析,您可以构建可重现的工作流来分析和解释数据.", "add-analysis": { "label": "添加新分析", "tooltip": "将新节点添加到您的分析工作流程" }, "edit-analysis-tooltip": "编辑分析", "points_source": "Point source", "polygons_source": "Polygon source", "postal-code": "Postal Code", "quota": { "title": "确认您的分析", "loading": "Obtaining your quotas...", "credits-left-body": "This might incur into an extra cost. Extra credits will be charged at $%{blockPrice}/%{blockSize}.", "credits-left-message": "%{smart_count} credit left |||| %{smart_count} credits left", "enough-quota": "You need to use approximately %{credits} of your credits.", "hard-limit-not-enough-quota": "We're sorry the current quota is insufficient to enrich your data. Rows will be set to null and analysis may not complete. Please %{contact} us to extend your quota for this function.", "soft-limit-enough-quota": "We're sorry the current quota is insufficient to enrich your data. This might need about %{credits} extra credits. Extra credits will be charged at $%{blockPrice}/%{blockSize}.", "no-quota-assigned-body": "To get access to the %{analysis} function, %{contact}.", "no-credits-body": "You have consumed all your credits during this billing cycle. %{contact} to get some more.", "no-credits-message": "No credits available", "contact-message": { "no-credits": { "regular": "Contact us", "organization": "Contact your organization admin" }, "no-quota-assigned": { "regular": "contact our team", "organization": "contact your organization admin" } }, "emails": { "support": "support@carto.com", "saas": "sales@carto.com" }, "quota-error-title": "错误", "quota-fetch-error": "获取您的配额时出错: %{error}.", "quota-dataservice-down": "Dataservices API unreacheable.", "cancel": "取消", "confirm": "确认", "analysis-type": { "routing": "Routing", "trade-area": "Trade area", "georeference-street-address": "Geocode street address", "georeference-cities": "Geocode cities", "data-observatory-measure": "Enrich from Data Observatory" } }, "public_transport": "Public transport", "radius": "Distance", "reference-layer-pluralize": "定义参考层 |||| 定义参考层", "results": "Results", "right": "Right", "sampling": "Sampling", "sampling-desc": "Select a sample of the data", "sampling-rate": "Percent of data ", "search-by-column-name": "Search by column name", "second-geom-required": "This analysis requires a second geometry column", "select-column": "Select a column", "select-type-placeholder": "Select a type", "select-columns": "Select columns", "select-data-source": "Select a data source", "select-layer": "Select a layer", "select-second-source": "Select a second data source to join", "select-type": "Select data type", "select-value": "Select a value", "setup-analysis": "Setup analysis", "show": "Show", "significance": "Significance", "significance-help": "Filter outliers and clusters to this significance. Smaller numbers are more significant.", "source-col": "Base col.", "source-column": "Base column", "spatial-markov-trend-desc": "One for each time period", "spatial-markov-trend-time-columns": "Base columns", "spatial-markov-trend-time-columns-help": "Each column should contain values for a time period", "sampling-form-model": { "help": "% of data to show" }, "state": "State", "target": "Target", "target-layer": "Target layer", "base-layer": "Base layer", "target-col": "Target col.", "target-column": "Target column", "target-data": "Target data", "target-percent": "Target percent", "target-percent-help": "Convex hull lookalike", "target-layer-dataset": "Target can be a layer or a dataset", "time": "Time", "time-seconds": "Time (Seconds)", "to-closest": "To closest", "top-range": "Top range", "to-filter-by": "To filter by", "tracts": "Tracks", "tracts-help": "Number of AOIs evenly spaced