var _ = require('underscore'); var Backbone = require('backbone'); var Utils = require('builder/helpers/utils'); require('backbone-model-file-upload'); module.exports = Backbone.Model.extend({ fileAttribute: 'filename', defaults: { type: '', filename: '', interval: 0, progress: 0, state: 'idle', option: '' }, _initBinds: function () { this.bind('progress', function (progress) { this.set({ progress: progress * 100, state: 'uploading' }); }, this); this.bind('change:filename change:url', function () { if (this.get('state') === 'error') { this.set({ state: 'idle' }); this.unset('get_error_text', { silent: true }); } }, this); this.bind('error invalid', function (m, d) { this.set({ state: 'error', error_code: (d && d.error_code) || '', get_error_text: { title: _t(''), what_about: (d && d.msg) || '' } }, { silent: true }); // We need this, if not validate will run again and again and again... :( this.trigger('change'); }, this); }, validate: function (attrs) { if (!attrs) { return; } if (attrs.type === 'filename') { // Number of files if (attrs.filename && attrs.filename.length) { return { msg: _t('') }; } // File extension var name =; var ext = name.substr(name.lastIndexOf('.') + 1); if (ext) { ext = ext.toLowerCase(); } if (!_.contains(['jpg', 'png', 'gif', 'svg'], ext)) { return { msg: _t('') }; } } if (attrs.type === 'url') { // Valid URL? if (!Utils.isURL(attrs.url)) { return { msg: _t('') }; } } }, isValid: function () { return (this.get('filename') || this.get('url')) && this.get('state') !== 'error'; }, upload: function () { var self = this; var options = { kind: this.get('kind') }; if (this.get('type') === 'file') { options.filename = this.get('filename'); } else if (this.get('type') === 'url') { options.filename = this.get('filename'); } this.xhr =, { success: function (m) { m.set('state', 'uploaded'); }, error: function (m, msg) { var response; var message = _t(''); if (msg && msg.status === 429) { response = JSON.parse(msg.responseText); message = response.error; } else if (msg && msg.status === 400) { response = JSON.parse(msg.responseText); message = response.error; } self.set({ state: 'error', get_error_text: { title: _t(''), what_about: message } }); }, complete: function () { delete self.xhr; } }); }, stopUpload: function () { if (this.xhr) this.xhr.abort(); } });