var Backbone = require('backbone'); var UploadModel = require('builder/data/upload-model'); var VisualizationFetchModel = require('builder/data/visualizations-fetch-model'); var TablesCollection = require('builder/data/visualizations-collection'); var TableModel = require('builder/data/table-model'); var MetricsTracker = require('builder/components/metrics/metrics-tracker'); var MetricsTypes = require('builder/components/metrics/metrics-types'); var checkAndBuildOpts = require('builder/helpers/required-opts'); var IMPORT = 'import'; var DATASETS = 'datasets'; var SCRATCH = 'scratch'; var IMPORT_FILE = 'file'; var IMPORT_TWITTER = 'twitter'; var REQUIRED_OPTS = [ 'userModel', 'userActions', 'configModel', 'pollingModel' ]; /** * Add layer model * * "Implements" the CreateListingModel. */ module.exports = Backbone.Model.extend({ defaults: { type: 'addLayer', contentPane: 'listing', // [listing, loading] listing: DATASETS, // [IMPORT, DATASETS, SCRATCH] collectionFetched: false, activeImportPane: IMPORT_FILE }, initialize: function (attrs, opts) { checkAndBuildOpts(opts, REQUIRED_OPTS, this); this._initModels(); this._initBinds(); this._fetchCollection(); }, _initModels: function () { this._uploadModel = new UploadModel({ create_vis: false }, { userModel: this._userModel, configModel: this._configModel }); this._selectedDatasetsCollection = new Backbone.Collection(); this._tablesCollection = new TablesCollection([], { configModel: this._configModel }); this._visualizationFetchModel = new VisualizationFetchModel({ content_type: DATASETS, library: this.showLibrary() }); }, getTablesCollection: function () { return this._tablesCollection; }, getSelectedDatasetsCollection: function () { return this._selectedDatasetsCollection; }, getVisualizationFetchModel: function () { return this._visualizationFetchModel; }, getUploadModel: function () { return this._uploadModel; }, canSelect: function (dataset) { return dataset.get('selected') || this._selectedDatasetsCollection.length < 1; // for now only allow 1 item }, showLibrary: function () { return false; }, showDatasets: function () { return true; }, setActiveImportPane: function (name) { this.set('activeImportPane', name); }, canFinish: function () { if (this._atImportPane()) { return this._uploadModel.isValidToUpload(); } else if (this._atDatasetsPane()) { return this._selectedDatasetsCollection.length > 0; } }, finish: function () { if (this._atImportPane()) { this._pollingModel.trigger('importByUploadData', this._uploadModel.toJSON(), this); } else if (this._atDatasetsPane()) { var mdl =; if (mdl.get('type') === 'remote') { var d = { create_vis: false, type: 'remote', value: mdl.get('name'), remote_visualization_id: mdl.get('id'), size: mdl.get('external_source') ? mdl.get('external_source').size : undefined }; // See BackgroundImporter where the same event is bound to be handled.. this._pollingModel.trigger('importByUploadData', d, this); } else { this._addNewLayer(mdl.getTableModel()); } } }, getImportState: function () { return this.get('activeImportPane'); }, showGuessingToggler: function () { return this._atImportPane(); }, showPrivacyToggler: function () { var hiddenDueToDeprecation = this._atTwitterImportPane() && !this._userModel.hasOwnTwitterCredentials(); var hasToBeShowed = this._atImportPane() && !hiddenDueToDeprecation; return hasToBeShowed; }, _atImportPane: function () { return this.get('listing') === IMPORT; }, _atDatasetsPane: function () { return this.get('listing') === DATASETS; }, _atScratchPane: function () { return this.get('listing') === SCRATCH; }, _atTwitterImportPane: function () { return this.get('activeImportPane') === IMPORT_TWITTER; }, createFromScratch: function () { var self = this; this.set('contentPane', 'creatingFromScratch'); var tableModel = new TableModel({}, { configModel: this._configModel });{}, { success: function () { self._addNewLayer(tableModel, true); }, error: function (req, resp) { if (resp.responseText.indexOf('You have reached your table quota') !== -1) { self.set('contentPane', 'datasetQuotaExceeded'); } else { self.set('contentPane', 'addLayerFailed'); } } }); }, _initBinds: function () { this._uploadModel.bind('change', function () { this.trigger('change:upload', this); }, this); this._visualizationFetchModel.bind('change', this._fetchCollection, this); this.bind('change:listing', this._fetchCollection, this); this._tablesCollection.bind('change:selected', function (changedModel, wasSelected) { this._selectedDatasetsCollection[wasSelected ? 'add' : 'remove'](changedModel); }, this); this._tablesCollection.bind('sync', function () { this._selectedDatasetsCollection.each(function (model) { var sameModel = this._tablesCollection.get(; if (sameModel) { sameModel.set('selected', true); } }, this); }, this); }, _fetchCollection: function () { var params = this._visualizationFetchModel.attributes; var types; if (this._visualizationFetchModel.isSearching()) { // Supporting search in data library and user datasets at the same time types = 'table,remote'; } else { types = params.library ? 'remote' : 'table'; } this._tablesCollection.fetch({ data: { locked: '', q: params.q, page:, tags: params.tag, shared: params.shared, only_liked: params.liked, type: '', types: types } }); }, _onCollectionChange: function () { this._selectedDatasetsCollection.reset( this._tablesCollection.where({ selected: true }) ); }, _addNewLayer: function (tableModel, empty) { this.set('contentPane', 'addingNewLayer'); this._userActions.createLayerFromTable(tableModel, { success: function (model) { this._userModel.updateTableCount(); this.trigger('addLayerDone'); MetricsTracker.track(MetricsTypes.CREATED_LAYER, { empty: !!empty, layer_id: model.get('id') }); }.bind(this), error: function (req, resp) { if (resp.responseText.indexOf('You have reached your table quota') !== -1) { this.set('contentPane', 'datasetQuotaExceeded'); } else { this.set('contentPane', 'addLayerFailed'); } }.bind(this) }); } });