between 0 and RADIUS", "tune-analysis": "Tune your analysis", "tune-centroid": "Tune your centroid", "tune-clusters": "Tune your clusters", "units": "Units", "type": "Type", "value": "Value", "value-aggregation": "Value aggregation", "value-aggregation-desc": "Aggregate the desired value in your polygon(s)", "value-aggregation-centroids": "Aggregate the desired value in your centroid(s)", "valid-type": "This kind of data is not valid for this type", "walk": "Walk", "weight": "Weight", "weight-column": "Weight column", "weight-type": "Weight type", "weighted-by": "Weighted by", "weighted-by-help": "Weights contribution by a value for each point", "workflow": "Your workflow", "write-min-or-equal-value": "Write min or equal value", "write-max-or-equal-value": "Write max or equal value", "write-min-value": "Write min value", "write-max-value": "Write max value", "yes": "Yes" }, "infowindow": { "select-fields": "选择列", "no-fields": "您尚未选择要在弹出窗口中显示的任何字段.", "placeholder-interactivity-text": "弹出窗口被禁用,因为此层不具有交互性.", "placeholder-columns-text": "弹出窗口被禁用,因为该层没有可用的列.", "style": { "title-label": 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"is-less-or-equal-than": "小于或等于" }, "notifier": { "center-map": { "loading": "计算坐标...", "success": "以地图为中心", "error": "出现错误" } }, "georeference": { "georeference-button": "Geocode", "visualize": "Layer doesn't have geometry" }, "max-layers-infowindow": { "title": "您已达到最大图层限制.", "pricing": "https://carto.com/pricing/", "custom": { "body": "Your account does not support more than %{maxLayers} layers.", "contact": "Contact us", "contact-url": "https://carto.com/contact/" }, "regular": { "body": "Upgrade your account to add more than %{maxLayers} layers to your map.", "upgrade": "Upgrade your account" }, "org": { "body": "Increase your layer limit by contacting the account's administrator.", "upgrade": "Contact admin" }, "org-admin": { "body": "Increase the layer limit for your organization by contacting CARTO support.", "upgrade": "Contact support" } } }, "data": { "no-geometry-data": { "message": "该层是空的。添加数据即可开始工作.", "action-message": "单击右下角的蓝色按钮以添加点 (%{pointIcon}), 线 (%{lineIcon}) 或者区域 (%{polygonIcon})." }, "stats": { "add-widget": "添加为小部件", "edit": "EDIT", "top-cat": "% in top 10 cat.", "trues": "% true", "null": "% null", "feature-count": "feature count", "geometry-fallback": "features", "help": "编辑小部件" }, "data-toggle": { "values": "VALUES", "cartocss": "SQL", "tooltip": "切换到SQL视图" }, "code-mirror": { "tip": "CMD + S即可应用您的查询。 CTRL + 空格 自动完成.", "quota-data-services-warning": "您将执行一个将消耗数个Data Services信用的函数,因此我们建议您在此处使用此函数时要注意配额的消耗.", "quota-data-services-warning-link": "You can read more about our Data Services API in our guides." }, "notifier": { "sql-alter-loading": "Modifying table…", "sql-alter-error": "Error in SQL query.", "sql-alter-success": "Modification applied.", "sql-applying": "Applying query…", "sql-error": "Error in SQL query.", "sql-success": "SQL query applied." }, "messages": { "sql-readonly": { "title": "SQL READ-ONLY", "body": "您刚刚对这一层进行了分析。 SQL现在是只读的.", "accept": "关闭" }, "empty-data": { "title": "无可用数据", "body": "没有可显示的数据." } } }, "infowindow": 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Please %{link} to know more details", "link": "contact us", "href": "mailto:support@carto.com" }, "unknown": { "body": "SQL查询中存在错误" }, "error": { "body": "%{body} %{error}", "title": "SQL查询中的错误:" }, "success": "SQL查询已应用" }, "edit-feature": { "edit": { "loading": "请求地理数据...", "error": "请求地理数据时出错" }, "error": { "body": "%{body} %{error}" }, "destroy": { "loading": "删除地理数据…", "error": "删除出错", "success": "正确删除" }, "save": { "loading": "保存地理数据…", "error": "保存出错", "success": "保存成功" }, "adding": "提交地理数据…" } } }