require_relative '../abstract_table_geocoder' require_relative 'client' require_relative 'geocoder_client' module Carto module Gme class TableGeocoder < CartoDB::AbstractTableGeocoder DEFAULT_MAX_BLOCK_SIZE = 1000 # See ACCEPTED_ADDRESS_TYPES = ['street_address', 'route', 'intersection', 'neighborhood'] attr_reader :original_formatter, :processed_rows, :successful_processed_rows, :failed_processed_rows, :empty_processed_rows, :state, :max_block_size def initialize(arguments) super(arguments) @original_formatter = arguments.fetch(:original_formatter) client_id = arguments.fetch(:client_id) private_key = arguments.fetch(:private_key) @max_block_size = arguments[:max_block_size] || DEFAULT_MAX_BLOCK_SIZE gme_client =, private_key) @geocoder_client = @usage_metrics = arguments.fetch(:usage_metrics) @log = arguments.fetch(:log) @geocoding_model = arguments.fetch(:geocoding_model) end def cancel; end def run change_status('running') init_rows_count ensure_georef_status_colummn_valid # Here's the actual stuff data_input_blocks.each do |data_block| geocode(data_block) update_table(data_block) @processed_rows += data_block.size end change_status('completed') rescue => e change_status('failed') raise e ensure total_requests = @successful_processed_rows + @empty_processed_rows + @failed_processed_rows @usage_metrics.incr(:geocoder_google, :success_responses, @successful_processed_rows) @usage_metrics.incr(:geocoder_google, :empty_responses, @empty_processed_rows) @usage_metrics.incr(:geocoder_google, :failed_responses, @failed_processed_rows) @usage_metrics.incr(:geocoder_google, :total_requests, total_requests) update_log_stats end # Empty methods, needed because they're triggered from geocoding.rb def remote_id; end def process_results; end # TODO: can be removed from here and abstract class def update_geocoding_status { processed_rows: processed_rows, state: @geocoding_model.state } end def name 'google' end private # Returns a "generator" def data_input_blocks do |enum| begin data_input =, searchtext_expression) .from(@sequel_qualified_table_name) .where(cartodb_georef_status: nil) .limit(max_block_size) .all enum.yield data_input # last iteration when data_input.length < max_block_size, no need for another query end while data_input.length == max_block_size end end def searchtext_expression # The original_formatter has the following format: # `{street_column_name}[[, additional_free_text][, {province_column_name}][, country_free_text]]` # See # See atoms = original_formatter.split(',').map {|s| s.strip } Sequel.join( { |atom| if match = /\A{(?.*)}\z/.match(atom) Sequel.identifier(match[:column_name]) else atom end }, ',').as(:searchtext) end def geocode(data_block) data_block.each do |row| response = fetch_from_gme(row[:searchtext]) # If we get an error we get nil so we pass to the next row next if response.nil? if response['status'] != Client::OK_STATUS process_error_or_empty_status(response['status']) row.merge!(cartodb_georef_status: false) else result = response['results'].select { |r| r['types'] & ACCEPTED_ADDRESS_TYPES }.first if result.nil? @empty_processed_rows += 1 row.merge!(cartodb_georef_status: false) else @successful_processed_rows += 1 location = result['geometry']['location'] row.merge!(location.deep_symbolize_keys.merge(cartodb_georef_status: true)) end end end end def update_table(data_block) # At this point, data_block is an Array that looks like this: # [{:cartodb_id=>1, :searchtext=>"Some real street name", :lat=>19.29544, :lng=>-99.1472101, :cartodb_georef_status=>true}, # {:cartodb_id=>2, :searchtext=>"foo", :cartodb_georef_status=>false}] geocoded = {|row| row[:cartodb_georef_status] == true} if geocoded.count > 0 geocoded_to_sql = {|row| "(#{row[:cartodb_id]}, #{row[:lat]}, #{row[:lng]})"}.join(',') query_geocoded = %Q{ UPDATE #{@qualified_table_name} as target SET the_geom = CDB_LatLng(,geocoded.lng), cartodb_georef_status = TRUE FROM (VALUES #{geocoded_to_sql} ) as geocoded(cartodb_id,lat,lng) WHERE target.cartodb_id = geocoded.cartodb_id; } end non_geocoded = {|row| row[:cartodb_georef_status] == false} if non_geocoded.count > 0 non_geocoded_to_sql = {|row| "(#{row[:cartodb_id]})"}.join(',') query_non_geocoded = %Q{ UPDATE #{@qualified_table_name} as target SET cartodb_georef_status = FALSE FROM (VALUES #{non_geocoded_to_sql} ) as nongeocoded(cartodb_id) WHERE target.cartodb_id = nongeocoded.cartodb_id; } end end private def init_rows_count @processed_rows = 0 @successful_processed_rows = 0 @failed_processed_rows = 0 @empty_processed_rows = 0 end def fetch_from_gme(search_text) @geocoder_client.geocode(search_text) rescue => e # Remove temporarily because it's flooding the logs # @log.append_and_store "Error geocoding using GME for text #{search_text}: #{e.message}" # CartoDB.notify_error('Error geocoding using GME', error: e.backtrace.join('\n'), search_text: search_text) @failed_processed_rows += 1 nil end def process_error_or_empty_status(status) case status when Client::ZERO_RESULTS_STATUS then @empty_processed_rows += 1 else @failed_processed_rows += 1 end end def update_log_stats @log.append_and_store "Geocoding using Google maps, job status update. "\ "Status: #{@status} --- Processed rows: #{@processed_rows} "\ "--- Success: #{@successful_processed_rows} --- Empty: #{@empty_processed_rows} "\ "--- Failed: #{@failed_processed_rows}" end def change_status(status) @status = status @geocoding_model.state = status end end end end